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Previous thread: >>493211396

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Upcoming Events

>Current Events

The 4th Walpurgis Night - The Noon of Violet
2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19

>Upcoming Extractions

>Current Extractions

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Solemn Lament Yi Sang
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū
E.G.O [HE] : Solemn Lament Gregor

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
Target Extraction: [ Don Quixote ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

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Holy fuck i am not taking the walpipi floor on md again, it takes so long
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Rodya LOVE!
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Well what do you know it just happened to me
i love yisang
At this point I'm convinced that they somehow managed to screw up the 8 status effect mission because nothing I'm doing is allowing it to go past 6/8 even when I've proc'd status damage eight times at least.
Imagine shooting your bros with your white damage guns as a joke because they were a little slow to get your joke
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Whoever told me that Captain Ishmael would be shardable on this Walpisspiss, the Wild Hunt comes for you.
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Sadly, I do not...
Does doing the event pack do anything besides give some unique ego gifts?
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your blobbus
How the heckie do i meet Limbab friends and get close to them long term i have no one to discuss the game with.......................
come to drawpipi
Is solemn gregor worth uptying to 4?
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Sinners for this feel?
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Thank you, Charon!
Gold star for you!
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What's a good RR4 turncount on Station 1?
I don't remember my first run for context. Got 22 in this one.
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Next season bwo...
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mmm blobbu
Newbabs have it so easy these days, a single unit being top tier in both bleed and charge
66 pulls and only got the pierre/jack announcer. Is this what lucklets feel like all the time?
>dolphin porn
fuck off.
Which EGOs/IDs do i need for a good Sinking comp? Got Lament sang and Wild Hunt t. Newbab
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but i cannot draw..........
you can learn
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>Having enough lunacy to guarantee
Is the status effect challenged glitched? I swear to fucking god I've met the damn conditions 30 times over.
Do I seriously need to get the perfect turn order + skill line up or ego to ensure I inflict multiple exhaust on hit effects and have them all on the target by turn end?

Also Lament Sang is broken as shit, party wide sinking deluge and an S3 that's a guarantee kill.
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Just be yourself
Just luckroll?
Dude... really? Fucking why? I've been waiting for months.
Edgar Gregar, Butler Outis, Molar Fishmael, Dieci Rime Shank
Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
She's not even as cool as the newest IDs, why do you need her
It took 230 pulls for me, but I got anything
As well as
6 Hods announcers
3 Dawn office announcers
1 Angela Announcer

Fuck you Hod, one hanging was enough you whore.
Because she's a thousand times cooler than every other ID in the game. I like Yi Sang as a person, but as a character he's not very interesting past his arc.
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And you can wait another and a half just like I have to for Kimsault and QQcliff
Literally a triple Hod roll on one time. It kills me that it took reaching pity to get the damn IDs.
>Because she's a thousand times cooler than every other ID in the game.
Do boatbillies really?
So you're the one that took all my Hods...
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Is there any way to set it so specific teams have specific announcers? I only want dawn office for my burn team.
>I've been waiting for months
You could argue the seasonal soft FOMO is the worst thing about the longer seasons now because those IDs and EGOs technically are unavailable for a longer time than Walpipi ones.
I hope you just meant "month" and a half. Kimsault was like my first 3 star lol. He's okay. Bone Claim comes in clutch every once in a blue moon.
I'm pretty sure it's bugged. Lament Yisang should easily be able to complete that mission by himself without setup.
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No refunds
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the drawfriends are simply too cool to approach........

like >>493227208 for example... too cool....
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>Coolest ID in the game
Bro she's cool and all, but nowhere near the coolest ID
Especially so now with the two new ones we got
if you learn and train you too can be cool
>Ding Sang gets to use two sk3
>also pop Lament Gregor for good measure
>casually t1'd Grant us Love
I apologize...
I would kill every anon in here if my Captain ordered me too.
Yi Sang's ID is cool, but he's not cool. Ryoshu's ID is fucking stupid.
>Yi Sang's ID is cool, but he's not cool. Ryoshu's ID is fucking stupid.
Terminal shit taste I see
No wonder you think Captain Ish is the coolest ID
>but he's not cool
yisang is cute and cool
Okay I completed the event
I had everything from the start so here are my thoughts
Ryoshu is mediocre but clashes well and has blunt. That is it but she is the first blunt ryoshu id and a cool proof of concept for meaningful charge
Yi Sang is great but can of course never replace sinking deluge and will be a "fun" id until we get another way of activating it. The event is designed around him but he feels stronger in general as well
The EGO is more reliable than than Wingbeat but deals less damage
Her art makes a killer wallpaper.
captain ish is pretty cool... on mute
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ID fusion when
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Yes another month, you are a older bab then me you should know this
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Here's GREAT LOVE FOR US' observation log, if you're curious
Ah...yes...classic boatbillyfag...
>doing status ailment mission
>game fucking crashes and burns before the Monolith spawns
Mon amour
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When did we get these new clash animations? They lock blades for a second sometimes and it's pretty neat. I've only played this game on my phone while at work for a while so I never noticed this change until just now
i was only able to get spider ryoshu, it's over
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it's over i'm already in the NOT cool limbab club...
its pretty recent, like 2 weeks ago
Still stuck at 6/8 I'm going insane.
Hey hey, I only gave it a shot because Nicole looked cute. I played the first mission and haven't touched it since. Discord was for my little brother. He does streaming and wanted me on for a game of Left 4 Dead. Scope the rest.
you can be cool, i believe in you
come drop by
draw something
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Same week Erlking released.
>the unironic possibility that Director decided to update the clashing animations as a whole specifically because of Erlking in order to make him more cooler
when do you stop being a limbab
>man how am i gonna get that kill at +80% challenge, must be tight
>captain sang insta-kills the grubbos with an S3 from full
Easily the best walpipi yet by far on every metric, the design of the ids, their power and uptie stories.
>Trying too hard
Go back
>go back
Go forth, nigga.
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The best things I got in the Wapipi was Sang, Regret Faust and Cinqclair
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>Yi Sang's clash animation where he turns his back so the enemy hits the coffin
>His clash win before the S3 where he parries their attack by shooting it
When you drop the game, stop visiting the general and delete your project moon images folder.
i'm not doing at least two of those
Oh yeah, the Violet midnightr is calling.
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blobbus are great
>plays limbab game
>doesn't embrace the fact you are one
lol lmao
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I don't know why I did this.
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Time to pull out the Adult Card.
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Then you shall remain a limbab.
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AIEEEE i have no clue how it all works!! forever uncool! no limbab friends!

>Disgaea pc
certified cool anon
We're getting red dusk next
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>Ruina and limbus but no lobcorp
>le shill lion
Oh no its even worse
>Violet Midnight
Amber Midnight
>depressed farmer hater who pokes stuff with a stick
>suddenly dual wielding pistols
>spins around and blocks attacks with the coffin on his back while shooting
this fucking chuuni
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Danteeeeh. Do you JFD Danteeeh.
I have stated again and again that Lob Corp looks like DOG SHIT and that I will never play it.
Does the damage tracker track Butterfly's deluge effect as Yi Sang's or for the Sinner that's proccing it?
Ummmm ishbabs, it's not looking too hot for you
Are the Walpurgis IDs/EGOs made to be broken for their event?
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>walpurgis pack has no shop
wow this sucks, also you disappoint me one sin this is a 14 check?
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No need to embarrass yourself further boatbilly
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no comment
>Ishmalefag admitted to being a secondary
This general's just getting more and more infested
Yes, director took a gacha crash course. One of the things is to shill rate up units in running event to incentivize pulling for them.
ishbabs will hold this L for now. the dumb nigger won't stop digging his own grave. Ahab was right.
Shut up, cuck. Linton was Cashy's husband.
Prob the first yeah. Just saying that the violet midnight is THE midnight.
raskolnikovfags why does ryoshu get one sins ego weapon and not us...
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Cant wait for ish to get a new meta lobotomy EGO ID to make up for how shit slosh is
Yi Sang is obviously overperforming in the walpipi event, though Ryoshu is just strong.
20 more chapters of shitmael being bullied because of this horrible showing.
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starting to run out of room...
i think the shoulder freckles here are extremely erotic
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Ishbab bullying is canon
reminder that heathcliff runs this general
Penitence's effect just sucks too.
Now post your IDs
I don't see how you can see this hot piece of ass and NOT worship at the alter of Ishmael. GODDAMN.
>Butterfly Gregor and Rodoin WAW
Honestly better than I thought, I came in with less than 100 rolls so I'm pretty happy to walk away with this much.
100 rolls in and only thing I have gotten is gregor and some random 000s...
more like is-male
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Wait a second..
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Guess it's time to.....


