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Burger edition
The International continues on to seeding deciders

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Previous: >>493202920
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Buff Hoodwink
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nth for my fluffy wife
buff muscle mommy hoodwink crushing my head with her thick fluffy thighs...
>no Hoodwink persona for Dawnbreaker
PSG here

Arthur and KRT13 will win.
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Top 4 are the games tomorrow, they didn't bother to stick a time to them apparently
worst TI ever
I remember hearing Sheever say they will play the games consecutively, "one at a time", so you can't really guarantee a start time for any of them. Though that should mean there should be a known start time for the first game at least.
impossible leg position
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Yeah they do have a time for it but I thought they'd put it in the nice graphic instead of on the website
Fair. Graphic intern needs a whipping.
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/ourboy/ made it bros
You fags made fun of him this entire time, but who's laughing now!?
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>2 posts per minute
yeah its so over, time to move to deadlock
did he finally win against jewish cabal?
that shit is even duller than dota
I am convinced once the novelity dies off it's gonna be as dead as artifact
i didnt
kinda based considering everyone was laughing at him saying that daytrading is a scam etc
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daytrading isn't a scam it's just a really, really, really, risky way to make generally small amounts of money
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bros our annual sticky is in jeopardy
cleary dota 2 is being smothered with a pillow (held by icefrog)
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most daytraders are scammers.
He's visiting and trying to show wealth to people like you will will believe him

If he made money he would've shown it, he can't resist.
PGL is a small indy organizer and TI is just a small seasonal tournament, please understand the bare minimum graphical identity and content.
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Who's gonna stay on the list when this thing is done
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this TI barely keeps us dropping off the catalog lol
what do we need a sticky for
Definitely PL and Warlock.
>Feet and knees turned in like musashi

Power stance.
>mason banned for le heckin racism
>gorgc offline
>waga stuck in eternal normal match queue
I cant believe it
I have to watch arteezy...
How do you set shit up in dragon chess? It seems completely rng
thats cause it is
all those highscores are just freaks playing that shit for 30+ times
but there must be some sort of trick or insight to setting up 5s on purpose
All in on venge
insight sure
no real trick though that could be described
you just have to see the board and be able to set up potential 5s by using your cognitive ability and trial+error
play a game like that a lot and you'll see the board differently and all at once. it's just like dota or anything
Has BSJ publicly acknowledged that his YouTube channel got hacked yet?
how to fix the game:
add wall running
add sex
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Have a doodle, dotards.
thank you drawfriend
his twitter and discord server got hacked too
i keep checking to see if he's gone online on twitch but he hasn't
Oh it was you arguing over Dragonball, figures
I love you draw chad. Keep being the only source of hope and activity for this game.
Actually no, but that whole Tien discussion reminded me of this request which some anon made a long time ago.
Do the real matches start later tonight or tomorrow?
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It's in 11 hours although they're hardly real matches, they're just for deciding who is in the upper bracket
he gave up daytrading like 2 months ago
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What will be "the moment" of this TI?
Someone is gonna get outed for cheating
in-game or irl (like my bitch wife)
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The server will crash somehow during the last grandfinal game and everybody will be forced to wait 8 hours for valve to fix it.
Why is a grown man having the zoomer haircut?
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templar assassin in bondage when?
You already posted this and some anon was drawing it.
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I got her in chains, does that count
deadlock trailer cementing the eos of dota 2
That image was blurry and unfinished
How the fuck is witch doctor balanced? Whenever I play against him he just singlehandedly destroys your team
Ah you must be PSG.
Forget about it being finished.
He's balanced by being shit, get good.
Pros don't pick him so he's fine :))))
Witch doctor is a vision and IQ check
Your team failed it
B-but it wasn't meant to be a request for the drawfriends even though i appreciate them
its the thoughts that count
it's just my style bro
Lol no I'm PSG and I'm in your walls

why do you have so much ill will, friend? I haven't even posted today

you have to stop doing this to yourself. one day I won't be here anymore for you to do this with.
>one day I won't be here anymore for you to do this with.
Please please PLEASE let this day be tomorrow
It can be today, friend, it can be right now, you just have to let go of the weird hate in your heart and embrace temperance and forgiveness.

Amitabha. May the demons who bind you set you free one day soon.
His ult is channeled so you can just stun or silence him.

His ult is also physical damage so it will do less damage over time because everybody has more armour. You buy shit like AC and Shiva's and it should counteract his ult for everyone. I don't know how it interacts with damage block because I don't play heroes who buy Crimson Guard, and I usually just kill him outright early.
>His ult is also physical damage
It does pure damage though
What does psg even stand for
Oh...I guess they changed it while I took a break. Should've known better than to assume it didn't change.

So what, is the answer Pipe then? The pipe magic block should block Pure damage too, right? Even if the magic resistance doesn't work.
>The pipe magic block should block Pure damage too, right?
Paris Saint germain
so group stages are already over or what? this ti is gonna go by so quick
>The portion of the bracket that includes Upper Bracket Quarterfinals and Lower Bracket Round 1 & 2 is branded as part of The Road to The International
>Lower Bracket Round 3 onwards is branded as The International, which will be played on Finals Weekend
hahaha what the fuck
whats next, only the Grand Finals is THE INTERNATIONAL?
So it's like a billion different useless games with no stakes and then a few games that matters that will be over in an instant?
It's the same amount of days as usual, just be thankful there's no retarded week-long breaks this time unlike last year
>Pure Damage is a damage type that is not reduced by Armor or Magic Resistance. It is also not amplified by magical damage amplification abilities, fully ignores Armor and Damage Block.
Well, I was upfront about not knowing how shit interacts with damage block so can't blame me for not knowing :^)

Guess you only stop WD by killing him early then.
When did pipe and crimson become good again? When I played a few months ago it was pretty much grief if you bought them.
Saving an interrupt for when he ults
Jumping him and killing him first
>Winning on support
>Losing on support
YOU PIECE OF SHIT WHERE ARE MY WARDS(there arent any stocked in the shop but... you should just make your own or something there not being any in the store isnt an excuse)
You have been banned from queueing due to excessive reports for 4 hours.
>play support
>don't stack jungle/pull and harass and help in lane instead
>ping and say I'll go pull, 5 seconds later he dies to the enemy team because he didn't play safe

There's no winning move.
It's an auraspam meta, you get as many auras as possible.
Pipe was always good you're just lying about pipe being grief.
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When I play offlane bought shroud 99% of the time, and on heroes like Centaur you just don't have enough mana for both Crimson and pipe.
doesn't blade mail return death ward damage now and nobody ever uses it
It does?
>you just don't have enough mana for both Crimson and pipe.
uuhhhh but u have infinite mana in nudota?? how u go oom??? lol noob
it bypasses blademail, untouchable, return, and a bunch of shit that it probably shouldnt
It shouldn't as the damage is sourced from the ward and not WD himself
it doesn't
can't have anything countering precious niggerman
Looking at the wiki right now and there's no mention of it in changelogs. The Death Ward itself is a separate invulnerable unit from WD, so any return damage would go to the ward and do nothing. That's why Blademail doesn't work. The only way it'll work the way you describe is if Valve puts in some weird exception (which is possible which is why I checked) or if the ward itself can die (which it doesn't).
Ok but why is Witch Doctor not popular in pro games? He gives a lot of kill potential in the laning phase, late game he has a game winning ultimate, his shards makes him a pain in the ass to kill, he has a big AoE sustain heal which helps a lot with pushes and team fights and a great disable stun.
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It was the case at one point, hah almost 10 years ago what are the chances, but I don't know why he thinks it has been changed recently, maybe it has, I can't be bothered to test it
Even then it was only the bounced damage and not the main target damage, which might as well have been a bug.

