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Anger Management or something Edition

Previous: >>487869213

>Download - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/


>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 (JP)

>Zhu Yuan EP - "As the Sugar Cube Floats, Fleeting in Time"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-ekcFSdke8 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wsp6_mservA (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s (JP)

>Official X account

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online) - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull Tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>Damage Calculator

>ZZZ stickers

>/zzz/ Thread Template
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zhu yuan is elysia????
Belle thirsts over Wise’s cock.
Who is better for piper+lucy?
Petting Von Lycaon’s silky smooth, well groomed and nicely scented fur!
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>one of Zhu Yuan's agent stories has you watching porn with her
Is this true? Context?
Incest trannies

Tranny incestors
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Why does the police only hire fatasses?
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1.1 will be brutal without luckfagging...
What happened? Zhu now needs M2 overnight.
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>JP dub
She found a bunch of tapes with the names scratched off and wanted help watching them to identify the contents.
>have C1 Grace
I'm so ready for the rat
I'm more interested how did they hire a fucking autistic loli robot
Just because you're a fag and circle jerk and parrot what other fags are thinking doesnt mean its popular lol
Big firm and round asses are a sign that she's a good runner. Look at athletes at Paris.
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Poll! Who's the most retarded ZZZ character?
hard mode: no miyabi
Best way to get 65 pulls before the end of the banner or am I cooked without using THAT? Still on chapter 2 and I have the welkin
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Armin was voiced by a woman?
managed to clear SD 9 with B and all previous SD with S
is that a lot? is that a little? how far did you get?
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Brickomata isn't better than anyone for anything.
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>game is about outlaws
>first banner
>cute shark maid girl
>next couple of banners
what did they mean by this?
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Rain SEX
let's not start this discussion again
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She was made for it probably, since making androids is lost tech.
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I love him...
She finds some old tapes or something and needs to go through them for evidence, they are so old that the police office can't play them and only your shop has a player for the tapes.
They are black tapes with no covers on them so (You) think they are porn tapes and you tell her it's "one of those kinds of movies" and shes what the fuck are you talking about I'll watch them anyway. And then she gets really embarrassed.
There's unironically like 200+ limited pulls in the game with the monthly. Just play the game and do your dailies.
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Is it just me or does Lucy have a weird downtime when using her skill? Do I just keep staring at the target and wait for the ball to hit? I can't even swap out else I risk losing the assist combo, or even being staggered by some attack which replaces the assist with a crappy defensive one.
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Zhu Yuan dynamic wallpaper
go dodge into one E before u switch
Ain't no way that's real
>not pushing her fat ass on my face
Now I’m upset.
how did I not notice this with eng dub
>"Yo, I am Phaeteon"
>"Ahahah, great joke"
God, one of those days I am going to get this clueless idiot.
Pfff belllabog
Is it worth doing expert hunting before IK 50?
I play this game in English and I gotta say I can hear my ears bleed when Soukaku speaks.its not that the VA is bad. The voice is not my cup of tea.
>The Crew gacha
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No refunds.
Stop fucking around, Scarlet Nightfall, we have a job to do.
What’s the deal with Anby?
>adopted by Nicole
>regiments her downtime
>looks a lot like S11
Is she a soldier with memory loss?
release date?
She's the FF of ZZZ, S11 its also the FF of ZZZ.
Nicole is so fucking sexy bros
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Okaeri, Onii-chan!~
It's implied, yeah. Someone mentioned before, they have the same face plate or something.
What does Final Fantasy have to do with this?
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Nice cock
>they have the same face plate or something
And uniform, and blade and that backpack-riot-shield thing
Miyabi is so fucking sexy bros
What does Skibidi Ohio Rizz mean and why is it related to ZZZ?
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nice game
At sex? No one.

How anyone defends Eng in this game is retarded, they're all below average and JP sounds amazing, and this is coming from me who is very open to dubs.
there's no release date
they have more announcements this September but it releases in 2025 probably.
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My pizza is taking forever...
Calm down Zhu Yuan
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This game reminds me of pic rel for some reason
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I can't wait for comfy sol holiday events bros.
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>it releases in 2025 probably
Is it? There are currently just 2 minutes of pre-rendered flashing cutscenes.
>Jimmy Chen Gaming
I'm shocked you thought I was intentionally trying to crop it and not just screenshotting a video
Zhu Yuan would never say that thoughbeit. She’s too busy reenacting XXX films with Wise.
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>bans your game
Now what?
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>got zhu ass
>need partner ass and rat ass
Don't remind me bro... I wish rat was switched around for the second banner of 1.2
Anybody else absolutely hooked on the 2000s vibe of the game? Those times were some of my most cherished memories and this game takes full advantage of that
You need to speak the language of niggers in order to police streets full of niggers
Not that I am complaining
Thank goddess I'm not a fucking am*rican
This is why I’m voting for Kamala
Billy... looks weird
yes it will definitely release in 2025
so you should quit zzz and do nothing else until it releases
>Anybody else absolutely hooked on the 2000s vibe of the game?
Why do you make it sound so old?
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>are part of boarder undercover
Good morning sir
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They're clones.
>inb4 proof?
It came to me in a dream.
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we're so back
Yes and I know its owner, please come with me into this dark alley
I've got 120 pulls saved up, could I realistically try to pull both qing yi and miyaber? considering I dont spend on anything else until 1.3
Everyone sounds fine in english
Except Soukaku
Koleda is debatable tho
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Are you enjoying your last days of using Anby?
Imagine how sex that art of Grace would be if she had her original top.
2000s was 20+ years ago, anon.
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No fucking way...
saar dont redeem
please shut up
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I love Billy so much holy fuck
I’m skipping Qing Yi.
Why doesn't she sit on a chair?
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Hey polturd 90% of all digital movies and games are made in China. This will really fuck over the farmers who sell basedbeans and corn it's not going to happen.
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Can you really just activate three Mindscapes?
I wish I was Indian.
It feels weird to run two cops and Nicole...
They look and act the same and one is named after a number. We are looking at a clone situation.
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She wants a raise
Damn, she voices some pretty hot characters.
Saw someone clear critical nodes with a solo Piper. I am skipping Qingyi for the rat now.
Anby will have a rerelease when she reveals her true self just like Billy.
So actually Anby will powercreep Qingyi
9/11? never heard of it
Post video
Yup, each art of the constellations conflicts with the other constellation of that same art piece.
1 or 3
2 or 4
5 or 6
so you can even make combinations like 3 2 and 5 for their constellation art
It's a toggle for the art not for gameplay effects
>hsr STILL using space china
so grim
Woah, didn't expect Mihoyo to be this brave.
She's saving herself for (you).
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i never used her to begin with
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It's a TWEWY+P4 ape in setting, everyone loved those except homosexuals.

