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The Power of Fluffy Boys Edition

Previous: >>487885856

>Download - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/


>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 (JP)

>Zhu Yuan EP - "As the Sugar Cube Floats, Fleeting in Time"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-ekcFSdke8 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wsp6_mservA (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s (JP)

>Official X account

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online) - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull Tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>Damage Calculator

>ZZZ stickers

>/zzz/ Thread Template
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Listening to post hardcore with my emo shark girlfriend.
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Is it logical to spend stamina on disc level up materials at the HIA
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>Ellenanons REALLY think this looks red and purple
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>gay furry op
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Lesbian game.
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Okaeri, Onii-chan!~
I want to max out Hollow Zero rewards.
What are the optimal strategies?
Spam Difficulty 4?
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For me, it's Anby!
is anybody else's amillion (the cunning hares bangboo) buggy?
sometimes its chain attack just deals no damage for some reason
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She is the storm that is approaching…

Having ears and a tail doesn't make him a furry
Just keep farming discs, you get some levelup mats while getting more discs.
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I love him...
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>Ice Miyabi keks are colorblind
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>that Prophecy level
if mihoyo listens to these redditor genshin/wuwa trannies and deletes the tv mode i'll delete the game
>spam /zzz/ for hours complaining how zhu yan is worse than ellen
>ok time to play the game, lets do some sd
>my zhu yan team consistently twice as fast compared to ellen team
gomen bros...
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post THAT webm
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What does it taste like?
I'm all for non-intrusive UI, but does anyone else think Anomaly buildup meters and character charges being comically microscopic with no customization options is kinda dumb?

I genuinely have no fucking clue how much anomaly buildup I have an on enemy in the middle of a hectic fight.
Why did Ellen Joe already step down and allowed America to fall?
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Lycaonbwos run this general
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That shit was so good
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i only roll for furries and lolis
>Hands touching
This is too erotic
Curious. Please post.
There are Prophecy haters within the general itself. Though these are the same people who got filtered by the golden bangboo coin lure gimmick and are currently being filtered by the ice floor gimmick.
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>miyabi is ice
saving all my Boopons for her
>miyabi is ether
saving all my Boopons for her
>miyabi is wind
saving all my Boopons for her
>wind boo is paid
I have my credit card
>wind boo is gacha
I have 2 credit cards, ready to be maxed out
I win, no matter what.
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was this from the playtest? Did they reuse her little buff counter for Soukaku or did they both have the same icons?
Bros, can somebody post the in-depth Zhu Yuan guide from the other day?
Since I probably won't be rolling for another DPS for a while, I want to minmax her as much as possible.
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She was sleepy, time to let someone a little more alert take office.
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Nekomata has normal feet????
There's a wind element?
This was from over a year ago, so yeah its likely they just reused shit.
Based. Rolling for lolibot
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Skipping Miyabi no matter what lolmao
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>The wind grows stronger as the storm approaches.
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It's funny, Zhu fits in every team tok she doesn't give a shit. Chinks are clearing SD17 with her and fucking Ben/Lucy. She's the most flexible unit in the game.

Meanwhile Ellen has ONE comp and it's comprised of a BDSM furry and the most cringe support in the game. I'm very glad I skipped Ellen, what a complete whale baitbanner.
Post some gameplay.
Where all the CC's at? Radio silence. Oh shes the best ether attacker burst damage single target agent. KEK ZHU LOST FK CHINKSLOP.
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No, how have you never heard of that before?
ohnonononono bros wheres the purple bros WheRES THE PURPLE AIEEEEE





Are you having a stroke or something?
I dropped CBT2 early because the pacing felt shit early on between Cutscenes, Tutorials and TV Mode. I just said I'd give it another shot when the game launched, and now I absolutely love the TV Array. It's integral to the game and people who are hoping for "NO MORE TVs" are retarded.

