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Previous Thread: >>488256050

This is a thread for MICA/Sunborn games. Including Girls' Frontline 1 and 2, Neural Cloud and Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery.

Bind your account to a Sunborn ID instead of logging in from Facebook/Google.

Beginner's FAQ *READ THIS AND CHECK THE RESOURCES PASTEBIN before asking questions*

Emulator guides: https://pastebin.com/uqE8YHJ3
GF1 Resources: https://pastebin.com/psb2YFXi
PNC Resources: https://pastebin.com/xtVjFcFw


[Current] Jul. 9 - Aug. 5 | New Re-Supply Gacha: Lingering Summer
[Current] Jul. 23 - Aug. 5 | Theater Mode Season 12 (HOC: RPG-29)
[Current] Jun. 25 | New Neural Upgrade x1 (Type 79 MOD)
[Upcoming] Aug. 5 - | Episode 15.1 - The Summer Garden of Forking Paths
[Upcoming] Aug. 6 - | New Re-Supply Gacha: White Horror
[Upcoming] Aug. 5 | New T-Doll Batch x4 (Stevens M520, Stevens M620, MG15, FM24)

[Current] Jul. 18 - Aug. 8 | New Re-Supply Gacha: Detective 2
[Current] Jul. 18 - Aug. 8 | New Event: Zero Charge
[Upcoming] Aug. 1 | New Neural Upgrade x1 (AK-12 MOD)

[Current] Jul. 23 - Aug. 20 | External Search - [Crimson Joyrider] (Bonneville)
[Current] Jul. 23 - Aug. 13 | Character Event: Bonneville [Phantasmagoric Sojourn]
[Current] Jul. 23 - Aug. 13 | New Mini Event: [Melodious Macrocosm]


Reminder to bully seaniggers, discord trannies, bugmen, /v/ermins, dramaniggers, tourists, retards & degenerates, and to lurk 2 months before posting
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With the mustache ON
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I heard you are smooching
EOS kill that kot
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My crippled Jewish wife is so cute
What was that about Olivia? Was that real?
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I tested it out for myself and she doesn't shoot on skill activation either. I sent in a bug report
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little smooch
Who the fuck is rose?
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Join the URNC now
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Only if they upgrade everyone's free subscriptions to Sugar's OnlyShrikes to tier 3.
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I bet this came out from FB
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Good evening I love Lunasia
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At least everyone there had a sense of humor
I'm just spitballing here, but have you tried changing her skin?
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The irony of this coming from a chink company
I was testing it myself and she's broken for me too
What a crazy timeline we are in.
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I’m trying to see what the background soldiers look like, is their gear generic or are they vaguely based on something?
that kot must be tired from giving birth so much
she can keep going but she needs more smooches
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well I do want her to rest up but she's just so cute
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Reminds me of early to mid 2000s SWAT uniforms with the jacketed armor vest. Nowadays, majority of forces made the switch to lighter, more modular plate carriers after the 2010s.
Facebook is 90% genuinely insane old people, which makes it hilarious. Only LinkedIn compares to its comedic value.
I miss those uniforms in games and movies
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>got the true ending
>got all three oath rings
>got the player border from vampire survivors
>didn't care about the ranking
I'm just missing these. The fuck were these again?
>genuinely insane old people
That also sounds like /gfg/
some of the missions in the main story let you activate challenge mods, same as in the regular chapters
Fuck, I forgot what challenge modes were.
Going back now.
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>>got the true ending
Wait were there different endings to this
Did you get the final chapter with the whole gang at Annas shop?
I'll do the collab tomorrow
Anon the collab ends TONIGHT
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>sub 100k
It's over bros. I'm padding...
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too sex
Pouting Shell a cute
i'll do AW ranking tomorrow
Network karma thing
I will not do this quest
I dont play pnc or GF2
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Bellybutton worship with this doroo
I miss Lcron
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nvm we're so back
You didn't even remember of his existence 5 mins ago.
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Welcome to the club.
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I didn't but now I did, thanks for that bit of info
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where the heck is the option to play entropic survivors endless mode
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STARbros... they broke Crime and Punishment, her skill doesn't work... I don't feel so cool now...
it unlocks after getting 500k points
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I got 97k.
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Now she can't even fire a single bullet. I guess the shock from missing a shot from that distance was too much for her.
What a dork.
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It's time to set things straight
>STUR jobs irl
>STUR jobs in-game
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I commissioned him before, I miss when he would draw GF freely
vague outlines of kits Mica employees had on hand. Remember that one time YZ went to an airsoft game and got waterboarded?
Look what you’ve done idiots, it’s pregnant now!
If we're talking about bugs it seems that EOS is hugged as well she won't attack when her skill is up during vampire survivors. It's not a range issue since even when she's in melee range she won't attack.
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CR-21 sitting on my face.
Look at her go
Are her legs detached from her body? Did her mod partially turn her into Rayman?
Can't believe this nyggified dumb bitch got her mod before M16
That's a nygger body.
Unprotected sex with M16.
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OL love
Never thought they could somehow make that shitstain any uglier and more painful to look at
>taking her peepee milkers
bros MICA can't get away with thi
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>15 knife fights
>94 strips
>12 struts
what did they mean by this?
How many frags does it take to complete AI3 30 again?
That means she has the wombforce now!
I hope you like your pubes getting stuck in her mechanical joints.
Imagine the fivesome
There needs to be more art of this skin
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bwo... so you still don't know...
Who could've made this post?
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I don't know what exactly?
Only with brown dolls.
I would take CR-21 and IDW to my room after that day at the beach
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did you wish Chie happy birthday :3
That's G11 according to the artist? okay.
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Brainlet here, why is Alina doing so much damage against the granny?
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I will now. Happy birthday, carnivore cutie.
Its just more of
>the absolute STATE of the AR team
Sexo negligee
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So when is her mod coming to EN
Like you just unlocked AI3 and want to go all the way? Looks like 47.
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Dreamer is angry today
Sorry, Dreamer. It was Destroyer's turn in the bed today.
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It's simply baffling how a fully raised MOD3 "Elite" T-dork could struggle for 4+ mins to accomplish something that any other T-doll could achieve in 5 secs without breaking a sweat.
It's unclear if her constant apprehension is due to nerves but STUR needs to review her basic training. Her current performance is not only an embarrassment to AR team but to Griffin as a whole.
https://streamable.com/wv8aiy: Video proof that STUR was given every opportunity to succeed but completely bombed it herself due to her aura of dorky incompetence.
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Did STUR's SPEQ bonus break something? Wouldn't be surprised
Is there any way to brute force the red beans in chapter 11? I don't want to use my brain and solve the puzzle.
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Agent J get down!! A doll is attempting to enter the facility claiming she's coming for you!!
A__ y__ n___
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la povera ragazza è traumatizzata
Stuns, retreating everyone except a force field smg to let the bean snackbar into.
It's honestly more work than just doing the puzzle.
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Grape mi guarda mentre ho un bambino appassionato che fa sesso con Strawberry
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uh oh... t-thanks for the dorx, bwos...
Horror survival game with this sheltered/isolated cutie that starts off with pieces of unidentified deep sea objects washing up on her rig and coming in through the drill pipes
hatsu cameo in the final act
Alright I'll just YouTube the puzzle solutions to get this over with.
>i'll take "what is 'Still Wakes the Deep but with anime girls' for 100, Alex."
Literally who?
And with that it's over, say farewell to the S;G gang, /gfg/!
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remember to close the door on your way out
Scots unearth eldritch monstrosities from beyond while drilling for oil. It's a fucking great walking simulator with great voice acting.
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I'll binge read the event...tomorrow...
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Kuro culo
>every idea I come up with has already been done (but better) or gets made soon after I think of it (but better)
I can't keep going on like this
Hang on
>Papasha shown to be part mechanic
>Also an alcoholic
Did Mayling just get a step sister?
I love fucking bratty Northern Italians.
The only thing the chink will get is a boot to the head. I'm also not her dad
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GF3 in the Bering Sea with naval warfare between various private and state-owned mining/oil corporations and ELID sea monsters featuring Hatsu and Shale doko
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>>Papasha shown to be part mechanic
This isn't news
Yes but what if she's the only one tasked with running the rig and uses her extensive K N O W L E D G E to repair it and escape
Except when she finally makes it to civilization she's a spaghetti spilling mess because she's never interacted with humans in person before
What happened to the centipede girl boss from GF2?
Rimming MDR's loose, fat ass.
Shale comes into direct contact with elids and starts losing her mind so Hatsu as the mentor has yuri sex with her to heal her neural cloud I just think they're both hot
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>cryoshell starts playing at full volume
You can't run
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When will you guys learn, just accept the mistake and make another post with the right text DORK!
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I only see a dork
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I have become the thing I tried not to be.
Rushed B?
Cala boca filho da puta
They fight SKK inside the whale that swallowed yegor
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But Dreamer is the one trying to get a threesome.
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A chess player?
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you already were
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Making a chess team with the chess QUEEN
I really wish I took better care of that particular Bionicle, I genuinely miss him
La Frutilla
La Uva
Kill yourself discordnigger
>~110000 USD
Would anons pay that much for a top of the line sexdoll?
bionicles KINO. The only one i remember is the large sized one with the huge-ass greataxe
>Latest doujins are all BA characters

