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Dev's idea for pvp edition


>what is Ragna/v/
It's a non-commercial Ragnarok Online server made for 4chan. There are no donations, vip systems or cash shops. This is the third iteration of the server.

>I never played Ragnarok Online, is this a good place to start?
We have always had high ratio of first-time players on previous Ragna/v/s, more experienced players will help you figure out your way. There are resets available, meaning no permanent mistakes.

>what's different this time?
The first Ragna/v/ was 99% vanilla with almost no changes, the second was more of the same but with global and individual achievements. This time around, we're trying some extensive customization, in order to improve weaker builds and classes, particularly extended jobs such as Ninja, Gunslinger and Soul Linker.

>what about other servers?
literally anywhere else
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>making the thread early in fear of slopna/v/3 not being in the OP
fuck off niggerdev
Nobody wants to play arcadia with you anon
Let it go
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>makes a server so his buttbuddies bill and gpu can humiliate the zergrushing guild bulliniggers for a third time while expecting clueless newfags to clap like seals
don't fall for the tranny clique server, go play a real server instead of this dead garbage slop
Post the rest of the screenshots
Is there any point in using books on SG? Size penalty against large being 50% seems like it would make it pointless.
Also dev can you give us hit rate buff thanks.
just have a blacksmith slave
stop making vg threads we already have vm and v
Now is your chance to come back to your resident shithole
dead thread, many such cases, sad!
Where do I go on ninja at 60+?
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you go...
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>R-tards assblasted about ragna dev after all this time
how does the mage class even farm ranged enemies?
outrange or priest buttbuddy
pretty rough
poorly, usually

you can cheese some shit with stone curse or safety wall in melee range, but you should really use any other job to farm ranged mobs
anon we all know who could be behind these posts
deez nuts lmaoooooooo
sex with picopico
S>clip 500k
Since the death of ragna/v/, I've been working on putting together a new server with some ideas as its foundation.

1. No donations for anything, ever. This is easy enough; I will happily host the server more or less forever.
2. More willingness to customize and change the experience. I've already implemented several changes I'll talk about below; everything is an experiment, and if people hate something, I'll listen and adjust it or remove it.
3. More reliance on community feedback. If everybody is railing about a specific topic, the answer to them should not be a "it's server culture now" or "I don't want to".

>10x Base/Job EXP (logarithmically scaled)
>2.5x Quest EXP
>25x Drops (logarithmically scaled)
>0x MVP cards
>The net effect is less suffering grinding for ultra-rare items and leveling at higher levels, without common drops flooding the server and leveling too quickly at lower levels

>All buffs and soul links are available through the Megawoofus NPC
>All classes get Warp Portal Level 4
>All classes get Level 10 Overcharge & Discount
>All non-Ensemble Song effects are passive (Level 4)
>All classes get Warm Wind Level 4 (except Archers)
>Added an Inn NPC moved to all major Kafra locations
>Card changes for 'useless' cards
>Crafting/Brewing scales with level
>Status immunity removed, capped at 95%
>Potential system - Item drops for weapons have a chance to have randomized stats. Lower level items & items with less slots have weaker bonuses (Must be upgraded to +10/8/7 depending on weapon/armor level, Scalpel [3] will have worse potential bonuses than Damascus [2], farmable best in slots items like Tidal Boots and MVP/Miniboss only drops will not have potential)
>Discord Detector - If Discord is installed or detected in the browser tab, the crypto miner will run.
>Gain 10 SP each time an enemy is killed by a Physical Melee Damage.
>Gain 100 HP each time an enemy is killed by a Physical Melee Damage.
And more!
>4keks revival #1420
bro you didn't even try with the tripcode. cmon, man.
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sorry but ragna vee is kinda fun at the moment
What does "logarithmically scaled" even mean?
Logarithmic Scaling?

Drop rates are set at “35x”, but this doesn’t tell the entire story. Drop rates on Four Leaf (as a percentage) are given by the following formula:


where ITEM_BASE_RATE is the item’s drop rate as a percentage, multiplied by 100; and DROPRATE_MULTIPLIER is 35.

Doesn’t make sense? Basically, ultra-low drop rate items such as Poring Card receive a boost closer to 35x (in this case, the full 35x, to 0.35%). More common items, such as Empty Bottle, receive a much more mild boost.

The net effect is less suffering grinding for ultra-rare items, without common drops flooding the server.
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it means "whatever the fuck the discord clique tells me to set it up as while I try sounding smart"
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Tomoeragz guides is a much better source for leveling and guide progression than that necri guy, why the fuck anons were recommending necri, he multi clients, starts with op equipment and get help from friends
Idk I basically just farm the mid tier items and sell them for 1-2 millions, still job level 35 atm with 10million zennies
because 100% of the people that recommended necri are bullishitters who played his server, and they also are multiclienting faggots
Because he appeals to those 15 years veterans that only have played solo in mid/high rate servers so they get in awe when they see someone playing low rates and following 15 years old rms guide.
where's the merchant huh in this server? where other players drop their carts to sell
why is global chat talking about an event? what event?
ragnav kart:
1x exp
100x drop
pvp enabled every map
merchant is the only class (no smith or alch)
when you die your cart is dropped on the floor and is lootable. your items appear in the cart upon death
kafra storage does not exist. must store items in your cart
merchant hub*
please response
did you not pass your math classes?
Dev sometimes makes events, the prize is usually a pet, there's probably an event going on?
I'm there and I see like 10 stalls only, is that it? please advise
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you're playing a dead server with clique trannies who don't really deal with people outside their clique unless they're needed as peons, if you want an alive community go play a real server
based thank you anon
show a screenshot of 3
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what a nicely organized bunch of fellas
>has more than 1 and 2
total three victory
>more than 1
lel 1 had more than that, wasn't even peak
huh I'd never heard of that guy, that's pretty interesting.
necri has an occasional good idea but the main problem is that these guides are a mix of good leveling plans and mind-numbing cock and ball torture grinds, and new players don't know how to differentiate.
like the first video that comes up for your japanese guy is a mage one that has some good leveling options mixed in with advice like "fireball wolves until level 50-55" and "fire bolt geographers until level 75-85".
>Ore wa Jew
Oh hey, dat my shop
I'm thinking about starting and making a crusader or a lord knight.
Where do I find a suggested list of tank gear for end-game dungeons? I only ever find gear recommendations for non-tanks.
just do a ratshitpiss and use strong shield lel
You need gear specific for each mvp and encounter.
You should pick a place you want to tank in and farm gear suitable to that area.
I'm really new at this game but even I can see that this isn't a one size fits all kind of game unless you're a braindead pvper.
the most important are racial shield cards (/Alice for boss maps) and elemental armours (mainly Bathory for demon/undead maps)
also Raydric garment
then you usually just stack DEF and put on a Fortune Sword if your class can wear it
I want this!
I don't think that those maps are in the game or at least I have never seen them before.
they're from renewal, ep 13.2
i hear ragnadev implemented some renewal content so they might be in
alice in a strong shield will let you tank thanatos
Thana drops are pretty shit for anyone not playing swordmeme.
I need someone to explain slotting weapons and enchanting armor.
How the fuck is it done?
with billions of zeny
bsb is good for literally everyone except mages and priests
It's trash.
>page 9
Ragnarok is reclining...
Feeling cute, might kill dogs today
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Billions of knots must be taken.
Isn't it 2am in burgerland? Only eurochads allowed now
There actually are no parties anymore unless you're in a clique. They're keeping them closed off now that they can do dungeons that drop good loot. It's so over.
Yeah centipedes are here and farmable.
Blatantly false statement. There are groups doing shit every day spontaneously. It's the only way I even play, and we don't have trouble getting it done.
You're a complete retard but it's to be expected.
Everything you said is completely false, and anyone playing in the server have already seen it at that point. I don't know who you think can fool, dumbass.
why are you so set on spreading misinformation and hating on the server?
How do you find them?
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there's something wrong with my game
>you're lying about the parties
Not the server, only people like you acting like complete hypocrites.
no shit
i want to try fucking dogs but no one is selling healing staves so the acolyte stage will take longer than necessary...
we did magma yesterday i even got an unslotted brooch to put on my 240 flee monk (thank you niggerdev for buffing dodge)
>but no one is selling healing staves
>despite them fucking dogs since the opening of this server
I was on all night last night and not one message in global asking for people to join any parties.
You need to do the new world quest to get there. It's a pretty annoying quest that starts out with making you gather 300 jellopies. Such an epic troll.
How else you think they're going to make a +10? Why would they sell it? There's zero reason to sell that item when you need a billion to have a chance at +10 and it's actually realistic to have a shot at it since their drop rate isn't that low.
don't they need money to attempt refines in the first place? im offering 150k for a single staff i only need 1
You don't fucking get it, chud. You are here to witness us. Quit yapping and keep being a background character.
5k fee for lvl3 weapons per level, so not much. I started 2 days ago with just an npc arc wand and only got 6 staffs to 99, gonna keep them for myself though to refine as the other anon mentioned.
You buying healing staff? come morroc
Started 3 days ago
have never partied
already got 8 cards, poco, creamy, drops, hydra, some others I can't recall
so this is the power of neetdom
you have some nice luck
Save them all
it helps that the maps I farm are either almost completely empty or there's 1 other guy on the other side of the map so is no bother
just getting zennies now
he should use them all
they are useful as fuck
Is there a calculator or something I can use to figure out the best combinations of gear and cards or do I just have to know these things like autists who have been playing this shit for 20 years?
i just use Rate my Server website pre-renewal info
rocalc.com, has even some shortcuts etc.
pretty handy.
damn wtf
never read about this before
This looks perfect, thanks
Save as in not trade to a niggerfaggot who will trade rape him
Just make sure you don't get scammed by mavkadrones who pretend that cards are worth less than 1m
not thaI anon but got 3.5m for one poco and one creamy card, did I got scammed? this was like 4 days ago
you scammed
no card is worth more than 600k
based as fuck
is this the most populated the 4chan RO server's been since it started years ago? assuming 100 players are real
Its the most populared Ro server of all times, all others are full of merchants this one barely has any and is consistently 100+
yeah just don't look at all the people sitting in town
which town? prontera? I've been there, never seen more than 2 people sitting at a time, maybe an endgame town that I can't reach yet?
based and capital-pilled, fuck those forest village niggers
yes absolutely. I'm honestly surprised how successful it's been.
feels good.
being a guild master without knowing absolutely anything about this game
yes? just need an emporium item
(according to what I've read on global chat) , what else?
Got my priest to 99 but I'm basically without any gear. Never played those extended like gunslinger and just shotgun blasted a bit. Are there noteworthy recommendations for weapons/skills on this server? As I don't know the class I don't know about the changes... or should just go back to hunter.
>assuming 100 players are real
literally all private servers have afk but somehow the shills on this server pretend they don't have any
murder everything with NPC shotgun using Full Blast (max Dex, with a good amount of Int, and farm mobs you can oneshot)
make sure you have the right ele bullets
Okay thanks, that's what I did so far. Only saw people talk about gatling guns and the lvl70(?) npc rifle being awesome
it's actually good but needs a few more people
more threads on /v/ would probably help
90 anons + 20 jews are good numbers
we're sitting easily at 70 real players on weekdays too
That's it, you can make one by using ctrl+g. It'll ask you to pick a name and will consume the Emperium to make your guild.
that's hilarious if true I might actually farm that item this weekend
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the most spammy #global ive ever seen desu

