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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Previous: >>492098034

>What... is this?
Put simply, a simulation of Pro Evolution Soccer being competed between teams which are embodiments of boards of the 4chan imageboard. The players represent facets of each board's culture. All of the matches are AI versus AI. However, humans "manage" each team, creating their tactics and giving input during games as they happen to make substitutions and tactical changes as they see fit.

>Where can I watch the cup?

>Upcoming Cup

>Current Invitationals

>Upcoming Invitationals



>Other videos

>PES Info

VGL23 rules
NTC3 signups open
autumn friendlies happening now
/ag/lel happening now
VTL blayoffs
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>boot up 17 for the first time in years
>strikers constantly choke at every freebie or 1v1 by shooting wide
I'm glad to see it's still the same it ever was
as a 19 fan I couldn't be more excited
what is mantis doing
his best
You guys are gonna archive that double backheel, right?
Fuck you leatherman.
did the double backheel happen in the vtl? no? no archive then
It isn't said anywhere but if the primary sign ups get 8 teams the secondaries won't even play
first time watching 19?
/vg/ cytube dead?
Should be back in a few minutes
>more INM players on /gpw/ than on /nnd/
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mickey mouse team
I'm going to Disneyland
there's at least 1 guy left who should sign up, the /dng/ guy, but not sure who else might be wanting to sign up.
not bad for a new manager looking to cut his teeth in NTC
That sucks
>pissing on someone's legacy after his mother dies
/vt/ is one fucked up board
I hate this board sometimes
really hoping those bashing him simply don't know why he left
If you turn one of the biggest boards on 4chan into manager fc you can't expect to not make a few enemies
not my best
What happened?
thanks for powerscaling my team
hit the devious ahh griddy too hard
you did a good job today!
Rate the agl aesthetics
didn't watch/10
DF aesthetics are always holy fucking reddit
DF aesthetics are always holy fucking based
Abysmally Grim League
I made cardheads / 10
myteam's aes took minimal effort/10
/myteam/ looked nice. Too bad no one will ever see it if they didn't watch it live since /myteam/ isn't in the /vt/ League.
Even today's VTL matches aren't up yet.
the bloom is definitely off the rose
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reposting aglel schedule
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Oh, there she is.
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/vt/ League!
Who are the good guys and who are the bad guys?
Good guys?
Good guys: Teams based on a fetish I have
Bad guys: Teams based on vtubers
the 5th & 6th teams from the top left look good and the JIDF one
>Siding with jews
You can't have a card with just bad guys, you need some faces to balance things out.
Personally, vsj+, nijien, niji, morig, holox (because they are hosting), # (numbers) and jidf
I mean if they look like THAT...
Finally a ranking system I can get behind
can you reupload this somehow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pSTa8Wy3AE or is it over
>good guys
Hololive teams
Hololive-adjacent teams
>bad guys
Everyone else
>Good guys
Girls with artwork of them getting fucked in the ass
>Bad guys
Everyone else
>or is it over
It's not a /vt/ League matchday, so...
i love penis
Ok QD.
forgot to mention this only applies to beebs' penis and also i manage love live btw
>Ask question about what fans wanted for team
>Get berated, accused of samefaging and no conclusive results
>Denko Jr shit talks you in his circlejerk server
Just kill the team at this point. These faggots don't deserve a team.
I honestly feel bad for them, it's really a no win situation as a manager because no matter what there is always going to be a hundred terminally obsessed waifufags at your throat demanding you put their favorite girl on the team and calling for your head if that doesn't happen. Easily the worst job to have in the 4cc.
I don't browse /vt/, but from what I've gathered, are they as fragmented as /vg/, where it's a bunch of generals that don't interact with each other that much? Would it be better if the roster was just decided in the same manner?
Yes, but unfortunately the person running their board league has such a massive complex over the VGL that he would never allow that to happen.
It's more like the whole board doesn't like the approach. but also general catalog spamming schizos and waifufags are also in the mix.
Unfortunately more due to how vtubers are kind of just ecelebs with an animated avatar so you have alot of people get really obsessed. Luckily most of the board makes fun of and tells anyone who delves into Doxfagging to kill themselves, Unironically if SEA was rangebanned the board would improve tenfold as most schizo and dramafagging come from SEA.
That's what you get when you mix the degeneracy of /soc/ with advanced waifufaggotry, basically /pw/ but with only joshifags
many such cases!
>Unironically if SEA was rangebanned the board would improve tenfold
You can say the same about the entirety of 4chan as a whole.
if you would range ban everyone east of the iron curtain and south of the trump wall the quality should improve by a fuck ton
It's not as fragmented as /vg/ since a bunch of generals are like /company/ and /specifictalent/, so obviously there is some crossover (not to mention that someone following multiple vtubers is easier than following multiple gacha).
Also this. we have like 4 different Phase Connect generals.
Maybe stop making new generals for the sole purpose of making new teams.
I'll consider your request once VGL implements real POI rules
I'll consider your request once VTL actually beats VGL in viewership.
That's not really the intention, PCG is one of the fastest generals on the board but it's mostly dominated by Pippafags so people who want to talk about other talents get either drowned out or make their own side generals.
Counting the offsiters?
what needs changing with POI
based, I don't watch vtubers btw, I just love all bnnuys
There have been attempts at making a dedicated Pippa general but they die out real fast because most don't want to leave pcg.
I think /vt/'s issue is that they're a bunch of faggots
every /vt/ user is an offsiter so...
there is no reason for Phase Connect to have more than 1 team. Their extra "teams" are everything that is wrong with VTL.
Does the VTL still count all the other restreamers too?
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Who is the Copeland of 4CC?
/pw/ is the Christian
Turns out Phase doesn't have any identity if you separate Pippa Griftkin
/sp/bros we were the janneties all along?
Griftkin Grifta
I am gay, I like men.
pippa's fanbase doesnt care about divegrass. never have.
'fraid so
We know /pw/
Kinsey is that you?
Enough to still keep her on as a gold on /pcg/
/pcg/ is the pippa connect general
/fluff/ upsets me for how lazy the team is
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People liked /myteam/s models so pretty good :)
I think your team sucks.
Who is this whore. She cute
that is a child
That's not an answer
It says it right there.
Masterpiece chan
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Are you Chinese?
'fraid not
Then you should probably stop writing Chinese bullshit.
>only like 3 or 4 guys
Is this the league aimed at keeping subhumans away from me?
These are the bad guys right?
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fat bitch (compliment)
I'm going to be extremely honest with you. I know exactly who you are and between your two teams in /vt/ league, you have contributed nothing of value. You did not make the models for your teams, you did not make tactics, you do not make the portraits correctly, you did not submit even the requests on time, you did not update the roster for one of them out of neglect, and you do not even own a computer.

