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Previous: >>493555763
>Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis -The Answer- will be released on September 9 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9eXHaH_9vI
>Metaphor: ReFantazio will be released on October 11, 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YM3eHtnoC0
>Metaphor: ReFantazio Official Showcase - https://youtu.be/RlbKYbS0nSk

>P5U.jp (Arena) Expires: 2025/04/30
>P5B.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31
>P5M.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31

>We have moved everything to GoogleDocs and on the Internet Archive:
>New and improved Birthday Chart
>Media assets

/pg/ OC:
>Draw Corner archive

Anti Spammer Tech:
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First Door Kun
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xth Noot.
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Would you be disappointed if she actually turned out to be evil?
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Cute Aig
Chihaya's boobs pressing against glass
Sounds hot--
...anon, did you just hear the sound of glass nearby that may or may not be starting to *GULP* c-c-crack!?
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gaming asf rn
/psg/: >>>/trash/68945960
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She's broken many many windows with her uncontained mammaries. They seem to always burst out of anything she tries to trap them in
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Why did she do it?
But anon, if she's I there and we're out here...
Ann thread
We are hopeless to escape her clutches. It's much better to submit to the glories of her vast cleavage
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I love plushsona
She's on an adventure in the big city
This artstyle is way better than the gay anime one they decided to go with
>He doesn't know
Are you stupid or something?
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Just in case some of you guys still play video games basically the P5R update broke any mods that involve a patch that needs to be made to the exe. This includes any trainers that have to hook into the exe like Zmenu. Any mods that don't do this will not cause crashes. But anything that required Custom Bonus Tweaks or that Costume Framework won't work for the time being.
If you have too much shit to be bothered figuring out what mods are dependent on what, the only thing actually impacted by the update is the exe, so if you get a hold of the 1.03 exe everything should still work.
Also note if you used Zmenu to do silly shit in the game, that will never be updated to work on 1.04 because the creator apparently had a mental breakdown and quit so if you want to keep using that specifically you have to downgrade.
Least they could've done was take off denuvo.
I'm definitely more intelligent than you.
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Sexo mentally ill teacher
Fuck off already chink.
Who cares it's just mods.
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>who cares it's just mods
I'm pretty sure the people using mods care, dipshit.
literally all of play on Playstation you fucking nerd
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catgirl yukari...
then why does it bother you, you fart sniffing retard.
that's a guy
because nobody is affected by what you posted about
catboy yukari...
I didn't post the original post you moron and if nobody is affected than you're not affected so why comment at all in the first place?
just barely a month left
The same reason why I don't post about the weather in Cambodia on here. I imagine you'd get upset about me posting something of 0 value on here.
You finally get it, I'm proud you!
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Thanks! Don't post about stupid shit again.
wheres it running to
Oops! I think you don't understand. My post was justified. Yours wasn't. Hope that clears it up! Thanks.
WcDonalds. Gonna bring that baby through the drive-thru.
where he goin
>mod anon posts something
>some schizo loses his mind
like clockwork
Oops! I think you don't understand. My post was justified. Yours wasn't. Hope that clears it up! Thanks.
What is it about PC modding that causes a certain type of console only person to sperg out? I've seen this happen before and it always baffles me.
Obviously it's Wada shitposting. Breaking peoples' royal right before aigis DLC when way more people are playing royal on PC is not a coincidence.
Just don't use mods then retard.
I hope you're done now!
which persona girl would give the best handjobs?
Kotone is the handjob princess
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yukiko 200%
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Exhausted Ann claim.
Best sleeping face.
Most cuddly.
I'm so tired. I love Ann.

Night Personababs.

Me too.

What will she encounter?
Go to bed
Why do femc fans hate it when you remind them femc is a pedophile?
Kawakami, it's her job.
Glad that you conceded.
Is it even possible to give a bad handjob?
Metaphor Gallica Summons the Army of the Dead OST
I think a big issue is they consider being a pedophile as being a non-minor attracted to minors, so by their own logic she isn't a pedophile as she is a minor.
I'm glad you proved my point, next time think before you post instead of doubling down on being a stubborn asshole.
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goodnight annbab
In all seriousness though, I think anon was just looking out for the people that are in the middle of a playthrough with mods that may or may not have played sinced the update. Whether or not the post actually serves a practical purpose, I get but it's whatever.

Thanks for the bants, anon.
Whats funny is that these people don't know femc was written by a woman and try to blame da patriarchy

It's up
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Why the witch hat?
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Anon, there's nothing exceptional here.
You could post anything and it'll cause some schizo here to lose their mind. The problem is there's too many goddamn schizos here.
I dare you - name one thing that wouldn't upset some schizo here - it doesn't exist.
why do you sound so annoyed
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>name one thing that wouldn't upset some schizo here
koro a cute
Now we're talkin
>You've triggered the anti-Fuuka schizo. Your post is now being used to insinuate she fucks animals because he hates fuuka
Try again

/pg/ is not an enjoyable general most of the time and I wish it was. I sound annoyed because I am annoyed.
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Truly the GOAT
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Nobody likes fuuka anyways so it doesn't matter
might as well have used the p3d models
It's not even necessarily the schizos. The core problem of /pg/ is that generally most of the posts will not be of interest to any given poster, which makes using the thread tedious for anyone. Even if all the posts are about Persona and are not against the rules, not everyone will want to engage with them. Traditional forums had separate threads for each topic. You talk about your favorite characters, the gameplay, roleplay, etc. all in separate areas so you go where you want to see whatever interests you. These boundaries would then be enforced by moderation. There are no boundaries and no moderation here.
>Even if all the posts are about Persona and are not against the rules, not everyone will want to engage with them
Non-engagement is okay. The issue with the schizos is that they do engage, and the manner in which they do so is terrible.
If the schizos didn't freak out whenever they see something they don't care for - everything would be fine. But 80% of the posts inevery thread is schizos trying to shut away things they don't like
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>that one movie she really wanted to watch with you but you can't stand
What movie was it?
eh, personal preference
Literally who?
Should've been a portrait of Fuhrer
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Flag stolen! Flag dropped! Flag stolen! Flag dropped! Flag stolen! Flag dropped!
I don't listen to opinions of gaijin
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do you want a visually buff woman character as a character in persona 6?
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Do bears shit in the woods?
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Yawn, AT3D's video was better and actually canon.
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no. But I'll take 3 tallflat ones and one short girl with huge knockers
I'd rather have a trap than a muscle girl

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Chie is so evil, I love her even more now
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I need Yukiko's soles on my face so bad bros...
Best you can hope for is that she will brap on you.
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Oh no, Yu-chan wil lead Ayane onto the forbidden path of yuri
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