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Previous: >>487900957

>Download - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/


>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 (JP)

>Zhu Yuan EP - "As the Sugar Cube Floats, Fleeting in Time"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-ekcFSdke8 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wsp6_mservA (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s (JP)

>Official X account

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online) - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull Tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>Damage Calculator

>ZZZ stickers

>/zzz/ Thread Template
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How does she do it?
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is qingyi coming right after zhu yuan? I might be fucked bwos... only got 50 pulls left after losing my 50/50. zhu is secured tho and super fun but I wanted her best friend too
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Lycaonbwos, our response?
Post neko lewds
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Am i bricked?
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>see your sister on the couch
wat do
Show your rolls, don't tell me you wasted it all!
Enjoy being perma bricked.
qingyi anal
Even among gacha, this game is stingy as fuck. F2P feels barely sustainable.
Rina wants the knot...
Run because she will rape me if she sees me. She is a horny beast that cannot be quenched
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Then she woke up and awakened Nen
I'm imagining a Detroit: Become Human situation where Zhu just has to get used to seeing Chinky die only for her to come back from the mechanic thanks to cloud storage backups.
no because purples don't matter
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It's fine to be honest. It's not generous but not stingy either
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What I really like about reaching IK >35 is that you get a lot of these trust events from that point onward. Feels like a reward for playing this game for such a long time

It's NOT sustainable. Hoyo games are not meant to be played as a F2P
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You have chosen war.
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>She gives you hints
>pat head
>keep walking
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>pure sex robocop
>also tries to hook you up with her fat ass partner
The 3P potential is too strong
Belle would not approve of sharing her brother.
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Does our sister look like that?
The record shop is just for redeeming your choice of disk from rewards and breaking down shitdisks, the majority of your disks will still be gotten from spending stamina. You can get 3 s rank disks for 60 stam at level 45.
Why did Billy do it
>Show your rolls
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I convert all of my polys to tapes
>It's NOT sustainable. Hoyo games are not meant to be played as a F2P

Then why are people clearing all the content in Genshin and HSR as f2p?
>F2P feels barely sustainable.
what's your goal? I cleared all of shiyu not counting critical nodes with cunning hares alone
just save for the waifus you love the most
That's good to know thanks!
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She approves of sharing the maid.
im at 15k polys after wasting 120 rolls on zy for nothing
i will use up everything for qingyi m0w1
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>they literally wasted all their rolls on the very first 2 banners
Just the bouncing and facial expressions make me hard
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Attention! Corin has an important announcement!
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You should kiss your sister NOW
>with soukaku
don't mind if I do
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You can still win your 50/50
>with lucy
just what I wanted
Embrace, kiss, and penetrate.
Why is she wearing a diaper? Incestfags baka can't say I'm surprised
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how big of an upgrade are m5 and m6 anby? I'm at m4 with her signature at level 3
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should I waste my real life hard earned money purchasing Zhu Yuan?
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Join her.
Smell her hair
What teams levels engines to clear 9 and 10
So…. This means Belle is canon then?
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Can Wise truly handle Zhu Yuan plus THIS at the same time?
everyone has her signature you tard it came free with your fucking xbox
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>be master haxor outlaw proxy
>invite a literal cop over to hang out and watch porn right above your do-illegal-shit room and less than five feet from the bangboo she's already seen you use while doing crimes
Proxybros... are we retarded?
>are your bills paid?
>are your savings deposited?
>do you want her?
If the answer to all these questions is yes, then do so.
Post more Made in China cop ass
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i was bored so i made a new account... i think im gonna drop my bricked main acount...
Cant imagine it being any good, the increase is worse than Soukaku's M6 and she doesn't have the self steroid to take advantage of it. Better than nothing but doesn't help her to do her job. Should be e been + damage and daze so you can ex into stun, chain out and get the next daze faster with more damage. Seems shit, her M4 is bad too.
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Which one?
He's not the legendary Paethon for no reason.
If anything it's the other way around and we're so smooth the cops have to fuck the criminal.
35 rolls after getting Zhu and her engine. Am cooked bros...
All part of the plan to get literally in bed with the cops and be able to act with impunity, trust the process
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why are autistic women so hot
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>People will fuck this
I can see them with my eagle eyes
I've been F2P on Genshin and HSR since both released and never had an issue or felt 'left behind'. Can't say the same for ZZZ, I feel like I have to grind far more to eek as much potential out of the few characters I have.
Gladly under false pretenses or not
That one my nigga
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I can see it...
Does she want me to use her feet?
Thats why Phaethon is a team
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>Won't betray you
>Competent even if insecure
I wouldn't stop at fucking, I'd marry her
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you still have a lot of time to try and get her for free
Some people call me Manager, others call me Sensei. It matters not what you call me, all you need to know is that pulling Excalibur out of its stone will seem like dragging a knife through butter in comparison.
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Didn't know Ben was capable of giving out shit eating grins
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collab with robot wife in the future
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Zhu Yuan doesn't seem very fun to play from her trial mission. Is playing her in an actually built team better?
please be futa
who am i even supposed to be saving for….
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Getting blackmailed by the police for sexual favors...
If she found out you have a footfetish, it will not surprise me she would try teasing you while playing ignorance or uncare
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Forcing Corin to watch horror movies with you in the dark!
>the "mom" freely offering up her daughter to get her over her first give both metaphorically and literally
Hard as any account with Nekomata
No. She's the definition of a "do your burst and gtfo" character, she's not built to stay on the field at all.
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>be the uber legendary proxy Paethon
>experience any minor setback in the hollows
starting to think those two that probably fuck behind closed doors are frauds
el rato sexo
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You wasted all your rolls while I will guarantee El Raton Grande.
Are you a gameplayfag or a waifu/husbandofag?
This is really all it boils down to.
If you're not liking her trial she might not be for you.
>foottroon is a seanigger
>hey soldier 11
>i, the owner of the random play video store on 6th street, really am the infamous proxy phaethon
Wise is a very careful and intelligent individual
Once I get used to her, it is satysfying seeing the enemies health melt away. I still preffer to play the Mono Ice team with Ellen, but Zhu Yuan can be fun on her own way, even if half of the match I am playing Anby.
he looks like one of them ntr ojisans that will steal your girl.
They're so reliant on Fairy already, it's kind of dumb. I can understand the stuff like "search the city for X" but "Fairy find us an exist" is straight retarded. THAT'S YOUR JOB IDIOT.
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Why is Wise so shit at games?
How can a people who have been historically been associated with being as flat as pavement be able to produce more curves than a sphere?
>her tiny little hands grabbing yours whenever she gets scared
>"Oh shit, she's actually pretty strong. Fuck. Fuck. OW."
While on my lap some she'll squirm!
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So will I
Bruh, I'm American
We are in an image board that started for weebs and otakus, who the fuck cares about grammar?
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I wish they had casual clothes for the dates, would be super cute but probably too much work for a company that HATES costumes.
Turns out Asians can get thick if they're not being starved by their current regime.
Too tired from Belle, Venus, Nicole, Ellen, Corin, Rina, Zhu Yuan, Ray, Coco, Rain, etc. draining his balls every day.
Kys zoomienpc
But you don't have Grace, so El Raton will be a brick for you.
Honestly furfags won this time around. Furrydom has successfully gained a foothold in China and I have to admit defeat. The dog and bear exude coolness not seen since Chester Cheeto and the John Frosted Flakes
ok 4changpt
Based. Keep living AmericanCHAD.
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Dog is for fags and fujos, literally a full trope from gay fujo butler slop except furry. Only bear is cool.
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I could unironically beat up Ben in a fistfight.
Pubic security
mihoyo has perfected worm AI
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All Void Hunters will have their own special element that can get boosted by two base elements and have anomalies that are a mix of the same two base elements
Myabi - Foxfire - Ice and Fire
Angel Girl - Light - Elec and Ether
Joyous - Wind - Elec and Ice
Sunbringer - Solar - Fire and Phys
Big guy - Overwhelm - Phys and Ether
Other girl - Explosion - Elec and Fire
Prof - Flames of Knowledge- Fire and Ether
i hate when the characters say “drip”
Why did she shit herself
cap grandpa fr fr no drip on god
wtf why did she piss on the bed that's fucking nasty
Kill yourself boomer
Why did she wet herself? Is she retarded?
>Did you just unironically say drip in my Chinese gacha game?
His name is Tony THE Tiger.
Get it right.
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Reminder to dry your sister
Another reason to nix English dubs, cuts half of the cancerous (((localization))), only wannabe normgroid failures use it
I can see cues from Black Butler but I also feel some Sanji inspiration
yuh fr bruh you wack as hell boomie ong where u rizz at

