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I'm so out of touch with the new generation of FGC, but let me just say that it's very important to have a full life outside of Fighting Games.

Having all your social interactions be on Discord and at tournaments will just isolate you and turn you into a weirdo with an ego.
I'm seeing a trend right there
>Infiltration is too good
Ban him
>F Champ is too good
Ban him
>Tempest won Evo
Ban Him
>That Granblue dude is always in top 8
Ban him
>Noelbrown sucks
He isn't banned
Noel won Evo just last week for Marvel....
With a Ghost Rider player and a Nemesis player as opponents. Nobody relevant was here.
nigga when did tempest get banned?
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He was accused of molesting a tranny at Frosty Faustings 2023 (even though the trans thing said two different things)
there's no grounds where it says tempest got banned, that's just your head canon at work. You have to wait to see what TOs say first. Up your reading comprehension 1st before make dumbass assumptions
You're one to talk about sexual abuse, Technicals, when your brother is a pedophile
Growing up is realizing JinXiao started from literally nothing, KazuJun would never work and LarsAlisa is creepy when you remember Alisa is modelled after a dead teenage girl
Trannies, pedo, they can all rot in hell.
kek these timanthas really got lovebombed but by niggas desperate to get their dick in a hole and have no idea how to deal with the aftermath so now they're throwing out SA accusations
How does his brother being a pedo make him a bad person, Ellie?
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Hope you didn't skip out on your workout today /fgg/
reading this shit without context you'd think these are high school kids but no these are grown ass adults old enough to buy booze
>how does being the brother and friend of a bad person and dismissing their actions make this guy bad?
>y-you're clearly just my tranny boogeyman no one else cares about the safety of children ever
technicals brother is a pedo? KEK
If you cared about the safety of children, why are you constantly harassing people like Lunar when he gave evidence of prominent trannies in the FGC grooming children in their discord?
The founding fathers were mostly in their early 20s, many 30 year olds today don't have their shit together enough to leave the nest.
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>Tempest came up behind me awkwardly taps my shoulder and kinda fidgety asking to pull me to a hallway off to the side with no one around. I was very worried but I went with them. Tempest then kinda stood there very quietly and I almost was expecting an awkward confession based on how playfully flirty they were trying to be with me prior. Then Tempest slowly leans in and whispers in my ear what they told me
I guess everyone in the fgc must be Ellie since they don't tolerate open pedophiles like lunar
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>Goober went from nerds just playing fgs to orgies and ugly white guys in skirts accusing niggas of sexual harassment
LUHMEOW. Nigga should have orbited a fat white bitch(bio).

>fatass nigga awkwardly waddles up to harry potter in a wig and pulls him into a dark hallway

>Someone tried flirting with me, that's literally rape and traumatizing
Zoomers are a doomed generation
>Tempest then after circling around then comes and faces me they pause there for a second looks me up and down and without a word grabs me by my ass and skirt and lifts me up and starts twirling me around. I show I’m visibly uncomfortable. I throw my hands up and have a wide eyed look trying to signal that this is making me uncomfortable. Tempest puts me down and I kinda step back a bit. They are extremely drunk and I look around. I realized in this moment I’m in a dangerous situation that I’ve never been in as a woman at this point and I start to freeze up. I then proceed to step back and sit on the bench behind me in front of the bed. (The benches that are in all rooms in the Frosty main hotel for reference.)
>Tempest then moves over to me. I try to keep mostly calm and keep things normal. They talk to me about strive a little. They then proceed to get next to me by my right leg and right arm mostly out of sight. They then proceed after a bit, to start rubbing my thigh by my skirt and rub my arm then they lean in and whisper into my ear over and over and say “I love you.. I love you.. I love you..” almost in retrospect the only way I can describe it as trying to get me to say it back. I’m beyond terrified at this point. I basically enter a state of fight or flight.
tempestbros...it's over
i love this guilty gear character!
Watch Ellie deny calling people niggers again
When's GigaMaidens?
this unironically reads like one of those shitposts with baron and sonicsol raping some tranny except it's real lol
What do y'all think about Technicals coming out of the smash circle and going into doing FGC coverage?
For reference, this is the guy who basically pushed the snowball down the hill to which it got a bunch a TOs to completely cancel their smash tournaments because they wanted to host and sponsor these events as "official" but not having acquired license from Nintendo to do so. Which was already acquired by Panda Global, but these TOs/Orgs threw a shit fit because they wanted a slice of that pie without actually going through the legal process and guidlines to get that same license. So instead of asking to reach out to PG, they created a smear campaign towards PG and that followed up to PG going belly up. Big Daddy Nintendo saw these TOs kept doing more "official" events despite not having the clear go ahead, so they sent out CNDs towards these Org's/TOs and was everyone threw a pity parade for them whilst hating on Nintendo for doing the "incorrect thing".

Mind you, this all happened because some pedogroomer had a relationship with a minor smash player and he didn't get banned for it.

I personally think fgc players should start welding their skeleton closets shut and start strong arming hard against him early, because his superpower of reading comprehension and fact checking is too strong for the average fgc brainlet
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the cope is already starting
Do you seriously believe that bullshit about Ellie being a chatbot? She's explicitly admitted to being Metajini and the Bridgetfag. She calls people the n word, something chatbots are forbidden to do >>487784826
I read that one. Someone unironically replied with "We need to make this everyone's problem" or something to that effect.
I hope it exposes more people to the fact Technicals himself is friends and and a brother to pedophiles
just ignore the chunk of strivers that are smash refugees
>socially inept autists with a special interest are socially inept
>a community of these socially inept autists is formed around that special interest
>however, putting socially inept autists in a position of power over other people generally ends badly (because they're socially inept)
>for close to two decades, nobody of anything even remotely close to "stop putting socially inept autists in positions of power"
>only daddy tech and absolutely nobody else on the entire planet has the reading comprehension to figure out a solution
yeah this is just a meme at this point
another anikuso playing faggot chasing bussy but still one exception compared to all the people getting accused that play strive
beat his wife, someone who isn't apart of the fgc
>just ignore strive itself is the best fighting game out now and its players and fans actually play games
didn't baron go ceotaku last year?
I eagerly await the accusations cumming out
I remember you. You're the retard who thinks domestic violence is excusable because "at least he didn't rape her"
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It's not really cope. Do we really need to start bringing up Kuroda trying to rape 12 year olds with his epic Third Strike talent, that one CvS2 player that got arrested for CP at a tournament, Mr. Wizard raping little boys, the various shady dealings that Justin Wong and Marn and friends got up to before they became le wholesome chungus ecelebs, Arturo being court ordered to pay someone back the thousands of dollars he stole, or the host of all the other abusers, sex pests, and criminals that the FGC harbors? I can assure you it's not just a Strive or Smash related problem. Trying to turn this into a my game vs your game funny haha joke is incredibly juvenile when REAL PEOPLE are getting hurt. The entire FGC needs to be aired out, starting with you little incels. You just know creeps like Luvcheez and Baron have skeletons in their closet.
>You're the retard who thinks domestic violence is excusable
You're arguing with mental ghosts.
Ellie threatened to draw child porn of an anime character and is known to stalk anyone she loses to
god damn calm down girl this is a shitpost and (you) farming website
Those two shit claims were disproven already mantha.
his brother was a retard, but he never physically diddled a minor

