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Previous: >>488135256

>Ignition Teaser: A Name Forged in Flames
https://youtu.be/O2ATH__rtQo (EN)
https://youtu.be/q__fo0CSEcE (JP)

>Natlan Preview Teaser - Need a Hand?
https://youtu.be/XOK1F9TLEH8 (EN)
https://youtu.be/LCMimNAlsqs (JP)

>Event "Summertide Scales and Tales" live until August 28

>Current character banner: Navia, Nilou, Kaveh, Ningguang, Kirara
>Current weapon banner: Verdict (Claymore), Key of Khaj-Nisut (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift
>With Primogems
>Without Primogems

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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Childe is so lucky...
Gayshit Cuckpact FLOPPED
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i won
Recycle this thread instead
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Fuck off
I break into my people's houses and shit in their bathtub
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For me, Its Physchl!
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sex with alhaitham
Why the fuck is anyone hyped for this trash unit?
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Just putting some new info side by side with this text leak from like 10 months ago. It got some things right:
>Capitano/the Fatui seem to have dealings with the Natlan tribe residing near a volcano (Ororon's tribe?)
>said tribe is the one tied to ressurection and transcendental powers "from outside this world"
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
hmm I will use this sex thread instead
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>4 shitposters fell into the other thread
you wouldn't get it, its an heterosexual male thing
I said “why”, not “who”
we know bennett
people who are into safe horny wouldn't get it
>Iansan is going to be the worst character in Genshin history now because no one likes her
>Worse than release Zhongli
>Worse than XINYAN
>Waited four years for basically nothing
How do I kill myself? In Minecraft, obviously.
Who the fuck is Kekaposter
>navia dodged all cuckpsoting
>still hits like a truck
>will get buffed when new geo support releases
Navia cant stop winning
But she's 4 stars faggot
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a 24 block drop
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What did Mihomo mean by this?
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Gosh...all I can think about is Diluc...*sigh*
livestream it on kik
lord kaedehara kazuha...
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at least genshin has discussions about multiple characters unlike /hsrg/ who only talk about aventurine and shartfly
leaks or delusions?
They were thinking the Traveler hasn't been humiliated enough. I'm surprised they didn't hit their head on the floor and pass out again.
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Nice revisionism
impregnating nahida
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>thinking about my maste- i mean, my OWNER Surtalogi-sama...
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Fontainesisters, it's actually over. Our region is getting deleted....
>39 works
she is rising..
Can i watch?
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>dark skin
stacking debuffs
kek I remember the meltdown when this line got leaked.
Whose POV is this?
Hint: look at the clothing and hair.
I want to get cucked
Mihoyo love their characters passing out
>Traveler and Trailblazer every time they encounter a "strong foe" that happens to be a nothingsandwich in the end
>Jean in her quest
>Amber in the comic
>Yoimiya in several doujins and supposedly knocks herself out falling in her sleep often...explains why she's retarded
>Collei in the comic
>Dunyarzad in the Archon Quest
>Jobaglia against Iudex Honhonbaguette in possibly the worst single hit thrashing any character has ever received in the story
>AE+Bronya in Belobog due to Sampo
>Gepard I think did too when Serval faced him as well as Dunn
>TB+FF in Pinecone due to Worst Masked Fool
>The entirety of the Scooby-Doo event focuses on this
>Gwen faints according to her profile story because she was told her dad died
>Asta due to Duke Inferno
>Belle(no one picked Wise) due to Fairy
>Countless NPCs and enemies in all Hoyogames
>leaks or delusions?
Ratings. She's the least liked Natlan character across all regions, so Hoyo has no reason to actually try with her kit.
Because who would complain, besides me? I'm only one person. And millions of people play Genshin. Like dropping a droplet of juice in the Atlantic Ocean.
Ayato right before he fucks their pussies
Iansan's design looks better than it did in 1.x but she's DoA if she's another electro polearm user unless she's purely a support
now does this mean characters like clorinde alhaithem and raiden will finally stop orbiting their respective shitter or are they still eternally bricked
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Kirara is so fun to play I'm very happy we got her for free
Mine (I'm crossplaying as Ei)
make her powercreep raiden
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Very organic posts sers
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>No, GODvillette does not deserve to slandered like that.
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On average

