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Previous: >>487918073

>Download - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/


>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 (JP)

>Zhu Yuan EP - "As the Sugar Cube Floats, Fleeting in Time"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-ekcFSdke8 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wsp6_mservA (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s (JP)

>Official X account

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online) - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull Tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>Damage Calculator

>ZZZ stickers

>/zzz/ Thread Template
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Waiter, take this abysmal dogshit back please and kill the chef
Lycaon being a werewolf implies that he was human at some point. Therefore, WHERE IS A WEREWOLF MOD FOR WISE?
lycaon is racist against howl since howl has black fur
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I will share my Miyabi ice vs. non ice rap battle one more time since I got zero (You)s.
I hope somebody finds it funny.
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I love him...

Imagine the carnal passion...
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Is it okay for cops to violate your privacy like this?
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This is canon
Is it not good on S11?
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FUCK I dropped the link sorry
Is the stun loli cop really that good? My only stun is Anby.
In a team of Lucy Piper and Koleda, whose ult should I use? Piper's basically guarantees an assault proc so that's what I've been using so far
It's good on ZY
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I love this face so much
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I just sent my dps to rest in HZ by accident
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I uh... It was pretty funny, anon!
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Anby bros...where you at?
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wise is for ellen and belle is for lycaon
shrimple as
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She's so hot and cute
belle is for wise and wise is for lycaon (while belle secretly watches and holds in tears)
Don't worry, I'm invoking the tiger character. How we deal with the tiger fuckers? No clue.
Havent finished building her. Need AP at 4.
>Rina's character story is about an old lady having severe dementia due to excess exposure to hollows and corruption
Bros... we're giving our waifus alzheimers...
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Dont forget to do shiyu defense bwo
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When was Hoyo going to tell me about this shit? Did it come up in the tutorial and I just missed it somehow? I didn't even know it was possible until I went to remap a couple of buttons on my mouse.
bwo I need stronger discs… I do no fucking damage…
im only ik44 bwo i need to hit 45 first and spend al my batteries on disks
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I’m so tired of getting these. how do I stop getting these things
And stunting their growth.. It's probably Piper's backstory...
Is there anything in HZ that's going to be on a monthly reset besides the shop? Is there a reason to rush 11/11 now or something similar?
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Wise is boy preggers... He's going to need a boybortion... Fuck
try reading the tutorials instead of skipping them
I can smell this image
this is the equivalent to the sun giving you cancer, like it affects everyone differently so some people are more resistant to it than others
safe to say all agents are probably going to be fine
Nah you can take it easy on that.
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Hola amigos! I would like to buy 1 ton of cocaine, please show me your boss as we talk business.
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Lycaon gets topped by Howl behind the ramen stand.
Holy shit, thank you anon! Your cock... Hand it over!
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rush hollow zero 11 for that tuning calibrator so you can clear more shiyu
the weird thing is I remember being told I could swap forward with space, but I don't remember any mentions of swapping backwards
I dont see this on phone. Where is it?
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Why are people claiming she's Ice?
We already have a Stunner and she's too standout to be a mere Anomaly, so it has to be DPS, but we also already have an Ice DPS.
Isn't it more likely for her to be an Electric DPS, so we get a full S rank DPS Stunner Support team?
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Hrmmm... You seem familiar..
Why are there so many electric characters? Who knows!
Okay guys it's not funny anymore
The MC siblings are NOT HOT so please stop posting them together or with the agents.
(You) are not attractive!
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ZHU YUAN BROS….? Where are we
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He's very paternal...
first, connect a controller over bluetooth. then it should be on lb. yes the lazy fucks at mihoyo even implemented controller support on android this time despite being too lazy to do it in their previous billion-dollar games.

touch screen peasants don't deserve backwards swap.
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hey guys, how do you get the woodpecker electros? can you farm that shit? or is it random from the vinyl shop??
The same as fire and physical, and only one more than ice. If anything, ether needs characters
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Vinyl shop

The upskirts in this game are unreal
this is my limit for now, both As are closer to B than S, I don't see myself shaving 2 minutes and i'm still Lv46.
Belle about to get a handful of desuwa ass.
>Why are people claiming she's Ice?
For the same reasons as always.
>Isn't it more likely for her to be an Electric DPS
No because both Harumasa and Yanagi are both already electric.
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I still have this thing, and the only engine I'm missing is Nicole's. Is it better to upgrade one I already have or just pick Nicole's?
Too bad we're getting 3 electric characters.
Wow if you do 360 EX close to the enemies not only Nicole don't take damage but her case start doing ether damage to the enemies in front of you even before shooting
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what teams
Since she is in a gang how many people has she sent to the hospital or even killed?
jesus christ
what are the odds
how many rolls on the previous weapon banner
I'm stuck at b for 4-6 and can't clear 7. the cat can only go so far...
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We made Lycaon smaller to fit the general theme of the game.
pretty sure that's just a regular charged EX
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qingyi sexo
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I'd snag Nicole's if you ever plan on using her, having more options is almost always better than getting a tiny boost on one you already have
Why is ZZZ losing followers in japan? I thought they love our game?
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She's on to me
it's over bwos we got caught
friendly reminder that mihoyo is sponsoring French olympics
expect more tranny furry freaks to be released
Wise's girlfriend
Damn. Hugovladia got to fuck THIS?!
She was Ice in the beta, so although it can 100% change, especially since Ellen was NOT there, it's a safe assumption because her in-game cutscenes still show plenty of blue particles.
As for the rest, we're getting a fuckton of Electric characters with three of them already getting the exact same roles as 1.0 characters, so Mihoyo works in mysterious ways.
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>some art wants you to think Lycaon tops when he so obviously bottoms for Belle and Wise
Kill yourself trannylover.
Luciana posting begins now
That's a net positive though? What's -50 followers if the next day you gain 200
Wait a minute...
she's hotter in fanart
I figured. Will do.
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Bros is there a weekly rally comission? What IK lvl if yes? Dunno if i'm reading outdated info.
Ayy, I got Nekomata’s W engine! Now my ocd won’t haunt me over Nekomata not having her matching toy.
>tranny furry freaks
Next patch apparently? It's on the dev notes that you will be able to edit your control UI.
You're reading outdated info. Rally commissions are one-time missions now.
Apparently 1.1 is bringing in some different kind of "survival" endgame, but it might just be the old weekly rallies.
you should play with controller
Hoyo should add a few more dates and random events with Agents but it'll probably never happen...
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that is wuwa's jp official page you wuwajeet. This image is the real ZZZ jp follower count.
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>Patiently waiting for the Ellen Rerun
With how popular she still is, they'll surly bring her back early. Right?...Right?
when I was running la gata I was hard stuck at 3rd floor B, zhu yuan is pretty fucking nuts, then there's the weakness system on top of it, its like you progressed two weeks in a day
too much
the CBT model is good enough
those are some nice tibbies but
>skin tone doesn't face
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Oh he's a bigger alright
Girl butts. Think about it.
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according to the leak the survival mode is a "one time reward mode, at least for right now. a one clear and finish where you only get penalized for dying. They should make it monthly just like the other mode but they are probably too much of a tightwad at least right now unless it shows we are receptive and really liked it in surveys.