Are they impoverished?
Why are we here, bwos?
Just to waifu/husbando post?
Is this what being in a gacha general is all about?
This leads to sex
Don't do this with ur sister
where would they get the skibidi rizz from?
How many years have you been holding on to that picture just for this once in a lifetime occasion?
Lmao I couldn't be arsed to look it up because I forgor and I thought John Frosted Flakes would be funny
This leads to sex
Always do this with ur sister
Eh. Qingyi basically already knows.
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how the fk do you have this image saved?
>perfectly clear mirror
>Wise loses his mouth and his eyes glaze over
too spooky
3 secs on Google.
Fair enough.
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Sex with the police?
I have a sister.
Your comments make me really uncomfortable.
Character lacks QoL. You will need to sweat.
we are patiently waiting for NTE
Poverty would imply you have had at least been in the same region as money. Chinamen know no such concept as currency.
who’s the rat team
>have 90 energy
>need 120 for the last bit to reach IK 40
I should just go to bed
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>yeah, yeah, yeah, it's all my fault!
Why does Corin shout this sometimes? It seems really out of character.
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this general has barafags
Remember when he had a mental breakdown on twitter when all the furries started sexually harassing him
Waiting for WW3 so billions can die
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Can there ever be peace between the chudbwos and the furbwos?
if I had a sister I would have fucked the shit out of her. jewish biology wouldnt have tricked me
I want to fuck Yumeko's mouth
The literal Phaethon from the legend was a jobber who did nothing but get shit on by Zeus thougheverbeit
1 battery / 50 polychromes
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For me it's all about putting my gold and silver into companies that are willing to support nativity.

The West will burn for their treachery. Enjoy your tits and lolis, I will as well.
Don't worry its not really an incestfag (incest is based), it's just a Wisecukold, started spamming this thread all of a sudden after a few people rightfully shit on the subpar waste of space at the end of last thread
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Any doots
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>Dummy thicc lolis
There are people like that, who believe anything bad happens is legitimately their fault.
Probably not as vocal about it as Corin though.
I have the batteries, I don'T want to use them
Aw come on I wouldn't say Belle is a TOTAL waste of space...
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Genshin's is the best one the others are shitty meme characters
why do people just keep their gems as gems and not convert them into rolls. not like you broke boys will use them for anything else
I have an older sister.
Your comments make me feel really comfortable.
>deserving consistency and sensibility
Seth bros, how are we feeling about our boy?
>very organic MCwars post right after yuritroon post
No I do not.
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Have M6 Nicole
Have Brimstone
But Zhu Yuan continues to elude me...
She's there for Wise to clone himself with her
Surcrose is UGLY
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>he doesn't have a Nicole M6 Hypercarry DPS
>he uses Troonkaku
>he uses Von BDSMeon
Rumao even
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This will be good. Toot!
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Her playstyle requires minimal thought, so she tends to filter most of /zzz/.
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Thanks gato
flat pen +2
me on the right
>Final boss is Zeus
Oh shit.
Goon Eternal 2024
That shitty glassesshit character turned me off enough to contribute to me dropping genshit early on
Pretty good. Who's getting this?
is it just me or is atk% absolutely worthless as a substat in this game
like nigga rolled it and got 3% like wtf
This is a pro-furry general and the official /trash/ embassy, anon.
anby/qingyi or any crit electro I get in the future, I run 2pc energy on everything
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ellen is a SHARK
>rolled Ellen despite preferring Miyabi
>only have Anby as stunner
>don’t want to build her because Qingyi is soon and Ellen prefers the dog
>Nicole only c1 and Ben c6
>not enough rolls to unbrick Zhu yuan with her m1 and get Qingyi as well
>will 100% have to skip Jane despite having Grace seed acc
any other bricknons in the thread..?
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Will Miyabi be ice or not? Anons rap battle it out.


where is this from?
This isn't America. The authorities don't care if you illegally run around in the hollows saving lives. As long as they get access to your services (and they will because Belle is a slut who services everyone) then they're willing to look the other way during your extra legal activities.
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Yeah that's great and all. But look at that ASS. Absolutely worth the risk.
my rules is as long as I get a good main stat and at least two damage stats I think it's good enough
Sucrose is the worst Hoyo character and it isn’t even close.
She’s like a hot girl’s pathetic/ugly friend but a video game character.
Why is this general so anti-yuri and anti-trans? This is the only Hoyo general like this...
Literally no one likes sucrose except people with shit taste
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bros, this kot is kinda sexy? Why is she giving me that look?
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Not until we get a proper furry female.
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I like Sucrose
Stay strong anon BUT skipping Jane might be a big mistake.
Atk% is really good in this game as in-combat buffs work off the final atk number on your character sheet instead of the flat atk, so they can't give you too much of it
Anon I think you're confused
The little smiley face in the top corner when building a team has nothing to do with "friend status".

Each agent has a core passive that will only switch on when certain conditions on the team is met. Usually it requires
>Have someone from the same faction on the team
>Have someone of the same element on your team
e.g. Anton and Anby activate each others passives (Giving you the smiley face) because they're both electric.
Anby and Nicole activate each others passives because they're both from the Cunning Hares faction.

Anby and Ben do NOT activate each others passives because they don't sure an attribute (Electric vs Fire) or a faction (Cunning Hares vs Belabog)
Fuck off, It’s definitely not.
Just look at the HSRG meltdown after that Acheron trailer.
He doesn't have a parry? I thought that was going to the defense class' thing but I guess it's Ben's thing
A dyke's xitter
>breeze through SD 1-9 with S ranks
>get absolutely walled by SD 10
Why the fuck is there such a huge difficulty spike? The construction robot feels like AIDS to fight.
what were they thinking making qinyi a 5 star? I thought hoyo wasn't going to powercreep this game this early..
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I want to cosplay as Zhu
do these shoes resemble hers enough for you? I'll change the Adidas cloth strap for one identical to hers
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>have to wait until tomorrow to interact with my copwife again
Why can't you invite your favorite agents to hang out in your room at all times?
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>anon suggested to use Piper with Grace/Rina
>it actually sucks fucking major cock and is useless
Im never listening to literally any of you retards ever fucking again
Dont know if anyone else has seen this but some enemies in Nest 11/11 actually do so much stagger that you literally cannot parry them. Im sure it has to do with the character you're attempting to use as well but despite having full assist pips the giga buffed bosses will clang you twice and then the screen will noticeably flash white and black (almost like a TV signal error) and at that point your character will fail a parry on the next hit.
no i mean whatever the hell they are talking about
She doesn't mind Proxies
And she likes Phaethon
More importantly she'll begin to love (You)
Are the dates identical regardless of whether you're belle or wise?
You gotta understand. IT WAS A REALLY GOOD MOVIE.
Why is the angry video game nerd so upset
post ass
Your ass better be fat and jiggly. They're good enough I suppose
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Grace is unironically shit.
Trust the process.
Enemies to lovers is a great trope.
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I'd commit a crime just to be touched by Zhu
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No, sex with the machine autist
Is there an easier way to do these Daily Check-Ins?
Why is a man trying to cosplay a woman?
anon she almost broke our fucking pinkie just when we held her hand out of her reflexive need to do police brutality
this game isnt for you bro
But I can't even understand her JP line.
God that's hot
hsrg was in meltdown after this trailer
>Struggling with daily checkins
new S11 best team will be S11/Jane/Lucy?
lol what?