It's nyover...
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>Get curious and go to CN wiki
>This is all that is left
Hehe, Hebo and Star.
My sand is in grave danger.
I want to be that seat.
- Florence but better
imoko a shit SKIP - spider
I want to rim
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How come lolicano has as much fanart as Grapecano?
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I fucking love Italy.
I thought there was more time.
The gauntlet never ends bro
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>only grape gets anal fucked
Oh man what a bummer, I wish Leonat went back to GF and did a sequel for some Strawberry anal goodness
Yeah we don't like cunnykeks h ere
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This is still a better name than Rise
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I've been trying to do the endgame grind levels with just the elmo crew and its not fun
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I think i started to understand why they rename Zion to Nirvana for GF1/2/RC
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Time for some kink play, anon
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I fucking love cunny dolls
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What makes her so sexy?
The hair?
I see...
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what the fuck is that
It's Tororo's persona
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I keep finding more shit.
What is this gay shit?
evening morismol, may i have a candy?
It was supposed to be for Christmas back in CN.
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Try morning.
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I dislike seasonal skins too, but I prefer this skin over the CNY one
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>Morridowposter is SEAnigger
Yes, as in the time of the day where the civilized world starts waking up and walking over the detritus of whatever godbshite you fucking orientals have left.

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It's already Noon is SEAswarmp and Chinkland.
We all know Morriposter is a vatnik
Nice Willow costume
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>game set in eastern europe
>/gfg/ doesn't know what a europe is
Can't be helped that everyone we don't like are SEAniggers. The always reliable scapegoat.
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aren't /gfg/ full of mutts? checks out
>12pm is morning
Are you okay retard?
i forgot that bongs, krauts, and slavs have a 1/2 hours difference between each other. so i thought "did you really woke up at 5?"
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I want to lick sniff and cum on her armpit
Bleachanon, where are you
I'm a bong and I don't even know when I'm considered Europe when it comes to shit like banking anymore.
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Respect the black friends in the general
That's a chocolate action figure
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Khaybar... ;_;
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Bake something.
Me at the left
Don't want to scare you guys but we're getting eng VAs.Someone slipped up in discord
proof or your mom will be next on the /gfg/ rape list
Yeah, SKK is voiced by Steve Blum.
Is Dande your source?
now make him darker
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>yfw its the 404 radio cast
I don't give a shit with VAs because I'm playing muted voice!
I'd rather use can VA over those
We still pretending they were bad?
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That threesome with Babushka really needed a sequel
pencil skirts, pantyhose and heels, my weakness........
no they were kino. can't wait to get 416s va back
We don't have actual niggers in this thread do we?
thighsex with femkj
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Doll threesomes are canon
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blue m4...
Do white niggers count?
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I want to impregnate.
New Grammarly is kinda bad.
would knock up with my mutt seed
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this is a no nigger zone
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Obviously, SKK can summon as many dolls as he want at any time and do whatever he wants with them
Hell yeah! I always wanted Vepurey voiced by a 47 yr old hag with a thick Texan accent!
18/f/adelaide here
Niggers are a state of mind
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This is a latin/hispanic safe space at least right?
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>this head is was full of melaninated thoughts all along
McNutt yourself.
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Latinx unironically hate blacks with a passion. It's actually amazing see them shoo them away from their stores in person.
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Admins > dolls >>>>> antiviruses
If there were eng VAS then they would have announced today with Groza's bio
Tasha doko
Venezuela is burning and you're here laughing...
It has always been burning, it doesn't make a difference
Can't wait to see her oath line
Runescape player here.