I swear I saw it work, it was added on purpose.
If I'm going to test something right now, it'd be something else I saw. Do it yourself.
There, mystery solved
>BKB blocks pure damage
nigger doesn't even have to buy bkb or a talent for it it just pierces it naturally
peak dishonest design
hero for epheys
>>BKB blocks pure damage
No it doesn't
Lady = Dota 2
Ventilator = Facets, Ringmaster
Doctor = Hopoo Games
Yellow Liquid = Midas Bug, "Compendium", TI
It does, Death Ward specifically pierces it
It does.
>Grants bonus magic resistance, debuff immunity, and applies a basic dispel upon cast.
>The wielder has pure damage immunity, including from damage reflect sources for the entire duration.
Otherwise it wouldn't be able to block shit like Blademail. But if Death Ward does pierce it, that's dumb.
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hopoo is post midas bug though
i half expect dota to be pawned off to them, especially given the original risk of rain had the aghs scepter item so they're already aquainted with the game
which is frankly more than could be said for campo santo
So is Jenkins a troon now?
sorry dotards
no sticky this year even at playoffs
>qop ult
>lesh diabolic edict
>nyx ult
I could go on, bkb does not stop pure damage, however many spells that deal pure damage do not pierce magic/debuff immunity and therefore do not damage bkbd units
Death ward has always pierced it
if it walks like a duck talk like a duck then its probably a duck
Valve only hires game devs for games they're working on. Hopoo made RoR2 as a 3rd person FPS like Deadlock so it's clear they hired him for Deadlock.
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>bkb does not stop pure damage
idk what to tell you brother
>Death ward has always pierced it
Yeah because it was Physical damage until 7.34 which was Aug. 2023.
>words are more real than reality
Go into demo and use qop ult or diabolic edict on a bkbd hero, see how well that little line of text stops the damage
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probably had some accusations coming he caught wind of early desu
this is why changing bkb was a mistake
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All those spells pierce debuff immunity, if they didn't have that effect they wouldn't do damage, Omni's Hammer is an example of Pure damage that doesn't pierce BKB, Impetus too
>one day I won't be here anymore for you to do this with.
Then fucking leave and go ruin the deadlock general already.
Thanks for reiterating my post
I understand that's how it works. BKB makes the user immune to pure damage. Full stop. Those spells pierce BKB and therefore are exceptions to the rule. This is bad, dishonest game design.
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Guy with red hat = Valve
Other, bald guy = Dota 2
Well you got it backwards, it is not that BKB doesn't stop Pure damage, it is that some spells go through it
i hope Deadlock gets massive cheater problems and it flops
>i hope Deadlock
You don't have to hope, it's a Valve product without anti-cheat.
And the game is already losing players.
I call a spade a spade and I won't budge
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>need somethign to watch while i eat dinner
>mason banned
what the fuck
>spells clearly say it pierces damage immunity
are you fuckin retards for real.
Jesus, these are the people I get matched with.
>dies on the most retarded hill possible
yeah you're a dotard alright
Being correct is a hill worth dying on
I call it a shovel
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>PSG is retarded
I guess whoever taught you basic logic also taught you how to read maps because you're on the wrong hill
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That much is true but he doesn't actually want to discuss the game, he'd rather post shitty AI for attention
I'm right, keep crying about it
Venue was always empty except for the final day, so yeah next time finals will be the international
alright bubba you know what they say about arguing with idiots, winning an argument with an intelligent person is hard, winning one against a retard is impossible
enjoy your hollow "victory" I guess
You're not, for what it's worth the BKB changes are exceptionally esoteric so I don't blame you
I argue the reality of the game and its mechanics, you argue semantics
Are you the same dumbo who posted >>493042598 the other day? Your signature "deal with it" on every post sounds the same.
bruh d2g isnt moving on TI day. its over. eat some shitty AI, its good for you. open wide

I talk about and post like 99% game related content but you still want to drag my name and accuse every post you don't like of being me regardless

you don't even make game-related webms or anything (probably can't figure it out or too scared of having your steam name discovered)
Fuck off PSG.
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When was the last time you picked your oldest untouched hero?
Flavor of the year game. I wonder if Valve really thinks Deadlock can have the staying power of CS, Dota or even TF2.
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Girl: Dota 2 Playerbase
Animals: Dota 2 Developers
To the right, Offscreen: Deadlock
Ocean, shifting sand beneath feet: TI, perception of existing obligations to Dota 2 playerbase
stinky smelly dotard mouth :3
You didn't even know how to speed up a video, your webms are shit and no one but you posts them, the bitrate is garbage by the way, learn how to computer
>expecting a tech illiterate boomer to know anything about computers
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LMAO i'm literally the only person here who knows shit about computers

guy = dota 2 playerbase
you just know
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Girl = Valve
Ingredients = Development Resources
Small Friends = Dota 2 Playerbase
Finished Meal = Deadlock
I hate fake Japanese videos
slardar 2015
never playing that dumb slug ever again
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Mel Gibson = VAlve
Large Man's Hand= Dota 2 Playerbase Money
free my nigga mason
he didn't do nothin, he was just kidding about being John Wilkes Booth reincarnate
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Girl = Best
Jesus what
I can fix her!
how have the matches been ? i wake up when it's ending
Liquid vs Spirit was good but err you know how it ends
If you wanted to kill a Dire Morphling with a Blink Dagger @ 45 mins, how far would you chase before you decide it's not worth it?

Would you chase him from the river mid to top jungle?
Would you chase him from the top jungle to the portal?
Would you chase him from the portal to top T2?
Would you chase him from top T2 to top T3?
Would you chase him from top T3 to the T4s?

How far would you go? How far should you go? How far would pro players go?
Watch the last Liquid vs Spirit game to find out. :^)
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Blonde Guy = Midas/Techies/Lone Druid/Morphling bugs
Brown Haired Guy = Valve, a company once known for technical competency
pay your reparations ytboi
sex with hoodwink
venomancer owes me sex
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Yoshi = The inevitable death that awaits Dota 2
Mario = Valve trying to prevent Dota from dying
I don't get how you sit here for years being negative
is your life that bad
it's always the same shit
>see someone make post
>spin same theme in a negative way
I'd figured you'd be bored but this is all you have isn't it
i think it's about as complicated of a game as Dota, and i think the reason why everyone says Dota isn't getting any new players is because of how complicated it is, so why would they make another game just as complicated as Dota
I just hate the artistic direction of the game
stop the victim complex. most support players are awful and can't do their 2 jobs (clicking on the enemy without feeding and vision)
He has the perfect brain chemistry for day trading. Extreme autism.
Haven't played in about 6 years, how shit is the game now
>get forced against my will into a party queue match
>the four of them all pick random bitch supports that don't have any synergy
epic nice
medusa time
It's the same game with extra shit.
Time to pick a fifth support. Like that one support hero you never put any hours into despite all this time and wanted to try them out and learn them. Great time to pick them.
What... they nerfed it... it worked before. It is useless now.
Luckily i cant play because win7
Kill the bug, the big one.
i just euthanized 4 games in a row
probably going to low priority and losing a thousand goodboy points
i like to think that the people on my teams in those games are wagies who just got off work and only have time for one or two matches and surprise, i'm on the team and i'm euthanizing, lmao. fuck you wagies, get back in your cagies
I am a Beacon of Knowledge Blazing Out Across a Black Sea of Ignorance!
realistically they're unemployed/13-17 year old ghouls from [insert subhuman region here]
kinda based?!
I don't hate it but I don't love it either. I think Dota has way cooler artistic themes
every time I launch Deadlock, it immediately reminds me of Dota Underlords, desu
Free my nigger mason
Behead all redditroons
I'm sorry to tell you this but it was /d2g/ who snitched on him.
>free mason the number 1 redditard
>also behead all redditards
make up your mind nigger
go back newfag
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very pog
dire bunch of scrubs
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When do the good casters (Moxxie) cast?
what mmr has the most players, i cant find games anymore and i dont want to solo ranked
Then Divine
what is the trick to keep ur accounts low mmr because i feel like my unranked mmr goes up pretty fast even if i dont win that many
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moxxie would sound better with my dick in her mouth
>cap + svg
i like cap, but svg is a charisma blackhole that has 0 chemistry with cap. their tundra podcast is impossible to listen to
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So far TI has been boring.
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How does that happen?
got lucky af. the 1st swap he didnt even know what was coming above, so it was pure luck.
the 2nd one is also incredibly lucky 2venge gap 2venge. generally you get swap by having 2venge vertical, 2venge horizontal forming a corner, and you put a venge in the corner to do and L

