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Previous thread: >>493570507

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Upcoming Events

>Current Events

The 4th Walpurgis Night - The Noon of Violet
2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19

>Upcoming Extractions

>Current Extractions

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Solemn Lament Yi Sang
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū
E.G.O [HE] : Solemn Lament Gregor

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
Target Extraction: [ Don Quixote ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

Men do not respect women. They only see women as sex objects.
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Paus featuring Dante
Ryoshu is the mother AND the daughter.
Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
If I game over after allowing plague doctor to become whitenight, what happens? Does it go back to being the doc so I can trigger the transformation suppression again?
That bait is boring. Please prepare me different bait.
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why do you guys hate ish? is it her canto? her personality? her lack of figure outside of the fish id? do you just hate redheads?
she's a dumb bitch
Thank you. Thank you for being here, thank you for reading my words.
I get quite lonely at times, but being able to come here and read your thoughts and words, is comforting.
I'm happy to have been here, if even once.
Thanks for being a friend anon. Thanks for being a limbab with me.
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>Ryoshu is Yoshihide
>Ryoshu is Yoshihide's daughter
>Ryoshu is Yoshihide (monkey)
>Ryoshu is Lord Horikawa
>Ryoshu is Lord Horikawa (amnesiac)
>Ryoshu is a clone of Yoshihide
>Ryoshu is the Hell Screen™
>Ryoshu's story was actually a bait and switch this entire time and is actually In A Grove instead of Hell Screen
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finally free from the grind
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Yi Sangs selected works is a pretty lovely book if you want to read Yi Sangs stuff. The Letter to his sister was a one I really enjoyed and not everything Yi sang wrote was a rubiks cube tier puzzle, A lot of his long-form writing was incredibly engaging. I enjoyed it a lot. It has some good TL notes for the harder to understand poems but I found myself gravitating towards all the times he talked about Cigarettes, Plump women and how stray dogs don't know they are only kept around until they become Dog Soup
Here is your thread reminder that Dante is gender neutral based on the evidence, and any other assertion is deluded headcanon chuddie cope
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>one of the very first things that the preface to Don Quixote mentions is that translating the book to sound medieval is completely wrong
...BITCHrector never actually read the book...did he?
>>Ryoshu's story was actually a bait and switch this entire time and is actually In A Grove instead of Hell Screen
this, but with The Spider's Thread
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I’m fucking starving…
post lunacy. you can still get those refills!
Oh, thank you. That's quite a useful pointer, I wasn't sure how to begin his works.
>plump women
Oh, so it wasn't just a meme then.
retard-kun catch up with the new event, LCB Don Quixote is ACTUALLY ancient
Which sinner gets the enkephalin box 000
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<Ryoshu is Ryoshu, she'll always be my sinner.>
retard-legend, that doesn't change the fact that adapting her that way to begin with is the opposite of what he should have done if she were actually based off the book
One of Yi-sangs circle friends lamented the fact that Yi sang loved Women and Cigarettes and none of those things loved him back healthwise
Translating the BOOK to sound medieval on the whole is wrong, however Don Quixote himself just tries to mimic the way knights in his books talk which often is overly flowery and old sounding
he talked about prostitutes more than anything
can you push other sinners with a specific abno as hard as they do spider bud with Ryoshu?:
Didn't he die like right after when he finally found someone who loved him
well our don should sound like a fixer then
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The real question is who gets the EGO
>this'll be wobbly!
>rips off Gregor's head
well that just happened.
qoh sinclair
Rodya is the one sin sinner but they're not doing it
she's not special enough
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Those things really look painful on closer look.
Wold not want to be caught in one.
The time spent in prison exasperated that but I wouldn't say Yi sangs past relationships were completely loveless. He does say in one of his passages he'd rather die at 28 as a misunderstood genius and he got his wish.
Local ancient poet cannot give up pussy to save his life.
qoh ish makes too much sense
so does kog rodya
sinclair would likely get null boi
If she's young enough to call Greg an old fart, she can't be Yoshihide.
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so, how are the new walpipis?
QoH on anyone except Don would be a catastrophic failure. Same with red mercenary for Ishmael
all excellent
its a chain bladed mancatcher
thats really bad on the skin
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all great
Tiph’s large jiggly belly and butt which she can hide no longer…
>stray dogs don't know they are only kept around until they become Dog Soup
red ryo is charge based and does bleed, shes great
bulletsang does sinking just might have some issue with his own SP
greg funeral is weird to me but he easily makes SP = huge damage and as long as you can keep him up hes DPS and sinking
may i roll a 4 as to give myself a reason to end my miserable and pointless life
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Nice try bitch, you get to live.
SoW ish
KoD outis
QoH faust
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In focused encounters, how does clash order resolve between units with the same speed?
Is it the same if solo?
You anons know that qoh is 100% going to a male sinner right?
Dyon and...
How bad of an idea would it be to take plague doctor on day 30?
Now that's a wobbly I can get behind.
I do not know.
Experiment and observe.
hongers need to be stopped
i bet he will get el capo
if you have 12 sinners prepared to be useless then fucking die, not much
she limbwants a limbhug this limbpurgis
for the love of god can you stop being baited this easily
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They gave Philip to Sinclair and funeral to Yi Sang they will NOT fuck up the magical girls
Mon amour
Are you asking like, if Yi Sang and Ryoshu both roll a 5 on speed, what determines who goes first?
If that's what you're asking, it's quite simple. Highest deployment goes first. So if Yi Sang is 1st deployed and Ryoshu is 3rd, Yi Sang goes first.
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i have no twitter, and i must ask for news
So it's been a month. What do you all think of the Don reveal?
Expectations for her Canto?
One of his friends' quotes when he died was
>"He loved the bottle, writing and women."
And he was fucking right
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I thought the theory was completely retarded and baseless before the reveal but I won't let that influence what I think of it now. I'll let them cook
faust has regret. KoD should be outis
lint <3
bro Outis has an even more recent lobotomy corp 000 ID
>dog soup
mmm yes, fine dining that is.
they can always figure out a way to ruin it
It was pretty shocking, I was not a fan of those theories. That being said I don't hate it.
Having actually read her book(s), I'm not as excited as I was for canto 5 and 6. I love Wuthering heights and Moby Dick, but Don Quixote... I don't hate it but it's damned long, and the parts without Don tend to be the more enjoyable bits. I'm sure the Canto will be pretty heavy emotionally given how the second book ends but, idk, it's gonna be really hard to top the last two cantos. I don't like Don as much as a character as I do Heathcliff either.
Flat Angela looks very wrong
It’s no coincidence that in all CG’s after Angela met Ayin again, her tits were ballistics