Anon it's just: Log in, talk to Howl, drink coffee, open store for business
Fine, if Miyabi really is an Ice attacker I’ll reluctantly skip and get the Rrat
Imagine Wise doing that comedic trope where he constantly hides the bangboo from her by distracting her or putting himself in between
self-insert pags are very fragile please understand
no character in this game is for (you) btw
too big
She's so generous... entertaining a foot loving pervert like me
Post ass
That team doesnt even activate Jane's busted team passive
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Yes, and?
can you link her passive?
Would slice of time(4* shop engine) be better than reverb 2(3*) for lucy
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Yeah sure post ass
download the hoyolab app on your phone and set a widget up on a second homescreen
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I'm gonna have sex with his girlfriend.
in a team of Anby - Nicole - Zhu what is the ideal rotation?
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I didn't know I could find such conservative underwear so attractive on a girl til now.
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Wtf nicole ate us out of house and home...
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>finally can hang out with my cop wife
>forces me to hunt down her lackeys because she is too much for them
>then proceeds to force you to work out and do cop activities
is the ass really worth it??
She only apologizes
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We must strike a fine balance, lest our general become like the filth that is honkai generals.
A bunch of them are if the hangouts are anything to go off.
And before you ask, since you seem that way inclined. Yes, that even includes the wolf.
Ice Phys bros...
Elec Phys bros...
When did 4chan go from "tits or gtfo" to "post ass"?
Grace can solo sd10 in blue/purple disks
Sorry anon. But soon enough these threads will be filled with homo lust and a bunch of pictures of Belle lusting after male agents. This is the future.
I didn't realize jane was so trash LOL. holy bait rate up
At level 50, which every single character can do. People have posted Billy at 50 soloing S10
>why are people asking you to post ass when you're cosplaying an ass character
truly a mystery
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Zhu Yuan is a special case.
thanks anon
this is zhu we're talking about here
she is ass. two gigantic cheeks being contained by armored pants, desperate to escape.
the people need to know if this anon has the ass to sufficiently cosplay her
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so you wanna play her with grace and spam disorder right?
My dick can solo the wombs of every girl in this game. Yes, even the robots.
>the prophecy
holy shit this sucks complete ass
It's fitting. The only acceptable alternative would be plain cotton pantsu with her plushie face print on it
she wears that under the bloomers
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Sodomize the police
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ummm BASED????
>Yes, even the robots.
Does that include the coffee robot?
That's just what dicks are supposed to do as a baseline, anon.
It would be weird if you couldn't.
Works wonders for me. Are you sure you're using disorder correctly?
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lucy is a physical fire type
normally i would recommend the game ball from the bp but there isn't too many fire weak enemies to trigger the game ball right now. Still, its a good engine to maybe take advantage in the future, especially if in game updates they introduce a lot of fire weak enemies. It is the only thing holding me back from recommending it as of now. If any enemy is fire weak though its a great piece as the main reason to using that ball is because of the high energy regen anyhow which is a priority.
Nyaruhodo... I quit immediately during the first fight. Don't think I'm touching 11/11 until I find a way to cheese early stages or my characters are stronger.
Why do you think his nose is like that?
Every hole's a goal.
May your rolls be blessed. I'm on the Ether Miyabi camp btw KEK.
>Increases anomaly build up
>unique passive that extends assault duration by 50% (10 to 15 seconds)
>increases build up even further for additional assault procs
>While she's doing this, also enables crits at a 70% chance (with anomaly proficiency disc) which add 50% damage to the already massive assault procs
>team passive easily slots her into Grace/Rina or Grace/Seth
Unless she gets the absolute shit nerfed out of her she's going to instantly going to be a better piper and piper is already trashing S17
Solid Anton piece
Even if you roll only pen bonuses, it's worth it
bros new rea came out and its featuring nicole
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Why do they go out of their way to hide Belle's body, moreso than any other girl? She's almost as big as Ellen all around. Why would Da Wei hide this from us? For the sake of artistic integrity, we should at LEAST be able to explore Belle's body while she's sleeping in order to become more intimately familiar with her character.
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Confirmed virgins. It's a cuddle puddle.
Anon don't
You won't be able to breathe
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Though I could imagine her as a simple black pantsu girl too. Matches the bandaids.
Pretty sure disorder only matters if you open with assault so you won't in practice be getting the last 2 buffs lol good job mihomo
one must master the art of breathing the air out of her colon to survive
How do you solo ZhuYuan? I always need a fully leveled team for that
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Need a light?
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That's not how it works. Put your dick up proudly and you'll get more pussy.
>engaging in purely platonic, non romantic activities with someone means you must now be married to them
hmm yes you certainly would think that.
*queefs on your face*
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Ntab what am i doing wrong that i failed 9 with my 50s does the element thing actually completely neuter it?
>first gacha trans loli
can't wait
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Rat + Grace is mandatory.
>ZY is taller than Wise
I wasn't self inserting into him but now I definitely won't ever be able to do it
>fire sticker on flamethrower
>the rat has a mice sticker
>Ben's jacket says bear
>Ellen's tail says shark
Someone explain this aesthetic to me.
kill yourself she's the only autistic character who isn't a meme
I hope they change the ‘fire’ hair clips. It’s tacky as fuck on an otherwise s-tier design.
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How does asscop manage to be so cute?
try to get billys stats close to this and then try it
if you can't do it then its a skill issue
Uhhh, first one is for unrestrained Lyacon and the second for Geroy 2.0, first one will be revealed to be their level but never got a title because he was a criminal and the second hasn't been made
not soon enough
For rina I should aim for pen discs, right? because she can pass on the pen to the units that fight while her chimps are on the field.
And a side of energy regen too, I guess?
it's like 10min at best anon
shes been groomed by miyabi
Piper, Lucy, Ben is a better disorder team
thanks, you too bwo
and ya miyabi’s ether ghost friend makes me think she could be ether too. but mihoyo has a history of making these types ice
yes, she is the only one that can actually utilize pen properly for a team right now
it's the AI design aesthetic, you tell an AI what kind of character you want and it gives you an on the nose design to work with, pretty handy and it saves paying a premium for real artists who are usually mentally ill haha nobody wants to deal with that shit.
>if you do things in the wrong order in the prophecy you just get softlocked and need to restart
so fucking glad they axed this tv mode shit
Don't hold your breath, we have to sit through the rest of Zhu, Xingyi banner and Tom and Jerry banner at minimum, and I fully expect the banners after cops will be Sons of Calydon since they have Lighter already hanging around the city
miyabi isnt cute retard
Those are her other wardrobe, and instead of frills its the sawteeth like her dress. Wearing it noticeably changes/ depends on her mood.

