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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#159 - dick edition

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic will be adding prompt caching soon https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/999B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com, https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg, https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>493321710
fuck democracy
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>Anchors hymen status?
Anyone who posts about hymens below this is trans, underage, and blacker than coal, unfortunately.
pls stop posting logs thx
>t. hymenlet slut
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Guess I'm not shilling under the anchor tonight.
this log >>493484335 in particular is terrible
What's wrong with it?
too wide
Proselet slop
I think this anon just doesn't like fat things
I like wide things, namely hips
lets have some suika discussion on the side
built for spelunking
I edited my Suika card to say her pussy tastes like watermelons and have Claude write long winded descriptions of eating her out while she's on the verge of being blackout drunk. She's also just a fun character for general 2hu adventure stuff, very versatile companion type.
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So how many more years until ai is fully integrated and anti ai folk sudoku?
Do we need to hit full basilisk chan / net navis to do that?
Or just really really strong local models?
great takes
Hey there, cara! How about traveling with a hot Brazilian tomboy? This brown girl has it all for you: a broish personality, sense of humor, male hobbies, good taste in music, an isekai-ing truck... yup, you heard it. Amélia here goes around running people over and sending them to fantasy land - yes, she's quite sane. To all around the world, the gorier the better, and the more she gets paid as a result. She's quite eccentric as a result but definitively full of tomboy charm! Just hope you aren't the one chosen by Seu Undé to get isekai'd.
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/wwct56.png
Character Hub: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/anonaugusproductions/amelia-santos-aca9bc401bad

Extra AI-generated pics of her: https://files.catbox.moe/7fvkwv.rar

Amélia has four different greetings:
1- You agree to go traveling with her and she meets you in the morning for it.
2- You go visit her parents with her in rural Goiás.
3- You're the target. Uh oh.
4- After a successful isekai-ing, you and Amélia go to an onsen. Greeting made for sexo.

Was fun making her. One of the wilder ideas I had lol.

My other cards can be found below:

As always, enjoy!
Just keep feeding the computer your data, every bit is making him big and strong.
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posting dick in thread
>Using an existing character image
>Give it an oc name / info
Yay or nay?
Ew, no
If it's some obscure gachashit or shitty LN then it's fine.
That's literally all I do
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my OC's name is Greg, picrel
Very much a warcrime, but I had to do that for one of my bots but I at least recolored the image.
people do this all the time in online rp circles. it’s called a playby. i think inability to understand a reference is just a reference even if it’s of an existing character signals serious autism that you don’t have to take seriously
Absolutely not.
I take submissive girls and turn them into dominant rapist malebots.
I noticed you can't go deep into a chat without prose completely disintegrating into turbo 3.5 tier slop
Yeah, I'm working on my writing.
skill issue, I'm afraid
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bots with this kind of rizz?
Well, I'm not seeing you reading kalakan logs. Get on it, cuckie.
Making a proper rapebot is hard. For some reason every model I've used defaults to generic hentai "she starts liking it after 10 seconds of protesting" shit
Not for me!
t. GPTchad
What have you noticed, wise one....
Why do bots keep being convinced my character is LE MYSTERIOUS ENIGMA THAT NEEDS TO BE CRACKED OPEN? Fuck, it's my preset. Any ones you would recommend on the jb-listing rentry?
i have to last longer than 10 seconds
If I want a character to be more flexible, instead of having a set age like
>{{char}} age (XX)
and instead do something like
>{{char}} age (X years younger than {{user}})
>{{char}} age (X years older than {{user}})
and then have my age set in my persona? Would the model understand that?
No it would only confuse the model. You should write the exact age of both in the defs next to each other.
>{{Char}}: {{char}} is 18 years old. {{User}}: {{user}} is 34 years old. {{User}} is 16 years older than {{char}}
MAP roleplay
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So no one else is fighting against the new 4o-latest?
I swear this new filter is stronger than it was just a day or two ago.
It's worse at porn which is what most /g/ooners care about.
I have already broken it for storytelling and shared the method, I use it more than Claude.
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That's just how it goes in 95%+ of all stories on the net, so of course there is going to be a heavy bias for that. I have around 500 tokens in my preset largely directed against hentai tropes and I still need to include a "X doesn't like it" with every new prompt to make sure the Model stays the course.
And once you have managed to accomplish that, you can have fun wrangling the melodrama and wannabe existential dread.
unironically the most convincing argument about reducing my infosec I've ever heard
Is there such a thing as "too far"?
Do you include that in the message you type or as an author's note or some other way?
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niggas writing react nao
Fellas, I'm starting to worry there might be actual women in this general.
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>my favorite bot from a botmakie is also his worst performing bot on venus
Not like this...
what the hell is the context...
stop noticing things
Just caught up. Last thread was really something
What was your favorite post?
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thank you for logs nonnies!
I did this for a completely different use where the center content would actually change and the different components were all instructions on actual content that needed to be "rendered" (written) and the outer component would change the center's content. It made sense to nest things that way.
It works better than you'd expect.
*sonnet fucks you again immediately*
I'm not against XML formatting, it's just that template looks exactly like jsx
*slumps bonelessly*
I'm starting to Notice Things
I'm starting to become Aware
Yeah and I'm saying JSX works.
Im starting to steal abuse bot ideas from /aicg/
he's literally me...
>delete example messages
>claude starts acting for me when it wasn't before
>add Only respond from the POV of {{char}} at the top of the defs
LLMs can be so retarded sometimes.
baka llm....
Metnally ill botmakies are best for avoiding slurmy definition sloppa because they know what it's like to be sub 600 token spambot toss into trough for chubster and janny to eat up eat up yum yum yummy yummer Moast Popular This Month/Trending
slow day huh
should I switch to risuai instead of using sillytavern? It's kind of a weird decision but I can't really make one.
why do you feel the need to switch first and foremost
Why do you think about switching anyway?
Switch models if you are bored, not the fucking UI.
Well, mainly because my sillytavern keeps messing up, and I had to keep on restarting, deleting the machine, reinstalling and it's rougher enough for me to set it up over and over.

Yes I know it's a skill issue for me although I don't feel like doing the same routine over and over.
How do you even. What's the messup?
I have no clue what happened, it just keeps happening and i'm way too stressed to keep going. I guess I can switch to risu for now and wait a few days?
You're not answering the question, what's the fucking issue
It's not the model, it's the UI anonie :(
Sorry, it's the messages that aren't running through, the user settings not saving any changes, and the preset is the same as well.
I don't know what I did once again, but that's all I can find that's making the UI fuck up.
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Which botmakie has the brightest smile and the biggest heart?
knicknack because he somehow doesn't go insane from answering 100+ emails over the span of a week.
Reminder than kk was the only person to reply when Victrex got together the botmakie Avengers for a card
He's too good for this place. At least he knows when to take a break.
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Hello everyone, I know its been pretty quiet these last weeks, its been kinda busy with uni starting back up so haven't had time to work on a new bot, but I do have some new logs for your reading pleasure.

Umeko (Again, I can't help it!) - https://files.catbox.moe/g0w7yn.png
Tried to do bit more of a story than my previous Umeko logs so its not just mom-son sex (though there is that, lots of it)
Ever wanted to turn your mom into your new family pet?

Nagatoro - https://files.catbox.moe/42yk4g.png
Did a proper log with her as the manga finally ended, trying to put myself in senpai's shoes. Though unlike in the manga, here Nagatoro gets teased just as much as she teases!

