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Anchovies Best Pizza Topping Edition

>Steam Page

>Where to give feedback and report bugs:

>How do I git in?
Respond to the invite anchor with your Steam Profile. You need to accept a friend request to be invited, so don't be autistic.

>How do I git gud?
Do the tutorial, get a feel for heroes in sandbox mode, explore public item builds, play bot matches.

Additional Resources:
>Unofficial Wiki
>New Player Guide
>Advanced Movement Guide

Haze is a miracle of the universe and the perfect wife.
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Invite Anchor
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Sex with Abrams
Half the heroes don't even have a lore reason for wanting to partake in the humiliation ritual.
Love anchovies on pizza
Why do these fuckers speak with french accent
Mo and Krill are such a weird character to me. Not so much in their kit but the fact that they're two characters sharing an HP bar, because you can straight up shoot Krill and can even get headshots on Krill specifically.
toons to put kelvin in his place?
shiv is way too op, last three games I have just singlehandedly stomped enemy team and won the game
What causes greed like this?
Recommend me a trans friendly hero to play, deadtards.
dotard players that haven't yet realized that the lane creeps dont fuck around and do a lot of damage to heroes with low resistances.
do you guys play every hero, or just stick to a choice of three to try to master?
imagine if you could just kill mo or krill and they would continue with limited abilities
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>finish this long as fuck game
>bebop sends a "gg to kelvin and the 5 retards"
What did he mean by this
I just tick every one of them that I'm at all interested in play, no point trying for mastery in a fucking alpha
Its another game where if you don't pick tank you lose
It's got nothing to do with mastery. I just play heroes I like and often times I'm in the mood for one hero over others.

I haven't even played any of the negro heroes even once
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Who's the best lane janny?
Also, I started buying healing rite when I'm in a 1v1 lane and find it extremely useful if I'm not on a hero with an easy early self-heal
I'm guessing Kelvin was the only one smart enough to buy a debuff remover vs a farmed bebop.
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>kill Mo
>Krill's monke instincts take over and he starts moving with the agility of a Titanfall pilot, wallrunning and slide jumping at 200mph
>vindicta and talon on his team
fortunately in this game everyone can be a tank
forgot to hide the match id bro
Mo&Krill fan art makes me want to play him but playing him seems so humilating
all things being equal losing your lane should probably lose you the game

but I've been down in networth after laning many times only to eventually overtake my opponent because they made poor decisions later on

maybe one day I'll be good enough to get to a MMR bracket where that isn't the case but I see it even in 'high rank' games where giving up a few kills early gets more or less paid back later by having good game sense. for how often people seethe about laning, it doesn't really seem important except for maybe losing your shop too early.
Nah he was killing everyone by using his ult while turning into a slime cube, which was really annoying. I just put a wall on him when he did that later on which helped me die less.
Do you really want to watch a 50 minute match of total shitters going at it? The funniest part was paradox getting stuck inside a building and the slime man having to slowly kill her through the wall
Hearing Krill react to Mo getting killed would just make me sad. Same with viceversa
Bebopbros, I've been using Double Bomb, but honestly, it's kind of a meme. What builds should I go with? I've tried the most popular one, but the item choices don't seem quite right and then the rest are all double bomb.
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Who does Ivy actually synergize with?
presumably the game tries to balance teams since you don't get to change your character after the game starts, so it's really not anyone's fault if there's 'no tank'

