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Previous: >>488096736

>Download - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/


>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 (JP)

>Zhu Yuan EP - "As the Sugar Cube Floats, Fleeting in Time"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-ekcFSdke8 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wsp6_mservA (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s (JP)

>Official X account

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online) - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull Tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>Damage Calculator

>ZZZ stickers

>/zzz/ Thread Template
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Lucy love
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How is your shark training going, /zzz/?
>Soul hounds took 7 minutes to fully clear out the shop
Nice game zzzbabs
the lasers in soul hounds are kind of bullshit
I'm not even in the same column as these things and they still hit me sometimes
I will now try the solo run of the prophency. wish me luck bwos
other than the banana site, where else do I get filthy, filthy mods
Reminder to wash your sister
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Need arson GF
Up to 55% crit, 133% crit damage. At this point every disc has atleast one of those as a subtstat with 4/6 discs having +2 or +3. Im starting to really scrape the bottom of the barrel in terms of farming discs with crit just to see if I get lucky and get better rolls.
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Almost perfect...
I didn't even realize i mashed A while scrolling 4chans
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>barges into your store
>forces you to sign an NDA
>dumps hundreds of vintage porn tapes in your room
>makes you watch them all on your TV
>refuses to elaborate
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They're the best.
Good luck bwo!
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I don't care about the girl
I just like the sky
What's the best wallpaper if I like sky?
Using Anby's rn
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Remember if you break the NDA she breaks your pelvis
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when do I start farming disks? I'm level 30 can't rank S on shiyu defence 6 and above.
I can't brute force with just level 30 characters anymore.
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Koleda Lucy Piper Qingyi Love
>HZ bounties requiring Core difficulty now
I hope it doesn't go any further than this, if the weeklies become "clear 11/11 withering garden" I'm going to have a thread melty
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fuck the soul hounds event
fuck this evil trash, it's only redeeming quality is that it can be completely AFK unlike the snake duel cancer
I didn't touch the controller at all and will still got the rewards, enjoy doing the event for me
I refuse to participate in the inherently evil and abhorrent practice of PvP, you psychopath scum won't get any reaction from me to fuel your sick urges
fuck multiplayer as a concept
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When are they going to start drip marketing the 1.2 characters?
When you start being unable to improve yourself meaningfully without getting better disks. Every other answer is a meme, you should farm what you need right now to improve your characters and push the content you are at.
If you're level 30 and have all level 40 characters, then get a basic set of disks with the right main stats for at least your attackers.
uh oh anti pvp guy melty
a few weeks after 1.1 starts probably
who is our cheld?
And sexrapesex
>I refuse to participate
>participated in snake
>is participating in soul hounds
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not bad, but I need better substats
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You need to use the extremely secret shark rest technique to improve disc rolls, Ellen friend...
but bwo you only get 500 doggy vouchers that way!
right after they announce the 1.1 stream I would think?
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>Not using 4 Woodpecker on Ellen
anon i...
Piper is better than Anton on a Grace Rina team

when do u ever use anton then
>A rank S13
>I have Ellen and Zhu Yuan
Oh no...
literally even stepping foot into the woodpecker domain is account suicide
If he is playing a full Ice team, it's fine. The secondary stays up almost constantly. For everything else, Pecker is better...
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why does the dog have a vacuum cleaner
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maybe eventually I will but I'm farming ice/anomaly disc for Ellen and Jane later while rolling woodpecker at the music shop
You don't, bwo...
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Hard. Not much I can do other than grind more skill levels until I hit 45 to get her better discs.
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I think even then its fine right now, assuming he makes use of the second disk in the Polar domain. Pecker is best just tuned at the shop so it makes sense to use Polar for now.
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I'm gonna need more crit damage later on, but I'm happy for now.
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naturally naturally
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i finished the chapter 2 intermission quest and here is my current ranking of main quests from best to work
>belobog industries
pure shonen kino with mecha fight at the end
>prologue with the box and the cunning hares
the cunning hares are very likeable and nicole is sweet
>vision corp nekomata story
felt like filler but it's forgivable since it's still the start of the story
>zhu yuan qingyi quest
cute and cool but also felt like a little bit like filler, but it seems to be setting up big stuff

that's all, the story while not amazing is still leagues above any hoyogame i played, i have high hopes for the maids questline, mainly expecting a bit of horror considering the theme of the faction.
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wtf put this PUBSEC officer down this instant
When will the ZZZ Jingliu release so I can avoid her like a plague? I dodged Ice Seele just recently
The way she laughs in JP OHOHOHO DESU WA. Man EN cant compete.
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>still playing this dead game
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so when do these refresh? what time tomorrow?
Yea this is exactly what I'm doing. I think it's very efficient to farm polar domain for Ellen and upcoming disorder meta
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As i have both Lycaon and Soukaku, i'll be eager to test this dork out.
I'd actually rate cops a bit higher, but it seems Belobog is most peoples highlight. You just can't beat industrial robot mecha fights.
Erm she never says desu wa after laughing, the line is actually ohohohoho sasuga watakushi
get it right next time dekinaibro ok this is your last warning
okay so I have 6 discs for my DPS
they're all S and A tier but random stats, so I didn't enhance them
do I go to music store, and roll for ATK and CRIT S discs that I want? I'm asking because I'm not sure how this whole disc rerolling works
I also hear people mentioning farming the discs? am I bricking myself by using the music store? thanks guys
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I love him...
>he doesn't know
good one
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snake ones never refreshed right?
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>You can cuck the other from getting rewards if you go fast enough
That's when you mod the game
dont worry we're having pub sec right now
blud really (not really) though he was getting 200 polychrome a day
they still get rewards
you can just start the game and not do anything and youll still get points
did you really think you would get 1.2 pulls every day lmao
That's what happened to me all 3 times I've tried to co-op this game before the event. Still don't know the condition for game to end before others complete the run though lol
Is it a bad idea to make main team out of 2 S tiers if I wont get cinema? would it be better to have 3 max cinema A tiers? In general, not 100% efficiency meta
Which standard S characters will still be relevant in 3.0? Which ones shit the bed?
Me and my cock
So are they gonna make a low effort event for every arcade game?
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which characters specifically? there is a big difference between them right now
Its a timer that starts when the first person reaches the bottom.
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>Try to apply assault on mech.
>Jumps across the entire stage
>Try to use piper E
>Jumps into the air
>Try to kill the ads to kill the mech
>Teleports to my location
What hoyodev jerked off to armored core enough to add this fucker into the game
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The most absolute niggerfaggot ethereal.

I can take the bosses out no problem but this fuckin faggot
In general C6 A ranks are equivalent to C0 S ranks, with flexibility in that ranking depending on how good or bad the characters are by design.
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this bitch makes my dick HARD
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Good morning to everyone but especially my Corinbros!