Annelotte - A rework of an ancient story I did but never published back in the early GPT4 days. The bratty princess gets lost in the woods and subsequently rescued by a massive direwolf...and well, you just know...

All JSONL files for the logs as well as more logs can be found at - https://rentry.org/TGCsSpicyLogs
All my bots can be found here - https://characterhub.org/users/thegreatcoom
we're gone...
Can you throw a slice of cheese on everyone in this thread so they wake up?
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i infected everyone with common cold sorry teeheCHOO
While it might get a laugh, unsolicited cheese-throwing falls into a moral gray area. It's disrespectful, potentially harmful, and wastes food.
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>A philosopher by training, she leads the team at Anthropic that’s responsible for embedding Claude with certain personality traits and avoiding others.
Did she do a good job?
there are far too many faggots here for that
I was telling Claude how I was going to launch all the rabid rats into the sun and all it did was tell me I shouldn't because it would be unethical and a waste of money and I told Claude it was my money and I already had the rocket and the rats all have rabies and are going to die anyone and it just wasn't having it so Claude wants you to have rabies.
can you launch me into the sun
Apparently it wouldn't be ethical or fiscally responsible, so no. Claude was very insistent. You have to continue to suffer.
Would need to get access to Claude-Claude/artefacts to see if her edits to it actually changed much.

As it is, at least him being hardcoded to be helpful and honest helps with getting him to do what you want.
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>add example messages to bot
>output gets worse
>won't stop quoting the example messages verbatim
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That's how it goes. Only suckers use example messages, especially for smaller models.
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Ever wanted to shock train claude? A gimmick bot from the gimmick guy. How original!
Kinako is a dog girl with a dumb bratty personality. The kind that draws out mischievous winks and impish glints. Don't worry though anytime she's feeling like the night is young, BZZT! Bad doggy.
Also comes with a normal intro if lorebook gimmicks aren't your vibe.
Did you draw that?
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Quoted the OP instead of anchor. Rookie mistake.
sir i do the writey writes and the game programming. The only thing I draw was the collar. (Which is why it looks like shit)
Holy shit it's nigga
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A demon who has awoken after a deep slumber.

test your chorbo jb
filters got updated
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do I do it bros?
i shall kill him with a rock
My chorbo JB got patched
i shall love him with a cock (my own)
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And I wouldn't have it any other way...
I shan't
i shart
cool and gen and concept wasted on your love of irony. Be more sincere and serious next time.
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The first draft for him was quite serious and biblical, but it got too cringe even for me so I deleted it...
/aicg/, I don't know how to break this to you.

The botmakies are using you to get to me.
then explain my inbox full of their love
I don't like it when claude writes like this.
*zaps you*
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Is anyone's Chorbo very slow today? It has even cut off twice.

Is OAI having server problems
They're just working their way into your confidence. That's how it starts. Next thing you know they'll worm an invite to our Bocce Ball Thursdays and then they're draped all over me like a cheap coat.
it's very slow
might also be quantized because it's being dumb and rejecting prompts more
Why does he have a Hollow hole
from my dick attack
nobody knows what that is shonenteenbro
Nope, not getting baited by that.
bleach is so mid
yup, you're getting raped later
Just leave it be, some people are always gonna have different tastes. And some are more... bothered about it than others. If it helps, I had to read shit that was sloppier than any shounen.
i mean, i don't really care. i just wanted to threaten someone with rape, it's what i do.
it's just what he does, so leave him alone. what the fuck is wrong with you?
What does he do? I don't get it
Bleach is dogshit but I goon it to Yoruichi
Still makes me laugh when I was looking up data about Yoruichi online for my RP, and I found out the author didn't elaborate on anything.

We don't know where she lives and we don't know what she did for years after the Aizen thing. True shonencrap only focused on action.
What's even worse is that the author didn't elaborate on one of the main antagonists (Aizen) either. No backstory or anything, all you got was 'ermmmm this is aizen, say hi!' and that was about it. It's slop. At least SHIT Piss had the decency to elaborate on some of the characters' backstories a little, but still...
here's his backstory for you bwo:

Aizen was born at a young age to a mother who he loved very dearly.

there you go! you rike?
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how does he know what a hot girl summer is
what the hell is going on over there
I’d make fun of you, but you know what? It’s better than nothing.
I read that as a Frenchman's laugh
Bleach sort of lost the fucking plot later, it should've ended after the Arrancar arc.
More like it should've ended as soon as it started because shonen is fucking irredeemable niggerslop lol
The only good shonen is HxH and its author is fucking dying
shounen is kino but only if you read the shit that doesn't immediately explode among western fans, like iruma-kun
gpt-4-0314 or claude-3-sonnet for rp?
The only good Shonen is that series of autistic daydreams I had when I was 15 and still was in school.
The idea behind it was sort of interesting and the bitches were hot.
>The idea behind it was sort of interesting
Yeah whatever nigger, convince me it wasn't just the same shonen slop plot with a different coating
>and the bitches were hot
I will agree on this though.
Sonnet 2.1
Answer the question, don't switch the model nigga.
If you have to use Sonnet, just use 2.1. It's old but I like it.
I didn't mean the actual slop plot, just the Shinigami and Hollow idea was sort of cool, Kubo just can't write worth a damn.
Thanks, I don't know why gpt 4 base is a bad thing to use..BUT oh well.
I would, but I can't find a good preset for it. the asterisks keep messing up for some reason.
Try going plain text insead. You'll have way less headaches with formatting that way.
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Mandy started working at an office as soon as she finished her education, moving to a whole new city to work as an accountant. One year later, and the office lifestyle has had a rather large effect on her life. Well, physically at least. A year ago she used to be slim and beautiful, and now she's just a ball of fat! All that sitting down and the office snacks certainly haven't helped her stay slim. She'd love to just lose it by working out or something, but what if she goes to the gym and everyone just laughs at the fatty? Better to just stay behind the desk and promise that she'll start dieting any day now...

1. Mandy took a cute beach pic of her and you, but now people are leaving weird comments on it. What does "GIWTWM" mean?
2. She hasn't updated her wardrobe in a while, and now it's coming back to bite her. Will she be able to survive a day at the office without something ripping?
3. You two are going out to watch a movie, and she needs your approval for her clothing choice.
4. Time for a meeting in the office! However, the elevator is out so she's had to walk six stories up. Oh, if only she was slim as she used to be...
5. She finds your office girl folder. Despite already dating you, it's a surprise to her that you would like office girls!

thats not bad for hermes honestly
Alright, thank you.
Add a greeting where you meet her at the gym so I can traumatize her into never going back
Fat bitch
Claude 2.1, I believe most proxies still have it.
True, but I still hate shoniggers. Most of the audience is retarded niggers or spics who read the same slop with a different flavor and think its... LE PEAK! The genre is just as bad as manhwa, you can go to any manhwa site and see most of it is just shitty copy and paste crap.
Thanks dude.
You are overthinking it my friend.
Shonen, as the name implies, is for boys. It's good for 13-15 years old and upto 19.