>video store
>cd store
>when vr and smart phones still exist
is lol. Someone tell me they explain iy decently because I mashed A and skip while watching anime on my other monitor.
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>newly inaugurated
It's funny how much changed in 8 years. If you used that same headline in 2016 people here would have been like "wha?"
okay thank god I thought it was also gameplay
yes but the combo being so easily interrupted and freely punished by bosses to the point it's literally undoable against certain ones will also annoy me so much I'll be glad to drop her janky ass for the sexdoll
Uhhhh dubsisters? How are we gonna fire back after this
if trump makes it so you can only play western slop I'll probably take up another hobby like biking.
>Ameribros won't be here in a couple months
How are we feeling?
Why would I do that she lives permanently in my bed
You can't genuinely believe that's a real article
And no, "clown world" is not an excuse for you being a gullible idiot
Not really she may be one of the worst looking Ojou-sama with a sword ever made. Her being a cat doesn't add that much.

The tower of fantasy company sucks. will 100% be pay to win pvp. powercreep. and shitty glitches. not playing past the honeymoon.
Great, now those xitter freaks can't complain anymore
Are you actually clinically retarded?
OH SH- ah right I don't live in that shithole
>open video
>Level 60
>close video
thanks, no thanks
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Shit taste.
>Her being a cat
kek Why does everyone confuse her for a cat??? Even my friend does and we now have the joke where we call her a cat.

I just hope her animations get cooler and that they change her element and/or role.
This but unironically.
Half of Billy's trust events are him (poorly) hiding his past as some legendary merc from the outer ring, so he'll probably pull a Dante and stop holding back.
Anby took Nicole's last name despite them not being blood related, so I'm guessing she'll have an amnesia subplot and her alt will release when she finds out where she came from.
oh no... one word.... its over
I use 50 chrome a day and I'm only knot level 47.
How much are these guys spending to get to 50?
i heard in chinese, soldier calls anby by a different name: zero
>they're all below average
not even remotely true, unless you just listened to koleda and called it a day
I bet this happened because we keep Anby working in the shop 24/7.
So she is the famous Zenless Zone?
uh oh burgercuck is having a melty
Nobody has sex with Wise.
Nobody has sex with Belle.
They only have sex with Wise AND Belle.
Nicole Demara owes me 33 billion dennies worth of unprotected sex.
>Why doesn't she sit on a chair?
Why isnt she sitting on my face???
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It's literally the same in chinese - 安比・德瑪拉
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Our goddess
Shocking that someone with your critical thinking skills is able to vote
We need more hot dudes
>Not new
What bangboo do I use with Koleda, Lucy, Zhu?
She's probably the OG Super Soldier or something, she did say she was a drill sergeant at one point.
how is trump going to ban my country from playing zzz again?
can you explain?
I don't give a shit about the chink loli bot.
Miyabi not having a tail like her grandma makes her a failure
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what do you think she makes all these boos do?
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>Appears outside the store at midnight
>Says this
Later virgins
Read the title of the articles on the side anon
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There is nothing wrong with Sibling Love!
>you didn't beat it unless you do it with no disc, no w engine, solo, also blindfolded
is ZZZ the dark souls of Gacha games?
Someone explain to me why there was a female cop watching porn with Wise?
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it's growing on me
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she just like me fr fr
so that's where amillion was..
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>*shoots you*
Hope you didn't let her sleep on the floor.
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Just pick any Animewoman- Black Hair-Katana User and she will look worse in comparison
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ok but didn't expect that much effort
>a boo casually twerks in the corner
he's going to use his evil orange man powers to BTFO reddit gacha tourists and save the gacha community from americans
we won
Thank you for saving me from my crippling addiction, Mr. President!
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I wish I could choose two seperate discs to farm for instead of having to do two seperate uses of 60 battery
they let us customize what enemies we can farm in HIA so I don't get why we can't do the same for discs
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She looks very rapeable
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Just like Mommy
Redditkaku could have been sex if not for the reddit and flesh horns and zombie skin
Of course I chose the bed option I wouldn't be so rude
rat's model looks kinda retarded too
I still wonder about the logistics of this event, you can offer her your bed and the couch. What did Wise think about his sister letting the cop sleep in her bed when he came for his morning BJ?
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How do you get more of those Z-merits?
Month is almost ending and I still need another 1k to clear the shop
>2 new dudes
>neither hot
because recycler exists bro.
17/23 females
Too high?
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even the normies are noticing this canon couple
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Redditkaku is a meme she is actually 4channel approved (along with corin and billy)
My other gacha is about to kill itself soon so I'm considering trying out this game
1. How f2p is this game overall? How long will it take to save up to get a character?
2. How hard is rerolling?
3. How long/difficult is it to build a team?
4. How is the roguelike in terms of replayability?
5. Is the Abyss difficult to clear? Will it get harder every month?
No, this is just right.
If people want males then they can go play Genshin instead.
too low
by doing hollow zero runs. you can get up to 15 times the rewards per week. I think you will get about 100 per run haven't checked, just a guess
Where is this?
You can farm HZ for a bit beyond the necessary number of runs and continue to find Z merits on the resting area. But there is a cap.
A bunch chunk from weekly bounties. Another's from playing HZ until the game doesn't give you anymore.
Silence gweilo

There's a weekly limit to them (game doesn't tell you nor show because LOL) just look it up nigger
8 refreshes. do the math
I like all the guys but the new ones are gonna be Like Seth and Haramusa most of the time.
do you guys know whether leaving a mission counts towards the cap?
>My other gacha is about to kill itself soon
A fellow grubber I presume?
I told you people the downfall has started but man these summer units are a kick in the face to the people who still believed.
In short, this game is good and fun, but don't expect that much of a grid here.
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Belle is cute.
i want to pull zhu yuan to unbrick my account but i also want the rat and miyabi
Now that I see the cops in this image, Their design looks really bad too, what is wrong with this plastic looking blue they choose, it looks ugly
>right click inspect element (with spelling and grammar errors)
>high effort
Wise clearly had sex with Belle and held Zhu's hand (Anything other then handholding is too lewd for Zhu)
It just came out, we have no clue. You can guarantee the current rate-up with currency you get when finishing the current content for sure though.
It takes way too long.
Very easy, if you're not too picky about your character choices.
No. Probably.
You're just a basic bitch with basic bitch taste
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Hoyo's best decision was making Anby.
zhu yuan is bad and has awkward rotations, just progress with Ellen and some 4*
Their worst decision was censoring her.
Burge bae
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>he chose butler instead of sharkboo
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>two twinks
Neither are hot, the one with a bow could have the same design and be called a woman and nobody would bat an eye
Also can someone remove Seth's fluffy tail and give it to Foxvergil? She deserves it more than him
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Here a hot dude
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low test
I dislike censorship, but my traitorous heart wants to commend them for giving her spats under mini-skirt. One of the most patrician combinations.
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Do z-merits and that other hollow currency reset with the shop or can I bank them for next month's rolls?
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LOL great secret identity you got there bro
I'm not having sex with you until you take a shower, Belle.
Some retad followed guides from CBT without knowing it got nerfed to the ground
Idk try it and find out ;) i remember my game crashing during a battery event and lost the charge with no way to get back in, so could be an oversight there too from them
I don't usually care about male characters but Billy's a fucking bro and I love the goofy bastard. Ben may not be much use to me in game but I do like the old softy.