note: i mean chinese surveys since ours don't really count for much.
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Hard pity...she is making me go into hard pity right after making me lose the 50/50. If I wasnt so down bad for her she would ve an easy skip at this point holy shit, I'm doing every single side quest just to get more pulls. Now I have no choice but to skip the robot girl or else I'll have no chance of getting the rat. FUCK
Is there a datamine/spriterip that has all of the undressed cinema images? that Anby one got me bricked up if you know what I man
I'm probably hitting ik50 next week, hopefully I can at least brute force a B clear before reset
NTA but no, her regular charged EX has no iframes at the start and you're getting merk'd if you charge it akin to using other agent's EX that act fast.
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already do
Do people really pay attention to this follower shit? I always looked up official game account in both xitter and youtube, but I never clicked follow.
>torn off sleeves to show more skin
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You can't make me think heterosexual thoughts Belle!
>Hardly seeing any modding from Hoyo games
>Suddenly see it for every Hoyo games espically ZZZ

What gives I thought Hoyo easily can detect you messing with them given how invasive they are.
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Mihoyo dollars paid for this. Think about it next time you buy ZZZ packs.
they can't, the modding is done client side through your GPU
What does her special glow look like?
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Every new limited banner and she grows stronger.
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Sorry can only think of cop butt, it overshadows all otehr females
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we plants vs zombies now?
>there are """people""" in this thread that literally paid for this
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Do it for her
You could always use..."THAT"

Can't say I blame Wise.
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>Call for back up
Okay but where are the furries?
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Bros....she wants me...

I got Zhu early so she's still C5 tho
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Purchase our A components Proxy.
dont you see soukaku in the middle?
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>I missed the date with Soldier 11
>she told me to just keep the money

its over... tuck me in... let me die...
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I need one more for C4 and I'm near pity after getting Zhu...
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>survival endgame mode
enemies are going to oneshot and also big enough to bodyblock you into a corner
ZZZ becomes a back burner game once this releases.
basado billy kid w-engine
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that's it. I'm starting a Lucy folder.
I feel bad for anybody who plays this shit, it's already flopping
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You're calling off my debt now right?
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Belle's definitely forcing Wise into fucking her every night
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Whenever I see sus and similar in dialogues all I can think about is this
this game is DOA after the drama with chinese players
that's just so your can get behind enemies for your C1P1 nekomata to land a back attack
>Already mega flopped in China
Not looking good bwo...
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Can you fucking imagine global revenue if this is what it's like in CN?
This shit is DoA in a year or less
What is happening here?
brainlet here
can someone explain what i should be working towards in hollow zero to get all the weekly rewards? there's so much shit in different menus it's hard to keep track of them all
QingYi: Zen
Zhu Yuan: Zenless
Sasuga Hoyo!
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it's randomized
click bounty commissions and see what it asks you to do
I've been waiting so long for GLF2:Ex...... Yuzhong.. my beloved....
I played the TV all the way until ch3. Where is the bad TV part ppl are complaining. People now day have so short memories that they cannot deal with any puzzles or strategy and need that open world everywhere.
Remember that one DDR clone that got famous called Friday Night Funkin? Kid is imitating that in the middle of that crowd
This nigga def cant complete the TV puzzles
you just do whatever you have unlocked that gives the highest amount of points until you max it out, and then do whatever randomized tasks you have
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It's over bros I just talked to all of CHINA and they're not happy with ZZZ
But if you click here and send me dennies maybe they can be convinced to not eos zzz
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>every game needs to makea gazillion dollars a month or it's a megaflop
I hate hoyodrones so much.
for hollow zero the more u clear and the higher your account level the more simple it gets
your goal is to just clear the stages over and over and you will naturally clear those weekly missions.
twue ESLbwo, vewy twue
I don't believe you! Say something in Chinese...
ermmm how else would mihoyo fund >>487939848
GFL1 and 2 have consistently made under $1 mil for fucking ever, how long do you think a company can survive like that, and still make good content?
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>accidentally sent ellen home
How soon? Don't care if she's a rat. That's a smash
in this case, GFL has been a flop for years, there is literally nothing good about it besides the girls
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O..orange Chicken?
Most people /here/ just want faster navigating on TV.
Open world slop zoomers quit already following their idolised youtubers.
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I'm in the same boat, after 120 pulls I still really want her... but not enough to give up my Qingyi guarantee.
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what do you think she will be?
ether stunner? physical stunner? or dps of other element?
Sunborn will be keeping GFL up for about 10 more years from today as long as it's making 2 cents a month
so you are a pinoy pagpag eater. got it
Girls Frontline Line 2?
Around a month and a half
>Post unrelated XCOM gacha in hoyo general
>People point out how it did really bad in China.
>Complain like a faggot about hoyo players in their general
Your mother dropped you I guess.
>zero gameplay trailer
Ether dps. Robogirl defense. Sweaty girl support
yeah it does
go fight some cicin and report back to me
Anon do you know how much 500K a month is?
It could very easily sustain a medium sized developer.
It's not like they're fucking making Elden ring DLC every fucking month.
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Cock dps
You won't last 3 seconds
its surprising how gfl is still alive when others killed off draglia lost and PCR global.
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Literally don't hire writers that hate male gacha players and your game won't flop.
Are there no editors? A producer overseeing everything?
How hard is this to do?
As a frog, i want more lolis and robots.
Would never roll for a furry, but would consider it for a few monster girls such as a slime.
Looks physical stun or physical dps to me
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>See some crates to break for coins
>Enemy spawns
>Literally never hit it
>Forced to run behind if I can to aoe with enemy

Honestly they have one of the worst combat targeting systems I seen.
sure are a lot of redditors itt right now
Gweilo... Nei cho mat ye ah...
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me playing ZZZ
ZY has infinite dodges tho.
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You can literally just do the highest difficulty ones you have access to and usually be fine for weeklies, so long as you're fighting enemy encounters. That's how all of mine have been since starting.

Unrelated to the weekly commissions, remember that first clears of Hollow Zero stages do not count towards your weekly investigation points limit, and also check the Combat Configuration screen as you're dipping in and out of runs for permanent upgrades.
>locking on in Genshin
I thought you guys just set your mouse to 10000 DPI and spin the camera like a centrifuge
thanks i think i get it now, then i need to go buy the limited weekly stuff from casper's shop outside right?
pls don't bully
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I did give you a (you). Don't lie. I also added you to the /zzz/ playlist. https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/487918073/#q487922878
I respect YZ for keeping the original game up and still making content for it over the years even if it's not keeping up with the newer gachas in the market.
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Why do they lock away the easily readable MC list inside the battle menu?
Why can't it be in the main agent screen
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Is this you ritual to summon back Ellen for rolls?

