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previous Thread: >>487930737

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>7/22 (Mon) After Maint - 7/29 (Mon) 10:59 (JST)
Hoshino (Combat) (3* - Limited)
Shiroko (Terror) (3* - Limited)
Mika (3* - Limited - Rerun)
>7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Saori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Hiyori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Atsuko (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Sheside outside - 7/22 (Mon) After Maint - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Perorodzilla (Field) - 7/31 (Wed) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 7/23 (Tue) 11:00 - 8/21 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/22 (Mon) 4:00 - 7/31 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 7/27 (Sat) 4:00 - 7/29 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)
3x Normals - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 3:59 (JST)
3x Commissions - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)

>7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 7/30 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Ako (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Makoto (3* - Limited)
Iroha (3* - Rerun)
Ibuki (1* - Welfare)

Special Livestream: https://youtube.com/live/jXR54sRUlcY - 7/28 (Sun) 11:00 (UTC)
Roadmap: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/07/live#section3
Basking in the Brilliance of Their Serenade - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 7/30 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hieronymus (Indoors) - 7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/23 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/29 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 7/26 (Fri) 19:00 - 7/28 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Commissions/Hards - 7/29 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 8/2 (Fri) 19:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
Hina should transfer
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Mika love.
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waka waka
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kissable foreheads
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Pat Pat Pat
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evil wolf
Story when?
>not only Haruna but Kasumi cheer you on
20 items on day 2, is that right?
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It opens up
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feeble old man
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Literally me
You masturbate in bed? Isn't that uncomfortable?
That's rad
I don't like Hina
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Meeting with Migga!
21 new, 23 total
I like Hina
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>Kirino 100% 1-shot SAzusa start of the match
that was hilarious
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Reseal this evil fox
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Fetch my cat
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Choose your size
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let me eat you out
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Not him but what? Why would that be uncomfortable?
until we can't see her face anymore
Where else would you masturbate?
cringe post
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21, 23 total so far. All the unique items but Ibuki's crayons and 4 of the paper notes.


Dates and exact times might be a little off, what matters is the day 4 and onward. Also check all the trash cans, they're full of cash for some reason, welcome to gehenna.
Missing one huh oh well
Masturbate in your chair with proper masturbation posture and a big screen. Fapping to shit on a phone is too small.
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Rights will be respected even after morale improves.
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Akofans? Are we buying?
the star sticker on the thigh is what makes this image for me
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The most feminine student in all of Kivotos, bar none. Softest hands in the land
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No ex challenge?
I need nonoms to give me loving headpats.
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Thank you, my ever so reliable laser.
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Too big
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They have to make something for Rabu first
Bro your 'Combat' section?
>Springles Letter
weird guess I'll look again later
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the gym challenge is as close as you're gonna get I guess
>that low polygon count on her boobs
I can't jerk off to this.
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gonna have to spark her
>What specifically?
isakusan leaving.
hwansang leaving.
mx2j losing his touch.
All other artists missing in action.
Main story scenario not being up to snuff.
The thought that yostar will be retarded enough again to greenlight a 2nd anime season
2 bluefes students completely overshadowing arius summer
New characters now never being released until 3+ years later
JP antis increasing three-fold because of all of the above aforementioned points
KR losing interest
Yostar still burning money on CN despite CN completely disavowing BA

There's suddenly too many warning signs that have happened in the past few months that didn't exist last year or the year before that.
It's starting to leave me feeling that BA is prematurely peaking because of too many bad decisions being made in quick succession.
Which sucks because BA had a rough start to recover from and only really felt like it finally hit its stride last year
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You wouldn't dress your daughter like this
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To schale with me
Surely more alts will fix it.
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>Vol 3 Chapter 5
Who will be the MC /bag/? It is definitely Migga right? Or would it be someone new? Other good options for me are
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Hina, you pervert
now show us her bouncy animations with it
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>lie on your side
>put on a video or scroll through a doujin
Uhh duh?
Done em mate
I mean the EX challenge that appears after you do the other ones
Secret one
Unfortunate, they were all very easy this time.
Thanks, I'll be sure you incorporate these in my doompost copypastas
i also go to sleep in my regular clothes like a fucking loser
Yeah, I'm with you. Basically Blue Archive is on my shitlist and if things don't turn around by 4th anniversary, I'll probably just delete my account.