but also I feel like you could build tanky on half the cast if you really needed to. like what are the odds you get a team of all squishies
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they need to make it so that whoever she is carrying is silenced and disarmed
Nighstalker when?
I keep the pool I queue with pretty small (3-5 heroes selected with 1-3 on top prio) but I rotate the heroes somewhat based on how I'm feeling so overall I'd say I play roughly half of the roster occasionally.
doesn't work anymore, her carry target gets their outgoing damage cut by half now.
at best you can reposition him after the initial use i guess.
they already nerfed it so carried allies deal only 50% damage, how the fuck do you still complain about ivy seven
Ivy and Dynamo can be hilarious with coordination because black hole will pull enemies along with you.
You really don't need a build with bebop, just hit hooks and spam as many active items as you can and you will contribute as much as a bebop can.
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>Bebop hooks an ulting Seven into the team
>Haze is already screaming at him in mic before the hook finishes
Duel of the fags
i told myself i'd never report anybody except for cheating but sweet baby jesus this person is the worst player i've ever played with and i'm "high mmr"
>russian on haze refuses to play with the team a single time all game, never going to boss just hiding in a sidelane farming kills until we lose
Abrams ult seriously needs a QOL overall, this shit is so frustrating to use.
>try to ult in lane
>get caught on a sign sticking out of a building, waste ult
>try to ult through window
>get caught on the catwalk, waste ult
>try to ult near walker
>get caught on the bridge, waste ult
>try to ult in mid to deny shard
>get caught on the edge of the ceiling hole, waste ult
It would be so cool if you could actually use this ult to leap overtop buildings or through gaps and catch enemies by surprise, but in its current state you can only reliably use it while you're completely out in the open and even then nothing is guaranteed. If the ability gives me a giant blue "YOU ARE GOING TO LAND HERE" circle as my only form of targeting then I should actually fucking land there. And it's not just the landing, the ult is basically useless if there's anything above you since it'll block your camera and make it impossible to target.
don't forget
>wraith appears out of stealth and ults me at the apex of the leap
this happens more often than it should
>1 - 22 as haze
>7 - 21 as abrams
how the fuck do people die over 20 times
how the fuck do people die 10 times
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it's always the haze that griefs, they either feed or dont play with team
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What do you think the average IQ of this place is?
Sometimes if you lose lane as Haze you just eat shit for the rest of the game and are constantly trying to play catch-up in a map with no farm left on it. You should be happy he has 24 assists. That is, unless he was being a retarded toxic rager Russian on comms blaming his teammates, then he can suck cock.
Deadlock? 60IQ
Jacob Lash is an asshole.
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There is a NON-ZERO amount of gays in this thread and I don't like that.
Typical bulletslut behavior. Happens often with Wraith players too.
i stopped playing him after i lost two kills cause my ult landed on top of a phone booth instead of my two targets.
they should really improve the trajectory estimator so it actually shows where you're going to land or just get rid of the collision-based calculation and basically teleport him to the destination that you clicked.
Professional testing has determined my IQ to be around 120-130. The only reason I'm a neet posting here on 4chan is because I refuse to work. I gamed the system to support me while I do whatever I want.
That explains why you've been fucking your hand your whole life.
What tangible benefits would female companionship grant me that I can't already provide myself through porn and masturbation?
Why so defensive?
moleman is cool but the little faggot gremlin on his back needs a redesign
>Do you really want to watch a 50 minute match
uh yeah? i got nothing else to do
Is the respawn timer dictated by team deaths or game duration?
Guys how the fuck do I make webms?? Under 4MB is impossible
should be a bossy cute girl
I just use his ult to occasionally get to cut someone off and not build it at all
>install ffmpeg
>download webm for lazys
>4mb limit size
>high quality enable
that's it
record at a lower FPS
Reduce resolution to 720p or lower
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Erm, /dlg/ is a LIBERAL general.
It's cancer and McGinnis is most likely to be scrapped and redone with Yamato.
>warden/bebop/pocket team
Easy debuff remover pick
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Whatever makes you sleep tight at night
my auto 4chan webm maker keeps making them at under 3 MB instead of 4 MB and it's upsetting
Does debuff remover get rid of cage?
>high risk, low reward
>.WEBM for retards
I haven't tried, but I know it should at least counter flask
i hope they redo all the uninteractive bullshit in the game right now
>mcginnis wall
>kelvin ult
>yamato ult
all need to go
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None of these even do anything. I hate this complicated shit.
Just tested in sandbox, it seems to clear it both before it traps you and during, not sure if worth it just for him though, escaping the area is really easy and if you can't escape it I doubt debuff remover would save you.
the fuck did you download nigga, don't tell me you started those exes oh nonono
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Shark hero when?
>erm actually that wouldn't fit into the artstyle and lore
Doesn't stop a booger kelvin recolor from being related to the ocean faction somehow.
I made this guide for the Elden Ring thread, but the same principles apply
should be Mercy or Kiriko instead of tracer
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viscous is a lot of fun
>enemy on highground
>punch wall behind them
>they fall right into my team
he's just a shittier kelvin
Of all characters in the game I think McGinnis needs a rework the least, her kit is super straightforward and obviously meant to have a low skill floor. If an assassin closes in on her she just instantly melts
Some half baked hero ideas I had

Hero 1: Basically a pain to duel 1v1
>Skill 1: Passive: Attacks chance to crit or maybe a meter that fills up deals extra damage, kinda like Haze but burst damage.
>Skill 2: Active that removes stuns/snare/slow,
>Skill 3: Active that targets enemy or ally and you get lifesteal/spirit steal from their attacks
>Ult: ???