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>woman candidate
>plead to move the embassy to Jerusalem
>ads on Times Square, of all places
I mean, she's an obvious Rossatrist agent, the fuck do you want?
>getting bodies for the dolls AND admins
Sounds like a logistics nightmare.
As if this hasn't stopped Shikikan before.
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>requisitioning 3 (currently) bodies from IOP
>logistics nightmare
Two possums and an owl, Havel will be delighted.
Two is his minimum.
lmao even
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They all came to my country anyway
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Hey you! Post feminist posts!
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So toss 'em outta helos then.
Did the cast at least try to meet the standard Ghost Stories dub did?
God, imagine if we got an EN dub and it was just this.
Imagine wasting money on lines only a fraction of your already tiny playerbase will use.
I just hope they hire people with accents of where the guns are from...
You vill get complete amateurs from some SEAnigger shithole and you vill be happy
It would be based if that happened unfortunately current eng dub scene is full of failed theater kids trying to make it big elsewhere.
>looked up
>literally nothing recent
Thank God.
>Hilda Koch
>top of the line
That shits defective, cheap and probably bootleg as fuck and will probably crush your dick and not in the enjoyable way
SEAnigs probably could do better, it can worse; youtubers, vtumors, and twitch camwhores
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Do you really want a SEAnigger English dub?
I'm starting to think I have a weakness for redheads
We need a Russian dub.
ok lmao this shit is actually entertaining than hearing camwhores do cringe anime voices
I was having that issue too and I thought it was just because of how the mini game worked
I'm horny for SF
What exactly is the trick to beating the old grandma, I move everyone out of the middle to avoid the exploding wheelchair but her shield still regens way too fast. I've almost completely maxed out my HOCs, there's a little bit of room to improve on the chips and iteration but not that much. Is it really that finicky that a tiny bit more will make that much of a difference or is there something else I'm missing.
I want a localization dub. If someone is from Germany, I want them speaking German. If they're from Russia, I want them speaking Russian. If they're speaking a language SKK doesn't understand, I want SKK confused as fuck
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Your sniper fairy?
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where's your Sniper Fairy, anon?
>babushka deletes my strongest shotgun with a fucking wheelchair, then become practically immortal as her just keeps regenerates like no end
Go ahead other SKK, I shall pad your score stay in my lane which is 51%.
Just hit the lower scoring options if you can't clear.
>Mosing Nagant whispering sweet Russian nothings in one ear while STG44 whispers sweet German nothings in another and 1911 whispering sweet American nothings in another
>If they're speaking a language SKK doesn't understand, I want SKK confused as fuck
It'll just work like Tekken, there's no language anyone doesn't understand.
Move bitch get out the way bitch get out the way

Also FFS we keep telling you fags to raise a sniper fairy for a reason
sniper fairy is god
Anon, you do realize our dolls speak the same language as SKK right, any other instance is just them larping
>Sniper Fairy
>All HOC
>Move MG at 4 to 8 or 2
>Move SG on 6 to 3
Sit back and stay comfy
It really is that simple
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Sex with KJ.
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>raise sniper fairy
>can't use armor fairy now your shotguns get shredded like toilet paper
Shit sucks
Latinas are so fucking hot
God I wish they were real
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And that language is love, right?
>SKK is a slav
>suddenly everyone is talking like a drunkard while toting high caliber guns and WMD
Look i know PPSh-41 is nicknamed Papasha because it's a pun on the Russian pronunciation of PPSh, but that doesn't mean you can just call a girl "daddy".
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I want to start a family with this latinx
>12 gets mod3
>will probably be a sidegrade to 94 and 15
>16 still stuck inside Ange
We already have Lighting, Mosin, and Nagant. Wait until we get Shaft
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>shrugs off almost getting disembodied
>get infected with cyber eldritch AIDS
>proceed to literally rip and tear self to maintain self control
I'm in love.

