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I miss the lightning bottle Edition

>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

>Got stuck in Godwyn's disgusting body >>487787413
What is in your opinion the best Legacy Dungeon in Elden Ring?
The stars in Elden Ring are gods right? Seems like piling things together to make birth something new and powerful (graven masses, jar sacrifices, the grafting) resembles the process of star formation taken into the hands of men.
I like farum azula
Stormveil. Limgrave is the most polished area in the entire game.
elden ring works by bloodborne rules, all the gods are just space things
but yes, celestial bodies are gods
Stormveil. It's probably the best basic "castle" dungeon they've ever done. I loved exploring it and the first time I went through I think I took like 12 hours just exploring every inch of it I could find and I still missed some stuff like the crucible knight area.
I like Shadow Keep even if it's kind of empty
Midra's Manse

Oof, the Fromdrones really didn't like this one.
Volcano Manor or Farum Azula. They're the only ones that are interesting and not "shitty castle full of soldiers or mages".
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Post ye Tarnished
StormVeil is the obvious best one since it is the first dungeon in the game so they poured the most money into it

However, as far as atmosphere goes i really like Jagged Peak. Though calling it a dungeon is a bit of a stretch
got any new pics?
>play fantasy castle game
>"ugh castles"

But seriously that's one fucked up armpit. Whoever drew that is porn addled & doesn't know anatomy
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Redpill me on this thing
It's AIslop
It's a metal disk and you can hold it up to stop people from hitting you
Your mom is a celestial body in elden ring lmao
Castles are real, retard. That's not fantastical at all.
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Is there no list of things to do before burning the tree so as to not break any quests?
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>I'm only pretending to be retarded
Ah. Well no wonder it's weird
>60 VIT

>Medium armor
>boss hits you, takes off 80% of your health

>Heavy armor
>boss hits you, takes off 60% of HP

>Ultra heavy (fat) armor
>boss hits you, lose 40% of HP

>Medium or Heavy armor, boss will two shot you
>Fat armor gets you maybe one more hit before death

What's even the fucking point of anything above medium armor? Like 101 poise may help in PvP, but it does jack squat in PvE where bosses will stagger you in a single light attack even with 151 poise. Is it a fashion thing? Doesn't seem worth the endurance commitment in my opinion, especially if you're using a heavy weapon.
Built for the aging untouchables
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[knightly cleric beast screaming]
>numbers and nerd shit
I simply wear what I think looks cool
You might as well just do every optional thing in the game since you only have farum azula and the ashen capital left after that.
I was wondering if you can get those armor set from fighting them?
Literally nobody cares about this, just get 51 poise and then wear whatever you want.
60 vit + fat armor + Lion Claw or Palm Blast = trading face and winning. I just beat the DLC wearing full bullgoats with palm blast.
The lions? Yea the chest and head, the remaining pieces come from horned warriors. The unaltered banished knight chest? Also yes but from one specific enemy in castle sol
I immediately heard both of these in my head without needing to click anything.
Recommend me a fun ARC build that isn't just a bleed build
I cannot believe they didn't patch the many issues that is plaguing the pvp scene. This game is fucking dead.
Is Elden Ring the easiest Souls game?
Uh bro, you have to play good games like Nioh for armor to matter. This is Fashion Souls.
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>he's under rl300
I see you like sucking off men with your anus.
AMOUGS (Ancient Meteoric Ore Ultra Greatsword)
Oh sweet thank you
>ACK I overleveled, nooo!! level up to my level immediately chud!
Here, in case you ever want to hear the screaming with the theme without the fuck off giant monster trying to crack into you like a slim jim. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YPOtLVqUW9Y&pp=ygUfY2xlcmljIGJlYXN0IHRoZW1lIHdpdGggc2NyZWFtcw%3D%3D
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>get summoned for the Forbidden Lands
>host immediately goes AFK
>decide to kill a few mobs while he's gone
>invader shows up
>we start dueling
>suddenly blue outta nowhere
>I back off and let them duel it out, sit down to watch
>blue wins by attrition, points down on invader
Bad form, old sport, bad form.
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he enjoys to rape?
Not a thing in a game that lets you have multiple characters. 300+ is the second most comfy level range behind 200. Plenty of stats so no pigeon holing yourself unless you respec, more organic invasions.
This is still my favorite elden ring picture because this bitch has drip
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Bro we just had an absolute lorelet grind the last thread to a fucking halt. Let's try not to summon him to this thread
Have some pure kino, on me.
Every catacomb should be as dark as darklight catacomb
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Sex with Dragons
What headband is that?
Yes and no. Let's ignore spirit ashes for now, since they trivialize 90% of the game, to the point that Tiche and the Mimic are considered "cheating" by many in the community.

In prior Souls games, there wasn't as huge a gap between shit builds and top tier builds like, at least where pve is concerned. ER isn't as balanced, so the shit builds are really, really bad. Sure, you can still beat the game with them. Hell, you can beat the game as a naked no-roll RL1 if you're autistic enough, but for the average player (which is most of us here), you'll struggle far more than you would with a bottom tier build in Dark Souls. Mid tier builds also have a more difficult time in ER than their DaS counterparts.

However, top tier builds have an absolute cakewalk in ER. There are so many ways to break the game. For instance, with the right talismans, rune, and the blasphemous blade, you can literally be immortal as you facetank bosses and spam taker's flame. A simple greatshield with a poking weapon (ie.: the Patches build) also completely trivializes the game. Then there's the infamous bleed weapons. Dark Souls never had anything near as busted.
>no pigeon holing
thats why people don't sit at level 500 my cute anon, theres no builds when everyone is a 60 in every stat golem
Well his name IS Mentulasax (dick blade)
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Leather Headband, part of the Highland set.
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Can anyone please explain the Primeval Current to me?
Built for broing it up in the taverns and having your back in the inevitable drunken bar brawl that ends with you both limping back to the inn bloodied, bruised, and laughing your asses off.
The anvil hammer is a trap if you're a super high level. I'm in my 300s with pretty well rounded stats but a lot of strength and it's only slightly better than the Giant Crusher. I'm sure if I respec'd it'd be a lot better.

But the thing is, you can't change the ash of war on it. Heavy Giant Crusher +25 is a top tier weapon when you have Prayerful Strike on it. It deals tons of damage, has high poise, heals you for a lot of HP, adds faith scaling, and is relatively low FP. It also has higher negations in every way except fire and higher guard boost, so you can block through enemy attacks and just accept the damage then instantly heal it back with Prayerful Strike.

I'm sure at Max Level the anvil hammer probably does much more damage than the Giant Crusher to make it worth using, but low to mid to even somewhat high levels it's not worth it.

>but prayerful strike also requires faith, not just strength
Yeah, but one of the anvil hammer's scalings IS faith. That means if you're hybriding stats to make the anvil hammer good at all, it's more worth it to just do strength and faith so you can use the prayerful strike rather than the 4 or so skills of the anvil hammer, and still get all the benefits of prayerful strike.
>ER isn't as balanced, so the shit builds are really, really bad.
not true
this game is only harder for normalfags because their usual build (sit there in full havels with a greatshield until it's "their turn" to attack for free) doesn't work as well without using a smidge of your brain
>Dark Souls never had anything near as busted.
you could use iron flesh and spam r1 until every boss died
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Raging Wolf is classic.
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Builds at that range become a matter of choice and anyone that dedicates themselves to one specific playstyle become gods precisely because everyone is a stat golem.
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>dedicates themselves to one specific playstyle become gods
just pretend softcaps don't exist
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Carian Knights are based
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god I want miquella to step on my face
Thematically speaking:

-Faith : Dumb but badass
-Int: Gay if carian magic, badass for gravity
-Arcane: Gay
No one happens to know of any art of the rock heart dragon form tarnished dicking down some of the games waifus would they?
Anecdotally, I played all the prior Dark Souls games + Sekiro before ER, and playing a sword and board no ashes/no summons, I still felt that late-game ER was harder. I've never been stuck on a boss for literal hours in any previous game like Elden Ring. Like the most I died to a boss in prior games was about 10 times tops. Even Isshin, I only died 3 times before I got him.
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Imagine the dragon sex haha
You can literally have 2 to 3 guys with Verdigis Armor and shield, Bloody Sword Lance, and decent talismans and stats shield poke Melania to death relatively easy. You'll literally out damage her healing and beat her with shields now. Or you can use your mimic tear to do it with you.

DLC negated her GET GOOD gimmick since you can just use shields now. What was Fromsoft thinking?
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Dragussy making me act unwise
I mean she probably just wants to get drugged
I thought it was just a constellation since the glintstone stars are literal stars in the sky
It's called primeval so maybe it's the big bang space, where it happened
Maybe it's just some eldritch thing
One guy looked into it and saw darkness and got scared, another saw stars exploding
Who knows
The crayfish ganksquad at the Leyndel sewers is the hardest part of the entire game

God damn it I want to breed her while a rockheart so she can feel extra sullied
Are you really trying to ignore the fact that sticking to one specific playstyle when everyone can use everything doesn’t force you to git gud because soft caps are a thing? That’s the counterargument, really?
I've never been into weird shit ever but Flori is such an easy would for me.
Next person that tries to argue lore ITT will be my consort and we will get gay married
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I think the Royal Knight Greaves goes really well with the set.
Man, now I want to actually RP her in a multiplayer game with actual social interaction, because that's exactly how I picture her in my head.
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Best DLC girl
So does the Shattered Stone Talisman buff the normal kicks in Dane's Footwork or just the whirlwind kick AoW? Didn't know if it saying "skills" was being very specific or just general about what it applies to
Is Scarlet Aeonea a good spell?
Careful what you wish for lad, fromsoft might try to pull an Elden ring: online on us and who knows how bad it’ll be. Not that I’d be against the chance to larp as some slavering cursed manimal of a knight that slowly regains his humanity but I’d be hesitant if fromsoft tried to implement an actual roleplay mechanic.
no but its funny
It's a good way to proc Scarlet Rot on most bosses (it basically insta triggers on everything) but the animation is long so you'll get hit at least once and it costs 3 slots.
Using it purely to trigger the scarlet rot is basically its only real use.
Even though it SAYS skills it works with the kicks themselves. You can even stack it with Claw Talisman and Raptor's Black Feathers for mid air kick rape.
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the elden beast isn't the elden ring
I just checked, it definitely works on the regular kicks.
how could shield parry gameplay be optimized for future games?
parry has always been too vague for me as there are no clear signs of when to use it during enemy attacks, or even what kind of attacks it can be used against

i keep thing back to bamham combat where enemies have the blue glow when you can parry their attacks, that felt great
but can see that never happening with a fromsoft game, but something like it but more subtle

or just bring bloodborne guns back
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It is an excellent spell in pve, especially to open a battle with. It applies a stronger version of rot in just one hit. The major downside to it is that it takes up 3 memory slots. If it took up 2, I think a lot more people would use it. Also, it's just a really visually stunning incantation.
That's not a rock hard rockheart making her renounce her lineage and begging me to fill her with drakeman babies, but i appreciate the art never the less
>no clear signs
Nigger are you braindead?

When they swing at you. Go get the Buckler. Go to any enemy. Look at their HAND, not their weapon. When the hand comes near you, push button, receive parry.
You get really good hyper armor with it once you're up into the air though. It's often worth the hit to proc the rot.
Garbage spell now that we have rot pots and machine gun crossbows that take up zero slots.
bro went to the haligtree before fighting malenia
I would but she has a case of oblivion face and I can't fix it
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Sadly no Dragon man art with Florissax
How the fuck do you counter the spread crossbow + sleep bolts?
I miss the days back when rot breath was busted as hell and could rot anything in just one cast. What's the go-to all-purpose dragon incant now?
It's an injustice, but sadly I lack the artistic merits to fill the gap
... how else would you get to her?
>Scarlet Rot on weapons, Rotten Breath, and the Rot Pot inflict (0.18% Max HP) + 15 per second for 90 seconds, for a total of 16.2% Max HP + 1350 damage over its full duration.

>Scarlet Rot on Hefty Rot Pot, Ekzykes's Decay, Rotten Butterflies and Scarlet Aeonia inflict (0.33% Max HP) + 13 per second for 90 seconds, for a total of 29.7% Max HP + 1170 damage over its full duration.

So yeah, it was good before the DLC, but it's been completely superseded by the Hefty Rot Pot.
Literally need to wear high focus gear + the focus talisman. I have started to wear full Solitude gear and the Clarifying Horn Charm +2 with boluses on my quickslots just because of how common it is.
Shit it got nerfed? No wonder I felt like it was shit all of a sudden.