How long would you say a Character Story quest is?
Another hint for you guys, check the filename.
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Imagine thinking this
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I saved all three so far. Keep them coming, this is the best /gig/ OC in a long fucking time.
Clorinde pretty much already powercrept her, at least at c0 and after c3
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They need to add a pity counter ASAP
his /gig/ crush
Why would navia steal her best friend's boyfriend
ugly ass geo buddypoke
if mualani relies on vape to do damage, this means XL will be a must in her team. how the fuck will this work consistently since the pyro particle generation will be low? it seems you will need to run double pyro.
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wait 3 more years and maybe they will appear solo like eula did in 3.8
the safe horny evil fox...
Does characters at 0 HP count? Or do they actually die and food is Phoenix Down?
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burning Emilie
Don't forget she drank TWO huge pots of cu- I mean tea...
Just typical white woman behavior
>Mavuika will be nu-xl
>Xbalanque will be nu->b
It's over, the meta manlet will be replaced by a meta manlet.
B-b-b-but you can't mock the HYDRO SOVERNIGN like this!!!!
I think we need a 4th mihoyo game (post-genshin). HSR and ZZZ aren't enough to make waiting faster.
Skirk was the real forgotten hebeslop
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I found this on hoyolab today. I had a hearty chuckle at the thought of even hoyokids realizing the traveler was a cuck.
Your Animal Crossing?
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they only buff uggos, she will be the sovereign I love Iansan
No seriously
Why the fuck is there Kachina hype?
You guys do care about gameplay right
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Finders keepers~
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still looks majestic
well yeah people tend to pass out in fights where people are hitting each other in the head, how is this strange? you may as well say "Mihoyo love characters with two eyes and a mouth"
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>:3 !!!
>this is the best /gig/ OC in a long fucking time.
>ripping off /dbs/ and potentially something else
lol, the absolute state of this general
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her gameplay looks really fun!
Post Noelle's
I wonder what's going to be different from it.
No but there's nothing to talk about.
20-30 minutes
they really need to add a skip button
lisa hag sex
The game wants you to roll Mualani or Kinich because you think they are cool and traversal mechanics are fun, and then present Mavuika to you as the solution to their pyro needs. Make it and rake it.
Why is nobody hyped for natlan
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Kirara is a specialist in shipping.
someone has to mod her with a jump rope
Kachina > Raiden
they do have a reason to try with her kit
if everybody dislikes her design, then the only way she'll sell is if she's meta or otherwise interesting in terms of gameplay
Genshin itself is a ripoff, it's fitting.
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Funny, but man, the quality of these threads is about to get so much worse.
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>mini joomps
I see a character joompin', I roll. Always.
How can it possibly get worse? We're already the worst there is.
not really since she needed very little pyro app because of her slow attacks, but now that she attacks a little faster I don't know anymore
Here is your Murata, bro
>The unnamed scarlet-eyed hero is a historical character from Natlan and the leader of the heroes who rose up against the insane king. After completing his duty, he "returned to the sacred flames."
>The scarlet-eyed hero's background is left enigmatic. During a time when the "pitch-black darkness [...] seized the depths," he "returned from the kingdom where water flowed as rays of light" to gather heroes who would stand against the insane king in the ineffable city. He was first joined by Sakkuk, who was also infatuated with him, followed by the twin heroes Atawallpa and Waskar. To express his support for the hero's saving of the Saurians, Yupanqui aided him as well and brought up the Masterful Craftsman, who had detailed knowledge of the ineffable city that the heroes needed.[2]
>The hero is also described as having come from the "mysterious smoke" and knew the "hidden secrets," ostensibly related to the aforementioned darkness.[3] When it came time for the rebellion, he "summoned the god's fiery wrath" to burn down the ineffable city, liberating the tribe of the mountain peaks.[1]
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>we train orphans to become child soldiers and assassins
>but the kids love it though!
such blatant whitewashing of the House of Hearth lol
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During the 4 hours I played ZZZ before getting Lycaon'd I saw that the game kept track of pity on the pull screens and I didn't even think about it.

It wasn't until many days later that I realized this was an unbelievable quality of life improvement that absolutely needs to exist for Genshin and Star Rail and completely removes the need for sites like Paimon.moe and Warp Tracker.

Thus, the signal tracker for ZZZ has seen almost no users.
why is the mystery novel quest even part of the event lol. it has no connection at all, does it? could have been a permanent world quest.
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Is Kachina the free character?
our sister game is getting leaks of new characters but the general is still slow
yea she is.
Ever lurk in the dbs threads on /a/?
imagine her jumping on your dick like this....
is ZZZ actually decent? the gameplay I saw made the fights look way too grindy.
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were Dilucfags as annoying as Neuvfags during the early stage of the game?
That quest landed really poorly for making it not seem like an evil organization. The best you could say about it is that it was an appropriate place to put that pet-strangling psychopath kid.
game peaked too early with sparkle
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>add mounts
>they're shit
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what the fuck you can't laugh at us only we can do that that's not fair
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As well as the Fatui literally trying to kidnap kids in Sumeru just a patch ago.
We even killed one of the orphans who grew up through the house too (or you leave him to get mauled by wolves)
nobody gives a fuck about the game anymore after firefly
kokopenis DEEP inside the anon below
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Nah. She'll be a sacrificial lamb character.
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so Natlan will bring the lvl 100 characters
new world level
what else?
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I'm still saving.
D-d-delete this!!
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I found the fire region and it was hotter than expected
I never got to the point of doing the daily content but the combat is whatever. You are basically forced to swap party members for finishers, the dodge button is the parry button so the cool parry chains are basically accidents, there's no delay-based combos and no dodge-offset.

The consensus I see is that it is far and away the best action game for your phone but cannot be compared in any way to an action game like Devil May Cry or even Hi Fi Rush.
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Mavuika fucks this???
how fitting
Where's the hype for natlan
>4* potato beating emilie
lmao, damn that's bad.
>safe horny
isn't that the entire point of blue boards, why are you here
totem challenge kino
Me in the background
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wtf I thought she was the least popular character according to polls?
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Is this the part were Aether wears Dottore's mask and start shooting people?
>there's no delay-based combo
There literally is
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Neuv power washed the hype clean off of Genshin
Depends on the youtuber. Some will undoubtebly have more homo fans than others.
Congrats. You can now main Emilie.
Three EM
one low roll crit rate
level 100 isn't happening, and if it does it will only add a new talent cap or passive rather than higher stats.
>nahitroon still spamming safehorny
Good luck bwo
This game is large enough that the demographics will change heavily depend on where you go on the internet. Also, the other polls had every single Natlan girl where you can only vote for one. There's probably a ton of people rolling for her who are also rolling for other girls but they just don't consider her #1.
Youtube polls are always 90% waifufags for some reason, even the female birthday posts get more likes
He's so cool
3 EM 2 in CD
Stop making me want to have sex with Kachina
cunnykek seethe, what else is new
Oh FSKKSDKKFgddggfdhkghfkg

fuck you?

Get fucked?

people are delusional if they think every character is getting a bonus passive unless the passives will be literally like "+20% atk"
What? There's no fucking way the two Nahida quests were 30 minutes each
this is cool until you remember geo doesnt react with anything so you cant even use her AoE to trigger bigger dmg from other characters
Anby had a "delay combo" but it was either delay or hold press and it was only on the last attack which isn't a branching combo.