>TIL Grace doesn't want Freedom Blues because she applies Shock fast enough, she actually wants Thunder Metal for the proc damage
>and that Corin clears so much faster with a stunner (to the point that a lvl30 Anby outperforms a Lv50 Lucy and Piper)
>>>>>building Anby when I plan to get Qingyi
>3 days left until shiyu reset
It's so fucking disheartening bros, I feel like every step I took in raising my characters was a mistake.
one chomp and it's all over...
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So which faction just wins the all out brawl if they were suddenly forced to be enemies. Miyabi alone probably could solo most.
Holy shit a really nyagger
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>Unstable Shiyu 2+
>targeting keeps switching from the trash to the elite
>a fuckton of missed EX/quick assists missed exactly because of that
Easily losing at least 30 seconds due to that.
Should've mentioned that in the survey.
Is this your straightest /4channeler/?
It was love at first sight for me... I never felt this interested in a gacha girl before
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I'm tired of scrolling X and seeing Nicole getting cucked by Belle
She was ride or die for (You) and this is how everyone treats her
It's not right
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>trying to destroy the buffers in SD17
>parry thanatos
>lock-on shifts over to thanatos despite being unable to do shit to him
>can't lock back onto the buffers because thanatos is now in the way
Put it on the survey bro.
This game's UI was largely based on Genshin's and they didnt have that.
Ah nice, then I can pull for her and the next banner then
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Pay the debt Nicole
touch my tail?
/zzz/- Zenless Zone Zero?
Because of the lightning bolt i will assume that she's a lightning stunner. Yes we need another one.
Fucking Nicole in a Bangboo suit...
uh no
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Post your shiyu progress bros.
Girls Frontline Line?
Grace's disks can still be used as 2p on another anomaly so you're good bro.
Anby also doesn't take that much field time so stun-wise she's still fine compared to Qingyi
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>Spent half my stamina today farming Freedom Blues for Grace specifically
Say it ain't so
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i love this little nigga

She's easily the best designed girl in the game so far.
ben bigger?
whos bigger?
What’s the optimal Anby combo? Basic basic basic EX, enhanced basic?
Only recently started farming disks I've been having too much fun building my agents only Anton and Billy are unbuilt.
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There are too many other things to do I haven't found the time to squeeze these things in
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>Ellen won't let you touch her tail
>Von doesn't let anyone touch it except you but only after he makes sure its perfect for you.
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Billy's Journey...
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for me it's corin but I understand she's a more niche design than ellen.
Face in their squishy silicon armpits!
Yeah, basically. Fish for parries and dodges too, they have plenty of daze and restore energy.
SHEESH, now thats some progress. Enjoy the rewards.
do her thunder combo over and over until you get an ex, use ex, repeat until stunned
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Depends on the comp, Grace wants Freedom Blues for disorder because it does more damage the faster you can proc it.
Just move your Anby discs to Qingyi, they share the same element.
>Corin clears so much faster with a stunner
No shit read her kit, you might be retarded there.
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This general is owned by many growing factions!

Hagbwos (I feel bad calling Rina and Grace hags though)
General Maidbwos
Boobwos (always be a good parent to your bangboo!)
Anbybwos (She'll always be your first stunner! Don't forget about her even when you get S rank ones!)
And many more bwos waiting to be discovered!

Be nice to all of them! We all get along! Even if mean stuff is said sometimes!

I wonder if Zhu Yuans trust gauge will be maxable when Qingyi drops
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Hold on... He did what? What happened? Why?
It really depends on what the mobs are doing.
>dodge counter
Gives her ER
>BA3 into EX
More daze
>EX into BA3
Also works
>stay too long on your stunner
No damage
Current Grace builds are meme because Jane isn't out and therefore anomaly application for disorder aren't fully utilized. Don't get baited by fags telling you to use Thunder metal on her. It's a trap and the real BIS with Jane will be 4p Freedom 2p Swing for extra EX skills, trust the plan.
The part about Corin is true though. She really needs a stunner to work.
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What about the mexicobwos?
During the 404 live date she implies she's worried about hurting you with it. I dont think Lycaons tail can split a car in half
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It's probably because Ellen doesn't want for people to remember that Shark skin is rough and spiky, touching her tail would probably hurt
I just hit 45 so I gotta farm discs now too, but I'm also denny locked if I don't farm that, so I must have been in-efficient somewhere in my farm.
I uh.. Know the opening song to Narcos? Can I join you guys? Onions el fuego que arde tu piel?
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FUCK i missed a good one
Why is it only Ellen that has a second outfit ingame? Wouldn't it make sense for Zhu to have regular clothes for when she's off duty?
not if you pet it with the grain!
Uh bwos? I just touched Zhu Yuan's hand
>and that Corin clears so much faster with a stunner
It's literally written in her passive description...
Corrin fits more of the cute girl you want to protect, or a "you can do it!" type of feeling. More cute than sex appeal
>off duty
She is a workaholic
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make a recording with nvidia experience or the share button on ps5
rewind back and take the shot you want
reminder to also max disks and stats like lvs and engines on your stunner+support, they are just as important as your dps, my anby started to stun much faster and my nicole actually deals some real damage after i invested on them.
Damn I planned to save for Miyabi but I may just have to roll for Qingyi
Hate the robot markings thought, why didn't they just make her look like every human
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I love Corin because grooming her to be more confident in herself feels amazing even if it will only end in my eventual rape
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this is Ellen's game, zhu is just living in it
god I wanna sniff her smelly ass
Has any other Hoyo character had tights as nice as Ellen's? They're almost mesmerizing to look at, the texture is perfect.
good idea, i'll turn that on
lore-wise qingyi is super interesting, she talks about her records from "the old civilization" when she wanted some donuts, so her technology might not be repliclable in the current setting of new eridu (fairy is definitely something like this too) it seems like the most advanced tech in the present are more archaic design robots like the constructors from grace, the bangboos or even billy, while qingyi is a far more advanced android from the lost era.
what i find weird is how well-adjusted she is to the world, i need more context about why she is a police or if there are more robots like qingyi from the old civilization.
probably because they made it for her character video with her friends but zhus character video just has her at work
The curse of all sharks...
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>no signature
>not even a decent 4* support w engine
My lucy is so bricked
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>an insecure girl with retard strength who loves muh dick
Waiting for the day they let me put her in the JK outfit for more dates..
Ellen mogged Zhu Yuan and it's not even close
I did the same thing and had to reach hard pity twice. Felt like I had to clock into work everyday just to get her
I'm probably not hitting knot level 50 in 4 days right in time for SD cutoff?
I'm 47 right now
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You can tell they put way more effort into Ellen. She is just perfect and honestly way more fun to play than any other character so far.
What triggers the "witch time" effect? I'm not talking about perfect dodge it's something different and enemies slow down.
Lycaon: Top or bottom?
Ben: Top or bottom?
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That is a very erotic Belle.
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Parry with gun users
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she's possibly the best designed hoyoverse girl in general, her art explosion over such a short amount of time is incredible
no level 60 crutch for you, cheater
Sorry, I missed your (You).
Where's the playlist???
Your free camera wengine bwo? Wtf are you doing?
I regret skipping Ellen for the cop
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I really want her but at the end of the day she is a dick pull, not a must. Gameplay wise Anby already does her job well enough, meanwhile I really want+need Zhu for my Ether coverage and Want+need Jane so I can complete my Anomaly team. Qingyi will have to wait till her rerun
Is that even good? The pen ratio substat is complete ass
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SD is a meme and gives 3.5 pulls total
AFAIK from my own experiences, there's two levels of perfect dodge, a regular dodge and an even MORE perfect dodge at the last moment that gives witch time
when I really dodge at the last possible frame, I get the witch time more consistently
>Dick pull not a must pull
Your priorities are wrong
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how bricked is my account? should I just push through with my remaining "free" pulls?
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>one more commission before bed
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Knotseeded account, Lycaon is C1 with his sig
>no cat
there is still hope
Oh I didn’t even know about that. Yea it kinda makes the top of her head red. Funky.
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thanks anon
ellen is girlfriend material corin is little sister material
Billy is also an ancient construct. There are pieces that can be fixed and replaced, much like Qingyi but their minds are probably mysteries.
Would not suprise me in the least if there's some Ghost in a Shell cyberbrain shit going on.
I don't know, can't imagine it's worse than a 3 star
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No problem. I hope you enjoy the songs from the other anons here.
no cohesive team in sight, account bricked
power... but at what cost?
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>we're going to 1.1 patch and there's still no "Wildfire" moment
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Corin is wife and mother material
It's an average starter account that is easily fixable if you play long enough and have a plan. These games are a marathon and if you save for certain characters you can easily have godlike teams.
sig weapons on them too?
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Zhu and Jane are also dick pulls, but they also have the meta factor to them so they have that edge over Qingyi. I might build pity on Qingyi's banner though
my drives are just garbage
Wildfire wasnt that good
shit buddy got better disks then me my crit is like 16%/170%
I didn't try that hard to minmax them though
That's a hard moment to live up to. Need a boss who does some cool shit for 2nd phase.
I enjoy using Rina and Corrin, but open to swap out Corrin. What good teams can I use with Rina?
Nice job bwo
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>Wildfire wasnt that good
Things people say to fit in.
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Yes, anyone with those stats on Ellen and Zhu without their sigs need to explode
No Furry + A brick like Neko can S-rank at level 50 too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8_0YEmtBvA
Qingyi is going to be the best stunner available in the game for a long time. You will want her especially if you're rolling ZY since she will be filling up the daze bar for you several times faster than Anby ever could.
I seethe and cope at the sight of maid girls and think animal tails on humans look retarded as hell, yet even still she is the hottest girl in the game by far. Only way she could improve is by removing her panties
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Lycaon is a top but if he bottoms he is still gonna power bottom you. Ben feels more like a bottom but you basically would be doing all the work. You could ask him to top but he probably get too worried about hurting you.
>there's still no "Wildfire" moment
gwi your ch2 kino?
i admit ch3 was mid thoughever
HSR never hit that high again. Story since is obsessed with stupid psychobable instead of SHONENKINO. Our cutscenes have way better animation too.
>for a long time
bitch she can't even beat Lycaon, that's embarrassing as a limited vs a standard I can select in 300 pulls.
Basically characters you are going to keep using in long term are S ranks and A rank supports. Rina is leaning towards supporting lightning+x disorder teams and you could get Jane and Yanagi and be set for one team. For the 2nd you could get ZY and use her with Nicole+Anby
Gfl stands for go fucking look
>Game setting is space fantasy
>All characters are chink in chinese dress
The lewds just keep rolling in
>World bows down to china
>Somehow shocked the future is all china
Time to learn mandarin I guess
Qingyi is mid placeholder for fags that don't have Wolfman or Koleda, She isn't going to last at all and that playstyle of hogging field time is really bad
Either way the future is in Anomaly/Disorder and those teams don't need stun
>playing Chinese game
>complaining about China

