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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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>Demo Days
NOW: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-57
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

Previous: >>493351910
whatever my brain came up with some feedback for its own game when i was sleeping
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Should I put traditional colombian food as items in my games?
I have 30 minutes to figure out what wisdom does
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what the fuck, is this the colombian coffe they are so proud about
>i've been working on my game for hours but i've still made no progress
it's one of those days huh
coffee with cheese.
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finally got her submitted bros, feels good to finally relax.
hope you all have a good DD.
based artfag
epic OP
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This DD is pretty empty of game

>Plundercraft (lot of bug)
>Eastern flower(still a technical demo, love the infantery)
>Dead sector (how do I make the gun work)
>Healed to death (FLASH HEAL)
>Valoria (was ok)
>Spaceport control (didn't work)
>TOK (running in the 90s)

What next?
There are 64 entries and counting. How is this DD empty of games?
Can someone pass me some links with resources for narrative heavy games
>literally whodevs sneaking submissions in
I don't play games that aren't posted here before demon day
Just play narrative heavy games directly and think about what you like about each
It's not 'free and complete' enough I guess? "Incomplete demos means they're not demos" thinking?
Youre just mad whodevs have games while you do not. Youre just a nodev yespopster
YOu have thousands of likes on Twitter, don't you have enough? Do you just have to curb stomp everyone with your triple-I tier game?
How dare you say something that's true!
Game where there is nothing to comment like Spaceport control or just plain don't interest me. Only Flower and Healer compeled me to do a fanart.
car games are pretty niche bud. Don't think I'm going to be stealing any potential players
Just fyi, the jam page defaults to random order on the jam's main page. It's only if you select the entries page that it defaults to popularity order. If you want a random choice selection, look at the main page.
>being surprised when the attention whoring faggot needs to do everything he can to attention whore even more
you really never learn huh?
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I'm gonna be 100% straight up because it's comical how dumb I am

So I'm sitting here pulling my hair out with no sleep in the last 24+ hours, wondering very hard why my game Hellbirther was running 3000x worse on someone else's computer during a livestream. (Can you guess what it was already?) It made no fucking sense, I know the settings of my game perfectly because I know exactly what breaks the game and what makes the game look like shit or have problems. Opened the game in 4 windows to make sure they would all run correctly on my computer and they all did, with probably thousands of fps to spare because I've spent weeks straight before making sure the fps stays really high.

I start digging through random stuff desperately looking for answers, and then I remembered that I just updated my GMS2 IDE and Runtime a week ago. And then I realized that actually I'm a fucking retard for getting mad and saying the streamer's setup must have been fucked up. I completely forgot that on a whim while testing something days ago I turned on vsync in the game's settings. The game needs 90 fps to run at normal speed and the fucking vsync was capping the dude's framerate to his display's refresh rate, which for 99% of development hasn't happened because I'm supposed to remember that vsync would fuck the game's framerate up unless you have a high Hz display. Big apologies to that streamer, I obviously got pretty upset when the game was suddenly running 33% slower and it ruined the entire pacing of the game for the stream. Kudos to the streamer for playing for 39 minutes despite the game being fucked.
>The game needs 90 fps to run at normal speed
why is this a thing
many such cases
>The game needs 90 fps to run at normal speed
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>GMS2 doesnt fucking fix this shit
fucking YYG
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when the retard spammer says "50 games posted to steam every day" remember that this is the type of mouth breathing shit eating retard uploading the majority of steam games. having an autistic sperg out melty at the only streamer retarded/pathetic enough to play his dogshit game and (of course) it turns out to be caused by his own mental retardation/inability to code
GM barely has a concept of delta time lol, everything is frame-based by default
Made for head pats
Current stream: twitch.tv/brimstonewalker
I mean I could switch to delta time but it would be multiple days of work, and the benefit doesn't seem very good considering in most cases the game is running at 2000+ fps on my mid-tier rig. I was very rusty with gamedev when I started the game in 2021 and I just kinda rolled with how I originally worked with timers and speeds. The code is a lot better, it mostly doesn't depend on fps but there are certain things that still do.
in some CPU configurations (i think who fucking knows), GMS and GMS2 apparently runs like fucking dogshit if you dont have vsync on
The guy on the right looks like he has the giant heads cheat on.
I have an hour to kill. Any devs itt need feedback on their demos?
Why did Nortubel remove the "2" from the name of his game?
Why is he standing on a gray pad? Is it to give him a stealth height boost?
why do this ?
agdg games are worse than I thought, none of you are worthy competitors to me
I'm not even uploading to Steam, relax. My game is a completely free passion project. And I wouldn't even necessarily call this retardation by my own hands, I'd say it was more a genuine mistake. And things can get heated when it comes to a project that you've put a lot of time into. The game running like shit genuinely disturbed me because I had zero idea what I would even start looking at. Google had nothing. It's not a big deal and I think you're a faggot with all due respect.
Maybe it's part of his merch contract or he just wants to meet/thank fans, it makes it more real when you internalize how many lives your little game touched
>car games are pretty niche
are they? twisted metal, crossout, etc. are pretty big. not racing big, but there's a decent audience there
>twisted metal
anon do you know what year it is?
I've never used source control and I've never bothered making a backup of my game despite working on it for five months now. Should I even care at this point?
you had an autistic meltie over your shitty little game running like shit and directed it at someone doing you a favor, but yeah im the faggot lmao. next time try handling the situation like an adult and not like a 5 year old
Don't even bother with that anon lmao. They're 100% not real; just someone who thinks this is /b/.
>but it would be multiple days of work
Oh no the horror....
>mfw I spent a week straight just getting grass to look right in my game
>mfw someone considers "multiple days" of work to fix something as crucial as decoupling your fucking game from the framerate as too much effort
I would at least make back-ups. It's not difficult. Worst case scenario is the whole thing becomes either gone forever or the project needs to be restored by computer repair guys or whatever. I don't really give that much of a fuck about doing things properly with my game but I still make back-ups because the idea of losing weeks or months of progress really worries me. So far after 3 years I haven't had a single reason to use the backups, except for when the backups were made right before I used them, but I'll be fuckin glad I have them if lightning fucks up my PC or a tornado fucks my house up.
when was the last time a big car combat game was released? its the whole reason im making busted metal, there are no recent ones available to play so I have to make my own
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In 15 minutes I begin my second session of learning how to gamedev
I had to skip yesterday because I was busy
Today I will learn how more about how gdscript can make things werk hopefully
>but I'll be fuckin glad I have them if lightning fucks up my PC
nigga do you not know what a surge protector is? do you seriously plug your technology directly into the wall socket??
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He should meet her. Made for eachother
>wants to learn gamedev
>picks godot
imagine getting filtered before you ever even started lmfao
Dude. Yes. And fucking yes.
Not using source control is dumb enough on its own, it's not that hard to learn the basics and it's basically a coding time machine, it's 100x worth it to learn. But not backing up your code is fucking retarded. Are you seriously okay with the potential of losing half a year's effort in the event of some freak power surge or your computer deciding to shit the bed?
I noticed either this crazy motherfucker or some other crazy motherfucker just talking mad shit and gaslighting people to the best of their ability. I mean I respect the grind on one hand, but at the same time he IS the Chosen One and the resurrected Christ reborn sent here to save the world. He should do whatever crazy thing his mind is telling him to do.
How so?
Feel free to enlighten me
dont get baited by trolls
>multiple days of work
My game had a problem similar to yours on release last demo day and it took me about 30 minutes to switch to delta time, though that might just be a code structure issue.
yeah anon, I told you >>493416320
the competition isnt fierce, its mentally challenged
But I make a good point don't I? If the game is never below like 300 fps on mid-tier hardware, why would I need to stress about it? The current system works fine, all refresh rates work with the game, and I haven't seen the game cause screen tearing on any setup yet so vsync doesn't seem important. I get that delta time is ultimately the best method for dealing with timers and whatnot, but I'm not really concerned with that if I can spend more time doing the fun creative parts of the development or fixing things that are actually critically wrong.
>"why would I need to stress about it? its not even important!"
>has full blown mental breakdown as soon as one person plays his game because the performance is complete dogshit and everyone laughs at him
I haven't had a single power outage except for one ice storm in the last 5 years. I used to have a surge protector for my much shittier PC but I lost it when I moved. Since then I just haven't bothered buying another one. It's probably a good idea to have it but I just kinda doubt it will be a problem.
Hey, is it worth it to spend extra time rewriting everything to function under delta time? I realize since my game speed is tied to the frame rate it basically bottlenecks people with high range PCs, but it's also a major undertaking to redo everything to be tied to D-time
git add --all
git commit -m "my changes"
git push