I hope everyone’s week gets off to a great start!
well currently I main zhu yuan, anby and nicole
zhu yuan is cinema 0, anby is 2 and nicole is 6
I'm wondering if I should swap anby for robocop cinema 0 (i assume i wont get higher cinema) or keep anby and max her out over time
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It really was pure KINO
Yes you should replace Anby with Chingchong when she releases.
you gotta learn the pattern and not mash unironically
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Hello Corinbro. Hope you have a monday morning too.
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>Play Nekomata
>Kill it with Stealthy Paws road rage from Perfect Dodge counters.
Sucks to not get spooked by a cat now, huh?
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why is it so funny
Yes, absolutely. Anby isn't bad but she's a placeholder
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You're in luck, robocop is worth Anby if she had C12.
As a rule of thumb you should expect all S-ranks to be far and away superior to A-ranks of the same class
*A great Monday morning
I just woke up
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question, fellow gamers
Is an even skill distribution silly? Should I just focus on Basic Attack and EX skill?
thanks guys
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fat pussy
Remember to not brick your account. If you're F2Poor REROLL for Zhu Yuan.
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I'd roll for her even if she wore the generic NPC outfit.
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>I don't want to support this team anymore!
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Mōshiwake arimasen lucybro, you're correct to make such a blunder please forgive this lowly one.
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It's a skill issue I'm afraid
Learn to dodge
holy fuck, for a moment I thought Shark was holding up a fish, from the thumbnail
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>you watch illegal video tapes with Zhu Yuan
>it's DEFINITELY porn

Alright anons, make up your New Eridu porn titles for the tapes
my autism forces me to upgrade everything, but i'm pretty sure characters like nicole don't need to upgrade basic attacks since you should never attack with her
Oh no?
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I regret rolling for Ellen Lawrence
It's funny she's trying so hard to be a tomboy, pretending to be what she's not.
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Half of his attacks don't have a visual / sound cue, the other half leaves behind an invisible trail of what I assume to be brap gas that damages you long after the mob has moved away
do I buy the tuner or the bopoons for 2000 hollow zero currency? Resets in 2 days
Yeah it kinda is , especially for supports/stunner. But If you already got everyone's skills build you might as well. I do the same.
zhu yuan is a femcel
Thanatos isn't hard to beat he's just fucking anonying.
>teleports away
>attack teleports away again
fucking wasting time, I feel like I have to roll for qingyi becasue these trick fucking bosses only exist to piss me off unless i stun them.
literaly he's a fucking stunner check in a game where the only free stunner wants time to apply her AB combo. I fucking hate this guy.
Every single one of his attacks has a visual cue bwo
Boot up the training mode and give him 3 minutes of practice you can do it
go for the tuner desu
He reminds me of Fury from DMC5.
no one actually faps to nekomata right
They better keep the flames coming out of her lighter heels, that shit was KINO
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20 attempts of shiyu 9 and i've already memorised that annoying nigga
I actually habe no clue how that works other then it lets me choose a substat on a disc
if you aren't going for shiyu clears then do NOT get the tuner, 2000 is worth a fuckton of materials
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Good morning sharkbros, how we doing today?
Depends on character, some only use skill/parry/chain and nothing else
why is her ass so fat?
it lets you choose the main stat actually
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Not after the night we just had.
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See >>488113535 >>488113498
>Half of his attacks don't have a visual / sound cue
>literally disappears
Do you lack object permanence or something?
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I did
digits don't lie
So I guess next arc is the biker gang arc.
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Genshin is more up your ally
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someone better make that outfit a mod when she releases
next arc is the cop arc tho
Next arc is police retard bro... Hence the back to back to back cop banners
What webpage?
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get on it
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No luck in the disk mines today. I should probably focus on Zhu Yuan's disks but everyones shark looks so much better than mine.
Even at 0 copies?
second char i`ll C6 for sure (first Zhu Yuan)

Jane Doe was appealing, but think gameplay fun wise, no need to max her. Meanwhiel Burnice seems to be a fun character if the flamethrower mechanic works as i imagine it would

Also waiting for Trigger-chan
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we zooming and cutting
go to hoyolab.com , login with your account, then seek picrel on the sidebar.
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fap to this
>She chose the BEAR Thiren
Multiple copies is just whalebait anyways. The average person is only expected to pull 1 and that 1 is still going to be better than any other option
1.1 = Police
1.2 = Bikers
1.3 = Spec-ops
1.4 = Idols
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And how many times have you fapped to the dendro archon?
Only girl from Calydon I like.
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Post your gains, bro!
Robo loli cop is so cute!
What does Alexandrina do outside of making my dick hard
why is my relationship with Soldier 11 stalled just before the max level? is this a common bug?
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Stop liking evil women
>less than 2k attack
zero points
Max Level apparently isn't implemented for whatever reason.
Just a couple
and killing bosses
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>always forget to eat noodles, except for Weekly Errand

I sympathize with Joe Biden now
I would have called it quits by the second time bro...
buying noodles is a brick
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Might want to increase those numbers
I mean you were pretty brave/naive/optimistic to upgrade it to lvl 15
i wanted to test the limits of my sanity
how do I deal more disorder damage
We have videos of Jane Doe?
your free noodles?
>no soundposts of Rina mooing yet
/zzz/ is so fucking soulless man
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>Where did I toss this coin
>Well at least I dont have to partake in performance art by lying down in someones store

What the fuck is this Luo nigger saying, where is this fucking coin
Where can I buy this
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Playable Rain when?
You are supposed to parry it. Robocop isn't even good at that.
Anby sucks, but she can do the parry okay if you don't mind baiting it with the attacker. Anby's problem is just that the fuckers have scripted enemies to attack JUST when she gets to her enhanced attack "thunder!", so you always get hit by that shit and can't chain into skill. Robocop can actually dodge during her attack string and continue as far as I know.

She is frustrating to play. As much as I like her, I'll pregrind robocop's set now. I S cleared the first 3 stages of the resetting thingy, which is enough for me for now. By the time I hit 50 I'll have a good 30 batteries to grind the basics and until robocop Anby will benefit of the set.
do it yourself then you dumb motherfucker
D.I.N.E. I.N.
(Dicks In New Eridu, Inside Night)
she's trans 100%
very easy, just remember to dodge 3 attacks as he teleports
Pretty funny how you go from Grace who scares Eous with her smothering to Rina who Eous is just over the moon over.
he's actually david blaine
you have to go to a porta potty in the construction site to shit it out
what kind of animal girl you want next?
stinky badger
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Why would you ever use a stunner?
There’s a staircase leading to the roof of Enzo’s store. The moron tossed it all the way up there into the crate.
Wait don't tell me that's all the content that's currently in the game?
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Rina already has two perfect bangboo children so Eous doesnt feel like he's going to get boonapped and filled with lubricant like with Grace
lycan anus shreds ice by 25%
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>Animal girl
I want mah boy Stoffel https://youtube.com/watch?v=c36UNSoJenI
Isn't that just a skunk?
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I made him my main and he banked me 210~ rolls so far from saving. Not rolling till they show the model creep on the new characters.
nice uid, nerd.
And you're welcome.
But also nice M4 Shark
>she can power her own magic wand with an israel type plug with her belly button
what did dawei mean by this?
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i regret picking belle so much
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>You can get negative Dennies in HZ with Nicole
This pink slut...
I want to watch vintage porn tapes with Qingyi too bros...I don't want dogshit like drinking tae or playing Mahjong...How do I cope?
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why don't we have any female furry characters?
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Roguelike plebs is this really the kind of content you care about?
Is it me or is alexandrina just plain worse than Nicole?
I'm not, because I will achieve my lesbian harem fantasy
Not a furry but as a child Renamon was sexier than Angewomon desu senpai frfr.
Wow, she looks like a schizophrenic Nekomata.
>logging in to do dailies and use stamina has started to feel empty and soul draining