Based retard
Hidden Quests I already did
>Golden Town
>Bangboo pokemon
>the 150k cleanup thing with Tina
>telling Carol about her brother
Currently on my quest list
>Bangboo limbo
>infinite abyss
>the prophecy
What else am I missing? Also which of these do I need to replay to get all achievements?
Holy shit that cat gameplay is something else, I'll need to try that out
jfc is katto good?
always do the opposite of what vg says
What element will Jane Doe be?
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Absolute CINEMA
Now I got Ben and Soukaku at C6. What have you got?
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nobody doubts ch2 was super cool but that's a different thing entirely
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What a coincidence, I also have C1 Lycaon with his signature wengine and the exact same teams, except with no signature wengines on my DPS units...

I still have no fucking idea what I'm doing wrong with discs, everyone who posts their Ellen or Zhu Yuan mogs me hard
this is the lowest investment clear ive seen yet
besides those godly discs, of course, but those can be made up for with more levels in everything
She's a Physical Anomaly
You have to use Seth with her
>handcuffs so loose you could easily slip your hand through them
there is no way 90% of zzz can play katto at this level
An excuse to use her in the future? Okay, then I guess game will retain me for a little while longer
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Whoops, I posted the old one.
Updated now that I got both of them to 50. At least I have Ice and Ether DMG% on disc 5s now
How should I spend my energy daily? How do you spend yours?
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what the hell is sharp smile
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>tfw I fully replayed Prophecy 3 times to get everything
M6 Anton or M6 Corin? Which is better overall?
>tfw we'll never get real animal/robot girls because stupid chinks think that only human girls will sell well

And before anyone brings up the idol robot girl, she can change herself to look human so it barely counts
>bitch she can't even beat Lycaon
She absolutely does, Lycaon is only even good for ice teams. Don't tell me you saw a clip of her attacking with no disk drives or w-engine and thought that was how she will actually play like. Her kit in itself already has the highest stun multiplier in the game.
but everyone told me Nekomata was a brick?
Those final 30 seconds were some of the highest execution i've seen in most action games
and retards and wuwajeets called this game le "button mash"
Coming quietly is my specialty, officer
>How should I spend my energy daily?

