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>Official WoW News

>THE WAR WITHIN - July 23rd!

>Dragonflight Dark Heart Content Update Notes (10.2.7)
>Summer Trading Post

Previous: >>487724103

/wowg/ OP pastebin: https://pastebin.com/hVutVN5J
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all elves love human men. except the male elves who apparently love other elf races
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Mine doesn't.
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That new cinematic was fucking horrible.
>veressa getting her lolielf mind blown here.
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That trailer was fucking bad
Anyway, here's a light amount of ass
That black woman was disgustingly ugly
Time to finish the job.
>imaginary redditors
anon, some hacker mentioned /wpsg/ last night when they took control of the server
and redditors have been flooding WoW threads for the past 21 hours, linking to their threads straight from reddit
haha check this out >>487342896 >>487712318

I play resto Druid and I’m a white dude for Harris
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I mean, think about the lore... all the sisters fuck humans. and lor'thremar marries a nightborne. all the other named elves are single. unless I am forgetting one
I'm not playing this expansion because resto druid is gonna be meta again in mythic plus
fuck you orange faggots
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Human Paladin
Eredar Warlock
Night Elf Demon Hunter
Void Elf Priest
Dwarf Warrior
Dracthyr Evoker

Orc Shaman
Undead Death Knight
Nightborne Rogue
Blood Elf Mage
Mag'har Hunter
Pandaren Monk
post autism
I used to make masturbaring jokes in gchat when I was 13 all the time to thunderous applause
in a chill weekend skype call with some of the guild I turned on some porn and actually masturbated thinking it'd get laughs. everyone was silent and one of the old girls said "anon are you fapping?" and I said nnooo haha then turned it off and it was never bought up again

also I started walking like my orc at school when I was 10 and the teachers told my dad I had postural difficulties which is common in autistic children and needed to see a physiotherapist - didn't piece this one together until my dad died and I was reading through his school communications folder
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There's something wrong with you if you are not hyped after this shot.
This is SOul.
Awesome list, what is the "Hunter" race?
Specify Blood Elves or whatever the fuck then.
WoWchads won...

We fucking won...
It has a nigger in it
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gross. whose the ugly black woman?
Imagine if they rendered a beautiful blonde haired blue eyed white woman in that beautiful paladin gear
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What did she mean by this?
fuck i am blind.... its the nog-orcs
suramar 2: bug edition is pretty good
I don't care shut up
Mag'har Orc
wow status?
ziv status?
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>brings your 8/10 video down to 5/10

Why are black crusaders such a recurring them in modern Western fiction?
Bros is there any way to reset toys' CD? I just wanna annoy people with t o y s.
WoW is Harris
XIV is Trump
The internet wants you to think that Trump is more popular but it’s wrong
>Earthen doing nothing but pulling a chain over and over again
>Disgusting Orc-looking nigress putting on armor
>Troll Druid doing... whatever? Dancing and acting like she's in Avatar
>Explains nothing about the story or the expansion whatsoever
>By the time you get to the Nerubians the trailer is tainted beyond belief by complete dogshit
It's the worst cinematic to date. Bar none. No question. I'd sooner take Sylvanas screeching "For the Horde" than watch a second of this shit again.
Hyped for what exactly?
>dude new zone with badly written story!!!!!
troon out
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>hyped by cinematics
you're the definition of a soulless bugman
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I am getting very real niggerfatigue its all so tiresome
>Bro what if the Trolls were like the Na'vi!
Kino + wow won
it was really shit, a literal who character takes the center stage for god knows what reason...
Pretty sure after what happened at the Olympics today the entire world is getting ready to 1488
What does Maye think of the cinematic troll?
weird comparison, you would have to be blind to think that trump isn't popular. Harris didn't get a single delegate in 2016

I agree that XIV is trying to pull the wool.
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tfw no orc warrior / shaman / hunter to treat my main like an animal
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Is that a swastika? BASED
Imagine feeling things when you see things right? Humans are so weird
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Remember when wow used to have hot chicks?
Harris has record polling numbers among women voters but ok
I was inside all day, what happened whats the tldr version?
>gay faggot catty reddit-tier reply
don't you have a dilation session coming up?
It's an advertisement, not a fucking film.
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>keep finding bugs with my class after the prepatch
Does Blizzard even check the bug reports or am I wasting my time? Like I wanna have this stuff fixed but the devs are so incompetent that I feel I'm throwing these bug reports straight into the dumpster.
>mass replying
Uh oh someone is triggered
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Christ that bitch is so fucking hideous.
unironically fags and trannies
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What's wrong with orc warlocks, racist much?
ah, yeah sick of that shit too
not physical enough
>12 hours ago
>stop enjoying things right now!!!!
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>disabled blind tranny old nigger

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And Trollband
we get it, you unironically suck cock
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>Imagine if they rendered a beautiful blonde haired blue eyed white woman in that beautiful paladin gear
Better yet, imagine the time and budget that went into that black gorilla compared to the 30 seconds I just spent on Bing for free.
>Video game I like releases a cinematic
>Feel literally, anything, at all about it
The concept of a lady with a missing arm does not dissuade me
But good fucking lord that bitch is ugly.
>/wowg/ OP pastebin
When did this pastebin shit started? Who needs a fucking pastebin for something you can copy paste in 1 second?
>Yep just us together on the road. Nothing but gnomish enginuity, tenacity, grit and our demon fuckboy plapmeat waiting patiently in the corner
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The problem is that the only times WoW produces something cool is when it directly 1:1 rips off something from the Vanilla~WotLK period.
Everything else that they make is gay and lame.
Half-orc half-human lady who identifies as not having an arm and refuses healing and prosthetics.
Half-Troll half-Nelfs doing oogabooga african dances.
Half-Dwarf half-titan guy doing the 'we got Cataclysm trailer at home' bit.
Then you get the Nerubian scene, which admittedly is cool... but it's the Nerubians from WotLK. I like them, but what am I coming back for exactly?
>uhm well you're just a racist chud!
yea sure, but you have to admit that even (you) thought the nerubians was the best part of the trailer. There's a reason for that.
>replying to yourself multiple times
just trooncord things
A handful of posters get incredibly autistic about the OP and will have multi-thread tantrums if it's not done the way they like it
No. It's just one.
Sounds like you are trying too hard to not have a good time, maybe take some meds?
ok, but who the fuck actually views wow as a esport?
It's a boomer game, nothing about it is esport worthy except Max trying to act like world first raiding is God's gift to humanity
Look, the others are more hands-on physical professionals, but that ones a weird guy that won't talk about whatever magics he gets up to or why he has -that- bodyguard. Probably snorts healthstones in his spare time.
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How can you not feel something with this shot? She needs to be protected.
>zoomer hair cut
so much for fantasy
EU crossrealm wowg guild when
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fucking disgusting. do they get ESG for these uggos or something?
this webm is so fucking funny
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is this Warcraft or an Avatar-ripoff?

What did Metzen even come back for? It's like Danuser never left and never quit intentionally sabotaging the game kek.
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Judging by the haircut and colour, probably snorts them off the incubuses cock.
The nerubian stuff tugs on my WC3 memories and being annoyed that they were largely cut from WotLK.
But then I remember modern Blizzard can't write anything "cool" and from what I did on beta they are lame as fuck.
>harronir lady has three toes and one long rear toe
Harronir are the long-lost troll-elf transition
what game is this
That guy is not going to survive when the other three are suddenly in heat.
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Blood Elf Paladin
Orc Warlock
Night Elf Demon Hunter
Eredar Priest
Mag'har Warrior
Dracthyr Evoker

Troll Shaman
Human Death Knight
Undead Rogue
Nightborne Mage
Dwarf Hunter
Pandaren Monk
generic unreal engine 5 diversity sloplike
seriously they all look the same these days
>shows 5 characters
>only guy in the cinematic was the earth dwarf
malebros....... we lost
>It's like Danuser never left
He basically hasn't in regards to the launch story.
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so I'm supposed to be xannied out of my gourd to enjoy the game?
that's your clapback?
Skyriding with Invincible is fun
What's the point of riding him if you can't see him?
>Pandaren Monk
>Darcthyr Evoker
gay and retarded
nice one lad
The increasingly common kneejerk reaction to demand upset people take medication is...interesting
Just about to sub, already having the feeling of regret of even clicking on it.
WoW is the greatest game ever made. Surely deserves your money.
I'm suddenly reminded of that black games artist on twitter who was like "I'm so tired of submitting actually attractive black women and having their designs come back as grocery store aunties"

Then he was politely informed by fellow black creators that he needed to shut the fuck up right now before something happened to him.
Wait till the actual prepatch event is out atleast, have some dignity
It's increasingly common to be told "dude turn your brain off and enjoy it!" or get high/drunk.
People have been trained to enjoy the slop and ask for more slop.
don't do it man, >>487807570 is the shit you have to look forward to. just let go
The week of dignity
not a fucking chance.
>he needed to shut the fuck up right now before something happened to him
Erm, that doesn't sound very inclusive
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That. Was fucking dreadful. I didn't like any of it. Even the cool-looking Nerubian was just like "ree lol".
I'll still plap a Harronir though.
I'm just burning through the gold from wod/legion to play for free ever since SL.
>b-b-but blizzard still gets money from someone else!
Don't care my bank balance is unchanged.
they can only be outraged when "they" tell them to. have to wait for marching orders... we can't have the noggs thinking they are allowed to think for themselves
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hahaha fucking reddit, man
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Every cinematic since Legion has looked like shit. Whatever golden talent they had directing their CGI trailers left the company during or after WoD's development. I can nail down why they fucking suck:
>Still, centred shots of new character
>Establishing shot of new zone
>No action at all, no dynamic camera angles
>Very little if any story being told (no an exposition dump is not a story)
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I think it's a result of people these days, especially the terminally online, having very little going on in their lives beyond the media they consume

So when your life and identity is consooming and you see someone who doesn't like what you like, well, that's an attack on you as a human being, isn't it?
I want to go back

>Very little if any story being told
Besides the wrath and wod ones, what story was told?
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Do I get this reward every time I queue or is it like ffxiv expert queue where it's once a day/lockout? I'm doing wotlk dungeons because someone said there are some ok looking dk transmogs there compared to my ugly wod leveling gear
>tfw I have to goon to eldenring streamers because not hot chicks will play wow for another month
You can endlessly grind that, yeah

Or at least you could before now
Gold is always, satchel is always while random and leveling.
Randomly you might get a bonus for your role.
The same faggot helming the cinematics is still there - Terran Gregory

He just turned into an actual faggot to stay in the company and on all the gay race commies' good side, likely.
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Based China
Bro you know there are streamers who get naked, right?