I've put thousands of dollars into this game and it will suck, but still. Can't help but feel a sense of doom too.
Should I wait until Tuesday to reroll versus now? I have no idea if dAko/Makoto are better/worse than dHina/sHoshino nor whether the 100 free rolls are still claimable then
POV: Kayocunt seconds before she cut my tulip into pieces
I like when the boobs are touching her eyes but not covering theme
Hina... masturbate
Yeah, that's not the proper attire for a hero class
dako and makoto are literal dogshit
the 100 rolls are gone by then, but the anniv chars are much, much better. i'd just play with what you got and spend ALL your stones that you'll get until then
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Explain this doomfox
I have a 1080p laptop specifically for masturbating. I store all my porn on it and the top lid is encrusted in cum.
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Save me from Kazusa.
The 100 rolls won't be claimable once Fes rolls around. Better to use it now and get your based retard chairman.
Can't wait for everyone to ignore doomniggers as soon as Millenium Pajamas get released.
are you rerolling or just joining and winging it?
You must be that one fuuka/juriposter.
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What? Are you using a tiny flip phone? I can read comics and shit just fine.
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Aris clearly played Kamidori.
Stop replying to the bait.
>hwansang leaving.
literally a rumor
>Main story scenario not being up to snuff.
said the EOP
>2 bluefes students completely overshadowing arius summer
not sure how this is bad?
>JP antis increasing three-fold because of all of the above aforementioned points
>KR losing interest
"My source is I made it up"
Okay, Goetic demon schizos, which one is Makoto?
>proper masturbation posture
this is the most psychopathic thing i've read in my life
If I understand correctly, you'll only get 100 rolls but they'll be available until the 30th. Hina's banner starts on August so no, they won't be claimable then.
Makoto is a one raid wonder and DAko is useful for Set.
D Hina destroys red content and S Hoshino is a gigabuffer for red units. They're also fes students, who tend to be way more important than everyone else
/qa/ lost
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>at 999,999,999 credits
Uhh.... what do I spend on?
Kazoos and Airi
fuck off, EOP
well shit
rerolling but I'm not sure how much reroll currency you even get with new accounts, even 80 rolls is difficult to get the 2 banner characters
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I find it easier to read doujin on a phone than the screen, and I have no idea why.
Maybe it's because the text is zoomed out on the screen?
Neru is so mean and scary.
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I bought a tab to read manga in Japanese and it more than fulfills my gooning needs
>said the EOP
you can literally go on jp communities that aren't twitter and see for yourself all the criticisms they have for vol1ch3, saying this is just an EOP thing is just cope at this point
this is my fetish
Higher ppi?
eh, he's got somewhat of a point. When I'm jacking, I've noticed my dick feels different depending on how I sit or lay, so there's some truth there.
Also, if positions weren't important, shit like the Kamasutra wouldn't exist.
plapping Seia and killing all doomfags (who've said the same things just last year)
Anybody else noooticing an increased use of "EOP" recently?
if you've actually read them, most/all of them are actually cygames and hoyo shills. they also have the shallowest understanding of the game's story. you can imagine /bag/ shitposters but just in japanese language
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Neru is nice.
seia cant fit you inside of her. youre too big
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Bro your students?
I do not find Mika attractive.
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buy some snacks for jumbler
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Why are you guys talking about how you touch your dicks? That's kinda gay
ok but why should I care about the shitposting of terminally online fanbase warriors (japan)
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Wrong! This Iori is deceased!
I find Mika attractive.
This was a fun game
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does anyone know what
>error: call to non-'constexpr' function 'SHORT GetKeyState(int)'
Neru is a bully!
It's not doomfags, they're just cycucks getting uppity after their disaster of a stream yesterday.
You have to be retarded if you think BA is dying anytime soon.
if you go on may there hasn't been a non-anti BA thread made for hours. all that's left is the anti-thread (has 600+ posts as of writing). it's unironically over
I have seen much more positive reception than negative so no, you are indeed just pulling shit from your ass.

