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Previous: >>488000946

>Download - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/


>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 (JP)

>Zhu Yuan EP - "As the Sugar Cube Floats, Fleeting in Time"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-ekcFSdke8 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wsp6_mservA (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s (JP)

>Official X account

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online) - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull Tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>Damage Calculator

>ZZZ stickers

>/zzz/ Thread Template
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faction themes
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Okaeri, Onii-chan!~
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so let me get this straight.
all 3 of these bosses are only weak to ice and ether? really
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Why is Lynn such a needy slut anyway?
What does she does when she is on "vacation" with Ellen?
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Favorite OST in the game so far? For me it's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlBNz2I8LyM
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I'm going to level soukaku's chain attack
bwo, they're piss easy
weaknesses don't matter
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Luci's basics kinda feels meh though, I think the sound effect could've been better, like more batting sound rather than the weak water splashes
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She is the storm that is approaching...

does anyone know if ZhuYuan is able to get bonus from HZ events like Nekomata, Nicole etc?
Middle is weak to electric
Which agent's butthole do you want to press like a big red button that says "DO NOT PRESS"?
I have the feeling next patch they're gonna be weak to Electric and Physical.
Not that it really matters for them.
Weak to ether
Weak to electric
Weak to fire
These are the trends bro
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It's not in game to my knowledge but my favorite song is still the site music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IIg3Cfjcn4
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shiyu defense is such ass it's unreal
Nekomatas back is so sexy bros
shiyu defense is pretty boring is this the standard mihoyo end game?
Some of those are specific to certain types of characters (like small Agents being able to slip into the cracks), probably just those? I haven't seen any new ones for her at least.
She gets better rewards out of the vending machine events, and her rest event disables traps on the next floor. I would assume she does something with the pubsec tiles too but I haven't encountered one with her yet.
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Edgy teen Lycaon...
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fucking lazy niggers
I fucking love this trust event. Shes so fucking retarded its adorable
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does Quingyi wear underwear?
I get my ass handed to me by the level 50 marionnettes
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>stutters in text messages too
what the FUCK is her problem
Yeah that one really gave me those JRPG vibes. Really cool stuff. The game has a remarkably varied soundtrack.
It's solid.
immense dick deficiency that only (you) can fix
No, the police uniform is just painted on too.
Does she even have a pussy?
of course not! shes nakey at all times
No. Why would a robot wear underwear? Shes like a barbie doll underneath her clothes
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>bog standard DPS race
Yes this is their endgame
After all the complaints they've gotten over the years, they still haven't changed it
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corin RAPE
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yo check this shit out
god i wish that was me
>tfw no kot
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jesus christ i weep for you anon
Never paid on mobile can i just login and pay with google bucks?
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Only booty cop owners may post past this point!
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Is Qingyi a must pull for Zhu Yuan?
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SAVED account
I want Corin to rape ME.
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Neko OWNS you
When is Shiyu resetting?
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Look at them go
>all left to do is SD
what now
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genshin abyss is slightly more interesting because you have to play 3 stages in a row without modifying your team, but it's still a chore all the same by the end of the day
what really makes it slop is when they start designing enemies that don't even try to fight you and just evade you to run down the timer
Bed breaking, baby making sex with Ellen
This anon is kotMAXXING
And not even the ball, thats just unusual cruelty.
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Need medabot idol wife
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I wonder if there will ever be a mention of the relationship between predator therin species and prey therin species
Like would deer therins be naturally afraid of wolves like that one guy was afraid of BB? Do cow therins hate Anby because of how much burger she eats?
Reminder people actually wanted MORE endgame in p2w single player gachatrash

Play a real game you fucking failures, gachas should be about fun events and comfy farming. Or give us, you know, actual multiplayer raids.
ok but you're not allowed to touch her plump butt.
>what really makes it slop is when they start designing enemies that don't even try to fight you and just evade you to run down the timer
Thanatos is already in the game
I need a doujin like this but with Corin
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i hope they make a knight faction but it's looking grim with caesar already taking the sword and shield combo + king title
To procreate? To make her a mum and my wife?
No. She's chained to Nicole who already gives her her core. It could be any stunner. Like Anby to give the team +25% Ether damage.
i am, actually. she said it was okay
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post your police
Built for Grace.
Anby's spats needs to be shorter
>0 pen ratio
holy shit, stop
>stirrup peek
she used to wear a thong….
Anby needs to wear no spats and flash me her fat autistic pussy under her skirt when she does her flips.
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still missing 4 gold discs
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>>corrin is corrin
That won't do. Elaborate you piece of shit.
Are you not supposed to build crit rate on her or what?
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bruh I have full gold disk set on her and your cdmg is like 40% more
do you have her sig or something?
>that webm
That is absolutely insane evolution. It took seeing a still of the snake to understand that yeah there is no insect on his tail, its just a ridiculously good bait,
Does the Nicole pussy slip webm get you banned?
read her passive she gets 35% for free
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She gets like 30% from her passive but you get like 60% crit dmg from the ether set. Just build her 1:2 like everyone else with those accounted for.
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got 6 gold okdiscs and figured that was good enough
most of them had att and crit dmg, then got anomaly prof, ether dmg, and hp as the main stats
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post it and we'll see
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That body is built for breeding, and raping me
Why don't streamers want to play our game?
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Post your MAIN
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Miyabi and expy waiting room
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they don't want you to know this but the charging bangboo are free to take, all you have to do is claim one
No content
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I feel like this event ended a stage too early. Where's the big final stage that combines all the previous icedrift gimmicks together? Where is my CONTENT?
mihomo is paying them to play hsr
The TV mode does not make good TV
>single player game infested with cutscenes to hide how little playable content there is
yeah i wonder why
what are the best neko teams
>Wanting something to do with the characters you already farmed for is bad
Not everyone is a filthy casual like you, I can't imagine what you would be like as a teammate in a multiplayer game if your takes are this retarded about easy games.
unironically because zzz requires actual gaming skill to be good and they dont want to be laughed at and backseat gamed
same shit as when cucktone played wuthering waves
>hey guys this game is amazing and the combat is amazing!!
>when am i going to actually play the combat? well im more of an exploration guy so not anytime soon!!
Bwo both the Friendship Supervision and Watch your step event were last second events that they had to scramble together..
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Torpedo Ghost Bunny Maid
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is this grammatically accurate I genuinely can't tell
lucy+piper or anby+nicole
The second one is more soulful because the first one will just end up being piper hypercarry with kot moral support
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This clip from the ZZZ beta.
with inverted nipples*
>your takes are this retarded about easy games
most multiplayer games aren't easy, that's the point retard
>Not everyone is a filthy casual like you
"hardcore" gacha player
I need to build my shock team...
You want her in the 35-50% range, if you go above that you'll start overcapping with Nicole M6
The guys you linked don't have enough though
Farming for WHAT? You need the endgame to be hard for the farming to feel worthwhile. It already feels pointless to farm 40 CV artifacts when the endgame is as piss easy as it is. Oh great I get to look at this shiny artifact that has no real actual effect on my account's power level. Why am I farming? You might as well pick mint.
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>anons itt got stuck on some of the event puzzles
This is why waterkuma was fired...
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yes, we had prepared is past perfect
>Don't get tons of S rank characters like everyone else
>Don't get every S rank bangboo easily like everyone else
>Don't get S rank w engines like everyone else
>Don't have god rolls like everyone else
>Just be lucky LOL
>Bad account seed LOL
How am I supposed to tolerate this and not feel terrible? What's the point of playing if I'm always going to be inferior?
>mole forgotten
I can't fap to this...
Please dawei Piper on next shop let me unbrick
kill yourself psychopath
fuck you subhuman, go play an MMO if you want to torture other players
there will be no coop exclusive combat content retard, the ZZZ playerbase hates coop and hates endgame content, thinking that MHY would waste time creating content exclusive to the extreme minority of tryhards who are also coop subhumans is extreme and laughable cope
fuck multiplayer as a concept
>Types ahahahahahahahahaha about something he made up
I'm glad your opinions will never influence the design decisions for this game
>we had prepared
Nothing wrong.
does lvl difference between the enemy and agents effect daze rate?
Power is power
I can promise that no one gives a single fuck about your chinkswipe abyss clear, but they might be jealous of your units
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>idle camera zooms in on ass
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Only people with good rolls post their shit, it all evens out in the end.
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squishy robot
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lifelike texture...
I lost...
I really really like Anby
so does qingyi have a robot anus or..?
This is a codeword which means braindead and devoid of any challenge for people who have anxiety about how bad they are at videogames
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>Hollows walkthroughs
That's pretty funny
They really struck gold with ass cop
hope that means we'll see more shapely designs like hers in the future
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>want to get some hormone punk for a support for stronger buffs
>get this