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heathgods WON
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This general is run by ErlKING
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Butterfly Yi Sang is out here playing S4 League and GunZ while Der Outis is trying to play Counter Strike
i've been putting relevant event ids in my spare slots off to the right but i'm getting real close to not being able to do that
Are they all event gifts or do I have to fuse?
>Yi Sang is obviously overperforming in the walpipi event
You mean melting everything
They never scored.
I have no doubt he's great, but I learned my lesson from shootis to judge an unit after using them in their own walpipi event.
Should I uptie 4 greg ego?
>Didn't get butterflysang
It's going to be a long 3 months.
Neither did Heathcliff lol. Think Hindley is the only one who got any.
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Okay, here.
I ran out of tickets when I got to Hong Lu.
you still have time to buy lunacy for more pulls, bwo
what team for missions?
to not*
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>grippy faust
how do you find mirror dungeon winrating compelling enough to do all of that
Yeah but at least Heath is alive.
i'd rather kill myself than do jfd unironically
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Yep, same for me but also for gebu ryo as well. Oh well, let's see what the paid rolls bring.
I also don't even have Nclair. Never spooked me.

I am a slave to progression.
He's currently getting plapped by V-Money because the little rat can't stop taking things that don't belong to him.
I can't imagine the new Ryoshu being used in a new team. For Charge you need to drop her W Corp ID which is still great, and she has no Bleed Count.
New Yi sang seems to contribute a lot and even helps deal damage, but dunno where he ranks against Spicebrush. Their roles are strangely similar with Spicebrush just adding SP Gain for less Burst.

I guess they're IDs for if you need SP/HP gain?
Is this something for next chapter, with the longer fights and everything?

+1 coin power on a 8 coin ID makes it decent, at very least.
>Hod announcer
>Molar announcer
>Dieci Hongers
>Spicebush dupe
>Red eyes Ryoshu
I think thats enough, I only have 6K lunacy left. I'm cutting my loses here, I'll shard Gunkatasang next walpipi
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Just do 3/3/3 and stop crying. Or do you hate your studentwife to not craft gifts for her?
How's the new Gregor EGO?
5th burning team member?
She goes into a bleed team easily because the only options you had for a bleed ryoshu with comptemt awe were KK and Chef.
Best I can tell Ryoshu is supposed to be used with contempt as an EGO battery. You build penitence to 20 and just facetank hits while gaining EGO resources.
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how many hours out of curiosity
dunno but not once a walpipi ID was remotely useful in RR4 when you can either spam binds and use tremor memes. RR3 had rupture memes which was Don hard-req though.
Kurokumo has good clashing and inflicts +3 Bleed Count on both S2 and S3. Chef got fixed a while ago so her S3 properly does bonus damage.
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Bless my pull.
I don't appreciate you doxxing my pulls bwo...
>Their roles are strangely similar with Spicebrush just adding SP Gain for less Burst.

>+1 coin power on a 8 coin ID
Fuck I need to go to sleep
solo yi sang, lob corp team for the 6 status mission
339 on PC. No idea on phone.
>110 pulls
>both announcers
>R ish
Granted, I liked 3 of the 4 egos (not you fruityclair) but fuck, I just wanted isang.
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Is he the most forgettable ID in the game? At least the really shitty ones from s1 like lccb rodion and mariachiclair have the infamy of being really shit. Dead Rabbits Meur is just completely average in every way possible.
Solemn Lament Sang has insane sinking potency application and decent enough count despite being negative, he's worth it
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Fuck you too, Limbros.
How does he fare if you assume Rupture Count isn't a problem?
It's a Meursault ID
They're all forgettable save for Kim and Dieci
not even a day and necco already made porn out of new yi sang
never change, you mentally ill gay fuck
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>Paid rolls
>class of 09
i am vomit
Liu ryo: rupture flavored.
Down to the same overlong s3 animation.
only the daily single one, I'm not foolish enough to burn money on paid lunacy rolls outright.
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did they fuck with the rates? i can smell the nexon through my recent pulls
As much as I like the Dawn Office ID, I may have to unequip them soon because they keep repeating the same line and taking priority over everyone else somehow.
100 pulls and I'm all out of lunacy... Please bless my pulls once I get some more resources limbros...
So what happens when an EGO or gift gives ryoshu charge?
being a lucklet doesn't have anything to do with the rates
praying for you and me
My little sister told me to get it. I really wanted to bond with her. Got a couple laughs out of me on the 2 routs I did, but it does it's job TOO well at being early 2000's humor. It really ain't funny to me anymore. I should go and finish it just to say I did. An 8 year age gap is a bitch.
Jesus christ, I fucking love the new Yi ID
Fucking Yi Swag cleaning house left and right looking baller as fuck.
God bless Yi SangDev for this shit
Did they change how the fucking pulls are done? 70 pulls for nothing! I didn't even get a color change.
Uhhhhhh your bleed bro?
It converts to one of her two statuses.
I haven't paid attention so dunno the math on which status it becomes.
nigga if they touched the rates in any way they would get mulched by the government
Meant to say announcer, my bad. You're still on the backlines until next week, Phillipclair.
Still counted as Charge normally and she gets buffs to Red Eyes/Penitence. Potency is the only one she doesn't get anything from.
it gets evenly distributed between penitence and red eyes and rounds up in penitence's favor
>6 charge count = 3 penitence, 3 red eyes
>7 charge count = 4 penitence, 3 red eyes
idk, i got all of them beside the announcer in 70 pulls
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>no lob corp
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Is this worth it?
No it's the challenge that's obviously built around you running a full Lobcorp Team.

Burn/Black Flame Outis
Bleed Ryoshu
Rupture Don Quixote
Tremor/Defense Down Faust
Sinking/Butterfly Yi Sang

I've got no idea at this point, I hit it with every status effect possible with 5 units and they still didn't award me it, it's the only challenge I need to complete.
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>Nine Sols
>Star Fetchers
good taste
People can play the game and get everything with just the Battlepass purchase, so I would say no.
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You are!
You are a good Sephirah!
Here! Have some pizza for being such a good Sephirah!
So this is what ishfags are like?
Is it just because she’s the most generic waifu in this game?
i'd say yes if you're new and not from a shithole
Well, I'm out with nothing to show for it. Not getting a pack so looks like I have to wait till next time.
Fuck you whore.
I said Yi Sang's new ID wasnt cool enough, but him blocking shit by turning his back and catching it with the coffin is too sick.
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Before you do that understand that package is not 4 total deca extracts
I love you Hod! Best Sephirah!
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There's literally a plotline throughout the whole series where they hide shit from the Head, director would definitely fuck with the rates as it would be lore accurate
Probably better to use status debuff that stays for the turn like Maidshu and Cinqlair combined with some burn, bleed and tremor ID