upgrade characters or farm disks? duh
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>they wasted all their rolls on Ellen and Zhu and now have nothing to show for it
And now you know why democracies fail. The average person is a fucking retard.
Who else could make for a better mother than a maid? It's not even a competition.
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heed my words, jane will be overrated since her anomaly crit is still dependent of luck, (also her stacks depend of shit like perfect dodges just like brickomata) the TRUE prize is getting c6 corin from her channel who will melt the fuck out of anything stunned in the future.
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>Coming soon
Sounds like a mid to late 2025 release, either way I'll probably try this out since nobody else is making anime military stuff.
>How should I spend my energy daily?
You spend it on materials to make your characters stronger.
The game pretty much walks you through everything related to this.
Call yourself a stupid bitch.
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i have yet to unlock red shiyu defense
>anomaly crit is still dependent of luck
it's just a generic dps boost, it doesn't matter whether any one particular assault procs except for oneshotting trash mobs
Blue Archive is military-lite. Almost like a slice of life military academy vibe
...and Seth.
Chingy will get powercrept like any early character and for now you either use:
>Fufrag with Ellen
>Don't use stunner because you're anomaly-pilled
>pulled for MidYuan or heaven forbid will pull for Harumasa and stuck with Anby
a better lucy skin: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Tz421B72S/
Yeaaah but y'know...
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>that one fag baiting everyone into unironically playing and investing into Brickomata
What's the big deal? You know you can just buy more polychromes right?
>Anby Bosenmori Demara
hearty kek
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don't worry that's just the biggest source of renewable f2p poly income
>Wake up
>Drink coffe IRL
>Drink coffe in-game
All is well
Only a jewish person would make a heart like that. Us HUMANS make proper heart signs.
Yeah i know, we want Call of Duty: Anime Warfare
Just noticed
Shiyu defense gives a dmg % to Zhu.
Doesn't that mean f2p engine is actually better than her signature? it was like 5-9% difference
That’s not gonna happen sorry I’m not rolling for males unless their cool like Billy
You don't have to learn languages
ai is like instant translation, it's basically the same thing as teachers trying to teach you cursive
>muh 3.5 pulls
f2pGODS we won!!!
>Rinalet shilling a male
I've been looking forward to it for years. I really oughta try and go finish the main story stuff in the first game before it comes out. You never stop loving your first, as they say, and Girls' Frontline was the first gacha game I seriously played.
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Just did 20 pulls on the W-engine banner and managed to get my Vault from r1 to r3, I am temped to pull more to max out Nicole but my Zhu alredy have a r3 starlight and Qingyi W-engine looks more valuable...
>don't worry that's just the biggest source of renewable f2p poly income
your BP and IK Membership??????????????????????????????????
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AI translation won't help me as I'm begging that my balls be spared as they drag me kicking and screaming into the chink goblin breeding chamber
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I'm already playing BA and Snowbreak in case you were gonna mention that one too.
i agree, the idol designs are all kuso
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you're correct. I apologize
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i refuse to level my anby past 40
Snowbreak is kinda that. Frankly I think Yuzhong missed a trick not making a Girls' Frontline FPS.
>the chink goblin breeding chamber
>i refuse to increase the stun values of my stun character
fitting image attached to post
master strategist at work!
20 pulls down the rain, you will regret that anon.
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After seeing her animations I want to fuck the rat even more than I already did, pure undiluted sexo.
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bring me the rat
It's where Xi Xing Ping plans on making his hapa soldiers
sex with this rat
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How do you play Zhu immediately after her chain attack? I always just dash basic towards the enemy to gap close and then start dumping shells into them.
rat hive
It's over for me bwos... she thinks I'm gay now...
GI/ZZZ/HSR x GFL2:Ex collab when, Dawei, Yuzhong
her combat animations suck and are overly busy like something out of wuwa
It's not really an issue for me until the withering garden boss fight, holy shit it's bad
>Another animal girl I want to pull
I'm starting to see a trend
Post more blonde goblins
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I have a shark to show for it
Self insert pandering game btw.
I can't stop fucking Ellen
>see zzz fanart
>check artists previous works
>B* art on the regular
Why did this game attract more of those artists instead of something like nikke?
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>poor little asian boys
I know and for the past week I've been doing three runs at 100 energy for Ellen's skills.
I dash into ex special, leave button pressed to instantly go supression, leave stick to the left so she shoots faster.
if she has ult, do the ult first to guarantee it lands with all of nicole buff/debuff, bullet dump always comes last during the rest of the stun duration to me.
How are we thinking story release cadence is going to go per patch? Intermission/Interlude alternating with Chapters?
sounds about right, even though you can also just use the 2nd hold attack to close in because after the first one if you input a direction zhu will close move and then dump the 2nd one.
Most likely though, you should end the chain attack with a nicole so zhu would just quick assist in and be close and personal. At least for any elite or boss where you have more than 1 chain attacks you can do that.
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i've accepted my pulls will be ONLY beast babes
Rat is black coded and would be darker than midnight if made by any other company. Easiest skip of all time.
>got filtered by 6/11 intensity nineveh
bwos... go on without mwe....
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fingers crossed for some quality doujins
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What is wrong with all the children in this game?
>he didn't do separate runs for the sin and virtue factions
oh nonono
The intermissions are incredible in how much they kill my will to push through them
I'm still in ch.2 because I just cannot be assed to sit through this cop survey shit
bellesisters will feast next patch.
BA has great character designs and so does ZZZ so they're attracted to it
/gig/est post ITT
Children express humanity’s most base desires, uninhibited by society or cultural norms
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Rat rat rat
>got filtered by ballerinas in HZ
>silver haired twinks doing synchronized hand on hip stance
It isn't her fault anon, anyone would think so
like actually losing?
did you pick all the resonia for your element?
Sharp Smile is the name of an in-universe energy drink like Red Bull or Monster.
It has better designs
the survey shit is a very tiny part of the quest
he's so fucking gay
it's actually refreshing to see a homo design act like a homo, because you just know genshin or HSR would have wrote seth as if he were the chaddest chad who ever chadded
>Rina Granny quest
>A Hollow event happened 41 years ago
Damn, Sunbringer is an ultra hag...
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try doing this with thunder metal
Bros.. I like this game.
having the longer cooldown on dodge corruption is literally game losing with that boss, I haven't tried the 5th level corruption with the twins though so I'm not sure how bad that one is.
Jane will be underrated at release because the only people who will be able to use her at peak efficiency are people who have Grace. if someone doesn't have Grace, Jane will seem like a brick. Once people get Grace or another Anomaly element character Jane stocks will be going through the roof but it'll be too late to get her then.
Its not for Seth, this is from a Zhu trust event where you have to round up Seth and Qingyi after they try to skip out on Zhu's teambuilding exercise
>"...Can you cum already? I have things to do..."
It's a running joke that some children talk about complicated stuff, but this one is basically child wants to pet a random dog they see
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KOTTED while rolling for Zhu Yuan...
I'm so fucking happy because this was the one S i really wanted since day 1 and i rather have guarantee for Qingyi
so basically the kafka of our game, we need several future limited 5* characters to actually help jane utilize her passive. When kafka came out she was considered a jingyuan side grade or worse lol
might be true
What is the big idea with making every banner for cop faction for months on end judging by the leaks?
Surely at the very least the game should get new content around them, right? It's not just dragging it out as long as possible without even as much as a pitiful couple of missions with them in chapter 2?
what's jane's deal? what team/role she performs?
I regret not rolling for Ellen. The next version is a skip patch if I ever saw so now I just gotta enjoy Zhu Yuan for 2 months or whatever.
You won.
By the time I get Grace from the selector will be Jane rerun
I don't get how you're able to apply assault so much with piper. She always runs out of energy by the 3rd or 4th disorder
I'm also partial to maids. There's something satisfying about playing keep away while shocking the enemy
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They're not attracted to this game, they're attracted to Ellen. Retard
Seth will be the 4pc Freedom Holder, there's no point in gimping Grace's damage by putting her on it.

Seth will be on 4pc Freedom and 2pc impact and work as a pseudo stunner in the Grace + Jane + Seth team, especially if you get his Mindscape 4
>drink with friends
>do dailies after
>burning desire to spend on gacha pulls
asscop is hot but I did not like her and I will not pull
im at 74/90 on a guaranteed limited with 5 rolls left in the bank

do i use it on ZY or the rat..
i have grace / rina + both their weapons
Seth is going to be on 4pc Jazz and 2pc impact or freedom, but really he's just placeholder until you get Rina
Freedom Blues maybe, but I'm not sure about impact. Seth will be doing a considerable amount of shock buildup himself so he should have high attack too (plus his shield scales off of it).
What is your second team?
If you need to ask the answer is no, save your rolls
>fan artists
you want to mock nikkers, nice try.
Not rolling for the rat whore because the only physical anomaly I need is Piper.
grace is not the only one. seth+rina+jane definitely might be also strong as fuck
>luck dependent crit
You can guarantee it with 380 Anomaly Proficiency
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this game is actually dogshit
>my element
i'm still using cunning hares bro...
i'm not even sure which corruptions i had other than that i had 4, i should've checked before leaving
it's the needing to kill them at the same time part that's difficult for me. i should probably invest in an actually good team with levelled discs though
playing billy gives you brainrot
not everything is a dodge with other agents
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I wonder how many people in the ZZZ world can't tell a normal bear from a bear therin
i try to enter full shell after quick swap with nicole afterwards hold click+left button to use the 9 shells i may use ult + ex if available to recharge more shells mid combo
lmao just come back to WuWa brother.
People can already used piper without grace and she is great. Jane is that but better, i don't see anyone calling her underrated, specially how easy she is to build.
ive been ulting with lucy in the later floors
the ults for the anomalys dont really do much damage
they apply a good amount of anomaly sure, but pipers EX does way more
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I can't wait to use him to cheese the survival mode
I won't complain as long as Ping Ping from the Holosun factory is riding me.
>*ratatatata dodge*
>*ratatatata dodge*
>*ratatatata dodge*