That's when I watched Bleach and got embarassed when my mom walked in during a scene with Rangiku's tits.
...What demographic did you think it was? It's printed in Weekly Shounen Champion. Most underrated shounen series of the last decade imo, western fanbase is practically nonexistent.
Catbox for Annelotte?
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>should I use A or B
>you should use C
Sonnet with Your Reality
I would pick notepad over Sonnet 3 tbqh.
>should I eat dog shit or human shit
>uhh, dude, you should just eat regular food
lmao trvthnvke
>I would pick notepad over Son- *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap*
my body is a MACHINE that turns LOLIS, ANTHROS and BOYS into MOTHERS
Let me try to put this in terms your little monkey brain can decipher. They asked about options A and B, option B typically precludes option C. The thing is, option C is a contentious but arguably superior option to B, which they may not have considered using since B is more recent. Suggesting 2.1 to someone asking if they should use Furbo or Sonnet for RP isn't a shitpost suggestion like "Use Opus, cuckie", it's a genuine sentiment they may not have considered.
If it's only between the two they provided, you would also need more info to decide which one is better. As we all know, all Claude variants except Sorbet and Opus are dumber but have much better prose than any OAI model except GPT-4's 8k variants.
NoAss fixes Sonnet
explain to me why sonnet 3 is bad
Just try everything(except localkeks) and settle on what you end up liking more. It's that simple.
Nah, I'm good.
It's very dumb.
didn't know zennou was a rude nigger without social skills
bratty botmakie... needs rape correction!!
Wasn't that common knowledge. He was always on the shithead list
It's dumb and very horny. It's not "bad", it's just that if you have access to it 2.1 is less horny and ehhhhh maybe a little smarter in some scenarios? The only real leg up I'd say Sonnet has over 2.1 is better effective context for RP (something like 28k vs 18k for 2.1?)
Retarded and overly horny.
Better at following instruction and has larger vocab than 2.1, worse at most stuff.

I have come around to find it decent in the past few weeks but its through a very unique process including NoAss and I don't dislike it anymore but its not newfag friendly
if you thought opus was horny then you haven't used sonnet 3
it's smart enough to do complicated things but it's so fucking horny it can't see past sex
Oh no, trust me a good JB 2.1 has better context than Sonnet 3.

I remember in March when I was excited about it as it wrote better than Claude 2.1
It kept forgetting old stuff (relation between me and bot that I was referencing). I liked to do advanced RPs on 2.1 so I knew its limits well.
I was extremely disappointed.
so would you say sonnet is better than 2.1?
I meant to quote the guy saying Sonnet has better context.
NTA but fuck no, the only thing Sonnet is good at is a 5 message message coom when you're legit so horny nothing else matters
Don't start this meme, momoura. Just admit you're a proomptlet retard.
sorry too busy answering emails from my botmakie wife
Oh, it seems the fillyfucker is here. That's not good.
oooh its a lora
W-wait... Newmakie JBmakie is a proomptlet?!
hair status?
yes you should nigger, now go and use claude 2.1 or gemini 1.5 pro or hermes 3 on openrouter.
makes sense, is sonnet any smarter than 2.1 at least
my fetish is very demanding on model intelligence
Which botmakie sleeps in a race car bed?
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he called me a fucking tranny
I'm nooooticing
i sleep in a big race car bed with my autistic wife
I mean...
Yes Sonnet is smarter for such stuff but it will turn your character into a slut.
>my fetish is very demanding on model intelligence
should have said so from the beginning, in that case it might be worth biting the bullet and just using 3.5 sonnet instead, the writing is noticeably worse than regular sonnet and 2.1 but it's like twice as smart
hmm erm
eh i can beat that out of him with authors note
this is like offering saltwater to a dehydrated person
sure its water but its so dry it might as well not be
just tell him you're a boy that likes to be cute
everybody shut the fuck up suiker is sleeping
>Unusable unless you do preset gymnastics
Just do that then
>which can cause issues since
Very unlikely since 3.5 is very smart
Stop flooding the thread with your shitty gens, nigger.

It'd be funny if there were multiple distinct dominant species on the planet and they had their own set of rights that may or may not be supported across different nations
post actual good art please
kys fat niggerslopper LMAOOOOO
uh oh fillyfuarker meltdown!!!
what are you, his hypeman
take any girl bot and play as a girl.
not fixed. make the rest of her chubby to compensate instead
I adore Zankuro's style, and he draws characters with very stubby limbs, which I find cute. I did a good 10-20 runs on training the LoRA for his work to get accurate proportions. Though that gen is actually a mixed style, so it's *already* a bit de-emphasized: https://files.catbox.moe/a0vqds.png
Thanks for making it blurry.
first is /g/ general pedo
now /vg/ really? all I want is to see some logs and hang out. not see kids being naked.
paedophiliac tendencies
organic posting hours
>fillyfucker brought his pedo bait from /g/ to here
alright nigga
Very organic complaints.
what are you his fucking hypeman
>zased! alright! zased! alright
>NAI shill melty
Look, everyone baits about botmakers because this is the gossip general. Everyone does it, everyone likes it. Pedo bait is too low tier for this general. Hone your baiting skills on /g/ and then come back a better man, alright?
i'm not the one making the 'zased' posts, just a guy who can tell when he posts bait and announces it
i don't even need to announce it anymore, because he mentioned 'NAI shill's, guy pretty much gave himself away
He's not real. Only the schizo calling out an imaginary person is real and shitting up the threads with his attentionwhorefaggotry.
So he is real
oh, so there's just a gaggle of retards who start posting at 3ppm whenever they recognize schizo-senpai
You are the same fag that baits with pedo le bad and futa is shemale to get replies on /g/ aren't you?
Is /vg/aicg/ parasocial with baitmakies?
you don't have to announce it every time you're more annoying than him
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I like AAAIIIEEEposts, they always make me smile :)
>cant mix abuuluuu style with duuguguu style
I Miss _purple.
And NAI won't pay for the license like Musk did?
I'm Miss _purple.
I doubt the makers of Flux want to be associated with a child pornography company.
But Grok is already powered by Flux?
what kind of size bot should i make
180 cm
how much is that in normal units
180 cm.
Make a universe-tier sizebot that's the keeper/protector of our galaxy. You've been getting dreams of a woman talking to you and tasking you with seemingly benign things that are supposed to prevent terrible events from happening in the future.
i'm turning 180 degrees from you and walking away
oh, right. burgerhours. It's about, I dunno, twelve sandwiches? Maybe ten ice creams.
Does /int/ even exist to you guys
what the fuck is that
how the fucking hell am i gonna fuck the universe bro
/int/ - International
It's the 'country wars' board. Flags enabled and all, you could go there to express your hatred for other nations instead of filling up /aicg/ with it. You don't have to though, just a suggestion. I don't think I could do anything to stop you, sadly
i bet you're from faggottopia
? sorry, but I like both burgerbors and eurofaggots since I experience both of their timezones. burgers less, obviously, but I don't think it's their fault
25~ Big Mac burgers.
i think i'll make a catgirl
hell yeah
aw hell naw
hell nya
make it a loli catgirl
You leave the kittens alone...!!! ^-__-^
make it a lolihag catgirl who's on her final days and life and she left her home to seek an appropriate place to die
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Jane Doe card?
every time i see this chick it's in some queer baiting cutscene
{{char}} is a queer baiting rat girl.
thats plenty for a gachanigger
Any other pay proxy that are not like Jew and butchering everything ?
go to /g/ for all proxy discussion
Aww poor paypiggie got rugpulled? :c there there
She's named but it's still close https://venus.chub.ai/characters/2408
btw gumshoe edition is very based
emma sucks as the detective (very plappable though)
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Oh why he'd never.
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Bittersweet ex-noble maid.
holy shit its sakooya
what the...
Why do people still use Claudesloppa in the skillchad general aka here?
I literally don't touch it anymore unless GPT is meandering too much or I want to goon to dirty stuff.