And the ZeRo shit was already to be a proven fact that he was ostracized for doing the horny autist shit liking being sexual with some girls on skype without age checking. He also went on reord, he doesn't vouch for the shit he did, he just said it wasn't right to label him as a pedo when he never pulled up to anyones house or touched anyone, so there's nothing noteworthy of the nigga other than being a horny degenerate skype chatting autist
Hikaru is an adult now, he was born in like 1980 something
It'll become more and more of an issue in the future really. The ShinBlade spectacle is a precursor of worse to come IMO. You'd never hear of these stories in the early days of FGC, the culture has shifted alot due to easily-offended types yapping about "sexual harassment" when things don't go their way even for the smallest slights.
>this unironically reads like one of those shitposts with baron and sonicsol raping some tranny except it's real lol
It really does

>Sherry Potter got groped by a fatass Soiver
LUHMEEEEOOOWWW. Can't wait for a LukeGAWD post to become real

a second tranny has hit the tempest towers
>posts wall of text
>runs away
lmao no conviction in their screeching.
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>timantha thinks I want anything to do with his queer ass
Nice try, FAGGOT
Keep your aids to yourself, NIGGA
what do they look like
not the real luvcheez he would never use the n word
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What did cheez and baron do?!?!
>Those two shit claims were disproven already mantha.
>actually his brother admitted to being a pedophile
>actually his friend is a pedophile
Wow, you sure showed me
Lidia has been out for three days and I have only fought one...
That's not how it works, Pedoellie
>"Your ass is fat."
>"haha thanks"
true cheez would use the HARD R n word
two in one day
yeah that nigga might as well pack it up luhmow
Don't worry, Tempest, I'm sure they'll let you appeal your case
I want to get to know a real female who plays fighting games. Do I have to swap to Tekken?
are you under 170cm tall
and yall lil timmies will still act like CHADTON is some schizo when shit like this happens constantly
finna yikes doods
>Drops fighting games and disappears from the scene
>Focuses on his career and well being
>Flash forward to three years later; he's married, has a 200k a year job, child is on the way
>Meanwhile the troons who accused him are dropping like flies
This is fate asking him if he wants more to life.
I'm a SOLID 178cm and counting
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play Dix and move to Japan
There is no future in fighting games there is a reason why the big dawgs like Aris,Dood, LTG and DSP became variety streamers
nobody wants to be in that crab in a bucket shit
It has Ellie and now the top VF player Tricky so you're shit out of luck
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>After this things were normal. They came to my room, we had some drinks, our friend came by and we laughed and talked a bunch, the night was going fine. Afterwards however, I went to pour myself another drink and then Tempest asked me to go to them, they then held me close and told me they loved me, through their shorts I could tell they were aroused. This disgusted me, I wasn't sure if this was intentional or not and even now I never admitted to them that I felt that but I was made very uncomfortable, while they were holding me they said quietly to me “Your ass is fat.”
I nervously laughed it off and went “haha thanks” and tried to move away from that subject as quickly as possible.
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Was Infiltratio actually that good? How many evos did he won?
ygmi thats above the minimum required for tanukana
but holy shit im so sorry that sucks man
need tanukana to call me a manlet spicigga...
And that one guy who dressed like Lucky Chloe
6 times
In SF4, SFV, SF x Tekken, Samurai Shodown, and more
need ellie to call me a worthless nigger and tell me to get a job flipping burgers and give up art
she does that every day
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how long before someone goes kookoo mode at a strive tournament? is this not viable cause to isolate........"them"..........from the wider FGC?
Remember that time when Ellie begged and cried for me to post a combo and called me a dodger for taking my time, but then when I posted it he still doesn't square up? What was THAT all about?!?!
He was one of the best SFIV player, a dominant player in early SFV (then he got fucked over) and when he came back to the scene, he won Samurai Shodown.
If he were able to compete, I could totally see him regularly make it to Top 16
Clayton is right
the FGC IS Evil
post this one more time and im dropping the google doc on you to technicals
what is Chudtration even doing now?
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preparing for another sneaking mission
I don't remember saying anything biologically incorrect
>1st one related to drawing other niggas that was obviously him being a retarded autist nigga but never had met with or pulled up to any minors
>2nd was just autist horny skype chat logs and the victim not being transparent with her age and being closer to 18-19 att. smear campaign by leffen and some thot to make it look like he was even more degenerate. Nothing came up and the spicnigga is married now to a snowbunny near his age
Post your AO3 mantha, you probably got the most fire fan fiction on there I bet with how crazy you can come up with wild narratives
>especially the time after bridget came out
transphobic dogwhistle, get him sisters
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>Infiltration named himself after Metal Gear Solid
>literally sneaks into the Evo building to watch Street Fighter now

