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>Official WoW News

>Threads of Destiny - New Cinematic

>August Trading Post

Previous: >>492732063
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pure concentrated shitter cope
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I am so fucking done with this cringe character and his cringe fans
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>classic is a two mechanic game
>retail is a 50 mechanic game
how about something in the middle?


Literal faggots
Why would I give a shit about a story were someone is suffering from PTSD. Also its not done well.
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>cant raid because of time restrictions
>dont want to be a shitter
getting old is so shit
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yeah i am

never ever downloading your spyware
i want the red owl hat from df pvp
but its not on the pvp vendors
is this a bug or do i need to wait?
Make her a darkspear troll to even get close to that name
Gear up alts
When did writing move away from the idea that masculinity was dealing with your feelings without a therapy circle and a good cry?
This is actually making me want to see the trainwreck of TWW more.
>level and gear up a class
>realize I don't enjoy it
When does the season starts?
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How the hell did Quinn fuck up this xpac momentum so hard?
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Hey! That's my job!
yeah dude anduin should have shoved down his feelings and never talk to anybody about how he feels and become an alcoholic and brain himself XD
3 weeks
the new standalone curseforge program is actually pretty good. it just works and there is zero bloat
i have 4 characters on 576
>inb4 too low
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I Can't Breed
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Don't forget your DMF moon fair 10% increased rep!
oh yeah
it's gaming time
male human retribution paladin btw, templar hero talents of course
Do you like futas
Its actually really good.
two biggest wow streamers said it was shit and left
then he should fuck off to stormwind and vent his feewings to someone there. not trying to lead an expedition and cry at the same time
something in the middle is too easy for people who have been playing
Cata and Wrath classic both have 80% of guilds full clearing heroic, and classic players are substantially worse at the game
MoP will be no different
at this point its probably the hard bosses of WoD and Legion that are middle of the road

Alternatively they could actually have properly designed gear progression and raid tuning would fall in line naturally, instead of everyone being capped 2 weeks into the season
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>how he should just 'get over it'

but... thats what writers made Faerin tell him to do...
I do feel like we've all lost some important nuance in being able to write characters that can acknowledge and deal with their issues without going full little bitch mode about it.
do you like it
They need to majorly buff the sun spec, sunGODS are so much cooler than ghost hammer fags
erm no chud we have to design the game around echo and liquit
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Ironclaw Seams don't exist.
Holy fuck, I've been searching all over the goddamn place, marking where other seams spawn and revisiting them frequently, etc, and I still haven't come across a single ironclaw seam once in hours.
unironically og. all the classes play the same so its just a matter of choosing which skin you want while you do 35 different mechanics
Ya but she's a black woman cripple, she's a god
I made my warlock and dh look like twins
He needs to get over it because he's a video game character. Your real life PTSD from sand niggers burying bombs under the ground is not the same as a fictional character in sword and sorcery medieval dark fantasy game where people experience horrors on a daily basis.
Nobody in real life got mind controlled by a god and was forced to stab another god and then battle their friends. You do not have a similar experience.

Most of the time a character loses an arm and somehow their power level goes up. This is how video games work.
it feels more squishy than my warlock sometimes, its weird
Is the AH working yet?
>fuck up one mechanic and blow up
nope, too hard for shitters
This game is just so gay. I'm going to give up on western devs man.
I do miss when raids were designed around at least quarter of your raid being drunk.
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Sometimes? Depends what kind and unironically, what your personality is like!
>Cata and Wrath classic both have 80% of guilds full clearing heroic
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Uhhh, who is driving this ting
modern WoW is plagued by writers who are too proud to write pulp fantasy schlock but too stupid to write anything else, so they think that writing a story where they vaguely gesture at a serious, complex topic but then neither resolve it nor say anything interesting with it makes them Leo Tolstoy reborn
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Someone redpill me on the engi mount
This shit isn't actually worth farming up yourself via pilfering, right?
We are talking about a company that makes all of their leading characters behave like lunatics and if the character is a female elf they will behave like all of the other female elf leads and also die like all of the female elf leads
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I like that answer. What kind of personality or character do you like?
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>there are "people" who actually pay attention to the lore in this game
to the horde players on moon guard
how are all five of you doing?
they are all sharded onto wyrmrest accord
Yea there is no way I am downloading some auto update addon. I will simply be unzipping addons with winrar for another 20 years
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How do I finish this delve?
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He actually had some potential in Legion and BFA. But holy shit have they made him into such a fucking faggot. He is legit a terrible king. He is abandoning his duties as King to go on his emo phase because he is sad. How many fucking people rely on him? Literally the supposed leader of the Alliance and he is just gone. Fuck him and anyone who likes him. Duty comes before your fucking cringe faggot feelings. That's what a man does and a crying bitch woman indulges these fucking feelings and self journey.
despite what retarded niggers think, the game isnt designed around echo and liquid
its designed around shitty m+ players who expect to be maxing their vault week 1 and heroic raiding is useless outside the literal first week for tier
pull out game strong?
The DP brothers
name my fire mage
the real issue is the audience: bunch of bitchmade man/women children who upon seeing anything negative that is relatable they cry and sob IM SO HECKIN TRIGGERED I CANT EVEN AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH

like what if anduin had suicidal ideations? (and not the noble kind like glugfang wanting to die in battle) what if he self-harmed? what if he turned to substance abuse to try and self-medicate?
how about logically analyze own mental issues, figure out the solution and go along like a real man? anduin's problem is actually way less complicated than real world vet ptsd one
he was mind controlled by an actual one dimensionally evil creature and he himself all his life fought an actual vile creatures that invaded his homeland, instead of bombing some shitholes
he realistically should have figure that shit out on his own and move on quite easily
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Why are these gob haircuts so ugly
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ong shits bussin
Imagine sanlayn with actual vampire visual stuff, warrior effects is also very underwhelming while warlocks and paladins got kino
Elves and Draenei are very welcome, not overly aggressive in that way that some people seem to be compensating for something, or almost a caricature, of what they think someone dominant ought to be. I don't even care if you're not dominant honestly, just that you're easy to get along with. Bonus points if the 'bits' are of a size that could actually fit inside somewhere....

I'll admit that I have a bit of a weakness for romance, flirting, etc.

i will be queuing up heals in random bgs for horde, if you want the literal best healer in WoW pvp on your team i suggest queuing up right now
He gets away with it thanks to Stormwind being politically inert and having zero issues for five whole years.
It's like parents leaving their 3 year old son home alone for a week and he miraculously survives without burning anything down or poisoning himself.
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every time I see a tweet that is enthusiastic about WoW in some youtuber's replies, I open up the profile to see if it's a bot and 9/10 times I see dog dicks and other assorted furry porn
they like damn 50, is you really goonin to nelf hoes again
If you look up who are part of the writing and narrative of WoW it becomes pretty clear what is soo fucking wrong with this character.
That shit is peak. GOB IS GOB and you will respect a gob regardless of a yeeyee-ass haircut
>in talk with smaller mythic guild
>tell them im not ditching current(personal) guild at start
>'thats fine'
>tell them not into world first bullshit or autistic attempts at it knowing its useless
>'nah we just do mythic for gear and challenge'
>everything lookin good
>some more casual talk about shit then
>'k can you do a gquit so we can invite you for heroics to see if you work out'
>nigga what the f-
fuckit guess i dont raid this expansion either idgaf. mf'n retards.
>could do heroic
>but might end up raid-leading like MoP
thanks4coming 2 blog for gay dum ded gam
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Why are you faggots erping? I subbed to get away from that fuckery from the catgirl mmo. Stop ruining my immersion!
They literally have no idea how to fix it, and the ETA is another month at the earliest.
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Elves are the best.
Play a tank spec and hold W
not even scarletworg resubbed.....
>guild vault
>chance of expansion being not a shitshow
Thank you anon you're the best.
could be worse, a lot of male haircuts give you a bad receding hairline
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>on a dead server
>in a dead guild
>rl friends all have careers and families now and barely play anymore
at least I have you, /wowg/........
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I honestly think they can save this shit narrative if they actually made a story about this. How Anduin going on his emo phase made for internal fraction within in the Alliance and Stormwind. A entire narrative on how he is actually a bad leader and bad king would be amazing. To bad Blizzard will never have the balls to actually do this.
are heroics the best valorstone farm
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Colossus is very cool
All of you faggots are coming back and you brought the furfags back with you.
Go. Back. Take the furries and trannies with you.
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You tryna big-league me anon?
I hope they update Loch Modan someday
I don't like cata version of it
Anduin can't actually fail even when the entire story is about how flawed he is
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That is exactly how my Night Elf and Draenei are. Not super-dominant like some ultra-tryhard gigastud hyper dom that I am thoroughly sick of. There are wwwaaayyyyy too many like that.
She's easy to get along with, pleasant company and a warm friend, even if she is a little distant at first.
Her bits are girthy and endowed, but definitely manageable.
Before any ERP though, I like to have characters meet, interact, be flirtatious and date. Build up that warm romance. Make it feel "real", you know?
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I hit level 80
Kevin Mccallister Vs Scp-4666 flashbacks
Bro look at what game you're playing
Built for BTC
Wax >= Comp Stomp > *
futa coomer, shameful
is mage kino?
they like damn 50, these bitch ass avatar hoes be really annoying on fonem
Go back to your cat girls.
>Username is a drink
100% a tranny.
'aid so
is comp stomp the most effective way to farm honor?
gross, no
You think it is ever time to move on
They will never do this. Why do you think they made it so easy to skip the low level experience. You can start a character and never have their feet touch any mainland azeroth and get to max level. The main world will be left in thir sloppy cata mess with poorly done 2010 phasing and instances and obnoxious gimmick quests forever
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>MoP will be no different
MoP is actually the sweet spot between 2 mechanics and 50 mechanics
>t. knower
'aid 'o
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You really, really sound like my type but I suspect there's a problem, and it's that I'm EU, so I'm usually stuck with discord stuff since NA/EU accounts are separate...
People don't remember all the fucking dumb dailies in MOP.
I mean an update like for arathi and darkshores
to use in an actual content
I've never even played that game but WoW is gay as hell now dude
>he did dailies
nigga the rep was worthless what the fuck nerd
ah good, the avatarfag loony troonies are using this general as an aspie dating site again
I am NA, yeah. I still want to write with you. You can add me. My discord is .heartrender. (both dots)
cooking, farm, etc
it was all timegated
What is the skibidi toilet of Warcraft?
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Listen.. I'm just.. not going to help you decurse
i did i tall
on like 6 alts
i had the cloak on like 9
you needed to do literally 1 cloak for your main
everything else was autism
i should know
im autistic
Alliance never had a strong leader like the hordes warchief.
Stop trying to make the role of Stormwind king matter more than it does.
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Like I give a fuck.
illegal danish
Anduin Lothar and Varian?
i'm going to smack this worg's butt
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Thanks. Wow might be old and not very exciting but it's comfy.
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>Depressed muh fee fees faggot thinks literal man-eating monster spiders have a "vibrant" culture
Where did we go from demon blood drinking orcs going scorched earth on entire planets to this wimp fagass self instert dicksucker and his orc looking ugly ass nigger girlfriend?
>Stop trying to make the role of Stormwind king matter more than it does.
Varian literally alpha'd the 3 dwarven clans into ending a 300 year war
Sha of Fear has 2 mechanics in phase 2, and if you arent assigned as ball bitch its literally just 1 mechanic
>guild can clear heroic sha
>guild gets hard filtered by heroic tot and disbands
>the random pandashitters who don't even use voice get further despite not being able to clear heroic sha
lmao mop is wild
>tfw you login and /h instead of /g by mistake and freak out for a split second wondering what the fuck all that text vomit is
just 'tard things :(
Leeroy Jenkins
they like damn 50, is you really playin war inside that bic
It really is amazing that they turned one of may favorite characters in the narrative into one of may most hated. The writing team just decided "lets give him some arbitrary ptsd for not reason only to have it instantly be fixed by being told to not feel bad by a woman he just met"

