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World and Rise both KNEELING edition

>I have a question about Monster Hunter!

>MH Wilds
Wilds Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/
New weapon trailers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7z-ZXbhfoKEO9jJv7a-bG7UcHGTCX5uH
Gamescom 2024 trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myHFsVMQIYw [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

>MH Rise
Sunbreak TU Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/rise-sunbreak/update/en-us/
Hunter Connect: https://pastebin.com/Tp9t570y
Armor Set Search: https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=en
Monster Weakness Database: https://robomeche.github.io/MHRise-Database/

>MH World
Iceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/
World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653
General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf

>Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontier


>Where does /vg/ play?
Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage)

>/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads)

Previous thread: >>493481538
>[Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
I love huntresses
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My gf is a Zinogre
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my wife
Playing through generations ultimate atm. I feel like my damage is starting to fall behind, but on the other hand I'm not getting a lot of new weapons to craft. I currently use a long sword with 30% affinity and 90 damage. Would it be better to create either a 100 damage long sword, without any ifs and buts, or even the 110 damage with -15% affinity? I don't know how damage is calculated with all the mini damage LS does through its skills.
Forgot to add, I'm still at LR3 so I'm not far in at all.
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I putting his head on the fuckin wall
What a lazy design
just get more affinity and keep the LS that already has +30% nob, damage falloff you're feeling right now is in your head and +10 damage isn't going to fix it
Ok, I'll do that. Thanks. It's just that my hunt times have gone from like 10 minutes to 18, so I thought I was falling behind damage-wise as I still face easy monsters like Lambogi and daimyo hermitaur.
Nice miniskirt and g string
Think of each 10% of affinity to increase your average damage by 2.5%
So your 90dmg ls does 96dmg on average while the other one does 106~
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Any SA mains here? I'm going through World and don't know what to farm. I've beaten Nergigante so I think I'm decently far through the main story.
Another day closer to Wilds release and the death of the worst MH game in history Rise............
Nergi switch axe is good until MR
Its called "soul"
What about armour? Farming Nergi is kind of a pain since I don't have evade extender or window plus rng decorations mean I cannot slot it in.
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Lumu from last thread is either ded or 1/16
this is the true MHF...
>didn't have much of a hassle playing through rise
>started some master rank missions and didn't have hassle either
>hr50 lets me fight "all mother"
>i eat shit
>geniune having a hassle
I don't like this fight
I'll put up another lumu later. But now I will play Monster Hunter Freedom Unite.
Kushala fighting anon I apologize for what I said yesterday, I totally forgot this shitmon has the body odour wind even when he is limping, just to be extra annoying even if you best him. Fucking hell
If you intend to jump right away in iceborne once you're done with xeno, anything is fine really. If you want some EE or power prolonger/focus you can search for armor pieces with those skills at the smithy then craft and use them until MR
Are there any mandatory skills that I will need? On a sidenote is it possible to roll out of Nerg's divebomb without getting tremored. The timing seems very tight to avoid getting one shot but when I do I'm stuck in a massive recovery animation.
>getting filtered by rise
what program do you use to make webms?
give it the shield test. Anything that deals a single tap can be iframed. Anything that tap, tap, taps is a persistent effect so don't get hit.
For me power prolonger and EE2 are the mandatory skills. I've seen others replace PP with focus, it's a matter of preference. You can get tremor resistance for the divebomb, but sheathing and superman dive is more effective, you have just enough time even if you get stunned from the roar
webm for lazys is the best convertor
just set the encode to disable audio and a 3.8mb filesize limit and it'll automatically give you a high quality webm at that file size as long as the clip isn't like 50 seconds long
anon that's just a human with some zinogre bits grafted onto them, you might have brain damage
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>only MR200 quest left for all red
Sorry for photo, save on ps4.
you really shouldn't have a hard time if you're already doing mr, narwamilf is a precursor to sunbreak's shtick
>big attack after big attack big attack after big attack big attack after big attack big attack
just go get guard 5 or use LS
should i use blast on lance or just stick to elemental?
I just use dragon for everything
This is what autism looks like
I thought everyone here played like this, not like this is a new game, just a little bit each day.

Real autism is crown hunting.
I dont crown hunt but when I get one it makes me :D
Is there a setting so that I keep shooting my bowgun by just holding down the trigger button
I just want a huntress wife that will love me and sit on my face after we finish a hunt, it's not fair
I am going to hunt a dodogama now
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It is not a larp. I have seriously been doing this since 2021. I won't share evidence of me doing it though.
I may release it moments before wilds. Maybe.
One is a weeb. One hunts so good they're probably a speedrunner. The other one always communicates and behaves in the most bizzare way possible.
Two of them are huntresses.
One of them always cover their face.
Only one of them have had their creepshtots posted here.
They rarely hunt in the rooms nowadays.
One of them is a god gunner. I have seen them doing 78% of total damage.
The weeb's weapon selection is pretty limited compared to the likely speedrunner and the bizzare person. Those two can use anything.
The weeb and the likely speedrunner's DPS usually tie, beating the bizzare person's DPS by an average of 10%. But the bizzare person's total damage done is often 20% above the rest of the regulars in average.
Have fun guessing.
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all me btw
you have a screenshot button on your fucking controller retard
Where am I in the rankings?
>I'm in the top list
I will never hunt with you faggots ever again.
this is why non mentally ill thread regulars avoid rooms
t. insecure dpslet
I can't be bothered to save the image to a twitter account or to a usb just for a throwaway post saying I am one quest away, nigger
pcheats were a fucking mistake
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>so good they're probably a runner
the dude with no name
the often DBs player with a japanese name
t. 20yo balding shitalian
Parser will always be a shitty metric to reliably gauge people's performance, especially with weapons that manage meters/charges, bad monster matchups and people just simply arriving late, missing openings or doing the thankless job of tenderizing all the time. Too many variables for parsecunt opinions to matter
Wait this doesn't track because none of these communicate in weird ways
I can't even think of someone who communicates like a weirdo unless you count the nameless guy not talking at all until you do something he dissaproves of and he spams the angry rajang sticker
>They rarely hunt in the rooms nowadays.
They'll be even more reluctant to join the rooms with you posting that shit. Thanks faggot.
Is the parser in world actually accurate? I've been playing Rise with a friend and the results we get on the dps meter are completely different
>responding to that desperate plea for attention
i don't like the follower system, it's a shitter enabler
but it's an improvement over /mhg/ rooms
Hell if I know, people just take that shit at face value
Forgot to quote>>493545609
Delete banbaro, bazel and jho from the game.
Well if it's like the one in Rise, it really underestimates everyone else's damage so you always look good compared to everyone else.
partial agree
Holy fuck, what an annoying piece of shit. Easier than the likes of Hellblade and Boltreaver as this was a (extremely shitty) first attempt clear but took longer than my successfuls of any of the Deviants. Probably should have brought Bind Resist, but w/e at least this boring ass fight is over with. That's:

Stonefist EX
Rustrazor EX
Drilltusk EX
Deadeye EX
Nightcloak EX
Hellblade EX
Boltreaver EX
Snowbaron EX

All down. Who should I tackled next /mhg/? Can't do Bloodbath yet, as some Deviants are still at high rank.
Stopped playing in the rooms whenever they did the human centipede photoshoot. there's just something wrong with people here.
Why are you replying to a post that's almost a day old you attention seeking faggot.
>beat super saiyan rose Malzeno
It's time to move onto World.
it's next exy who finally got bored of shitting up /pso2g/ and is now gonna do his thing here
don't fights typically tend to drag on?
>delete banbaro
>bazel and jho
What the fuck is wrong with you?
>1 minute left
I can relate lmao
fuck that drifting piece of shit, won't stay still for two seconds
>Have fun guessing
Don't care, won't bother + you're a faggot, just play the fucking game and stop having virtual dick measuring contests with strangers
This is actually very excellent trolling to try and derail the multiplayer rooms.
>Deleting bazel is bad apparently
Give one good reason why
OK, but where am I?
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>healthy threads and lumus
>TAs and speedruns
>monster hunter itself

pcheats ruin everything they touch
Because whenever one of these three cunts show up, and it is almost all the fucking time, I have to stop my hunt to let them beat up my target and wait for them to fuck off. It ruins the game.
won't work because the people who shitpost in the threads and the people who actually play the game are two very different sets of people
Shitposting and shitflinging doesn't increase or decrease alongside if a room is up and full or not
almost as if the people who actually play the game don't give a shit about any of this and just want to play the games
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Parser is accurate for your own damage but its inaccurate for your teammates damage and will always undervalue it.

You're not that good basically.
If you thought rabbit was an annoying piece of shit then you better gear yourself up for Crystalbeard. Shit gave me cancer and almost made me drop GU.
cool now go back and stay there
You realize that's a child right?
Not today satan
Return whence ye came
how are you supposed to avoid MR kulve poledance attack?
>join hunt
>life powder a stunned team mate who immediately gets hit again and lives
>check parser
>4% team DPS
Look up and dodge the falling gold
Look directly up at the ceiling and move accordingly.
look at the ceiling and move to where you don't see shit about to fall
that ass is too large
I'll give you three:
1. His armor
2. His theme
3. The noises he makes when he's hurt are funny
Kek. He's actually the only Deviant I haven't started any of the quest for at all. What weapon did you use anon? I'd like to assume Hammer is a tad less miserable against him by going purely for his jaw.
Adept Hammer vs Uragaan is fine. Boring as fuck but the other weapons have it bad where the only good slash hzv are near the tail.
Lv 140 Apex Seething Bazelgeuse
4. seething bazel roar after kamikaze
I caved in and used valor hbg. I use a variety of weapons and refrain from using ranged but i used and made a whole hbg set just for crystalbeard. That's how much of a piece of shit cancer he was.
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Sony wins again baby!
But Monhun isn't sony's property
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>He thinks i can't completely shift my personality whenever i hunt in the rooms
You have no idea how much of a shitposter i am in the threads. At the same time, i could just be the most chill hunter that you've been hunting with, anon.
Well, that's good to know. Might use the Gore one for it's high crit.

Damn, I see. Well, I'm going to have to end up switching weapons eventually because Hammer vs Bloodbath is probably pretty awful. Isn't Valor HBG absolutely busted in GU?
>snoy got this but had to wait two years to get Rise
Oh I'm well aware that the peopl I'm very friendly with in the room I have almost certainled called a braindead nigger in the thread at some point
Part of the social contract of 4chan is that you enter every exchange with your guard up and expecting to be an asshole to each other it's not personal
>Isn't Valor HBG absolutely busted in GU?
It is. But for crystalbeard i'd say its justified. Can't convince me otherwise. Fuck crystalbeard.
>the peopl I'm very friendly with in the room I have almost certainled called a braindead nigger in the thread
That's very rude anon.
this type of /mhg/ content makes me smile
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First attempt at Who Let the Dogs Out and ran the clock out with 2 still in play :/
Shit was crazy tho
Yeah but I'm a sweetie in the room so it makes up for it
Is that a custom quest?
I dont get counter guard are you supposed to get hit then let it the big move hit or what? Could someone explain it?
Hah, I'm not judging you. I thought about using it once myself just as a pocket weapon but took a long break from the game before revisiting it recently to start doing the EX's. I may still make one so I can join in those Brachy Charm quest and not feel left out kek.
Yeah. 2 ebony odogarons and 3 regular odogarons, all AT, in the special arena, 20min time limit.
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>he isn't a solo hunter
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Not that whore, but yes
It's called
>Who let the dogs out