Must have been amazing
She looks sus...
Time to settle this, which A-rank Operators are actually pretty good at M6?
Its called being true to what something is
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Umm, prudesisters, why did we allow women to wear pants again?
how long does this take?
I just unlocked her hangouts yesterday
I'm slow.
Billy God
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pretty good rolls for attacker ASS cop
Looks fucking stupid, and paired with the face looks like league of legends slop. SELLSELLSELL
she likes them cute and plump
you end with assault, assault doesn't do damage over time so you do fire/electric/ether and then end with assault to detonate the damage over time in one go.
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So if I don't have Grace I shouldn't regret skipping Jane, right? Not gonna lie, Yanagi is tempting

White men are too nice.
But then you'd have to play Ben...
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I will admit my team is very strong and pretty much almost 100% optimised outside of having even better substats or having stupid shit like dupes on Ellen or Lycaon
But to give you some easy tips:
>Take the pressure bonus at the start, this will reset the HZ into being like normal, rather than having a tiny pressure bar. It also means every floor you will have 100% guaranteed access to a pressure gate to remove one corruption.
>Take the shop price as the negative. 15% extra means nothing in the grand scheme of things.
>Make sure your blue bank has enough points for withdrawals if you need them. You can donate coins for the random chance of resoniums if youre over a certain amount too.
>You can use the 1 free bomb from combat configuration to bomb yourself into an S rank bonus room (you arent getting better than B or maybe A on the bosses)
>Take utility bangboos if you come across them. Avocaboo is absolutely godlike when health is precious
>Make sure you have 1500 gear coins before bosses especially the final boss for one of the modifiers.
>Focus on fighting enemies on the map and the resonium gacha, as they are guaranteed resonium.
>Aim to hit as many advanced 1 as possible on resonium
>Anything that gives you bonuses on dodge counter is godlike. The shuttlecock dodge resonium gives you bullet time for a massive amount of time
>if you get a really bad seed that forces you to fight enemies you are resistant too just restart
>Having every combat configuration unlocked makes it way, way easier.
>DO NOT ACCEPT HELP ON THE FINAL FLOOR. One of the random "prices" they will force you to pay includes +3 corruptions. Which will instantly kill your run if any of them are weakened dodge. God fordbid you hit 5 corruptions.
>Every boss becomes an endurance run. Outside of buffing its better to just stay on your DPS especially on the final fight
>hoyo got away with putting yuyuhwa in the game
You get like a limit of 10 trust events per irl day or something like that, all new trust events happen in the morning (Or at night). To pass time till the morning you can do a mission (That one in Chapter 2 intermission battle with your life on the line is pretty quick)
>skill issue
>having multiple copies of character
Fuck you nigger
Yuritroons trying to start MCwars. Why are they so blatantly obvious?
>She's so flustered to talk to you in her room she can only cope by looking away and holding her plushie up as if it's doing it for her
My heart and my dick. Does her bear have a name btw
It's pretty much mandatory to have C6 of A ranks.
This is the reality.
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So when the lolicop comes out with the 1.1 we are going to get a lot of rolls r-right? Surely I can get at least a pity right?
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I think Sucrose is cuter than the other two but who cares about other game
I want to see Corin in swimwear and gently apply sunscreen on her
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day 1 players how many pulls have you done / saved up so far?
If I was her partner I'd slap her ass so fucking hard and pray to the archons that she doesn't report me
the video only has c2 of billy, for easier counter attacks
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NTA but I cleared it with C0 Billy. Ignore him, it's doable.
Billy and Ben
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>he thinks we're getting anything more besides this dripfeed
But what if I don't have Grace...
Nicole but I don’t think that’s exactly a secret at this point.
none, the game won't give me C6 Nicole, I might buy packs just to do it
Much like DoT in star rail.
You wait until a broken enabler comes along
>So when the lolicop comes out with the 1.1 we are going to get a lot of rolls r-right?
Yes, but split overtime obviously so you won't get to use all of them on the lolicop.
The form of the soles might make this more accurate, but just because it's accurate doesn't mean it would look as good as if you got more generic short boots.
In truth, no shoes like her sci-fi shoes exist, so you have to make a judgment call.
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Anton and Anby still suck
The rest is debatable
Based Wise.
I thought Anby was good by how many people use her.
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If leaks are true Yanagi is also electric anomaly. Though who knows what is going to activate her team passive
Is it aug 1/2 for the next round of leaks?
>free stunner
>only A-Rank stunner
she's fine but compared to lycaon...
>the only A rank stunner
>the only electric stunner (until Qingyi)
>free on top of that
People will use her because they have no other choice. Koleda and Lycan are objectively better even without their bonuses.
ZZZ needs to go in this direction
I apply sunscreen on her face, though she eats it most of the time. If you know what I mean.
i want to bone her and would consider marriage when i knows everything about her. but in the end she's a free agent, the most poverty of all poverty
I need her from my 2nd team cus I have no other available stunners....
God tier
Shit tier
I used 76 rolls for my first 5* on limited, I lost Zhu's 50/50 to Grace, but I much prefer having Grace. Now I'm sitting on 120 rolls with guarantee that I'll use on Jane.

I used 151 standard rolls and got Nekomata and Rina.
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So this is a piece worth changing the main stat?
Should I max it first?
>he thinks he can change the main stat
You cant change its main stat.
Tuning callibrators just allow you to roll one disc in one slot with a guaranteed main stat
bricked disc
retards...im talking about the hoyolab check ins.
thanks anon
Anby, more like ARBY'S, AM I RIGHT? LMAO
Doesnt HSR have something that can change mainstat and Genshin is getting it soon?
it really fucking sucks that you can get completely irrelevant bonuses like that though
Just pair her with Piper because Piper assault triggers will also crit.
Frens, how much anomaly proficiency and mastery should my Piper have?

Which stats are important for Lucy? Is she like Shenhe and wants all on attack?
Arby's does not serve this burger therefore this joke would quietly anger Anby. Perfect...
ZZZ launched with an item that gives you a guaranteed mainstat, I highly doubt we're also getting an item that allows you to change main stat after the fact.
These really reassured me about some things i was unsure about. Appreciate the time to explain stuff. Cheers.
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I play like this and enjoy this
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If Chizza doesn't use this god damn shield after they pawned off her rocket fists to Lighter, I'm gonna go to Korea and personally hand John Zero a petition and tell him how fucking vocal and unhappy I am.
if they're going for faction + element like 1.0 characters then the problem is solved
if they're doing another zhu then i honestly have no fucking idea
Do we know if damage affected daze? Otherwise her mindscape cinema kino constellation eidolon 06 roku six might be useless
Soul overload....
She is a cat thiren. She said so. Does Jane Doe look like someone who lies?
Don’t even need to worry about hiding your UID when it’s 4:3.
holy SOVL
150 on standard
50 on Ellen
60 on Zhu
About 70 in the bank.
300+ and 200-ish for Piper. More is better, though proficiency is much more important right now.
Lucy likes attack and energy regen.
Piper, Jane Doe, Grace is a good team?
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Truely a face you can trust
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The real reason why I rolled for Ellen...
>Well, last time was last time! This time, I'm telling the truth. Trust me~
What happened last time
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she's 17 bro, you're not a pedo right?
Let your inner
spark ignite
I have 275, 150. Is that OK?
Is it like EM in Genshin where you need her to be on max level (in this case level 50)?
She stole my virginity
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I think the main thing to remember as well is that you can simply get unlucky. I suffered trying to force a run when the second boss was the two giga nigga robots and it was absolute hell. Dont try to force runs if you get extremely bad luck or if a difficult boss is fully resistant to all your attacks
On this run the 2nd floor boss was literally just the generic shitty construction robot and while being super tanky, you can just dodge counter all of its moves and impair it. Since I forced myself through shiyu 10 at level 40 I knew all of its moves off by heart.
Belles body is only for Wise eyes.
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any seiyuus that you really want to hear in ZZZ?
For me it's Tomoyo Kurosawa and Kenjiro Tusda.
how bad is neko / amby / nicole
its probably my best 2nd team right now
Yuu Sei would be nice
Literally just falls asleep when she visits you or tries to download videos.
She's legal where I live
I will get deceived by her
I will fall in love with her
I will have sex with her
She will break my heart
She will have a soft spot for me and toy with me for the rest of our lives
She will ruin my expectations for future women
We will enjoy the sexual tension from our fling and have multiple ones throughout our lives
We will have a globe spanning attraction where we encounter each other in unexpected places but work together to overcome our obstacles
We will be able to look into each other's eyes and know exactly what the other person wants to do
fuck you
I used like 80 to get Ellen
Have used every pull since on the cop banner trying to get my Ben to C6, so far I have gotten 2 more Bens, 7 Nicoles and 1 cop
The legal age in new eridu is 20 thougheverbeit
what stats do i want on grace? attack or anomaly? electric damage ?
how bricked am i if i use 4 pc and a broken set for the last 2?
its for corn and not having 2pc phys dmg cant be that bad....
So Zhu's basic combo is 1-sideatk-3-4-sideatk-5-sideatk