At least that S6 disk looks really good. ATK% with crit dmg, crit rate, pen, and hp.
I'm just saying if they were to introduce more endgame, the only way it would be acceptable is equalized multiplayer

you're glad that they'll yolo add another 5 hollow zero and SD game modes no one asked for just to shill new characters and the game will die like HSR and genshin? Cope harder nigger
My luck with actual agents is shit and I still only have two S characters, but I got ultra lucky on bangboo for some reason and I already have five SRankboos
I'm thinking of just becoming a pokemon trainer
Wise or Fairy wrote that as a side hustle didn't they?
i’m not posting mine because it’s so godseed coded that i’m worried about what that one anon will do if he sees it
Don't compare your account to other peoples. Do you have units you like and are you having fun? That's what matters. The game just came out so accounts that got lucky early will look better, but it evens out over time. It's a pay2win game anyways, just spend if you want more stuff.
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She is such a bad bitch it's unreal
Most players haven’t even gotten to ballet twins. There will be more combat content in this game compared to Genshin. Whats here is already harder mechanically.
>This is a codeword which means braindead and devoid of any challenge for people who have anxiety about how bad they are at videogames
no, the word you're looking for is "gacha game"
we lost so much after the redesign..........
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What element are harumasa and yanagi?
What the fuck is a robot anus?
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bros... did our game get censored!?
Electric 100% they're already in the game.
>the pool is about to get pozzed with an A rank defense twink
Do your standard rolls NOW
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Is Robot girl a good stunner like Lycoan or a weird stunner like Koleda?
>What's the point of playing if I'm always going to be inferior?
what are you even playing gacha if this is your attitude? you will always be inferior to paying customers.
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Why do they use video casettes when they clearly have better storage mediums at hand?
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what a fucking asshole trying to blame give change, i know he did nothing wrong, just look at him
They are hipsters.
>Do you have units you like and are you having fun?
NO! I'm NOT having fun. I haven't had fun since I first played FFXIV around 5 years ago. I think I'm depressed.
It would make sense for them to both be lightning and support each other.

Just like Miyabi being ice to work with oni girl
She gives a stun multiplier bonus so she can't possibly be bad, but I doubt she's surpassing the knot in Ellen teams
Just hit Inter-knot 36.
Do I prefarm promotion mats or gear farming to try get correct main stat discs?
Is electric the homosexual element?
wideyabi my beloved
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Way ahead of you
first time i seen breakdancing in a game where you'd think you would see some
That's rough bwo. What would you rather be doing in your free time?
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honestly crazy how little ether characters they're adding
why the fuck is miyabi ice, she even has that little ether ghost thing floating around her
glad I copped the cop
they dont play flops
Electric more like elecbrick
>constant ctd on launch
anyone else getting this? worked fine until this morning
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I do hope they hurry up and add another endgame mode ASAP
I already dropped genshin years ago because consecutive months of nothing to do but spiral abyss is fucking TORTURE
I don't know, anon. The only one thinking about dicks in the entire thread is you.
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People brag about the things that are good not that are bad. Me I lost the 50/50 for Zhu. Hoarded all that I could for her. Now am fucking broke. It happens.
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Am I dropping 50 on Zhu Yuan?
>Anby with her GF Niclole
>Qingyi with her GF Zhu Yan
100% homo element
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Miyabi is the fucking avatar, she has every element in her particles
Maybe it’ll come up later or I’ve misunderstood something but I’m surprised no one ingame has brought up the fact that the mysterious Masked monster has to be something that pre-date the fall of Eridu and the existence of hollows and ether.