Maybe some of the five stars have more indepth combo mechanics but saying that only the high end characters have access to mechanics like that is not a great endorsement.
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screenshot this mihoyo will be next
I wish we could get an old badass grandpa like Heihachi...
Chinese writing is so exhausting.
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who do I make next?
Right, my point is that it will likely be even more diminishing return than level 90.
4 em
So while I was playing vidya, did Mualani got nerfed again? I swear the blatant racism against MY girl is shocking.
that user is counting the time of the story quests sans story, aka they are retarded
Kinich's POV
She's incredibly popular in any place that matters.
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its alright but it was also clearly released before it was actually ready, to the point they are changing a good amount of stuff by next version
if I were you I would wait a version or two before giving it a try
Mualani with her Shark
I cant make gifs with real penises
It would still be good on Nahida
buddypoke flops flop every time kek
she loses .1% of her current damage every time someone asks them to make her black
the global poll was done by the followers hrt_diluc and the chinese poll has no source other than just which app he used, its worthless
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why do you care how popular a character you like is? i dont get it. are you implying i shouldn't roll a character because other people who i don't know and don't care about don't like them? what kind of underage logic is that.
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Eula with the ice sword from her burst, pls.
baby making time
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Does Genshin have any architects?
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Not too terrible, definitely an upgrade for my GODnari
>even bweeh bro went to bluearchive
bro how can we even recover
tits nerfed
because their kits are always shit. nahida pulled big numbers(because she is good)
She'd do 0 damage even before Emilie comes.
my fave is not popular
this is how nature recovers. now you fuck off too, dramawhore.
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What is your opinion on this nurse?
>all low rolls
how did you fuck it up so bad
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nyo x.com/Sesield
>why do you care how popular a character you like is? i dont get it.
because how popular a character is influences a lot of things, both in the game and out. how strong they are, how much they appear in quests and events, how often they appear on banners, how much fanart they get, etc
reminder that xinyan still has exactly 0 permanent content appearances
Chef Mao
The more unpopular a character is, the more likely they will have a garbage nonfunctional kit.
And I like the characters I like to be fun to play.
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I want SEXUAL experimental healing with Sigewinne and I report my research to Nahida
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Lock your door
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>accumulate some long term ENCOUNTER points
>log in in the morning, spend some stamina and log off
>do 3 easy daily commissions (battle ones) in the afternoon
>okay let me redeem just 1 encounter point
>game forces me to redeem 3 points since i spent 90~ stamina earlier

Holy SHIT why is this so DUMB. It basically forces you to do commissions FIRST before spending stamina if you wanna allocate the long term points slowly
raiden is the most popular genshin and she gets 0 events and collabs, what matters the most if they are devs pets
>on the last attack which isn't a branching combo.
You can at least mix it with EX attack into ending it via her delay if a chain attack doesn't interrupt it haha....
>Maybe some of the five stars have more indepth combo mechanics
I mean their movelists are there the moment you unlock rolling, and Ellen's trial I guess. You do get S11's enhanced attacks, but that's more timing based. Maybe they'll add more indepth movesets with more than onecombo eventually, but I've never played HI3 so I dunno if that did it or it's all just different attack buttons
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Nerfed how?
By nature recovering you mean the game crashing and dying
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nonstop unprotected babymaking sex while holding hands
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*SPOILERS* leaks below

XBalanque became the archon after he defeated the pyro Sovereign. he died and revived himself

He was the first pyro archon and the only one before the cataclysm

Something happened that XBalanque body died yet his spirit remained alive and continues to be incarnated in new vessels

Murata doesn't exist anymore, Its just XBalanque -> Mavuika (if she's the archon, that is)
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>raiden is the most popular genshin
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How do you explain kaveh then
retard alert, learn to read
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she’s completely flat chested now
nerfed according to a fake tweet by uncle /gig/
That's actually a buff.
Ah welp.
yeah thats a day 1 c6r5
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>straight male abandons homotroon game and plays game for straight males instead
how could this happen?
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I only know scaramouche
meant for...>>488156007
>children of murata got retconned to children of xbalanque
You can't make this shit up
it's the same end result you're just stupid. the commissions you did became encounter points because you already did commissions earlier in the day in the form of spending resin. identical end result.
and Qiqi has less relevance than KAVEH.
She's never had a story quest.
She's never had a major role in an (limited) event
And even when you come back to Liyue every year, she has like three lines and fucks off to continue to be irrelevant.
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so who is going to have the more boring personality in the game, brown nilou or white nilou

it'll be very boring to watch who can outdo the other in a boring personality contest

>brown nilou: i like fish
>brown nilou: the water is calm
>brown nilou: traveler..i like surfing n stuff
I'm bored of this game
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Genshin for this feel?
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It's a mystery to everyone.
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Xisters?!? We won!!!!!
they'll still have more personality than navia
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As long as she's cute, bubbly and flirty it's a 10/10. The last bit is too much to expect out of Genshin though.
raiden isn't allowed to do anything in events beyond getting 2 lines with dykefox because the yuritroon writers don't want to risk her getting shipped with anyone else
The Chiori avatarfag...
Unreal how superior Stelle is in comparison to Loom
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Blue archive is funnier, the girls have actual personality and are easier to make content around.
>Not even 30CV
>All low rolls
idk. probably some Niloufag on the dev team afraid that a character could eventually be better than her.
That's why Dehya is the way she is, even though her kit obviously screams "Burgeon Driver"
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I'm glad you liked it.
>raiden is the most popular genshin
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You fucking ESL RETARDS

Let's say you start with 3 Long Term Encounter Points:

Option 1: Spend 90 Stamina then do 3 Commissions, all 3 points are now forced to be redeemed and you are left with ZERO reserves