You are a phoneposter who has freeloaded off of other people's hard work for two leagues and you have the audacity to complain? You know nothing, not even a crumb
portable onahole holding another portable onahole?
>new thread cup 3 signee mabel
I'm going to be extremely honest with you. I know exactly who you are and between your two teams in /vg/ league, you have contributed nothing of value. You did not make the models for your teams, you did not make tactics, you do not make the portraits correctly, you did not submit even the requests on time, you did not update the roster for one of them out of neglect, and you do not even own a computer.

You are a phoneposter who has freeloaded off of other people's hard work for two leagues and you have the audacity to complain? You know nothing, not even a crumb
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His mother is irrelevant to his actions as a manager.
Except for the whole giving birth to him part.
They're all shit. Every single team looks like shit.
Except for the team that *I* submitted which is a pristine masterpiece, literally Mona Lisa if Michael Angelo did PES aesthetics instead of painting.
>t. did boxheads instead of card head
This is the correct way to use this reference.
Read Hirugashi
I don't read slop, sorry.
Umineko is better
65 CB I Only Read Moege
Is that the one where the characters have balls for hands?
For me? Yes.
No, but I will watch the 07th Expansion Vtuber.
will the vtuber also have toddler proportions?
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idk you tell me
that's a yes
>fat bitch (compliment)
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The wise wolf got diabetes
Will getting a bf make me happy?
Fat bitch (insult)
becoming a gay bottom was the best decision i ever made
Yes, getting a BF (Big Fiat) will make you happy
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shut the FUCK up
happiness is a lie disney sells to keep their business going
Cope, this bitch EATS
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I am going to kill all of you
I like big tits, ass and thighs
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I like my pussy and ass to be 30 lbs
I like loli
Late and gay.
I like girls
I like hags
I like being the table
Where's /vt/ League 7 Final Seed playoff and draw?
check your dms :)
No, just comfy shit.
Someone go cheer up the /gsc/ manager, imagine getting shot down like that after getting your first ever win.
What happened?
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he took it in good grace
got thumped 5-2
golden smile company?
gay sex champion?
shut up aoba
I will rape you
it's not even his fault, the streamer forgot to do subs at 65 to bring on their supersub as instructed in the pastebin
Damn Aoba looks like that?
Yeah, that's he's so breedable.
>Ramen streaming
Can all of VGLco stream now?
vglco is growing stronger
>100 streamers
>QD streams all of sr, r16 and final day anyway
Only Beebs is on par with QD's hype casting but he's also got less free time than him.
Beebs clears everyone but it is true he doesn't the time.
>losing to kwabgross
t. akwabri
kek what a kwab bitch, go advance out of groups on a non mickey mouse formation ban VGL.
KWAB go win a tournament in regulation time.
crying over a literal who boogeyman
Worked into a shoot like a mark
So you don't know?
where's the KWAB title match, old man?
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Who are the participants? Choose them carefully, the potential booking for it on this coming friday depends on it.
update guy melty in the 4cc 'cord
check the sever, everyone can see it
He needs to be in place to give his team the best chance of winning
But I'm not in the server
He's right though
Is he though? Tenko ripping on /m/ is one of the only reasons to watch their matches half the time
I don't like /m/ but I would be pissed as an /m/ fan
It would be funny if he had new things to say after 10 years
So you don't know?
'Fraid so.
concept is good but actually don't want to add managers getting KWABed on the fun wrestling matches I watch
A bit esoteric no?
Why does Beebs have the time for VTL but not /ag/ or VGL?
There's no shark cunny
Because he's allowed to use his free time however he pleases.
I'd get tired of a commentator being on all my matches if all he did was shit on /myteam/ too
Tell that to /vt/
/vt/ is a non-team
I'm going to be extremely honest with you. I know exactly who you are and between your two teams in /vg/ league, you have contributed nothing of value. You did not make the models for your teams, you did not make tactics, you do not make the portraits correctly, you did not submit even the requests on time, you did not update the roster for one of them out of neglect, and you do not even own a computer.

