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Previous: >>488012078

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.4 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240719version-37c63r/index.html

>Version 2.4 Trailer — "Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue"
>Jade Trailer — "A Collection of Desires"
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Mind the Swelter, Watch the Furnace"

>Current Character Banners: (Jade, Argenti + Serval, Natasha, Asta) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816396
>Current Light Cone Banners: Yet Hope Is Priceless (Erudition), An Instant Before A Gaze (Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816536

>New Drip Marketing:
>Feixiao (5* Wind Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31107128
>Lingsha (5* Fire Abundance) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31144488
>Moze (4* Lightning Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31185401

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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Nice bread Xueyi friend
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>Most women are capable of secreting considerably more milk than needed by a single infant. The regulation of milk synthesis is quite efficient (around 800 mL/day).
>The normal daily production of saliva varies between 0.5 and 1.5 liters. The whole unstimulated saliva flow rate is approximately 0.3-0.4 ml / min. This rate decreases to 0.1 ml / min during sleep and increases to about 4, 0-5, 0 ml / min during eating, chewing and other stimulating activities.
>Daily loss in sweat is about 400 ml for an adult. The heat loss can be quite significant because there is a loss of 0.58 kcal for every ml of water evaporated. The maximum rate of sweating is up to 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr in an acclimatized adult. On average however - only 1L per day, and, due to its fast evaporation and most of it disappearing - therefore:
>800ml of mammary milk + 1L average of saliva and + 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr during intense physical exercise = 2800mL average, assuming Bosenmori Mei is sweating for 30 minutes for any reason...
>Water consumption minimum: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men
>3700mL - 2800mL = 900mL of unsatisfied thirst
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >>> 2800mL * 2 = 5600mL (average)
>non-pregnant and 1 sex per day having Bosenmori Mei is capable of satisfying daily thirst of 1.5 man!!
rare xueyi bread unprompted
same it makes me want to play wild arms
why did you post a blank image?
From where I stand, society's ideal system should be "seven rest days".
Following Sunday, there should ensue a second, a third and indeed an infinite procession of Sundays.
This should be the face of the new world - idyllic, eternal, peaceful days.
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Mihomo lost so much by making him male
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My girlfriend is so cute
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>Xueyi thread without me asking for it or baking it myself
holy shit I love you OP
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Fuck pagfly

I'm going back to/gig/ now
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She always wins
hanya sex (while firefly isnt looking)
Top TEN penis colon moments in honkgay shart rail

Number one

Blade says giwtwm to firefly when she has to die 3 times

Number dos (2)

Silver wolf plays Minecraft with sparkle

Numeber 3

Why does the bird cage


Giant Dr ratio VORES aventurine

Number five

Samuel says I am the stellertroon hunter for your ultimate demise

Six xiS

Spending all of Fireflies money on fictional food


people quiting the game because they couldn’t kill aventurine lmao

Ocho I think that’s eight

When sparkle says the joker quote

Number 9


Number 10

Pompom crashing the train into Sunday

Thank you four watching my video and forget to like and suscribe
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>Star Rail Heroine: Firefly
She won
Such a lucky girl.
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robo sex
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Firefly love!
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
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>slave used goods
Hmmm nyo
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You're a dumbass sunday
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Xueyi wife
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why is hanya like this
Leaks doko?
I wish a girl loved me enough to get this jealous...
I wish a girl loved me at all...
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Weird how they introduced main heroine so late into the game
Don't make me whip out the bat again you stupid bitch.
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Let's see if this turns out correct
Gallagher, Gepard and Welt are my favourites
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Those fingers..they don't look right
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Sunday did literally nothing wrong.
Your Yunli savings?
>most irrelevant males from their faction
Sounds about right for your average /hsrg/ player
Coolest man in Penacony
>pull yunli on the first 10 pull
>pull yunli's lc on the first 10 pull
no savings required
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I feel as though I am too autistic or otherwise unempathetic to appreciate Penacony's main story.

I came into the Penacony story with cautious optimism. I heard how it was a tremendous step up from the Luofu storyline (which I found compelling and had zero issues with). After having played through it, and having rewatched it on YouTube just to be absolutely sure, I can say that it does not resonate with me.

The Penacony story relies too heavily on abstract ideals (e.g. "It's true that some people are born strong, and others are born weak. If the Trailblaze is the target of heroes, then the Harmony will guarantee that the strong help the weak"), saccharine platitudes (e.g. "So, why do people choose to slumber? I think it's as you said... Because in the end, we will wake up from our dreams"), wistful philosophizing (e.g. "Each time we reminisce on our past, we always seem to notice a tiny, but unforgettable instant that we left behind us, along with certain other things that remain constant throughout..."), complex interpersonal relationships, and other concepts rooted more in intimate emotions than in concrete realities. While fitting for a story set in a dreamscape, my way of thinking simply cannot connect with it.

It also feels as though Penacony's story really, really wants you to like Firefly and, to a lesser extent, Acheron and Aventurine. I found them acceptable, but not outstanding, so all of those heart-to-heart conversations with them fell flat to me.

Another gripe of mine is that Penacony's main story feels like it squanders the idea of dreams and dreamscapes. I am a fan of fiction that revolves around dream/virtual worlds, and yet the concept feels vestigial to Penacony's main story.

In contrast, my favorite story in Star Rail is the Huohuo event. While also reliant on interpersonal relationships, the story is conveyed in a more concrete manner that I can more easily process.

Is anyone else here feeling out of touch with the Penacony main story?
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Xueyi love!
>schizomode with borisin bodyparts
What's this?
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Anyone have Gallagher x Firefly pics... I couldn't find any
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I'm semi new and I need advice.
I started during Acherons banner.
I have Acheron E0S1, Aventurine E0, Robin E0 and Firefly E0. Who should I pull next?

I lost RM so I don't have her. I'm on a guarantee. I am now able to spend money on the game.

Is Yunli worth it? Is the Fox dude worth it for Acheron? I have E6 Pela.
What about Sparkle? E0 or E1S1? Or skip? Will Feixiao be a good carry? Acheron E2 still worth it?
Misha sexo
>Penacony 2.0
>Penacony 2.1
>Penacony 2.2
Fucking ass
>Penacony 2.3
Useless waste of space
Save for e2 to unbrick your acheron
Is there a rough amount of time it takes for a character to get rerun
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P.S. Sunday, and the story in general, were far too annoying in how they repeatedly drove in that anecdote about the doomed bird. The anecdote was not even that relevant to Sunday and Gopher Wood's (poorly explained) scheme to begin with, so what was the point?
Google Play Japan was hosting a quiz show with some e-celebs/vtuber and they introduced Firefly as HSR Heroine.
Not the first time JP has gotten super lovey dovey with the marketing
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Step aside, Yanqing.
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Remember that all generals have their own version of lightning lord like Jing Yuan. So that summon is probably that. A wind lord.
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You actually have plenty of options if you don't mind pulling for chinese people.
You can probably build a really decent team out of Yunli/March/Robin/Aventurine and potentially even Feixiao/March/Robin/Aventurine
JQ is an upgrade for Acheron teams even with E6 Pela.
Lingsha seems like she'll be the new BiS in Firefly teams as well.
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Is Yunli worth it?
If you want to pull for her
Is the Fox dude worth it for Acheron?
Yes, if you like playing her
Not really unless you have dan or E2 ach
Probably will be good as she is the major character of this detour
>E2 still good
Yes, if you like her.
post ur skin color and favorite character or favorite snack type I don’t care
Tired of winning
Will the multiplayer for origami clash continue after the event is over?
Wait for the reruns as well. Black Swan/Kafka are good options for a solid DoT team as well. Acheron's E2 is good overall . Sparkle E0 works with E2 Acheron and E6 Pela
Yunli needs her LC so keep that in mind
Light brown, Jingliu, bread with sweetened milk
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sparkle + acheron really is recommended only for e2 ach. However, you could use Yunli/Sparkle/Robin/Huohuo for ultimate hypercarry Yunli IF you like her that much. Otherwise you could grab sparkle and e2 acheron.
>But it's not hypercarry meta these days
this is true but sparkle still has like what 68% pickrate or something? She's still very good.
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Threw random 10 Roll on Argenti LC (already got Jade's) for the Sunday one and got the LC, is he worth it? I own Sparkle and Huox2
They lost nothing. I can't tell you how many people started playing/returned to HSR just because of him.
I regret not getting her e6
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Sunday joining AE is still seem so odd to me. Like why us instead of the Stellaron Hunters? How are the writers gonna make his personality stand out compare to Dan or Welt?
We really gonna be hanging around space Greece with this dude by our side the entire arc.
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Apple approves too
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*Impregnates you*
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For me, it's Avenpaz
Stop stealing my porn
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Black, firefly, negro
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So basically Yunli is the only skip?
So I will get E2 Acheron, E1S1 Sparkle, see how big of an improvement the Fox is and wait for Feixiao beta to decide?

