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Previous Thread: >>488334210

This is a thread for MICA/Sunborn games. Including Girls' Frontline 1 and 2, Neural Cloud and Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery.

Bind your account to a Sunborn ID instead of logging in from Facebook/Google.

Beginner's FAQ *READ THIS AND CHECK THE RESOURCES PASTEBIN before asking questions*

Emulator guides: https://pastebin.com/uqE8YHJ3
GF1 Resources: https://pastebin.com/psb2YFXi
PNC Resources: https://pastebin.com/xtVjFcFw


[Current] Jul. 9 - Aug. 5 | New Re-Supply Gacha: Lingering Summer
[Current] Jul. 23 - Aug. 5 | Theater Mode Season 12 (HOC: RPG-29)
[Current] Jun. 25 | New Neural Upgrade x1 (Type 79 MOD)
[Upcoming] Aug. 5 - | Episode 15.1 - The Summer Garden of Forking Paths
[Upcoming] Aug. 6 - | New Re-Supply Gacha: White Horror
[Upcoming] Aug. 5 | New T-Doll Batch x4 (Stevens M520, Stevens M620, MG15, FM24)

[Current] Jul. 18 - Aug. 8 | New Re-Supply Gacha: Detective 2
[Current] Jul. 18 - Aug. 8 | New Event: Zero Charge
[Upcoming] Aug. 1 | New Neural Upgrade x1 (AK-12 MOD)

[Current] Jul. 23 - Aug. 20 | External Search - [Crimson Joyrider] (Bonneville)
[Current] Jul. 23 - Aug. 13 | Character Event: Bonneville [Phantasmagoric Sojourn]
[Current] Jul. 23 - Aug. 13 | New Mini Event: [Melodious Macrocosm]