You are a phoneposter who has freeloaded off of other people's hard work for two leagues and you have the audacity to complain? You know nothing, not even a crumb
Now say all dat without crying
I hate that a lot of the bits on the cup are "Remember old shit from almost a decade ago? You are fucking shit" even to teams that already got a star in those years or got better.
Maybe one of /vt/'s million fans should become a commentator
KWABellum v KWABentale v aKWABri v KWAB-sensei
Why would you want to be a commentator when the entire booth will be shitting on you.
No thanks.
Tomato should commentate /a/ and /vt/ more often desu.
reddit mindset
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Dimeless, make your own e-fed for this. Get out of my booking room. You really want me to book these vanilla midgets?
/k/ vs /w/, /a/ vs /b/, winners face eachother, then the winner of that faces /pw/
rent free
Replace the last two with Nash and KWABnonymous
Nash as referee or after-fight
fuck baggers, this is my final message
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He can't stop crying because hi—
you know what that was a pretty bad joke
can we just ban all the first KWAB hosts from commentating then, im tired of their shit takes about my team
I seethe hard when /myteam/ loses and it's doubly frustrating because I can't even direct that rage anywhere
rape your co
Project KV will destroy /bag/ soon.
Jack off and move on
Ready for L'av to force Project KV on /vn/ regardless of how much they talk about it
you mean how little?
You think I know what you mean about this? Context?
reminder that /cm/ just lost 2-4 to vmg in friendlies
Two of these aren't even close to the other two in terms of terminally online status
/cm/ has been washed for a couple of cups now.
I already told them to fuck off, lmao.
feeling scared for your precious little blue archive? huh?
blue archive working you into a seething shoot
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You rang?
I'm curious about the project because it seems to be eroge but I don't really care about the whole shebang either way.
ya mad brah? too real for ya?
I hate BA but you just got told no and you are still yapping about it
He says talking to the mirror
>I hate that a lot of the bits on the cup are "Remember old shit from almost a decade ago?
Some former BA staff made their own company and announced a project, and all we know so far is that 1. it's a literal unabashed carbon copy of BA and 2. they're releasing a VN for it on C105 along with current BA staff
The whole situation has everyone confused to say the least
This is why /his/ is the best team, because it's "Remember old shit from centuries ago?" instead.
/cm/ has been washed ever since DF took his hand out their ass
I still want revenge on the hwan empire
>he tripfagged for this
holy KWAB
You aren't wrong but even winning on friendlies wouldn't change this fact.
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is there some agl equivalent of ASS after this? It's my first AGL.
Are you fucking kidding me
/4ccg/ is the after stream show.
It would be 90 minutes of people complaining about tryhard teams.
Circlejerk on top of a circlejerk?
you're really funny
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btw vgl verifications are open
but why
I don't think anyone asked bro
>KWABentale posting cock in gookshit
Thanks for the heads up
his cock was tiny lmao
Just checked it and it was average
t. kwabentale
Latinx king...
meant for >>492759118
That's how you know it was a blue archive artist
Korean bros don't look.
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This is nice :)
if only I could go back and fuck it up just as bad a second time
Who? Is that why Aname retired from /vt/ and /ddlc/?