Hero 2: Melee Diver
>Skill 1: Dash forward with damage. Go through small walls or something for surprise ability. As level up you gain movement speed after the dash, has charges.
>Skill 2: AoE melee slash. Heals for damage dealt like Mo & Krill 1
>Skill 3: Throwable Smoke Screen, slows enemies in area. As level up can see enemy outlines or something.
>Ult: ???

Hero 3: An Ult that changes forms and skills, like Dragon Knight

Hero 4: Undying from Dota. Someone who heals a lot and pushes with summonable minions. Heals with creeps around in late game.
how do I win as viscous in laning phase, I think I'm building wrong
that is just not true
kelvin is bad cause his beam makes him stop attacking, viscous can actually shoot people while he slows them
pretty sure Dota gets up to like 90 seconds respawn
take some orange items, shoot people, max Q
use Q and right click if they hide behind corners
remember to heal with W
Doesn't count.
kelvin's ult is superior to viscous, outright stopping enemy teams from going for rejuv if he's alive. his slow beam is the best peel/single target CC in the game, and the ricochet beam build is also really fucking stupid good. his icewalk lets him gank from all angles and is strictly superior than gooball. and then his nade slows (and heals for no reason). kelvin also has a strictly superior gun.
yes but consider the following, viscous is fun and kevin isn't

all that matters
why would you max melee damage on viscous?
when your character starts whining about you being out of position or how you should check on your teammates do change what you're doing or keep at it
fist yourself up to the bridge and spam your Q at anyone close enough whenever both spells are on cd. played against a viscous a few days who doing this and it fucked me up. felt like his Q had infinite range and it dealt so much damage every time it hit.
Moving forward heals you?
for hero #2 what if it was a ghost ww1 pilot (german)
for melee he uses his officer sword
for ult he summons his ww1 biplane (ghost form) and drops bombs/napalm/ammo/or whatever point is he does aoe
because his 3 not only looks like a fist but also acts as a light melee and procs melee lifesteal, spirit strike and so on
I did yea. I don't get it so fuck it I don't need to make videos anyway.
Basically just harass people with your 1 and 3 off cooldown. If you're good, you should be able to hit them behind cover with both. Try to use your 3 to hit weak enemies who are retreating back toward their guardian, because the angle of the stairs will make it easier for the first to launch them back toward you. Buy high velocity magazine and monster rounds early, but no other gun items (IMO). Everything else into extra charge, mystic burst, mystic reach, and sustain.

Do NOT level your cube as one of your first two abilities. I was laning with a friend who did this and it's insane how much weaker Viscous is when he can't constantly threaten people for stepping out into the open. It's also just a license for duos to attack you because you've essentially reduced it to a 2v1 where they can freely reposition / set up. You will get the cube quickly enough with how easy it is to win lane as Viscous, and at that point you should save it for when people blow threatening cooldowns on you, or when you really need sustain.
HV mag helps with last hitting, mystic burst/enduring spirit, if you just hit every 1 you can bully out pretty much any matchup
I like the ghost and plane idea. Ghost being able to go through walls and plane to be able to chase and gank
Seconded. This strat is why I win every lane as Viscous. Get melee lifestrike too it helps you absolutely shit on your lane so you can power farm creeps, and save your gun for denies.
Wasted life and a thought that getting kills in a videogame makes your life better even for a moment.

I dive and die every game.
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Does anyone have the bald Ivy image? I can't find it in my stash anymore.
FUCK I meant 1 and 3. the abilities
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Let me guess. You whined about him not fighting around 20min mark?
>play with the team
Thats very likely the reason they lost.
do people run stacks here? i lost 4 games in a row today and i just want to win :(
the more aerial heroes the better, going through solid walls would be cool but idk how you balance it
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You sure you wanna stack with /vg/ players?
cube is good early its 160 hp every 45s
punch only does 70 dmg every 28s plus whatever dmg you get from slowing them
kelvins beam does over 200dps to multiple people while slowing them by EIGHTY FUCKING PERCENT FROM HALFWAY ACROSS A LANE
I got no idea, I just like the idea of being able to jump through a thin wall at someone escaping and wrecking their shit
Not quite what I was looking for but it works, thanks.
What are some voicelines you particularly enjoy?