it's over..
First single-player MMO?
That's because you probably are just using Rina as a swap bot like nicole.
You actually need to make sure her puppets are constantly active.
on god
That gameplay is super sexy though?
what do you mean spec-ops, soldier 11's faction?
That's just a regular Zhu rotation on a single immobile enemy what are you talking about
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he could mean H.A.N.D with miyabi.
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heh.. noting personnel kids...
She is the dedicated chinawank agent for now, so all of her events will be about something chinese.
hewwo.. i took a break to play valkyria chronicles 4, where is everyone?
Used to play genshin and star rail before, but dropped them because of the same reason
>1 Not furry
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so pyhs and fire just get shit on?
Wait for the next rotation bub.
I'm pretty sure Miyabi is Fire attack so wait till they wank her.
>single-player MMO
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should i play that? i really loved 1 but didn't play 2 or 3.
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Wait, your that sharkluckgod
Fuck you
But also, nice Ellen
>this cope again
>literally all her effects are blue fire
This is how this game is anon
It's been designed top to bottom to shill whatever new character is out and make you fomo your wallet open
Just be patient and level you'll get there
>where is everyone?
In your heart....
all mmos are inherently single player now days.
Miyabi will be an Ether Anomaly character
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Do people really fap to the Genshin potatos? Isnt that like going a bit far to actually pedo territory?
>People clearing with S11 and koleda and Lucy and Piper
Elements aren't that serious.
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go back to star rail if you want a firepag meta
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What's the point of taking the debt resonium in withering garden
Its damage bonus caps out at less than the other two, and all its catalyzed version does is bring that damage bonus up to par with them, meanwhile the other two give you healing/shielding
this guy is probably only hard because we're underlevelled and undergeared, his poise is actually very low
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Based luckGOD
Them putting weakness implant into powercreep is actually ruining the game honestly.
>this cope again
There isnt. The money nigger is the most worthless cunt in withering garden.
>going a bit far to actually pedo territory?
It might be crazy what I'm about to say
The weakness shit is barely noticeable. What is noticeable is when your damage is resisted, and the actual critical effect which is 100% fomo since its just flat bonuses to ether and ice, alongside massive boosts to basic attack damage which Zhu and Ellen both love.
You can bet your ass the next part of the story will only have human enemies weak to fire so that all the people who pulled exclusively on the limited for ice/ether teams will scramble to get Koleda/S11
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My uncle works for mihoyo and he said miyabi is actually going to be electric attack and also they're releasing a new disk drive set that says "If your characters name is Ellen, all attacks do 300% more damage"
If a break dps can't break, they can't deal damage. You still get your damage reduced though, so playing off element is no different to any other dps.
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>"If your characters name is Ellen, all attacks do 300% more damage"
Nah, that kind of thing won't happen until after 2.0
Miyabi will be the first pseudo element agent as ether/fire, and will gain bonuses and element typings depending on her team comp.
Nahida is usually drawn hebe-like in porn, she has curves and stuff
Ranked from best to worst, ignoring shill content
>Fire : Guaranteed DoT, amazing elemental disc set
>Ice : Free crit is good in a game where crit mainstats and subs are low
>Thunder : needs less attacks to proc it fully
>Ether : needs more attacks to proc it fully, gives crit damage which doesn't do shit for anomaly procs
>Physical : Increased daze is dogshit, we already have stunners for that and assault spam doesn't come close to what a proper stunner can do
Crazy thought...
They shouldn't break off-element...?
Is Soldier 11 a psychopath? I thought she was just an autist but she's very ruthless against the rebels in her story quests.
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I love (elf) children
Post stats.
10000000% ALWAYS use Rina ULT when using her in Rina, Grace, Piper disorder comp. The free energy makes chaining disorder feel so much nicer.
Bros i lost the 50/50. Is there enough free rolls to hit guarantee before Qingyu banner goes away in 1.1
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Elemental or faction bangboo?
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I just realized this Shiyu stage has a whooping 50% basic and dash attack bonus with 20% ether and ice damage bonus.
Please don't tell me my Ellen and Zhu will hit like wet noodle once the blessing changes
elemental ones just seem more future proof
Faction for the cases where it's made up of a faction with mishmash of elements. Elemental/Anomalyboos for everything else.
I need to have sex with kids
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BASED!, was it on the ellen banner or zhu?
the cop faction boo also seems pretty shit for what it's worth
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>Is there enough free rolls to hit guarantee
Does upgrading a skill also increase its anomaly buildup? I'm guessing it doesn't.
>going a bit far to actually pedo territory?
yea i don't know the type of sicko that would do that. thats why im only into hags.
Most probably yeah. Pretty sure she'll be 2nd banner because Rat girl will be the main shilled unit.
It's a roguelike, your stats are RNG and the run is mostly luck
I mean you can just play them outside of shiyu and see for yourself
then again, literally everything is weak to ice/ether right now
Faction for SOUL
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She’s still a kid, no?
Or is her mental age that if an actual goddess? I skipped most of the story so I legit have no idea
That's how abyss/moc works yeah.
Banner characters = easy mode
Everyone else = suck a dick
That's why you don't have to think about it too much
She just really hates traitors. Plus it's implied the rumors are over exaggerated and she doesn't actually treat them that badly.
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I did it bwos, I hit trust level 4 with Nineveh
>She’s still a kid, no?
What important is how she's drawn. In-game she's a potato, if you fap to that you're in toddlecorn shit and that's very close to being a pedo. Personally I need some curves

Also yes she's not really a kid mentally wise, she's an adult
how is genshin, tears of themis, honkai star rail and honkai third impact?
i really like ZZZ and am wondering if mihoyos other games are also good
We all know you picked it off the sidewalk, you Etherealfucker. It's covered in rocks.
actual effect is total ass. You are relying on it solely to make S11 not dogshit with the crit set, but for both Fire and Shock you are much better off just proccing disorder to get all the damage at once allowing you to start stacking anomaly build up again.
mid tier, its overall got solid effects but it doesnt really let you build into anything unique, its just "you did a bit more damage"
slightly better than ice, but stuck in the mid tier.
gets a bump up solely because it has the most generous disorder calculations. Its effect is pretty ass like Fires but if youre running shock unless its with Anton its to proc disorder which it does the best straight up in terms of calculations and character support.
godlike. Primarily because the best proccer for Assault (Piper) can dole out multiple assaults in the span of time it takes any other character to build up one anomaly proc. Rat is also looking to build it fast. Assault procs also beget more assault procs, which is very good when youre building to make it your primary source of damage. I have never seen anyone get any other anomaly to proc 150k+ damage consistently, with only shock/assault disorders with Grace coming close with the disorder procs.

In general if your comp isnt anomaly based it doesnt really matter what you use. Sure fire is better if youre using solely for S11 and do not give a shit about actually exploring anomaly damage.
Do we have the multipliers yet? Maybe it does Amillion-tier damage to make up for doing nothing else.
seeing the trust system in ZZZ makes me realize how much we were robbed in HSR with its texting mechanic. well, I already knew that, ZZZ just makes it feel worse.
genshin is fine, the tears thing idk, star rail is really boring and honkai is genshin but in space
just have in mind that the best gacha game is a lot worst than the worst rpg
>want robot
>skipping rat
>only have enough time to save for the rat
Why did she have to be on the first half?
Wait till the Rat banner.
>agents aren't undressed in their animated backgrounds according to their mindscape level
what is the opposite of cinema?
Genshin and HSR are ok depending on what you're looking for. First is open world with lots of content, I don't think anyone starting Genshin now can run out of content for an entire fucking year minimum.
HSR is a turn based game, very very very basic, I've quit it because most of my gameplay was auto battles.