Like yea what’s coincidence that Belobog and Khors before the disasters were involved with the same monument that just so happened to have had a monster stuck inside of it and it was only able to come out because we misunderstood the Protoypes messages and took it away from continuing to prop up “the seal”.
Eyes not far apart enough
Fuck off, I don't want more mandatory chores to do
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/zzz/ wants to fuck THIS?
Is Steam oven REALLY better than Anby's signature on Anby herself?? I'm 40 into her signature and I'm thinking of switching
Bro... you're supposed to EXPLORE THE WORLD in Genshin!!
>AI touchup filter turns off mid-stream
made for hotdogging
Having sex with Ellen all day while her friends are at school!
Anyway to not get filtered by the constant button mashing? I fell asleep while trying to play this yesterday
I don't know and I don't care. Not using signature is extra soulless in this game because you lose the hair particles.
wish she'd drop her 50lb ASS on my face
Yeah I want them to add TV puzzle endgame where you play 99x99 hard minesweeper
Her eye are so far apart so she has a wider field of vision to spot prey
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Honestly I like the chill vibe tracks the most
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You stop doing exp quests, stop farming mats, you just farm discos from 35 to 40 or you'll brick your account
The only tasks that give you account exp that you should complete from 35 to 40 are event and dailies / weeklies
It's not worth switching at this point. Wasted resources.
promotion mats, purple discs is good enough, and 40-45 still level your characters and farm some discs, save batteries for 45+ discs
Literally every A rank stun wengine in this game is dogshit, so no.
reroll for S11
I'm just hoping she and easily replace Anby my current Zhu team. It doesn't make sense for my to slot Lycaon in there even though I have him
>and the existence of hollows and ether
I don't know what about it makes you so sure that the masked monster is more than like a hundred years old. It was confirmed to have traces of a human suit or dna or some shit.
Dangerously based
Play Billy and hold the button instead
How do you take those off without tearing them? You can't pull the tail through the hole because it'd stretch out the ass part.
>Ellen, zhu yuan, jane, ceasar
Good designs
>Qingyi, harumasa, yanagi, miyabi
Looks like 4-stars
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>patch drops
>take 5 days to explore the open world
>maybe a week and a half tops to get everything
>then do nothing for 6 months except minigame events and spiral abyss
>repeat on next 'new area' patch
open world gacha are a fucking meme and nobody can convince me otherwise
If you actually want her to stun something way faster then yes, steam oven is better
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I swear that pussy looks more swollen each time this picture is posted
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i really hope for beachside hub with summer themed events
dont disappoint mihoyo
bros... I wasted all my resources and this is the best stats I can get on her...
I'm testing her on lvl 70 mobile suit robot at lvl 40 both Anby and W engine and feel fine daze-wise already
I'm not gonna change the Electric dmg to anything else. Endgame is putting AP on your stunner.
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>I want movies about le old times!!
>Recommend her movie about old times
>No I don't like it it's new movie
Bitch fuck off and don't ever come to my rental ever again. Dumb whore. You came 3 times and every time you don't like anything.
Bangoo Suicide Bomber when?
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I was gonna do girls only but then I remembered that B is for Billy
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shin eri-to no chikara ni nattekureru souuu
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Kissing the police on the lips?
It's nylon just take them off carefully. All sex isn't rough you weirdo learn to have a soft touch
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>have m6 ben and nicole already
>still no zy 120 rolls deep
yeah im thinking its over
dont listen to these retards
save batteries until you hit 40, don't farm S discs until you hit 40
get your characters skills and everything maxed before farming S discs
only worry about getting your DPS to 50 first cause you'll probably only have enough to get 2-3 characters to 50 before you run dry
>ellen skips school so she could spend the day with us
how is ellen the most for (you) out of everyone?
I miss for honor... back when it was a good game
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I would play it if it was actually an open world exploration game but in actuality it's wordslop and toddler minigames. You don't get to explore without doing the stupid quests with constant walls of text
Don't you enjoy exploring and find hundreds of chests with 5 gems in each one?
the trick is to not overthink what they're asking for and just give them the highest level of whatever genre they're asking about
I hate this thing so much, it's unreal
I have Solider 11 and Grace Howard which is why I’m trying to enjoy it.
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still leveling...
skipping ZY for jane even though zy+qingyi will probably be a way better team
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surely she won't fuck kissing up, right? RIGHT???
I don't know anymore. Life isn't what I thought it would be. Things are getting worse. I don't want to know how much worse it will get.
I didn't expect the cop to get the most porn
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Yes, it is. Her signature gives you more dps, but less EX attacks and less daze. Steam oven gives you more EX attacks and more daze, but less DPS. It's also universal unlike the sig so you can slap it on any other stunner you happen to luckshit into.
You can test it yourself in VR mode, you simply daze way faster with the oven.
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Not being able to actually watch any of the tapes is honestly peak sovllessness ngl desu senpai
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I'm also not convinced. Has a CC tranny not posted side by side comparisons yet?
Fontaine was pretty good about letting you explore it without engaging with the wordslop. I hope Natlan will be the same, because I'm done with playing any Genshin quests until they add a skip button (lol, lmao).
Uuhhhhh proof?
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Hurt hoyofags make talking about genshin their whole personality. Nigga you're playing a different game let it go.
I don’t understand the hype around this whore, her design does nothing for me.
Farm discs. Once you have the right mainstats, even if they're purple, for your main team and leveled them up then you can start pre-farming if you want to, but only for your main DPS/anomaly really. Being able to craft disc sets at the shop means it won't take as long as you'd think to get a full purple set. You don't really need to level the HP or DEF locked mainstat discs.
I'm not talking about sex you fucking freak, there's no way to take those off without tearing them or stretching them out. Just because they're nylon doesn't mean they won't get stretched out and ruined.
I wish that was my dick...
>Finish hollow zero combat in exactly 3:00
>A rank
same here
i have shit characters and engines and even bangboos
i really badly want ben and nicole's engines, but i just know i will get crap i dont need from that banner so i am not gonna roll in it
Well, what design turns you on, Anon?
they're the new HI3 fags LMFAO
no cheating bwo
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>open world gacha are a fucking meme and nobody can convince me otherwise
its funny seeing people drop WuWa for this exact same realization
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anby's signature is intentionally underpowered since you get it for free instead of from gacha
>get your characters skills and everything maxed
Now this is a retard you should avoid listening to.
Do NOT try maxing every ability/coreskill at lvl 40, get everything to lvl 5/6, perhaps 7/8 for your dps, then leave everything and start disk farming. Save some batteries for disk upgrade mats too because you will need them. After level 50 is when you can start giving consideration to maxing out everything, those final levels dont add up to much and wont help you at all at lvl 40.
Fontaine had Meropide which was possibly the worst story section of any game I have ever played.
I wonder what she'll look like if you remove her eyes
I'm cute
Even if she stuns faster by 5 seconds I'm not gonna switch. Free electric damage is free electric damage and I'm gonna pop that Shock with my AP Nicole black hole and Zhu's help.
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We're getting a Crayon Shin Chan collab
just buy Nicole's engine for $1 bro
I taught Ellen this position
Miyabi has unique beauty
>tfw blew through all the open world stuff in the first week and have been doing nothing but log in -> dailies -> spend stamina since jinhsi banner
im dropping it bwos
Yeah Genshin open world sucks. But no character in this gacha has ripped money out of my wallet like Furina did.
Yeah but nothing important was in there that wasn't tied to quests, you could ignore it and still enjoy Fontaine
I'm talking about shit like Sumeru where even random common chests in the overworld are locked behind aranara/desert/whatever-the-fuck progress
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Do you pick up?
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Da ba dee da ba dai?
>hugo vlad
>victoria housekeeping
who made this crap? he was only shown in lycaon's story as flashback
doesn't mean he is part of his faction
she's so mid
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what do we think is the context for this?
Why didn't we get this instead?
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It's fucking obnoxious no matter where you go they won't shut up.

>boy in shorts
>but they call it a female
wow, so cool
>looking for more fanarts
people are really going to make furry shit and put an alien monster dick on a cute girl like but draw the line on incest huh
weird line but okay?
BillyGODS continue to rise
Yes, with tongue.
Wuwa is much better than Genshin though.

>Genshin MSQ
>Town cutscenes after town cutscenes
>town cutscenes

Meanwhile new Wuwa patch
>story actually leads you into the new area and uses it quite well. Not everything of course, you can do that later, but quite a bit.
>area goes through changes after story and resolving the issues

This is how it should be done. But Genshin's story doesn't care about the world, so instead they do those half assed world quests. It's so.. scuffed. You are supposed to travel around for adventures, but that never really happens.
She looks like a fucking jester
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Having a rough start can feel bad but it'll even out in the long run. I hope you like the base game and have characters you're looking forward to, otherwise you should probably cut your losses and get out before the sunk cost fully sets in. On the whole you'll be happier if you find something better to do.