Like, honestly anyone not disgusted by this isnt worth interacting with as they clearly either dont care about character writing or are just to stupid to have a conversation with on the topic.
kinda makes you think
Varian beat Garrosh like 3 times in the lore.
What you talking about?
Bro, your phase 1? Your water spouts? Your add management?
Haven't played WoW since Shadowlands.
How's the ERP?
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I'm sitting on the fence about buying it or not. I think its mostly nostalgia speaking.
Just don't delete your characters then you absolute fucking apes
I'm so bad at this game idgi my gear is good but I'm always at the bottom of dps meters
We still got an EU guild going?
are you sure you pushed the right button?
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Okay niggers

What's the fastest 1-80 Alliance leveling route now?
And lost Theramore and all holdings in Hillsbrad.
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I never left? I cancel subs to resub to the other game. I was waiting for dragonflight to be over due to the dogshit story by playing classic hc. Now I come back to WW for Hallowfall content, and see you retail shitters turning prison gay.
Being good at this game didn't matter ever since BFA. Just do the mechanics and uninstall damage meter unironically.
do you have a horrible rotation?
Token price should dip once the new raid comes out right?
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A member of my guild just announced he's now in troon mode since a year
Shit i've been raiding with him for years.
Idk how i'm not gonna make fun of him during raid in 2 weeks
Anyone had that happened in their guild?
nerubian x human is mainline canon since wc3
anub'arak was arthas' best friend
nerubian facemelter priests will walk the cathedral district in 11.1
I will main crypt lord blood DK
is mage, spriest, or DH better for pvp?
dungeon spam as a tank maybe
True. The only fight I really fucking hated was Heroic Garrosh because I loathe 8+ min fights where it all comes down to 1 retard not fucking up at the end.
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hiiii its multi boxxy
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>set my health bar autistically big so i get more dopamine from hitting big death strikes heals on blood dk
i love my autistic brain
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i already have an enormous portfolio from the last 4 years of investing. 18k is literally nothing anyway
Just had 2 male guildies who started to date out of nowhere.
this happened because you joined shitter guild
Between Anub'arak and Kel'thuzad, Arthas really had the best bromances
idk I tried enh shaman but that was too hard so I'm playing ele now which seems like it should be easy but apparently not
Buy a boost
Tell him to play OG, he'l have a support network there. Fag.
Its really nothing like it was back in the day man. There's no reason to play WoW if you haven't kept up and doubly so if its just nostalgia.
And at this point the players like these changes so you'll just get shit on
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Nice revisionism
The guild stopped raiding to go be chads on Cata Classic because Crysis is an incompetent hack
Stop enabling him retard. He's 43 years old and needs to sort his life out.
You'll die too once I'm done with you, c'mere!
oh yeah i had a GM once that trooned out

it was complete fucking chaos and didnt last
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now you can work on your worg paladin set.
How is the cross faction stuff? I want to play alliance but all my friends play horde.
The GM is an IRL friend i've known for years
I can't even make fun of him or my friend is gonna get mad since (he) knows him
and here /wowg/ was swearing up and down that the (axe)wound within was NOT pozzed wokeshit
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>flaming cat
>wooden werebear
How's Warlock in PVP?
no u
>He's 43 years old and needs to sort his life out.
me too thanks
what the fuck were they thinking
wow actually won and it's beautiful here's why
1234 your main skills and make sure everything else is on cooldown constantly
>WQs only offer one type of ring
It's not actually cross faction yet. Once people are doing M+ it will be fine, but right now you can't queue for heroics together, or trade for profession stuff.
it's decent but not OP (you can die), affli will be ok on rbg blitz
I'm literally just going to buy a token and Uninstaller the game for another 5 years at this point
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Why are the Horde and Kirin'tor not killing this bitch on the spot? I main Alliance but this makes no sense to me. Isn't she a literal war criminal?
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There is nothing wrong with it
that 20% aimed shot, rapid fire, barbed shot, kill command damage is a fair bonus for a passive node which doesn't even play into the tree
>sentinel has a node with the exact same text but it's 5%
wow $4,600!!!! that's a lot of money!!! you could buy 460 frozen pizzas with that kind of money!!
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>diligently read every single quest on the first day
>started skimming the quests by the second zone
>back to blindly just following markers again

it tried bros, i really did. but this shit is just convulted ways to explpain why you have to pick up 12 shovels.
The Primalists claimed to be victims of the Titans, guess we should have forgone fighting back against them.
frozen pizzas really be costin 10 dollars where you be live?
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that's a badass monkey
>plays a fucking goblin
>wonders why his character looks like shit
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>go to other mmo
>avatarfags advertising for their twitter
>relatively doomer and contrarian
>here on wowg
>only doomerism
>no one enjoying game
>nonstop complaints on DEI and women
>some feet pics
How long will WoW last like this? I thought you guys would've abandoned this by now. Why stay?
>crypt lord blood DK
Blizzard is too much of a coward but i'd play a cryptlord
shame we wouldn't fit into anything
King Rastakhan was a racist, misogynistic chud who deserved it
any particular reason they are rs3ing this game? I skipped ONE expansion and it feels like there is so much more fuckery with gear, upgrading it, the tools used to upgrade it, crafting, icons are now totally fucking different on the map, etc. specs are convuleted and all play exactly the fucking same and have bloat everywhere.

rs3 at least has good single player content
I just want closure.
>why arent they starting a war with azeroths strongest naval power and most powerful mage because she killed a dozen traitors that resisted arrest?
Sunwell was the peak of raid design and difficulty in wow. It was all downhill from there.
Please respond
>t.19 year old who's most traumatic life experience was getting laughed at by a girl in school for being a retarded faggot
burrow racial which reduces your hitbox size so you can fit inside doors
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I missed TWO seaons in DF and i have no idea what embelishments and hero track gear even is

why did they implment that shit at the end of the expansion and nnot the start
They want to shake the stigma of borrowed power while still being able to do borrowed power. Look forward to getting a new set of hero talents every expansion for every class, with some obvious ones reserved for "in emergency break glass" announcements.
Queen Talanji forgave the cold-blooded assassination of her father in a book, I think.
Someone similar to you came by and bought the game and a sub and quit in 6 hours.
>still no way to tell brew of the month to fucking stop and go away
why did they implement it at all
She has comitted literally zero war crimes.
Putting enemy nationals into detention and regicide are not war crimes.
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>why isn't Turalyon killing all undead on the spot for the countless warcrimes they've committed against the Alliance
Bad writing, next.
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Thrall isn't gonna kill his side chick

the bitch should have died in BFA
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>signed up to be a guide for shits and giggles
>mfw reading newcomer chat
I already leveled a paladin and a priest, evoker or DH next?
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>giant fucking tits and cock-scuking lips
I miss when WoW was based
who cares? lol. her father died because she dragged zandalar into the war. it's her own fault
Every line of dialogue from “corrupt” Anduin in a cinematic, cutscene or fight is either the Jailer speaking through him or him complaining about being controlled. Then at the end of SL he says he felt good obeying the Jailer and thinks he might be bad because of it.
It’s hard to take Anduin having PTSD for the things he did seriously when he never has agency for the bad things he does, shows a sign of enjoying it (that’s not post-hoc) or any willingness to go along with it.
They could’ve built on an existing flaw in Anduins character that would lead to him doing harm in SL but instead domination magic let’s them keep him as a golden boy and have PTSD.
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Just went to the bathroom and did a big Chris Metzen.
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Same poster here
I asked him if he planned to rerace to Blood elf
I don't think he understood my question
Hey anon, can I play through SL now to experience the story or will covenant stuff fuck me too hard?
Dont forget that directly after getting rid of the old leadership the new undead council immediately plagued up the human settlement near their lands in their DF heritage quest.
There is always one random quest or character that introduces you to the next major patch. This one is definetly an introduction to 11.1, Naaru, Light and old Gods in Hallowfall
i just bough 5 tokens and now going to buy 590 gear so I can get into mythics and find friends
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Okay gents, what is your favorite MMO mouse, and is it still available to purchase.