I like ghostflame breath. It's good damage. I'm not a number cruncher though so their could be better ones
my brain just 404'd
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It's a damn shame Miqdhan and AI sloppa are a blight upon Elden Ring fanart
Assuming you manage to survive the first time getting slept, ailment talisman and stim boluses. Spiralhorn shield also helps.
is there an exact focus value to shoot for that cock blocks it entirely?
I’ve just been crutching on beast claws with raging beast into a forward r1 since sleepfags rely pretty heavily on having distance to actually give you the Cosby special. Kinda hard to find the chance to reload when the guy you want to shoot is making a mad scramble towards you all the time. Just mind the stamina.
>*does some weird fucking nuzzle on your ankles that staggers you despite being heavily armoured for some reason*
Can you ever get the Dungeater puppet without killing Blackguard?
You have to make it to Altus and down to him without talking to black guard in the swamp
Lolno. All you can do is make it a hassle to get off long enough for them to burn through their bolts. Thankfully the spread crossbow burns through ammo quickly and as long as you’re engaged in combat they can’t craft more.
What happens to Blackguard afterwards in this sequence break?
He’s stuck in Liurnia?
Fuxking LOVE raging beast claws. I just wish they didn't look so ugly
The Tarnished are weak to furry little guys being furry little guys.
I believe so, you could always check to see if Rya is still there. If she is then you’re golden.
I actually like the haphazard look of them. Really gives you the feral animal vibe.
Oh damn I've been on those healing stones
It makes my dragon look goofy. Like he painted his nails & doesn't want to mess them up lol
>oh my science i am going to.... FUARKING FLY AWAYYYY AAAACK
deathbirds are so faggoty
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Marika and Miquella were fertility gods it's why they have the widest hips of their family. Male fertility gods in mythologies are often depicted as old men, androgynous young men(twinks), and young boys. Miquella fits the second and third in his god form and original form respectively.
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Am I crazy? FTH doesn't feel like it has such an easy time breaking stance like INT does. Greatblade Phalanx with some followup staggers so many things so quickly. No need to even mention Carian Sovereignty cause that shit's gonna get nerfed to oblivion.
Miquella and you are just faggots and you've been coping with the realization that you're a homosexual instead of just accepting
I only want to fuck marika actually
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fromsoft makes top tier world design
but everything else gameplay related is jank
Just imagine he painted them with albinauric blood.
Hello rykard
Stone of Gurranq
Prayerful Strike + whatever colossal you want
Faith has stone of gurranq for okay stance breaking, but it isn't nearly as good as greatblade phalanx or gavel of haima
I may not agree with your opinion but I respect your weapon good sir
being a faggot is in direct opposition to fertility
buttsex is not a fertility ritual
you cannot get pregnant from anal

nigga, please, have you being sleeping during sex-ed lessons?
You unfortunately have to break from pure FTH for good stance break incants. If you want to go the weapon route then you’ve got Ordovis’ sword and Devonia’s hammer, though the hammer takes a billion years to start up
Marika experienced four defective births, only Godwyn would qualify as a successful birth.
Not a “god of fertility” worth worshiping.
No wonder she was inconsolable after Godwyn’s death.
Tell that to Egyptian god Min you stupid ass faggot
>he hasn’t butt impregnated a woman to spit in the eye of god by proving it possible
You lack conviction.
Faith mog-rapes INT when it comes to stance damage
Her fucked up kids & failure as a fertility goddess is kind of the point though. She's a fucked up person who deserves all the misery she suffers.
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Haven't been to Iner Ilim yet, so...
Leyndel + Shunning grounds. That's the one that impressed me the most when playing.
But the one with best vibe is Farum Azula, the atmosphere in that dungeon gives me a feeling i havent felt in any other place in any videogame.
Literally every legacy dungeon in ER is really strong and a worthy pick IMO
Examples? Stone of Gurranq is like the only one that does any stance damage worth mentioning
> Dark Souls never had anything near as busted.

You can nuke almost any boss by just standing back and casting Great Heavy Soul Arrow. Later soul spear as well, even later Crystal Soul spear. Dark Bead can 1 or 2 shot any boss in the game with correct setup.

Or just the true easy mode: VIT and END pumping, wearing Stone (later Havels) armour and R2 spamming with Zweihander. You effectively can’t be killed. And even with bare minimum STR/DEX you can demolish boss hp, and stun lock a lot of them. Fucking SMOUGH staggers every R2.
Egypt is in Africa nothing that comes from there that isn't hellenic matters
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As a proud omen chaser I'm deeply offended with suggestions that there was something wrong with her omen twins.

There's nothing defective about Mohg and Morgott. You may not like it, but it's how peak masculinity looks like.
>>boss hits you, takes off 80% of your health
take the soreseals off
Will watch it later but damn this dude really gonna ignore Ashes of Ariandel? That shit sucked ass. Even if he didn't like SotE calling it the worst one is waaay too hyperbolic
>get xboxhueg + cool goo
name 1 thing wrong with being an omen
Also I almost forgot I'm not the faggot op I'm just racist towards anything not European
Aah, First Rape of Radahn.
Good times.
Buck breaking at its finest.
I can see why you picked the Shunning Grounds, the limited graces and dungeon layout is close to a Dark Souls experience.
You can also walk all the way down to Deeproot Depths.
people may call him cursed
people may call him ugly
people may call him a dirty omen
but despite all that, morgott is by far the best character demigod
I always try to summon other players in every catacomb as its too spooky to do alone
May I remind you the fucking Envoys that shoot bubbles in Leyndell and the Haligtree? Come on now, that only really applies to Limgrave and mayyybe Raya Lucaria... Ehich are the first 2 so it makes sense to make them normaler
Not from range.

FAI gets stuff like Dragon Maw (45 poise damage), but at that point just charge R2 with a Collosal or Great Hammer. Maw is a fancy melee attack. Messmers Orb fully charged can do over 40 as well (explosion is 35, each tick of flight path is 4, maximum of 2 ticks per enemy, so 43 total), but again, that’s not really a projectile spell.

INT gets rock sling and Nails, for 28.5 and 24 respectively, but both are long range with super accurate tracking. Granted any random spear with Spectral Lance is even better at 25, or 27.5 on a great spear for even better range, faster and cheaper. But it’s L2den Ring, what did you expect?
Wrong guy fella
crucible horn and tail, dragonmaw
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It really is funny that beyond their appearance there was virtually nothing wrong with the omen twins. They were clearly absolute units in terms of strength and both showed a clear affinity for either tactics (Morgott fending off the redmane army) or charisma (Mohg having a following despite looking like mega Satan). Imagine what could’ve been if she didn’t sperg out about two of her kids looking like a race of people she disliked.
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How about Pan? Or Priapas?
The game peaks at Volcano Manor being the most legacy like dungeon fully open world was a mistake when Fromsoft doesn't have the experience and resources to enrich one after building the worldspace
There aren't actual racists in this thread are there?
Marika treated her Omen offsprings as abortions left to rot in the sewers.
Her actions, not mine.
4/7 healthy birth rate isn’t worthy of a goddess of fertility anyway.
I counted Messmer (freak) and Melina (healthy) births as well this time.
>Morgott penetrated radahn with his massive stick in front of his men
>Malenia mpregged radahn with millicent and turned him into a zombie
>Killed by tarnished
>Frankenstein'd and raped by miquella
>Killed by tarnished again
Is he the biggest jobber in elden ring?
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Looks similar to pic related.
Stone of gurranq can be chained into eachother like they're glintstone pebbles, it kinda no-diffs the long cast time of those 2
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Why's he crying?
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>Use Mohg coprse
>Is super muscular for some reason
>Has both eyes for some reason
>Has horn grown exclusively on his elbows and ankles where Mohg doesn't have for some reason

?????? But i guess they are both bow legged

Every M child is cursed.

She only had one uncursed child
Are role-playing fucking Frankenstein from like the junji ito manga???
The demigods in the walkinv mosoleums weren't all cursed at least you weren't
listen.... don't worry about it
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How'd they react to each other?
ever since that tarnished became Elden Lord I've been seeing omens, skellies and albinaurics roaming free in the streets of Leyndell
The Golden Order has fallen
Melina is a ghost with no purpose besides self destruction how exactly is that a healthy birth
He happy
a buff lasting 9 seconds WITH the talisman that increases the duration is pathetic and the fact that it hasn't been buffed in 2 years is laughable
I’m not sure if Melina was cursed since birth, she lost her body and purpose a while ago?
She was purposely planned as kindling.
Well pike I doubt he'd like just shove radahns corpse into like an unchanged Mohg corpse, like he probably like was slowly molding and like crafting it into the right shape
He doesn't look happy
He had a child with a woman that wasn't his mother
Considering that Romina "blessed" Malenia with rot, probably not all that well.
I recognize that bulge
Hot lesbian sex, also Trina is there
it's not bad my friends black flame does max hp % damage
use it as part of your running attacks and shit it's kino and makes you feel cool owning the boss
it's alrite
???Where did it say this?
His model looks like a angry devil gibbon.
In very swaggy pajamas.
Why is he so perfect?
Butterflies are born cursed. It's inherent
If you're talking about the "tarnished is one of marika's kids" theory it's possible they're still cursed. Note that each curse roughly lines up with groups marika or her order fought/opressed/gods she hated. This curse can manifest itself into an affinity for something not always an outward physical curse. There's one oppressed group missing, the frenzy flame merchants. We lnow of at least 2(maybe 3) people who could've become lord of the frenzy flame were simply too weak to do it and failed. But we are capable, infact we are driven considerably less maddned by others, we can actually bear the flame until we kill marika and truly ascend. What if that's our curse? Not the flame of frenzy itself but am affinity for it
these retarded hosts need to at level up their skibidis before summoning for radahn because why are you level 9 and wondering why you're getting assfucked
Why couldn't Rellana be his mom?
He is tho
Honestly I’d have happily signed on with Morgott if the game gave us the chance to choose a demigod to be in a covenant for. Radahn’s basically a mental vegetable when we meet him so you’d be working for Jerren, I don’t trust Ranni as far as I can throw her, Rykard would eat you, Malenia gives her followers aids by proxy, Mohg is brainwashed and runs a literal blood cult, and miquella is the brainwashed supreme. Morgott would probably be an absolute dream to work for. Yeah the work might be hard but he seems like if he got over his tarnished hateboner he’d be fair and largely unconcerned with what you do as long as the job is done and it doesn’t harm the capital.
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Old picture, but still look the same. I'm currently trying to get my ass into the DLC to get more beat up and fucked up weapons and armor, but I'm absolutely getting mogged on by Mohg to the point I'm considering to just swap over to something like 115 - 135 Belurat invader instead.
is lvl100 too low for dlc coop?
She's a massive nerd being a carian and thus a bad cook. Rellana desperately tries to be his mommy gf but she regularly burns the food she makes him and he desperately misses marika's cooking
I like to think that Romina was the consort that the Rot Goddess intended for Malenia.
or i could slap on bloodflame blade, do significantly more damage over the span of 60 seconds instead of 7 or 9 with a talisman slot, at a lesser investment of stats.
Carians won. Except Rellana she lost in everyway
Morgott > Ranni > Messmer > Miquella > Mohg > Rykard > Malenia > Radahn
in terms of character, opinion? godwyn is a non-character
Actually I messaged grrm about this, you can check his blog, he confirmed I was her intended consort. Not the tarnished. Me. I exist in elden rings universe.
Most people are entering the dlc from around like 120ish or like 150sh
She can cook hardback really good
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Malenia is clearly intended for sunbro
They’d hate eachother. Malenia because “holy shit why do you like the thing that took my limbs and blinded me” and Romina because “holy shit why don’t you like the rot, you’re supposed to be its vessel”. They have fundamentally different views and would see the other as anathema.
Romina isn’t the rot goddess, she just embraced it while Malenia actively resisted it unless pushed into a corner.
Way more people are around 150 or more when they beat the base game. At least if they do most of the optional stuff
I am sunbro I originally coined the term before even you*ubers did
When like Fromsoft did the gameplay demos for people like teying the dlc, they started people at 150
I just noticed that I haven't gotten boss backstabs as much as ds3
>to get more beat up and fucked up weapons and armor
You’ll love igon’s and hornsent’s chest pieces then
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Godwyn was the sunbro of ER, and he's dead. Also, Solaire is clearly meant for the Chosen Undead.
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Dungeater is sunbro he even has the medallion.
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>Solaire is clearly meant for the Chosen Undead.
I don't think humans really have romances like that in Dark Souls. They're all pygmies, so reproduce asexually in weird and esoteric ways.
There's more evidence characters in elden ring reproduce asexually than undead in dark souls. We actually see childbirth on screen as malenias bloom against radahn created the rot sisters.
If it was 2 slots instead of 3.
But right now? No
Can you make out what is it that they say in the Radahn fight background music? I heard "Miquella" and "Diablo" on repeat but i am pretty sure that is not right
Oh yeah, I've played through the DLC once before and I like to collect as many armors and such as I can to mix and match looks for potential themed invaders. Hornsent chestpiece can give you pretty much as much Focus as you'd like to avoid getting the sleep shotgun in your face, but then of course you have to wear such heavy other pieces of armor to get your poise up.
Igon's armor is something I've wanted since it was datamined to be in the game since release, but never dared to actually CE it in to give it a try.
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i have a lot of tarnished
I'm 100% sure there was an item in ER saying people didn't reproduce conventionally as much as before anymore in the lands between, but I cant remember which
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You're missing Melina.
that was in NT, the description was changed
I am an idiot, I'm sorry
Apologize not accepted. How could you do this? You have ruined everything. EVERYTHING.