anyway, that game is bs, just grind until lucky
he has several videos where he pulls it off
Dude, he just plays that shit for hours probably
meanwhile you're watching stupid ass dragon chess videos like a cuck of a guy only showing the lucky runs
wtf man
he grinds and then uploads the successes. im not saying there is no skill, but what happened there was just luck in the beginning
>tfw chesscucked
PSG here

*smokes pipe* oooooooo

See them tumbling down
Pledging their love to the ground
Lonely but free I'll be found
Drifting along with the tumblin' tumbleweeds

Cares of the past are behind
Nowhere to go, but I'll find
Just where the trail will wind
Drifting along with the tumblin' tumbleweeds

I know when night has gone
That a new world's born at dawn
I'll keep rolling along
Deep in my heart is a song
Here on the range I belong
Drifting along with the tumblin' tumbleweeds
what time does this shit start ?
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in 36 minutes and 20 seconds
Message your old friends on steam and remind them that TI is going on. Even the ones that quit might be interested in watching. Let's start building the hype before the group stage is even over
uhh no thanks. who cares bro
>doing it for free
not my fucking job lil bro
it's very obvious to see that valve are focusing on deadlock , i don't even see the international advertised on steam
i stopped ganking/controlling bounties as pos 4 because most 3s are actually playing a fake 1 and will die the moment you leave the lane
>tfw i'm aggressively pinging my supp to leave min 5 when i offlane
>tfw they never do
NAT armpit
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christ, jenkins is 70% of the way there to trooning out. get him away from the teenage peruvian dota players
>been onetricking phoenix lately because the hero is fun
>suddenly, somehow, it keeps getting banned every game after 10 games
>antisocial psychopath
>also a tranny

whoa, no way.

Did you hear that? It's the sound of male spaces dying as they become infested with baby-talking dolls, faggots and trannies.
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Lina, my hotwife
Why is Quinn's hole always laughing when she talks?
>not hotel room ti anymore
>Non-Valve TI
>Talent looks fucking OLD
>Men sitting in chairs with their legs crossed gayly instead of talent standing and naturally engaging with the subject matter animatedly
>Nobody posting from TI
>Molasses thread
>No recognizable players
>Women on seemingly every cast, Moxxi invited for some reason

Man, I don't like Deadlock. It feels like the game is going to be absolutely spasmodic to play. See you at the crossroads Dotards...
so these are the people giving advice in this thread...
lmao this chinese dude with the big top lip, they always manage to send some genetic creaturas
man admiral bulldog looks so old now

is this whats going to happen to all of us bros
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oh shit pieliedie defected to china? the only recognizable player around
how does what happen? these are normal stats
>Monolingual english speakers trying to express some sort of superiority when it needs over 9000 prepositions, articles and infinitives between verbs, nouns and adjectives.
pieliedie a nightcrawler lookin nigga
nigga grammar has nothing to do with niggas name being Chun Li and Ping Pong and shit
it feels like if you're playing phoenix and you don't get meteor hammer to use it with icarus dive you're griefing, you bare minimum need that and shivas
whereas Tom Williamson & William Thomson are good names
what's happend to Ehpey? any qrd?
drow naga safe what the fuck am i watching

okay Lu Bu
Mossad got her visa denied
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good morning dotards
what would rangiku think of the grubka?
You're trying to pronounce chinese words with enlish phonemes.

That's like trying to speak french with a english accent. "Merrr-sea, boo-coop."
Oy vey you again, goyim. hope you spam more today
has nothing to do with anything, dont need pronunciation of any sort for a niggas name being Ding Cong to be funny
talon have like 20 mins max
SSRI usage
It's definitely hilarious the first time you leave the rock you were living under
“TI 2024”, also known as “Technical Issues 2024” is a tournament for the popular video game “Defense of the Ancients 2 (TWO)”, where players compete for over 2 MILLION FREEDOM UNITS by seeing who can disconnect and reconnect the most times
ding cong is objectively funny
not that guy btw
glad you were raised to be so sensitive
you definitely got made fun of for your name
I'd rather be that than whatever you are lmao
casters chortling at each other over autistic jokes is cringe

my name is Liu-Wen Cheng, why?
I'm sure it is buddy.
>black hole useless
>ravage useless
>boat useless
>the big aoe teamfight ulti is now song because it stuns people for 6 seconds
Why are pros always pausing over mics, when was the last time yours has ever randomly stopped working but they do it all the time
since there's a billion chinks you might as well tell us your name so we can see where the insecurity comes from
PGL quality
their mic setup is more akin to a musicians, its not a computer mic plugged in m8.
>posting your full name on 4chan
You're even stupider than I thought, jesus
What do you mean, they all have headsets
you're not unique if you have a chinese name
Yeah, I've been to a lot of concerts where mics randomly stopped working, this makes a lot of sense
But I don't? I'm positive no one else has my exact full name lol
Kong Dik Wang
cmon someone even posted his passport in /csg/
what country was he from
ummm sticky?
>pros dont even pick banner
failed idea
it's just the playoffs chill
it's just the quarter finals chill
it's just the half finals chill
it's just the grandfinals chill
it's over chill
no sticky this year due to valve decide to downgrade TI to shit event.
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this radiant draft was ass
I'm going to pour something sticky down your throat.
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first pick np ayyylmao
Post more BIG TITS

will worlds still be hype
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check these babies out
Why didn't they just have 2 groups of 8 that play round robin with top 4 of each group to upper bracket and bottom 4 to lower bracket? This whole format is completely retarded when you can lose all games in the meme stage, win the bo3 and get upper bracket.
Fucking lid TI
those tits are handling those nuts well
This nigga Jenkins is pretty zesty...
who is this faggot on the right? looks like he's on coke or something