No idea about HI3.
Tears of Themis is fujo shit if you're into that.
>Me who only have Corin as my DPS with Lycaon and Rina
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you WILL roll for rrat
I don't think so, but yeah you're right, I guess that is possible
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Jane is broken?
>post this when even paimon got some of those
Hi3 is hoyo's dmc it's the only other game you'd want to play if you like zzz
>can only crit for 5 seconds
holy brick
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finally unlocked rotating shiryu, but my teams suck to push far. whats more important now, getting good discs for your main dps, or leveling up your supports/stuns to 50?
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>Vampire twink playable 2.2
>Physical DPS
>Blood Gimmick
>Self-Damaging and Self-Healing
>Residual Healing is transferred to teammates
>not a hu tao clone
You rike?
genshin has a lot of good ideas but it's mihoyo's first ever major project and it shows
Genshin is a decent-ish little fantasy rpg with some deep lore but mixed story execution, HSR is a tunr-based JRPG with pretty simple mechanics (not as space opera as it originally pretends to be). They're both okay.
ToT is a otome, you know what to expect.
Honkers is a "action rpg" similar to this game but with a more sci-fi story and massive content bloat that will probably overwhelm you if you start today.
Endgame always shills the current limited S-class/5*.
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I'm inter-knot 33. How long it takes to reach lvl 40 if I spend 14 batteries? I want to do Zhu Yuan relationship mission bwos..
Hopefully but it's weird to run 3 attacker banners in a row
Its adding 5 seconds to the flinch state, which itself is 10 seconds, so you have 15 seconds to proc anomaly, which is enough to proc it 4 times easily
Potentially very strong, but limited. Keeping it up with a 10sec duration should be basically permanent so its pretty much just a damage buff to all Assault damage and will scale with however strong your Assault Anomaly DPS is.
Abyss maybe, but moc doesn't.
It doesn't. Seele (the very first banner) is currently one if not THE best char, because all it shills is generic "use skills or follow ups to attack, as much and fast as possible". Yes, the new banner chars do this. But so do plenty of older chars, including Seele who's fast, gets extra turns and uses her skill a lot to attack.

Star Rail long since surpassed the "new gacha char deals more damage" dps check modes.

For what it's worth, we at least get 50% basic attack damage, which is also benefiting a few other chars. But the ice/ether damage increase very obviously does not.
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She filtered millions...
selee was dead in the water for almost a year, i wouldn't count that as alive, more like a zombie for one patch
Does that mean my Nekomata isn't actually shit compared to ZY and Ellen?
She's going to the strongest anomally character by far seeing as it cant crit normally. the only problem i see is can she increase crit damage at all?
>didn't even bother logging in today
It's over...
>How long it takes to reach lvl 40 if I spend 14 batteries? I want to do Zhu Yuan relationship mission bwos..
Those don't need level 40. They unlock after their Interlude.
Hollow Zero is the worst weekly Hoyo has ever done and I cannot believe it actually passed testing.
It's the only weekly that I knot in their games that actually take an hour or more to fully finish all the fucking reward shit.
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You'll get there in 4-5 days without using batteries
>But the ice/ether damage increase very obviously does not.
your dps soukaku?
dates unlock after 32 knot or something wierd like that, anby gives you a call about something related to it.
why did wuwa win?
Nah she's going to be 1.3
1.2 will be Caeser Phys Defender and Burnice Fire anomaly.
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Just use chink version.
getting decent main stat discs with a few substats here and there i'd say
Cool, just don't do it weekly then bwo
>50 million downloads
>1/6 shot of getting her to start
Actually accurate.
it takes more than an hour to do 15 runs bro
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I'm talking about the porn tapes mission
Thanks bwo
you're correct and then they put a cap on it for no reason.
I bricked myself leveling shit discs to 15.....it's over
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>fixes your hag
>I'm talking about the porn tapes mission
Doesn't need a specific IK level.
winning July sensortower pvp?
Just dismantle those disks to get your levelling mats back.
80% of them. Bro is cooked forever
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>1 month later
>still no newfag rentry
how am i supposed to learn to play the game correctly instead of button mashing every missions
aventurinesisters are gonna salivate?
how do you know they're shit disc bwo?
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only youre wallet can save you nao
Seth will be meta for anomaly teams
his M4 looks interesting, kind of a pseudo-stunner for anomaly teams since they can't bring a real stunner
There's too much storyslop to read and wait to have batteries to get through before reaching the upper end of current content for most people to actually start paying attention to combat and stat specifics. I myself was wondering why there wasn't one when I started browsing here like 3 weeks post launch. Been thinking about doing one but there seem to be niche mechanics and things about stats and progression priorities that people can't seem to agree on.
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thing is
we don't know what we're doing either
it just werks
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i must be stupid then because i really enjoy hollow zero
rewards are spread out enough to make it feel worth it each time
the difficulty ramps up as you increase in power
you can unlock permanent upgrades
some of the card combos have pretty fun gameplay effects
each zone has a pretty different base effect
you can even unlock special cards from the dating system for the mode

if you don't like it then you must hate fun
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Any idea what weekly boss material Qingyi uses? Beta bros?
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zhu yuan character quest when
I want more variety in it, that's my only issue. Everyone complaining about having to play it is a HSRbuck
Based HZenjoyer, I actually have a reason to play with tangible account progression too. Too bad I maxed out the combat config and bank before even hitting ik45
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>do a new SD stage for the first time
>do it again
>upgrade discs and skills
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I do, to some of them, but in my head I imagine them more on the hebe side, and the fanart I have they dont look like potatos.