Such a lousy reception sales shot through the roof for two of the central characters to the story.
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>who've said the same things just last year
But this time we mean it
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So, who's your favorite artist?
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Makoto is too sex
I killed Blue Archive
For me it's siu
Obvious shitposter picked a new term of the week. Hide the posts as usual.
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kinda wonder why Nexon went out of their way to change her pose slightly
Gives a better view, sure
Seia deserves to have her holes reshaped and remain unplayable for the entirety of the game's lifespan (which is 30 years)
Can't hurt to use the free 100 rolls, but you can reroll on DHina because better rates
>profile pic
that's lewd
Good thing Nonomi respects my rights
The halo is no more! Iori has ceased to be!
This Sensei hates his students and leaves them at level 1
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Jerking off to a big screen is indeed easier. I only settle for a phone when there's no other option.
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no, but I do cum when I see Suou
Smooth, rich girl pussy. Perfectly bald and puffy
I already did, and most of them are happy with the current state of the game. They're just a little worried about Isakusan's departure, but as both Isakusan and Yongha Kim mentioned, BA has a system in place to ensure that, even without Isakusan, the other writer and the internal writing team will deliver a story just as good as the ones we've had so far.
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idk their name but i like the artist who draws the little chises
oh yeah it's different
>photoshopped out halo
rerolling is quick 'enough' in this game and even if you get lets say 20 rolls to work with per reroll, you'll definitely get something with double rate up
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I haven't played this game but I ask for more images of this creature because she has captured my heart
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John Nexon I am tired with the costume alts. More loli alts when?
I don't think it's on purpose
Nigga of course they're gonna say that. They want to keep money coming in.
the departure of isakusan means we get more chise screentime.
nice OLED bro
Yes Koharu we know
my absolute favorite artist seems to mainly do original art https://twitter.com/TreasureBooru/status/1808130506380530137
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Chise to fuck you.
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The game
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>I have seen much more positive reception than negative
twitter genuinely does not count unless if you're including an army of indian bots as 'positive reception'
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the true princess of kivotos finally takes her throne
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My elegante wife
Whats a good mating press onahole /bag/
chise deserves a wedding ring from sensei (me) and triplets
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I checked and I only get around 30 free rolls, but if dHina/sHoshino are that OP then I might just reroll for them if my current dAko/Makoto account fails to get them
Seems new accounts get around 30 free rolls currently
No chance I'll get both with 30 though, in which case which would be better to aim for between dHina and sHoshino? Besides dHina having the superior forehead
We should have an event where the cunny concoction gets into the water supply of a school accidentally and lolifies a bunch of students.
I'm referring more to yt/forums
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lmao looks like scatschizo can't post pics
>no chance
Not with that attitude.
But if you insist on not being confident then dHina is priority
This is too dangerous to be allowed to happen, the cunny art will increase thousandfold
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60 years old grandma saggers...
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i want to smell chise's hair
When did Hiyori mention steaks in the story again?
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what's her default size for comparison?
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alright, gonna fap to this tonight
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I like Hina's song
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I do not like Hina's song
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My Lovely StudentWife Noa
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You like Hina's song
I don't like Hina' song
This is it... the chibisex
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How much for her fig?
Would $100 be enough?
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Mizz Hina!!
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I love Hina I think she's cool
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>when you refuse to fuck her
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Mika is so fucking cute
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If I could clone my session and reroll 6-9 simultaneously I'd be more inclined to try, but trying with 1-2 sessions at a time is painfully slow
What the fuck did she mean by that
smelling noa's chair after she's sat in it
I HATE Hina I think she's LAME
sloppy hair
sloppy buttons
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I haven't listened to Hina's song properly (cutscene was ruined for me because my volume was maxed out when it started playing and I was panicking to lower/mute it)
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Looks like you used a call to GetKeyState in an expression evaluated at compile time (constexpr). Don't do that.
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dHina. I started with Mika's release last year and didn't get SHosh until SHanako's banner during last fes. Only started needing SHosh when starting to tackle higher difficulty raids.

You'll want both eventually, but if you can't get both you'll want at least dHina and another prime reroll target, like Ako or Himari. Or any of the other previous bluefes limiteds, pic related.
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>Card symbol
Akari is the Hisoka of BA it all makes fucking sense now
Do NOT post it
It'll probably be around 20,000 yen so like 130ish
>loli hanako
perish the thought
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I'm jealous.