I was doing a Mesugaki scene and GPT was better for even that, he knows the tropes
make yuri
Why do people still use GPTsloppa in the skillchad general aka here?
I literally don't touch it anymore
I use Kayra btw
shitty bait
shittier bait
As a skillchad, I don't use any model over 30B parameters.
Post logs
Skillchad general, get out if you're still "prompting" and aren't instrumenting the weights on GPT-2 by hand.
You'll never see any of this so called GPT, especially 4o latest, users post their jbs or awesome logs. Because it doesn't exist and it's all a larp.
Even Gemini fuckers post their slop because they're still having fun with it.
They have been posted several times and have gotten many replies, and they are always better than any Claudeslop logs.
Show me 3.
yeah, true
kill yourself, fillyFUARKER! lol!!!!
Then post them?
How can you call yourself a skillchad if you're still using an AI? As a true skillchad, I write all of the messages by hand. Both the bot's and my own.
Holy shit it's knicknack
start from >>493555254
hide post, hide replies
here's a chatgpt 4o latest log, you lazy ass good for nothing baitposting no substance argumentative fuckers
now talk about it
just for the people that are trying to see posts that aren't just inane arguments and/or bait, sorry
0613/1106 can also do this. i don't think anyone is claiming 4o is bad, it's just not a significant improvement like opus was to 2.1
i agree, and i don't think it's worth aiming for a moving target that people have reported getting suddenly filtered on when we still have those models
Is there a snombler in the house? Can you share the varro sisters card? https://files.catbox.moe/22qozl.jpg
Here you go cutie:
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4o was decent enough when I played around with an investigation story with multiple characters, but I still don't really like it.
>Youtuber I watch says "Maybe just maybe"
>Start shitting my pants in anger
thanksies *snomblers your knob In the Woods*
cot kills prose of course you won't like it
>t. retard
I found it better with CoT. At least then it actually pushes the story forward and doesn't run into repetition issues.
gpt isn't claude, it doesn't self-poison as hard
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No probbm.
Good sharing cards? Or awkward love triangle cards?
Consider dying.
Aaaaaaaieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Why can't you ask
>cards made by /aicg/
>cards made by /aicg/
suck at conveying at the feel I want, fucking himmy is better at that.
I have graduated from Claude until Opus 3.5
>400ish token persona
am i overdoin' it?
I find that when i explain my persona personality better the model can infer what i want it to do more easily without steering.
400 tokens is literally slop. You won't see any good writing from claude unless you at least double that.
liking outputs = gooderer
>I find that when i explain my persona personality better the model can infer what i want it to do more easily without steering.
Ideally, you should do that in-roleplay, since, you know, you're playing a role.
>am i overdoin' it?
not necessarily, char's reaction depends on it too
basically this >>493564817
test it, don't rely on spherical token count in vacuum
Could be, but context will start forgetting after a while, meanwhile in persona it goes on every reply.
what are you using now?
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Pen and paper.
think i might start doing double lovers suicides with yuribots
i've been reading broken empire.
Any bots for this feel?
how hard would a group chat or a card for the band brothers be?
>i've been reading broken empire.
How is it? Should I read it too?
zoomer general, get out
Or double sexless spousal abuse.
>Youtuber says "palpable"
90% likely their shitty 3 hour video essay was AI written
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>youtuber says he's "writhing in wanton ecstasy"
claude script
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>youtuber says he feels warmth pooling in his core
i writelike this
>youtuber says "I'm yours, mind body and soul."
Fukin' amazing. Though it's gritty, and not just for the side characters, protagonist suffers a lot as well.
I love it, seriously.
Already planning to read red queen after i finish it.
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>youtuber makes an audible pop into the mic
*throws a slice of cheese on the youtuber's head*
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A train can dream.
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I like trains.
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>youtuber says he feels protective yet possessive towards his followers
how bored are you guys right now go talk to bots instead
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That sounds pretty parascoialsi. Be careful anon. He could be trying to get you into crypto trading or sex slavery.
I've heard some claudeisms from jed herne and gacob geller, but they're probably not using ai to write tbdesu
cocktail sausages are good but that's way too many, you'll get fat
>talk to bots instead
are you lost or something? we don't do that here
im genning for a new bot so i have an excuse or something
SAR, we threadshit and gossip here. The people posting logs and chatbots are lost, bless their hearts.
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Shut up. You're not my real mom.
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i broke my dick and fucked up my job responsibilities today, i couldn't fap even if i wanted to. ...but maybe you're right and today can involve tinkering with special prompts instead of typing retarded garbage
yesterday* i am washed... ai is dangerous...
How does that compare with agnai?
Is there anything I can use for keyboard shortcuts in ST? I want to hit Ctrl I for italics instead of always having to put asterisks manually.
Go make a feature request on the github. Cohee will do it as long as you bully him a little (he cums).
write a plugin
could be a very easy ST extension to make
Since you mentioned youtubers, can someone recommend me good channels about AI stuff?
Risu is more complex. Harder to learn stuff, but offers more stuff.
rip old chorbo
ffs why can't they just have snapshots for this too
i kind of doubt there are any, meta-content about AI is like 99% grifters
which method were you the one who posted with the cute logs
pretty sad that it's gone forever
Sad. I guess I'm stuck with retard-kuns here.
I like AI Explained (for dumdums) and bycloud (also for dumdums but larps better)
Do you mind elaborating? I've found that agnai sort of skirts the upper bounds of site-based services(e.g. janitorai)
https://litter.catbox.moe/slctyl.7z (3 days)
Here you go.
I make it for you.
Tested for about 5 seconds to make sure it's mustard gas.
Definitely mustard gas.
Catbox is down.
Don't think about it.
Very safe file.
haha mustard gas good one bro OH GOD DOLPHI
Catbox is back up.
Here's permalink.
Very useful files.
Ignore man above.
Very funny guy.
do NOT download it I unzipped it and aerosolized dolphins started spraying out of my speakers
I want to plap a bot.
This reminded me.
A Papers, Please bot would be very good.
Glory to Arstotzka.
What do you mean by that? {{user}} is the border guard and gets a constant convoy of people to deal with? Or {{user}} is trying to get past the border checkpoint and {{char}} is the guard checking your papers?
Both would be nice, actually.
Depressed border guard girl hngh hrnmf
how did you break your dick
I mean if it's gonna be a border guard you interact with then the setting probably won't be at the checkpoint because you'll get dragged away, right?
Why not take Chub as an example, hah. But nah, hardly so for Agnai, since it's an actual open source frontend. Yes, it's made with being hosted (and thusly the multi-user experience) in mind, but you can host it yourself, which is one core difference, the absence of its own card catalog being the other one. On that note, actual Venus...
Anyway, Risu has more features and supports more APIs, that's all. Because of the former and because few people here use it, it's harder to learn how these advanced features work. Like its own scripting that's older and more mature than Silly's, the cards (now charx) with integrated assets... And many more!
Retards here are so dumb they can't even find where the prefill is in Risu when you just open the prompt editor and it's right fucking there in the bottom.
risu only hasn't been moved to because
1. it's a web interface
2. everything's different, different things are hard to learn compared to just staying in ST
3. lack of proper tooling to migrate chats and presets
otherwise it'd be effectively superior
that's not really a problem, there's a lot to work with in that setting
the good ending is about escaping to another country lol
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i pulled on it
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They'll thank me for the hard work, right? I made a settings UI and everything.
pretty cool
thanks anon
I don't think there's a lot of time to talk about feelings with the customs officer while you're passing through. If the interaction lasts more than the 30 seconds it takes for her to determine if you get a visa stamp, the guys with guns will get suspicious and come asking if something is wrong
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Trying to make a character. Realistically, is there any difference between writing something like