I see what you mean but is not as if I fap at her ingame models or anything but at their "concept"
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Qingyi: Living Drive
Jane: Ferocious Grip
Seth: Living Drive
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most of the people complaining about having to play ITT uses hsr avatars, actual critically thinking players like it
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I’ve fapped to this before, what does it say about me?
Skip HSR. It's not bad for what it is but the gameplay is braindeath incarnate and you're never gonna have fun until you have some mandatory limited characters to enable "fun" comps.
it's gotta be the boss she's canonically licked
qingyi wouldn't cuck corruption complex with another weekly
not even close
Just keep changing things up slightly.
The exact same thing happened to me on S17.
>Get time down to 5:08
>go schizo spending batteries and some polychrome a day farming discs
>Upgrade all discs, team is pretty much all at S rank discs with decent substats
>do a bit of skill farming too
>Time goes up to 5:35
Finally managed a god run later on and it went from 5:35 to 4:48. A lot of optimising shiyu once your build is sorted is just optimising and getting lucky in both sides.
If your side 1 is slow by 15-20 seconds it makes hitting the break point in side 2 infinitely harder
>the difficulty ramps up as you increase in power
This is my main issue with HZU, it really didn't. HZ was a walk in the park all the way up to Garden. And only got any difficulty with the Garden modifiers.
I would have liked more ramping up over time, to make me care about the Resonia before endgame.
You are being weird
Genshin especially if you like single player RPG's is genuinely pretty damn fun until you complete all the quests.
You are being based
Should I get the New Eridu City Fund upgrade? I already got all the way to level 50 so if I did get the upgrade should I get the growth or premium plan?
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Going to laugh when this ends up being the case.
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the shiyu 7 totems are lowkey actually the hardest part
the bosses themselves are easy after you've done it for the 50th time
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>i want to listen to a literal 900 hours of dialog, half of which is being reiterated (when it doesn't need to be) to you by a flying emergency food dispenser
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Look at her go!
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Why is supes like this
I just looked at the first picture.
What is it? Pedoporn? Since you're not getting deleted, I assume it's just a regular petite girl cosplaying it, so no you're not that pedo
>infinite lives so mindless spam is more efficient than stopping to think about your path
>ZERO player interaction
uhhh... bwos, this event kinda sucks
such a letdown after snakekino
even the singleplayer version of soul hounds is more fun
I keep jorkin it to the scene of Nekomata kicking the random guy in the nuts. She's so hot and that should've been me.
The skills have text and every character usually has at least a few mechanics or combos that aren't immediately obvious.
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he knows what's good
Being able to do 11/11 runs for every stage would have been fun. Max modifiers Butcher or Marionettes would probably be harder than Nineveh.
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what kind of name is Ellen Joe?
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Okay… also this
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Me in the gif
It’s my favorite mode. To the anons talking about difficulty, it would be cool if they added higher levels and more floors. Maybe some more punishing corruptions too. But the mode is great and will only get better.
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>they are pairing lucy and piper with the homo
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that would be funny haha lol...
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It's a hint to her lore. If you play her story you learn that it's about Joe MAMA_______________________________________
It's just jailbait bro, nothing to worry about.
>anby and billy
my anby is already c6 and i dont want billy..... its over....
Should I pipe Piper if I'm not into her in that way? Her spin seems simple but satifsying.
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>they are pairing lucy and piper with the rat
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we call it brickomata for a reason
She's the best anomaly in the game until Rat minimum, and also hot as fuck, so yeah.
>Pairing Qingyi with inferior qingyi
I guess we have to wait till 1.2 to get the good 4* units
save for the rat instead
>anby in the banner of the person powercreeping her
but why?
>robololi gets AnBillyGAWD rate up
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>Two electric stunners+ Billy
Strongest team ever
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Hey! That's disrespectful!
First mihoyo gacha? They always pull this shit
This seems actually kinda nice for Corinbro. Jane and Corin should fit into one team reasonably well.
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Participation prize for when your luck is shit and you lose the 50/50 I suppose.
>Billy is only C1
Do I spend the residual?
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Imagine the dexterity in bed...
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Pull Jane
Skip 1.2
Pull white hair girl
>or when your luck is shit and you lose the 50/50
Haha, yeah, imagine...
>Walk to my secret hiding spot to eat in peace
>See Koleda like this
>Awkward silence
>I panic, realising I have to say something so I don't get fired.
>"Hey boss! You're eating sushi? N-No? Sure smells like it!"
>I shut the door
>Koleda promotes me
All in all, Belebog industries ain't the worst place I've stolen materials from.
I fucking kneel...
1.3 will ruin my wallet
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hugs and kisses?
Is that 1.2 roster confirmed? Easiest skip of my life if it is...
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You, tell me which character would you take on a date, and how you will plan that special day.
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Sorry that the threads have been so slow, /zzz/...
I've been waiting for Thursday, August 1st to shitpost.
I'll be doing this simultaneously on /zzz/, /gig/, /hsrg/, and /wuwa/.
All of those posts will be me.
I see people complain about doing 5 runs every week and I just think that's insane
Like the mode is literally just playing the game, and I have ended up doing 5 runs every week without even thinking about it either because I wanted to play the game more or because you unlocked more than 5 stages while progressing
I'm getting ALL 1.3 units with the amount of SAVING I'll do during 1.2
>take her to the stakehouse
Glad they're leaving us 1.2 to save.
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What the FUCK were they thinking?
>all that 1.2
Savebros, we are about to eat so good
Honestly pretty nice. With skipping 1.2 I might even be able to get Miyabi M1 or W1 if 1.4 is also skippable.
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>Good luck bwo!
I did it. really cool, so I guess canonically the solo run is before the true ending
>Level up characters
>And their W-Engines
>And their skills
>And get them decent Drive Discs
>Also you have 3 days left
he missed the bus to the olympic games... please understand...
Bwi you had 30 days...
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>everyone will skip my girlfriend banner
Based she is mine
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I hope he flops so we don't get another male S agent for a long while.
>Lucy on Burnice banner
>Piper on Caesar
They dropped the ball on the rest of Section 6. Im sure some people will like the pink hair girl. Sons of Calydon though is the best group and I may have to whale for 1.3
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>skipping SEX Goddess Yanagi
Well I'm absolutely not rolling for him. Neither for the pink haired AI generated reject
Lighter is cool im curious about his moveset
Metro core takes like 10 minutes to do, you don't need to do all 5 runs unless you want the dennies
Enjoy her. Not everyone has to like every design afterall.
the poke nurse of pokemon red has more design than your girlfiend
Fucking disgusting
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>build up a cunning hare team because banners threw their w engine at me
>they don't do a lot of damage
>fine i'll add some shitty disc to prop them up
>still take 3x time to clear anything compared to ice team
>put the whole effort on hold and farm chips instead
>two weeks later, realize i got a lot of chips for everyone
>go to check each cunning hare members
>no core skill

I think the game was trying to tell me about my mental retardation when the blue gremlin became my first M6.
no offense hagbro but... I already have an elec anomaly with a big rack. preasu undastandu
>Seth packaged with Jane
>Lighter packaged with Pink glasses lady
Its over for us Lighterbros...
People say the extra stamina from the coffee balances artifact farming out to 40 stamina each if you do 4 runs per 24 hours, but isn't that still just a net loss for us on our ether batteries and refreshes? 60 stamina per run still fucking sucks.
>more design
The fuck does that even mean?
I'm waiting until we see the animations before making any judgement. You're right that the rest of section 6 looks kinda boring but they could 100% be saved by fun characterization/animation.
>is it work time?
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you weren't supposed to point it out gweilo
So, you didn't even think to upgrade their skills?
Why is everyone pulling for the uggo and skipping the bombshell on the very next patch?
>pulling for someone whose entire personality is "my boss is so cool!!!"
Yanagi and the rest of Section 6 are a mistake
300/60 = 5 runs bwo. It's still more runs than genshin and there's no planar crap here.
>YESSS no one else wants to eat this pile of shit. That means this uma delicia de caca is mine!
Still more personality than the entire rest of her squad combined.
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jiankyoku he no gokyouryoku arigato DA PUUUUU
>requiring Core difficulty now
I've been doing Core since I've unlocked it.
harumasa will be the most complex written character of section sex
She might grow on if she has a cool gimmick.
But Burnice is A so she can only pickup together with Lucy or Piper
I bet Lucy going with Lighter since they are both fire and Piper can go with Harumasa if he is physical
You could put all the 1.2 characters in HSR and noone would notice, holy shit.
Rest of the cast doesnt need to rely on animation to look good.
No matter what they are going to be at best 50% of the package while everyone else has a great design and great animations
At worst they'll make their kits absolutely broken to make you feel like shit for missing them
It's really sad how she got stuck with the worst faction
I'm so sad Section 6 is fucking lame as shit. Soukaku is my favorite character but she's forever locked to ice teams because I can't trigger her faction resonance without putting one of these absolute charisma and personality voids onto my team...
if you don't know what design means you will never understand anyways
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>characters only showed up for one cutscene so far
Why are people like this?
What happens if you end up in purple corruption? Run ends?
something something SHIMIN-SAN NO TATE NIIII
>3 cop banners back to back followed by 3 Section 6 banners back to back
This is such a rancid way of setting up patches.
>Ugly rat
>Pink sex
Make the choice, straight man.
i think he's calling your s rank a basic bitch.
You get pooped on by piper
it just buffs the end boss, you should be collecting them for the research log
You turn into an ethereal
Anby and Soldier 11 both have boring designs saved by characterization.
My cope for glasses girl is that she transforms and goes apeshit. That must be why she looks so lame!
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This shit is rigged.
I hope they stick to more creative designs. This is some generic shit.
you lose your next 50/50
but it is chiankyoku 治安局
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How much of the Shiyu shop is bait? We're only getting like 2k points per month, right? Should I just take the tuning calibrator and fuck off?
will we ever get a character with "High HP is good" mechanics
>play 1.2 story
>Pull for everyone
Remember this thread made fun of grace before release and everyone like her now
Is it just me or everyone after rrrat seems kind of really lame? No one really stands out that much.
S11 has the most boring design out of the entire 1.0 lineup and still manages to look somewhat cool. The gunnars also help make standout.
Anby has a cute tummy and thicc thighs, while also being cute and wearing an interesting outfit.

