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>The War Within
>Anniversary Event

Old >>493422063
SI SI SI SI SI edition.
reminder avatarfagging is against the rules and should be reported and hidden on sight
How did we go from bad
whats a good mount for a night elf?
no ones going to take you seriously for two months retard
we won.
This is a BULL thread
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It's an mmo thread so it's ok to post your WoW avatar
A hippogryph!
Petition metzen to remove content from wow
are the other parts of the siesbarg quest as long as the chitin one?
>It's an mmo thread so it's ok to post your WoW avatar
same logic as
>it's a wow thread so its ok to post wow porn
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NA /wowg/ guild
has been baked.
Remember to tick all filters if you don't find it.
We'll prolly do the usual, m+, raids and maybe some RBG.

>Community group for horde people to join and get invited: same name (Globo Fomo)
You can find both by looking for the name name, duh.

Cross faction-Cross realm
>Base realm: NA Moonguard

Allowed but nothing in guild chat.
>Standard Roleplay

NA /wowg/ anons, unite.
I will sign any petition, and fund any kickstarter, if Metzen will help me remove blonde hair and fair skin from void elves...
doom sisters...
This place feels unwelcoming
i might just change my hunter to drac for fem human on horde
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Male worgen
please use the teldrassil version, this model will not do
What this game really needs?
Blue underwear for void elves. These dark grey panties just don't have that For the Alliance vibe.
the bully culture on this website is so shitty it's unreal. solid idea that, treat each other like shit when society has decided they hate all of us for dealing poorly with being discarded by them. the only reason they don't publicly hang us all is because of the slippery slope that represents. hey bastard, if you were less cruel to people who are 99% the same as you then maybe you wouldn't flagellate yourself so much.
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stfu iconocluck leldar lover literal lol letarded
tinkerer class when
dancer class when
bard class when
hoplite class when
why is shaman exclusive to ugly races
this place always is at start of xpac, it's full of unhappy guys going on 40 surprised that a new xpac doesn't magically make them in college again.
intelligent races go paladin
I'm 22
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>be me
>almost BiS season 3 gear before I quit (485 ilvl)
>over 900k HP
>everything dies in 1 hit, even huge packs are like 2 abilities from dying
>spot other people while questing
>they have 1/3 my HP
>the spend 5-6 globals killing a single mob

damn the questing/boost gear must be garbage I'm like a literal demigod to them right now
I love how she literally starts her angry scream with the letter R. It really ties the scene together. Meme, scene and gene.
maybe 1 out of 5 times i try to mine now the node just disappears mid-pick, ever since last maint


What is that orange message about something big inside the delves?
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False equivalence
It's ok to post your toon in the WoW general thread end of story lol
But it matched my bird
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You would think he'd have the sculptors leave out his heinous bonus chins.
Why can't you just ignore the guy. Your posts are so annoying. IGNORE THE GUY YOU RETARD. I'm so sick of having to read your smarmy comebacks everythread. STOP RESPONDING TO THE ANTI AVATAR GUY
from the deepest depths of the sneedolands i call upon ralph
Damn bitch, how often do those things mount you?
at level 71 you can buy 520 cape, neck, rings, chest, bracers, and boots (and helm if engineering) if you want an even bigger power boost
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Ignore me then dummy or my bird will peck you
If you don't have Warlord's Deathwheel mount or Brawler title ur a nub.
he does it for attention, any kind of attention
he often posts bait to get as many people to reply as possible then continues reply chains endlessly and nonsensically just to keep people replying
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I'd rather have avatarfags in the thread enjoying the game rather than doomers.
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>week 2 of the expansion
>get the mount I really wanted

uhh now what

>want to be a dual wielding female night elf in full heritage
>hunter has a literal sentinel spec
>but you're not allowed to use 1 handers
>must have a pet
>combat is now all pirate flavored
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Trolls? Have the Light.
Goblins? Have the Light.
Orcs? Do not have the Light.
Coincidence? I don't think so.
Kill all Orcs.
Stop posting your ugly fucking character you retarded avatarfag.
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>they added all dungeons to the leveling rotation
Are dps DKs still stuck casting death & decay for aoe?
>>combat is now all pirate flavored
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EUbros join <Nerub Silkweaving Forum> open to any thread user on EU Argent Dawn Alliance. Whisper Cawaen or any member on EU Argent Dawn Alliance. Horde players can join but you have to join the community called Nerub Silkweaving Forum, add me on battlenet (Castriot#2261) or just type in /wowg/ in the community finder, I only use the community to add cross faction players otherwise just apply to the guild first or add Castriot#2261 on battlenet. Play or shoot the shit with wowg anons!
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What is happening here and why is it sticky
Frost DK, Fury Warrior (lol), Demon Hunter (lmfao)
Single minded fury warrior
If you dont have the mistwalker title ur a nub
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This is now a DARK IRON thread.
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New Directive : Get a priest girlfriend
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WoWg community for NA.
For those that wanna play with other anons or goof off and chat, but not be in a whole-on Guild.
No I don't care if you're a degen. Go wild. Dramafags get the boot.

New Directive : Get a Dracthyr boyfriend
>I'm just going to
no point, he's a janitor or is friends with one who intercepts and deletes reports
cant count how many times over the past year ive been handed 3 day vacations for "submitting false reports" when he spams the thread with an avatar or posts his futa porn
i just filter all his images and hope he sticks to posting them and not new ones and doesnt hijack the thread's OP
What, you don't want a early ara ara trinket?
is nerub silkweaving forum good
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i miss transbian centaurs so much
it's incredibly important for both unholy and blood
frost only casts it on single target and it's super minor there.
she looks so hot being angry.
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>xalatath is so sexy!!!
He must be a very lonely man
>Allowed but nothing in guild chat.
well that didnt take long
That one always was in the rotation
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The mining nodes are happy to see me I guess?
her man features are showing...
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>change a single talent
>suddenly half my abilities get deleted off my bar
>some were replaced by abilities that are passives now

nice game blizzblabs
>I have nothing against avatar posting
>But I come her to shit up the thread and cry about it whenever it happens
You are not fooling anyone
The venn diagram of this thread and/xivg/ is a perfect circle
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>QRD on the EU Guild Civil War?

I heard that the GM of Elysian is power-hungry, unhinged, and possibly on the autism spectrum.

I also heard that the GM of Nerub Silkweaving Forum is upset because he couldn’t join Elysian and created a new guild out of spite.

Any loremasters here?

Quick Recap from last thread:
>Some heated comments from both guilds, clashing out in the thread.
>Some screenshots were shared.
>Elysian members are very quiet.
>Nerub members are posting alot.
>Nerub GM has played in previous guilds Very Cute and I AM MY SCARS
>Elysian GM "Contirion" also known as "Synx" was parsing green logs in Dragonflight.
>Nebur GM "Cawaen" also known as "Castriot" was parsing blue/purple( logs in Legion.

How will this pan out? Theories welcomed

>There is also an ongoing discussion about which guild will prevail and which will implode; only time will tell.