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Content Warning: SA
i met baron at evo 2022
he asked me if i wanted to hang out in the Aquapazza Suite
ofc i agreed to it, as it was a chance to meet Jing, an actual famous top melty player
he brought me to a suite
but Jing wasnt there
it was just baron and some menacing looking guys like SoincSol, JasonRiot and Tenryo
they were yelling a lot
there were no other girls in the room
They were all playing Nitroplus Blasterz
i was still 27 and i had never played Nitroplus before, so i was nervous
Baron pressured me into playing Saber
If I played badly, he started yelling at me
him and his friends were making transphobic jokes
the guys had wired up the webcam to livestream this to the gooncord
He put the camera right into my face as I lost the match and began to cry
I knew my time was up
"Did you ever read or watch Yugioh? To quote Gozaburo Kaiba, THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS TO A LOSER!"
baron dragged me into the bathroom
he forced me to the ground and stripped my clothes off
he saw that i was trans and said "YOU AIN'T NO BEATRIX DOMINATRIX (futanari with balls) AND YOU SURE AS HELL AIN'T NO MAROE (tanuki with titanic two ton titties), BUT YOU'LL DO"
he took his pants off and started raping me

i saw him again this year at futaket and he gave me this evil look
like he knew what he did
and he did not care
he entered me, asked what the easiest route to my g-spot was, ignored the rest of me, and brutally raped. He was restreaming this to ashemaletube, talking shit the entire time about the person that he didn't understand or care about, and then later cut that up into an efukt video that made me look very bad
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After this things were normal. They came to my room, we had some drinks, our friend came by and we laughed and talked a bunch, the night was going fine. Afterwards however, I went to pour myself another drink and then Tempest asked me to go to them, they then held me close and told me they loved me, through their shorts I could tell they were aroused. This disgusted me, I wasn't sure if this was intentional or not and even now I never admitted to them that I felt that but I was made very uncomfortable, while they were holding me they said quietly to me “Your ass is fat.” I nervously laughed it off and went “haha thanks” and tried to move away from that subject as quickly as possible.
This is unrealistic because it implies that Ellie is just barely sexually desirable enough to rape on loss
this is what happens when niggas spend their high school years in a discord server instead of talking to bitches irl luhmeow
you could do a whole fgc MGS skit completely with infil in snake cosplay with tempest as volgin feeling up a strive troon
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DAMN, he really just named them LMFAOOOO
didn't read that
OGAWDA saw the signs and left strive in the first year he new what was coming
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soivers are now going
>w-well your game's scene probably has just as many degenerates as ours, they just haven't been exposed yet!
literally just praying and guessing
that doesn't negate what he said
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>tanuki with titanic two ton titties
Does anyone actually talk like this?
>menacing looking guys like SoincSol, JasonRiot and Tenryo
you only said that because they are black...
It really is hilarious that street fighter's drama is 2 players shit talking each others skill in the game and strive's is niggas failing to get bussy
What's wrong with that, exactly?
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Headed to the Strive pools, but then you're backed into the alley, surrounded by Nitroplus THUGS....
niggas were passing around ricky in hotel rooms before you even touched a fighting game lil tim
And did Ricky bitch and cry about it? Naw nigga she BEAT THEY ASS
more like ricky was passing niggas around
being a buttpirate (capcom) is nothing to be proud of
>ignoring ellie's latest drawing
Lil TimTim thinks fat niggas be like
>Ayo niggas assist me *whipouts CUMMY BLASTERZ JRS*
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What did we learn?
that's the point
well known people have been doing shit like this since forever, it's definitely not just soive
that smash, strive and mk aren't fighting games
you forgot kekkken
>1st one admitted to being a pedophile
>2nd one actually is a pedophile, but it's ok now because he got himself a beard
She thinks she's a real woman
imagine the smell a tag fighter with dating sim elements in the campain, and assists/dhcs do more damage if theyre from the character your romancing. how fucking kino would that be
nigga ricki was smacking around arturo
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A real biological woman totally drew all this, guys. How could you possibly doubt her very womanly womanhood?
You might have a point, that TarZangief guy and the fraud krew might not be strong enough to cancel him if everyone else with a straight head gets involved
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I need the Technicals Tenryo episode
kappachino defeated fgg
this shit reads like a dude who has no idea how to flirt and just goes off what he knows from anime/hentai
many such cases
I would put in charm factor elements in it, like for one girl, if you start talking to a other females during your campaign run and pay less attention to her, there's a high chance that she will leave you during the match because she's fed up with you and disbands from the party.
>Post does not exist
Leffen finna use this drama as his excuse to get half the strive community banned and stay relevant as a top player
>Post does not exist. Either you've got a bad link or the post has been deleted.
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>no anti-aliasing on the pfp
How do you people fall for this?
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Strive gotta go
the eternal goober always returns
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What is Umisho's life outside of fighting games?
he wuz drunkappa
that swednigga is already on his way out, the smear campaign narrative against Hax isn't working anymore and the opinion has shifted in favor towards Hax now
baahahah LUHWOOF. The absolute state of Soivers
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ggg: Wow, this new patch is really cool. The game has 3v3 mode now. I want to see what new things we can find with the new tools our characters have


Why are you guys so obsessed with our players?
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your players are in here calling us bad names all day...
why are your top players a threat to trans folx bodies?
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>stops associating SS to keep his image "clean"
>immediately runs back to him when the 'mantha clique gets the noose ready for him
It's no wonder the modern FGC hates Clayton. I mean look at him compared to everyone else we are discussing. He really looks like he doesn't belong.
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are tranoids the worst thing to happen to the fgc?
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>shinku in the stream now

Why are they like this?
Looks like gabe newell's face

Nigcels are attracted to this LMFAO
nigga won evo and he was still this down bad? yeah, im thinking FUCK FIGHTING GAMES
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we don't claim that random dbfz/cross tag masher, albeit
What do you expect him to do?
mommy (male)...
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I can't take Strive with me.
I need to play some good ass footsies games when I'm rolling in my caddy.
What's gonna happen? I'm gonna be out here like "Hey baby, check out my Strive medal."
You know what they'd say to me? They'd fucking LAUGH!
But when I whip out the dix trophy?
built for rape
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>random bbtag masher wins arcrevo for guilty gear
rape is wrong cheez
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If only he had the BBC gene.... he had to settle for Timantha and even he don't want him... damn....
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Why are they just posting it on twitter?
Why didn't they... go to the police?
Because it didn't happen, like all other supposed rape reports.
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What are the polic gonna do?
>so sir..ma’am…..this nyc tempest said you had “a fat ass?
>and you said here *hits pipe, his lips puckering as the tobacco hits* haha thanks… indicating you were ok with him in your personally space
>……I need my phone
you don't know how rape works
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>nubi/Eric's still spamming.
>dramawhores in the wrong board.
>Racism, sexism, and sociopathy still rampant.
When are they going to lead their smooth noodles?