Anton's okay. He's okay.
>My other gacha is about to kill itself soon
a fellow epic shitter i presume?
I never even considered that they might just take them away. Surely MiHoYo wouldn't be so greedy right...
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Why couldn't we have the better Miyabi?
Doesn't Rebbit ban any mention of her because she's underage?
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Why isn't Anby the MC? She's a better character, better written, with better personality and hotter than Belle and Nicole
I got both. Butlerboo is cute.
Hi nigger, I'm anon
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You can't be this fucking stupid
talk with the guy handing out pamphlets in front of the scott outpost
Dont forget Lighter
Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
well I have aborted when I chose the wrong boo. But didn't get to 15 runs that week and even if I did I don't count how many I've done. Now that I think about it, I should do or I will do a necessary run at some point. really stupid
Because eating noodles is a gameplay mechanic, if it was burgers she would have been the MC
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Holy shit all the ??? are horrid, did they change artists at launch? Game doesn't look like it's for me anymore already
well the third headline kind of happened bro
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I stare at Zhu's ass every time I start a stage. There, I said it.
What are the police gonna do about it?
The siblings have connections and can just move to the outer Ring if things got bad.
post ____'s feet
>did they change artists at launch?
Do we tell him?
so..... does zhu yuan just not care about your sekrit hacker den or eous sleeping upstairs? my immersion...
One time my PC crashed while I was doing the weekly boss. When I launched the game it offered me to spawn me in the mission again so that's weird
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I miss my titty ninjas so much...
thank god I never got into e7