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Paus can limbhave a limbhug
Yeah that's what I'm asking, thanks.
What if a single person has multiple clashes with an abno?
Solo Yi Sang with 3 speed dice clashing with 3 different attacks from an abno, assuming all are the same speed.
What order would the attacks go?
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Garbage, unfitting, surface level nonsense.
>qoh ish makes too much sense
>KoD outis
...do you cunts even read the abno stories before you say stuff like this?
>Gold Rush Rodion
>The Sword Sharpened with Tears Hong Lu
>Queen of Hatred Sinclair (I hate that this will happen 100%)
There will be no Servant of Wrath ID.
>Gregor will receive Mimicry (this is very obvious).
>Heathcliff will get Smile
>Mersault will get De Cappo
>Blue Star Ishmael
I wish we had more sinners since it's a shame there's not enough for all the cool EGOs. I feel like someone has to get Twilight and Paradise Lost but we just don't have enough sinners.
alright lets hear your pitch for the sinner more suited for an abno who's identity is based around justice and fighting villains and becoming neurotic when that idea is broken
They simply go from left to right.
Faust is getting Paradise Lost.
Yi Sang is getting Twilight.
Ryoshu is getting Adoration.
Knight of Despair Don. Not that Don is gonna get another Lobcorp Ego, she already has one. But book don is literally "The Knight of the Sorrowful Face"
*jiggles my big belly in your face*
How are you today?
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So I just did all Walpurgisnacht missions.
What an I supposed to do now?
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Hi Rodya.
wait for the new tbf season next month
Those three already exist in the Lobcorp mirror world, retard. We won't be getting duplicates. When they run out of sinners for IDs we will get get patron librarians or something, and continue to get Lobcorp Ego skills instead of IDs
Such a cute Sinclair. Why the fuck did he have to be in fat fetish art?
did you know that LobCorp agents can equip different EGO
They'll get transfers retard kun, they didn't just made multiple gameplay mechanics canon for no reason.
ey why did Dante sell the world? its not in a very good state right now, i dont get it
>based around justice
Lol. Lmao. No. QOH is based around having a place in the world and suffering from a collapse when it's shattered, the justice aspect is just an excuse for something ultimately self serving. Hence why, when it's taken away, instead of being happy as a true defender of justice would be, she spergs the fuck out. Like the other guy said, KoD fits perfectly when you look at the actual themes present while QoH doesn't fit at all.
Why? Walpurghisnacht is always pulling from different points in time. When they get through everyone they could easily loop back with a facility that has advanced further and give the sinners higher tier equipment for their new IDs
That's not Sinclair it's just some generic blonde shota next to a slampig.
We have never received the same sinner twice in the same mirror world. We don't even know if that's physically possible.
Plus, most of them have EGO Gifts. Those can't be removed.
10 years of this game, it's not rocket science to think that they will be getting more than 1 lobcorp ids down the line anon.
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I bet you're the same knuckle dragging retards who vehemently denied captain Ishmael and wild hunt Heathcliff because farmwatch didn't happen. I won't bother remembering your post when we do get to the second round of lob corp IDs though
>We have never received the same sinner twice in the same mirror world
Right, but Walpipi is clearly something special. Do you really think they'll just stop making IDs as soon as every sinner has one from both games?
10 years limbeans injected directly into my veins!
kill me!
Farmwatch didn't happen, but spicebush did. PM probably had designs for both, and decided Spicebush was better art wise and had more gameplay potential
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Insane assumption. They're not gonna cut themselves off from a shit ton of IDs like that. It'll just be a transfer, from another loop, another world--something like that.
You know I could see it being another loop. They could rationalize it as each loop being technically a different mirror world.
Anyone got the webm of the dancing Kromer to the Robot song?
Men liking such exaggerated proportions always reminds me they are closer to animal than man.
And it's based.
There was some confusion last thread regarding my wife's age...
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>runs in
>stabs you
>runs out
you know you can repeat sinners, right
ever heard of those hogs who got so many bitches from having big tusks that they evolved to grow tusks so long they curved around and dug into their skulls? It's like that.
One day I'll get there...
wasnt there also a theory since farm watch is connected to workers for imperial Japan they wouldnt put it on a playable character
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Postmarital childmaking SEX
Sometimes I wish I could return to being base.
I just want to be an animal, fuck eat and sleep.
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>finishes commision
>takes sinners to karaoke
>is a good manager
/lcg/ explain
ayin could never...
Yeah it's fucked but I like it too lmao
It's weirdly charming or endearing how some guys are just slaves to their sexuality. It's cute lol
Based. Maybe there is some way you could indulge at least a little. Like doing some outdoorsman weekends/hiking/hunting etc?
Would be cool
is it possible to 100% lobcorp in 1 playthrough? The idea of day 1 resetting really doesn't sound fun after I've sank hours into farming almost a full facility of max stat nuggets.
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Guys help, I think my Outis has Autism
Why is Spider Bud so fucking sassy?
cute spider privilege
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Does anyone have any lamia QoH art?
It'll heal by marriage
Not quite the same. Camping, fishing, hunting and cooking are actually really fun, but require thinking. To be base in the original context, to be like an animal, would be to forgo thought and just indulge. Hedonism essentially. I hope I reincarnate as a dog
mother of 50
>Don’t you need me anymore…
>Why do I exist…
>Is it my turn now…?
Sinner for this feel?
shes just a bit beaten up, nothing some time in the showers wont solve
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unless you didn't equally expand records and extraction before day 41 they yeah it is possible but going back to day 1 really isn't as bad as you think it is. I was annoyed at first when I played too but I was glad I had the chance to rebuild a better facility for the last 5 days
don is basically a comedy relief character in this game most of the time. it'll be interesting to see if canto 7 is a more light-hearted canto like canto 2 (probably unlikely at this point desu), or to see what they do to give her character some more depth and weight to it
don is a fucking bloodfiend
she probably ate her mother and horse
Lazy shop on that 3rd zero whale
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I think Sancho is a huge opportunity to twist the knife. I think Sancho is dead and it was Don's fault.
that'd be gay. I want a Sancho ID
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melting love heathcliff
that's gay. I want a Knight ID
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Fuck you
>unwokes your Limbus Company
very very low chance of that happening ,maybe at the beginning and then her story will be explained further. She has such a huge potential with her canto and how it can go im really excited for it and hope they dont delay it or turn it goofy.
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Outis is maebari coded
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anons have you ever played lob corp while a podcast played in the background? And if so was it distracting?
>sancho might be a more sane, recollected bloodfiend that don sired
would this work? would preserve the hierarchy of the illusion but it would be extra dramatic