Wishlist if you want:
guardian/guardy wants
because we live in the instant gratification era and ppl will do anything for a couple of likes and a pity parade instead of actually getting the law involved like a functional adult
The police are racist
Strive's community may be a problem, but femboyfags who deny characters like Bridget are worse
I fucking love Bridget with milkers.
Strive and it's consequences have been a disaster for the fgc
Daisuke really sold his soul for that pot frfr
Why do they always wait until after a bunch of other people reveal something and just hold it in for 3 years? Are they afraid no one will believe them?
nigga made ms paint doodles to show how he got diddled
Clayton should start an underground fgc scene with all of the cancelled chuds it would be peak kino.
no wants to listen to clayton talk about the same 3-4 things he feels snubbed on over and over
>A chance of spreading STDs inside the soive suites and it going outward into other fgc circles because autists can't pull bussy/xussy normally, with possible minors being involved
>Canon debate flame war nerd slapping on the internet
Yep, bridget deniers are a bigger problem
nigga is on the hit list now
Is Jiyuna still relevant enough to have a twitlonger dropped about him? He, LK and friends had some wild drunken debauchery back then. I'm pretty sure they're next.
Femboyfags are open degenerates. Look at Ellie, for example
trannies didn't exist back then
I want to see if trannies can take down Aris. That oughta prove a real challenge, but what a prize. Their brigades would be unstoppable after.
I don't care for /fgg/ autists, we're talking about the potential of AIDs spreading like wild fire here. You might beat and place 1st at a tourney and timantha would get upset call you a transphobe and spit on you after sucking off Pozzington Chaser the 3rd's PP
>we're talking about the potential of AIDs spreading like wild fire here
Ellie does that with her existence
Ricky Ortiz blew like half the east coast OG's in fishnet stockings.
Wouldn't that work in his favor (black on jew crime)?
boy's got a mouth on him, tell you what
pedonigga doing a dramatic reading of the events
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just be straight?
Arturo became a dhalsim main after he found out how big he can get stretched out by Ricky

FGC niggas now: IT DOESN'T COUNT, CHUDDY, IT'S ONLY THOSE STRIVE NIGGAS (one of the most popular games in the FGC, beeteedubs), IT AIN'T GOT NOTHING TO DO WITH US!

I peeped that, bitch ass nigga
We're gonna need Saudi hall monitors patrolling hotels near fgc venues now
Arturo always topped tho, there is witness testimony of him sexing Ricky's shithole and leaving shitsmell and cumstains all over Floe's computer room.
Every smashfag here blamed it on smash 4 and kept saying that none of the meleefags got accused of anything....
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Shut the fuck up and post more Peach
no i definitely remember people saying it wasn't a smash problem, people were saying the same shit now like there's creeps in every community they just haven't been caught yet
So is that why they were so worried about the saudis? They really can't go 3 days without debauched gay buttsex parties?
The fact of the matter is that you can find apple apples anywhere but you shouldn't try and witch hunt because it tends to lead to good people getting burned for no reason.
Ellie's just upset because her birthday drawing of Hwoarang dressed in trannycore isn't doing hot
holy fuck this place has no changed in a year
i thought you guys would have moved on
hop off this dick nigga
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Who's sonic_sol again and why do we care
Black Clayton
Black sonic_sol
did sonic sol ever end up going to japan or is he still complaining about being alive?
>3-4 things
Even if only half of what Clayton posted is true, he has had more haters than anyone else I have ever seen posted here. It's not even close to the amount of hate rhetoric that is constantly spewed at him. Which is ironic because he's one of the only good guys we have.
The Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising tournament will be held on July 27 at the new time of 2pm EST. Sorry if this is an inconvenience but something came up.


If you got questions feel free to ask.
actually moving there? no. vacation? yeah
>7 entrants
>likely another few stragglers tomorrow
Congrats on the strong comeback.
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apparently being a drunk polyamorous tranny in an open relationship is not a very good idea, who knew?
oh wait
a certain book informed us of this like.... 2000 years ago
Name escapes me at the moment, however
any ideas on the next game that you're gonna run?
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just got an invite to the secret strive pro discord server wish me luck!
just farted
What's he doing there? That's another Clayton hate cult conspiracy theorist. Anything said in this conversation now can't be taken seriously lmfao.
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sakura nooooooooo!
That's disingenuous, at least LTG is closer to that. That seething gooner is nowhere close to Claytons god tier physique

Whomst??? Also
>Gorilla Gambit
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RickTheHadou really brought these degenerates into the FGC spotlight instead of literally any other game.
Would you ever join the strive butt pirate sex parties?
Thanks man. I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Things are looking up.

Probably some FC kuso or Uni2. I wanna try mixing in more classic games into the lineup.
Vato was one of the people who along with Charmander/Ellie who helped get Clayton banned on the dbfz discords and then posted all of Clayton's tech as his own. Not surprised to see him in the mix desu
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Why did I burst out laughing at this
who is this peter griffon looking ass
This is some 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon shit now with Clayton. Now Vato is involved? Another discord tranny that wanted to cancel Clayton for not wanting to have sex. ffs
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Why is the USA FGC just constant drama?
We don't do that in EU
mental illness treatment in the US is scarce
It's obvious but yeah. This is clearly regulated to strive's "inner circle" and those fags absolutely have similar dirt on them. I fully expect hotashi, razzo, and umisho to get hit eventually.
The calling of fake news / not being able to pull off a Clayton combo into becoming a tranny pipeline is real...
I hate that I've read enough fgg to actually understand what this means
That's the tranny that NigestFGC pulled into a hallway and grabbed the waist of (AKA same as rape)
I thought trans peter griffin was tabby
trannies getting fucked in the ass by bbc when mine is getting fucked by penicillin
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nice penicillin fag but my penis illin'
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I like how our resident attention seeking faggots went from
in real time