I got lucky on the Bangboo banner of all things. Didn't feel very lucky.
Don't worry guys
There are many open world gacha scheduled to release soon
2024/2025 will be year of open world gacha
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>open world gacha
Yeah... no thanks. If youve played genshin youve played them all and Genshin is not a good game.
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That's actually much better. I'd roll for that unironically whereas i'm not even considering current Miyabi.
That nun with the big fuck off hammer and huge tits feels like she'd be in the same faction with the vampire. Was her faction ever datamined?
>please play my game saars
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hopefully I won't still be burned out on them by the time promilia releases
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Why are you guys still crying about Genshin, a game entering it's 4th year of life in 2 months. Stop talking about old shit
Good taste
Neverness to Everness OR Project Mugen, nobody is gonna play both
Then Azur Promilia

there aren't any others to consider
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>Zenless Zone Zero General
>Nonstop talk about genshin, HSR and Wuwa
Cant you niggers just go back to your dead generals?
open world is only good when developers put actual effort into the overworld, like gta
the fact people are still playing gta 5 more than a decade later is really a shameful reminder to all the open world developers in the market that they simply suck at creating an engaging world players can immerse themselves into
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I play zhu+enby+nicole and corin+koleda+lucy in shiyu. I am currently stuck on floor 4 because the second team takes 4x longer to clear (my zhu and corin have same investment). Is there any character I can build in the next 3 days to get my polychromes or am I doomed until next dps banner?
I can't wait to skip all of them but still call them all trash to make sunk cost retards seethe.
for me? it's arknights endfield
kill yourself psychopath
I would never play unplayable MMO trash like WuWa
every coop subhuman should leave to play that cancer and never return though
it has everything you disgusting scum want: mandatory forced coop for artifacts, mounts, korean MMO-level grind and high difficulty endgame content for tryhard whales
go play that evil trash instead of trying to destroy Genshin
fuck multiplayer as a concept
What's happening here? Why is lucy's shoes smoking?
Having Anby as my only stunner is really miserable
does anyone here even play the game
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>lvl 65 doesn't even give increased boss mats
this is what the game feels like in the higher shiyu levels
Still worth playing if I didn't start in the first week? I couldn't download it and gave up.
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hey so far this general feels very straight
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>Azur Promilia
gonna try Azur for sure. It looks more polished than the others
Farm relics
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So, did this game redeem itself or not?
Bro your Grace?
i wonder if hoyo will also jump into the urban open world trend since they have already put out this urban themed game
regardless, the future of gaming will be very kino soon
so many urban themed open world games coming up
i am definitely going to pick up gta 6 and dokev, maybe mugen if it has character customization
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Not considering any of these, they all look like shit.
not yet
No everyone knows if you miss a single month of a gacha you may as well just never install or play it because you'll never cope with the fact that other people are a full month ahead of you.
May as well just delete it now
wake up and smell the bacon
>make 10 ether discs
>all the 4 5 and 6 slot discs are either HP or DEF
saars I will redeem a needle in daweis cookie
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Look at my future girlfriend
this dude is using cheat engine, right? my ellen with exact same stats and gameplay is 1+ minute slower than this
no other reason to hide damage numbers.
ok I laughed
The calydon team is a real stretch, but the others make sense.
The chinks are based.
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>talking with grace about general chop
>"General Chop is a nice girl."
Excuse me?
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My corin has better relics than zhu. She has all correct mainstats and 12 crit rolls and still clears 4 times slower...
>dont have an interest in rolling for ellen and zhu yuan(nice ass)
>get farther into the game
>want roll just for cinema dupes and decent a-rank engines to make higher end levels less time consuming
So that's how it is huh
Why do people listen to this guy? I only need to hear "you don't need to build def on a def scaling character" to know he is full of shit
Why are these designs so generic and uninspiring? Star rail gets all the good shit unfair
Alright, thanks.
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Was waterkuma actually fired or not
I'm going to cum on your girlfriend's glasses
Jane Doe is confirmed no longer police and is a faction called Rover
Yeah... you can keep her anon
Source: you can trust me bro I would never spread misinformation through the interwebs
I don't know
zhu is like the only ether character coming in the next year practically so you should roll for her anyways
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StandardChads ww@
most shit taste in this thread right now
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My poor, old heart...
I don't know, can you repeat the question.
I don't even think her face is that bad, she just lacks details. Should have been a kemono/kemonomimi too.
Yeah, I would still cum on her glasses.
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>3 weeks to fully upgrade a character's core passive
>3 weeks to fully upgrade the thing that is integral to how the character actually plays
>literally the "core" skill
That is by far the dumbest fucking decision they've made with the leveling system. There's already the Hamster Cage Pass for the regular skills. If they wanted there to be a weekly sink like the NH than it should've been reserved for the other skills.
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its too far gone. zzz tried to be different than genshin but that lead to the timeline where genshin was bad
So is there nothing to do after dailies, stamina dump, event, hollow zero cap, and hunt?
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I wish I was new to Genshin, imagine opening the game and having 700 hours worth of content
Why is she flustered and crying?
>Should have been a kemono/kemonomimi too.
Her design isn't bad because she's not furry. Kill yourself.
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Tragic or deserved?
okay understandable
why did you keep going?
no he was promoted
>the timeline where genshin was bad
Current one?
>700 hours of content
>600 of those hours are spam clicking through novels of text which is ultimately meaningless and could have been summarised in a single 10 second exposition
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Here are your upcoming A rank rate-ups for the next 3 patches
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because he is /our guy/
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>anons phone autocorrected to enby
I know what you are anon
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>brown skin
>700 hours worth of content
>100 hours worth of chinkslop unskippable braindead story
>600 hours of collecting pennies from same looking chests, behind same looking puzzles, on same looking copy pasted environments while you exhaust stamina every 2 seconds
wow content!
500 hours of that being an unskippable VN repeated by a shrill flying baby
I want to fuck her nipples
Yes, he got replaced with Icekuma who wants to make every character of the ice element
lucy RAPE
nekomata RAPE
corin RAPE
belle RAPE (consensual)
consensual sex with Anby in the missionary position with the sole purpose of procreation
most ironic post in this thread right now
Yes, there's nothing to do after you clear all the content
Now go take a shower
>Anby on the same banner that will kill her
>Piper on the same banner that will kill her (until Burnice releases)
This is obviously your conjecture but if its true its grim
dang I didn't wanna roll for lolicop but I really wanna max my anby and billy
Harumasa is going to be the biggest flop banner, comes right after Jane and right before Yanagi and Miyabi
You just made that up
Wise is just a good brother
Belle is the weird one
You can't refute this