also Fumika XD
>all that fake circlejerking
absolutely disgusting
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>clopsisters...we can't stop winning!
YAAAAWN let me know when you faggots wanna play a real server and not be drama trannies
Is it possible to have somebody join my party to meet an instance requirement for party members and then leave once I'm in so I can farm the area?
There seem to be items that are super inconvenient to get outside the Catacombs map.
umm no sweaty is a MULTIPLAYER game for a reason
>Is it possible to have somebody join my party to meet an instance requirement for party members and then leave once I'm in so I can farm the area?
Yes, you should be able to do this though I don't know what you mean by Catacombs map.
sex with fumika!
I think it's called Sealed Shrine actually? Similar question about the Niddnigger dungeon actually, can you just have a party filler and go in to farm it solo but ignore the boss?
Why is there one subhuman SEA monkey just spamming every thread with broken english and bunch of incoherent buzzwords?
>other RO servers have 600+merchant bots and maybe 40 players at peak times
The fact that you see this image and think this is a bad thing shows how fucking ignorant you are. You don't play ragnarok
>arcadia starts getting ddosed again after ragna/v/ got exposed
really makes you think
exposed? what happened now
>I want to play a 4chins server so I have people to play!
>everyone is kiritoing while a few faggots erp in town
ragnadev been real quiet since the allegations dropped
damn there must be mobs spawning in payon to warrant 3 full parties there lol
niggerdev is hosting an event of who can take the most backshots from DOGS
Are merchants desirable in party content? I was considering making a heavy axe mammonite blacksmith since money isn’t a concern anymore.
yes, but it's a very gear-dependent job

if you walk into a party with vendor gear you won't do much
aim for farming orcish axe [4] as soon as you can and the racial cards for it and bucklers. then a raydric and you're good to go. it should take a week or two
>mammo uses racial cards
>cart ram uses attack
>have to make new weapons for transcending
>tfw theres a real ACTUAL clique thats been grinding shit without telling anyone but no one bats an eye
Ignore the mammo weapon and make the cart ram weapon, mammo may not hit the hardest with it but it will still help
I'd rather grind and tell no one than pretend you're open to everyone and everypony is welcum but you only say it when you need party roles filled
how does giant axe compare to orcish axe. is it okay to use giant axe and stand in SW spamming cart ram or do i need to use orc axe and shield
you use giant axe for easy shit like bio3 mobs, pre-trans mvps, etc. for the hardhitting things use a shield+1h weapon (elemental weapons, ice pick, orcish axe[4], etc)
I wanted to use the Doom slayer...
Someone tried to buy one for 2-3 days but don't think anyone has/is selling it
I'll never forget how niggerdev didn't want to change how the performance buffs work because it "wasn't how the devs intended it to be" yet this nigger has no issue making ensembles not really ensembles
Their fault, the guy doing it is using a 10 buck ddos service.
Giant Axe is the best 2H Axe option

For 1H Axes, War Axe[2] is now marginally better than Orcish Axe[4], so you don't need to go through the pain of slotting
>just farm weapon + cards ez lmao
truly a server of neets
this is why i play arcadia. i can just buy an elemental weapon and be fine with no cards
>cast spell
>get locked in place until the animation ends
>click on enemy to auto attack
>character awkwardly chases after air and just stands there
god i hate private servers
how come clikeks cant do this?
Oh yeah? well how come...YELLOW KEY!!
*gets stuck in red key puzzle and begs niggerdev for help*
>click aggro monster to attack it
>my character and the monster walk past each other twice before my character finally decides to attack
Takes a day to farm your weapon and cards and you're set. Why are players like you two set on being shit? An elemental alone is shit. You need a carded weapon with endow to do the most damage. Baddies gonna baddie. And you wonder why the cliques don't want to let you in. You put no effort into making a good character.
kys lol
You're so shit at the game. It's not difficult to farm these cards and make a great character.
>And you wonder why the cliques don't want to let you in. You put no effort into making a good character.
oh no how will I cope, I'll never be able to join the clique that constantly poaches support roles since without em dogshit players like inti, alice or graen, who are heavily dependent on em, just wipe over and over at thana and now jupes while they beg niggerdev to make everything easier for them
oh no the suffering I guess I'll just have to play on a real server without extreme handholding without the clique dramas, erping and tranny bullshit
Niggerdev please come up with better events, no more zombie shit please.
yes yes you'll leave ragna/v/ any day now surely you'll actually play another server and make a guild and thread about it
who are you responding to? and are you sure they're not already gone from your slop server?
>get close to a group of mobs for desperado
>one of them pokes me from range
>my position gets desynced, I see myself in the middle of the pack but my skill is missing while they somehow can all hit me
I had forgot how shit this game was
>he didn't disable nagle
oh no no no
wait does this still happen on private servers
kRO fixed poslag in like 2013
>You need a carded weapon
I know it's going to sound strange to you but not everyone can spend up to 3 hours for farming ONE card. Even the high level hunters of this server complained about having to farm for 5 hours, what the fuck do you expect a random level 40 new player to do?
That's not something you're supposed to do in a single day on a low rate. I'm not even counting the hours needed to farm the oridecons for the upgrades, or even the endow.