Yeah, he was an incorrigible newfag like Karabellum but I feel sad for his loss. My mom died years ago when I was 15 so I know how that feels
>aryanbellum out of nowhere
rent free
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4CC/VGL player for this feeling?
Rance except it is 2 games instead of months for the first one.
When did he have 2 good games?
uhhhh RTTC IDK
>Wastes his two good games in an inconsequential invitational instead of an official tournament
He also has been relatively decent in friendlies for /h/. I think he even scored a Brace!
>the most annoying niggas you know talking politics in a virtual divegrass chatroom
he had like 9 shots against /aco/
more like sissifications are open
sounds like i need to become a vgl manager
>being in a virtual divegrass chatroom
There's your mistake
>/hanny/ crybaby
>russian offsiter
nightmare blunt rotation tbdesu
took you long enough to make a post about it
i expected it faster honestly
you disappoint me /4ccg/
ok Gio
if your general isn't on this list it's basically a non-gen
Why do you guys become obsessed with chatrooms and stuff? I don't like talking to people there so most of the time I'm not even looking.
Free my nigga /cgg/
>Real games and consoles had generals
>Only four gacha threads
Take me back.
Blame AAA slop for being so mediocre no one wants to make a thread about games anymore.
Yeah let me just make a thread about a new real game like uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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Concord ENTERS the VGL.
chinese monkey
Which teams has suffered the most with the departure of a manager?
/mjg/ with whoever was the manager before, they went from being on a final to being just dead, and now a fetus team.
In VGL losing your manager means death most of the time
/a/ - Bitten and Firo
/pol/ when their old guard left i guess? That's all that's coming to me atm.
/a/- Blinky.
JB leaving /fit/
VGL23 with only thirty two participants, eight in the qualifiers.
There, I just saved your league.
holy skip
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I like it anon, fuck survival round.
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What exactly did you save?
how were all the matches today
It's thematic, it is the Videogames General League once more instead of Mobabowl+guests.
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>/b/ was ahead 4-1
Lol PES 16 lmao
/famguy/ had a double agent
How puffy is that vulva?
men in their 30s need to stop saying "fren", you sound like a fucking infant
You'll find out
everytime i read the world "fren" this song starts playing in my head.
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Whatcha need Anon?

Me when the recipe says "Feeds four people"
I thought you didn't want anime made after 2008 weedman?
Can you make me a sandwich?
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I am a fucking infant.
I take the funny gifs where I find them

N0h. You complained about vegetals last time.
>I take the funny gifs where I find them
Understandable, have a nice day.
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When will point-buyGODS get their turn in the ring?
Isn't the entire reason this isn't being done because one player would get used as a stat dump and then never put on the field?
Not just one player, it was generally just put everything into your starting 11 and have a bench of players who would never see play.
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is there a vod for the friendlies
Not vtl, not archived.
Yo, change your suspension.
translation: I am a groomer
boiling pippatard
repliers pissing and shitting
why wasn't /hi3/ put in the tryhard group
nor/mlp/erson likes them
There's too many tryhards to contain them all in one group of 4.
when are we going to do something about the tryhard problem and just ban them on sign and gave their spots to backups
You can't know who's a tryhard until the exports show up. Some former tryhard teams become less tryhard. Some meme teams become tryhard. There isn't enough backup teams to just kill the 1/4 of teams running normal tactics.
Damn, all anti-grifters are priests?
The real solution is instead of just banning teams, they should ban whoever wins a league from making tactics for future teams
They did that last year but the problem was trying too little.
What tryhard problem? One of the supposed tryhard teams had thier keeper taking corners and got stuck with a draw as a result.
That was forcibly set on some teams because streamers thought it was funny.
just win bro
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Stay seething, tourist.
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if I put in a relatively minor request (put a different hat on all my players so they can be told apart) mid AGL is there any chance of it actually happening?
Can someone upload the /ag/ league hyp video, it's fucking incredible
Said no one ever
Unity-chan and Rance in VGL
Most of /vp/, but namely Fug, also Sanic
That wasn't really his fault. When the team finished 2nd the general chimped out and started shitting on him because they didn't win it all. Has to be hard on a guy to finish 2nd and have your general go full /sp/ or horsefucker on you