I like standard.
It's a good thing this is retarded and full of things they wouldn't do or i'd be seething.
not really
alternatively he's not mentally ill and he's just ESL and enby is the phonetical pronunciation of anby in his langauge
If I wanted to play open world games, I’d play the GOAT’S Zelda, RDR2, Witcher 3, Minecraft, Ghost of Tsushima, GTA V (and VI soon) and Elden RING
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alright this is it for me this cycle, I'll full clear the next one
i don't like any of the s-ranks :/
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Harumasa is an A rank retard.
We still don't know if Miyabi is S rank or if she's still A rank like she was in the beta.
yes, you missed the brick banner (ellen) so you're ok to start playing right now.
This is 100% true, even your dailies are minutes of text dump slop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaGR6gwbE0I
>try to levle second squad
>immediately out of exp thingies
Is it expected? I'm not even at 50 cap yet...
>touma looking ass as the only homo banner
what the fuck are they thinking
I don't care if they're mentally ill they're my cute anon
they know people will roll for Lucy instead of homo
look at his 4 stars retard
Seriously? Not even an a-rank ether attacker in the next few patches?
don't worry
it gets worse at 50
post bricks
Cop and Shark have basically taken over the arts which is good for me because I like both
She look lame despite using a Naginata, the most badass of Japanese weaponry.
Can someone explain to me with an honest answer, is billy just cracked in raw numbers? Solo billy seems like it just does more than a fully invested grace team that I have
zhu yuan panders to incels
Insane kit
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Stop being such a fucking drama queen. The players probably just hit the skip butt-
funny you say that because Genshin dailies now are 5 seconds long, kek
Give it to me straight.
Is he okay?
Guess I'm saving up
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Imagine the sex
>Blind samurai with spirit (that is a literal eye)
Does this gacha respect your time?
Tail care with Ellen
How do you make billy work? I have him with Puffer electro, street superstar and Nicole and he is still weak.
why did he do it bros?
It actually does
I am fortunately ESL
Is she as fast at sex as she is at combat?
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I wish Genshin never existed
I know we wouldn't be here if it didn't, but Genshin has done severe harm to the mental well being of a lot of you silly mother fuckers and I want you to shut up and be ok
>even your dailies
You don't need to do dailies anymore, just using your resin count to get the reward now.
After 4 years. Thankfully ZZZ players didnt have to trudge through a thousand hours of it before the bare minimum of QoL was added
>We still don't know if Miyabi is S rank
Why would they dedicate multiple trailers and in-game cutscenes to hype an A rank character? Your logic is astounding.
Thats how it should be.
Look at the section 6 designs, sis.
It's over. He left but not before giving us the idols.
May he rip in peace.
She looks like she should count her chromosomes.
>Zhu Yuan and Rina not in S
>Lucy in B
Garbage list
Well, seems like I will have to buy lucy cons from the shop. I am not risking getting a m*le 5* on my account
It takes way longer than 5 seconds just to boot up the game. I dropped nikke because of load times alone.
Why do they call it "Nightvision mode" when it's clearly astral projection? Censorship?
>electromagnetic energy body ejecting out of the physical body
>is disrupted by EMPs
>Dailies are very short
>Energy usage can be condensed down into singular fights and customised so you can spend it on exactly what you want all at once
>Hollow Zero is 5x 20 min runs every week for all rewards
>Shiyu Defense requires heavy time and farm investment
>No way to save up battery charge or condense it so missing a single day is bad.
I would say if you're a casual then yes it respects your time.
Yeah he told me last week
The "idols" aren't even real characters.
>Hollow Zero is 5x 20 min runs every week for all rewards
your 15 runs bro?
Since you're a retard you probably didn't play the beta. Guess what rank she was there.
>Not using signature is extra soulless in this game because you lose the hair particles.
That’s not actually true as long as you own the signature you can turn the effect on or off
Billy is literally the most selfish agent in the game, his kit gives him no synergy with others
His kit entirely relies on him being ON field all the time to rack up damage, if you switch him out, he is worthless
If you get C4 billy, you are practically unkillable while dealing damage so long as you know how to dodge(not everyone in this shithole can dodge for some reason), this racks up the longer you stay on crouching shot while abusing dodge
If we ever get a SOLO mode, Billy is the agent you would go, he does not rely on anyone and Soukaku/Nicole/Rina and others buffs are negligible
C4, his EX practically deals 1/2 daze of a stunner's EX daze, other attack agents would be jelly because why is a dps/attacker racking up daze?
You aren't even a real character.
kek that made me laugh
Call Hoyo schizo, they are the ones including references to Aleister Crowley and the Ars Goetia in their games.
this is hard sci-fi, con artist pseudoscience like that doesn't belong here
to be fair zzz loadtimes are longer than genshin
Miyabi is a very early design, like very early. Section 6 absolutely could just be the residual remains of the typical genshin team meddling rather than a sign of things to come.
If 1.4 is similar hoyoslop designs I'll be quite upset.
Where is this option?
only waterkino designs left are the idols and qingyi? grim if true
Rats have 42 chromosomes and humans 46 so she has either too many or not enough
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Comfy time with my sister
He's still there designing. Not sure why people think he got fired. The vtubers are clearly his design.
You need his Cinema 2. It completely changes his playstyle
does enemy health scale with the number of people in the squad?
It's also not great on mobile. That's a huge consideration when it comes to gacha games. I dropped wuwa pretty quickly because it's pretty much unplayable on my phone.
A fucking huge tumbler in the equip windows
The vtubers were one of the first designs they had and were scrapped before fans ended up loving them when they saw their concept art.
>c1 kolela + big ben combo pretty much stuns everything in one rotation
>anby feels like a wet noodle in comparison
Anby bros how do I make my burger queen better
do noddle buffs work in sd?
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>literally the opinion of a single nigga on 4chan
>I will trust this person with my life and all previous information is now wrong
wat set does she want
Why do people post this like it's a leak list when it's just a list?
it does work in hollow zero though, so eat up for your 11/11 run
??? They appeared between the Closed Betas
No, general chop is a worthless nigger
Do I look like a retarded middle school girl to you? I am NOT interacting with Tumblr in any shape, form, or fashion.
>the warmachine meant to nuke people on his own has his gameplay force him go solo to do damage
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Should’ve been “Wanna have sex together?”
How's that Anton team?
When you go into a mission or HZ, you will notice on the top right that it shows your noodle buff if you have one active next to the team synergy smiley faces.
If it does not show in the top right while making your team, then it is not applied. It does not show in Shiyu.
HoYo is going for a diversified portfolio.