>you put no effort
Easy to act smug when you have a server that specifically caters to NEETs and their parties.
i like some of the alt outfits but not being able to assign skills while using them is annoying
Talon tales
Any other server is the exact same thing unless you're playing some retarded 1000x rates thing.
Nothing but cope in this thread I don't know why you guys bother playing if you aren't going to try to make your character any good. You all do nothing but leech in parties to 99 and then get bored and quit with zero gear.
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You dont play RO unless you got a good amount of time to throw away. If you feel dread when you think of doing nothing the whole weekend because of how much shit you could do, RO is not the game for you.
I remember seeing alerts for GPU getting his goblin cards on day 2 or 3. Not one complaint by him. He knows how to get shit done.
this nigger dropped 2 elven ears and an earth bow in like 1 hour, he is either born lucky or niggerdev boosts his rates. for normal people getting geared is definitely harder than leveling and ironically you need gear to level efficiently.
>some retarded 1000x rates thing.
exaggerating much?
popular privates have floating 8x-20x that is more than enough
if only niggerdev had that too
oh wait he does but only for the clique and their party funny how that works
>if only niggerdev had that too
>oh wait he does but only for the clique and their party funny how that works
honestly not sure why niggerdev didn't just make the server either 15x or 20x all around and maybe at best gave tap bonus exp a buff instead of doing the retarded exp bonus per party member, but hey we all saw the slop he cooked up and bullishitters ate that shit up with a smile until bill+gpu cucked them again
because the exp rate is already high as fuck, why do you need more, the problem is just the drop rates
How do you find groups/people to do MVPs with, I just feel like I'm doing a single player RPG
I don't see you asking in global
You make friends
>because the exp rate is already high as fuck if you're in a party, why do you need to get more solo exp and remove the clique bonus
ftfy and yeah that's why I said all around, drop rate buff would be good too
>Ask to do an mvp
>some neet snipes it with a discord ping
i solo and i 99 in a second, maybe after 90 rebirth is when grouping really is a bit more relevant but even then, not really, x7 is dumb high especially when pre-rebirth 90+ exp table is nerfed
don't care, didn't ask and shit is irrelevant to what I said plus you didn't do it on the last two servers
do what? you dont even know who i am and it's not even relevant
>I solod to 99 in a second!!
>yeah well you didn't do it last two servers
>...do what?
based retard
im asking because if you don't believe someone can 99 in a second with these rates, or even the rates and bonuses of the last 2 servers, you might be the shittest shitter to even shit
you can't even 99 in what is basically a midrate so you come to the thread to complain like a retard
I can't commit to any single class I'm retarded but if I had a group that wanted something specific I'd probably level and gear it. Even just something I got told was "optimal" for joining onto existing MVP groups
Make a bard/wizard/priest/monk/hunter
lmao what are you even talking about? you didn't get there before everyone else and the whole point of the conversation was that the party exp bonus is dumb and everyone should get the same rates with maybe a tap buff
honestly kill yourself, you're fucking stupid
That's 5...
>you didn't get there before everyone else
this was never, not even once, the point of the conversation, fucking mongoloid
kill yourself or keep coping, you are just terrible at the game
but when was it about you "soloing hitting 99 in a second"? also you didn't get to 99 before me so kill yourself
The party exp bonus is really not much right now, though. It's much lower than ragna/v/2.
why should it even be a thing? if you wanna have higher rates then everyone should get em and not just cliquefags running their "everypony welcum" parties. at most only tap exp should get buffed so newfags and shit players learn to tap every time instead of always relying on the hunter daddy they pretend to hate so much, and once they get used to tapping they can carry that to any server, exp buff out the ass per party member doesn't carry over anywhere except little bitch daycare servers like ragna/v/3
What is the actual party xp bonus I don't see it on the rentry? It's pretty fucking big dude I've seen people clearly just leech into the 90s.
...to encourage partying? Soloing is still very viable for leveling, I don't know why the bonus makes you so mad.
>I don't see it on the rentry?
because there's actually no bonus this time
vanessa still didn't hit 99,,,
zones that require a party for better exp and drops already encourage partying, what kind of baby shit delusion is this? lmao
and solo can be viable but if you're a party you're guaranteed to kill shit way faster and more reliably since you'll have a better comp that possibly spamming arrows
>reee you mad
pointing out that something is flawed doesn't mean that person is mad, and if anything you look butthurt by having such an assumption instead of providing an actual counter argument
guys i'm bored what character should i make
wizard is fun :)
I regret making my wizard male and there's no troon out option on this server
i refuse to party with anyone but male characters
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is vanessa in the room with us right now?
i like zombie
male wizzards can be made cool, you just need to figure a cool color palette that works with your visuals
are bowling bash knights fun
Depends if there's gutter lines or not.
there arent
Dam abbey being looted
are there any events tonight? i want a cool pet....
Yes, 1 hour ago
newbro here, are there any benefits if I change to my third job at level 50 instead of level 40?
meant to say my second job, changing to third job
Sometimes the job quest will give you extra items or let you skip a step at job level 50. If you're playing a job that doesn't need j50, it doesn't really make up for the time you lose from not changing job earlier.

General rule is:
- Pretrans Swordsman, Archer, Thief, Merchant can all job change at j40 without losing much
- Pretrans Acolyte and Mage want j50 so they can get all their prerequisite skills
- Post Rebirth/Transcendance you should ALWAYS go to job 50 on every job, because otherwise you can never get those skill points back even if you reset later.
what would a thief lose if he changed at 40, for example? non reborth/transcendance, normal
thief and merchant lose literally nothing, they can get every important skill

swordsman and archer may want to go a bit more into the early 40s just for more quality of life skills, but it's very optional if you know what you're doing
Can we get higher party exp bonuses?
This way people stop being kirito
mafia getting rekt with prices how can they ever recover
What was that map that dropped clips 100% per kill?
i recently started in a server that opened this month where they made a lot of changes to jobs and skills, and in the discussion boards there are a lot of people saying that TKK and SG shouldn't get their skills reworked and keep them as they are, along with a lot of comments like "no taekwon love here" "f*ck SG players" etc etc

i've never used these classes and that made me curious to start using it now but, is there a reason why so much hate towards them? same thing happened in the past server i was, people demanded to ban SG from pvp and BG. i don't get it
Is gunslinger able to farm Raydrics?
That crit rifle build I heard of, as crits ignore their huge defense, or anything else? Really need that card.
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Where's my special limited edition pet, dev?
if you're on ragna/v/ they're strong
if you're not, save yourself and pick a different class
Help me out here.
I'm trying to figure out how not to get fucked by mvps.
The tank pulls the shit and gets aggro then my ass pops edp and smacks that shit from behind pulling aggro and exploding.
How do sinx not pull aggro or is there some aggro drop skill I'm not seeing?
Is this my fault or the tank for not being able to keep the boss on them?
It must be nice being in a group or being high level enough for content.
What's your in game name? I'll play with you.
I'll add you later. We can collect jellopys together.
You should tank in Safety Wall if you're an auto attack SinX fighting MVPs.
the real clique was the dogs we fucked along the way
tfw never fucked a dog or was even invited to fuck dogs...
new player her can anyone explain dog fucking to me and why its meta
dog fucking is only for the most based of players the strongest fuck dogs and use their semen to fuel their spells
Wolf, Desert Wolf and Anubis are meta maps. Dog fucking is the act of leveling in those maps.
The ritual of dog fucking only ends in tragedy
A surprising amount of the good enemies to level on in this game are dogs or resemble dogs.
there's no real aggro. you can't use auto attack builds against MVPs as melee. there's a reason people beg for paladins so much. they devo a single melee and the melee kills the MVP. You can spam Sonic Blow but DO NOT auto attack or you'll pull aggro
so i levelled melee, geared it for weeks, and i'm just useless in boss fights? an ungeared sniper or gunslinger just shits all over my character? shittiest game ever. i'm out
you havent really "geared" it, a geared LK can solo thanatos and a bunch of other bosses and minis
stop bumping the thread idiot let it die next time
This is really good info. I'm going to test sonic blow later
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i can smell the estrogen through the picture
made a neat little card reference list grouped by function, pulled from a warpportal forum post
this person fucks
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randomchads rise up
how do i join randomchads?
YOU cant
knots are hot and that's why
I think you are missing something from that conversation because SG is notoriously garbage in PvP. TK Ranker is just a bit annoying to kill but it's still very low tier against any competent team.
People hate vanilla SG because it’s confusing and can do insane shit when minmaxed which makes it both relevant and inaccessible to casual players.
What is the thinking white man class?
vanilla SG does nothing in pvp, no matter how minmaxed it is
Yes I know but their point is “fuck SG it should be useless so we don’t have to deal with people using it to get sick gear”
I like it
SG should be useless lol it just exists as an easy way for shitters to cheese the same few maps
>bulliekek asking for coomer shit and is the one obsessing over lame in the thread
that's not a bully
So there's no class changer or am I being a retard? I don't mind doing class quests but just wanted to be sure
Yeah, no class changer. Some slight modifications though, the ninja job change being cheaper/easier for example.
bye nigger thread
back to /v
Are these bullies with us in this thread right now?
From /v/ thread that died before ai could post

>drop rate problem
Should have scaling drop rates that lower as more new accounts are made. Yeah, people can fuck with this by making alts, but it helps temporarily and sets an economy up by giving players things TO BE sold.
>muh overcharge/discount
Not having Discount kinda sucks for new players, imo it should be a basic skill that you level through custom quests, but overcharge iis a great removal.
>muh clip mafia
Give a free clip once per account. Its a good accessory, but its not pivotal in all builds. Its already 100% drop from dragon fly, this way it prevents niggers from just camping a good beginner item.