And her bullet combo is 1-2-sideatk-1-2-sideatk?
Shinobu Matsumoto
80 pulls of limited and have around 20k Poly saved up.
>muh heckin seiyuus
>my favorites are ching chong gobbledegook and kamikazi sushipanda
Why are you guys like this
whats a bullet combo?
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>Keeps giving out hints that she actually likes him
>Right after she's shown that she's just not interested in what he likes
>Wise acts all dumb
Sorry Ellen but Wise already has a wife who can actually enjoy movies with him.
Dam. Is Belle the one here saying no girls are for (You)? It makes so much sense.
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It's OK. Once Zhuyuan comes to arrest me, I'll rape her too
ASS cop play style is..
fill gun with boolets with EX
line modafukkas up in a straight line
unload boolets on said modafukkas
ULT or assist parry and gtfo
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just reset until you find this floor 1 if you want to cheese it
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not day 1 but like week 1. i have around 130 on standard and only 20 on limited (i got cop ass at 13 pulls). i have like 60 rolls saved up now, not sure who i'll roll for next, the rat is kind of hot
I thought the bullet combo was 1-2-3-dodge-3-dodge etc?
Haven’t bothered checking the specific numbers but assumed it was more damage in less time.
>wow that looks great just put it on ell- oh
man that's rough lmfao
junk it
>Mfw proud C6 Ben owner
Gigatank here I come
Now I just need S11 for my mono fire squad
Show me the law.
any roled that he(?) charmed you with?
Best I can find are really minor roles in Naruto and japanese Life is Strange dubbing, which I don't expect you to be familiar with.
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Go on without me...
I don't know the name of a single voice actor in any language.
What is the best f2p Weapon for Grace, Electro-Lip Gloss or Weeping Gemini? Which one goes for Grace and which one goes for Piper?
is there a wrong way? Explain how the team works then
this model would make more sense for Neko or Jane tbdesu
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>he skipped ellen
Would it be possible for Wise or his sister to become playable agents?
If you have enough scraps use R5 Rainforest Gourmet on Piper. Lip Gloss is better on Grace.
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I don't know if I'm extremely lucky or extremely unlucky but I have every characters weapon except rina, and only chars I don't own are the wolf and the cat
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Jk shark gf
mine will look like this until miyabi
NTA but I have both Zhu and Ellen and that's the wall for me too.
IDK how people get through that at level 50, but they either have godlike discs (which I don't) or got lucky on weapons too.
Or, well, they whaled, so they shouldn't be taken seriously.
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I play games in EN but I wanted Satomi Arai. When I looked it up, I found out she voices Rina. Other than her, I want Yu Kobayashi and Maaya Sakamoto.
Didnt they hint at this in the same preview thing that said they wanted to add
>Chain attack cancel feature
>Change time at will feature
>Control your agents walking around the overworld instead of Belle/Wise feature
I'm pretty sure they're already thinking about it
We’ll get a playable version of the sibling you didn’t pick that’s been corrupted by ether mutations after being lost in a hollow in 2.0
Cute as fuck
When you hold down attack and spend the charges
I think that's what I meant instead, she does a double shot, then a third one that leans back, and then you can roll and re-enter that ad nasuem.
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>phaethon is canonically jewish
How well off are they even? I know fairy eats up a lot of their budget but given how they're store is pretty popular and they have a lot of unneeded shit like gaming consoles, personal rare movie collections, and gacha addictions, they should be pretty well off right?
how much
I skipped Ellen and Zhu, I made it to stage 4 but I can't go any further. If I just had one more character I could do it.
she is by far the best fit for him and it's crazy
I'm not even partial towards her I like asscop more but they click pretty well
why would you brick yourself that hard and intentionally skip the only ice and ether dps
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She is running away from Belle.
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>more spats under the miniskirt
I wonder how people that dislike spats even cope
Akatsuki from ABK.
>Has everyone EXCEPT the cat
Are you from a parallel earth
Cute and funny
>When you hold down attack and spend the charges
got a video? do you hold, wait to see 2 shots come out then dash then hold again?
ive just been holding nonstop until she unloads all bullets...
I'm an american who plays in EN but Takaya Kuroda or Kazuhiro Yamaji will make me go JP
400 plus whatever the BP and monthly thing cost
I don't like Ellen, and I don't like how Zhu plays. It's really as shrimple as that. Clearing an extra floor of SD isn't going to recoup the losses I'd take by rolling for characters I don't like.
Crazy how many people roll characters to clear content when they should be clearing content to roll for the characters they like instead
Have you seen how much housing costs in new eridu?
The siblings have a mortgage to pay and also need money for their store and proxy work equipment. I'm assuming Bangboo maintenance isnt cheap either.
Do you guys plan on a blustacks to get it on PC?
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You can S clear Shiyu 17 with 6/6 on your A ranks and 1-2 dupes on most of your S ranks. Without dupes on your S ranks you can clear them up to B or A rank depending on team set up.
If you dont have at minimum main stat discs with semi decent substats on your teams and dont have their skills leveled up to minimum 7 then you simply havent been investing in them enough.

If you didnt get great team comps from your rolls then there isnt much you can do either.
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Finally cleared it. Zhu carried the first half with her 97% effective crit rate. Struggled for 2 days on the second half but building some crit on Lucy managed to cut my time by a minute. Maybe I can cut ER on Piper since I always used Lucy's ult for this team.