Is that correct? I kinda like pic related and I don't really like the fox dude.
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>E1S1 Sparkle
Either go for E2 and drop the cone or go for E0S1
Do tell, how many of your female(xx chromosome) friends came back for him?
He's not joining us. Black Swan is. He's joining the IPC.
Yunli E0S1 or Yunli +HuoHuo?
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>e0 firefly
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Finding Fofo sexy is weird.
>e1s1 Fofo

NTA but is e2 worth attempting to get if I had her E0S1 from her original run?
Liking FoFo is weird
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Luciérnaga la ganadora
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I can't wait to get my tongue on Yunli's feet
Him joining the express seems like a massive stretch but his personality isn't really anything like Welt's or Dan's (and Welt and Dan aren't alike, anyway).
He could continue to be manipulative, or obsessed with Robin, or actually trying to "redeem" himself. There's plenty of routes to go with him. Even if he joins the SH instead he'd probably still have a similar character arc.
Him joining either faction doesn't make much sense, since he doesn't seem to care about Nanook and I'm not sure if Elio can offer Sunday anything he desires, unlike the other SH which have clear goals (except for Silver Brick).
What would you recommend more? I could also go E2S1. I'm no longer a poorfag and I need to treat myself for a while. Of course don't want to go crazy but I do like her.
Is you that Lingsha rolling is or only concerned of them concerning meta players only?
I did, for starters. I don't talk about mihoyo of all things in front of my irl friends but a brief trip to a comment section underneath anything Aventurine related proves me point.
if you like the pickrel you should focus on your firefl-
>I don't really like the fox dude
if you want a comparable buff to your acheron you could try getting e1 black swan with kafka lc. That's what many fox haters are aiming for I heard.
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I also started during Acheron's banner and have
>Ruan Mei
All E0S0

I'm at 25 pity in lightcone banner guaranteed featured

Do I get Acheron's LC on its rerun? Get Jiaoqiu and strengthen my Acheron's team?

I do need a better 2nd sustain since I can't even clear MoC11 cuz of team dying even though I have damage potential to clear it.
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The fox dude, as actually tested in the beta, is not an upgrade for Acheron. I have no idea what weird assumptions the spreadsheet autists are making. You can replace him with Sparkle in an E0 Acheron team and they finish on the same cycle despite losing Acheron's passive damage buff.
Answer the question. Now unless that be hiding something your sincerity?
I'll get more of her during her rerun if she's still good by then.
150 warps and 50 pity
but I want Fofo and Sparkle so I'm cooked
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I want to touch Aventurine while he's asleep..
begone harlot
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The new Argenti VA sounds like Markiplier.

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family spotted
Plese help I'm new.
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Purple girl irrelevant
The next open world (and main Mihoyo game) is the Final Fantasy inspired MMOslop Honkai open world game. Can Honkai Star Rail survive the release of such a big project?

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Yes, Argenti is good. He's very good for PF and MoC, and if you don't intend to get Yunli/don't have Boothill/Clara/built Sushang, he will fill the niche of your physical carry.
why sunday?
would rather have misha come with us to space greece
Acheron is a brick without her LC so yeah, another sustain also will make your clears way easier but you should be able to clear with Gallagher in your Acheron team.
He seems like he will be an Erudition character
are people who dont get Jade now going to feel like Kafkalets when DOT became meta?
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Me too botsis.
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You can literally see the Express ticket all the key members have on their designs on him...
Plus Black Swan is just tagging along, not joining officially.
>Is Yunli worth it?
If you like her or want physical coverage.
>Is the Fox dude worth it for Acheron?
Yes, he's significantly better than Pela but especially if you don't have SW (you don't) JQ is more or less a must-pull if you want to maximize Acheron's damage. He's better than every other support for her, that means Pela, Silver Brick and E0S1 Sparkle.
>What about Sparkle?
Given your current roster there's not much value for you from Sparkle.

You should really roll for who you like, your roster seems a bit schizophrenic - none of those 5*s work together except for Aventurine being all right for Acheron. You probably want another DPS before anything else, especiallys ince Firefly without RM is fairly "weak" relative to other DPS lacking their main support.
EX, Sparkle doesn't increase Dan2's damage by 70% and JQ doesn't increase Acheron's by 70% either (he's more like 30%). But RM is a massive upgrade for Sparkle.

>Acheron E2 still worth it?
It was never worth it.
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But enough about Seele
screwllum will already be erudition so i doubt it
he's likely harmony
>look at this fanart some friend of a leaker did
Totally legit!
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I think you might be having a stroke
i do not regret getting her e6
You can still see it on the official leak here >>488039247
I can't think of any other reason for him to have the ticket beside joining.
Not buying it. Doesn't make sense and Jade bought him.
Yunli + Huohuo. Depending on how much you have left to do content wise/your pity/your willingness to drop money, you have a shot at E0S1 Yunli + Huohuo, but your order should be Huohuo -> Yunli -> S1.
gays not welcome
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I have just returned. I remembered I have El Tio Huan (Jing Yuan). How should I build him? Everything in my head is probably outdated. (I stopped playing after the Punklorde Mentality event)
Acheron needs e2s1 to not be a complete brick, that's the first thing you should get if you want to invest in her. There will be other debuffers. You do not need a better sustain, you need better relics. I clear moc with galagher and lynx with half assed traces.
Open your fucking eyes anon.
That "ticket" of yours is 4 time the size of the ticket the other characters have.
Also the bottom s blue and not red
Don't listen to that fucking retard. Pull Yunli's cone or you'll be getting bricked. You can use other sustains with her, you don't need flopflop
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>gacha MMO
I think Yunli's cone is worth it if you have a blade or clara without a gold cone
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>get break from work and start shitposting on the internet
>see Argenti's/Tail's EN voice actor got changed
The fuck? He was one of like 4 good VAs in the entire EN dub
If they've never had a rerun, the earliest is about 6 months, the longest is about 9-10 months (Jing Yuan/Luochud).
If they've had a rerun already, none of them have had 2nd reruns yet and Seele's been in the pit for about 300 days I believe, or will be by the earliest time she is eligible to run again (2.5).
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Will flop. Mihoyo can't recreate the soul of early FF days, that's impossible