With new information brought to light, I personally have more confidence that the Nebur Silkweaving Forum has the upper hand in the upcoming unofficial /wowg/ race in the new raid

I'll see you in the next thread with more updates
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I'm gonna go give Beledar a piece of my mind
Nobody gives a shit about your schizo drama
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if I was a DI dwarf I would try my best to groom dagran 2nd unto becoming a proper man worthy of leading this once great race instead of being a nerd held back by his non DI mother who turned the race into a joke. name 1 racial leader who isn't a member of the fucking race
that or go tard wrangle the new firelord hoping something would come out of my attempted coup
>Nobody gives a shit about your schizo drama
so why should we care about you?
I'm not that guy.
ive been a hpal main for years but never wanted to admit it.
is EU qt full of subhuman trash like NA qt?
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I feel like he reminds me of someone...
This ticket's only good for one trip, friend
Zepplin to Orgrimmar
Or coffin to Stormwind
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Druid bros...finally a good set.
>Demon Hunter (lmfao)
thats the best option for what they want, though
the regular will just ignore you until you leave in two weeks and continue on playing the game
other guild will lose 75% of its members by the second gv
>Elysian members are very quiet
none of us care about this. just 1 dude salty that he didn't get invite privs chimping out every thread
>after the aberrus set
>after the ED outdoor set
And you can mix and match all 3 of these sets too
There's literally nothing wrong with Dagran he is much younger than Anduin while also being part of a longer lived race that ages slower. Despite basically being an actual child he has been extremely capable and mature.
The only reason people don't like him is because he doesn't have a beard and he wears glasses.
I believe it. I truly do.
Fungarian kinda reminds me of Bulgarian.
Are Bulgarians similar to them?
alexstrasza drinking wine
pretty much the same thing, except you're thinking of belgians
>no shortstack goblin girl lora
so what is it with world first disc priests and owning women so hard all the time?
yo janny since you're here, this guy is avatarfagging
Can hpals get away with wearing cloth
he should probably at least have a bit of a beard considering who his father and grandfather are
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You shouldn't lmfao be so real right now
Alleria & Xalatath butts in nothing but a kitchen apron making me a tasty snack
Show respect to the best poster ITT
Dornogal's Alliance embassy empty again
We cannot trust this beggar king, Merrix
Alliance diplomacy stops at Pandaria
Not really. Too much focus on fel magic and warglaives. Cool on it's own but not what he was looking for.
Frost what's with specs having different specs with the same name? 2 forsts, 2 prots, 2 holy, 2 resto is focusing on frost obviously but is my choice even if a few ability icons need an update
Fury would work if SMF was viable. Titanic grip scratches a different itch
Rogue's focus on daggers was something else entirely
Why did this get deleted? You still with us sloppa anon?
Thank God man. Get the fucking ai porn losers out of here i already have to tolerate retards who think just saying the word sex is a punchline
in leaked disc logs during the 'suits nebu talked about a hire who was "so dumb" and "has vampire teeth" but "at least she has big tits". nice to know they crossed paths.
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>the best poster ITT
Thank god. We are so BACK pozzed blizzdrone paypiggy bros
MODS = GODS these threads are shitty enough as is
just testing if I'm banned
Shall the sloppa requests continue?
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You would really think of Bulge-aryans instead of Hung-aryans first?
Wasn't he born in cata
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What's this fuck want?
No one thinks of hungarians
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I can't pick bros KT druid or NE druid?
I think he can't fight at all, and he will get in trouble for it. he's been a companion a few times - he usually doesn't follow you or if he does he won't engage in combat - but in kriegval's rest delve this week he wields an offhand book in his main hand and smacks kobolds with it for pittance. rarely do they ensure that kind of consistency less they're making a point.
Blizz does
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avatarfags are gonna double down on their efforts in flooding the thread after the ai fag got banned
give them no quarter
>Do my first 5-man in years
>55% of the group damage
Holy fuck, does Pally stay this fun?? I feel like a fucking beast.
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Why the fuck can't I see my messages in trade? I know I'm not banned because I only use it for actual trade and don't call people niggers
Not unless dwarven pregnancies last for two expansions.
If you're still ITT Maiev pepe punch meme plox
>dees... wuz our post....
>..shit post!!
>we Amani, shitpost befo anywan!
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Based, WoW is a Hungarian's man game I was just too blind to see it
calm down maye
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i'm getting filtered
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r8 my Dracthyr, he'll give you Prescience and Ebon Might.
And then bottom the DPS meter :v(
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Think he's Warcraft Mikkelsen
I can't believe you're even asking the question.
The lad will grow a beard when he lays his first lady.
Source: I am a dark iron dwarf.
this didn't happen
Why are people seething and mass reporting slopanon while attention seeking avatarfags stay up?
He makes some high quality images, sure most of them are coomer but he provides for the thread and only makes request posts once every few days. Meanwhile avatartroons just atteentionseek and sometimes even quasi ERP treating the general like their discord server trying hard to become thread personalities.
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Jesus, I forgot WoW could feel this good.
Ain't nothing wrong with the lad being a backline healer.
itll be that fun until you get to a single target encounter and then youll wonder why you're doing 2/3rds of a real dps damage
t. ret paladin
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What is this dude doing
He's like 12
Why does EVERY female stone dwarf have to have a beard? I understand it's le quirky dwarf feature that Tolkien put in his books 50+ years ago but EVERY female? really?
fight him in the south west corner
slop spammer will draw attention away from the avatarfag, which is why HE struck him down
avatarfag melty
truechuds would never
What should I be playing then? This feels too good!ss
I could live with him being beardless and even wearing the glasses but they turned him into a turbonerd. Yeah I guess it's appropriate for his age but we all know he is staying an annoying turbonerd because any hint of masculinity is toxic now and they want his stronk independent race (not species) traitor mother to pull the strings
They should make Turalyon go ahead with his coup and have Tyrande and Genn join him to state their lust for vengeance, the regular draenei for obvious reasons, and the dark iron because they still hate the other 2 clans + dagran wants to learn more about naaru interstellar technology
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>cant play as a night elf paladin
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no but this did
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Why does no one make WoW fanart anymore? Is it true that AI artists are our only hope?
ret's fine, he's just a retard that copy/pasta'd a m+ off icyveins spec then wonders why his ST is not as strong as his cleave
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struggles a lot with the hand holding the wineglass so excuse that part
can't get her explicitly drinking it without an external lora I think

unless janny gets mad enough, yeah

I tried that yesterday but didn't get any workable results
the guy who made the LORA used too narrow training data
zamn i dont have that
one of the vg jannies got a check and/or is playing tww right now and present in the thread regularly
t. got banned the other day for some shit i say regularly
jokes on janny because i actually have content to do
Is this mythic?
Alleria & Xalatath butts in nothing but a kitchen apron making me a tasty snack
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drip check
Ahhh, that makles sense. I'm enjoying being a cleave bitch, that's what 5 mans are about.
what the point of posting this
Hammering a book. You don't hammer your books? pfffttt IDIOT.
Anything with goblins or gnomes
Remember Maye? She won. Bigly.
youre such a fucking joke kek, why not pay twittards to make it for you and brag about it here?
you had to be there
if you can find a pony compatible lora for a warcraft goblin, Id do one
gnome I dislike
Sweaty Orc taking off parts of her armor
Whenever female earthen go "ah a new experience" I think about them losing their hymen
can you explain
what's so special about it
I'm kinda checked out on heroics at 580 ilvl because people are just pulling everything rapid fire and it sucks ass. Is this wow now or is there hope for m0 or m+?
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I can't wait for the real game to start on the 10th because I can't tell if it's my depression that's making me bored with the game or if it's the actual game that's at fault. All I do is farm for stupid mounts that I won't even use. Sigh. Thanks for reading my blog post.
Why did no one tell me Marksman was so fucking boring
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fk u noobs
>wow will cure my depression
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thanks, that worked
i love the spec, ive had a ton of fun with it the last several years, i really enjoy windwalker as well and you do single target damage
i dont know how shits going to shake out but i was expecting single target buffs in the last tuning pass and that hasnt happened so im skeptical
>he's just a retard that copy/pasta'd a m+
thats what everyone else does idiot, im not going to sim it myself
when people first found out about the slime serpent, people on reddit, wowhead and here bitched and was struggling with the mount cause you had to kill 3rd and last boss on heroic, solo, for the mount to spawn.
then later blizz made it so you had to kill all bosses.
I just hit 570 ilvl. I'm hard stuck at 570
I'm not inviting that trash into my groups ever so 0/10
we have a lot of foreign words but our language isn't slavic
m0 will slow down a little cause people might actually die to bosses and trash mechanics.
M+ will be fast, but people will still be trying to not pull everything so expect actual 30min runs.