It literally just needs to be refined because the pacing is still too sluggish with constant interruptions, and repetitive messages. Which they already confirmed they're working on. The actual puzzles and mechanics are surprisingly varied and fun. I would also love more elaborate Rally commissions though.
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For me, its robotsex.
Do gays really find men attractive?
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We like characters with deep personalities here
DP (Dodge Counter + Parry) with stun character to get three shells so you get 9 shells on stun.
When you stun, hold m1 + left until shells are gone and ex/ult accordingly.
Also, remember to use Nicole Chain attack at the very last moment so you can take advantage of the full duration.
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the bangboos.... have a hard life......
this sounds like cope
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Only 2d boys. Real men are ugly
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Remind me of this
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I misclicked and only realized I was on 2 when I finished it
I fixed it by ditching nicole though, I'm sure 6/9/11 won't be that hard
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>mfw finally got a polar 5 disk that has ice damage and decent sub stats
It's not perfect, but Ellen is now shredding through SD. I'm convinced defense sub stats have auch higher chance of appearing.
Tell me about Soukaku, why does she wear a mask?
>DP (Dodge Counter + Parry) with stun character
nta but what the fuck does this mean? got video? how can you dodge counter + parry at the same time
>rolling for a chink character in the only non-chink pandering chink gacha game
Dogs love trannies.
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>Do women really find men attractive???
Just being real, this is like looking at nicoles first basic attack and saying see look she's a physical unit
Considering Ether is what powers everything it really wouldn't be surprising if she's just taking in ether in general and then converting it into ice ether. This is supported by the fact that all the purple and red disappears for the final strike and for her glowing eyes mode
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what am i meant to do?
Depends, most barafags hate twinks
It's amazing how dogshit Koleda feels to play compared to Anby. Nothing like actually managing to finish her long-ass normal attack combo against an aggressive enemy then getting staggered in the split second it takes for the EX skill to go off. Is there some trick I'm missing?
Why does Mihoyo have to leak this shit when they KNOW it'll never make it in game. Can't wait for t his to be posted a million times when the character releases and has 30% less skin. I'd be totally content if I never saw this
do the sex
become one with elfy
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Miyabi will be electric. Fuck you, you and you too!
Nah, you got me. I took on the social brunt of being homosexual in society and I dont even like men. I just hate women so much, I'd rather have a dick in my ass
clang clang
>Considering Ether is what powers everything it really wouldn't be surprising if she's just taking in ether in general and then converting it into ice ether.
No its like taking a look at Zhu and Nicole's skills and ultimates and seeing the variance in colors.
Every character has a physical damage attack by default including miyabi.
Even me?!
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t, retarded coping ellenfags
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Zhu yuan is more f2p friendly than Ellen and quingyi will kick Anby from the team next patch
Zhu yuan is chinawank done right
Is literally what it says
You dodge counter AND parry at the same time.
This way you get double the daze multiplier, of course, your stunner will do most of it but extra daze is extra daze.
The important part is the parry for ZY anyway, so you can skip doing her basic attacks and focus more on stunning the enemy.
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SKill issue. Play her as a parry bot and never ever use her normal attack unless you have her fire charge.
She doesn't want to play on-field forever like Anby and Lycaon, you want to tag her in when she has resources.
Also if you don't have C1, doing her Exspecial cancel doesn't actually improve the daze inflicted or anything, you can just press EX special and it'll do the same amount of daze and give you invul
ok i need a fucking video because to my understanding
>dodge counter = dodge red flash + click attack
>parry = orange flash + attack
i just cant see how you can do both at the same time
and a ching chong ping pong to you too
Sex the robot
It will be good practice for Qingyi
how do you know he's gay? did you fuck him?
Kinda dumb compared to lycaon. Pretty sure he gets super armor during his stuff too.
I guess the best stunners will have short basic chains, armor/iframes and killer daze multipliers.
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Call PubSec on her so Zhu Yuan floyds her to death
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Why do men need to downplay the aesthetic beauty of the male form? Do you guys not take care of yourselves?
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Its alright that you didnt roll for her bro, you'll have Miyabi in 4 months you just have to last until then
Perhaps she's wondering why someone would shoot a Bangboo before forced merging them
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>Has a burning sprite floating next to her
>Flames come out of her scabbard when she unsheathes
>Burns things that she cuts through
>Is a character in a game which just released limited Ice and Ether DPS
Somehow 2 retards still manage to have an extended argument over whether she is Ice or Ether element
Yes, her daze multipliers on counter are very good, she also has a LOT of i-frames on her enhanced basic attack, you can also instant dodge on the way down IF necessary.
post the sexo webm where she twirls around the hammer
The strongest 1000000°C knife.
...Except Zhu and Nicole have zero variance in colors at all.
And no element in the game has any variance in colors at all.
And Miyabi's default color she uses for 99% of all her animations so far is the exact same shade of ice..
she looks like she's wearing a diaper in this image
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Anything else I forgot to add?
which 4 piece set do you want on stunners? shockstar (impact %) or swing jazz (energy %)?
Why are you trying to do the EX skill at the end of a normal attack combo when you can just press it and it's invulnerable dumbass
Her element and role are not confirmed. Just as elements were removed from the betas, there could be role changes as well.
there's probably a better video but i can't be bothered i already know it works
bangboo romance
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>Has a burning sprite floating next to her
You type like a fag.
Make a mixed race android??
yes maybe she's support Ayaka...
>tits ruined
4pc shockstar 2pc swing jazz.
I mainly just want Wise and Belle romance.
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miyabi isnt even ice KEK
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Would you accept?
>dressing like that
It's like she wants to be raped by Wise
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Ethertards explain this??? Why would Anby flash a different color does this mean she's actually a physical unit AIEIEEEE
Anyone know the pull value of the next 2 characters if I care more about meta over waifu?
>she uses for 99% of all her animations so far
Is blue with red flashes
>same shade of ice
>shade of ice
Come the fuck on retard. Atleast try to hide your bias.
Want me to say
>Zhu, Nicole and Miyabi all use the same shade of ether for their stronger moves
i ran out of dennies
>still hasnt shown any miyabi ice attacks
You lost.
Explain this ether tard >>487903327
Also >blue with red flashes
You are actually colorblind
>when resonaboos black hole collides with the black hole conjuring ethereal's it fuses and makes a bigger black hole
>proves that colour theory isnt the be all end all
This is more damaging to icefags than etherfags if you took more than a couple seconds to think.
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How does her pussy work? Is it like an onahole? Or is she one of those fleshy androids where it’s very realistic?
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>posts lens flare on Anby instead of her flashing a different color while channeling like Miyabi
I don't understand what this post was meant to achieve.
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isnt ellen way better than ether cop
>character uses 1 color for 99% of her animations
>but one single frame can be nitpicked
>therefore she must be that frame's element!
Rub 2 neurons together. The scenario you are proposing is the exact same as anby, yet anby is a shock unit
Corinbwos what discs do I want on her? 4 piece crit and 2 piece phys damage?
A-Are you him?
He's a glue eating retard. "Thinking" isn't in his repertoire.
>proves that colour theory isnt the be all end all
Erm, no. He proved you cant take a single screenshot of an animation to prove your point. Retard.
Meta is for nerds and poindexters. The one who makes your penis harder is better
In fact I only take lollipops that have Ellen's saliva on them.
2 crit 4 phys
someone tell me why to save up batteries. I am at 60 energy and if I use one I can hit IK40. please tell me to stop
Because she was built with one
save for harumusa, stunners and anomally units are side grades.
>single frame
I still dont get why you use this dumb fuck argument when its for the entirety of her charging animation. It does nothing but damage your claim because its so clearly false.
In the ingame cutscene miyabi is also using her physical moveset for 90% of it, with her slashes flashing yellow and exploding enemies into purple. Is she physical now because the majority of her onscreen time is showing that off?
Do your 15 Hollow Zero runs bwo....
Stop being impatient and wait for tomorrow. Gachas feed on your lack of impulse control.
Yes Corin I assure you this will improve your abilities as a maid and I'm already about to give 5*
Corin or koleda for piper/lucy?
They are both 40
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Can’t rape the willing
Just do the quests/events?
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I see flickering flames here. Where's the ice?
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if the ellenfag cope is this big already i don't want to imagine when miyabi releases
honestly there's no reason to
More to the point, where is the ether?
thanks anon, how the fuck are people meant to find this out without joining autism discords
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stop spamming your shitty ads on my youtube feed
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So true
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>if miyabi is ice attacker
>oh its been 4 months I'll just upgrade to Miyabi if she's better
>if miyabi is anything else
>retards missed out on Ellen
its that easy. Unless you are rolling for 1.2 (lol) there is no downside to have rolled for Ellen
pretty much this
Where's the ice?
>oh actually grace is machine crazy cause she just wanna do what she can to help save lives
Yea ok game, she’s a wacko 90% of the time until it’s time to make someone else look like the real shitheads (Koleda, Betty), then she’s able to look like a sane person again.
I just opened youtube and a niche youtube channel showed up
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>Scrolling through jewtube
>official ZZZ account has this as their thumbnail for Zhu's short
It's not an intended mechanic so you won't.
guys my game's audio is fucked help
music spasms and sometimes i hear char voices and sometimes no
is this an omen
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Corin friendship!
Jesus Christ, now that's an actually new abomination of mankind in par with shit from antiquity
I appreciate that everyone likes miyabi enough to focus on her element
It's just your schizophrenia kicking in
4 phys condition of assault is a little tricky to get unless you’re playing Piper.
2 crit/2 phys/2 Atk is quite good too.
>blue with red flashes
>blue with red flashes
>blue with red flashes
I rest my case
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Yeaaappp, impulsefags falling for a baitbanner like flies attracted to shit
It's very much intended lol
If not, characters would instantly left the field when you switched them, like genshin.
The game plays down a lot of how deranged the cast is.
Anton is clearly severely mentally ill and has somehow generated a tulpa in his drill. He's a couple sleepless nights away from drilling into Ben's other eye because his drill told him to.
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>he bought
I see blue fire, I see what could be ice fragments, I don't see any ether though.
Where is the ether?
>ice fragments
Show them because I don't see any.
>she can only handle sex the first few times if she can hold her kuma
>eventually stops needing it
Cooming explosively

I also don't play on phone often but I'm a little perplexed there isn't at least an option for genshin-style character switching, where the character's icons+status are on the right and you click on them to switch. AFAIK it's impossible to switch to the previous character on mobile.
I went all in on the nuke build with 4 piece pen/ult, 2 piece phys.
I've done everything, I started two weeks late.
Anton's drill is a bro and would never suggest such a thing.
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Corin lovemaking!
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Which key do you use for backswap?
Pressing C to parry feel so ass
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Anton/Rina/Grace or Piper/Rina/Grace?
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Seth was made for Jane!
Zhu Yuan gets me as horny as Klee
I'm running 2 crit/2 atk/2 phys
It's rare to trigger assault with her by herself.
Oh no no no the reroll and buyfags are already losing it
I still can't tell if Ellen prefers the Polar Metal 2-set discs or the Puffer Electro 2-set
missionary sex with Ellen
>female officer with a massive ass has never held hands with someone before
>she gets shy and all UwU at you just holding pinkies with her
This is some incel shit man
And we here at /zzz/ love it.
The 2 set doesnt really matter as long as you're running Woodpecker. Hormone, Polar and Puffer all end up doing roughly the same.
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They're the snowflake looking things in all 3 screenshots.
That's the third time you refused to answer btw. Where is the ether?
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femcels exist, anon
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Guiding Corin through her first blowjob! It’s a little uncomfortable but she takes your load in her mouth so it’s ok!
Yes, now please drop the game
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Jane teasing Seth!
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Fuck yeah. Eat dick the fucking backpedaling robots and mobs that refuse to gather.
if you want cuck shit go to HRT or genshit
Saving all the ethertard cope so I can repost it when Miyabi releases LOL
Do you think gachafags would relate better with sane or deranged characters
You mean the wisps from the flames? Wow you're really reaching now and you've refused to post evidence of ice attacks. Where is the ice?
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Daily reminder yuritrannies are always either trannies, dykes or furries. If you're an heterosexual man that like yuri you're pathetic LMAO
yes, go back to /gig/ tranny
Impossible, such a fragile timid girl instantly makes me want to pull her into my chest and console and praise her, and her need for praise and affection and consolation would lead to sex and commitment very fast
can I get cute twinks for free if I play this game?
I just want cute twinks
You mean the workaholic can act like a normal person when it's not work related? Say it ain't so...
Anton's drill has already told Anton that Ben looks cooler without glasses. What if it whispers that Ben would look even cooler with an even bigger scar?
There are zero (0) cute twinks in this ge.
>she gets shy and all UwU at you just holding pinkies with her
This is even more erotic than the handholding. The fact even holding pinkies makes her go wild is so cute, inject that shit right into my veins.
there are no twinks in the game yet wait a month
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Aug 15th for our first twink according to leaks.
Right now we only have a wolf, a bear and anton.
Genshin is more up your (back) alley sis.
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Where's the ice?
And Billy
>Virgin rookie cop
>Experienced undercover slut
>Cat & Mouse
Its perfect.
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What happened?
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>suggest Miyabi might not even be an ice attacker because its been a year since she was even in the game as playable
>people who now can't get Ellen and cant play the ice comp for months fucking lose it
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From the anthro girls seen in town you can tell a lot of mixed breeding is going on in this city.
Did you not see how cool she is?
There are yuritrannies here? I already filtered 3 of their images
God, I always never know hot to build for damage in games like this. I'm just taking notes from Balatro and assume a little bit of everything. Like if my W-Engine has it's ATK and ATK% as it's sub, disk 4, 5, and 6 could be Crit Rate, Pen ratio or elemental damage and Anamoly Prof...right?
What's your clears with these?
Not big on ZY i think she's gonna fall off as soon as the Ether bonus falls off SD.
What do you think her element will be?
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She’s so fucking cool I can’t wait to roll her.
Post tits and roast beef or gtfo
Turns out she's not ice
Where is the ice?
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Just got Nicole's signature W-Engine. Is it better than Rina's for Nicole?
She doesn't have any. It's a supernatural "cold flame" to make her ice. It's a classic.
based spic
What the fuck kek, what is that, Kaizo OoT?
Anything to be told she did a good job and not belittle master
Look at him go!
I'm NTA.
>suggest Miyabi might not even be an ice attacker because its been a year since she was even in the game as playable
Wasn't she in the last betas?
They want you to roll for Tom & Jerry.
Most sovlful bangboo?
Is he supposed to be a spoof on Cloud (non mind broken ver.)?
This is actually well made, not building my billy brick just for a meme mod though
how do I lycaon, always hold m1 for the attacks or tap m1 sometimes too?
Needs to add like 100 pounds of fat to the model.
Cunning Hares with Amillion on every single mission or you're not playing the game correctly.
You know what's fucked? He was fine probably fine if he kept going. Rolling back into the Darknut fucked him royaly
Saving big for my full blooded Thiren girlfriend.
Amillion, the only bangboo confirmed to earn money on its own