Thats all you need to know. Most IDEs even integrate this within the editor so you dont need to type out commands if you're scared of that. Setting up a github repo takes 30 seconds. Just do it, its free.
>I just kinda doubt it will be a problem.
anon... you're openly tempting fate now. a bad lightning storm will come in a week because you said that out loud...
Are you really gonna pull the mental illness card after having a full blown schizo meltdown for multiple threads in a row?
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>But I make a good point don't I?
Not really but you do you. In your own anecdote the first person besides yourself who played your game on a separate machine ran into a game-ruining performance issue. Glad it turned out to be a simple fix in this case but who knows what fuckery will show up once 10, 100, or 1000 people play your game. I personally would not be satisfied with having "the game must never fall below 300fps on any machine ever or else it all goes to shit" as a major stipulation for my game and I'd make fixing that and decoupling the gameplay from FPS my #1 priority, but if you're happy with those standards then more power to you
>Thats all you need to know.
>'git' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
eat shit, liar
Depends on how much you're willing to temporarily break the game but I'd first make the FPS stable and making sure vsync doesn't break, delta time brings its own host of issues and instabilities.
Ok true, you need to not be a complete retard and install git. Here ya go https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git
not to be confused with nortubel 2 which will begin development after project nortubel 3
git git
>multiple threads in a row
what the fuck are you even talking about retard lmao
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>Depends on how much you're willing to temporarily break the game
git checkout -b delta-time

no breaking of the game required
I feel you, you're not wrong I suppose but I think the issue was more that I made that single dumb mistake with the vsync setting and then forgot, and a single dumb mistake could have fucked the performance in lots of other ways that have nothing to do with delta time VS basic timers. So in a way I would argue your point there is moot. I could easily accidentally run pathfinding too many times in a frame, and a single enemy would grind the game down to 20fps or whatever. The game also doesn't need 300 fps, it needs 90 which is more than reasonable from probably 95% of the computers being used in this thread.
>tfw im not retarded so my game runs the same at 1 fps as it does at 300 fps
feels good man
Sus Dragon
The point of an early demo is to catch these dumb issues and it's inevitable that things will break, don't sweat it too hard.
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>Bethesda right now
i look forward to spending the rest of the night playtesting your games :)
>early demo
anon he said he's been working on that same game for nearly 4 years...
Which game was it?
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>Rockstar Games right now
ewwww youre an actual aids infested faggot ewwwwwwww
>mfw low FPS causes physics tunneling due to large timestep increments
Heh, fixed frame-tied physics chads stay winning
Godot fixes th-
oh shit right it's literally impossible to prevent tunneling in godot
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Early is an attitude, the humiliation ritual is a good way to push yourself to make something feel more finished.
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>Volition right now (studio behind Saints Row)
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I have an idea for a device that could bring physical media back to PCs in some way. It could be targeted to people who don't have much space in their computers as well.
I don't have a document or anything explaining how it will work, i just have this concept art on MS Paint.
It's basically a cartridge with an usb port that will have the game stored inside of it, and once you connect it to you computer, it will automatically open the launcher installer so you can proceed to install it, it will even come with a little manual.

Do you guys think this idea could work?
Godot has fixed physics steps and tunneling is fixed by enabling CCD, raycast mode is more consistent than shape mode in my experience.
"Early" should be defined about actual work, not overall time since start of development. Some devs can't work full time on their game and can only do a few months worth of "real" work in 4 years.
>Anon invents external storage
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Why was there a 2 to begin with?
Unless there is a first Nortubel we haven't heard of.
that's called a flash drive you stupid nigger
Nice, a USB flash drive with an auto-running .exe that fires up as soon as you plug it in. Great idea anon I would 1000% use this on my home machine
nigga thinks he invented removable storage
That sounds just like renting movies on tapes back in the old days, except it's games.
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>This move by Take-Two is consistent with their history of protecting their intellectual property, as seen in previous actions against fan-created projects that reverse-engineered or closely replicated their games.
Obviously >>493420843 (Me) understands the joke.
That's the point, i just want people to value physical media more. It's a silly idea, maybe i could do it for my own game, of course, while providing the digital version as well.
Yeah, but unlike your USB drives, it's filled with a game instead of questionably legal pornography.
My game, too, is a static screen
>sperging out this hard
lmao take your meds little fella
I was freaking out over whether my game's fundamental puzzle design was broken after a tester got stuck on the second puzzle, but then had a flash of inspiration as to how to address the problem. God helps us when we ask for it.
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>Gearbox right now.
Nearly 3 years (since November 2021) and I took many long breaks from development due to a lot of bullshit happening irl. But yes the game has 1200 hours of dev time put into it roughly. When I first started the project on GMS 1.4 I had no clue wtf I was doing at all, I only remembered how to use (non-delta) timers and do basic scripting with the Events. Eventually after all this time I've scrapped and reworked things multiple times, each time showing quite a bit of improvement. The original videos of the game that I shared with people excitedly make the current version look like a masterpiece. Because of some of the old code I've had to spend a lot of time rewriting and focusing on fixing major bugs. The main thing is that the game is actually quite fun and has exceeded my own expectations quite a bit. Haters can suck my dick and balls while I perform anilingus on their sisters.
3D dwarf fortress has puzzles?
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> (running in the 90s)
tried everything I could think of. will assume it's a linux only bug until someone else gets it i guess
>Vampire Survivors, but with newgrounds-style stickman/Madness levels of gore

Was this done yet? If not, this is what I'm doing.
Which game is 3D dwarf fortress?
My animation tweens / physics interpolation break at very low fps. I doubt you tested yours at 1 fps.
>skilled dev showing off game = attention whore
>unskilled dev showing off game = not an attention whore
grifters begone!
Which games are whodevs? Post them so we can know to ignore them.
I'm unsubscribing from BiteMe Games.
My game is too far out to share any progress of (don't want my ideas stolen) but I've been making backups of various builds as I progress, my plan is to wait until I'm closer to release and then I'll start sharing "progress updates" of the old builds so that I can show off my progress without having it actually be in realtime
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I will surpass and humiliate and annihilate marnix for you, Marmo. This was supposed to be your moment, and he spat in your face
ok marmo
this demo day lineup is just getting shittier and shittier
I think I might have it. Here me out, Wisdom allows you to refund and respec spent skill points in a job.

>how does a character forget the cleave they used last battle and suddenly learn power strike in the next?

They're wise, no one said they were intelligent. They're using the limited amount of know how they do have in an area to make smart decisions on a case by case basis somehow. Any skills that won't make sense to be revoked will henceforth be moved to feats. I understand your concern that it sounds like wisdom and intelligence are kind of competing at doing the same thing, give you the skill points you need, but I'll just design it correctly that it's good. What else screams wisdom to you?
I want to make a VS/Brotato-like. Ideaguys, pitch me your ideas.
everytime you respec, you get a perma INT debuff.
if your game doesn't have INT, then you gain a perma.0.1ms input lag
never reply to me again bocchitroon
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>tfw too burnt out from demoday crunch to enjoy my weekend
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Marmo NO!
If marmo didn't make it, what chance does everyone else in this general have? Marnix was right.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87_2EOxoylE&t=4803s [Embed]
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Just stole another mechanic from Mario Odyssey.
these guys have zero taste so you can't trust their judgement. you can look at their games and see it's all garbage shit
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listen this rythmic effect I just discored, chuddies.
It's pretty neat.
factorio but you're a blacksmith is a pretty cool idea though.
They just half-assed the execution and had terrible art
Reminder that they skipped Nolgorb's Ordeal because they didn't want to advertise their competition.
You just know that when this releases we will see Cris releasing masterpieces that we cannot compete against. We are proper fucked

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Thoughts on frogs?
I think it's more likely they skipped it because they don't enjoy the genre and they avoided it because they knew playing it would frustrate them and possibly cause their mask to slip, exposing their hypocrisy of making a game they wouldn't play
stop referring to yourself in the 3rd person, we know it's you retard
it's not me
when did we start using the word "skilled dev" to describe "embarrassing asset flipper"? kinda cringe ngl!
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I already have a pixel art workflow.
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>wishlist velocity hit 0
Does yarn even work for anyone else? I feel like it's been broken for me for the past couple months, no clips ever load on any device. Wonder if it's a Firefox thing or my ISP
0 coomgames this demoday?
They drink it differently, they put a lot of water in it and drink it large.
Unlike for example italians who take it super short and not much water
Can someone qrd on this "untitled schmup"? I recognize those patterns...
I want to make something very clear. I love games. When it comes to most of you I love YOUR games, however I don't like you as people. There's only 2 devs here who act like humans. The rest of you are shit, even if I do like your games
>they put a lot of water in it
LATAMs are subhuman
>wife's dad is in hospital
>wants me to take her and hang around in a hospital for hours.
Ugh I'm trying to develop my GAME
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>wife's dead in hospital
only 5 years til you hit 7k wishlists, keep grinding bro!
no wife, no gf, no family, no job
can work on my game whenever I want
1 wishlist a week
eat your heart out, wifehaver
lol this is a fun game of “spot the unity store asset pack” lmao
you said 7 last time
your power is fading...
based cosmicunt
he got like 20k likes on Twitter, no one who matters cares about premade assets
nigga I'm boutta reach my fucking LIMIT
anon was right about sokol the other day ..
Looking out for you, froggy. Always
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he still won
5, 7, whatever, we'll all be dead from the nuclear bombs by that point anyways anon
somebody post that gay little pixel art game that had 100k+ likes in xitter and got 10 reviews
he made a video recently where he's like "yeah so basically the last few years ive just been wanting to kill myself" so idk if he did win
Take a selfie of you devving next to your wife's dad lying sick in a hospital bed and post it on reddit for upvotes
a heccin allegory for depression and fatherhood?? maybe some themes of overcoming AGP- err I mean transgenderism?? fweakin epic sauce!!!
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I didn't understand the sheer power gap. I am humbled by your presence king.
not my problem if the dummy can't use free money to build his happiness foundation
My game is an allegory for how depression is actually our own fault and we need to take responsibility for our own lives, but it seems no tester has ever gotten far enough to notice it due to my own bad puzzle design.
Unreal 5
>Got multiplayer (before networking to start up a game) working
>Tried to import a model
>Applied it to one that is one of the controllable characters
>After unfreeze the static mesh doesn't work
>The static mesh doesn't show up anything even when clearing the mesh and selecting the placeholder one
>Even making a new static mesh. it doesn't show up
>Warnings pop up saying it's not a static mesh, when it's selected as a static mesh
>But other BPs work fine
>Copy and paste the code into a new BP
>Red flags every time it references to self
I'm going to have to recreate everything with it, aren't I?
code:blue more like code:shart
godot fixes this
engine dev wins again
bevy vexes this
This isn't helpful.
>post problem
>get given free solution
>piss and shit and cry everywhere
I'm very close to yelling.
Then yell, but quietly
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We're on the move
>play demo
>it's much better quality than my own despite it's flaws
>motivation to dev plummets
Link? But regardless, this game made so much money, despite being assetslop
Crumble also made heavy use of premade assets. (however, the fact that he created the Crumble grass asset himself suggests a level of competence beyond the typical asset flipper)
which asset packs?
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It's happening, I'm going insane-o status.
Dude I loved Interstate '76
/dpt/ is kill
Are there any issues with making a Slay the Spire roguelike deckbuilder clone? Too overdone?
Yes, roguelike deckbuilder is one of the most saturated genres of the last few years
It scaled down to 0,0,0 instead of 1,1,1. for CharaterMesh0. Why even though I locked it to 1,1,1 where when frozen it changed it? No idea. But it's fixed.
That's why I developed a mobile telephone game development workflow. You should too.
Guys I just pooped and it made my butthole feel hot and tingly :(
Why would I play any of your faggy little malware games when I can just play core keeper co op mode with my gf? I don’t get it
Turn it into an idea for a game (don't forget Moly'x)
First time eating spicy food?
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>open /agdg/
>ctrl+f my game's title
>zero results
I didn’t eat anything spicy thougheverbeit
Have you tried making a game that is fun to play? That helps a lot surprisingly
What's your game? I'll post feedback if it doesn't look like shit
>narrator: “it did, in fact, look like shit”
you've probably never heard of it, it's called Minecraft.
If the game were already fun it wouldn't need to be submitted to demo day
You might have herpies then.
>eating food that doesn't fight back
What the best game you played this DD as of now?
For me it is healed to death.
There's no point. Slay the Spire is the peak of the genre and you have zero chance of improving upon it.
Fuck it.. I'll do it anyways since it's my favorite genre. It'll have cute anime girls.
StS already has anime girl mods. Is there a reason why your project shouldn't just be a mod?
same. wait for weekend
Controls could be more elegant though.
I'll look at the demo day games tomorrow.
I only played one game so far, so ask me later
I'll just steal literally all the cards, relics, enemy mechanics, etc from StS. Legally, it should be fine.
Then I'll add cute anime girls, and a wholesome good story and art. It'll be everything StS is, except with cuter art and characters.
I don't want to namedrop it and make it seem like I'm shilling it. The dev knows I like his game, that's enough.
See you in 4 years when you have a working prototype
I've been too busy patching all the bugs testers have found to play any submissions. I could use a break though. Any recommendations?