just the fact that these mobs are essentially harmless to any group with an awake healer and the fact that they rarely drop loot makes people go fast.
seriously if you think this is bad, you should see what heroic daily runs looked like in wrath and bc classic.
Omfg I'm a FRAUD
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>lmao azralon
how? just upgrade your gear and buy the renown gear too
I'm not saying WoW cures depression -- that's ridiculous. I'm just trying to find out what's happening with me. and the game. I hope the gear grind is fun and healthy for me.
wont m+ be piss easy now because there is no timer any more?
>there is no timer any more?
I wish. It would make it enjoyable for once
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>leveled 22 characters from 50 to 60 over the course of the past two days
>should probably level 3 more to 80 to cap out the account wide warband bonus exp before I continue leveling
Also god bless Sleepycast, I always return to that podcast once a year when I need to turn my brain off for an extended period of time. Love those guys.
m+ still has a timer dude
he's built like a 50 year old icelandic serial killer
are you confusing M0 with having no timer anymore?
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why are these cute little shits not tamable.
theyre beasts.
Could you make another Nightborne in lingerie lying on a bed?
This time red hair in ponytail, yellow eyes, dark skin, jewelry on ears.
i.. swear there was something about them removing timer from m+, or was it something else they changed?
that might be it then?
I already did. I don't know what to do
>basin roberts
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>mazecucks speedrunning through the obstacle course to get their cheese
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ITT: we laugh at Balance Druids
oh no no no no no....AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
aren't they critters?
m+ chads run these threads
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Safest caster to make rn? Mage?
storyfriends is it better to do the side quests during the main story or after? i heard it makes more sense to do them after the campaign? that they were designed that way? any truths?
warlock or mage yeah
whos Zaelia?
muscled & sweaty night elf warrior taking off her armor
Dracthyr boyfriends
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Marks fun level depending heavily on how you build it.
Lean into Rapid fire, trick shots, lock&load deathblow and explosive shot and its a good time

Windarrows, aimed shot rotating and arcsteady spam is dull as fuck.
Wife beating healer whos gonna cost EU a win.
Aug is still guaranteed invites
Resto shaman is the most meta it has ever been in all content since mop
If you want a real caster dps then yeah the Strongest mage spec has never EVER been anything lower than A+ tier, be it pvp raids or dungeons
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bro come on...was hoping we'd be good for rbg at least but affliction is miles better
not they are scale leveled beasts
they changed m0 to old m10 tuning wise and reward wise, but it still has no affix and timers. +2 keys now are tuned like an old +12.
Healing gives me anxiety. Is Resto easy to comprehend/cozy enough to alleviate some of that?
Pale Draenei in dark leather corset and black lips looking down at viewer.
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>dracthyr wearing clothes
I like the image though
Counter offer, I WON'T suck your cock if you invite me.
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/cast Dalaran Hearthstone
ah i see, thanks for explaining
I stopped wrath classic when I was a geared tank and hunters or other spergs would start pulling groups onto me in heroics because if we didn't go sonic fast then people would lose their minds. It wasn't an issue gear-wise but I found the mindset and cadence really unfun.
+2 is tuned to old +10 and also has no affixes so it is significantly easier. you guys are overblowing this shit pretty hard, as usual
based if true
Xalatath pointing at a wooden wheelchair smugly.
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Id really like to avoid double character ones if possible, it's quite a lot of extra hoops to jump through

already did similar multiple times, get something new bro
If we'd actually get that
what's the best realm to sell rare recipes? coomguard?
Hey does anyone want to level together i just started playing wow. I'm lvl 3
they dont look like that
hero specs will be deleted in midnight?
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Hit level 10 and then go the Dragon Isles, you'll be alright newbie.
they trialled this for dragonflight season 4 that's why nobody's actively talking about it. consensus was the new system was easier across the board. you could get myth track gear in keys which had only 1 affix last season iirc, they made sure to change that for tww.


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>My Brann was level 55
>Blizz de-leved him
Dragon Isles are NOT wow putting it's best foot forward. I'd recommend legion or BFA (if alliance)
based fuck these faggot exploiters
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Name my bee

How did he get that shirt over the wings and horns
Very cute pic thoughever
Welcome to the game, just focus on questing by yourself and exploring at your own pace. Get to 10, go to Dragon Isles, relax
Yer jealous the lad is a brave young man, ye tall lanky FUCK.
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>Check some PTR Anniversary notes
>Deathbringer changes
>Frost DK is nerfed again
>Unholy is unchanged
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Just did The Dawnbreaker for my very first time
Holy fuck what a horribly designed dungeon
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IDK about you guys but I really don't see much of a difference outside of the smaller tits. I love watching my fatass Eredar bitch running around. With mods you could probably get it pretty close.
>good goy edition players btfo
Whats the most pure soul race class combo
reminder to instantly report and hide resident avatar tranny
Healing is actually easier and as long as the group lives you shouldn't be getting any complaints
Resto is probably the most bloated healer at the moment. The rotation and general flow is very straightforward but you have 30 utility and extra situational buttons on top of having 6 cooldowns and are the sole reason wow has 8 action bars because you need them
You only have to think about 1 of your cooldowns because most of them are fire and forget shit that essentially makes your "bigger number better, meaning better number gets more bigger better, so, that's... better, because its bigger"
FemPanda Monk.
>many raiders in the top guilds had worked their way to a capped, or close to a capped Brann at level 60. There were multiple ways to do this quickly including multiboxing and also buying/selling Brann Experience on the Auction House.
Lmao imagine actually wasting time and gold on this shit during the 3 days early access when it was obviously never going to carry over to season 1.
I mean yeah they were letting us level brann but they obviously weren't going to let you cap him before it even opens. Everything else had a cap or arbitrary time gate, retards.
warrior gnome

this for coomsoul
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The concept of wearing armor is offending to all we've sacrificed.
As is the concept of playing on anything above the lowest quality graphics, which is a choice and not because I am a poor thirdworlder. That is an offensive anti-DH stereotype.
I am my scars.
its over
anything warlock or dh since they can absorb souls
Imagine the smell
Dracthyr men are for other dracthyr men
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Based based based
almost every time you abused exploits you got to keep your extra shit so I don't see why people would think it would be different this time