Mihoyo likes to make the sword autist characters Ice element. Don’t see how Miyabi would be any different, plus her effects are all blue. She’s probably Anomaly or Stunner since Ellen just released and she already fills Ice Attacker role.
So wait, does Ellen want 2pc or 4pc woodpecker? I was running 2pc woodpecker and 4pc polar. I've been doing 2pc wood 4pc element for my attackers. Is that the wrong setup?
No? just eager to learn rookie trope
Thought it was a tranny until i saw dead by daylight
I think Rina's her best in slot if you have it with Nicole's signature being 2nd best.
atk% is better in this game than in other hoyogames because it stacks up properly rather than just increasing the base stat separately.
For DPS you will go for:
>crit rate or crit damage in slot 4
>element% or atk% in 5 (with element% being better)
>atk% in slot 6
By default attackers want 50% crit 100% crit damage as a baseline, if you can increase those percentages to 55/110 or 60/120 then even better. By farming you'll eventually nab some discs that have crit rate and damage substats which boost this.
There are exceptions like Zhu Yuan who easily gets away with sub 30% crit rate because her passive has crit built in, her support gives crit and her weapon gives crit, allowing you to amp up her crit damage instead.
damn I almost thought that had ass jiggle for a second
I hate the mummies/skin crawlers, they made me cry as a kid and couldn't exist the town after becoming adult and had to ask my brother to do it for me
I still dream of the The Well sometimes too
Amillion. 2nd place is revolverboo for shitting out casings and then diving down to eat it.
You can pick the twink homo as "mc" (Wise). But playable fighters? No, lycaon isn't free and the other fur isn't out yet
There is a long and autistic discussion to be had about this, but the short version is that you don't do anything wrong with 4p Polar, its just some amount less efficient on bosses than Pecker.
Nope. she hasnt made an appearance since CBT1 over a year ago.
For context Soukaku was still wind, and the anomaly role didnt even exist back then
Blue light on her sword could represent plasma, making the fox girl fire I guess
it's called a bug, anon
you are not intended to get both at the same time
characters in ZZZ don't leave the field instantly like genshin to begin with, if they are in the middle of something they finish it, and then leave
this is obviously an unintended side effect of that + the pay/dodge frames ae exceedingly generous in this game so it seems like the frames are active even after you execute a dodge counter which is unintended
>shitting out casings and then diving down to eat it.
The fuck?
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I'm eating chinese food!
What gaymer fuel do you use losers.
Do I have a choice?
Oh, she could unironically get some big changes then
>first 3 characters
Looks like genshit shitpact, shame
Ya know. I am struggling to finally get an S rank on standard Shiyu defense. I'll give this a go
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There's ice shards everywhere... It's also true in the Hollow Zero cutscene.
knotted bros?
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Don't talk about my cute boywife Wise like that.
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Trusty instant noodles.
on Stage 10. Being a little tarded atm
soukaku C6 is like 70% to 80% of ellen's damage so I stopped rolling when I got C6
Avocaboo or the white box shield decoy one
You're always going to ult on Ellen if you have her in your team (half because its very strong and half because Lycaon and Soukaku's ults are hot garbage)
You're always going to be using her EX special likely while being boosted by a flat atk buff from Soukaku.
Not buffing either of those things is really bad for Polar. It doesnt help that half of the damage is locked behind freeze/shatter either.
I'll just say I significantly reduced my times by switching from polar to woodpecker even though it lost me around 4% crit and 9% crit damage at the time.
wtf atk% on main/sub stats isn't combat atk% you don't ever go atk% on disc 5 unless you're a support like Lucy that scales on it
>Is blue with red flashes
>Is blue with red flashes
>Is blue with red flashes
>Is blue with red flashes
So in general, I should run 4pc pecker 2pc element? I felt the element bonuses were nice, especially on Ellen and Zhu.
I like how they keep showing off character 1 tapping those hulking Etherals while ingame this shit takes too long.
I WILL kiss all the girls on the lips!
for me, the biker gang is the skip patch
Isn't there aguyt here who wanted Zhu but got knotted? Lol
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GGZ reference?
Billy's trust events are so annoying, easily the worst character.
>play snake with me senpai
>use me in a hollow zero mission bwo I promise I'm good (my bangboo had to solo everything)
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I kinda like her character but I dislike the design. My idea for a redesign would be removing the skirt and making her wear a sleeveless bodysuit that continues the design you see on her legs. Maybe keep the weird gloves and add some burnt scar tissue on her shoulders or some identification tattoo. Pic somewhat related.
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Literally yes?
On Zhu 4p Chaotic is definitely better than 4p Pecker. Chaotics 4p effect is amazing on Zhu. Her 2p can be Pecker or Hormone, depending on what you need.
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This general is owned by many growing factions!

Hagbwos (I feel bad calling Rina and Grace hags though)
General Maidbwos
Boobwos (always be a good parent to your bangboo!)
Anbybwos (She'll always be your first stunner! Don't forget about her even when you get S rank ones!)
And many more bwos waiting to be discovered!

Be nice to all of them! We all get along! Even if mean stuff is said sometimes!
first you need to define men.
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>Shiyu 15 literally first try
What the fuck were they thinking with that bullshit 14.
and aren’t those enemies resistant to ice? no way miyabi is one-shotting that unless she’s ether
>one frame
anon your autistic nitpicks have already been debunked
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Anon, this has been since beta.
>if they are in the middle of something they finish it, and then leave
this was my point about the mechanic being intended tho. You can parry at any time no matter the animation, you don't think they didn't knew about perfect counter and parry overlapping? Its not like its easy to do or looks off either, it allows skill expression, not every thing has to be a bug.
>say red flashes
Amazing. Do you know what flash means?
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Ok Gladiolus
miyabi will be physical now stfu retards
Tldr but nevertheless insatiably filling Corin's womb with my seed hourly
Kissing (You) on the lips!
Miyabi is going to be Ether, and I've stood by this for weeks since the discussion began
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I wonder how hard Ceaser will powercreep him
>phys attacker
Shut up fofo looking bitch I'll forced merge my penis with your womb
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Miyabi is actually going to be Miyabi element
It seduces cute autist fans
I wish the ultimate abilities in this game were a little more interesting.
why is this corin so smol?
Which is why I said element% was better. But hes not going to lose out maxing an slot 5 atk% disc while he waits for an element% one to drop.
Its really not bad. Definitely not bad enough to avoid.
Have you guys read Ben's lore?
He used to run a small construction crew.
Its name was "Ben Bigger's Diggers".
It was formerly owned by his cousin, Nen.
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How autistic do you have to be to argue about a character who you know next to nothing about?
>Like Gorou
>Don't care for Seth