Their lust for nuts is unmatched.
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Their reasoning was that with the old group format the games didn't matter, I don't know what they expected though because now the group stage matters even less, hell there's not even an elimination this year
wtf is wrong with the sound
nice job PGL
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what the hell am i reading, how does that make any sense?
I don't think anything will ever match the BTS thru DAC and TI6 era ever again.
Why is it every time Jenkins gets in front of a camera he's further down the faggot pipeline in his presentation, mannerisms and vocabulary?
remembering TI3 with kaci etc makes me tear up :(
why did valve ruin the best event
i would say someone is grooming him but that nigga wearing air frankensteins LMFAO

he gettin groomed by the diddy of the Dota world. EternalEnvy. That's why he's in Dubai, he makin money sellin another mans butt.
That's so stupid, like what the fuck? I have had zero interest in watching this group stage because it literally doesn't matter. The old one was hype as fuck with groups of 10 where 2 teams got eliminated and the meta got time to develop with so many games.
Like honestly, they are making an argument that some games on the final day of groups didn't matter (a lot of the time, the final days mattered a fucking lot with teams getting dropped out of TI or not making UB due to losing one game). So now as a counter to this, they make the group stage matter even less with less matches being played and the only match that really matters is one BO3 that you get seeded to based on your group stage.
I'm honestly so mad at how stupid they are
Things just do come to pass, friend. Dota, as far as video games go, enjoyed a long and unbelievably rich life. A reality is just that the people chiefly in charge of making it special wanted to move on, so now there is a new game.
Someone please...I need big boobs...
I'm undying
DEI company
I thought being constantly adversarial (ironically) was a personality
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It's too early for lewdposting
>CN youtube stream
>261 viewers
>go to sleep
>no naked mirana in my bed
>not having dark mode
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Is there cosplay this year? They didn't say so but hopefully it goes without saying
>ahhhh i cant handle bright screen
black mode for fag.
Enjoy your noeyes then faggot
true man cranks the brightness to the max, else you're a tranny
calling 2-0
>casters pretending there are no technical issues despite obvious lag and sound muting itself
So you're saying....you predict, the sun rising tomorrow?
Is killing yourself as SF really the optimal play? What about your SOULS?
>Is killing yourself as SF really the optimal play?
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it's not that certain
Yeah obviously. It's easier to tp back for free since you get a tp from dying and you don't end up needing to ferry 200g worth of hp regen/mana regen
Souls are easy to acquire with cheap razes esp vs eidolons
XG is one of the best teams here, there's no way talon can take a game off of them
feel free to prove me wrong by posting more BIG ASS TIDDIES
What will be this TI's big reveal?
Act 4 probably
End of service
Deadlock collab ;)
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announcing the revival of the DPC (Deadlock Pro Circuit)
Half life: X
Bird hero
A third Roshan pit
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yesterday it was Arc Warden, today it's Dark Willow from March 2024
I play all heroes on all hero challenge rotation. Helps you stay in touch with all the aspects and skills so you are never surprised and can counter play.
Middle part is my "preference pool" I didnt update since 7.36 yet, its pretty outdated
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full frontal nudity for every hero
Dota 3
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Dota :3
im writing a novel about a girl who is watching the ti and discovers she can click the abilities and help win, she ends up taking her favorite team of asians to the championships
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Windwaifu wins this one
I know it will never happen but a HoN collab involving porting the original heroes + implementing skins of the clone heroes would make me cum in my pants and open up my wallet
sounds incredibly dull
>meanwhile in reality
ShitBoom ults into nothing

no its exciting and relatable
Maybe if her Enigma remembers he has BKB before he blinks in and uses Black Hole.
>pinoys making OCE a laughing stock
not again
>accusations of the chinks cheating were actually true and they all get permabanned

>the The International
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man I should have slept in this series is boring
>20k Gold lead + Aegis + all tier2 are up if you fuck up so you can't lose + free Rosh Aghs
>Can't push highround
Nice game Dotards.
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I demand Enigma buffs.
WS is such a retarded chink. Why did that stupid bastard hold his ult for so long at the top lotus pool? Singlehandedly threw the entire game.
>Watch that play
>Looks fun
>Play my pubs
>No one buys Force Staff
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Stupidranger not going rapier
one of my most bought items on support
Mine too but for stuff like that you need 2~3 on the team.
>tfw you have class in 4 hours but instead of sleeping your watching dota
She would have killed them all in that black hole if she did.

I know that feel bro, the dota TI is the biggest esports event of the year, it's like trying to sleep during the FIFA world cup or USA superbowl
dare i say wr is the honeypot hero
>wr melted by mirana
holy kek
MVPd yesterday on AXE with 2 force staffs saving me multiple times. Was fun to be on the other side
how do you f up tempest that bad? did he forget had had black hole?
Natea pits
How do you just let this nigga come up on stage without telling him to check the fit?
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dead thread
dead ti
dead game
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Looks like a FTM tranny ffs
avg scandi male
Men like this get crazy amount of pvssy apparently
From other men I presume
he presents himself as non threatening for easier rapes
Yep, I dressed like this a few years ago can confirm. Although I'd say I'm much hotter than Jenkins, not being a pasty 5'8 nerd
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TL will win
less games = less cost for pgl which is an outsourcer sars
What champions are these
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Why Medusa support
>everyone has to play total garbage team
>liquid has to play betboom
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so this is the power of turbo.
What do the numbers next to the hero icons on the top left (Under LH/DN) mean on the stream?
Hero kills
looks like times that hero has killed the hero shown
Thanks for the clarification
nahhh I see effeminate zoomers like this with the cutest women
>absolutely crush offlane
>literally take all of their bot lane towers, rax, and even a tier 4
>we end up losing
>get absolutely farmed by a leshrac despite me having shivas and mage slayer, team feeds so hard that im the only one with positive kdr by the end
>enemy safe says ez bot

do people do that to act like a tsundere while they acknowledge how hard you beat their ass or something? it doesn't make much sense to me otherwise given the context, desu that was the one game where i was actually impressed with how much last hits and denies i got from starting out with only 47 attack damage
>gorgc start streaming
>dead thread
never change dotard
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told ya ez liquid win
Sexy dommy mommy drow sorcereress hero when?
this support medusa is tankier than carry medusas I see in pubs
Razor still bad, I wish he wasn't but he is. The magic tank era was at least cool and different.
Liquid play worse when they have aegis
You just jinxed it.
>liquid lose aegis in <1 minute twice in the same game
Atrocious map movement and coordination.
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I think I'm falling victim to the forced 50% wr. Every game I get griefers or retards. I don't mind losing if It's a close game. But it's just not fun to play respawn simulator cause the opponent has carry lina or zeus or sniper and my team has PL or kotl or some shit. It's just not fun. When I come home from work and play I feel like I wasted 3 hours buyig wards and dusts and smokes just to die and watch the enemy mid go 30-0 against my mid silencer or qop or some shit who bought a linkens against 7 stuns.