I wanted to pick up a Logitech G600 but they aren't available in my country, not even scalpers sell them here.
I'm just waiting for the unearned but epic moment when he Finds Himself and becomes a Badass.
Two more weeks, boys.
I don't know why they keep trying to harp on about the story in the newer expansions. All it does is highlight the glaring flaws we all accepted as part and parcel of Blizzard's popcorn movie plots. You can't really build an empire on sand.
>Resisted arrest
By what authority? Horde bows to no one.
Don't do it anon, I'm warning you. That's a pandora's lorebox best left closed.
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>dethroned asmon
>defeated preach
>dodged bellular
>destroyed madseason
lore is completely fucked thanks to danuser. just look at this
I just wish Horde players finally accept they play the bad guy faction. I don't get why there are these betas in the horde that wanna be this noble actually we are good guys. Its way cooler to be on the evil faction and them being totally based about it.
Just fucking own it
>play through SL now to experience the story
jesus fucking christ, no don't do this
They begged asmon to come back and gave him $30k to play their expansion for 3 days
Do they like worgen?
corsair scimitar is quality but has always online shitware which you either have to deal with or bypass, keep in mind if you land on that
We can't have cool high-test shit in the story anymore anymore because hordefags will cry about how they're good boys who dindu nothing every time they're held accountable for their latest atrocity.
my guess is the corsair one is the next best bet. I think the naga also has a shift button nowadays, but I'm eternally skeptical of razer shit
That's easy. We've had two (2) people troon out in our guild. We just keep sending them pictures of post-op axe wounds, suicide statistics and MtF bearded troons that will never pass.
It's great!
For some reason they still show up (on time) to each raid, which has lead to a small bet forming before each one to see if they're dead or not.
Theramore was a valid military target
i actually don't need you to do... aaaaaaanything... so, yeah.
>talent tree AND aldrachi reaver tree motifs are all purple
>like 1 ability in their entire toolkit is purple
>rest is just shitting out felgreen
can they get updated already to stand out from havoc?
is there a hidden rep for Earthen? im now friendly with them
The best gaming mouse period is the Logitech G502. I've had seven of them and they generally last 1-2 years depending on how rough I am with the buttons. My current one is wireless as I also have a self-charging mousepad to go with it. No more fucking wire getting snagged on the edge of the pad.
Because Shadowlands and Dragonflight were even worse than average in that regard. They know they have to do something but they also can't advertise it as a proper high test high violence expansion like BfA since that got a lot of flak, too. So they have Metzen on board to promise everyone phase 1 MCU and this is supposed to be a return to form. You're right that they shouldn't try to sell it as though it was TLoU or something.
Yeah, sure, anon. Garrosh was just defending himself.
Legitimate military target due to proximity to Forsaken territory.
Worgen started it by attacking Brill in the Cata Tirisfal storyline.
Legitimate military target due to proximity to orc territory. Also orcs were on Kalimdor before humans.
This was legitimate because Sylvanas was trying to prevent the extinction of her race.
>The Gathering.
Calia caused this.
Night elves started this because they caused the orc vs night elf conflict by attacking the orcs unprovoked in Warcraft III.
The Alliance forced Sylvanas to do this.
Retaliation for kidnapping Talanji and Zul.
>Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
Doesn't matter because it's fixed.
>Azerite war machines.
Those were pre-emptive to stop the Alliance from declaring war.
I love the roleplay of being an unapologetic zug or zombie, and I get the dwindling playerbase makes faction-based content more and more tedious (waiting 30m for pvp or lfr) but the in lore explanations always hurt my brain. The Alliance always come off as having goldfish memory and are largely incapable of coherent thought. These inages just highlight that. I hate it. They never actually treat war seriously but they keep pushing the idea that the writing is somehow better now.
why would you want to protect the allies of enemies?
Ahuh and there were horde bunkers underneath the hospital, gotcha bro.
This expansion is quite literally the biggest piece of dogshit I've ever seen in my life.

So this is what happens when you have a whole cycle with the post layoffs and DEI hires running the show?
Which npc sells cooking supplies?
I'm still using my trusty G502, but I'd like one purely for MMO purposes, so am on the lookout for one with the extra side buttons gimmick
But I remember there was uther. And some fae. I think ysera was there. All fun stuff, right? I bailed like a month in so I don't remember.
Rose tinted goggles for Warcraft 3
And people who never played 1 or 2
which healer does the most dps
cooking supplies vendor
Is WoW a single-player game or can it be multiplayer as well? It just seems like all the gameplay features are geared towards just doing solo content and forgetting about other people. Do you have to already be in a guild in order to play this game multiplayer style, or is finding one easy?
Disc priest.
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uh oh hordefag meltie
>I don't get why there are these betas in the horde that wanna be this noble actually we are good guys
I don't get what people like you want out of the epic bad guy Horde. Do you want them to use their objectively better playerbase to easily crush the Alliance and eradicate them, or do you want the writers to give the Alliance an unearned but narratively clearly motivated victory over the Horde which they then don't use to dismantle the evil Horde? Because there is no reality where the evil Horde and the good Alliance continue to coexist in a way that makes any fucking sense. One side WILL exterminate the other.
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vendor quality bait
I have a g600 and only use 4 of the 12 buttons because the back and top buttons are kind of awkward
i can't see him anywhere near the cooking trainer
my naga from 2010ish lasted a good 8 years before the buttons gave out. never heard anything except scathing reviews from other people every time I mentioned I had one, not sure if that repped a wider manufacturing or counterfeit issue they'd run into, or just people doing internet things larping and reposting others opinions.
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Meanwhile on the official forums...
>Worgen started it by attacking Brill in the Cata Tirisfal storyline.
was that before or after the wall literally separating them was opened? feral worgen attacked gilneas too you know
orcs were a legitimate military target due to proximity to nelf territory. also they were on kalimdor before orcs
flying ruins the game
its an MMO, you are doing stuff in a multiplayer world. you can do shit alone but there is going to be people doing the exact same thing, so you just naturally work together
then dont fly bitch nigga
see how that do after a week
Make it so vigor only recharges(quickly) while in rested areas/near a flightmaster and it'd be fine.
nevermind he was hiding behind the thing
So use grounds mounts, retard.
fuck off back to PoE, Quin
>So here we are, folks.

Yeah i stopped reading right after that
What Dungeons are good to level up through on a fresh character. I can't remember if it was TBC or WotLK dungeons that gave more exp on account of the quests you can get at the start of the dungeons.
It's impossible to commit warcrimes against alliance dogs. There is no unjustified action against the alliance.
Aztecs were in the Americas first but that didn't stop them from being human-sacrificing monsters who had to be stopped
i dont know anyone whose life was improved by being married
Kino retard boomer.
In the early 2010s I went through 2 naga in a year, and had a keyboard arrive broken. I assume their build quality has drastically improved since they're still an industry staple, but it left a lasting impression on me and I'll avoid their products unless there's no other options
>Uuuuhm actually you're NOT allowed to do what you enjoy in life because we're married
Yup, never putting a ring on anybody's finger
legit tell me
whats worse
1: this dudes serious and is a weird unsocialized sperg with no friends
2: this dude thinks this is funny epic troll
>upgrading gear sets a "watermark" for that slot and upgrading other items of that type to that watermark doesn't cost crests
are ring slots and trinket slots considered separate or do they share?
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>no sale number announcements for TWW
heh...was it that bad lol. I thought it would sell better than dragonflight, but so far it doesn't seem like it. I expect huge changes
Not sure how anyone can disagree with this, just compare Suramar to the spider city
It's impossible to commit warcrimes against noobs who can't even win a single world first race since the game released, they're just NPCs that pay Blizzard money, no different to bots.
They haven't shown those ever since mop you absolute faggot
Missed opportunity to get your wife/fiancé hooked on WoW. I did. Been married 17 years now.
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I feel like I'm chasing a mirage made by nostalgia
That's why I'm single
>compare suramar
>spider city
>*flies around doing a WQ, fucks off*
yeah bro imma go with the one thats not annoying rancid dogshit
that sub has these retarded threads that are simultaneously blanket and personal attacks that, if they werent targeting le acceptable target, would be like threads calling out all niggers for leaving chicken bones on the sidewalk
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What did I think of the expansion?
which races are left that don't have heritage armor

just pandaren?
If he dicked his wife down properly she wouldn't care whether he plays WoW or not