Its a weird feeling.
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I'm so fucking sick about coping Miyabifags destroying /zzz/ because they cannot deal with the absolute STATE of their character
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Don't care
Skipping miyabi
She's a lesbian
>he doesnt have pen ratio disks to completely maximize the lack of attack bonuses foregone for crit and element
What chinese food do you mean?
>Not even playable
>Already get shipped
Jesus christ.
Is Seth a cat or dog?
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What does Rina do? Playing her in the trial story mission and feels like she doesn't do anything, feels like a way weaker ver of nicole with the vortex thats it, otherwise 0 dmg
is it just me or are crit substats much more frequent in this game than other hoyoshit games? feels like 80% of my disks have at least one of them present
>like seth
>don't care for gorou
it do be weird
You'd be surprised how easily characters overcap on DMG % here.
There's a lot of DMG % sources, Zhu atk % vs ether its practically same value.
For Ellen it may even be better to go PEN ratio %
Butlerboo. Too bad he sucks.
>send out dolls
>enjoy your massive pen buff
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What the FUCK did they do to my Lucy???
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This but all my supportive and anomaly discs get crit stats and my attacker sets get pen and proficiency stats, 60ncidw and the such
>gorou is a shota
>seth is an adult
how so?
Weird, I thought I saw this image but in a different style before.
I assumed he was a cat Thiren.
When we said she should get PIGGED, this isn't what we meant...
she's a support
she doesn't do shit on her own
you're supposed to use EX and then swap to your DPS while her puppets are still on the field
Feel better than all ranged attackers because her attacks don't move her out of position
>it cost dennies to craft
how jewish
Any proof on overcapping even existing?
You just want him to fuck like one.
Gorou is an adult too he can't help his muscle def sucks.
You can get like 100K dennies so who cares?
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Every agent is (You)sexual so this shouldn't suprise you to see Wise and Belle in art with every agent
These siblings are too hot to not fall for.

This is a very (You) pandering game, I don't know how you don't get this if you play
Corin is unironically so brave for facing ethereals with a fuckin chainsaw in combat, damn
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I'm feeling moderate amounts of regret for rolling on Zhuyuan instead of Ellen because nearly every fucking stage asks for Ice and ranged feels kinda bad because the game was most definitely designed with melee in mind

Hopefully this feeling goes away once I hit knot level 50 and next shityou rolls around
i obviously meant diminishing returns bro.
Gorou shows off his stomach and Seth doesn't. Kinda why I prefer Seth but I guess they scratch different itches.
When does Phaethon invite Zhu Yuan for a threesome?
When you beat withering garden 11/11
I honestly wouldnt expect Shiyu to change too much.
The current shiyu still includes plenty of electric weak enemies and some phys weak enemies.
As long as you have one team per side who isnt resisted you'll be absolutely fine. Grace team + Piper team will comfortably clear 11-17 this time around when properly built.
You'll also reach IK50 before next shiyu ends which will make it so much easier to hit S ranks
I used to know a straight Asian guy who the girls and homos loved but he felt insecure and sounded a bit desperate when he asked how to get big like me
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Never, she's in a love triangle with Qingyi and Miyabi
And if you rolled for Ellen you would feel regret for not rolling for Zhu yuan because every stage wants ether.
also if you are playing Zhu yuan ranged you are doing something very wrong.
I know what you meant. Do you have some evidence it has diminishing returns past a certain %?
no miyabi tail
no buy
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When is it her time bros...
>also if you are playing Zhu yuan ranged you are doing something very wrong.
I'm not playing her ranged but a lot of her moves have her dash back which is pretty gay since the game has ranged penalty and leaves me wasting time trying to get back in there
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Erm, etherxisters... our narrative....
As soon as SD changes from ether/basic attack zhu will be doo doo. I'm never rolling on ranged again with the current gameplay style fool me once shame on you.
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Zhu Yuan has the perfect amount of ass, thighs and tits
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You mean you didn't get to do that yet? Should grind her trust more bro.
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>Want to look manly
>Everyone simps for a fake female persona of you

Yeah I would be down myself too
>if you are playing Zhu yuan ranged you are doing something very wrong.
explain? i thought everyone and their mother keeps saying chain attack->unload suppresive->ult/ex
why would you be up close?
... Math? what the fuck do you expect me to say?
A dumb solution is to play boxed into a corner cause then u get pressed into place
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Okay, that faggot is back. Fuck this shit, I won't bother anymore.
>why would you be up close?
because the game has a pretty brutal ranged tax if you're far from the enemy so you want to be up close in the enemy's ass even as a ranged character
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I regret getting Ellen and Zhu because everyone is weak to electric.
You can just say you dont actually any evidence that it overcaps or diminishes at higher % my nigga.
Why is 50% ice damage suddenly worse than 30% for example?
It's weaker than nicoles
Theres a stupid ranged damage dropoff i think, i dont remember the numbers but i think 15m for 25% dropoff?
and then every 5m after that is another 25% dropoff.
Retarded shit.
Then don't use the dash back? you only use side dash, front and back dash are literally a DPS loss
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this is the best 5* standard to buy, right? got signature weapons for all assaults characters already
She automatically dashes back when you chain attack
She's like 50 years old bro.
Let granny retire.
Its the most generalist W engine for all stunners yes. However Brimstone is a better generalist engine for attackers and your only real option outside of it is Starlight
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It's probably a good idea that Seth is an A rank, his design is boring even for twink characters, and ZZZ doesn't really feel like a twink-friendly game to me. Lighter passes because he's a hot blooded punchy dude, Anton as well but Anton isn't a twink either.
Only a problem if she's the last chain, everyone else rushes in except billy
Some of her motions are so flippity flip that you have to cover distance even if you're on neutral all the time. But yeah, don't hold a direction or she will cancel your shit.
Don't talk about Piper like that she's my eternal cunnywife and that's that
since the only way to upgrade discs is with the pillar things, do i need to dismantle every purple and blue discs i suppose?
She’s the flying pink ethereal that Miyabi is hunting bwo
Who do you use as last chain then? Nicole?
ZZZ needs a super fag like Venti or Astolfo.
You should be ending chain attacks on your support so you can instantly assist in anyway.
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Whats a better lineup, stunner/dps/supp or dps/stunner supp?
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there needs to be a repeatable mission to farm dennies cause this shit is so ass
of all the mats to waste battery on dennies is by far the worst
I already have to grind a bunch of other timegated bullshit why do I have to waste my FUCKING battery on babycurrency
>Gets mad about a faggot
>Is happy about about other faggots

Okay homo
Pipah is just a Christmas cake.
Lighter looks gay. Anton looks fine, think his head is a bit too big or something, but fuck is his gameplay so shit I don't ever plan to use him
She might be clumsy but she takes her job very seriously. It's pretty cute.
You want Soukaku to pivot into Ellen so you should go Ellen/Anby/Soukaku
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>Ran out of Wengine, character, and disk exp
>Completely out of Dennies
>Have to start farming sets for everyone
Knot lvl 40 isnt fun
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>Weird Miyabi theorycrafting that's trying to start nonsensical fights
>shipfaggotry ignoring the game being more (You)pandering than prior hoyo games and not even posting cute art of the ship, cop partners are always a cute pair because of course they are
>Zhu Yuan is badposting
>Ellen is badposting
>lack of incestposting
>lack of lucy and piper
>stupid bitch poster hasn't even called anyone a stupid bitch
>only some corinposting
>no billy anywhere

What a low energy thread
I have Ellen first to get stacks then switch to stunner.
stun, support, dps
>here needs to be a repeatable mission to farm dennies
Literally Hollow Zero
Each run gives you 60 Z merits which gives you 15k dennies at the merit shop on the infinite denny option.
Add the dennies you get for clearing and its around 17-18k per run. Even more dennies if youre including the weekly z merits.
You always use Nicole and her skill procs quick assist for Zhu and her field stays longer.
yeah thats what I usually do, just thought maybe it'd be better to have stunner as first but nah
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50% Ice damage has always been worse than 30% ATK assuming you have the same total values. if you have seperate multipliers you always want them to be as close as even as possible.
ATK % is only slightly worse than DMG % because of the flat disks.
For Ellen case, she has a ton of DMG from her passive, sou + ice set.
she doesn't want atk % because soukaku gives her a lot, that's why going pen ratio is better for her.
Zhu yuan, on the contrary, doesn't have many atk % sources but does have a lot of dmg %.
in shiyu defense the difference is even greater because you get MORE dmg %.
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It's not prime EU hours so no decent discussion about the game itself.