Genshin Impact
>medieval/renaissance fantasy
>PC focused
Honkai Star Rail
>space sci-fi
>mobile focused
Zenless Zone Zero
>urban, cassette futurism
>console/controller focused

Astaweave Haven
>rural, pastoral modern
>Switch focused
it's the same with nekomata, it's just retards trying their underleveled and underinvested characters in endgame content and thinking they suck when they can't clear it
>earliest designs
No they weren't...
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He is bad
If you want an agent to be considered good, they'd have to have good stats without relying on heavy investments
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i dont like sharp teeth, make her look bri ish
lmao sci-fi
Does this game ever stop shilling ice?
explain how HSR is dying or even coming close to to genshits nosedive
>Honkek Shart Fail
Call it space fantasy or space opera or whatever you want faggot.
Label doesn't really matter when the aesthetic is there.
The only thing I'm glad for is that HoYoVerse doesn't go for the bland generic techwear that seems to be so popular in other gacha nowadays.
Zenless Zero somehow manages to incorporate more unique fantasy and sci-fi elements than either of the other two games combined.
>If you get C4 billy, you are practically unkillable while dealing damage so long as you know how to dodge
Isn't that C2? I've never actually bothered to read his kit until now and C2 sounds really broken.
It’s funny to think of Lycaon being a regular thugger before becoming a wolf man of refined etiquette and peak professionalism. The housekeeping business must be no joke.
Isn't that counterintuitive?
Rolling the gacha depending on your luck is already a pretty heavy investment
that's the final stage so no, it's all ice/ether
the only endgame-ish thing that doesn't is withering garden
Wise cuck scenarios gogogo
The ice/ether shilling will be replaced by electric/phys shilling in 1.1 dont worry
oh so I'm S tier now, took you long enough, my anons
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he's so cool except when playing soccer
HSR and Genshin are both just fantasy.
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so how much attack does soukaku need for this not to be a worthless buff?
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tentacle jackal wife when??
I hope he had a elderly butler mentor who taught him everything he knows, we get to meet at some point.
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>HSR ded
>Le 4chan thread used by pags is slow
Yes, they initially didn't plan to make the vtubers into full characters, but when they saw the positive fan response they rehired Waterkuma and now they are making them again.
You clearly haven't kept up with the Waterkuma lore.
nta but you want c3 or 4 for stats because billy has abysmal mutipliers, this lets him do damage similar to c0 srank agents, of course he'd get outdps if those srank agents are c4 tho lmao
ZZZ is hardly that good about being a console game. It has too much menu scrolling for its liking but if you play it on mobile, the combat isn’t as satisfying.
I care about your tranny autobattler.
it's ok, specially against shock weak enemies, it's also very flexible too you can just switch Anton with Corrin, Billy or Zhu Yuan and still get full synergies.
2500 at max core passive.
Around 2700 before its maxed out
>worse dps than corin
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The side-scrolling menus and multi-click menus with buttons in different places feel bad on PC.
The combat is best on console.
Left trigger and right trigger for swaps are way better than C and spacebar.
I don't even know if you can choose who to swap to on mobile outside of parries.

Plus, you get into shit like Nicole's hidden tech and it's obvious that combat was designed for controller.
Another day that I missed the Ellen Banner. Why even play this game?
Corin's (theoretical) DPS is so high!
Anyone play on PS5? How is it
If I say this with genshin you'd say it was true when it equally isn't true
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They were shown in the faction introduction on the release stream, shitposter-kun.
Im not gay but i wanna choke on Lycaon's knot
Who are the QQniggers of /zzz/? Billyfags or Corinfags?
I'd only build him for the memes anyways, but it's nice to know that he's actually viable.
dawei here, I'm having sex with waterkuma
Belle actually has a massive hyena clit.
When they're double-teaming Nicole, Wise can feel Belle pushing down on his cock from inside the dirty debt-dodging Demara anus.
>The combat is best on console.
You know you can just plug a controller into your PC, right?
Where are these girls' diapers?
He and Anton are on a similar boat, their kits start to make sense at C2 but they have dogass stats, C3 corrects that and C4+ makes them "decent"
>but anon, the chinks are showing anton clearing higher end SD!
Those are C6 antons, go on, try C2 anton, he hits like a wet noodle
brick character
Slight dips in Lumina square everything else is a solid 55-60 FPS.

Game was designed for consoles.
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I hope miyabi is ice too so that ice shilling is frequent
Anyone have that police brutality meme video from twitter with ass cop?
*cums uncontrollably*
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I really dont understand controllerbros. Its so nice to have quick mouse flicks against certain mobile enemies and I dont get the rationale behind wanting stick movement unless you really lean hard into fighting game autism
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Retard here, how am I supposed to get rolls for the standard banner? (Without spending polys of course) I was under the impression that limited rolls were something you saved for and the Standard banner currency was given out more freely, but so far it feels like the gray tapes are rarer than the rainbow tapes
>virtual idols
>flesh streaming
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I never said genshin was ded bwo. It's not as popular as it used to be but it ain't ded
attack on leftclick is disgusting
but you can rebind it so I play 90% on kb
sci-fi as a genre exists to explore the impact of technology on humans.
star rail is not sci-fi, the technology in that game is just decoration for the plot, the story itself has nothing to do with science fiction, it's just basic fantasy.
No 120fps option? Shame
Lycaon was actually a human before? I thought he called himself a werewolf but was just an expression?
Nah I play this shit mostly on ps5
it's good, some dips here and there but largely smooth. There's no resource check at the boot up if that matters to anyone
You don't. It is rarer.
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>Do Withering Garden.
>Final boss drops to a slideshow with the tentacles if you're playing an Electric team with tons of numbers on screen.
It's weird, Anby/Anton/Rina seems to be the only team with this problem.
events, leveling characters
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The robot streams with a human avatar.
no secret OP black horse of the 4star DPS pool yet
You don’t understand English, paggot
>can play in any position
>can play far away
>hands in a more comfortable position
It's just 300% more comfy
virtual idol is just the CCP approved term for egirl
hrtroons seriously need to go back.
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All HoYoVerse's Big 3 games share space in the limelight.
Genshin is in its X.8 summer filler arc, perfect to give space for Zenless's launch.
Honkai Star Rail just came out of its climax and are in the epilogue, back in Space China for a couple months of snoozing.

Zenless just launched and HoYo are going to let 1.1 be a relatively mild patch.
There will be MSQ progression in 1.1, but HoYo are going to let the game relax for a little bit.
People (normalfags) need to catch up to the current MSQ, get to IK50, and so on.