Armor tiles, lad. I ran MG4/LAMG/M240L/DP-12/LTLX and armor fairy or not it was an easy clear
>why LAMG
Muh Solly. Also I was too lazy to switch to some higher CE crap. Am beyond caring.
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She WILL be in 2.
Just DPS race her faster
AK12 mod mainly supports AN94 by debuffing armor. AK15 is still generally better than both
>I ran MG4/LAMG/M240L/DP-12/LTLX
But those aren't advantage dolls.
I use PKP, QYJ88, Saiga and M870 with MG5 since her passive skill wouldn't be affected by the debuffs.
Advantaged dolls get bonus CE but you can overcome it with stronger dolls which will outclass them
Fuck the advantaged doll shit, that's a spook. At most stick 'em in reserve but I tend to ignore it outside of core 8. And you're welcome for that badly needed padding.
>Reverse Bunny suit
Genuinely shit
Advantaged is a meme in practice. Saiga is one of the worst SGs in the game unfortunately and is an active liability in your build.
Advantaged dolls get bonus stats and a 1.2x CE multiplier, but yes they aren't necessarily autoinclude even for CE stacking.
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but anon! it's funnier this way and much more memorable to be remembered!
>Reverse Bunny suit
Genuinely hot
It's still strange. Do you want to get SMOOCHed?
Foursome with this sheriff and those deputies (the deputies just end up making everything worse)
You continue to prove that it is shit
Valhalla collab was a mistake.
LAMG is one of the best MGs that aren't MG4 mod, M240L or MG338, not sure why you need to bring her up as if she's a liability as a b urself pick
Sniper fairy.
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rim venezuelan bisexuals
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wtf I'm horny now
Good for you, son, lobotomozing yourself to insert a tier list there is a very respectable sacrifice.
Leotard dokos
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Easy to remove leotard
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Love a good leotard.
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We're getting a Parasite Eve instead so maybe it's okay
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Delicious hot sweaty anal sex with Jill
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Same but with Jill
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>dyke lovers in my general
It's for the best, really
After their drama/mismanagement over Nirvana I can't expect much this time, especially for a game more complicated than a VN
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Incorrect, I actually fantasize about being facefucked by big tiddy futa dolls.
Korean voices doko..
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I'm tired of world
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>this statement is probably true
holy fucking based
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Good news, you don't need to live in this cursed world.
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Aneki... Come back......
And bring your hot buddy too.......
You're going into the contraption
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M16 drives me to masturbate
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Thermal signature detected.
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I liked them, storywriting was shit sadly.
Only sad thing is that they will probably bring their woke ass burgerstani opinions with them.
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Chinklian doko?
I'm no feminist, but Tasha might make me into one.
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Viruses > all.
Behead Riko. Incinerate Ranko. Curbstomp Riko. Throw Ranko into a woodchipper. Total fox death.
I want to pull off those crystals one at a time.
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Smooch Riko. Oath Riko. Give Riko all your money and your soul.
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New Jimmy
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For the sake of GF2 global, Eos sacrificed another gacha.
>job in divegrass
>got EoS
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I need a doll. A doll who's out in the Arctic. She's on a warpath. She hates everyone she meets.
I'd take her in.
The anti virus requires the blood of other gachas so she can keep getting more skins.
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Ex-mica's employee outright said mica didn't even treat their waifu audience as human beings, he was former technical art director at MICA and even has a korean wiki article about him.
>Investigator on skill and outfit
>A fucking ex-car saleswoman
15:27 hours in chinkland, they're more or less off work now...
Great, another former associate of Big Bill Hell's.
Weren't they at the cafe?
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>love fixing shit
>love computers
>love drawing
>love shooting
>actually made friends and connections in uni
>cybersec and servicing hardware keeps me afloat and leaves me disposable income while sitting on my ass browsing the Russian dollfucking forums

BWAHAHAHA fucking shitters HAHAHAHA
>He didn't know about the 996 system
Sounds like he's personally the asshole here more than anything, good riddance.
Kill yourself dramanigger, his opinion has no merit
kill yourselves pedos
>black in addition
kill yourself get revived and die again
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holy fuck i didn't even realize. the absolute guts of this chink posting him in /gfg/
He might be a tourist.
Man. When was the last time the BSL shillfag posted here?
Whose BSL? From that screenshot he sounds like an ass and him leaving was a good thing
There are better ways to go about and requesting art lolianon
>they are bringing in the Zipman now
top kek
how long before he finds out about the turtle soup incident
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>Just started S:G collab this morning
>Skipped breakfast to grind missions
>Barely finish the final mission at the end of my lunch break about 30min before the event ends
Awwww yeahhhh. Now time to get comfy and pad in Theater