SEA does the funny shitposts and NA is just here to stir up shit anf tribalfag.
there is no functional difference between that and Anby/Soukaku/Ellen if you want to start with Anby first.
You dont really want to do that though unless you want to spam space a couple times since Ellen getting charges into the first parry being the stunner is just better
u have anton.
With shitkaku? Her in front of whoever is your field character since her buff doesn't transfer
lord harumasa soon
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I'm tired billy bro it's late in EU
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Rolling for Miyabi no matter what.
Billy deserves any girl he wishes to pursue. Monica is a whore.
So you don't like shipfags but you also want them to post cute pics of the ship?
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anby's weakness is she attacks too slowly to deal any damage even though her numbers are actually okay.

since qingyi attacks so frequently surely this must mean she's suitable as a replacement for an attack dps?
Is the BP support ball any good for Lucy? I don't have her sig
>Hollow Zero
Hollow Zero is CBT
>if you have seperate multipliers you always want them to be as close as even as possible
if the multiplier scale properly up with no diminishing returns then this isnt actually true at all. Which is why I asked if there was evidence of it.
Having your multipliers all being increased similarily is literally only a factor if there are issues with having it too high.
The only one that may be an exception is pen% ratio because of it's rarity. However due to the way it interacts with defense shred (end up ignoring a portion of the reduced defense not the previous total) it can also be detrimental
Do you seaniggers not even shill out for the monthly pass shit at least? I'm still at 4m dennies at IK 43 with two leveled teams (supports 10 levels lower), thought it was endgame whales talking about it
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Bwos the threads slowed down...
>72 limited searches
>zero s-Ranks found
>90 stable channel pulls
>only the guaranteed s-rank on start
Is it over for me? I have 17 searches until I get an s-rank, but it seems like everyone here has at least two s-ranks already.
qingqi (or whatever her name is I still haven't learned) reminds me of frieren in many ways
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It could be worse, but better threads will come Billybro
Rina is ice because blue.
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Does Lycaon ever explain why he has prosthetics? Like, was there an accident, or did he cut his legs off specifically to get robo-legs?
Basically all I'm getting from this is that you're an annoying faggot with weird taste in shitposts. Kill yourself cunt.
And yet its a repeatable mission that costs you zero energy. Just do the 3000 difficulty one. Youre going to need to farm it anyway to max out your combat config for all the first time rewards from the next at IK45
Childcoded sex
cope !
but she's hagcoded
fire is blue
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Not much to do or say but wait for weekly reset and more content.
His vampire boyfriend fucked him up, probably. When they had their falling out.
Look at the op, this thread is full of yuritroons, dykes and fags. Where do these creatures come from?
All we about his past is that he had vampire boyfriend who's now seeking revenge for whatever happened between them. He likely lost his legs then.
Same VA, thus the meme face. She's also super old.
There was a betrayal between him and Hugo. So very likely this was when he lost them. At least he confirms in one of his dm that they are prosthetics.
>say the attacks are blue with red flashes
>uhhh no they arent
>heres proof they are
>uuhhhh thats just single frames
>yes thats what flashes mean
>heres a single frame of Rina
kek. You literally cannot keep your rules for what counts or not as evidence cohesive.
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I'm glad I rolled for Zhu
Good thing the writing in this game isn't entirely contrived and derivative
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post images that get you bricked
I don't like shipfags, but by the Corinbwo's faction post I tolerate them as long as they actually just like shipping. Like the ZhuQingyi guys. The low energy "is a lesbian" shit with Miyabi is just shitposting and you can tell by the lack of cute pics and they're retards.
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>billypost is the best post ITT
good luck on your 3 hours 11/11 clear bro
man those leddit posters are really salty
thats bs, frieren was awesome, no I won't elaborate further don't want an argument bout it
oh shit right, I use EN.... but if I ever swap JP it'd be for that VN love her
shes also old yes and she has this kinda wise old auntie trying to fit in the kids with quirky stuff vibes
Vamp cut them off duringa rough bdsm session and they haven talked since. Now he wears the mask.
my point was that single flashes arent evidence for anything
you keep saying it is
in the face of glaring evidence of multiple characters with multiple single flashes that don't change a single thing about their element
just because you can't comprehend higher thinking doesnt mean it doesnt exist bwo
There are 0 (zero) instances of lightning being present in any of Miyabi’s effects. There is however ice crystals. Also the red light is from her mechanical sword fingerprint lock thing, so not Ether.
??? You don't need evidence bro, its literally on the game damage formula, you seem like you are talking about something else.
We were talking about dmg % and atk % having diminishing returns, which they do.
PES ratio and DEF shred don't have diminishing returns unless they are put together but pen ratio specifically its only worth it until you have certain amount of stats, which ellen certainly does. Zhu doesn't want PEN ratio because she already has def shred.
I refuse to roll for Niggamata
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Nope, right now he is one of the characters that is full of future set up
>Lyacon has his previous partner in crime that he seemingly betrayed
>Anby has her connections with S11
>Billy has a hidden past related to a gang in the outer ring
>the entire Belobog crew, but mostly Koleda, is connected to what happened to Khors
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remember, if you're f2poor reroll for zhu yuan and save for loli cop!
I want to know how this whole thing worked out
>Commission tech department to make a robot security officer
>They hand over a lewd little girl bot who knows kung fu
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If you roll for robololi your account is permanently bricked.
>no S rank in 90 and 72 limited searches
It takes 166 pulls on average to get an S rank, so this isn't abnormal
Most people have done close to 110-120 and 150-160 pulls each, so it makes sense they would have 2+ S ranks
I regret rolling for Zhu if i'm going to miss this.
I need to lucksack AND bye bye my F2P status.
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Hebe, but if I can still coom while makinge redditors seethe, I'll do it

If you have billy on your account your account is now a bricked account
Only way to save your bricked account is using the code NIJIZZZ (use before expire)
ok I clear it then and the boss is your mom, fuck to you
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>tfw you don't have to worry about meta because you don't roll for anything
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Why is ZZZ STILL this fast? /wuwa/ was fast too but after Yinlin it became a ghost town. I'm surprised so many people are still in this thread.
Frieren JP VA is Anby
umm sweaty no one is talking about reddit here
I still can't believe this was a real code
Can I run an Anby/Grace/Rina team and still do okay? I don't wanna invest in Anton (even though he's c6 and his w-engine is fully uncapped)
Billy might also have ties to ancient civilization since he said he was made using "lost technology".
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you don't have a choice
wait howl is a girl? why they paint its nails?
I can proudly say I claimed the jizz in time
I rike ziz gaemu!
Uh oh icefag breaking down because it has to bend the rules constantly on what counts or not.
You couldn't prove shit, still refer to miyabi's full power up animation in cutscene as a "single frame" and when faced with an example, say it doesnt count then immediately reverse logic and say "actually it does count when it matters for my argument"

Also idk if its you but someone been spam posting trying to re-ignite this argument after its already over multiple times after it ended. If it is you then maybe just give a rest anon, becase you cant argue properly or conclusively.
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There is nothing to do in this game.
In Wuwa people are busy farming echos and grinding hard.

In Zzz once your energy runs out which will happen in 3min there is nothing else to fucking do but shit up the threads.
Through dick, unity.
>"NOOOOOOOO only I'm allowed to selectively cherry pick screencaps to prove my argument!!11!!!!!!"
>second fastest gacha thread after /gig/
how is the 'slow'?
We're also still just on our second banner. Lets see how fast/healthy these threads are by the time Jane came out.
It seems like all androids are "lost civ" tech. Since Qingyi is also one.
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>miyabi was only playable in cbt1 and that was 2 years ago
>Parries weren't even a thing during that beta
Why do you guys think her kit will stay the same as it was in cbt1? A lot of things were changed probably
To be honest none of the upcoming characters are actually attractive enough to me to for me to want to whale dupes like I usually do with other gacha
I'm staying for the bangboos
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>me after being 70 rolls into ZY's weapon and not receiving a single copy yet
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That atleast contributes a cute on topic image rather than just complaining into a void that your ship is cute and that no one understands.
Any post can be forgiven on an image board with a nice enough accompanying image
Best webm

All of those people are okay when they understand that the Yuri is mostly gonna be Player Belle x Female Agent and the fag stuff is mostly gonna be Wise x male agent. The problem emerges when they get angry that this community isn't really doing complex shipping and probably won't due to trust events making fan art lean much more towards the siblings with agents or each other.