Free use
more or post them on trash/aco
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You know Blizzard devs don't actually play the game when they decided to put that travesty of a dungeon in the first mythic+ season of the expansion.
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>he reads unhammered books
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It depends on the context. Clearly you haven't been around long enough to see and understand when blizzard allows you to exploit, and when they don't.
This was always a clear case of they won't.
Can you skin spider people?
undermine exchange
Female Human Warlock since they're all soul-stealing bitches.
meanwhile all paladins now get an instant cast 30 yard range turn evil which fears up to 6 targets, without using a PvP talent slot. who else was that targeted at except unh dk.
Let me guess "Like my exwife"?
Goblin fire mage
>tfw have an idea for a cool looking female character
>I'm a guy irl
What is going to be the best fun tank for pugging M+?
Dark iron dwarf prot warrior
if other classes whined as hard as paladins do then maybe theyd see changes to their class too
see >>493454174

t. Male DID Prot Warrior (Thane).
12 minute alliance bg queue
I hate pvp fotm meta NPCs so much
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it can't do undressing exactly like that sadly so I went with something else
maybe there's a lora to help with the concept but I don't have it

I'm not really happy with result
god i wish i were my dracthyr
>Play Prot Warrior
>Check Patch notes
>Warrior almost never mentioned
hard to improve upon perfection
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I think I speak for all of us when I say: kill all elves.
post you're dracthyr flirts
>You like bad dragons? I'm a real bad dragon.
>My visage form is supposed to represent what I most want inside of me. But I can't walk around Valdrakken transformed into your dick now, can I?
>I might go infinite after tonight. Because I refuse to live in the timeline where we don't fuck.
>Scaling issues? We can find a workaround...
>I'll have you soar on cooldown.
I like the dawn breaker but people are too retarded to do it right
Gonna try out a couple of spec options as ret pally for bgs
There are more in the last two threads
bdk if you actually know how to tank, warrior otherwise
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>Gilnean fox
>The SL like flying mount for M+
>The fox for valentines
>Other fox pets added, battle-pets too
>The dotty mount with secrets of azeroth
>Vulpera appearing with a goblin instead of a gnome in promotion
>That one fox avatar added on Bnet app

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>The actual lock standing animation is nothing like this
>I'll give you my Ebon Might
I wish I could race change an class change. I don't want to reroll or make an alt.
I feel like my race looks like shit with my class
Agreed. Throw them in a blender and feed them to pigs.
Dark Iron Prot Paladin

just kidding it sucks and you should play Warrior
>already did similar multiple times, get something new bro
Ok fir, how about Calia in a revealing French Maid outfit cleaning a gravestone?
>Come and show me just how much you want that prescience
Seems to be very reliable
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Someday I'll find a decent shield or Blizz will give me the fucking shield from WoD challenge mode.
I want to grape vulpera, but I'm a dark iron racist.
why sexualizing females is taboo modern wow but multiple fetishes including zoophilia are celebrated?
I have a prot war lined up but I don't want to spend money on a race change
Am I retarded or is the sethrak in fungal folley fucked, sometimes 2 of the images are valid but only one is "right"
Dotty was an alpaca
Fuck you Anon you're making me want to play a Vulper on flist.
I am gonna fucking vomit.
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I don't think I can get her cleaning the gravestone without major issues
I can have it in the image or have her in a graveyard though
just swap to male then, male draenei can do heavy plate and shields really well
>t. male draenei prot warrior
>tfw made an f-list
>tfw afraid to finish it
All I wanna do is be a weird power bottom cboy dracthyr
Making a vulpera, what class
>can't be rogue/warrior
because of the mog, the race, or both
Male draenei are peak, tf you mean LMAO
Sure, works too
so begins the best terrible Idea I have had.
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>male draenei
sounds like a personal problem.
NTA but do so yes
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This siesbarg grind is soulcrushing, i can't take it anymore
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Sorry I'm gaming
malepera prot warrior is kind of kino so that's a shame
shamans have fox totems but I don't think they are a shamanistic race
healslut? priest
If you want to be a witty lil cunt go mage
otherwise hunter
then stop. its not impossible.
that pic is hideous you should have AI genned it
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Because the fox-fucker at Blizzard wanted it to be an Alpaca. I'm aware of their schemes.
They also got the title ''inquisitive''. What else is inquisitive? Foxes.I'm onto them.
god it will be such a kino when they add high elves and ogres in midnight
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Thanks I will let them know right away
ogres yes, high elves not so much
>tfw escorting cho'gall and he gets killed, making your life forfeit
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you are thinking of cats
foxes hate taking risks and run away more than wolves
>having fun with Ret paladin
>single target damage is kinda ass
should i just swap to arcane mage now or double down on Ret paladin and pray week 1 changes bring it up to speed?
yo can you make a night elf or nightborne rogue wearing leather armor doing the "drinking from cup between tits" meme, but replace the cup with a crimson vial?
this but unironically>>493456190if a class isnt capable of strong aoe and single target dps its dogshit
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my friend legitimately wont play a class unless it is considered S tier in icyveins tier lists
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join the guild bitches
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It's alright, I need to get him some actual art tho.
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FOTM retards
Prime Orcbait
What a faggot
its a choice node between instant cast and 5 additional enemies
gonna time +15's as bm hunter again :) just like i did all of SL s1-s4
last time i joined a /wowg/ guild it was back in legion and it was called NFA and they were the most toxic bunch of individuals i have ever had the displeasure of associating with
ret players complain even when ret is top tier lmao
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>353.3k dps
>A tier
I dunno it seems more like he'd be a short and stubby type of guy.
huh, demobros?
what is this from? dungeon cleave? uh, assass, and arc walk all over everything in actual raid performance
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>Rouge under Augvoker
I feel like you could be in the top guild in the world and make a tier list and it'll STILL look like bullshit.
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Just play brown class. One of the specs is always decent. Class is easy as fuck to play.
Is TWW worth playing for a trans homo like me?
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the only troon voice ive heard is the golem boss in Stonevault
Sleepy Blood Elf in fancy jeweled red and gold bra+underwear rubbing her eyes by the bed. Or yawning if rubbing doesn't work.
Almost no gay people play this game anymore, they all left for some reason. I'm usually the only fag in the entire thread. There are plenty of furries though.
Melee meta MANDIGOS?
DId we just fucking WIN?
>can't solo kel'thuzad
>can't get to sylvanas because of kel'thuzad in the way
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Atleast you're not an outlaw/sub rogue
can you show me the spec tier list
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I see tier lists like this but top dps meters as an affliction warlock. I know I'm not a fucking master at my class but how the fuck can aff be bottom of A tier while I pump in dungeons. My single target is so good I know I'll pump in raid too. Are these just bad tier lists??
assassination and arcane shit over m+ too
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>No warlock spec in S
>2/3 specs in C tier
Warlock bros on suicide watch...
Truly Big Horde Cock is the best.
Holy has too many buttons and I get healanxiety
Disc is too volatile
Spriest feels right

Might just go hunter, but I dunno what spec
Rogue never really appealed to me. I hate being energy starved, which is a problem I share with hunter
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not particularly happy with this result, and that's cherrypicking the best one as well
excuse the right hand I had issues with it

you mean a straw into a vial? a potion would work better I think
I like that aug has quite a few spells they can get before being forced into dragon form
What race of women are young human male healer twinks made for?
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Why these three are always the underdogs? What does blizzord have against them?
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H stands for human, orcoloid.
Belf, orc and maybe troll
meant for >>493456506
heterochromia is cringe oc donutsteel territory.