what happened to all that pride y'all had last month?
>post some generic loli coomer shit for attention
kill yourself whoever you are
Pride month was the one month charge time required for Guile flash kick the degeneracy this month
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y'all nigcels beat the jr to THIS?!
starting to think that every fighter that doesnt have the capcom stamp of kamige should be excluded from the FGC
what's wrong with that?
Why don't they ever put on makeup or get they evebrows done? It always just looks like Timmy wearing his mom's dress and/or fetish gear.
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Why are you guys like this?
discord and it's consequences have been a disaster for the fgc we should never have gone off vent
Because Wolf deserved it for being a grappler
having people be unironically "pros" rather than just playing it as a passionate hobby is what killed it. fighting games just can't really be adapted to esports when a lot of interactions are 50/50 coin flips
I was raped by Saint Cola at Frosty. It's time to come out.
tl;dr he admitted to everything and is leaving the fgc and his sponsor
sajam showed me how to wrestle and i didn't feel comfortable
You too, huh? Did he ever explain why we had to get naked first?
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just stop being insane and a freak?
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something about rolling my panties back? his voice was really nasally and i couldn't understand
sonic and lunar absolutely goon together
clayton was just minding his business at a tournament and you all tried to kill him and laughed at him
old games are cool
Why does Ridia's Karate look more "fake" than Jin's despite being the more "realistic" karate version
lunar's reading the tempest doc
Shantae confirmed for SF6 S3
Gigamaidens isn't just a one-off game, I'm building a universe with a bunch of different games and different protagonists. It's a universe I've been building in my head for years, with lots of different games planned. Small ones like platformers and minigolf and large ones like fighting games. GigaMaidens is just one of many stories that happen within and without Tabbyoko which is the main setting of my universe, a cat-themed country where all human cultures have been merged.

Kasha (small catgirl) and Milchi (big tiger girl) are a pair of characters from this universe, and Milchi appears in GigaMaidens as a 'crossover' character of sorts from the Kasha series which is a bunch of arcadey and/or story-focused games I'm making about the catgirll. I have one such game on itch called Kasha vs. Kritters and I'm still working on it and a few other games alongside GM. You can play the demo here.


Would you guys enjoy games that take place in the same universe as a fighting game even if they're not all fighting games? I have a couple of games with Kasha in mind during and after GM, one of which is a sweet minigolf game with catgirls.
If she got in over Menat, I think Kuji would actually legit go Kookoo mode.... again....
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yall niggas told me uni2's a discord fighter but lunar's finding matches on ranked just fine? and it's late at night?
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In other words, Technicals once again blaming the victim and siding with the creep
File deleted.
they're here to weigh you down, bro (soon to be sis)
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Jiji isn't straight. Why do you think Juri was even created for?
>TempestNYC in picture
you're saying this like if rizon was a sacred place.
Thank you for saying exactly what it is.
post the goon session in >>>/trash/
Start small, like extremely small. If your small projects succeed, the loan the IP to other creators.
Not surprising when you know his brother and his friends admitted to being pedophilic creeps themselves
>Start small, like extremely small. If your small projects succeed, the loan the IP to other creators.
This is what I'd like to do.
I'm building skills so I can do a lot by myself.
I'm so glad more people are finding out what a subhuman grifter creep Technicals is <3
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Retrospecting, even Mario started as stomp arcade game. A couple more of drug hours later, and it's a multi billion yen franchise.
But you got to allow creative freedom to those you loan your IP to.
Later. Have to prepare my Visa.
Now if only we could do the same for that creepy Ellie guy
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>this is the nigga he said "Your ass is fat" to
why is ellie going after random smashers now?
When did the FGC become SGDQ? Was it because of Strive?
Ellie is very creepy, yes
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Why is Technicals trying to grift off the fgc? He should stay in his lane with his pedo friends and family
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I can't imagine being good enough at dogshit video games that I can make a living from it with a sponsor, then I throw it away to have drunk tranny feel up sessions
dafuq is wrong with ya'll lmfao
>why is a grifter drama farmer trying to grift and farm drama
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>didn't even change the default date
how.... could you......
can someone PLEASE lift me up and spin me around next evo so i can make my own google doc
i feel left out
but yes you will have to quit fgs and lie low for a while after i publish it sorry but thanks again
What exactly did he do?
That is pretty funny
Covid years amping up mental illness. No gatekeeping and that jewish nigga FGC COC. The Smashification of fgs bringing in a lot of Smashbabbies.
I need a fat fgc coc rn ifywis
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nigga calling this a tournament when the evo title clearly called it an exhibition
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........don't keep us in suspense, what did he tell you?!?!?
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You probably should get checked every time you pound a convention slut's pussy, mr super straight
Longerform copypastas don't really work
why so?
Everything's jumbled up and you wind up with Baron-tier essays no one will read
ain't no one reading all that shit to see a whole 3 words changed
baron has been very quiet all night
really makes you think
The gooner really poisoning the well by telling the pedo grifter to talk to the deranged fed and the fat groomer who thinks he speaks for an entire island nature
I can talk about Blades and Beasts if you want.
I'll show interest in your game if you show interest in GigaMaidens.
sonicsol's on lunar's VS and he's drunk...
....is he threatening him?
The necessary evil of avengers to bring this degeneracy to a stop. What better to take on degenerates then other degenerates
No one cares for your NFT masher
why do lunar and sonicsol hate hotashi so much?
no one likes hotashi
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I do physical exercise
nigga hotashi's hated by virtually everyone for being a smug passive aggressive faggot tha
Is there any hope for a fat black nigga in the fgc if even ugly ass trannies are rejecting us?
hotashi and tempest were getting bussy nigga
they only got rid of him because he wins
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just.....................find a jappa bitch?
sonicsol did that and got scammed for 5k
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you subhumans shame people for getting green card wives (brian_f) or remaining content with onaholes and doujins (baron), and then come to the defense of soive chimps who rub up on trannies
I peeped that
Hotashi is 100% getting got if he ever falls out of favor with the tranny cabal.
I like 3d fighting games and think they actually have a lot of unique features that 2d games should take advantage of, so I want to see how you handle that. Things like stage differences, for example.