>why did you skip Firefly’s lightcone
>why don’t you have Blade on your account
>why did you make that post last night
>why are you abandoning Clara for Yunli
>why did you forget to brush your teeth three days ago
>why are planning on skipping Feixiao
>why did you drop ZZZ
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blessing everyone's yunli rolls
161 speed with half lightning set half followup set
If you don’t have yunli’s sig you’re tied to lynx (who sucks)
I'm see it red buddy, don't know what you on about.
"Final Fantasy inspired" means literally nothing, every one is different and they haven't made a good singleplayer game in over a decade
Unless you mean FF14 inspired in which case it will flop because people would just play FF14
Her cone is trash for Blade if you have his sig, if you don't it's all right.
I 100% agree for Clara though, it'll be a massive upgrade for Clara players if they're skipping Yunli.
I think i found the Mhy spy, they're gonna turbo buff Lingsha
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>>why did you skip Firefly’s lightcone
>>why don’t you have Blade on your account
>>why did you make that post last night
>>why are you abandoning Clara for Yunli
>>why did you forget to brush your teeth three days ago
>>why are planning on skipping Feixiao
>>why did you drop ZZZ
I'm poor.
MMO + Gacha is a terrible combo destined for failure
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>I didn't pull for her
>I think his mullet is ugly
>I was feeling elated
>I am literally not
>I also didn't
>I am not
>Story didn't grab me
But i did eat breakfast
>Watchmaker set be like CD CR CD CR ATK% CD CR ATK%
>Firefly's set be like CD CR CD CR CR CD CD CD CR CR
huohuo first then roll everything on yunli + cone if uc an
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I'm not a bot :(
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Is speed really that important? Why even? Also thanks.
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>Skip firefly LC
I didn't
>Don't have Blade
I have him, E1S1
>Make that post
I dunno, I was bored
I don't have Clara and I'm not pulling for Yunli
I just brushed my teeth 5 minutes ago.
Because my nigga blade has my back.
TV gameplay filtered me
Thank you my sigga
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E2 is a big jump for her, but it depends on your teams and shit and if you want to pull for other characters.
I honestly don't think her cone is THAT good ( often see it only being 5-10% better then P&F S5), but maybe someone can argue.
I would do E2S0 every time.
Based sigga
e0s1 yunli
you need yunli's sig to use huohuo, only roll for huohuo if you like her or you have the funds to get her and yunli's sig
huohuo is about a 12% team performance improvement over lynx assuming yunli has her sig for both cases
So why do you keep posting the same things every day? What's your angle?
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I didn't
I do
I was bored
I would never
They wouldn't be the first to try. There was Astellia which kind of combined both, but the gacha elements were pretty light from what I remember.
Fofo -> Yunli -> Yunli cone in that order
Yunli really wants her signature BUT if you're actually new a limited sustain is an order of magnitude more important for your account
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EoS when Azur Promillia is released. Star Rail BARELY survived ZZZ release. It's over for you honkeks
I got her lightcone
He's useless, and a chink
Fuck you
I'm not, fuck chinks
I haven't brushed my teeth in a week
She's a chink
I haven't (yet)
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>I didn't roll flyfly
>I only play cute girls
>I wanted (you)s
>More fun, stronger, better character design, more likeable personality
>I was just taking a nap
>I'm spending all my rolls on yunlis lc and eids
>No cute barefoot girls
yeah but u could also use that cone on your himeko / herta i guess
I didn't pull her
I started later
I was bored
Bigass sword
I brush everyday..
Hunt rumao
I didn't
>Didn't roll Blandfly
>I do
>I didn't post last night
>I don't use Clara and won't use Yunli
>I didn't
>I don't roll for Space China characters besides Blade
>I never even started playing it
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So true xis
You aren't subtle recommending flopflop over a good dps you faggots. Stop trying to make a newfag brick his account.
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kill yourself faggot
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>why did you skip Firefly’s lightcone
I didn't
>why don’t you have Blade on your account
I started in 1.5 and by that time Blade was already considered a brick
>why did you make that post last night
Midra is better then Bael
>why are you abandoning Clara for Yunli
I don't play clara and I'm not getting Yunli either
>why did you forget to brush your teeth three days ago
>why are planning on skipping Feixiao
I need foxman for my ack, and I'm worried that she will need topaz. But I might still get her E0S1.
>why did you drop ZZZ
Wuwa is better
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Jade if she was good
I honestly have nothing better to do. I'm not trying to trigger someone or go on a malicious crusade if that's what you're wandering.
Why do people keep insisting new open world slop would impact Honkai 4 Niggas In A Row and not any of the other hoyo games that actually overlap with them
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>why did you skip Firefly’s lightcone
I only roll for shotas
>why don’t you have Blade on your account
I only roll for shotas
>why did you make that post last night
I was horny for shotas
>why are you abandoning Clara for Yunli
I only roll for shotas
>why did you forget to brush your teeth three days ago
I never forget to brush
>why are planning on skipping Feixiao
I only roll for shotas
>why did you drop ZZZ
No shotas no play
>I didn't
>I wanted other charas
>I never used her and won't use Yunli
>I didn't
>I'm not
>I'm still playing it
I thought that was a shitpost, someone posted their awful jing yuan build last thread.
He wants 4pc duke inferno + 2pc solsotto
Cr / cd chest, attack boots, lightning orb, attack rope.
As much crit rate as possible up to 90% (he gets 10% in combat from a trace), as much crit damage as possible.
Team comps: jy, tingyun, sparkle/robin/ruanmei, sustain (huohuo is best, but anything with a cleanse is good.)
guys, is e1 jade worth it? she is about to disappear
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rent free
Is that Azur game going to be like Rune Factory or is it going to be a Genshin clone with FarmVille attached to it? That’s what’s important to me because I like farming and I don’t want a generic open world game. I only care about growing pumpkins and talking to villagers.
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Well at least expand your repertoire of images and questions sister. It gets old fast. Be more creative.
>>why did you skip Firefly’s lightcone
I didn't, because IM A MAN
>>why don’t you have Blade on your account
I started too late
>>why did you make that post last night
I crave attention
>>why are you abandoning Clara for Yunli
I'm bored and my clara is e0s0
>>why did you forget to brush your teeth three days ago
shut up your not my mom
>>why are planning on skipping Feixiao
I'm not
>>why did you drop ZZZ
I never gave it a chance, don't plan too, because of that furfag bait character and the censorship.
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Didn't roll for her in the first place, wanted Jade.
Wasn't playing when he was available but wouldn't roll for him because Mihoyo males are unappealing to me. I'm not strictly anti-male but no male in a Mihoyo game has ever interested me.
I was happy I finally got Jade.
I only recently got Clara and am enjoying her. I won't be rolling for Yunli.
I didn't.
I'm undecided on her since she seems cool. I'll wait until I see more of her.
Story wasn't gripping me and there's no way I was going to stick with three daily login games. FGO and Star Rail is plenty for me.
>why did you skip Firefly’s lightcone
need to build my 2nd party first
>why don’t you have Blade on your account
wasn't playing
>why did you make that post last night
>why are you abandoning Clara for Yunli
don't care about either
>why did you forget to brush your teeth three days ago
>why are planning on skipping Feixiao
don't really care about her
>why did you drop ZZZ
never played
google palworld's gameplay, it should be something like that except gacha
>>why did you skip Firefly’s lightcone
i didn't
>>why don’t you have Blade on your account
I don't like how he does dmg
>>why did you make that post last night
couldn't help it
>>why are you abandoning Clara for Yunli
Clara dodged me, saving for Tingyun sorry Yunli
>>why did you forget to brush your teeth three days ago
Squirrel attack
>>why are planning on skipping Feixiao
>>why did you drop ZZZ
boring no autoplay

What teams will e1 let you run that you wouldn't currently and what are you going to use them for?
>why did you skip Firefly’s lightcone
I didn't.
>why don’t you have Blade on your account
I thought they'd switch to single banners per patch during his first run, and then his rerun came in between other characters I wanted.
>why did you make that post last night
I didn't post anything last night.
>why are you abandoning Clara for Yunli
I'm not rolling for Yunli.
>why did you forget to brush your teeth three days ago
I brush my teeth twice a day.
>why are planning on skipping Feixiao
I don't know if I am, since I don't know what her personality is yet. But if I do, it's because of either Lingsha or Tingyun.
>why did you drop ZZZ
Because it's boring. I got to IK45.
It opens up some team options for her, but the only reason I pulled E1 is because I like her, and I won't be pulling anyone else for a very long time.
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I want to be crushed by Bailu's thick tail
Why is hsr such a dead game. Penacony will be the Inazuma of Penacony and it's all downhill now. Switch to better games while you can
I did
I do have him but he's permabenched
I thought it was funny
I'm not
I wouldn't do that
I'm undecided, I'll roll her if I end up liking her on the story, she's not total trash as a unit and she doesn't need anyone from FF's team
I'm still playing
Even posting porn would be better than being a literal bot with the same posts
>no males, not even male mc
they dug their own grave
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4pc Duke Inferno set
2pc Salsotto
70~80% Crit Rate
The rest on Crit Damage
You don't have Sparkle or Robin so your best support picks are Asta and Tingyun, if you really want to main him you should roll for Sparkle or Robin whenever they're available.

If you don't like Slow JY you can run SPD boots but you also need >141 SPD so he always gets 10 stacks of LL each rotation, I personally like him with 0 SPD but I have Robin.
I'm PROBABLY going Yunli > Fofo > S1
And if you're a new player it especially sucks not having a limited sustain, since the F2P sustain options are dogshit, you'll have to cope with Lynx. Yunli's Ult taunts, so most of her damage will be dealt properly regardless of her LC, but the main thing is that she generates a lot of SP when hit, so ideally you're getting hit outside of your taunts too.
Cones are easier to pull though, pity starts earlier and it's 75/25 over 56/44.
it won’t be like that at all
Only worth it if you're a big IPC fan and you wanna play her with Topaz and Aventurine desu. There are better options for MoC but this team is sovl as fuck.
You think it's time I made a gigantic Aventurine folder and cast aside whatever dignity I have left?
I didn't
I was bored
I won't
I brush my teeth 3 times a day always
Never played it
I think Azure Promilia will kill the new Mihoyo Animal Crossing game they're planning to release
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>>I have him and he's not a brick
>>I was horny
>>I don't even have clara
>>I haven't, fuck you
>>I'm pulling for no tail
>>Haven't yet xd
If you really like her then yes, it enables using her in a bunch more content by pairing her with Topaz
It is also possible to 0 cycle MOC in the beta using March 8th + E1 Jade + Robin + Sigga
? game was literally advertised as palworld with waifus
ClaraGODs are we getting her a new PNG on Tuesday?
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Nah, that wasn't me. I'm really just back. These are my characters btw, so I might have some problem with what you have just said. But I actually appreciate the help. Using only Seele to deal damage is a bit boring.
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>Penacony will be the Inazuma of Penacony
It's time to accept no onw is coming back to wuwa sis
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Bronya (and Firefly) Rabu!
can your Sparkle do THIS?!?
>I only roll for shotas
Why are you here?
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>Penacony will be the Inazuma of Penacony
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You're posting on a /vg/ gacha general regularly. You don't have any of that left so yes.
What did we think of PenaKINO? Is it KINO on its own or its just KINO for a gacha game?
Wuwa is actually growing tho? Changli is the highest selling banner. Now no banner will ever beat Acheron or Firefly. It'll go down a similar trajectory like Mihomo games, so I advise you to switch.
I'm getting a new Clara :^)
Can you stop posting Firefly for 5 minutes????

This is getting rather annoying.
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Use FUA set, 160 speed Sparkle with 0 speed king yuan
Sparkle will be on banner in about a month so if you really like Lionman I urge you to snag her.
Time to cast the dice. I’m all in.

1-3 edge for 2 hours
4-6 play star rail
7-9 work on my drawings
0 edge for 6 hours
Yeah. I'm also getting her new skin.
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Clarabros not like this....
thanks sigga
I like him, but I usually only get the females apart from Blade, and I want all the new China girls. Argenti is based though so I might give him a chance
maybe on rerun, those 4* lcs are garbage
Thank you my sigga
for opal and maybe stephen lloyd
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3 years from now we will have oldfags talking about these times in nostalgia.
Highest WuWa banner doesn't even reach 30% of highest HSR banner much less highest genshin banner .