Cinqlair lead
Moutis/Molar Yi (if you dont have buttsang)
Middle Don
Boatmael/Liumael (your choice)
Why are EGOs removed from the gacha pool when you get them but announcers aren't? And announcer dupes give you 50 crates of threads? Who needs threads at this point
S-She's serious!
She really does represent the moronic, unwashed masses rather well
>Who needs Threads at this point
I don't want Naiga to sacrifice himself in a duel with a south korean government arbiter to save KJH and Monzo, though...
How are you supposed to use Talisman Sinclair? Having to edge the Talisman count to 5 is really annoying when your skills either apply 1/0 or a fuckton.
I still cant believe snagharpoon's uptie 4 is just tremor burst
Because filling the gacha with useless announcers makes it more likely that you will have to reach pity. More lunacy spent = more change you will spend money buying lunacy
I'm a day 1 and I literally have more thread income than I could possibly spend on new releases, I have 4000 thread at this point
Yeah, 1 with a guaranteed 3 star, the other I assume gives the guaranteed 2 star of a 10 pull.
What are you doing? Please share.
I actually ran out of space as a Heasu company manager
Kicked out Shi Heath for Linton Gregor
the walpurgis event might be one of the worst packs
>2 2 wave focused encounters with suicidal enemies
>1 4 wave focused encounter 3 of them being the suicidal enemies
>no shop in normal mode either
The announcers don't count towards 000 IDs or EGOs, stupid
They take up space in the 0 and 00 pool
To bloat walpipi gacha pool so it's harder to get rate up you want. Gacha 101.
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>all those gameplay mechanics made canon in ryoshus uptie
This id is THE nugget for sure, so much sovl packed into it from giftmaxxin to the uptie story
Not much, I just literally have nothing left to uptie 4 and I do 3 thread lux skips every day
Design Fluid Sac if it was released today
Is it bleed team EGO fuse and Contempt buff?
Cope. Keep sucking that director dick, goy
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I can't take it anymore...
I wish it was non-repetitive too. I wouldn't even mind pitying all the BP announcers eventually if they were added to the pool... At some point there will be 20+ announcers in the pool which will also make it even less likely to get past limited announcers unless you intentionally pity for them.
heal 10 sp to two random allies
heal 10% max HP to two random allies
tremor burst
i am NOT getting those, fuck that floor
I mean if you want to be willfully stupid and ignorant of how it actually works then by all means be my guest
Go and live your best life
I got everything besides Hod
creates a buff on all allies that gets increased with A-res, speed difference with the main target and bleed, the buff causes a heal at the end of the turn and also gives all allies clash power up for every 4 count of the buff for the remainder of the turn
>got everything except dawn
Not having Philip(real) on my account is probably a good thing
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>her line about stuffing nuggets into the elevator to bulletmaxx
You are the ignorant one, you stupid gorilla. You are wrong and should die.
Guys, bad news
The bird escaped again
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>threathens to squash the spiderlings
>carefully puts them away after her bluff is done
>mirror world ayin executes clerks as soon as possible
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I am 100% certain this is bugged
I have absolutely had 6 debuffs on Noon tablet
It either needs MORE than 6, or some debuffs are not being calculated as debuffs
<You mean mirror world me, of course.>
They all have to be inflicted in the same turn.
Does Solemn Lament have a cap on the coin reuse?
I'm only on Canto 4 so in my game Heathcliff just happens to pull Wild Hunt out of the engine one day and everyone wonders why the fuck he's a faerie necromancer now.
>give the armband to Ding Sang
>proceed to mop the floor with the purple goop and the tentacle porn slate like they're just the shitty clowns from Dawn of Amber
That was way easier than the previous Walpiggy.
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NO! I don't want announcers, I want IDs! This must be Ahab's fault, she put those Dawn Fixers in the walpipi bucket!
I got it easy peasy, try again limbab
... What if I apply debuffs that are inflicted next turn
Like Regret Faust's coin power down
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Might be an issue. I used 5 IDs that all inflicted unique statuses and EGO that would inflict two or more status at the same time also to be sure.
NTA. But only this turn stuff seems to count.
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>set Faith as your managerial ticket keyword
>obtain Faith
shrimple as that
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>revealed to be the biggest softie in the crew for those she cares about during her canto
can see it happening
She’s a box she can’t eat it…
Shuck yourself retard. If shit like this is true >>493231876 , then I am right
This shit's fucked
What the fuck team do you run spider Ryoshu with in MD
W Corp feels better in a pure charge team, but running with bleed makes grabbing charge gifts just for Ryoshu feel kinda bad
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>Entire combo is just her projecting her own mistakes onto Red Eyes
From 1 to 10 how hard did Ryoshu fuck up
I am forever thankful that when I played LobCorp years ago, my first response was to let it peck the shit out of my Agents because I found it hilarious
Skill-shu, buddy.
wait if mirror world ayin already has execution bullets does that mean he's already at day 25+?
Which flavors do you guys like your Bleed, Lust and random debuffs, or Pride and poise?
I run both teams because both are fun
ups gift makes few charge gifts work on everyone no matter the team
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Well, if her daughter is actually her sword...
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A monumental and fiery 10
I usually run Envy Bleed
So Pequod trio + Mid Duo
And now I add SpierShu to it
Shame that Pirate Gregor doesn't have Envy, honestly he'd fit more
Any parent would take self blaming to a hundred if they even had a slightest hand in it, I think her situation is probably similar even if she wasnt truly at fault for it
Is anything in Walpipi shop worth sharding? Most of it seems like stuff I could do without
Has there been any other character who managed to wield two EGO weapons?
So I'm going to put Talismanclair into my EGO Equipment team with the walpipi ones. I heard there was some shit with his UT4 being wack somehow? QRD?
I'm trying to decide who goes on what separating my bleed/poise team from each other. The only thing I think I don't have for either is 000 Kurokumos
>hit pity
>got like 8 Ryoshus and one Gregor
>had to spark Sang
>0 announcers
Owari da
that we've seen? only gebura during her meltdown
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It's literally added as a footnote from Carmen in the uptie story
The sephirah that Ryoshu's ID is based on?
Who's got the Canto after Don? Don't say Mersault please.
why did you reply to me as an example while lambasting me you hecking shuckster
Mersault please
if you were wanting to use him in a rupture team you need 5 talisman for his 3rd skill to properly debuff enemy and ut4 lets him get 5 off his 2nd skill but if enemy has any rupture he overcaps and takes hp damage instead
after don it's hong lu and after hong lu ryoshu
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Rodya 2 electric boogaloo
Best comp is Butterfly sang, Erlkliff, Gregar, Molar Ish, Dieci Hong and Dieci Rodya.
Best Egos rime shank, Bygone Days Greg and his new Butterfly Ego
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He wasn't even the Captain
>Failure as a parent
>The entire hand wants you dead for some reason
Pretty up there in "the City fuck up scale" I must say
my big dick charge team should be ok. right?
like i just spent all of those recourses to beef up after that recent event.
we got this.
god its fucking another sinking event.
resist slash, fuck me
Curse upon thee.
I can accept this. I really wanna know what kind of struggle a man who seems to be able to accept all the negativity life can give has.
I will make Mirror Technology real just so I can hunt this worthless bitch down and erase her if she hogs anymore screen time.
Does anyone just replay 6-48 every now and then? It's just so P.E.A.K
Don > Hong > Ryoshu > Meursault > Outis > Paus > Dante
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I wanted the cool Ryoshu... my 3 pulls were not enough...
I was supposed to link these two...
I got the announcers and EGO before the IDs, but I also got spooked by like 4 non-whalepig IDs so maybe it's just luck being luck
I really wanna see Outis.
I totally forgot about the Envy ressonance team, I used to love it back when Queecliff released.
I used the Middle duo, the pequod duo (not ish), TT Hong and N.Faust, the later replacing Chef Ryoshu because her Skill 3 has no bleed for some reason
you owe me a shucking apology for screwing up like that, limbab.
I got Ryoshu around the 15th ten pull, four EGOs (Wingbeat, Form Empties Heath, Fairy Sinclair, Toad Lu) before having to pity for Yi Sang. I used to have supreme luck and usually got banner stuff in 3 ten pulls. Lady luck works in mysterious ways.
I'm going to shard the stuff I need for my sinking team probably this weekend. Plus I'm working out how my Bleed and Poise teams will look separated. All this to say eventually I want to do a rupture team (though I don't know if I would want him on it), but for now just for my EGO Equipment team which is Shootis, LamentSang, Red EyesShu, Regretty Faust, Lantern Don, and then Sheetclair is what I was thinking. Don's tremor would make him take damage from too much talisman? I can leave him at UT3 if it causes problems. It doesn't make him clash better or anything
I think that might be do to with her killing members of the hands for playing a part in it
Got shafted on announcers & Yi Sang so i ended up hitting pity for him. Got Gregor first pull though when Ryoshu a few later at least. Spent all my gacha luck on Dokkan lately it seems
Have the hand ever collaborated on anything?
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Sinking calculations can get pretty funny on Abnos
dont know, luckshitted the only ones i cared about (Yi Sang and Gregor) in 20 rolls, the only ones i had.
but i suspect this might fuck up my luck in pulling for AK's R6S banner
Is Funeral Gregor, Director's apology for Sign of Roses
>anymore screen time.
Lol? What screen time?
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Not taking Hod off until the Hod Ruina announcer is released
There's no way to avoid the rest stops and prevent the sanity resets in RR4 right? God I don't wanna RNG this, I just want it done
Her being in TKT just to let us know she's a bitch made pretender who couldn't change a thing.
No idea but try telling her that
How would the R6 crew fare in the City?
do you have anyone from the first banner?
i wish you nothing but the best
even if im jealous and want you to explode
Probably, but also Solemn Lament is one of the most memorable Abno E.G.O cards in LoR too, so it'd be a disservice to make it weak.
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So anons
you rike?
They had to reinforce that character trait, because people like you were too stupid to get it.
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Did you know you can click on each individual mirror-hole?
I like
IDs not strong enough. Expecting philipclair buffs and naked dogeza.
nice furry game boatbillyfag
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Yes I cant wait for us to meet Roland in a future event where we open a door next to the Library
Lads, what's the best team for this event? Not for the gimmicky challenges, just the main ones.
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nah, I'm gonna have to get all the R6S units in roughly around the 120 pulls i have.
and the anniversary is closing in aswell
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I’ve eaten your pulls…
They really should make a 'simulation' (like MDs used to have) mode or whatever for story fights. My aversion to wastefulness really just keeps me from doing silly shit unless I'm tired as fuck, but can't sleep
>tfw draw rate was so bad had to make sure i was pulling on the green banner because W.T.F.
didn't see a single announcer this walpurgis. at least it suddenly decided to GREEN me near the tail end of the spark, and I collected the new units. no chatterboxes.
Do those count? I was half convinced that those status effects didn't count when I failed with my random status effect team.
how many pulls?