Might be? There's only one bug men that's active during SEA hours.
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He was. Fuckboy got sacked back in 2019 for starting shit on social media after that useless fuck suisai got soup'd.
Once upon a time an allegation from BSL, a Mica employee, created a community uproar regarding funds going to YZ's Ferrari. It was a lie and thus came termination
Oh, so that's where that meme came from, alright thanks for the info
Is he the guy who said he's forming "The Avengers" of chink Gacha industry for a game that's still incomplete?
He really didn't want to comeback here and argue anymore after that happened.
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Holy shit, how desperate is that bug?
Literally Spamton but T-doll
He and infukun went to make Mist Sequence as a GF killer then BSL got fired from his own company.
After my spergout actually, the amount of loli dropped in the threads and we had that chink melty, I'd say complaints actually did the job. Last thread and this started to rise again and so it's time to put niggers down again. OFC I don't actually make a study of this and don't know how true I am, just making a guess from observation. Also, in relation to last thread, nanda is infact a bad loli to lewd since she canonically has the mentality of a child, but it's hard when Gaia exists and she has fucking titties and an official art with a boob window.
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>mentality of a child
anon, she's just retarded
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That thread is pure gold. I had no idea AL devs paid shills to stir up drama about Snowbreak with the feminists. AP used to be an omnipanderingslop. And BA CN server actually got fucked by CN players.
I want to turn Judge into my warm pillow doll.
That thread is seakids reading and reposting everything they see
The /vmg/ AP thread is a gigantic cesspit of schizos and shitposters and hoyofags and Shay, do not take anything posted there as fact.
Yeah its the new designated gachanigger schizo """"""""debating"""""""""" grounds
It's so bad more and more people that never even visit /vmg/ go to
Who the hell even takes /vmg/ seriously, besides the obvious answers? Even /v/ is a better board.
Sounds like what this general is going to be like after GFLEX releases.
>Girls Frontline Line Exilium Xilium
Your spergout did nothing lolianon. Loli doesn't get posted like it use to
>is a better board
LMAO fuck no.
>Who the hell even takes /vmg/ seriously
There are games way more niche than Mica games and anons can’t keep their generals alive in /vg/.
Yeah because no tits = might as well be a boy
>can't keep generals alive in /vg/
lol, lmao even. some actual dead games have their place in /vg/ and if their "gachages" can't be more alive than /gfg/ then they're just that shit of a general
This but unironicaly
This is a homosexual thought process
What's wrong with that? We love boys here in /gfg/.
Boys yes. A boy? No.
I mean we like THE boys. Not A boy
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She does so much for us and you keep making fun of Her...
I dunno, season 4 was pretty mid.
Post it
Who the fuck is this retard?
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Smooch a boy. You'll like it.
thank god
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I DEMAND brown tomdolls
It was a sad day when we only appreciated the hags
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Brown hags!
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Who are 200% for (You)
nagant is fine and she got an upgrade in gf2, she's more of a chuuni womanlet
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Holy cope
Morridork capture in GFL2
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At least someone here made it out well.
>Girls' Frontline Line 2
Yep SEAnigger hours alright
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Origami face
Croatians in gf2 when
>some actual dead games have their place in /vg/ and if their "gachages" can't be more alive than /gfg/ then they're just that shit of a general
Okay now you're the retard. There are a ton of super popular games in the East that barely get any attention in EN speaking countries, for example Honor of Kings, a 'dead' game that rakes in hundreds of millions a month. And there are also niche IP-based game, like Eminence in Shadow game which also makes millions of dollars each month but is only known by a small group of dedicated fans. I used to play EiS myself and unless Im a discordfag, the only way to stay updated on the game is through the vmg thread.
Artist loli rendition. But sure, nagant is loli, I just thought I'd gatekeep less and focus on the actually terrible bunch, I don't think children would gift vodka. But loli is loli and you're a degenerate so please ventilate yourself
RPG-29 judges both enemies and allies and scores them accordingly. I want to know what they rate the SKKock
You are aware that loli is a body type and not defined by age?
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Heh. Boner-ville.
He's another redditor seeking attention, anon.
if you're giving that as example, honestly fair. but if that's the case, then i think their general should thrive better than let's say, fucking /pmmm/ or /ddlc/
I'm aware, but there's a big difference between a bratty and seemingly mature loli and one that exhibits infancy like nanda. Again, I don't need to gatekeep all lolicons, because not all lolicons are pedos, but I dare say all pedos are lolicons.
Lets be fair for a tick. Comparing /ddlc/ to a general is like comparing Hatsuchiri to a squid.
>all pedos are lolicons.
It was evident you were retarded when you called Nanda an immature loli because she's fucking retarded but never knew you were THIS retarded
yeah, that's why i'm asking how they cannot be more alive than /ddlc/ even if they are that niche
wtf why is the collab shop gone as well
If I've never made a reddit account, am I a redditor in spirit?
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How the fuck i supposed clear this bloody map, if the archer keep killing (me) in turns 2