>donteh is a abnomality confirmed
el director keeps winning
yes, no it was optimal because it's the music that makes lobco fuck up after a while of playing
lobcorp is way more chill than people make it out to be until you reach the very endgame.
I always have MATI or some true crime shit playing in the background
Ye I know. Just trying to think of *something* to click back in.
I hope so too anon.
Take care of yourself.
stop being a schiz
do not take any trees
do not use pause button
it could work
women have unrealistic expectations for men too y'know
Women like that shit too
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Clearly not enough.
>that one /d/ fetish poll where the most popular female fetishes (XX (no dick)) was humiliating tf and shape change
it feels really weird knowing there's another new zealander here
oh no no no no no
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Clerk like question.
No, but I have played Tekken OST while doing Gebura core suppression, 10/10 would recommend.
Sinner for this feel?
>Sinclairfags can’t even tell Sinclair apart from the other twinks/shotas
Not a surprise
could a wonderlab girl and a leviathan boy fall in love
hindley rodya
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Cute, is this new?
here's how Hindley can reclaim Wuthering Heights;
Fuck that's hot
thank you for your time anons here is a bald-is-awsome rodya
That actually would be a pretty genius fit. Both of them are people who struggle with their vices and are desperate for recognition,
My fucking violin
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So, I put the responses to that question onto a chart and grouped together some responses so it wasn't too much of a clusterfuck