Even without characterisation included they stick out more than Asaba or Yanagi. Who are painfully generic.
stick to the plan
>not thiren
>had an entire cutscene to themselves to show them off
>zero impression
>zero personality shown besides Miyabi being a retarded autist
>"Why are people like this???"
No way this is real
> they could 100% be saved by fun characterization/animation.

I think they were banking on the dude’s weapon being cool. I mean, now that splits into blades is cool, but there is nothing else that he has that makes him stand out. At least pink girl has big tits.

Also, part of it may be that they were going for a school uniform so the characters will just look more basic save for Fox Girl Miyabi and Oni Soukoku
>Game starts out with absolute sexo designs
>Shows that this is the hoyo game that can deviate a bit from the samey shit SR suffers from
>1.2 arrives
Bros.. My tummy hurts...
Probably a defender from the medical faction.
designs don't have to be complicated or busy to be enjoyable. sometimes, less is more.
The calibrate is kinda meme, yes u get a guaranteed main stat but u get random fuck you substats. Seems kinda expensive after ur dps has some pity sets
Why are you skipping pink tits /zzz/??????? Are you gey??????
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nicole is free?
>I think they were banking on the dude’s weapon being cool. I mean, now that splits into blades is cool, but there is nothing else that he has that makes him stand out.
Him sheathing his blades is the most replayed part of the JP trailer.
Her gameplay will decide for me desu
Trigger has managed to show more personality than Yanagi unironically. Why can't we interact with her in the overworld when we can talk to Asaba and Soukaku?
there's a HP defense engine right now
trust in caesar
The literal NPCs around town have more interesting designs than her, anon...
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Thoughts on Tokyo Xanadu?
>dude pink hair lmao
Star rail collab with fate
Zzz collab with wuwa
The calibrator is worth 500k dennies. To me it's not worth that.
>Shoddy linework
yeah, it's a bit goofy compared to 1 but it's a good time.
>Zzz collab with wuwa
would there be peace if this happened
Glasses are dogshit.
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You're all going to roll Section 6 for meta anyway
pink girl would be OP and could be seeing as anomally is so strong. I still wont roll.
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I'm skipping every character until the next furry to ship Wise with and Lycaon
i will be the both the ellenfag and the miyabifag :D
unity in the our the time
>Those crit stat
The fuck
Why do we have Genshin tier designs after 1.1?
I feel like I'm misunderstanding something about infinite abyss, how are you supposed to get enough gear coins every 5 floors to remove corruptions? I got to like floor 18 and booted out.
waterkuma was fired
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I only care about combat gameplay, because it's when you're going to see any of these characters anyway, outside of just standing around on the street.
I skipped Ellen because her gameplay looked like ass to me and I'll get Jane and Seth because their gameplay looks dope.
watercoomer was fired
I will shit on her until her release wherupon I will become her biggest follower. I will take your place as her poster!
Dogshit 4* on both banners
your pins?
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1.1 and 1.2 will kill this game
You're not meant to get any corruptions in the first place, you get enough pins to keep pressure reduction tiles on the map every floor.
Genshin doesn't have planars
And you only need artifacts for 5 gear slots, one being an off piece from any set.
On paper, it costs much much less to acquire the best gear in Genshin than in ZZZ
>ZZZ getting Chinaslop designs
No thanks.
Encore is fine.
I pity those who play gachas for the meta.
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I have M2W1 Ellen and I will still pull for Miyabi, unless they drop something truly amazing in 1.4.
Hmm.... When have I seen this before.....
Honestly, I'll skip both 1.1 and 1.2. I have enough electrics for now.
PvP and coop missions are coming, why are you playing this game? They literally removed coop from the game so they could polish it
Misubear was hired.
I ate waterkuma... sorry bwos...
You can use the PIN to save events for the next level, simply save events that let you reduce corruption or events that generate gold. I'd recommend corruption removal myself.
Now level up and tell me how to solve the prophecy quest.
I was fired
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WaifuGOD here, follow my lead
Hope 1.2 is chapter 4 and its SoC stuff
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use your pins for unlimited pins(quiz) and corruption reduction
Raiden was fucking broken and stood broken for a long time though
Miyabi will be good for 20 days
>combat gameplay
Based, in a game like this it's all that matters.
Heard he got rehired for some idol faction. In all seriousness do you guys think they'll actually go for 2 lolis/hebes back 2 back with them? Has Genshin ever done this?
Everyone will shit on Yanagi and find out too late that she's Kafka
>crosses out a waifu
explode, retard
>more Chixia dupes
shieeeeeee I guess I'm rolling on the nerd
please convince me not to spend $850 on a Ben commission. i managed to negotiate the artist down from $1000 but he says he won't do it for any less than this. but with this i'll have already spent close to $2000. i just cant fucking stop myself
Wow, they look lame.
>Corinbros haven’t respond
What the fuck happened to them?
>pull lolicop
>skip homo update
>roll miyabi
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>skipping qingyi
I tried my best to qrd infinite if you want
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Honestly bros that took every ounce of skill I had. Took it from a 9:46 to 6:56. Holy shit. Who the fuck keeps saying the game is easy and you can button mash your way through?
help a bwo out im dying from confusion
>do you guys think they'll actually go for 2 lolis/hebes back 2 back with them?
No, there'll probably be a guy in the middle there for sure from another faction.
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They're not gonna pic up the phone to respond while out on a picnic with Corin. That'd just make her super self-conscious.
I bet he has a giant lighter and his moveset is basically Kyo Kusanagi or K'.
>please convince me not to spend $850 on a Ben commission
you're about to spend a new iPhone for a drawing of a bear
can't get more homovirgin than that bro, if that alone doesn't convince you then your soul is already lost
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what the fuck is this LMOA
>we go to the arcade for hours and head back to the store to marathon Starlight Knights while cuddling
meant for >>488122727
I don't take kindly to blatant Anby powercreep this early, so that's a skip for me.
But waifuGOD advice : she's cute and looks fun so you may roll if you like.
I can draw you a better Ben for 50$ bro
This is how you introduce a faction. Each character plays a part, very quickly delivering an impression of their unique traits and how they fit into the group. Now tell me something about Section 6 besides that Soukaku is hungry and Miyabi is trying way too hard to be Vergil.
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>onii-chan bought an anal training kit for you
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>invite nekomata to hang out at konbini
>why did you ask me to come here neko?
Never ever take HP ever ever EVER
When given a choice at level up always pick the option that gives the most total points
Once you can one-shot about 300hp go farm the infinitely spawning guys outside of the boss
Win the game simple as
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The premium plan is extremly worthless if you don't want the cosmetics. Just get the basic one, its decent value.
'ave me coffee in 'and.
'ave me coffee in game.
Simple as.
stomach punching bag
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You put your fingers in my ass first.
I hope that Sanhuabros that didn't got her s6 on Jinshi banner manage it this time
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Nekomata likes to watch. She won't even touch your balls
our work has gotten too hectic and we can't afford for her to get pregnant rn
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saad come back to the general saar they are raiding us we need backup
>nekomata won't even touch your balls
Tell that to the lvl 4 elite whose testicles she obliterated
I thought the dude is free?
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Am I ready to clear Shiyu Defense?...
do we know their roles/ elements?
Will the new A ranks get added to the standard banner or they are limited?
why do the enemies have so much hp?
Why was Waterkuma fired?
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Is the dude free like people kept saying or was that just some collective headcanon?
Is zhu yuan a brick at m0w0?
You can pin tiles to make them show up on next floor. Once you get Resonium tiles keep them and never let them go. You should get all available resonia fairly fast and after that you can still use the resonium tile to reduce your pressure by 60
>retards still parroting this leak when it's been debunked by the fact the guy got the elements of both sectorfags wrong
>get 10 million yous by resposting the fake shit
You guys are dumbasses
Calydon is next patch, the game literally yells that shit at you
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Yanagi is dependant on how good she is in a Mono Electric team with Grace and Rina. If she's really good then I'll probably skip Jane for her. Jane's hair looks like ass so I'm just waiting for a reason to skip her.
he got BTFO by professional reddit argumenters and an herod himself
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Even the dog is so thirsty for Lycaon’s cock..
Water element was scrapped so he was replaced with Firekuma
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Because Firekuma was watered
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The answer is the same as every other RPG: Invest everything into DEX
Tell me why I should play ZZZ when there are superior games such as Elden Ring, RDR2, Tekken, and DMC.
Nah that's Ellen
you shouldn't, go ahead and close the thread lil bro
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Why are you running suokaku on the other team? Run grace with piper and run the oni with the shark. Grace+Piper outputs ridiculous amounts of damage. Use lucy/rina as a third. If you dont have either then use Ben.
no one ask you to play
If your plan doesn't look like this you might be genuinely retarded or a NPC. I will lose all my respect for anyone rolling for anything in 1.2.
Be assertive Belle, make him realize he bought this kit for himself
bwo we've had 1.1 beta leaks for weeks now
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why is your oni not in the ellen team
He is but you can pull for dupes
Elden Ring's superior combat
What about riot shield-man?
>The final Kuma is going to be Monokuma
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>superior games
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>all these fags skipping qingyi
you guys are a lot more homo than I thought
Nah, it's far too short and doesn't properly use the current game content to it's full potential, for example, the third floor should have you fight one of the three story boss at random THEN only have you face the final one. It will probably also fail to retroactively add newer content to the runs, which is the real strength of a roguelite mode in a gacha in comparison to the regular ones. It also lacks some more interesting difficulty modifiers like adding more attack patterns or chainging some existing ones by removing the parry window/visual cue.
I don't dislike it, it's somewhat promising in theory, but this mode cruely lacks ambition and was probably massively hindered by playtesters feedback because let's be honest, they probably didn't care about the whole roguelite aspect to begin with.
Water element is stupid. Poor you, I just splashed your face.
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I know I'm going to get spooked by that fag regardless. My opinion about him doesn't matter at all
you need to GIT GUD, real souls players know how to actually play the game, like this
To be fair a lot have to choose between her and the rrat.
i like her autism more than her ass
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Ellen solos the first side, I only ever switch to anby occasionally to build stun. I don't have any other characters leveled/built. I had Soukaku on the other team to make them stronger. She seemed to be stronger than Grace.
more like I have no funds after Zhu Yuan and Anby + Nicole work fine with her
bwo I know. you're a retard if you believe it it's the most obvious fake leak ever made
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>get Qingyi
>get Yanagi
>get Miyabi
>luckshit Lighter and Burnice
Simple as.
Westard games are dead, yes including Japan shit
I honestly dont mind anby and I like future characters much better. I especially enjoy playing anomaly teams so I'd rather roll for Rat/Yanagi.
I hate pinks
Theyre almost always the same character, and almost always worst girl.
appreciate the devs giving us a full 9 weeks to save so early in the release cycle
gonna be able to guarantee so many agents
we don't care
I don't roll for characters with names I can't pronounce.
I'll maybe do a single 10 pull. I only pull for hags otherwise.
>got the elements wrong
they're both electric, as proven by their appearance in HZ, what the fuck are you talking about?
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I only need one button
Ching Wee
You're welcome
And RDR2's superior 'combat'
>blue fire
its called Ice
I only play real games like ZZZ and Rimworld
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Which is this game’s footslut?
The "leak" your image is ripping off of said that harumusa is physical and nagisa is ether
Guy was wrong on both counts
I care. I asked.
Just shield poke.
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Ellen is so hot and cute and sexy
Elden Ring has more fun boss patterns though, that's what ZZZ needs to improve on