>go use para, retard
No i dont want use para, go fix your map Micunt
why are you mad buddy? don't like being called out?
Oops i forget to mention the map, it's 13-2
>taisch pullers ITT
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Ah yes classic sideshow bob proportions.
Use the coastal artillery to nuke the enemy that tries to attack SKK
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Taisch is super cute, incredibly useful and had the possibly best character story in PNC.
I'm PROUD to have taken her in.
The coastal cannon only can destroy enemy equipment, i.e, Anti Air, Shield generator
It can't defeat an enemy units
you say the archer kills SKK in 2 turns but that and the balls are both expand AI which means they always approach the nearest non-red node, so you should be able to manipulate their movement.
Why is she so funny?
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en doko?
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JP's next SPEQ
Two more weeks.
That's not a call out? That's a piss poor generalization when most niggers don't like anime
>always reached the nearest non-red node
Ye it supposed like that, but after the client update, the AI broke
The archer and the ball supposedly not going to killing SKK, but after the newest client update(tank), it just go straight to SKK
Sex with males.
pls understand, 8 years old bloated gaem
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Next battle pass is Croc
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She wrangles brats.
no live2d? sad, but at least i got her cny in time
>shorter than taisch
what the fuck? i thought she's not that midget, and she manages to be shorter than taisch
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Shit, so no yegor mech for me until they fix the AI
Why are you act like this?
English fucker
>Why are you act
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The Council of Dorks do not condone shilling of our games outside of our general. Do say "fuck off" to the shillers in your general and bully them to your own will. we do not accept tourist here and those trespassing will be shot on sight
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Sorry I was asleep, here you go
That's totally a /gfg/-er
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look at her go
It will be very painful for both me and her...
What is this? Wuxia warrior?
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The only thing I'm shooting on sight is the head of trashcans speaking out of turn.
Just use a better onahole
Trust the plan. VHS will make it too.
I don't agree on best chara story, but she is useful and cute.
>best character story in PNC
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bro's on a roll
She will only make it in after imoko forces Yuzhong to add SL8 and give her VHS as her orbiter.
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I stand by my statement.
Imagine all of the 3D lewds we could have if they put the lamphrey in GF2
That looks hot, might watch later.
that's a very bold take
so tell me then, what is a loli?
ruining a body like grizzly's is a sin of it's own, kys
Iwara shits are so fucking horrible unless you're a middle-schooler the quality just makes you vomit
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>hugging leglock
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Unironic question
Do you think SKK slept with his dolls? Or atleast masturbates? He's a man stuck in fuck-all land surrounded by women. There's no way he didn't came to relieve all of his stress. Unless the nyggers made him an eunuch during Tree.
A short, petite woman with flat to small breasts. Prime example, Shorty
After shooting and getting shot at all day he might not have the energy for sex
He's gay
Dolls are tools you don't have sex with tools. Nobody ever had sex with a vaccum cleaner the same logic applies here.
>Nobody ever had sex with a vaccum cleaner
Is this canon?
>>Nobody ever had sex with a vaccum cleaner
>Nobody ever had sex with a vaccum cleaner
Anon, I can whip up at least half a dozen articles of dudes having sex with their car.
Compared to that, having sex with something made to be as anatomically close to a woman as possible is no stretch.
This man has fucked the space chink in NC and DSR twice
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sex your vacuum cleaner NOW
>avoiding the words child-like appearance
we both know where this is going and you either have to accept that you're defending something bad or concede that your understanding of loli is different from what many people think it is.
But I digress, if you like short women for being short women and none of the child-like aspects then you're fine, but you have to understand that there are people who can and do use the same argument and then end up child groomers and there's a very thin line between you and them and it requires further elaboration. I seek to gatekeep those people out of here and anons like you will be hit by collateral, I apologize for that, but I hope you now understand why I am doing it.
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>He never fucked a vacuum cleaner
lmao virgins
Why is there cum inside of Sottje, Imoko's vacuum assistant?
I don't get your twitter-brained idea and anti-lolicons have been far more likely to like real children. So kindly, kill yourself
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anon, have you solved that map yet? I think that you must rush your main echelon on t2 to rescue (You) so that archers will move near your echelon. I tried at least three times to be sure and the result was consistent, and the rest is up to you to solve
Cybersex doesn't count, it's all in your head.
The sexual relations I've had with HS2000 were real damn it
I understand now t dolls are just the natural evolution of vaccum cleaners.
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It's evolution baby
Where news
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Willow stole them.
>anti-lolicons have been far more likely...
proof? and even if, why does that mean that I shouldn't try my best to rid of pedos anyway? A pedo anti-lolicon is still a lolicon, still my target.
>those who fight back are more likely to be the evil guys, so stop trying to fight evil
is such a retarded take, not only is it unsubstantiated, we are all gonna die at the end of our lives so why not kill ourselves right now?
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How in God's name do you take a concept as simple as
>pedos belong in Mr. Chippy
and make it obnoxious?
Back to being retarded I see.
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It sure is nice that small vacuum cleaners are perfectly morally fine to fuck.
Oh it’s this fucking retard again. 100% you’re a giant pedophile and your entire PC’s drives are filled with CP. Only truly vile individuals feel the need to be so vocal about loli shit
RO, what's the hour in India?
>y-you're retarded
I accept your concession pedo, please ventilate yourself
I can't get my hands on them niggers through my monitor, it makes me upset
nice samefagging
I fucked up
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Do you see what you guy did? You people make me sick.
You have access to public records. Use it instead of being a faggot on a gacha general.
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nice but could use highleg panties
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Papasha gets to summon a friend
You have access to public records. Post them, instead of being a degenerate pedo on a gacha general.
Looks like a jade beauty prime for cultivation.
Can't handle more than one person thinking you are a pedo?
that's rather tame compared to nascita's racer queen skin
Everything GF2 released is tame compared to PNC's coomer skins
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affection stories
>Racing queen shit
Why does Yuzhong hate money?
the timings are immaculate, and then, shitposters were always a part of /gfg/, now remind me, why does a disgusting coomer like you still breathe?
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it's good tho
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Race queen good
Come on son, turn your phone on, prove you're a mouthbreathing faggot with a reading comprehension of 0 and who needs to defend his little fictional depictions of children on a basket weaving forum, you know you can double-post
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Have you tried reporting to local authorities, anon? Fighting tards on your screen won't save irl kids
>Racing queen
Police does their job already, woodchipper feed is now stuck on the internet due to the fear for their petty lives and all they can do is troon out and sperg about muh
>a-anti-lolicons a-are the r-real pedos!
the least you could do is hide it, but your braindead mannerisms are showing it
Imagine her shark teeth and fat thighs in 3d
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Babu cute
bro, that's your daddy
Just admit you jerk it to real children and stop trying to hide behind you insecurities by attacking lolicons on 4chan of all places
Wait, where did that wrench drop from? It landed in front/ under her dress
obviously from her backpack. are you thinking somewhere else?
Damn thats crazy bro. Good thing this game is working with the UN now. Now we can stop those dangerous .jpeg drawings with them
You’re such an obnoxious faggot, unbelievable. I don’t like loli myself, but people like you are scum. Go do something productive with your life.
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He can't, he's under FBI investigation. Homeboy thinks all his posts will somehow make us give him a pass.
You should send your picture gallery to twitter and tweet about MAP pride, they'll take you in as one of their own immediately, you're only gonna have problems here mate
Or how about /b/? You stink of retardation worse than there and they send loli on the daily, you should go there instead of a general made for a gacha game, considering how attracted to little girls you are
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Eh, they're sexy but kind of boring
Papasha gave birth to a wrench...
But her backpack is on her back anon
The miracle of life...
Which Mumu12 do I get? I read that it's only available in Chinese but that you can download a non-orange version or something?
What the hell is MAP?
>vacuum fuckers
This week is off to an excellent start.
>actual phoneposter reply
if it's just drawings then why are lolicons attracted to them?
nyoo NYOOO!!! I wasn't playing the game anyway, so whatever
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Play Racing Lagoon
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Why are you retards replying to obvious bait?
bro, googling ain't that hard, get one from mumuplayer(dot)com
Im bored and it gives me an excuse to post loli
Watching retarded jeets being retarded is fun.