HSR will have mid sales until not-greek in 3.0 maybe
>zero hype
>Jian who
>zero hype

What else is left for hsr? Every Mihoyo game is flopping
I’m not SEA so I can’t play WuWa, sorry.
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Aventurine owes SO MANY women sex
this might be my favorite cat image ever, that's not a picture of one of my own cats
I regret rolling for Yunla Lawrence
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6/10 in HSR but at least they tried
Mediocre outside hoyoverse
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Thank you my sigga
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And here's my actual build. Sometimes I swap out Huohuo for Fu (if I need the crit) or Aventurine (pure fiction). Usually swap out Ting for Herta in PF, too.
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>why did you skip Firefly’s lightcone
I don't really care about her
>why don’t you have Blade on your account
I lost his 50/50
>why did you make that post last night
It wasn't me
>why are you abandoning Clara for Yunli
>why did you forget to brush your teeth three days ago
I didn't
>why are planning on skipping Feixiao
I'm rolling
>why did you drop ZZZ
I want to to play until I have finished MoC at least once but to be honest, the gameplay loop is not really fun.
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Does Stelle x Caelus count as selfcest?
Where are these Opal is a shota rumors even coming from?
and now they're even nerfing the only genshin character people were excited for
And will still earn more than whatever non-mihoyo gacha you're planning to shill next in our threads
>Jian who
Literally who is it some some zzz m*le?
saving for tingyun
No, they're roommates
Dave Chapelle posted on Twitter that he started to play Honkai Star Rail and thinks, “Jade is a bad bitch.”
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Ok Hoyo, the joke lasted long enough. Boyfriend, NOW. I won't ask again.
??? Not the archon? They wouldn't dare touch the archon after the neuv incident nearly killed the game.
Did you miss this myriad celestia?
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Well, he's a potato in the trailer, so it's the same as people calling 1000 year old vampires lolis.
Wuwa makes way more than genshin and hsr at this point. It’s just not seen since most people play wuwa on PC.
you're not funny bro...
zzz has literally no male banners kek
they have like 4/5 females in a row and maybe 1 limited male
Give him time, he'll come the right side of history, the FF side.
Saar don't delude yourself
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Only girlfriend.
I respect the dedication
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>Opal is a shota rumors
The IPC is messing with the wrong person.

I was going to Pier Point when I ran into this tiny guy sucking on a baby's pacifier. He laughed and asked "Silver Wolf, who do you think you are?"

I told him that with just a snap of my fingers, every Interastral Peace Entertainment server is gonna pop out game items and points and leveling mats and rewards like they just ate a pack of rocket popping beans, and stuff every single account's mailbox chock-full of things — got that?

He laughed again and said "Why don't you try pulling that off?"

I laughed back at him and said "Do or do not. There is no try. ."

>>> Signal error –
why is speed so low?
he's whining that the new nigger waifu got nerfed so she doesn't do 2x as much damage as every other dps anymore, she only does 1.5x as much now
WDYM by that?
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Pretty kinomatique. What games even try to provide a strong narrative these days? (Sony movieslop doesnt count)
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Unfortunately your supports are a bit lacking and your sustains aren't great for him specifically. The best team you can make right now is jy, tingyun, asta, natasha. I think you can get lynx for free from clearing forgotten hall and galagher from progressing in penacony's story, both of those would be sustain upgrades. Asta just isn't very good without e4, but every limited harmony except ruan mei will be running soon so you could pick one up and they're all good with jing yuan.
You can’t deny the decline of HSR and Mihoyo as a company. They have burnt too many bridges.
Oh no...this is exactly the type of thing that brings in degenerate giggers.
pics or it didn't happen
Our savior, Tingyun
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Based ATDAN made a live wallpaper for Hotaru
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We're never getting a male for (You) sis, HSR devs are shipfags
cute dykes
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Is that one IPC person a bird or what
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I hacked into Herta Station to get this. Enjoy
Bwo genshin doesn't have potato shotas.
Hotaru rabu
Is she as good as Neuv at least?
>you're not funny bro...
Just stating facts. Neuv and his consequences have been a disaster genshin impact.
My jades....
You don’t get free gallagher outside of that bird event.
Sparkle is like Bronya, she advances one of your other characters. Sparkle's action advance is only 50% (compared to Bronya's 100%), because of this you can't speedsync Sparkle to get 2x as many turns (unlike Bronya). You get 1.5x as many turns at best. This is a waste, so most people just build Sparkle at 160 speed. This effectively makes Jing Yuan's speed 160.
When Sparkle uses her skill on a party member, she increases their crit damage and advances them forward 50%. This crit damage buff expires after the START of the character's next turn.
Basically, what this means is if Sparkle is faster than your main DD, they have a permanet 60-80% CD boost. This buff also goes to LL, so LL will always be buffed by Sparkle as long as she's faster than JY.
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genkeks are so disingenuous lol. now she does less damage than neuv while being exclusively single target and jank af (nerfs are still on the table)
Thanks, both of you.
There was effort and I appreciate it but the execution was still mediocre
bro they've fucking killed her, she's barely even 1.0 tier at this point
Why are femoids so disingenuous?
I thought the selector from the bar event was permanent
She literally sheets for 20k more damage than Neuv (nearly 50% more) by the same retard who makes numbers up and everyone believes (Jstern). She is clunky though, I won't deny that.

She is probably better than him in single target but worse literally everywhere else. Same exact element and weapon type as him btw, also HP scaler like him.
All it takes is for one Furina to take away the vape or fail to crit and she’s doomed
-i didnt
-he skipped me
-i ritual post as usual, nothing personal
-im not
-Nah i did brush
-still haven't decided
-im still doing dailies
I started after that and don’t even know what you’re talking about so probably not. I don’t think any 4* selector is permanent.
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WTF is this?!
She does more damage than Neuvillette right now. She's a forward Vape DPS, the absolute best reaction in the game.

We should get V3 update tomorrow and we'll see what they do with her.