Turns out a lot of people would prefer weapons focused on Slashing, with piercing being less common by a noticeable amount, and only a single 'primarily' Blunt weapon.
Kind of interesting, really. Guess it also makes sense considering that removing the limb/appendage of something that's trying to hurt you makes it less likely to succeed in hurting you
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>Thrusting Sword
>Thrusing Sword
I just now noticed that there's a 'Thrusting Sword' and an 'Thrusing Sword' group.
Damn, I guess I need more caffeine

Sorry about that
fools dont know about the rapier
>being a rapier sissy
Lol jobber weapon
Nah. Dramatic and exaggerated proportions are very much more a male fetish.
You'll rarely see that art made for the female gaze.
Size difference and Exaggerated proportions aren't the same thing. Though there can be overlap.
Hyper is largely a man's fetish.
>literal prostitute's poll that she admitted she fucked with the results
WHY do you retards keeping bringing this up.
anon... i don't think you understood the post kek
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I kind of want to kill myself for making a mistake that simple, goddamn it
Ranged chads rise up
don't blame yourself blame the anon that doesn't use spellchecker
She mind broke u huh?
oops lol mb
Hindley Rodya makes me question my sexuality.
why not just combine the two
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>literal prostitute's poll that she admitted she fucked with the results
Because I figured that there was enough of a difference between a weapon that was designed to only thrust, vs polearms that could both be thrust or swung without losing too much effectiveness