My father will hear about this
You're right
>A splendid, lengthy cut of turtle neck meat. Material used for crafting items. Turtle meat is said to boost virility, but none in the Lands Between seem to have much appetite for it these days. In Lands Between, the urge to reproduce has waned long ago.
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why does he look like a scuffed middle-aged version of that kid who played anakin skywalker in the phantom menace
It was in 1.0. Too
That's actually uncanny.
my tarnished is going to change that
are there any helmets that boost int but don't give penalties? I know there are some for other stats.
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It's 4AM and I spent the entire night playing elden ring again
He looks like the gut that played aj in the sopranos
It's only 3 am wdym
The Tarnished is by definition one of the only people left with drive and will, it stands to reason they'd have their natural functions work too.
renalla's banana hat
My first playthrough I kind of like missed that Melina was canonically supposed to be traveling with you and like you were traveling to the capital, I thought like she was just sometimes running into you in the churches or something, so when you arrived to the capital and she's like "Thank you but I must leave now" it was so confusing because like
Wtf do you mean leave, there's no one else at the grace sites, you hv3nt been here like so how is that any different for me?
anyone got any suggestions for what would compliment a smithscript greathammer run?
[s]Miquella's circlet[/s]
You're doing a great job!
Wow... anon... you messed up the spoiler...
You have to type the whole word out, not just the first letter of it... wow...
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Yeah that's why my tarnished impregnated rennala and give ranni siblings. He impregnated rya too. And roderika. And nepheli. And sellen. And millicent before she became flower. And malenia before she became flower but after beating her down. And the demihuman queens. And tiche's mom. And every nox woman. And metyr. And rolan. And leda. And rellana while disguised as messmer. And fia so godwyn can reincarnate and share a body with our child like griffith and the moonlight boy. And st trina. And Romina.
And yes, even the hornsent grandam and the finger reader in the roundtable. Tanith too when she was eating rykard.

Not a single female character was left unimpregnated
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not at all but now that I compare the two. I can see it.
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>Dancing Lion
Well good I was worried that the DLC would be too easy.
I wonder what True Rot Goddess Malenia would look like, if Romina is any indication she'd lose her prosthetics and have regrown limbs and fleshy parts
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recommend me some SHIT but FUN weapons
Thats not how you do it either
Its just a word
When I said it I dint even like realize the leather cloak coat thing too
What is even that mask? It looks like one of the imp masks but like a person
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Of what?
go deepah
The Untouchable (me)
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>Got to Radahn phase two
>He did the same phase one combo
>Rolled the same way i did in phase one
>Still got fucking hit because all his attacks have delayed AOE now

This is fucking bullshit, can you really fucking roll his phase two?
Rampant inflation in the cost of raisins
incorrect usage, you're not physically speaking so you don't need a delay word to think of what to say
From the dlc, dryleaf footwork and smithscript daggers are both things I want to be fun but always feel like awful to use with the footwork and just don't do much with the daggers that I couldn't do with just like a sword
Outside of that, I love the idea of the like rotted crystal sword, I wanted to make It work ad a Haligtree knight but like the short is so short and it's moveset so kuch like a dagger that it's not great to me.
Though like I guess a fast thing IS what you want for scarlet rot, so what do I know
It's not about whatever usage, any word I use is correctly used because like words I use are used to show my thoughts and the way I'm teying to present what I want to say, I think it then I write it
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>tp to dlc area
>get a bunch of random mats
Did something die off screen?
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I can't think of anything nearby there that like drops those, so probably something fell as you were teleporting out like from wherever you came from and so you got rhe item notification now
all the holy weapons
Even the female fly-people?
Some of them have female voices
Just wait 'til you get to Gaius.
>Messmer wouldn't tap this
>Not even with the lights off so he could imagine she was blonde
>He could probably have asked her for mommydom roleplay and being a Carian she would have agreed
Are we sure he's not gay or outright asexual? Maybe the snakes infesting him have fucked his libido or something and he can't get it up.
Marika's Hammer it is then
no matter how much you larp, you can't feign a mother's love, messmer wouldn't settle for any less
It's actually kino, use the cool ashes
lmao just use a shield
real mommy only
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this is the second time it's happened as I've tped into the shadow realm oddly enough
its the imp head (corpse). you can find it in Leyndell.
Wait, what the hell? Like that'd an ash of war that's dropped by a BOSS, did you kill like one of the big death birds?
I never ran into it, I hate that, that's so unnerving
What's funny is Marika was likely decently fit since her signature weapon was a STR/FAI smithing hammer, so physique-wise Rellana might be pretty similar. Both tall, wide-hipped women who know their way around a fight.

Maybe that's why Messmer keeps her outside in a different castle, he knows if he lets her stay at the Shadow Keep he'll eventually give in.
no I just teleported there after beating bayle because I realized I didnt explore the area fully
Flame Skewer having a follow up Catch Flame built in is so nice
That's not marika
I remember seeing this episode and being creeped out because of how much I look like the actress
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Ok that was frightening
I think it's more like him having a mixture of viewing himself unworthy of love and convincing himself he has to focus purely on the crusade and that everything else is secondary, even if he doesn't believe in it anymore
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>viewing himself unworthy of love
I must fix him
Yes. The jar people too
Are enemies like glitchign through the map somehow when you load in or something? Thats so so so so so so weird
The entire appeal is like slowly convincing him that he's worthy of affection even if he doesn't prove himself to Marika amd that idilizing the opinion of a frozen Goddess isn't good or needed and overcoming that
are you over 18?
I'm pretty sure I killed you, rellana
What about Jars that have multiple people in them if some are male?
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Thanks for getting her out of the way
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I'm into that
Yes I just like saying so six times because saying it 5 times feels like one of the so's is missing a pair, 4 times feels like it's missing a third set, 3 times is the same of the third so is missing its pair, 2 feels like it's just weird to only say it twice since it's like using two periods for .. instead of ... and one so doesn't show off the fact that it's very very.

Should've kept Destined Death, retard
i bet messmer took good care of melina
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these videos fucking suck
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Idk why but phase 2 Messmer is even more attractive than phase 1 Messmer. Phase 1 is him still holding on to his dignified "woe is me, the burden of these duties which are mine to bear" emo schtick but phase 2 is him with his emotions let loose and his hair (literally) down. If there's a Messmer that would finally let his years of frustration and pent-up rage take over and lash out at you, it's him during phase 2.
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copout answer is that it depends in what regards. Bosses? Absolutely not, though I do think the difficulty of most bosses is overrated since at high VIG and fully upgraded flasks it's more than possible to simply brute force most bosses if you're even just mediocre at rolls. But DeS, DS1 and DS2 bosses are still easier overall.
In terms of the entire game outside of bosses though?Absolutely. It has never been easier to assemble an optimized and fully operational build as quickly as you can in ER. Most catacombs and caves are jokes. Even the legacy dungeons just aren't challenging, they lack the ambushes, traps, and just general mean level design of earlier games. And the open world of course provides no challenge whatsoever since lolTorrent means you can just run past everything and fighting from horseback gives you a massive advantage over regular enemies
How'd he lose his foot?
How is pvp at the max level bracket (300 something up to max)? I was convinced by the PvEers (redditors) to try playing the game until NG+7 without limiting my level, but i would like to know if that would be a throwaway save file once i am done with the run.
Ranni and radahn are missing feets too. Someone's going around stealing people's feet
I like how in his first phase his voice line sounds fake and barely teying but he's more emotional and like honest with you if you die during the second phase, he doesn't sound mad even, it sounds like he's actually being open with you
he's a veteran so maybe just war, but also he supposedly.... traded it away?? despite having it?? in exchange for the lives of his soldiers so it must have been of some value
makes you wonder
Goddrick the grafted went for arms
Godefroy the grafted went for something a little different...
read the item descriptions
So THATS his lore significance its all coming together now
I dont like videogames, no
Also it doesn't say, like it just says he traded away his prosthesis, not his actual leg. Like he already didn't have it.
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Pinning down messmer and emotionally abusing him, telling him he's a monster, shorn of light like me, yet I fuck his mother
killing his snakes and then scalping his red hair
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This should've been the elden lord
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the JP translation is wrong, he lost it saving his soldiers
source: trust me
Aha, your intuition serves you well. My doubts had been piling up, you see. The words of the Two Toes cannot be trusted. Truly naught but rambling, senile delusions. I believe hat when the Elden Ring was shattered, the Two Toes were corrupted, their guidance, skewed. Even worse, the Toes harbor no love for our kind. That's the part that irks the most.
No you disnt
Oh that's kinda weird, though like I think the "No Nation" is infinitely cooler than lost territory
Literally who
gay leon
So just Leon?
>level 80, +15/+6, going through the DLC
>doing a lot of random co-op inbetween solo sessions, get summoned nearly instantly every time
>get summoned by a white mask wearing host with a black knife for the Dancing Lion
>check skedaddle level
>host goes in
>gets oneshot
When you're doing the DLC at that level, HOW are you still that shit? Even summoning co-op helpers isn't as big a crutch then.
shitters will slamrape their heads on a brick wall and mass summon people until they do it
3 people spamming bleed jump attacks will get a lucky kill eventually
summoning over and over and over until they get one really good player who can dodge everything
That's me
how is that any different from what you get in the base game? Putting down a summon sign is almost never fun, because what you described happens the vast majority of the time. Inbred retards with 6 vigor bleed build summoning you over and over again.
Why the FUCK can't I alter messmer's chestpiece to remove the dumb cape, when he literally does the same in phase 2, fuck you fromsoft
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This, it's just a matter of time until they bruteforce it eventually.
You can see loads of people who steamed it doing just this.
Just need to get lucky once.
On the other hand, I just now got an NG+5 dude summoning me for his mimic tear fight and it was great.
Is this video like someone who put down a red summon sign there instead to mess with people who like just mash summon signs there? Because that's very funny
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what am I supposed to do here
Quit out and reload the game.
Yeah base game was the same shit and it hasn't really changed except for some of the new cheese builds.
90% of the hosts I got summoned to and other phantoms I seen were using white mask dual bleed weapons / one bleed one frost / sepukku / RoB spam / hoarfrost stomp spam (until it got nerfed) and the odd rykard sword spammer
Or it would be a mage that done nothing but spam moon spells
Be gone, duh
Nothing, she is a useless hornigger.
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Yeah I was doing it yesterday.
This one is even better, generally you either people don't realise they summoned a red at all or they realise as you spawn in and try to attack you during spawn protection where you kill them anyway. >>487829270
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Just 15 more levels / 6 million more albinaurics and I have hit all softcaps
Oh my god that is so funny
Why does dex/int get all the cool weapons?
Because frost scales with intelligence and you can proc it easier with fast dex weapons
kick his face
Depression often severely lowers one's libido.
It's very common in women, but contrary to popular beliefs it's quite common sign of depression in men, also.

Snek boy too sad to get hard.
What now?
keep doing it
I'm gonna kick a tooth out and bloody his face
Depressed men get more horny I'm pretty sure actually
Elden RIng PvP might be more fun if it wasn't just ash of war spam
make sure to stomp those stupid fucking snakes as well
I can't do it. I can't beat Gaius on my current character. I always get tantalisingly close, and then he just pulls out 12 shades of bullshit and deletes me.
Patches convinces Diallos that he has to swallow a whole egg in order to join Volcano Manor to mess with him
You can do it! You could always try to return later with a fresh kind and new experiences to have learned from for it, but you can do it!
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>watch streamer go to fight midra
>dies to his first phase after a minute or so because he doesnt know the moves obviously
>yeah man I think I'm going to need to use the special sauce
>immediately starts summoning mimic tear from then on and boss quickly folds to it as usual
This is so uninteresting to watch.
I don't get people that give up on the first attempt and are clearly aware that mimic tear is just easymode cheesing because they allude to as much.
You tried the boss one god damn time before you conceded for fucks sake lmao.
Nope. Most men with depression suffer from anhedonia, fatigue and low sex drive. Some male try to fight low-level persistent depression with stimulants and compulsive behaviors giving them temporary highs, like drugs and alcohol, and in some rare instances with sex. Guy with depression will be a drunk more often than horny sex addict.