Shill it, I need something to play.
You’re making the assumption that everyone runs their computer the same way.

Personally I run at a capped framerate at all times, so your game would be unplayable for me.

Also if the logic isn’t independent of framerate, someone running the game significantly faster could have its own negative effects.

It’s a fundamentally flawed idea. It works on a closed console environment. On PC it is big dumb.
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I need to reach 500 melodies composed.
Reached 43 so far.
pls rate.
I'm stealing it
Thanks anon
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>(a)wokendev's mom drew the anime-style portraits
>tfw no mommy gf artist wife
Who are the real heroes of DD, the devs or the streamers?
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Concept art for a character in my game.
yeah. its so over.
Why aren't you just using AI you generic retard? No, I didn't listen to it.
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AI cant make this.
stream in like 5mins
going to do Busted Metal first
we want to do (ill go in random over and pick what i want at the time)
>eastern flower
>healed to death
>heroes for hire
>rolling ball game DX

if you're not on the list and you'd like your game played let me know and we might
if you're on the list please let me know when you arrive so your game can be played while you're in chat.
looks great, no notes
even with the marketing i did i haven't breached 100 for mine. really considering making a mockup version of my game that shills it the total vision i have for it. if it garners poor attention i'll just cut the scope and ship.

with that said would steam allow reuse of a steam app id for a different game?

idk how these people ever get rich. like do they even understand why they want to be rich? unironically like the boomers who tell people to pick themselves up by the bootstraps but then get depressed the moment they retire. these are the types that NEED a job because their entire mental well being hinges on being useful to society.

with that out of the way i'd be pretty darn happy if i never had to wage again. probably smug too.
Neither can I....
looks like ass
lmao that nigga got no pants on. diaper lookin mofo
very cute lacey boots btw, suits his feminine legs
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waiting for the stream to start
highly recommend switching to something other than MS paint for your art
how much velocity do i have if i'm getting like 1 or 2 a week typically?

this. money isn't even the foundation for mine. money is simply the removal of stuff that decreases my happiness ie the wagecage and the fear of misspeaking in public lest the person that overhead me ends up being some high tier manager that fires me when they find out i'm some wagie in their 2000+ workforce they oversee
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The object tool is almost done. All that's missing is being able to pickup objects to move / rotate them.
i crunched the numbers, your velocity is roughly 1.5 wpw (wishlists per week)
wow nice asset flip, lol
>hmm, yes, today I'm going to make a worse version of the sims 2... but with (likely) one quirky mechanic.
busted metal only runs at 60 fps lmao!!! I can literally count the frames on my hands
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You guys can't imagine the amount of hatred I have towards myself right now.
>be me
>aisle is jam packed
>a pretty redhead in a black dress is a good 20 feet away from me and going in the opposite direction
>eyes lock
>she smiles and waves at me
>i look away like nothing happened, unsure if she was doing it to me (she obviously was)
>bump into her a few times but I don't even bother saying a thing even though the onus is now on me
I had a chance, I finally had a chance. One that is both "I wouldn't be embarrassed to be seen with her" and "I find her genuinely beautiful." Do you know how rarely I get interest from one's that look like this??? And yet I did nothing. Didn't help my dad showed up later as I was helping him shop and he'd likely make stuff awkward.

Shill me some demos to play so I can forget this happened and make my rage subside. Any good boomer shooters to let my rage out in? No waifu sim's I don't need that reminder.
Is the Terraria clone in DD any good? it sounds like a very ambitious/stupid project.
okay, spider
>there was no quirky mechanic
fix your levels, will help with your laugh is annoying
Marnix, the apex of game development, embodies both
Wow that's crazy, bro.
nah you don't wave to someone you don't know
must've been someone behind you
Busted Metal looks fine. Kinda similar to the game I'm working on even
I wasn't able to participate in this DD but I'll try to play as many demos as I have time for this weekend and give feedback. I hope everyone has a good time.
I hate state machines. I hate state machines. I hate state machines.
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even if you did strike up a conversation and get her number, what then? are you able to take her to fun social events, travel the world, and provide for her every need and desire? If not, you actually saved yourself.
let me guess, you need more wytboi?
NOOOOO you have to have a node and a script with 8 functions each for every single state you can't just match a string NOOOOOOO
>match strings
Dude, use enums.
If someone makes a sims 1 clone with those graphics I will buy it as long as it's 20 USD or less.
Why not play Sims 1?
I've done the switch statement and my proccess_state functions were hundreds of lines long. I didn't enjoy scrolling to the part I needed. with functions you can skip around.
Dude, just use inheritance. That way you can keep that code in a separate file.
if your game cant run 400+ fps on an average pc genuinely just give up lol
Kek I'm getting some crabs. gmi

Thank you
yeah it's going to be cheap but it's still too early to give up a definitive price.

because it won't be just the sims 1.
all me
This is what Tomo does on her free time

>because it won't be just the sims 1.
Ok, what's the gimmick?
No longer sold, need to pirate and jump through hoops to make it run on my system which I don't want to do.
What's the best engine for a GTAlike for solo devs?
I tried, but Godot's lighting system runs like ass. I'd have to make a fork with my own custom lighting solution.
you probably made prolonged eye contact which turned into staring, and she reflexively smiled and waved in hopes you would move on, which worked.
The fact that she didn't follow up and approach you means she either has a boyfriend, husband, or merely didn't find you enthralling enough to go out of her way to find you again means it was probably never going to happen anyway.
t. fellow staring problem semi-autist
you build & run a store.
Most first dates end up with nothing happening then or ever. Having a girl wave at you is even less of a prospect, so no reason to rope.
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sorry guys, gonna miss demoday this time around.
Spent too long on the merging inventory side mechanic.
I'll release a demo sooner to here though, next week or two.
there's nothing that bitter losers hate more than ordinary people and extraordinary things

that's why so many of you glorify eric barone - a faggy gremlin freak who made the most generic mass-appeal game imaginable
in 2024 autistic retards are still posting about "missed opprtunities" at grocery stores
when a woman wants you, she pursues
i am telling you, if a girl thinks youre cute she will walk right up to you and say hi, she want stand around staring and waving trying to hint at you she wants you to ask her out
that isnt how it works anymore
I've downloaded several but haven't played any. Demo day starts at an inconvenient time to play. Hope Metrokolia is more than just a tech demo atm as it looks interesting.

Nah most of the people around us were
>old guys with wives
>women with their kids
>old guys by themselves
We were the only young adults in that aisle excluding the women with their kids.

It's doable......
>agdg seethes at Notch who is a completely ordinary man who made the most extraordinary game ever
checks out
>girl thinks youre cute she will walk right up to you and say hi
All the girls that do this to me already have husbands. What does it mean? Am I an ugly bastard like on my Chinese webtoons and they want to commit nekorare?
don't care
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Yesterday at the club 2 girls in Erasmus asked me my instagram and to dm them the next time me and my friends go out

I will do no such thing, I fear women
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>get in the habit of passively collecting reference images from movies, games, image searches, and things I see in real life
>barely ever check in on the huge pile that is slowly collecting
>decide to clean up folder
>1000+ images some of which I don't even remember the purpose of
don't be like me
It's a tech demo
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She cute
just how young are you
here's my Card Artisan feedback posted anonymously because i got filtered at the forge and it makes me look retarded

the performance of the game seems to have improved which i'm grateful for because i couldn't play it before

i haven't ever played MtG, but the game did a relatively good job of explaining what i had to do. the only issue i had in battle was that i wasn't able to intuit where the mana cost of my played card is or what the letters on the top right of a card mean

when i got to the forge i felt overwhelmed from too many options. the forge actually does a good job explaining what keywords i hadn't seen meant when you hover them in the card creation menu, but i wasn't able to theory craft an interesting card with the available options. when i did make a card, there were even more options that confused me. i couldn't figure out the difference between the card 'race', or what a 3-4 mana card meant exactly, or whether my card should be a hero or a spell

there was too much reading. i'll probably play more later
I have wasted a couple of years working so I'm only midway trough my degree
Is this a 3D model or a 2D drawing? She gives the effect of being a 3D model but I know your game is 2D or maybe 2.5D now that I think of it.