Our thought for this chinawank song?
only women listen to this kind of music
What is the Ruan Mei Occurrence of Hollow Zero and how do you snipe it?
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what the FUCK is that
i like it, does reminds me of the old 80s/90s chinese songs which are mostly HK or taiwan ones.
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>People act as if gettijg Neko is the equivalent of getting YanKINGed
>play her side quest
>Now I actually want to get her since it was so nice
Well fuck
she's too young, too dark, and too weak. i will never use her.
Yeah its totally ass backwards. It would be years to recoup the actual cost of a character rolled just for endgame
stop wanting bricks
Great in context of the video. But not something I care about on its own.
Average chinese commercial song.
Nekomata currently mainly suffers from not having that many support options or level-specific bonuses rather than being legitimately bad I feel
>the best girl character/looks-wise is also the worst damage/utility-wise
tale as old as time
can i stop the twin marionettes revival?
Well make that 8 Nicoles now
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I want her too
Why would you pull for meta when meta gets you like 60 polychromes maybe
Rina's wengine
Stun it and burst the living one down.
Spread your stun and damage around.
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>too dark
Rude, dont bully my choco cat
the only way to stop it is to kill the other one fast enough
so stack them or go through it
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>Men only want one thing
I don't, but this is me just trying her out, it feels faster. She does a rapid double-shot, spins for a third, and THEN you can side attack and do it again and until spent.
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I quite like the health bonus since it catalyzes into a shielding resonium and it has good "synergy" with Nineveh's final corruption (the one that drains your HP).
That’s not a lot, right?
$400 doesn’t make you a whale, right?
There's nothing to do in the game if you don't try to push Shiyu and there are no super likeable characters in the next 6+ months anyway, if leaks to be believed.
For some, the satisfaction is from climbing the top of the mountain no matter how retarded that mountain is. Also, I wish more people realize that rolling for who you like includes someone's playstyle or gameplay rather than only looks/personality. For some reason people usually exclude gameplay from their reasons for rolling.
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I believe early on, it's mentioned their store is under mortgage? Not to mention they were kind of in a hurry to get the video store running again once they lost their Phaeton account, as a form of income they didn't really need before because of their previous occupancy, high level proxy work that likely paid VERY well.
I imagine the siblings like to keep their assets liquid, lest they get traced by unwanted people.
Also it's a video rental store, because likely what they have are rare copies of no-longer-produced video tapes, because of the fall of the Old Capital. There's probably terabytes of lost and corrupted media in the Hollowed regions, and they resorted to stockpiling rental VHS tapes because it's likely the only way to see rare films and media that can't be found anymore. It's a niche that works because of the circumstances of ZZZ(tm).
But that's just a theory!
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Someone tell me how to fucking deal with Friday in SD10. This bullshit is making Thanatos look fair.
well if you get bricked by neko enough times she's actually pretty good
do i really have to waste mats on the cope ball? it feels so bad having to spend energy on B weapons
I don't have S weapons and discs are barely +12 or lower main stats on main dps and I've reached 16 which is a hard wall until much more investment.
Are tuning calibrators a trap? Shit costs 2000 of the yellow outpost currency and it only gives you 1 (uno) disk with a main stat you want while still being able to be assfucked by the substats
Get good at dodging/parrying or level Ben.
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I love this little maid like you wouldn't believe
bwo your Nicole?
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Hey guys there's this black haired fox thiren I've seen around lately, I kinda want to woo her, what kind of movies would she like?
B engines take less materials to ascend than higher rank engines do. It's not a big deal, especially this early on.
her biggest problem is that fact that shes a phys dealer in a game with no phys support
shock is carried by the fact that both S ranks are anomaly even though there's no shock DPS (anton suffers doe)
i will await the day where a physical dps is introduced and people will flip opinions
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will finish 16 before reset after getting knot level 50
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It's not a lot by itself but it's a considerable amount given that it's just jpegs of anime girls.
30 bucks for a glass of water would ridiculous for an average human too, regardless if you can wipe your ass with dollars or not.
More than one anon here dropped 2k-ish on Ellen's C6W6. Haven't seen any Zhu whale yet though.
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Wuwa has better music than this shit.
Cum on at least let me try the 50/50
The three prices are shown to you at the start and upgrade after every floor. If you see the +corruption price, you are supposed to take that first to get it out of the way and not let it upgrade all the way to +3 corruptions final floor.
Old black and white samurai movies like Harakiri and Throne of Blood.
She looks like she secretly enjoys Kill Bill
i cant even clear sd9
my 2nd team is too weak
The mother of my children
Sure, but how else are you rolling the correct dmg% stat on slot 4? What's those 5 boopons going to do for you instead?
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what do we think about qingyi's wengine?
It's a pain in the ass off-element. Zhu makes it much easier.
You also need to know his attack pattern, some are deceptive.
I also really fucking hate how he just jumps away from my Anby's EX.
you can dismantle it later to get the upgrade materials back
No. Tuning Calibrators are a very rare resource. And guaranteeing a critical mainstat is still excellent in cutting down the RNG possibility space. What are you saving that currency for, boopons?
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>2nd team
bwo? your starlight knight?
i accidentally discovered they have a dmg threshold that will flinch them out of the revive animation outside of straight up stunning them. once the flinch animation ends it'll reset the animation will start again from the beginning. you gotta do an assload of damage, though.
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must pull
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Make sure your shit is leveled up and know how to dodge or assist parry its attacks. Fucker can do a lot of damage if you mess up character swapping. Also ride its ass as much as possible or else it'll keep jumping in the air and waste your time.
there's no rush bwother
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Does it have that Chinese opera shit that Genshin did? Holy fuck I've never muted a game just because of music before or after, but that shit was actually unbearable.
BIS for all stunners
this this shits on every other piece of engine for stunners
stun passive + stuff stat
Use your ult
Yes tuning calibrators are a trap. You can roll ideal disks over time. Buy the 5 boopons instead.
Show billy NOW
how the fuck
Can you post your Lucy and Piper stats please.
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Motherhood would help corin come into her own. She'd be such a kind and caring mother. A little clumsy, but she cares and tries her best!
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Kill Bill
Seven Samurai
The Sword of Doom
Taiga Dramas
probably best on anby but seems shit for koleda
last thing you want to be doing is wasting time on basic attacks to build up stacks
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the impact buff being spread among 30 hits and the party buff only activating at 15 seems like it'd be clunky for the other stunners
possibly even for qingyi too despite how fast she hits
how do you catalyze the resonium? the guy doesnt give me the choice to do so
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>gain one stack of [tea]
This is getting ridiculous, can't they just agree on a universal fucking word for the buffs/debuffs these units do without making up new soulless fucking terms???
>piper is good
>6 minutes
I just realized what's on the TV on the title screen is basically not-so subliminal advertising for limited Master Tapes. Jewhoyo. Now I know why the game has constant resource checking.
Dear gay furrychads,