how many lives did you give to the cause
what would be the sinking team if i wanted to do rr with it rn, assume I have everything and every ego
I only got 4 SSR pulls in 200. At least 2 of them were rate up so I could spark the last one. Almost felt like I'm playing hoyo gacha.
>multicrack faust gets extra charge potency instead of count in walpurgis
>rolls 32s on turn 2
what the fuck
What is your fucking problem? Damn kot
yes i did know
Solo suncliff
well that was fun
looking forward to rolling again in a mere 3 months loooool
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Overall, yes. The new missions are much better than the ones in previous walpeepees, even the seemingly cancerous 6+ status effects one is surprisingly easy once you realize it's meant to be done with LC IDs. I really like both the new Yi Sang and Grego, it really is a good time to run a Sinking team. Ryoshu is fine too I guess, haven't used her that much yet.
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Don't do this you'll turn Hod into Hog
>save up
>get nothing but ryoshu
walpurg if you let me down one more time, i'll go back to being an mmo addict
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*smack* ah ah ah you cant have guns in those calibers
what the fuck? did monzo fuck something up again?
I've literally never gone over 80 pity before and now I haven't gotten literally anything other than announcers for 390 rolls
it problely for the most pettiest of reason
just bad luck
50 rolls and I got literal jackshits
Sinner for this feel?
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Holy based, Manager X canonically is a clerkoid hater
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Thank you for taking all my bad luck limbab.
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Do you think Tiffany makes Hod sit on her face in Ruina?
So was /lcg/ wrong about literally all the Walpipi stuff?
wait till you try it with +coin
how many pull do you do bwo that why you alway i mean alway save for walpurgish
Woke up, rolled, 200 rolls for Ryoshu. She slaps. Builds her statuses way faster than expected. Cool uptie stories for the two.
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I love the director!
I love limbus company!
I love gacha!
wtf, explode
funny coincidence, i got red eyes on roll 90 and just nothing but announcers
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nobody has post about dawn office anouncer ok.sheesh
He wants that to happen
LobCorp hod’s design makes for a good fatty
I didn't get any announcers also I wouldn't use them even if I did.
I curse you to not get Ryoshu for the next 190 pulls
>only (You) can hear him
>everyone else just hears either bell noises or nothing at all
C'mon PM, I need more abnormality intricacies like this and you keep teasing me with them...
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Guys I think my Binah is broken!
Both her and Ruina Hod really
They made a great character for a name that's one letter away from hog
Based. Sharding Greg then since I got bygone days and the Lament EGO. Rod and Hong shall have to wait until I have more shards
sadly i couldn't pull yi sang, drop me the best team for beating up hard mode's missions
Can't wait for the yaoi art between Yi Sang and Butterfly
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I was thinking about just boxing her instead of pulling
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Have your predictions on characterizations been accurate or way off as the game has progressed?
shut up koko go back to jacking off to gore
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Ryoshu has gone from my least favourite sinner to probably top 5
All my other initial likes and dislikes are still going strong though.
Yo... Gimme that lunacy... I need it...
Get a Yi Sang support. He single-handedly clears most of the cancerous challenges
Ryoshu's a helluva lot more of a dork than I thought she'd be but otherwise things have been matching up rather well
I don't dislike anyone, every character since the beginning has gotten better for me personally. Yeah some got way better and some barely improved, but still, no complaints here.
So what's the verdict on Butterfly vs Painter?
>1, Butterfly in Sinking vs Painter in Bleed
>2, Butterfly in random team vs Painter in random team
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I thought Sinclair would become a more interesting character as the story went on and I was dead wrong. He peaked in 3 and then stagnated. He's the most boring sinner right now for me. Everyone else seems to be developing though.
thought sinclair going to be diablo type of character biggest mistake ever fuck that twink wasted sinner slot
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Yisang is really fucking good, though I got Dongrang at 4 and timekiller at 5 and wished I had spicebush deluges...