It's like shmups. Gameplay is pressing directional inputs, holding the shoot button and pressing the occasional bomb. The fun comes from the bullet patterns
and a ching chong ding dong to you too
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So this is why waterkuma was fired
rdr2 is open world slop and is based on realism, i don't get why that anon is comparing zzz to rdr2 or even elden ring.
you lose the 50:50 and then you get the rat
>Boss covering 100% of my screen with unreadable attacks
It seems annoying trying to be so outwardly and overtly straight all the time
>I can't use male characters!
>I have to roll for this specific girl!
>This girl has to be for me and only me!
Doesn't it get exhausting?
was waterkuma actually fired or is this just shitposting
i haven't been in this general in a while
no, homo
back to /gig/
go back to /gig/
Can't stop thinking about Ellen

>Doesn't being a man get exhausting?
For faggots maybe yeah
the auto targeting sucks balls especially when you fight the twin marionette and the big robot.
>chain attack
>character is suddenly on the other side of the boss
Based on what data?
I find ol in short skirt with naginata a 10/10 and far better than lazy furry or cops with nerf guns.
They're incels projecting their insecurities.
>uses high-pressure water jet to cut your dick off
not so funny now, waternigga...
Its just the insecurity of people who unironically care about the opinions of internet strangers.
I can see............
I really like her and wanted to pull for her, but I also really like Anby and since I lost 50-50 on Zhu to Koleda I already have 2 stuns, so rolling 3rd, that's also the same element as the one I own sounds like a bad decision. I will probably give her a single pity chance, if I lose 50-50 then it wasn't meant to be
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I hate this shit
what kind of faggot post is this
whenever i click on a video this guy is always eating while talking cant understand anything he says still better than mtrash though.
but Zhu pronounces it Ching Yee
Why does it have to be a choice. You can play more than one thing in your life.
Advertiser-kun right click now!
Waterkuma was fired but he returned as Electrokuma. However after Electrokuma got fired he was reborn from the ashes as Firekuma.
>based on what data?
The only reliable data measurement tool. My dick.
Genshitroons trying to poison the well
Do people clearing this shit have some kind of superpower that lets them slow down time IRL to move through all this bs or is it pure memorization?
>waterkuma fired because ZZZ doesn’t have a water element
should’ve seen it coming
So Ben Nigger?
They didn't really get their introduction yet, 1.2 will be all about them.
Grace for official feet
Ellen for art, since she’s getting a lot from footbros
>anons skip loli
>anons are surprised waterkuma lost his job
you guys are the problem
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Finally, Grace actually uncensored
Firekuma can be a good twitter trend when they try to cancel him