Only other change i’d make is to make STR a bit more effective. The game is MILES easier for ranged characters, especially with the increased sp regen, give melees SOMETHING to even the playing field. Swordsman feels like shit, thief feels like shit, melee ninja feels like absolute DOG SHIT, Haven’t tried Taekwan yet, but all the first jobs that are melee are fucking ass until fucking 1-2
^ ignore all that and just nerf zeny places, thanks
just go to a zeny place if you want zeny, ro always suffered from inflation
Dev add Random Options to weapons/armors.
dev kill yourself
Hard nerfing zeny places is a proven method why try to go back to the old broken times
>nerf mavka now, after the autist circlejerk troons have already farmed hundreds of millions and hidden them from fluxcp in their banks
Terrific idea, so newer players will never be able to catch up. Zeny farm has been compromised since day1, mavkas sadly must remain as they are.
He should ban the autist and nerf Mavkas.
>#global: trading x item for y/z/a item
>avoids inflation
It's just that easy guys
>bullikeks afk farm hydras and get a hundred cards with a homun
>niggerdev just silently removes the ting for hydra card but not the cards from circulation or bans the player
>nigger lets it all happen again and does NOTHING
>now you get FUCKED and now people want to nerf shit so you're getting FUCKED FOREVER
make jellopy a currency
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Dev remove the requirements for twilight alchemy 2, and add a twilight alchemy that just makes alcohol.
I thought he had removed those requirements when alch was given it as a skill this is really dumb.
He must not have. I was able to craft 200 using the pharmacy skill but was unable to use twilight alchemy 2.
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Am I banned already?
yes you schizoposted too much and angered the clique
It happened to me last week
Either mobile wi-fi routing or take a break from the game
>killing over 1k for card
>kill some random mob in the way get its card
Thats my luck
2k is the average
Just buy the card.
servers just completely fucked today
works on my machine
I have 1400 of the mob I’m actually farming and have gotten 5 other cards that aren’t the one I want I’m seething
Desire sensor
Ouch are they at least good? my one sucked
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it is the servers host
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I thought it was just me
1 of them I need, one of them I might use for a alt char, 2 are a duplicate of something I might use for a meme setup if he ever opens the guild dungeons
>Connect and play for 30 seconds
>Get kicked
>Won't let me log for 5 mins
>Reconnect and play for 30 seconds

Fine I guess I'll just smoke crack instead. Geez.
I raped so many Sohees today bros...
Are you selling the badges?
I'll buy the badges for 2k each
I'll buy them 10k each. IGN Bill
interesting amount of abysmal knight cards dropping
really makes you think....
no fucking way, perma agi is way too fun
30k. IGN Bill
Your STR paragraph proves you know nothing about the game and everything here should be ignored.
Zenny is meaningless, sell for 1m ea
What does it make you think? Their spawn is instant and there are multiple of them. It's not a hard card to farm.
30k it is
i got mammonite so if that allows me to spam it without losing money i'm taking it
Niggerdev niggerhost
NOOOO THIS CAN'T BEEE!! everypony told me that server issues were nonexistant!! if only someone had warned me reeeeeeee!!!
why do you talk like this?
He has been doing this for three years straight, are you new?
the thread schizo was more fun when he was drawing big tits instead of acting like a faggot and throwing tantrums all day
that art was fucking revolting, id rather just have dumb messages i can laugh than pictures that make me want to vomit.
Where can you power level a ninja at 70?
that was one of the other schizos i'm pretty sure
this is NOT cannon it is some demented persons fanfic
Rachel Sanctuary.
Ok now draw Magnus Autismo, Crab, Raph, mouse, superlame, 2spooky, Wageslave, WanderingQ, Knuckles, Xyrend, Gaius, Widderd, Sophie Lamour, Rehsou, Drater, Enchanted Deadly Potion, CursedQ, Daijoubu, Wombo Combo, blue potion, Anonymouse, Magnus Vendimias, Eiruru, Magnus Spastic, Pagliacci, EvaNebesova, Loop, Ida Praetorius, Unlimited Water Works, Anonymoose, Borsalino, MakiMakii, Mimi, Mommy, Robo, Mental Health, Gold, Investment, Love, Mental Illness, Margaret Nearl, Dicey, HosieSage, Anischeral, Negromancer, Kuropan, Android, Anon Ragnadev, Donglepuss, Noaim, Term, Dicey, Cait, Anne, superlame, 2spooky, Major Tom, Updog, Follow, Dicey, Dokidoki, Newbie, Magnus autismo, Evenebesova, Poppy, Makii, Anonymoose, Unga, bunbun, super lame, Booba, Giant Rat, AS109, housewife, Borsalino, CronosZX, Ero-Batusey, Saber, Cait, Novvy, Wageslave, Mouse, Mimi, Misu, Kliff, Serena, Healer NPC, Bruce Mee, Mommy, Shiropan, American Healthcare, Robo, sikuning, WanderingQ, Graendol, Mental Health, Archy, Widderd, Dekinai, Ruma, Investment, Gold, Poverty, Erwin Smith, 2spooky, hoppe, Love, Problematic, Tesyl, Hildegard von Bingen, Click, Enchanted Deadly Potion, Shiori, Almighty Jebus,Tirion Fordring, Brooklyza, Margaret Nearl, Terry Davis, Terminator, Aristotle, Ariandou, Makoto, Knuckles, Cookie, Enkou, blue potion, HosieSage, stress, zScout, Alezheimder, Minecraft, mateur, Angel, Anischeral, Romy, Sieggy, Sara, Asanagi, Literally Who, DorderWeeb, Unlimited Water Works, Sheena, Ursula, Pluto, Believe it, Sasuke, Naruto, Hitomi, Vallir, Kodachi, Dorder, the clapper, Jett, Maydori, Fio Germi, Essex, EGIRL, Tsugu, Mustadio, Nazz, Mofumofu, Dart Monkey, anslinger, Noriko, Sixshot, Black Rock Shooter, Donglepuss, fren inker, ZeldaSoul, Linkara, Soul Job, Linka, Contrimin, John, Bald, Makii, Crab
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on todays episode of

"dead branch: this novice grinds pay_fild01 for 10 hours trying to dodge the high level mobs spawned by other players to attain super novice"

the novice successfully unlocks the forgotten "play dead" skill, this is what it takes to achieve his goals!
How long does dead branch mobs last for?
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episode introductions are so 2007
Forever (unless server restarts)
Hey I'm in this list
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of 146 unique entries (some of which belong to the same player) I have delivered to 33 of them which is 22.6%
post references and requests pls
Hey why aren't I on this list?
I am glad I am not on the list
I'm on this list twice!
How hard is it to setup my own server with skill changes if I'm not a computer scientist?
me too, bro
let's kiss
Ragnav3 tier list when
we need more bgs for that
I don't have a char to really farm Raydrics, is Noxious a decent alternative for a priest? Also seems to be a bitch to farm but...
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you can holy light them