Option 2: Do 3 commissions, then spend 30 stamina, redeem 1 point, two left in reserve. Spending further stamina at this point wont force you to redeem and you have 2 reserve going into tomorrow.
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delete this or else.... teyvat shakes when a sovereignCHAD loses his temper......
She looks like a troon. Loom, on the other hand, now that is what every women should strive to look like
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Imagine a better world where Dehya was a meta burgeon character instead of a brick
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Murata was a misstranslation, though it existed in all languages besides Chinese.
When in Chinese it was, "the children of Mu-Natlan, Land of Fire"
mualani is hydro amber they even call her a guide
I have zero expectations, but her design alone already makes me really happy
No, you're just actually retarded. The system works as intended, you just don't understand it.
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there's nothing "based" about autogynephilia
raiden doesn’t deserve to be her own character
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raiden doesn’t deserve to be.
ok now based
>Spending further stamina at this point wont force you to redeem
no it won't retard. once you've done a total of 4 comissions or encounter points, you can't redeem any more
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probably meant for>>488156338
meant for>>488156007
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that's why in my brain all the girls have honking dongs
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Professor Niyaniya expy when?
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>raiden doesn’t deserve to be.
What about the "Lady of Fire" part? xwormlanque being the archon before the cataclysm makes no sense when vanessa's time was 1000 years ago
GIGA RETARD. Venti straight up talks about the lady of fire (Female archon, female pronouns) 1000 years ago. Genshin new writers just retconned Natlan lore, that is.
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Go back to /hrtg/
A K*rean made this post
uh oh pagden melty
now do it again
Xbalanque needs vessel bodies to be revived.
New schizo theory just dropped: Bennett was born to be Xbalanque's new host, but was taken out of Natlan and he's unlucky because of that.
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OK, lets see you do it a 2nd time
meant for>>488157180
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I remember back when Kazuha parried the Raiden slash, I thougfht that the "dual-vision" was something that was going to be plot recurrent or something worth paying attention since its something that has never happened before in-verse, yet apparently even Fat Xiao forgot about it. Literally no one seems to even give a fuck.
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>d-d-d-d-do it again
KEKYPOW! New cope dropped!
I don't get how Zhongli believes that the Traveler will outlive him and never erode, while the game also has the Traveler be a jobber
Another brat to fix...
ChangLi my wife
But Stelle is a stinky femcel
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Why Raiden so big, is she stupid?
It's literally just that his dead brother briefly rose from the grave to lend him the power of friendship for a big kino whoament.
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Natlan OTP
traveler will beat shitpitano
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He didn't forget. It was a one time rare occurrence. Vision holders can't dual wield. Even with Kazuha it stopped working after literally one attack.
It was a one-off due to the power of love
he smelled the plot armor in the traveler
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n-now do it again!!!!!!!
I believe I finished the event, but I didn't find the part everyone posted videos of, help me please, what do I need to do, where do I need to go?
4chan is fucking with me so I can't even upload the file, here it is: https://arch-img.b4k.co/vg/1721374288858.webm
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Genshin for this feel?
damn I want to fuck that new cryo bitch while she guttural screams at me that she hates me
this was Ei's bot. it wasn't even the real archon attacking. Ei using the real musou no hitotachi would've split Inazuma in half.
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>d-didn't count!
the worms are coming out
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with who
He say he wouldn't be able to do it again
But it doesn't matter raiden and kazuha suck
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Name a movie in which the principal photographer died.
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>released in 1.6
>a mere mortal
still relevant
>released in 2.1
>an archon
powercrept by a 4* from her same region
The lady part wasn't in Chinese too
Surtalogi is so lucky...
holy fucking kek
Its one of the minigames, not part of the story
What the fuck? Did I time travel to 2021?
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most found footage films have the camera man die
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>this was Ei's bot. it wasn't even the real archon attacking. Ei using the real musou no hitotachi would've split Inazuma in half.
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>The Almighty Shogun jobbed to not one but two wandering hobos
meant for>>488157679
also meant for>>488157679
It's not a retcon if the only thing it contradicts is some commissioned comic book that no original game writer even read.
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Okay 2 things:
1: fuck
2: goddamnit
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Cute and canon
Which is too bad because I liked that comic.
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>n-now do it again!!!!!!!
>raiden says after she gives birth to kazuha's baby
meant for>>488158220
meant for>>488157525
Have you tried, idk, asking her first?
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Women are mentally ill perpetual babies that should be locked up for their own safety.
So I watched the following Genshin youtubers to see what they think of Kazuha

>says Kazuha is a good support
>thinks it makes reactions teams very consistent
>compares C0 kazuha to C6 sucrosse
>says C2 kazuha is miles better than C6 sucrosse
>says people should not compared him to Venti since both cover different niches

>says Kazuha is useless for regular unga teams
>average if you're into reaction teams
>can't justify rolling for him if you already have sucrosse
>insists people should save for Ayaka

>says Kazuha is amazing, but only for whales
>puts C2 Kazuha on the level of venti and zhong
>says f2p players should skip him since its a luxury they cant afford
>compares using car brands (sucrosse is a Honda, kazuha is a Ferrari)
>stream quote "you can tell if someone got money or not if they rolled for Kazuha or Albedo, they want to use the rarer units as a symbol of status"
>stream quote "Kazuha is not a bait banner, it's a wallet check, these also exist on real life too"

>says Kazuha is good BUT only if you're a luckshitter with artifacts
>made some math sheets explaining that he's the most artifact dependant unit in the entire game
>if you got shit artifacts, you may as well skip
>if you got good artifacts, he is better than any other support in the game
>900 em or skip

>became BFF with another guy after Jinx left
>they tried to do some math spreadsheets but they admit the info is a bit rushed
>say that Kazuha is fine
>if you have sucrosse dont bother unless you need an EM buffer on both of your abyss teams