Wait, actually, you get to nurse Iori in her L2D. That always slips my mind.
Stop being a tsun to Hina, /bag/.
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What if the 7 prisoners have their own "dress code" like picrel?
Two sessions sounds fine enough
Try to use a Nexon account I think? I forgot about what the warning was with binding other than that I don't know why
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Smartest /bag/got
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this is the kind of chibisex content i never knew i needed
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>still no proper chibi porn
fuck this gay earth
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Smol serious Hanako is sex
>born in March
>11 months older than Hina
Did she get held back at one point?
She's so silly
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i AM the chair
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hhhhhhhhhhhNNNNNNNNNNNNNnnnnnnnnngggggGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG fuck
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B-Bad Chise on the right... nyo...
Just keep rerolling.

Trust me, you want both. You can get two fest units.
Aru is so dumb
4+6 is 10 so the answer is obviously 1010
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does your sensei drive or take the heli
It may not seem like it but this is a Hasumi general.
wjy is hiyori so fucking fat
apparently in-game sensei just takes the train
Because (I) feed her treats just to fatten her up unironically
It's something to do with the game detecting that I'm using multiple clones, might be because I cloned the session after I reset my account so it ended up giving me an identical UID
If I can get multiple sessions working then I'll give it a shot. I already went through reroll hell on FGO, GBF, Uma and Priconne so I'm kinda sick of it by now if I can't get clones working
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I take the train and unapologetically play Club Smoochie (volume ON) in public
shameless wanking
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You try eating only fast food and dumpster food, and keep your BMI under fat.
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They're gonna sex by day 100 at this point.
i am worried about the state of blue archive
Eh, i already called Hina, she'll be fine
i am worried about the steak of blue archive
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I drive.
I pilot Geburah
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I want Plana to look at me with smug contempt just like the same way she does here
my fucking dick
I am worried about the state of child sex
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>Loves drawing girls bottomless
>Also draws 2000s CN stuff
Fantastic tastes
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P-Public transportation for the win....
I am worried about ur mum
Silly question, did you stick to any of those games after doing the re-roll silliness?
I live out in the middle of the woods so I drive. The closest town to me is tiny and has no public transport, and even then it's half an hour one way.
I am worried about the state of Seia Yurizono
may we have a word with her?
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That's slavery. Decas are all sapient entities that deserve rights.
Huh, that doesn't sound that bad.
What's the catch?
Hina doesn't care about anyone who isn't Sensei
I liked it better in the bit that was just background and lyrics
Don't know if there was any actual difference
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Still playing FGO
Played GBF for like 5 years
Played Priconne until Fanza banned oversea IP
Played Priconne NA until Crunchyroll abandoned it after a year (lesson learnt)
Played Uma for a month before quitting
She's talking about the cat.
/bag/ doesn't even own a car.
whats the difference
Geburah-chan lets me ride her
/bag/ is a bikechad general
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Walking or riding my bike everywhere since I don't even have a license at 28
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Sir I am forklift certified.
Speak for yourself, cunt. I own a car.
yes that's the point of my joke
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>zunko lost her meal ticket!!!
Holy based, almost as based as Miyako even
I picked up a game by crunchyroll and wish it would fucking hurry up and EOS already because I spend too much on that shit game
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multiple sessions is def possible on bluestacks. it's finnicky but it works. just need a good PC is all
The catch is that you wait several months and then pay around 2,000 yen for shipping.
i live in the underdeveloped country of louisiana so there aren't even bike paths here
Matanonki is like the anime sensei's VA of hentai manga
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don't look
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what does that even MEAN
god damn, Haruna
can't you row a kayak through the bayou or something to work
pfft this stupid JUNGO lost her meal ticket lmfaooo
I'm gonna hit Junker with a stick, if you know what I mean.
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The final result
Yeah I had 9 sessions going when I was doing FGO, it's just the UID thing which I think is down to me using the same account I reset so they picked up on multiple sessions of the same account ID
testing if I can get that fixed now, in which case I'll look to do the same on Tuesday
are they good?
peak stacy
Jumbo should have stayed in jail where she belongs
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What's the /bag/ consensus on Junko?
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How did they get each other pregnant
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I swear I got it to work 6 months ago when I was bored enough to reroll on JP
we all love Junky
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Jimbo HATE
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You have failed yourself, Jumbo.
Junby LOVE
if you can't get cloning to work, running separate instances 100% works for re-rolling. it's just annoying because you have to download the full game every time for every instance if I remember right, but that's it
Seia fags better reach 100 affection the day she's released with all the time they had
all my wives are there
is this really just a rape arena?
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Why does she have a cowbell? What would happen if you rang it?
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>Junk-o hours
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Pretty sure her name is Junko.
it's an SNL reference
Her fever is cured
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that's right
go stand there in the corner of shame, hina
>it's just annoying because you have to download the full game every time for every instance
That'll be my last resort because of that, 7gb takes like 2m to download
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Junko diddled food, like that nigger EDP445.
I don't think these instructions have Iori's best interests in mind.
truly demons
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Neru is so cool.
Think about the children
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>Seia drops
>also expends the gift system
>Seia only likes all the new gifts
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>the day she's released
EOS first
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I love taking care of my wife!
Use AI and trace
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so it's canon that junny is teasable and bullyable
just think of steaks
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Good morning /bag/, are you ready for your PVP matches soon?
I didn't realize today was the story episode with Junko so I guess I'll be reading that first.
ok now what
>scratching my head
>all those dandruff
alright /bag/ how do i remove dandruff?
There was a Day 1 Rank 100 BHoshino, but it was kinda expected since the difference in liked gifts is so unfair.
Professor sex
Izumi sex
Scratch until there's none left
she'd moo
> Feeding junko
Hina bad.
use head & shoulders.
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>find zimbo's meal ticket
>never hand it back to her
who /devilish/ here?
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she just likes to sleep
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>0% chance of a Wakamo ASMR
Now that the dust has settled can we all agree that V1CH3 was shit?
Special shampoo, speaking of, which student is more likely to have dandruff?
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huh, never bothered looking them up for new students. it can't be that ba--
jesus fucking christ
/bag/ said head & shoulders is a scam
licking chise's retard pussy
so her ass and crotch are just on full display, huh?