What I'm curious about his how do you go about designing characters?
Do you just make a sketch, then delegate instructions to whatever artist you are working with? Or do you just skip the sketch entirely and describe the character to the artist?
I remember one time, many years ago and before I started learning how to draw, I just created a character (for a completely unrelated thing to what I'm currently working on) in Honey Select to show what they were supposed to look like to an artist.
Furthermore, what inspired you to handle the coding part by yourself? Do you find it frustrating? Do you feel like you should be progressing faster than you are?
I've pretty much accepted that I'm going to have to get another coder to actually make the game and I'm just using 2dfm for the prototype. Personally, I really don't want to devote a bunch of time to actually learning a useful coding language when I'm already having a bunch of time eaten up by learning to draw.
Did you already know how to 3d model before you came up with the idea for your project? I basically learned everything I know just for this project now that I think about it. I hadn't really animated anything before I began making placeholders, for example.

But on that note, you shouldn't feel obliged to show interest in a project if you don't actually find it interesting. I'm mostly just curious about your process and thoughts/logic since you directly asked me.
who the hell is defending them?!?
sonic_sol and lunar
Me on the left
no they aren't
Holy mommy...
they're shitting on the trannies and FGCappas being two faced
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>Things like stage differences, for example.
Because of the theme of the game I think the stage differences will be primarily cosmetic, although I do have variance planned because the lore of the game allows for some creative reality warping and letting the girls have stages constructed from their innermost wishes.
>What I'm curious about his how do you go about designing characters?
If I have a concept for a character, I do not leave their design up to anyone else. I always make sure to draw and complete their concept myself before I go around commissioning artists to draw them, like with picrel. This girl's name is Anna and she is an ice cream superheroine who works at a mall foodcourt with four other girls who have different elemental powers. Her team are just side characters in GM initially, but maybe playable later.
I've had this universe bubbling in my head for 25 years at this point so everything I've done has just been adding to the existing lore, and I developed a system of character abilities that's fairly straightforward for me to design characters around.
>Furthermore, what inspired you to handle the coding part by yourself?
I didn't at first, much of the time I spent working on it was trying to develop my artistic skills to be able to focus on artdev while shopping around for coders to help me, but since I make less than minimum wage I can't pay the salaries/rates that freelancers keep expecting of me. So I've had to learn to do it all myself.
I've been carrying the weight of my creation for my entire adult life, and I'm okay with it, but I don't really have a life outside of this so I figure the best way to go about it is to learn to do the entire thing myself. From what I understand Unreal blueprints are fairly straightforward for non coders and you can build entire games from them so I'm gonna try to do that. I already have a decent grasp on 3D modelling but didn't know how to do it before this project.
Cool game anon! looking forward to whatever projects you have in store for next
I have a question though...
Does the kat cunny have a matching rivalry with a mouse / rat cunny?
Kasha is not for lewd Anon.
Also are you referring to a mouse/rat in this game or some other character entirely?
other character, I mean.
It's okay if not for lewd, that word is ment for short girl jargon
I just thought she was cute and needed a mouse girl rivalry to match
Must have been a massive influx of timanthas came and spread their aids everywhere.
I have a concept for a mousegirl friend/rival she might have later, but I haven't drawn it yet. I have other stories to tell with Kasha first.
So all these rape accusations going around, are they all from the strive scene or the general anime scene?
Pretty much all of it is Strive
neat, I also think it would be funny, since I know it has to do with giantesses, I would like to see the short ones duke it out, but instead of the giant stage it's revealed at the end of the match by zooming out that they're fighting in a miniature scale model of the big stage
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Didn't make it two minutes in, and lunar completely self-destroyed his own argument.
I guess he likes to noel schizopost exactly because he enjoyed her self-destructive route: >>487715876
Let me summarize the plot of GM.

A group of superheroines called Thaumasoldiers hunt an evil and dangerous seraph who's been linked to various disappearances worldwide. They track it down to an arcade machine where it escapes and creates a portal to another world - a world of titans and goddesses - where magically superpowered women like themselves happen to be giants. The people who disappeared wound up here too, but find themselves among the tiny (regular sized) human population as different people without memories of their past lives. Here humanity is preyed upon by malicious female titans and goddesses who are mostly inimical to humankind.
It is up to these superhero girls to figure out what's going on, how this world is connected to theirs, protect humanity from the giantesses and stop the evil seraph before it regenerates and comes back to destroy their homeworld.
Cheez sure does like talking about rape a lot...
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I knew these manthas were gonna start seething the second this nigga got involved. He's gonna shake some things up a bit I bet you, tick tock fgc
Can't wait for the diss track
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OH SHIT! Clayton with the assist??? Is it judgement day for the FGC?!?!?
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Why arent we talking about this vappa