what's going on in grubble? haven't played in 6 years, sold my account to a french guy
Don't worry, there's still the bikers to look forward to. They're pretty cool looking.
She's the secret main girl and I am not even joking. There will be more content of her, trust the plan
2 and 3 are very plausible.
My dick agrees. Thongtards need not respond. The shorts are way more design consistent and better.
Jane is the best girl
>"need a lighter?"
I both really enjoy all of these designs, and am completely uninterested in them.
The pink OL is hot. Lay down the crackpipe for just one minute of the day.
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Didn't you read the cop chapter? They already know your identity.
I will always love (be forced to use) this autistic green ball because it's the best poorfag team mate for Zhu (I need to save now because I used too many tapes for her)
We NEED a big titty pon as hell kunoichi in this game.
I'm not going to pull for her Dawei, Shut the fuck up you Homo Manlet
how do you guys stack so much damage on your Soukaku? I upgraded her disc 2 and she's still only 1.1k at lv50
yanqing can't fuck THIS?
Should I go for the buttler bangboo or the ether one?
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look at her
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I thought this game was PEGI 12????!!!
so is m1 zhu worth it? i need to whale a tiny bit to buy 5* weapon for koleda and its either m1 or dump rolls into standard
Are they really running out of ideas this early on
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Cookie is called Eero actually
Only the bangboo mats, dennies and red/blue/yellow things cap at 15 runs, z merits cap is higher
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you mean ''enchanced''
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Ellen butthole sex...
Which is why the change is very uncontroversial and the Nips can't stop drawing her spats-clad ass/crotch
well yes it's a pretty rough situation, you see, the main artist got fired and now dawei is in charge of the designs
uncle placenta has recently reported that his health is rapidly deteriorating due to having to work again after such a long period of inactivity
giuve it to me straight bros, can I still get zu?
No, ruined. Increasing the size of something without considering things like proportionality is the same mindset that leads to weave wearing niggers with botched BBLs. Get some taste.
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what's stopping anyone from kidnapping bangboos, disassemble them and sell their parts on eridulist
Because I mashed A and skip while watching anime, for a while I thought the hollow was some VR realm and Anby was Belle's avatar (and Billy was Wise) lol. Wise could only hope to be so cool though I guess
No. Get her engine instead.
>Electric, Ears covered, Legs
>Fire, Eyes covered, Boobs
They are clones, expect a Ice Anby with a fat ass.
Is there a point to doing the trust events after you maxed out everyone and seen all of them?
already have it bwo
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Yes, to me it seems like an M6 gameplay change moved to M1 just to make her sell better.
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I want to roll the rat now
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I bet there are people who do this.
Fuck, I bet there are Bangboo that do this.
chinks in Tieba/NGA has repeatedly said that waterkuma got fired
Get copies of it.
read her description on the trust menu
>evidence shows he had military traiining
>obol squad is the military faction
she is definitely connected to s11, we dont know if they are just sisters raised as child soldiers, or clones either, but they are definitely military raised soldiers.
also billy has mentioned many times he used to be in a gang in the outer ring, rides a bike at night too and his jacket has the same patterns as sons of calydon, so when the story gets to the outer ring billy will definitely have a role there
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miyabi sexo
They are strong enough to curbstomp your acne covered skull buddy
>anons on 4chan said waterkuma got fired
Thanks for the worthwhile info
either m0 or m2
don't get her weap brimstone is like just 2% worse
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Only if she grows an ass at least as big as Zhu's
You won't find out until the do the first boss in the first floor and the game tells you you capped out, thought it was a bug when I saw and kept going. It's a rewards cap so dennies and boo exp and crystals all disappeared at once
kakashi bros...we won
Why does she wear a thong under her spats?
Boring character
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cheesed to meet you?
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It's okay, I guess
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is the next red shiyu rotation still ice/ether shilling?
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Well is this continues I'm out very soon, changing designs like that is just going to kill your player base who joined for the launch girls, the fuck?
Interesting character.
I will now look at Miyabi's ass.
Is the best. Put your sister to the test.
Kiana will hunt you down
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uhhhh he actually came over
what do I do now?
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Sex with irrelevant background NPCs
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This is the official (mine) DESIGN tier list and (You) can't really refute it in any way
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Zhu is for (You)?
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do I drop a hunnid on some pulls?
dissuade or convince me, zzziggers
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third worlder?
>he got locked into the gay furry route
It was an hia mats run
I want to worship that fox butt.
>myabi at c
fuck it you only live once
seems plausible. she looks and sounds 100% like chase kidnap arc into power up chosen one bait. anby getting ssr in the future
Your brain needs to fill in more than for Ellen, but kinda yeah. She's just too responsible and awkward to show it.
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oh my god the camera in this game is fucking frustrating its so hard grouping the little mobs in shiyu defense
>1. How f2p is this game overall? How long will it take to save up to get a character?
Being F2P just means you'll take a bit longer to reach your goals but still very doable. If you ever decide to spend I'd only recommend the membership and maybe the cheaper BP.
As to guaranteeing a character you can already guarantee one if you catch up with all the content (realistically there's enough for two if you don't have the worst luck).
>2. How hard is rerolling?
Hellish and the pulls you gain are spread out through the game so just roll with the punches.
>3. How long/difficult is it to build a team?
You can very easily hyperinvest in a single team or balance out two but you gotta know what you're doing.
>4. How is the roguelike in terms of replayability?
Gave me a good couple hours of fun and they're implementing new areas in the future. Weekly HZ runs may take a bit but I found it better to do one once a day.
>5. Is the Abyss difficult to clear? Will it get harder every month?
Not really. Critical nodes are just a race against time to deal the most damage you can and the first batch of stable nodes is just a statcheck. They mentioned the next stable nodes would require you to keep characters alive to earn high ranks so they're more skill than wallet checks for now.
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Ceasar sex though
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Skip or sex
Nicole is Wise's girlfriend
>you're irish if you like zhu yuan's nice fat default ass over this nigger BBL trash
5/5 engine
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I want her to dote on and spoil me
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Will roll if they flatten her chest and add a couple fat tails
Zhu's design isn't that good, Muh ass, doesn't matter. I will put her in C tier and swap the loli cop for corin
I'll take that as a yes.
>they nerfed her design
bring her tits back
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good to see you again jalter
I love getting flashed with it and the indentations when I get a wipe out on her flips... it's similar to Corin and her bloomers fuck.
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depending on the outcome, you are paying for either instant gratification that will last a few minutes at best, or just straight up burning your money for literally nothing
What is so great about M2? Cop is doing mindscope creep.
When do we get an evil girl/hu tao/spakle archetype?
I prefer the leather jacket, the old design was too thotish.
Anyone else's thoughts after
immediately jump to turning them into onaholes?
I dont play with ugly girls
>try to group enemies
>they scatter
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I've never been a fan of kemonomimi in general but I'm especially not a fan of kemonomimi with hairstyles that draw attention to the fact they have weird featureless blank space where human ears would usually be
You already know the answer. Autism.
You think there are desperate Bangboo with no master that prostitute themselves?
It really shouldn't be blank, there should be more hair.
she's so autistic just like me XD
Redpill me on BEN BIGGA. Is he good? Have him m5
RAT in A tier BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, literal hoyo tier design, just look at seth and her, same fucking pose
Hopefully Jane will fit the woman with drop down list of mental illnesses with undiscernable goals archetype, sadly the twintail design went to Qingyi
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Autists don't wear thongs!
all the miyabi slander is only building up for the biggest biting in the ass in /zzz/istory
some of us like going to the casion, getting swept up in all the flashing lights, having a seizure
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Why DOES she pull up her thong's side straps like that? It's an unexpectedly slutty design element for such a reserved character.
it's fine, we can just order another one online
Wise is built to bottom
just rebuild her lol
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I have the Ellen why would anyone ever roll on whoreyabi ugly bitch?? My Ellen does INSANE damage with the Lyceon and the Soukaku already S ranked SD10/10 get fked sit down bitch sit down
what ATK% do?
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She is clueless about her own charm, and I bet its Nicole who dress her like this.
His main problem is that he's slow in a game where rankings are usually based on clear time. If you just want to survive he's really good at that and can be a pretty decent secondary stunner/secondary damage depending on the discs you give him
Ehn-na... Ehn-noo-ehn-ne (You need to be scrapped).
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no its my wife Koleda
>tfw she starts handing you her food
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only reason we love zhu is cause we wanna play bevelery hills cop
I mean, they can survive a car crash with just a little dizziness.
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I like her because she's pretty and graceful but then her combat design makes her look autistic which completely redeems her being a giant
is there a honey/yatta equivalent for this yet?
I need the answer
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>when she sees me unzipping my pants
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and nothing of value was lost
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god damnit
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>out of stamina
>weeklies done
>dailies done
I play this game in Japanese and I gotta say I can feel my dick cum when Soukaku speaks.its not that the VA is good. The voice is my cup of tea.
There is literally no reason why Anby should be so sexy
>turn off camera follow
>it still follows
I hate having to fight it with my right stick, can't imagine being a mouse cuk
was it intentional?
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Did Nicole teach her how to do this too? Or did she learn this from her movies?
>if not for the reddit
what reddit is there on Soukaku?
the queen of it right there.
How does Rina works? Is she like V where her puppets do the jobs and she can move freely?
Nicole shouldn't be so important to the story.
mcwars evolved to elleniggers vs miyabiniggers
He is good if you are good at parries, his sig weapon also gives him a ton of value
The main thing is that he has decent to good damage, stun, and even gives some support in crit chance and shield, but he is slow at walking and most of his damage comes from coutering so time based stuff hurts him
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the day of reckoning... slowly approaches...my mind is unclouded
>lives rather than stat checks
Please God let it be real, and I'm not saying that because I already built Ben Nigger for my second team
But also yes.
I asked her to do it.
>Did Nicole teach her how to do this too?
Yes. And Anby does it really, really well too, even better than Nicole.
Nothing, it's just faggots with low test coping
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I'm literally Anby's boyfriend
Cope Anby
Where do I spend Z merits?
you won.
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You're right, she should've been the main character. Fortunately the leaks showed that the MC twins dissapear in 1.4 and we get the Cunning Hares as our MCs instead.
Sex solely because the one ratcuck knows she's actually attractive and popular and is already seething lol
reminder ellenGODS and miyabiGODS are bros
it's your money but I only $300 per banner because I have a decent job and lots of investments and savings.
Do not fall for the debt jew
Pls let miyabi be stunner/anomaly or a non-ice attacker…
Why did they have Anby giving a wink as a app logo?
Shut up and keep counting those dennies, Anby
I made this post.
i fucking hate that janky ass anby playstyle holy fuck now i'm forced to pull the lolibot and will never be able to get ratfu fuck you hoyo
>no source
anby with the New Balance slides
She is secret protagonist.
POV shit will kill this game
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Sorry but I need to borrow your girl for a few hours. Just settling some debts, no need to worry!
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i feel like its supposed to be stylized enough it could be either of the phaethon twins but it just looks like belle with wrong hair
Long term, who will be the best pull?