>leash isn't real and holdable
Hoshino-chan's thinking about my Binah
Compare that to base Hoshino.
And then compare that to students like Ibuki and SMimori.
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Oh no.....
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i use 3 in 1 shampoo, conditioner and body wash
change your shampoo to a kind that combats dandruff
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i dont wash.
Steaks went to the right place
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No, because it gave us these flavors in my mouth sorry I mean flavors of the month
Kivotos Pro Wrestling Club when
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what's /bag/ recommended shampoo
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not all affection grinds are the same
10th most gain out of all students. Very good. SMimori has yet to be bested.
They probably had some other scalp condition
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Yuukafags don't look!
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...found it
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base hoshino i knew lacked a lot
meanwhile kuroko only has these
i just don't get it. do they have a roulette for newer units or something
Real soap genuinely feels much better
And the 3 in 1 shit is fine if your hair is short but if you ever grow longer hair and you discover good shampoo you'll never go back
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Good night, /bag/
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Go to a dermatologist
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Himari? The fuck? You're not Bluefes, get out of here.
Sorry but I'm not drawing Wakamo, that won't work
Wakamo's hairy butthole and pussy
you cute
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Change shampoo
You could consult your barber on what shampoo they'd recommend, mine suggested I try Sunlight Soap bars of all things to manage oil, but that ended up being pretty effective
no. i hate doctor, they charge a lot for something that isn't even serious
she's already 96 given these >>487949909
how long did he hoard for those gifts, i wonder
Mod one of the games and stream it
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I use generic brand shampoo and conditioner
yeah she loves a load of stuff, I was surprised
Wakamo's completely unshaven anus
At least they corrected the mistake and made the dumbbells a favourite gift. Shiroko and Sumire both have it a tier lower and it's somewhat frustrating.
This thread need some Rio
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hmmmmm nyo
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Man. Her design really flopped, huh?
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Next fes is Millennium and Himari is popular, guess what
spend your fucking ap
Imagine a bluefest Himari alt that forces them to make her a striker. I can only imagine she's gonna use something like the Abi Eshu or become friends with Rio and ride the avant garde
All it does is make your scalp feel all minty when washing but that's about it
Wakamo's hairy, pungent, tight, yummy tail
It looks pretty mild compare to Hiyori after all.
Check it again. Only Summer Shiroko loves the dumbbells.
Yeah, flopped directly into my bed
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I use name brand shampoo and conditioner
Honestly? Hinawank good
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just go to a dermatologist and ask for a proper shampoo
Good night
I ride Izuna(zergling) to work
unironically the worst summer alt design in the whole game so far
i want a doctor strangelove himari
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please, john nexon, grace us with striker himari

it'd be so funny
striker himari?
I mean vanilla shiroko (and riding shioko) and sumire. They have it as "liked"

swim shiroko and kuroko both have it as "favourite"
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Honorary Bluefes student
president of Veritas
furthermore president of the Super Phenomenon Task Force
delicate, cool, beautiful, and super genius hacker of Millennium