I know it's a nice fantasy, but it's not true and it's actually very harmful belief.
Star-lined Sword is very cool
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hello i bring trash
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>Try to watch youtube to learn how to play against Radahn
>They all deal like 3,4000 damage per hit while mine is 1000+ something at best

Are all these niggers level 999 or something
The Shunning Grounds by far. It's the closest one to an actual Dark Souls™ experience. No wonder casuals hate it the most.
Stormveil is overrated. It's way too messy and barely any thought went into it's design.
The game intentionally giving you these broken options is nothing but developers accepting that their gameplay design is dogshit.
how many scadu fragments ya got
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Exactly! Even though his moveset gets wilder it feels like his (emotional) guard is down and there's more of a raw connection. The helmet is a very visual barrier between us and it being removed gets rid of that too. In a way even though he's more primal it makes him more approachable, like a wounded wolf you can try to coax into calming down so you can remove that arrow stuck in his flank or the bear trap around his paw.
I have 19, probably missed some along the way but i can't be assed to go back to find
Person I'm playing with gave up on the Twin Iron virgins 20 seconds before the boss even started because I said what the boss was going to be
So they didn't try at all during the boss and then died because of it and used that as proof that we needed to give up and come back later...
Well I didn't mean from things, I just meant the responses but I guess that makes sense even if I dint really understand
I dont know why u always find it so funny when pictures have the backed out text with other text over top of it, esspecially when jts clear that it's like a drawing thete so there was nothing to black out, it being a design choice is funny
ah no, 19 is fine, guess their build is a lot more optimized
I love you illustracionanon
I lost my folder of your drawings because of hardware damage but I still love you!
this is probably the most womanly shit I've ever read, do you perhaps watch romance shows with werewolves and vampires?
He was focused on the grind (genociding higgers)
I thought his second phase was a lot easier because he uses less fire that blocks being able to see him. I think the fact that he blocks view with fire and then attacks through it and you have to time it by knowing what he's doing behind it was super fun though, so I'm kind of sad phase 2 didn't have anything even though the snake twleporting/rematerializj g thing was good
That isn't even remotely the reason why the options are there.
The options are there as an easy mode, miyazaki himself has said so in the past that it is the games difficulty slider.
These people just die once to the boss at normal difficulty and just immediately switch it to passive difficulty.
It's so boring to try and watch and kind of sad really.
>Person I'm playing with gave up on the Twin Iron virgins 20 seconds before the boss even started because I said what the boss was going to be
>So they didn't try at all during the boss and then died because of it and used that as proof that we needed to give up and come back later...
I had something similar with one my friends that I done a playthrough with. We both did our seperate playthroughs first (DLC) and they were just messaging me the whole time saying how they had to cheese X boss with X build and summon because the boss is unfair broken bullshit.
She was ahead of me too so I was curious what it was that was going to get so tough.
And it never came.
I never seen all this broken bullshit she was telling me about.
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fromsoft game design is outdated
>locked 60 fps in 2024
>still no easy mode option
>just three lines of code to modify damage and souls/runes gain
>would allow twice as many people to complete and experience the full game
>no way to refund weapon upgrade materials
>pay a smith 1k and get all shards back to use for a different weapon
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What should i do before killing messmer?? Already helped hornsent, what else is missable?
Is poise only for pvp? Bosses will brake my posture regardless of how much poise I have ( even with goat talisman, bullgoat set, endure ash of war and poise physik )
>get summoned for messmer
>host dies before I can even enter
>check skadoosh level
I did the exploit where you can kill ludwig just by rolling into him with no aggro on my first playthrough because I wanted his sword and lied yo my friend about it and I have felt bad about chessing bosses ever since
You gave away your bait too easily with the second line of greentext.
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ah, i want to go home
and edge
>Hewg is a prisoner
>actively wants to help us and make weapons for us to kill a God
>still charges us money to upgrade weapons
Hewg I OWN you, if anything you should be giving money to me
You don't own shit. You don't own the roundtable.
Half of thw doors were locked until I got thw keys and Gideon can't stop me from taking thw weapons in thw basement and smashing all his dumb shelves
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What are some fun ways to build an arcane centred playthrough? At the moment I'm cruising through limgrave and liurnia with poison moth flight and occult venomous fang. I know AMO greatsword scales well with arcane but what else is there outside of just learning hard into bleed?
Colossal are so fucking bad holy fuck
You are pretty retarded, anon. Hewg doesn't HAVE to do shit. You are lucky he is agreeable enough to upgrade your weapon for you so you can kill literal fucking gods

If Hewg so much as wanted he could draw literal cocks and balls on your sword and you wouldn't even be able to do shit. You are the cuck here, not Hewg
Almost all small attacks from enemies do exactly 50 poise damage, some more aggressive and rare ones deal 100 poise damage, and some other big fuck you attacks deal too much poise damage to block. As a result, the PvE poise breakpoints are 51 and 101 with 51 being the most important. Conversely, poise does fuck all in PvP and is mostly a PvE thing after the balance changes. You just need enough to not get stunlocked by small weapons which 51 covers and rely on HA for everything else. Shoot for 51 poise always regardless of what you're doing.

You can of course feel free to ignore poise altogether, but if you run around with sub-51 enjoy getting stunlocked by Soldier of God, Rick.
>right hand Milady with carian sovereignity or whatever
>left hand Rellana's twinblade
I think I'll play through the game with this combo
Does anyone recall a quick way to grab ~10 smithing stones +8 in the DLC? I don't want to unlock base game endgame yet, but I need the upgrades
You might be right in old games but these bosses are relentless
Lmao. Do you ever have people getting spooked by the windup lightning animation?
>Conversely, poise does fuck all in PvP
It's one of the most important stats for PvP
That isn't going to work the way you want it to. Putting Rellana's blades in your left hand forces you to hold the FTH blade. It's not going to scale with your INT. The scaling on those swords isn't accurate. While it leads you to believe they BOTH deal magic and fire damage, they don't. The right hand one deals INT scaling magic damage and the left hand one deals FTH scaling fire damage. Unless you're playing INT/FTH, you are shooting yourself in the foot.
good morning, erg
imagine that there is a miquella picture attached to my post
That's a child you sick fuck
Out of ten!
would the warped axe be good to kill mogh with, given it's massive bleed build-up? at a low level that is
I just want hers for the stance, I'm going to switch back to Milady and just use that one to hit the enemy
>The scaling on those swords isn't accurate. While it leads you to believe they BOTH deal magic and fire damage, they don't. The right hand one deals INT scaling magic damage and the left hand one deals FTH scaling fire damage
That's awesome, I had no idea, I'm actually like considering trying to get them now
I accidentally melted my cock into kindly Miquella's cute mouth...
Sure but my point is all you need to do here is swap the hands for this to be a viable PS build. If you put Rellana's swords in main hand and off-hand your Magic Milady, both of your swords will take advantage of your INT. Just 2H the Milady when you want to use Carian Sovereignty.
It's wonky. It means you can pair them with a Flame Art, Sacred, or Magic scaling Milady and use them outside of INT/FTH builds and just pay tax on the stat you're not using. Use it in the main hand for Magic, offhand for Flame Art/Sacred.
>Use it in the main hand for Magic, offhand for Flame Art/Sacred.
Of course I'm referring to Rellana's swords here. Viable options are:
>Main hand Rellana, off-hand Magic/Cold Milady
>Offhand Rellana, main hand Flame Art/Sacred Milady or Leda's sword
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>erm why do you use spyware and not the tranny table?
total spyware redemption I'm not using your troon shit, faggots
Miquella's rape dungeon?
Oh thank goodness there is no spyware. Better post about it on this spyware chat client.
What was his reaction?
He tried to scream for Malenia to rescue him
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I did have one where there was the host and another phantom. I went up and cast golden vow.
Then a third summon got brought in (real one this time obviously), whereupon the phantom stood beside me started sort of acting slightly confused like the cogs in his mind were spinning up.
Started casting death lightning and you could feel the apprehension in the phantom beside us building until the last second where I cast and he did dodge away.
The host got gibbed though.
The two phantoms just sort of were looking at each other puzzled afterwards.
I don't think I can. I just don't have the stats/build for it.
Radahn vs Malenia arguments are cyclical as fuck. I don't know how many ways someone can tell you they tied before you stop being mad about it.
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>Miquella tries to craft a needle to cure Malenia
>doesn't work but can ward off Outer Gods
>item description mentions others, so like he kept crafting them
>apparently had warriors called Needle Knights (before Leda purged)
>dlc has zero mention of the needles or outer gods or anything relating to like any of that
>Was the most hyped part of the reveal trailer, being cinematically placed at the end
>Is one of the worst ashes in the entire game
What the fuck were they thinking?
Something something soul shapes the body something something
whats the name of the spell that launches blue skulls at people?
They forgot
How about the fact that it's an ash and not a spell? WHY?
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and i love you anon! if you are looking for a particular picture i may still have it saved
There is no spell that launches blue skulls at people. There are ones that launch black and white ones, though.
As an incant it wouldn't really make sense since you need to hit them with your weapon. It'd look retarded with a fucking whip or some shit.
Why does pulling out the soreseal seem like it hurts him so much? Like glass eyes aren't that hard to remove, is he just being dramatic because of you?
im just not having fun with elden ring
its just not enough
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They retconned the fuck out of Miquella to make him a villain. I refuse to entertain any fanboys claiming he was "always like this"
Because it's not a regular ass glass eye, it literally replaced his eye. It fused to his fucking flesh and has been in there his whole life.
I had my own theory about this. It works on you fully because the frenzy flame wasn't as "ingrained" within you, like the scarlet rot was with malenia and as far as we know you aren't an empyrean. Malenia had that rot either since she was born or since she was a baby. She's had it for her entire life essentially, it became core to her very being so the needle only staved away it's affects a little for her while she had it jabbed in her. I also think by this theory, the greater will's influence(our grace and resurrection) similarly wasn't as affected by miquella's needle because it's too hard wired into our being at this point.
It's not just a glass eye, it's clearly connected to his optic nerve. And did you look at the ruin of the eye socket after? It had its hooks in good.
Does my Reedlander look Nippon enough?
he is more of an "anti-villain" rather than just a straight up force of evil.
>It's one of the most important stats for PvP
Only for duelshit. It barely matters for invasions as long as you can tank a dagger.
I honestly like and am fine with the direction of villianhood like they had him written to go down, but just it seems like they didnt tie together loose ends from the base game miquella to dlc miquella to like make it feel like puzzle pieces click together.
It's like they like just added more onto the jigsaw puzzle rather than slotting in the empty parts
Nose is too strong, that aside good job.
He looks good and cool
It is especially important for invasions so you can tank through shit and just out trade people
I love it, miquella forma de adult is good looking, my heart is stolen
I also love you illustracion anon
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People claiming "it was always like this" aren't fanboys. They know it upsets you an that's why you do it. You have to understand this is the modern internet where everyone wants some "le epic win you're so mad" moment they'll be as disingenuous as possible to potentially get that. This behavior was popularized through sites like this one especially so its extra bad here. Nearly every argument now with millenials or zoomers on social media is just them wanting to be le epic trollface. They want to be based so bad they wrap around and become npcs. In a world of irony, disingenuous behavior, and contrarianism for the sake of it, being genuine, honest, and upfront about your actual beliefs makes you stand out most.
there's not enough thought put into the game or the story to characterize anyone as good or bad or villains or heroes
there are just boss fights and rationalizations for them to exist
there's no meaningful story being told
there's no message in anything being presented
it's utterly and totally safe because it's so vague about everything and is self contradictory that anything can mean anything you want
and while that may work in part for lore, the actual story is just fucking abyssmally bad, none of the characters are fleshed out or interesting
miquella is just miyazaki fap bait like malenia
there's no thought or care put into writing in this game, it's 100% just throw shit at the wall and let youtubers tell people what sticks
You will never stack enough passive poise to tank anything involving 1vs2 situations, and even random stray mashing will make your poise health irrelevant in most cases
HYPERARMOR is the most important thing for invasions, and it needs around 40-50 passive poise to work
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Is this a Malenia body swap or something?
>two trannies
"Hyper armor" only reduces incoming poise damage, by how much depends on the attack, so you still want to poisemaxx if you're looking to trade with invaders.
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Someone give me a good and fun FTH scaling weapon to use that ISN'T the FKGS, I already have another build using that.
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Why do dualshock controllers break after a fucking year? This is the third one I've owned and they all have the same problems. They either develop a deadzone on the joystick, start having random inputs that move either of the joysticks to the left, and now I'm having pairing issues. I bought this piece of shit last year in november and as of two months ago it refuses to correctly pair to my PC. Every time I want to turn this piece of shit on I have to remove it from my bluetooth devices and repair it because it can't fucking remember that it's connected to my computer. $80 for this shit? Seriously?
Miquella is so lucky...
I think that's part of the issue with it. Miyazaki himself said he likes when people interpret his work and likes reading/watching stuff based on it. He also said multiple times he wants us to feel as he did when he was a young esl reading English books he barely understood and just making up headcanon for what was going on. But I think he's gone too far. We know for gameplay back in ds3 days he said he likes to "surprise" the player. I genuinely wouldn't be shocked if he tried to do it with the more too, that he saw everyone speculating the final boss would be miquella with mohg/malenia/godwyn and instead, to subvert expectations and surprise us he threw in radahn, and by that point didn't have enough time to actually connect dlc miquella with base game miquella much besides a small handful of references even hinting they're meant to be the same person beyond the name and instead tried focusing on his obsession with radahn, devauling his character into a gay yandere with savior delusions. It also doesn't help that the man himself has gone on record to say rykard and radahn were his favorite bosses, nip surveys showed radahn was his favorite boss, and all over English reddit and amongst japs in general people wouldn't shut the hell up about fighting prime radahn or pre rot radahn in some way so he threw him in thinking everyone would basedface at how cool the boss is then spend hours speculating and coming up with more connections than he actually left in between them.
Given what we know about Elden Ring's family name schemes, I think it's safe to assume Renna was likely the mother of Renalla and Rellana; and the grandmother of Ranni.

>Children of Marika and Godfrey
>follows the God pattern, similar to Godfrey the father
Godwyn, and somewhere in the blood lineage is Godefry and Godrick.

>Children of Marika and Godfrey that are Omens
>follows the Mo pattern with no A's or E's, possibly the O stands for Omen
Morgott and Mohg.