What did captcha mean by this
AsianGODs run this place now
Maybe on planet retard
bro I tried and got destroyed
I have to win the next game or else it's over
you're not alone anon, i also want them to upload it
*rapes you*
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Question for the Weedmissioner: With the conclusion of the summer cup, we certainly saw a good amount of offense occur as we ended up having over 400 goals scored. Defense has obviously lacked but that's how it goes sometimes. I'm personally cup fan of the huge how it has been going so far but aren't you concerned at all given the fact that you just lost the game? Let me know what you think.
>pic related
would you like some toast?
Archive anon...
Where are the VTL7 final sneed and draw?
my boy just needs more time....
Not VTL not important
But it is VTL...
/bag/ have signed up for New Thread Cup
Shan't be watching.
I will now skip your cup
Will have more viewers than Autumn.
More meat for the grinder
/hgg2d/ and /2hug/ have been rejected from new thread cup.
My cock has signed up for New Thread Cup
Wow the thing that was obviously going to happen happened.
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>"hey is the install method for 17 on the wiki still right?"
>"yes sure bro"
>it isn't
>Already rigging it so /bag/ can win
Not blatant at all.
stop using shartOS 11
it is though
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Always something to coom about
You forgot /llsifg/
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give it a minute
I did it, now everyone can point and laugh
Thank you
I can't it came with the PC
>More effort and production than VGL
Are we cooked?
'fraid so.
would AGL accept a hype video that's a 2 minute long music video?
Noted. ha ha he posted requests haha haha
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works for me and on win11
Gold CF and Gold CF? or Gold CF and Gold SS?
Do you also want to be tucked to bed, anon? Do you want a good night story? You fucking baby.
On PES17? Gold CF Silver SS Gold AMF
Gold CF
Silver SS
Non-medal SS
Gold CMF
Silver CMF
Silver DMF
Does 3atb work on PES17 or can 4-3-3s and 4-4-2s just cross around them?
Both work on 17
3atb is meta on 17
3atb good but 4atb can run attacking fullbacks and attacking fullbacks are simply the best
Pretty sure 3-5-2 is one of the best formations in 17.
Why was 3-5-2 better on the 4cc ruleset but 4-3-3 better on the VGL one?
3ATB won all 4chan cups on 17 except one
wanna suck the cock of the advertisers that much?
Use a real adblocker, you faggot
One extra medal making the midfield stronger on VGL
ublock origin is the best one midwit
but 4cc had 5 medals as well?
where do you think vgl got inspired from dumbass
most of it is just variance if we're being honest, last time we ran PES17 the 4CC and VGL rulesets were functionally identical outside of heights. i guess extra height (which VGL didn't have) helped 3atb more since extra height is best on CBs? honestly though 4-3-3 and attacking fullbacks 4-3-1-2 are GOATs in any ruleset. give attacking fullbacks 4-3-1-2 a try people you won't be disappointed (i think)
/gd/ revival when
VGL12 top 4: 4-2-1-3, 4-2-1-3, 4-3-1-2, 4-3-1-2
Summer 18 top 4: 3-4-1-2, 4-1-4-1, 4-3-3, 4-2-1-3
4 4-3-3s, 2 4-4-2s, 1 4-5-1, 1 3-5-2
7 4atb, 1 3atb
height abuse is what made 3atb meta
The only pes that 3atb is meta in is 21. And it wasn't because of the defense, it was because it made the narrowest possible formation.
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Who you got?
depends on thge strreamer
The team/guy that just got 4th place
>/dbg/ are the only good guys there
Them, but I won't hold my breath.
Someone tell the /egg/ man to get in there
>brown skins
>good guys
odds = good guys
evens = bad guys
There are no good guys here
Why doesn't the 4cc have their own equivalent of New Thread Cup?
Would the 4cc having their own newbie invitational, where prospect managers/testers can borrow board teams (with manager permission), help encourage new blood?
upper half is all good, except you know who, lower half is all bad (and gook plants) except maybe the /dbg/ one
t. Most brown person on /4ccg/
/admin/ besides Sou aren't as active as VGLco
Are there even new managers on 4cc?
there was but it died and every attempt afterwards was either ran by someone having literal brain damage or a circlejerk
when was the last 4cc invitational even? at least over a year ago
Be the change, nigga. Besides, we are now getting friendlies again so there's no need for more 4cc team invitationals.
I think it was TTC6 which was 2 years ago
Friendlies are not equivalent to invitationals. Actual truth is that having 4 cups in a year reduces the desire for any kind of additional games.
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What teams did centring targets the best?
Impregnating sexo with Illya
'fraid so.
Hey Chang, I think you got the wrong door, /gfg/ is two pages down.
nah that guy is anti-/gfg/
Sanest blue archive poster.
/lgbt/ (with height abuse), /fit/ (with height abuse)
ur 3’11 slut ;)
Does it need height abuse to work?
what the fuck are you talking about
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random zhang spam
Same difference
Ah it's a Chink schizo, I understand now.
no it's still a good advanced instruction on 17, height abuse is just what made it particularly overpowered.
I've heard rumors of one coming in the near future.
433 centring targets, got it
what about playstyles/sliders? any major differences from 19?
go wide more
there are more cards
No longer exist: Orchestrator, Roaming Flank
Creative can't go on mids, Hole and C10 can't go on SSs, B2B can't go on DMFs, Build Up can go on FBs and DMFs
Also no Fullback Finisher, no one used it anyways
DNG is literally the only one from there that I have watched/played.
What's the best playstyles ranked for fullbacks on 17?
>/eog/ has been holding on for at least 9 years
Damn, all this time and the etriams still don't have a team. We're never getting the ATLUS Bowl rivalry at this rate!
Congrats you don't consume media
Try em yourself. I leaned more towards blank ones since if you want them to go up, you can just use the advanced instruction anyway and offensive ones even without the ai get caught alot.
Get together a roster, I need someone to merc