Also a big chunk of that Gregor damage was Lament spam powered by Faith, it's has great damage despite the clashing value
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here, lunashy
who would've thought the designated pussy character wouldn't be interesting?
hell, even in fanfictions he's fucking boring
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This was my first Walpipi, got everything and cleared the dispenser except Wingbeat (and some previous announcers I think) I'm pretty happy with this
You guys are okay
You can't box a Wapiggy ID that released now
You'll have to wait until next NIght, atleast 3 months away
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Ring is extremely powerful and there's no reason not to use him in random teams over the other but butterfly is way cooler
How are the new IDs compared to Janny and Ring? Stronger, just as strong, or not as strong?
Do charge capacity gifts up how much of her buffs Ryoshu can have?
Heathcliff is cuter than I thought.
ishtard also peak at 5 maybe rodia could suprass her in the future who knows
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Stop posting and get in the MD mines so you can shard Wingbeat as well
Ring Sang is still king but Gunfu Sang is strong still
Ruina Hod looks better skinny imo
plump LobCorp Hod on my left and skinny Ruina Hod on my right
I spend hours kissing both
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Oh yeah of course, well I got her on my 50th pull in total so that’s fine
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I cant wait to use wingbeat and butterfly on the same turn and only get tails on both
>38 rolling skill 2 on three coins
>125% more damage on skill 4 that rolls 23
Ring Sang is never getting dethroned until, maybe, Canto 9 or 10
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I had this exact scene. I got two non walpipi EGOs.
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i clicked on them once!
>Walpipi apolunacy
Right on time
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Well, all my butching and moaning earlier must've worked but goddamn this is unideal. At least my Captain came home.
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>got 2 Yesod dupes instead of Hod
butterflysang is satisfying as hell to use holy shit
He's quite nice. Shooting and reloading.
Hmm, no. Here's 50 thread boxes, don't spend them all in one place.
How do you make the most out of Butterfly
Use skill 3 right off the bat?
He's a top contender for best looking ID in the game right next to Wolfcliff
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>Yi Sang just magdumping his clips within a second in his S1/S2 and then dealing 500+ damage with S3
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Eh-hem, I said, GENTLEMEN!!! BEHOLD!!!
Hook lu
-Yi Sang is much nicer than i was expecting him to be. He's a genuinely nice fella
-Ishmael having her "rip and tear" arc was super refreshing since lots of stories nowadays have really sanitized heroines. She started kinda bland, so i was scared they would undersell Mobydick. But nah, her canto delivered
-Hong Lu is much wiser than i expected despite his spoiled nature. In fact, he sometimes can see what others can't.
The other sinners are more or less what i expected, but all of them surprised me positively so far.
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only 300
cmon director, I need my 30.000 back
is spider ego ryoshu good? didn't get her
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I love Ryoshu's uptie story
Her smacking Yi Sang with Penitence is funny
The hell does T.N.W.I.M. mean?
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I can't fucking beat the easy 7 turn difficulty because of this shit, I tried like 5 times already
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Is the new Gregor EGO worth pulling for bros? I got Both ID's
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D-director-sama... Thank you...
that's not what I meant
ominous as fuck
hey at least you got one of the best bleeds IDs in the game
Skill issue
I win rated with the Lobco team and got it
>Gregton, Dieci, Wild Hunt
>Slash IDs
>enemy is normal vs slash
Slot Yi Sang for #1 and Ryoshu #2 that's it
His skill 3 insta kill any enemy at full HP
Thank you anon
What's N.F.W. ? I know G.T.C. is Green Tin Can
NTA but I think it's a 50/50 between him and Lantern Don. I got both of them twice. I think 000 greens is a bit more vibrant because I could tell they were 00 before revealing the pulls somehow.
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Yes it sucks for clashing but good for one sided attacks
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Damn I actually have no clue how to stall to get this
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Let’s talk about Hod, her wonderful Hods and beautiful body
What's a good Bleed team involving Hook Lu? I'm a Poise monkey with a baby Sinking team at best.
kek, it's this anon
I'm glad you're still around
Hook Lu is atleast really fucking good and basically a core of bleed teams
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I prefer Malkuth
I didn't guess the NFW one. What's SF?
Kek I remember that
But no, the background of the pull here >>493235819 was a dead giveaway that it was not an announcer, EGO or 000
The background needs to be all green for those 3
I think hod would make a great gf
Ring duo
hook lu
cpt ish
gebu ryo
Would be the best, I would say. Honestly, just put ring sang+gebu ryo+hook lu and 3 random bleed IDs and your team is complete.
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Bring Ishmahab
She applies very little burn
S.F. - skull face
yeah what this >>493236265 anon said goes
Get the entire walpurgis LobCorp roster, get to the bossfight, break both arms turn 1 with Solemnsang's S3 so as not to waste the effects on them, and then just hit the body with whatever skills you have. It's surprisingly easy.
Someone spoonfeed me a team and strat to get this pls
I give this image as payment
n.f.w No fucking way
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Oh I'm a dumbass, I thought it's the 6 effects one you are having trouble with. Just bring a sinking team and hit the body then, the rest of the process is the same. On easy you can even hit the regular mob with S1's and it'll work
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Both good
I just used buttersang, molar ish, butler outis butler faust dieci rodya
1. I thought I will like Ryoshu more but she turned out to be too cringe.
2. Faust is less of a bitch than I first thought but now I wish she was one because it would give me at least some characteristic to latch upon.
3. Seeing Rodya introduction, I thought she will get one if the more serious arcs. Little did I know.
The saga continues
Wait I can get that in Hard mode? Does it count?
I have no Gebu Shu and only Ring Sang. Guess I'll shard Routis sometime.
the hatefucking will be amazing when they meet
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If I got both ID's should I just stop now even If I didn't get Gregor's EGO? I don't have enough to reach Pity, and I am unsure if it's even that good?
It is that good and what would you save your lunacy for? You should be able to shard anything else you want, so why not just use it here?
The EGO is the best thing of the 3
But it doesn't justify itself enough to be spending lunacy on it
Just wait until next night
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It doesn't count for easy, no, but there's a similar mission in Hard, except you need to do it 18+ times.
With all heads, it's 10+12+14+16+18+20+22+24. With Heir Gregor's coin power up, it's 11+14+17+20+23+26+29+31.
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Oh hey it the bald guy
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After her meltdown she’d be one of the best
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hah.. Thanks bros! Got him on my last Free Lunacy pull!
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>that ryoshu quote
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Oh wow somehow I did get the 18 one for hard without even trying, I didn't even know there was a mission for that
It's the normal one that I'm struggling with
Fat bitch Tiphereth
Universal constant.
slapping tiph's cute fatty tummy~
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>mfw i actually got +300 lunacy in my mail box
Mr.Director... It was really you the whole time...
Are there new babies that have not yet beaten the cantos + intervallos? Do you still have access to Walpiggy missions?
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Time to translate Ryoshu's SANGRIA!
N.O.V. - Noon Of Violet
S.H. - Spider Head
D.O.V. - Dawn Of Violet
T.N.W.I.M. - this nig- That's Not What I Meant
G.T.C. - Green Tin Can (Netzach Meltdown was completed, congrats mirror world manager)
N.F.W. - I don't know...
E - Enkephalin
S.F. - Skull Face
S.I.T. - I don't know... (she says this in Yi Sang's story)
>errrm acktually they're called pages not cards
shut the shuck up
>about shit I don't give a fuck about
I got them btw, and certainly not to my liking to get spooked by those.
What the fuck? You are even more retarded than I thought.
>single letters are now valid acronyms for Ryoshu
I need to F and I Ryoshu
Wait a minute, this isn't Sinclair
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Does anyone have the image of Rodya eating something, I need to do something.
It's probably because Enkephalin is so long
Enkephalin (엔케팔린, Enkepallin) From the fandom page
nfw it just no fucking way
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Got these 2 new gifts from the Red Eyes event, there is a NoV ordeal pack.
I got them early and then they duped me
it was not pleasant
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>THE image of rodya eating something
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sit slit it throat
If it's "I'm" you can just turn it into I
For example
I'm Going To Kill You
>Filial Love
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>OR unique charge
So... charge gifts can work on Ryoshu if they have this condition attached in the gift's description
It wasn’t “kill” bwo…
ol' reliable....
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What's your point then retard, it's called an E.G.O. page what are you "ruinabab..."ing about
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the floor of the pack (normal mode MD)
It was a different one, it was more like she was devouring a loaf of bread
Love and War are one and the same...
She also gains her unique charge whenever she would gain normal charge count, so keep that in mind
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Gifts without it should still generally work, since she converts any charge gained into Red Eyes or Penitence
>Lose 1 less SP
Neat! So instead of losing 15 SP, I only lose 14. Amazing
Pretty sure he’s just here to say you weren’t around for lobco while being too stupid to remember how limp dick weak and useless that abno was
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>SP Loss Efficiency -1
Wait... does this mean whenever I lose SP, I lose 1 more or 1 less
If it's 1 less, should it not be +1 as the number is prefixed with the word "loss"
So is ButterflySang meta or is Spicebush still the best pick cause of deluge?
The mission about killing 3 enemies with +80% HP is nasty, man...
Let me convert thread to exp…
butter sang does it solo with S3 lmao. It's absurd.
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You lose 1 less SP
...I think (I actually don't)
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Not at all
You slot Butterfly Yi Sang as captain, use his skill 3 on a full HP fruit of knowledge slug
when you are supposed to lose 2, you lose 1
I really like how they keep expanding on her Motherly side with these ID's
And also being too much of a slobbering troglodyte to realize that the Gregor Solemn Lament EGO is obviously based on the Ruina EGO page due to the design having the characteristic librarian outfit as well as having an 8 coin ceiling
It's going to be a rude awakening when we find out that Ryoshu is the daughter
Would be a cool twist ngl
How come nobody is talking about Ryoshu's skills?
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There are a lot of people who complain about announcer drops even when it's explained to them that it doesn't affect their 000 or EGO rates. I don't understand, is it just stupidity?
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No, Ryoshu is going to be the monkey
It's kind of just charge + bleed. She's getting overshadowed by butter sang who is insane and the EGO which is also absurd.
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>Yoshihide and the daughter are dead, with Monkeyhide being the sole survivor of a Ring massacre
If only she actually acted motherly in the main story.
>Be newbab
>Went from using Liu assoc IDs yesterday to pulling Erlking, both Laments and sharding Edgreg today
Literally a whole other game holy shit they're so fucking cool
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pulling is now canon
>ryoshu special s3 nukes your SP
>prevent you from building your statuses that need 7+ count to do anything
For what fucking purpose
wait so you say that ryoshu daughter own a slave
That would actually make a lot of sense
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>Netzach Meltdown was completed, congrats mirror world manager
Not how it works. Only Ayin is under the cognition filter.
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>Got Phillip (my hero) announcer in the first 10 pull