Some of them even have their toys connected to donations in the most insidious form of microtransactions I have ever seen in my life
the cata one clearly tells a story
the bfa one obviously does
the tbc and mop ones also tell a story, albeit not as important
vanilla cinematic is the GOAT because the story it tells is of the world
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Gee, anon. I don't know. Maybe literally every other part of the worst cinematic in WoW's 20 year history may have soured me on it so much thing that one okay shot doesn't make me clap like a seal and preorder the super ultra deluxe consoomer edition?
Damn that sounds like fun...
They never would have lost WoW if Netease weren't such greedy fucks.
Thanks. Is it just a coincidence that the gear I'm getting from these is higher than my current ilvl, or is it scaled to be this way or something?
I'm very very close on TWW being the first expansion I have ever not purchased

Just can't take the faggotry anymore
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Increases as you level so you keep up with it.
probably fucks human men.
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Oh my...
She fucks human women.
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Introducing the world and the races in it, story not necessary
Introducing the new races and their class combinations as well as many alien (at the time) and unique looking zones
Had a story
Dragon bursts out and fucks the whole world up, not an exposition dump as it literally just shows this happening
Showcases a new race and a new class in a unique, alien (again) zone using the two oldest and most recognisable races the game has
Had a story
Shitty superfluous monologue for 2 minutes until something happens and when it does happen it's inconsequential (faction leaders are fighting demons)
I have ZERO idea why this trailer didn't focus on alien landscapes and demon hunters
Admittedly I forgot this even existed but it's kino
Boring exposition while stone faggot slowly climbs a tower
Look at this new character... and this one... and look at this zone which looks exactly like half a dozen zones we've made already...
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It'll only get worse, not better

Just find a private server to scratch your WoW itch
is there any way to get gear besides time rifts and the lucky world quest if i am not LFR ilvl yet?
what ilvl do heroics drop these days? or even normals
what games do they play? because I dont like league
Do...do you need them to play games to goon?
Remember when WoW was on there
>grand hunt
>dragonbane keep siege
>fyrakk assault
>3x world bosses
>seed planting
>researchers under fire
There you go, 15 480-493 peices.
>half a dozen zone we've made already
>we've made
their betters made
Why does the void elf antagonist look like a man
we have snowmixy tho
if you cant goon to her you might want to get your levels checked lil man
Hate the blizzdrone hugbox. the cinematic sucked, i wasn't expecting anything like SL/WOD but this was just a series of random boring scenes. Did they expect people to get hyped by this?
yes which is why im gooning to parkenharbor until tww is out
Every human man will be getting a complimentary blood elf gf in Midnight.
Alright well I can't help you then. Good luck
Ergh, those poor fucks getting shacked to a drug addict.
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allow me to point you towards the dev team, which as disgusting trannies in the announcement stream.
Good looking female characters are microaggressions on those disgusting troons and it hurts their feelings.
we will never get attractive females again, expect more elf-troll bullshit.
You know why
once trump is elected the devs will bring back the ghost of garrosh who will apologise for his misdeeds and come out as trans
Remember during BfA when they just dumped a fucking 24 minute CGI cinematic on a random Tuesday with no announcement
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You think they would do that?

Have a beloved showrun- writer come back and bring back a beloved character only to humble him in the most disgusting way possible?
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they just need a firm authoritative presence to help guide them.
or you could exploit their drug addiction like we did to the citizens of Suramar for manawine
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They really gave this guys a hammer from vanilla WoW.
When he gives you a quest for the stormrider armor recolors, for which a modern stormhammer model exists.
he also uses falstad's voice lines instead of having unique ones
what's wrong with your elf? its all muddy looking.
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Shut the heck your mouth. Choco elves are love and life.
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Devolved Sand Troll.
just not lore accurate at all.
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Whatever makes my dick hard is canon, faget.
Looks like shit, which is fitting because brown is the color of poop.
most wow players just play the game. i have skipped every single cutscene wow cutscene. i skipped every ffxiv cutscene. all 10000 of them to endwalker. it's not even a contest. ffxiv has always been worse as a game. story doesn't matter to me. i skip all of it. i never read quests. wow remains king as a player and will continue to reign foreseeably. wow even has a better outfit system which is all you people care about in the end
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How does wow still have storyfags at this point?
we talking about saurfang? that was a compilation of his cinematics to that point. bfas cinematic budget was absurd.
I do not like the stormriders stormhammers. craftsmanship doesn't look dwarven.
>admits the trailers sucks
>starts seething about XIV
you might be a little ill you weirdo, how can you expect to be taken seriously
WoW has a better outfit saving system
FFXIV has a better outfit applying system
>canonically rode MILES of dick in captivity
nah I am good.
I read a lot of the novels when I was younger before Blizzard raped the lore of the game beyond repair.
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Um excuse me this a Caramelf.
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>Arachnophobia mode
this is a 2000s era april fools joke. what the fuck
i don't know what trailer you're talking about. i do know that the only mmo that has players that constantly hate wow is ffxiv so it's fair to assume anyone who walks into these threads hate wow is a ffxiv faggot
>wow even has a better outfit system
Either that is bullshit or XIV is like cata-era restrictive.
Because wow's is the worst outfit system of any MMO I've played, except for the collection page.
Do you guys think anyone new actually joins WoW and enjoys it?

Feels like 95% or more of the playerbase is just sunk cost fallacy oldfags
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Blizzard knows they've basically lost most of the Horde fanbase at this point after the countless times they've completely slapped us in the face and punched us in the gut. So they just pander directly to Allincels now at this point who don't actually give a fuck about the story and just want to be seen as "the good guys". Because most Alliance players also happen to identify with gender politics, that's one of the main reasons why we get so much pozzed content as well.
>ffxiv has always been worse as a game
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I think I watched a video of someone joining during BFA and he was just confused most of the time

Shit I quit so long ago that I'M fucking confused sometimes
>talking about the released trailer for the upcoming expansion for the same game the thread is about
>it sucks, objectively
why would you possibly think that? are you so much a victim in your own head that you see other people talking about a thing you admit you haven't even seen and you have to feel persecuted? get some therapy man.
A caramelf for a caramelhumie.
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I thought they always pandered to Alliance players because they were always outnumbered
>excuse me
no excuses for niggerelfs!
I don't think we are getting new players who remains subbed more than 3 months, the mmo fad is long over.
Classic launch back in 2019 surely brought actual new players because it was the fotm of that month then stopped after playing 1 or 2 months.
No, because they're thrown into a foreign world with horrendous storytelling and character development and lose interest almost immediately following the "tutorial". There was nothing wrong with the starting zones, they didn't need to make Exile's Reach. No one fucking likes that shit.

That too. Alliance players also bitch the loudest on the forums, to the point of literally changing entire story elements and plotlines to appease them.
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this is way convoluted for no reason
the actual thing is that everything between Vanilla and Legion had action, and everything after Legion didn't.
This last trailer is literally 3 shots of 3 characters alternating, doing nothing, and then the Nerubian shot.

Some actual real flesh human being storyboarded this and then presented it to a writer's room where other people OK'd it, including Chris Metzen if the marketing is to be believed.
This same problem is also in the game itself, a lot of yapping and crying, not a lot of shit happening.
Even world quests are like 90% yap, does anyone even play with the voices on still? You can't even fly around without being harassed by NPCs.
I've often thought about this, but it really feels like gamers who tend to play a lot of games and cycle out old ones for new ones are generally happier than people who stick to one or two "main" games for a long time.