Zhu Yuan, best main DPS of her element
Qingyi, because stunners seem to be important
Jane Doe, strongest Cat Thieren in the game.

Also, which one works better with Grace?
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Anyone else annoyed by how the noses look in this game?
Normal tits ((("""underage"""))) teengods stay winning, hagfag days are numbered
the singular woke basedboy running r/ZZZ_Official is indeed on a puritan campaign
the dude already got kicked once from the HSR subreddit because there to her started trying to powertrip and banned people left and right
now there is just no mod team to keep his autism under check
do you have grace?
why would you pull for BRICKrat vs the universal stunbot?
>click - click - click - E - hold click - repeat
Shes not going to be anything but DPS or Anomaly. I would honestly be surprised if they change her element too, maybe ether. But in general Miyabi doesnt look like she deals any particular sort of damage which has always been a bit odd.
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Do her attacks look like ice attacks here to you?
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well, luckily for me, I have koleda
>lose Ellen 50/50 to Loli ginger brat
>spend weeks farming for big ass cop
>80 pulls and no ass cop, only get 50 million copies of stupid bear
>Buy dollar pack and do one single pull
>my eyes tear up at the thought of finally having ass cop
>imagine cuddling up with her on the couch watching Rush Hour movies because she really likes Jackie Chan
>Imagine she would see me smoking weed and go "Anon! You know that is illegal!! I could arrest you right now, but this time I'll only give you a correction" and we make hot steamy loving sex for hours
>Imagine after a few years having dinner at her parents house and she announces she's having our baby, her parents congratulate us and say they're happy their daughter finally found her other half
>Imagine us at the Pub Sec office having a small gathering with her co workers as she's leaving for maternity leave, QingYi is kinda sad that her partner won't be around for a while but makes sure she'll give her best to protect the city
>press the button to show the single pull
>Koleda again
>I turn of my tablet and go to sleep

I'll never know how true happiness feels like ever in my life
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11 love!
Anby is listening to the in game music, if you idle with her she'll hum to some of the earlier tracks. So having her as the app image makes a bit of sense, since she's listening to the beats.
Really the app image should just be Eous
>have Rina
>trashmobbing is now a 5d game of tetris for me
Love it tbqh
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Anon you can't lose a 5050 twice in a row..
Also just think of the brutal babymaking hatesex you can have with Koleda now
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farewell /zzz/tards
yeah friendly reminder Nicole used to be physical too
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imagine being bad at gacha games lmaooo could not be me
Should still work as an onahole
Fake and gay
This game peaked with Ellen and it will never recover until Miyabi
It's magical ice. Ooooooooooo
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>ayaka pre launch genshin beta show she is ice
>she launchs as ice

>hsr pre launch leaks show jingliu as ice destruction
>she launchs as ice destruction

>miyabi pre launch playable beta shows her as ice pds
>/zzz/ be like she is going to be ether anomaly
V from DMC5, fights by summoning creatures that he can give commands to separately and also move
Jane Doe is a catgirl, anon.
and soukaku used to be wind
>I lost two 50/50s in a row
Reddit is down the hall and to the left
are you stupid?
You cant have gotten Koleda twice in a row from the event banner. You have atleast one copy of Ellen or Zhu.
Jane is either a brick or gonna be a meta defining agent that gets stronger with more anomaly limited.
>Also, which one works better with Grace?
I don't know how I'd make it work but would
I mean yeah I have a good paying job so it's not like it even makes a dent in my bank account, but I also grew up poor so I feel icky anytime I put more then like 200 bucks in a banner
Probably a hidden market for that sort of thing that doesn't get advertised much

I couldn't help it was instinctual, even if welcomed
do i buy lucy from the store or buy more rolls
Wait for her banner
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WHY DID WATERKUMA GET FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who tops between her and Anby?
>Nicole: shown as physical, turns into ether
it doesn't matter what did Genshin and HSR do, it's already different in ZZZ
long term? DPS are easily replaceable, supports are what lasts. Also I'm very pessimistic if ether element will ever get to shine after zhu's banner.
my teams are
Grace Anton Rina
Zhu Anby Nicole

lolibot Is almost mandatory of i want to keep asscop. got still a lv30 Piper / Lucy or bend the knee and level up from zero the knot because i also got a C6 Soukaku...
S11 is 1% more autistic, so she tops.
They do if it's marketed as tacticool and she gets to cover them with spats still
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Why do I tell EVERYONE I meet that I am Phaethon? Am I retarded?
Is Zhu Yuan bad? Not as good as Ellen?
The game ended there in fact
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he flew to close to the sun
someone at hoyoverse was bound to find out
How many days until Shiyu defense reset happens?
Wait, there was a wind element? I feel like we could use one two more
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>there are people who refresh energy posting ITT
no she's fantastic. It's just ether sounds like literal quantum of hsr. Barely shilled, barely catered to.
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Rumors say he's working on NTE now
she is cute
Those headphones and orange eyes pretty much tells us that's Anby.
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I see samurai girl I click roll, simple ass
11. she's a massive fangirl having a tsundere arc
>that bangboo
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Miyabi’s effects are all blue and no lightning present at all. Her ball spirit is blue. It would be weird for her to be anything besides ice desu
he's still working with mihoyo
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This is more accurate, Nicole enjoys shopping so much, makes sense asked take the opportunity for it, and influences Anby's style with it alot. Notice how she keeps mentioning Nicole's whims of not liking when Anby spends when she spends gearcoins. Many of her purchases are relegated to Nicole.
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She doesn't even look like a loli at this point
Does Qingyi what dupes or W-engine?
This feels very in-character for Qingyi. She can probably tell her health from it too.
He's getting fired next week and rehired the week after that. It's a chinese philosophy thing, you wouldn't get it.
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Bwo, your ether batteries?
He said the N word
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We just need luck on our side.
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>Miyabi’s effects are all blue
They are actually a mix of blue and red, same with her spirit which is akin to ether
There are zero (0) actual ice effects in her entire moveset and cutscenes
I love pettanko tsunderes too bad she's not a free A
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no need to hold anon after E
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I'll be honest bros, the real reward from rally commissions is getting to play them
>surprise attacks
>interactable objects to enable/disable progression gimmicks
>allied npcs
>item pickups in stage
>various levels of risk/reward on all of the above
if they sent me a survey on rally commissions I would rate everything maximum
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Killing the first wave of trash feels good with this team.
>Also I'm very pessimistic if ether element will ever get to shine after zhu's banner.
are you high?
she'll get a massive boost just from getting an ether equivalent of Lycaon and a not cope ether support that doesn't have it's legs broken by bad durations
also corruption is a dot so there should be ether anomaly too eventually
If clones, why is S11 more stacked?
>when she learns performing maid services on my dick grants instant restful sleep on demand (real)
Will in the future we need a team of each element?
>can't clear SD10
Bwos, I'm getting filtered by a baby game...
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I just realized waterkuma is a tardigrade.
I honestly dislike Rally commissions as they are in game because they just feel so unfinished. The twins tower one where you save a spec ops squad is cool thematically but really loses its momentum with all the dumb pausing and talking which gives me flashbacks of Genshin.
If they combine TVs and Rallies so you do all the exposition in limited TV cutscenes then do combat sequences and exploration in a rally then that would be really cool.
I regret pulling current cop and i got her in 50 pulls. I'm just waiting for the shitstorm as people realize shes a mid character with some glaring weaknesses and no quality of life in her gameplay. Zhu is Tier 1 at best, don't buy into hype from content creators theorycrafting. She has a great ass and all but meh, lesson learned ACAB.
Ellen gives me the need to breed
I mean of course
>2 arms for drawing
>2 legs for sitting
>4 arms for fapping