I felt Yi Sang's hand on my shoulder and started yelling "IDEAL" at the screen.
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Hey anon you interested in joining our office?
nigga its been canon
In the club popping E with Ryoshu and Netzach
So what's the new meta sinking team? WH Cliff, Gun Sang, Dieci Rodia, Dieci Hong, Molar Ish and Edgar Gregor? Echos of the manor sounds nice but I'm not sure if kicking one of those for Butler Outis is worth it
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I forgot how the cognition filter works, thank you for correcting me anon
Honestly she feels pretty good just as a generalist ID. Strong clashes, strong damage, very tanky with penitence, doesn't really need any specific support. Just overall very solid
literal pet monkey
likely related to the tree that needs water
This update somehow broke multiple sinking IDs, so I can't tell.
That is the only good thing about Ryoshu's mysteriousness so far...
She could be interpreted as any of the 3 from Hell Screen
She only nukes your SP if you have 15+ counts
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>while being too stupid to remember how limp dick weak and useless that abno was
Oh boy, someone that doesn't understand canon =/= story
That's a lot of mental gymnastics for an obvious lobcorp themed whalepurgis, moron.
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I cant find it so have maids instead
Is the ego really so busted its worth running fucking edgar greg?
i dont actually care about the gacha
im just here to socialize and shit
She definitely feels nice to use. Can't complain.
So Ryoshu is actually the child and not the mother?
What a shitty cope out that would be, I know waifufags are insane but still
Edgar Gregor was already a bit better than butler Outis anyways
the most based poster here, tbqh
I only come here when new content drops, otherwise I don't care about characters and whatnot
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that one is basically designed for buttersang since he will deal 2 instances of damage all the time with sinking and butterfly
Yeah, sounds about right. I don't particularily like Molar Ish's animations, so I run Outis instead, but Ish probably is better from a mechanical perspective.
Ryoshu is my mom.
Ryoshu Footfags will never recover when she takes off her shoes and there's a pair of hands.
No retard, nothing is written in stone is my point
Form what we've seen, she could be any of the 3 protags from Hell Screen
Until canto 8 is available, it's up in the air
>L Corp world Ryoshu has the habit of talking to her EGO weapons
>in the main story and other mirror worlds she's never seen talking to her sheathed katana
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Why do people act like he's a bad ID when he goes consistently count positive and his S3 does a ton of damage
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I still haven't done RR4 because resetting for good RNG isn't fun and I kinda wish I could get someone to just do it for me since I know I have the right game pieces to do it. Also I want more Dieci units so I can run full Dieci team, I hope we get new identities in the same mirror worlds (ie new BL Outis that's 000 and higher ranked, or Warp Staff getting promoted from L2 to L3).
Also I'm probably gonna try cosplay a random warp staff or maybe one of the other factions at the next con I go to.
Ryoshu would use the bathroom and never wash her hands
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I love Paus
because said weapons are talking to her anon
It's not about quality its about being forced to run a cuckold on my team
>Yi Sang support.
Hm, can you use support though? I didn't try winning hard lvl one yet but maybe you just need to first beat it before you can use support.
Sinclair upgrade:
-Can now mince someone's words
Yeah just like how when regret faust dropped the regret meursault ego had nothing to do with ruina even though it used the flail from ruina instead of the hammer from lobco and had meursault wearing the librarian's cravat the same way gregor is in his new ego
i actually like limbus more than ruina and think that it fair for people to skip ruina
Honestly with the addition of Gun Sang I don't even really feel the need to drag Rodya along to MDs anymore, Rime Shank isn't even really necessary to skyrocket sinking anymore unless it's just turn 1 fuckery
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Paus love
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Generals are about the community first, the topic second.
Not a sin.
>I still haven't done RR4 because resetting for good RNG isn't fun and I kinda wish I could get someone to just do it for me since I know I have the right game pieces to do it.
Certainly not a sin. Its a videogame; if its not fun, why bother.
The rest isn't a sin either.
>Ronove poster
Not a sin either.
>i actually like limbus more than ruina
Not a sin.
>and think that it fair for people to skip ruina
Explain or die.
isn't faust's mental corruption passive basically the same from ruina?
lock speed to 1-3, gain a shitload of blunt buffs
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How the fuck is Ryoshi dual wielding Repentance and Red Eyes? Do lobotomy EGOs not force emotion sync the wielder like the EGO bursts do?
just to spite ruinabab who advise people to skip lobotomy corp
I had 747 Warp event currency and couldn't be assed to do another MD for 3 fucking currency, missed out on the animated profile thing
Ryoshu complains that the spider and good deeds are constantly talking to her
Whenever I run out of exp tickets I skip a bunch to immediately upgrade my new in units and waste dozens of modules
>MD for 3 fucking currency
You could have done the intervallo event stages for that...
NGL I got hard filtered by lobcorp back before Ruina released. Still haven't finished Ruina either lol.
>How the fuck is Ryoshi dual wielding Repentance and Red Eyes?
She's just that strong
We've been telling you for ages. PM doesn't have the balls.
It doesn't matter how you spin it whatever, calling it a page or whatever is doing a diservice to the abno.
Its clear they will take whatever "inspiration" to make content based around it.
She's literally budget Gebura
I'm not talking about the EGO weapons
No they still fuck with your mind. It's just because Ryoshu is seemingly exceptional. They even mention in her uptie story that it's unusual
Her sync with Red Eyes is so high that she can also use Repentance
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How would you make PALE damage E.G.O weapons work in Limbus Company ?
oh right. oh well, I've been getting a bit burnt out from the game anyway.
>I'm not talking about the EGO weapons
>>L Corp world Ryoshu has the habit of talking to her EGO weapons
she loves it!
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You are genuinely retarded if you believe Ryoshu is the daughter. Her talk with red eyes is her self-admonishing herself over her past mistakes. Red eyes is the motherhood abno not the mommy issues abno
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You may go.
It's literally based on the page retard, the same way wingbeat is based on the page, do you have any other argument other than this weird emotional sense of "disservice"
You literally did you tranny
No /lcg/ is the mommy issues abno
SIT=say it twice
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im upset but funny
Unique Rupture.
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Every time I try to do LobCorp I get filtered by like day 10, I just don't have the right kind of autism to do management sim stuff. I'm playing through Ruina long while I wait for Don's canto and it's a lot easier to do deckbuilding autism.
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being spiteful is definitely a sin!
>Just read about the LCCB Ryo tweak
damn, that was the only thing she had going for her too.
honestly rupture is pale damage as it is
makes sense
>EGO representing Ayin's regret over the sins he's comitted in order to create the Light
>EGO representing SPIDERS and in group preference
Not seeing how she could be both at once anon...
I believe you could do it today if you wanted to
She's so fucking cool. Chunnie character done right.
always shard older EGO before rolling on walpenis
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My last attempt was like 3 months ago.
the fuckers have too much offence level for me to use not shit ids
frustrating desu
Dual wielding maces with a big sword on her back is pretty hilarious.
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>reading Yi Sang's skills
>using Ryoshu
So uhhh. Is the skull and coffin the only new events? Or I'm just unlucky?
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How the fuck do I do the mission of 18 unique burn, bleed, rupture, unique sinking? I used a full rupture team and that somehow didn't work.
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you got better
>190th extraction finally gave me Greg
jesus, I might as well do another 10 and snag an announcer at this point
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owo, but i did?.
desu, my boxes betrayed me, all low rolls today
I'll give it another attempt after I finish Ruina I suppose...
>Not letting it degrade into 190 thread
He's bigger unga bunga than her tho.
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And I listen to all sins.
Not a sin to avoid a bad game.
Impulsiveness shows a lack of virtues.
Being a shitter is not a sin. But giving up is.
Skull didn't claim it was not a sin
Just told to go
ryoshu puts milk before cereal
when you finish runia give me your codes for decks. pls
im stuck on the reverbation assemble encore and i cant be assed to remember how to do good teams.
i took a break and cant for the life of me make a good team
for what it's worth I had tons of fun with Lob Corp but Ruina singlehandedly made me despise deckbuilding games
I just looked up a guide for the latter bit of the equivalent "day 46-50", I couldn't be assed anymore
Just had a thought.
Does Ryoshi keep her sword on her in every mirror ID? That means it must have become something very important to her very early in her life. Or maybe it's some kind of dimension rending Singularity tier object from the Ruins idk.
Is masturbating to Ryoshu a sin?
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This fucking ID I swear, not only has a shit ton of zetsy poses, it does a FUCKING SHIELD BASH WITH THE COFFING STILL ON HIS BACK
what did they feed el director and the artists this day
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Bruh everything is canon.
Wrong, the normal one also consumes 15 SP.
You’re somehow pretty smart and also the stupidest anon in this thread
Go read even a summary of her book
oh i'm just retarded
I thought you were complaining about getting wingbeat instead of greg, not the complete dogshit that is the Threadspin 4
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I used the cheat console to beat lobco at 100 percent by skipping all the hard content
someone did it already so probably copy their team
What does it say about me that I walk like this through my home?
anon I get 36 thread a day just from skipping 3x a day, I'll get 190 thread in less than a week and it'll take 2 weeks for the ideality to degrade, who cares
Heasu has a similar clash, but he swings the coffin forward
They definitely must have had the idea since then
sever untreated autism
Limbabi... We've known that since day 1
Deck building stuff comes naturally to me, I play a fuck ton of different card games so it's just an acquired skill by now. It took a while to actually understand the systems in place but it's pretty easy so far.