There's also a quest with 5 AT Rajangs in the same arena, called "Chimp Out"
>I thought about using it once myself just as a pocket weapon
Not that anon but I'd reccomend it just because it's so fun
I hate gunning in every other game but Valor HBG is really fun even if it is braindead and ridiculously strong
When is that monster hunter puzzle game coming out I wanna play
Do these quests replace vanilla ones or add to the existing list?
if you quick press, it doesn't hold and pokes immediately. there's a 2 poke cooldown before it works again.
If you long press it holds and locks for a few seconds. If it gets hit it immediately counters and can be used again (try it on vaal puke breath, it's 3 free hits).
If it times out it will poke on its own, which is a great way to eat shit. Switch to power guard for a more controlled escape.
It just adds a bunch of repeatables to the optionals lists.
nta but if you're using valor HBG other than to charm farm or kill crystalbeard you didn't hunt
They are added to Optional Quests, they do not replace anything
>do Chimp out
>Rajangs constantly damage each other
>you only need to survive till one Rajang remains
The Kirin one is way more cursed. Throwing flashes turning your screen black with more than three monsters is also hilarious.
So its better to long press?
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>regular feet, just with three toes
lol i dunno. The quick press is an alternate way to hop hop hop poke. The long press, you're supposed to use it like insta block but it lasts 2-3 seconds so it's very low risk to use.
If a monster deals a twin combo you'll eat shit, if a teammate taps your shield you'll also eat shit. Good times.
Alright thanks for the info
Nice super sentai huntress
i'm not making a twitter account to see bad fanart
post it in the thread like a man or use 'ecker if you're a pussy
next exy is back? does that mean his boyfriend ryukishit is also back? lol your general gun die huntards brace for black posting
the only one that did black posting was you
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Wilds tummy
So pale...
Wilds better let me make a cute boy so I can make a pale femboy alongside my choco huntress
Kushala is cancer in World. I sure love not being able to move because it keeps farting out wind that traps you into a shitty animation where you are trying to recover and getting hit over and over again. That's good game design.
But also sound
I feel like every time I see this image it's got more jpeg artifacts than before
if you aren't mounting max wind aura kush you aren't living
How did they get Kushala so right in dos/FU but in every game after he's complete cancer?
nice projections faggot you going to project your cock sucking skills next, kraut?
Target camera casualised the series! A lock on function? Not my monster hunter.
AI post
Everytime I try it, it just rapes my camera
Yeah I use tap to look, not lock on.
>target lock
>camera points directly up
>the ground vanishes from view
>game about careful positioning kills player by not showing their position
Kush was ok in GU and fun in Sunbreak
The lock on in World is probably the absolute worst action game lock on camera I have ever played with. It actively fucked me over whenever I accidentally activate it.
>accidentally activate it
how the fuck does this happen
That game's so cute. I hope they port it to PC, I promise I'll be among the 5 niggas buying it Sony.
Target camera is okay, people who use focus camera are insane
Using the radial wheel. Sometimes if I need to use it quickly I'll accidentally let go of LB too soon but still click the right stick and it'll lock on.
isn't dualsense a big part of it? i doubt it'll ever happen
the knee-jerk overreaction really sells it
You do realise you can turn radial menu activation to click-to-use instead of flick-to-use? And also change target camera to tap-L1-to-look instead of lock?
I don't understand why they removed his poison gimmick and replaced it with Elderseal which doesn't even work.
because of the anime nickname? kek
yeah, everything on LB has about a full second of lag and it's absolute cancer
I do use click to use, that's exactly why it accidentally turns on the camera sometimes.
Because ummm....uuuuuh....eeerrrrmmmmm....bleh?
whats the most badass weapon for real men
so turn off the focus camera?
You can turn off the lock on feature? I remember looking through the menu and not finding any option to just straight up shut it off.
he just said you can turn it off or turn it to LOOK only instead of FULL lock on
You can turn targetting to small monsters, big ONLY, or off as well. Christ.
you don't need look on with mouse camera
the one you like the least
GS, whiffing TCS gets you all the bitches.
>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW that believe that Bazelgeuse isn't an utterly trash shitmon
concerning and scary in equal measure
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Use target camera instead of focus camera
Use the setting to target large monsters only.
That's my wife you're talking about!
Bazelgeuse's theme isn't as good as you think it is
The first 4 bars carry it and then the rest is mediocre
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Post you're extreme behemoth proof or else you're just a shitter.
I just...move the stick to point the camera at the monster
you didnt beat the game sweaty
Look I know all you older players might be a little upset or whatever but us transfolk needed this safe space. Gaming is actively hostile to us constantly so I'm so fucking glad capcom has our back and is giving us wilds so we can just be ourselves
Yeah, I played old school monster hunter games before. I played MHGU after all.

*selects striker hunting style*
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shut up
Unironically though the most exciting thing about Wilds for me so far is dressing up my guy in girly clothing.
t. faggot oldfag
I killed Kushala on my first attempt after fainting two times. The fight was shit and the final arena he went to was aids with 3 tornados being permanently up. The biggest joke was I went to see his gear and it's one of the only sources of high rank evade extender. Fuck you Capcom.
Stop shitp0sting and play the game.
yassss bitch slayyyyyyyyyyyy
I'll only care about this if the character creator is DD2 tier and I can make an actually cute boy
h u n t r e s s e s
man health boost makes all the difference against some of these tempered bastards, wish i had more slots though cb wants so many skills
Lose to Rajang
>re engine

lol or some say lmao
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Only sometimes
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All of them. Its about how you use them
God damn I love the gunlance.
Fuck you you fucking moose nigger cunt
Couple games on pc have native dualsense support
Every sony game is a failure on pc and with concord's fabulous performance you can expect that sony will stop releasing games on steam which is a good thing because i don't want to see snoy shit whenever i log in to steam
Stopping a charging Tigrex with a perfectly-timed intentional Wyvern Fire.
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Uragaan is the shittiest monster and the only one that DESERVES to be deleted from the series, there is no room in my heart for this vile creature. Even monsters like gravios or old world yian garuga deserve love through new moveset or other light novelties. Uragaan is just pure garbage, nothing to gain therefore nothing to lose if he never appears anywhere ever again. Fuck you uragaan and may your creator swallow 100 needles.
for me its insect glaive/lance/sns https://www.youtube.com/live/c6xqGMqhXiY?si=7j79UQWNmkc_6QmN
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>OG Killing Floor shitpost
is there a world pc room up already?
if not:
You gay?
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>there are still people getting skill issued by this silly mud dog
I promise you, not even retarded baby squirrels get "skill issued" by anything in rice pre-sb
...This is my wife. Say something nice about her.
Out of 10
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Towards the end of my playtime I actually started really liking Magmadron and especially the afflicted version, but I never stopped hating the shitweasel.
>clack clack
Zamites but no Zamtrios was the true crime
I miss KF so bad its unreal, the fact 3 is going to be a hero shooter brings me great pain. Its like they don't know what made the game fun in the first place. Just 24 retards killing zeds and getting dosh. Hell even KF 2 managed to get 24 player servers going.
I was about to very, very strongly agree until you said 24 player servers and not 6 man
It’s 2/16
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sns is cool
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i think my game is bugged or this guy blocked me
No its not.The X+A attack in Gen 5 is whacky shit
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i like 4th gen X+A the most
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*24 players on custom maps
Vanilla maps get super congested on servers that allow more than 6 players. But comfy custom KF1 maps with 16-32 people was so fun back in the day. Killing Floor crossover with MH leading up to Horzine creating the equal dragon weapon when??
is there any reason why you are blocking random people?
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Doubt anyone blocks random people, what did you do? Be honest.
I died to tempered arena rajang quest once 2 minutes in
Lumus have been unstable over the last couple of days
I dunno try joining again shits buggy
They were wearing layered so they got blacklisted
i triple carted in that fatalis quest
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>i'm not making a twitter account to see bad fanart
jesus christ how horrifying >>493552078
this is 7 kinds of fucked up
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Actual cinema fuck this cat is too funny
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someone post the ass webm
What the fuck is that palico lmao
Canon wyverian feet are pretty disgusting but this coomer managed to make something even worse.
Based Cervina enjoyer
Also I looked for this armour and I guess the UHPN one is custom or private??
>not mew-manity!
There’s an ass webm?
I know this account-
>longsword user
not even surprised
do monsters in World sometimes bug out? i've had a hand full of occurences now where they just started walking around the map incredibly slowly, almost looked like slow motion, and they just let me wail on them for a minute or more without reacting in any way at all. this has only happened since i installed Iceborne.
>be me, a monster in the New World
>see hunter, ignore him, I'm just foraging
>what the fuck he slapped me with a hammer
>ah fuck this isn't worth it
>shit now he's following and keeps wailing on me
>this keeps up for a good minute
>finally retaliate
>now this fucker is like waah why you bullying me
How do I get good at GS in Worlo
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I think I got it.
9/16!! get in here pals! post anything!
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How different would things be now if Gen 4 came out on Vita instead of 3DS?
wow, poison sns is so strong it even outdamages element in some matchups
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IDK what the ploblem is :|
i need this mod
fun lance fight.
don't forget to harvest its back side when it falls over, there is a huge amount of loot in its back.
Yet another based anon
I think it’s custom made
The cowkini mod is on nexus but no UHPN version
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Japanese steel... folded one mirrion times....
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yeah I looked through the comments and realized it was either paytreon or personal commission
Explain LBG (world) to me. Do I always want rapid-fire for my main ammo? And low enough recoil and reload that I can do it while running?
press a button to aim and another to shoot
hi mhg im a worldbab who's played some rise, should i buy MHGU before this sale ends? will it old-monhun-pill me?
Yeah it was. Coulda probably had an easier time if I clutch countered more, but after I got chin and tail I just hugged his dingle berries because their 100dmg pokes were just simpler than tenderizing.
sure whatever, zoomie. have fun.
No, you're better off emulating it in crispy 60 fps and with hi-res textures. You can even play multiplayer with other people who emulate.
>huge amount of loot
i'm not a zoomer i'm just a pc gamer.