The actual responses I wrote down were these
If I could have voted I would have voted Great Hammer.
Idk the qrd but reading that thread redpilled me that trannies love cuntboys and when the OP asked for women to respond only 5 actual biological women replied
polearms are not necessarily spears
E-whore that makes her living by prostituting herself out and creating shock value content on twitter for normalfags.
She "conducted" a big poll on extreme fetishes and it gets memed off and on. Some don't know her and take it as gospel.
How did they know actual bio women answered? Was it just honor system?
But spears are definitely polearms
Fair enough
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Where do you guys get your PDFs online? There are some more books I want to read.
Honor system and because all the trannies outed themselves within their own posts
I read this wrong. I blame the don image.
Uh... okay? Yi Sang wouldn't eat a dog right? Our Yi Sang...
I google the book and then add .pdf to the name.
Works every time.
plenty of PDFs on roblox
I've met 2 actual girls out of probably 75+ "girls" in the years I've been on 4chan so you'll have to forgive my scrutiny kek
They almost ALWAYS turn out to be troons
Alright, added it to the list
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h-how did you read it anon...
i've been doing this but hoped there was a better way or site
oh no
Erase that fucking hog and leave sinclair there, you could edit in a cute dante or kromer or whatever
Based thank you.
Slitcurrent and Ahab are the only ones I avoid in MDH. Annoying.
No, I am the drawer-er and I made that in like 2021 Eastern Standard Time
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whats a quick way to finish these 2?
hey bro ur very cool and i love ur art
use egos with multiple negative effects on the violet noon boss at the end.
Accidentally pulling this ID! Immediately running away from Hindleydya with Faust!
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give it to me straight, can I finish the pass, im just getting back from a tour.
I hate that whale like you would not believe.
Just bring 6 different status ids and smack violet noon
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How many modules do you have?
Ahab? Ahab is annoying, sure, but she's MANAGEABLE. This annoying fluorescent faggot, on the other hand, it makes me want to crush my balls with a hammer.
Get grinding buddy. You got like, 4-5ish weeks is my guess.
You have 4 weeks and just doing dailies + mdh will clear the entire pass in 3 weeks
what kroomie doing on computie
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the number says 9 but I have 14 crates. Im hoping to fuel myself going through the pass by using the pass
Im going back into the mines...
Getting banned from discord grooming servers for asking how much a haircut would cost
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>9 modules and 14 crates
That's 61 modules alone which equals to 12 regular mirror dungeon runs, which are 36 levels, so with that alone you'll get to 61
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Corroded Hex Nails Faust + Binds Heath for bottom
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imagine eating ishmael's pussy
Are you able to do mdh? If so you will get it just by doing your weekly.
Fishy and hairy
sorry I just want to make fun of women
>pussy freckles
Muh dick
uh oh stinky
That's another MDH done. Fuck the Poised Breathing pack. Would've been considerably easier to just get Ahab and her friends.
Maybe? I have a decent poise team, and some sinking units to work with. I guess I just need to level them
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How do people struggle with MDH lol. I literally win rate that shit while i jack off
Corpulent women… beautiful…
>if canto 7 is a more light-hearted
never happening
they fucked up with chapter 2 this is why we have .5 chapters now
Because not everyone runs Bleed.
That reminds me, I have to run Bleed again, if only to turn my brain off when I fight that motherfucker Siltcurrent again.
I winrate mdh with every team except rupture
Ok, the clerk that wrote that definition gets the bullet then.
I don't wish to do the walpipi pack but i must get all the new ego gifts first...
I'd imagine another part of it is that.Blunt weapons look like they'd require more effort to be effective versus a slashing or stabbing weapon.
bruh i literally withrate with a shi only team lmao. you just suck
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I do MDH for fun
I would rather DIE than do it with ishmael!
Oh, I forgot that every girl I see who's into hyper aren't biological women. So yeah you are correct that hyper is a male aligned fetish.
That's completely fair, honestly
Don't need as much strength to shove a blade into someone's ribs vs swinging a blunt weapon hard enough to shatter bones
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Oh yeah? I've got something that you can suck right here.
Don't say that anon, I'm sure it will be great.
And I, too, thought it was a completely retarded and baseless theory. I felt very sour when it turned out to be correct.
Same lol
If she had a pet cat, cooking and eating that would be less disgusting than her filthy boatbilly skank.
>they fucked up with chapter 2
Trvth, and they've been desperately trying to amend that with the Rodya depression arc
Hong Lu is gonna end up being a piece of jade that was turned into a human by a singularity
MD is for crates and MDH is for fun and crates
You know multiple cis bitches into hyper? No way
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The only reason to run Rupture in MDH is to watch Milk Faust shred everything into chunks
my precious rok man
i'm more appalled by the fact that you don't know where to get them in this day and age
<Ishmael is so useless. She does nothing when I get molested but blame me for it. Can one of us swap ishmaels, or are they all like that? Don't question why this is happeing, just help me OK?>
<My Ishmael stepped in when Rodion tried to grab my ass. Maybe treat her better.>
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Sinners for this feel?
this was so sad :(
<I've been fine with her, she just doesn't help.>
Your fault for letting someone you're in charge of do that to you.
>t. fish
Frankly I'm tired of these swerves and it's too overdone in media and I'd prefer it to be straight up
>day 38
>still haven't been offered a 3rd ALEPH for gebura's mission
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would you accept?
just suppress the biggest bird, it counts as 3
i only have punishing bird, the other 2 also haven't shown up.
You're a Fixer, which means you're going to be taking contracts. What will be the primary 'focus' of your work?
Note that someone who is renown for excessive violence can still be hired for information brokering, or delivering items for execution.