He failed the shit-test.
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>*awkward silence returns*
why are hunters like this
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Number 2 wouldn't be bad, just funny. You just know there's plenty of people that will take him seriously and try to give real advice.
>September 2022
Wait HOLD THE FUCK ON the "previous" post he's talking about is from 2 years ago, so I'm leaning towards it being 100% serious.
don't look up how the orcs were powering the dark portal before invading azeroth
This is a reddit tier fake story
>wrong fuckass post quoted
man its hard bein retarded yall dont even know
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Why is it that I am always somewhat interested in the story of Warcraft even though I think its legit bad?
>Missed opportunity to get your wife/fiancé hooked on WoW
I'm single Anon, granted I'm rather young, I honetly can't see myself with someone that doesn't share my love for video games / WoW or atleast respects it.
I just want it to end.
I want every single character in the game to approach my main and tell him: you've done it. You've saved everything forever. The whole world is at peace and prosperity. All of the kingdoms and orcish clans and night elf trees are blossoming and happy and will continue on their own. You have earned your name in our halls of valor and you may now go, forever remembered as our hero, and don't look back when you search for your own true happiness.
is it worth it to play demo or is aff just that much better?
Sure you can. You just have to find someone who's 300lbs+ like yourself.
interesting. must've been a common problem back then. always heard such comments, cheap materials used, wires and plastics breaking within months. they must've used shady coastal china suppliers, or some such, and it was a dice roll for working hardware.
Souls from the draenei that invaded THEIR home and brought the Legion to them?
The /got/ threads on /tv/ were very busy even in the final season.
Making fun of a trainwork is fun.
Riffing exists for a reason.
Demo is a meme spec
A really complicated question
>single player
You can go collect shit, do quests for relatively unengaging stories and very easy content. This is quite a lot of stuff if you came from a game like eso.
>lobby tier stuff
Pvp battlegrounds are multiplayer but pretty low engagement. Heroic dungeons and LFR raids too, but they are usually piss easy
>nearly social
This is mythic+ and raids. Honestly people are fucking cancer and the elitism is off the charts here. It's best enjoyed if you have a group of actual friends.
is there any item that makes mining faster in anyway
what's your least favorite race in wow
shadowland damage dragonflight sales numbers, dragonflight damage the war within sales numbers.
Sunk cost fallacy. You spent too much time trying to fix their problems but the writers just create new problems for you to fix, and you feel that if you don't observe or watch them overcome their conflict they will just be stuck with unresolved issues.
t. felt this way about a number of tv-series that I couldn't stop watching even as they got worse, like X-Files
at least you don't have to see kultirans and diapergnomes because no one is playing them
fucking terrible, season didn't even start yet and there's literally no will to log in or deal with the game being a part time job for 6 months only to reset your progress and do it again next "season".
I think its mainly that I can enjoy certain moments of a terrible things more then the average person.
WoW isn't a story game so having a shit story doesn't matter, it has never mattered.
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It has been 2 years in the making, even proper autists don't have the willpower to keep a fake story going on for that long.
Jesus Christ now I actually feel bad for him. Why would anyone get married?
>thinking sales numbers matter
>thinking twitch numbers matter
>thinking players you can see ingame matter
>thinking # of active raiding guilds matter
>thinking game in blood-from-stone MTX tier squeeze scam mode matters
lmao look at you idiot dumbdumb lol :)
night elves (for being in the alliance)
worgen (for being in the alliance)
junker gnomes (what the fuck)
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got the bee lads
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I'm barely at 240lbs, and I mean as long as said fat bitch's health isn't in danger, I wouldn't care, I'd just be happy to play with someone that shares my life desu
so why is kadghar a giant squid flying around beladar now?
black humans
damn fifty
>wow has the perfect Lovecraftian horror to write around
>nope, corpse puppet girlboss nigga
i wonder if they'll turn sargeras into a bumbling retard when they eventually bring him back
same guy here. Dragonflight was the low point. People who played wow bc it wow, bought tww. People who thought dragonflight would turn things around just stopped being in wow area of influence. Basically wow is invisible to them and it basically extremely hard to get them interested against unless a cartoon shows up or something like that.
Chris Metzen is also to blame because during his gay ass interview he went
>"oh noo, i came in late...like 10 months late they were basically finished with this shit and i came up with the saga thing..hahahha...."
It does matter when it's as bad as Shadowlands or as limp-dicked as Dragonflight.
>what is to come oooh spooky I'm a robot
>we are a family now look at my glowy eyes
>It has been 2 years in the making, even proper autists don't have the willpower to keep a fake story going on for that long.
That's not true, especially when there's e-fame and clout involved
Because Xal wanted a new pet
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Why did they hide it?
Odd, these are all my favorites. Except the gnomes, they really are what the fuck.
>wow has lovecraft horror
completely done to death and peaked with Yogg-Saron
Xal'atath is smug and floats with her feet on full display as a sign of dominance to all the shoe and boot wearing women in the game
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>hating on robo gnomes
>not having a qt latina gnome goth GF who just went a bit too far with cutting
Because the story is legit good. We want to know what happens next, we want to know what Xal'atath's grand design is, we want to know how the Titans and Naaru (Light) are going to be reintroduced, but this time in a context of war.

Sure, there are some lame moments (Shadowlands and Dragonflight) and some downright bad ones (WoD), but overall, the story of Azeroth, our story, is interesting.
Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire still not topped.
legion haters confirmed massive retards
so make them stop making it and put that money and time into the game itself
i bet they could not even bother and nobody would really care. just make new content and class changes with no real overarching theming or justification
She's turned out be a far better character than I expected.

Although what's up with Eirich's story? Did the same retarded DEI hire who did all of that pointless Kobold quests write his story?
Seems like they changed it & didn't bother to fix the story in full.
>friend says he's got an mmo itch
>tell him that we can pre order ww and play cata before release
>release day hits
>he logs in, does cata dailies and fucks off
What the fuck happened to him?
why did these mini keyboards never catch on? they're the most based shit ever
wow drunk skyriding is fucked
so unironically what are they gonna do next expac?

we're kinda cooked without borrowed power, two rows on these "hero" talents just wont cut it...
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Night elf supremacy
I don't hate mechagnomes
They're a very good fit for the Alliance
The only problem I have is that when they were added, the Horde was given vulperas
It's just not a fair exchange, especially when the Alliance had already very few players
Sorry I can't headcanon something as bizarre as that, your gnome doesn't look in the least bit like a goth girl.
He scratched the itch once and it went away
try high skyriding
i barelly was able to look at the screen
>cata and tww
they do nothing to grab new players
I'm sure Max and his ilk would be very happy to get faster mythic raids even if every boss was just a target dummy with 50 mechanics.
But then, why doesn't he stops doing the dailies? That's all he does, gets int the game, goes to Tol Barad, does the things, and leaves.
>"TyRanDe, I nEeD YoU!!"
>She's turned out be a far better character than I expected.
Yeah she was pure kino during the campaign and I'm glad I have to see her everyday now
Well that's all there is to do in cata so
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Wasn't it Xavius who said that?
i meant drunk ingame, it just slams your mount in random directions
So says the SHADE of Xavius
I already have a normal keyboard which can be used for everything. you'll need a good pitch if you want me to buy shit I already have.
>Because the story is legit good.
Eh... No, not really. In WC3-era lore (not necessarily just WC3), Azeroth was the special world because the people living on it were the one thing the Burning Legion choked on. First the Night Elves, then the three main races. But over time it's become this inane converging point of every single power of significance that you could even conceive of, and that's too fucking much.
>Another alliance-only mount given to the horde
Humiliation ritual.
couldnt you get a bee in BfA?
Yes, retards don't know that it was just an illusion conjured up by Xavius, Malfurion was talking shit to Xavius the whole time.
Honestly I dont understand how you could even keep an mmo for 20 years and not have the writing turn into a joke and have it be all about end game zones.
Will we ever get anything as good as classic or something? No way man but I dont think thats the teams fault. I think its impossible
i wanna play undead but the inner min maxing autist knows the racials are shit and I don't want to pick them
which classes benefits most from their shit racial
Light/Void talents.
using a thumb stick to strafe feels really nice, having easy access to shift, ctrl and alt and being able to get rid of the caplock button is really nice, changing the number buttons on top to f1-4 is pretty nice
New class and let that ride, maybe another row or two for hero talents
I'm expecting we get more cosmetics for hero talents in the coming patches that lean in heavily to the themeing

I'd say 4th specs but the way hero talents are setup really doesnt support that. At some point we should get a 3rd DH spec
oh kek
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No, "she" is woke trash. We don't like this. Didn't you forget about the fruit bowls and the allegations? Stick to our usual talking points or you'll be out of compliance with the movement.
Is the ingame duration of events since original Vanilla the same as real life?
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>they're talking about lore again
no one cares
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We went from
>Maybe you just enjoyed not having to make choices all the time :)?
>Will we ever get anything as good as classic or something?
good at what exactly
classic had no real story, especially on horde side
no it isn't stfu
what is there to care about in this game but lore & levelling?
I do
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This! So much this!
Does anyone have a good simple atonenent tracker for 5 man content? Please help!
>But over time it's become this inane converging point of every single power of significance that you could even conceive of, and that's too fucking much.
Because they've discovered that our planet has a soul, and apparently that's a rare thing (at least now) in the universe.
Unga make number go up farm gear that will be rendered obsolete in 2 weeks bunga
Dear GM, I will NOT watch your discord stream
I don't give a fuck about your gameplay or your screen
why did they make the kobolds talk like retards
well it did. and im not some nostalgic old guy. i think classics story is cool. and the levelling stuff is unmatched. I dont see how they could ever reflect that 20 years on. The game basically has to devolve into marvel shit and what is basically a lobby system with people sitting in end game cities. If they tried to incoporate the old world again and make you adventure across azeroth people would bitch and complain so hard just like in cata.
>orcs were a legitimate military target due to proximity to nelf territory. also they were on kalimdor before orcs
Ah yes but trolls were on Kalimdor before night elves and considering that multiple trolls races and tribes allied with the Horde, this means that Kalimdor - and indeed all of Azeroth - is rightful Horde territory.

I don't make the rules.
You can involve the old zones like how Legion and BfA did it. THAT isn't the problem.
The problem is literally just that the conflict isn't epic and high-test enough. People worldwide having to put up with Azeroth screaming at them once in a while I can accept as frustrating, but not the pants-shitting carnage that the Legion or the Scourge were spreading.
it's just you, boring cunt. you're the only one who wants to ask the same stupid questions about levelling and how to install add-ons which you could've googled or deduced if you weren't a pleibian. read the room, everyone wants to talk with each other, no one wants to talk to you.
>AH has been nearly flawless on MG since launch
>today it is suddenly unusable
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How do you do, fellow Arathi Humans.
Have you venerated the hallowed fires this evening?
ah yes the famous ashenvale trolls
Have you done THAT quest yet /wowg/?
bro this story is straight doodoobutt
it didnt
>i think classics story is cool
there is no story
> and the levelling stuff is unmatched
in terms of being boring dogshit
you're behind the programme
4chan doesn't consider the allegations to be valid and have canonised the position that the women simply lied about the stole breast milk to get rid of the based and redpilled old guard at Blizzard
i have bad news for you. that means you're a manchild
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A or B
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>Censer to try and mask the scent of orc musk with incense
It won't save you
>Honestly I dont understand how you could even keep an mmo for 20 years and not have the writing turn into a joke
the thing is the lore hasn't even progressed that fast, they just decided to do a complete 180 during legion and bfa and fuck everything up
i honestly they could have milked the burning legion a bit more instead of just straight up definitely killing it and tossing sargeras into the trash, then they could have tied it in with the void bullshit in bfa which for some reason lasted only one patch like it's no big deal
back in legion you niggers were complaining that the conflict was too large and should be scaled down
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I want to learn blacksmithing
Do I just choose one piece of gear and upgrade the nodes prior to it?
Should I put points into the Everburning Forge thing or do I go straight for Armorsmithing and then whichever node gives me the most skill?
Well it has one so im not sure what to say. it has a lot of them. I guess you just dont like it.
I mean what really compares to the defias and onyxia stuff? so fucking rad bro or the night elves fixing their immortality and fel shit and investigating whats going on

Both are gay as fuck. B
Free use
A, because DH is teenager faggot's favourite character.
>the women simply lied

this applies to all situations real and fictional in throughout the history of the universe
Azeroth having a soul is a very new addition to the lore

>everyone unironically wearing the same gear now

Fucking losers
A is savage
B is barbie
when the FUCK do i get chill flying so i can afk and goon whenever i want FUCK
it was hinted at in wrath
what about woman science & math teachers or women who transcribe inalienable facts I.e. secretaries, data handlers, telephone operators
Why does this game render skin so weird now
she was always a titan retard
Gay topknot coastal liberal
Same but started HRT a week ago
I really don't play cloth users but I have high level plate (warrior), mail (shaman), leather (demon hunter) and I want my fourth 'main' character to use cloth. I have been hearing that arcane mages are pretty good right now as well as shadow priests? What should I try out as someone who rarely ever does clothies?
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So fucking true
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Uh, yes, actually.
>tfw no dractard bf to rub snouts
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chris was crazy for this one
Mages will always have at least one good spec, but you're limited to only being DPS. Real decision for priest vs. mage is if you want to have the optionality to heal or not.
its literally the unmogged pvp aspirant gear.
thats the joke
bgs is just a big blob of various sized yellow arathi paladins.
>tfw no evoker tank spec to be a good tard to rub snoots with
Holy based...
I don't believe you at all. I think there were a few shiteaters that wanted the conflicts to scale down to personal stories again but the vast majority didn't agree with this.
I'm gonna have to go with the other anon and say your nostalgia is showing. Both of your examples are overrated. They're not bad, but they're not the sort of thing that would sustain WoW. Warcraft requires actual battle lines and war campaigns, not long detective chains and mysteries.