I think I'm just going to uninstall because I could be doing other things or playing other games. It all started after I moved and had to start playing in Japan or SEA with 110 ping and everybody calling me indo when I flame them. But I'm pretty sure my entire pub is just indos or w/e

i'm starting to see why more people watch this game than play it, though not many ppl do either
I made a hero concept for a vampire hero a while back and it was basically designed to be bloodstone razor. We should have gotten that instead of Ring Master.
Honestly they should just let me make heroes. At least I attempting to add micro heroes.
me on the bottom
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never doubted
just BB drafted zdps team
Liquid vs falcons, spirit and gg: 3k mmr
Liquid vs any other team: best team in the world
I want sex Asuna sex sex sex sex
Grubby already debunked forced 50.
>medusa support
I hate this meta. itf's fucking trash
Going from mid playmaker to being a healbot pos 5 supportcuckold has to be humiliating
>4th best team in the world beats all other teams except the top 3
wow anon that's so insightful
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lol what, she can blink when taking damage because of Safety Bubble?
Yeah, you have to lose HP for blink to go on CD, if you have bubble you literally do not lose HP while you have mana.
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>Carry cucks still seething that support Chads keep stealing their heroes and playing them better

We won't quit till every carry hero has been SUPPORTED
I don't think so, because TT wanted to be the captain/shotcaller of his crew. Often the 5 does that.
you take like 1% damage through mana shield to health, unless you have the safety bubble which takes the hit before health. Gives the same effect as Refraction, like all other shields but they're all better on Dusa for that reason
only in the early game
carrychads call the shots when it matters
ok if he is captaining that is different
is support dusa viable??? icefrog why
the support of supports (io) has won a TI as a carry
sit down
be humble
It simply depends on the team.
Has been for a while.
Is there a single team in TI where the captain is not the 5?
if you want to escape forced 50% just keep your behavior score like 7-8k. dont fell for good guy meme. i used to have 11k behavior score and game quality dropped so hard.
No such thing
Carrycucks farm in the corner while everyone else has fun. They only get to come out when they're all geared up in their cuckfit
Again they lose with aegis
Mind control teams often had him as captain. It was an issue why left his last team. Sometimes, it's the 4 who is the captain as well. Or at least, if not captain, main shotcaller.
>casters call him Saika
>plays like shit
>casters call him nightfall
>carries 1v5
should have died without bkb when you realise you cant break link, then bkb after aegis
grubby doesnt play enough to find the truth. he was so new to this game but his autistic talent got him immortal rank.
skill requirement goes like this:
5 = 1 > 4 = 3 > 2
this is what supportsissies actually believe
So who is to blame this time?
betboom probably should have disbanded a while back.
What the fuck was that Luna damage HOLY shit

Oh yeah, I think FY was captain for most of /vg/'s history as well, and I think Quinn is effectively GG's captain.
wtf how did luna do so much damage? they were all bkb'd, it couldn't be ulti
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called it
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>Juggernaut Latte
> not Mug Of Jug
imagine licking them wet till its dry
They said it to make you mad, yes.
Ehh, I'd actually say 5 is the easiest role to play in a competitive enviroment.
5 = 3 = 2 > 4 > 1
3 = 2 > 4 > 1 > 5
Most of the skill necessary to play 5 is being able to wrangle retards around you, with actual competent teammates communicating actively it's ez

Facet gives AD per lucent beam, even if BKB tanks the magic damage she was probably hitting for like 700 per hit + bounces
asuna sex asuna sex asuna sex asuna sex
I also say, gg ez, when I got carried hard
>Facet gives AD per lucent beam, even if BKB tanks the magic damage she was probably hitting for like 700 per hit + bounces
oh she actually had that facet, i thought it was shit
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I'm 99% sure it's complete garbage, but it might work well against melee heavy teams since you're guaranteed to get stacks and bounce around for massive burst during ulti, specially if you go refresher.

The stat is literally called Attack Damage, I know it's a LeL term but it works as an abbreviation for us as well.
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>go mid
>shit the bed hard
>embarrass yourself
>miss every combo
>finish 2/11 (two killsteals)
>get carried hard by safelane and offlane

>"ez mid"
>They said it to make you mad
Shouldn't they do that in the middle of the game in an attempt to tilt and gain an advantage? If you do it at the end you gain nothing but risk queuing up with the person as your teammate and them being tilted at best or deciding to throw at worst.
How does betboom keep doing it?
People don't just make others mad for pragmatic gain.
Making people mad is just fun.
Are you an autistic 12yo or something? Why are you so surprised about this? People have been doing/saying this shit for years to make others mad and also to help them cope. At this point it's more like ingrained habit for 99% of them. You can sit there trying to psychoanalyse them like every move they make is intentional and planned but you're wasting your time because most of them aren't actually thinking and are no better than bots in what they do or say.
Would TI be better if the reward was losing your virginity to a 10/10 hotty?
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terrorbros... why are we forgotten...
so where's act 4
I still think BB is probably the highest skill team in the world individually (except gpk) but they choke completely as a team.
Nightfall is amazing, Save is in the Goat conversation for pos 4, BANGKOKBRAZIL is also incredible, but they just don't jell well.

I don't think there's a single virgin dota 2 pro at TI
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I got 41k on dragon chess
>gpk bad
>Nightfall is amazing
How's bizarro dota?
33 looks exactly like the chud meme
He hath spoketh
In retrospect it's amazing how we managed to get a TI without Bulldog faggoting up a single panel
glad they finally stopped trying to invite him
medusa is the reason safety bubble will get removed
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>I don't think there's a single virgin dota 2 pro at TI
why the hell are pros picking luna
did she get buffed? hero always felt incredibly weak, the only upside is the speed at which she farms but then again id rather pick alchemist...
this guy is going to transition soon eh?
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Stop banning Ench
It's not uncommon for heroes to be weak in pubs but strong in the pro scene. Drafting heroes that empower each other our that counters the enemy is also an obvious factor. Plus every players has their specialty or comfort heroes.
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honeypot furion
liquid 2-0
Sumichu got her revenge.
Luna is an actual carry when 4,5 and 6 slotted, while Alch is literally one of the weakest late game heroes in the game.
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>mirana carry
gg go next game 3
impregnate enchantress
You mean
>get impregnated by enchantress
with that FAT
I go on carry to relax
I play Arc I take MVP
I play Axe I take MVP
Then I play Ursa I do 80% of impact we lose the second Im dead bcs supps are unable to see creeps on pushed lanes.

I dont like playing pos 5 because its too complicated to monitor all the stuff. Carry is just
>time last hits
>time 3-10 button presses
That's it.
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you now remember akke chen
I remember not understanding why Akke's Chen is somehow so brutal that you have to let Bulldog play his two only heroes every game + Puppey can't take Chen for himself
puppey worked in myserious ways. didn't navi figure out alliance's draft by the grand final? maybe that's what it took and chen was in the way
>Giving Wisp to Alliance
they did it 3 out of 5 games anyway...
so are these elimination series?
No, they decide who goes to upper bracket
I don't get what the punishment for doing bad in groups is lol
Nope, winner goes to upper bracket, loser to lower.
going 0-6 and still making it to lower bracket is pretty epic ngl
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NatTea feet!
Hate DK. Awful hero
How hard is Glepnir getting nerfed next patch?
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33 dieback on 20
that's probably a gg oof

Wouldn't surprise me if it got straight up removed lol.
Or Maelstrom removed from it
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uhm dotard, you can still make upper bracket after going 0-6, just win your bo3
joke format joke tournament joke game
I legit think they might remove it. Gleipnir is legit the most meta warping item for the carry pool ever released, we went from a straight hard carry meta before it to semi carries being the norm from position 1 through 4.
i want sex
BBC bros
please understand we need 8 hours of games for 2 weeks straight for the sponsors
I don't remember the last time I've seen someone buy Mjolnir.
I want to clean dark willow's belly button with my tongue.
calm down durpinder
We have sponsors now PogU
everyone has to play fucking nouns, beastcoast, aurora, heroic or talon tier of garbage teams who are there only for participation award
liquid gets fucking BB
saar please post more anime babyjirl
Even on heroes that deal insane damage with high AS and the proc like FV, Sniper, WR, etc the item just feels bad, having an AoE root on demand from medium range and the amazing stats from Gleipnir is just too much.
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Right about now we'd have EG going 10-2 in groups, then bombing two straight bo3s