>t. fellow staring problem semi-autist
I usually avoid eye contact to a degree that some probably view it negatively.

I've had both styles of interest anon. Seems to me the more blatant ones are just uggo's while the attractive ones simply present you the opportunity, you just have to go the last step of talking to her.
faggy bitch
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2d sprite
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It is official, healed to death is my favorite game of DD 58
thanks for the stream osur!
This is why your parents can't stand you
I'm a 31.5 yo loser incel neet with debt to my name and I'm hoping gamedev to save me
Least retarded agdg artist btw
Keep posting this super cute and adorable loli
working on a new collage bros
cool bro
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Yearly reminder
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forgot to post sneak peak
/agdg/ reactions to >>493436416
>wow nice asset flip, lol
>this is a worse version of the sims 2
>[meme phrase]

/gedg/ reactions to >>102263362
>Really nice
>nice but can you please add shadows to objects?

And people wonder why nobody wants to post progress.
Reminder that if have not already please show your friends the Bokube -Gameplay- trailer on youtube.

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Well fuck, I saved as a jpeg and not a kra. Here your shitty coloring.

Not the ref I used traced.
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I thought that was your mom in your profile picture lol
Why is that guy wearing a sleeveless shirt when he has the upper body of a menopausal wine aunt? He needs to either cut or bulk, now he's the worst of both worlds.
Why did you post this AI shit?
there's nothing to react to because it is more of an engine than a game
>please show your friends
they said "what is this trash?"
>hear internet archive is going to get bogged
>spend day downloading every single texture pack
>~10 gb worth of textures
>actually look through them
>spend next day deleting the absolutely unusable ones
>7 gb of texture packs
>spend next day searching for better ones to round it back up to 10gb
just dont.
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looks good anon
>mixed race PR hapa mutt with a pure white non-mutt blond
>his mom

Are you retarded
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Bro was shooting his own walls
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okay fine, step mom
This is supposed to be my competition? You know for a bunch of stuck up losers, not one of you can produce something remotely tangible.

The eurocucks especially make me lol so high and mighty, and they’re releasing pixel-shit HAHAHA xD
>can’t tell when a mutt woman dyes her hair blond
I have an idea
A good idea, even
I've BASICALLY already won
I guess american whites are multiple european locations of white people mutts I suppose.
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level design >easy
game design >hard
I want to hammer the "person" who made this in the head.
nigga.... I dont even consider slavs white
i will never be a real game developer, it's over
What? You trying to say level design is supposed to be harder than game design?
Are you unable to articulate your thoughts at all?
it's so over
no more marmo
demo day is DEAD.
There there, Damaskus. Your levels don't suck that bad but they are carried by your game design.
AI solves half of these
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damn... I'm good
You can tell this was made by an artist.
>programming extremely difficult (it is for retarded artists)
>art extremely difficult (it's not)
>QA hard
>music below art
>optimization hard
and so on, lmfao
>music below art
damn i didn't even notice that
i already knew it was retarded but that makes it super extra retarded
I get 0 replies on /gedg/ here at least I get random({meme, encouragement, crabbing})
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only these matter when you are a beginner, if you put effort in all of the other, you will be developing for months before your first game.
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Post-DD horniness is back
>programming extremely difficult (it is for retarded artists)
I'm a professional software dev. We're not talking about your shitty text-based game. Programming for real problems ain't easy.
>QA hard
This thought is why there are tons of failed launches.
>art extremely difficult (it's not)
>music below art
No one likes to look at shitty art. Art catches your eye, it's extremely important. You can't just half-ass it. Music, you can grab 1000+ bundles for a few bucks. You can find something decent at least.
>optimization hard
Well, it ain't easy.
We're not even post-DD yet ya dummy.
seek help fag
Work/Life Balance
Quality Assurance
>Don't need it
why do you think hes here
Wait the dragon maid dev game is abandoned already?
He's an honorary freedom loving authoritarianism hating fellow game dev American in my book and will be a cherished neighbor in the neighboring sister country for mutts to the European descendant country for non lunatic commies and we'll watch those types burn each other alive and such together.
gamedev is my work AND my life
the most based thing to do on demo day is post a review so detailed, elaborate and scathing it makes the dev give up and never come back here
at least it would mean someone played my game :)
Not if a woman does that to me haha. That's just encouragement haha.
How do you guys make format decisions for pixel art assets? I can't just scale them after the fact if I want a different size for an icon, for example.

Do I make mockups of the entire UI first? Do I just wing it and redraw stuff later?
anyone who would leave over a detailed negative review is nmgi
unless the review is obviously retarded and inflammatory in which no one will take it seriously
i'd suggest mocking it up
You can do all that but it won't be accurate
My game is beyond criticism
I'd love that. Can you do it for mine?
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>oh wow this dev's game looks good for a beginner, i wonder if he has a great work life balance, and if he optimized and put care on the code of his slop.
the only time public cares about that is when the game has been in development for years, and beginners should never put more than 6 months on their first projects.
>never put more than 6 months on their first projects
No wonder Steam is flooded with shit. It's cause of "people" like you.
If work/life balance is so unimportant, why aren't you working on your game right now? And don't say you're taking a break, cause that counts as the life part of work/life balance.
now let's see your first project
The primary enemy of any dev is expanding scope. Always.
I would say three months or less, personally. It WILL balloon.
beginners aren't supposed to upload their jobs in the market, those games you see, are projects that took years for their brain damaged devs that believe their half a decade begginer's work has a value, like bokube and marmoreal
that would be helpful QA if anything
Anyone else getting lost in the weeds of movement/pathfinding lately?
I'm just learning how to use ifs and whiles and delta and the thought of eventually having to code a pathfinding and combat AI scares the shit out of me
He's right though. There's no reason to pour that much time into a product when you're just starting. The original Binding of Isaac was made in 3 months, that's a rougelite game with over 100 items, multiple playable characters, and randomly generated dungeons. What game could a beginner possibly make that takes longer to develop than the Binding of Isaac.
Most engines have built in pathfinding, I think the harder part is tuning and managing the states of moving/stopping/turning/accelerating etc
No I just drag and drop the “AI Move To” node and everything works perfectly in 0.1 seconds
Something that’s not easy pixel art stuff, anyone can make something basic in rpgmaker but outside of practice it’s not really worthwhile. These days you need something with a ‘wow’ factor to stand out in that space.
K, now make a bunch of stuff move in a formation
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>the weeds of movement/pathfinding lately?

Yes, progress for the day was writing a queue system for agents when they want to request a new path because godot locks up when 7 agents ask for a new path all at once on a navmesh this complex.
No, but in a couple weeks I will be.
You should follow your passion and start off with your dream game and dream big and work on it for however long it takes.
I'll just be here doing the same.
being original is better than trying to make money
I'm not an idealet, so I don't have "a" dream game.
i prefer breasts under clothing
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>made it so you can jump on top of cars
>when you do it the hood and the trunk of the car open for a second
>had to model the car's engine and the interior of the trunk
This is why you don't scope creep. That "one little thing" is never just one thing.
Same anon, same.
she looks like she fuck 30 year old bald brown "devs" that are still developing their first game they think it's a masterpiece because they put a lot of "passion" (half a decade of their lives)
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What program do you guys use to do cloth physics to get hyper realistic zero cost cloth physics simulations during runtime? Me personally? I use Unreal Engine 5
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Guess who’s back
Back again
Fygoon’s back
Tell a friend
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The thing is that it looks pretty good so it all paid off in the end.
You should really leave fluff to the very end, after you have a releasable game
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Hi, blimp game dev again
Keeping an eye on thread now, good morning
Why didn't you change the name?
we like the name so it's staying how it is
can we ban all unreal tards from this general? theyre not real devs anyways
this but unironically
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>have weird compulsions to add weird otherworldly shit to my grounded project
>funnel all of those ideas into a non-existent side project to get it out of my system
>work goes on undisturbed, undefiled, and uncomplicated
yup, this is why I'm GMI and you are not
what's it like being this pessimistic? it doesn't matter how many years people work on a project, a lot of them do it for fun.
post it
Is car a euphemism for loli?
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whoa, what's it in reference to?
all I see is another yapper without a webm or screenshot, your whole post falls apart if you showed how crappy it is, aint fooling me.
I have nothing to prove to the likes of you
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i did it again
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ngmi dumbass
that could have been a flat 2d texture, i hope you didn't wasted more than 2 hours on that
poopenfarten ?
you really could have just slightly popped the hood/trunk enough to show the reaction but avoid the new assets, Since it'd make more sense that the girl isn't secretly 500 pounds
Nah, just 20 minutes. I like the depth that using a 3D model gives. Also I can't draw so making a texture would have been way harder.
Sharing the progress I made for demo day. Added a brand new level based on the titanic. Still in a greybox stage.
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If I gave one of my monsters a little joint to smoke.. What would you think of that?
Pretty cool but you should change the height of the hood and trunk popping to correlate with the downward velocity.
damn brat jumping on my property
And modified some visuals for existing levels, but more minor changes.
this looks very nice
this does not
I'll take it!
looks really weird. the trampoline effect doesnt get across and the hood magically levitates in the air instead of just bouncing.
Kys soulless golem.
why isn't anyone making a gacha game I would have figured you guys enjoy buying 5star waifu
I can't believe Marnix is in Japan and 75% of UPT players are Japanese. I'm so jealous...
honestly, indie devs sometimes go overboard with "soul" and it turns into forced-soul or faux-soul.
The car awkwardly stretching and the hood somehow popping completely open is an example of that.
demoralization post, remember to ignore it!
I have never payed for a free to play game, I don't even pay for paid games.
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Got it, reduced the "opened" time and the rotation so it looks more natural.
being completely honest and well-intentioned.
Forced-soul / faux-soul is a real problem in indie games.
Stemming from flanderization of the initial "juice' craze.
why is firefox saying that itch.io is unsecure
>he doesn't realize I find the gif super duper cute and wholesome
You're projecting anon. Next you'll be crying about games like Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker or Genshin Impact for cute character design. You do realize a person can find such a gif cute and adorable without some sort of perverse intent, right?
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>forced soul or faux-soul
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The bouncing looks really weird. You need a falling animation that is clearly distinct from the rising animation, like pretty much every platformer.
demoralization post, remember to ignore it!
itch.io demo day curse
>no counter-argument because you know I'm correct
thanks for validating my point
You're not the target market, whales are
itch.io's SSL certificate expired today, lmao