For me it's Shiv's:
>Get that psychic shit AWAY from me! (Killing Wraith)
>Well... shit. (Entire team dead except for him)
no they literally just hard fucking fed like a retard the entire game, there's nothing to say
they are a bad player and have fed every game i've played with them, i think they are a duo queue with the lash because i usually see them together adn the lash player gets fed as fuck and they hard int
Diving people at their guardian feels pretty good though
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Vindicta's voice is way too cute
HAHAHAHAHAH nevermind no thanks im good yall
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why is she such a footslut? She consciously chooses to go barefoot for no reason. She clearly just likes the attention
Except punch has the benefit of giving you some of the best lane control in the game, making it exceedingly difficult for the enemy to push your lane without being hit for 80-120 damage on a 25s cooldown that you can stack 3 of early. Because they can't push, they can't push you, which means you take less damage. And if you care about regenerating health, you just pick melee lifesteal and get 41-46 HP per fist, which is more than enough to sustain you until you unlock cube in, like, 3 fucking minutes.

Cube early is retarded unless you're REALLY scared of a specific debuff or burst.
How should I be playing infernus? It feels like after lane I can't do anything anymore
He's easily in the top 3 laners. You have two AoE moves use your fucking brain.
You can build almost anything on Lash.
Which means you can build the most efficient items on Lash.
Mystic Shot, Alchemical Fire, Divine Barrier + Enchanter's Barrier + Combat Barrier + Veil Walker
And that makes Lash OP.
Just google it
not all vg players suck but i been tryna get people to add me to play we will win games i have a 59-60% win rate
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>game isn't even out yet
>deadlock threads are already banned from /v/
>don't feel good
>don't feel good
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>>deadlock threads are already banned from /v/
huh? They want some space for gachatrannyshit?
no, they need more space for
>irrelevant question
lash can never be OP because I haven't seen anyone complain about him in a thread ever
Whenever I win or lose I only feel good when it feels like thge teams are equal and you're not getting stomped by high MMR nor you're stomping noobs. But such games are very rare in Deadlock
Are these ancor posts even real? I still haven't gotten any invitation from these.
video games are off topic on the twitter screenshot board
Why do I always feel like I'm losing all my health to harass in lane but when I do it I can barely tickle my opponent
Need to make room for more threads like
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Ok I made a webm. Notice how my teammates are close but didn't pull up to help me at all.
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/v/ mods are like Valve's anti-cheat
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Does reverb proc on every target hit with an ability or just the first?
the ideal deadlock game
>15 minutes of dicking around for youtube montages
>minutes 15-25 are back and forth teamwipes as both teams retardedly smash into each other and/or farm instead of pushing
>the team that had one player actually buy an item to counter another player clutches a fight and wins
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imma flat out say it, I wish we got one more month of NDA testing before boshi decided to open the floodgates.
Was enjoying the game experience and everyone experimenting, reminded me of that mid 2012's multiplayer, now its either a stomp or a reverse stomp, and inviting ecelebs and streamerfags to the mix which was also cancer
look at HP bars and map
>mcginnis is dead
>warden is pushing and got lane guardians which is good + a walker at the end
>mo and paradox are fighting the infernus who is clearly stronger than them and burned them out so they had to base and heal
not much to say there, you went deep but if your team hadn't been stopping the infernus from turning on you, you would have died almost instantly
I have games in deadlock that feel like the mmr spread is the equivalent of 1000-4500.
Never been thrown in with anyone truly good but I've been dumpstered and I have dumpstered in turn.
>muh hecking gachas are the reason why I can't continue making generals on vee
yeah sure buddy. just ignore all the zzz threads that got deleted just a few days after launch. deadlock had a surprisingly long run there, but all "good" things must come to an end.
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>>muh hecking gachas are the reason why I can't continue making generals on vee
This but unironically
ping the people you are rolling on at least, not that they weren't busy
the extremely high MMR games are not fun. some people get giga tilted (lefaa should kill himself immediately), shitty one tricks don't get their heroes and are basically useless and sometimes duos get in that don't belong and absolutely lose the game singlehandedly by feeding somebody good on lash or some shit
also everybody is abusing broken stuff right now for LE YOUTUBE CONTENT which is not fun
playing with 200 ping is a special kind of hell, but im coping by telling myself that it's forcing me to become a better player, like goku training in higher gravity
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the execution
grummz hasn't dragged it into his culture war yet, so it isn't allowed on /v/
>also everybody is abusing broken stuff right now
Like what?
Doesn't every single gacha game have a general on /vg/, anyway, strangling half of the catalog even though there's a dedicated mobile game board?
the amount of actives spam in those games in genuinely cancer
Dota takes your level into consideration for your respawn time so if you're behind and dying repeatedly you aren't dead for as long, has buybacks so can shorten it if essential in exchange for making your next death potentially longer, and you still gain passive and team gold while dead so even if you can't buy anything when you die you might get enough partway through. There's a lot more going on mentally during death in Dota even if the timers may be longer.
qrd why is it banned?
flying haze ult and aoe cc for haze you just have to outplay in lane and ur good since theyre both weak laners, i think its a good combo for punishing dives tho so its good on backfoot, also dyanmo and anyone else with aoe nuke or stun and likes her cc/buffs
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>genshin threads on /v/ are fine even though /vg/ has three genshin threads up at once because those niggers post so much
>can't have a deadlock thread though
nta but the main one i can think of right now is the seven speed sliding shit
>use Seven ult in a bad position
>enemy Bebop pulls me into his entire team
Thanks bro
They should simply have better awareness.
mods and jannies don't give a fuck. They made a vtuber board to "save" this dying website but that came at the cost
>bebop ult in bad position
>enemy viscous punches me into his team
thanks sis
phantom strike and a lot of the really powerful actives (seeing shit like 12 warpstones in a game is possible, some guy is going first item phantom strike), kelvin dome (literally guarantees every objective, kelvin in general is absurd right now), powerfarming seven for the zooming spirit destroyer of death
just really abusing some of the uninteractive stuff in the game right now, i hope it gets addressed
Don't forget that every other game has a Haze whom you literally never see until the 35-minute mark when she suddenly decides the game even though you all bought improved bullet armor and metal skin.
i wonder when people are going to realize viscous can do that to his teammates too.
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There are no genshin threads on vee right now. The closest is a thread bitching about a video about zzz being overanimated.
The late game fights become a clusterfuck of visuals when everyone is using their abilities and active items. The readability is nonexistent
Imagine playing with the game crashing every 5 minutes.
Last patch absolutely destroyed us Linuxbros. native when.
they let gachafaggots spam post every board because those are the only anons stupid enough to click ads or buy 4chan passes
brother lets PLAY
haze's value is really low when alone she can scout people while invis and setup a hook or stun with sleep