Akeboshi Himari
I look at your penis for 10 seconds now you pay me $100
you rike?
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mx2j really likes that face
It's the face plus being just generic casual rather than summer but still calling it a swimsuit
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It's not as if Arius is popular, or ever has been

I actually like it, but wish they hadn't called it "Swimsuit" since it's not a swimsuit at all
they look like they need to go to the bathroom NOW
you ever just get turned on by the halo alone
first anal experience
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>having hair
what a fucking scam
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>why do people say i stink??
>also /bag/
>i use body wash instead of soap
What a Jugger
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not yet
they can pee in my mouth
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I do like how much range he gave Sakurako, her expressions are pretty funny when her composure starts falling apart.
how do i reach your level?

do i WANT to reach your level?
>why do people say i stink?
nobody said that and only one person mentioned body wash and did not say that
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Which BA girl would take care of my morning wood
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fucking christ imagine waking up to this.
>Striker Himari
>Geburah raid
John please... I need kino...
as someone who had dandruff issues and doesn't anymore
I use Argan Oil of Morocco Shampoo & Conditioner
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Just set it as your phone wallpaper.
Himari and Eimi aftersex
>embargo on sin
>with that sinful body
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>bro just spend $1000 on a dermatologist so he can recommend you a $50 shampoo or soap that gives you a 1% chance of either attracting women or faggots
Post demons
No but I've started to think that it feels wrong that 2D girls DON'T have halos in default
Buenos dias Rio
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Don't forget to pat your students, bag
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Thank you, Toki.
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Is this what losers actually belive?
>saying this
>when srt(swimsuit) exist
lol lmao
There's nothing wrong with SRT swimsuits
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>tfw no gigastacy gourmet gf
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my monitor is in portrait mode and on a monitor arm
for maximum immersion and brain melting fapping
Ideal female body right there.
Nyooo... my virginity..
is that why you haven't been washing? you don't want to attract women or gays?
Haruna smell status?
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>Stripping in the middle of the office
Gunpowder and instant ramen
better to ask which wouldn't
Miyako(swimsuit) is the best in Blue Archive though. Matanonki agrees.
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>spending money on a dermatologist
I'm the stinkiest person in this thread
I want to peek underneath Iroha's skirt.
all the new vol 1 stories were great
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Can you actually do this?
I use Duke Cannon soap and whatever my barber recommends for shampoo
if i knew with a 100% certainty that there is haruna in the afterlife waiting for me, i would seriously consider blowing my head off with a shotgun, just saying
Don't do that, you'll fuck up your scalp
The cute professor.
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Who wouldn't?
it took her like 2 days