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Idk I think it's fine
Nice they're learning from and taking good features from PNC like >>488388681 and assuming in-game cutscene playback.
"Although there's still so much to learn... as long as the Commander needs me, I will never let you down!"

Class: Sentinel
Model: SSD-62G
Imprint: PPSh-41
Affiliation: POL-03 Security Department (Same one with Mosin, Nagant, and Ksenia)

“Papasha, I will definitely get it done!”
Don’t get the wrong idea—she says this not because she struggles with saying no, but because she’s willing to go to any lengths to protect those she cares about.
Whether it’s mastering new skills to be of help or stepping into danger to shield her comrades, Papasha is always ready to act without hesitation. The medal on her chest speaks to her steadfast conviction, while the smile on her face is a silent vow.
No matter where she is, if she’s needed, Papasha will pour her heart and soul into safeguarding everyone to the very end. The only exception? The unfortunate machines around her that can’t help but be swayed by her emotions.
Rangeban all xitterposters
these are affection entires like in PNC
the story playback got updated too, but it's not in this screenshot
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I like this image actually
MAP in picrel, pedos tried normalising this at some point
Weren't you the nigger who told me to go look for public records? Are you afraid of using google?
The river under a bridge calls to you, you should jump in and seek treasure
That makes you no better than he is, just post your images and stop making the thread worse
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she knows I like butts.
WTF bros I thought jade concubines were supposed to be classy...
I like the texture of her abs and navel. And it looks like it's not a copypaste design from other dolls with exposed belly.
>Minor attracted person
Is that what you pedophiles are calling yourself these days?
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>broken emotion modules
at last i can have emotionless sex in gf2
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>I thought jade concubines were supposed to be classy...
>That shades
How Chinese
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This is what we get for being popular again.
Where did this monogoloid come from?
No, it's what you pedopiles tried calling yourself back in the day
you could also shitpost the pedo, it'll make him go away faster you know? he's making himself such a retard, it's easy (You)'s
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I'm going to keep fapping to anime cunny and there is nothing you can do to stop me
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My first thought was Lara Croft
So son, how 'bout this here post of yours?
Pot shouldn't be calling the kettle black.
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I'm a doll-attracted person myself.
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>Formerly known as CS/LS06, she worked as a security guard for an art dealing company but fled after discovering its involvement in illegal activities.
>Calm, decisive, and with a deep-seated hatred for evil—these are the first impressions most people have of her.
>However, buried deep within her is an inescapable guilt. Once a guardian of darkness, she finds it hard to forgive her past and holds herself to a harsh standard. For Zhaohui, ignorance is no excuse for having abetted in wrongdoing. To break free from the mire, she once teetered on the edge of destruction, and to remember, she kept the scars on her arms and the impaired facial expression module. From that moment on, CS/LS06 vanished, and the world gained a cold-faced wanderer who roams the lands, standing up for justice under the name "Zhaohui."
>Her journeys have endowed Zhaohui with a wealth of experience, and eventually, she crossed paths with Daiyan, Jiangyu, and Fei to form the band "Monsoon," where she took on the role of leader. To her bandmates, Zhaohui is a dependable captain—not fearsome, just oddly fixated on maintaining a particular atmosphere. But to the Commander, Zhaohui is more than just a band leader. She is a warrior of righteousness, like the morning sun that shines upon a scarred and wounded world.
pat pat
Called it >>488388935
Go ahead, as long as you're not posting about it here. This is a girl's frontline general, not /b/
I'm a lolicon, not a pedophile.
These better be voiced.
Yeah, but as I said, I don’t like loli so I don’t have it saved. This retard makes me want to download some just to spite him, though.
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She can repair the Michaels....
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I thought she'd be a cool, tomboyish older sister, but she's dorkier than Lotta....
More like torturing Michael
>Daiyan, Jiangyu, and Fei
Thanks for TL. Who's Fei again?
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What gave you that idea
What's the difference?
Nigga, I am that retard
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Sons are okay, right?
going by datamines and jiangyu's profile
it's CZ75
The mysterious 4th member of Monsoon first mentioned in Jiangyu's event. No idea who but some speculation said it's the red haired axe wielding brat (forgot her name) from the first game.
No...my son
Surely she isn't hurting him
But you’re also the pedo, which led to some confusion. Apologies.
I like lolis, not real life children. How is that a hard concept to wrap your head around? You're even posting in a general about a game with lolis in it
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>were supposed to be assy...
FTFY. And yes they are
i still can't understand why a fucking hunky can join a band of chinks
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Wait, we'll be seeing our adorkable little Khornite again? Really?
Need dolls that genuinely care for my wellbeing
>she says this not because she struggles with saying no
Interesting. Maybe she can finally put that scoped axe to use as a hybrid-melee/ranged dork.
I doubt it. She isn't a chink gun.
I already told you, if that's the case then move along, you are not my target.
How so?
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she was mentioned here
Answer his question
You have no target, that's the issue
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>chinks copy stuff
>gun has been the basis for many others

Wait wouldn't NZ-75 make more sense then? IIRC the two do the sister shit.
Since when did the Czech becomes a Chink?
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Her soul is Chinese!
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It is /gfg/ related because doll
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Not that retard, but I never quite got this "separating drawing from real life" thing. Does this mean I can jack off to Python and not be a faggot?
Her soul is dork
This was from her diary, where after Daiyan left, she got partnered with CZ and fucked up a mission. CZ later left her and she goes on a mission alone where she got surrounded and learnt the important thing she lacks which is she kinda never gave a shit about others' like an immature kid.
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small caring motherly female sons...
yeah they are "sisters", but NZ-75 is already a doll, then why have CZ-75 doll instead of NZ to assign into a band of chink?
yes but CZ-75 was datamined with the same name attached to it, so it's either the redhead or NZ took her gun as a memento or shit. She's also a SR
Kek. Honestly, sortof
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same thing.
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Can't believe we have an angry loli posting ITT
Of course, it was a /v/ermin trash this entire time.
Sure, but it isn't /gfg/ related that you want to coat a loli in your seed.
she was pretty mature in her event and actually even persuaded chelsea into why her going into rescues alone is her duty
she has very little art and I doubt loli artists are interested in her, gets a pass
Lolicons and pedophile have a very thin line between them, you never know what lolicon is and isn't a pedo
Sure as long as you say no homo you're safe
Technically, yes. Will you be called a faggot? Not fapping to Python wouldn't stop you from being one anyway.
>'scarred and emotionless doll with (somewhat) dark past' quota met
It's so over Thunderbros...
Well, pairing chinks with a gun that has been copied quite a few times in the past to various levels of success would be pretty fucking funny.