they have to replace it

this should never happen, they have really, really bad infrastructure people and/or devops people working for them

this is possibly one of the most amateurish mistakes imaginable
iirc it's not even the first time it happens
typo, firefox is insecure and needs a strong young man to hold her
Dude, this keeps happening with them too. They really need warnings or alerts in place lmao.
The other time happened during demo day too
much better
This looks so good but looks like she'd be a nightmare to animate.
Kek. Probably mad that they're not posting frequent progress in the thread. There's devs who post on rare occasion too. But these types seem mad devs aren't followong some made up script of
>post game 3 times daily with approx 8 hours between pic posts
>must engage with people who talk woth them
It's pretty easy to do something similar in 3D; just have an animation for jumping up and an animation for jumping down and blend between them based on the character's vertical velocity.
Based, keep it up
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dd stream over
i hope those watching had fun and the devs maybe got some use out of it
keep making games.
Nta but maybe most just don't feel like games. For me demo day just feels empty because
>it's the same games over and over
>from what i gathered most feel like tech demos rather than demos
>it's basically the same thing as several dd's in a row, the dev is basically maintaining a steak of posting every single demo day

Oh yeah I definitely want to play a techdemo or the same game for the 5th time that is exactly the same as 4 dd's ago except for the fact that anon now added a dialogue option that lets you skip it
new concept: release day
every 2 months you make 60 - 100 free games that are 100% complete for me to play
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how do I fix this?
My submissions are always drastically different between demo days but no one notices because no one plays my submission.
did itch forget to renew their ssl cert?
recompute your normals
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It's rough being close to the latter when 2 months seems like a good timeframe to get shit done, but then those 2 months are over and you didn't get nearly as much done as you'd like. At the same time, getting any and all feedback on progress could be helpful.
The small indie studio that animated her didn't have much problems, and it's almost trivially easy to animate in 3d.
>>mfw I spent a week straight just getting grass to look right in my game
Iktf, Ihtf desu. I just want to finish my game
every demo day we have to go through dumb devs not realizing that DD and every other game jam is a soft-bootcamp for real-world marketing.
so who is streaming next
DD shouldn't have to deal with this crap because there's no point in marketing when you have nothing to market.
give your game capsule art, a description, and images. no one knows what your game is and we aren't downloading every game looking for hidden gems
sklime has a custom DD58 section at the end of the game you can play.. but it requires too much time investment to reach in the first place probably
can there be one DD without technical problems or retarded drama?
are you nortubel?
set up a menu with all the passwords
you do what you can, with what you have, to stand out.
>put effort into your itch page (which is just your proto steam page)
>have a good thumbnail
>don't be le ironic, no-effort unless that's truly the games aesthetic
etc etc
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Oh I’m marketing the shit out of my game in /v/.
Now what about (You), nodev?
If I had to market each time I wouldn't bother submitting to DD. The point is to get feedback while in development, not to market a completed game.
i bet you are a tryhard nodev
meanwhile you've completely ruined your brand with 4chan gamedevs by being a schizo and shitting on other devs
>wah no one's playing my game :(
>put some effort into it then
>wooooow what a tryhard
post game
>2d sprite
Impressive, it really gives a 3D vibe to it or the 3D to 2D pixelation trick to it

So if you really are
>potentially female
Does this mean Branno will be the second guy to get a gamedev gf? Kek at the foot, only noticed it cause of others.
google "bokube"
Fuck marketing and fuck marketers. Let's just do feedback trades. I play your game and leave comments, you play my game and leave comments.
this but i dont play your game nor leave feedback
retarded nodev
So what if I'm a nodev? I'm the player, if you don't sastify me you fail.
genius yesdev
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Understandable. The amount of times that large stretches of time pass yet the game looks unchanged is disheartening. People arent going to see the code or the art I wasted so much time on making look good. One look and it is probably assuked that I did those changes over the course of a week or two, not a few months.
average intelligence maybedev
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;_; i missed it. I was doing a test in my game but kept lightly dozing off, went to lay in bed with phone in hand, and next thing happening is I'm waking up with my phone in my hand. Is the stream at least up and viewable?
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How's that marketing going?
capsule art too dark and indistinct
my game will never have a thread on /v/ with hundreds of replies
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aggydaggers keep pushing this narrative that they have authority to make the final verdict on the quality of DD games but the reality that we keep seeing is that 99% of aggydaggers are subpar players
you're not qualified
mine either, I'd be lucky if someone wasted 5 minutes of their life playing my game. That's how much it sucks.
he's pretty much ruined his brand amongst a few different board desu rather than just gamedevs
reminder that the whole "demo day is is a soft-bootcamp for real-world marketing" meme only started as a way for asswipes to cope about the state of the community after demo day submissions became too oversaturated for this to keep being a secret tight-knit club
I meant more so regarding the fact it is pixel art, from what I understand 3D is so much easier to animate in. But for this gif and the fact it is 2D, it looks like it takes a lot of effort per frame to be done well. I have the same thing in mine but the pixel art quality is nowhere near this high end. One style for when the girls jump and when they fall to give the right motions for the hair and breast movement.
>demo day isn't a soft-bootcamp for real-world marketing
>demo day submissions are too oversaturated
if only there were a way for devs submitting to DD to make their game stand out from their peers
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most aggydaggies aren't gamers
this is great anon, love the animations/models
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I fell in love with another ASMR youtuber
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my todo list is outta control
>give up on gamedev
>want to focus on something that actually makes money
>realize i dunno what i need to do to make money
>realize the reason i do gamedev is because i dunno what the fuck else to do to make money
>realize its not my fucking hobby, its my job and i just suck at it
my only other idea would be webdev, but i live in rural europe and i dunno how the hell i'd ever get a webdev job here. it seems a more stable job, but only if you live in a big city. actually living rural makes me feel like i either need to do something on my pc i can do alone without getting hired so i can sell a product. or i need to do rural jobs.
and since i have 0 skills in rural jobs i cant do them.
so basically i only have gamedev.
good luck cris
>Mobile games accounted for more than half of the global gaming market in 2020, with $86.1 billion in revenue.
is this where you actually sell your solodev games?
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cute witch hats
i used to watch venivedivulpes when i was younger
You get a job by sending job applications.
You can also do gigs on Fiverr and similar platforms.
>hello i'm 34 years old and havent worked a day in my life and have been on welfare after i finished school
>i spent some time with webdev and gamedev so i can program
>please hire me
"where's your work experience?"
"where's your degree?"
"where are your references?"
>sorry i have none
just turn some tricks anon, sell that booty
lots of webdev jobs are remote
That money is from milking whales who keep buying consumables. You have to make your game from the ground up with that kind of monetization planned.
look into 2nd/3rd shift warehouse jobs (Especially seasonal to bootstrap experience), or local grocery store stocker
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Purty good. Got another guy interested in my game because I’m planning on adding a race of scorpion creatures to my game’s world and he liked the concept. All this because I made a Bionicle joke.
I have still yet to understand why one certain dev with a certain hooded character hates my game. Probably just another hater, let’s be real.
it's so over if i'm completely honest
my game isn't going to make it and i don't want to get a real job with scrum meetings and retarded coworkers
i'm physically disabled
how so?
are you actually or government check farming "disabled"?
Gamedev is one of the worst paying programming gigs by far, just choose literally anything else.
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ai generating brick wall tiles it's so exciting like watching paint dry but a robot painted the wall for me and it dries instantly
Well your chances are not high but:
You can get some certification that would give you a foot in the door for a low paying shit web dev job. From there you can find a bit better job then a better one and so on.
You can also make some websites and use them in your portfolio. You can do them for free or for very little money, or you can do them for fake/fictional projects and no one has to know.
You can try doing gigs on Fiverr and similar platforms. The money is shit but it's at least something you can show off.
>too violently ill for demon say
it's over go without me
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eggs are now boneless, along with other temporary crewmen.
i actually get an early pension because of it, but german welfare is extremely unreliable and iam tired of living in absolute existential fear for the rest of my life.
Then I guess you should learn how the Vietnamese are currently taking over and stealing tech jobs from indians, and emulate that.
Or become a porn dev
you sound like you know nothing about life other than 4chan memes
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You two call it “ruining my brand”. I call it gatekeeping my awesomeness for only the true Fygoon Squad members.
That’s why gamedev is a hobby for me: I’m not beholden to fools like you.
or just bitch and moan on 4chan, yeah you're pretty good at that.
And I'm still in love with the twitch zoomette. Almost a mirror image of me, more info comes out and she's literally like me.