pick one stop dithering you just look like a attention seeking tard.
Like shit just change back and forth depending on what sort of mana youve been slurping lately elves do it.
i'm convinced someone that got blasted by enhance back in 2004 worked their way up into blizzard just to make sure they're held back more often than not.
>everyone replying to some random unsourced graphic with last expansion numbers
hunter rarely gets focus starved
want to be a zoofag? BM
want to be a tribal zoofag but good? survival
want to be good in general but no pet? MM
if you are a turbocasual go BM
otherwise try both other specs. I thought I would love MM but fell in love with survival
>Fury 547k S Tier
>Arms 527k A Tier


like that would be great if her eyes were purple or gold but because they have that two tone stupidity its not.
there's no best with current things it's just musical chairs arbitrage faggotry based on highest pricing and the quantities vs what you feel like the market will support. 0 fun robot garbage goldmaking.
that list is a meme based on heroic
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honestly embarassing. same as people asking for 'THE' tierlist like its not all lists made by some sperg for clicks
Yeah people are retarded
>Yfw prot is close by
NuAlleria Feet
just saw a fem worgen wearing the fucking night elf warden armor
what a fucking joke
I released my pet
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>Warrior is all around top tier

Finally, my brothers may shine. The gods are weeping tears of joy.
wait until you see a panda rocking that shit
>no males
MM no pet is way more casual and comfy than BM.
>you mean a straw into a vial? a potion would work better I think
Yeah potion is good. The ability is called crimson vial even thoughit looks like a potion on the icon kek



It means you're just getting thrown into groups of shit players. You really cannot understate how garbage the average WoW player is at the game. They can play an S tier spec and literally do 50% of the damage they should be doing at their ilvl. This is the average player.
rogues are so anally-raped by the devs their bloodfang hood isnt even allowed to have shadows like this one
Thanks looks good!
Whats the point in playing solo if the story is still totally incomprehensible
Then again Chrome is a total broken pain in the ass to use
are different tiers of the same delve seperate missions or just a scaling difficulty slider with the same objective
it's not finished, happened with lots of helms that end up having a shadow face in the end
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anon I have no interest in sharing a guild with like... 70% of these fags.
nah this is based. they've realised they can get the narrative players invested. it's ez money. remember, narrative whales pay for your raid tiers. :^)
same objective but the objective changes slightly day to day from what I've heard.
Did you even read my post because I said this doesn't even work for narrative players.
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>The average player is so bad at this game that even by switching to a fotm spec they still perform worse than they would have mastering their class
This can't be true right?
Why do elves canonically have such an insatiable hunger for BHC?
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I think i've decided to become racist
Still recluiting btw. We're friendly asf.
going forward it's easier to convince people to jump in if TWW is the starting zone - which it will be, going by the changes made to skyriding from dragonflight where you don't need the little glyphs to get skyriding talents anymore.

just assume TWW is the default start from now and it makes more sense.
Its true for me. The game throws a ton of spells at you and I don't know which ones to really use
But it doesn't. Do you have any idea how insanely confusing this is for a new player
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welcome to paladinhood brother
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Kaldorei Supremacy.
I'm going to make a character that's dedicated to 2x4s for tailoring. What class is mobile and shits out AOE dmg? Hunter?
Why my cursor always on Anduins balls? Did blizz trannies conduct tests where mouses will be most often? SAD!
really wish they would show the damage for the "heavy damage" dot butchery is getting
i feel like losing two charges with a 15 sec cd on it is going to tank surv thanks to wildfire bomb getting cd reduction from butchery
my friend literally only plays FOTM SSS tier classes and uses Hekili because he refuses to actually learn any of the classes
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inb4 I stop playing this character after two dungeons

i'll try MM and then Surv, thanks
Hunter or monks seem to get prio for the central americans farming cloth
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I don't even have the butchery skill on my sv hunter so I don't get the focus on it
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>think about finally rolling horde
>want to make a zandalari
>recall that I need to do the shitty BFA questline
>suddenly so very very tired
I'm ngmi.
doesnt he play wow off stream
I don't think you have to unlock any of the Allied races anymore, except Earthen
The questlines to unlock zandalari and kultiran are fucking massive
>Not a warrior
nah, he spends that time messaging "people" of questionable age. Still.
Just make n earthen
its funny because if you have to use icy veins then youre probably not good enough for playing a meta spec to even matter
he fellates classic but i dont think he played more than 2 phases of any expansion
Well at least its just a questline now and not the retarded rep farm it was before, I'm pretty sure you get heritage armor for free now so you don't even have to go 1-80
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eye rubbing wasn't possible

because I just don't want to
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>not wanting to listen to this kino in game
This you?
It took like 15 or 20 minutes to unlock KT.
>look at the raiding tierlist
>clearly using hunter parses from months ago
lmao this is deprecated trash info
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>troll players
I hate the dwarf animations
I'm not rolling Chinese off brand dwarf
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>Female Goblin
>Female Gnome
>Female Vulpera
Which one, chat
the only good class for Vulpera is Worgen Cocksleeve
>anime image
post hidden
I tried being a gnome female, no one would latch on.

Everyone's too afraid of you being an ageplayer and not a shortstack.
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anime better than avatartroons
I just tried to help dickhead. Make a earthen paladin or some shit.
>tides of vengeance
>a nation united
Yeah dude 20 minutes lmao
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Can someone link the >muh push week vid
Sadly the queue for that is insanely long
they're only hot off-model, same with gobs, and it kinda sucks that in-game they aren't proportioned a bit differently
ageplay shits ruined it
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa calm down.
clearly my sister
You started cursing and being all mean. As if I'm supposed to be telepathic and know you decided to hate dwarves for whatever reason.
You don't have to do those anymore.
The wow token will never significantly go under 200k will it
Its so over
everyone knows icyveins is great for the beginning of every expansion, then totally drops off--that's when wowhead takes over
now that i can get any armor type mogs on any class
which spec has the most SPEED to get through instances fastest
depending on your class wowhead is always better
the rogue resources are particularly well maintained because anyone still playing rogue is doing so because they're autistic about it
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I like disc. Tried playing resto shaman and it felt weird
I feel like I just can't make a cool looking character anymore.
Ok good
>Each class Tier 2 side by side comparison