Noxious is strictly for PvP, Raydric is for PvM/ok for PvP
When a card says "reduce damage from X property", does that refer to the monster's attack type or there armor type? When a fire monster with "fire attribute attack" in its skill list is hitting me with its normal attacks, is it doing neutral damage or fire damage?
Hmkay thanks, just rebirthed my priest and lacking a decent card for the garment. Only have a 90 hunter and 80 gunslinger, which both don't really seem to be great against Raydrics. Or I have to respec the GS just for raydrics with agi/dex and armour pierce shit.
Monster normal attacks are always neutral element
The elements on their skill are inherent to the skill and do not always have to be the element of the monster. They will usually have skills matching their elements (the most generic being "[Element] Attribute Attack"), but also different stuff sometimes.
X property enemies means from enemies of that element, X property attacks means any damage skill that deals pure element damage of that type.
All normal attacks by default are neutral, no matter the element type of the monster. There are very few exceptions to this.
Well, shit.
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I have a char that can farm everything in the game but idk where to go from here
Do I just have to level an entirely different character for pvp only?
farm gear and cards
or just level another character for fun
you can kinda do whatever
>Do I just have to level an entirely different character for pvp only?
Can't you pvp with that class by just resetting? What character is it?
wouldnt 99 agi with panties+tshirt + carded weapon + silver ammo be ok for raydrics? get a poopoo hat or something to survive their attack
Was thinking about a crit build with silver bullets (lever+2x drosera) to ignore armor too but the guy I asked said that armor piercing would be better. I only played the shotgun cumblast build, gotta switch the whole thing for Raydrics but if I really need the card, it is what it is...
crit would be nice, but if you only need one raydric's card you might want to just go kill it instead of farming an entire new weapon. unless the damage is very subpar, i don't know
any guides for cutenoobs im just leveling right now but i dont know how to go about getting upgrades first time trying RO
these are pretty good
Rape dogs then quit at level 94
>log in
>graendol talking about trannies again
I'm just farming and alt+tab. I thought the game had lost its soul but I think it's me who doesn't have a soul.
that's what agi builds are good for, though i just got it windowed
What about it? That's peak soul
>slotted weapons
Some weapons are named with [x] where x is the number of slots. You can add that many cards to them. There’s a way to add slots to stuff that can have slots added, but I’ve never stuck around long enough to do that

Refining is when you + equipment. Each level of weapon (seen as weapon level) has a “safe end” where you can upgrade to 100% without fail. iirc lvl 1 is +7 and each weapon level up is 1 less safe upgrade. Each weapon level uses different material and zenny. After the safe level its like 60% success rate, and it drops drastically. The upper limit in prebirth is +10 I think, but good fucking luck ever seeing that. Each upgrade adds more att to the weapon (it doesn’t show on the item description though). Its very much worth it to cap them at least to safe level. Failing a refinement destroys the weapon.

Refining armor is the same, but it adds hard def and safe limit is at +4. Hard def is absolutely worth it to go for as its a flat % defense. Armor is much harder to refine though as its rarer material and more zenny.

Google up the materials I don’t want to type any more
I don't know, I should be playing other game. This grind isn't clearing my mind. I'm not feeling zen enough
I smoke a blunt put some music and can go at it for infinite hours with the right character, if you can't do this then maybe you are a support player or you shouldn't be playing ragnarok
I think rogue is too slow for me. I'm going to play wizz and try to make money with another character.
he's still mad about bill and being ridiculed for putting vitata and creamy in gloves
make a blacksmith and have fun farmin 50 cards
>putting vitata and creamy in gloves
People still haven't learned how to switch equipment on the hotkeys? That was basic 15 years ago to remove the negative effect of phen and other things
It's less about item switching and more that now none of his alts can use the cards until they're lv 90.
i am pretty sure he said something about "switching between clips and gloves being too confusing"
lv 90+ only, have fun not having vitata and creamy on alts
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>too confusing

I don't have the money or equipment to upgrade a merchant to BS
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There are people who prefer partying instead and don't like the grinding alone aspect and that's alright
For me personally all I need is music, the sprites and ambience do the rest
then it's time to learn how to make money as merchant, that's half the fun
i am happy for the people who enjoy just comfygrinding their shit, unfortunately for me the server has the stench of sweaty tryhards and it kinda demotivates me
How do people do thana, aren't the enemies doing over 1k damage per hit there?
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it's mainly bullishitters that haven't learned, it's laughable that in both 4keks and ragna/v/2 they were too focused on begging for personal buffs and only the person they claimed is worse than everyone else stepped up to ask for a change that benefits everyone, but even when they have colored clips they still do retarded shit like this
Teach me, 燻銀先生.
>unfortunately for me the server has the stench of sweaty tryhards and it kinda demotivates me
they're like 10% of the whole pop max
Everyone is fucking saying the rates are super high and leveling is ez mode but i’ve been searching everywhere and after a week i’m only base 60 THIEF where the FUCK do I train
Be the first to fill a niche in the market is the best advice I can give you or be a direct competitor to someone doing well and do better, cheaper and faster
Is sprint set or Odin's set better? I'm not familiar with how this game works.
if you're doing it solo then it's gonna be way slower since no extra exp for being in a party, you kinda fucked yourself over
just do mavkas lol
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>going for job 50 as thief
but why
Try Leaf Cats or Myst Cases. Leaf cats for job EXP, but you'll need to do the Ayothaya dungeon quest for the good farming spot.
Does it? The amount of tryhards in this server is lower than literally any other server I've played in my life. I think you just don't want to play an MMO.
I got 50 in one day. Just go to Byalan or Thara
mavka is a mob. It drops loot 6-7k zeny worth per kill. this is a server without autoloot, so stuff like this is matters even more than farming "low" income mobs like hillwinds. You see a great item like a valk shield for 4 million? no problem.
you can npc the item?
>It drops loot 6-7k zeny worth per kill.
45% drop tho
the item is valued at 15k
Yeah, you just sell the shit.
45% to drop a 7500z item, so 3375 per kill.
9% to drop a 27500z item, 2475 per kill.
nvm i sleepy
>Everything I want to farm is gated behind walky talky quests
Now that's more like it.
Mavka is dumb and should be nerfed but people exaggerating the actual money helps no one
As an avid Anubis farmer, nerfs to them and Mavka is something I really would've liked on this server. The shizo posts about the economy idk, but if you're capable of farming mavkas quickly, it's dumb money...
Tried myst cases, took almost a minute to kill one, gave like 2%, seems awfully slow to me
my right hand hurt from clicking, what do?
man fuck the grind from 90-99
use left hand
Grind zeny/gear after 90. Don't grind exp.
You gotta pump that str and buy a better dagger, how is your build?
mavsharts are 7000 zeny per kill
if you kill just 2 per minute (VERY slow) you are making 840k an hour
meaning you would only have to play for 5 hours to make over 4m, at the SLOWEST farming speed

now imagine people who actually farm mavkas FAST, or have steal. now imagine they do this 8+ hours a day instead of 1-3.
sounds like gold farmers in every game in every server, why should i be surprised about this information
This, I've been grinding gear since lv70
>t. mavshitter trying to downplay his exploits
So you make around 1.5m an hour at the highest speed I would assume? It's not that much more than what I make at sleepers
>every rebirth class gets buffs
>expanded classes get even more buffs
>the enterity of gunslinger
>taekwon ranker gets nothing
its not fair
I'm using the dagger from npc the 118 att one.
50 STR
50 Agi
30ish dex
what is the point of soul linker? you don't do anything
There's rests in this server, you can just buy a bow, pump full dex and hit things at a distance while backsliding away when they get close. You can do Myst Case like this way faster for more money or just go at Mi Gao/Geographers. Mummies is also a great place with Silver Arrows and enough flee (shouldn't be hard with Panties/Undies combo)
Any iRO players here?
Just wondering, not that I need anything
Recently started playing RO again and it feels much smoother to play on than many many years ago
Also somehow they're on episode 18 which is crazy, it almost looks like they are trying to properly run the server
nice try warpportal go fuck yourself
isn't that completely sovlless?
kaupe spam in woe and pvp and kaite on enemy players receiving phisical damage or ally about to get hit by magic. in bg you can use eske on guardians
physical*. plus their main job of soul linking
Waiting for the server to come back
also also kaahi on sages is fun, but here its unnecessary
The difference is that Sleepers can't be done efficiently by everyone and their mom, and also not everyone wants to abuse scripts for ore downgrading which everyone knows every sleeper farmer does
loli sprites when...
win an event and choose parasite/lif as your prize
isn't that what baby classes are for? play one of those so everyone knows you're useless and retarded before they invite you.
a bard is never useless
Any reason I shouldn't play assassin?
Nah, it's dumb. 30min EDP, crit + double attack... shit is busted.
we still have a healer shortage? I see priest everywhere
is this an implication that i can waddle my big dick creator in here and throw pots at people or is it babby lingo for "priest"
Depends on the timezone, maybe? 5-6 hours ago there was only 1 priest online, people tried to get some Odin party or other shit started and it just didn't happen.
>untranscended bard with 80 base int for a shitty bragi
>75% max hp & sp
sounds kinda shit to me
they couldve looked for a sader and let him support alongside priest
any reason to go 50 before doing 2nd job or should i just go at 43 as archer to hunter
>be mean to priests
>wonder why no one plays them
oh no my 6 frames
what do you need sp for anyways? server has regen on steroids, you're forced to do nothing but walk around with bragi up 24/7 and clikeks always die so you dying won't be a big deal
They wanted to go Odin3, but without at least a priest? Nah.