>Children of Marika and Radagon
>all have M+E or M+A or both in their name scheme, similar to Marika the mother
Malenia, Melina, Messmer, Miquella. Their pet dog Maliketh also falls under this category.

>Children of Radagon and Renalla
>all start with R just like the parents
Radahn, Rykard, Ranni.

A lot of the offspring of these demigods like Rya and Millicent follow the same rules. But here's why I think the name scheme implies Renna to be the mother of Renalla and Rellana

>children? follow the Re + N name pattern
Rennalla and Rellana
>grandchild? who's also a female witch and carrian follows the R+N pattern, but has RA pattern like Radagon

We all thought Melina might be a child of Marika since her name scheme was similar to Malenia and then Miyazaki spelled it out for us with the Messmer's Kindling, confirming she was in fact Marika's daughter by saying she's Messmer's brother. I think he's giving us the name scheme of Rennalla and Rellana's side of the family as his way of telling us "yes, that's Ranni's grandmother", which also would explain how Ranni learned her magic and wants to puppet her around.
So you buy a new one.
Do you think planned obsolesce is some meme?
Pretty fun. Might wanna try casting Florissax's spell as well to desensitize people to the lightning animation. Also, why Death Lightning instead of ADLS?
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can I hit someone with ansbach's incantation and then tell me if it causes bleed build up? got my red sign down at highroad cross grace, password = erg
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I don't like werewolf and vampire fiction I'm just
Spellcasting in general requires INT and FAI and Messmer's spells specifically require FAI so you can think of his second phase as him losing his. He calls you graceless but it's only an insult, everyone in the world can tell you have Marika's blessing, and now he's losing to you. All he has left is the bestial side of him that lashes out in snake attacks. He won't admit it but he doesn't believe anymore and all that's left instinctive bestial fight-flight response. And even if his faith in Marika is shaken, he's still not picking flight.
>He also said multiple times he wants us to feel as he did when he was a young esl reading English books he barely understood and just making up headcanon for what was going on
I want to kill this motherfucker
Not really a faith weapon, but a faith ash of war. Do Giant Crusher (whatever attribute you want, I go heavy) with Prayerful Strike AoW and you can hit enemies hard, knock them down, have high poise while doing it, AND heal. It's how Faith/Str Unga Bunga's properly.
He doesn't have sex with this. You see, leda was actually the only female needle knight miquella would occasionally go up to one and have them dress as radahn and plap him. He did it to every single one but her. She got so jealous she murdered them all hoping miquella would finally choose her but didn't.
Yeah I was so fucking disappointed when I got this and tried it. Dogshit for both pve and pvp. The wings should create a gust of wind at the start of the animation stunning people in front of you just long enough to roll catch a panic roll. It still wouldn't be great but it would at least be usable.
The snow witch elsewhere is called the "snowy crone" implying she's an old woman. So it's likely it is her grandmother or her great aunt or something
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>They know it upsets you an that's why you do it

>In a world of irony, disingenuous behavior, and contrarianism for the sake of it, being genuine, honest, and upfront about your actual beliefs makes you stand out most.

And this is why I will not admit here that I like Morgott as a character in completely non-husbando way. I don't really care for that all masturbatory fanboyism/fangirlsim and cool-chasing, I just like an interesting character concept and I think that if I was a human living in Elden Ring world, I would like to serve a king like this and be his loyal knight.

But it's not something you can bring up here, because only acceptable behavior in this general is talking how much you would want to breed/spank/marry a character.
Why wouldn't it? But ok I'm coming.
Yeah, the "old" part is why I was going with grandma. I definitely think the name scheme spells it out for us though.
>by how much depends on the attack
You can comfortably trade anything below UGS with 51 poise with any decent invasion ashes of war
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What are they studying?
It can't be...
Crucible and Divine Gate, obviously.
Leda and malenia hatched multiple schemes to get miquella to bang them and they all failed, just like miquella's own schemes.
how is the stagger power on the new light greatswords? I have'nt bought the DLC yet.
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people keep saying it's bugged
Very low to compensate the insane moveset
The Haligtree has fallen...
I'm not seeing your sign.
maybe all your bosses are dead...
can you put your red sign down?
couldn't see anything, I moved to church of elleh grace and put a red sign down there
What are runes
Some bullshit. They're supposedly "memories" as a metaphysical energy source but also acknowledged as a form of currency.
Are you 125? I forgot how duels work but I'm guessing we're out of level range. I'll hop on over a lower level character.
it shouldn't matter because of the password, i gotta brb now anyway
I don't know then. I didn't see anything at Elleh either.
>Amazing and fun L2
>Amazing and fun R2
>Ruined by having the slow garbage standard great spear poking moveset
It's a spear
Man fuck midra's 5 combo aoe attack
So is the cross naginata and it gets a unique slashing moveset.
>dogshit L2 only useful for ganking and deleting scrubs or against weak enemies in pve
>dogshit R2 that gets mogged by practically all other ranged tools
>it's only redeeming quality is the goated greatspear moveset
The non-shitter take on this weapon, if anyone was wondering.
Trying to purposefully stick to 1 school of magic/Incantations really sucks for some reason even though like I thought it's be the moat fun way to do spells
Why come?
Never played the game so idk about any of that but I guess I'll trust you.
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Reminder this is the height difference between miquella and radahn
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Can you get in there?
both wrong
the r2s do suck though
>the r2s do suck though
Bro? Your Smithing Talisman? Your Axe Talisman? Your Spiked Crack Tear?
it doesn't matter they're still shit even if you stack buffs
If they tried to hold hands, Miquella would only be able to hold one of Radahn's fingers
Why is the old man trying to beat a kid this is not good mohgwyn propaganda
At least it does damage there is so much stuff in the DLC that is bad beyond use. Rain of fire for example.
Mohg has a living soul still but no body as there's no indication his soul was destroyed
Godwyn has a living body still but no soul
If there ever was a sequel mohg would've possessed godwyn's body, properly becoming Mohgwyn.
Fuck them kids
And not in the pre-dlc Mohg way
Inb4 "Leda would never day that like killing someone is bad", killing would imply that the peklle that she got rid of were people, those who go against Miquella the Unalloyed are vermin, it's not homicide its pesticide.
My new headcanon is that miquella never wore shoes because he had malenia, leda, radahn, and finlay carry him around constantly.
>At least it does damage
It has no HA so bosses will knock you out of it like nothing if it even manages to be on track to land and in PvP NOBODY with a brain is getting hit by it.
For sorcery all you need is Carian Slicer/Piercer. Incantations needed a lightning version of the Slicer and I've been saying this for years. I'm really mad we didn't get it in the DLC.
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What is he holding in?
I have a question, if you brainwash someone giving you influence over their actions, then under your spell they sleep with you. Does that count as you raping them?
It . . .
>properly becoming Mohgwyn
damn... it was right under our noses the whole time...
Idk what you're even asking so probably
Yes, that is legally rape.
Nightmare blunt rotation
He actually really liked rellana but the last time they met he violently threw up on her because marika made him very anxious around women and he ran off to his keep sealing himself away and malding at marika even more than normal. He never realized rellana thought it was cute and wanted him to come back to her.
Doesn't mean much when some braindead places now consider a roastoid getting drunk out of her own volition, then sleeping with someone and regretting it in the morning """rape""".
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in reality miquella was always aware that he is a character in a game, and with his magic he divined that miyazaki has a feet fetish

so his plan was to divest himself of shoes to charm miyazaki into making him new god of lands between

he didn't love radahn and wasn't gay rapist shota, too, he just knew what will titillate miyazaki the most

he was just engaging in extreme form of fanservice to lure miyazaki into his clutches and force him to do his bidding

he really was an evil mastermind
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Important post coming through
you rike?
So the miquella raped mohg?
The game would be millions times better if battle mechanics were designed with NONE iframes.
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>Doesn't mean much
...Yes anon, it does. It doesn't matter if you or I agree or disagree with it. That's the law. If you fuck some drunk slut and she accuses you of rape afterwards, enjoy prison.
Good idea on the lightning charge.
I thought death lightning did more damage/larger hitbox.
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I'm not sure about the damage but it's less random and spawns more lightning, that close in a semi-confined space it's probably just as deadly as Death Lightning, if not more and it would work better with Florissax's spell. It's probably worth a try even if Death Lightning is better.
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Wealth beyond measure, outlander.
Too bad From doesn't let you put carian sovereignity on that sword. Would've been too much fun I guess.
Did messmer eat the same serpent of rykard or what?
Messmer was born with a snake in his asshole
Is there a good reason to go from 54/56/58 strength up to 80? I use greatshields, but it feels like most big weapons are meant to be two-handed, and the damage increase is very insignificant after 54.
Strength is the only damage stat that can scale past 99 by two handing, so there's that.
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>go through the trouble of getting the tear that blocks mohg's nihil
>it doesn't stop the healing, just the damage ticks that you can just heal through anyways
what the fuck is the point then
Not having to waste those flasks?
Most weapons i use gain around 1-1.5 attack power per level after level 54 when two-handed. Maybe putting those levels into ARC and infusing with blood is the better ROI, but i feel dirty using anything bleed, and definitely won't be able to use the white mask to offset the AR loss of the infusion.
I think you answered your own question.
If you're int and you don't use cold then you're an idiot
if you're faith and you don't use black flame blade or black flame tornado you're an idiot
if you use arcane and don't use poison or bleed you're an idiot

if in general you don't use inherent poison or bleed you're an idiot.

percentage damage cuts down everything
No wasted estus, no downtime on attacking him during his phase transition.
But largely pointless if you're a good player, I don't ever bother getting it regardless of what level i fight him.
Blood infusion is for builds without ARC. Bleed ARC builds use weapons with bleed already built-in and infuse them with Occult.
i mean odds are, you're gonna want to heal anyways and it just takes 2 estus to completely negate the nihil mechanic. and seeing how mohg has the second highest scaling in the game, just before malenia, you should have estus-a-plenty.
Honestly, if it wasn't for this bullshit unavoidable damage, Mohg would have been the best designed boss in the game. Everything else about him is perfect. Also micro stutters because of particle effects are terrible, but this is normal for Fromsoft's incompetent programmers, and has been a staple for decades.
>I wake up
>There is no patch
If you use the tear it does so little damage that it isn't worth healing.
what do you what changed?
>I wake up
>Miquella isn't bouncing on my cock while his own impotent eternally-soft boiwiener flops like a deflated balloon leaking worthless watery cum
for every 2 points in arcane, bleed buildup on a bleed infusion goes up 1 point.
So it's still good.
>Honestly, if it wasn't for this bullshit unavoidable damage
Literally who cares, the damage is negligible with the tear and without it it still doesn't really matter.
Since I'm exclusively playing on Seamless at this point I figured I'd get some client side mods. This is what I got so far, any recommendations?
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where do i go after beating tall magic lake lady?
>Blood infusion is for builds without ARC.
Why? With the blood infusion, hemorrhage status increases very well from around 25 to 45 ARC, also increasing AR.
if you want to do a no-hit run, then a hit is a hit
>Literally who cares
I care when i want to finish my no-hit run where i run around with LOW HEALTH bonuses. Also, getting HIT in a NO-HIT run is not good.
That isn't how that works you know.
Mohgs phase transition doesn't count for hitless runs because the rules for hitless runs are decided on by the challenge running community.
A hit is a hit. Your little discord cabal means nothing.
Death Lightning is way more damage per bolt, it’s actually 2nd highest damaging spell hit after DragonMaw. But it can only hit each target once, so Anchent Dragon Lightning strike wins by a lot if at least 2 bolts hit.

So death is better for small targets, especially pvp since good luck hitting multiple Ancient strikes on one player.
Retard, see >>487845138
Also neither of you have done a hitless run if you don't know the basic rules.
You're just coping and seething because you're wrong and grasping for straws, you've never done a hitless run.
Even God Rick, the first major boss in the game, has unreactable AoE damage. This game is not designed for autismo "challenge" runs. Just like in Bloodborne, you are supposed to take damage.
Me and Miquella _______!
The same shitters who complain about armor being useless are the ones who end up in ironically arguing that the game was balanced around summons.
t. Someone who got hit and is now crying because xis run didn't count
considering no-hit runners kill him before he even gets to do his nihil, it definitely counts.
Do any of the spears have a unique moveset or one that's at least a bit less poke-y?
It definitely doesn't count, it's considered scripted damage by all of the serious no-hit runners.
Also neither of you have or ever will do a hitless run so you're just grasping at straws trying to be contrarian.
I don't know, I managed to pull off ADLS a couple times in pvp and it was always a oneshot on 60 vig people. Admittedly it's a pretty small sample size.
There’s a few different heavy attacks, and Swift Spear in DLC has unique light attack chain. As does Naginata in base game.