>everyone looks the same and plays Pally now

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They just had back luck that the same celeb they named their hotel suite after turned out to be a massive sex pest.
arcane is getting nerfed, fire is still in the trash, frost is a complete meme. Why does blizzard hate us?
I made 300k gold today
Unfortunately, I lost 400k gold yesterday
A if fkn badass
B is for noobass bitches
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Weird how they never show the second Cosby Suite image.
Thats literally impossible in my case dude
>it wouldnt sustain wow
im not saying thats all it should be. youre going with a weird all or nothing approach
>5 dark trolls that came from the barrens or stonetalon
I see
Which one? The craftable one?>>492766984
So good
>Developers of incredible fascism.png
>holes of incredibly breedability.png
i have no idea anon
i have BS at 100 and i only use it to sell some low tier stuff on AH if i can get the stuff for cheap
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You have no ideally how happily I would accept being a bad guy and be perma-flagged alongside the other Horde. Have one character decide the Alliance are fags and it's time for THD and we just persistently make war with whatever new race or society we discover in the next expansion. I would love nothing more than to just beat the piss out of the Alliance whenever we were made to cross paths. I already live with war mode on and spent the entirety of TWW's leveling zones taking detours to bully Alliance to literal death, forcing them to amass and take time out of their precious die just to complete the quests in some cave that I completed a half hour ago. Make another secret quest chain that lets us become Scourge or something and our little home base can be Naxxramas. I don't know. Figure it out. The point is I would love if the Horde became the evil bad guy Hitlers top guy faction. I fucking hate a majority of modern WoW players anyway.
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Why? Isn't this locked until Nerub ar comes out?
post goblin asses
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Reminder to save tendies for next month, halloween month will be bussin
I genocide mudhutter noshoe hordeniggers on the regular
red = dead
>teldrassil destroyed
>undercity ruined
>got excited thinking we're going to see greater affects and changes to the NE and undead starting experience
I think what people were complaining about was the Army of Light and child of destiny stuff, or the cosmic chart in general. Having a large scale conflict where we participate as races, as factions or as classes is great, when it instead devolves to a big homogenous Our Side On the Good Power vs the Enemy Side On the Evil Power it becomes boring, if instead they go with The Good Power is Actually Not Good to create conflict instead it becomes stupid. Just let us fight the huge bad guys on our terms to save the universe without focusing on the cosmic structure, thanks.
yeah I'd rather have this than the plunderfaggot set
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Are there any /wowg/ affiliated guilds? I'd like to join one
Fair enough.
I am trying to learn the crafting mechanics, so far cooking and just the gathering stuff have been the best. But I have literally never touched the crafting systems before. I started playing in S3 Dragonflight.
>sits at the bottom of every ladder ever since humans lost the crutch racial
In WC3, dark trolls only spawn on the Ashenvale tileset. They are nowhere to be found in any of the multiple missions that take place in the Barrens or Stonetalon. This basically confirms that they are native to northern Kalimdor, specifically to temperate forest areas - just like night elves.

This makes sense considering how night elves evolved from dark trolls.
Bro what or who even is that? The fish too. What is going on
What even is beledar? A naaru ship? A prison of some kind and The Guardian is its, well, guard?
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>someone actually bought my 60000 gold pvp tailoring patterns i got from a box
Which female alliance race looks best as a caster? I can't decide what race this time and I just wanna have good options for transmog in cloth.
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What blacksmithing plans should I be going for from drops?
night elf is the best pvp race in the game retard
yes pls log onto mal'ganis US and find any of our representatives in <goon squad> tell them /wowg/ sent you from 4chans and await your /ginv
This + undead + a scythe weapon
we are still in the process of debate over making another NA one
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same. i am a garrosh and sylvanas loyalist. i wore my sylvanas tabard while anduin cried about his feelings to me
So they killed the literal retards that didnt evolve? Cool
The problem is that Anduin has had feelings for four fucking expansions.
>still at the bottom of the ladder
Nice, with their faces blurred I can pretend these women would actually be hot enough to harass sexually.
>take time out of their precious die
average hordie freudian slip
I liked reforged.
>30 seconds with badboy and I can finally read trade chat again
holy shit I'm free
is rogue really that bad
>all the top players are night elf
>bottom of the ladder
what did (you) mean by this
I took the beast master pill and I can't think of another class I'd want to play now. This is very main-character-feeling. I think I'm only going to play 1 more character this expac.. is Mistweaver in a good place?
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Friendly reminder there's an entire team at work at blizzard right now looking at database rows to fix the auction house

Im so fucking glad I didn't fall for the CS Meme. God imagine having to fix essentially a huge excel sheet and getting paid in pennies to do it.
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>kills race-mixing characters
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>go to Westfall in war mode
>rp walk around the farm fields
unironically fem human
just hit 80 should i bother trying to gear up enough to do heroics or should i level another character
I don't understand making this into a tree.
You get everything. Why even give me the option to spend a point every level when you can just give me something.
There's 7 ingame years between end of SL and start of DF, so no.
>do extremely easy work for retards
>still get paid relatively well compared to literally anyone that actually does work
don't see the problem, are you jealous or something
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How is Lor'themar preparing for the massive baby boom and population surge that is going to occur once human men move into SIlvermoon in Midnight and receive their complimentary blood elf wife?
>sell everything at the lowest price at AH
>nobody is buying it
>its not even undercut
if death charge doesnt become baseline in midnight im finna scream
God i cant wait
I have never seen one anon. Why do you want one anyway? ironclaw is useless
august was a real stinker month so already have tendies saved from that
Maybe they'll finally do something about the eastern plaguelands to make it habitable again.
Yeah you're just making a coompost but legitimately Lordaeron needs to be repopulated.
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Anon, you already know the answer to this: He can't.

We saw what happened the last time a human and elf population intermingled in this very expansion: It birthed a new empire.
click one without reading it
apply the point
you just achieved the same effect as learning it automatically without forcing everyone else to
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Now that warband banks have been added, do you have a gobbo to do your shopping with using the racial passive?
The Feelings Within (4th time)
Anduin is a faggot
how dare you accuse me of being a dirty jew
Im still here, just busy actually playing the game
five of my eight characters are goblins so i dont think about this at all
so 0 skill thaumaturgy is just free money? wtf
Alliance deserved to get cucked by the Horde.
The Orcs are alien invaders and should have been launched off the planet. The trolls just come from a few isles and aren't enough of a military force.
The Tauren seem culturally neutral, even the Nigh Elves have a better link with them.
The Forsaken could've had their own pocket space, not to bother with the outside world too much aside from attacking Scourge.
Alliance didn't delete Horde kebaps in time and now they're getting fucked in the ass with every expansion until no allied soldier remains.
I want to kiss a goblin girl
I think this is a bug. I have had "you are now friendly with Earthen" pop up a few times now when speaking to one
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What is it that makes high elven women so weak to BHC?
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so we can all agree that bear is best tank, right?
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It's over.
it is the most idiot proof so i see it fuck up the less in pugs
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>I can finally play a white character
Thank you, Christ Metzen
alright im going to say it. every single plate wearer using the golden arathi armor has officially ruined it, time to transmog to something else boys
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Based and true
It's because they're turbocuck troon libtard retards who can't play video games, they suck horsecocks and shit themselves in LFR instead of participating in the race for world first or Mythic + or big pvp world pvp attack warmode parties to destroy anything, they're so bad at the game that they don't deserve to live, Blizzard should commit credit card theft and simply steal all the money from their accounts so that their fat asses will starve to death and use that money to fund better raids for based and skillpilled Hordgods. Chad. Based.
If you do make an NA guild, I would 100% join. Also, which faction would it be?
is undermine located in kezan? how is it not destroyed?
post character
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I am simply tired of classic, I'm not goingt o go full schizo and say they should stop working on it or anything like that because at the end of the day it doesn't affect me and it's arguably good for retail that it exists but at the same time it's 20 year old game, I played it when it was new, I played private servers, I played classic launch, etc it's just overdone at this point give it some actual new content and I'll consider it
horde. guilds are crossfaction though
>my warband has a cute goblin civilian in her 30s that drinks rosé all afternoon and does shopping for the group
>complains about her relationships and love life for hours every time she delivers the shopping
>she's most of these guys only friends and is extremely precious so they all make time for it
wtf canonizing this now
>Huge surge for classic
>Barely anything for TBC/Wrath
Proof that the soul of WoW has always been the og 1-60 adventure.
Where can I pirate all warcraft books?
nice try fed
why do you want all of them?
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>no Y axis
Go to Barnes and Noble and take pictures of each pacge with your phone
>played wrath now for what feels like a decade
It's not a bad levelling experience but dungeons were piss easy and most classes aren't very exciting, DK is especially horrible to play. I actually like how retail makes classes, I just hate the mythic rat race.
they cant stop you. the book fell open to that page and i fat fingered my camera button
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used to be on libgen but you should just learn to use IRC #ebooks on irchighway has all of them
of course it is dude and its obvious. the thing that vocal wow players dont and will never fucking understand is that most people played and loved wow for the levelling most people probably never ever saw naxx or even molten core. most probably never hit 60 but they still were subscribed for months and months and loved it which is something a lot of wow players dont understand because they cant comprehend someone spending months and months and not getting to 60
druid is the only class Ive yet to play and never will play
>they reseted the trade post
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I'm doing fine as outlaw in dungeons. But at the same time I would not recommend picking up outlaw.
Built for continuing the Wrynn bloodline
>I mean what really compares to the defias and onyxia stuff
why do shitnilla tards always go to this?
oh yeah, because its the only thing vaguely resembling a story, and it ONLY existed for alliance
the best candidate