wraith is the one that should play alone not haze
readability is pretty good actually thanks to the drab color of the environment compared to the vibrant spell colors
why do you retards even want to force more generals on vee? you do know that just leads to getting more mouth breathers going 0/16 on vindicta, right?
>was certain we were gonna lose
>continued farming, tried not to die, joined teamfights when i thought they were winnable
>we won
remember, it's not over till the fat lady sings (and the fat lady hasn't been added to the game yet)
>0-3 against a Haze by 15
>0-3 against a Vindicta by 15
>0-4 against a Pocket by 15
Please tell me how to stop feeding in lane as Kelvin
Everyone else out-pokes me and I can barely even farm because I try to concentrate on not dying and then inevitably die anyway. Even in the games I win I still feed early, my average K/D on this character is disgustingly bad
>but k/d doesn't matter if you win-
Not dying repeatedly in lane will make me win more.
>lost a solo lane so badly that i wanted to quit
>but by the end of the match i made them AFK in spawn

hook the dopamine right up to my veins, valve
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Is this drawn by BlindVoid ?
My steam downloaded an update, is there a changelog?
I don't even know how you die in this game in lane.
Just don't die.
Run away nigga being behind in souls as fucking kelvin is less important than giving your enemy 1000 souls for free.
Hell if you don't cs they can't even deny you.
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>Run away nigga
I'm behind my fucking guardian where else am I supposed to go
pocket's barrage is overtuned, I'm not really sure how they could ever lose a lane with it. why does this have a damage amp? why does his shotgun have superior range compared to abrams and shiv?
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I know it's alpha and the art assets aren't all in place, but the game is extremely washed out in color and in tonal values.