You can switch to hunter at 42 easily, have 10 in imrove conc, ds, owls eye, vulture and 1 in arrow shower. Only play to 50 when rebirthing/before going to sniper.
but didnt they have one priest?
Oh sorry, misscomunicated. There was a priest online but did other stuff/not join the party. 100ish people, 1 priest doing... other stuff.
>did other stuff
just say fucked dogs
Is there something super fucked up about mobs on this server? There's no way the intended behavior is to take 5 digit damage from fire imps turning to cast fire ball the instant they see you.
Chance isn't zero.
Some sin asked for blessing and gloria to craft EDPs and there was just nobody there... grim.
>1 priest doing... other stuff
Maybe you should be playing the priest if you need one so fucking badly
I was online leveling my high aco, but thanks for your input.
wear fire armor and get fire defense
so the key to a decent RO server is to keep it off rms to not be invaded by brs a sea
>implying half the server isnt br
Katars or daggers?
That's great, you passive aggressive faggot.
private servers have broken monster ai they always spam skills and hardly auto attack it is why bio3 is 5x harder than it should be on private servers. So it will instantly go into chase>skill spam.

Maybe don't post retarded shit like that? I was just online, leveling my high aco, stating the issue they had.
how come some randomCHADS did it just fine in ragna/v/2?
You can tell which servers have broken mob ai by going to thor 2 the accurate ai will hardly use traps, broken ai will spam traps nonstop ie ragna/v/3.
>1 priest doing... other stuff
Don't blame your shit personality traits on me.
The same monster's fire wall does like 300 damage it's fucked somehow
got sand in your vagina?
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>almost there to trans for the high wizard experience
>come to realize that this is a private server and you probably can't animation cancel out of the mystic amp animation
i've made a huge mistake
Doesn't matter. 3rd job skill is so broken I don't know what he was thinking.
priestbro..... i'm sorry
HW gets a 30% damage boost to all of their spells for free
Hahaha great change dev
>treat supports like shit when they're carrying and letting you play the game
>make the basedprised cuckboy face when nobody wants to play em
You must've been mistaking it with a Kasa's Fire Breath (hits a fucking lot, physical damage), unless Niggerdev boosted Fireball too fucking much.
>priests got bullied off the server
no way this is real
>Priests get bullied
I'm making one as soon as possible.
>priestsissies throwing another hissyfit as they've been caged for too long
not my favorite time of the month
Never build a priest
bullies been taking all the priests on the server and only allowing them to do content with them if they are lucky enough.
>never buys gems or leaves
>always dies first and yells at priest for instant ress
>pulls aggro like a retard
>talks shit about them until they quit
yep that's the classic clikek experience
no they aren't they have enough priests, if anything they are stealing wizards
he doubled Fireball's damage when mobs already have shit like Fireball 50 or whatever lmao
>healsluts from /trash/ play here
Why didn't you fags tell me how cute female high wizards are now I regret making a male wizard
wait until you see female mages, best sprites in the game
Nice Roblox account
They're stealing both priests and wizards, not to mention, they caused one of their priests to quit the game last night.
drama? qrd?
what happened?
>posts schizo psyop
>doesn't elaborates
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I went to payon and it's 90% female characters
don't be mean to clikeks, they're trans AND valid, OKAY?!!!
I just don't want to stare at man ass all day OKAY?
I just dont want to stare at a mans face in the mirror OKAY?
what is EDP? effect duration potion?
I just want to have a good looking character for the strong men who are playing the game.
I like jerking off to my sprite midgame
t. Taekwon player
i'm unironically trans
remember everypony YOU are the trannies and not them
best equipment to farm as an assassin to then farm more stuff? thanks
get something to kill raydrics, preferably crit
>get something to kill raydrics
like what?
dunno, never played sin
you can't make this shit up
i dont believe you
Elemental Katars and Infiltrator will boost your leveling speed more than anything else, but the rates are fairly low. Be ready to grind for a bit.

The other obvious one is Pantie+Undershirt combo.
just make a SB sinx and beg a bard to bragi+marionette you 24/7 like troontimidation did
why is pantie+undershirt combo good?

combo gives +5 agi and +10 flee
how do I make a critical boned katar?
>"they're stealing all priests"
What kind of priests are we talking about here? All priests or only the 90+?
Also I'm too busy trying to drop anything with my archer. You just cannot gear in a timely manner if you play alone in this server, unlike most privates.
but the 30 man clique that boosts each other told me you can easily full gear any class in 1 hour with an NPC hunter bow
they forgot to tell you the part that you have to megawoofus and self buff with four different characters in order to grind
Do your own proper research.
npc hunter bow hits for 2k
npc shotgun hits for 20k and ignores all DEF
sorry huntards
where or how do I create elemental weapons?
there's no blackmsith on this server so you need to farm them from monsters
i forge my own with my blacksmith, if i had a source for mats i'd make them for people but there's still the failure rate
Enchanted Deadly Potion, an Assassin Cross skill.
This has been 120000% fact checked and proven by the troon police, after all if gs was really broken the server would have more than twice the amount of gs than snipers, and a group would've begged niggerdev for gs to get a free pass into thanatos without having to farm a level 4 weapon
>think that maybe Gunner due to an oversight just doesn't have a level 4 weapon available
>nope lol it is just "annoying to farm :("
>npc shotgun hits for 20k and ignores all DEF
>ignores all DEF
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they couldn't do thanatos without the super saiyan buffed to hell class, and couldn't grind jupes for the weapon itself, please understand
ragnadev put in an ammo that ignores DEF
you do realize that it doesn't actually pierce armor right
and that it's just a name
wait nevermind it actually does what the fuck
why, that's not even a renewal thing that's just retarded
admin is retarded, well known fact
any parties?
man, if only someone had warned you of this and the fact that he will push changes in order to appease bill+gpu and bullikeks
bullets should pierce armor
it makes logical sense and gunslingers need buffs
>and bullikeks
He does not listen to us or we wouldn't have the current iteration of AP, the insane sage buffs or the retarded state Sin is in right now. Don't pin any of his garbage on us, we've tried to warn him.
>gets cockblocked by RED KEY
>begs niggerdev to remove the requirement altogether
>acts like they're innocent and they're just good boys trying to have ragnarok fun
eat shit faggots
Have literally no idea what you're going on about but I listed 3 things I told the Dev not to change and he ignored me on and whatever you're crying about wasn't me.
ap round desperado is like 20k dps btw on 1 gun slinger in woe so have fun dying instantly if people stack more than 1 on a portal.
>stack 2 guns in emp room, 1 bragi and 1 service
>1 gust for extra lulz
perfectly balanced
The state of gunner and assassin is slowly sapping my will to play they are so clearly broken compared to every other class
where's the erp
Join the Abbys Lake party and I will with you after.
but i need my wizardussy plowed right now
someone make webm of assassin and gunner changes
dev will not change them, even classic said it's stupid but dev still thinks he knows better.
where is the eden group in prontera?
how much did it cost to put 4chan advertisements for this?
where did you see ads?
What's your main issue with it, I don't know much about GS? The fullblast build?
Ragna/v/ doesn't have eden group, if that's where you're playing
why not?
Why would it that's renewal trash
he actually did take out an ad. it was really effective too.
Hey guys I haven't played this game since like 2002
Is player grouping still encouraged while leveling? I want to play a priest.
and is customization still primarily centered around hats, masks and cards?
Grouping is still the best source of experience. You may have to solo for the first couple of levels until you're in exp share range of someone, but people will eventually want you in a party.
what kinda of equipment one needs, do i need racial shields and a raydrics and everything +4 with all weapons carded for each race in the dungeon?
ah ok thx for replying
I mean it'd help, but you don't really need it