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Zhu won
doomposters lost
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I love my spin2win daughter
yeah sure, you sound like the same people that cheered about how silver wolf will destroy star rail back then. And now quantum is a bricked element. If hoyo has a better track record, I'd be more optimistic. Hey, I hope I'm wrong.
The second that you're a victim of a crime you'll contact the police you little faggot bitch
Did Eous consent to phaethon taking over his body on regular basis or are we playing villains
hes coming back tomorrow
>Upcoming group themes:
Hollow Zero Japs
Motorcycle Gang
Pop Idols
Military because S11's squad needs members
What other kinds of faction/group themes would you want to see?
Fuck this is so hot I want to slap Belle's ass violently with my hand like that

I lost some hype when I realized I couldn't freely autistically grind Hollow Zero for meager dennies and boo exp without worrying about minmaxing a cap
running the same team it feels so satisfying bursting trash crowd down
Seth has a nice boy dumpy
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Are you ready for the fucked up pregnancy cravings she's guaranteed to have?
S11 is Anby's VAT tube daughter that was given age and body enhancing drugs. So she's Anby's daughter that's biologically older than her.
You're Eous' partner/parent according to the gold bangboo event.
I think Zhu Yuan is pretty, but I can't clear Abyss yet.
Should I save for the Jane Doe cat girl in 1.1, so that I can run her with my Grace?
They don't. They only met the talking bangloo and Qingyi deduced that someone must have overheard them at the gathering but it doesn't prove that it was you. You also talk to them like nothing happened and pretend that you were expecting their speech.
man ZY's chain attack putting her so far away from enemies are annoying
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With these W-engines, should I go for Qingyi or Jane Doe? I know the former should be great with ZY but Jane looks really fun.
Muh dick is inconclusive on the matter.
Super sentai group
Dorky super heroes
European knights
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Rival School Gangs
Reploids (Whatever Billy is)
She stands at range and mashes her puppets. She feels nice since I think her range is long and she has gigamax move speed and floats so smoothly, having her gives inklings of playing mvc2 with Storm on my team
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>no tail
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Yeah these flickering wisps sure do look like ice solely because they're blue.
>leveling piper to 50
isn't that a brick
just get lucky
bro lives in our store rent free can it even refuse lmao
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Time for some Withering Garden prog
you feel underwhelmed because the current zhu team is shit because of the autistic mongoloid cyborg, things will change either if you get C1 and can just spam the cop or when the lolibot drops. ellen without lycaon would be underwhelming too.
she's a support so she's really just on the field to shift into your dps, but she's got super high movement which feels nice and some of the best animations in the game
>activity 2
Just do 3/6/9 bro dont waste your time doing anything else.
The only massive spike in difficulty is 11.
How bad could it possibly be?
This post? By me
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>rolled 4 S engines instead of agents so far
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Just load the backup, lol.
Her and Soukaku were originally Wind, right? Wind got replaced with Ice.
Farmer faction with obligatory stacked cow-milf
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>1 more pull before I'd get enough points to buy Lucy
>pull picrel
>What other kinds of faction/group themes would you want to see?
Action/Adventures movie (Indiana Jones, Conan, etc....)
Mafia/Yakuza family.
>anything but attacker
Lmao get rekt rerolllards
yeah those blue ice crystals 100% ether particles
I want to cum in Ellen's mouth and tits
Miyabi was always ice, but the last time we've seen her in game is over a year ago.
Soukaku was wind in that same CBT, and got reworked later on.
When Miyabi was in CBT the anomaly role didnt even exist
Overall the only reason people dont want Miyabi to be ice is because outside of it just taking the same role as Ellen, Ice needs some variation in options in general, which is an issue a good chunk of the elements currently suffer from
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Is S11 the character with the least amount of art so far?
it's pretty obvious 1.1 will be about jane (undercover cop) cozying up to phaethon and having the risk of exposing them to zhu, and in the end zhu will learn the siblings are phaethon and have a character moment where she accepts them. relationship events and stuff are designed to make more sense after the chapter is over, but aren't directly contradictory before then
Stop being autistic. Her engine wants you to dodge counter anyways and it even gives energy regen too. Just press Y if you're full energy autismic-chama
she's almost guaranteed to be electric attacker. i assume before the first year is up they want to have an s rank dps of each element
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bros its saturday afternoon and im hungover… any agents for this feel?
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She's not sexy, and has no friends.
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Ultra rare Soldier 11 art
best way to farm Hollow Zero?
Should i do lower difficulties to do it faster? or do higher give more?
I though she was ice?
gravure group
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Robot knight
C1 zhu or w-engine, I really love the ass cop and I'm probably not rolling until either that nun character or the Raiden Mei expy comes
I think she's sexy and I'd be her friend...
Saved, thank you brother.
>the second youre victim
The cops will be there to arrest me and drag the fool's body to the morgue. Don't get it twisted bitch, cops exist to either arrest me for bullshit or try to catch criminals after your body is cold they don't protect SHIT. Its your responsability to protect yourself. So fuck off bootlicker ACAB.
>and have a character moment where she accepts them
It would be an unbelievable shift in character if Zhu didnt report them upon finding out they are Phaethon. That is even more solidified after her trust events.
I think its far more likely the incest siblings will receive some form of immunity from the police after helping tackle its corruption which will allow Seth, Zhu and Qingyi to canonically be partners with them.
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shes so sweet
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Does this look like ice to you? >>487897521
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I think this is sadly the best I can do
Anon ether is purple-red in every single case of it
You're retarded if you think theyd fuck the colour system this hard
this game needs two more elements
I wanted to rape her so bad after this panel
Martial art
Super hero
Actual Japanese yokai
Chairman Company or characters wearing a suit
Half hollow half human
Cat/Dog faction
>The cops will be there to arrest me and drag the fool's body to the morgue
>retarded criminal doesnt like the police
You'll still call them the second you're in danger buddy :) You always do.
11 is a bit generic, has nothing to do with the existing story, and is difficult to pull. assuming she and anby are part of some squad that'll be explored later on she'll get more focus then, but now she's overshadowed by more established characters
Is Miyabi the Raiden/Ei/Mei of ZZZ?
After the Elysia/Alice character, this should be Mihoyo's most hyped unit?
Surely if you can complete SD15 you can S rank SD 12 right?
Your mom needs two more dicks!
I still believe in the Nun's faction, Nocha will be the priest
>Literal nigger babble