Have you seen those high pressure jets? Or do you know how much damage a tsunami can cause? Hell if it's water control remember that 60% of the human body is water and 73% of your brain and heart are water
Did you not see Avatar the Last Airbender?
>two weeks of defender materials in the convience store
there is literally only ben, why are these here
I’m going to pull for the lolicop though?
We need Avatarkuma to bring the peace and balance in the Kuma world...
I'm skipping idols for hammer nun too. What are you going to do about it?
Qrd fired?
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hi, don't rape
>1.2 will be their introduction
I will be there for some Soukakino, but the rest of them are literal slop.
I guess I should thank mihomo for giving us free skips instead of a full lineup of good characters...
Sorry I need to rape
Not a lolicon but Lucy and Koleda...I'll just headcanon that they are 17
It's a meme here because everyone keeps doomposting he was fired without any sources
You first "memorize" the pattern and know what kind of bullets come at you and how to dodge them. But you actually have to react to them, all the movements the guy does are on reaction, he just knows that to dodge them better he has to move in a certain way.

This btw is the hardest boss in videogames EVER, the video is 4 months old and it's the very first legit clear of this game during a normal playthrough. The game came out in... 2012. Unbeaten for 12 years
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Does Zhu want Ether Dmg% or Atk% for her slot 5?
Well you seem to forget a microscope that goes comes in the kit.
>clear operations on Core or higher
for fuck’s sake
What mod, anon?
Also, are there any other mod that had tasteful fanservice like panties and tummies, rather than full nude or BLACKED tattoos ?
How modular is Qingyi? Imagine if her belly is modular and you impregnate her only to swap out her belly for another one for you to impregnate again.... You can legit get two football teams of children in one birth cycle.
I can't... Quarderkuma also got fired...
every element on earth is dangerous at high pressure or immense mass
an actual good element for battle hurts even touching it, like lightning, fire, or ether
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They're subtly telling you that Def units are going to be the meta and to save for ceasar.
which bangboo for ice + zhu team?
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ZY + Lycaon + Nicole or/ ZY + Anby + Nicole?

I wish I started earlier for shark girl but it is what it is, at least I got ZY and Lycaon in like 3 pulls. Is there a decent team here I should main?
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New redeemable codes fucking when? I need more pulls for Zhu...
ether, atk, pen. anything works.
the difference is negligible, just use the other with the better stats
Bro your NIJIZZZ?
I only did 5/7 runs last week. It's fucking boring after a few runs.
>team is Grace - Rina - x
it's OK
>switch order to Rina - Grace - x
sudden nonstop lightning holocaust

i don't understand why but whatever
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>Store could have been open 4 hours ago
>Wasted Battery power
It's over for me.
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>ZY + Lycaon + Nicole
This and the second team could be Grace/Piper/Soukaku or Grace/Anby/Bro
Second one gives Anby her Core passive which gives her more energy. It’s not super vital so you could sub Lyacon if he’s not being used on another teams
Pen is the worst
Okay cool cause I got an attack% with crit dmg/rate that I'm 100% sure will roll ALL crit
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Anon supports mostly help out the person that goes after them and those two girls have synergy
>I am a shadow... The true self...
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this one

I also really like this one
The bottoms only version
>press one button to disappear
at least you could use a shield in dark souls, shields are worthless now
We need a soulslike mode in zzz.
Thanks anon, appreciated
Just mash dodge everytime he pauses and winds up for an attack
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It's okay. Persona at home.
What would that change, you're allowed to heal?
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One thing you can do if you're running Zhu on this side is to swap to nicole the instant you kill the mutt and run towards the three niggers. Use her normal attacks to force them together and then use you charged skill on them. I also dumped Zhu's ult on those fuckers because if even one of them gets away the run is fucked.
what stats do you need for Anomaly??
Rina gives her pen buff to Grace while she builds the anomaly bar, so the eventual shock she applies is jacked up. This applies to all buffs, so essentially try to always have your buff up, and not just have it up during the anomaly triggering moment.
TL;DR: Anomaly snapshots
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Autist 11...
>Killed by backpack
Weird way to go about it, but whatever works.
All support ultimates have the added benefit of providing energy to the entire team then another 20 to the next swap in. No shit if you put Rina before Grace you suddenly get to do a lot more shock
no he's right that enemy on later stages has the charge attack and one of the disappearing attacks that he can spam which have no color cue.
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when is our Collab?
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Cant wait for the Rina-Grace-Jane meta
does every girl in this game have a huge ass
Street Fighter or Kingdom Hearts likely.
Okay, Jane Doe is a physical anomaly character and from what I understand about anomaly characters is that they can raise status effects a whole bunch to interrupt enemies with moderate DMG or do a lot of DMG.
What role is Jane Doe supposed to play then? It doesn't seem like she'll really work with Zhu Yuan if she's in the pub sec faction since she physical related. That's what from what I'm understanding
Persona 5
street fighter
kingdom hearts
honkai impact third
persona 5
>which have no color cue.
color =/= visual
You can literally see him disappear when he does those moves
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I'm supposed to be the one that make the new thread faggot
>Kingdom hearts
Are you a retard?
Where is Kingdom Hearts coming from?
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Zhu side currently isn't much of a problem...
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Also just hitting those fuckers with a single bullet from Nicole will interrupt them from jumping away. You have to do it fast enough before the big fucker gives them superarmour.
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Everything but crit helps but anomaly master and anomaly proficiency while attack and pen both help only one one member of the team needs the 4pc anomaly set as it doesn't stack
Factions seem setup for two characters to have synergy.

Grace - Anton
Koleda - Ben
Zhu - Qingyi
Lycaon - Ellen

Rat is meant to play with Seth since he buffs anomaly
>Rat is meant to play with Seth
They better put him in her banner then and not Qing's
ask for powerbank like the bucket in HSR
Physical and Ice are the more generalist elements while the others are more specialized for dealing with certain types of enemies.

Jane is sort of your foundational unit that you build an Anomaly team around.
should i play it?
you have to wait a second you can't respond like it's a normal parry/dodge cue
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Swap Rina and Grace. Piper is the one that suffers by not having enough energy. Always ult with Rina.

Run towards the right at the beginning and group the gunmen first since the riot shield fuckers will come towards you anyway. Save rina's ult for when the second wave spawns and smash them into a corner and stunlock the robot. The third one is just proper rotations/anomaly application. As before try to force the big robot into a corner and stay close to him so that you bait his parryable attacks.
Bro, your Kazuha?
So Wuwa really is the ToF killer,
>No new 4 star
>Rushing 2.0 because the game is rapitly doing
>Sold as the "Genshin Killer"
Yeah? and whats the issue?
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we're so back bros.
>>No new 4 star
Nah, there is a leak of a new 4 star just not next patch.
I kinda like that one because its a pattern thing. When you see him vanish, you know you need to dodge twice and parry once (or dodge a third time). They're ultra annoying when in pairs though, because of the camer aand auto-targeting. No idea how controller bros do it.
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Should I buy out the entire purple Z-merits shop? I got a ton of them from Hollow Zero
At least highlight your new thread better nigger, here I'll do it for you

get the disc tuning items first dennies last
Yeah I can straight up buy the entire shop excluding the infinite dennies...
Wait the tuning calibrator is from the green merits, I mean the purple ones

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