There’s a few horizontal slashes, but spears are always going to be mostly pokes.
Shoo shoo, back to your little circle jerk.
Radahn = Master Chief
Marika = Cortana
Torrent = The Arbiter
Elden Beast = The Gravemind
>The Finger creepers are born from Mother Finger

But they are so obviously Rykard's fucking fingers, what the fuck man
That's what I thought, concession accepted mrs contrarian shitposter.
The PS gameplay recording feature is very handy. I should remember to press that button every time i completely destroy a blue hunter human scum and point down at its corpse, then make a montage for the official ER reddit.
Partisan has slashes for heavies.
literally both ginomachino and ongbal considers the nihil damage, and they are the biggest no-hit runners out there. and that is precisely why you wait as long as you possibly can to do mohg, so that you can just burst him down without needing to even deal with the nihil damage.
i don't know who literally any of the people on that website are and have never heard of any of them.
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>Chudmaskfags can never post anything that doesn't have Seething about Ranni.
>literally both ginomachino and ongbal considers the nihil damage
No they don't.
Ongbal has videos on his channel fighting mohg stating it as "hitless" whilst also saying that only damage is from nihil.
Because it it doesn't count.
Check yourself before you shrek yourself in the future.
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My teacher Wife
nta but do you have anything from either of these two where they say that? a direct quote you can link to?
also thats just two people
then ongbal has changed his opinion about it, because gino definitely still says so and he stated so in his latest no-hit run.
How would you change the 'big weapon rests on shoulder' stance to make it more interesting?
>Morgott's hair is white
>Godfrey's hair is white
Therefore, Godfrey's hair was always white.
>the guy whos no hit run against mohg involves him popping some buffs and then standing there perfectly still using mohgs shackle spamming an ash of war to kill him in about 15 seconds
dont even mention him in the same sentence as ongbal who is actually good
looking to upgrade by build:
>is there a better halberd for a FTH build than the banished knight halberd?
>what are some good AoW for a halberd on a FTH build?
post your stats
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Holy shit! That hammerhead crucible knight on the ruins was badass.

In my first two playthroughs I ignored him because he was just there on the rock chilling and didn't seem he had anything I could need for my character.

But this time I fought him and he was so cool. The way he runs with anvil hammer charged but without actually hitting, the centaur aspect, the combos.

Was more exciting to fight than most bosses. This guy deserved its own booss room, what was he doing there in the middle of nowhere?
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>people cheese in a no-hit run to avoid getting hit by the second to final boss you fight in a no-hit run
>what was he doing there in the middle of nowhere?
Waiting for Godfrey
Flaming strike, fire spear, flame skewer, blackflame tornado.
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You no rike retcon? We make for you, gaijin piggu! 40 dorrer, prease!
might as well open up cheat engine or use a glitch to kill him if this is what you resort to
meanwhile you have ongbal killing him at RL1 NG+7 killing him hitless because nihil doesn't count
even the shitter gino says that you cant avoid the damage at lower damage/RL so it doesnt count
so... fvcking... zased...
This is the same kind of person who complains that any% speedrunners use exploits and bugs to get a WR.
one day sellenfic chapter 3 will come out surely (copium)
why do hosts have 0 survival instincts
Like the invader is clearly prepared for pvp and is there to kill you, and they think it's a good idea to carelessly chase them down?
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volcano manor
punchable face
>might as well open up cheat engine or use a glitch to kill him if this is what you resort to
Imagine being so absolutely frail that playing safe is now the same as "opening up cheat engine".
>build advice
LOL, come back when you are at least 180. Until then you can use whatever, it's all the same anyway.
Eternity ain't eternal. The worldtree of grace and order gotta be waterd with the runes of Tarnishds. Miquella the CURSED aka "Midget Miqqy" is not my demigod. he is separatist blasphemer and probbaly albinauric as well :DD ERD tree not HALIG tree ok. praise marika
>Like the invader is clearly prepared for pvp and is there to kill you
You'd be surprised how often the invader is clearly not ready for pvp.
why so brute
takes the exact same level of skill and interaction
guy is stood there afk mashing the ash of war button for about 15 seconds
zero thought process
zero skill
zero effort
might as well kill him with a glitch
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Mickey deserves abuse
Not true...he's for kisses and cuddles
>tfw wanted to copypasta some of the old St Trina ryona stuff and change the name to be Miquella but remembered the archive got copystriked
I should have saved em when I had the chance
Ready for PvP means having 600 of each consumable (yes, that means NG+50 to get all the starlight shards and meat dumplings), 600 golem arrows (you can probably get 10 of those by NG+50, but you gotta farm).
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It's the consequence of not actually playing the game, but instead following someone around who's 400 levels above the recommended for the area and letting them do all the game playing for you.
again, why would you risk multiple hours of effort to a boss when you can completely negate it instead, that's just choosing bad decisions because you value "being cool" over efficiency.
if it takes no skill, go ahead and do a no hit run yourself and show off how cool and good you are :^)
cool story im going to go grab the same broken setup he used and spam an ash of war for 15 seconds to show you how super skilled that "hitless" mohg run is compared to the actually skilled hitless mohg runs like ongbal doing it at RL1 because nihil just gets counted as scripted damage by anyone good
Never met someone with a taste for feet I couldn't trust. We'd make good mates, I reckon. I'll be seeing ya.
To be fair gyno has a 30 minute video of fighting malenia no hit with an unupgraded weapon, you can hate the cheese thats the meta for no hit runs but he's definitely not bad at the game. I honestly cant stand the guy either.
Beating Miquella to a pulp. Using gravity magics to make him fall over hard and then drag him around on the ground to prevent him from getting up. Waterboarding Miquella. Withholding food and water from him unless he shouts out loud embarrassing and self-depreciating lines I've written for him. Getting him habituated to having to "earn" his sustenance by proclaiming his sluttiness and worthlessness to the world. Breaking the routine by dragging him out of my cave by his hair like a sack of potatoes then making him do so in public in front of other NPCs. Hitting him when he refuses. Dragging him back to my cave and punishing him for the insolence of holding onto even a shred of pride and dignity by starving him. Taking him while he's weak and powerless from hunger and using him like a fleshlight doll. Wrecking his holes then demanding he clean up the cum with his mouth. Telling him that it's the only food he's getting for the foreseeable future when he refuses. Smirking as the piercing hunger pangs cause him to eventually give in and shyly lick up the proteins. Taunting him with delicious food before eating it all and making him scrabble on the floor for scraps and crumbs. Kicking him around some more for good measure before chaining him to the back of the cave and leaving him in darkness again. Laughing at the muffled sound of him crying himself to sleep, cold, tired, body bruised, hair in a mess, covered in fluids, holes aching and sore, with only some cum and stale crumbs in his stomach to keep the hunger at bay. That is what Miquella is for.
>medium armor
>take 80% damage
equip defensive talismans retard
Based and saved
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>consistently get Mohg to phase 2
>the improved damage on his attacks insta-kills me now so I don't get much practice on phase 2
Remember when redditors were trying to force the meta to be RL125, all while complaining that PvP killtimes were too short in their retarded underleveled meta?
arc/fth dragon spell build
it should be only one hole unless miqqy is a cuntboy
Rykard/Metyr is a thing now?
Cool, I guess.
its just funny that you get idiots in this thread that think because this one troonish cheeser said that nihil counts as a hit because if youre running a normal level build you can use a cheese strat to basically remove the fight that means it universally counts as a hit when it doesnt since the overwhelming majority agree the nihil is is scripted damage since otherwise it would totally remove the ability to do a bunch of other challenge runs
its like saying that hitless dark souls 1 is impossible because of the scripted seathe fight
He only has improved damage to begin with because he gets a damage buff from blood loss in the vicinity.
You bleed out in the phase transition. The buff wears out after a while and his damage is the same as phase 1 aside from his new attacks obviously.
what other skills are there in the game that have good mobility like piercing fang that can go on a poking weapon?
it's extremely good in the dlc since it will insta rot bosses and it low profiles, MANY dlc bosses have attacks which will simply miss if you time correctly, it's usually a trade of one minor hit (1 flask) for a rot infliction which is hugely worth. you can also roll out of it early which was buffed in a patch, do this every time. in the base game there are both way less bosses with attacks that can be low profiled, and many more bosses with canned animations that you can fit a rot breath in instead. this spell is almost always on my bar at ng+7 caster.
Rykards just went huge by eating human jars
Giant hunt
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What's the average range for PvP? 150?
I mean the bloodflame part of his spear one-shots me.
Only two months until it's over
>DLC has been out for 3 months now
lol, lmao even. go back to your gaynine eceleb discord or something
Just stay close to him, the bloodflame is never an issue.
ritual shield talisman

because summoning is like having someone do your homework for you
I know RL713 is a meme but you're unironically missing out if you haven't tried a handful of invades up at that bracket.
i mean the issue is whenever he fucks off to a distance and i can't follow him reliably because of all the fire on the ground.
i should probably mention that i'm RL30 with +5 weapons.
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I'm not seeing what your problem is since I've killed him RL20 with a +3 club and RL1 with a +14 club.
There is no point where you should have any sort of distance between you and him where the bloodflame could become an issue.
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God I wish I could pet his snakes and dress them up in cute bowties and get to sneak peeks at him trying to conceal how utterly embarrassed and flustered he is that his snakes are being doted on and getting friendly towards someone who had been an enemy combatant not too long ago
i mean when he flies off after throwing blood at you is when the distance is created but i mean, it's very obvious that you're far more of a gamer than i am at this point because i've been hard stuck on this shithead for a week now
When he flies away from you he immediately flies back towards you to attack you.
Just summon me and I'll tell you where you're going wrong. I'd need to see what you're doing.
is that it? also does GH have any advantages over PF or are they just different animations basically?
it does quite a bit more damage and stance damage and the beginning low profiles you, it takes slightly longer and has quite a bit less range. it also costs much more stamina and fp
it's also a quality skill instead of keen so it has good scaling if you're very high level or ng+ing. and it flips lighter enemies up into the air
yes, but he always overshoots you? like, literally every single time, he goes past you unless you steer his dive into a wall or something. like, that's the entire point of his jump back dive move, to dive and create distance.
i mean i already know what i'm doing wrong, i'm just not very good at this boss, and have never been good at this boss.
and yet people here kept trying to force RL90
neat, thanks. pure STR build here, RL150 with 80 STR, using the sword lance. i'll mess around with it. how much does the scaling on the ash matter, anyways? like PF being keen but i'm using it on a STR build, vs. if I used a DEX build instead?
it depends on your weapon and the target you're attacking and how much you want to skill spam as opposed to normal attack, it's a fucking pain in the ass to try to figure out ahead of the time so just empirically test it

Miquella has both. Dick, balls and pussy.
When should I go to Shadow Keep? Don't want to brick quests.
the only quest that bricks from shadow keep is getting the dragon waifu spirit ash. go around and talk to every member of griffith's band before approaching it and you're good
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>SL 40 +1 weapon invading
>host with muled equipment
>two password phantoms that are using end game spells/weapons/armour
>sitting in limgrave in the open world
>refuse to leave the open area they're in with no mobs
>all three are chinese
Sat there till I got sent home eventually.
The absolute state of chink gankers.
You are a fucking idiot.

If Ongbal fucks up, or gets unlucky, he just tries again. His videos probably take dozens of attempts each.

In a full-game no-hit run a mistake costs you hours of progress. Like 15+ hours in some cases. You wouldn’t risk anything sub-optimal. It’s completely different type of fight.

You are basically saying “marathon runners suck, Usain Bolt ran 100m in 9 seconds, but this marathon guy took ages to do same distance”.
>Arts that hit with your weapon (aka “Weapon” Hits) depend on your weapon’s AR. Simple.
>Arts that hit with anything other than your weapon (aka “Bullet”) depend only on:

doesn't this mean that shit like PF and GH just scale based on your weapon AR because they don't have a "bullet", they hit with the weapon? vs. something like wind woosher that can hit with both the bullet projectile and the sword?
Overlevelds are always the biggest posers in these games.

>if I put a picture of le gigachad with my shit take then maybe I can fool fellow copers
oh right
NOOOOO I must be an unstaggerable passive poise golem!!!
It is impossible to grind that many runes so the only people you run into are cheaters
>reddit spacing
but you're also using endgame equipment
have you watched any youtube videos about it? sometimes when I'm stuck I'll watch some videos and realise there's one spot that I'm being sub-optimal that's normally the difference maker. Even something as small as "dodge forward on that attack, not backwards, just to get in for one more hit"
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>muh heckin spehsserino
you gullible retard
i wouldn't say "cheater". there's a huge difference between getting someone to drop you runes and equipment vs. someone using CE to brick your save. best you could probably get is "exploiter" but it's still all stuff you can do in-game.

Hornsjews lost.
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>when the autism is so strong that the reply chain goes black
>end game equipment
Come again?
I'm literally invading in the DLC non-stop at level 125. Why go higher? Nobody is playing at 200, especially not normies, because it takes ages to get to 200. By the time you are at 200, it's NG+3 or something. Only the smallest minority of players play this game for that long.
he's technically right, the weapon is midgame but the armor is from snowfield
That's true if you're so bad at the game you constantly die and never have runes to level up.
if you beat the game and dlc you get to 200 retard, or like 180 if you die or dont use rune gain items
That's the point. 80% of the time you're being spoon-fed a never ending parade of clueless bullgoat clowns who have zero grasp of how to actually play the game. The other 20% you run into giga-autists who are up there to prey on the aforementioned 80% with a bunch of retard gimmick loadouts.
>but the armor is from snowfield
No it isn't, you get to mohg in liurnia.
He's an early game boss.
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>I argue for the sake of arguing
>t. no argument because I'm right
You reach mohg in lurnia: FACT
You can easily kill mohg at that level: FACT
Cope and dilate.
is he not wearing the sanguine noble hood?
NOOO don't make fun of my goofy super cool dragon mode AIIIIEE!
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If your invader is red, then you didn't win the invasion. If you aren't using a talisman slot for fashion, then you're not a real invader.
Trading or using third-party apps to eliminate farming time (exp/item farm) is practically accepted behavior for many PvPers in these games.
No one asks how they farmed all those equipment/items/spells/exp. Just don't alter the original stats/effects.
I don't even think sweaty duel tournaments require participants to have a legitimately farmed character.