Yeah basically where I'm at, I like modern class design, I like the variety of activities, I hate that it's all hinged on if you want to get in to a group you need to spend forever grinding mythics and I'm glad they're finally moving away from that
what is the racial passive? and i've always had a gob banker
Night elves had their own thing too. I dont understand why its all or nothing for you. Its just a cool experience that modern wow hasnt been able to live up to at all and may not ever be able to
I dont understand why you think im saying classic is perfect
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>horde cucked the alliance
my good sir you appear to be confused
you are, as a horde player character, the "champion of horde champions" by all available metrics
— reporting to the human city of dalaran
to assist the human king —
— and his 'auntie' who molests him —
in protecting said city (and its entirely 100% human leadership) from outside invaders.
you are then tasked alongside your former warchief — who is now a eunuch, — to do all of the heavy lifting
and then end up on an island populated by dwarves (alliance race)
who you also assist with every single problem they have.
from there you then end up in a holy predominantly-human land full of light worshipers.
and you will spend all of your time listening to a human (kind of) one-armed negro woman who tells you to polish her armor, buy her drinks and otherwise orders you around.
you do all of this. it is mandatory and without recourse.
because you either do this, or the game is over. this is the game; this is what has been designed for you.
all narrative pretentions you may have once possessed — all of your heroic "for da horde!!1" feats —have boiled down into this moment
where you say "yes massa sorry massa i be's a good orc massa", to a literal negro human lady who has the king of the alliance's cock and balls in a cage.
this is your fate.
if anyone was owned it was you, little hordelet nigga
you were owned by blizzard who somehow managed to convince their dumb paypiggy playerbase that there is any kind of horde bias when the alliance has done nothing but shit out the fattest longest W's expac after expac
and now you are shining a nigga kween's shoes.
this is your destiny.
you were always going to be the alliance's bitch. bitch
nigga I WISH Blizzard would actually let the Horde be the bad guys
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I would so love to see people discussing the redesigned locations in cataclysm but all the mmochampion links are dead
>prot is finally meta
>its no longer the most fun tank
metacucks truly suffering
Thank you
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I would say the same as SV hunter, it's semi fun and it does a lot of damage, I'm top damage in most dungeons I run, but every single ranged class even fire mage so far has felt infinitely more satisfying melee just doesn't feel great
My targets for s1 opening:

Low effort:
>580 Ret
>570 VDH

Mid effort:
>585 Ret
>575 VDH

>590 Ret
>580 VDH
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Returning player, are crafting orders non-existent? I'm an engineer and I can only see the NPC ones from the engi bench. It seems like there are no player ones to do? Do people actually submit them?
it was neat. blizzard redid the world chunks at a time and every time MMO-C datamined the new alpha maps it would have tons of people scouring over it looking for even the slightest changes.

never ever did I imagine the world wouldnt be updated nearly 15 years later though.
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>and his 'auntie' who molests him
Jaina getting broken up with by thrall and taking it out on shota anduin by teaching him to finally be a man...
>you are then tasked alongside your former warchief — who is now a eunuch
i wonder if the game would be better if the horde races just werent playable like that other anon said.
would that let them make a more dynamic world and just let the horde be fully evil? they could update zones with alliance shit being destroyed more often and not have to worry about faction balance issues or horde players not wanting to be evil. they could let the forsaken splinter off into their own faction. night elves could be their own faction.
Why are you two dressed like rayman pirate characters?
I can imagine how cool it was.
Why would there be the gear is 99% useless, if you need to fill orders just create some on an alt and fulfill them yourself
>play frost dk since forever
>couple of weeks ago people here make fun out of me
>muh shit tier spec
>haha you are not getting invited to any group
>now they call me a form tranny
why am i only suffering
imagine the whining about high elves, except a million times worse. there would be minutely threads begging for playable orcs and trolls
I levelled a character from 1 right before exiles reach was added and the level squish and it was genuinely a fucking nightmare and even as an experienced player I had to go to the wiki to understand what the fuck was even happening storywise
How many world first raid race did alliance win?
Oh that's right, none.
Get cucked bluetranny
Can she still have children?
It would be better if they just stopped caring about faction balance and not making the horde be evil. Who actually cares if in the lore the horde outnumber the alliance or have extra capital cities that nobody even goes to?
only cucks play alliance
its ok frost anon at least you can play your beloved spec
i was a blood dps main
Zones could already be updated without issue the bronze flight exists and you can already switch between versions of certain zones (darkshore for example) blizzard is just too lazy and incompetent to update old zones and keep them relevant to current content, Danuser literally said that changes to the world like those in the books would never be reflected in the world because it was too much work and you would just need to use your imagination
I dont think itd be that bad. racial begging comes from alliance and horde both be playable to begin with. other MMOs dont let you be the actual real bad guy faction and nobody really begs to be those characters. but because nearly every race in the game can have a justification to be either horde or alliance people beg more often
what do you think they meant by, "suffer well" ?
we do what the living cannot, anon
Are more buffs coming for Hunter? All the specs are dogshit
uwu whats that bulge
Gonna need more of this please
there are add-ons which loot 10x faster than blizzard autoloot setting. most people use autolooter because of mop remix. stop for 1 frame, right click, move on. rather than wait to see if it starts sucking up items 1 by 1.
Are hunters expecting to go MM or BM for raids? Need to know what to gear for
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I would let her gag me and fuck me as much as she wanted and then I'd nurse her soft cock all night long while she locks my head between her legs
Anons if there was a faction that was ever at risk of not making it into the game it was the Alliance.
Horde had the Rexxar campaign in TFT as proto-WoW, WoW would literally be a continuation of the founding of Durotar if they didn't have the resources to add Stormwind, Ironforge and Darnassus.
womb too damaged from Horde births
you tell me
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Behold: New Dalaran, risen from the ashes like a phoenix in time for Midnight.
thats a total joke compared how much more polished alliance stuff is in vanilla and forsaken making it in only by the skin of their teeth
Human locations were the first to be made, then if I'm not mistaken there were dwarves
>with a man
No with a capital N.
>with a dragon female or some other creature that can get impregnated by her with supernatural abilities
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>let alliance and horde on your island
>a couple hours go by
>every stoneskinned dwarf is marched on to the beach of their island
>lined up and forced to join the free willed weapons protection batallions
>those who don't join get beat up by the players
SV was above both in beta the small rework and buffs have made it top tier, if you want to go ranged instead though it really won't matter MM traditionally outedges BM but if you're not with a guild and just pugging everything it won't matter hunters are already super over represented and you get a million applying for any group that goes up so most group leads just invite based purely on ilvl
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My body is ready.
if they ever bring back dalaran im unsubscribing
more like nostalgia can only carry classic once, and after people realized how dogshit it was they didnt fall for it again in tbc/wrath
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>tfw the only character that actually had a child in the story is the dwarf queen.
It's my birthday
I just resubbed for the first time in almost 4 years.
I'm EU
Where the fuck should I go?
Horde only, do we have any guilds?
I'm also pissed.
>historically high churn
so this is the corpospeak for 'everyone quit because of SL"
whats really underrepresented that will give me an edge and make me a snowflake
same for professions and racials. i want to be valuable to my guild. i live for the guild
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is Moira still single? does my Forsaken have a chance at romancing her?
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Of course. Look at him, sitting there, straight outta Tel Aviv, eyes searching for the best deals anywhere
(has glasses on so others cant see what he is looking at)
(its my draenei's ass)
Right, because alpha WoW was actually being made in parallel to WC3.
But in any hypothetical scenario where they can only make one side - such as the game being made only after WC3 and thus in a shorter development timeframe - it would be the Alliance that doesn't make it.
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I love them
No, she is with Dagran
If you're actually in a guild just ask, if you just want to play a special snowflake class (as dps) play a lock, they're always invited to groups, hunter is just the most played class so it's harder to find a spot in general
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>Yet another female leader added
It's Dragonflight all over again.
they would built theramore at least
Alleria and Thrall are parents, their sons are just absolutely irrelevant.
>finish heroic dungeon
>thx all
what the fuck is this shit
I'm sad I missed out on vanilla wow. It seems amazing. I started in BfA and never touched WoW before. I feel like I missed out so bad.
that makes genuinely zero sense anon
Where are her schnoz and giant lips?
Alleria's son is confirmed having sex with twins, his dad teases him about it in the pre release short story, Thrall's son is still too young to be relevant
bro don't be silly
Will being an inscription warlock get me invited to guilds? I dont think Ill ever be good enough to be a tank or healer and those spots are usually taken by old members anyway
I just need a race now. I need it
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ready for you when you want it anon
people couldnt believe it was happening, but every male has been replaced in the expansion by the perfect female that just so happen to be there.
I'm not. Vanilla wow is my perfect game. But the only version of it i can experience is a solved game with barely any players
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there are a million guilds recruiting rn, they just want warm bodies who show up
try turtle wow...
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Idk ask the artist
Allah shield me for I'm about to do it
how do i unlock earthen
i want to be a crusty cunt
It does because the devs behind WC3 would've insisted to make the game they really wanted, an RPG with orcs, trolls, goblins, tauren and ogres.
>game is so badly made if people actually know how to play it falls apart
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I like those two.
Dornogal should have been an abandoned ruin and the Arathi should have been the main faction not the shit earthen.
You keep saying it and its just not working
I mean isn't that true for this one too
Unf these two are the ones with the naked spread legs with the horde and alliance speech bubbles right? God I love cooming to warcraft females, they're always memorable.
No, when you learn how to play you find many new ways to push your class to its limit
when you play classic you press 1 button repeatedly
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Can this drop in follower dungeons? It doesn't seem exclusive to heroic so I don't see why it wouldn't but I wanted to ask.
>AH takes like 5 whole seconds to load
bruh lmao
I've heard the Feral hero talents are either shit or boring, but how is the spec doing besides that? I feel like every time I come back to this game it's either great or the shittiest spec in the game
how is anything meta if no content is unlocked yet? meta for what, speedrunning heroic dungeons?
Dude I don't care about whatever hang up you have about classic
its fine, a bit worse overall than dragonflight in my opinion because tigers fury talents were all nerfed/removed
but boomkin is so dogshit at least you wont be competing with them for a spot
>when you learn how to play you find many new ways to push your class to its limit
I don't know if doing dance dance revolution listening to weakauras and DBM to perform the overdesigned raid fights counts as pushing my class to the limit so much as pushing my sanity to the brink
you've lost the plot
they lost tigers fury reset on bleed kill, and all mastery scaling on ferocious bite. I'd say they feel worse to play regardless of damage.
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everyone forgets about gavinrad :(
dont go shilling you shitty game here if you cant handle criticism retard
I need to maximize my chances help me out here
god i wish i were my dracthyr
Thrall also has a daughter
Once she grows older she will marry Dagran and usher in a dwarf-orc empire
boomkin isn't allowed to be bad, they'll receive some tuning in a few weeks
she's obviously going to take over the Horde with the pace of this feminist writing
Because he didn't do anything besides job to Arthas. He was fucking level 2. Level 2!!
post you're dracthyr flirts
>You like bad dragons? I'm a real bad dragon.
>My visage form is supposed to represent what I most want inside of me. But I can't walk around Valdrakken transformed into your dick now, can I?
>I might go infinite after tonight. Because I refuse to live in the timeline where we don't fuck.
>Scaling issues? We can find a workaround...
>I'll have you soar on cooldown.
>minmaxing uptime isnt pushing your class to its limit
shit gray parsers say
You're so mad over nothing
but he was one of the first 5 paladins!! also he was from stormwind
>He was fucking level 2. Level 2!!
he shitalked arthas at least before getting mogged by him
>the AH being broken means I can get my mats cheaper than most people because I am patient and I am turning profit off of retarded shit
Im so fucking bored.