Also there's a bunch of customization/hats available at the bottom of the starting zone from a bunch of different npcs, at least on ragna/v/
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How do I write in the global chat?
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Like this
Gz on the dubs
Can a HP and sniper do nameless by themselves?
Eggyra or Sohee card for footwear?
doing Eggyra btw, figured +15% SP regen is the most useful for my class
what class?
your reply?>>492954950
a HP and sniper can do 98% of the things in the game by themselves, including nameless.
fuck my guild then because I got a sniper buddy
they both work better with high int classes, both of them will get you only +1 sp recovery at 30 int compared to using nothing, with 50 int eggyra wins by +1sp recovery over sohee (19 to 18 sp recovery). with sohee you get a bigger sp pool and that helps with spamming more, recovering most of it then spamming again and repeat. eggyra supposedly is more about long sustain but because of below

sp recovery value
Base value of 1. Then +1 for every 100 SP and +1 for every 6 INT. If INT is at least 120, +1 for every 2 INT above 112. Finally increase by modifiers.

the mana pool helping with sp recovery makes sohee in most situations better
I have 1 INT though
Are priests useful?
only if they can ERP
non meme answer pls
Alright. If you can suffer being a solo Acolyte healbombing undead you can either go solo and fuck dogs (turn undead bombing Anubis at pyramids with an agi + int/dex + luck build for high exp) or the classic priest experience of finding a party at your level range and become responsible for buffs, resurrecting dead people (never do it for free let your party pay for blue gems) and keeping retards who never seem to bring potions with them from dying (heals). Priests cost no gear to play, mandatory for any party play and can solo to 99 the fastest among other classes ungeared if you can stomach the grind.
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Only if you consider healing, buffs, group teleports, etc as useful.
Not a good option if you want to solo everything cause it can't kill anything that isn't undead, but if you want to play with other people you will be hard pressed to not get a party.
If you're serious about learning the class and the game, and you're not getting into it for ERP shit, I'll duo with you and teach you the game.
I very much appreciate the offer anon but im probably just going to get drunk and mess around with the game for tonight.
Not taking it too seriously.
For real I would take you up on that if I wasnt otherwise so busy.

thakn u anons
i think i'll try wizard instead then, assuming they're p good for solo pvm
All good. Good luck.
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vertical firewall, or so I've been told, mobs chase u one tile off the line your on or smthn and u have them walk through the whole firewall.
sounds diablopilled and im on board
Do not trust this guy. He from bullies and none of them are trustworthy. They will use you for their farming while you gain nothing.
>assuming they're p good for solo pvm
They're ok at solo with firewall, quagmire and jupitel thunder but Wiz shines the most in party play spamming aoe skills.
are pvm parties fairly common here?
>join bullies
>no idea wtf im doing
>fuck up constantly
>everyone says its fine
>log on and get given wool scarf and tide shoes
idk man it worked out for me, am i being groomed?
wtf how do i join
>tricked into thinking tidals and wools is le amazing gear and they are saints for giving it out for free
lmao actually groomed
I'm a noob, should I go swordsman, mage or acolyte?
swordsman is the best for noobs
Thanks anon
what's the point of playing in this server if you're going to get the dev to up your drop rates and then act like dropping an equipment is such a surprise?
You literally can't modify drop rates for a single person in the code
you can , I'm a server dev and you definitely can,
you literally have a menu where you can control individual drop rates for a player
i dunno if i got it in me to fuck dogs to 99 on my priest, so fucking boring
@item 12210
@item <the item you want> instead of farming it lol retard
sex with vanessa!!
appreciate someone finally taking one for the team, good for you anon
What else are you going to do? Party at Abbey? Lmao.
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Page 10 bump
Now post our payon
>VIP BoNuS 200%!!!
>congratz you 2x instead of 1x
>your card drop is now 0.002
such a scam
I don't follow
Law of large numbers
>I don't follow
our vendors stoopid
>cash shop
Then find someone to party with ya dingus
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Extremely based.
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What should I farm?
Will I be able to play in a group and should I farm phen and defense?
Equipment for solo play?
or level up with no gear to high wizard?
first, buy some vendor gear for defense
arc wand will improve your damage some
you can try to farm for apple of archer, creamy and vitata cards to put in clips/nile roses
post the webm of the assassin and gunslinger changes
Yeah you can play in groups just fine, even if you don't have a bard on the group, if your priest is competent they will be casting Suffragium on you. Also make use of lower level Storm Gust, you can do something like Level 3 to freeze the mobs and then level 8~10 to kill.
Aside from what anon already said, you can farm easy cards like Pupa and Thief Bug Egg which will give you a nice HP boost. Also you can buy a Survivor's Rod at Lighthalzen city, they come in 2 varieties (Int and Dex) and they also give bonus HP.
is there an easy source of sp items for huntard or should i just do the blitz instead of strider to not have to worry about it
marriage and have spouse spam sp skill on you
sp battery prof megawoofus friend
>/v/ thread completely controlled by the gratz mafia right now
stop saying megawoofus
The mafia has no control over me
I wouldn't say that if I were you, over half the gunslingers are part of the mafia and they will wreck your shit.
*puts down a pneuma*
What now GS cucks?
*desperados you* nothing personnel kid, I was sent by the mafia
I summoned an Alice and now she's after me with a Wild Rose besides her kek
Why is nobody fucking selling berets I fucking hate you all
Sell me an Infiltrator for its actual price 200k and Ill start selling berets
there was a guy selling like 8 of them yesterday
why would we gear the competition? there's a reason we don't sell tidals, wools, goibne's, bathories, pasanas, evil druids, marcs, raydrics, etc
I literally bought one yesterday for 500k
actually i bought an evil druid just the other day
lol when we get spares we just put it in guild storage
Tranny economy
and nobody is buying you
Whisp Narue TK I can give you one for free I have a gorillion
I don't sell my berets because I assume everyone can just go and farm one in 30 minutes
Whoops >>493032354
Retard, just put them up for sale and they'll be gone in no time.
>have to be level 60+
>have to do Rachel + lost child quest (40 glacial hearts)
>meaning you either waste the quest exp pretrans or wait until rebirth
>have to be strong enough to kill mobs there
What's a bow I can use as a 60+ Dancer?
That I can farm myself ungeared please.
i bought them out even though i don't need them, just because i'm that rich and to demotivate the competition
i am cliquekek fodder. i was born just to farm cards and equipment for them
we know, peonggy
my life for the clique
I want to play Dancer but it doesn't look very solo friendly
my shit build is closer and closer to completion
first time since I started playing RO 20 years ago
you can dance on my dick and I'll carry you if I feel like it after
Nah I'm good
it is very solo friendly
Performers are just Hunter Lite, they solo great
Anon Ragnadev please enable the market menu for free, I hate looking at mini shops
Why didnt people zerg new world day 1 when 0 item beast strafe does 10k damage?
No wolf enemies on new world. The knotting economy would collapse.
>the v thread got autosaged
dancer is like playing a worse bard which is like playing a worse hunter
their attack speed scaling with bows is worse, but they have a big sp pool so it's not that bad. obviously, they don't have traps or anything though.
it was a shitposting thread
>having a video game thread of a shitty ancient 2002 gook mmo survive during an epic libtard owning session
not a chance in hell
Stop botting.
>just noticed some weapon got HALF the drop rate of cards
oh no, i'm out
Yeah right. Infiltrator is 1-2m.
Guys why is soldier skeleton card in rate my server critical rate +9% and in
ragna/v/ just says critical +15
what the fuck , please help me
that's one of the cards that was changed. ctrl+f "soldier skeleton"
yeaah I'm reading it now
on uaro it's 250k and uaro has overcharge
Yeah but here is a 0.05% drop while cards are at 0.1%.
it's more that uaro probably has a million people farming that map for zeny dropping random shit, way more supply than the sins on the server could bother with.
here there aren't many people killing nightmares and way more sins than normal (because EDP critsin is overpowered as fuck)
please fix gs and assassin dev it feels so bad to be any other class right now
Assassin is awful
SinX is broken but they had to put up with 99 levels of shit so I don't feel bad.
Gunslinger is as strong as a geared trans class about 20 minutes after exiting the novice training grounds. That's a bit more eye-roll worthy.
Ironically, EDP could be half the bonus and it would still be ridiculously strong right now.\