Meanwhile I have a single nugget die in LobCorp and I want to reset the entire day, I get too attached to these things, it doesn't help I forgot a lot of the tutorial stuff because it's been so long since my first attempt. Maybe I should just read a bunch of guides to ease myself into things.

Thanks S.J.
Yi sang’s outdated warm milk shop
Good thing I don't do that then...
He's a mix of Alucard and Ashaf from Majo To Yajuu. They managed to squeeze the edgiest traits from both into one design.
>reverbation assemble encore
unironically just geb it lmao
>Meanwhile I have a single nugget die in LobCorp and I want to reset the entire day, I get too attached to these things
I think suppressing this feeling is actually an intended part of the game. I feel the same way.
I'll be honest, I didn't bother reading Yi Sang's skills either, I just assumed the third skill was the really powerful one and used it accordingly
I'll do the same to Ryoshu if I roll her
or any sinner really
I am not reading all that shit
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Do you look like this?
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>Was trying to do another sinking team run with Funeral Sang
>Notice that it feels how weird how I can't get any echoes of the manor procs
>its bugged
I guess I will wait.
How's the new Ryoshu in charge teams compared to W ? I got her but i don't know if I want to spend the thread on her yet
>-if this effect activated, lost 15 SP
You can read, right?
What a mess
Which bit? That the sword's important to her or that it's a super artifact?
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How the fuck do I do this?
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I was forced to change my catchphrase for the first time
Nta but I loved the deckbuilding in ruina and hate it in most other games
The staple of having a fat deck full of useless cards and the meta goal of every run being to remove as many cards as possible is just so boring to me
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To think of asking most certainly is.
it was 6+ for me
just use ButterSang
If you're at 45 it nukes your SP because fuck you lmao.
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>somehow effortlessly got this
>>filtered by the normal mode version of this
That's another mission.
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i lost 180 pulls today, inhale my dick Ricardo
lost my 5050 in like 3 different games and jumped on limbus to lose more.
weeeee, bad luck for everyone
one is trigger the status 18+ times
the other one is inflict 6+ different status
>15 SP
>if you're at max stacks ryoshu inflicts
>4 bleed on s1
>5 bleed on s2
>6 bleed on s3
>5 bleed on ss3
"Bleed" ID my ass.
I think Sinclair would look cute in a Qoh ego id
>get filtered by the 3 kills above 80%
>decide I’m gonna do it on Grant us Love
>tremormaxxing to use T Corp Don
>don’t get S3 early and he’s already at 85% HP
>decide to gamble on A-res Everlasting with Reverb already applied
>200 dmg
>Everlasting does not trigger tremor burst on the boss
>at all
>"maybe it’s just that tremor doesn’t burst on him and I missed a passive?"
>use Outis S3
>600 dmg
Yeah but only if you use her skill 3-A
You easily get it back next turn
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Faust and Dante understand each other on a level that goes beyond mere words. Other sinners can only look on in confusion at their connection.
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>reached pity for the third in a row during Walpurgis
I feel like I'm the biggest lucklet of them all
I don't even roll outside of Walpipi so it's an actual streak of bad luck
ryoshu wets the bed on purpose
What about ssgss?
What should I do different this time to reach 18? I got the 17 with him.
Has anyone tried LCCB Ryoshu passive on Yi Sang? Does it work?
>all sinking ego gifts
>gregor's funeral ego is doing over 1k damage with the very first coin
holy kek
Yeah sure.
Unless you roll tails, because no one has ever rolled tails at 30 SP, not even once.
Best part is the absolutely retarded ashes debuff if you use 3b. You get a whole 2 (two) SP for (failing) to gain 4 penitence. You're also shieldless because it consumed all your statuses and prevents you from gaining more. It's great.
Ryoshu will be crazy busted since Don's canto will come with bleed support
sounds rough boss
most of lobcorp was just remembering lots of minigames like wario ware, and developing the reactions needed for each scenario.
after that its building your base. you cant mix clerk lovers with things that kill clerks after all.
Use Meat Don and Gun Yi
>mfw I kill the fucking obelisk too fast to get 6+ statuses on it
I am going to distort.
go with a full sinking team and attack the body of violet noon, all those coins should be enough to maintain and trigger the sinking, you have to trigger the sinking 18+ times so you need 18 coins and 18 sinking count
and the violet noon to not die ofc
its ok, i didnt explain myself well in the post
short 5 shards, thought it was funny.
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I've never bveen so fucked by walpurgnis
>get nothing for like 40 pulls
>first green is a angela announcer duplicate
>nothing over and over
>took like 100 pulls to get gregor and yi sang
>took 60 more pulls to finally get ryoushu
>figure at 160 pulls I might as well do 40 more and grab an announcer
>mfw I get another ryoushu right at 170
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Do you mean that it's the third Wapipi in a row where you reached pity, or did you really do 600 pulls and still didn't get everything? My condolences regardless, but especially if it's the latter.
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Okay give it to me straight bros how much of a WRyo downgrade is she?
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she really likes mayo
Well, I'll try again, but I somehow failed doing that strategy with rupture.
i dont understand him either, but both situations are horrible