did all weeklys
capped all crests
got the epics for rep

what now??

11 days of waiting ufff
The world is better and the leveling is better. I don't care about your soulless junk because you're too scared to socialize.
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I'm not having fun with my rouge anymore, I want a ranged class for a change, what's fun right now?
I liked warlords of draenor a lot
I think the renewed focus on the story is because the game hasn't really changed much since Legion.
Ion continues to hold the raid scene hostage.
level and gear alts like everyone else
talk about lore I guess
why do the void lords and xal'atath want to take Azeroth, can't they just fuck off?
>Metzen stated that he liked to think the girl was named "Gaia", after Greatmother Geyah, but he "never officially wrote it down" during his time at Blizzard.
>The name "Rehze" was officially revealed in the July 2020 novel Shadows Rising. The book's author Madeleine Roux didn't consult Chris Metzen or ask permission from Blizzard before naming the character and instead "just went for it".
I hate danuser and his lackeys.
i did too
>The world is better
its not, its completely hollow and most zones are blatantly unfinished
>and the leveling is better
dragging out shit leveling longer makes it worse actually
>I don't care about your soulless junk because you're too scared to socialize.
retail raiding is 100x more social than classic
theres no soul in classic, it was rushed out and poorly made
Roux is easily the worst of the bunch too for blatant noncanon insert shit. This is why I don't see what Metzen is going to do, he needs his own people back.
i mean thats kind of Metzens fault
Is there a way to hide wapons while sheathed?
My hair is clipping through my shield
>hasn't changed much

>war mode
>allied races
>profession revamp
>talent revamp
>trading post
>solo shuffle
>battleground blitz
>hero talents

>buT iT haSnT chAnGeD muCh!
metzen naming isnt worth respecting after Go'el
World better. Leveling better. You have no proof otherwise. You're just some weird bitter guy. I didn't even say I dislike retail. I clearly don't since I'm here.
pvp sucks lol

Im not an alt player. one character is all I need

because thats what evil people do. why did hitler want to conquer the world`?
Roux also said she didn't like names being given in honor of someone so she renamed her
So she knew about the name Metzen gave her
guys im stuck falling into nothing beneath the map, and when log in it just dcs me in about 2 seconds. wat do? i think i heard of this happening to someone before
why is every evoker i get grouped with a god damn UwU degenerate that macros quotes to shit
Fastest path from 70 to 80?
these threads were better then
>World better. Leveling better. You have no proof otherwise.
Nobody good at the game says so, thats how you know its not true
use the website support unstuck tool
It's because the suits are consistently one expansion behind to enforce shit as a response to criticism. People were complaining about the lore and story in Shadowlands, so they've responded by focusing on the story. People were complaining about the lack of masculinity in Dragonflight, so next expansion maybe all the women will rip off their shirts and reveal big, hairy, muscled chests underneath.
a boost when the next expansion comes out
Is the shadow form just a normal part of a Naaru's life or not?
Post femworgs please
It's a matter of urgency
I think Roux will never do anything for Blizzard again, she was originally invited by Danuser and I think she will leave with him
go start a business and be useful to society
um sis? i thought tww was totally bussin and the best xpac in the world? do NOT go against /wowg/s narrative EVER again
Metzens shit was so bad they had to make it non canon
see Med'an
A man makes one little stupid capeshit mistake and now he can't do anything with his own IP?
mog a back item thats not a cloak
>tokens may go under 200k
rip game
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didnt know they had one of those these days, pretty nice
>open game
>Slowly declines over the next 10 minutes
>15 fps
Meanwhile temps all nominal
>I may not be a mount, but I'll let you ride this dragon all night.
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Remember the good times bros...
>pvp sucks lol
>Im not an alt player. one character is all I need
>I have never seen one anon. Why do you want one anyway? ironclaw is useless
It's the last thing I can mine to get a free knowledge point and finish off the info section of my mining journal.
You unsub
He's right though
Token going down means there are more active players, which means the opposite of rip game.
I'm having a good time and I'm not sure why
>>pvp sucks lol
It does though
>>Im not an alt player. one character is all I need
He doesn't though
anyone else really like farting?

I don't find it sexual whatsoever, I think other people's farts are disgusting and don't fart in public, but the pressure release and vibration feels really therapeutic

I've never held a fart in for more than 2 minutes. I usually walk away from any attractive women present or try to silently squeak it out. it just feels too good.

I'm currently taking weight loss injections and found out since it directly affects nutrient uptake, if you overeat, you just get extremely gassy and don't put on weight. I've been overeating daily and my intestines are constantly full of extremely dilute gas, I'd estimate every hour I'm farting 1kg of carbon dioxide. it's great.
Futa braaaaps....
redpill me on hpal and rshaman for m+, i got to 3.3k+ as mistweaver and i enjoy the spec but i'm getting bored
time gating dead game
farting is top tier. anyone who says they dont like ripping huge farts is lying
Actually I fucking hate the mystery box.
Tell me why I am in Khaz Algor right fucking now or I'm leaving, Metzen.
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I was just doing westfall quests
i mean
Vanessa VanQueef.
>mog a back item thats not a cloak
But then the hair will clip through that. It a big ponytail.
to kill xal'atath and her nerubians for destroying dalaran and "killing" khadgar
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Which characters need to die in the story?
For me it has to be Thrall, dude is doing nothing now.
The player character
queefing worgen cum daily since baniler
All of them.
Has anyone else been having a metric fuckton of issues with elvui since launch? Like for some reason my quest tracking keeps disappearing and I need to relog to get it back. But now not even that is working.
if you kill pff thrall the horde will be even more of a complete joke than it already is kek
all of tbc was a mistake
all of wrath was a mistake
all of WoD was a mistake
and Go'el was a mistake
Not good enough. Why did we go there in the first place? WHAT are we looking for in regard to the soul of Azeroth? I need answers NOW not later.
I dont get why they time gate m+.

I can maybe understand it for the mythic raid difficulty but why those 2 weeks of waiting for m+ when the season is like 6 months long
why is go'el a mistake
Why is she there? Why isn't she in the new zone trying to steal Anduin's cum?
headcanon; shadowlands isn't the actual afterlife its just a giant soul milking parlour built to steal the souls of the deceased to drain their soul... juice and it was all actually built by the (((brokers)))
if you dont have any of the wing mogs thats a you problem and you should probably capitulate and visit a barbershop
>a rare of intergalactic SAAR scammers
>building anything like that
This is my first time taking an expac seriously and the wait fucking sucks, I finished getting my character to 580 ilvl in just a few days and now there's nothing to do and I have to wait 9 more days? What a fucking scam
why are you crying
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Yes, kill off the last recognisable Horde leader. Kill off Lorthemar too. Complete the humiliation of every Horde race being led by a fucking nobody.
I just hope they never ever touch anything shadowlands related ever again.
it is what it is
time to never walk around with sheathed weapons
Good headcanon but it wouldn't redeem the expansion since it would still be nothing like what any serious warcraft fan wanted.
effeminate tranny energy
>decide to try wow again
>create a new character
>play for 30 minutes
>get bored
>exit game
my class sucks and is stupid
>le ebin edgy teenager
shame you missed the golden era in the mid 2000s but now you just look like a mini manbaby kek
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holy fuck that image is so sad
the absolute fucking state of hordekeks
yep and I was also one of the retards who bought the early access lol. really wouldnt have made a difference
what is your class
I'll be honest

I don't like Anduin
I never liked Anduin
I don't want to see Anduin

let me adventure with Jaina, Thrall and Dagran.
thrall will never do anything until we get new writers who care about the game
M+ should have a weekly lockout to be fair with other forms of progression.
>log in
>log out
With Kadgar they killed all the heroes of the first war, now they have to start killing the ones of the second so Lorthemar is fucking dead
Oh little baby, you remind me of myself in BfA except I had the opposite problem, I managed to get to max ilvl in the preseason and when the first raid actually came out I didn't do it because there was no quest leading me there
If I could rewrite SL, I'd have the main story be the Horde travelling to the Shadowlands to bring their old based leaders back from the dead to lead them: Zul'jin, Kael'thas, Garrosh, and so on.