Krush SG
>still MIA
>left youtube temporaly because his wife got pregnant again

NGA (chinese reddit)
>metafags there are saying that he probably will be a must have piece for meme teams (1000000 damage clickbait videos)
>on the practical sense, he's okay
>sucks that he can't buff the whole team like sucrosse
>don't roll unless you have 180 rolls saved as contigency for Baal or Ayaka
Architect-sama is so lucky...
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the angrier and louder she gets the better, if I ask I would only want to do it if she says no
starship troopers
It's so cliche that I don't like it when this happens anymore. Bonus annoyance points for when the camera ends in a location it would never be retrieved from.
Blair witch project
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>kazuha vs ei
Damn trannylators really are sabotaging the game
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Do you guys remember when Charlotte was all over Kazuha and didn't even know who Raidan was
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He's fun for running around and jumping.
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Kazuha SWIRLED (You)
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Kazuha PARRIED you
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>>stream quote "you can tell if someone got money or not if they rolled for Kazuha or Albedo, they want to use the rarer units as a symbol of status"
uh oh incoming based ei.png melty
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Nahida impact
Kazuha will go bald
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What the fuck was her problem?
even /hsrg/ cooms to Loom, Stelle is the kind of tomboy female that is hiding her curves and mammaries under baggy clothes which may be hot under right circumstances but definitely not what I would call sexy
Bald Raiden Shogun Ei
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It's only monday, why is /gig/ so bad already?
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He should come back for natlan
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thanks I found it
>it uses a similar ass censor as diving, but instead of a white fart bubble it's a purple noxious fart cloud
mihoyo being gay as usual
This is why any future archer that actually uses the aimed shots are going to get ganyu's giant tardproof splash damage btw
She likes to read
Cannibal Holocaust.
That movie should happen in Natlan btw
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Whose POV is this?
To the person who said /gig/ was good before, this blast from the past proves it definitely wasn't.
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Lord K's
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>0 damage
oh no no no no
Stelle is a funny retard with godly legs
>"you're not leaving this place without putting another baby in me, kazuha"
what did mihoyo mean by this?
We'll get The Gods Must Be Crazy
LORD Kaedehara Kazuha The Heavenly Swirler and Parrier
Why does everyone care about Kazuha Raiden again?
Lord Kaedehara Kazuha
What got the kuzuha cucks riled up?
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I see the worm invested gig is STILL seething about Raiden to this day, must be hard knowing your fags will never be half as famous or sell half of the revenue she did.
Keep coping seething and dilating until eos.
Alec Baldwin's Rust
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Black Swan's
>not Topaz
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I got no Kazuha and C1 Raiden and honeslty I might go for Kazuha instead of C2 JOBden because she's such a non-character for transbians while the HEAVENLY LORD is simply kino.
The hero of Inazuma lord Kazuha.
Could Kazuha parry Neuv's water?
Stay YuriKING
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Also Raiden is for BBC only
I'm such a happy watcher!
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>I see the worm invested gig is STILL seething about Raiden to this day, must be hard knowing your fags will never be half as famous or sell half of the revenue she did.
>Keep coping seething and dilating until eos.
Why was Neuvillette powercreeped?
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meant for>>488159889
Kazuha is going to be good for years to come. If Xilonen takes his spot in teams then he simply takes a spot on some of your non-Xilonen teams.
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Raiden is for her son
Skills that have your character dash backwards having auto-target is pretty dumb though
can the 4chan regulars start typing again so we have something to make fun of
This event reminded me how stupid the average person is at gaming.
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none will notice this cheld
It was so beautiful
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wtf that was pure kino
why are "we" complaining about this again?
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At this point I don't even care about meta strength, the shitposters made me like him.
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>shitposters outnumber actual posters
Topaz isn't a funny retard but has godly legs yes
it should be longer and it should have more ways to restore vigor
no king rules forever
People get filtered by lack of horizontal investment
People get lazy and just want to roll artifacts forever instead of work on their 4* legion.
It's an easy mode with a lot of rules.
The fact that it provides trial characters is great though.
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>Build Em for bloom they say
>building EM is easy they say
>get complete crap DEF and ATK pieces nonstop
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I noticed
>noticed a cheld against my will
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>luofu expansion part 2 characters leaked
>they're all a massive snore and copypasted from characters we already have
guess i'm sticking with genshin and you guys for a while longer
>it should have more ways to restore vigor
At least it shouldn't be random
I spent fantasia flowers to resurrect a character for one (1) round and it was RANDOMIZED, not even letting me choose from 2 or 3
>just want to roll artifacts forever instead of work on their 4* legion.
But that was the best part
I finally got to build my Beidou and Chevy and they kick ass
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im nooooticing
>have to go pick cotton just to ascend a 4* brick I will use once a month as a filler and never actually use
shit mode
they need to make more fun like the roguelike modes in hsr and zzz and remove the vigor BS, its just unfun dogshit
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Im happy genshin is stealing from pokemon, hated almost everyone in scarlet and violet
>people seriously think that Kazuha is going to get powercrept by a 5* geo
Do you know what happens at best?
You run both. Enjoy 80% RES shred and enough bonus damage that Furina is dead forever.
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Sorry, his camera is too blurred.
Lectoure's wife is so fertile
Just a few more weeks till the kids go back to school
Gawr Gura fan
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Come back, we miss you
/gig/ is garbage year round and during school hours too.
I've been playing ZZZ since day 1 and I fucking love it. I'm playing both Genshin and ZZZ now and I'm liking ZZZ more than Genshin atm. People usually play for like 2 hours and then say it's shit... The game gets REALLY good once you learn the proper way to fight. Not just mashing buttons. The problem is, in the beginning of the game you can get away with mashing buttons... So people thing the whole game is like that, then they quit early because "shit game".