How easy it is to just buy the new Elden Ring expansion, play it for a month or two, then drop it for the new hot thing (like Space Marine 2, in my case).
i don't watch trailers for anything. how is that me thinking i'm a victim? i already explained why i brought up xiv. kill yourself
I can't imagine being the sort of person who plays a single game for more than a few months at a time and I've had 200+ hour Factorio runs. Part of why I believe speedrunning rots your brain.
Retail competes with classic WoW. Ziv is not on WoW's level, not even on Turtle WoW's level.
Those are warlock summoning clickers, dummy
All the spam in world chat offering summons? A bot cabal. Never pay them. Take the summon and just run off the moment they open trade
Legion's cinematic has action but it sucks.
>start here
>talking about the Cinematic with no mention of anything else
>you burst in reeeeing about XIV
are you unwell? do you need to see a doctor? are your feeling hurt?
I know they are bots. I just thought it was funny.
Also I do pay the actual human summoners but not the bots.
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(I'm serious and i'm not trolling at all)

i was about get the expansion but after this, man, fuck that, there's zero soul on this shit
You'll come crawling back for Midnight anyway
no shit there is zero soul, its all about appeasing the alphabet people and their masters, they brought back the coke-hound be cause they knew their stories were being mocked to death over how bad they were
i think the nigger was less disgusting than that troll/elf mix creature
yeah you baited me, good job. everything i've said has been true regardless.
Elf on the right is clearly the brother kek
why would I be a blizzdrone when I am calling out the cinematic for being shit? it was shit, if anyone is the drone it was you?
its the 3 Windrunner sisters...
hideous fat shit-filled balding poor diseased eczema-prone lice-ridden vitamin-deficient unfit cardiopulmonary-obstructed heavy-breathing social-norm-ignoring retarded 90 year old orc who is friends exclusively with attractive early 20s women because they're the only ones with enough excess compassion and joy for life to put up with him, and he is the only man with low enough self esteem that he won't take a shot with them. he's a rapist but his self esteem is too low to rape attractive women, or women at all, he usually just rapes frogs and crawfish he finds in the orgrimmar pond. he is working up to raping women with the help of his girlfriends and his therapist.
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You don't think it might also be due the fact that there are almost no horde characters left?
The Horde now is basically Thrall and literal WHOS
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cinematic was a 8/10
>but remember elv-
>b-but remember hot charac-
jaina, alleria, xal'atath
>b-but l-look at this fanar-
don't care. their in game models are hot
Interesting setup
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love alleria
>movie industry is using 18-35 as an age bracket for their showings now
see what you millennials did with your arrested development
imagine being over 35 and still posting on 4chan
Imagine how messed up some young kid would be to play WoW today
Allincel writers actively killed off both the Horde playerbase and all of the notable Horde characters.
I don't give a shit about that
Why are you bringing this up
let me guess, he lives in silvermoon right?
what's his backstory?
was he part of doomhammer's horde during the first and second war?
how do you go from THIS
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to this
64 semi retired I got nothing better to do than mess with you
child abuse
sorry I upset you sport but if you weren't so combative of info that scared you maybe this wouldn't have happened
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Good night /wowg/.
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Too early retard.
it was made for me, spider are scary
didn't he say she looked cool
i will keep and eye but i doubt i will give a shit
Anon there are retards who complain about absolutely anything because they're addicted to concern/outrage, just look at /v/ threads about retail. They're released an expack full of spider shit. They wanted to avoid a "BLIZZARD MESSED UP BIG TIME BECAUSE IM ARACNOPHOBIC" and get some carebear points with the blue hair crowd, instead we get some r/asmongold spawns screeching that "BLIZZARD ARE FAGGOTS FOR ADDING AN ARACNOPHOBIA OPTION"
less clothes, now!
When they said to follow Lord Illidan's teachings, I thought they just meant "no top"
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Yeah sure whatever helps you cope, but no-one wants stories about literal who OC Horde characters when the Alliance has every single major legacy character still alive
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I'm gonna get a big achievement soon!
BIG for me.
There's mods like this bur for pandas?
asking for a friend
cringe makeup
>yeah I'm a rebel because I got some tattoos mom
>I'm proud of you son
you hate the game so much that you turned gay
and then he turns so gay he loves the game
I should remake these reaction images with the right eye color
Just for the top half mostly, the bottom half has an untextured sarong blocking things
This one fucks shotas
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Zamn Dey Got Dey Bitches Mewin N Shit
>Just for the top half mostly,
perfect for me
>the bottom half has an untextured sarong blocking things
on the new patch fem pandas now only use panties
you have some awfully shitty comebacks
It's pretty much the drag makeup I wouldn't let my girl wear that much and she doesn't want to
nah that's drag queen make up, it's fucking embarrassing and it's not fantasy
imagine seeing a cute elf and thinking of drags lmao
you're so deep into faggotry and pozz that you can't even appreciate cute stuff anymore
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Holy shit, I get 4 glaives

>on the new patch fem pandas now only use panties
Hopefully the nude mod I use will get updated, the rest of the WoW mods are flat as a plank or fuckhuge tits with their own orbit
yeah yeah, amazing clapback troon, it still looks like shit
turn on your monitor, that's your reflection
Imagine being this mindbroken by trannies
holy mindbroken
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I bought the Epic edition but I never really looked at what the other editions provided. After looking, why the fuck would anyone buy Heroic? That has to be a bait to just get you to cave in and get Epic, right? For $20 you get a month of game time so that's already a $15 value, and then the extra 250 tendies, early access, pet, toy, and Hearthstone effect, which costs $5 after considering the $15 monthly sub. You could argue and say all of that shit isn't worth $5, but that's a weird argument coming from anyone who would be willing to spend $70 on Heroic. Base edition, fine, you don't want extra stuff, Epic edition, OK, you want it all, but Heroic edition is retarded
What's so bad about the cinematic? Are you guys just being contrarian again?
do they squirt mountain dew?
they showcased a trogg and people have mistaken it for a nigress
There was a black woman in it
How do I write a good trp?
Nice try faggot
Just say you're a pedo then describe the sloshiness of your female character's balls for a paragraph or two
Alleria was always the "rebel" windrunnner sibling so it's actually quite fitting desu, I liked it.
I'm trans btw if that matters
Why are you like this?
Who hurt you?
How is that good writing?
his parents probably
has asmongold seen the cinematic? that would explain a lot of the seething
Hows it looking bros?
Is it comfykino?
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1 more month
or not enough lmao
Just trust me on this
How is anyone supposed to understand your character if they can't picture exactly how difficult it is for her to lug her balls around and know precisely what kind of noise the gallons of pent up semen makes as it swishes around her testicles and ball sack
We’re a month out and still no animated Harbingers/Warbringers/whatever short for this expac has been shown yet.
I bought BFA on the strength of the Jaina one alone desu, and the SL ones were way better than what they portended.
Are they skipping these entirely this time around? Would be a shame imo.
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Are azerite powers still disabled? I want to make fast druid for mogfarming.
a quest on the beta starts a 2.5d cinematic, so the shorts do exist, but i don't know when blizzard is going to release them
All the woke cat ladies at blizzard play alliance ever since afriasabi turned their edge lord queen role model on horde into literally Hitler.
I tried doing this on DK like I usually do but it seems soft capped at 40% as of DF. Maybe 60%.
Gay and lame.
i said comeback and you had to think of a similar term. you embarrass everyone. you're an embarrassment to the rest of the retards here. you're an embarrassment to me and you're an embarrassment to yourself.continue acting like a nigger and thinking you're not one
you said comeback to another anon, gangstalked ass nigga
stop being gay, go hug your dad
what a vibe
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>ever since afriasabi turned their edge lord queen role model on horde into literally Hitler.
Why did he feel the need to completely and utterly rape Sylvanas' character beyond repair, as well as have 2 entire expansions revolve around her woman moment?
then you noticed the term comeback and your brain thought of clapback. your originality is like your father
>your originality is like your father
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hallowfall looks amazing
i love her so much
non-existent, nigger
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I might be retarded, but I'm not really grasping Disc Priest.
Haven't played it since Cata when I enjoyed it, MoP ruined it entirely for me, been Holying since. Reacquainting now while remix gives me an excuse.
And like... Remix messes some things obviously, but just on the gameplay front, how are they supposed to do, like... general widespread heals? They got very few aoe heals to spec into, I can't tell if I'm just supposed to be rapidly tossing renews or shields or whatever out on individuals for Atonement before trying to heal them through that or if I'm missing something more obvious.
And I'm guessing its remix cause I'm yet to upgrade gear, but damn those heals feel low as well. What I remember from Cata was most heal specific spells also applying a Divine Aegis on targets and really just padding absorbs more than actual healing, but I'm not seeing that being how it works these days. I can't tell if Power Word: Radiance is supposed to do all the heavy lifting every time widespread damage goes out.
What am I supposed to be focused on doing in this spec?
>Tfw have to turn in a black sheet of paper tomorrow and haven't even started
I just wanna play wow bros it's not fair...
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Yes hello?
fucking stupid cute fox
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cringe gay millennial
your dad is ashamed of you, mine goes boat fishing with me once a month
take your truvada
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How much did Blizzard pay to have the Harronir feature in the olympics opening yesterday?
about 3 fiddy brazilian reals
heal and dispel
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>Sucks new expansion's dick
>New expansion becomes old
>Shits on the old expansion
>Sucks new expansion's dick