I unironically want to make a team for them but I thought the thread was too slow for it. Maybe I will ask them.
How much of "You can run anything on PES 17" was because back then half the teams ran non-serious exports?
You're weren't supposed to point this out.
Things were not totally unserious back then
(They were)
Weren't people complaining that PES17 lead to trying harding
We are going to start a dialogue has the worst ideas and worst posters and I am glad Sou made it to expose these losers.
Why the fuck is this perma fetus shitter even speaking right now.
Everyone was tryharding back then. Just as much as today. And copying good teams and all reusing the same ideas.
it's more because the strikers suck
When I try to run 17 I just get a white screen and not responding. Is there some usual issue causing this?
Irish and Italian don't count as white.
Windows 11
What about argentinians?
We're talking about humans
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i had the exact same issue and the steam_api.dll from the torrent seems to be outdated
try this one and put it in your pes17 folder: https://mega.nz/file/5ZsX2AyT#Cj3KHv76FbE9EEeRzzMSZjt8ut9z4njh0RZBhE2mVi0
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Thank you that fixed it
How do you not know Dragon Ball
I'm from a first world country.
Certainty not from America then
MICA-bot running damage control trying to shift the narrative from how dull the "game" is to play.
offensive = blank > 50 feet of crap >>> defensive fullbacks
attacking fullbacks are extremely good in this game and anything that isn't a defensive fullback will do the job. defensive fullbacks aren't worth it, they don't defend well enough and you lose a lot of attacking power
KYS bagturd
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why are lolis so sexy bros
You are based
Anal sex with Arisu
Alac and kara melty on gookshit
That's some interesting "gameplay" Nikke has.
holy shit, THIS is what the world needed
shit "joke", shit vtumor-taste, shit v-tumor post and shit post in general
but gura's the hottest (read: best) vtuber
nobody cares beebs, go back and breed some managers
I'll start with you
>kara wasn't the one kwabbing for once
genuinely surprised
KWABac has him beat on that.
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honestly anyone who doesn't have every channel but announcements, aesthetics, and maybe comm organizing hidden is kwabbed
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4cc/VGL teams for this feel.
But /4ccg/ is the #gossip channel
Finally, a good fucking melty.
>Needing muted channels
Just have the self control to not even bother checking what those white dots are
>first Tomato, then Ramen, then a small dustup with Shakes, and now Alac
Jesus fuck is there anybody in aesco that KWABellum hasn't sperged out on?
You lied to me I don't see one
I had to scroll up now I see it. Low tier melty.
KWABposting is reddit-tier
You oughta know
Ok how you know?
Fina seethe?
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translate it weebs
>t. KWABnonymous
Is this Alac to Kara?
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If you think I know what I'm doing, you are wrong.
Don't do it, Anon. Your life has more meaning than that...
KWABellum /aesco/ World Tour '24
Now it's complete dead hours and no-one will give a shit in 12 hours from now, want some hot inside leaks about why the cup is fucked right now?
>No teams are going to have their PoI rejected despite fake 'warnings' at /fa/ and /vrpg/, new teams reviving will be practically waved through with minimal checks for a megababby to happen
>One guy is brazenly managing and shadowmanaging three (and possibly four) teams and the same time, under the same identity and no-one is trying to stop him, it's Dragongate 2.0 waiting to happen if one of these teams wins something
>One of the new managers to join recently is actually an oldfag who recently returned under a new, secret identity
>Sou isn't really in charge of the cup any more and was removed after Summer remaining as commissioner in name only now
>One of the aesthetics autists in /aesco/ is soliciting paid commissions for cup related work
>WayJay is allowed to return again, but no announcement has been made
>/mlp/ are cheating and have been for the last few cup cycles after discovering and concealing exploits found in the game, but /admin/ still won't take action
>PES 15 is never actually going to be viable to use again, it's just being put out there as bait to stop people checking out and leaving the cup or /aesco/
>Blinkyy is going to be promoted to /admin/ after Autumn, filling the vacancy left by Kekkels
>One of the managers in Autumn is on a final warning and will probably be banned during or after Autumn
>One team was caught paying testers, but no action was taken against them
>/3/ is going to be revived as an /admin/ sockpuppet, think /xs/ but on steroids
KWABellum was in the right this time, laughing at GFL players is a moral imperative.
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>buying testers
what the hell is going on!?
Fanfiction that is close to reality.
>One team was caught paying testers, but no action was taken against them
Cannot believe my paid testing has been exposed to the world
Hire me to test. I'll even drop my team for it
>imagine managing for free.
most of this is clearly bullshit but I lmao'd at how close some of these are to half-truths and almost actual truths of things that really did happen
>t. knower
>PES 15 is never actually going to be viable to use again, it's just being put out there as bait to stop people checking out and leaving the cup or /aesco/
>One of the new managers to join recently is actually an oldfag who recently returned under a new, secret identity
>One of the managers in Autumn is on a final warning and will probably be banned during or after Autumn
These 3 are the only ones that sound true to given what I know.
This one is real too
>No teams are going to have their PoI rejected despite fake 'warnings' at /fa/ and /vrpg/, new teams reviving will be practically waved through with minimal checks for a megababby to happen
>Blinkyy is going to be promoted to /admin/ after Autumn, filling the vacancy left by Kekkels
I'd bet on this being real at some point, not necessarily before Winter