Bottom image is grayscale, otherwise unedited; deadlock's color palette is very flat for darks and lights.
Top image is just some settings changed to make the map more vibrant. Even in areas of full sunlight like the buildings in the webm, the map looks like an overcast day at 3PM in the winter. A sunset (I'm assuming the game takes place close to sunset) has a lot more oranges and yellows
you can get healed to full and be back in lane in a 15 second round trip on your zipline
also being behind cover is better than eating spells behind the tower
A lot of good that does me if I'm dying from 70% HP, half of which goes in a single heavy melee
Hugging the medic creep.
>Everyone else out-pokes me
>the guy with the fuck you beam
how is this even possible
only person I could see being stronger is haze but at that point you can just push her in and she can't do shit about it because she has dogshit waveclear
buy infuser
buy some bullet/spirit resist
beam their face
that's it
kevin is definitely one of the characters that gets better the more you know the matchups though so I will say that
It is.
buy lucky shot, NOW
devs massively underestimating how strong his faggot escapes are
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also, the characters themselves are very washed out, so you can't say the less vibrant background is to make the heroes 'pop'

There's a lot of distance fog; even infernus with his full red clothes and obsidian black 2ndary color, he's washed out.
and that's the other half of it, so not only does he get the best lvl1 harass in the game with a damage amp on a shotgun with basically no range issues, he can also escape essentially all burst damage on reaction. how do you even lose in any solo matchup with this character? pair him with a lane bully and it just becomes worse. I guess he loses to mcginnis?
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Haven't been following him that much after he stopped making music. Good to know that he hasn't dropped pencil, but wishing there was a way to see his art without fucking Xitter
>>the guy with the fuck you beam
Pocket briefcase vs Kelvin beam, Pocket does nearly twice the damage with no items if they both trade equally.
corrected some of the color to show what the game could look like
>I miss charged melee 50% of times
Did they nerf tracking?
and then kelvin healed himself
With what? he has no innate lifesteal
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I locked in.
Laned with Talons, he didn't know what he was doing and I outplayed him.
Continued to spend the entire game farming, roaming, ganking, and getting away with murder because there wasn't a Bebop or Lash too put me in my place.
had a big win streak today and finally got into the mmr range where everybody knows how to last hit and lanes aren't free wins anymore
He's been putting most of his effort into his game so he hasn't been posting a lot of independent art.
>wishing there was a way to see his art without fucking Xitter
I'm fairly certain his DA account is still active too.
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>kill a guy 7 times as bebop
>next match get infernus
>get killed 7 times by bebop
are ya still having fun?
>only fix for the corrupt pkg file error is to lower your RAM clock speed
okay what the fuck
My game does not look like this
I select literally every hero but sometimes i remove yamato, kelvin and mcginnis as i find them the least fun ones
Hey at what m/s can Seven crouch dash automatically??
more fun than i was having before. better to be in games where everyone knows what they're doing instead of rolling the dice on who will lose because they more retards on their team
I just played this for the first time, is the biggy smalls duo really supposed to be able to disable your weapon for like 10 seconds and then hide underground for another 10 until they can disable your weapon again? Feels a bit unfair
The characters don't have textures yet. Bebop is even a left over model from the previous iteration when the game was scifi. I agree with you but I have faith it'll look better once finished
yes, the tradeoff is supposed to be he has a fat fuck hitbox and barely does any damage alone but if he has any competent teammates you just eat shit
he's the strongest hero in the game by pick bans of the first semi serious tournament.
you can hit him underground and I bet the second they introduce a 3k manta style item he becomes dog shit instantly
I'm from /v/ and I'm proud!
>semi serious tournament
>two good teams, one on 120+ ping
>other two teams are literal WHOS
oh ok
I played the guy with the healing circle and my 1 ability knocked him out of the ground which was cool but I couldn't really damage him so it was a bit frustrating to deal with
The item that gave my 1 ability 3 charges was pretty clutch, I like the item system a lot it's more interesting than other mobas
I didn't know Dynamo could knock him out of burrow, that's a pretty strong interaction. Play whatever you like obviously but I'd recommend against Dynamo if you're just starting out alone because he requires semi-competent teammates to really be effective.
Ok, let's see if I was able to bypass jannies logic
nothing more satisfying than to be at full health while they can barely make a dent with one tick of health left doing that attacking ult that locks you in place and then punching the shit out of them
Bebop is such a weird thing, it's clear he was the most polished model from the scifi designs and got the last art pass from them (jiggle bones, updated sounds and projectiles).