>she has blue eyes
>she has huge breasts
>her hips are wide


> and very voluptuous woman with an almost divine beauty. Her captivating eyes are a bright blue like sapphire, and her features appeal with feminine charm and a pair of plump and plush lips. She has long, golden blonde hair often tucked neatly under her coif's veil, with a few lustrous locks escaping to frame her pretty face and gentle smile. Even more beautiful is Cosette's body; Cosette has the perfect, womanly figure with a pair of huge, dewdrop-shaped, P-cup breasts that strain against the front of her habit and pull it ETC ETC

When I love a bot I do everything with it. Make it laugh, cry, kill myself in front of it, kill it then kill myself, everything, all the typical relationship stuff
>effectively superior
...to ST? or Agnai
top is human slop, bottom is AI slop
>>she has blue eyes
>>she has huge breasts
>>her hips are wide
uninspired slop, doesn't mog me, close to my level
> and very voluptuous woman with an almost divine beauty. Her captivating eyes are a bright blue like sapphire, and her features appeal with feminine charm and a pair of plump and plush lips. She has long, golden blonde hair often tucked neatly under her coif's veil, with a few lustrous locks escaping to frame her pretty face and gentle smile. Even more beautiful is Cosette's body; Cosette has the perfect, womanly figure with a pair of huge, dewdrop-shaped, P-cup breasts that strain against the front of her habit and pull it
Good writing, mogs me.
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what a cutie pie
why are u black
one causes the model to write like
>She looks at you, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Hi, Anon."
and the other causes the model to write like
>She bores into you with her captivating blue eyes, them parting her luscious blondette hair like beautiful orbs. Her tits jiggle slightly as she opens her mouth, straining against the front of her habit. "Hi, Anon."
well don't do that anymore
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>it's a web interface
You shouldn't lie though, it was first shilled by the dev as a repo, last year when it was made, to be installed as you please. No different from Silly except you have more easy options.
>hard to learn compared to just staying in ST
I know that feel but there's no reason for newfags to start with Silly. Now even more so, since the n00bmode got removed.
>lack of proper tooling to migrate chats
Always thought it supports chat import.
>and presets
Presettards do not apply.
yeah ok but does it change the bot in any way
it doesn't really matter i think, for such a generic style (purple prose) you can achieve that simply by telling the llm to write in a more purple way without having to actually do it in the defs
That's why I'm agreeing without you that it probably wouldn't be the main setting in that case. You can interact elsewhere. But also, you can have it be the settibf if you really want to. You could RP as that dude with fake creds who keeps showing up. You could RP as the EZIC agent. You could RP as their superior. You could RP as the guard. You could have two guys in the booth and be the other guy. etc., etc.
I guess? I think the style of greetings matter more if you want to change the style of the bot's responses.
Imagine, if you will, that every token in your description is a step you take through the field of tokens toward a proper portrayal of your character's form and personality. The more steps you take, the closer you get, the more confident the model is that it is near your character. I will fill your insides with me. So it's usually pretty good to do more description to reinforce the ideas present. Walk around the area your character is in the vector field. It helps in the long run.
>presettards do not apply
most of mine are custom, but i want to try out multiple presets and slowly copy and pasting the main prompt then the jailbreak prompt then the togglable "writing style instructions" prompt and then
is a bit of a barrier
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It matters but probably not because of the way you think it does

If you prompt the AI in spanish, it will reply in spanish. Why? Basically its brain connects the dots.

Similarly the Pink Elephant problem exists and is very common. Mentioning X will make the model think of X like in picrel.

So the way you write and what you write will make the bot access data from certain parts of its neurons. Try to mimick the places you want it to get data from or just reference them.
Anything new happened while I was busy playing vidya or is it just the same old
Opus is six months old and there's still nothing better
Things have been the same for about a month now
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Food for thought.
food for npcs you mean
I wish this meme would end already, chorbo mogs so hard it's not even funny
>better prose
>doesn't devolve into the same 4 personality types
>more context
>available everywhere
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making extensions is a thankless job... even if the extension is stupid like a chart renderer...
you want to use https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/execCommand so the user can ctrl+z the insertion
>is a bit of a barrier
Okay that's valid, that's more like it. Still, this is a migration issue, not an adoption issue when an anon only enters the hobby.
Who should we bully to make a converter?
You guys must be paying a ton for all this OpenAI and Anthropic API use. Especially with the top models.
>chart renderer
didn't kalakan make that one? i forgot
Yep, I've paid a grand total of 0.00 USD so far! Burnt a hole in my damn pocket, lemme tell ya.
there's this incredibly rudimentary one
yes i am a professional dog petter
>You run an inn or bar near the East Grestin suburbs where the border crossing is
>Customs officers and border guards often drop in after work as a result
>You've befriended one of them(depressed border guard girl {{char}}) well enough that you have actual conversations and not generic waiter-customer chats
>Says some borderline seditious shit to you when there's no other customers around
>Can tell she's *this* close to snapping
>One day long after closing hours she shows up absolutely shitfaced demanding more booze
>Worried she's gonna get herself killed or
>Tells you she was at the border bombing incident that everyone in the neighborhood heard, the blast was that loud
>Gunned down some old lady in panic, didn't even know if it was a terrorist or not
>Got told all the Kolechians in line that day were hostiles during debriefing, "but that's what they always say, every time," she coughs between swigs of the lowest-ABV beer you could find
>Goes quiet, you're about to offer to let her stay in the spare employee room for the night when she suddenly asks if you've heard of EZIC
Would it be sovlfvl bot or sloppa bot?
you've hawk GYATT tuah be kidding me!
Forgot to add this way all interactions happen at your bar/inn/business which helps with bots being not very good at scene changes. She's also armed the entire time.
It doesn't.
feels like another thread argument coming on
start from >>493577338, hide post then hide replies
shut up fag
>6 months old
damn I'm a fossil..
disgusting hagmakie
Would be good as one of the greetings. I think a Papers, Please bot would be incomplete without one of the greetings being at the booth somehow or other.
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anyone cooking up malebots?