They're just gonna get mad if their expectations aren't tempered and then they'll just spam WHY ISN'T BEN FUCKING ANTON? WHY ISN'T ZHU YUAN RAPING MIYABI AIEEEEE
Another reason to not try that shit, thank god.
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save fags are missing out on 5 rolls from the shop
dumb oni
thats why rating posting speed is pointless because its propped up only by tourists and shitposters
if we remove all of those types of posters every thread would be slow.
Because it's an actual game with actual combat. I was too busy playing the game until ik30ish to even look for threads
honestly anby feels fucking fucking clunk
>doing the 5 hit combo without an enemy doing anything so I can trigger the fucking thor hammer smash
can't wait to 300 pull lycaon so I can ditch her at least for the ellen team
love her but yeah...
I don't care about meta because I gonna be playing this cute retard anyway
My argument has stayed the same since the start however. My argument being that for most animations its blue with red flashes (true) and that in her extended animation theres plenty of blue, red and purple are all provably true.
You've spent the best part of the thread constantly trying to twist this for some reason
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>Miyabi releases
>she's actually a physical support
>Billy might be connected to the biker gang
>Anby might be connected to S11's group
Who is Nicole connected to?
>They're just gonna get mad if their expectations aren't tempered and then they'll just spam WHY ISN'T BEN FUCKING ANTON? WHY ISN'T ZHU YUAN RAPING MIYABI AIEEEEE
No one here ever actually does this and even on twitter you have to actively dig to find these kinds of people. I will never understand getting mad at this literal fanfiction shit.
What does "attribute counter effect" mean?
uhhhhh she blue so she ice
Me too bwo. Have Nicole M6 and am two 10 pulls away from pity. Now we have to wait for her partner tho...
Wise's cock
>fuck to you
Pajeet please...
Actually bricking myself using A rank.
>Who is Nicole connected to?
her vagina is connected to my penis
Brothel group
no tail no buy
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Sure it's not 10p/m anymore, just 6. But that's still very fast.
Weapons and bangboo should have pity at 40/50, and weapons should be guaranteed like bangboos. Change my mind.
Man this game has done such a nice job of having episodic stories that have nice hooks and resolve satisfyingly while building up to something more.
I REALLY hope they don’t fuck it up with wordslop and poorly-timed cliff hangers like they did with HSR.
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aren't rolls pointless if you don't roll?
just pointing out your smooth brain can't handle this fact.
if they are actually weak to the element and take some element damage they are weak to, this effect trigers basically.
So if the enemy is weak to ether and they take a bubble attack from Nicole the buff triggers.
It isn't very clear in the text but it was tested. It's a fantastic option for Nicole for example if you don't have her signature.
Damn bro I am still hesitant on getting her weapon
This, I would immediately try to get it if that's the case
no batteries
did all hz runs
1.1 is gonna tell us a lot about how they will do things going forward, although I don't expect a real story update until 1.2 at earliest.
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This thread needs more Corin rape
wuwa is a pseudo MMO
Hit an enemy with an attack of the specific element they are weak to.
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You forgot the include the Dementia patient.
Well it's a new team that's made this game right? Hopefully they keep this direction going and don't fall down the word slop rabbit hole.
However I'm convinced that there's just something about Chinese culture where all they can do is write purple prose
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because contrary to wuwa this game is fun
Slowed Down != Is Slow
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Why would you want that?
I really hope that the lack of overworld, the innately reusable aspect of TV and the use of comics and short impactful animations rather than watching some retard walk around and talk means each update will include more.
ZZZ having multiple modes like Shiyu will also really help keep people interested between story beats.
Wuwa would die without it's shitposters. It's all they have left :(
Nice, think I'm going to pick it up for Lucy then since I lack good ball for her
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This thread needs more Corin
kek I lost it at the mcdonalds in the bg on this pic idk why its so funny
She's locked up in my basement I'm too busy to post sorry
more like
>parry into anby
>dodge counter dodge counter dodge counter EX dodge counter dodge counter EX
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I mean I said if, meaning if they went down that mental rabbit hole they might end up like that.
And I'm not mad? I just said this thread was low energy, my stance on shipfags is like >>487910664

I agree with faction corinbro this thread is an unholy alliance of degenerates of all kinds who are sort of learning to get along in an almost wholesome way.

/zzz/ could be a case study for group development
>Slowed down
We've been at 6 posts per minutes since last week
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I can confirm that zzz is more fun than Wuther. I uninstalled Wuther last week.
Well I'm still in the middle of Chapter 2. Are there a lot more free poly things left?
rock n roll mcdonalds
There’s a linguistic difference too. Iirc Chinese a more “dense” language and translating to English the sentences are just way longer to communicate something similar.
I actually love the TV gimmicks like the current event, but holy shit the pauses need to ficking stop. Stop zooming in on buttons. Stop yapping constantly. Stop with the tiles needing to play a long as fick animati9n for buttons and doors and so on.
I want to take Soukaku home and feed her spaghetti bolognese and chili with rice so she understands she doesnt have to waste all her money on ice cream and convenience store bread
What does Corin do on her free time and what kind of fit is she wearing?
Love comes before the rape don't worry
same bwo
tripled my investment into zzz and told my gacha broker to sell my current wuwa holdings and short that bitch
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another win for nekoCHADS
Zhu's slow ass banner is killing the game!
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>more fun
>spend 2min doing dailies and wasting stamina
>log out

>more fun
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bwos I have to come clean to you, all this time I never got Lucy, I just like her character
I have to be honest I was a huge hater before the game released though i still stand by that the starting casts designs are kind of garbage aside from Grace, Lyacon, and soldier 11, the future characters are looking promising.
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How many should Corin rape then before you're satisfied?
Thankfully the TV amendments are in, but not until 1.2 sadly. The speed up button just needs to be 3x and not be cancelled by anything except pressing it again
You type like a faggot
I really feel like I'm treated like a blithering gachaslopper retard with that shit, guess I can't blame them with all the gachaslop 0iq seanigger weebshitter fanbase they have
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>Genshin starts to flop
>Everything Mihoyo releases focuses on Zhu Yuan's ass

Nature is healing
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Do your HZ/SD.
That 2nd one really does it for me
The only times I had sex (a decade ago) I could last infinitely if I just banged the shit out of her or she went fast but when we went slow I'd cum in 3 seconds and I don't know why
>He dumped
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This thread needs more Corin .
I did the Epic Games turkey pricing glitch and got 6 100$ topups for less than 50$, I'm pulling for all characters until I run out then selling my account to a random retard to further fund my ZZZ pulls
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okay you got me, you're also missing upgrade chips
Its all cool Billybro. Lets all just enjoy what we enjoy and R&I retards trying to make trouble.
Yea the new TV event is really good, more of that and less of Chapter 2 Interlude please
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Most Anon's don't realize the fact that Corin's a lot stronger than them.
If anything Corin would be doing the raping.