Kasumi's amazing
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I use an exfoliator to scrub my hair of gunk and grime
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>he doesn't have insurance
I just realized that Azusa has a fucking Arius logo on her regular outfit. How did Nagisa not pick up on that?
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I have nationalised healthcare
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Oh, I'm feeling it again.
>suicide to go to the afterlife
I don't think Haruna would be at the place you're going friendo
Wasn't it Ako who sucks at making coffee?
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Nagi-chan's a bit slow.
She did, hence she was sent to the Make-up Work Club.
I want to shower with BA girls and have them clean me.
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Take a shower nigger.
Who's your waifu?
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Why are YOU confused? What are you doing here! The infirmary is full!
Have you ever spent several minutes looking for something only to find it in a really obvious spot?
It's that
Students like Senseis that smell bad
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Do people really find this attractive?
I want to headpat Aru until she becomes extremely flustered
The logo on the gun I can understand, but putting a terrorist logo on your sleeve is a big red flag
Just go to your GP. It's free.
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So why did the students make paper airplanes with their wellwishes and throw them around the school hoping that Hina would pick them up?
Kasumi makes sense as she was in the prison but what about the other retards?
Post the one with eyes.
bro what do you gehenna is
I have a friend that is down bad for muscular women
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It's over for me
There's your answer. Any question about Gehenna can be answered by this.
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Completely blue board compliant picture of Eimi with all the naughty bits covered.
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what scented shampoo and body wash does bag use
i have ginseng and aloe vera shampoo and coconut body wash
so...a soapland of BA girls?
Do it
Wank her
actually schale is the soapland
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Hina is Gehenna's janny. They expect her to pick it up for free.
Given how he also posted this on another general >>487950150 thanks to the archive, it's probably some idolmaster idol
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For Sensei only
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>7-1 with my D1 CHibiki defense so far
I was honestly expecting my rank to plummet overnight but this works too.
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/bag/ doesn't shave their armpits
The soaplands are where sensei is and he's the only employee there
Gehenna revolves around Ibuki
Yostar apologized for the mahjong shit? why did it take so long?
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I did for a specialist referral. Office visit lasted less than 10 minutes, no tests or anything done. In-network with insurance.
Ended up getting billed almost $600 a few days later. (haven't yet hit deductible)
Worst of all, they weren't even cute like BA medical staff
She lifts for Sensei
post a battle
I will never shower
/bag/ is a bath general
I want Ibuki to give me a golden shower
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I just came!
Wakamo doesn't shave her armpits or pussy
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Does anyone in the game use a Hammer or is there a hammer-like model anywhere in the game. Asking for reasons. Also any sword objects in the game aside from Kaiten and Michiru's too.
Drinking Peebuki's Ibupee
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6 months ago I seethed but now after playing the event, I have to say, I'm glad Hina was wanked
>idolshit cucks raiding us in addition to fgo cucks, priconne fags and giggers
They should go back to fapping to their many ntr shit doujins and stay in their containment general.
Aris sucking my dick from underneath my desk
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Funny, I also just came.
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Please stop announcing your masturbation habits to /bag/.
Nobody cares, nobody wants to know, and frankly it's disgusting.
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It's defense so I kind of can't... no replays.
Pooper spotted
trying too hard, Hinafag
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That classroom in the event is probably the only one on the entire campus that actually gets used
i care
Yuuka shaves her armpits and pussy
Hina love
What are you masturbating to today, /bag/?
What are the odds that I get almost all of the Rabbit Platoon so soon and in their base forms no less. I got Miyako during Nutsuki's banner and Moe just yesterday. Dunno if I should finish the spark for Iroha. I could risk a Maid Momoi into the planner if I don't complete the spark.
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You're masturbating right now?
Post your hard cock as proof.
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Today, I will come to Iroha.
That's right, I'm a Hinafag NOW, I didn't use to be
NYAkari's furniture interaction.
She uses a hammer for the mochi.
A ponpon itai collection that just got decensored
Why is hina always needed for the most mundance shits
Nice, I like em clean
Is it too late to start playing now? Iroha and Rio fanarts are tempting me
she was actually quite the likeable character
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Hinapilled Itemaxxers, how are we feeling?
Yes it's too late
I haven't fapped in about a week
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Love masturbating to Mash's L2D in the sweltering summer, the hotter it is the better, really adds to the immersion desu
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It would be a lie if I said Yuuka wasn't in my thoughts while I was...
Not attracted, no, but she seems fun to hang out with
She's gonna get futa fanart....
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I can't find Junny's meal ticket...
Stop announcing to the general when you are going to go masturbate.
This is the best time to start playing actually, They're giving out 100 free rolls.
Now is the perfect time to play; there will be an anniversary banner next week.
I like finding this shit more than I did most of the actual story day bits
Maybe I should go play some game where you run around collecting shit
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Slicking my dick between Mika's perfectly shaped bosom
She was doing enko.
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I fixed Shiroko.
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Mika Jackson....
Mika Jordan....
Mika Tyson....
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You have like two days to reroll in an Iroha banner.
>Maybe I should go play some game where you run around collecting shit
Maybe once they make the controls feel good.
It's such a shame she's basically a background character and got her sexo alt back when the game wasn't popular
She's ridiculously hot but has no art
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I am going to masturbate.
with me (sensei), her only customer
Oh shit it's perfect then
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>checking if I've missed anything just one thing
what the fuck, why did they put something here? It's basically invisible
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This girl is dangerous.
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Diluting my bloodline...
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I see Iori and Karin
I am eager to racemix
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but the man she was seen with was thin and handsome? not brown, fat, and ugly?
To whom
Who the fuck wears headphones to the beach? It would get obliterated within 10 feet of seawater.