She still doesn't have her best support (presumably Mavuika the pyro archon) yet btw so she has more room for growth.
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Omnigod Sigga will salvage the yumepandering with his train lines (2025)
You really should get Sparkle with that roster since she's great with both Seele and Jing Yuan.
Huohuo is on banner starting this week, she's also excellent with Jing Yuan, but if you're not in any rush to catch up you should take a look at the next 4 characters or so we're getting and pick some characters from there.
They're adding a new free March this week as well, she will be decent with Jing Yuan/Seele until you get more 5*s.
>>why did you skip Firefly’s lightcone
don't need it
>>why don’t you have Blade on your account
I'm not gay
>>why did you make that post last night
because fuck you
>>why are you abandoning Clara for Yunli
I'm going to use both
>>why did you forget to brush your teeth three days ago
I didn't
>>why are planning on skipping Feixiao
I don't
>>why did you drop ZZZ
I didn't
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Me on the left
The face of the franchise...
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you shouldn't have pointed that out
is that DDD on both harmonies?
Damn, newcuties got it rough. Back in my day we got free ratio and galagher.
he and jade aren't on the train yet because they're busy having sex on their ipc ship btw
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E1S1 Bronya
E6S5 (MotP) TB
and E0S5 (DDD) Ruan Mei
it's a fun team
She's not even clunky. She's the same as Yelan's skill basically. You mark enemies while moving and watch them melt down. She actually has decent AoE.
You don't use Furina with her
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The fuck is a furry nah? And new Vanillete, like a new form of that old pokemon?
Jade's web event. Firefly shows as the shop twice
Why the fuck are you using Furina with her? She doesn't even need Furina, yuo can just Kachina and get the same exact buff as Furi.
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hmm i perceive
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sounds like a cope for a brick harmony unit
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I rolled for E1S1 Firefly
I quit during his banner
See picrel
I don't have Kurara
I don't
Yes if her kit suck
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I have "Opal" and "Stephen Lloyd" filtered because shotacons should be executed on sight.
Mr Sunday get down!
Is Mualani rlly that bad? Looks like Natlan’s starting with a flop then. I heard Jstern literally call her a Hydro Eula and her dmg was nerfed nearly by 1 mil
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For me, it's Sampoze
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Most likely.... afterall, Sigga owes too many people sex so he doesn't have the time for us
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The charmony dove...
I love OpaI and Stephen LIoyd <3
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I expected only shitposts from this general, but I got some good advice. Thanks again Anon, you saved not only my gameplay, but the general's honor too.
Sunday don't look
She looks bad to play to me, even before we knew her numbers I didn't like anything about her gameplay. Having to bounce into the enemies seems awful, it reminds me of EEEQEEE where 1/2 of the time you use on the field you're not actually doing anything.
I will try her before I decide but she looks like a skip on gameplay alone. I'm not stupid enough to jduge a character just based on gampelay but she really doesn't look particularly fun.
It's no longer Sunday for me so post more Robin now
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200 rolls. I really hope I win my coinflip and can feel content with Clara's cone at S3 though.
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Nope, only Mei has DDD, Bronya has 4pc Messenger
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Is there actually any substantial evidence of Aventurine being a sex slave or is it just complete shitposting?
Me on left
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I hope lingsha isnt exclusively a firefly healer, I need a sustain for my DoT team
he was a boy slave and talks like a faggot, he was 100% raped and is now gay because it like every other faggot on the planet.
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EDGODs fucking won
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When are we going to get a voice acted quests with my hebe JC harem of clara, yunli, lynx, and huohuo? (pela is welcome despite being jk, fu and QQ not welcome)
When do we get more actual lolis like hook and bailu?
How good/bad is the relic farming equivalent in zzz compared to hsr?
I think Lingsha will do fine in a dot team if you run RM with her but we have to wait for her kit to fully come out
It’s not funny I actually have an eating disorder. I count my calories and only eat 800 a day or a feel terrible.
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guess I'll respond to the only one that is true:
because Yunli does feetservice way better
He was a gladiator forced to play deathgames with others. His master tells him his body looks good however and that wasn't his only owner.
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wrong thread bwo
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There's no way she'll bet better than Fofo for DoT no matter what she does, but I expect she'll be more of a generalist healer than an FF-only healer.
Not much longer before we have the real kit anyway.
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Shitposting, he was a slave and he killed his master but his master also says "he had a good body"
Though in CN the line is more along the lines of "he'll make a good fighter" so it's possible he was just like a gladiator.
But who cares about details, he was 100% raped by ugly old fat man.
Bwo, you had 3 hours of his backstory, enough time to get the idea of what being a slave is. He was a pure child that loved his family and ended up being a jaded and suicidal individual.
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If Firefly is HSR's main heroine, does that mean the girls after her have high chances of not being for (you)?
Sure, they may throw you one or two girls even now and then but they're not the main heroine.
No matter how much they try to shill these new girls as for (you), they'll never win the TB bowl and may even get shipped with other male after the race is over.
Firefly really killed HSR, didn't she.
It'd be hilarious if the summons rabbits that fuck over your double break+break kit thing is real and she's worse than gallagher and eats all the skill points unless both firefly and her are E2+.
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The entire thing about Sigga is that he's so lucky that he always wins, and that goes for slavery as well
He made his master go ACCKKKKKKKKKK before anything happened
unironic faggots projecting their faggotry onto his backstory
Post the sales numbers
There aren't any other girls for(you)
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Not that anon, but I have a fairly decent Argenti if you want to try him. I personally just really like the character so I got him. Plus be brings soul to your account. 602873507
How long until leaks?
The main heroine thing >>488037835 is just from a Google event, not official.
leaks tonight or tomorrow?
the post nut clarity is here and I think 2.4 is a save patch for me. I don't need to spend my jade on anything
the risk of getting standard dupes that I dont want is too high
2.4 has nothing worth rolling for.
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I like Yunli and all but I miss the Sparkle feetposting...
Hanya is down bad for tb, unfortunately she can't get over her sister
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I told you that the moment Yunli was leaked and again when they gave us a sneakpeak of the "role" they want TB to play with female characters from now on. Either 3.0 gives us a new planet heroine or Firefly bricked us.
We should be getting kit leaks in a few hours / 2~3am
And animation leaks tomorrow as soon as the beta starts which is like 22:00 central time USA.
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I've been blowing loads all week and still need her.
yunli lc for clara
jiaoqiu cone for gui
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firefoo IS star rail's official heroine bwo
Like I said, nothing worth rolling for.
If we go by the leaked kit, assuming her cone has speed buff and she needs SP I do think she'll be mediocre for FF specifically. It is more likely she'll be a good break support for other break DPS and off-element (Gallagher is trash without fire weakness, even with FF's implant). For example, it's not like Gallagher is really better for Boothill than Huohuo or even Luocha are right now, since Boothill rarely uses superbreak.
FF doesn't need speed if she's using RM and obviously can't afford an SP black hole, so those 2 factors alone make it seem more likely Lingsha will just be good with break in general. It'll be hard for Hoyo top 1:1 powercreep Gallagher anyway so it makes more sense to release a character that does other stuff than generate SP and break fast.
Why did it get changed? Him, Boothill and Jing Yuan are some of the best in the game.
Remember Firefly is just a sideflick and we will get someone new in Amphoreus
A couple days left before Jade stops killing the game with her slow ass banner...
If you are wrong I will find you and
And then
Her banner is literally faster than Firefly's
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Nobody knows, back in May he replied to some tweets and he seemed unaware of Argenti being a mute.
Schizo theories suggest that he might've been dropped due to bad scheduling, he had two kids and got sick shortly after this so maybe the studio lost his voice files -> "ey dude we need you to come and re-record all of this" -> "sorry i cant" and then the schedule never lived up.
Did I brick myself by not getting fireflys cone? I rolled for e1 mei instead. I thought the SU cone was good enough.
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>why did you skip Firefly’s lightcone
I didnt pull Firefly at all so why pull her cone?
>why don’t you have Blade on your account
I have an E1S1Blade
>why did you make that post last night
I didnt post here last night
>why are you abandoning Clara for Yunli
I am not, I never use my Clara, even if she is E1S1
>why did you forget to brush your teeth three days ago
I didn't.
>why are planning on skipping Feixiao
I dont pull Nihility, first skipped male for me.
>why did you drop ZZZ
I can't drop what I don't play.
The Cancer of all worlds... Jade's banner
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greeks are ugly though
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Thank you my sigga
Implying Yunli will be any better

Jiaoqiu is guaranteed to bury the game anyways
No her cone is only mid compared to Aeon. E1 RM is better than E1 FF on an account level, too.
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Sorry to disappoint but Amphoreus will be yumeCHADs' turn.
No new girls for (you)
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I will use both on the same team
>hebe banner
>ever losing
ok hag man, whatever you say
They advertise her with male TB and it feels like getting sloppy seconds if you play female. I hope they pull reverse with other character so both TBs can have "for you" experience
>catches the coff
>instantly gets booted
damn sneedhoyo is merciless
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Firefly LC is only a ~10% damage increase over Hertacone, the only reason you'd roll for S1 is if its she's your favourite unit.
E1 RM is stronger at a account level because she can be used on other teams.
Name which girls were for (You) before Firefly
what kind of retard plays a hoyoslop for self-insert waifuism
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>why are planning on skipping Feixiao
>I dont pull Nihility, first skipped male for me.
Wrong fox dummy
Hello fellow El Generalissimo friend. I really like how yours looks.
basically this. Lynx/ HuoHuo for newbies in need of their first sustain too
It isnt even worth it to get e0 Sparkle for DHIL teams these days
1. I didn't
2. Male
3. I didn't post here last night
4. I'm skipping 2.4 bro
5. I rarely brush and probably should more often
6. Hunt, I prefer human girls, don't need another DPS
7. I didn't drop it because I never picked it up in the first place.
>what is fofo
the best part about yunli is that I'll finally be able to run my sporkle that's been collecting dust for months
March was a set up.
>what kind of retard
It's going to be a guy
Fofo is 35 years old at LEAST.
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I'm tired
>E1 RM is stronger at a account level because she can be used on other teams
that's kinda pointless since she'll be glued to firefly for the rest of this game's life, and if/when a new shill unit drops you'll simply be able to roll for RM's cone then
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Its better then her FFs E1
If you don't have any other sources of def shred RM E1 is a 7% increase to team damage btw
Sparkle is a pretty significant bump for IL over all of his other teams, especially now that RM is married to break teams. I think Sparkle kind of fell off in general, but for DHIL and mono-quantum specifically she's still irreplaceable.
She's about to fall off in Acheron teams for homofox too, as much as people say they're gonna skip him, a lot of 0-cyclers are gonna snag him especially when it turns out he's T0.
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>Changli is the highest selling banner.
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No, you're not. Stop lying.
I thought we were friends. Friend wouldn't lie to each other, would they?
Damn, you hoyofags are so delulu
any gacha is expected to have a certain degree of waifuism, why would the chinks constantly seethe at genshit otherwise?
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yunli is 50 minimum
>You and I are each others destiny
>not for you
We're getting story content in 2.4 and it should bring plenty of lore and speculation. The only way it can kill the game for me is if there's shipping.
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>why did you skip Firefly’s lightcone
she's perfectly fine without it, great even
>why don’t you have Blade on your account
I do! And I love him
>why did you make that post last night
was not posting anything last night just lurked /jp/ for an hour or so
>why are you abandoning Clara for Yunli
don't have Clara still (am sad about that) not rolling for Yunli because I'm getting the fox
>why did you forget to brush your teeth three days ago
ew, I never forget to brush my teeth
>why are planning on skipping Feixiao
don't like her design all that much, I like dresses and skirts more. her eyes look weird to me and I already have a white-haired (ex) general wife (who is much cuter and looks really cute and dainty for a psychotic breakdown reincarnate)
>why did you drop ZZZ
never even installed it
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but is she legal in luofu?
Topaz not being for (You) is a unambiguous tragedy given her design was 100% made for waifufags and you cannot argue with this.
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how long will it take em to fix this crap
kafka is your mom
she will die trying to save you from getting ack'd it'll be the first time she feels fear in her life, that she'll lose (You)
then you will get gazed upon by ix, pick up her katana and body whatever the shitter boss that did it is
I want to fuck Clara
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boy do I have something to spoil for you about the fujos we share this game with and yanqing...
I don't mean headcanon, fujos are free to go wild with that
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>WuWa's most hyped banners sold less than fucking Jade
Genshin killer btw
>kafka is your mom
forma de wife, yes
oh wait you're serious, you can join the line of people who are still waiting for a fix to Predator being so impossible that the only way to get the cheevo is to grind 10 runs every day for 8 months because the odds are basically zero.
>kafka is your mom
Mentor at most
Hoyofags are so starved that if a character considers them a friends or someone important, those characters are turbo for(you)
Well... I will decide on how her animations are for her. I would like another wind dps who isn't Blade.
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don't remind me...
Her design was made for mindless coomers given as she's one of the sexiest girls in the game. That doesn't blend well with waifu material + she's a fucking wagie and will always earn more than you
Did you send feedback with a screenshot? They do actually read bug reports but if nobody reports it they won't do anything
This is why they seethe at other games so much. The average hoyofag has only played these games and don't know what real pandering is
of course it was a subhuman tourist that only knows the characters via twitter memes
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She owes her entire surge of popularity to sigga. Before she was just a jew brick because who would skip Jingliu?
what do these numbers even mean?
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If I asked Aventurine to impregnate me so that we could restore his people, would he agree?
everyone earns more than the dumpster diving trailblazer
Topaz not being written as for (you) makes her hotter.
it's just a graphical bug so whatever, they're gonna notice it eventually
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because i skipped firefly
i do
i'm sorry
i'll be using them both
but i didn't
i don't need another wind dps
i didn't
Why would you not get both?
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JP Sales
We know Svarog
>they're gonna notice it eventually
The PS5 port of this game has had broken audio in battles since it came out so no, they will not notice things
when homo banners? where bara tiddies?
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Which of these do I want as a newbie?
If the Astral Express ran out fuel and we can choose which faction to join, which one would you pick?
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I hate traces
I hate traces
I hate traces
I hate traces
I hate traces
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yanqing is for (you) and has a 20-minute sex scene with stelle
Erudition and Harmony are the best ones
Jade’s lap dog
I feel sorry for the girlboss fans...
Erudition is by far the best one there, you can slap it on QQ if you have her or on your mandatory Herta for PF
>Topaz not being written as for (you) makes her hotter.
t. cuck