"I-I'm sorry master. I-I D-on't mean to be so forceful, b-but you said n-o and I J-just couldn't acc-cept that so-oo you jjust don't get a c-choice now... P-please forgive me."
An uncomfortably large amount of retards are being filtered by the simplest IQ puzzles imaginable despite the tutorials so can you really blame Mihoyo?
Ive seen too many people being filtered by the two event gimmicks for it to be a joke
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so far so good...
Coririn cori cori
I have an extremely unpopular opinion here but I like the sector 6 designs
I have c0 lucy and no piper, so I basically don't have lucy either, i hate it
whats the best rat team
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could throw a pity at Zhu but I'll have nothing, nothing!
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Wow, Ellen REALLY wanted to be on your account as early as possible
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>3 fucking trailers for every single new character
So this is where the game's budget goes.
I like the Pink girl and Soukaku I don't care for the other two
Sector 6 hag electric anomaly unit.
Nice reroll account bwo
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i think its the best battlepass ball in general because a lot of stuff is weak to ether. While it also takes 5 battlepasses to max having a free 20% crit on every assist chain really helps budget builds.
If it was just one person getting the buff I would have a different opinion that it isn't worth it but since the buff is guaranteed, you can theoretically keep the buff up a long time if you keep procing assist chains.
Any time a new character with the new meta element shows up you can use that support element and all the content will maintain the buff.
Word on the street is Grace (for the sweet Shock / Disorder damage) + Rat + Rina (for the % PEN)
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>The right hand of the bricking one
She approaches...
>Spend entire day no-lifing echoes
Yeah no thanks, I've got other games besides gacha.
So do I. I'm saving and rolling for every Section 6 agent.
Still my favorite design even accounting for leaked ones... She'll be hard to top unless they release an armored girl.
Anon in this very general you can see a bunch of retards failing to solve the tv puzzles and complaining it's too hard
website? is there any way to export pull history without giving those jews full access to my account?
genshin and star rail also do that but genshins are a lot cheaper as two are in engine instead of just one and star rail is probably more expensive (penacoly at least)
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Ellen posting time? Good
I don't get what you're trying to say Billybro, if a game panders to self inserts(as you're saying) then by definition it excludes shippers.
Is it possible to have team presets?
I don't want to manually pick every single character when I know what teams I'm using every time...
>They're just gonna get mad if their expectations aren't tempered
Don't worry friend, as yurifag my expectations with any gacha game are always incredibly low. I enjoy the bait, but its never gonna go anywhere. Not with NPCs, not with MCs either. Mihoyo MCs won't ever even get implied kisses like Reverse and others. We're all getting blueballed together here.
I actually wouldn't Corin occasionally, rarely, losing her mind to autism and convince herself that she's doing some great deed without realizing she's just raping me, seeing her pent up with lust and drive when she normally isn't like that at all would be hot
anton is better but harder to gear, if you have shit/no disks yet piper is better
Eh the event is pretty fun, I can see why someone would think it's too easy though but that's why Hoyo already knows the average player is dumb like a sack of bricks. In Genshin they used to ramp up the difficulty of the puzzles until they peaked around Inazuma and Golden Apple 2 and I guess the babies complained so they tuned the difficulty down. Problem is now they went too far in the opposite end and it's all too easy. All that said I'm not a fan of using 100% of my brain on videogames though. I'm already tired for it due to work and other hobbies.
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Anon I just finished fapping to Corin please stop
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I think about Piper's assless chaps everyday
Sometimes I spam her shooting dash for fun. The dodge, shoot, dodge, shoot , dodge, shoot one. Seems to be pretty good at applying corruption, so I wonder how she might do with an anomaly build. (I haven't built any anomaly characters yet, and I don't really know how anomaly works yet.)
Yeah but one of our characters trailer is literally a music video I would take it's expansive to make character songs for every limited
uhh the one frame of red
Enjoy having to spend several weeks worth of stamina to get something completely free on Wuwa shitter.
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i fucking love sharks
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Finally had a chance to pull for ass cop, now I can save for her fox gf
damn asscop is super fun to use, shark might be getting benched for a while
small indie company prease undastandaru
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I rape...because I care!
penacoly was non stop music videos
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My lovey shark maid..
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I think about Seth's assless chaps every day
if you uh....upgrade all 6 characters that are free, you don't need chips anymore.
In fact at that point the only correct worker in the store will be the denny girl.

if you mean the training stages you get for when they are on the banner the training stage rewards do unlock from banner training stages because i tested it and it works. I got credit for the training stage for Ellen despite not having her for example
>implied kisses like Reverse
When will WE get a dead italian wife?
i dont even have a chance to roll the weapon banner, all my rolls are going to the characters but i cant get any
when are we getting playable power rangers
Me forcing Ellen to demean herself and janny in a shark plushie
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Am I bricked? I only have golds left.
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you've posted a very good image good sir
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>irl gf has the same personality as Ellen
>exact same height as Ellen
>birthday the same week as Ellen
>would look the same if she cut her hair
good to know great minds (me and waterkuma) have good taste
Are you doing this on purpose this shit is triggering my autism
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Why do wuwajeets camp in hoyo generals just to have meltdowns when they catch a stray?
I bought her in the shop. No regrets.
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>get phys damage for corin
>substats are poop
it never ends...
Keep pulling! You need two more copies!
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What do I do? Will Ben get mad at me if I call him plump?
You foulish brats. Miyabi's fire effect is obviously plasma, the fourth state of matter. Her element must be electric!
Nah that's out of character shut up fag
my favorite is Penectomy
Mafia/Yakuza faction. Trust the plan, it has to happen sooner or later.
>attempt to select zhu for my second team
>accidentally select grace and remove her from the first team
Enjoy spending time on a game that won't amount to anything and who's waifus have already been surpassed and forgotten. Guando Tech Saves The Universe
sorry bro I'm just being consistent with my misspelling
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Piper is a tight package
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If wuwa is so fun why you are here I wonder
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>116% crit rate
its retarded.
Gotta get it in while it's good and she's not powercrept yet
Unironically some rich family with TOPS probably, her profile mentions she was an orphan and was supposedly adopted by a wealthy family, but some time later she just appeared in the streets again, so its likely she rubbed elbows with the wrong people or she got bullied or rejected for being poor or something, she is very well connected though
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>ATK% is better than DMG% actually...
Are you telling me that this is the best disc set and will not be powercrept until EoS?
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Now go back where you came from you stinky jeet
They just dont fit the game in my opinion. I think Miyabi is the absolute limit of design that I think fits in with the current cast. I think I'll never get over the original cast all being so unique and then you just have generic mihoyo k pop male and Yanagi who seriously needs a face upgrade while both have boring weapons. It doesnt help that it feels like they just tacked on japanese imagery in the laziest way after the fact so they fit the theme, meanwhile Soukaku is soukaku and Miyabi atleast has a cyborg arm and fingerprint sword.
saar listen to me
saar listen to me
>Crit rate 116%
How do you crit rate beyond 100%?
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The undisputed king of ZZZ.
>female rover player is a shizo
every god damn time.
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>They just dont fit the game in my opinion.
My min issue really. It feels like a break in the games visual identity, regardless of how you think they look.
Nah it's fine like I said the word penacony in specific just triggered my autism, also I hope the sons of calydon characters eps are some rock or heavy metal
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She's way too cute so I want to do things to her and take responsibility at the end
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It's ALWAYS Ellen posting hours
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Sir please... do not be playing the zenless zone zero sir... please redeem the wuwa
cute child (forma de hag)
What's out character Lycaon not knotting your ass for trying to touch his daughter.
Over 100% enables crushing blows.
SEXO CON _ _ _ _ _
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>They just dont fit the game in my opinion
Yeah I think they do. but at that point is just a matter of opinions
My dick when piper dresses herself like this while looking 12 years old
They should probably add a wave thing to disk farming like the HIA farming stuff already has. Let you spend like 120 stamina at once to fight two waves in a single battle to speed things up.
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Tencent gave me my student visa today
And in your country, I will stay.
Why is she so thiqq?
she could be like 13
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>All these retards being baited and giving the anime poster (you)s
You guys are stupid
You could genuinely just put Asaba and Yanagi straight into Genshin with no changes to design and they'd fit in. You would have a large amount of difficulty doing that to any other character.
Asaba especially if you saw him in a genshin leak for upcoming character you literally would not bat an eye
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I hate Piper posters!
Only because I don't have her myself yet.
Its all the donuts Qingyi makes her eat. At least every third day I find those two in front of the store, eating donuts.
Why do slavs love this game so much? Also why is only India red LMAO
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so some people did some testing
basically attack boosters while not in combat contribute to a total amount of lets say +green attack, the attack you see if you check the amount of bonuses, but once you enter a combat zone all that green attack becomes "base attack" or all a white number. Then the game, if you get a buff from something, like the 9% attack from a disk set temporary buff, it takes 9% of that total attack generated from the combat zone.