Let us hope that hoyo makes all future furry men A-ranks.
I already have Lycan's so I guess this is going to be my weapon of choice for Anby
It's really fucking ironic that her own signature is inferior to dedicated stunner engines
does Zhu Yuan NEED her weapon?
Damage them equally and finish off the other one when it tries to revive.
Lets see Zhu's time into non-ether weak and without her 25% free damage buff
You're just blind to the slop mihoyo shits out to fellate their new units
All the easier to C6
[Tea] is more soulful than [Impact Increase]
anon, the game is free. it's a free game. it's free.
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It sucks that the Hoyolab showcase doesn't show the stats of the CDs like how Star Rail shows the stats of the relics.
Enemy resistances are a bitch, higher resistance also makes anomaly buildup slower, so it's a double penalty for anomaly characters when trying to brute force a stage
It depends on which one you take. The final rest stop will let you catalyze it for a cost.
Healthman needs 10% of your HP, the others also need their respective resource.
AND you get their pref w-engine maxed for free too. If your favorite is a 4* you fucking won.
git gud
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>rolling for 1.x weapons
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some have to waste their life savings on anime girls so it can stay free for (You)
She wants M2 before W-engine.
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why does it feel like every limited in this game wants M2 before being usable? it wasnt this blatant on genshin release
Sibling breeding status?
if you aren't C6R5 you aren't playing the full game, poorfag.
You can use a different class ball. Passive won't be active but it might have better base stats anyway.
The sound design in this game is great, but disorder really could be improved. It should sound much more brutal consider I've seen a 400k assault with an 800k disorder
>30 stacks
yeah this will only work with her.
nobody needs their own weapon if you're okay with lower damage.
No. It's a nice damage boost and helps widen the set of good discs to build for for her thanks to the crit rate. But it's not essential for her to operate.
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Because Attackers in general are bricks. People will understand this more when Jane releases.
Well if they had the same name people would think they don't stack
She wants M1 or M2 more.
>gain one stack of [tea]
Her w engine is mid. Just get the onahole from the bp.
are there any agents that are not good at all?
I have the I wants...
Lycaon's pretty fast too doe
>it's just jpegs of anime girls
we aren't playing nikke anon, there is actual gameplay here
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>b-but the chink infinite energy trick!!
yeah no he's like a worse corin
>30 hits in 8 seconds
He isnt that fast
Playing Lycaon and Ben is bad for your soul.
Anton, Rina and Nekomata are dangerously close to that
Whatever they can do, somebody can do better, and if there's something unique about them, it turns out to be average at best
The enemy is getting stunned before you reach the party buff, and then what are you going to do? Stay on Lycaon and waste the stun timer?
Does Hoyo ever buff characters?
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she becomes useless in 1.1
Anyone saying otherwise is a retard parroting what theyve heard on the internet by retards using c0 A ranks
You can clear anything with all units with enough investment
she works perfectly fine as eye candy and a cum receptacle
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Ben is the coolest character in this game and him being a bear only makes it cooler.
I may become a furry because of this game. I'll join the world's master race.
I would like some [Tame] and [Proof of Debt] with a little dash of [Disputation] oh and waiter, order an extra [Wisemen's Folly] with a side of [Unnerved] please!
absolute retard
Support agents are all shit, they don't deal damage and switching to them to give a 4 second or something buff means less time with your damage characters
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No, anyone saying otherwise is a salty clearlet.
Yes, by releasing another character that is strictly better. Pay up
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Why is everyone so happy to cuck (NPC) Belle?
you can't cuck player Belle as she rapes everyone from her brother to all the agents
You're all so mean
why the fuck cant i get a single disc 6 Atk on my zhu yuan
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She'll always be relevant because it's the only free stunner
Yeah, Qingyi does literally fucking everything better, which is rather jewish if you ask me, but you need to drop plenty of rolls on Qingyi compared to Anby who's FREE FORM THE START
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>Elle's tail keeps growing even as an adult
how fucking big will it be?
>nobody mentioned billy
he's the only useless agent in the game.
everyone else has a niche and a purpose
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costumes when
Lucy is amazing though and does all of what you just said
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erm this is the best I could do
both proxies fuck all the agents
new eridu is like orgy city
its not complicated
only indirectly (like releasing the perfect support or a gamemode where the character really shines) or through bugfixes, so no.
are we ever gonna get any new A ranks or is it only S ranks from here on out
if the chinese try to assassinate da wei, yes
read the skills retard
they all apply the buffs for free from chain attack
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I love him...
probably never but this game could do costumes way better than other hoyo games
C6 Lucy deals off-field damage.
The cop wolfboy will be A-rank and possibly added to the standard pool. We'll probably be getting one A rank and 2/3 S-ranks per patch starting with 1.1.
Anby is simply cuter than chink lolicop. It's as shrimple as that
every time belle fucks an agent, wise fucks her an additional time to make sure he owns her pussy
Doofus, If against a boss enemy you stun with the attacker when it's close to being stunned then do one Lycaon chain which has an absurd amount of hits and gives the 35% daze bonus
your gay twink?
seth in 1.1
lighter in 1.2
miyabi in 1.3
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Hag bros I want Sarah so bad... She's going to end like pic related isn't she?
Post the full gif yanfigger
That's not a [Basic Attack] thoughbeit
What can I do with Grace without Rina or Piper
Damn, that's some nice CD's you got there.
we dont have any loli feet characters we cant compete
you got me...
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would you a figgie?
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gonna be honest bwos, this doesn't look that cool to me...
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Lost my 50/50 to grace, I have piper so I might as well try the disorder playstyle, how should I build them? 4p freedom blues and 2p elemental with anomaly prof and anomaly mastery mainstats?
Lust provoking image
Grace, Anton, Anby
this is the only proper choice right?
thats because its not
I had 10 standard films so I decided to use them because why not, and got soldier 11
how good is a pure fire team? I got koleda c1 too, besides the limited S ranks I only have koleda c1 and now soldier 11
idk every time I have tried disorder, the disorder proc does piss damage
>open png
>see Lycaon
>close png
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Support units got the low end of the stick.
Sure, there may be a support character in the future that you may absolutely love and are willing to M6 but think about it;
How little will you see them on the field and actually use their kit to the fullest?
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shit taste
yeah not cool, probably ether
Grace is the best Anton enabler right now. You also still have your Anby.
Or just run a team with Koleda + Ben/S11/Lucy.
Mono fire with S11 is most likely the best not overshilled team right now.
Can you screencap S11's dialogue if you decide to go with Inky. I'm curious to what she will say.
Already did
This Nekomata bullying is uncalled for
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zzz gameplay was pretty shit in cbt before they added parry system

it was literally just
>mash m1
>press E when energy full
>chain attack
>4p freedom blues and 2p elemental with anomaly prof and anomaly mastery mainstats?
Holy shit dodge is broken as sin in Hollow.
Literally infinite slowdown and invincibility
stupid bitch
*corrupts you're dodge*
heh notthing persona kiddie
It's balanced out by you being one corruption of "Dodge cooldown increased" away from bricking your run
Way too old
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Why is Nicole always catching the siblings?
her moveset looks pretty bad
Um... guys? The video store only has one bedroom and one bed?
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Love the bullet time effect.
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Damn, she said the same exact thing when I named him something different.
Who's the Qiqi of this game? A unit that universally no one wants
>why does it feel like every limited in this game wants M2 before being usable?
Probably because you suck ass
My attackers feel fine without M2, only thing gating them from doing even more damage is discs
that looks nice. link?
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cool but where's corin?
holy based
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To be honest I think S ranking all 17 Shiyu nodes was easier than getting 36 stars in Genshin on release
so what's the final /zzz/ verdict?
is ZY a great to have? does she offer any more value than qingyi and the rat in theory?
i'm torn between pulling for her and pulling for robocop. can't pull for both
oh shit. I totally forgot about wf
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Don’t have a phys [5] for Piper so she’s coping with a pen disc for now. Lucy’s C2 wasn’t actually that useful since I always ended the chain with her, use her EX (+ult if available) then quick assist to Piper.
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From what I've seen prior and personal experience, it partially depends on the attack stat of whoever started the first anomaly plus the time remaining on the first anomaly. So if the first anomaly is inflicted by someone with decent attack and you inflict the second immediately after, you should see a bigger damage spike. There's also slightly different calculations per anomaly but I won't dig into that.
Does the exclusive guarantee pity not carry over to the next one? Because I failed the 50% and got Koleda on the last banner, didn't get the guarantee before the banner ended, then pulled on the new banner and got Neko. I feel very scammed.
When I first saw this I thought it was the most amazing shit ever but now that I've actually played the game I can tell she was very much unfinished.
i have a m1w1 rina if that means anything btw
i will be missing like 3 cycles of shiyu defense polychrome rewards by losing the 50/50 on her because I won't have another main dps until 1.3
So setups are DPS - Support - Tank? For example I'm running Ellen - Seidoku - Koleda, is that the right order?
This game is piss easy what the fuck are you on about. Just roll with your dick.
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is inky a boy or a girl?
Most disc builds that I've seen are 4:2 but are there any meta 2:2:2 sets?
This isn't an MMO
?? how is that possible nigga
your guarantee shouldn't diminish over limited banners if you lose a 50/50 once you should be having the featured limited next time the s-rank tv shows up
you want dps after support. ex support skills trigger quick assist so you can bring in your dps
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>want to play /zzz/
>finished all my quests (even the secret ones)
>completed all Mewmew entries/collected all the coins I can get to spawn
>did my Hollow Zero
>events are up to date
>only thing left is Shiyu
>can't even S rank SD10 because my gear is shit and I have no more batteries
dps always after supports for quick assists