director san, drop pity to 100 please
at least 150
I'ma be honest. The status count missions are sort of shit.
Why is there a limit of 999 for modules? Ive been refilling 2 times since Season 2 everyday, even 3 times when I was broke thanks to the Level 45 update, and now you are telling me there is a limit and its better to just refill once? Have i just wasted my lunashy?
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why did they make him chuuni...
>100 pulls to get gregor and yi sang
>didn't even have to pity anyone
Boo hoo woe is (You).
Wcorp fags getting upitty again
the price of power
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big honger
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I'm used to get everything in <50 pulls in previous ones
I dont wanna be a walpiggy...
I mean, there's nothing to really lose since there's nothing else to roll for.
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Third Wapipi in a row where I reached pity (to get all the IDs/EGOs of course, I never pitied an announcer)
Thank god I didn't just waste 600 rolls on one banner
I'd kill myself
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but muh lunacy.... muh number is going down, I barely have enough for another 200 pulls....
because rupture is fucking ass with nothing to add count to
the more I use her, the more I see her as a straight upgrade to Wryoshu, Wryoshu skill 1 is absolute fucking trash, her skill 2 is what keeps her from not fucking dying, and skill 3 is the burst
SkullShu is the same but skill 1 is the at start average but amazing with stacks, skill 2 is practically the same as Wryoshu and skill 3 is also a burst that makes her a support character the following turn, you can just not use SkullShu skill 3 and have amazing skills 1 and 2, while WRyoshu you want to use skill 3 as soon as possible otherwise you are wasting clashes/charge or worse, having to use her skill 1
Also SkullShu stacks insanely fucking fast, you dont even need gifts
>yi sang and gregor in the first 20 pulls
>ryoshu after 180 pulls
>Decide I'll just complete this later
>Look at this
Does the mission morph into "Inflict damage +18 times" after you do the inflict damage 6 times one?
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update: I'm close. 1 more MD tonight. Have to go to school now, bye
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They are different missions
>Molar Ish
Disagree. Her clashes aren't that good. You're better off bringing Butler Faust for Fluid Sac and good clashes, Dieci Meursault to buff the other two or Butler Outis.
>how do I do this mission to inflict several different statuses
>I used a single status for everyone

You're a retard if you run WRyo over SkullRyo in charge teams now.
I mean who else are you gonna run? Rings and RSault are gimmes but after that your options run dry. Hook Lu is a solid pick after that but for the last two your options suck. Middle Don has no count either while doing way less damage, the 00s suck dick. Nfaust has good count but deals fuck all raw damage. The Poise hybrids are lackluster without extra poise generation, KK Ryo deals negative damage and only has bleed count on her S3. Chef Ryo deals less damage and only has count on her S1 and her fucking S3 doesn't work with bloody mist.
I rike
>because rupture is fucking ass with nothing to add count to
I had no problem with count. W Yi Sang could keep the count of the whole team by himself.
to be fair the Easy mooks are so squishy how the fuck are you supposed to inflict something 8 times to them without them evaporating
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B.S. No way she's better than motherfucking WRyo. You guys are pulling my leg aren't you
>KK Ryo deals negative damage and only has bleed count on her S3
Yeah she deals negative damage, but she also has count on her S2.
>KK Ryo deals negative damage and only has bleed count on her S3
KK Ryo S2 gets upgrade to inflict consistent 3 Bleed Count on Uptie 4.
Lacks the gimmicks of a newer ID sure, but its not a bad identity after the upgrade.
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I only got the Dawn announcer... If it was at least Hod...
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Justitia rupture KINO and queen of hatred in next wal PI PI.
Source? My ass.
w skill 1 is not trash
it's very good damage and scales very well with any sort of coin power
>b-but it doesnt clash super well
yeah then you let someone else clash or pull out the ego if you really have to
I got it just as you replied to me :DDD
Seems like Echoes of the Manor is bugged so I replaced with Butler Outis with Dieci Hong Lu and his skill at insight 3 carried me :)
>shard Red Shoe
>"... Once I chop off your [anckles]"
>not feet
What a scam
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My literal first pull was greg Lament and I got Yi Sang on my second. How are you guys getting filtered?
No. In fact, employees are not protected by the Cognition Filter, so they always knew the Sephiroth were cyborgs. Should the meltdown be completed, the announcers would lack the filter as well. To quote Faust “we still have a long way to go, until day 50”
The mission doesn't specify that they have to be different. It just says do damage 18 times.
gn /lcg/
>nothing to do with skill at ALL
>"how are you getting filtered"
Listen Hong Lu, you are not human. Never will be
You should go back to where you came from because nobody likes you here
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I'm still upset by wingbeat
"highest ST dps potential" my ass
Are you really just pretending to be retarded?
if your unlucky its fucking useless
im going to u4 it anyways because i like ish
Before the erlkcliff banner Ishy S3 was the single best skill to replace at the shop, but now that both cliff and lament sang have a way better S3 to replace, I agree with >>493241402 that a default Buttler outis is way better than a default Ish. She is not a bad replacement for missing IDs, but a slot on the main sinking team is a premium right now.
you know whats better than shit clash with good scale?
good clash AND good scale
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>get upstaged by a skill 2
Psssh, nothing personal boatbilly.
What is the best EGO damage wise?
Someone else will need to bake please. I'll be afk.
I do have to test her more, but so far, only reason I see to use Wryoshu over SkullRyo is the slash damage type
Oh, my bad, can't read it properly once it's completed
Point still stands, rupture only will deal more damage and kill the enemy quicker, also 1 hit = 1 activation
So several different status types deal less damage but in more iterations
I wouldn't call it trash like that Anon but it's definitely not amazing. 9 clashing is extremely subpar, basically a guaranteed loss. And the damage isn't that amazing. It's 21 damage w/o charge and 25 damage when fully stacked up it's not that much better compared to your average 18 damage S1. And it's definitely not better compared to new Ryoshu's S1 which is 20 damage and 12 clash raw and 16 clashing and 27 damage when fully juiced
yeah that would be really relevant if we could pick and choose individual skills. alas, IDs are a package deal. and W s2 and s3 more than make up for any perceived shortcoming of s1. I simply said it's not trash, which it isn't.
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>use hexnail
>still don't get this shit
I am going to throw myself into a Concept Incinerator
Not sure, I think either Ishmael Wingbeat or Ishmael Whale.

>Single Target
A while ago it was Dimension Shredder Yi Sang since it was a 76 roll basically.
Don't know what it is now. Might be "8 coins out of my ass" Greg.

>Single Target Combo
Everlasting Faust into a target with piss tremor?
>mirror ayin already at least on day 26
>has yet to do malkuth's meltdown
Do you have Meat Don and Gun Yi because they do it
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>>has yet to do malkuth's meltdown
Call me retarded, what are you basing that on?
Her dialogue and how she acts? Does it actually change that much after you suppress the sephirah meltdown
Yeah, SLYi is mostly the reason why I got at least 5 of that shit, desu. I have Meat Don but she's only level 6.
Okay but like why unique charge though
Play the game and find out yourself, tertiary faggot.
I saw someone mention that gun Yi Sang could solo hard Violet Dusk but he gets turn one brapped to death before he has enough actions to counter the slimes. How the fuck do I avoid that?
>In a single encounter, beat a enemy at +80% HP in a single skill
Can someone explain to me what counts for this, exactly?
By encounter it means wave, I assume?
bring a sacrificial offering
If you get two S3s you can murderfuck the first two slimes instantly. Or at least stagger them
>early multi coin EGO
>immediately powercrept by what follows
Bro the dusk will not come naturally to you
You have to go to it.
Makes sense. I'll try one with burn and bleed too.
change crow's eye view for bygone days, and pray that the enemies either roll tails or do a lot of defensive skills, after turn 3 is impossible to lose
What is the gamble abnormality, nameless fetus?
encounter means the whole fight from start to end
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I have, I don't remember it changing that much
This was a webm I posted ages ago. Might have been on /v/
>360 lob points
whatitsname, old faith and promise or something?
Yesterday's promise?
That's Pluto.
Nameless Fetus to reset counter if you hit 0, Sacrifice for CENSORED instead of attachment
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old faith and promise
Oh right. They both had Promise in their name, which got me confused
Got two s3s. Only staggered one slime and got fucked by the other two. Guess i'll just keep trying til RNG clicks.
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What's with all the people saying they had to use ideality? Is it just bait?
Why would it be bait? Are you retarded? Maybe you SHOULD explode
The fact that we see the Sephirot as their cognition filter selves means that Dante is Ayin
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Buddy, in Leviathan, Ayin is mentioned by Carmen to be in the light with her. You have to let go at one point of this silly theory.
Get the fuck out of here faggot.
Not X, though!

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