but then if i wanted to go through the trouble of emulation, i could play any game in the series, making my question beside the point.
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Bros...I love my Hammer wife so much! I'm so proud of her too. She matured and got gud between Gen and Gen U!
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the loot resets when it falls down, and it can fall down a dozen or more times.
>i could play any game in the series,
Yes, you could. Anyway, the definitive experience to play GU is on the PC. Don't pay money to have an inferior experience.
Itchy Nose will be in charge of Wilds's G rank expansion.
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damn I know ichinose is no looker but compared to these goblins at least he looks human
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Good hunts! Room's like 9/16.
but then i'd instead ask which game i should emulate, not about this specific one. i already have several other emulators set up, but not a 3DS or switch emulator.
whats more fun, SA or CB?
He looks like the evil second in command from a yakuza game who you beat up before the final boss.
He looks like the kinda guy that would get cutscene'd
Just kill the fucker already holy shit
it's fun :)
>instead of this we get an ugly ass poo in loo boy in wilds
it's so over
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>S. Magala Caress
if you insist...
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He looked better with hair.
Also how come the Caravaneer gets a Halk but I don't
How tight are the twins?
I think they're honorary brothers and not twins at all
Or did you also think that they came from hell
luv me some elephant
I would've begged my parents to get me a vita
Does anyone remember the vitaposter?
already posted it retard
Point me to the post in this thread where said thing was posted.
I thought I checked the whole thread. Thanks anon.
i liked your post better anon
Wtf you thanking me for
Who gives a shit
Just post something else instead you monkey
the chad guard
the virgin evade
My vita wouldn't be sitting abandoned right now.
no need to be this snarky dear god
Thanks. For some reason /v/posters are using that game to instigate console wars whereas I just think it's a neat easter egg.

>*chips behind you*
heh, nothing personnell, kid
I was playing monhun then I got bored
this is a fucking public toilet thread
either you contribute by posting some garbage to be outraged by or you post some fun shit for others to laugh at it's not complicated you fucking monkey
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alright blocked you fucker
You're inspiring me to press on with GU, 5th is boring me as I wait for Wilds
Mind posting your Hammer set? I've bounced between Alchemy and Brave, but Adept is probably the juice I need. I don't wanna solo C Fatty again, though
Do you use max Agitator?
>unskippable credits
barefoot huntresses...
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Skippable gameplay is much worse.
was this general a thing when FU was the current game?
I think it was on /v/ back then
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/vg/ wasn't a thing back then anon. All vidya discussion happened on /v/. Monster Hunter wasn't as popular back then and didn't attract as many attentionwhores and shitposters howevermore.
would would would would
maybe would no would
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>he isn't a soles hunter
im a bastard from a bastard
I love huntresses
Can I head straight into Iceborne after beating Xeno'Jiva or will I need some gear upgrades first?
Stop shit posting and play the game. >>493560785
look at this loser who can't understand the allure of a tingling sensation on the tip of his horn that violently demolishes all forms of thin layer protection
>or will I need some gear upgrades first?
you need to go on a g rank gathering quest to mine some ore and bones and make a BONED or ORED weapon because only that will have enough DEEPS to make your first iceborne hunt not suicide inducing
Man this Puzzle game is pay to win as fuck. Reached lvl 100 and my upgrades don't mean anything. So disappointing.
This guy is >>493540661
>mine some ore and bones and make a BONED or ORED weapon
Would fully upgraded defender weapons not suffice or is it to shit to start Iceborne with?
Artillery Secret (4p RBrachy) for Gunlance.
i mean if it has more attack than boned g rank wep then go for it
Kill yourself
>thoughts on a 20% damage boost and massive wyvern fire cooldown reduction
I don't know
Same. I'm planning to get a huntress gf in wilds.
Would I be looked down upon if I use a mod to keep all my Guiding Lands zones at level 7
yeah, I'll find you IRL to mock you
that's the one form of cheating not even thread shitposters care about
A Monster Hunter game where you play as the Monsters hunting the Hunters.
I genuinely can't believe they let that guy present again and then he showed up with the most 2012 mobile app pre-alpha looking bullshit.
Will there be a love story in MH Wilds? I'm not talking about romance and dating sim I'm talking about like having a really well written love story as a side plot from the main. I just want to feel warm and fuzzy while playing the game on release.
Yes but you have to make it yourself with a huntress in the lumu
you will get to hear of the love story of a kamura huntress and her palico
they're going to show the beautiful love between a rathalos and vespoid queen while rathian watches
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Should I just keep following the research request targets for increasing my research level? Even if gives me cancer stuff like afflicted Rakna?
yeah do it
you're not some kind of pussy right
What if...what if we fuck our cats?
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wait are mantles back in wilds?
Do NOT have sex with palicos
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You can put yourself under KT to avoid it
however KT will not wait for the gold to finish falling so you must avoid KT's attack
The scandalous tale of Rathian's interracial escapades will finally be told in Wilds
it should be (embed), not [Embed]
it'd be far too hard for third worlders without them and you can't put an "EASY MODE" option because then they know they're being catered towards and will continue to complain about regular (EXTREME LONE HUNTA MUST DIE EDITION for them) mode being too difficult instead
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Sex with Aisha
Sex with Konaha
Sex with Kathy
Sex with Sophia
Sex with Mewstress
Sex with Serious Handler
Sex with Hub Lass
Sex with Hiona
Sex with Minoto
Sex with Yomogi
Sex with Fio
Sex with Luchika
Sex with Chichae
No sex with Wilds girls.
is there a video on wilds sns? maybe something like the arekkz video on glaive? although just gameplay is fine too
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Did you mean Millsy, mr. non-player?
You also forgot about Catalina
Is the live action movie any good?
No lol.
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Good hunts
no, it never happened, don't mention it ever againn
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Sometimes I wish I were a monster.
If you torrent it and watch it drunk with MH-playing friends you might have a decent evening of laughing at a shitty movie.
I thought it was fun to watch in a “lol, lmao” sort of way
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>wilds is set in india

Honestly I'm still livid that Capcom decided to respect the majority of MH gamers by having the game set on their home turf.