Blibli favorite class is still the druid
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sup /wowg/
played on and off since release, haven't played since mid-BFA
if I come back, what am I in for?
what's the state of Druid these days? all specs raidable?
>join bg
>team no where to be seen, 3v10
Mage is good because portals also
Resto shaman is pretty easy, pretty interesting that you'd favor disc though since that's a bit more learning with atonements
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hold strong
it will drop to 190k
Where is the dk/monk/dh/evoker comp?!
good except for the disgusting knife ear
all of the helms are objective downgrades
why disable the eye glow on everything
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>get earthen heritage questline at level 50
>turn in is at dornogol
>portal to dornogol isn't there unti 70
bravo blizzard
it's not their anniversary
eat the fuckin gems
teldrassil hippogryph
ugly glams desu
its just way more involved. Im popping shields, throwing dots, blating spells, holding my cds for the right moment. Only struggle is when things go wrong wrong i dont have the oh shit buttons that the other healers have
bro, your guild's token mage?
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thought this mfer was bald on top
>Blibli favorite class is still the druid
this answers my question sufficiently thanks
>female undead
>not using the bride hair
mage portals have been irrelevant ever since capital cities got portal rooms
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sorry I couldn't get a good result filling in the potion over the bubble tea so gonna leave it as it was
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shame shaman looks like trash, but Im gonna get that Nemesis set for sure
How much better is Survival than MM in M+ and raids?
Outlaw rogue with 4 charges of hook
Monks with triple roll, minor dash, tiger lust and flying kick
this much
Player versus Player
Rated Battleground Blitz now contributes to Legion Artifact appearance progress.
>have to find the original character
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Why are vulpera men like this
they're not on right now and none of the mages alts on are high enough to unlock the portal spell
>Horde and Alliance
Shaman's is so fucking lame it's kind of incredible.
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nah I don't like the human model and worgen need a tail.
But lemme check the casting animations and mog options, i dunno
Me on the left
Heh rare brunette nelf
cant say TRANSmog, it has the trigger word in it.
Same with the shoulders. They've made every glow really thin, small and subtle, when the really iconic features of these original sets are the huge bold glows.
they kinda fucked the color palette up on the paladin and priest
i dont particularly mind the arcing lightning on the sham shoulders vs a white glow
but losing the intense white eye glows is shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
Don't be a pussy like those that get triggered
stop fucking up your mog just because Asmongold said that full sets are cringe on his stream
Oracle holy priest is fun and good!
but he always mogs full sets
Warn us next time before posting something so fucking spooky you asshole
Is it weird to send a crafting order request without saying anything to the crafterino
.t autism
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There goes her vacation...
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What does an anal orgasm feel like?
thats something only men can do right?
Remember when captain America said "Avengers assemble" in infinity war? It's almost THAT good.
40 on havoc demon hunter
when do i get buttons to press
ooh sorry buddy if you wanted buttons you need to reroll rogue
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>moging the off hand only
>mogging the legion set in that legion tab
why do they take a generator into auto attack talent if they have nothing to press
Could you do a mage leaking mana from tits while casting?
Either on Belf, nightborne or Jaina?
>join bg
>seething shore
>3 ret paladins on my team
An anal orgasm is just a regular orgasm exhibited from anal pleasure. Just because you don
t have a vaginal orgasm doesn't mean your pussy doesn't spasm out. Same for the penis, if you're sitting on a dildo, it doesn't mean you can't cum.

It's the biological factor that is taken into account.
if you want 40+ buttons then play an Enhancement Shaman
Havoc DH is the designated spec for braindead 12 year olds and third worlders.
he says all body type 2's and all horde are cringe and only human bt1's in plate are good lil bro
>no goblin content
xD when asmon yoinks lmao
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Has the game become too meta now? We're gettnig ear-muffs for christmas with horde and alliance symbols on them, we're getting fel-demon bikes, baby kazzak pets, solo mode, and endless titles and such. It doesn't feel like an MMO anymore. It just feels like a fortnight dick measuring contest for who has the better skins/collection than going on a big adventure in an immersive world
>known shithead, hypocrite, and absolute slop is full of shit
Stop the presses
>guild from back in shadowlands probably does not need me
>looking for new guild, nothing really is looking good
>feel defeated and dont want to evenplay anymore
This game is like tf2
you dont need a guild unless you want to mythic raid
CAN ONE OF YOU FUCKERS EXPLAIN TO ME why everyone keeps saying enh is complicated
you all keep saying this and it makes me think I'm missing something
Ten years too late, slowbro
This entire expansion will be relegated to a dropdown menu for what kind of dorf you want (factions won't be a thing), kekeke
I'm speechless from your post. DEpressing
breast envy with a petite nightborn warrior looking jealously at a voluptuous nightborne mage's mana tanks.
Did they ever make you happy? Did they ever make you smile? If so, you're too dependent on them, if not, you're too desperate.

Seek individuality, find a reason to be a reason.
retard-san this hasnt been an MMO for over a decade
I want to play as a nerubian crypt lord, maybe i'll just install hots and play Anub
it's not complicated it's just a lot of proc management, most wowg posters can barely keep up with ret and beast master let alone an actually active dps spec
the purple bike matches nuramoc's color scheme. imagine coordinating your pet with your motorbike.
Do I NEED blue profession equipment or are green ones fine enough? I don't want to have to deal with placing crafting orders. Thanks for the answers.
all you'll cowards that hate on rogue are literally just bad
I give up
they should have done it a long time ago, wow cosmetics were absolutely horrible in the past, the cata~pandaria era was the worst, transmogs were random as fuck thematically, nothing warcraft about them
but i play rogue
12+ buttons while managing procs, plus shittons of utility buttons and totems you have to keep track of
it might not be "hard" relative to other games but it sure as fuck is compared to Ret Pally or Havoc DH
Zandalari troll Warriors and Paladins or Darkspear huntards
When's the last time you saw something in wow and thought "wow that's fuckin' sick"
I don't have butchery or coordinated attack so my hero spec is literally useless
>Get DC'd in the middle of a levelling dungeon.
>Load back in under a minute.
>Already votekicked
What is wrong with some of these retards?
Do we know if the T2 sets are class exclusive? I really want to use the hunter one on my evoker
only for crafting max quality stuff. buying the blue profession outfits may or may not be worth it, you'll have to do the math on what you make off the extra quality vs the cost of the outift.
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Can you beelieve this haha
That warlock tier set where its all red and black with skulls and spikes i remember seeing that in Org on the way to ragefire chasm and being blown away i wanted it so bad
I never got it though.
Would the same apply to gathering professions? I don’t even have any acuity to place orders with…
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SL S1 Plate PvP set
(I have it haha)
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>Chairgar is actually Xal'atath tricking us again
>Khadgar (the unofficial Guardian of Tirisfal) is actually this thing
screencap this
Probably when Dark Iron Dwarfussy's got revealed
Why can't you be normal dude
For real. You're acting like this is some new development, have you been living under a rock for a decade?
Shit like the retarded wooly yeti pajama suit didn't clue you in earlier?
I would believe this if anduin didn't use the light to res khadgar
it's already dropped more relatively than the df opening of 230 to 140 but it's way early still. 200k is the kind of place people stop buying and hope it comes back up a little. it'll break through when people need gold but getting close to df numbers might be really optimistic. maybe they hammered a ton of retail botters at some point and it'll do well. the bottom held over a month last time so there won't be much mystery as to when it's time to buy.