My todo list was narrowed down but I keep getting stuff that I work on and go
>it could use this or that to improve it
Resulting in development slowing down as I implement more stuff. The todo list hasn't shrunk much in the last 2 or so weeks even though I worked on a lot and am semi burnt out/clueless on what to do next since a lot feels like tiny tedious stuff.
according to this image I'm somewhere between extremely difficult and extremely easy
>(good?) ideas
>level design
>narrative/writing the script
what I don't have
>any bit of the game in development aside from art and script

this is a shit image
yeah i'll stop bitching and moaning and just take your stupid ass advice that does nothing for me, thank you
Haven't been active here lately. Has this person ever posted in a thread?
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I think I've improved.
This sounds great.
Disonant, but that's what it gives their weird vibe.
>ask for collab on itch forums
>literally offer free programming
>only 1 reply in 2 weeks
>it's someone asking me to make a femboy game with lgbt themes
>delete thread
>give up on collabs
i tried bros
this sounds like random finger taps you do when you're testing out a new VST plugin
Is this the shop theme 2.0?
Should I spend the next week:
writing and implementing quest #63?
setting up and learning git so I stop being a dumb codelet who copies his files onto an external drive daily?
It's a chromatic scale.
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wtf is happening
what i'm supposed to do?
game randomly eat all ram when open
you can tell rich indie devs suck at gamedev, because after their big hit they never make any good gamers afterwards.
remember notchs second game? lol, if that was his first game he'd be in this thread and being doomerpilled about his life.
same for every other indie game that made it big.
rimworld dev, factorio devs, terraria devs, stardew valley...
they literally published only ONE DAMN game in their life and got rich.
>wtf is happening
Looks like a memory leak
Just spent 10 hours crunching to fix issues found by the first wave of testers and ready to take a break. Anyone want their game played?
there is no sucking at gamedev or being good at gamedev
it's all luck and it's a lot harder to win the jackpot twice
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thanks, in godot it can help when a queue_free something? i cannot spot the place it is happening, but i'll try to find it
i can't come up with a game idea that's small enough to finish realistically
This >>493467819
There's dissonant and then there's shit. You need some additional instruments and structure to offset whats going on because one instrument playing purely dissonant parts just becomes annoying, especially if there isn't actually any patterns or resolutions in the track.

How on earth have you managed a memory leak? Its a completely managed environment.
If you're loading your own scenes within scripts, try offloading it to a scene manager which all your nodes load the scene from instead. It could just be duplicate scenes loading the same files unnecessarily.
1 hit wonder devs are over the hardest hills of gamedevs
they're on easy mode now
literally all they have to do is
1. finish a game
2 publish it
3. make the twxtter post and @everyone ping
Nice job anon. It'll be a while before I post for demo day. Hopefully I can have a bug free experience..when the time comes.
It's a melody on minor seconds and minor thirds, that's why It sounds disonant.
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40 to 60 games release on Steam alone EACH DAY.
About 350 games in the week around your release.
AAA release? Successful release AAA or indie, in your genre? BOOM you are done.
Also, not only are you competing with other new releases, but the entire backlog of games on every system a player owns. :)

Take all the "indie success stories" you can think of in the past 10 years and divide it by the number of devs in that time who have tried (again, 50 games a day, 1500 a month) and there's your historical likelihood of "making it."

Steam cut, higher self-employment taxes, no benefits, no retirement, AND to top it all off: Your sales diminish over time, so even if you hit this "mediocrity lottery" you'll have to do it all over again in a couple years.

>He thinks that indie gamedev can provide a sustainable primary income in 2024

i noticed how i always have 0 motivation to work on anything when i look at the big picture.
but i seem to get motivated when i only focus on working one thing at a time. just one feature.
i think it's impossible to look at the big picture in gamedev and not get absolutely discouraged.
i think it's because gamedev is not an afternoon project, it's like building rome, but in small.
so build it like rome, just randomly build houses and streets everywhere until it becomes a big mess, that's interesting to explore.
also early access exists, so you dont need to finish a full game before publishing it.
cris, referring to the theory doesn't magically excuse you from the primordial job of having the sounds be enjoyable to listen to.
1) show us your portfolio
2) what game are you looking to make?
maybe your brain is trying to save you for wasting time on making a game? maybe it knows it's not a good use of your time?
Wasted 2 hours making the hud look good since two elements just looked bad due to have different sizes
>couldn't shrink one without making the pixels look oversized/small in one
>eventually settle on having to redo elements that appear on the hud so that it won't look too small or over sized when matched to the same sizing as the other hud element
>go to bed
>sometime later write down a potential solution even though i already solved the problem
>test it out
>it looks better
AAAAAAAAAAAAA now I'm going to have to implement this one! It simply looks better.
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It sounds good, because that's how minor seconds are supposed to sound.
the dark souls of platformers
its not just a hobby

Toby Fox
Eric Baron (The Concerned Ape)

Now me.
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take everything you can program/design and throw it into one game. stop trying to make a coherent game, just make what you can.
Nolgorb's Ordeal? Yeah, the best 3D platformer made with the Godot Engine.
that's actually castlevania or megaman
An incoherent game is not fun to play, and therefore not good.
the strange part is that the objects skyrocket when the game is running at second plan
what would be a good use of my time? that argument is stupid.
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You can reason with the mentally ill. How many times do I have to tell you this, idiot?
>atonal music is mental illness
I wasn't making an argument, just suggesting that you may be lacking motivation because your brain knows you're doing something that's very high cost and very low reward.
Nani! Vill you surpass marnix so hard he'll livestream a biteme games team suicide via youtube? Dont suicide marnix/biteme games team i'm just joking

She's so beautiful bros. I have to make it, or at the very least hang out at places where these types go so like libraries and coffee shops judging from the attire
>internet has 10000000 recipes
>i still eat pasta with tomato sauce
daily reminder that people will never want new experiences, it's set in stone what they enjoy.
you don't need to innovate, you just need to make a solid tomato sauce. they dont even care if your sauce is special or unique, they just want it to be tasty.
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- 30 minutes adding some sfx and debugging some of the scene transitions.
Nothing visual so have one of the doodles I have lying around.
Gonna spend most of tomorrow making the demo complete. Tutorial will probably just be a slideshow(again, but what're gonna do).
I disagree. Part of the reason people hate modern gaming is that it often makes games worst, whereas what gamers crave are new grounds. Games that push boundaries. Hell Divers II gave a slight taste of this and people went fucking mental.
>motivation to dev plummets
iktw i see a game in my genre doing similar gameplay all with better art then me. hurt worse when i saw someone using at least one third party art asset succeeding. i just suck at art!


it absolutely fucking is and that's the best part. Frank Zappa and Captain Beefheart were many things, and sane was not one of them
>generic sci-fi shooter
literally proved my point, thank you
seems like an object is allocated every x period.
if you think it is one of your class

func _init():
print("init a")

otherwise you have to search for the allocation in your code.

>Texture and memory
Guess your adding scenes but never remove them.
Where is hell divers breaking new ground? It's mostly a good configuration of good games that already exist
cope for shit "music"
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enjoy nigga.
the sound of mental illness.
it's not generic though it's a co op starship troopers game that should have been made 15 years ago
Some gamers want innovative games. Others like more conventional games.
That's why both Undertale and Madden can be very successful.
As solo devs we need to capture only a sliver of the market, so whichever niche we cater to is fine.
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do your bounding boxes support Hitler in 3D?
how are minor seconds supposed to sound, genius?
>rural europe
if you don't mind answering what country? imagination at play here and i'm imaging a cozy rural life versus the potential reality. i trade stocks but not a lot and rarely now. it's rather stressful even if i'm overall succeeding on it.

same. i realized it eventually.
>art: mostly bad, the characters and some of the environmental pieces are fine but most of it is just low quality
>wishlists: bottom tier quantities
i wish i realized this sooner
>coop starship trooper
that's not gameplay, that's at best a theme
it's just a shooter, the most simple of all genres
no idea but how do i check this in unity? my only clues is that there's some form of code you have that isn't getting garbage collected well but i have very little knowledge on that subject
The real reason it sounds like shit is the rhythm changes all over the place with no plan behind it. It's just random. The scale is fine.
I just need more practice and figure out how to write a good phrase.
>Others like more conventional games.
>As solo devs we need to capture only a sliver of the market, so whichever niche we cater to is fine.
This is what I went for. Only I failed to take one major thing into account and now I'm paying for it. I either cut my losses and release a flop or rework a lot of my game and hope I still have a chance.
it sounds like horror or something that's not inherently shitty but it's cris so he'll take horror music and throw it on top of his 3d models doing doggy style
Yeah, I don't mean to discourage at all, making bad music is how you make good music. Just make lots of it and you'll get there.
Well, if that's all you saw in that game then you're a retard or haven't played.

The most intense cinematic real time battles to ever exist. There is no Gears, Halo, Call Of Duty, with anything CLOSE to the battles of Helldivers. It was new, even if the only new thing was scale. Scale is enough. People who just ignore this are fucking dumb man. Just listen to the fucking people who played. Being alone at night, hiding in the trees, as patrols walked around you. Or being totally surrounded and calling down napalm. Anyone saying this game didn't bring new experiences to gaming are just fucking dumb man. And it's fucking tiring having to explain this to retards.