>Muh defend yourself
Only brown skin barbarians think vigilantism is okay to do in a civilized society
>breasts ruined
Show me 1 (one) single case of ether being blue you crayonmunching brainlet
Its zhu yuan >>487885972
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ellenposting is the best with either mc
No, that would be Mei expy lmao.
idk are you intentionally evading this or what? >>487896583 Its literally the colours of ether
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The admire
actual retard
Give me that burger, Anby
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Lyacon is for Belle only
i dont do enough damage to clear shiyu defense 9
feel exactly the same.
Yeah she basically is
Bland katana women are the ones that sell the most
The meta answer is that if you want to make the ass cop team good, it would probably be better to pull her senpai next patch to be the stunner of the team than either c1 or engine.
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Good ratings don't come free.
He didn't he quit after mihomo to make Ben Ice
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is it possible to buy out the whole shop in 1 sd rotation?
hey /zzz/bros tourist here just wanted to ask why is there so much belle x white furry (lycaon or whatever the fuck his name is) porn
No. If they want to make a Raiden for ZZZ they'll make an actual Raiden Z. Mei and faggots will slop it up and honkai troons will swarm us.
oh no my cum
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that was an extremely retarded take
how is quantum dead? because tierlists put mono quantum lower because Acheron and jankfly is the cheap catch-up mechanic?
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>le one single frame
still waiting for the answer to my question big boy
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she is the ayaka
mei the upcoming mei expy guaranteed to be electric
zhu will still do good, remain police and all that. but if inspector bringer keeps getting screentime then we'll see more of the popo's dark side, which will justify to the player why she would break the rules one time
He's hot
If it's like their other games there should be just enough to get everything every rotation assuming you full clear content
Reroll and drop that BRICKED account.
Tell me which general you're from and I'll answer you
>one single frame
She flashes red and blue the entire power up. Congrats on coping this hard I suppose
There are lots of Phwethon imposters, wouldn't be the first, she's just taking advantage of impressionable Bangboo onaholes for free loot
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Whatever it is, at least just add 1 loli to it
livestream next week or?
>still dodging the question
Should I use all of my W-Engine Chips to refine Starlight Engine? Or are there other W-Engines that I should make instead?
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they are fucking
how about showing evidence of miyabi's so called ice attacks dumb fuck. and no videos from the cbt over a year ago are not relevant
Fuck u!
>why is there so much (canine) + (woman) porn
You just know
Then why do you smell like /hsr/ YOU LYING TROONY FUCKER!?
If you S rank everything, yes. If you're not at that level though get the boopons last.
I don't have Lucy's ball. Should I pick up the support ball from BP for her? But then again does she really need all that energy regen since she's off field most of the time as I have C2
The only way I can swing it is if Zhu and Qingyi arrest the players and while transporting them get attacked by the corrupt part of the police, which leads them to have a change of heart around the proxy law.
I hope it's not as simple as "Yes I know you and you are good so I will not arrest you"
>those legs and chest
Lolibros... the idol dream...
I accept your concession.
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I will have 16,800 xp worth of batteries by the time i reach account lvl 49. Would it be better to use them all then to hit 50 asap or should i save for post 50 farming?
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So it's confirmed canon huh.
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>it doesnt count because....it just doesnt!!!!
ellentards are seething like crazy wow
If they aren't relevant then why wasn't nicole an ice back in the cbt then too genius
whats the f2p cope engine for koleda/anby? shrimp or fossil
i uninstalled hsr after 2.2 bwo
feel like koleda is better for that team
Ah, well I'll just go for Loli bot then and just go to hoard mode afterwards
Your question is
>why is it blue
When she's actually blue, red and blending into purple. The question of:
>Show me 1 (one) single case of ether being blue
Doesnt make any sense because both Zhu and Nicole's abilities flash blue and red and purple during their attacks, exactly like Miyabi's animation during that cutscene
Why is she the app icon?
Lol but same
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Always was in my heart
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soon bro don't falter
see >>487895563 you mouth breathing double digit iq retard
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theres no mascot in this game
Uhhhh Eous bros???
maybe her brain isn't in her head?
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I put Neko's engine on Piper, idgaf
ex skill feels necessary for daze on stunners so i would say shrimp. i dont like the conditional aspect of fossil
Uhhh your Lycaon???
>bait yurifags with the ad
>in-game Qi is your wingman and Zhu orbits your dick
Nicole texting you right afterwards was one of the funniest moments.
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>pholiachad artist found a new waifu
Sorry grubbers but he's ours now
oh no no no no no what is this inkytards?
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>erm shes ackshually ether because of one attack powerup when the final explosion is still blue anyways
you are an ACTUAL retard LMAO
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ZY is really popular with the ladies
Ehn-na-ehn-ne (Eous is the mascot of the game)
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This design and blue spirit 100% screams ether anomaly
TWEWY collab (original only)
bros be real did he got fired or not? I will really quit the game soon if that is true and would like to know it, so I don't waste my time waiting months for new characters only for them look like Seth and the guy from Miyabi squad
finish on her chain attack which triggers quick assist then do skill and use the quick assist to immediately cancel the animation
she's the most loyal character towards the MC like any poster girl.
it was both funny and cute
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There’s no way she still exists right?
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No joke. She's a real heartbreaker.
Only feel bad for anby, if you've received her random occurrence in hollow zero you'll know she's very good at her job, Nicole texting you after this is a bit sad, but she's ultimately at fault for keeping the hares finances down
>mihoyo reaching out its yuri claw
So it begins.
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Whos dodging the issue now retardbro?
>Ellen flashes blue red and purple
>Colours of ether are blue red and purple
You're done bozo.
retardbro, keep coping with your mono-quantum then. Meanwhile, for the latest endgame did you know that they removed quantum weakness from moc12 on v3 test patch? On v4 test, they added 40% quantum res to apocalyptic shadow boss. Jade's quantum shill couldn't last a single patch. This is the attitude hoyo has towards niche elements. I'm not sure why you're trying to die on this hill. If you can squeeze out with whatever comp you have good for you though, more power to you.
>still hasnt shown any evidence of miyabi being ice after her cutscene attacks look nothing like ice
Miyabi doomposters are the most retarded posters in this general. No more (You)s for you you fucking glue eating retard.
I want the robot loli
Feels like ice to me broski. Magic freezing flames, niggah! NYO NYO NYO NYO
>was okay with selling you out
Nicole is the most loyal to (You)
one of the 6th street ost sound like green hill zone
>blue flames around the ghost spirit
She's fire.
>hi3 yurishizo is back
reminder to ignore xis samefagging.
Miyabi will be the first defense unit that scale off your current monochrome savings.
>mtf hrtroon hours
Yuri studio. It's in their DNA.
Zhu Yuan is a harem protagonist and Qingyi is her pervy senior.
>Accidentally called Miyabi: Ellen.
Its over for me as well actually I suppose
I imagine not, if it's anything like other hoyogame's special elemental mechanics, it scales extremely well on level.
>Storm that’s approaching