There are plenty of low-level invaders that legitimately acquired all their end-game equipment & spells.
But these guys are grossly outnumbered by the equipment traders/spawners.
No I'm wearing the champions headband from the bandit starting class.
The only two things I picked up were bloody helice from the moment you get up to altus and mohgs cloak from when I killed him.
>still no argument because he knows I'm right
>can only post meme pictures and attempt to deflect
Yeah that's what I thought you little bitch.
Cute dog though.
No it isn't, if you cheated in any items/consumables/runes, you are filthy low life trash. And it's an entirely other thing to cheat in more runes than a human could feasibly farm. Leveling to max is practically impossible.
Weird hours
Is there any special critical elemental weapon like there was in DS3 with the Chaos Dagger?
As in would a Flame Art dagger deal more damage than a magic infused dagger.
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That was the secret sauce anon. Miyazaki just used too much this time.

>didn't even give satisfying Scadutree lore in a DLC named after it

He got lost in his gay ESL sauce.
it's hilarious how quick /erg/ is to recognize bait in every case EXCEPT when it comes to lore, where some guy posting single-sentence bait can get multiple genuine essayposts in response
my mistake then
hated waiting for this cunt. big fan of your fit though.
>No it isn't, you get to mohg in liurnia.
Only if you go through Varre's questline.
Snowfields is the natural progression.
Do you know basic arithmetic? It takes a fuckton of runes to get from 180 to 200. Almost 3 times as much as it takes to level 1-180.
i usually jump from the spiritspring. you can just shoot the skulls with arrows too, did that my first playthrough
Did you play the game? Do you have any idea how many runes DLC bosses give? I entered at 150 and was 200 long before the end of the DLC.
>durrr natural progression is skipping the first and easiest way to get to an area until you get to the end of the game and you're horrendously overleveled and overpowered to go back to an early game level
>fextralife posting
Absolute state of you.
Dude the guy posting "Thops = Sellen = Rellana" is 100% genuine and simply misinformed and even though the last three 2000-character posts didn't work surely one more will get him to understand he's interpreting the lore wrong.
Did you actually play this game, or did you pump 100% of your runes into levels while playing with a single fully upgraded weapon?
Just killed Fia because she killed my nigga D and she's a hoe but now I can't get some good items :(
did you play the game?
>stopped replying
concession accepted
Do you guys play the game?
Reminder that just like the Erdtree, Godwyn's spreading roots and faces are based on Berserk's Kushan Emperor.
That's a great song.

you can't just parrot back people's posts at them lol
Margit is Morgott. There. I've said it.
At this point I assume you're just another baiting retard so I'll ignore you.
should I mention Blaidd's death to Iji? I dont want him to die if all I get is his helmet.
How do you think some PvPers throw (hefty) rot/sleep/furnace pots as if the mats are sold by a merchant? The same goes for sleep arrows.
Not to mention playthrough-limited consumes like Starlight Shards in every close PvP encounter.
PvP is an arms race, you meet opponents spamming rare consumes, you either outplay or match them.

That's why no one really cares how PvPers sourced those items.
This is probably a dumb idea but why doesn't Miquella simply pretend to be a girl to get around Radahn's homophobia/heterosexuality, it's not like Radahn can tell
They cheat, how else? Why do you assume that's somehow acceptable behavior?
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Build for this feel?
I want to participate in the multiplayer of the dlc but I don't want to level up.
I'm level 50 +3/7.
How far do I have to level up?
your choices have no effect on the endings, if you do ranni's quest certain things occur
faith build
exploding physic
Mohg's health and runes are scaled to Malenia's level. Both only beaten out by EB in terms of base game.
Ergo, he is the third to last boss to be beaten.
impenetrable thorns spammer

dlc levels are 150-200. you literally cannot except for other low level players who won't be summoning
Varre's quest isn't even close to being a mandatory NPC and his location in Liurnia is easily missable to most casual's first playthrough.
If FromSoftware intended Varre's route to Mogh to be the natural progression, the option would've been given without having to join a PvP faction that physically alters the player Tarnished.

This is like arguing you're supposed to trigger the Dancer's fight in DS3 asap and access Lothric Castle just because the game allows that option.
Low-attempt, no more (yous).
I've beaten the game, I just never went back to talk to Iji until just now. I feel too much pity for too many of the characters. I just want at least one of them to have a happy ending, even if that ending is just being alive.
from are hardcore masochists sorry
>muh HP pool
>muh runes
You get to him in liurnia, you fight him in liurnia or you're just self soothing that you skipped him to go overlevel and come back.
Is there a way to get Patches gear without killing him?
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You cheat to never level Mind and use exalted flesh and drawstring rot grease on every build

I cheat to throw the funny rock at co-op'ers

We are not the same
>little bitch scared to reply to me so he tried to do it all subtly hoping I wouldn't notice
Well thanks for telling us all how much of a huge pussy you are, we all knew it already but your confirmation is great chinkoid chan.
Now go eat some rice you smelly yellow subhuman.
Go piss your pants at that one invader with your two high level password summons.
Is he involved in the DLC at all? Killing him won't lock me out of any DLC interactions will it?
Rune reward and health determine when a boss should be approached
Mohg is third to last
You CANNOT refute this fact.
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even outside of the DLC, you cannot escape him.

this boss fight is NOT optional.
nothing you do matters either way
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>start playing and exploring
>transporter trap sends me to caelid
>wow fuck this place
>find a rot hound spirit ash
>free rot on every boss
never looked back
I don't recall Gayus having bleed or incantations, strange
Mohg is reached in liurnia and that dictates when the boss progression is because you literally reach it then.
You CANNOT refute this fact.
You also didnt beat the game since you clearly skipped past him.
Cope and dilate.
the chest trap is kino
Did we ever find out what the Dancer's Castanets were for or did that Tanith stuff get cut completely from the game never to return?
Frantic rutting with Malenia, ramming as many creampies into her womb while she's ovulating in an effort to get some sperm past her caustic cervix and up to her ovum.
If you want to play Souls/ER PvP with an equipment honor code, you might as well quit for the sake of your own time.
The options
>Tediously spend extra time farming rare crafting mats, go through extra NG cycles to pick up the cycle-limited consumes
>Just PvP at a disadvantage
>Outplay opponents (not possible vs. every opponent)
>Spawn/trade for your equipment & rare items
>Don't PvP at all.

You don't seem to realize the scale of the people choosing the spawn (PC) / trade (console) option.
to be honest with you i don't even really need them. im spec'd for FGMS and not even using it. i know you say that ironically, but i'd probably be even stronger if i just went pure 80 STR build with just the sword lance.

would you think gravity fans would be okay? obviously im not casting gravity magic. i'll try some "pure" cosplay invasions today.
Pieces of shit like you are too filthy to warrant my (yous). No one on this basketweaving board is scared of (you).
Sequence breaking is a natural part of the game and can be done extremely easily.
I can reach Morgott without defeating 2 shard bearers as well for example.
Or reach Volcano Manor without passing Atlus
Or the of course famous Dragonbarrow.
Health and rune rewards is the true way to determine the scaling of an area/enemy.
Mohg is 3rd to last. He is considered endgame thusly.
You cannot refuse these facts. You have no argument. You have no logic. You will only ever be a coping and seething shitter.
You will NEVER be right.
Cope, seethe, dilate, shit, piss. You cannot alter factual true reality and information.
Idk what's going on but I'd rather kill myself before becoming a faggot who does this
>Ooh ooh aah aah I am not replying to (you)!
shit. You should genuinely consider suicide for being at this level of faggotry
Cope & seethe. Marika is a jar with a cursed womb
It's supposed to trigger faggots like (you), that's why this will never stop.
Working as intended. Cope & seethe.
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I just beat the game a few times at low level and CE in whatever I want to save myself time and effort. Like it isn't about the moral integrity of cheating or not cheating at this point, I just want to be able to pick and choose my fashion without having to grind for 30-45 minutes for a single item every time I want to try something.