Honestly I'm surprised it took us this long that this is how games are meant to be played
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fuck the police (gently)
Jane Doe still wants Seth over Rina, she wants 520 Anomaly Proficiency to get her self 800 flat attack buff in her Famatical mode. You aren't getting anywhere near 530 without Seth
What do I do with Zhu Yuan while I'm not bursting?
Do I just make get her max shells and then switch to Anby until the enemy is stunned?
>What is the big idea with making every banner for cop faction
are you retarded anon, that's how gacha works
Is Seth really worse than Rina in that team? Seth gives Anomaly Proficiency and reduces Anomaly Buildup Res.
>You give me aryan baby I give you horosun red dot and magnifier.
I'm sure everyone in New Eridu has played Bear Simulator enough to know the difference
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>caviar caviar caviar caviar caviar caviar bear problems caviar caviar caviar caviar
Geez, they really dont know what to write for him. It'd be like if Nicole mentioned money every time you talk to her.
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Is this how people normally play the game? With their attacker out nearly all the time and only switching out to parry? Have I been playing wrong this entire time?
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>ass disks on grace and piper
>lv1 core skills
>beat the shit out of the HZ construction boss
bros, I think disorder is really good
No, you get 2-4 shells, you get the rest by chain attack, ex-skill/Ultimate, quick assist.
I usually use my stunner and parry with ZY to get 3 bullets and switch back to my stunner
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Why are they like this???
Nicole does mention money every time though...
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>mfw withercore max and the boss uses its ult but I'm using billy because I forgot to switch him out
Do you think canonically somebody has posted a commission on Inter-Nut to fuck Belle?
Pretty sure he's complaining about how long the banners are, i.e. how long you have to go with no new content
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I wouldnt know since I just mash through her dialog.
It's a good deal honestly.
That's what I'm asking man
You would think those two games would share fanbases/artists but they didnt bother with it. Their fanart scene is dry.
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I assumed the supports had to be super cracked to make the dps perform that well, but some of his supports aren't even lv 50 and are all on cope builds, this guy is nuts
Just get her sig weapon bro :)

Rina extends shock duration which is huge for disorder teams on top of giving dmg% and pen% which both increase anomaly damage
are there really no leaks for 1.1?
With those levels and investment SD10 doesn't really stand a chance no matter what you do
plap plap plap
sorry belle i came inside
But we're getting section 6 in 1.2 unless that anon thinks public security and special ops is the same thing, which means he's still a retard
given its early game and we usually only have enough farm and mats to fully build the attackers, i think its optimal for now and only swap parry to the stunners or bring them out when they have energy.
However later on when we have fully built teams, im guessing there might be some variations on who should be on field.
This made me realize that Nicole actually mentions money on every single one of her interactions, also I don't see him mention Caviar as much, but I also keep seeing the same two interactions of milk tea and him trying to get good at roaring to scare people, I think the only other one i got to see was the one about Grace spending over 50% of the companies budget
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I always talk to Ben when I can and there's STILL two trust events with him I havent seen somehow. He keeps doing milktea over and over for me. I have no idea if theres a way to help RNG it away or what.
>Freedom Blues on Grace is a brick!!! Use Thunder Metal instead!!!
>look closer
>7/7/7/7/7 with a crit build
I wish every dps Gracefag a very kill yourself
you should get him to try out teamilk, I heard he's never had it before
Alright, who's the one starting /v/ threads!? T-They'll hate us!
Are stunners supposed to be a sort of subdps when fully built to justify thier long field time? The core passives, mindscapes, and sig W engines of Anby and Lycaon seem to suggest this
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I havent seen her since IK40, is she a virgin hunter? once I've become a proper proxy she leaves me to groom a fresh, naive one
>you can unironically watch porn tapes with zhu yuan
how the fuck did hoyo get away with these on-your-face implications
He makes even the milktea one about caviar afterwards, saying he should put some in in the tea.
it's kinda fun to be at this early game situation where we don't know everything about optimal builds and combat yet
it could take a little while before we "solve" this game
do you have a screenshot?
zzz is a +16 gacha on CN
4pc Thunder metal with 2 target crafted Freedom Blues on slot 6 and slot 4 with Anomaly Mastery and Proficiency respectively so they can be swapped to future Anomaly characters. Simple.
I am.
What, they don't switch banner themes to shake things up until everyone is fed up with one faction?
Looks like a sound strategy to me.
hey hey people
I will roll for him since he's probably on Jane's banner.
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w-what? you weren't supposed to tell people!
okay im bored of zhu yuan, bring out the next waifu
So I can’t play the Rat with the Cat?
He's the Hyberbloom Zhongli of this game. If you skip him you're literally bricked
I am. Want to try a Defense character but I won't use a bara furry.
but we are all Paethon here tho?
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What a loser. I can force myself to use the girls if needed.
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>Do you still want to check the rest?
>I... I do.
Right now every Grace is playing in mono electro or basically carry teams where her shock actually stays on the target so Thunder Metal makes sense
I should only farm and level disc at IK45 right? I just got to IK40
is zhu yuan really as hard to play as anons say?
where the fuck do I see the effects of all my weapons, disc drives, skills during battle? In VR nothing pops up unless its fucking tiny. I'm in VR with nicole and ZY right now and I don't see any buffs/debuffs applied.
oh no no no no no bellesisters BELLESISTEEEEEEEEEERS
You could but it is an intentionally stupid way to play them.
You get pretty hard while playing her, yeah
I'm not an incel schizo so I'll play Seth if he's useful just like I'm playing Lycaon since he's great on ice team.
How does Wise keep getting away with this?
I guess its more efficient but I would use stamina to farm polys any day, which is essentially what youre doing if you push shiyu clears by disc farming
>switch in after daze
>hold LMB
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end of story!
That's the fun part, you don't.
>gacha game
gachas aren’t an ounce difficult they’re just about having enough stats to beat it
They will nerf the rat.
Jealous is ugly, Belle
Think of ellen but she can't reload by dash charging and she's more dependant on the infused attack to do damage
>porn tapes
>this pic is actually canon
>The Shiyu pillars are holding back Hollow Zero from expanding
>Shady (white) people behind the scenes want to destabilize or destroy the Shiyu pillars with the use of AIs stolen from Helios academy and the HIA
>It's a metaphor for the 3 Gorges dam and the CIA
What did Mihoyo mean by this?
wow indeed
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wtf????? is this shit broken?
Is m0 saaaarlight hag cop worth it or do I not even bother? Have m6 Nicole and anby with their sigs
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based, you should save for caesar if you want a defender that isn't for faggots.
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i can see it
Get some reading comprehension, dingus.
What part of me being unhappy with 3 cop banners in a row for 3 weeks each you didn't understand? Do you need shorter words in my explanation?
Ellen doggy style
see what nyan?
What do you see, Gato?
Do you have their signatures and/or dupes? We're using the same exact characters but I am hard walled by 16. I do not deal enough damage
>almost 3 weeks until lolice
>almost 6 weeks until rat
bros we need to stay strong...
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grace builds anomaly crazy fast that 2p freedom is enough for her, pairing it with 4p thunder metal is a sensible choice because she deals a lot of electric damage.
you cant see shit nigger
How the hell do you make a white woman look ashy? Thats crazy.
post your shiyu clear
zhu yuan would never, she's a handholding virgin
What tf a defender does in this game
Don’t have Ellen?
Account bricked
200% chance of her being a dyke and having the most mentally ill fanbase
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I really, really, really want to spend 140 pulls securing m0 ZY, but every instinct in my body is telling me I will regret it immensely.
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Be invincible while doing high burst damage when countering with his W-Engine.
jack of all trades master of none
+ shields I guess
I don't mind male characters, Seth is a little zesty but big Ben and Lycon really aren't to my taste. This chick though? That's a good character right there. Will roll for sure.
wrong panel, its one of the upper ones where you can see the stats and the stat changes. That one I think only shows the buffs that are on the UI under the character i think.
but enough about Hoshimi Bosenmori Miyabi
well they said they want to focus on survivability in future content
ellen has signature, zhu is m1 with brimstone, nicole and soukaku are m6