Ganesha monster when?
Millsy is too young! And Catalina is also called the Meowstress so I didn't forget her.
Sometimes when I'm playing gunlance I like to pretend like I'm a secret walking tank guild military project made to go in and just blow up all the monsters singlehandedly and I listen to bolt thrower when I do it

It's terrible, watch Legends of the Guild instead. It at least has some fun monster fights.
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Extra good hunts to the anon who had the super clean Alatreon hunt with me
I've been reinvigorated to go for a first phase Alatreon kill
If a run goes surprisingly well in a /mhg/ room I just assume you're cheating because the people posting here are insecure enough to
Millsy is the Mewstress
Catalina is the Meowstress, whom you did not mention
The people that play in the lumus aren't really that bad at the game, at least if you take the entire playerbase into account. If your idea of a good player is top .000001% speedrunner tier with 20k hours in every game then yeah there's no one really that good but I've gotten sub-10 hunts with people in the rooms even on some of the harder stuff.
I will never join a lumu so I can pretend to be an ultra efficient murder machine
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how big of a deal is the multiplayer intended health pools for the hubs in Freedom Unite, 3U, 4U, and GU if you're playing solo? I'm kind of sick of Rise and World and want to play with some more methodical combat, but I'm not incredibly good at thing games and I'm worried these hunts solo will take like 20 minutes each
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I hunt solo, teammates would only slow me down.
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idk how many people there were... probably 6+
Lumu kicked me out again and I've been playing really bad anyway
Want to say good hunts, but feels like all I did was make things worse for everyone else today
>20 minutes
Some will take you 40+.
Ghillie is confirmed
As for others... time will tell
I think Vitality and Bandit and Challenger are a given
I use level 5 despite having level 7 available because I couldn't fit it with other skills
>I'm kind of sick of Rise and World

>Want to say good hunts, but feels like all I did was make things worse for everyone else today
Don't be a bitch
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The variance is pretty big honestly. I've been playing through MHFU again these past few days and a lot of monsters like Rathian or Rajang will just melt in 5-10 minutes, but then in the same level of quests a dual Diablos or Gravios will take 30-40.
>an italian cheese
That's the number 1 that comes up whenever this cosplay is posted. It's part of the lore now like mexican Tigrex.
It's just for fun dude. Most of the people playing have hunted every monster dozens or hundreds of times, so just have fun. Just don't be a lance guy running everyone down or pierre flying in and smacking everyone in the face every two seconds.
Why am I so shit that I can't get a sub 5 minute kill on Tempered Teostra
it's pretty much guaranteed that piss mantle will return
>It's part of the lore now
if artbooks aren't the lore then some shit reddit cosplay isn't
Stop shi tposting and play the game >>493560785
Kill yourself
At this point I'm convinced you don't play any of the games yourself
bro? your headlock?
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Fuck you nigger
depending on how far back you go, its still the same thing you are doing, just in shorter intervals because of the animation lag

GU and 4U you shit out enough damage with the right build that hub quest HP pools aren't that big of a deal, unless you are fighting the siege monsters like Nakaros and Dahren Mohren
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>40 minute Gravios quest
nvm I'll just stick to slop I guess
>dodging filters
You're basically just a concern troll at this point
Why do all the weapons and armour in world look like shit?
the only nigh impossible ones off the top of my head are freedom 1 four horns, 4U gogmazios and tri jhen
to my knowledge, all or most of the other sieges are fair (although for some you might want fortify/adrenaline+2
crimson/white fatties are horrible artificial difficulty cancer in freedom unite because of their armour mode, requiring bombing skills and the alchemy guide
sns can solo FU ukanlos in 12 minutes, p3rd ukanlos in 8, i dont believe any regular monsters are particularly troublesome in guild except the four horns quest mentioned (dual high rank diablos with full health each using only low rank gear)
3U and FU are filled with tons of shitmons that drag down the solo aspect
I want Wilds to have a super unironic complete edgelord monster with a death metal theme.
I don't trust Capcom's sound team to mix distorted guitars with how bad they sound in Zinogre and Astalos' theme
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Capcom, hurry the fuck up and tell us if we (human hunter men) can have sex and breed Wyverian women. It's very important.
>depending on how far back you go, its still the same thing you are doing, just in shorter intervals because of the animation lag
Really I meant I don't like how fast paced everything is in Rise, and World pace in fine desu but I only like maybe 5 monsters in the entire roster including Iceborne. I want something with a roster like Rise but not built with the intention you're just going to do like 10 quests in 30 minutes and put it down
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Luchika, why?
Will you guys love me again once Wilds is here? *looks into your eyes demurely*
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yeaaa big crab down
You, as her husband, should have kept her better in check.
Pluck your eyes and shove it up your eyes as makeshift beads, then I'd consider it
Exactly. Tigrex never had a mustache because it's not canon to the official sources.
Over the years my recommendation for classic MH has definitely narrowed down to 4th. It's crazy just how much crap there was in older gens that could be trimmed down or replaced wholesale.
You're describing GU, then
When people say it's easy, they're running the most broken style/arts combinations possible. Guild [Anything] and don't use Absolutr Readiness/Evasion
So just don't do that (and also speedrun LR because it's a waste)
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I can't fathom people who use every single hud option
Clean that shit up
soloing FU ive inly really had trouble with gravios, blos and tigrex
in 3rd gen, they ruined raths and made them pure concentrated anus juice to fight compared to the fair and engaging 1-2 gen raths
but other than them idrk any 3rd gen shitmons
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>>dodging filters
>You're basically just a concern troll at this point
Literally everyone avoids hunting with her and you still ask
lance in FU feels kinda bad tbdesu
You think Luchika is stable enough to ever settle down and get inseminated by natural means?
I think I'm going to start shitposting and not play the game
dunno about the other guy's but my filter is still undodged, you need to polish up those regex skills
>Pluck your eyes and shove it up your eyes
Huh? *cocks head in confusion*
>besarios, gravios
>black diablos
>rathalos (first game where I despise hunting it)
>rusted kushala
Yes please do it's such a good investment one post and sometines you earn 3-4 (You)s. Here look.

Rise is shit. World is bad.
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Stop abusing traps.
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Your favorite monster is Gore Magala, who’s your favorite monster?
I'm thinking gore magala
Stop wanting to fuck monsters.
Luchika is untameable
>doing this same meme at different timezones
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i want the monster to fuck ME
Luchika being a loose cannon is exactly why she is the only must have in my follower set up.
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My favorite monster is actually this guy.
>gs clips through rajang hands

Nice quality control, riseys.

That's a very unflattering image of dinovaldo. He looks like a mongoloid kid trying too hard to be edgy
Because I legitimately am able to ignore it very easily.
You did remind me to turn off the text around the switch scroll though.
Because it's funny.
I want to be the monster that fucks
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Will there be less gay hunters when wilds releases or no?
There will be more, unfortunately
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He always looks edgy anon.
i really agree with this
GU is honestly pretty perfect, and challenging if you ignore the bing (arts & styles)
4th gens gameplay but with good controls and more/cooler content
lance seems to work just fine on this guys machine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHs7C0EcciQ
i disagree with lavasioth and rusted
rathalos can be tough with the insta charge but i much prefer this iteration of los over the updated one
Yeah but not retarded like the previous image. This one is better.