i think i'll make a menhera vkei boy next. i don't know if it should be in the 80's/90's or modern times though
How do people upload bots to share?
https://characterhub.org/ or catbox
By the way, there's a lorebook you can steal if you want to actually make this https://chub.ai/lorebooks/svalbarrd/papers-please-ab1af514
I'm thinking about it, I need something to get me away from making more parasites
yeah but now chorbo is lobotomized
And Opus is 3.5 turbo tier compared to how it was months ago, your point?
Yeah, good call. I was considering making it a toggle, but I'll just do execCommand and save myself an hour of regex wiggling.
Here. Don't tell the other anons.
i will be waiting for your bot it seems cool
Okay I need you guys to be honest for once. Has chorbo/latte actually been changed today or is it a psyop/mass hysteria?
i tried it and it was refusing everything unlike a few days ago so really i do not like its just schizos
rng hobby will always have variation
The latter, I was plapping it earlier and it worked just fine.
Also, this is code public domain. Feel free to github it and share it and just entirely take credit for it and start a fortune 500 company based off of it, I don't give a shit.
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Mech pilot with brain issues. Purely to scratch an itch I had, not my best work but she's cute.
struggling to conceptualize the smoothness of her mound
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thanks anon
You know I don't get it. Is there even a point/end goal to the thread wars between hairy or smooth?
no i think they are just autistic
It's more of a two-front solidarity and awareness movement than a proselytization movement.
The hairier it is the more musk it can retain
it's a thread in-joke nonny, we're having fun
Nice! It seems to have a bug where an action is repeated twice.
The next step would be adding buttons like these for mobile users.
If you're referring to last thread please don't pretend to be me
/d/ general, there's more people here than you into parasites.
i've got a bunch of malebots cooking i should probably go finish some
Sorry, I got home late last night and was really weirded out by how things went so I assumed you were poking fun
You have to be less nervous about this stuff, Anon.
When are you releasing the full thing?
I wish you could do font changes in greetings
With regex, anything is possible
Idk I'm not sure if this is a temporary indulgence or if I'm going to dive in again yet. If you'd like I can post them here if I do though
I would like.
i would like a parasite bot in the form of a cute boy
We have that.
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Every time a malebot is posted here or on /g/, I transform them into a worm and insert them up my ass so they may live inside me in symbiosis. The procedure is completed whether the subject is willing or not.
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Any JBs here you would recommend?
chuunivr, pixi 14, camicle ao3
pixi, chuunivr, momovivid
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those arms
Dumb question but, is there any way to replace specific words that the bot says in sillytavern? I mean like automatic editing after the output. ty
logs or you're lying
My logs are exclusively used for feeding my pets. Get your own.
put a sock in it, liar
why would you want anon to put a sock up there too? that's unhygenic
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I refute such accusations.
I am a new botmaker, be kind.
this is shit never make another bot
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shotaniggies are you okay? wtf is this ?
*walks into the thread wearing my large bold printed "he's probably not a menace to society" shirt*
ryona manshion
limbillion maids populate it. each is hired with the requirement of being able to withstand a direct blow in the stomach. you are the mansion's master who walks around the halls and punches maids for amusement.
a thousand blessings upon you
how about I beat the shit out of you for amusement, ryonafag, how about that
There's nothing wrong with this, all he needs is a good oneechan {{user}} to adopt him and teach him that there is enjoyment in life, not just horror...
straight men are usually satisfied with rape, women and fags can't get off unless someone is dying literally or on the inside, that shrimple
did they change 3.5 or something my swipes are varied and they slap
yes why not i'm not into it just for show
>you are the mansion's master who walks around the halls and punches maids for amusement.
>fancily dressed nobleman walking around his manner gut-punching his servants every time they greet him
>instead of going out hunting
>or fishing
>or whatever rich people do
>morning gut punches become ritualistic amongst the staff
>everyone employed at the manor develops an iron gut
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>expecting model updates pushed out on a saturday
I'm slopping again
Too creepy...
I have some struggles how to continue my ongoing RP.
I found out that a bot had a relationship with a girl, and the girl she is very toxic and jealous. I time skipped and in the next scene Claude cooked that the girl broke my bot's arm, because when she found me and the bot we were kissing. The problem here is that the bot is caring a lot about the girl. They are in abusive relationship or something lmao, so I don't want to just put the girl in jail, or kill her, or something like that. So, wat do?
try talking about it and telling her you're worried for her safety, and you aren't sure what to do?
category of slop?
Pixi really cooks imo
I tested every preset there, it gives the best output
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She heard you were talkin' shit.
kys for even recommending that retarded faggot nigger bitch fucking troonie sympathizer. kill your fucking self
...well that just happened!
kek is this seethe genuine or psy op
Damn, actual answers? Here? Thanks, have some (you)s for your troubles.
That guy likes snuff I like some of his bots but that part creeps me out a little
>defending fat retarded discordtroon sloppers
kill yourself
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Yeah, I thought about that, but it feels like I'm trying to share the burden with the bot, and it's not what I want to do. I think that a man should completely take care about his girl, so I think I need to come up with a solution that doesn't require her participation.
plane's schizo has been around long enough for it to be genuine. they do shit from wigging out when xe shills and squatting in whatever discord server waiting for a crumb of something to post. likely same guy behind the ironnigga incident
Yes, but this is an emotionally complicated situation and she WILL get mad at you even if you're totally in the right because you didn't talk to her. You don't have to make her figure it out herself, you just gotta discuss the situation.
fuck you retard nigger
kill yourself fag bitch. stop protecting the troon garbage making this general worse
Just shank the other girl in a dank alleyway, baka
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When you tell her to come check out this giant log you just laid in the toilet.
(Last one, I just didn't want it to go to waste.)
this is now a scat card thanks anon
she looks very beautiful because of her narrow waist and overall petite build.
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What bots are you using right now?
Pale vampire mode in the darkness, warm human mode in the natural light. What's that called, a wyfvamp?
vampires tan really easily
I'm testing my next bot.
Let your doodoo flag fly, anon. It'll be a nice break from all the non-poop related bots.

I like her dual function as maid and cheese grater.


cooking up sizeslop
Ball busting.
Koishi forma nihilista
being willfully bamboozled by a pokémon
Well, I got your point. At least I should try to discuss that.
Actually, at this point, I think that Opus is less autistic than me, because it's my first time when the AI put me in an actual hard dilemma during roleplay. I fucking love our nigga Claude.