And it's not even a swimsuit.
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so she doesnt get lost
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White Boy Summer
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What's her appeal?
Come get your cuck
Rio's dense autism rainforest
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/bag/ has come to.
it's all there is, unfortunately
her body
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Suzumia alt when
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It's too hot bro, I can't masturbate
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Sexy stare
Hime cut
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Having long hair and using nice conditioner is a good formula for smelling good. The large surface area of a full head of long hair is great for holding smell particles.
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Good morning, /bag/.
Damn even Iori Hates Hina
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hanako's hair is extremely long and definitely smells nice.
That must be why girls always say I smell good...
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>was planning to get Kikyou with the selector in 6 months
>she spooked me today
Now what
She's 11
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Good night, /bag/.
Give up.
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Oh thats right. Time to look for it then.
>he thinks /bag/ is cuck free
get Renge or Kasumi or Ichika
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Should be Cherino's letter.
You can see it while you walk though, the tree just covers it when you actually get there.
Autism. Swirly eyes. Sexy body. Autism. Rio!
I will now read that event nobody talked about.

Also, I think this shit needs page numbers. We have a lot of events now.
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I'm going to masturbate to Himari
Sure thing, chang
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Which BA girl would forgive me for my sexual transgressions? (Arguably the only evil in my life save for sloth)
I was thinking what sort of joke you were trying to make here considering they both have Suzumi in their name but then I noticed that the joke is on me for accidentally adding an extra letter to Suzumi's name
Go back, chink.
I fucking love Iroha
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Yuuka. Mari
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I already have all 3... I guess I'll get Midomo in 6 months if she somehow doesn't spook me before then.
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Just turn on the aircon
Yuuka...my beloved...
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hmmm, explode I think (I got 3 minrolls)
>not the fact she has to compete with 2 bluefest units.
vgh... so bazed...
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I Iroha love fucking
>a seia gif where she doesn't mlem
a miracle
I want Kanna to breathe hot breath on my ...
a failure more like
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Don't worry anon
Suzumiya terror soon
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Literally nothing is making me seethe like people bragging about their Kikyou spooks
>Sparked that banner out of pure FOMO
>There ended up being no new purple raids in JP other than one GA (who cares) until the selector she's in.
>Now people keep getting her for free and rubbing it in
Wasted 24k to have this POS doing nothing but laying around in my cafe. I'm flaying this cat alive.
there are plenty of those
Neru huggie wuggies <3 chu chu chu!~
I want Neru to pick me up and spin me around! I'm only 170cm and 55kg! She could do it!
For the new JP selector, what's the cutoff now for who you can pick?
Starting to think I know /bag/'s masturbation habits better than my own.
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Get your PVP coins, /bag/!
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pre-order soon
But it's still grey
>skeletons in /bag/
I look quite fit, I assure you!
up to camp veritas
Are chinks the ones who lost their shit over the Mahjong collab though?
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Why do they keep portraying Iori as a jobber?
i will NOT get my PVP coins now. i will get them after the daily reset.
No one remembers Ichika anymore
Post arms.
Yeah your skin sure fit neatly with your bones.
Remember the rented truck parked in front of nexon kr hq
I can't just post myself here...
It's halal design
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Amau - 安 means "peace, cheap, low-priced."
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Imagine if my CHare was new as well... ahaha.
I'm fat, ugly, and balding.
is there a way to remove the shit club word filter?
Did you hear? Sensei of Schale apparently wears a creepy hippo costume to get hugs and kisses from a student. How shameless.
Quite literally yes because the JP and KR BA fanbase didn't give a shit. Now go back to one of those generals posted above.
Reminder that there will be a stream for global in 5 hours.

true. it's all about Sxe now
Sensei had sex with Iroha.
I made this post
Oh, she's burnt into my memory. That midriff, holding the condom in her fingers...nngh...
What's the dev talk gonna be about? Vol 5?
You sound like a tourist since you don't know what happened. Or you're still defensive about your seethe, chink
Canon hiroy
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momoi is dead...
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momoi... had a hard life.
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coom in doom
good morning dead /bag/
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i cant believe nuts is fucking dead...

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