And it just so happens that 1.1, a mild patch, will be when Natlan launches.
>game blessed me with Grace, Rina and Rina's signature
>but Anton is only C2
Do I just go disorder with Piper instead? Though mechs tend to resist physical so it's a bit schizo.
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Who doesn’t?
>CCP approved
It reminds me of those warehouses full of cute chinese girls all in identical set ups all live streaming nearly identical things back when onlyfans and "IRL streaming" started taking off
I need the Cat. She's the only way to unbrick my account
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The framerate dips in the cutscenes made me play on pc. I thought it'd be fine because genshin runs great on ps5 but it was just too hitchy in some of them
in theory people can freely choose to spend chromes on standard or limited pulls, it's their choice
in practice people will only spend chromes on limited pulls because the standard pool will be around forever but if you want limited chars you gotta pull NOW
I actually feel my hands hurting just a little bit after a couple hours of playing Lycaon on KBM.
That click-hold click-hold gameplay is not good for wrist health.
Im quite sure, you could not be gayer
Can they make something that coincides with genshin's updates? I quit hallway through Sumeru
zzz flopped
5 monthly off the shop
1 weekly off HZ
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>click on ONE Zhu Yuang video
>now my entire feed is "CORRUPT COPS DESTROY THEIR CAREER WITH THIS ONE MOVE" and "When Corrupt Cops Mess With The WRONG GUY"

T-thanks Zhu...
the keybinds are more fit for a controller layout but trying to manage your camera in red shiyu on a controller is fucking cancer
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How do you buy stuff with VPN
Thats fair but anytime im playing controller and things get sweaty im sitting upright in my chair anyways. I guess the real travesty is Hoyo being too incompetent to implement input detection so you cant just switch on the fly and requiring you to change the setting manually every time. Otherwise id be controller comfy gaming for everything but the combat
>open vpn
>buy stuff
Not joking, the rolls are better on console because no rerollers.
Oh shit, so I wasn't going schizo
I was wondering why my C2 Anton felt underwhelming
but what site
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reminder that skipping the police sexbot bricks your account
supports are the actual carry in modern mihomo games and Anby doesn't scale into the endgame
It's weird how many business plans are only viable in china because of the population differences. There's 10 chinks for every jap.
Artisit anon please draw your favorite zzz with a pet rock
Thank you
>close game
>open vpn
>go to website topup
>close vpn
>open game
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the rationale is I don't want to destroy my hand clicking the mouse a billion times
Shiyu was already cleared f2p with anby, kill yourself
Don't like her. Stunners are a meme unit. Gonna use Ceasar instead.
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can you fucking retards stop posting those xittrany links?
nobody sane has an account just dump the porn on catbox for the lads or something
but I don't need stunners in my hypercarry and anomaly teams..
you can switch between controller and KBM with menu/scape respectively. Unless you mean another thing
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I started on ps5 so I got the good seed
They just keep releasing sex fiends one after the other.
They're not letting me save for Motorcyle Jeanne Alter..
But anon Qingping isnt a support, shes a stunner who specifically works best with DPS. Supports are flexible enough to work with either anomaly set ups or DPS set ups due to the innate flexibility of quick assist.
I cant imagine uing Xingyi in any team that doesnt include a DPS
Fucking shit I thought it was just me
>have to make anton or billy c4 to make them half decent
billybros.....antonbros......our response???
Go be spoonfed somewhere else
I'll probably pull her just because I don't want the furry.
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I-I… find it c-cute!
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sadly I can’t draw anon, I just love to collect cute Lycaon arts
With how many you end up pulling, is this actually a problem?
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Flopped on my dick
I play on controller for the easy stuff, because its more comfy. I just switch to keyboard and mouse for actually pushing content, because I find controller movement extremly awkward.
Just not used to it.
I'm gonna build qingyi with 70/140 crit and use her as my main dps.
I actually didnt believe you until I googled it. What the fuck is this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMjvgaV5CyM
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I should really build my Lucy and S11
Made billy a fat mod that has belly jiggle physics.
realistically shiyu is going to be a joke after this cycle since we'll all have level 60 characters with 12/12/12/12/12 talents
people are going to solo S clear with ben and corin next month
Not sure really, I haven't tested out piper with Grace and Rina yet
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i love this boomer hag like you wouldnt believe
You're being groomed bro.
To be fair, she does corrupt all the enemies pretty well.
>grown ass boomer
>handholding virgin
wow.... she's literally me...
Sadly I don't have the skills to make said mod...
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>nuuu muh muh hardmode challenge balanced for earligame shit disks definitely won't difficulty creep the cope A rank in a few months!
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Its so cute watching newerbabs clearing shiyu 10 with level 50 characters and getting excited about doing it.
sorry /bag/gots post x links because they think everyone else is curating their feed to get pure zzz art all the time
Is is a bad idea to use residual signal for the characters? Do not have Lucy yet so I am debating just getting her instead of using it for rolls
the fact that she types them means she's consciously stuttering instead of it being a natural thing
she's just pretending and you're falling into her WEB OF LIES
>no plays billy and anton unless they like them
>everyone is playing gacha for the girls so female agents counterparts are inherently superior
>they're common, so you'll stack them up
I'm bromaxxing
I meant just pressing a button on one and the game just automatically switching like how 90% of other games work. Its not a big deal just a QoL thing
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>/bag/ out of nowhere
absolutely mindbroken
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Post yours
Lycaon was already a wolf thierin when we see the flashback of him and Not-Kaveh preparing to act as servants for some sorta ulterior job. Lycaon was a total amateur about it compared to how he is now where he’s incredibly dedicated to his work.
when are we getting co-op and pvp? da wei promised us
just as cute as people clearing it at 40 using ellen/ other meta teams and getting excited about it
She obviously erps. She even uses * to express her current emotion.
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Still missing a good disc 6.
why is /bag/ not welcome here?
>4 stars have never been used in endgame content in any mihoyo game
Kill yourself brownoid
your snake? your sovl hounds?
They should be if they don’t have Ellen or zhu
Depends if hoyo decides to instantly powercreep the 4* shop characters like they did in HSR or if they let them stay relevant for 4+ years like they did in genshin.
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why does he still feel so bad?
We welcome all generals except hig and hrtg
Not a mihoyo game. This is our turf.
>Instant "I didnt roll so it doesnt count" cope
Why cant you just let people be happy you grumpy faggots?
you have your own general
Loli niggers will latch onto any petite woman and larp that they're underage while rolling for hags, stay in your containment game
??? I’m literally saying people should feel good about beating SD 10
team/upgrades/disks. mine is also c4 and feels just fine.
You are, only general not allowed is /gig/
They're more welcome than gig and hsr trannies
MHY is a yuridev and /bag/ hates yuri. They are NOT welcome here.
It is welcome, ignore any homo pretending otherwise
If you can feel good about clearing at 40 with busted limited chars you can feel good about clearing at 50 with non meta teams, whats the issue?
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They are letting people be happy, the first post is the one that has the snarky tone
Why are you assmad immediately
I agree with you untill you said co-op
uh oh yuritr00n alert
Why are you not playing Genshin Impact currently?
I'm not trans
But I play both
they are welcome here, only honkaifreaks seethes at ba.
is emilie's banner up yet?
if not that's my answer
Sumeru happened
Only one unwelcome is the obnoxious bootlicker from there who spammed our threads about /bag/. The rest are fine.
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is it worth to buy these? it costs 120 energy to farm the same amount of dennies
i dont think 120 energy worth of disc farm will give this much exp?
Why should I?
I've never played it. ZZZ is my first ever gacha.