if your stun goes first or last is up to you.
I'm incredibly depressed and full of self loathing should i try ZZZ
the game is still shit with parry system. its part of the button mashing
git gud
literally no corruption matters except the ones that burn your hp, and even then if you die because your party was all 1 health its still your fault.
its a boy in my headcanon
You can run Hollow Zero for dennies.
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I want him
Too early to tell desu. Neko for all the doomposting probably has more casual wanters than Qiqi cause people like cat-girls over loli
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Infinite tea...
>piss easy
famous last words
When will we get him Unrestrained?
That's just Genshin lmao
Don't play gachas, my dude.
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Holy fuck
its kinda mid, she already has so much crit rate

all into pen
All in penis
all in on pen
I look forward to seeing your enormous PEN, sir
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So did we escape the JUST MASH LEFT CLICK/ATTACK meme yet?
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only if you want to be more depressed and hate yourself even more for having shit luck
you try fighting that bitch with a single character with the dodge corruption you bloody bastard binch
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nice (5) roll bwo
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goodluck bro
Qingyi will have more value in the long run due to her flexibility. Both Lycaon and Koleda's damage boosts have restrictions on it, Lycaon has a general ice res down, but his stunned enemy damage boost is his locked passive that needs element/faction to work. Similarly, Koleda's chain damage boost is locked. So both standard 5*s are team comp restricted otherwise, they are just an Anby with higher daze.
Qingyi has the damage boost on her base passive which is active all the time making her really flexible.

Rat is weird, in the long run, her assault crit passive will likely stay unique, but the best elements for disorder in terms of damage are in order electric > ether > fire > physical > ice. The best character in an arguably weak element makes things hard to tell.
how new are you flat attack only comes on (2)
I like the way you think
Can confirm, I put Lycaon on my team yesterday to see if ice meta was as good as people say and I've already purchased seven knot dildos from bad dragon
Would you got to a security lecture given by Zhu?
so what do I just build both anomalies until they almost pop, and then pop one and then the other?
seems so fucking annoying, not to mention you can only see the progress of the current anomaly you're building
Why does she wear shoes while laying on her couch?
How did you build koleda?, im using exactly the same teams but im stuck on 14, how invested are the stunners and supports?
He means without his prosthetic legs. Lycaon got blown the fuck out by his vampire friend some years ago. Anon wants to see him crawl.
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worse than being new: I'm an anbyposter
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I'd melt...
ty for the constructive answer anon, i might just save for qingyi then
I asked her not to but she keeps doing it to spite me damn bratty sister
Needs correction
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I think he is talking about stuff like this, if he didn't fight in a gentlemanly way he would be way less restrained
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Is it just me or does the crit rate from Zhu Yuan's w engine not reflect on her stat page?
what's the meta going to be for sovl hounds PVP?
My sister found Ellen's nudes on my phone
Digging a hole
There's no need for a stunner for anomaly teams because phys flinch increases daze and you're swapping between anomaly agents anyway.
Stunner isn't that >>>>>future proof as you basically just need one functioning stunner and you're gucci
yeah it doesnt show up
>comfy spaces and atmosphere
>no minimap
>unstuck button on the menu
>invisible walls out the ass
This game is so fucking sovl
>saving porn on your phone
My sister found her nudes on my phone
I played a couple matches today and won them all. I'm convinced no one plays REAL vydiagames.
it doesn't, I noticed it too
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>is ZY a great to have?
Yes, she's much better to roll than Ellen who will be powercrept by Miyabi in 4 months.
Not only is she the only ether dps for the forseeable future, she's also chinese, so you can already know what to expect in regards to oyohims willingness to maintain her relevance.
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Suffice to say, I am extremely happy
Now to see if I wanna keep pumping Billy or I wanna slap this bad boy on Zhu Yuan
>see no balls
>everywhere else it's just an "it" instead of this one particular place it's a "he"
Translation error
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>this artist is just adding a cucked Belle in each image just because now
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>keeping them on your phone
a disaster of your own making
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Yes. Reroll for her and lolicop
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grats on your tiny PEN, bwo
are we gonna btfo hsr for porn
Pretty much, it can be kind of annoying with how small they made the anomaly meter. Obviously it'll be a bit easier if you have an anomaly character and an anomaly-based Bangboo for whichever one is slower to build in your comp.
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So literally this?
Time will tell. HSR had a slow start due to Xianzhou shittery but seem to be picking up a bit.
Is chinky ok?
I-it's just average pen, bwo....
Well he is a werewolf so yes
how do I get piper's w-engine
>but seem to be picking up a bit
It just lost all its momentum after Penacony ended though, we'll have to see if it recovers
Keep pulling
So there is a chance Hanagi will be better then Rat?
What am I supposed to do if I don't like the current banner but don't want to spend resources in the generic pool? Is it joeover for me?
Hold for the next banner.
Dailies, weeklies, some casual grinding.
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My account was Koleda seeded but stunner discs are basically just whichever usable ones I got from crafting. Koleda has impact while Anby has ER. You might want to use ER on Koleda instead.
you accept that you're not getting your five (5) rolls off of red shiyu and wait until next season
penacony ended with the long wet fart of 2.2's wordslop. And Literally only fireflyfags liked 2.3
Just save it, you don't spend all your money the week you get your paycheck and have to struggle the rest of the month right?
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You deal with whatever units you currently have and play the waiting game until someone you like shows up.
It's only annoying now because Piper is so slow at popping her anomaly and if you pop Assault/Flinch instead of Shock or any other the disorder damage is piss tiny, so you're basically forced to gauge manage by swapping so she doesn't pop hers while spinning.
You don't have this problem popping disorders with Grace.
I thought he was just a wolf not a wolf dude
He's a vampire but also a wolf thiren.
He can transform into more wolf.
It doesn’t show up. The 20% crit damage from the 4pc ether set doesn’t show up either, only in combat.
Well his C1 mentions werewolves
That's the thing Anon, I do (out of necessity)

> No Ellen
> No Nekomata
I have to play the waiting game since I don't really like any of my units aside from the ghost maid.
Haha yeah who would do that
Not me
>Why is Nicole always catching the siblings?
Belle bullies wise by letting nicole catch them because she thinks he's cutest when he's flustered
For disorder she'll probably be better, but Rat is also better than any of the current Anomaly at anomaly proccing so you'll run them both for meta.
The hard part of the question is asking how long a 3rd limited 5* anomaly will take to appear, and whether a 3 attribute anomaly team can outdo a 2 attribute one. If it can, Rat will have a long shelf life.
>That's just Genshin lmao
yeah genshin combat was also shit, it was carried by openworld exploran'
if they made a game with genshin combat but no exploring it would be double ass
where the fuck do you get the woodpecker electros?? is just random from the vinyl shop? or there is a way to obtain those from farming something???

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