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So ugly she got demoted to anemo
Better than this however
>from Cryo, the worst element in the game
She was saved.
getting raped by the one in the right while left watches
I can't believe Japan got pozzed...
I actually hate Raiden though, no memeing.
>muh I'm so sad because aww my fwends died in waws...
>that's it, no more ambition and drive, loss hurts my feefees
>what's that, there's a civil war going on spurred by another nation and my people are killing themselves? Nope, not a threat to eternity L-O-L
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chat is moving so slow, everyone will notice I want to suck off venti
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ZZZ is fucking great BUT
>parts are completely fucking unfinished and are massive vestigial features like hidden fighting game inputs, the unfinished daily schedule, video store promoter happiness, aligning attacks as blunt/heavy/piercing, duo attacks (Koleda/Ben) etc. It's clear it was an "interns' game" and they experimented a lot and stuff is just unfinished
>the tutorial is painfully long, I mean 20+ hours before you even UNLOCK your artifact/disc slots
>it is not very generous with pulls, a bit better than Genshin at launch but it's shaping up to have HSR character schedule/powercreep
>you can't get the best and sexiest character in the game anymore (image related to subject)
Very high overlap between the generals too, except the shitposters and doomkeks stay here only.
I love Qingque so much bros, why can't we have cute lazy slacker like her
Lisa doesn't count btw
shouldnt rex lapis be officially dead why the fuck does neuv know hes still alive
Cyro usually has the hotties to make up for being a brick element
he shit his pants and neuv could smell it
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I'm not a brick!
i'll throw a brick at you
>5.1 ends up having XN + Kachina teams be the new meta
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The story will return to being good when Apep calls Neuv a bitch ass nigga
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>Tarkir's dragon lords and their respective broods get transported to Teyvat
How fucked are things ?
>Bonus: they end up in different regions
>Atarka ends up in Mondstadt
>Ojutai ends up in Snezhnaya
>Kolaghan ends up in Inazuma
>Silumgar ends up in Natlan
>Dromoka ends up in Sumeru
They all job to GODvillette and become his familiars
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It seems we've adopted /hsrg/'s fruitiest poster
We love Layla here. She is PRETTY and not ugly.
>roll nilou
>IT has hydro as featured element
>No dendro
Any other bricks out there if IT so chooses to fuck them over?
Why are Natlanians allowed to use that word in all their songs but I can't say it?
Ayucka has some competition
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Nahida is a special guest you’re fine
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The cuck still has an episode? Shoo shoo I shall reclaim my waifus
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your fatty?
really? it it more than what hoyo has shown on official drip?
So you mean you played 1/5th of the tutorial part of the game and quit... lol, literally everything you said is incorrect.
yucka already downs the value of cryo by 70%
Sayu is far less lazy than Qingque, more sleepy than lazy tbf
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This bow is most likely for her. Sounds like a swirl-heavy Anemo DPS/driver that won't need Faruzan for once. I'm looking forward to that because I want to Anemo carry both abyss halves.
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Shenhe is ugly too but since she's dummy thick coomers mistakenly think she's hot
>it's shaping up to have HSR character schedule/powercreep
really? how?
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How do we save Genshin
Game gets good after 20 hours of tutorials huh? spare me.
Lore-wise, Mondstadt barely survived Stormterror, and he was a wind dragon. What makes you think it could survive Atarka?
more males
i like moze because he reminds me of my husband but i uninstalled hsr anyways
Have you seen those fucking eyes? She looks like a downie
According to homdcat, Kachina’s drill consumes .9 night spirit a second while riding it. This rises to 1.2 a second when climbing.
One use of her E is 60 night spirit.
Doesn’t this make her just better than every other exploration character?
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For me, it's Iansan.
why does Clorinde fly under the ugly radar? she's hideous
Childe got fucked by THIS (against his will after failing a combat test)?
Can't be done with fat xiao in charge of story.
You're forgetting about Durin. Mondstadt survived to him too.
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Your time has passed, dumb kot buddypoke
Genshin lost another 40k followers today on Bilibili
Isn't it shorter outside of Natlan though? So she'll be your Natlan bicycle that you discard when leaving the region?
But Dion can heal!
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Yeah but it's cute. Chasca has no redeeming qualitites
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why are you looking at her face?
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>co-oping some domains
>bring Siggy to be a good player and heal
>ukro Arle dies
>starts seething in Russian in the chat that I didn't heal him
our king is live
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Diona was my crutch for the first while of playing the game, I'll always be grateful but she hasn't left the bench in ages. What can I use her for these days if I already have C6 Charlotte from Furina's first banner? Hell where would I use a Cryo team at all?
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WE are all in here
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Her 2d art saves her
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>just finished exploring the summer event map
>/gig/gers will still say that this is the xth consecutive dead patch since Lantern Rite
It's over. I can't recover from this.
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DOOMCHAD going in
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>open livestream
>close livestream
Who is this even? I'll watch for a bit anyway
Yeah, I'm thinking it's over for Raidenpags
>KazuGOD blocked her strongest attack in lore that had Traveler shitting his pantz
>ingame, she's powercrept in hyperbloom by a professional tard wrangler
>Her C2 got powercrept by every future 3.X and beyond DPS character
>only shows up these days to say three words to Yae and walk away. Literally does not interact with any other characters besides maybe Traveler, and she doesn't even like the Traveler in the first place.
>and now, we have the funny Raidenjak image
Advertise your buddy's stream somewhere else fag
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when I played as siggy an arle got mad at me for healing her after the fight and clearing her BoL
>this unreleased character got "nerfed"
oh no
Wriothesley motorboated that.
Ask him about yaoi
Homdcat seems to indicate that’s the baseline rate
My guess is she’ll probably end up having the drill last for about 5 seconds outside of Natlan and be worthless even for exploration as a result
dendrotabibitosamaomegaGAWD here... this what i am welcomed to coming home every night to my LEVEL TEN friendship raiden shogun... as for what happens next... well, ill just leave that up to your imaginations... ;)
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we know their kits now
it's ALL fuamemes
nothing new or interesting
This is literally just Chiori's default expression when nothing is happening. Why does she look like this?