He is in already in all but name. At least as part of the circle.
I don't think it'll happen, several people on /admin/ don't want him there
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>>PES 15 is never actually going to be viable to use again, it's just being put out there as bait to stop people checking out and leaving the cup or /aesco/
That would be a good thing, every PES before 17 sucks
>on its current state
roru, there's a reason why they didn't play last vglel
Both the regular and >gacha generals are overrun by attention whores, tripfags, ban evaders and ecelebs' personal armies to the point that eveyrone sane enough just decided let them be contained there and just go to /v/. Yeah, /v/ is a better option, it's that bad. Don't expect a team for a while.
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4cc compiler red can only overwrite 4cc_90_test files, not create them, the old pes17 dlc doesn't have one.
you'll have to go into the compiler's settings and set it to overwrite one of the midcup files.
overwriting "4cc_63_midcup3" worked for me, although it will kill some of the old outdated aes.
>KWABellum sperged out on Tomato
jesus christ what an asshat
Tomato is a genuinely nice guy
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Weedman...the Autumn friendlies VODs...onegai...
I like tomato sauce.
Alac isn't wrong though. That's a perfect description of KWABellum. Even Karth will admit to being a total retard with aesthetics
>/3/ is going to be revived as an /admin/ sockpuppet, think /xs/ but on steroids
please god
Tomato sperged out at him too to be fair.
Shakes seems like a nice person
QD ate my father, killed my mother and raped my dog
who is the nicest person
How would you deal with a guy who is known to pick fights with anyone over anything?
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I am.
i don't believe that
Tomato was correct though.
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That's not very nice of you.
lying isn't very nice either
Kara is a pretty chill guy actually
All my interactions with Kara have been positive since I joined, which time scale wise is about 5 minutes
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Hello fellow brosnanite
Looks like the americans have woken up
Architecture has no borders
*breeds you*
brazillian miku would not be fat, but she would have a fat ass
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>Even Karth will admit to being a total retard with aesthetics
That's the problem, karth knows nothing so he doesn't bother, meanwhile kara knows enough to put him right on the peak of pic related.
I like Kara more than I like Karth though. I don't get how he turns into a complete retard when talking about anything. I never got that experience with him.
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3rd panel hair I think
I will have both
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Is this loss?
straight people can get hiv from sex too, does he not know this?
'fraid so
how much money does /aesco/ want to convert my models for me
I'm too lazy
Karth is funnier on commentary however
Pick a fight with him but be better at picking fights or at least just better at winning them
Ask for it on the server, say you're willing to pay for it, and someone will usually do it for free just to stop others from taking money from you.
tree fiddy
I only pick fights I can win
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You guys aren't paid to test?
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Whatever you'd offer probably isn't worth it
How much do you guys tip your testers? I usually do 15%, maybe 20% if they do a really good job.
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I pay my testers 3 times what the janitors earn
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/gook/ bros and /bag/ get down.
Looking for who asked
I use machine learning to test PES. And by machine learning, I mean an army of thirdies paid pennies to work long hours.
>spent $100 on testers
>die on groups
Who do I sue?
>other teams in the group spent six figures on testing
>durr I spent $100 how could I lose?
>he does testing all for free
lmao even
>he manages for free
lmao even
Where do the 2huminati fit in this narrative?
/sp/artan here, we actually get paid by the horse racing leagues to throw.
>Venezuela changed Christmas to October 1
Will this impact divegrass before Christmas?
wish i could write an AI to run games for me so i could compile lots of data
>/3/ is brought out to be /admin/'s /t/
Hey, I'm testing for two teams then
people unfollowing me because im white... nothing special... im used to it.. im used to it... im so used to it... it s whatever... yeah white women act a specific way... i get it... just give me all your stereotypes... i have no individualilty.. i get it..
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Kek, it do be like that.
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More to be announced on that front when Hiro sells the website to Zun; both Hiro and Moot are members of the 2huminati.
>the /admin/ 2hu doujin circle timeline...
It depends, are there WoW Gold sellers on it or not?
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isn't that bote a man
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Does this look like a man to you?
Full service for this ship.
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Can I shove a PES16 aesthetic export into 17 or do I need to do some conversion work beforehand?
You are man, she is not a man.
For you she waits, for you.
That looks pretty bad without outlines, it's a mass of peach-colored limbs.
it works 1 to 1 unless you've got a Common folder with .model files in it
Outlines bring out imperfections in the models tho.
I call that an opportunity for improvement.
Best playstyles on 17 for an AMF?
Basically all of them have use. PES17 is about synergy not individual players.
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toenail color discussion on the vglcord
Melty incoming.
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Why is the main divegrass channel 80% off-topic garbage on a good day? I'm muting this shit.
Will /v/ have a concord player in autumn or they'll just update the "AAA women" model with the niggress from it?
No divegrass to talk about
How new?