Reminder to bully seaniggers, discord trannies, bugmen, /v/ermins, dramaniggers, tourists, retards & degenerates, and to lurk 2 months before posting
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good op for ignoring eosfag reqs
Literally no one mentioned WA, stupid faggot OP
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You mutts are something else
>literally no one requested WA
I guess OP really was a turbo faggot yet again
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based, glory to WA state
>Giving WA her WAdnesday thread
>Pissing off SEAniggers in the process
Perhaps I misjudged you OP, perhaps you aren't as much of a faggot as I was led to believe
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Man imagine being born brown and ugly and having fetishes of literal animals, couldn't be me
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Interesting how inDOGs choose "mutt" as an insult considering they themselves are mystery meat descended from polynesians, jeets, arabs, chinks and d*tch who ended up on those earthquake prone islands and blanda'd up.
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Dumb nigger
I will skin you alive
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moin dol
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Won't lie, eosfag butthurt is pretty great.
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It was supposed to be queen EOS turn bangsat anjing
Butthurt mutt
Great now he will spam EOS pics because you keep making fun of him.
Based OP BTFOing the indog
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Still stupid tsundere bitch 10 years later
That sounds like a good deal?
Let him have his fun, after all she won't be around once Neural Cloud ends.
inb4 they start larping as kotfags again to distract from this embarrassing display
But anon, wouldn't that count as Spamming/Flooding? Surely he wouldn't do such a thing...
It's relevant to the thread
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You faggots will kneel and lick my feet when the day she came in GF2
Eos in GF2 would be an amusing idea, will do you her 3d model, what about her weapon?
Does that somehow not make it flooding?
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You know that Sol would be devastated if you sacrificed others to help her, right?
She'll be like her PNC counterpart and be the most powerful unit
She doesn't have to know
The only people to be sacrificed are the bad guys, why would we sacrifice oasis friends in the first place.
If Eos is such a great character, why did they ignore her for a year spanning 3 major events and 1 collab?
I never understood why seamonkeys latched onto her so much
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why is mica collabing with antichrist?
Because Lunasia(M4A1/Rose) event is coming soon
If she apperaed in a major event the problem would've been resolved faster
I can't wait for entropic Sol Alter, surely she will make Eos and Sugonma look like jokes.
It's because eos used to be a guy, "she" reminds them of the ladyboys that their region is known for
Think of it like chinks and their type95 obsession
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part of the plan
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>Immediately thinks of trannies
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Man how do you draw like this?
Sir this is /gay faggots general/ it would be more weird if we didn't
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Cuddle with Sueyoi.
This is an order.
I will kneel to Chong when he puts her model name in a journal log detailing the events of PNC which ended with only SKK surviving.
Oh hey, Florence summer skin is one of those bingo thing
>Doesn't play the game
>Wasn't in the thread for the initial reveal
Not surprised desu
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I wouldn't mind giving them both a feet massage, running from the URNC for so long must have made them really tense and sore.
Not my fetish by the way, I am just worried about their feet.
>The SEAoshits are acting like they deserve anything
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back to the comfy (B)ed
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I miss when eos wore covering clothing and didn't shove her T&A in my face.
But it's not there anymore. It's literally at Sputnik Hall, UN HQ New York.
The chinese are so fucking funny sometimes
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That's cool. I like Eos, I appreciate the pics.
>I miss when she was covered up
/gfg/'s least progressive feminist
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40 page of Kuro Korrection just dropped
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is 5 times double drop a bait to stop me from getting my algos running?
>C, D, E, F, G, A, B
>Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti
>Doesn't end with high C/Do
This is bullshit
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How many days of theater left? I'm starting to get bored.
This Purrzle is floating
Aztec blood sacrifices to revive Sol, our sun!
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that's what the next octave is for bro
next week mt is the end
>Nanaka masturbating
my fucking dick just exploded
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That's Nana.
The next octave sounds like a different instrument. So that's the next one
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you are right, my bad
Nana is Nanaka.
I hoped she'd join in....
and you should take your meds
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Oh no!
I love that outfit on her so much
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you can play the scale over two octaves and clearly not skip any of the notes in the scale, I don't know where you're getting it that the high C in this case isn't equivalent to C in the next scale
Wait. Papasha kept her mech?
>see s*l
>filter image
They are underage
Out of ten
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She's released
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Thanks bro.
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>It was bottom to top
Fuck. I somehow looked at it differently. Thanks for correcting my dorky self.
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>MOD dolls don't count as Advantaged
Huh? Are we supposed to dupe?
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STUR is no longer impotent!
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you are welcome, anon
it's just a minor visual glitch, pay no attention and bring her to theatre
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>work with UN
>STAR gets nerfed
How strange
Can someone explain to me how getting this skin in PNC works?
I failed to get Hubble's because I wasn't quite sure what to do. Do I just buy tickets with quartz until the reward pops out? I assume 30 bucks of quartz is the worst case scenario of having to flip every card in every block to reach it, or it's just an average value?
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amazing chest
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Coolness is back on the menu, STARbros. They couldn't contain her even when Dumbde touched her weapons to jam them, she manages to beat that brain parasite once again
You flip until you get the prize, then you get a new set of cards to flip and keep doing that until you get all the prizes going from left to right on the bottom left (profile frame, sand, bg, adv tickets, furniture, florence). Yeah it sucks