i don't think there's any news yet on new stuff on the big gold sink vendor by the bmah so maybe they'll help us out.
hunter talent redo is on ptr. butchery changed to a 15s cooldown murder nuke with a heavy bleed.
thoughts on pvp farming blood stones for gold?
Ok but I don't have butchery
are there dungeon quests for every tww dungeon currently?
Who cares
Is 200K per ~4 hours of nonstop work good enough or am I bricked
I am curious what is up with this thing. The Guardian is a very specific name for it and it's circling around azeroth's crystal. Nothing else is there doing that.
Honestly shut the fuck up dude
i cared bitch, that's why i asked
Blizzard broke me
Who cares. What you need to level? You'll get to 80 on accident anyway. What you want 25 gold reward?
Go fuck yourself
you got bitchery LMAO
This, Beledar itself and the eldritch fish quest talking about the ocean beneath the ocean makes hallowfall a very interesting zone
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last gen of tonight of my favorite duo that nobody asked for
Um can you not
what mounjaro injections do to a mf
>these enhance changes

enhancementsissies... its over...
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>actually getting butt fractured over a simple question
Demon Hunter is some boring shit, man. What is even the appeal of that class?
Duel me. Pussy. You're a faggot. I'm sick of faggots playing my game. You're seriously asking about dungeon quests. They give nothing important. You can look it up on wowhead. I'm not your personal wowhead. Helpless retarded zoomer.
Make her mother thiccer with a milf belly
what wonderful titpiggies. now draw them taking care of me
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>Duel me. Pussy.
>it has only ever been "average" at worst in any meta
>free goblin glider as a class mechanic
>the tank spec is a dps spec in disguise
that being said, it's not even anywhere near the most popular spec these days iirc
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>Brb wife aggro
bullshit. you can't look up tww dungeon quests on wowhead you fucking retard, I use the site daily and there are no filters for tww nor dungeon quests. I don't know what you're sick of because it certainly doesn't involve using your brain.
What about evoker?
>Push to talk
>Hit bong
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Whats goldie's pandaren takeout order
>brb bio
lo mein (vegan)
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I'm not trying to be coombait or lewd
I am leaning hard into a meme.
Someone please respond. I spent all my AA on KP books for mining/skinning and I want to know how badly I bricked myself.
>BRB gotta jack off.
Fantastic taste fren
that's fair work sister
why want fewer skulls?
>implying mic isnt always on
idk but I want her to thighlock around my head while I suck her cock and she eats it
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>push to talk
>push to talk
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Loser fucking zoomer. You have no balls. You're a little bitch. You don't get pussy. You're shit at the game.
this is the worst
I feel so cringe doing it but I also don't want to seem like I'm ignoring my friends
based and sick of lazy zoomerpilled
>What you want 25 gold reward?
>Go fuck yourself
this will be the quest givers in my new mmo
>push to talk
>push to talk
>push to talk
Dude do you know how long an expansion is? You're never bricked, just keep playing. By 11.1 most of the players will have quit and if you're just grinding away you'll be a stud
>pres: softboy if male wife material if female
>dev: faggot in the bad sense
>aug: either a cringe metaslave or a faggot in the good sense
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>Blizzard actually spends time creating underwater environments
>the only thing ever down there is loosely interspersed trash mobs
what an utter waste
Are the 384 shoulders from the quartermaster dude in Dornogal worth it right now? I have like 5k resonance crystals so it feels like a good idea but idk. I'm semi casual so.
least gay least reddit post in this thread
Sentinel only cares about coordinated assualt and butchery so fuck you if you run furt of the eagle or something
Cool blizzard
resonance crystals aren't really useful beyond getting that gear
wait until you find out about all the half finished content that is unreleased yet made it's way to the game
imagine all the things we didn't get to see
this is why people say wod could have been the best expansion even now
Seriously though, why are all public raid groups like this? They always have:
>someone loudly using a bong
>someone munching on food
>someone smacking their lips
>someone who keeps sucking in their saliva
So, if pvp is ballin', do I just queue bgs forever? Because the main story kinda sucks dick
the only accurate ones are demon hunter and priest
nah holy priests are complete bumbling retards and extremely arrogant despite that
most shadow priests i've known have been complete mutes
Durotar beach btw
Peanut Chicken with Needle Mushrooms and Yak Cheese Curds.
do people use the in game voice chat
all damaging abilities apply sentinel
close enough for the dearly beeloved angle.
I only ever saw one group use it and they were brazillians
what's the best mage spec to lvl 70-80?
Isn't it fucking insane how Reckful's chat treated him? Doesn't it make you feel sick? Actual evil and mean
shit list
the paladin one is alot more offensive than the rest and you called druids furries
what a load of shit
if you make it to 71 unspecced you get access to the debug hero tree which has the GM frostbolt and martin fury
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Wtf i got scammed
I don't care
i almost never pug but have never seen it used. discord is much easier.
t. onlyfans top dono
If you need me, I'll be following the arrow until I'm max level
no thoughts, head empty
spellslinger frost is pretty safe and easy to level with
>tribe member that threatened to have someone whacked for pointing out a mistake he made
>went balconing from the 50th floor
not my problem
if anything, paladin was far too kind
Lf4m wailing caverns pst
this mount really oys my veys
so what, he's dead
>paying for porn
fuck off brownie
the jinyu bows in remix. not really sick in that way just cool and perfect in style, without ancient pixelated textures or going into the shitty bulky kid's holloween costume territory so much of the game is in.
thx bud
because you cant punch the person through their monitor so theres nothing stopping them from doing it
this eceleb has been dead for years now, are you okay?
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what do i do with all my Valorstones on my Rogue? i ONLY do RBGs (waiting for Blitz) on this character and its capped at 2K for a while now
but i dont need to upgrade the honor gear so ...wtf do i do kek
i just used a couple for that meta quest thing
just think of all the profits from the nose hair collectors
You forgot my favorite:
>has friends over hanging out in the background playing music or other games loudly while his brother is getting screamed at by his parents
>pres: boywife if male wife if female
fixed it for you
Look at the sentinel tree
theres a quest in bfa where you have to get janias brothers corpse off the bottom of the sea floor. its a really cool looking underwater area
how can i create the most based and non diverse character?
i'm thinking human male ret paladin, blonde hair and a penchant for killing niggers/orcs/worgen. thoughts?
human male warrior with hulk hogan hair and stache
>ret paladin
>killing anything
what are you gonna do, heal them to death?
Human male paladin. Blond. Beard. Short hair. Low pop server so you can get an actual biblical or latin name
You're a fucking faggot retard if you don't go for arms warrior. None of that magic shit, no tard rage of fury warriors, just pure tactical genius and mastery of your weapon.
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I'm not big on fashion or anything, any tips? I wanted to represent the alliance and sell looking like a somewhat grounded dwarven ranger.
does it make more sense narrative-wise to do the side quests during or after the campaign?
i maxed out honor gear cuz why not.
You're too late, this niche is already taken.
a mere warrior could never match the power of an elite Paladin, child
>avatarfaggots gone
>people suddenly talk about the game
>to bait, no off-topic posts
Just do the campaign. I regret taking a few days to do the campaign because I got caught up in sidequest autism, it just fucked me on having world quests unlocked


*Spams Flash of Light*
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Rate my TWW roster
i dont care about world quests, im just trying to immerse myself and have a cohesive story
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>the light will protec-ACK
I don't think the hood really fits. It looks like it should be a continuation of the tabard, but the trim doesn't match. Otherwise, I think it fits what you described.
I'm not convinced that it's any better to do them alongside the campaign even still. Some of them are pretty much epilogues on characters you've hung out with and plenty are just somewhat disconnected side stories. I genuinely think I'd have enjoyed it more if I saved the side quests until after the campaign, it gives you a new reason to go back to each zone. Maybe do them alongside the level 80 campaign quests.
cosplay a rifleman from wc3
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I should really quit this game. I could go into classic but the thought of leveling more characters burns me out. I have no other games to play.
>wq where you kill seagulls
another shot taken at ace combat 6
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Really weird to me that the best female void elf hair styles are not allowed to have the hair tentacles.
I've never made one before now, so I didn't know.
Kinda lame, now I want to play one less.
Though I'm really feeling like they are lacking in customization options in general. Weird.
take up lotro
cheers, i finished dorn and ringing deeps quests and they seemed alright, but the hallowfall ones seemed a bit disjointed with characters not matching up with the main campaign so i stopped, ill finish them all up after the main story
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moonkin bros...thoughts on the upcoming overhaul? it looks promising to me, and more than anything I'm glad they're working to fix cuz the spec is broken.
You're playing out of habit more so than desire I think. I've done it with games before myself.
Take a break, you're probably burnt out.
>I'll level a new alt!
>Get bored and just spend an hour skyriding around.
WTF is wrong with me?
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ok now that my brief sidetrip into bee themed meme alts is done we now return to your regularly scheduled mystery meat slut suggestive buttposting.
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Human middle aged warrior whose human wife gets fucked regularly by her worgen boyfriend
if you've never threatened to kill someone online you haven't been around long enough. ironically people behave more like humans in here than they do in most other online spaces