Is that mental illness or just marketing method of promoting new expansion in expense of the previous?
is that person doing +30 keys? because DF balancing has been pretty good overall
nah it's just m+ players. they're always seething about something. dragonflight was a good expansion for casuals
i only see high m+ players seething because of augvoker. that's it
friends fish. fathers and sons do whatever either party wants to do
literally who
they also seethe about the dungeons and, since most of them also raid, the raids
>>/wowg/ OP pastebin
>When did this pastebin shit started? Who needs a fucking pastebin for something you can copy paste in 1 second?
Not sure if retarded, trolling, falsflagging, or... No wait, it's all of them isn't it.
Most generals on this board have a pastebin. Yet you choose to complain abou the one in this specific thread, now, of all times? Curious! Retard.
i look like this and smell like this
>Use cinematic for beta
>Its just the footage from the full trailer
>Full trailer is just slightly extended beta cinematic

They cut corners so hard, its unreal
Her burning the tree down wasn't even a problem in and of itself. It was that you spent most of legion and all of BFA watching her do random shit for "reasons" that are never specified. Only that they needed to be done. Why did she want the soul cage to subjicate eyer? REASONS! Why did she burn the tree down? REASONS!
Having this narrative play out across 3 fucking expansions was retarded, as was danusers misguided and sad attempt at salvaging her.
in your case that would be anal?
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harronir playable race with druid as an option basically confirmed by the existence of the vineomancy hero talent tree
>Diablo mobile trash has hotter black girls
Imagine my cock
Expansion reveal was 2 guys talking for 2min and now the cinematic is close up of 3 different characters doing random shit that ended with a close up of a bastardized manface of supposed big bad guy, can't say girl with that face.
The last good expansion cinematic was BFA
SL afterlives were kino



The Arthas/Uther was gigabased
Denathrius was kino
I cant even remember the rest
no we all poop form there and poopy butt is gross, stop pooping and making poop but fart thoughts.
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I bet you enjoyed the Olympics opening too, huh?
ardenweald was nice too. maldraxxus sucked ass
you're late to the meltie, ohnonono anon
would hire for DEI cable gathering
Lol youre that autist baker arent you
i hope those 2.5d cinematics in game will slap because i hate these without anyone saying a word

>i hope those 2.5d cinematics in game will slap because i hate these without anyone saying a word
well there is one concerning dalaran and khadgar's fate as well as one with alleria/turalyon/kurdran/dannath, based on datamining regarding the "stay awhile and listen" scenes you can trigger.
>as well as one with alleria/turalyon/kurdran/dannath
fuck i hope they don't fuck that one up
why does the trailer dedicate so much time to that Harronir woman (Its not a troll you tremendous retards, she's a cave bat) when they get basically 3 campaign quests and then one side story in Azj-Kahet?

They berely make an impression before we start dealing with the Kaheti and whoever survived Dalaran getting destroyed. It'd be like making a third of the cinematic involve the deep sea lurker monsters from Hallowfall.
before the god comp the balancing was fucking amazing in season 1
the guy (yes, one person) who made those allegedly left Blizzard so they dont make them any more
not sure how a 500+ sized dev studio cant muster a budget or staff to replace him but there you go
she's probably going to be relevant later in the expansion, and honestly i would rather see more of her than faerin
>we got the badass forge dwarf
>the drone flyover of nerubighanistan
>halfbreed paladin suit up
>what else?
>how about a tribal dancing bat troll elf thing set to the mongolian thraot singing sound track
It was probably another race they were supposed to add at launch but are keeping it for 11.1 as "we got big contents for s2 guys", just like evoker aug.
My thought exactly.
Or the Kobolds. You'd thing there's at least be some kino shot at their candle-lit multi-story shanty town with the huge disgusting spiders lurking in the darkness.
But I suppose the tribal lady doing an interpretative dance won it.

Wonder if they scrapped a lot of stuff, or there'll be more in the future (considering how detailed and customizable their models are).
My friend bought me a 6 month subscription since I last played during BFA...
I'm going to try out one of these weird Tranny dragon things, where's the best place to level it from 10-70?
Does enyone feel Warcraft in this cinematic? It looks and sounds like some weird Diablo+League of Legends video.
Also nigger armor looks like something Diablo paladin or Destiny 2 character would wear.
mop remix
Aren't I stuck there for like 30 days tho? I won't be able to take part in the upcoming event?
More like why does the trailer dedicate so much time to show that ugly ass african dance harronir woman did.
It looked repulsive to look at.
>the guy
I thought it was a woman. Did she troon out or something?
>got an ad for wowgame on youtube just now
>POWERFUL and STUNNING crippled black woman front and center
lemayo i am here to laugh at you people
What are your story expectations?
I think xalatath will be forced into Windrunner's body in an enchantress situation so she can be kept on leash
if you want to do the prepatch event then yeah you will be stuck there
do wod chromie 10-60 then dragon isles
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>What are your story expectations?
i just want cool stuff to happen
blizz is giga retarded for not naming the upgrade currencies after difficulty modes. nobody would be confused if you used normal crests to upgrade normal track gear. naming it cutesy crap like whelping and champion confuses your average retarded normalfag. doing that would also future proof it for all future expansions, because guess what? the names are changing in the war within. more retards are going to complain

whelpling crests = lfr crests
drake crests = normal crests
wyrm crests = heroic crests
aspect crests = mythic crests

>b-b-b-b-but what about m+??
the tooltips for the currency says what m+ level drops what crest
Xal'atath will be forced into Windrunner's body in a rape situation
i should make a third twitter account to shit on the game. my main account was blocked by almost everyone in the wow community and i don't want to ruin my "good wow fan" one
Xal'atath will be pregnant with Anduin's child by the end of TWW.
Double down and become the central pillar of the WoW chud community
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>doesn't use or hype up any of the existing major lore characters present
>instead focuses on the half orc nigger and the half troll half elf nigger
what is wrong with blizzard, no-one fucking cares about these DEI shits
Nobody cares if you're not either an e-celeb, or some inner circle faggot with 15k followers, for which being the goodest and gayest goy is the prerequisite.
Anduin will be pregnant with Faerin's baby by the end of TWW
this is so corny
they care if you shit on the game for being woke. I still don't know how i managed to get blocked by both wowhead and warcraft lol. also, i don't want to ruin my second wow account because that's where i get a lot of shitposting material
>have always loved nerubians so much that I'd just draw them while in class
>played HOTS mostly to play anubarak
>feel nothing
wowza I love powerful, slow-burn bonechilling ugly women
best case scenario? shadowlands cinematic had the necrolord guy who dies 10 seconds into the necrolord zone. blizz cinematics are often retarded

worst case scenario? those will be a playable race and will have some gay ass anti-titan spin of "those are what trolls/night elves are supposed to be without titan meddling"
>Brack still living rent-free in the heads of Classicoids all these years later.

the nerubians are bug people so some of them will definetly be they/them
yeah thats what I thought too. if I didnt know it was wow, I would have assumed it was something copying wows general style
I haven't played since S1 of DF. Just dropping by to say holy FUCK THAT CINEMATIC WAS TRASH LMAO
hello Brack
Maybe if you're glued to the website and reply during the first 2 seconds, because if you come an hour late, the posts have hundreds of replies and your comment is lost in the noise.
The only option is to pick a comment you sort of agree with and that has a lot of likes already and comment on that, but still, it's nothing.
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I'm torn between feeling like having humanoid nerubians is lame, but also wanting them as an allied race anyway because they'd be the coolest race we've had in a long time
This would be an improvement for everyone, not just retarded normalfags. But you need to understand that Blizzard is deliberately making the systems (and especially currencies) confusing and overcomplicated to keep the rats in the maze longer. This is staple of mobile game design focused on "player retention", and they are using more and more of such design philosophies in wow.
they'd just be troonmaxxed androgytroons like drachtyr so nah
would they be able to use 4 weapons? and 4 rings? and would they have 2 gloves slots? that would be cool, a little bit overpowered probably, but still cool
Watch any interview with Brack and it is clear he is an awkward autist. Remember Conan playing WoW? Look how awkward Brack comes across.

The You Think You Do But You Don't line was clearly his bad attempt at joking about how the old WoW client had unfixed bugs that would be a mess if they were to ship it as is. Somehow, Classicoids interpreted this as a condescending comment and seethed and raged about it to this day.

Seriously, about a decade ago if someone mentioned Brack's name, the rest of the thread would just be pure rage at the guy. Nothing but sperging and melties just because of a misinterpreted joke.
They actually are, have have the same model, just different voices.
Some even have big chunky tails, for some reason not shown here >>487826298
>Bracks legacy is the infamous line and covering up sexpests at his company
That's why no serious company ever puts awkward autists as CEOs
Does this person believe the only SL raid was Castle Nathria? Because sanctum and sepulcher were shit and they were visually fucking awful too.
i posted a negative comment about faerin under a tweet wowhead did. it was just one among many, but somehow it really triggered a lot of people. that's what got me blocked lol
You don't have to tell me, I saw it live. It doesn't matter how you "interpret it" he said words and words have meanings and his opinion was wrong.