Like how the fuck are they going to update his m1? I guess its going to be some kind of spirit weapon or something, he's supposed to be some kind of jazz robot built by an old lady so I really really wonder wtf they have cooking for his concept art.
did they do something with the match making or ? this is fucking ass fellas, i don't know whats going on
I mean everybody is a fucking literal who at this point.
He was still 100% pick ban, and 100% win rate. Small sample size, but it's clear he is good.
yeah I get you, and honestly I don't really trust myself with the group teleport skill either (don't want to grief people) so I'll probably play someone else next time
I like supports though so I guess all the characters I'd be interested in trying would have the same issue
they openly admitted it's bad right now, but it's probably going to be tweaked again next patch.
today I learned that Paradox can levitate during her Kinetic Dash.
thanks bud, i wish you well on your next game.
I'm on perfect forced 50, but that's because I keep playing people I haven't played yet. so I'm chillin.
yeah this 3 - 4 active items on almost every person in the lobby has got to fucking go fellas, idk if you're starting to see this shit (esp warpstone - fuck you warpstone) but it is so fucking BAD
If you post a code, I’m not bothering. If I can’t judge your profile just by double clicking I’m not adding you
don't tell anyone how, it's a secret for those of us with 10+ games
For all we know the final map might be set at night
which profile was yours?
I doubt they'll try night again. Neon Prime was initially set at night, but they dropped it for better visibility even though that game was definitely aesthetically designed around being set at night.
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>Abrams DCs immediately
>bebop spends the entire second half of the game giving me shit for "not playing with the team"
>attempt to group with them and watch the wraith repeatedly walk into 1v4s with the infernus going in only after she dies
>bebop still whining about "dude you're 0-2-12" after the aforementioned suicide procession has happened for about the third time and they're now taking a free patron
Like I dunno man I'm not the best player but I really think we had bigger problems considering I was the only one bothering to keep miku from raping our base guardians on either side
There's more to this game than teamfighting
I think he’s just gonna remain a robot as he is now. There’s clearly magical tech if we take McGinnis. And Bebop is in the VN so the setting was created with that in mind
In the grim darkness of the 20th century there is only brool
who sent me the request only to deny it LOL
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Another Match, Another Salty Murasa, another award for clicking shrines.
Actually managed to out-lane a Wraith, which probably just means they weren't very good.
>check streamers
>everyone runs kinetic dash
>never found in any public builds
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post games that you're most proud of
>play into shitty paracocks snoozefest lane
>disregard lavalamp bitch and start roaming
>build heroic aura and win game
earliest rejuv i got my team to attempt at a little under 18 mins.
>most build don't include stamina, or suggest heal rite (i think) early
yeah, builds are mostly for skilling, also expect them all to be useless next thursday
Has anyone else encountered this bug where the Patron image shows up on the wrong side?
It's very low MMR mindset to take team fights that aren't winnable.
I keep yelling at people to back out, but they keep diving into a fight they can't win. No map awareness, tunneled to all hell, that's how you feed.
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He can stay a robot they just need to restyle him so he looks 1920s steam machine styled
He's pretty close already
I don't know how it's possible to lose a lane with Kelvin. Consider not being a paraplegic, anon.
I am 100% convinced some streamers and other 'top players' buy shit that LOOKS good but then aren't nearly good enough to actually make use of it. like people who gravitate towards pocket because he's the heckin epic outskill teleports behind you character.

like I've seen people take active reload and then just forget they have it for the entire game. obviously it's great if you're using it properly but nobody wants to say 'actually I'm bad at the game so I'll take something that's less good but has a lower skill ceiling'.
I dont know what the fuck to do when my team comp is like this, everytime i got into a teamfight i died
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Because your ebin 145 HP heal grenade does approximately jack shit when a Haze can sleep dagger and shoot you in the head for your entire HP bar
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i really shouldn't fucking be in this elo and i wish it'd at least bump me up some. i know it's broken, but still. this is stupid. pure farming + pushing infernus is stupid. every time i play this game I feel like i'm playing against bots unless my team feeds one person. last time I played someone fed a pocket 57 kills and he was virtually unkillable unless I could get him in a 1v1.
how is ivy broken

half her kit is useless if your team is retarded, you can't carry a game with a huge telegraphed stun and one AOE slow

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