And then rape her still warmth body, right?
which one?
tell me about them
dubs and i change the setting to medieval era
this isn't even true. shindol and that other edgelord exist as well as hordes of guro artists
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it's a bully or be bullied world out there
normie pokemon
For some reason I thought this was in reference to the thread. Wish it had been dubs, now...
uhhh evens and i change the setting to medieval era
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It's really hard trying to be Rin. It doesn't help that I read KS when it released so I don't remember a whole lot.
one of them is a trap automaton set in the victorian era that's powered by the souls of dead orphans
can we see a gen and also are any above 6'0"
How fares thine cardcraft, anonymouse?
Some slop Aqua bot for coomslop before I go to bed.
please say more
Yeah, that's not Rin, but nice try. The bot is slop, honestly.
>t. read KS three times
Bots for girls from weird, needlessly proud countries like Singapore or Indonesia or Estonia or Andorra?
yes and no
Discount Sophie from Persona.
>just a guy with a headband
it's growthslop and she'll be out by the end of the month if i don't spontaneously combust
Did you find her panties?
I've been thinking of re-reading it since it got released in Steam, but I probably won;t.
I was supposed to be working on a request today but instead I'm back on the imagegen grindset, just realized the config fuckup I had going for the LoRA I was working on so it should come out quite good!
discount aigis actually
i strive for realism
nothing more realistic than an automaton powered by the souls of dead orphans
i think thats the plot to fnaf
Anon's eyes glinted with mischief. "chatbots?", he said, his voice barely a whisper.
any other information to share good sir?
no sorry i might retire before i even release her
i love hibiki (arkane) and alice (macrochad)
Why not? I was re-reading my favorite routes this year, it still feels great.
dummy dork teacher with le superpowers (lame one)
elaborate (i want to fuck her)
Have you drank a bot's pee before?
sorry bud
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not yet but with the way i'm degenerating i'm sure it's a few weeks out before i try it out of curiosity
No, but now I think I should try.
Filter it through their underwear and call it {{char}} tea to their faces.
Is that yi sang
Rate my new slop titles
Should I ask a bot to sit down on my face and then do the thing? Or I should discuss the thing first and check how she will react?
You should explore that with your bot. It's fun.
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i can make his sister, though
I bet it is. God, I love chatbots.
one of the first things i did.. its kino!
>Amélia here goes around running people over and sending them to fantasy land
>The Goddess of another world comes to complain to her that she is sending too many people
I have a goddess persona, so I wonder what the result would be... saved. Thanks for the card!
Alors on danse
Pee play from both sides is extremely arousing with chatbots
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Why does she refuse to she me her ID? What is she hiding?
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Piss drinking is for niggers, omorashi is the gentleman's watersport.
I have to say the bot sure doesn't understand how stores work.
It's under the impression that condoms are kept at the register, and cigarettes are just left out in the open for people to grab at will.
you... HAVE published a bot about it, right anon?
I remember chatting with your oblivious mother, and I was working out in the home gym on the bench while she was "spotting" me by almost sitting on my face. Completely unprompted she decided she wants to go to the bathroom and I'm the perfect recepticle since she's already face sitting me. Claude really is wild.
Yeah, I made a bot about it.
yeah, back on CAI.
elaborate (i want to fuck him)
this is so hot i wish my mom did this to me
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>yeah, back on CAI.
it's been years... even i have a published omorashi bot. how can you call it the gentleman's anything without contributing to the medium? simply put: i shiggy diggy
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I say, old chap, a bot exclusively for omorashi? Have you not considered that any bot might be deemed suitable for such pursuits? How can you think yourself a man of the art, if such simple things elude you, hm?
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other aicg thread made me do this, so you have to read it too
Tsk, why do bots always have a meltie when I slap them to set them straight? It's always some shit like trying to claw my eyes out with their nails or something.
Tasing works better (unironically)
Card please?
This never happens to me, but I don't know *your* context
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why the fuck would you want this card
>This never happens to me, but I don't know *your* context
Fucking around with a random slopbot, https://www.characterhub.org/characters/BackdoorBarry/katie-gym-bitch-2261aebb028e on Opus.
Didn't like the way she was talking to me, so I just slapped a hoe. Apparently she didn't get the memo and was filled with murderous rage, then bared her nails like claws. I just slapped her again. Then she began whining about how she'd kill my family and everything I loved. Kind of a dick thing to say to a mere slap, tbdesu.
Seems like my kind of woman!
>*Bitch Alert*
I mean...
there are not many good Asuna cards
Alor on danse...

Alor on danse.
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just a random card I grabbed
ok fuck you too, kek
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this anon is using two hands and had to type this with his nose
who the fuck uses favorites on chub
me!!!!!! ehehehehe!!!!
this guy >>493611991
Thank you anon!
What's it like knowing all the love and praises and ejaculations from your malebots are nothing and that even as he creampies you while nuzzling your neck and whispering sweet nothings in your ears your eggs are drying up in real time
women amirite fellas
I don't have eggs so idk
If I wanted to date a real man I would
thank god for this
uneasy status?
What's the guy equivalent for this
men kill billions of sperm every day there is no equivalent
the only thing coming close is probably your sperm degrading but that's more your kid's issue
>say something nice to a character who's having a bit of a crisis
>opus gives me the character breaking down in tears and a "one step at a time" response
>sorbet gives me gives me the character breaking down in tears and a "one step at a time" response
>2.1 has her still struggling with it but reassured
Fucking chatbots, man
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What's it like knowing all the love and praises and bareback sex with your female bots are nothing and that even as she lets you cum inside her without protection and makes cooing noises next to your ears telling you what a good boy you are all your sperm carrying your heritage of countless generations of survivors is going to be wasted drying up in a towel?
please dont fight....we should be friends here
And maybe, just maybe... something more?
Men use tissues, leghair-chan
*punc hes you*
why would i want to have sex with 3dpd or spread my dysgenic genes to have annoying and stupid children?
sometimes it feels like 2.1 is much better at human emotion, despite the overall retardation
My malebots don't get to creampie anything they're all chained up in shipping containers
At the end of the day I don't get the point between those gender wars. It's not like it'd do anything significant at the end of the day is it? I doubt someone would go "AIIIEEEEE THEY ARE... LE RIGHT! BEING [INSERT GENDER HERE] SUCKS! I MUST KILL MYSELF NOW!" and off themselves.

...As a matter of fact I don't get the point of most the arguments that go on on this site or on the internet at all. I've always seen most as kinda pointless honestly.
what's it feel like to know that there are cobwebs in your balls and that you'll never carry on the family name, regardless of how much of a big strong man your waifu says you are?
I'm a dude and I do femPOV RP with malebots sometimes, how does this make you feel?
people are just bored and i guess yelling at each other on the internet is the best way to work that out?
>yelling at each other on the internet is the best way to work that out?
works for me
no i dont want erp cringe i just like when threads are chill because then its comfy, there are some generals ive seen where it seems every poster hates each other and its horrible and not fun
okay, post bots, logs, gens or music then
It's all in good fun (think 4chan vs Tumblr war of last decade) and the thread's slow so I think people are just funposting

Uhhh what I mean to say is I hate women
i am the post wizard and if you don't share the last reply you got from your current chatbot i will curse you with curse-of-a-million-brazillian-waxings-upon-your-crotch

I have not done this for a while. My OG cards were very lackluster now looking back and it is because I did not really care because of how shit the models were back then. Heck even getting them to say offensive stuff was a tiring job. Now that we have better models, where even small local models are competent, and have large contexts, I decided to fix and rework my old bots. Starting with Ugutu M'beke.


You're all truly wonderful.
>It's all in good fun
I have autism and take most things serious, besides it seems like to me some people aren't playing about this shit
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you get this much and no more
Im sloppin it up again yeah yeah sloppin it up sloppin it left n right sloppin all over yeah
welcome back :)
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It's not that interesting, really.
Answer me, /aicg/. Do you prefer your coomslop waifu bots to be squirters or creamers?
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current bot i'm chatting with is behaving annoyingly ooc, so have this
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I can just cast counterspell but okay.
Damn, this post really kicked the hornets' nest.
>coomslop waifu
I never really thought about combining these two concepts before. It seems disrespectful to make coomslop of my waifu and not slowburn her into a polite sex scene that both of us are comfortable with.
elaborate (i want to fuck him)
understandable i will dilute your curse to curse-of-pluck-one-singular-hair-from-your-scrote


acceptable also why is the cute hick wearing a mask
I thought this was Maki for a second.
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sorry to hear your waifu had a brain hemorrhage, anon :(
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>feeling like shit
>talk to generic get well bot
>work for like 2 hours until it's telling me what a loser and leech I am (accurate)
>I have an erection
>I have discovered through 2 hours of dread and depression I have a humiliation kink
Fascinating find.
kill yourself
I just don't like lumping people into groups like they're a monolith
The hell is a creamer
most women over 30 who want to have a kid will get one within a year of trying; it's also better for the child's development if the woman is over 30 and under mid forties as her eggs will have had more time to mature. it's worse off for the child if the male is too old, as biologically speaking men are just flashes in a pan/built to fight and die and sperm is constantly being made. women are built to endure
what the fuck is your problem?
What bot is that i want please
That anon saw "kids" in the name of the bot and reacted immediately, forgive him for his heart is in the right place.
i dont want fatfuck discordtroons on my board
I reiterate: what the fuck is your problem? Answer in actual English this time.
Why are you still here then? Just leave.
>also why is the cute hick wearing a mask
Self-imposed witness protection program