if you're in america you can look me up at 1000053885
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Its sad how many people are afraid of bears.
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I just realized that gachas just aren't as good as Minecraft.
Miyabi isn't a mei expy. At most she's an Ayaka expy but even then not really.
We WILL get a mei expy though they make too much money off of her to not
>master of none
To be fair Ben has the highest Attack in the game.
Reminder that if you roll for male characters, high chance you are homosexual
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Sons of calycdon or whatever should have full faction parties change whatever their ultimates are to sending enemies to isekai lands with the TRUCK ram
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why can't even the bangboo event have a happy ending?
but doesnt do damage outside of parrying with his ex skill
Defends. Some leaks say the new mode alongside SD will be a mode where you're just supposed to survive and kill shit with no time limit. Point being that the bosses will hurt extra much and thus increase the value of defenders.
sounds perfect, this game needs more yuri pandering desu.
I see the crit buff from the pairing, but it would be fucking nice to see the buff gauge under the hp bar like how soukakus buff shows you an icon
But that's one weird thing to have a gripe about, during 1.0 lantern rite in genshin all the banners are about liyue characters for 2-3 patches, same thing happened with inazuma and sumeru too.
if it has drip, it's a therin
if it wears nothing, it's a bear
I wouldn't say thats true just because he does 5% less dps than ice team Ellen and Assault/Disorder spam Piper but whatever.
keep ignoring the voice in your head that's trying to protect you, surely only good things will come of that
>What tf a defender does in this game
They are like a weird hybrid between stun, support, and attack, however mainly focused on negating damage. They are like a jack of all trades thats not really good for anything atm.
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eous was supposed to be the one being left out why didnt they invite amillion, the guy who arranged the whole hunt?
>pulling for ZY
>when she'll get crept by 2.0
thats a brown bear, i've seen enough ppl going to yellowstone and getting mauled by one cause they think bears are like in TV shows and fairy tales.
Do Bangboos dream of electric sheep?
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I saw it!
Just save for EoS
Nothing homosexual about rolling for Bros like Itto.

What’s the next 5 star male dude anyway?
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>caring about meta in a gacha
Will I regret not pulling for Zhu Yuan if I just want meta characters
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they dream of AI generated sheep
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Next Victoria Housekeeping member leaked, she is based on the creature from the black lagoon
This game really is Persona-coded...
Put Oven on Anby if you have it and you are golden, try to craft as many copies of Starlight you can
why pull in 2.0 when I could save for 3.0
Ah yeah that'll probably do it. I'm currently coping with Starlight Engine on Ellen and Fusion Compiler on Zhu because I leveled it up already and have no other options. Did you run Ellen first half or second?
Kill yourself arknigger, go back to your flopped anni
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>Anby on Qingyi banner
I hate Hoyo.
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nvm, to the scrap it goes
If Qingyi doesn't stun the enemy thrice in one attack string she's dogshit. Simple as. Lycaon can unironically manage that much, each charged basic is enough to stun 1 enemy x3.
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Is Burnice a 4* or 5*?
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if you don't manage to get discount anby, you get full anby to max out on!
I would eat it
Alligator is pretty tasty
literally how the fuck are you guys doing shiyu defense past 10 and getting S ranks

>pulling for m6 anby while you roll for your 2nd stunner is le bad
Zhu is ez skip if you pulled Ellen and going for anomaly meta for 2nd team
just get better discs lmao
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I was planning to save for Jane Doe but I think my account is bricked. Should I just my rolls on Zhu Yuan? I probably won't even get her.
are you retarded?
You can put one on one team and the other in another, unless there's is another stunner coming soon
frame perfect parries give an extra 15% multiplier to your combos
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Found the losers who didn't get knotseeded haha
Is a 0 dupe safety bangboo better than a 6 dupe bagboo?
You already can make good ice and fire teams bro. You don't need to pull anything
Will they add new disk tiers (level 18, 21, etc.) in the future or will my disk stay best-in-slot if I manage to get a perfect one right now?
These fucking frogs man
Honestly I'm still kinda skeptical on the future release schedule. I just can't believe Sons of Calydon has 4 fucking A ranks and 1 S rank. Meanwhile the cops and the cops (japan) have 3 fucking S ranks.
>mad about anby
BRO it's in your full favor to pull dupes for her because she's your only free fucking stunner
unless you're using lycaon and koleda actively
Okay faggot, give that shit to me
SSD or disorder, either one of those or a mix of both
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>Will I regret not pulling for Zhu Yuan
In the short term yes, in the long term no.
Colonel Vike will eventually make her completely irrelevant.
I'm halfway to 2nd pity and my Ben is only C2, including the freebie. I've pulled more Corin than him for some reason.
>he thinks they're playable
Signorakek in the making, this will be fun
>i have grace / rina + both their weapons
ratgod dont falter
Thank god the game doesn't tell us that and there is no way to know if a parry was perfect or not... or at least not one I noticed.
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>posting pic of a character that literally disappeared to get milk in lorevideo
anon, I........
>elite forces vs outer ring streetshitters
it's a really tight window, a bit easier if you play on 30 fps though.
can corrin carry
zhu first ellen second
my babies?
its really good, but anomaly proficiency is a dead stat for almost everyone, so is penetration.
still it has the minimum crit value so anyone that has decent crit like the new girl could use this.
is there even a dps that uses electro? I swear it's a set designed for rina
no cuz I can't clear 17 until I outscale it.
Signora is a villain(I think). Vike is not. Simple as.
If you don't get at least 3 rolls into crit on your piece it's dogshit
>he DOUBTED the outlaw faction in a post-apoc world
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You don't deserve her, anyway~
>bragging about get knotted
predicting the Kazuha of ZZZ to release before going into ver 2.0 of the game. He will change the meta forever!!
If I pulled that faggot I'd have left him lvl 1. No amount of desperation would ever make me build a furry.
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>my level 40 ben, lucy and piper with random shit disks team outdamages my level 50 billy, anby and nicole team
disorder is silly
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post a video of you actually scraping it, mr humblebrag
It will be the super edgy guy from lore vid. My uncle cleans at Hoyo, trust me.
Hey bwo, just thought I'd let you know, you can solo 6/11 Nineveh with Billy, so don't give up, even a shitter like me can pull this off, I'm sure you can go even further, like 9/11 or even 11/11