Ahh memories.
to TWO SA teams
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They wont remove it because the current developers are braindead and everyone is working on deadlock
Group A sisters????
>dont play for a week
>still pick visage
>still win
is it really that easy?
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Miss me yet?
>6 invited teams
>4 groups
>Group B has no invited teams in it so teams have a higher chance of getting to upper bracket
How is this fair
He's washed up
too old
you only need to beat BB or TS to play in upper bracket
It's a competition, it's by it's very nature not fair
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thread ded again
liquid to win tho
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I love anime girls so much
I want to be in a world where anime girls live
God please put me together with anime girls

And yes, Liquid should win
he is addicted to BBC!
Why isn't gpk leveling ult
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Can't see what he's doing
>batrider casually stacking every jungle camp and feeding the enemy all the stacks
based griever
anon he isn't crying
Do you know how many funerals he has to go to for every one of those neutrals? He's absolutely crying rn.
Luna's a traditional carry. She feels weak early game with no items but with 4-6 items she becomes a beast and a huge threat. Watch how scary she becomes when a pro plays her lategame.

The issue with most carries isn't that they're weak early game. That's intentional design. The issue is whether they'll ever make it to the 6-slotted stage and/or whether or not they're worth a damn even after 6 items.
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you're gonna be crying real soon
from pleasure
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why is the thread so dead
will we get a sticky this year
When Avery said "a pipe to back him up" it sounded like "pipe tobacco"
shouldve been in NA
>forced to buy BKB because the losing enemy team buys Blademails en masse and I can't outheal my own damage output
>can't just bait it out because it's like 20 seconds long fuck you so it'll be on for most teamfights
Blademail is such a fucking crutch. You shouldn't be allowed to buy Blademail if your team's net worth is lower than the enemy's or something. It's not going to help you win anyway. Just an annoying as fuck inconvenience that ultimately won't stop me. Revert it back to reflecting identical damage from sources so that my AGI armour will reduce the physical damage it returns to me.
Sticky soon fellow dotard!
Stop picking DK.
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game or at least TI is dead
>forced to buy BKB
if you aren't buying black penis bar every game then you aren't a real player
>want nisha to win this TI
>don't want blitz to win
Every BKB I buy delays my Divine Rapier.
Not this shit again
>game crashed again
dota is really dead. valve abandoned dota. valve abandoned counter strike 2
valve is focusing on deadlock now...
small indie company
>eu internet
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little ddos attack
armor does reduce damage taken from blademail
>fight breaks out
>storm with aegis afking 3 screens away
>no ult
yeah nisha is choking again
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heh, nothing personnel
i saw fluff in the utility closet
this game is so dogshit you guys
it was about to be reclaimed, try paying attention next time
>armor reduces Pure damage
Anon pls
so what? it would regen his mana and enemy was out of position, which is the point of the hero
try not being a retard next time
>hey guys im gonna die out of position so I can get my mana back and die so I buyback ok
nice plan idiot
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Is this a joke? When is valve closing servers?
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this is the honeypot TI, the real one already happened
Post Marci
oh look, storm can jump very far away to help kill someone with his team, and actually survive after
who wouldve thought
>BSJ clicked the ixbet link

so any juicy leaks yet? did he really call jenkins the nword?
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called it
>didn't even read my post
ok retard
ez for team BLACKED
Dota is so boring now, everyone has too much hp, there's too many saves.
You are not punished as much as you used before and it's starting to be like league where nobody dies unless you go full in.
>check wiki even though I'm 99% sure it's still Pure
>says source-type reflection
>check other wiki
>it's the same
>check in-game
>it's the same
What the fuck? I swear they changed it from source-type to Pure years ago because they were trying to buff it. Have I been living a lie all this time? Am I going senile? wtf...
this is funny to say because dota is still by far the most lethal moba
There's only 2 mobas and Dota is turning more and more into league for every patch.
This is still nothing compared to the Chinese farming meta that plagued early Dota. 2 hour long games were such a common meme...
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uhm... there's hots too...
That is much more interesting to see than generic BROOOOOOOOL that plays the exact same with the same heroes every time.
it's the mangina effect
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my senile dotard hands clicked the wrong post
>That is much more interesting to see than
Ask me how I know you never actually watched a TI2 Chinese game without saying you were never there. That shit was boring and tedious as fuck and were the epitome of the Chinese bringing in LoL's no-kill meta into Dota. They would spend 10 minutes farming up 5 BKBs for a T2 push and then when the BKBs run out they just disengage, nobody dies, then they go back to farming new BKBs. It was horrible and the fact that you think it's anything better than what we have now just shows that you're a newkid full of shit. Or even worse, a tourist and not even a real dotard.
So it's exactly like now, but with the actual excitement and skills?
I dont like this meta. I dont know what it is. Maybe the unconventional carries and supports. It just doesnt interest me as much as other metas
Personally I love it when support chads get to steal all the core cuck heroes.
Your heroes are ours to enjoy.
And when our heroes are playable as cores we'll be doing it because you cucks are too scared to try anything new.
man she looks bad
what happened?
Toki owes me babies.

I'd much rather watch xiao8's LGD than this
asuna please be real and have sex with me
Because supports are just cores now, roles feel meaningless. There's too many saves and everyone is tanky so the game is just lots of BROOOOL and doesn't allow for any fun individual play or for individuals to shine.
What if we are the holograms?
women who aren't actually pretty like nattea only look good until 23-25 naturally max then they completely lose it all at once
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I type dumb shit at the end of the game especially when I got crushed or contributed nothing
>all me
>commend putos
> carried my DOG team 100%

if somebody points out my KDR or says I got carried I just say
>I know I didn't even have to do shit and I still won this game

why is there always a horribly broken neutral item? like a "what were they thiiiiiiinking?" type neutral item? I remember royal jelly was crazy on heroes like ursa. repair kit, essence ring, and clumsy were especially strong IIRC.

is safety bubble the new auto-pick item on most heroes?
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>Ephey starts talking
Am I the only one hearing this?
I mute the stream every time a woman starts speaking so I don't know.

she looks fine, just her hair is tied back. versus well styled hair thats like legit a whole point or two/10

also.. olive green top and fingernails? not the most stylish
What is this 1W team? Who are these players? What region are they?
my favourite are the tier 5 items. they'll never be balanced, because theres just not nearly enough data for them. i mean think about the items like Apex. does it really make a difference if that item gave you 5 more or 5 less or your primary stat versus what it does now? no, so why ever adjust it? the number that it says barely matters unless its pathetically low or absurdly brokenly high. it could be anywhere between 50 to 100 really
why is gleipnir a purchaseable ult
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lets go c9 do it for him
nah safety is only viable on medusa in the way you'd want to keep it all game long.
and fucking sneakers
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>1 pro picks Mirana as core
>now every pro does the same even if it was never seen before
I hate pros so much
arent they all wearing nikes? i assume the wardrobe is soft-sponsored by nike or something. but yeah she's been wearing sneakers all tournament and i think good sneakers look okay with casual outfits but her current outfit can definitely do with better shoes
can someone explain why this schizo always starts ree'ing whenever ephey is on screen
was it autism?
pros buying manta style as a core item 100% of the time on medusa for YEARS when it was never good still kills me inside
Will this be another TI where the team that DOESN'T blindly following the meta will win again?
I swear that pros don't actually deserve to be pros, they have zero imagination and are even worse meta sheep that the average joe.
i liked it when it gave you 80% of your main stat
I hope so, thats the only time where the game is truly interesting. There are also still a lot of heroes on the table that arent being picked. heroes like OD that a meta-follower wont be accounting for until its last picked and solo carries a big game with no answer to it
Yeah I'm just waiting for a team to pick something like Bane mid and then all of a sudden it become first pick/ban for every team.
1win is a terrible name for a team
even though stygian desolator gives more armor reduction, it actually gives 20 less damage than a fully charged desolator