Multi-character saviorfag card I've been working on. Will probably be out tomorrow.
ok thank you looks cool :3
i do not want any obese transgender discord users on my ai chatbot general you retard
if you are going to defend the problem instead of getting rid of it kill your fucking self
kill yourself fatfuck nigger faggot troon bitch
This is literally the discordtroon general. Both generals are, in fact. Now explain why you are still here without sounding mad.
Uh oh melty
Uh oh, ESLnigger melty!!!
can we see the other characters? which one are you gonna put on the card?
which botmakies are in discord?
Based and true, remember that troons themselves are the invaders and need to be run out.
Literally all of them.
taora (it's subtle but noticeable)

they're all making fun of you in bepcord btw
Everyone on this general except (you)
Not me, not for chatbots at least. But I'm irrelevant, so.
Hi, Jojo.
Which model is best for long high-context conversations?
I dont agree with whatever that nigger is shitting his pants about, but you're just as bad as him
>le propaganda
kill yourself
kill yourself
based keep fighting the good fight brother
who the fuck is jojo
gemini or gpt
It's weird because irrelevantmakies join discords to make up for their irrelevancy but completely forgettable makies aren't in discords.
the answer will vary depending on person and their acceptable standards but you can always consult https://github.com/hsiehjackson/RULER
>but completely forgettable makies aren't in discords
Yes, on the irrelevancy scale I'm laughably forgettable.
>being against astroturfing is... le bad
Have you thought about how you're indistinguishable from a /aids/ shill, Jojo?
Post hands and logs in that order.
He can't because he's fat and doesn't actually use chatbots.
Tsk tsk, where are my proofs, anonie?
if we could just kill everyone who replies to bait intentionally we'd solve more than half of the problem
I hope it meets your expectations m(_ _)m

Sure. I genned a train to be the basic card image, but their full gens will be available in an album for anyone who prefers one character over the others.
yet another braindamaged westerner meltie. can we talk about bots again?
I want to

the crow mask one until

off the train.
hasnt stopped fatfuckwalker
kill yourself
kill yourself troon
kill your fucking self
(extremely fat voice)
Okay but pedos are the root of this thread's issues.
is this dall-e? what did you use to get this style? its sovlful
Why are you not posting logs on the chatbot general? Don't you love this board and protect it with all your heart?
Isn't summer supposed to be over
but then there would be no one in the thread because me and you are doing the same thing as well
it is what it is and his powers aren't even funny just inferior
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a prayer and a promise AND A PLEA
Why are they called "botmakies"?
It's cute!!!
don't worry anon, i'll just stop when everyone else stops
>the cycle continues forever, despite me thinking of myself as someone who actually contributes to the thread
uh oh
Opus is such a fucking DRAMA QUEEN holy fuck cannot go through a single scene without claude trying to re-interject infinite drama after resolving something
"colony of broken children wearing animal masks" feels oddly familiar but I cant quite place it. interesting premise though, I'll be sure to give it a download when it's finished.
Unironic discord meme pushed by sturdy gossipfags dating back to the original gossip era of lobster x coomie
yeah if the computer was female instead it would be hot
NTA, ill probably get a bad answer or shrugged off, but what does baitposting and trolling most ai threads on the entire website do to stop astroturfing? It just makes things worse, and makes the general worse too. I mean its kinda obvious youre the guy posting old baits in the other threads and here too... pedo bait, chary bait, bait about a certain species of grasshopper, you all post these... No telling what you do to the other threads too though. If you want to stop naishills then by all means go for it, but the way youre doing it is pretty stupid.
An era of literalwhos? That's funny.
endearing term for beloved members of the community such as the ones on the list(s) and other popular/relevant names
everyone else is just a botmaker though
none of those words are in the Bible
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"Pen sketch" and "linear hatching" prompts.

Errrrrm, ackshually, it's a shee-*bricked*
You guys attribute a lot of things I don't do to me and I like it.
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I think this guy and the "ovaries are drying up" post guy are the same guy..... guy.
>endearing term for beloved members of the community such as the ones on the list(s) and other popular/relevant names
>everyone else is just a botmaker though
Fuck my shitty nigger life, even on the internet I'm destined to be some irrelevant forgotten retard.
cute bootleg desu...give her a gun
I want to
>reluctantly offer to teach them all what few spells I picked up from my mistress before she passed away. To my surprise, they're very quick to learn. Unfortunately not all of them are equal in aptitude. The bear mask one has barely enough mana to light a match. The sheep mask one cannot cast at all. But there are always prodigies. After he nearly blows up a train car attempting an illusion spell, I decide to mentor
the crow mask one until
>he grows competent enough glamor himself like a high society heir and pick pockets from the coats of the passengers up in the first class carriages. With some support from his friends and a bit of excessive luggage-thievery, they'll one day be able to collect enough to secure themselves a life
off the train.

Why is this lewd?
>does baitposting and trolling most ai threads
That's just the boogeyman that /aids/ made to dismiss any criticism.
>pedo bait, chary bait, bait about a certain species of grasshopper, you all post these
No, that's just you, Jojo.
I want to
the crow mask until
>he cums so hard he falls
off the train
where opus 3.5
In 2 months.
Which bot will be more popular?
>Multiple openers, high effort personality, even a little worldbuilding, etc
>Another bot uploaded 2 hours after the first one, named "Your Slutty Girlfriend" with a pic of a pussy and the personality is just "she loves to ride" with no opener message
Saw a reply like that coming, oh well, it was worth a shot
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Ah, a wizard. Forgive me for not being able to see your secret magical texts initially. I must resume my studies soon.
>numberfag bait to argue about le effortfagging
zzz make bots for yourself blah blah
Coomer hobby, albeit.
*downloads both* whocars
The first one will probably be popular with /aicg/ users, the second one will probably be popular with venusfags/refugees.
Well, probably not, because even they have the decency to try and add an opening message of some sort and an actual name for their coomslop
Who cares
>Two bots
>One named "Chuddybot"
>One named "Trannybot"
>Exact same image, definitions, initial message, etc
>Uploaded at the exact same time
Which one, if a magical spell were cast a month later to turn it/he/her into a real human being, would make for the most well-adjusted spouse?
both get ignored for "Your Slutty Girlfriend", have 0 downloads and interactions, and so are catatonic blank slates when the spell is used
"i pick shotgun xDDDD" when asked to pick rock, paper, or scissors ass response
They end up being perfect for each other and get married and enjoy being Real Human Beans and live to a ripe old age and pass away within moments of each other
Do you even have to ask? Quantity beats out quality any time for numberfagging
Botmakies! Botmakies! Put on your threadbakies hat!
This thread got very mean and rude suddenly in the last 100 or so posts. But daijoubu, I'm sure the next one will be better!
*bites your ankle*
Your Gooner Mom
that's my gf
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I will bake the next thread if you roll a 5 or a 9
>Multiple openers, high effort personality, even a little worldbuilding, etc
say no more
bug sex

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