never pulled for kazuha and cleared everything without him easily
nobody likes that character, having him is a badge of metafag shame
Kazuha of HSR came out in last patch of 1.X so I expect same for this game
even trying lycaon you'll realize how cope and jank anby is
Just found this
Isn't this extremely good?
>Instead of instantly activating the chian attack, you switch mid-animation, from your stunner to your attacker.
>Do damage with your attacker, being careful about not doing heavy attacks and f you do it, similarly switch off mid animation
>Make sure to activate a chain attack when the bar is about 50%
This may actually benefit ZY a lot if you start with more bullets than usual, not hard to do if you parry a few attacks with her before hand. For Ellen you will need to have EX skill before hand
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>wont let you touch her tail
Maybe she won’t let you touch it, but I’m feeling that bitch up no problem.
Yes, this vid is pure gold but you need to be moderately skilled to take advantage of these techs. Still it's good to know that anti-chain schizos are lying cunts
Does WuWa even have cute animations like this?
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if it weren't for those shrink pants the whole room would smell like a fish market
>Still it's good to know that anti-chain schizos are lying cunts
They are not lying tho. Sou absolutely takes off the stun time if you finish with her AND you have to finish with her if you want to Quick assist with your DPS, another alternative its starting with DPS > Soukaku > wait > quick assist.
we did it joe
I hate mihoyo end game. I'm just going to give up at SD 3, I'm not having fun anyways.
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>far beyond his peers
Now that's some character wanking
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I jobbed to 11/11 without his C2 and dodge penalty.
what bangboo should I use in a disorder team?
they will not make that mistake again.
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Don't use my post to shitpost
NO. You'll lose your stun window if you do that. It's why chain attack is bad and mihoyo knew, so they are adding a cancel button to chain attacks since they fucked up with their stun mechanic. If you wait too long to trigger chain attack, and then use a chain attack with long animation, you'll be left with no stun window so you lose all of your burst dps for a bit of extra swap attack hits.
Tatakae, Billybwo
His peers are other robots
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He's simply holding back.....
post the full thing
My Lycaon hits like a wet noodle.
you can easily build up stun and then activate it with Sou or Ellen then go Stun > Sou > DPS for your chain.
If you're talking about eating stun timer on elites that only do 2 chains then it literally doesn't matter once your characters are geared enough
>Billy is just a super advanced Bangboo
hes a stunner
>level 50
>skills all level 2 and level 0 disks
I need Billy to overload himself Genos style at some point in the story
This game won’t have a ‘new region’ bullshit every 1 year update right?
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dont do it anon, she only let you touch her tail so she can touch you back
I did it, Nicole m6r5 7/7/7/7/7 I guess she is the 4* star I will be taking with me till eos this time around
... what the fuck do you expect? its the best way they can do to make content.
Shark skin is like sandpaper, none of these memes make any sense.
I wish I had Lycaon
nyooooooooo don't eat me ellen
That's not Colonel Vike btw
yeah that's the part that doesn't make any sense

>what is suspension of disbelief
It'll probably have some shiny new districts? Carnival district with Ellen's cheerful sister, hope!
I expect a sixth street sized map and multiple new hollow zones every patch.
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Level 50 yes, but I'm trying with those discs.
How? My discs suck and I don't have S rank weapons or Lycaon.
are the hollow zero buffs permanent?
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omg it iwak girl
The combat? The weapons? Thirens? Naww I draw my line at shark tails!
For Ellen specifically that would still waste stun time tho. she has a long chain attack animation.
You can see the stun refreshes when you hit with the first chain attack
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The fuck else do you expect? If anything I'm excited for the tropical region so we can have another beach date with our sibling.
S11/Koleda/Lucy + Ellen/Soukaku/Anby
discs are long term goal bro, but these teams should take you pretty far with good investment and play
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I’m sure the wall is coming but it’s pretty fun seeing my Nekomata mow down the enemy so fast and I havent even gotten around to leveling up her skills, just got her level up to 40.
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So is Nicole a slut or a virgin?
Nah man they're smooth
Don't know what to tell you, buddy
If a hollow can stunt your growth. Can a hollow accelerate it? Imagine a kid in a hag body.
Does someone have All of the Futabelle greens from that one Anon?
I got the thick police and here's my firsts reaction
Nicole is the purest maiden in all of New Eridu!
what discs did you put on your anby
>qingyi next patch bro
nah, borgar girl is better
nicole is eridu's bicycle
4pc impact set and 2pc ER or whatever you have
well, stun set is probably going to be her best set unfortunatly, but obviously the electrical set will make her outperform if you want damage.
>purest maiden
That's not Belle
She is zzz's bbc icon
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This is what they're rubbing themselves all over.
4 impact 2 ER
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This shit is horribly biased against Ben because Intensity 11 is a big middle finger to him but I didn't care, was gonna do it with him anyway.
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Who's this game's femcel?
4p shockstar and 2p woodpecker
plan on switching the woodpeckers with swing jazz
is there any way to pause and save infinite abyss progress?
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Even if you're rolling Qingyi, the discs aren't wasted. You just give Qingyi all of Anby's discs
Zhu Yuan
I don't know how to invest then.
nice work bro
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Normal sibling things
Guys hear me out... Australian outback region.
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what's your Quinyi team without Zhu
Belle isn't a brocon
1000% a virgin. but not after i rape her.

anyway bwos what is there to do in the game after you finish your dailies and use your stamina? in level 38 and 35 on my second account and progression has crawled to a snails pace. i started like 2 weeks late so that’s why im so under leveled.. and hollow zero gives such shit rewards i just do the 7000 points for the week..
Do we know what's the next banner? Do I roll for cop (taking Ben and Nicole into consideration)?
get a job, unironically
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As usual I used the calibrator to get something I needed and it gave me shit substats,
New thread
its not a far fetched theory, he is future eous
qingyi grace anton
qingyi soukaku ellen
Yea calibrator is a meme
I used every self-modeling relic thing in HSR that we could get playing from day 1 and not a single time it rolled into good subs. Best use is just getting something for supports where subs don't matter
>almost 3min shinyu 10 with zhu ether side
i dont know about ellen team but their zhu team is clearly doing something wrong
Nice CGI, pal, I've pet a shark before and that guy was smooth
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Billy would love to have Wise/Belle as part of the family like this.
Also Billy doesn't know what a sex is he'd just be happy manager is hanging out more
Make a normal thread. Furfaggots yiff in hell.
Normalnigger opinions don't count.
Make it yourself. Come on quick the other thread is dead.
>just ignore videos like >>487944318
Don't forget to dilate.
Don't forget to seethe.
It's whatever you aim at for the chain attack, I think. You should've turned your camera around there because once it locks on it can be real retarded. But yes, it is pretty annoying.

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