Is it good? I'm a sucker for fantasyschlop but somehow GI never appealed to me. Must be all the twink faggots idk.
What is the difference between these 2 whale anons
i never played genshin and now everyone tells me it's shit, also why do they call him child if he's a grown man
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the girls aren't as hot
except clorinde
I love porkrinde so much
I got carpal tunnel from spam leftclicking the story
Dont play GI. The story is shit. The lore is good until it actually becomes relevant.
I left one year ago.
>max M2 characters
Thats not whales.
120 energy worth of disc exp farming will give you triple this easily
you're welcome but not /gig/ because they are cucks who like to watch their waifus getting stolen by some asexual doll kek
Dendro power crept the fuck out of abyss and I didn’t like the dendro units so I stopped playing

I hope zzz never adds another element
i dont support the current event and i already own nilou and furina and I refuse to roll for emilie or play another patch of floptaine due to neuvwank
Why disc farm. You can farm those separately, and I'm pretty sure that's better.
no difference both don't have lucy and both are bad at building teams.
c2 ellen no lycoan, c6 nicole no zhu
They did Furina dirty and every female is irrelevant and shafted in the story, so I quit
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I can also use a crit rate piece, but my crit damage wil go down by 40%
Why don't Nicole's M6 and BP support crit rate buffs show up on the character stats? How the fuck are you supposed to know that they work?
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I logged on and there was no new character up also I want to play new games. I've been playing genshin for 4 years
The Dehya patch broke my enjoyment of the game. She was my most anticipated character ever and it turned out so freakin bad.
No, you make a loss in the stamina ratio, because the purple ones you can farm are so much more xp.
not enough dark-skinned characters
it’s crazy to think how much money they lost due to dehya being giga shit, her being bad was at such an awful time
there's no proof she's a virgin, according to my pornhwa handholding and kissing are more intimate than sex
A lot of stuff doesnt show up like it should.
Zhu Yuan's crit rate from engine doesnt show up on her stat screen despite it being a permanent +15%.
When youre in mission the disc bonuses from anything dont show when they were activated.
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So Lucy/Piper works with Neko, S11, Koleda and Grace? How would you rank them?
>Genshin is a botw copy
>HSR is a ___?
>ZZZ is a ___?

What did they copy?
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I'm playing the longcon my m1 Rina will one day be useful.
Anon are you blind?
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>EOD - Zenless Zone Gamer YouTube channel
>already spent like $5000 on dupes, weapons and batteries
>makes guides for a living
>can't even clear SD14
This will never not be funny to me
Story sucks, characters suck, open world sucks.
Any 4 niggas in a row
Someone mentioned Kingdom Hearts and holy fuck it almost plays like it
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HSR is a copy of the thousands of shitty turn based gachas already on the market
When you think about it, Corin is the most competent member of Victoria because she is their jack of all trades
Somehow she still doesn't have confidence in herself......
Nta but isn’t getting an m2 character potentially $1200 with bad luck? that seems like whale territory
ZZZ is literally a Honaki Impact 3rd replacement game
Sex instills confidence. Do your duty.
Hsr copied Trails
Zenless - dunno
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>battlepass finished
>every single shop bought out
>about to hit knot 50
bwos i dont feel so good...
>Nta but isn’t getting an m2 character potentially $1200 with bad luck?
If you're supremly unlucky maybe.
It's closer to KH than I'd like to admit
We just don't have the jump button
the game is hard im still on shiyu defence 9
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>mfw I clear the Abyss with Noelle
How many paid refreshes?
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I will play it during the X.2 patch in November, play the archon quest, some character quests and then uninstall for a year. I quit it as a gacha, but the community drama is funny
ZZZ copied persona 4
Zzz is more tranny coded than either of those games albeit.
3 a day on average
Sir, I'm a video tape store manager, not some random fucker
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Kinda shit.
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Thats my M2 Ellen and I just spend 80 bucks on the game. I just got lucky. I think anyone who was willing to drop 1k+ on the game would have gone further no matter what.
Why did they make Hollow Zero so easy until you get to the last map and then it starts giving you corruptions like "you can't heal or dodge and take 50% more damage and generate 50% less energy and also we killed your dog"
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has anyone gotten banned for topuping up via vpn
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Anyone else find these two really annoying? Sometimes I'm able to stun the teleporty guy, kill him, stun the other one, and finish seamlessly. Other times I stun the teleporty guy then the big one starts doing his fist slams, and I'm forced to back off and miss the entire stun window for teleporty guy. It's not hard or anything, but they just get on my nerves when I fight them together.
Kingdom Hearts is baby shit btw
I just got done farming nilou mats. I still play but the game is dead right now and the community is absolutely awful
Mental illness.
Weeping Gemini(don't have it) or Rainforest Gourmet(have one copy) for Grace?
Just whale more and farm exp mats.
Thanotos is the most anonying nigga in this entire game. No idea why they made a nigger whose entire purpose is wasting the timer.
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I don't see it desu, I've played KH and ZZZ I don't see much similarities. ZZZ looks more like the typical Hack n Slash gacha
I'm sorry you guys shouldn't have tried to stab Da Wei. Your mental illness went to far
If you do it properly the only danger you are in is your bank potentially blocking your card and asking why you were suddenly making purchases in japan.
I use lucy so a quick EX skill stuns the thanatos before he starts doing anything gay
It still plays better than most action games in the year 2024
I wonder why ps2 games in general are snappier and more well excuted than modern games
ZZZ copied Persona 5 because it has trust events and a day/night cycle. Persona 5 literally invented all of these things and JRPGs
i hate them in HZ as well, sometimes the big gorilla guy is replaced by the dude with a shield and its extra annoying.
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ellen was fuckin badass this scene
If they put even mediocre difficulty to any farmable content then casuals will cry
Similar to that one anon and many others. I was hanging on by a thread since I hate live service open world slop and Dehya's horrid kit killed all enjoyment I had left for the game. I quit immediately after getting Nahida on her 1st rerun
I bet Ellen Joe listened to 'Fly Like a G6'
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ZZZ is just Persona 5 strikers
>why is the content actually intended to be a challange, presented as a challenge
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I'm still having fun
D-Doesn't Persona 5 have some prequels, anon?!
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they can't reply bro they're banned
The teleport guy is annoying on his own, but the two together aren't particularly more annoying. I just focus the teleport guy. Gorilla Gus I perfect dodge if he does anything before I stun beanstalk.
She looks more like she listens to Fergie and Avril Lavigne.
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There's just nothing else for me to do. My units are geared to the point where I can clear all the content easily and has been for 2 years. I log in to play the Archon quests when they drop and then stop playing for another few months.
Do you really thinks these casuals even played any Persona? Everything is inspired by Persona 5 nowadays according to them. Idiots
Those two aren't bad. Try Thanatos and the shield guy together, or the two Thanatos. Now THATS annoying.
The final purple corruption actually ends your run. As in that is the effect. You lose.
>banning paying customers
Son are you retarded?
It's the mole canon?
It's the lack of a difficulty curve I take issue with, the earlier stages don't require using your brain at all and then Withering Garden is actually fairly hard
Why did they give her face the fox treatment
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GOD yes.
It should unrionically just have a hole in the nylon for the tail to go through.
Its not like she wears tights over the tail in game, that'd be retarded

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