reckful was extremely mentally ill and constantly going through periods of intense depression followed by extreme mania, he was never a threat to anyone other than himself
Made to ride my Dracthyr for buffs
>avatarfaggots gone
>people suddenly talk about the game
Human women just don't feel the same after getting a taste of worgen butt...
How much do u tip crafters, is 100000g enough?
You fuckin' blind?
I let orders like that rot lmao. Don't be a nose Anon.
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Skyriding is great fun.
It has gamified movement and glider games are a good time.

You would never have done that with static flying because it purely functional transport where skyriding is a form of sandbox gameplay in itself.
>Avatarfaggots suddenly came back
>Thread devolved back to ERP and suggestive shit
Volumes, again
depends how much concentration it costs them
i kind of want to make tools as a leathworker...
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>Out of habit
Good way of putting it. I could get sparks of joy still from the game but it's like finding crumbs in a hallway I guess, like 'hey maybe i'll go into nyalotha LFR and solo it tomorrow since i never been'' then I look at the mogs and get discouraged. I could spend hours farming in silthus for arcane crystals but that only fuels my hoarding reagents than actually selling them.
so do i work for the alliance now whats the deal. why am i as an undead palling around with anduin this whole expac
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Anduin's looking for that easy way into Horde good graces to look for his Troll GF.
not my problem
slowly pop them into your asshole one by one I know it's agonizing but then when the patch comes out you will WIN bigly by having additional stones, it will all be worth it in the end trust me
the only thing that could make me give up on the alliance is if i could be an amani
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maybe in retrospect they should have opened M0 this week
>cuck fetish
checks out
I like the static charge choice talent that adds a little minigame to it is that new for tww?
It specifically plays to butchery an CA why are you talking on shit you don't know
Can a lore nerd spoonfeed me when the Arathi arrived in Hallowfall? I had assumed they've been there for hundreds of years, but Faerin and some other stuff in-game imply they've only been there for a decade or two? But that can't be correct, right?
>Alliance won a ctf

They heard the radiant song like us, sailed out to find it 15 years ago and got magically teleported, they lost all their mages so they can't go get help, they won't leave because they believe theyre destined to be there.
pvp is unironically more efficient, it doesnt level as fast but you get free 558+ gear and you can sell honor recipes for around 30k gold each
time flows much slower when you are closer to a gravity source like 6 gorillion miles underground AND next to not-oshugun naaru shard
for surface dwellers it was 15k years but for faerin it was 15 or so
doesn't explain how the lothar line got blacked so fast or how faerin ended up an orphan
come to think of it I havent done the side quests and I don't even know how she knows about being a lothar
good mage professions that aren't tailor/enchant (or herb/alch)? I already have these on other alts.
it was first added with the TWW pre order Gryphon and then added as an option to all flyers with the prepatch.
But the Arathi left the EK like 2000 years ago
If it's someone I don't know I tip 1-5k depending on what they're making me. If they have a price (using concentration or the shit from last price), I pay it if I want the item. For guildies I go over the top and bare min 5k even for trivial stuff like prof treatises.
They have an empire on the other side of the globe with a totally Not-The-Emperor-From-40K who leads them. They left EK thousands of years ago and made this new empire lead by a god-king.
>what is 2+2? don't say 4
Best faction, by far, that we've been introduced to so far in TWW are the spiders. Best storylines, best quests, best characters. It's hilarious that there are real players playing the arachnophobia mode and missing out on the real experience of these guys.
who said anything about math?
it's usually independent short story type stuff you could do whenever. you come back through places on later patches and for world quests so it's whenever. dungeons are the thing that's hard to figure where to do but i think all across all expansions have directed quests in eventually for at least a basic quest.

only the red sleaves stick out where something closer to the pants might be a little better and less busy.
i like those hoods. very team color like rts units. not overly flashy so good for a more npc look. it's hard to tell how close the trim on that is to other things but it'd be good to work the gloves and boots around too.
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I now have 2 80s

Is there anything worth doing at 80 atm or should I just rp and spend time on other things until the season comes out
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I like the aesthetic of Hallowfall but the lore don't make any sense
All of them?
LITERALLY bred for one purpose.
hot dracthyr on dracthyr tribbies...
her ancestors left many generations before Anduin Lothar came around, its just a last name.
You can farm heroics to get 571 gear, but not really worth spending too much time there imo. Definitely get the 584 stuff from renown vendors, do world content for crests and other currency, and then level alts or make millions focusing on professions. Reagent crafting will be in high demand, as will epic gear starting next week.
new lore is that there there's an empire of a half breed elf-human mutts somehere east of the eastern kingdoms that have a holy light empire. This isn't explained well in game and is confusing because they are called the arathi but are essentially unrelated to the old human empire of the arathi besides decending from it like all humans.
I know exactly what it says you're just being an obtuse retard picking crap talents then complaining they don't do optimal dps. you're lucky any of it still functions. imo it should instantly kill you for being an imbecile.
What the fuck is a tribbie..
try offering 5k in trade chat and say what you actually fucking want as in 5 quality if you care, not "LF tailor" like a dumbass. add if you don't get anyone for 10 minutes. 100k is nuts unless you have millions/real money to burn.
It's rubbing slits together
like frottage but with cunts
scissoring is a form of tribbing
Yeah, this is the part that's confusing me. I was under the assumption the Arathi were gone and dusted, and that's why I thought the Hallowfall expedition must be over a thousand years old. I'm confused by the fact that they're only, like... ~15 years old? And there's a whole other continent ruled by the new Arathi Empire? And they just... never interacted with EK or Kalimdor? Not even when the world was under threat of destruction? Just so weird.
This was my assumption as well and was similarly confused, but yes that's the lore, new unknown place populated by holy light half elves who did not meaningfully partipate in any historical events
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did anduin forget he used to mass resurrect hisentire fucking army in bfa cinematic lmao
they really went back on his character with the story in tww
Oh okay I'm down for that actually
Just choose green skin as troll?
Argent Dawn EU?
I am on ravencrest, I played myself...
You can't be serious
Why couldn't the sentinel talents just be general
he is jobbing for the strong womyn main characters this time around, makes them look better in comparison and so on and so on
Yeah, Argent Dawn like all weirdos ...
Nothing's stopping you from rolling a Dracthyr on here, though..
it doesn't really matter once you've got crafting for yourself covered. whatever you want to collect or sell. i think i've got some half assed backstory for more combinations than i can count anymore.
But I like my max level Dracthyr...
I can always server hop there with a group invite~
even doe the campaign finale showed the opposite of that?
You got yourself a deal~ Some other time, though.
I need a new war creche because I fucked up in mine.


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