EXECUTION - Target Elimination. Be it monsters, rats, other Fixers, who knows what. You're hired to kill something.

PROTECTION - Safety Assurance. Be it a simple box of documents or a group of researchers. You focus on keeping things safe.

INFORMATION - Knowledge is power. Rumors or Singularity secrets. You're hired to get information about people or subjects, often covertly.

RETRIEVAL/DELIVERY - Items in Transit. Deliver a contract one day, tasked to steal a prototype weapon the next. Jobs you're hired for involve the movement of an item or, rarely, a person.

MISC - Whatever you can get. Generally the shit jobs. Get a cat from a tree. Help old ladies across the street. You're a fucking Clerk and I hate you so goddamn much.
I could tank the distortion.
what ttrpg is this stolen from
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Love me wife Outis
I am literally throwing this shit together myself out of boredom
I rape everyone
Information, of course.
Depend which grade I am.
my experience in Shadowrun tells me Retrieval/Delivery is the most based so sign me up
ok im impressed
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Info or Delivery and im gravitating more towards delivery
These Dantes would later be instant loss'd
was pm based on director's shadowrun campaigns
Asking for trouble with this one
Depending on how fucked the syndicates are in your district this one is good.
Probably the safest line of work if you're mindful about it.
Asking to be shanked by some random syndicate thugs for carrying valuables.
Clerkpilled and the real safest option.
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I'm going to feed you to the fetus you fucking cretin
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this one
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would it be more based if they were?
Sign me up.
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the PMverse is clearly based in Cyberpunk in general and given that EGO/distortions/abnos are basically magic it's not WRONG to say it's basically Shadowrun, but Shadowrun itself has a lot of trappings that are very clearly set far apart from what PM has established, so probably not
Having said that, I've gone from running Shadowrun to running a custom setting but in GURPS and I've taken some EXTREME liberties from both and they do play very well together once you take the game out of Shadowrun's specific mechanical systems
Your first priority as a fodder grade 9 fixer is staying alive.
Clerk behavior gets you there.
If I was grade 7 or 8 delivery opens up as a decent option.
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I've tried MDH once, everyone died on the second node against the roach people and I never tried again.
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Protection at a Backstreets school. Its what I'm good at.
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>Protecting students
You're the first person to choose Protection (other than myself) and you immediately state that your charge is a school so kids can be safe