To be honest he'd still be less of a faggot than those that coom to the other Python.
if youre not a pedo why do you like depictions children?
Let it be known that the WA State's patriotic war for WAdnesday continues.
I love all waterkuma dolls
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Huh? How come?
I mean, isn't this especially true for more femme characters like Penumbra or Octogen? They could easily come across as female tomboys, and they're just fictional drawings. Being attracted to these characters shouldn't constitute me as gay.
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You already tried this """joke""" before, come up with something new
I see we've reached the mental gymnastics part of the olympics.
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Then the solution is simple.
I will coat loli dolls in my seed. The inclusion of the word 'doll' solves all our problems.
I'd still call you a faggot for jerking it to Octo and/or Penumbra
I am NOT gay. I have relationships with women and sex with men.
SEA time is really the worst part of the day
What is a one night stand if not a very brief relationship bi-faggot
I like anime boys, not real life men. How is that a hard concept to wrap your head around? You're even posting in a general about a game with boys in it.
Are any of the fan game shooters any good?
mmmmyeah I can work with this compromise, bashing in your head the requirement of it being a doll should do the trick to your overall mentality
Anyhow, even Huqu made an image with doll laws forbidding dolls from being designed with sex organs when they are child-like (I believe it's the Thunder comic), so even a pervert like him is aware of the ramifications. May you go from loli to petite and shortstacks, anon.
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Me too
I don't see anything in the pastebin about mobile armor, is there any guides for it? Specifically which equipment to use/enhance
gay faggots general living up to its name.
GF:LR is a decent prototype
So... Can vacuum cleaner get pregnant ?
Are there any? I only know of Fallout 4 companion mods.
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I'm not gay BUT
WACCHIATO MAdnessday! Wawa!
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>May you go from loli to petite and shortstacks, anon.
I like all of those already. Also
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So who won the Kyojew Fighter 6 duel?
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Can't bloody believe going to oath the same doll 4 times. Thanks Imoko.
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This is the only guide I could find.
>updated, oh let's have a loo--
>The "AA-02 Sinner" mech skin's front
cannon is too far forward and can't hit enemies right in front of the mech. Trash skin/10
No... my own personal AA-02...
>He took the imokopill
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I love Imoko and her daughters.
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Of course this faggot is also a futanigger.
Thank you
The only picture that somewhat exemplifies the difference between loli and petite is from fucking r*ddit. You WILL learn the difference in due time and you WILL become a better anon who doesn't lewd his daugters.
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Oh god it's one of these dudes again.
That thunder comic was said to be wholesome and it delivered, I suggest you check it out.
Kill yourself, trash.
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Built for impregnation
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Fertilize the egg
>has to shit on a moralfag so much he shits on the one good comic made by an artist who draws futa usually
are you good mate?
Actually for the sake of some activity in here, does /gfg/ think loli is better than futa?
Non issue because that's only going to affect melee units and the autocannon aka "gatling gun" already shits on any mob with dummylinks, and the mech railgun doesn't do so hot against solo linked mobs either. At worst you lose out gaining some shields from heavy weapon shields when fighting Hannibals or Kratos.
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That's not babu you retard
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I want to get dollhandled I want to get dollhandled I want to get dollhandled I want to get dollhandled I want to get dollhandled I want to get dollhandled
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It's coming
How come this >>488391393 anon is the only one you replied to when everyone else who replied to your question said "yes"?
I hope they kill Lunasia
Humbly requesting lwmmg for the new thread on page 8
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I hope so too
Kill goddesses. Behead goddesses. Roundhouse kick a goddess into the concrete. Crucify filthy relic humanoids. Launch relics into the sun. Toss goddesses into active volcanoes. Dump mag into goddesses. Judo throw goddesses into a wood chipper. Twist goddesses heads off. Karate chop goddesses in half. Curb stomp pregnant goddesses. Trap goddesses in Nirvana. Crush goddesses in the trash compactor. Liquefy goddesses in a vat of collapse fluid. Dissect goddesses. Exterminate goddesses in the blood mist chamber. Stomp goddess skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate goddesses in the oven. Lobotomize goddesses. Mandatory abortions for goddesses. Grind goddess wombforces in the garbage disposal. Drown goddesses in fried chicken grease. Vaporize goddesses with a coastal artillery. Feed goddesses to giganiggers. Slice goddesses with a katana.
Because my original point was aimed at the guy who was posting loli stuff with the "I like drawings, not real children", and he's the one who replied with a pic of one. It's not that serious.
the wrench bounced to the front, duh
I'll make a new thread on page 8
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A loli
ignore EOSfags, go with race queen lam
that's hot
go with EOS
Marry Shalelly
The difference being is that loli isn't children but Python is still a guy
Loli doll
This anon's request >>488394796 came before all the others
Real question though why does Zhaohui only wear one stocking?
doesn't count
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Cute waterkuma
that anon didn't reply to the new thread post
Ah, so you're that guy. See the following:
Again, not that serious. I just don't get why in some cases you can interpret drawings in one way, but not another.
That's not how it works you fucking samefagging hubbletranny
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You will get Eos and you will like it mutts
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Woah woah, don't get wubbly bubbly fags involved, he only said humbly
Real answer: because she's a dorky dork. Don't fall for her serious expression, it's just the result of combat damage.
t. SEAnigger mutt
Loli = body type
Guy = guy
If it's not that serious, why are you on a crusade against lolicons on /gfg/
I would sacrifice Eos to get Sol back
>request before page 8 announcement
It's definitely happened before, I even remember someone calling it out and everyone ignoring him or telling him to fuck off, why the double standard?
>Hubble out of nowhere
Take your meds
>Eos get mentioned
>Thread turned apeshit
OP being a fag doesn't mean the OP will be extra faggy
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Amerimutts tremble before her
Can't we all just be friends and stop fighting?
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im lolipedo
hmmm nyo.
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You guys went hard in retarded topics last night
That's a fucknugget
Huh? Isn't petite the body type? I thought loli meant childlike? Could be wrong I guess.
Also I'm not on a crusade, I made like 5 posts on this, although I did join in after seeing you argue with that one seething fag.
Nice falseflag, 3dpedo
Okay, just give in before my superior ways, and accept my your loss.
There are several openings here I want to lick and smooch
eos but with indonesian flag facepaint
Only once the mods finally rangeban the SEA region
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Here's how I look btw
Same but I'd sacrifice Persicaria.
I don't want Sol back
I'd sacrifice both in a heartbeat to get Sol back

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