also, necrobook was so problematic for the game designers that they decided to remove it from the game entirely... except you have a random chance to get an item that is basically a level 4/5 necrobook that has 2x creeps. ??? this item is fucking funny to me because the description of the effect of it says "Summons 4 level 3 Necronomicon Units that last 75 seconds. Units have 100% more health and 75% more damage." It literally refers to an item that no longer exists in the game, and instead of just saying what their stats are, it says that they have 100% more hp than level 3 of an item that hasnt existed in the game for years. they legit dont even care
And what would you name your team?
anon's faggy fetish bait?
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I have to root against C9 since theyre region cheaters
post more
All armor reduction items need a buff and they should bring back medallion of courage
DK's poison being 0/-1/-2/-3 armor reduction is so fucking pathetic.. look out bros it gets amped to -4.5 when you have level 18 and aghs...
>desolator needs a buff
how about fucking no?
16 kills in 30min even tho teams just buy aura/team items, nu-dota is so exciting!
gaining 4 summons at min 60 isnt really the same as being able to purchase the item whenever you have the gold
>shittiest item in the game needs a buff
Uh, yeah? When was the last time you saw someone buy a fucking desolator?
Yes it does
There are ton of neutral items that give supportcuckold free armor and other survivability, desolator is so outdated for everyone that isn't PA
>herald players
Stop projecting, no one buys deso except TA and PA, and even then I seem them skip it just as often as get it because it's that fucking bad.
>Stop projecting,
deso has been purchased 7 times at this ti
ac has been purchased 22 times
why does armor reduction have to be so shit, dotards? is it because towers would drop instantly if it were ever any good?
Yatoro is going to play pos1 invoker you hear it from me first.
Because supports would feel bad if they are allowed to be killed :(
because dps is high enough already
Armor reduction counters the defensive highground meta and the unkillable strength hero meta, so naturally it must be kept bad.
pretty much
enjoy your 20 years of design baggage
Post mmr.
>Try to pick Snapfire pos4
>Accidentally pick Techies, haven't played the hero since 2015
>Win in 25 minutes
That was a weird experience.
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the bad guys won
Am I getting too old, or does every Dota pro match feel mostly the same??
We literally just went from a series where both teams BROOLED all game to one where the winning team just gave the other the run around.
I haven't played Dota 2 since Legion Commander was released, rl reasons.
I know the game's been changed a bit and they've outright made new heroes past the originals, but to what degree? Is it the same game?
It's closer to League now than it's to the Dota you used to play.
there are approximately 100 a4 pages of patch notes between then and now. Huge map changes, huge economy changes, huge system changes. No one has a summary for you. Go read, faggot.
of malice
>Ephey starts talking
Current dota is more unlike league than any previous iteration and I doubt you ever played either.
>No one has a summary for you
I have, it has been Leaguefied. Less focus on indifidual skill and more about brool/team fight, objectives, insane powercreep, bigger balance issues and bigger focus on following meta because the gap between heroes are bigger, all new heroes are DEI SBI products and game is dying
Too many players only play on eu server so they have pretty much the same meta.
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They could unironically make a deep run this tourney
>when more than 10 kills at 30 minutes is rare in league
Dota has never been less league than it is now.
>not muting the tab and queueing for a match as soon as a game ends

lol noob
sometimes you need to hit the buzzword quota
Anon the last match had 16 kills in 30min
What is this Universal draft
kinda crazy that noone is the only fat pro dota2 player
you'd expect more fatties even mind control lost weight
Which is rare in dota, there's usually a lot more.
It's also rare in league, but instead there's usually less.
No it's not, it's the norm in Dota now and why it's getting more and more like League.
why would you eat when you could play dota?
My goal is to become the first fat Dota 2 pro. Fat people make normalfags seethe so much I want to cause some seething.
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>pos1 Invoker
We are in boys.
mason already beat you bro
Oh goodie...
I did see map changes at least and didn't like them.
Mason became a gymfaggot and is an obnoxious normalfag
>Current dota is more unlike league than any previous iteration and I doubt you ever played either.
>Tank meta
>Spell amp
>Unlike league
lmao the fking cope. the only thing this game has that's unlike league is the fact that it's filled to the brim with Russian/peru subhumans and that we get 1 hero per year instead of 3.
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>translator forgot to translate
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>enemy has no way to dispel Enfeeble from bane
>it's one of the best spells in the game
>he doesn't skill it
mason spends all day playing videogames and browsing /pol/ how is he a normalfag
Post anything bad about women and he will seethe and ban you. He banned people and raged against them when they said that the girl that accused Tobi was dumb
of course he will
his livelihood depends on his stream and fostering a chuddy bigot community is an easy way to get banned or partnership removed
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Based Ogre Magi casting
unironically the best duo right now
what does a pos 1 invoker do that something like a lina or a drow can't?
>chira JR
playing for
might be the worst nicknames combined with the worst team name. impressive.
Reminder that every game that panders to your wretched pervert kind bombs, and so do personal careers pandering to you.
Short term sustainability < Long term sustainability.
people already think he is a nazi chudcel anyway no need to make it worse
He can ks and assist from the comfort of his home.
Bane+ invoker combo, which is dumb because Bane has now maxed out nightmare which is such an useless skill.
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Unfortunate angle
really getting tired of this hit & run C9's nigger tactic
swedenstrong might be the worst player names of all time
tough competition, includes "Matthew" (who the fuck else would name themselves matthew, or think that name is remotely cool, except a peruvian guy not actually named matthew) and "TheVeryFamous.ar3a" yes that whole fucking thing is some egyptian guys username
alright I'm goin to bed, that was rough. Rooting for c9 though, good for them
spirit breaker?
Idk nigga, the global billion pure damage nuke?
worst part about this pick is that now ranked MM is going to be fucking unplayable now with all the people picking invoker pos 1.
I'm Swedish and I fucking HATE Swedes Online. They're so fucking obnoxious about being Swedish, the moment a Swede finds out there's another Swede around in any game they will start to exclusively start talking in Swedish, even in general chats even tho they can perfectly well write in English.
Why are all games such fucking stomps?
swedenstrong is russian
also contains the biggest fucking losers in the history of anything, Loda and his decade+ of trying to cover up balding with monster hats, and admiralbulldog, who only won games because people didnt want to ban natures prophet in ti3 and so he is set for life when only knowing how to play 2 heroes
Because the game is such an unbalanced mess right now.
Talents, innates, facets, powercreep has all contributed to the game being harder and harder to balance and the gap between strong(meta) heroes and other heroes are bigger than ever.
So instead of having fights being about mostly skills, positioning and execution it's now more about a stat check.
why the FUCK is a russian named swedenstrong, in all honesty
nice pango ulti dodge with the self sleep
Maybe he loves sweden.
pretty much this, Dota is a deck building game now, the draft wins the game most of the time
Swedes used to rule russia. The Rus were Swedish vikings that ruled over the indigenous people which they called slavs, which means slaves. Modern russians are descendants of a slave people and they inherently know Swedes are their superiors.
I don't understand how Bulldog can still have an audience, yes he was entertaining when he first started to stream and actually played ranked and wasn't just a bad Forsen clone.
It's the same as early e-celebs or even dota pros, as long as you were part of the early scene it's impossible to fall out no matter how much you suck or how uninteresting you are.
noone bros we are so fucking back!
plenty of time to relive some virtus chake
yes, being the first of something is just too strong to refute, its so fucking bizarre that people in the 2020's still care about something like alliance who havent been relevant in so long