God fucking bless dude
I'll keep everyone safe by eliminating the things that threaten them.
holy brick
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every other specialty has a very high likelihood of getting you killed due to the city's innate powerscaling bullshit. misc is the safest option if you take the time to learn the ins and outs of your neighborhood, and I want to die of old age
Assuming I'm still a shitter, I'll go for retrieval/delivery with misc requests on the side. Execution and protection jobs are likely to get me killed outright. Information work could be safely done but it also puts a target on my head just for knowing said information. Retrieval and delivery lets me dust off my hands at the end of my work since I have nothing more to do with it. Plus I'd be better at running from conflict since I'd be built for speed. Even could surrender the package if shit hits the fan and the penalty for failing the contract isn't death.
Why are you victim blaming? That's bad, mmkay?
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Adorable Donbab...
>penalty for failing the contract
the Oufi is gonna rape you bro
delivery could be fun if you got the tech and augs to run fast
Protection for sure.
It's idle work for the most part with the occasional rat trying to shank you for something.
I'd just make sure to avoid high pay out jobs.
is this the same donbab who found out what Two Babies One Fox was?
Protection and Retrieval are two sides of the same coin really.
Both will get you killed for having a valuable on you. It's just a choice between guarding something mostly stationary versus going around carrying the valuables.
I probably should have clarified that I was talking about the entirety of (you)r Fixer career
Shit, hindsight is 20/20 after all
Dante is weak to being raped
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imagine getting augments so you can be be the best cat catcher in the entire city
wouldn't be the worst reputation to have, honestly
How do you know this, Faust?
Faust knows everything that Faust knows.
execution, obviously. Whats the point of being a fixer other than getting to kill people with contractually obligated payment?
>Somehow become a Colored Fixer due to this
>Yi Sang
Atleast he'd be gentle.
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Uh oh, buddy...
Anyone knows if ego gifts you acquired still get recorded in the compendium if you retreat? Going through the violet floor isn't fucking worth it but i want to get the gifts
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Somehow you managed to become a Color Fixer. What's your new title? What's your gimmick?
*dabs on your agents and sinners*
Faust would NEVER. None of the sinners would...
fuck you
>Cappuccino Worker
I'm a fucking Barista?!?!?
>Old Rose Queen
Im a fucking dude though
what the fuck is this title even
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>Honey Phone
am i a phone sex operator
>Green comparison
I'd be such a shifty color fixer that all the lower grades would be ass mad about me being a color instead of them.
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>AuroMetalSaurus Resolution
Do I get to fucking use mecha dinosaurs?
That would be so cool.
>This nigga underestimating baristas
Never read infinite regressor I see
>Feldbrau Beer
>caramel steak
what am i some fruity cannibal that made it past grade 1 or something
>black brown solution
I guess I am the diarrhea fixer now...
>Shamrock Leadership
I'm like Argalia and boost my entire team with words of MORALE.
The Liu Association jackets are so cool guys.
Do you think they'll accept a Grade 9 like me or should I just get a knock-off?
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Is this you?
>Wenge Office
maybe i make wenge colored wooden dolls or simularcums and run a 1-man office with remote control
>The Teal Orange
I cause people to mold, I guess
>Mahogany Passion
I have zero idea how this relates to me at all but I'm sure I could get some neat gimmick out of this
>Utah Crimson Revenue
am I a fucking businessman or IRS worker?
>he doesnt have the liu jacket they sell at hhpp
I shiggy
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>Graphite Engine
I drive.
I guess Im now
As long as you pass penis inspection day, you're good!
>Rose Direction
I have a Workshop Motorcycle that can ride on walls and jump. I also have a 4 Gauge Derringer I blast people with as I drive by, and if I kick the wheels, they turn into saw blades and I just Whirligig Saw fuckers apart.
>Bottle Green Competition
At best a drunken master, at worst an uncontrollable hazard
>Raspberry Judgment
nigga am i a fucking starbucks drink
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>The Ghost White Child
Why do I ALWAYS get weird or lame names
>>493625817 and >>493626334 collab when?
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The Wild Strawberry Tongue
I have a long poisonous tongue that liquefies your insides and turns it into a Wild Strawberry smoothies(edible)
>Literally just Green