It also helps to have the self-control to not do shit like use rot pots, rot grease, rare consumables, starlight shards, etc. etc.
There's a glitch with one of the fur raiments, I forget which one, that makes you appear naked in multiplayer.
I think the biggest issue is the limited consumables for a few very key things.
The fact sleep pots are fucking gated is beyond me.
I mean now you've got eternal sleep but seriously what the fuck.
They think people who disagree with them only do so to bait for replies. Which honestly reveals more about their own state of mind. Trolls think everyone else are trolls like them.
marika cheated on godfrey with hornsents
>It also helps to have the self-control to not do shit like use rot pots, rot grease, rare consumables, starlight shards, etc. etc.
I'm not a cynic. Most people start like you and don't spam rare (crafted) consumables or NG cycle limited.
If you play enough PvP, you meet enough opponents throwing rot/sleep pots like they're throwing knives and using Starlight Shards like it's an unlimited vendor item.
There comes a point where you decide to fight fire with fire or just continue to deal with the item disadvantage(s).
Marika laid with dogs and reptiles
>other people commit crime, so uhhh I can too!
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it is done. 80 STR now, wish me luck.
>They think people who disagree with them only do so to bait for replies
No, some posts are just not worth giving the (you)s.
Not everyone's opinion should be equally valued.
I haven't reached that point in 13 years of invading and I never plan to. Beating rot pot-spamming subhumans in Stormveil is part of the appeal for me. As soon as I see the starlight shard particle effect I play like an absolute dog, but that's about it. But I also recognize that I am in the minority, especially with FromSoft essentially giving up on consumable balance in the arena.
if you wanna use spells, rocksling and the gravity spell gaius himself gives you would all be in character
How to resist magma damage ?
>not invading in seamless and only fighting from horseback
That's the thing, the point of a reply thread is for readability. If you think "giving (you)s" is some sort of transfer of value to the recipient you're already mindbroken beyond saving.
How to resist magma damage ??
You think the sweatiest PvPers spend their downtime legitimately farming all the consumes they've burned through?
Until FromSoftware implements an effective deterrent to this behavior, this isn't going to stop
How to resist magma damage ???
Magma is hot
Fire is hot
If you resist fire damage, it means you can take a lot of heat
If you can take a lot of heat...
>sequence breaking
Didn't read anything past that because it isn't a sequence break since it is the normal order of progression since you reach it in liurnia.
Just lots of cope after this totally wrong statement no doubt.
Lmao at your failure.
No its not, I did some rough calculations and if you do most main bosses (excluding DLC) it would take around 250 playthroughs at NG+7 to reach max level, at 4 hours per playthrough assuming you're rushing bosses that's merely 1000 hours.
I think you're the mindbroken one that's continuing to make a drama out of this. Shut the fuck up.
How does that refute what I said?
The fire scorpion talisman works
how can samus crawl
just let him die and reunite with blaidd
if you don't then what happens to him? he will live alone for the rest of his days since blaidd is dead and ranni fucked off to space
How to resist magma damage ?????
I can now resist magma damage
>xhe thinks the being too scared to reply directly to me and hoping I won't notice xir attempt to whisper under xis breath that I won't notice xir and berate xim
Even cuter when you think this annoys anyone instead of it just making you look like a scared little pussy homes.
I accept my monumental buckbreaking of you.
You'll try and murmur under your breath again in response to this alpha energy post because you're afraid that I'll flying uppercut your face.
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what kind of insanity is that?
is it a troll?
it cannot be a real deranged person, can it?
Joining Mogh's Dynasty is an optional progression, not a natural one.
The game offers players the choice to decline Varre's offer, or not engage him at all.
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daily reminder
>he has no argument left so resorts to "didn't read"
Unable to cope
Unable to argue
Pissing, shitting and seething
You will never be right
You will never win an argument.
And you will also never be a woman
Mohg is endgame. Just like how you are a man.
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>Not everyone's opinion should be equally valued.
>...so im gonna still respond to them but just without the reply, because the real value of a post is the >>
Shithead like you are treated as second-rate citizens. That's all there's to it.
You can't stop replying because you're the buckbroken faggot. Cope & seethe.
>Let Rykard eat me because I like the idea of joining the family and maybe I get to be in the Blasphemous Blade itself when we devour the Gods together.
>Game still forces me to respawn at a grace.
if any of you used any of these, your dark souls protag license is officially revoked.
That little instant shove they do hits you mid-air because fuck you and I hate it so much. It's so fucking bullshit that so many little enemies get to have an attack that comes out in like 3 frames so they can damage or worse yet stagger you even though you started an attack animation waaaaaay before. Thas happens even with fast weapons.
I dont usually complain about how sweaty combat has gotten in these games but some things like that are 100% infuriating bullshit
challenge running is for trannies
Lmao, nerd.
Yeah that's what I thought you little pussy. Still buckbroken by my fucking of you. You're lucky I don't roundhouse kick you into next year.
Little bitch trying to murmur under his breath.
Fuckin PUSSY.
Since /ourdude/ basically disappears into a cloud of sparkle particles I don't think Rykard actually gets anything out of it
>Unironically humoring the ridiculous notion that Mohg is intended to be the second demigod you kill.
You deserve to be shit in just because of how easily you swallow bait.
Why the arguments here always end up with people doing nothing but throwing insults at each other
why are you replying to the shitposter who clearly is acting in bad faith?
he obviously didn't even beat mogh that early just cheated the gear because "YOU SEE IT'S TECHNICALLY POSSIBLE"
when did we go from git gud scrub to oh just use the difficulty reduction items what are you retarded?
tired of the future. im watching idiocracy right now and it still seems less fucked up than the current world.
>t. seething tranny
His name is Mohg.
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I wish we got to see more of human!Ranni
>im too shit to beat mohg at the intended level therefore everyone else must also be too shit to do it too
Ye man that I dunno, sounds like a you problem there
Maybe you should try taking some git gud and come back to us on that one
You know the thread is fucked for the next few hours when the mentally ill /v/ children show up with the most retarded "you didn't le beat the game" bait.
Varre's quest wasn't even completable for offline players until FromSoftware added in an NPC target post-launch.
His quest was only available to PvP before that.
Doesn't sound like there was any intent to make his quest route a natural progression as you claim.
if you're trying to troll chain me again ill just leave im not even playing elden ring today, cuntflaps.
No argument left.
Not coping
Mohg is endgame. You cannot refute. You also will never be a woman.
I won't even accept your concession. Your punishment for being utterly wrong about Mohg being early game is to seeth and shit and piss for eternity. You will stay here, replying, forever wrong. Forever unable to win the argument.
the fragments are mandatory and playing without them is harder/worse than a rl1 playthrough
If Mohg is intended to be beaten right after Godrick, why does his dungeon drop endgame upgrade materials you have no use for in Liurnia?
Again? Nigger I don't know who you've been beefing with but it ain't me. Anyways challenge running and speedrunning are for trannies, end of story.
>offline players
You still got no argument
You got no maidens
You got no hands
You got no dick
You got no money
You got no lands
You got no rizz
You not got that
Absolutely assblasted by my monster cock
you do less damage than rl1 but at least your hp isn't super low so it's not that bad
Hey I got to ranni's tower but blaidd was not there, last time I saw him was after the radahn fight. Any idea where he could be?
I'm holding it in for a week. Sellen will get it today.
Just felt like letting you guys know.
>the fragments are mandatory
no, they're really not
A zoomer on top of being wrong and seething and shitting and pissing
Mohg is endgame
You cannot refute
You will always be wrong
You will never be a woman.
I accept your concession.
that's not fun
For those of you around for ds3 dlc releases, what was the initial impression of AoA and did people already know ringed city was coming next? My newest copium is thinking we are getting another dlc that fixes things like ringed city.
Didn't read lol.
You got nothin, except your mangina.
Which I destroyed.
I accept your virginity.
it actually is pretty fun, you really need to learn the fights. it's not like a low upgrade run, not even close
SotE is better than AoA and TRC put together
Hey I got to ranni's tower but blaidd was not there, last time I saw him was after the radahn fight. Any idea where he could be??
he's in the evergaol where darriwil used to be
iji locked him in there
I though iji was a bro now he is on the chopping block thanks
Ariandel DLC wasn't very popular because people felt the $15 DLC's content wasn't big enough.
The new warrior enemies, large wolf, and Friede were fun to fight though.
Leda's sword or Lordsworn greatsword?
Next person who says "I accept your concession" will have their flaccid penis put into my mouth
They said sote was the only one
I got everything, and I am right
You have nothing, and are wrong
Mohg is ending. You will never cope. You will always seethe.
Good raid faggots
leda sword
iji is just an old dude who made a mistake, you'll see when you talk to him
Replaying the dlc at RL250 and 20 skibidi feels like the intended difficulty. They really wanted to force a progression and it made the forst playthrough tedious. I’m actually having fun now.
i thought it was well worth the $15 since the levels were good and the boss fight was engaging
I'm pretty sure that it was made clear at the time Ariendel was just the first DLC.
As in, From people said it in interviews.
But it's been a lont time.
Didn't read either lol.
You got nothin but your gaping ass wound from my spear of the impaler.
Get grab attacked dork.
Was ringed city advertised when ashes came out? Did people even see it coming?
I accept your concession
I accept your concession
I accept your concession
I accept your concession
>t. cocksucker
>their penis put into my mouth
Oh fuck off kill yourself I thought it was the opposite
Yeah exactly, having pretty much a single grace felt so much like DS1 in that place. I group it together with Leyndell because they are supposed to be the same Legacy Dungeon. Also a lot of people complained about the tricky navigation and getting lost in the shunning grounds but, like, that's fun as fuck to me.

Also Elden Ring really disapoints me every time they invalidate their own level design by putting graces literally everywhere. This started with DS3 but it's gotten way worse since.
Midra's manse for example features it's initial grace and then two shortcuts that allow you to go from that one to the boss in less than a minute, very much DS1 style. Yet the absolute imbeciles put a grace right beside every shortcut you unlock, so, what's fucking point of the shortcut?!?!
Another one that grinds my gears is at Margit. You get a grace before the fog wall, beating him spawns another one, and walking 5 steps into Stormveil you find yet another one. Incredibly idiotic. They could've easily put a stake of marika before the fog wall, not spawn a grace after killing him, and leave only the third one
You are just shitting and pissing and seething that Mohg is endgame and you cannot refute, and that you will never be a woman.
ashes of ariandel release date was october 2016
ringed city announcement trailer was jan 2017
does this mean I have to kill the wolf since he is trapped in the evergaol? Thats a bummer
I share your opinion, but it's not representative of the majority.
Friede is one of the better boss fights, even if P2 takes it down a notch.

No, I don't think FromSoftware even announced the title of the next DLC.
They just sold a season pass promising two DLCs.
Didn't read lol.
2 words or less or I fuck you in the ass again.
thread full of raidtrannies and not a drop of piss to drink..
Can't believe I still die to Elden fucking Beast. I got too comfy with Torrent
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If you didn't beat mohg at RL1 it didn't count and you were overleavened.
End of bread.
Mohg's endgame.
Seeth, shit and piss. ANd be wrong forever.
cover yourself up slut
I've come to the conclusion that FromSoft tricked everyone into thinking that ER is an open world game. It really isn't, the overworld honestly shares very little in design to most other open world games. ER's overworld is actually just a gigantic dungeon as far as it's design goes, but with vast expanses instead of hallways. Once you think of it like that it makes a lot more sense. FromSoft makes dungeon crawlers and clearly they just wanted to make the overworld playing ti their strengths
More than two words didnt read lol.
I want to tie them into a noose and have him hang himself with them
Too late cocksucking faggot. Yours will be sucked instead even if you don't like it
epic, gg
Mohg's endgame. Seeth, shit and piss yourself.
Remember how Morgot's corpse has no horns and all that? It might be an inconsistency but it's not hard to imagine Mohg's corpse transforming and mutating and regenerating a lot when turning into zombie radahn
Every single anon in this thread, in the Leyndell colosseum. Not as Tarnished but as themselves. And all participating in a huge orgy.
Sausage party
nta, its almost the same as the new electroshock buff spell, lmao
didnt read lol
i slapped your ass again
meant for >>487862172
you don't have to kill him, but he still turns half insane and old yeller'ing him is the only way forwards
You will always be wrong and Mohg is endgame.
Never forget this thread. Seethe eternally at it.
I really wish Sellen didn't turn into a meatball at the end of her quest. I would've made her my court wizard/designated footjob maid as elden lord.
didnt read lol
but i beat your ass
>Remember how Morgot's corpse has no horns
Hey, lore idiot here, what is in-game lore explanation for Morgott's transformation? Why his horns and his gorgeous tail of destruction suddenly disappeared? Why suddenly he was just a withered normal-sized grandpa? What the fucking fuck happened when he was defeated?
damn I believe I have fucked his questline if its happening so early, well thanks dude
Forever seething.
he expelled his tainted blood forcefully in his phase 2 transition, he was all out by the end and only the untainted portions of hiim remained
didnt read lol
i made a woman out of you
blaidd has no missable items but all of his dialogue is skippable depending on game progress. there is an absolute shit ton of missable dialogue in the game, missable items there are very few.
Fuck this keeps happening every night I play ER, it's ruining every morning plan I make
Hornsent use their bodies and weapons as "vessels" for divine spirits that manifest as horns. I guess Morgott was similar and when he got slain, the horns went away because he wasn't possessed by the spirit of a horned beast anymore.
Is level 160 too high for pvp?
Forever wrong
Mohg's endgame.
Nah, I get plenty of invasions on my RL170.
>tfw you realize that Placi's pose when you find him in Farum Azula is him forever calling up to his god like the Fingers try to do after Morgott
>And his heads are entwined like the crucible current
I wonder if he's like Metyr and just got ghosted by the Greater Will forever.
No, even sweaties moved up to minimum 150 invasions.
But he expelled his tainted blood EARLIER, when he put in his sword.

> The accursed blood that Morgott recanted and sealed away reformed into this blade.
didnt read lol
but i made a woman out of you
came in your ass
What does YWNWAA mean?
thats a relief, shame I still have to kill blaidd.
But he transforms into grandpa before he dies.
He is defeated, he is grandpa, he gives you a final offensive talk-down and he dies.
Using Ice Hatchet and a normal shield I beat Gaius on my second attempt. First attempt I died trying to use my horse so I just did it on foot and won
do you not see the difference between making your sword kinda firey with a little blood and covering the entire arena with pissblood
You Will Never Wax Anons Asshole
Yeah that's what I said. The horned beast spirit in him fucked off and took it's blessings of horns and strength with it
Why would you want to do that??
his sword is made of tainted blood
>he swampasses
Is there any art of Omen girls? Asking for a friend.
>wondering why everyone is cheating today
>deathblight swap, chainsaw, bone bow in general
>I'm just using madding hand
>unzip spine torch
>instant madness
is this bugged?
can we get a new thread
no, it's random as fuck and doesn't deal damage, only madness dmg, balanced weapon
So is this another /dsg/ raid or some discord shit from /v/
You Will Never Win An Argument
You never will. And YWNBAW either
Mohg's endgame.
didnt read lol
slapped and clapped your ass
what are you yapping about? degree in yapology
post cropped miquella porn so i can use it in the OP
Yeah his phase one death tone is extremely sarcastic and dishonest, like he's just reciting this slogan he has repeated to himself and other a million times already
It's still objectively worse than the bone bow just for how small the zone is. IMO just make the projectile count accelerate over time so that it's more of a wakeup option than "I run towards you and spam it with poise."
So that tainted blood is not IN him, but in the sword, sealed away on purpose, because he recanted it and wanted to have nothing to do with it. It didn't change a thing - at the beginning of the fight he was still a big-ass horned demon-thing, with his tainted blood sealed away. Unsealing the blood makes him stronger, but it has no effect on his body looking more or less omen-like. Only defeat does. But other defeated omen and hornsent don't change in normal people, so what the fuck is that about?

Why the fuck nothing in that game makes sense?

>Is there any art of Omen girls?
Mohg is a girl, apparently.
Mohg's endgame
Never forget these facts.
Now that I've used it more I think the procs do less than regular madness too, so if you use it on a madness build there's literally no point. It just clears your madness buildup with a worse proc and because it instaprocs there's no reason to back it up with another madness weapon. Just proc madness then use greatsword of damnation because the L2 arc has the same range as the projectiles.
real talk: are hefty rot pots okay? it doesn't use limited use items to make it. you can farm for it pretty reasonably all things considered.
You don't need my opinion to judge what's fair game, man. I'm a total nobody.
Hefty rot pots are clearly fine considering the fly mold becomes a purchasable mat after you find its associated bell-bearing, and the Scarlet Bud's a respawning plant in the rot-infested segments of Rauh.

I just think it's safe to assume a lot of the PvPers constantly throwing rot pots (or similar) probably aren't replenishing Aeonian Butterflies (or other low drop rate mats) by farming Lake of Rot basilisks (or other relevant targets).
If you get sniped by a rot pot just eat a bolus. The effect contradicts their range.
nvm this doesn't combo, you just graze them and deal damage even if it connects while they're maddened
You are so fucking bad holy fuck
>just eat a bolus
>1x Sacramental Bud per Preserving Bouses
I don't even blame players for what they do to obtain it.
in another lifetime, this could have been us
flame cleanse me is the actual answer.
The guy that uses the boluses has more FP to work with, they also don't have to meet the FTH requirement.
That's why sweaties use boluses, not spells.
Status in general is fundamentally cringe because you need 400 robustness to not get instantly frozen by a hefty frost pot and still 380 just for the regular ones, which isn't possible unless you give up a talisman slot or inadvertently make yourself into a poise monster. At low level you can't cross this threshold even wearing moore's armor from the neck down because if you get your equipload from anything but raw endurance = lower base robustness. And this is just frost, bleed can be scaled up with arcane.

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