>That doesn't blend well with waifu material
Nigga what? You saying you wouldn't waifu a sexy girl? It makes me want to impregnate her even more. They know Topaz's target audience and betrayed them.

>She owes her entire surge of popularity to sigga
More like FUA shilling
stellaron hunters duh
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>most hyped banners
The game is barely in 1.1 lol
>most exciting part of 2.4 is the 2.5 beta because there are those of us with hopium there will be a good banenr
honkai star rail is dead isnt it
Stelle will never have a boyfriend
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Wut? Topass was memed since her model leaked.
It means that Jade who flopped sold better than Changli and Jinhsi combined.
WDYM? She doesn't go anywhere without her bf Dan Heng and gf March.
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Anons, what if I do this with the new March (hunt)?
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I want to be a fly on the wall in every Genius Society meeting and afterward they can pass me around between them like a basketball
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the erudition one is the 3rd or 4th best cone for everyone that can equip it
Chumlee and general Juan
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I humbly kneel...
What’s the point of a character written to be a waifu for no reason? Unless you are perma-beta you want to conquer women and make them yours
it'll take at least 3 months of story development to hype anything up to even close to the characters we've gotten lately.
I mean Topaz had better interactions with TB than she has with Sigga or anyone else. She's pretty neutral but considers herself TB's friend a is thankful to Bronya that she stepped in when she did so Topaz and TB could be friends. There is potential there if Hoyo decides on it as IPC saga is not over. Though no one really cares about Topaz so I think she'll just end up a cameo and forgotten.
Why does it feel like there is so few people in this general? Before a new patch too.
>why did you skip Firefly’s lightcone
Because I skipped Firefly
>why don’t you have Blade on your account
He is on my account
>why did you make that post last night
I thought it was funny
>why are you abandoning Clara for Yunli
Because I never use Clara
>why did you forget to brush your teeth three days ago
I didn't forget
>why are planning on skipping Feixiao
I'll skip her if she's not FUA
>why did you drop ZZZ
I was never planning on playing it past the first day
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>Hoyo created this sexy design
>this sexy model
>gave her a terrible kit
>fucked her over with the pig animations
>made her ship (you) with M7
>and later tossed her over to /u/ and shipfaggots
This is the most bricked character in the game and I will never forgive nor will I ever forget
Now add E2 Bronya to it. Bronya and Sparkle all feeding turns to Yukong, who enables March to do amazing damage without using up one of her stacks.
Since all of the content is the same for both protagonists she is canonically Firefly's girlfriend
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I tried, lost 50 50, saving the guarantee for yunli
I do thanks to sushang
Yunli is cuter
Has a man face and no tail, looks boring
I havent
The Jing Yuan figure makes me kinda want it but it looks pretty expensive. El Generalissimo is so handsome...
thats 2 patches. I can saved 160+ rolls minimum
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Reminder IPC sponsors the olympics
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Were you not here for the 1.4 ~ 1.6 period? Most of the characters then had no hype because they had 0 screentime.
Acheron hype was because she was Raiden "Bolsonaro" Mei and Firefly hype had been going strong ever since Penacony 2.0 dropped, its hard to replicate those things.
>is thankful to Bronya that she stepped in when she did so Topaz and TB could be friends.
You read that line wrong.. She's saying she would've easily been your enemy if Bronya wasn't there. If anything, it shows how flimsy her relationship with TB truly is that it hinged on Bronya. You are just a business client to her afterall, it's not really personal.
This stumped me. The mansion in the Gunfire Trial (Hanu puzzles) has a locked room and jigsaw in a currently unreachable place.
Who's being her master in this team
You need someone that takes turns really fast and always attacks
I didn't skip Firefly's lightcone
I can't remember why I skipped Blade
I had to brag about my air fryer
I never used/built Clara despite having her E3
I haven't forgotten to brush my teeth in years
I think she's ugly
I'm still playing ZZZ
For you perhaps
Yukong of course. She is her own dps with her buffs.
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>Sigga luck trascends logic so the sigga cosplayer just passed every persuation check
Holy fucking KINO
Is this a sponsored tiktok? That's the only reason I can imagine they even made this
They had Aventurine dance crazy
I find really funny the "Raiden B___ Mei" post.
Can you give me your bests hahas?
A lot of people were asking how to reach it when the patch dropped. It's pretty simple once you know what to do though.
Watch a youtube guide this was weird to get to, you need to use the elevator in a specific way
Nah, it's just two niggas having fun
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I fucking hate Hanu, Clockie and all this mascot faggotry and I didn't give a single fuck about how Penacony came to be
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Is Imaginary March actually going to be good? Or would Ratio be better?
I quit in in 1.4 because it was boring
Potential T0 at E6, T0.5 at E3, she goes 1-to-1 with Dr Ratio but has greater team flexbility and offers great support to other dps like Yunli and (probably) Feixiao.
I drew this
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There is only one. Sam with a strap-on.
We are all gonna get E6 for free anyways. This is amazing.
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This is why 99% of mihoyo puzzles are braindead
I am currently thinking about replacing my ratio for imaginary March with Topaz on my FUA team since she attacks so much.
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Kys Gideon
Raiden 'bitch imma kill you for kicking me out of Disneyland' Mei
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goodnight bros I love Xueyi!!!
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Actually? Holy based as fuck fofo friend
I mean yeah, TB and Topaz barely knew each other back then. Now it's a bit different so she's thankful it didn't go down like that. She should be thankful or she'd end up like Cocolia.
That good?
I need to farm the wind set for her then.
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>wasting his skill drawing a green rat
What a shame
She's E3 only during 2.4 with the last three eidolons being locked until 2.5 but yeah she's guaranteed E6 long-term.
prove it
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what are they doing?
>fox shills still at it
Fuck off, no one other than trannies are rolling for that faggot npc fox, especially after they nerfed his ass into the ground lmfaoooo
Wtf, how much did Dawei paid for this
i will now roll on her rerun
She does tell you some IPC stone heart secrets so she's not all business.
Hot damn. Pretty girls with pink hair is everything.
trying too hard
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>She's E3 only during 2.4
You can try her E4 in SU/DU
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Hoyo's pockets are pretty deep, the sale data we have is >ONLY< mobile, from PC and PS5 they generate a good chunk too.
They're swimming in money.
she's sad because tail got replaced
Cutest firefly
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Turn your volume up...
so is jiaoqiu really just:
>3 stacks of dot
>5 stacks of bonus dmg debuff
>ult damage aura
like don't get me wrong he sounds completely broken and very efficient with shit relics, but god is it boring and it only really helps people with already strong accounts in longer fights that they could probably 1-cycle before he stacks up anyways
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>having to use consumable to beat hard bosses
its kinda kino when you think about rpg mechanics
Stop posting this webm of me aiieeeeeee
just wait for black swan rerun. you can cover burn on a dot team with asta or the universal market lightcone if you are desperate for a source of burn damage.
Black Swan is f u n and strong
I've tested him in PS, he stacks to 5 super fast, you get to max stacks in like 1 turn.
But yes, he's really boring insofar that he has ONE team where he is good
Direct upgrade over other alternatives, makes her pop off 8 in PF
Sidegrade to Ruan Mei/Robin, you want E0S1 if you want to match the harmonies performance at E0S0
unironic pela sidegrade lol.