Imagine death knight Zul'jin returning to unite trollkind under a single banner.
same but only jaina and she has my babies
literally me
the fact that they havent gone under 200k yet during the peak of player subcount IS grim. they're probably going to be 500-600k by the end of tww at this rate.
now post alliance leade- oh wait
I mean we Alliance have fucking Anduin. He is worse then all of them combined in my opinion.
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it's time for you to stop coping and start healing
PLEAse respond
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>let me adventure with Jaina, Thrall and Dagran.
But Gazlowe is the OG orgrimmar goblin tho, predates Lor'themar by 2 games.
>le reddit speak
>doesnt even get his point across
wtf are you even talking about shithead?
ive been doing arena since i was a wee lad, now piss off
Give me one good reason why major "character" deaths of faction leaders is impactful at all.
Give me one good reason why Cairne isn't still alive.
Do we get our first Great Vault rewards on 9/10?

Does stuff we do right now contribute to that Great Vault?
but you got cool animations
Dagran is alright desu
>have a druid
>use her for gathering professions
>focus on mining because null stones are good money
>kill a rare or two on the way and equip whatever drops
>her nature-themed transmog has now been gradually replaced with pieces that make her look like a miner
This needs updating to move Khadgar to the dead section.
Yeah that's true :)
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good one retard
It was done in order to make Garrosh seem more contentious and villainous.
dont think you get gv till the 17th, i could be wrong tho
>dagran runnin around doin shit takin punches from retard mutant dwarves
isnt this nigga like 10
ye, hes fine. was expecting way worse
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I liked him in Legion and some parts of BFA but can't stand him now. I hate his weak feminine cringe shit.
What I hate most about him is that he totally has the looks of a Alliance leader that I wanna follow. He looks fucking amazing in this picture and other art but he is just such a faggot I can't stand it.
should i just buy as soon as it goes under 200 then? or do you think we'll ever see a dip to 150 or less
He's around 16 due to the timeskip after shadowlands I thought
The categories of who is a major and minor legacy character is a bit confusing in that table. How is Moira less important than Gelbin?
get 100 players and ask them who that goblin is
if more than 5 are able to say gazlowe i would be fucking astonished
he's an unrecognisable nobody who still doesn't have a unique model even as of 11.0
he is 100% having a mutt daughter with faerin
and that is important how?
Less convoluted than him Macguffining some bronze dragons
S o v l...
there used to be wowg guilds in the OP in like legion, now people are autistically against it and will sabotage anything cus they would rather play with normies than fellow anons for whatever reason
never was the leader of a major faction, the closest she got was co-leading ironforge on behalf of her son
moira should be the leader of the alliance. shes the only major npc who is actually getting work done
>How is Moira less important than Gelbin?
think it's more to due with how long the character has been established for. Gelbin has been around since the Second War as an Alliance leader where as Moria only really started becoming important in Cata
doesn't that lead to circlejerking and namefagging in the general?
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Varian in heaven:
a wowg guild wont even see mythic silken court if you made it today
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Free money
We need a wowg guild resurgence....it may just return the soul back to this general
no? we had good size /wowg/ guilds for years with no problems
when i said i wanted professions to matter again it wasnt like this
she just stand there after human heritage armor quests
Moira was a character in vanilla. Even then, the faction leaders were almost completely disconnected from the main storylines, especially Gelbin Mekkatorque whose first time seen in a story was in LEGION while Moira was already part of the narrative.
And I don't remember anything about Gelbin being mentioned from Warcraft 2 or Warcraft 2 related material.
I liked this version of Anduin. Felt like he was finally filling his father's boots.
>And I don't remember anything about Gelbin being mentioned from Warcraft 2 or Warcraft 2 related material.
You never read Beyond the Dark Portal then, he literally has a conversation with Turalyon about designing the tram from Ironforge to Stormwind.
gelbin was in wotlk/cata with operation gnomeregan nad the cool story where he left thermaplugg in two pieces
rings/trinkets you need 2 to set the mark. weapon is the same, or a 2hander
>capped valorstones
>nothing left to upgrade without using crests
>Step one: Obliterate
>Step two: Frost strike
>Step three: See step one
I think its cool that it is complex and greatly dependent on information and correct predictions
You can go full goblin mode, M+/Raiding for Excel Jockeys
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Someone just sent me this crafting order.
Said he guild is paying for it.
>Afrasiabi directs a storyline where Anduin is a rightful king and Sylvanas is a monster
>Danuser mindbreaks Anduin and "redeems" Sylvanas
>Golden just does whatever she's told but keeps making him more and more of a pussy
>>Somehow the former is in the wrong here
does metzen really hate gnomes ;-;
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>10k pickaxe
>screenshot shows 1k
Anon, pleze
wtf is this
also delete this
i cant have anymore niggers driving down the price on spell threads and bolts
Eh I did read it but all I remember clearly was Khadgar scolding Alleria for whining about her relationship with Turalyon, Danath complaining about losing his regiment, and everyone on the orc side slowly realising Ner'zhul was crazy. Book had too much fluff honestly.
god the "Afrasiabi was a creep so everything he wrote was bad and everything bad he didn't write was somehow his fault" revisionism is so fucking insufferable
I wonder where is Afrasiabi now
The R3 alloy and missive are like 10k total.
>or do you think we'll ever see a dip to 150 or less
depends. on one hand it already should be at its lowest, but on the ohter hand demand for gold should spike hard when the season starts. though sometimes it can take a full week after a patch launch before you see a big price shift.
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Anduin misses his boyfriend
Yes. John Staats mentioned in his WoW Diary that Metzen used to keep a life-sized gnome mannequin at Blizzard HQ and was often seen punching and kicking it and throwing it against the wall.
Nobody believes this except redditors and youtube shills, right?
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>abandon weekly quest from the sheboon
>cant pick it up again
no refunds bitch
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He lives in Hawaii according to one of his friends.
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What the fuck did Blizzard mean with that name?
Are we still in the honeymoon period or can we talk about how mid TWW is already?
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WoW is healing...
my honeymoon with xal'atath hasn't started yet thoughbeit
>i think you find its
it really is MS pajeets, huh
where is it from
What is wrong with you? Are you a bot
>asking if someones a bot
>in the thread thats routinely 50% generic statements/questions with no interaction
Guys do i warrior play or DK shaman frost?
>WoW Won It Won It Reallly Did A WInning
>D*s player struggles with even a single mob
>Meanwhile tank CHADS aoe entire zones without losing a single point of hp
frost DK
Are you, by any reason, Israeli??
>Tank pulls 40 mobs
>Kills them all without breaking a sweat
>Only takes 4 minutes.
>Frost DK pulls 40 mobs
>2 button deletes them all
*thumbs up*
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It's from the guild website of Fires of Heaven, Afrasiabi's old EverQuest and WoW guild.
is pezado gaming new xpac?
wow very interesting
how did you even find it
or did you read the whole thread
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guys I have a confession to make
I am really enjoying the war within, both story and gameplay alike
what is happening to me? am I becoming a blizzcuck
Thats why I like Templar prot paladin on Beta
You are squishy as fuck for a tank, but if you autistically manage your stacks you deal ~85% DPS damage
If you die - just blame the healer
>I enjoy the story focusing heavily on two shoehorned half-nigger mutts
Dunno man, have you felt the need to your wife get blacked?
I've got a similar problem, I can't motivate myself to get angry at anything. There's some disappointing shit both mechanically and narratively, but I just shrug it off and keep on playing. I almost feel guilty, like I should be as angry as the rest of /wowg/, but everything in TWW seems really inoffensive to me, deserving of an eye-roll at worst.
you can sit on the final boss' chair in cinderbrew meadery during the fight but not after
there are 3 other chairs you can sit on after the fight
the vault door in the room has 4 handlers
you like women talking you down, anon?
This is good.
Let it die.
Reminder that if blizzard denies your refund you can still probably get away with a charge back from your bank

I just found it from Wolfshead Online, they have a few articles about Afrasiabi suggesting he is innocent.
and then blizzard will never do business with you again
i dont want to go to work tomorrow
i want to stay home and play wow
You can get a refund 30 days after purchase in the EU. Works for steam too.
What DPS are good in both M+ and raiding but aren't too difficult? Ele shaman is my main, is that the only one that fits these requirements?
I just didnt buy it in the first place
Bro your Labour Day?
I am okay with blizzard banning my battle net account and 15 year old wow account
"Just work from home" lol
I am saving WFH days for reset though
so is he?
likely not american
Being accused is all that matters, nobody cares if its actually true or not
See, I don't even know who you're talking about. I know Faerin is one, but who's the 2nd?
I don't even hate Faerin. She's soft-spoken and acts feminine. Her hairstyle is hideous and the rainbow of disability points she was bestowed with feel forced, but her characterization isn't bad. The writers (probably white males) did as good of a job with her as they could.
I also don't see how the story "focuses heavily" on her. She's one of the side characters. I enjoy the zones and the little stories contained in them. And the nerubar city and zone are fun.
because other content isnt worth doing when M+ is out
right now, people farm renown to get some early epic items. If M+ was open, you would simply be farming keys and ignoring anything before it
It's precisely so it's evident that rushing is dumb and to force people to actually engage with the fucking content. Otherwise everybody just levels to 80 in one day spamming dungeons, enters heroics, gets geared in another day and starts pumping vaults in the first fucking lockout.
who gives a fuck, its just about shooting the shit with autists
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Kino Rasz tier raid boss again inc...
Talking about veterans with PTSD is the wrong comparison. The obvious choice would be rape victim with PTSD. Jailer forces his will upon Anduin, the loss of control, the guilt and disgust from having any sort of positive reaction to any of the experience but not being able to stop that reaction any more than being able to stop the experience. Not feeling worthy of his relationships (with the Light) after it, feeling damaged. It's clear as day.

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