She’s clearly Electro DPS
if my main team is piper/lucy/s11 then the bangboo I should go for is rocket, right?
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>little spherical spirit covered in blue flames
only save battery if you're hoping to get a character and build them in the space of a day otherwise go for 50 asap
There's nothing about it, so bullshit most likely. Same though, fuck faggy westerners
yeah by just looking at how caesar got brutally murdered
Piper and anomaly in general scales very well. Its more of a gimmick than building crit on attackers but its still fully supported by the game in terms of calculations.
If they start giving enemies a ton of anomaly res then maybe it'll be different.
He said no to yuri
Its the ass and responsible, level-headed demeanour. Women love that shit.
this is xer samefagging hours, just don't reply and filter "pag"
Caesar was already murdered in that same image I think, so she might not have been changed that much
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Her combat design completely hides her model, her colors are shit, and she's a zero personality kuu military type, and her hair and goggles are plain and kind of stupid.
only non whites hate this kind of stuff
>coomer of the worst kind
caesar design is KINO now,
its not all about the skin shown or oversized boobs that look like inflated balloons that belong to a kid's party
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When can I pull for her?
I'm half-white?
So this game really was Honkai in disguise huh?
So, what's the shikigami stuff about anyway? Since magic doesn't exist, it kind of stick out, yeah?
I like her after getting her but her design is a little weak
The goggles in particular look pretty dumb
And her default standing stance looks like Genshin T-pose which is just brutally boring
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you rolled and are currently wasting mats on the diluc/seele of zzz
Pretty much
my dynamic wallpaper is Anby, I think her colors and background are a good fit for this game
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Is this some kind of furry meme or something?
Dont care, im having fun.
Oink oink oink oink
You get fkd on the regular.
Good thing Ellen's banner is over so no more innocents can get hurt anymore
>Since magic doesn't exist
Ether mutation is fucky. Miyabi's little retard spirit definitely sticks out as strange, but at the same time Ether is a mysterious enough energy and force that it can create endless areas that break the rules of space and time, and form normal humans into monstrosities.
Its not super farfetched with the world we've seen so far.
Her and robocop are the only upcoming characters I need.
I WILl roll and fuck every girlbot.
Yeah i time out there too, it's forcing me to level Ben and Rina to 50 for the dumb shield shit
thats what fob said
Miyabi will be Ice, but she'll be anomaly instead of attacker. He moves are also more flashy and in a greater number to show that.
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Since Miyabi is Ether Vergil, can we get a Ether Dante?
>still acting like a retard
Hope you remember this discussion when you actually need the police one day and either realise you're a dumb fuck (99% going to happen unless you're a nigger) or are stupid and ignorant enough to not call the police and get yourself killed or maimed
shut up and let me suck your kokocock
>ctrl+f zzz in /wuwa/
>no hit found

>ctrl+f wuwa in/zzz/
>also no hit found

holy fuck both of my general is healing...how could this possible?
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Same, really frustrating. I'm almost considering dropping Billy because he just can't DPS enough... I love that fucker so much, it hurts me TOO MUCH to do...
I, too am a fan of extremely feminine tall girls.
even after I get one I should keep going to raise its star level, right?
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>miyabi is ice
saving all my Boopons for her
>miyabi is ether
saving all my Boopons for her
>miyabi is wind
saving all my Boopons for her
>wind boo is paid
I have my credit card
>wind boo is gacha
I have 2 credit cards, ready to be maxed out
I win, no matter what
Nah, you're good. Get all the other elemental boo's for future teams.
you just happened to open threads during non SEAmonkey hours. During that time the SEA Wuwatards go crazy. Euro and Amerimutt hours are blessed
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Don't feel bad anon. You'll notice everyone who cleared 7 has Lycaon + Ellen + Zhu, I've yet to see a single one clear without all 3. Basically you'd have to luckshit, reroll, or whale to be ~+100 chromes compared to a F2P or F2P+.
another armchair faggot that doesn't play something in the game but tries to be a smartass about it
mono quantum ignores types
jade has no place in mono quantum, she's a cope subdps support for pure fiction
apocalyptic shadow is a pay to win and veteran cope mode that pretty much disables everything that's not the right team intended by the developers
the current version just enables quantum but the Jingliu and DHIL fags are in shambles
likewise they can fuck over whatever other team they want
even your Acheron and jankfly is at the mercy of the dickheads responsible for encounter design
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bunch of retards, the only sensible element for Miyabi if she releases within the next few months would be Fire, because it fits her vfx and doesn't overlap with an existing limited DPS character
Boopons are not for agents and wind isn't a element in ZZZ.
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>need only 1200 more xp for IK 40
>thats only 1 battery, because I got 60 at the ready
>feel my will weakening to just do it
its getting worse and worse bros
No way this is official art
>You'll notice everyone who cleared 7 has Lycaon + Ellen + Zhu, I've yet to see a single one clear without all 3
Multiple people in these threads have posted clears without Lycaon
Anby's mouth service is all I need though
so? If see a character I really like I'll m6 her
He hits all the yumejo dream boy buttons
>butler job implies wealth
>devoted solely to (You)
>has a dark past
>hinted at berserk rage lingering under the surface that he would only let out to protect (You)
Unrelated but, FUCK SWIM SWIM!
It's fine I'm skipping meta units until the Ruan Mei so I can pick anyone I want.
Qingyi clearly knows. She figured it out when you were talking.

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