When I look at the new 40k Warhammer game, it looks cute and all, but it looks like a slow motion game with extremely small battles, in comparison to Hell Divers.
Why do the threads feel so dead these last few days? Is it really demo day?
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so what's the most recommended version of unity
i used to use some 2017 and some 2019 version but now i can't get them to work because the 2D animator won't download properly and i forgot how i fixed it last time
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Today's greatest day
First subpixel engine is built
Cris really is just Kimberly Kubus but lamer, huh
What the fuck is EDF?
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Ironically I realized today that the 4 bars, are just a higher version of the entire theory of doing a single bar.

Maybe a melody is nothing more than the fractal nature of music.
And that a 4 bar is just a higher repetition of your smaller motifs.
DEADNET dev, my pistol ammo got glitched to be stuck at 0 in the first level. And I also got trapped in a room. And there is infinite walljumping. Pls fix
idk what you're trying to say.
can I just say it?

I really love this hobby!
of course you don't because you've never played EDF so you think helldivers is something new when it actually has a smaller scale than EDF because they went for muh grafix with lower destruction/enemy counts

normies are so easily impressed
japanese hell divers before hell divers basically
NTA, and I agree about the part about theme.
But calling it a shooter is reductive low resolution faggot reasoning.
You share a thread with cris, and God put him on earth to serve as a living refutation of this retarded argument.
>want to make 2D factory game
>want openttd map sizes
>godot is too slow for anything close to this
What are my options?
>using an acronym for some japanese game like it's common knowledge
>knowing about any japanese games beside Mario and Sonic
weebs truly sicken me
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what if I made a nikke-like?
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Are you a good artist though?
Either learn what terrain chunking is and use any engine, or write a game in assembly like transport tycoon was in 1994. Both require you to not program like a baboon though which I suspect is asking too much of you because you immediately blamed the engine for your dogshit code not working.
yeah we get it man, you're a super cool guy being anti-jap on 4chan of all places.
Too explicit for itch ...
It really does sicken me. These subhumans try engaging in conversation with actual humans and just vomit their stupid shit. Waste of my fucking time. Even if they had an actual valid point, you have to pull it out of them because they can't just write a fucking sentence.

I almost wanted to reply, but if he's too much of a faggot to talk like a human, why should I even bother with him.
people who want "innovative" games just dont like the genres the games are in
Not him but how would terrain chunking be useful, besides making infinite maps?
The factory still has to run while out of sight so there's no major performance boost. Unless I'm missing something.
>people who didn't have my subjective experience with this game are retards
More like the genre is largely stagnant
That's why Baba Is You made such a splash.
And Viewfinder could have been so much more, if the devs didn't push out a barely polished beta with an incoherent story
He'll be fine with AI slop.
Somewhat true. But it's not always about pure innovation but just taking things further. Like if you made a Skyrim with a good ChatGPT AI that allowed you to actually have conversation with NPC's that would be a major seller. One of the biggest games of all time. Same genre, no real genius "innovation", it's obvious people want it. But it's just an example of taking a game further.

Helldivers took shooters further. From a cinematic perspective, action perspective. Pushing to boundaries attracts gamers like moths to a light.
does anyone have that webm or gif of cris 3d models I'd like to see it and hear the music at the same time
The only thing I think of when I hear Viewfinder is "Did I just freaking do that?" Dialogue cringe is horrible these days.
No you're a retard for being like "Gears and Helldivers...same thing!"

Like do you dumb mother fuckers think the game sold because it's heckin Star Ship Troopers, a B movie from decades ago that wasn't that popular? Is that why it sold well you stupid mother fucker. TELL ME. TELL ME WHY IT SOLD WELL IF IT'S JUST A GENERIC SHOOTER.
"stagnant" aka you dont like the genre
amateur gamers discussion general
>thinks it's a mark of pride to only know bing bing wahoo games for kids
Ya you already said that retard, and he responded. Why don't you engage with what he wrote instead of just repeating your dumb mother fucking point. God damn you're all retarded as fuck
Thank you for your feedback anon.
The forge is a bit complicated and might be a detriment for players that aren't specifically into card games to an extent which might not be the case for anons just getting the game for DD reasons.
Also I agree on there being a bit too much reading with the new tutorials, I might need to space them a bit so it isn't as dense. either way thanks again for the feedback and let me know if you need help.
Regarding the letters on the top right they are just there to mark card rarity, completely irrelevant otherwise.
Lastly, the 3-4 in the forge just marks a random range for the cost of the card you are crafting, the more gems you use the lower it gets, but when you craft it the final cost will be a number between the displayed values.
what's a hell divers?
He didn't make a point. He reworded "don't like the genre" to "stagnant" to pretend to make a point.
Yeah, you have a cringe radio person yapping at you for the beginning but then she fucks off to "optional" phone calls you can "ignore".
My issue with most puzzle games, is them forgetting about being GAMES, and just being interactive front-ends to solve the same "tedium == fun" philosophy design.
It's why zachtronics also broke up the monotony and found success.
I never mentioned Gears also
If that's what you have to compare it to then I see why you're so impressed
because it has better grafix than EDF and it used influencer viral marketing for normies like yourself
you truly are ngmi
What a faggot post. Just don't respond if you're not going to say anything. Refute my overall point. Don't hide like a bitch "i didn't sayyyyy" bitch I'm talking to like 30 people at once and you're all anon. Take on what I wrote of SHUT THE FUCK UP.
>open google
>type my game's title
>just the same websites and key resellers even though i have no keys
*sigh* i wish i abandoned it years ago, now i must see it through to the end.

tfw no mommy (not actual mom) gf artist wife
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Bitch, bitch, bitch. That’s all you nodevs do. Get off of your ass and make your game already.
You’re making my job too easy.
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Ayy Lmao. I accidentally discovered all my models had the texture file saved as the default texture.png in the same folder, so I'm going to have redo the texture work on 50+ models in the future. But it's not too much work, so it's fine.
"It sold millions and millions of copies because uhhh, ummm, tiktok" Great analysis. kill yourself.
help I can't find cris 3d gifs anywhere
No seriously, tell me. The only advantage is not rendering stuff off-screen which you get anyway in any decent engine.
Tell me how you would "unload" an active factory chunk that is simulating a couple dozen game rules? If it's really simple you could simplify the chunk into inputs and outputs over time but that approach would be hell for anything complex.
why did you sign your post three times
anon here is unironically right. i can't be bothered with most recipes as they require 10x the effort. i just can't do it bros
>grab this jar
>pour sauce on top of cooked pasta
>and we're done
>now you have your own self made spaghetti
i'm the brackey's of cooking
says the biggest nodev of them all, more concerned with attention seeking than games
He's not right. You don't want your generic food, you want to eat out. You're just too poor or busy. You'd rather taste something incredible that pushes flavor to a new level.
I've come to accept there simply are no good gamedev communities. its just a fact
cute cat. i use unity 2018. i however cannot jump to 2019, seems to break 2018 so just an important piece of info you should know incase there's stuff in 2019/assets you'd prefer that don't work in 2018. otherwise 2018 seems to work nicely ime. idk which is the most recommended but i have a vague recollection that 2018/2019 are popular might just be making it up from previous stuff i heard idk
I already refuted your point and you have no argument other than "game BIG and cinematic. I had a good time shootin more than gears and COD"
Just admit it's a fun game that sold well but it didn't break new ground
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progress, couldn't get an idea for my next slop game so i was just trying to improve on art the last two days
>want to make furries vs monster girls space battle rail shooter
>Find Ex Zodiac
It's over
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>first day of DD over
>zero comments

Guess it's time to start a new project...
Big and Cinematic IS NEW. You don't get to just be like "nuh uh." If you're argument is "nuh uh" that's not enough. So no, you didn't refute anything.

Scale matters. Dynamic gameplay matters. Immersion. Graphics. There is nothing like Helldivers.

It's honestly shocking to me your low resolution brain really just goes "Game has gun. Therefore it's like other game with gun." Like fuck man, how do I even engage with something so fucking stupid.

Gears is a series of pre programmed battles in a single player experience, or PVP. Helldivers is PVE and all dynamic. And you're just like "Well you personally like one more than the other but they are the same." It's just shocking to engage with such stupid bullshit.
>first day of DD over
>zero comments

Guess it's time to start a jew project...
diapers are on the way sir
>you dont want this thing because if you were in a different situation you'd want a different thing

>mfw cris music is atonal
>He doesn't submit to demo day when he's already 100% finished
that is where you fucked up.
The situation is the same faggot. He's a human who is hungry. HE CURRENTLY WANTS GREAT FOOD. But he can't have great food. So he settles for canned food. Why is this hard for you. Your faggot green text doesn't replace having to make a logical statement you bozo
I'm unironically considering making mockup steam pages of my various game ideas to gauge interest. Beats working on each for a year just making them into marketable vertical slices only to find out most potential customers don't care about it.
Isn't this what LimitedRun does with PC releases?
>terrain chunking
>on a 50x50 grid
>performance only occur when moving the camera
I don't have the factory components yet, this is simply rendering a 50x50 square of tiles using godot4's tilemaplayers. It simply doesn't work for anything complex.
Hmm guess you're partially right. It's more so that I'm incompetent at cooking, lazy, and "busy." I don't like this feeling of always feeling busy but accomplishing not a lot. If I was rich enough I'd probably be getting take out frequently from restaurants that make it well. I'm not very good at cooking so that's out of the question so I use a jar of tomato sauce. However sometimes just plain ole spaghetti works well so.......
Already backpedalling? He's just a hungry human now? He's not poor or busy?
I think ayy gee dee gee is dying bros. where will i go after this? it was cold and dark and lonely out there. if it wasn't for this place i doubt the sunk cost could've kept me latched onto this flop of a game i have
not back peddling. Saying he's hungry doesn't mean he's not poor. Not mutually exclusive. Fucking retard. Learn logic. Stop thinking in fallacies fucking loser.
Yes, but it takes 2 years to get anything you ordered from them
I have a game submitted to Demo Day.
What do (You) have? Nothing? That’s what I thought.
Man, this whole argument is extremely reminiscent of a while back when some anon claimed that some crappy Minecraft clone shouldn't have failed because it's just like Valheim. Some people are just stupid.
*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRfST3PyrH4 for context
i wish somebody would talk about my game
lmfao exactly. Thank you anon.