I dunno maybe because it's a Stories model and looks childish?
thank you
evade lance looks so fucking stupid like
>uhh you didn't hit me because I hopped 2 feet while your giant ass expanding tusks clipped through lmao
I really hope they start drafting Americans and Englishmen for WWIII before Wilds releases. Imagine how good the rooms will be with those two demographics gone.
They ruined him World. Why did they wash out all the colours?
How the actual fuck dos part breaking work? No where I've looked has a good answer as to whether all damage for an element break needs to be all element or if you just need to do any element damage at all. This stupid nigger Blangonga is getting on my last nerve and I just want to get ONE fang and never fight this faggot again.
the only people playing monhun are too fat to join the army so that will do nothing
chaos gore
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I'm broke, yet again
Figured he would've had the evasion up skill but he didn't. Very nice.
I WILL blast you with my gunlance and you WILL like it
All Magala variants are my favourite mainline monsters alongside Malzeno and Magnamalo.
Oh they'll force those fatties into boot camps. Imagine a room free from a specific english troon. Ah a girl can only dream
Fix it
Why is Shaggy so jacked in Sunbreak?
check 1:17, blocking works too
blangongas fangs require 1 point of fire damage to become breakable
any gunlance can do the trick with 1 shell and then repeated attacks to his face
he's muscle have RISEn
>convert points into armor spheres
>sell armor spheres
no longer broke
>buy 1 weapon upgrade
I am broke yet again
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Part of me will miss dangos...
The armor sets of the Risen EDs are so cool! Terrible shame we'll probably never see them in another game.
so true, i hate mangos and i hate mise
Playing frontier really puts into perspective how braindead and unfun counters in mainline are
why can't join any kt lobby? keep getting that mw error?
how do you even know what to do in frontier with how useless the translation is? i am not learning moon runes
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It doesn't stop there
you will need it
fuck that run
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The timing for the jump in Behemoth hunts is very strict! Stay alert and have a fun hunts ^~^
based multiplayer shenanigans fun haver
i have never fought behemoth in my thousands of hours
i kept saying this for years, GU and Rise are frontier but bad
taking 5 damage for 5 seconds of iframes? That's a good deal, thank your fellow hunter for their help.
clutch claw made it twice as broken. now it's pure cbt.
>hiding your name but exposing the others in the lumu
coward behavior, dante
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BEST Entry
BEST Monster
BEST Weapon

Simple as.
I don't know how MMOfags deal with that shit. Behemoth is one of the most unfun monsters they've ever made and even it is complete babby mode compared to some of the autistic raid fights in MMOs.
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He has always been jacked
I've realized Rise is only fun if you know how and are willing to play multiple different weapons. If you just play one weapon, you really start losing the conviction to do anomaly stuff
me on top
>rise is only fun if you play the game
don't remember the translation to be unusable, perhaps you got the wrong patch
>BEST Entry
freedom unite
>BEST Monster
cant bring myself to pick just one.
zinogre, mizutsune, copper blangonga are all great but so are many others
>BEST Weapon
you are a good father helping your son learn to fly like that
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Should've never existed. Forced harcore difficulty spike and gacha tier farming ruined Rise.
I want to play monhun but no energies... pls send help
>difficulty spike
Skill issue
>gacha tier farming
gachabrain nigger + doesn't want to hunt monsters + you don't need the qurio to play the game, right? just like the you don't need the birds
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Sending you energy via the interbuttz
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"loss of conviction" is not an excuse for Not Hunting The Monster
What happened to your knight? Did he get buttfucked by Diablos and bleed out?
Big hunter muscles...
You don't "need" to keep the kusoge installed either
is it true FF developers designed this fight? kek
this is literally from 6 years ago and they were not from lumus (literally SOS)
In frilly battledress armor?
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Must hunt... no. no energies... not sleepy, ate foods, drinked waters... had a sodey-pops incase was caffine withdrawls but no...
l-lumu... c-carry me.. onigai...shi...masuuuuuuuuu.............
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Are you a cat?
I'm onto you ubel
No Im peoples
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what subculture is she supposed to represent
The kind that cant touch up their fucking roots every now and then
idk but i hate her
Breedable white girl
token non-poopgolem character to try and prove that wilds isn't all ugly third worlders
post some huntresses for anon's energies
just chug energy drinks like any normal person, we aren't seeing heaven anyway
A 10/10 in the UK, a 4/10 everywhere else.
Im about to give up on mhw.
Not able to join any sessions at all, and joining quests works maybe 20% of the time.
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works on my machine
She's not exactly a 10 but where the fuck do you live where that's what an average 4 looks like?
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>the one white woman in india
Its like this for all my friends trying to play with me too, so no, it doesnt.
San Diego
100/10 in india
Yes predty bby, pls show bobs and vagene
When I play Monster Hunter, I'm never horny. I never think about sex when I'm hunting monsters.
Getting an erection distracts my hunting capabilities.
I am not joking, nor being ironic. This is all true.
india and the uk are the same place, like ireland and the uk
this nigga needs to hit the gym stat
im thin as a cracker yet i absolutely mog this guy
I've seen the mexican hambeasts you harbor over there.
Being white means you mog practically all asian men by default.
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how to say you're American without saying it
he doesn't eat big (watery ass soup and one slice of fish per meal) and probably does 5 hours of cardio everyday
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Lol he looks based.
I hope not a single monster hunter game is ever released on a shitty subpar tendie console ever again, if their baby game console can't run a game without having it look like it's running on lowest settings then it shouldn't run it at all
She kinda has that ugly anglo pig face, but like, gotta be inclusive and cant have attractive women in games in the current year+9
>no drinking
>yeah you look 18 I guess, I've been drinking too
yeah totally the same u dingbat, you learn about the world from /pol/?
anglo pig girls are cute as long as they stay fit
i think rise looks fine on pc
is the bird animation used when you don't have active quests while the cart ones when you do?
Those are called butterfaces
I play GS and hate Sunbreak
I play GS, but not very well
St op sh itp os ting a nd pl ay t he gam e. >>493560785
I play GS and love Sunbreak
post weapon usages
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i love butterfaces like i love mob face
i can't believe this day would come but i have to admit that odogaron sluts > kirin sluts
I kneel
I don't know why but it just feels like I can barely use it in Rise, even after getting Strongarm Stance
Just buy a PC already
if it helps I'm only decent with the weapon and just play for fun. I mainly use Hunting Edge and Surge Slash cause i enjoyed GU's aerial GS very much. Tho the only things i really hunt are Rathalos and Zinogre. Just recently aquired stockholm syndrome thx to joining random hunts so i love Risen Valstrax.
nah it's okay. Would be nice to play with PCbros but it's all good.
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I wish I was a Surge Slash enjoyer but I just can't get into it. Strongarm is strong for sure but it's inconsistent and not very fun desu
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>Would be nice to play with PCbros
how do you all have so many hunts
I like the vidyagaem
autism, unemployment, cheating, or a mix of these
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do i get hunter ranks for killing shit in the guiding lands?
Anon thats normal.
Im a complete gooner but im not attracted to huntresses or monsters.
The girls in this series are not sexy in game.
I think they are a bunch of very short hunts as compared to longer ones especially in multiplayer situations
I only hunt for at maximum 2 hours a day
FU is brutal like that, I need a smoke after every hunt that takes more than 20 mins