In other games it would take 9% of your "base attack" without any of your bonus attack which was a much lower number.

so if you had 500 base attack in a different game with different more common rules and it was something like
500 + (green attack bonus 500)
and you entered a combat zone
it would do 500 * .09 = 45 attack bonus
545 + 500 = 1045

but zzz is doing

1000 * .09 = 90
or 1090 for a single buff
so you can see the value of non temp buff to be a lot better.

btw im terrible at math posting but this should be enough to get the point across.
>You could genuinely just put Asaba and Yanagi straight into Genshin with no changes to design and they'd fit in
That's just not true
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I think that my Zhu Yuan's E6 is bugged bro
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Yes it is. At worst Yanagi would gain leggings/tights.
Lycaon is gay for getting violated by vampire dick
Its kind of bizarre that all of the characters have a urban/SF kind of designs, but then you have Miyabi and her cronies being turbo weebs in design.
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Sorry brother hope you get her on your next single standard banner pull
is this what zoomers listen to? how did we as a civilization go from excellent 70s prog rock like King Crimson, Yes, Pink Floyd, etc to this garbage? It's so over.
No it isn't they would not fit in genshin at all
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Then give her even more than a baker's dozen
i want to have sex with that shark
>but then you have Miyabi and her cronies being turbo weebs in design.
Miyabi with her robo-arm still fits into a cyberpunk/urban fantasy aesthetic with her "street samurai" look. Probably would have been better to give her a bit more details, but overall she's fine. The rest are missing that style though.
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Be careful around Zhu Yuan...
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i did it bros
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Sure, she's stronger than Wise, but she wouldn't resist no matter how easy it would be for her to run away.
genshin fofo is shit
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>Local Thiren travels miles to bite innocent man
How do I use Zhu for normal trash mobs? Do I still build charges, swap to stun, and chain attack?
Their clothes still have mostly modern skirts, shirts, and shoes. Harumasa is wearing pants/trousers rather than a hakama, etc. They're just cut and styled with traditional Japanese elements.
Piper wheel crotch
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why does Qingyi's face look so chubby
I dunno, her eyeball thing make veer a little too much in the fantasy direction. The dude and the naginata chick are 100% generics compared to the rest though.
group with nicole then shoot them
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Try to group enemies then use shotgun blasts to mow them down
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>travels miles
Call yourself a stupid bitch
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Nice bro, good job.
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LVL 50s
>turbo weebs in design.
How? The mostly using a white shirt and sneakers
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She should be replaced with someone better
You can still be local and travel miles????
Grace doesn't really work on her own as a damage dealer. She triggers shock fast, but shock doesn't stack it just overwrites the previous shock. Rina makes the shock last longer, so it becomes even more useless to keep going with Grace after getting the shock up. You really need another character to proc the disorder, or you use Anton who gets extra damage against shocked targets.

Grace's best team right now is Grace, Rina, Piper.
nobody likes fofo here
we all like corin
>all 5*s
how much sis
zigger why is your screen so fucking bright?
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I like to just special with Nicole and then take them out with corruption explosions using ZY. But I have C6 Nicole for the bigger suck.
snip tool hates hdr
from the smol circle rina kinda looks like kazuha
proof that blueberry is meta enough despite her long ass assist chains
If you look at it closely you can tell he's a fucking retard taking a phone picture of a monitor
Damn that ass was fat
well I have piper built a bit at least
Keep it 100 with me is it worth playing just for Zhu Yuan?
They are 100000% very very early and safe designs. Soukaku works though.
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>pure sex
Yes, and it will be even better if you like the next cop
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Zhu Yuan's fat ass is temporary. Playing one of the only gachas that allows some form of skill and reaction expression is... also temporary but less so.
So it's the best set?
I played Genshin exclusively because of Ganyu and quit 2-3 years later so yes
if people were wondering about butlerboo, hes equivilant to a 20% energy regen substat.
it is ok i guess but not that great. Since its a free substat you would need to decide if its worth nearly zero damage output from the bangboo slot.
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would you really kiss this in the mouth
As the other anon said Grace doesn't work great as you only DPS. She awesome for groups of trash and softening up targets, but you need someone else to hi single high HP targets hard. That's why she works well with Anton. However, Piper and specifically Grace/Piper Disorder procs can also work to melt a boss hp bar.
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I can't wait for the inevitable Wukong character...finally ZZZ will have black representation!
Would be able to roll Zhu Yuan if I were to start today?
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If you don't pull her now she will not come back for 6 months at least. And yes, that gyatt is wildin
Is there any reason to go deeper into Infinite Abyss? Do the resonia gains in there count towards the ones for Roy at Scout Outpost?
i think its a very competitive set because attack helps everyone. I am using them because its easier to farm for. Everyone needs good jazz, and conveniently the set we are talking about is the set that comes along with it.
would it still be possible to marry her if you thought noodles were better than burgers? just wondering
3 yellow boxes
...that's it
Yes, assuming you would play relatively diligently every day so you clear most of the content in the next two weeks.
People were able to roll double pity on Ellen's banner from launch so yes absolutely you can confirm atleast one copy of Zhu especially if you havent used any of the one time polychromes from the story and hollow zero.
Tongue rape?
With extreme prejudice.
Of course
11k denny
>Do the resonia gains in there count towards the ones for Roy at Scout Outpost?
Yes they do. its how I maxed out the bangboo and defense sets
Yes, just remember that this game is more about (you) pandering, so pick wise if you're a man or belle if you're a woman. They'll allow you to change characters when you walk around in town in a future patch if you like to play with your waifu
Oh forgot to answer your other question:
NOPE, don't do it. I picked up every single Resonia I've found and it didn't count.
Also you don't need it, you should avoid fights completely to not waste time. And if you get in one they don't get any harder

You can also farm some dennies too, it caps though
I don't want rabies, so no
Jazz drops with the ether damage set though...
So I can't play as the cute sister and talk with Zhu Yuan
Don't listen to this idiot, both characters get the same screentime so don't pick a dude if you don't want to stare at a twink the whole time
>So I can't play as the cute sister and talk with Zhu Yuan
No of course you, ignore the schizo.
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>get rina on standard
>she's useless
>get 2 lycaon balls on standard instead of actual characters
>they're useless
>skip ellen for zhu
>prefarm for zhu
>lose 50/50 on zhu to koleda
>she's useless
>backpack full of ether mats
>they're useless
>decide to just save guarantee for Qingyi, at least she's hot
>she wont have a team on my account
>she will be useless
oh is it the physical set? yeah i mean that is a good set to if you have physical characters like corin. essentially people should rate that farming better since the attack set is good.
You'll regret not picking Wise when you understand just how many "Onii-chans" you missed.
Ok I will download your game and try to get Zhu Yuan
You can pick Belle if you find her cuter. The two are basically dual protagonists and you just pick your PoV. You still get the dates and trust events with all the characters just the same.
That guy is just a MCwar shitposter.
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which ZZZ is for me? I think Soldier 11...
>shizo pushing the newfag card to push mc wars again
a classic.
I don't play with JPN dubs sorry

>That guy is just a MCwar shitposter.
Duly noted, thanks for the heads up
>If I pick the guy character I can't self-insert, instead I will be staring at this ass all the time!!!
least closeted homosexual
Don't you yuritroons ever get tired using the same word?
yeah soulja 11
This is still more a (you) pandering game than any other mihomo game. Cope, seeth and dilate
>is a male
>plays as a female character
What causes this mental illness?
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Pre-farming is your first mistake, live in the moment forget your future
I will NEVER pay money

no, my launch uid is soul
I don't self-insert and am secure in my sexuality.
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You two dumbasses need to learn to KYS (kiss your sis)
qt belle
I skipped half the dialog because I mashed skip whenever the twinkfag started yapping his semen slurping lips
I'd rather stare at a woman's butt than a male's, and I'm not 12 so I have no need to self-insert to enjoy my vidyagays
>I don't self-insert
Why are you playing a self insert game then?
I do and i still picked Wise THO
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It has cute girls
Cant kiss my sister if I picked Belle though can I
>go on date
>fuck at her place
>come back in the early morning
>fuck belle at your place
premium. life.
>They'll allow you to change characters when you walk around in town in a future patch
>replying to the hi3 yuritroon samefagger
low iq general
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>picked female in genshin and sr
>went with wise for zzz
Simple as.
Reminder selfinsert schizo is the minority. Also they are in an incestuous relationship, tacitly acknowledged by mihoyo with the friendship event making them both Euos’ parents
I can't self insert as an effeminate fag that looks like he takes it in the ass, no hate if you can, just saiyan. If I'm going to self insert give me an actual cool character. The cute girl is nowhere near as offensive in this case when it comes to the player character.
>I can't self insert as an effeminate fag
More masculine than you hrtroon.
Of course you can, just kiss your sister (male).
Wise looks way manliest than the last two mihoyo male protagonist desu
The character you play as isn't you, genius
In the very same way you aren't Wise just because you picked him
Her directional attacks can cancel her back dash back so she goes to the side instead, it also acts as a dodge.
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>Also they are in an incestuous relationship
>You lost

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