erotically kissing ramen...
They should use the guy that looks like Crimson >>492795202
>you should self-discipline yourself instead of just conveniently hiding off-topic channels
What kind of retarded logic is this?
A masochist's logic
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There is nothing attractive about this character
big booba
Kevin Nash was raped by a pack of negroes (aka bulbasaurs) during the scorching summer of 1992
I'm not disagreeing that you should have self-discipline not to partake in the circlejerk, but discord has the tools that allows you to easily tailor the server to fit your needs. So rather than ignoring white circles altogether you can set it up so they only show up for channels you want to read new posts on. In my case that's just announcements and aes help since I do like to skim aes help in case I come across a similar issue in the future. I really don't need anything else so I have no reason to even see the other chat channels
Wait, is this true?
afraid so
Were /lgbt/'s tactics only good because of height abuse?
/r9k/ won a cup with those tactics before HA was banned. You tell me.
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The 19-16 converter isn't converting my EDIT file. Any possible reason why?
Judging from your picture it's most likely severe mental retardation.
hop on my dms and show me pictures, then we can talk about your conversion problems
Chat is this real?
the EDIT is for PES16 only dumbass
The conversion tool is for aesthetics, not the tactical edit. If you would like to convert a team's squad from 19 to 17 (I assume), go into the editor on the 19 one, hit save squad. Then go into the 17 edit and load the squad. Note that cards and celebrations are different between 19 and 17 so some of them will be gone.
I did try the editor but it's erroring trying to load the 4ccm. Guess I'll have to suffer doing it manually.
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Welcome back /tnm/!
>/tnm/ but not Yuribait garbage
>will probably make baggots boil
Holy kino.
Can't wait for even more gook trash clogging up this board
>Still gook shit
You are on the face stable but we do not grant you the rank of kino.
Where are vods for friendlies?
Genuinely hope you kill yourself
Baggot melty
You really hit a nerve with that one.
Develop a personality outside of buzzwords you stupid faggot
You ok, aria?
Do wingers work on 17 or are they still inferior to SSs?
>thing, japan
>thing, korea
post more of this crack dealer
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Yes. I hope the DPRK invades the south again and puts an end to Worst Korea as well as its artificial and plastic "culture."
wing forwards are better than they were on 19. /int/ finished 3rd in Summer 18 running 4-3-3 with WFs IIRC. Whether they are as good as second strikers is debatable
>/int/ finished 3rd in Summer 18 running 4-3-3 with WFs
no they didn't, they ran SSes. WFs are still worth trying out (WF 4-2-1-3 is so damn good) but they make your team less flexible and SS setups can still outclass them
More like
>subhuman filth that can only steal inspiration from their betters
... but enough about americans!
미국에 죽음을!
Remind me again why McArthur was supposed to be the bad guy for wanting to turn the Korean Peninsula into a nuclear wasteland?
He was an honorary filipinx
>black troon
>AAA game
Yeah, fits perfectly for the spot
>thing, japan
>thing, korea
>thing, china
What is ToT abbreviating?
Tottenham on Top
Time on Target. It's a type of artillery barrage where each round is fired with a slightly different angle and/or propellant charge, so that the entire barrage lands on the target area within the space of a few seconds. This deprives the target of time to take cover, maximizing the destructive effects of the mission.
Trans on Top
>look at aes
>retards can't convert
>it's a /KWABag/got
Transient occupancy tax
Gook's talking about replacing some shit, I just went to the compiler and did the same shit as with every cup that changed something, and I was done, truly a KWAB moment of all times
Do you accept, /4ccg/?
Who is this?
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>potato man
>offers watermelon
What's his end game
Reminding you of how his negotiations were central to the return of Kherson.
This is BA but with swords, not /tnm/ but by gooks. 10/10 bait though, made me look at your shit game.
t. /tnm/anon
I would assume these girls will compare their swords at each other, some have two and that one gal had 8 of them for some reason.
m8 there is nothing likeable about any of the koreas, you just like north because you want to be different.
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It's an onomatopoeia
so... tnm but good..?
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this kills /4ccg/
damn... not the rpgmaker conformist png...
Your hands are trembling.
i know this hurts, it was meant to
I don't take smack from fat bitches.
What is the best playing style for a gold CF - Silver SS combo in PES17?
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Nice tits, could be chubbier though
are non-medal strikers any good in PES17?
test it out
kinda hard when everything is a different ruleset now compared to before and there are no teams to test against on current rulesets
get creative
Is 433 or 442 better on PES17? Also can someone wipe my ass for me?
i'm just going to copy the past winners and leave it bwi you can test against that
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i have diarrhea
big cum
in your bum
That shit's poisoned.
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me on the right but mutsuki
Me on the right but some other franchise
Me on the left but Neru.
me on the right but vaporeon
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Bote sexo
Where's the benis?
On your brain
In your ass
my favorite thai ladyboy
Is it true all Vtubers are really men?
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'fraid so.
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Beebs my wife : )
the savior of /animeswords/, /gook/ and /cute/
>he doesn't know
How do I make my benis bigger?
You have to use THAT.
Become futa
Don't lump us KVchads with those dimeless shitters
New thread pls
I'm waiting to post some cunny

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