he >might< be good for Feixiao but we'll see.
How do I get the 1 - 3* characters?
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Can E1 Blackswan cover wind weathers? Or would a wind hunt like a fox be important?
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She will be in.
if you already have guin then you can get jiaq's cone in an average less jade spent than to get the character
Real Question: Should Honkai Star Rail be banned from the world for being supported by the CCP and having dangerous gambling attached to a core part of its gameplay?
Is Yunli our shiki-chan?
get e1s1 bs + kafka cone for the basic DOT team the kafka cone provides erode dot and no other nihility cone just *adds* a dot
cute, but her right arm is fucked up
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So... what are 2.6 banners? I find it funny that no leak talks about what is in 2.6.
We knew 2.4 will be this new girl Yunli and male fox. We knew 2.5 will be Feixiao and Lingsha, with Moze as 4*. We even know 2.7 are Tingyun and Schizoday. Yet not a peep about 2.6. Why? No new characters there? It's such a shit patch even by filler standards? Or is it something huge that would get leakers instantly ambushed by Hoyo's ninjas if they were to just as much mention anything about it?
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Guin with JQ cone was always a meme and it was specifically sheeted for DoT and the calculations were retarded because it also concluded that E6S1 Guin > E0 RM lmao.
For Acheron the stupid fox is better.
expies aren't real
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>she would wake you up like that ever day if you just join SH.
Pom pom, I'm leaving AE
>spreadsheet calcs
But DOT has been weak for a while now in MOC
>2.4 lasts from now until mid-September
>2.5 lasts from mid-Step to end of October
>2.6 is from end of October to early December
It's the halloween event.
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Sigga was also bricked significantly by not being for (you), but atleast he makes up for it in gifts/money bribery. Also a male not being for (you) is less tragic than a cute girl not being for (You). Sigga was clearly made to appeal to fujoyumes, while Topig was clearly made to appeal to waifufags. They both betrayed a portion of their audience.
>We even know 2.7 are Tingyun and Schizoday
We do?
I have used Kafka DoT for every single MoC since her release, and I have never not fully cleared.
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She actually would go and personally wake you up even if you stay on the AE if you ask her.
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who would win in a fight?
Nta: Every leak source that was right about line ups so far keeps saying 2.7 is Sunday and Tingyun patch
their names naturally filter people
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I'm a morning person but I'll keep myself laying on bed just for her to wake me up
That gives me hope. I have E0S1 Kafka and Ruan Mei / Sparkle E2 anyways. Upgrading my Blackswan.
It's weird because he seemed to be very for (You) in 2.0 and the he just fucked off on his own in 2.1 and never came back.
Fuck it, I'm gonna e2 dragon Dan whenever he comes back
Xiao Gui stocks rising
Trust the plan.
It's just funny that not a single leaker even tries to say what banners might be in that patch, when they talked about every other patch. Why gatekeep any info on this patch in particular?
>Femanons first pump and dump
Get use to it, sis
>Bricking your account even more
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Were her gains truly unforgettable?
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So who is getting feet the destruction?
He and boothill have some of the best (average) moc and AS clear times around despite not being meta.
2.1 was rewritten desu
Given Sigga's promo in CN had a yume date & White Night with Caelus, it's clear he was supposed to pander more in that direction but it all went out with a wet fart and by 2.3, his relationship with TB just doesn't feel earned
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Firefly gained (You)
i don't even know what she gained from penacony
>she found out that there's a cure for glamoth aids!
she already knew that
been kind of inactive lately
is jade or anyone coming in the next 1-2 patches a particularly good get? or can I go full save mode for now
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Based fofofriend
>Given Sigga's promo in CN had a yume date
That's what not a date with you, that was a magazine interview.
I was going off their best comp, I didn't even think Dan was that high across his teams.
2.5 leaks soonish probably
If you like hags, Jade is great. If you are meta only, she sucks. She is really fun. She can be great but it depends on content.
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2.6 will be a herta spacestation patch with a genius society quest
stephen lloyd and screwllum
or screwllum and ???
trust the plan
Banjo broskis... you told me that Sparkle was a brick with shittiest clears...
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>literally proving me right
Every new unit before 3.0 will be bricks.
She got to spend time with (You) as Firefly instead of as SAM.
I should do this. I already have e1s1. the e2 eluded me
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Sis the end of the video literally has him complaining about having to do promo stuff for the family...
She spent time with Blade too. He even gave her a drive home.
Herta (forma true) WHEN
DHIL super break team with SW and Harm TB?
With Adventurine or Luocha as Sustain you can 50/50 on resets for imaginary implant
DoT brick bros... I thought we were KANGZ that needed no shilling to dominate
Yeah and she didn't seem to care much about it, thats the difference.
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>Sigga gets a faux pov date that is actually just a forced promo
>Firefly gets a REAL pov date with (you)
>Sigga gets one (1) phone call that is just Kakavasha rambling about kids stuff
>Firefly gets THREE (3) phone calls that are actually her + SW wingwoman cameo
They didn't even bother to disguise the favoritism jesas, now I understand the Stellesis who asks for boyfriends.
Jade will probably trivialize PF for a long time, but she's just kind of lame. She's a domineering mysterious hag in a game that already has 3 of those that do it better.
Yunli is still p good because phys is a low competition element and she works well with low cost teams. But she's sexy.
Jiaoqiu is a minor acheron upgrade.
March is free and around Robin/topaz/tingyun in any comp.
Lingsha and feixiao are questionable in terms of leaks, and the leaks make them sound ok at best if you don't have at least e1 Firefly.
brain in a vat in The Blue planet below the station
They still pandered to the idea of it with him, they didn't give a single other male anyone like that so it's clear they wanted their hands full with Aventurine
>she already knew that
What? I'm pretty sure she didn't. The whole point was her being desperate to keep living and didn't know that her illness was even curable since all the scientists working on that project died a long time ago. Now she has hope that she can still be cured even if she didn't take Jade's deal because she didn't want to give up her new family for it. The Firefly at the end of Penacony is pretty different from the resigned Firefly talking to Blade in the car during the Jepella Rebellion so she got a lot from her experience in Penacony
How long is 2.3 story? they just keep yapping I hate the IPC I need to unlock this birb event before it goes away aaaa
DoT has always been soul before meta. Kafka had to go MONTHS without being truly viable
only if her true form is a slime girl
I'm so sorry bro...
It's not that long
2.3 is like 1 hour and half at most bro
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Its like 70~80 minutes long.
Just use the skip button bro?
Fraudventurine bros we are jobbing to everyone not named Luochud or standard bricks. Even free 4* like Gallagher is mogging us!
Herta's true form is the Herta Space Station itself. No wonder Nous has a crush on her.
kinda shitty that unless you rolled the Sigga you're pretty much unable to experiment with the preservation path in SU
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>Sigga gets one (1) phone call that is just Kakavasha rambling about kids stuff
lil sigga is kino
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>using average cycles as a measure of how good a sustain is
Your Gepard?
literally me
he's trash
Bro your GODpard?
For someone who gets doomposted by this general a lot, Topaz always having some of the fastest clears (even when moc isn't shilling her) is funny to me.
Is the new march a FUA? I'd love someone to go with topaz but I never wanted to use r*tio or kaka
The fact that Aventurine even has that magazine cover is proof they wanted the yume audience with him too. Honestly omnipandering was a mistake
she's fua and break effect aligned
I hope your Jing's and your Dan's are built for this next Apoc Shadow
Dan rerun when?
Banjo a biggest fraud confirmed. Jobs in the same meta age that has Firefly as top dps.
at least our homos are cool and not pathetic nu-males like those in genshit
>Wind and Lightning weakness
Kafker Swan
feixiao will be a brick
Whatever makes you sleep at night, sister.
>popular units job because everyone uses them including bottom of the barrel retards
>niche garbage units overperform because it's just mentally ill simps who have them at E6R6 who use them
I'm not rolling for a long while if true.
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This doesn't apply to brickhill though, he's not popular enough to have drooling retards dragging his performance down.
hope she's a hag so I wouldn't have to roll regardless
She's not wrong, omnipandering was a mistake
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Superbreak Hunt March or Yunli + March. Once the toughness bar is destroyed, Yunli just deletes the boss with her ultimate.
If Jing Yuan is a brick then the rest of Arbiter-Generals are also bricks.
Told you faggots! Bug fucker is the most overrated unit in this fucking game. If Sunday ends up being super brick effect harmony as rumors suggest, I'll laugh my ass off because such unit wouldn't kick HTB from Firefly team as it would her.
that's because he's just objectively dogshit