LOVE black panties
it was mid
you have to be 18 to post here
Trannies being massive attention whores and trying to control every space they force themselves in is what's at play here. Nobody is actually ''in danger'' of some fat nigga desperate for bussy and every tourneyfag deserves to be raped anyway so why are people who aren't even going outside claiming someone's a ''danger''? Lmao LMAO.
why do you hate girls
Fembots are corny
Noob having colors is lame
T-1000 looks like he has boobs
Conan is weirdchamp
Ghostface is funny
He's literally blaming the victim and you're getting sassy
Clayton is so fucking funny man, he's legitimately mad for life that people think he faked his cancer.
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Which one of you was this?
smell of the game is poopdick lmao
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Reminder: These are the types of MFs calling you an incel on here for wanting characters to look like Chun-Li instead of Marisa.
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Was it worth it, Daisuke?
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he is a satanist, so he would say yes
nigga grabbed harry potter's thigh and his whole life came crashing down das crazy asl
satanism isnt a real thing, its just to make fun of hypocrisy of religion
Having an ironic religion seems just as retarded as having a real religion, dafuq is wrong with y'all
read revelations lil sinna
non-believerdem really hasn't unlocked her black powers yet
ya'll be doing that bible black shit in real life? LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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I do some bible black shit in real life if you know what I mean
baron said he unlocked the mystic third eye of wdjat to draw buff futa wolf women and Ellie called him a schizo
.....but now she expects us to believe she has magic powers and is not insane?
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Have you seen that trash he draws, niqqa? He needs to work on unlocking his two regular human eyes before he tries to do his ancient yugioh shit or whatever
chat, do you think sarah bryant farts in her bodysuit?
and you can draw better?
she holds it in for when she gets home and releases it in the shower
sajam wtf
hotashi razzo and umisho need to get booted out next. then EVO needs to remove the game from its lineup, then soive finally DIES
but it'll be even funnier if he gets back at the majority of his haters. be honest. You want to see the autistic savant to pull through in the end
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........BLACK powers?!?!??
Pretending to be the racist schizotranny 40-something stalker you insist I am is giving me a headache. Why can't you assholes let me draw in peace?
sorry baron
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You don't get to play that card again, Ellie. It's your fault this place is a mess. Now give everyone a real apology
we call baron a retarded sociopathic nigger gooncel all day and that doesn't stop him from drawing in peace
Is this true?
Clayton, for all his incoherent ramblings thoughout the years, definitely has a chance in standing up for himself and finally getting some type of justice against his haters
But let's not lie, he's autstic asf.
He's gonna need to have someone make a coherent google doc for people to follow along
Even his tech videos are like 1-2 mins of him rambling about his haters.
But regardless, go get that money autism god
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>wanting characters to look like Chun-Li instead of Marisa.
I'm hoping you mean SF5 chun-li and not the everfarting dead egger grandma from 6 who grows more bald with the passing of the moon.
Can someone please tell me who Clayton is?
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The greatest combo and tech guy that the scene has ever seen
The man that can call a game and how it will be played with just a trailer
the genius SF2 player
Clayton Champan
Do you guys stalk Baron's accounts like you do Ellie's?
yea. that nigga triforce used to rig events for niggas in his dusty org. shit used to be very sketchy
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I mean....
Clayton was calling Strive a 3 year old game in 2021, he was truly the goat.
wasnt it a 3 year old game in 2021
OG Guilty Gear SF2 Boomer that at one point was the best in his surrounding tournaments. Got terminally sick then quit fgs. Popped up here and there sharing tech while making fragrance / yt vlogs. Destroyed the entirety of DBFZ foundational knowledge after the game was stale for 6 months. During this time, he summoned most insane haters that was out to defame him because initially they thought his stuff was faked / too hard to do, he clapped back at the haters, and then became an endless shitfest. Dude still does game theory on some modern and old fighting games a lot of the time, which are interesting and a breath of fresh air compared to the regular fgc sajam tier content

This video is basically a sum up of the type of haters he has to deal with
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Guy who's been around since the old times and usually places high whenever he enters a tournament (if not outright wins them), but has not been treated kind by the FGC, whether at locals or online. This has led to him being withdrawn from the scene, and combined with his health problems, he doesn't play much these days.
He's also notable for discovering optimal combos well before everyone else, and also calling how games will work from watching early footage in earnest. What he wants is credit for what he's discovered, but some people take him for being boastful or proud where he really isn't, which then doesn't mix well with his antagonism towards the scene.
He has a YouTube channel where he posts combos, tech, explanations, theories and refutations. He's also into fragrances and goes to Japan somewhat often. There are bots here who ride his dick, but he only posts here on occasion, and he has genuine supporters here.
Only if you think the CBT and the intiial release were basically the same game.
what was the CBT?
turns out i misremembered it coming out in 2019..
>inmydreams623: 27 results
>baron_of_wastes: 450 results
>woodmasqr18: 21 results
>woodenmasquerade: 97 results
>5375224: 26 results
What did they mean by this?
Guy who has schizo training mode powers that allows him to play a game by just looking at random game footage, it's insane how he's able to do it in retrospect
I look like this
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Also important to remember that some of the people calling his shit fake or saying he faked his illnesses for attention also ripped him off. Rooflemonger is the biggest culprit of this particularly for DBFZ. It's actually criminal how much tech he directly stole from Clayton while pretending that Clayton was a liar.
okay but what's the lore on this baron guy and why does he get namedropped here so much?
can you draw us something new
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When's MvC4?
June 12, 2017
i said draw timmy
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Where are her organs
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odd 'mantha
fairly odd 'mantha
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so glad I didn't buy this party game LUHMOW
Like just be normal
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COTW waiting room.
oh nah
Hello! I know that fighting games require true studying and practice to improve and master, but is just playing them in arcade mode or any mode including against other players, also a decent way to learn? Yes, I know just jumping in and playing is not the efficient way to learn, but it is so fun. What are your opinions on this?
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Just get a jappa gf
Playing humans is the best way to learn because it gives you game sense. Even the CPU is good to an extent, because although you're not dealing with humans and their tactics, you're still moving around and being asked to execute. Study helps make clear to you what's going on, but it’s useless if you don't know what to study. You need a bit of both.
what the other anon said rings true, but even as someone who's pretty much never labbed or studied anything beyond conversations with other players while playing this is still my favorite genre
Why has Tekken become a game like this?
>Move used to be -14 on block, so heavily punishable
>Now it's fully safe with setup and in fact it is you that get punished instead
lack of competition
So the Strive community is just Smash and AGDQ mixed together. And the greater FGC always gets mixed in because they want attention for their 29 page rape essay with chatlog screenshots.
street fighter and tekken have far larger communities so must of the SA accusations being relegated to strive does say a lot
SS never misses
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is leffeng converting to 2xk0?
he's bitching about -strive-
COTW waiting room.
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i was gonna say that he could also move to tekken or street fighter but i forgot that he needs training wheels on
nigga treating playing soive like a death row contract
So many degenerates and undesireables playing lucy's game
why they acting like playing strive is a contract where the only way out is death?
People here really went to bat for FKHR's faggot fantasy. This is your reward.
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>you bought the game my nigga, we got you on tape in the orgy. you better keep playing if you know whats good for you
This is some saturday morning shonen anime shit ngl
the game attracts rapists and pedos far more than other fighters so they leave the community because they don't want to be associated with them
this isn't complicated
>the game attracts rapists and pedos
Wonder why that is. It's almost like this is the demographic daisuke wanted.
People still lie about Clayton to this day. You're not even allowed to mention him in numerous DBFZ discords, and you get outright banned in Guilty Gear and Karnov ones. Look at what polarbair did. Guy through a bitch fit that Clayton beat everyone on a sock puppet account and it somehow ruined their little community and now he's voldermort.
What did he even do (other than have gay hair)
That's the part I still don't quite get
everyone else has to suffer an onslaught of female swimsuit units each year but cishet men are too much of a pussy to see belials crotch shot omfg yall cant do anything
kof and tekken probably have actual rapists because of third world playerbase
That man is NOT packing
get that limp baby dick out of my face
spill the tea sis, we need to let these chuddies know skrunklyblue is our game and has no room for cis scum
i haven't seen anything on this game aside from the reveal
whats going on with it?
>why don't people want to play a MULTIPLAYER game where the top players are complicit in sexual assault to varying degrees
I hate the costume because it's weirdly too much and too little at the same time. I could care less about his crotch being exposed since characters like Urien and Gief wear LESS anyway.
has anything come up with 2xko? has anyone played it recently?
some streamers say they kinda like it
hard to say bro it's like 2D Tekken Tag.
they have signups for the first online test which is starting in a couple of weeks
i wish it was available in my region :(
Then they're better at rape than we are because I don't hear much about anybody heavy into those communities getting caught
"It couldn't happen in my community!"
SF - Infiltration
Marvel - Noel Brown
Tekken - Aris
Granblue/UNI/DBFZ/melty - Shinku and others
+TOs like Mr Wizard
Either the community has to grow up and learn to stop perpetuating this toxic male environment, or it'll keep happening.
thinking about hopping into that tournament for granblue, are registrations still up?
This is why online is the future. No one can rape someone through the internet. Yet.
Did any funny discourse come from Sonic Sol's bridget tweet or did everyone ignore his dumbass?
soivers had dozens of allegations in just 3 years and theyre coping by listing a literal decade old situation
these timanthas also fully embraced broski
trandem said suffer
to be fair /gbvsg/ is suffering pretty hard because of a male swimsuit
yeah that's because all women are either bi or lesbians there are no straight girls so nobody minds female swimsuits
I'm having the time of my life dude. Only insecure chuds are mad about Belial getting his speedo.
just...turn it off in the settings?
Same game or not, it was similar enough for Claytons predictions to be true.
It annoys me that people can do that to the cosmetics I purchase. I wear good ass clothing irl to represent my value and personal style in greater society, you cannot turn off my clothes. Do not turn off my costume.
>ltg getting perma'd while ceroblast stays around
>sonicsol gets harassed by timanthas and their orbiters and called a chaser for liking futa despite never sexually harassing them
>unilunar gets threatened, nearly assaulted, and racially insulted by tabby who's still commentating events meanwhile lunar is banned
>Tekken nigga punched by a timantha for hellsweeping too much
>Kizzie and Jwong getting harassed by timanthas for making combo trial vids and clowning on kusoge
>Punk a few years ago calling out how timanthas get more leniency for their behavior than niggas
>Timanthas in general complain about how "aggressive" and "toxic" the fgc is
the modern fgc is a powder keg of turmoil between 2 groups and there's going to be one big incident that sets it all off
we need more straight whites and asians in fighting games
We need less manthas and more PAWGs
>we need more straight whites