The Blackish Green Discussion. Guess that implies I'm specialized in handling and overseeing contract work.
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There are 3 systems for PM stuff
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>Rose Taupe Sister
nta but can I see?
>Crayon becomes a Color
Women sure do love cinq don huh? Every female cosplayer is going as her
>Cardinal Child
I have a lifetime subscription to the cloning life insurance that goes fast and flies I guess?
>Medium Pink People
Umm...I'm not quite sure I'll be honest
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Shes perfection, so yes.
Or you're one of those child saints.
A bunch of slightly tan people controlled by a single consciousness.
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>Signal Purple Security
Smalt marketing am going to jew away your money
Purple Taupe
i learned from purple taupe 1 as my master
hello there anons
>Night Blue Drama
it's time
>Pastel Green Bath
I'm literally Samjo
>night blue drama
So youre a league of legends streamer now?
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I'm starting to have fun with LobCo but it's still very confusing. I need to familiarize myself with the UI more because it feels like stuff happens I could prevent but don't see it.
Movein (Aniline Purple) Lab. I'll be the best workshop fixer there ever was and I'll make overly long names for all of my inventions.
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*Bounces you with my belly*
may i have a sip
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Don tits
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Madoka witches would make great Distortions.
Why is the fatfag trying to rp with other anons?
Uptie V will
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Do not lewd Don.
Looking further into this, Aniline Purple is specifically a synthesized dye. My weapons will make people purple and ruin their drip. All that work gone into their new uniform? Ruined.
...cost 2 dollars each
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A horrible but necessary waste of resources. At least I get to keep my /Lcg/ Guild card.
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why is cashy so sad
no 'clip
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she was made for lewds
Husband got small dick
Gipsy won't give her dick
Don lewded me..
I hope you have some tickets leftover for the level 50 cap next season
But is EVERY id at u4?
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Durante... I kneel...
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That's it.
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>Violet Blue Accident
I poke invisible holes in the condoms at distance
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Have a proper Don image.
>Deep Brown Examination
I'm the guy in the Seven Association that's in charge of racial profiling.
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Realistically, I'd end up going with MISC. Live that clerk life.
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lol lmao
this semen demon is not proper
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She has never once done a lewd thing! Don is pure.
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fat tits filled with delusions
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amputeecliff sexo
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I'm gonna fill her womb with my genetic material
God the don in the middle gave me a raging boner
Thanks anon now I have something to do
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>Sinclair and Don swap genders
what happens?
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Are you all excited for Don's Canto? And having to get starlight for the new MD again?
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Okay ladies, explain this shit to me, what's the appeal of amputee fetish to you
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The Canto 3 correction becomes even hotter than it already was.
I'll jerk off to yi sang
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hmmmmmmmmm No...
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me when i see woman in thread
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i would ship them
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thats a homo
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I want a Don ID that looks like this
anon I...
Schizo tier reasoning by the same people who claimed that the fanbase were RISING UP against japan because of some 10 post thread on arca that nobody cared about
my usual fit but different bottoms
heath homo DO NOT look at the most recent danbooru heathcliff upload
That's kind of zwei don desu
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based managerGOD
We should all follow in your example
zoomer don...
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Once again, only you remain. Also fuck the walpipi pack, these event packs are getting worse and worse in terms of time wasted.
so do fucking don count as necrophilia since she a vampirer
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I don't know, but I'm gonna put some life inside of that undead pussy, if you know what I mean
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cool dual sword ID when?
>wild strawberry
i...i dont even like strawberries...
well gimmick wise ig controlling blood sugar lvls in ppl or smth if we are talking ego
Crackhead faust?
Yes to both (I'm a bleedchad)
CrackPaus techincally
>having to get starlight for the new MD
I'm so tired boss...
>wild strawberry
This is hooker's name bro
I dnever cared about Starlight Reset, I already have a bunch of Uptie 4 units that can easily win MD without them.
yes but my gutfeeling say that even if she it the most evilest person basically satan. people still problely forgive her because she was cute
Close them both in a room until one dies
those swords are so fat they might as well be bricks
I was thinking of cool and fast moveset
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Well it is illegal to be angry with someone if they're cute..
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damm ig ill be getting payed to fuck everyone and their mom
Indeed, those are too big to be called swords. Massive, thick, heavy and far too rough. More like heaps of raw iron
So you want something like the original liu greg but dual wielded right?
god i understand some why people draw snuff pic
why is heasukripu so FAT
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yea pretty much
don't feed into the stereotypes bwo
>Keep having dreams where I play a lobotomy corporation boardgame with friends
>Don't have real friends to force to play the imaginary boardgame in my head with in the real world
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i heard that berserk author died it is still worth reading it. I don't trust anyone could facilitate his work
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Griffith was built for one reason only with those DSLs.
You mean reading from scratch or reading the new things that have come up since his death?
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god I hope one of the bloodfiend hunters just has a fucking slab of iron as their weapon
I loved Fist of Gratia
*jiggles my belly and shakes the earth*
the latter did the writting go down the drain one he death
Miura's art had already fallen off by the time he died, he got addicted to loli feet and piss fetish shit. The story is apparently 90% complete and we're lucky to get a chapter a year so you've got all the time in the world to catch up and wait along with everyone else.
But anon I'm also addicted to loli feet
Mersault queen of hatred or bust!
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But all real men are addicted to loli feet..
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who gets the bloodfiend hunter IDs
who gets the bloodfiend IDs
There's barely anything new after his death but so far the quality is about on par with his latest works anyways
>Loli feet enjoyers in my thread.
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Kill all Shitclairs
Meursault would have done it
I love how announcers with two persons have each person's voice come from a different ear.
It feels nice like they're chatting behind you on either side.
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post YOUR limbus art YOU made for my eyes NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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