>single target only
>needs to ult before he can start doing damage
>at least our homos are cool
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>Sunday is literally the whitest character ever with a skin tone that is #FFFFF
I kneel hoyo
firefly can't even do 0av apoc shadow

hell even e6s5 firefly can't do single-digit apoc shadow, meanwhile seele can
Now you understand why some people hate banjo simps.
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How is his skin lighter than the white of his eyes holy shit
by that logic, jade is better at moc than acheron
stop talking in numbers that my wallet can't understand
I'm probably going to be rolling for him with eidolons or cone considering how much jade Im going to save in the next two patches
and this is why he was deemed worthy of joining the express
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Butthurt hypercarry players are the loudest bunch.
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Damn thats crazy
She has dotcucks dragging her down sadly
its 100$ for 6480 jade
that is not even one guaranteed gold character in rolls. its not even a guarenteed limited when you buy it twice for 200$
How much do whales spend on this game when they even just e2s1 a character?
do we ever get super godfest type banners featuring multiple characters?
Because all of them have E1S1
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>all of limited brick sustains jobbed to a 4* one
Clara rape
don't think about it too hard gwailo
he's literally me...
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Alexa play "The prodigal's return"
Don't point out the E1, the 50/50 still hurts
>Extremely sexy
>not for (You)
Topig will never be worth it
Unironically nothing wrong with that as long as it's not forced on people
I play an off meta build so mine doesnt really compare
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asia has a big issue of self hating their skin color and they project it onto other cultures
to the point that they'll give a dark skin character really desaturated skin to make them look paler
ask any person who commissions their dark skin OC from an asian artist
Gallagher was originally intended to be 5* before demotion and changes so they can shill their China slop instead (Lingsha)
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Only the sigga can compete
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you didn't pull for Jade, right? She's evil.
>Aventurine lost to every other limited healer except Luochud
>in the FUA shill MOC
B-bros... he was supposed to be good... why did you lie to me...
new VA sounds pretty good too, at least
shame either way
I did and I regret it
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How much EHR Jiaoqiu needs? Gearing BS with her 120% req was a pain in the ass
I rolled her. pure fiction slave. I don't like the game mode and she runs well in auto mode
that's the thing about average cycles. when everyone uses a character, they have a lot more people dragging them down
If Sunday wonnard

>wake up
>eat ice cream for breakfast
>have sex with firefly
>take a bubble bath watching anime
>have sex with firefly again
>go to the amusement park with firefly
>share a churro with firefly
>ride the roller coaster with firefly
>go get sushi for dinner with firefly
>go home
>cuddle with firefly watching scary movies
>have sex with firefly
>go to bed with a smile on my face
>wake up and do it all over again
I love evil women
ran out of pulls, I'll rather use the pity on next banner and the huohuo rerun.
>all the way down there next to Gepard
Mythus solos
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predownload doko
Assuming Eyes on the Prey S5:
40% (Cone)
43.2% (Chest)
28% (Traces)
= 111%, you need 8 EHR subs to get to 140% which is where his Talent of EHR=ATK% caps and also the recommended EHR for him.

So he wants 29% EHR from relic substats assuming a 40% EHR cone.
Still crazy to see TB be one of the strongest characters in the game
the unfun parts of the game come out when theres not slot machine to throw rolls at constantly while earning jade
He's getting his cycles dragged down by shitters lmao
I pulled specifically because she's evil. In fact, I specifically love rich evil women that ruin peoples lives for fun. I rolled for Koyanskaya in FGO for that reason more than her gameplay relevance and the same is true here.
Yeah, Gallagher only beat him, because no one has Gallagher.
No, I've bricked my account enough
thats because no one was actively playing when he was free
meh, it will be impressive when he does it without the fire break shilling puppet boss
how do I resist the urge of dropping 1000 bucks on Yunli's E2S1
Shes not even evil. I was hoping she would be far worse. She just has a business where retards accept contracts because they are retards
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god i love DU and i love xueyi
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I miss mom...
Gallaagher mainly being used on Break Teams and with Firefly which means his average cycles are gonna be low because Firefly is fucking broken. Aventurine is being used in all sorts of teams to stop bad players from dying.
Yea... This proves that Lingsha will shit all over these bricks before her. If Gallagher, her "inferior" version is shitting all over them, in MOC that shills FUA (not his gimmick), Lingsha will make every sustain prior to her look like a damn clown that not even Aha would want in his ranks.
Everyone on Firefly's team is evil too and nobody cares
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Who is this set even for? I've been leveling this shit up and keeping the ones with 3+ crit rolls, but I have no idea what character I'd equip this shit on.
It's time to move on. Shes not coming back
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What relic set and planar for this qt?
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Are you ready for leaks?
I wish I could lick Yunli's feet
Hate Firefly
Firefly Hate
4p cowboy set
Oh, I'm skipping both. I guess I can use the 2 set on other shit though.
I did, when has a character being evil ever stopped people here from pulling?
>everyone jobbing to Peniscolony's Natasha aka free sustain unit
Extremely funny desu
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Firefly Love
Love Firefly
Leaks are today?
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>140 EHR
It's so fucking over my only cone is a eyes of the prey S2 and most of my EHR pieces don't have speed which is what made gearing BS horrible and this dude probably wants to be super fast
as in tonight? or during reset?
what is expected to leak? will we know 2.5 reruns?
Just because it's the people walking into it themselves, doesn't make her not evil. She gets enjoyment out of specifically seeing people ruin themselves and their lives, and enables them to do so, knowing it will go poorly for them. Although I wouldn't say "evil" is the ideal word for what I like about her type and Koyanskaya's type anyway. It's the sadistic nature where they want to see someone be ruined that gets me. Evil just adds to it, it's the "woman that wants to see you be ruined for the rest of your life because she enjoys it" I like.
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>muh whale metrics
Here's the actual average with everyone at E0
I had 9000 jades that I spent on Jade. I rolled to boost my girls Asta Natasha and Serval, and got Jade and Clara in the process.
anyone who has e6 asta and is not going to roll for Jiaq will regret it
Rerun banners aren't in the betas
That's the entire reason "leakers" keep getting them wrong, because they're just guessing based on the original run order
ah yes, so helpful.
Pre download, I guess, so basically the 2.4 story and voicelines
She is for me tho
Ratio gods - he really must be superior if he is both the fastest, and all the shitters with no debuffs are also using him
Boothill still doing badly for some reason
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Firefly love!
Cool, but I'm not rolling for males.
2.4 voiceline shitposting
2.4 story shitposting
I pulled her E1 so she can work with Hunt debt collectors and my Silver Wolf. FUA is still fun.
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Robin sex
I understand the FuAkeks since current MoC shills it but why is Jingliu so high lmao
>Seele still mogs everyone years later
>DHIL still making fun of /hsrg/
>HTB at top
>free 4* sustain keeps shitting on everyone else hard
>r/jingyuanmains won't like that there
Top kek
Boothill suffers from needing ramp up before he can actually do his things. He really needs the phys weak trotters to shine.
Is this limited units at E0 or literally everyone at E0
Because if it's the latter it makes no sense
And Florence? What is the state of Firenze?
5 stars at E0, 4 stars don't have that limitation.
>needing ramp up before he can actually do his things
the same goes for Jade e1. she perform like a good DPS when she has 50 stacks
Because Godloo is still kicking it on anything with Ice/Quantum, I've heard her to 12* AC and MOC
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>Jade over Firefraud on MOC where she's supposed to be unplayable trash
Was superbreak a huge scam?
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I thought that was Bronya lmao.
>Firefly losing to Jade
E0 only btw
>but FuA shilling
also losing to Jingliu
Fartfly bros... We are not only jobbing to Erudition brick, but ice hag from last year. Wtf Firefart bros?
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>"The Nameless"
>they all have names
Still not using your gay wormed doctor
Why is Jade so high?
>everyone at E0
New thread
Someone make an actual thread
People don't build her right and don't understand how double break works.
Also e2 fly is a completely different beastm
>mogged by Jingloo despite having help from whole team for damage and having boss specifically made to shill her specifically
>on MOC where she's supposed to be unplayable trash
This MoC is shilling FuA
>double vandalized threads
>mogged hard by last year's unit
This just confirms both Kekrone and Pagfly as the biggest bricks
>double vandalized thread
i'm starting to think one of these faggots is gojocuck
the fuck is a gojocuck, i just want retards to name the threads properly
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Based jannies
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>HuoHuo star rail thread deleted
Based mods. Fucking hate this shit
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What happened to huohuo
>HuoHuo star rail thread deleted
Cringe, fofo is hsrg culture
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it's fucking over...
They do it for free but they're too stupid to rangeban the retard doing it
>both of them got nuked
Jannies, I kneel
based jannieGODS
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The fofo bread burned...

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