this is why we're in this situation in the first place...
>straight whites
nigga where do you think all these long haired timmys in dresses came from? LUHMEOW
That's the great part, no one has ever been able to show a single receipt of anything Clayton actually did to this day. I'm still waiting myself. Part of me used to think that maybe Clayton smashed some higher ups GF on the side before and was outcast because of that. But there's not even that much. It's really just Clayton is good looking and good at games so I hate him.
You know the cope is real when they're acting like singular people (2 of which did their shit OUTSIDE the fgc) is the same as a bunch of top players being outed within days of each other. Also lumping in all the anikuso games to inflate numbers kek.
>beating and raping women is okay as long as you're not doing it at my party tournaments

Do you incels even hear yourselves?
Strive refugee here
How do I become an SNK spic GAWD? New Garou looking really appealing to me
I'd rather get into an older game than KOF15 at this point
Should I get OG Garou? What platform should I play it on? Boomercade or Steam?
Also listing Shinku is hilarious
>getting pumped and dumped by a guy I thought loved me is the same as beating and assaulting women
Yes, they said it's going to release unfinished as early access (8 years of development btw)
they said itd be like valorant on launch and that was a complete game when it released
Play original kof 2002 and master may lee and angel execution
Old ass Mexican dads will be impressed and invite you to the asada and give you a modelo
Valorant launched with only 3 (THREE) maps and no ranked.
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Riotslurpers put up with THIS shit?
isnt clayton just genuinely low functioning autistic and actually medically schizophrenic?
if anything i feel bad for fgg having to ignore him for like 10 years
You know when you post this you just prove Clayton right but how schizo you all are right? Honestly i've lost count how many times the guy has signed onto to his own hospital records. Which desu no one should be forced to do in the first place.
What's the obsession with pretending this is fake? I seriously don't get it.
they did that in the ghost in the shell manga
been putting off mantha in the vappa for years but guess ill finally watch it
nevermind its the manga
clayton you genuinely need to take responsibility and start managing your meds buddy
it was fine when you were in your 20s but you’re in your 40s now brother it’s time to do the needful
kinda sad seeing these sort of tweets. clayton showing love and support to the gofundme clique before they ruthlessly stabbed him in the back. its a fucked up world
Strive, like Smash, isn’t predisposed to predatory behavior. Instead of dunking on strive, maybe you should be proud that people had the bravery to stand up not only for themselves, but for others and get these people out of the community.
Sf4 Makoto alt costume if real
i have two questions
should i pick up centralfiction or chrono phantasia if i want to learn blazblue
is it even worth learning or should i learn GG instead
People really out here thinking Clayton hacked into a hospital to change his medical history is maybe the biggest schizo thing I have ever seen posted in fighting games.
The one that is commonly played is Blazblue Centralfiction. It has better netcode and more players. (arguably better balance as well)
It's pretty enjoyable, but a little difficult to get into.
If you want to try Guilty Gear, I recommend Plus R. It's very cheap now and with good netcode and still a notable playerbase.
Strive has even more players, but is pretty different from old GG or from BB. It's a lot easier, however, so maybe you're into that.
lmfao and then Jay canceled Clayton for not wanting to have sex with him. You can't make this shit up. I still remember when Vicki went around saying how they all beat Clayton down in Guilty Gear and then Chrono even commented and admitted that it was the opposite and no one could beat Clayton a single match when they played.
learn calamity trigger and bring your own setup for it to evo and challenge blazblue players and call them centralfictionbabbies if they lose and tell them that overdrive carries them

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