Absolutely disgusting. Reminds me of that movie Splice with Adrien Brody, which was also disgusting.
Exactly, the only ever good CEOs are psychopaths.
I just think it is sad that he had to grovel and apologise and humiliate himself because people who were more autistic than him could not recognise an obvious joke.
I liked splice because the man fucks his alien daughter and then the alien fucks her human mother and gets her pregnant
Don't you need a phone for each account?
To me it reminds more of pic related.
wow kills another cool thing, what else is new
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every single expansion since legion has featured an elf woman leader empowered by a god

>sylvanas+jailer (secret at the time)
>alleria+the void

>slyvanas+jailer(again)(still secret)
>talanji+loa (proto-elf)
>nameless elf corpse+xalatath
>azshara+nzoth(mutant elf)

>sylvanas+jailor(again(again))(openly this time)
>ysera+winter queen(visage form is elf)

>alexstraza+azeroth(visage form is elf)
>ysera-winter queen+azeroth(visage form is elf)
>i forget if tyrande was still buffed by elune at this point


>harronir will be revealed to be some kind of eonar blessed society thanks to eonars world tree roots that amanthul couldnt destroy
>xalatath will probably die in final raid tier, summoning big void guy, setting up midnight

>azshara will show up
>azeroth wakes up, looks like an elf, isnt a titan but actually was a first one the whole time
>elune is her lesbian lover (blizz will forget this kinda makes elune a groomer whos been watching azeroth since she was a fetus and quite literally groomed azeroth into what it is today)

the last titan
>argus is dead
>azeroth wasnt a titan
>original pantheon is reduced to a fraction of themselves and can barely contain THE LAST TITAN: SARGERAS
>sargeras pulls an illidan and is a good guy because this is the final fight against the void
I liked AntZ because all the ants have the same mother but still fuck each other
Yep, that was it. I have no idea why they decided Chilton and Brack - who have absolutely no charisma - were the guys to be in this, rather than Metzen or Afrasiabi. Presumably Metzen was too coked up and Afrasiabi was too busy being a chad.
He was just a fucking retard by making that statement. It's PR 101 - when big portion of your clients and prospective clients wants some product or service from your company, you don't just outright tell them they're stupid for wanting it. You at least try to give them some vague promises or try to funnel them into your other products or services. Brack acted like fumbling autistic intern, not a CEO of billion dollar company.
>Elves have been living in horde heads rent free since legion
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Zzzz... dreaming of... femnelf gf... zzz... dreaming of... Rogue Tank in Retail...
why is my qt3.14 knife wife trans in cinematics
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>Remember Conan playing WoW?
>first boss of ulduar
>am raid lead, and 11 years old, hit max level for the first time (dk ofc)
>boe helm drops
>i pretend to dc by just leaving my keyboard in hopes that everyone leaves the group
>a very persistent warrior stays as he won the roll
>give it to him
>he says "thanks :)"
>still get called a ninja and nobody will raid with me for about a month until its forgotten

>had a crush on a girl when i was 12-13
>wrote anonymous love letters with leetspeak or wow lingo like "LF1M K!55!NG T0M0RR0W" or something
>eventually she walks up to me and says "anon i know its you sending these weird messages please stop"
>i dont talk to women after this until 25
is rogue tank that fun
this you? >>487747431
I dont believe that just because of how easy it is to disprove. its not a confusing system. it can easily be summed up as...what I posted. the average wowtard is just fucking stupid and cant write a clear, efficient, minimal word guide.

ive played chinkoid and korean mmos with actually confusing upgrade/crafting systems that I do genuinely believe were designed to be confusion for retention/shop encouraging purposes. wow devs are either bad at labeling things or bad at jewishly trapping people in mazes
I like it!
>wow devs are either bad at labeling things or bad at jewishly trapping people in mazes
or they are just getting started and keep testing the waters
brack was unironically right. people thought they wanted classic but they actually didnt. thats why classic era is fucking dead and the only populated servers are meme servers with extra, non-classic, content
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hey wowbabs I heard you got a new *pfffthahahaha* trailer
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warlock felguard soloing garrosh while the last guys are mc'd nearing enrage timer
its gonna be close
rape correction
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they should have just made alternate expansions for classic instead of bolted-on garbage like SoD
Also >>487827192 was meant for >>487806994 sorry
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blizzard going nuclear on troontle
that would actually require work and not just editing some skills in the database
>do some traitors dig event
>get two books
>the repeatable quest doesn't complete
>guy talks a lot but no voice acting and nothing happens
god I hate some of these fucking open world events or just quests in general that are so lacking in description and just leave you to having to Google 90% of the fucking things. For being a "casual" game you sure have to fucking use your web browser a ton.
so true
warden is worldserver so it's more than just logins
should have hired a schizophrenic like me

What did they mean by this?
meant for >>487827896
>decide to make a new character for the next expansion
>unlock the warband thing
>using the bank gives me an error message but not one that actually tells you the bank is just disabled for now because fuck you
>log on to new main
>level up
>all spells get removed from my bars
blizzard continues to manage to exceed my expectations to be disappointed
2d mocap animation looks like complete crap
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talking about looking like complete crap lol
yea definitely blizzard
your characters look like vtubers you can't get any lower than that
made a couple of webms as well, enviromental shots are great but characters aren't relatable (imo)
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tumblr and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
gw2 overworld enemy lookin ass
>her lip scars make no sense so she can have the BLACK lips
her lower lip popped evasion i guess
yeah these are great
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this is also true
xe is xer scars
>remember when
am i supposed to forget that jaina, alleria and xalatath exist just because of 1 new npc?
Source? I've seen that but not that last part.
>alleria and xalatath
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When Cataclysm was in its Firelands patch, my guild at the time had just recently killed Rag. I was healing the group, and given praise for being the best healer in the group, big ego stroke for me. Two kills in, going on for our third that week. Still hard fight because as a group we just had shit luck on drops, gearing was hard.
Second raid night of the week, just had Alysrazor, Staghelm and Rag to do, Alysrazor we had some struggles on because the person elected to fly gets vertigo swimming in all directions like that, couldn't even handle Vashj'ir for whatever reason.
So an hour before raid, had a dishwasher delivery. Nobody told me they paid bare minimum for transport, they just drop it off and left it at the door... in the rain. So I'm requested to go get it. I do so, being a man, pick the entire thing up to carry inside. Was going well until I suddenly lost grip from rain water along it and a corner of it dropped on my toe, nearly severed it. Was a big bloody mess. Ignored all urges to go to the hospital, it was raid night!
Shortly before setting up raid, lead dude was asking why I was sounding like I'm trying not to cry over Ventrillo. Told them what happened and I'm fine. He disagreed. Urged me to go to hospital. I refused. Half the group gets in on the argument, then they just outright say they're not starting anything until I go to hospital, they'll pug a healer for the night, stop worrying about them. Eventually I relent, because at that point I was getting riled up cause I want my raid time, and I was about to pass out from how I could hardly feel my toe attached wrapped in the towel.

So fortunately it was a less busy night at the hospital, I had it looked at, x-rayed, stitched together, morphined, all that good shit. Got back home an hour after the raid ended, apparently they killed Rag just fine.
But they were all very displeased with me.

The mount from Rag dropped, and the pug won it.
I was the only one that found that funny.
its almost 1:1 exactly like cata's transmog
Its fucking horrible

Though really everyone just needs to copy what GW2 is doing with a bit of perma unlocking skins the second an appearance is bound to you.
>The mount from Rag dropped, and the pug won it.
holy fuck that's hilarious
>Night Elves.
>Ever hot.
Yawn, but yeah, I remember the TBC cinematic.
You know, if Brack was a millennial, he probably would have trooned out. He gives off that vibe.
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glowie mad lol
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Oh I get it. They made the Priest Order-Hall canonically led by a member of the Horde, do to Horde only having one NPC in the heavily Alliance/Neutral champion list
yes, i will play human male warrior
yes, i will do top dps
no, i will not acknowledge the existence of trannies, faggots and niggers
no, i will not be reading the quest text
yes, i will gatekeep mythic+ runs to exclude any and all paladins and worgen from joining
that is all
what's your issue with worgen
we'll get rexxar for s2 delves
>chat window filters still broken
It's over...
how much time have you got anon
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Why is the Diablo Immortal (lmao) Paladin so much better looking?
When did they stop making physical box for expansions that aren't collector edition?
Because she looks believable.
Imagine being Blizzard and having to take these shitty takes seriously
Round, Legion or BFA?
i know and have known lots of black women who look like this
not many who look like the atrocity that they showed in the ww trailer
Because she's not disabled.
go on
What is it with black woman + paladin? Why is that a common thing?
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>People crying that the Half-Elf looks ugly to them.
My brother in Allah, have you seen how the average Half Elf is depicted in this franchise?
Your Kalecs, your Windrunner children.
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He was trooning out already
they're gay
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Mobile chads... i kneel....
Bless me little hobbit feet, Mr. Windrunner!
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the longer hair and no goblin ears probably helps, not that she looks particularly good either though
Looks like a fat vampire.
I learned that /wowg/ has IRL gays, bi-sexuals, and transgender people posting here, considering this is 4chan, they are probably begining to outgrow the number of users that post ITT that sexually identify as straight.
It has been going on as far as 2019 from what I can tell. This is kind of concerning.
Anons, this is who you surround yourself with and the company you keep. Think about that next time you're replying to someone, wether they be anon or avatartranny, they come in many disguises and wear lots of masks.
The eternal godless hours posters are the most vibrant of the bunch, those that never sleep, a clear head one does not keep.
Inb4 seethe.
I rebuke you.
Cope, seethe, dilate, reprobate, you will never recreate! You head is consumed by a godless state, the gates of heaven put out a mandate, for satans child, I will not initiate, an induction into the halls of the afterlife, for you it is the floors of hellish strife!
>Why is that a common thing?
It's a blizzard thing, not a common thing.
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I'm never completing this set am I
Think you meant to say procreate.
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Oh yeah, fuck, oh well, you guys know what I meant and that's good enough for me.
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black warrior is racist, black rogue, shaman or warlock is VERY racist (have to make them green to pretend that they're not really black), rangers and wizards are for virgins (lame), so after the process of elimination only paladin is left, because it's cool enough and associated with positive civilised virtues (which blacks don't have)
Yes, there are regular brigades from Troon Guard players here. You can tell because suddenly the thread will be full of tranny shit and leftists mocking normal opinions, and then suddenly they will all vanish.
any active guilds by chance? longterm player just LF some people to chill with
Have these two cunts even been mentioned or referenced even once in game?
Then again this is Vereesa Windrunner who Blizzard forgot existed and lived in Dalaran until people kept asking them on Twitter where the fuck she was on the beta
I think they tried to recreate Wow, BC cinematic without narrative but failed because characters are new and/or unrelatable. That black chick is shown even without environment, which could have given her more of a character than being a cripple; even the Nerubian queen/priest (or whoever that is) has more going on about her and her surroundings. The final shot shows Knaifu as a know-it-all antagonist.