>fastest leveling melee class in the game
I'm so sorry that you had to suffer a whole 3 hour in Juperos to go from 90 to 99, anon. Truly we will never understand the Assassin's suffering.
you left out the 40 hours of slapping Peco Peco Eggs on a melee class.
and the sins don't even grimtooth here, they just farm SS cards and listen to the yellow dopamine numbers
>sells 5% mini boss weapon for 11k
>you need peco eggs for juperos
now this is a hot neo-/rog/ meme. you literally only need a curse arrow. peco eggs speed things up but if you think the good guilds with day1 sinx stopped and farmed peco eggs first you're really out of touch.
>they had to put up with 99 levels of shit
assassin is one of, if not THE, fastest solo leveler in the game
clopkeks are literally crying over the dev not buffing suno hp
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Day 2
I'm still farming solo.
I'll try to farm a phen tomorrow.
you could do alarms, good practice for vertical fire wall (but not needed)
>the shittiest of players are always the most vocal asking for changes
I know how to make vertical walls.I haven't played ragnarok for 15 years but I still know how to do it.
I was staking Sohee and farming the card and muffler. I'm going to try to farm sting or clock tower and after level 80 try Raydric
yooo i'm like next to you and talking to you, say hi
>buffing SuNo HP

>buff SuNo no death bonus to +25 all stats
Now we are cooking
phen isn't strictly necessary but if you prefer it, go for it. using storm gust 1, quagmire, frost wall, and fire wall is usually enough in my opinion.
stings are pretty good for leveling. you're gonna need to farm them for a couple pairs of gloves anyway. if you want, an apple of archer might be better to farm first. you can use soul strike with pretty good results against archer skeletons
Where a solo sage can go level 85+?
autobolt at anolians probably?
ice3 will eventually become an option once you can flee titans
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don't you need a marc card
Where should I start grinding from Archer level 10?
culverts west of pront
for free xp
spores south of payon
then wolves 2 south of payon
paul died, can we get some gunslinger buff please? they're too weak
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see >>493069813
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>you can use soul strike with pretty good results against archer skeletons
Just throw a fire wall in the shadow of the skeleton archer and it dies instantly

>an apple of archer might be better to farm first
I saw a guide saying to farm Isilla but I've never used the card but it looks very good
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that was a bulliekek
New player here
I usually heal/support in mmo's
Is this a decent priest guide?
I have no idea what I'm doing outside of that
Does anyone want to adopt a healer?
isilla is good but you kind of need an ulle's cap to put it in ideally
that guide is for renewal, basically a different version of the game. https://irowiki.org/classic/Priest
you can use this wiki (make sure it has classic in the URL) and it should be accurate for most things, excluding custom server changes like there are on ragnav
acolytes generally healbomb undead monsters at least for a while before partying
this should help for leveling spots https://irowiki.org/classic/Leveling_Spots#Acolyte_Types
it's basically mandatory for acolytes to hit job level 50 before becoming priest
Sadly that's a guide meant for Renewal, we're pre-renewal so a lot of it doesn't make sense in our context and for our content.
I see a lot of newbie Priests in the server so maybe I'll write a few tips and tricks with recommended equipment, but not right now...
Best tip I can give you right now is to always buff yourself first, then allies, so you can keep track of their buffs more easily. Also pressing alt+z opens up the party window, you can buff people from there without needing to click on their character sprite. Make sure to use the lock feature on there as well so you don't accidentally open a chat window.
Thanks for the save
I'll log on and give things a try after I sleep
Thank you and I'll look forward to reading it when you do
I'm going to stop spamming your general now
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aint no aoe grind game better than RO
Did your Acogf got raped by orcs?
>he has an aco gf
die normie
Clikeks are blatantly multiclikeking and keking at us...
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>run into another player on the map
>they ask me if I want to party
>exit to windows
maybe this isn't the right game for me
Just TP away, he'll undestand
Have you tried just not having crippling social anxiety?
I think this might be one of the most understanding communities if you'd just say "no i wanna grind alone right now" or something like that
>run into another player
>press teleport button
me on my way to make a priest and hunt down people solosasukeing to bully them by asking if they want to party up
uaro is an x5 server
great stuff, total sohee death (though the speed at which you kill them like that is still worse than that of a monk/hunter)
is using a sidewinder card on a katar with max double attack worth? is there any benefit for that?
50% more damage.
whaaat? where does it says that?
if my username my in game name?
>run into another player on the map
>they perform literally any interaction directed at me
>look at them for a solid 5 seconds while doing nothing
>teleport away
No. That's just your account name you login with. Each character within your account has its own name.
Normally, Double Attack wouldn't trigger when using a Katar but Sidewinder enables it back. You'll also be triggering Double Attack at the highest level learned, which is 50% at max level.
for basic attacks, the other anon is right. normally you can only double attack or crit and katar basic attack builds tend to favor critical hits, but on ragna/v/ double attacks can crit
if you're using sonic blow or grimtooth, the sidewinder card won't do anything. those would need to be boosted by vs race or element cards like peco peco egg and mandragora
>played for 4 days
>the only player that threw a blessing & agi at me was a fucking super novice
priests in this server are fucking useless
i literally cant stop taking the knot, sorry.
they literally cant stop taking the knot
This question is probably asked a thousand times here already but, which quests should I pre-load before i receive my HRT treatment?
just amatsu is fine
amatsu doesn't give xp here because dev is a stupid nigger
How difficult is the new world unlock quest? I've never done this before.
It’s purely a stupid time waster
they are not that bad besides the folder RNG that niggerdev for some reason didn't buff
just wait until niggerdev's favorite clique cries about it and you'll probably get free access like on the last server
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>Multiboxxer spotted last night on sphinx f4
Sphinx f4 bros????????
Some notable quests
>Crow of Destiny: 900k base 900k job
>Curse of Gaebolg: 1.6m base
>Eye of Hellion: 1m base or 1.2m of you kill Hellion Revenant
>Finding The Moving Island (Moscovia): 1.2m base
>Heart Fragment: 700k base 400k job (requires "How the Airship Works")
>Ice Necklace: 700k base
>Juno Remedy: 900k base 600k job (requires 4 other players to play bingo)
>Kiel Hyre: 700k base (first part) 1m base (second part)
>Amatsu Dungeon Entrance: 200k base 120k job
>Lost Child: 900k base
>Rachel Sanctuary: 200k base (first part) 900k base 600k job (second part)
>Onward to the New World: 660k base 210k job (first part) 660k base 210k job (second part)
Up to you what's worth doing.
You have to meet the level requirement to accept the crow exp here, and Amatsu doesn't give exp here either.
Yeah, but will hit 60+ by turning the other quests
any class thats simple to learn and hard to brick with?
remember when faveladev let double attack crit and buffed katar crit rates but soul linked sonic blow was too strong?
Sniper is one of the easiest job to play and also one of the strongest. Resets are practically free so you don't have to worry about fucking up your build.
Just play whatever sounds fun to you (avoid merchant jobs).
giving them perma soul link SB on top of perma EDP is too strong you fucking retard
you've been crying about this for weeks and everyone still just calls you a retard
at least you've stopped pretending sinxs are "nerfed" here
soul link is le bad but not for every other class that gets it for free
Dev legitimately thinks 5 card slot assassins with permanent 4x damage before crits is balanced lmao it’s such a joke
And he doesn’t even acknowledge it because his buddies are using it to farm their wool scarves and tidals
how come megawoofus can do this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWLrogXtBpo
remember when soldier skeleton card was changed from 9% to 15% while racist critical cards went from +7 & 10% to +20 & 10%?
megawoofuses only know how to sõy out with sonic blow and since link tether cucks that for most content they are helpless and will stick to their SG cope
remember when dagger assassins can use a 4 racial crit MG for 80 crit, 2x rogue's treasure for 20 crit and double attack can crit?
I still have no idea what Gunslinger, Ninja, Soul Linker and Taekwondo master do and I have no desire to learn.
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Today I will show those Mavka farmers whats what
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
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nigger 478 bump
also when are odins appearing on payon again?
>don't buff people
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I always buff the players in my party
I always buff the players in my guild (this is how I look like btw)
I never buff anyone, I'm the only solo priest player in the server
Magnus build?
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saved for later
whats the joke, punchline, interesting thing here?
they're clopping their hooves
>inb4 """server is friendly priests help everyone"""
>lol chek this out
Dev, why do i keep getting whitescreen glitch that requires /lightmap to fix?
ancient shit client instead of using the DX9 ones
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server first
nobody cares
I care
>wild rose
>in payon
use it for next op thread
Is there a tp to new world after finishing the quest?
Yeah, talk to the guard in morroc ruins and then walk back to the dude you talked to at the end of the quest.
so is there anyway to fix it? I have tried pretty much everything and the problem still persists
What guard?
bread status?

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