"these images are the same. Both are 3d. If you like one or the other that is subjective but they are the same."
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I love when some agdg fag complains about my shit being shit, when It's literally too advanced for them.

Schroenberg shit is even more disjointed than my stuff.
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No, it’s just shit.
>ay bro did you check out the new CoD?
>yeah bro those GRAPHICS man and the SCALE. Felt like I was in a movie, man
>I know I was so immersed bruh, blows the last cod away
>game changer right here dawg
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Schroenberg literally developed an entire dodecaphone system which goes beyond tonality.

Pretty sure you fags also would complain cubism, impressionism, abstract art, expressionism, dadaism, concrete music, stream of conciousness, to be shit as well.
>Schroenberg literally developed an entire dodecaphone system which goes beyond tonality.
and you haven't done shit
act smug and talk shit when you are successful not when you are a loser
experimental music is typically done by trained musicians who are already competent and bored with conventional music.
you are not a trained or competent musician, so you're just making noise under the guise (delusion) of being "backed" by music theory.
it's not too advanced for me cris, it's just shit.
my point was why claim that minor seconds sounds bad?

It's a minor second exercise.
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Added two camera options:

PASSIVE: Only moves with player input
ACTIVE: Will try to reposition behind the player
Schoenberg had also mastered traditional counterpoint, and wrote several books on composition where he demonstrated his encyclopedic knowledge of Beethoven's work.
His explorations into atonality are in no way comparable to the ignorant and random compositions you have posted
I remember that anon with the tasty pasta dish in spaghetti sauce. I wish I could cook like that. Where's potato anon anyways? Any new food potato anon or still stuck with the taters?

How good of an idea is this? Drop $500 to post 5 different game ideas I have and simply work on the one with best attention.
I also have practiced tonality and done compositions following Fux book.
this is why we tell you to make demos, post in demon daze, make a youtube channel, start a discord server, etc instead of just making a game with no plan
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>Work done to explore how minor seconds and minor thirds sound
>Wtf why this sounds like atonal music
>Wtf why this doesn't sound like tonal music

This shit is not even my worst shit when I mixed diferent time signatures at the same time and mixed more than 1 chord at the same time.
Thank you! Hopefully the active camera is apreciated. Took me a full week to learn how to do it
Low quality. Not even mid.
making a good pasta sauce is so easy i find it insulting that people do this disgusting shit
shut up, here's some real music.
human men
Work on your mixing.
The melody is fine, rhythm is fine, but it sounds like mud anyway.
>running around dog girl platformer in godot, but actually good and being made
It's fucking over dingodevbros.
Looking for a demo to play. Any recommendations? Or should I just sort by popularity?
this nigga wants to play the demos
have you played wodopom?
that's already way more listenable
Poke ALL Toads is the best puzzle game on /agdg/
KybuDice is a somewhat unique casual puzzle-action match game
Tower of Kalemonvo if you want a diablo-like
Wodopom is very similar to FTL
Dead Sector for a horror action game
Afterlife Gladiator is a long(several hours) RPG with active time turns that pause on new actions to take

to name a few
To me it sounds like copyright-free music a streamer with poor musical taste would play in the background, but it's not really sonically unpleasant. Kind of cool for the first five seconds though
Speaking of Music I started playing Final Fantasy XV. A few minutes into it they start playing this banger - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vv2DSmy3Tro

Reminds you of how much a simple song can enhance the experience. It in 10 seconds changed completely how I viewed the world of FF15. How I viewed my team.

Not easy for people without a budget to implement, but still, it's something I'll consider.
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t. pixel artist
a mockup is a lot quicker than actually programming. just draw all the assets and literally place them in a canvas.
one (1) download away from passing browser plays... come on... so close
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>steel and magic
very cool, I like the way the attacks feel
Quit weed 2 weeks ago. I'd be lying if I said that being sober fucking blows. At least I have some motivation to do decent progress on my project.
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WTF godotsisters, the memory leak was caused by the AnimationPlayer because i animated the font embolden from 0.75 to 2. how i'm supposed to knew that?
>Good artist

Nikke is just a coomer game, it's not that deep.
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such as this
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i just lost 4 hours on that bug
you're suppose to get high off LIFE itself
There's really no high in life itself. Head is permanently fixated on make money, pay bills, pussy, game projects, death.

Life is stinky and I'm the turd. Womp.
I don't know
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you saying you can draw this with ease?
should have checked the git issues, bub
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damn bro release the game already
It'll be done when it's done.
Honestly looks like AI art with that weird still image animation
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lesson learned
we're back
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>Play the exact same game for the 50th time
We're supposed to be better than the speedrunner crowd
Glad you are liking it so far. Can't wait to start adding content to the game!
My game is completely different from last demo day (and also not in that screenshot)
there should be a limit on how many times unless you are making massive changes between each one
Maybe anons should stop submitting the same 50 games every year
Maybe my game would be done faster if people actually left feedback instead of ignoring it every demo day
You overestimate the capabilities of AI
SICK, make sure you post it in >>>/g/gedg/ also
>wwaaaaa there's too many pixels moving too smoothly
>my small brain can't process it that fast
i wish chinks would ascend and start appreciating frame-proportional breasts, instead of blow-up bags
Is there really no way to make players fall in love with NPCs without relying on art and voice acting?
i give up. i cant make a game.
AI slop.
Time to get in the bucket
Are you fucking stupid? People have been in love with characters in novels since novels were worth a dime.
Then don't, make something easier.
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All of these would be the exact same game even if there were 100 comments of feedback.
You don't need us to be faster.
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AI can easily make slop like that
the fuck are you talking about
a team made this and that's not what I said or meant. Put down the coomer games anon, it's frying your brain.
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meant for
This is like authors demanding their editors be their co-writers.
editors are merely to guide.
feedback on games is meant to be even less involved than that.
I don't know where this indie-dev mindset came from, that you're supposed to shit out a prototype, and then have playtesters tell you exactly how to turn it into a coherent game.
No one's asking editors to be co-writers or play testers say exactly how to make a game. All I'm asking for is a single comment so that I can have some idea of how people interact with the game instead of blindly guessing and rewriting the entire game every demo day to no effect.
Let's fucking go!!!
Over level 200!!!
Aahhhhh this felt good. Good run, good run.
>All I'm asking for is a single comment so that I can have some idea of how people interact with the game instead of blindly guessing and rewriting the entire game every demo day to no effect.
Why are you making a game without a coherent idea what you want it to be?
This is what i'm talking about.
YOU should be defining how people interact with it.
YOU need to know what you want to do and say with the game.
delete your post. Like right now.
Nikke is pretty infamous for being THE AI slop gacha.
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i cannot access x in my country
my game is so i can leave this shithole
Seriously, the memory leak was that. Now you have me wondering what could happen in Unity. I have some slightly specialized font material, wonder if the different color on it or the size changes is enough to cause this too.

>i just lost 4 hours on that bug
*hug* lost like 2 hours of recorded time redesigning a portion of the UI, am now in the process of reverting it as I found a better solution.
What shit hole you in right now anon?
Nta but I wish I could. Also wish I had a gf who looked like this hubba hubba, minus the tattoos and clothing style.
Or this, this works too.
Brazilian? I heard they banned twitter (x) there. Like why not just ban wokeism instead if they want to fix the problem? A bandaid isn't going to cure the infected wound.
stop pretending to have a stutter when your type you faggot
Twitter is banned in Brazil because Elon refuses to ban all the people posting CP and wouldn't testify in court about it.
actual cp or loli art?
isn't the real reason that he won't censor a couple of Brazilian senators that speak some no no words? I have not looked into it but that's what I hear
>hue propaganda

it was banned because the admin refused to remove so-called "political disinformation"
pedophile art
>sees kid
>thinks about pedophilia
it's called uuuuooohhhh art around these circles
>I get a (You)
>it's an ainigger
kill yourself npc, nobody will ever love you
Actual CP. There was a Black dude named Dom Lucre that posted a CP video produced by Peter Scully and instead of getting banned, they just deleted the images. There's more actual CP on Twitter now than there ever was.
The death throes of an /agdg/ thread are the worst...
>wtf is happening
Godot 4.3 is half baked shit with a memory leak.

>what i'm supposed to do?
Go back to godot 4.2 or use any other engine.
I'm pretty sure those posts are tagging all accounts watching those vids. It's gotta be some Honeypot x is trying to pull maybe. That place is absolute shithole anyway.
>The most intense cinematic real time battles to ever exist

What the fuck are you smoking? What is this shit? It looks so god damned slow.


Nigga have you ever played planetside?
you better leave quickly, you guys are getting closer and closer to becoming us. here they banned X already but only on the government owned internet providers, you can still access it fine on private ISPs for the time being.

t. veneco
im just a good little devslave making a game for my playermasters
my game is my last and only hope left
tell me about the game. I'll will decide if you make it...
sklime's level is adjusted based on videos of gameplay. I want the early areas to be relatively easy to get through
I desperately need play testers to see of the emotional beats of the story land or not. So far none of the testers have left any comments on the story.
specify the game
is this a real thing? Is there a github issue?
...I already converted my project to 4.3
new thread

relax it's a open issue (>>493483617) only when animating fonts variations it seems >>493483837
I don't use AI. Just making a point
Why are you so angry. Why are there so many angry drooling retards in this thread
phew, I was concerned for a minute
Japanese games and other media are shit. They don't speak culturally to masculine gym-going western warrior men. That's why weebs are all pussies.
nigga I'm DEAD

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