Not even BBCKings want that. we prefer the stinky fox and the jobbing bird
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>free skin sexo
>paid skin sucks
wanna frot?
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>somehow opened up two character selection menus, bugging the ui
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In hating Fat Xiao we united!
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Unironically tanned skin would have fixed her design
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for me it's yantao
For me, it's my fellow /gig/ ganyubwos
I hope koult is there again ><
learn mandarin and fuck off to chinkcel forums, baizhuo
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Fuck. Off.
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hmm, maybe one of them will be good for QQ over lions finally...
stop screenshoting your own posts you retarded chink
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>/gig/ made it to Chinese reddit
Wake me up when she starts being powercrept by supports or healers in damage
C2R1 Raiden is still the god queen of electro DPS, and only two other DPS outperform her.
okay seriously I might need a second DPS with how bullshit that one Natlan elite is
Who do I use
>want to show off my siggy
>there's ALWAYS a neuv that joins who spams his beams which makes it look like he's the one doing all the damage
God I fucking hate Neuv.
It's crazy how much better this looks. Why are chinks so bad at character design?
QUICK! experiment with it and see if you can do anything fun or try to recreate it
It's completely rigged. You don't get EM on sets that want it. What? You thought you could cut corners? Get back in the mines Gheilo.
Why did you screenshot your own post?
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posting content that isn't in english outside of the international boards should be a banneable offense
all you a(You)
still winning!
character has the best design?
Your siggy will never do damage anyways
Simply the power of Kiraradev.
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All you to(me)
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>the cuckposter is screenshoting his own /gig/ cucksposts to show his fellow chinkcels how westerners are supporting them
>not kicking/leaving instantly as soon as you see a wormvillette troon
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many such cases!
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>inform them that the whale has 80% hydro res
>they insist on bringing neuv anyway
also siggy's beam had a capped turn speed and that's fine and good, right?
In character kino
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How did Nutlun save /gig/?
Yes. Hence diluc_gaming.
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Why are you using siggy’s burst
It’s worthless
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>mfw wanted to get nilous weapon
>pic related happens
I ended getting nilous weapon but godamn I havent had this luck since I got 3 ganyus back in her first banner
bros... is Navia good to play with? should i roll for her now that i have her weapon?
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Fuck you Cappet.
Yae Miko
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Even the Genshin tieba hates Genshin now. It's unironically over.
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I want to play something else, any recommendation of game that is like mix Assassins creed but I can kill anyone and anything and don't have to commit to the main quest like in gta? stealth gameplay is welcomed
no one wants a healer in coop. any less dps just drags out the coop session longer than it needs to be. pick a complementary support for whatever carry is present or pick a straight up dps to get the unfun coop session done asap.
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I'm black
play modded gta V and modded skyrim
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Despite making everyone in natlan white chinks still hate it. They only seem to like mavuika and citali. It's actually over
That's a fucking girl
Faruchan senpai
you're delusional. pagden was dead and buried with dendro. neuv c0, navia c0, chlor c0, arle c0 all shat on her grave.
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I unironically like to watch because I never self inserted as Traveller
of course they like the worst designs in all of natlan
>It’s worthless
so is the rest of her kit
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Genshin is an outdated game compared to WuWa
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hu tao
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at least use a texture pack for close ups.
He's complaining that the next 5*s are 5* versions of pre-existing 4* charactercombos (Electric Stun, Physical Anomaly)
Who do you main
what texture pack?
nah, doomposters are everywhere
this is the time when doomGODS win over slurpKEKS
but if Natlan is good, then slurpGODS will win over doomCHUDS anyway
Haven't seen a lot of Genshin soundposts, allow me to fix that.
the traveler likes to watch too so you technically still self insert as them
got a link?
You will never be Koult.
Didn’t dendro make her best team into hyperbloom instead
She still seems good there
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you can use mine.
>Nilou Breeze skin 2k textures.
>Kirara puss on boots skin 2k textures.
Genshin has lost 100k followers since the Natlan PV
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Huh, i just learned that Chioriya remains accessible after completing Chiori's quest
btw wheres my friend koult
Enter CHADhida
wuwajeets used to spam on /zzz/ too until they started replying with the do not redeem song kek
truly a nuclear weapon
She's a good unit you won't regret, but she almost always wants Bennett for her own damage. She doesn't want tons of field time, so you could slot her in as a flex unit most teams. Pull who you like :)
no thanks, I dont wanna risk getting banned
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Why they dont have male disciples?
how can i install it?
the chinese are very angry
What are we calling a Chinese Saar?
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So your describing Fallout or Elders Scrolls but unfortunately both of those best-selling franchises have been retired to Live Service MMO's for the rest of time.
are you talking about 1234userkills?
Zhongli isn't gay so he only hired women
Kaveh unironically
Sara kujou
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hu tao
no good hebes
no good hebes
Ignore the warning not to use it on live servers, it's plausible deniability
Read a modding tutorial and don't be dumb
yep aka SEA phoneposter aka C3 furina owner aka RDR2schizo
>”Here’s to the last survivor”
>shows Dainsleif
That’s actually pretty clever, not gonna lie
Why is she making coomer face?
Decent unit you can squeeze out 3 skill hits in your 1st rotation. Her artifacts can be atk/atk, geo/atk her new set isn't worth farming for unless you want the otherset.
TES 6 will have climbing and gliders......
Define coomer face
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another beautiful day to love Furina
original Rosaria
hu tao
Are Nilou's toes upgraded
That's all I care about
Genshin is so shit that CN people are unironically quitting Genshin for the WoW relaunch in China.
Columbinaxisters our time is now!
wow > genshin
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>according to jewstern, Mualani is straight up bad now
i thought wow got permabanned in china?
>posting charts from a week ago
>barely made it to the top 5
If Kuro wasn't in the pockets of Tencent I'd actually feel bad for them
what has a worse story wow or genshin
pussy. nobody has been banned for using cosmetic mods.