a few more webms of the earthen guy
any point returning?
That's other generals on /v/ as well.
Might be a bot or trooncord raid, who knows.
Either way, it's funny how on the nose it is.
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No, retail is dead.
I'm afraid there's no way of reversing the gender confirmation surgery
WoW utterly broke him
Let's not forget the out of place DUNC chant lmao
(or the superior version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BW7n43gvOg4 )
The problem is that he hasn't played the game without getting hard carried by his cultists in ages and yet his opinion still holds water because Blizzard are clueless retards who play OG after work.
The "bloat" criticism is just a buzzword about him getting filtered but somehow it was turned into a valid concern and now people who actually play the game have to deal with a big pruning 2.0.
There's plenty of attractive black women out there, but the ones we keep getting in media are an ESG checklist and that means they have to be ugly.
Yes, now that I have made this post from 2019 visible to the current "Troon Guard" posters as you so adequetly put it, i'm sure they'll spin this into yet another "every anon is the same (singlular) person" cope.
It's very sad to learn that this has been going on for some time in this general for 5 years now.
If only we could just talk about WoW, and by the way, to the avatarfag posting about classic in the retail thread, you've been redirected to the classic thread several times itt and several times last thread, why don't you go there?
I heard they post about this thread in the goldshire inn outside of stormwind in moon guard realm, is that true, they just... speak about it, in /say or /1 (General) ?
>That's other generals on /v/ as well.
>Might be a bot or trooncord raid, who knows.
>Either way, it's funny how on the nose it is.
There are 100% confirmed and exposed discord raids from people of all kinds of political/non-political affiliations on /v/ and other boards like /vg/ and more.
>I think they tried to recreate Wow, BC cinematic without narrative but failed because characters are new and/or unrelatable. That black chick is shown even without environment, which could have given her more of a character than being a cripple; even the Nerubian queen/priest (or whoever that is) has more going on about her and her surroundings. The final shot shows Knaifu as a know-it-all antagonist.
Who gives a fuck we are going to kill them all anyway. Faerin will either be hobbled on to the next xpac or they will write her into a corner as thanks for "liberating her people" in the bug-men caverns who she will stay behind to "lead" failing that they'll just pick some other shabbos goy and as i said, tack faerin onto the next xpac to do literally nothing.
I unfortunately am aware of this ask more gold grifters predicament, an anon linked it here yesterday. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEokPMmvqi0
the bloat and whatever are just things that he's mildly annoyed with, he always said that his main problem is that the vibe of the game became shit, he went into warcraft to see conan the barbarian with death metal humor, not old fairy women talk about their feelings
The problem is that only people who don't play the game would complain about something like that, because it's a total after-thought
They went for the sinister 'preparation for war' vibe. It's more or less fitting and familiar (recent/trendy), but I'm not sure how that exact sound fits in wow. I think that was the idea.
Spotted the tranny.
Dwarves trying to carry this expansion on their back, despite it being the fifth year of World of Elfcraft
>they will write her into a corner as thanks for "liberating her people"
>"Draenor is free!!"
lets hope that will be case
nah, the story is an afterthought, the vibe is conscious decisions, and the vibe is a lot more important than gameplay, you can forgive some gameplay issues if you're vibing with the game, and you can't forgive even minor gameplay issues if you don't vibe with it, he was the target audience that old warcraft aimed for with it's vibe, white dudes who listen to death metal and watch conan the barbarian, he's not the target audience anymore, because the target audience is now black transgender women on twitter with bpd
bold words for a frogposter
It's really weird that classictards and asmondrones know more about the number and names of tranny characters than I do despite me playing the game daily
>shills try to spam 2 seconds clips to try and damage control
>world content realms are dead for two weeks and counting
>dead as in not even on realm list
>instance content realm is literally just M+ where everyone assumes you know all the strats and groups disband without saying a word
>delves bugged tho shit, only 3 actually let you in and some variants can't even be completed because some door won't open
>raids only active when devs flip the switch
Releasing in a month, we're in for some slopkino!
shut the fuck up nigga i don't even play this game anymore
You're still surrounded by whimsical funny creatures and even supposedly scary monsters now have big beautiful disney eyes.
>lol just ignore it dude just close your eyes, cover your ears and stop noticing everything, don't think about it
Either you're disingenuous tranny, or dumb as fuck.
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>prepatch launch is a huge shitshow
>3 days later and still bugged
Early access goyims are in for a rude awakening
>>lol just ignore it dude just close your eyes, cover your ears and stop noticing everything, don't think about it
>Either you're disingenuous tranny, or dumb as fuck
You have internet brainrot, touch sex and have grass
Why is this the default answer from you trannyfaggots whose only existence revolves around being online trying to make it seem like everything revolves around your perverted fetishes?
why are you ex wow players always having a meltie about a game you don't play anymore?
Says the retard projecting his tranny fantasy onto some rando
>twitter buzzwords
you lost this argument
>nooo you have to care about the culture war and obsess over tranny this tranny that tranny tranny tranny
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any other twitter buzzwords tranny?
>game turns to shit
>stop playing it because I refuse to take part in the trannyfaggot humiliation ritual
>"lol why do you care about the game you don't even play?"
Yes, you're that retarded.
i'm a supervillain and mommy (sexy mommy)
voidchosen elven mommy got azeroth on lock
they love my ass and my abs in the video for the war within
my style is ridiculous
They keep thinking that the game will die if they quit so seeing the game succeed despite their melties sends them into an uncontrollable nerd rage
it's succeeding? can we see the sub numbers then?
if i lose interest in something i don't about it anymore. you fags are more upset about this cinematic than actual wow players
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just don't look at the posts shitting on the trailer :) just ignore it lol like how you ignore all the tranny characters in the game
>seeing the game succeed
Yeah that's why they dropped all the trannyfaggotry from the game, after they saw how it ruined previous expacs lmao
Stay delusional (as is natural with all troons)
AoE caps are fucking cringe, blizzard should instead make the mobs hit hard enough that pulling 30% of an instance plus a boss isn't feasible outside of the higher tier of players.
Prove me wrong.
7 milly
>Why is this the default answer from you trannyfaggots whose only existence revolves around being online trying to make it seem like everything revolves around your perverted fetishes?
It's always the same. They think Roleplay and Erotic Roleplay (erp) are core features/identities of the game, because they only see things through their rainbow colored kaleidoscope. If roleplay, and, indeed, (e)rp are a big part of the game, then riddle me this, joker, why are the aspects of the game, which you claim to be the biggest, stuffed into a containtment realm, of which, on every major region, europe, north america, taiwan, china, latin south america, there is only ONE (1) realm per region-wide server hosting that contains this kind of "feature" that you call roleplay and erp.
Could it be that your RP and ERP is not as prevalent nor prominent to the rest of the entire playerbase in the whole entire world that fill up mutiple realms that would dwarf the size of your singular realm 10x over, on every region? That the 99% of players don't consider this activity or pass-time a core part of the game, or it's identity that you so lavishly post about with feverish dedication in this thread every day for years and years and years? The truth is it's not a single important entity of the game or it's core identity what so ever.
Stick to your hug-box containtment realm, faggot.
Just as life can be mirrored in video-games, so too can video-games mirror life.
The 1% of rp/erp trannies ARE the schizo hugbox containtment realm posting faggots that destroy this general with their weird shitposting fetishes.
can we see actual sub numbers then? officially released by blizzard? not just some wiggly line with no numbers on it?
Zooming to your next erp meet, you subhuman?
Zamn, you didn't need to murder them so fucking violently anon...
>AoE caps are fucking cringe,
Aren't they removed that thing, and abilities are just weaker if there are hitting fuckton of enemies?
thats not a very nice thing to say.
quests that reward a shield should also always reward an accompanying 1 handed weapon to go with it, and there should be a quest reward option for pairs of 1 handers as well.