Clukay love
turns out you just have to kill the kratos on t2, as long as the balls aren't blocking the archers they won't go for skk
look at she sticks out that butt, she's a 100% slut
Man. This is too easy
Should've put Baba Lyuba ones on Core 8 instead
I know, that's why I must take care of their feet. You wouldn't want them to succumb to frostbite, right? Thankfully I have something really warm for them to step on.
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>Level 105, F
You're making this too easy
Simple enough, thanks.
Does quartz purchase ever 'refresh' like in GF1? As in, after a point they reset it back to getting double for the first purchase?
every anni i think
They are bioweapons with superhuman regeneration
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we have a doll for that
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Are doroo specific recipes still a thing? Some girls just refuse to come home.
Sie riecht nach Schwanzkäse.
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That's a good thing.
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My face when I see dorkable dorks.
>Kulo correction
>no anal
Why Aliens instead of Lickers though?
are you saying you can't get the skin without refreshes or buying flip tickets straight up?
Doing the free missions only gets you MAYBE enough for the first round. You need many more rounds clear to reach the skin.
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I don't think it's just a visual glitch. This type of bug has happened before in earlier theaters where a mod doll didn't count as advantaged, so I'm going to just set up and wait to do my runs to see if Dorkor fixes it within the day.
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vp70 was in Aliens
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I had the wrong opinion in this doll. She isn't as smart as she looks
>It's because eos used to be a guy
>he still thinks Eos and Eosphorous is the same person
I was the one giving you summaries for IMR and ED when it was still in CN, faggot, now hang yourself before you embarrassed yourself further
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Honest thoughts on watuk?
this is more or less a paid skin, quite expensive too but they added a 10 pull at least this time. I believe this is the last time they ever did the flip system since everyone hated it, the Banxsy system came after and its a lot more fair.
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shes trying her best but its hard being a single mother of 4
MICA finally understood that gooners have no standards, so they don't need to care about design?
It's not even as extreme as Nascita's race queen skin.
Total Wa LOVE
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You call this extreme?
But she IS as cute as she looks :)
Why is she only scarred on the right arm, I'm a bit disappointed.
Or Saiga's. In fact her RQ costume seems okay.
Nascita's Race Queen was much better though.
This is one step away from "minimal amount of cloth and the rest is skin"
What are the advantaged dorks for core 8?
Check em
Seeing how JP gets the ranking first, might as well copy them
The colors aren't awful and the legs are actually cool.
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Total bullpup love
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I don't care a rat's ass about her but I have a question regarding Daiyan: Is (our) Daiyan from GF1 and 2 the same as the Daiyan in PNC? because I thought dolls like her were mass produced (and so are most dolls with few exceptions that are specifically pointed out to be not replicated for one reason or the other) so wouldn't it make more sense to implement a mass produced doll instead of the PMC one? also, what the fuck happened to dummy links after those 10 years?
Everyone in PNC is a copy of dolls that exist outside the server. Any PNC character development doesn't really affect anyone on the outside, other than learning their backstories and personalities.
>Is (our) Daiyan from GF1 and 2 the same as the Daiyan in PNC?
The simplest answer is no
Daiyan PNC is a copy of an actual Daiyan IRL.
I'm assuming that a ragtag group of wasteland wanderers don't have access to the technology required to make dummy-linking work
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Please donate food...
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The Colphne big cry scene implies that a single doll body and repairs are retard expensive for SKK's current budget.
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no wonder she has to work two part time jobs as a maid and an idol
maybe Mr. Pizza was right about it...
Dummy linking was always a stupid mechanic that's only good for porn... of which almost none was ever made. The only time it was ever a positive for the plot was Ingram controlling a bunch of assorted dummies of other dolls for a suicidal holding the line last stand, every other instance they're either irrelevant or worked in awkwardly making the story worse.
Which is why there's no dummy linking in GF2. That's a luxury made possible by IOP. I wonder what happened to that company in GF2?
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Both built for me
Well, Tomoxiaohi's costume up there has IOP branding, so I guess they're still around?
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So Havel is still alive or he's dead and someone else succeeded him?
would instantly take in her and the Undinettes
It's simply a contrived coincidence that many dolls who participated in the Neural Cloud project later went to work for G&K. The dolls in PNC are backups from 2060 before the project concluded and everyone lost their memories. At the same time SKK entered the backup server, the same Daiyan, now Type 95, is also working at G&K as a T-doll.
Dummylinks are also just spare bodies so they were likely scrapped or sold off between GF1 and 2.
where from
Havel can probably reach 100 years old and he secretly has augmented cyborg body.
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what's the difference between Undine and a pepperoni pizza? one can feed a family of five, and the other is Undine!
Stop posting that green swirled slut, post the green stripe goddess
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Too cruel...
It helps suspend disbelief a little by padding out G&K's numbers so they don't seem comically undermanned with just a few hundred dolls as combat personnel. You're right that it is severely underused in and out of canon, and with GF2 focusing on smaller unit counts it's a concept that will get mothballed and memoryholed.
Havel wasn't exposed to Zion like Misha and Hume, he's aging like a normal person
One thing i like about Undine is that she speaks like some high nobility but she's broke as fuck.
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I love my Kraut single mother wife
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so heartwarming
What did you expect for a discarded toy for posh richfags, they can't just program her with any random personality
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>they can't just program her with any random personality
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Can I reprogram her to think she's a cat?

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