if you ever bother to look at their youtube, they would post all these hype/bootcamp vids of their teams hyping up how theyre going to RECLAIM THE AEGIS and they get like no views and then they dont win any tournaments or come even close to it. balding loda and admiralbulldog who does nothing but just farm plebs for twitch bucks are the biggest KWABs, they won TI when literally fucking nobody knew how to play the game

remember early TI's where people were doing shit like rubick mid remember THE PLAY where a top tier team decided it would be a good idea to stack as 5 on top of an enigma that had a BKB? honestly a team of 5k players today could win TI from 11 years ago
It's the jordanian accent.
arab women like ephey are so hot imagine if they didn't have to wear veils
sexo sheever
look at dem titties
stfu psg
that argument is pretty stupid, achievements are always relative to time period they were achieved in
no fucking shit, with that same logic you can say a team of 5ks 10 years in the future can win TI this year so whats the point of admiring the current pros rn
Veils are hot.
Ephey would be hotter with a veil than without. The veil hides her ugly shit face. Even better if she wears a hijab, then she would also hide her dried up hair
what happened to the hype
do arabs have to buy veil of discord on female heroes?
This general is dead huh
psg killed it
Crownfall went past its expiry date
Ringmaster was a disappointment
Compendium contains nothing, like last year
Facets and Innates update was a wet fart
TI has no fan favourites
General has too many low IQ shitposters
Would renaming tangos to burgers revitalize the American DotA scene?
I think the guy who constantly mentions/blames PSG did more damage to this general than anyone else.
>forgot to do my predictions for the group stage
the game's issues will never be addressed until a total patch rollback
What did they do to Naga that she's perma-banned now?
im salty about how forced the facets are. like.. instead of dragon knight getting all his passives for the dragon, you just.. pick one. and it doesnt matter what you pick, it feels bad to miss out on two of the passives. not picking the fire dragon is sad as shit, but also not having the poison for towers feels awful

also having dragon blood as his innate makes sense, but then your actual passive is just a shit version of your dragon's old passives, on your shit melee hero that cant touch jack shit without transforming into a dragon. why do i hate it so much
insider in
nouns wins tomorrow
insider out
That will never happen. The way to the future for "Dota" is a new game with a dedicated dev team.
>hoodwink nerfed
>game dies
Buff Hoodwink = alive game
you're putting bandaid on a open fracture no matter what, you can't fix 8 years of bullshit with more shit
...that's why I said new game
we already have deadlock though
Deadlock is a hots or league or smite type game, not a Dota type game.
Doesn't even have individual cs, controllable units or courier. It's streamlined babbygame.
Why is the general so dead? other games Im interested in have nowhere near the number of viewers for streams of their big tournaments compared to dota, but their generals are much more active.
lmao cope
icefrog moved on, deadlock is dota 3
is it really a jav title?
why don't you look it up
People just needed to ignore PSG in the first place but the Internet pre-disposes people to engage with others because it fills in for actual social interaction while removing any risks, which lets people put on exaggurated personas and use exaggurated language.
Like if you see someone you think is retarded, schizophrenic or just wrong, 9 times out of 10 there is basically no point in engaging with them because they're just going to double down because they actually are retarded, they're too invested in what they're talking about or they're just trolling.
But, in the case of this general, someone didn't just figure out ignoring or hiding posts, so they bit every single fucking time and when people come to a thread and so much of the discussion is just some mindless bickering back and forth they might just decide not to bother and gradually the general dies.
I don't give a rats ass about icefrog, he literally never mattered. He put together mods and the work of hundreds of users and people like eul and guinsoo. One guy even made like seven popular heroes and nobody ever repeats his name i can't even remember it
Never fall for the superstar designer fallacy. Games are always made by teams in a certain time and climate. That's why icefrog left to his own devices could not make a good game like dota-- only a simpler one.

Btw the chief creator of counterstrike left valve and made some game that nobody has ever once heard of.
dead ass cope post did not read
The issue isn't PSG. It's multiple people blaming him nonstop like a literal boogeyman. Look where he is referenced above. Which posts are they blaming him for? Can you even tell? I can't.
>4 top @ 4 min
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I wonder how many Dota players were older and just retired from online gaming on general
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there is a distinct LACK of BOOB
when was this
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I'm really liking deadlock so far. Should I try out Dota 2?
>has 7 e in his name
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yeah I'm busy playing hots sorry
games were too boring to watch
Only if you want a much harder and more merciless game.
Dota is basically what Deadlock will be 2-4 years from now. I dare say as a product Dota is in its best (close to final) state right now. So much QoL things there
Yeah I never understood the obsession with icefrog
It’s clear that most design decisions for dota were community driven
>the pre interview where he said he was gonna taunt micke when he beat him
>taunt failed
bazed zai backdooring the chinks
if that preemptive celebration was a factor in a loss, i'd have kicked him in the nuts live
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post some hots tiddy
Riyadh Masters 2023
kek, did they win?
t. Has never seen PSG post
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only cuz im still in draft
That’s why it’s funny
you're a real human bean anon
It's been said time and time again.
Dota is literally only played by ESLs at this point valve failed miserably to appeal to any real western audience.
How isn't timbersaw getting massive nerfs after this TI
hahahah, what game was this
then why are whitepeople here still playing?
You are aware that the majority of league players are also ESL?
>General has too many low IQ shitposters
like yourself
only vid i found on it
24.6k building damage holy based
here is the vod
could they have won if sf bought the meta items
Now compare the english community and ecelebs of LoL to dota.
you can probably name a dozen LoL ecelebs even if you dont play the game (like tyler1) but how many people outside of dota do you think even know of any dota streamers. hell even dota players themselves probably cant name more than a handful of online personalities other than ADMIRALBULLDOG XD

Dota has little to no online english presence. at best I can only really think of jenkins.
>Now compare the english community and ecelebs of LoL to dota.
btw all LoL celebs are fucking korean
>you can probably name a dozen LoL ecelebs even if you dont play the game (like tyler1)
no i can not
all i know about LoL is their heroes names are idiotic, like mumu nunu anunu etc lmao
vex is sex
team zero more like team zero mmr haha
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sex with ephey, sheever, nattea ,sheepsticked and jenkins
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>"Hmm maybe ill queue for ranked today"
>My teammate is lvl 5 at 20 minutes
Very cool.
Thank you valve for yet another amazing match.
*checks notes*
"Why is TI dead?"
the nigga lacoste really said 20 years of dota what the fucccc
did you just now realise the passage of time?
Never, ever, EVER queue during esports, especially during the week. Guaranteed way to get stacked with absolute dregs of society
now draw her landing a 5 second arrow
Sunsfan and synd really is the best combo

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