they did it with death knights. not like they dont have the tech
That graph was officially released by blizzard
it's a graph about sub numbers (it's written in the lower left corner). while it doesn't give you an actual number it tells you that the game back in november had the same amount of subs as legion did at the start
Answer the fucking question.
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>Eredar Warlock
Based and SOVLpilled
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>7 milly
Whoa retail had that? Oh wait, it's the universal sub that covers all the variants you can play without touching this pozzed garbage.
Is he having a meltdown because he didn't to make the op again?
based and kinopilled
Yes, and that's a softcap which is still cringe.
I don't get why they insist on having a melty over M+ meta.
nah, it was supposedly leaked from a shareholder meeting and it had no numbers on it, better luck next time shill
now, if blizzard has 7 gorillion subs then why aren't they officially releasing it? like they used to? the fact that they don't release sub numbers show that they're low
a couple of faggot npcs in a random side quest doesn't affect my enjoyment of the game. there are other things about it that make me "seethe"
fuck off Howlah
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screenshot was taken as I was doing the harbinger quest on my dracthyr. i dont know why you are so angry at me
just ignore posts you don't like how you ignore the faggots and trannies in the game
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it's a leak from a gdc presentation john hight did months ago. you can pay and read it if you want
>wiggly line with no numbers on it
l m a o
dead tranny game
We have dragqueers here boy.
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even the female ones?
It was a graph presented by John Hight before he left, at GDC.
But anyway, I just love how invested you are in wanting this game to fail. The premise in itself is comical to me. You're probably both well into your 30s and all you do is seethe that a 20 year old video game still exists, on a chinese imageboard.
You know, for all the buzzwords you faggots like to throw around, like mazed, addict and all the rest, you're no different. Your life and mind are still preoccupied by this one game, so in the end, you're still losers.
I accept your concession barry
show me a statement by blizzard that by word says "we have 7 million subscribers" until then you're a coping tranny delusionally grasping at straws, the game is dead and we're pissing on it's grave because it's funny
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it's easy to spot you xivtroons.
>elaborate world view?
Considering you think my normal world view is "elaborate" I would tell you, you're a lying tranny.
Good day, sir.
who is "we"?
it's easy to spot on you barry because you think only ff14 players laugh at your dead tranny game, when everyone else is also laughing
everyone who came here to laugh at your new trailer
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posting top g rizz
Who is everyone?
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>>It has a nigger in it
what do you mean? every character is a nigger. even the white skinned characters. that dwarf was blacker than the black troll doing voodoo and twerking to summon spirits. how did you miss that? you must be a nigger
pozzed or not wow is still the most popular mmo, with millions of subs, and that makes you seethe
I've had it with black people
so what chinkslop general do you come from or are you too embarrassed to tell us?
same, and im black. enough already. we won decades ago
I think it's the piss skinned seamonkey
oh no the hrt is rotted the poor boy's brain, he doesn't understand what words mean anymore
you got any numbers to back that up? you have them right? since wow is doing so well
>made some webms of that troll chick
>she acts like a crazy drug addict the entire time
Also remember these female-related events when they are going to the forest or some other place to collectively vent off by chaotically moving their limbs and crying and howling?
What happened to the aesthetics of this game? Even the cinematics look foreign and bad now...
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So this is the mighty graph that is supposed to show how well off retail is?
Are you disingenuous troons just being your disingenuous troon selves, or you simply can't read a graph?
>Trannyflight releases
>subs tank as fuck
>slight stabilization with HC, but then it dives again
>SoD, Cata classic pick it up finally
why did you ignore my reply? >>487837205
men do that faggot shit too, and they pay more for it
oh so it's not ff14 anymore? sounds like you have everyone laughing at you after all
being delusional is a core tenet to being a tranny after all
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I thought you guys knew better by now than to reply to this obvious grifting genshit retard.
you got any numbers to claim the opposite?
>autistic tranny starts sperging when he goes without 2 minutes of attention
He's our pet seashit nigger monkey. We shit on it, spit on it, throw it a slice of stale bread and watch it lose its mind
It's kinda fun
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>Classic releases
>Subs go up
The only hope for blizzard is to fire all DEI kikes, re-hire the developers of incredible fascism and give them one prime directive:
Keep it fresh like 'nilla.
And by god! Make it FASH.

>inb4 seething shitskins and kikes
makes negative sense to have such a thicc piece of ass on that humanoid. arent they an underground species? what the fuck do they need the fat for? theres no cold weather underground
me personally, the presence of a black person does not ruin things for me
is that your character tranny? did you choose it because it has a manface like you?
Holy fuck, are you the Brazillian asmon kiddie from 2021? Cause the only retard who actually thinks Barry browses /wowg/ is that kid.
I just want to know what chinkslop you consider better than WoW.
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keep seething
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>Cause the only retard who actually thinks Barry browses /wowg/ is that kid
my sweet summer child
blizzshart not releasing numbers proves my point, if they were good they would release them
Barry hasn't been here in years. You are stuck in the past
If they did, they'd need to admit fashnilla had 30-60% more players than any other version.
Literally no hype at all.
which mmo is releasing sub numbers?
They did release that graph which means they were comfortable enough to do it. Now what I didn't expect is to see you shit blood again because of it
No. When will you learn?
he instantly admitted to it though, tell him in your discord to be more subtle
all of them, but it's not a high bar to hit, wow is bottom of the garbage slop for brainrotted trannies
I can't find "7 million subs" in there
the trailer was fucking awful
wait this doesnt make any sense
thats a press that he slams down by pulling the chains? Shouldnt it be him lifting that fuckhuge thing UP then let it go to slam down?

I get they are showcasing his retard strength but this is more retarded than strong
It's illegal to write what I did in my country just so you know
No this is someone different. Meet the genshit grifting retard and do not reply to awful doomer takes. Ever.
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>"the only retard"
no, anon-kun, im alluding to there being at least dozens of those kinds of retards, not just 1, and not just on /vg/
>I can't find "7 million subs" in there
you can't find them in xiv either
>The concept of a pulley is too complex for him
I think you might be the retard here anon...
I'm sure those jews could still play with those numbers a bit but there's only so much they can do
wow used to, why did it stop doing it when subs tanked?
nah, they didn't, and the graph didn't have numbers on it, show me a statement by blizzard claiming that they have 7 million subs, until then you're a delusional coping tranny
He pulls on the chain, thing goes up, then lets go of the chain, thing goes down
He lets it go, you can see him pull it down to raise it up, then lets the chain pull back to bring it down.
the press goes up when he pulls the chain. watch better
did anyone claim that ff14 has 7 million subs because of a wiggly line and generic pr talk?
requires legally-white cock correction
I'm so tired of shitty Elf races.
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My actual visage quand when some anons are so stupid they think every melty post or someone speaking about trannies in a negative light is the same person and blame it all on the "baker op"
I accept your concession barry
Do you accept pagpag?
Look whos talking

The attack follows a tough week for the private server who lost their YouTube account after being hit with over 30 copyright strikes from Blizzard.



You're not fooling anyone.
I accept the fact that wow is a dead tranny game and you can't even grasp at straws about it anymore
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Choco Elves..
Nobody is talking about the baker, retard
It is very obviously not him
But your pathetic attempts at attention are noticed
Do you accept pagpag tho?
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No its legitimately the other way around, this cinematic's fucked
>harronir zone "Rootlands" was cut early in development, was supposed to be the last levelling zone with Azj'Kahet being max-level like Suramar
>despite the fact the entire zone was cut, all marketing still features harronir lady dancing despite being in the game for like 3 quests

It's so tiresome. Hope it's in a patch down the line.
That attack is obviously done by 4chan. Read the system messages they sent
The strikes on the video are warranted
WoW is still a Blizz IP and Shartle was asking for it with that trailer.
Pserver cucks used to be hush about it, now they're buying ads and making trailers.
In the words of a wise man, the more you fuck around, the more you find out
I only accept your concessions and tears barry
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Hopefully Midnight gets rid of all the boring bland High Elves and replaces them with more Choco Elves now we've the technology.
>game is so dead that Blizzard is forced to shut down private servers so they have to move to retail/classic
We will get a goblin megadungeon and void shit zones instead
>unconnected cursive
do zoomers really?
goddamn this game looks like dogshit
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im like if kael'thas was a bisexual nigga from atlanta
did they release a new trailer or something? whats this from?
>muh 7 gorillion!
all you jewish shills are boring, you never have any new material
Naleidea is pure sexo
Wasn't undermine datamined as a raid? And then an ethereal raid
>Rootlands was cut early in development.
Unironically good.
We've already did an entire patch within the Emerald Dream. Less Night Elf lore and less Druid/Elune lore the better.
I hope you're ready for elfcraft with midnight
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>thicc piece of ass
Ass size seems to be within the acceptable range of approved parameters.
It's been Elfcraft since Legion.
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Hmm does it mean I can't do the quest on every alt anymore?
Na harronir are definitely thiccer. Even their bellies are a bit pudgy
They look very fertile
the ones on the left and right are trannies
yeah they released TWW trailer
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I, for one, cannot believe that World of Elfcraft, the Windrunner Saga, is focusing on elves.
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You can. That message is there just to let you know whether you have completed a quest already so you don't do the same quest twice if it's not needed>>487839634
>Harronir were probably the Horde Allied Race this expansion, until the zone got delayed.
>So both them and the Dwarves got turned neutral.
It's all so tiring.
>Nobody is talking about the baker, retard
Eyes. Use them.
Well CIA was always involved with big movies and big games, they always had to get some propaganda in their, even the US army did that... so that's not surprising, that's natural, that's how US always worked.