Thats about 2/3rds of them
nice nice
>I wish I was a Surge Slash enjoyer but I just can't get into it.
it's understandable. Honestly took awhile to get into it myself as it was kinda hard to aim, but Zinogre trained me to actually enjoy it.
also yeah i really do not like Strongarm Stance in the slightest, and because of how other GSers play it online cause of the barrel bomb trick, makes me not even want to give it a chance. Opinion might change on it but i think imma just stick with Hunting Edge/Advancing Charge Slash
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Jesus, I wish I could main a weapon this hard. I sadly have a tendancy to either get bored or frustrated and try something different.
thats a more reasonable amount of hunts, thank you
I'm...not the only one?
This general has hope?
play the game daily, these guys don't have 999HR 999MR for nothing and it takes a year between base game to DLC to new base game
hunts take around 8 minutes on average it's not hard
Yes stupid, I also hunt monsters to fight monsters and ignore the women
>the rare Variant Weaponer
As a die hard mainer every game, I'm shocked and in awe.
sissy newfag leave
Why are you brown?
>Variant Weaponer
you mean a Kishōshu /mhg/er
NTA but I also focus on hunting when I'm playing the game. I also don't understand the concept of horny stuff in games/porn games because when I'm fapping I want to focus on fapping and when I'm gaming I want to focus on gaming. Doing both at once feels like you're trying to balance resources in an RTS game.
hunts take on average 25 mins until endgame grind where they take between 5 mins to 15
I'm often listening to music when i have monster hunter sessions, and time just flies right on by without thinking. I just really enjoy Monster Hunter.
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Hammer looks fun, but is it good?
Huh, they made LR Kirin skippable
I should probably do that before HR
>cant even say anything funny
>"w-why are you brown" as a comeback
Yeah you'ren't fitting in, go back
it's good for raptors and brutes
which game?
Yes, now show feet and butthole
yes, it is very good
GU, I have one in 10* but the LR village Kirin was bundled into the "fight all the past flagships" tier and overlooked
Why is it called freedom united? What's free and who's united?
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Thats whats so good about Hammer
It's fun AND good
>which game tho-
Every game
take up a trip
Id hammer her(ifyouknowhatimsaying)
That's an axe
Hammer has been in the lower 50% of weapons for like 15 years
that isn't to say it's bad or unfun, it's just a fact
it is one of two weapons that I use
stop using dumbass mods
what other weapons are good in every game?
i knew it was GU.
yeah, think even has one quest in Artic Ridge where you just grab the flag and place it at the top and Kirin spawns there too.
Think alot of the elder dragons...huh...actually i don't think a single elder bar Nakarkos/Athal-Ka (and lao i guess...) is required to hunt. I didn't realize that until now.
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It's a great sword.
It's the name of the guild bank which you are sending your guild fees and monster kills to, goy
But it identifies as a hammer
Shagaru is an urgent and might be a key in 10 because I haven't done it yet
the flag looks like fun yeah
did you just assume its damage type in current year? that'll get ya cancelled anon
why do i keep fucking forgetting he's an elder.
maybe it's cause of how easy he is, idk.
bro your skin texture,,,,,,,,,
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good honts
how do make divine protection go pass 3?
morld set bonus from gold rath or fatty
fatty armor or goldain
what appears in your mind
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sir your edge is showing.
I need to burst fire
>And I think it's gonna be a long, long time
>'Til touchdown brings me 'round again to find
>I'm not the man they think I am at home
>Oh, no, no, no
>I'm a rocket man
>Rocket man
>Burning out his fuse up here alone
Ok, so... Im guessing I want max stun... but anything else deco wise other than the normal +atk +affinity shit I should make to include? Its a para hammer if that matters. Feel like Id get the good para procs with base, not sure if +para would be worth it as the mons start building up more resistence/shorter para duration. But then again if Im going full stun, like, fuck it, ya know? More para and just keep em locked down. So idk which way to go with that.
When I played GU I had to backtrack from G2 quests to go and find the elder dragons.
There are some advanced quests from villager requests that are the only way to unlock them
The annoying little brother that your friend's mom makes you hang out with
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Keep reaching for that rainbow, Funlanceer
they show up in low rank and high rank hub, they just...rotate...
but yes they do show up as advanced quests in village, you are correct
t. had to get teostra webbing to make Brachy's GS (the Myxo Demolisher)
>tfw almost got my friend into monhun
>tfw almost got his lil bro into monhun by all 3 of us playing together
bruh if only
I see the next big fuck off attack coming my way that im to slow to avoid so im forced to tank it
can i enter the room
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>this is in my dragon CB
Ok, but do it like a wrestler entering. What song's blasting?
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Anything you need, /mhg/? No mess?
Im kinda surprised we haven't been tossed in the /trash/ yet
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You knew what your where getting into when you pick a new gen weapon, you deviant
NTA but:

Obligatory wrestler smack:


I like to use Adept GS using something with poison. Lv 3 charge swings for days.
I see my slow ass stake popping out of my gunlance when the monster has already moved to the other side of the map. I see it fall to the ground and see the slinger ammo reappear as I know I have to sheathe my weapon, pick up the ammo and load up the stake all over again
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glad to finally have my favorite set in the series. unfortunately no unique tigrex cb but the nergi one fits it nicely.
the cape clipping through my weapon looks retarded though...
not enough porn here, honestly
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Far from it, we need to ERP a lot more
what monster is that?
Damn, bro, calm down. You dont have to convince me to stay I away from it. I was already never gunna use it.
The split thread is in there tho
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Good Lord Almighty, I do ever so wish nohunter breaks one of my big fat horns, that'd be embarrassing~
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>join hunt
>will not stop flashing him when he's already landed
>flash him every time he does a big attack, making me miss
>sometimes 3 flashes go off at the same time
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I love huntresses
Caesar Zepellidrome
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Other, worser things have stuck around so we're never going to be /trashed/. /tf2g/ was way worse multiple times over than the worst this thread has been (during the lul between end of sunbreak and anything about wilds) and they were never thrown out once
Fear of Rathalos hunts still persist to this day
you have the one with Nergi and the guy playing Bowgun? cause that's how it felt fighting Zinogre
i die inside when people flash deviljho because he tends to spam the side tackles with the huge mobile hitbox that's easy to dodge, but comes out quickly and makes him more difficult to hit
This but mhg quest pack and someone flashes so everyone goes fucking blind.
Should I upgrade my weapon and armor a couple of times first before doing Primordial Malz? Is that how it worked at the time the content was released?
how come sometimes when you flash pod in a modded quest, the whole world turns darkness?
i can't think of any reason why you wouldn't want bigger numbers before beginning a new quest
You don't know how bad /vg/ threads can actually get and also there's already a /trash/ MH thread anyway
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>female mizutsune
if you held to the right, you would've missed the bomb and got your cross slash out
Fuck shen gaoren
NTA but I've been to /gig/. i know how fucking uninhabitable shit can get.
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fuck yeah
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My switch file is much further along.
u lej
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Ty for the hunts.
I can't make out anything you're trying to say.
I know right, the soapy cum is half the appeal
its 2010's UK slang for "You Legend*
Is the lumu dead?
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Why do you guys love playing as women?
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Because I want to be a girl?
>UK lingo
>when UK is asleep
I have a cosplay fetish
I don't?
I kick anyone who plays as a female
if you've ever kicked anyone you're not welcome here
Fucking based
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The ale makes us awake
it makes us STRONG
yep thats a kicking and a blacklist for you
No that's the Switch Axe dragon phial. CB has impact and element phials. Not the same.
Because my dick likes sexy women but I fucking HATE women, so we compromise by looking at sexy fake women
Can you not be a "M" nigger for one day?
I know you physically cant, but ill say it anyway
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Hey guys let's play MHW (PC) and MHP3rd (PS Vita) today guys :)
imagine being a fragile little faggot that actually kicks
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I don't
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post MEN
Only if you boot all the skinwalkers trying to play "WOMEN"
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Shute the fuck up

Please.... shut the fuck up

No one fucking asked
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Here's another perspective of that hunt
This >>493608350 but unironically
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I REALLY don't though
i don't
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>missed the lumu
it's over, time to drink until I fall asleep
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Peniskin (biomale) reportan
mizutsune on multiplayer is a massive shitshow holy fuck
>he doesn't like playing "catch the mizutsune"
Jokes aside i discovered how fucking horrible it is to fight an afflicted Royal Ludroth.
Who knew that fucker had even more mobility than old world barioth?
>he isn't a soap hunter
Im doing that but while playing world. Wanna do some fun hunts?
I'll join for a few if you make one.
what's the best weapon to play drunk?
will do after this sos
I concur with gunlance
What do I stink of Alatreon
Really good fight but Escaton ruins it
you did a good job containing alatreon's stench!
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pls direct me to the PC Iceborne room, i just got back from work, thank
haha uhhhhh
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MHW pc lumu roomu
I may have carted 20 minutes in to Escaton because I broke both horns but didn't kill in time.
Then I came back down, hit him once for like 16 and won.
ffmpeg and anki to remember the commands and arguments.
lance with guard 5
ok, nice. Just finished my drin kso gonna go burn one then Ill be there for team lance
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Q1. Is Alatreon really THAT miserable with Gunlance?
Q2. What's the best LOOKING Gunlance (besides Metal Rath)
Basic Iron
Alatreon is kinda just miserable regardless
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Im not a huge fan of the fact that something always needs to come out and bother me when I am farming for shrooms or weeds.
The dark-skinned cutie handler is awesome doe.
I like the gajalaka gunlance
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she is very cute yeah. Quirky too, in a good way.
*trips the shit out of you with LS*
Hah, you have no one else to blame but yourself for not using flinch-free. Now pay the deco tax, unslot that handicraft gem and put in flinch-free :)
I fought him with Lance, SnS, and Hammer and it was an alright fight
Only 2 of each big monster will spawn per forest trip so murder/capture them both and then farm
give up farming if you've unlocked every large monster spawn btw
>join urgent quest
>quest leader is running around grabbing skibidi bugs for buffs
>gets them all
>abandons quest

Now i'm all alone against someone else's Valtrax
You ever play MH single player
Is it still fun
Feel like I missed the boat. I haven't played any MH since Tri and Wilds is going to be on ps5 so I can't go that either
I hope they add that shock absorber deco from Rise into Wilds. So the trippers need to make a sacrifice for their careless play not the ones getting bothered by a bad player.
no PC?
1. All of world is miserable with gunlance
2. Malzeno
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Most of us played MH solo prior to World...everyone should progress the story solo to actually get good at the game. Leave the co-op for farming, sieges or just when you feel like helping people.
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I've never da'd so much owari b4
Play on PC or Xbox (lol) if you don't have a ps5
if you don't have a ps5, xbox, or pc i assume you have a switch so just play GU or Rise
There is some insane struggle going on in the join requests for Rise. First time doing it but people going through it on some of these monsters
Does unlocking a "Secret" setbonus automatically grant me that level of skill or do I still need to slot it into the level to get the bonus?
Like how Brachydium gives Artillery Secret but no levels in Artillery
Stick with GU and Rise on Switch then. They...play quite differently to World, Tri and Wilds so keep that in mind.
Make the new thread
World Gunlance is pretty fun imo
It's a bit weaker with the slurry of mods I have (no clagger especially) but still very fun
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Well here you go, dipshit. Here it is, the most autistic image I have on my entire computer. He isn't Sonic anymore, call him Sonigger, actually, call him daddy. Sonigger the Daddy Hedgehog.

He's your highschool bully, everyone on the campus loves him and cums to the mere sight of him, even the ones that run in fear the moment they catch a whiff of the rancid rotten fried chicken skin rotting inbetween his giant sweaty toes.

He literally just shot some poor student in the head with his golden glock, "popped a cap in his ass" as he calls it. And everyone still fucking adores him, everyone in your school is gooning it to his asshole, his cock, and his massive fucking feet that leave rancid craters in the floor.

Look at all his fucking bling that literally just says the word "FART". I am being so fucking generous by posting this and letting you see it, it's an edit that I made myself personally. And y'know something funny? I didn't even make it for the retard shaming kink, I literally just have a lot of weird fetishes that compile into this bizarre/extreme image I made for myself. I probably jacked off to it like once or twice and thought "hm, this is a little too weird". But not for you, it's fucking perfect for you. The most retarded image ever seen.

Fucking goon to it, I want to see so many (You)s on this image, this is the pinnacle of fucking autism and you absolutely adore it, you can't live without Sonigger the Daddy Hedgehog, save this image and make it your desktop background, and show it to me, you'll keep pumping and gooning your fucking grey matter into oblivion and you'll fucking thank Sonigger the Daddy Hedgehog for it.
I guess that's appropriate for an SOS flare.
If you have to mod it for fun, it wasn't fun.

You still have to slot in the skill. Secret just uncaps a skill's max rank.
slot it in
if secret gave you every skill level, fatty armor would be no different than 1 hit 999999 damage
new bread:
5th Legiana and still no frost sac.
It's difficult since I am on keyboard and have shit equipment, but sure.
No mods on the GL itself anon, but clagger removal really hurts GL the most

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