use this.
if you want more mods you can take a look at gamebanana.
just be warned that most of them are coomer shit, but there are some cool ones and others that revert censorship. i only use those last ones.
you can find more 2k and 4k texture packs there too.
I miss the real 750schizo
He'd never post a week-old screenshot
Blizzard withdrew from China over dispute with Netease. They sorted it out recently and Blizzard is now returning.
So is Captiano a jobber?
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I is! C'mere!
Hu Tao
he's being set up to be the biggest jobber in the game
that's called a DISCOUNT bro. instead of costing 210 rolls it now costs as much as 140.
>pussy. nobody has been banned for using cosmetic mods.
didnt they ban people for it in HSR? there's no telling they wont start doing it for genshit as well
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S-stop bullying my Freener!!
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>only 1 person on my friends list put up a supporting cast for IT
this is depressing
hoyo better be shitting themselves over how dogshit the reception to this mode is
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>does nothing
possibly the biggest jobber in all of fiction, ever
>strongest man in the entire world
they ban actual cheaters.
idiots that used cheat engine and such.
Get better friends, every one of mine did
I went through my roster and I need to level up 3 new weapons for this season
fuck this
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About 3 days after ITs release they put out a blogpost apologizing and acknowledging the negative feedback and said they'll fix it.
it's kind of insane that anyone still plays wow
>t. i work at blizzard
It's fucking over
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Genshins for this feel?
It appears you have confused the chat section of some livestream with /gig/ - Genshin Impact General!
That's okay, happens to the best of us
There you go
why does diluc let him drink anyway?
stop lying todd
they did ONCE, and it was only a 7 day ban.
Really? Where?
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I cant stop. Her face is so cute and pinchable
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Welcome to the brown Genshin club, Mualani!
The boycott is working
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back from the grave
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Neuvillette is mourning the state of genshin and you are LAUGHING?
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>all these people on jstern's chat coping she'll be free
But you guys told me it was actually a buff... You lied to me.
>1 hour of content patch
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hydro Dehya......
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I know but please stop doing it
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Diluc knows he's Barbatos
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arlefuri sxexeexexesex
I will be skipping Mualashit
I will be skipping Kinshit
I will be skipping the geo buddypoke
I will be skipping Xiloshit
I will be skipping Chashit
I will be skipping Ianshit
damn there's too much to skip, is this game even playable anymore?
leave us aloneeeeee
I don't get it.
saving for snezynaya
Wriothesley was brutally raped in the sweltering summer of 1992.
First paragraphs
Natlan is gonna flop
Will the anime announcement in the livestream bring back the hype?
Where's the lie? 80% of this thread don't actually fucking play.
ohnonono /gig/bros our secret club.................
great idea, bring more refugees to here!
>these are the people infesting this general
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>game is rapidly heading towards the bottom
>instead of changing course, they double down on the thing that's killing it
sasuga femorrhoids
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i thought you people hated e-celebs
how come you're praising this one random asshole like he's the sage of god
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>neuvikeks watch metachurls e-celebs
not a tiny bit shocked
you can do your job and reply to them massreplier-kun
my evil gatekept internet corner... no...
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No play, only roll and optimize
now please show us how he's wrong
i only goon on /gig/
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use this bwo
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Alright alright I'll stop. See, she is happy now
Save for xbalanque
meant for>>488167534
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now please show me why i or anyone here should give a shit about what he says
/gig/ has always been infested by a percentage of people who slurp up eceleb cum
see: tectone, zajef, whoever that fat pacific islander looking guy was i don't remember his name but someone will tell you
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Your wormbalanque will never be playable
>buckbroken kleepedo
[sad news]
Hoyo made Mualani's skin darker to better reflect her V3 changes. Xitter xisters wonned.
It's TGS(the genshin scientist)
you don't care
i care
the others care
okay? gig is not your personal space
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>*gets kit nerfed*
D-doesn't matter! She's cute and sexy!
>*gets tit size nerfed*
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>nerf after nerf
is Mualani the Collei of Natlan?
don't forget sevy and kurumi
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It seems to me that now her smile is wider and more dazzling
good job!
goes here>>488168032
Jstern won
Zajef won
Mualashit lost
>Captiano gets rekt in story and won't become playable in 5.x
>but the price for that was real Pyro Archon being male and the woman from trailer is a Furina 2.0/another fake Archon
I knew that it would be too good if they released 2nd tall female Archon. Not with this garbage ass dev and writing team.
So now that she's shit will Mualani posters start trying to threaten my heterosexuality if I don't pull her?
how do you nerf a vagoo
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small boobs are OK tho
You're a faggot regardless anon
That's a hard one. I'm still pissed they turned Sylvanas into a dindu.
A good portion of them probably put up their Arlecchino without knowing their friends can't pick a support member that is part of the forced trial units
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>play coop for fun
>host have c6r1 Navia
>team is GODllete(me) Furina and Arlecchino
who did get keked?
When I get home from work, what should I do?
>play Genshin
>play roguelikes (aka actual roguelikes such as Nethack)
>play old GameCube games
>play Pokémon
They love sucking cock themselves.
jerk off in the shower
I don't even own troonvilette but I am happy that mualani will be indeed a shit. I am just gonna wait for the female hydro on-fielder from the Soviet Union instead.
>shes sex
>gets turned into a femboy
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go sleep on the floor as a true nostalgiafag
She didnt get her tits nerfed and the eceleb is a nigger who doesnt know how to read
fuck forgot to add that was against the frog
just go take a nap, I just woke up from 11 hours of nap after having a nasty headache (real shit)
I am feeling great now
Where's that anon that was saying all that she was buffed?
You're obviously a sodomite.
She was nerfed for Madam Ping
I'm not. I loved every second of it and maxed it out 3 times.
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>nap is an option
Nap. If your body is tired enough to want to nap, it means you aren’t getting enough sleep.
You can save video games for when you wake up.
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has anything been worse for 4chan than jjk brainrot since 2016?
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lets watch the profanities
wow by far it cant even compare
holy shit i am still so angry at those fucking faggots in the wow lore team
>"a-at least you can play Mualani in hyperbloom!!!"
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jjk is gig core
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Takes one to know one
is there a way to regain vigor for characters or it's just 2 fights and they are out?
>just use her on hyperbloom
>shes close to raiden at c2
Normies and Kaguya and the Idol anime brainrot
1. Phoneposting 2. The 2016 election.
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I warned you guys.
They sliced off like 30% damage from Nilou Burst when the devs got uppity over seeing people trying to Vape with it, and they'd totally do it again.
>people thought a brown female would ever be good in Genshin
It's like you dumbasses forgot from the last three attempts.


No one has Candace at C6. Especially Arle havers.
Nigger, gl search for the hrt_diluc tweet saying she got her tits nerfed, its fake. Jesus christ imagine being a shill and following all the minor details of a game you dont play or like just to shit on a 4chan thread, kys
OK thanks.
wanderer's slut.....
>[zoomershit] is gig core
>saying that like the brown guys are any better
cyno is worse than a fucking standard and kaeya is cryo
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venti bussy is just too good
If you're just a metafag you were always a retard anyway.
Watch as they address none of the skin color issues

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