But this feels like the talent hired inside is not that talented or hard working anymore.
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It's been Elfcraft since WC3, before NuBlizzard trooned out
>Implying WC3 wasn't when Blizzard trooned ouut.
if someone showed me this cinematic 14 years ago and told me this is WoW I'd laugh my ass off at such a bad joke
it looks like poor avatar and diablo crossover
Look how pretty that drawing is ... and it holds up to this date in terms of aesthetics.
The slut nose piercing tho kind of sucks.
blizz got too big so the cia took over and turned it into shit, many such cases
this, wc2 was the last non-troon blizzard game
Just resubbed, I'm going to be playing 3 characters, my questions are: Is it worth leveling DF/previous expansion professions now or is it a waste of gold? Am I better to have 6 different professions across the 3 characters, back in WoTLK I ran tailoring/enchanting on all for extra materials in dungeons.
Good. They're hot.
>CIA comes in
>kicks out the shitty lore guys
>calls Metzen back
>tells Microsoft to buy them
>starts a new lore saga about hallow earth theory
relentlessly based
How much money did pozz-Blizz waste for that horrendous trailer?
And what was the point of it all, since that shit generates 0 (zero) hype?
Go to bed Knaak.
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why did they choose a purple chud as the thumbnail?
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Knaak won.
Why do you assume I was talking about the genshit schizo? Unless...
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I don't play the game but I WILL doompost about it and there is nothing you can do to stop me.
>Is it worth leveling DF/previous expansion professions now or is it a waste of gold?
waste of gold unless you want something specific from them like a piece of armor or something
>Am I better to have 6 different professions across the 3 characters
it's best to have what you want or might be profitable. for example in tww engineers get to craft a boe mount that they can sell. alch is always profitable because consumes. stuff like that
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we're they going for Doom vibes with this?
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+0.06 shekels
get gassed retard
ooga chaca ooga booga ooga chaca
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>Na harronir are definitely thiccer.
nevermind you are right
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elves have best feet huh
I wanna bite that ass
You know it.
Who asked for this?
what's funnier is they had some smelly ethnic type do these devil posession spasms in a mocap room
wish this was real. id sign up yesterday
you're not fooling anyone glowie
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What really pisses me off with this design is they clearly hastily and sloppily made their belly thicker afterward to make the boobs look smaller because of muh male gaze and muh gender dysphoria
what a shitty cinematic
I won't ever want to see it again, meanwhile check the TBC one, you cannot stop re-watching it, had so much soul.
shut the fuck up, that's hot
What about female Kultirans?
dont care, still would breed
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Nah that looks good. Breedable.
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that new race is even better than i though
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those are just fat. the men are based thoughever
Talk about WoW.
>dimensional rift, shadowburn and cataclysm aren't meta for destro in m+
What's the point? Sucks the fun right out of the spec
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I am talking about a WoW race. Retard.
Would breed
If you posted this
>Nah that looks good. Breedable.
In any other thread, would they know you were
>talking about a WoW race
Talk about WoW.
This isn't the launch cinematic is it? Surely they're release one with the destruction of Dalaran for maximum hype?
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man where was this trailer when they announced the x-pac?

this is the one you lead with, not some anduin crying in the desert shit
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> wasting time in the Earthen foundry longer than the shot from the hammering machine
> wasting time at the Faorc at all
> wasting time in the troll whore's new age dance at all
> decent shots from Nerubian kingdom
Why did they release that horrendous trailer?
Encrypted. There's more cinematics but they said everyone will have to wait to see them in game when the expansion launches.
Now whether there's more coming before release I don't know.
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>destruction of Dalaran
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Except your argument falls apart when you read the entirety of my post. The entirety of my post included a reply link. That reply link leads to a post about a WoW race, which I am commenting on.
Hope this helps!
What does the word "breedable" have to do with the video game "World of Warcraft"? Retard.
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> being mix-max nigger
there's your problem
The trailer just goes through the 4 zones
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no I'm definitely running them wth
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Don't get me wrong, Anon; maybe Anduin one wasn't the very best for that. But that new one doesn't even have a narrative to establish the story. This one relies on you to already know parts of it.
again, what was the point?
That shit doesn't generate any hype.
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le face when
To add to what you've said, WoW and TBC cinematics were more energetic due to music tempo and short glimpses on various COOL and SEXY looking creatures in the different biomes.
This cinematic has Dwarf jerking off the forge for 30+ seconds, Ugly Body Type 2 putting on the armor for 30+ seconds, Ugly Body Type 3 doing godawful nigress inspired dance for 30+ seconds.
There were just a couple cool looking shots in between these three scenes.
This cinematic has no energy of WoW /TBC ones, nor cool characters and shots.
They'll probably release more the closer we get. Holly and Ion will also be at gamescom so more stuff is coming before launch
Thanks. I might stick with x3 tailor/ench just for passive gold purposes if that makes sense. Going out and gathering ore/herbs was never fun for me.
Go back.
>8 hours ago
wow is dead and it died with legion
its an arpg with the price tag of an mmo. the people in charge hate you and the work of the old guard that people long to experience again. classic is an indication of this.
Fwiw there's a farm minigame for herbalists in tww
I expected her to start twerking, not going to lie.
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rdy 2 fite
The trailer failed to evoke any emotions. Only good parts were the environmental ones, Azjkahet and Hallowfall.
WRONG. It evoked disgust and anger.
That's the Thrall/Anduin one
lmao blizzard payed some hackers to do this?
it evoked some emotions >>487808152
not sure the emotions that they were hoping for though
2 more weeks until Metzen saves the game, r-right?
reminder to report and hide
Kiss all elves.
Made for me.
ok honestly answer only: what does metzen even do now? did he say anything in any interview? did others say anything about metzen in any interview? what is his contribution to TWW?
Indeed, I am not sure if the lack of talent or lack of financing. It looks very impressive though, but the story is underwhelming, to say the least.
Lmao, no, they've used this cinematic for now and for beta launche, do you actually think they have more in store? Thats naive.
I hope you rike League of Diablo.
he's making sure the women are covered up so his daughter doesn't get uncomfortable
Didn't the blood elf prince from TBC love Jaina?
Kaelthas? Yeah. Cucked by Arthas
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thats the plan
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Yes, Kael'thas was quite literally cucked to death.
not doing a very good job then >>487839707 >>487837904 >>487837538
Since we're talking about elves, why did they make male belf look so retarded
blacks get a pass, because they're ugly
>The trailer failed to evoke any emotions.

Harronir dance was legitimately repulsive and disturbing. I have no idea why so many modern cinematics try to call for some tribalistic barbarian african vibes. Who is the target audience for that - some grandma in the New Orlean?
they killed off the only cool male belf to ever exist in TBC by hitting him with the villian bat
why can't male belfs look like this?
Many trolls are cannibals so some weird tribal dance is not unsual
>elves, but niggers
>what does metzen even do now?
Im following everything and so far his only sightings were:
>Blizzcon where he sold three big patches 90$ each to a bunch of mouthbreathing retards
>Video about WoW coming back to China where he spoke how cool is that.

Thats it.
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Humiliation ritual.
tribal shit is le bad now? we've had trolls since 'nilla
He is Executive Creative Director of the franchise, not even Creative Director of WoW itself like many thought he was. So he probably just rubber stamps whatever dogshit the devs put in front of him.

According to Dragonflight credits, Justin Robinson - former Art Director from WotLK to BfA - is the new Creative Director. Which is bizarre because he has not given a single interview or been seen at BlizzCon or any other event since taking on this role.
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Chris Robinson
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trolls dancing is cool
this dance was not
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wuk lafat.
It is, but I'd rather a sub-Saharan creature do a sub-Saharan thing than dress it up and try to pass it as a European knight or something.
Whoops, that should say according to The War Within credits. Dragonflight, like Shadowlands before it, had no Creative Director.
Miss me yet? No Commiefornia trannies/troon, just plain good demon slaying
the desert one is fine as a second trailer but the first one has the "war within" spice. everyone gearing up for a war
Absolute abysmal cinematic
DAMN shamans can look this good?
>the last 5 seconds makes the cinematic good
Fuck off it was worse than a babies diaper full of green shit
Most threads didn't have a pastebin until some retard started trying to push it, almost like pushing an agenda hmmmm
she wanted the soul cage to subjugate eyir so that she could steal all of Odin's Valkyr for herself, and also have Eyir who is capable of making more. In particular after I think it was cataclysm with her getting epic anime betrayaled she was out of greater Valkyr and was thus able to be killed. With Eyir and Odyns Valkyr she is safe and she can have the enslaved valkyr res Forsaken casualties and make new forsaken from normal dead.

She burned tree down in an attempt to destroy the Night Elves will to resist and split them from the alliance, since the alliance failed to protect them. The whole "Burn it!" scene took place after a conversation with a nelf ranger captain who was like "whatever bitch we'll never give up because we have hope for the future unlike you!" so she's like "Oh yeah well?" and then light the tree on fire and Dark-Ranger's the nelf captain into a hopeless slave.

Im not saying the narrative was good or entirely coherent, but there WAS a narrative running all along and it was "Sylvanas windrunner tries to ensure the future of the forsaken and make a safe world for herself and horde at everyone else's expense". Every bit of her Story post Icecrown and until Saurfangs revolt is driven by the goal of making a safe place in the world for herself and the Forsaken.

She was a decent tragic anti-hero until utterly ruined by Shadowlands.

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