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Previous: >>493605585

>Character Anecdote - "Emergency Rescue!"

>Character Trailer - "Mualani: The Ultimate Sightseeing Experience"
https://youtu.be/lmZvYv-pQVk (EN)
https://youtu.be/lQoyQdLEIvk (JP)

>Character Trailer - "Kachina: A Shimmering Dance of Stone"
https://youtu.be/uKr_9h79yf0 (EN)
https://youtu.be/RCGfoDHJYxA (JP)

>Character Teaser - "Mualani: Kindness Begets Friendship"
https://youtu.be/BNLghVMba_o (EN)
https://youtu.be/RbTnCgeyiVY (JP)

>Web Event "Off We Go to the Nation of Pyro!" live until September 24

>Current character banner: Mualani, Kaedehara Kazuha, Kachina, Xinyan, Bennett
>Current weapon banner: Surf's Up (Catalyst), Freedom-Sworn (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift
>With Primogems
BlazeToNatlan (NEW)
>Without Primogems

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
My hero fucking jobbed but he's still cool as fuck
For me, it's my beloved wife Nahida.
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Nahida is really sexy.
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updated :^)
i don't like this next thread already
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Say something about your first friend in Teyvat.
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Natlan has no ass. What happened to latinas in Teyvat?
Fuck i love him
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I miss the (blue) Zhongtao and Yantao GOD
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Post your savings. You ARE going to get Xilonen and Mavuika, right?
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My wife
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>/gig/'s POV in 5.1
sigewinne assmogs the entire latina population
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For me, it's Iansan.
best looking character in the game, no contest, with or without cloak. if only we didn't have to wait until 7.x to pull him
At least Arlecchino never jobbed. Unlike Capitano
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He's the coolest jobber.
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I think we need a porky rabi
70 fates
102 primos
I can use the first time bonus.
>if only we didn't have to wait until 7.x to pull him
>believing leaktroons
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Shitty kits like Mualani’s should’ve never made it out of the beta
Who’s idea was it to create a surf hit kit like this, in a game full of ELEVATIONS
To add insult to injury, the high risk isn’t even worth the reward
She should be hitting 500k per HIT and then I’ll consider her to be amazing
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She's adorable
my future profile icon
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not basing this on a leak, just seems like how it's gonna be with his outfit looking extremely khaenri'ahn
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>"I have never taken advantage of an opponent in a time of weakness, and I don't intend to start now"
he may have jobbed the fight but that's a hard as fuck line to say so i forgive him
looking forward to more capitano content
Based Koult
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FUCKING FINALLY holy shit I can finally stop grinding for primos like a lunatic, back to sumeru AQ
He has the Natlan glow, I would think that would be a bigger indicator of his regional playability.
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Amber a cute
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Mualani is hot and all, but her face is kinda weird.
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I miss her so much. When was the last time she appeared at all?
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They just wanted it to look like dbz
She’s the Eula Lawrence of Hydro
Zajef was right when she got nerfed
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>comfy gig hours
I have uh
46700~ish primos plus 30 pink fates
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FUARRKK... Dawei does it again
Amber died in 2.4. It's better if she doesn't appear anymore.
>traveler knocks of captionos mask
>his whole head is completely blue like dains face
would be epic
You finally got it bwo
why is her forehead so big

also cute butt

cute butt x2
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sex with alhaitham
4.4 liyue food event for like a second I think
Quick yes/no question: Do you guys love ZZZ
I think so too. They went overboard with the pupils. It's not like Hu Tao and Nahida where we're so used to flower shapes we don't even bat an eye; I get Mualani's pupils are meant to be squids or something, but they look like cocks.
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The absolute state
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likelier than you think!
with snezhnaya on the horizon its inevitable that some harbinger is going to be a 4 star character. considering that capitano is not going to be released in natlan, he will likely be the freebie 4star that introduces us to snezhnaya.
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scaratrannies bros...
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i quit after 2 days but i support our /zzz/ bros
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Tsaritsa: "What is GOATHIMTANO to all of you?"

Pierro: "If I am Her Majesty's right-hand man, then he certainly is her left-hand man, which is befitting of his title as..."

Il Dottore: "He understandably disagree with my modus operandi. I try my best not to negatively stimulate his sense of justice. The risk of fighting him is proven to be unfavorable, for he is..."

Columbina: "He has a pure heart. Oh, and he's also..."

Arlecchino: "A mysterious man. But one thing is clear, he is no doubt..."

Pulcinella: "The honorable defender of this nation. Our people can certainly sleep well at night under the protection of..."

Scaramouche: "He's annoyingly popular. Can't they see the latent danger brought about by..."

Sandrone: "... He's..."

La Signora: "His honor doesn't allow him to accept my methods, yet he's never shown aggression toward me. I used to know some people like that. Unfortunately, the tide of darkness had devoured them all. But he's still here, he truly is..."

Pantalone: "An efficient operator. Maintaining the army takes a large amount of resource. That's why I much appreciate it when he takes on personal mission alone. He has never failed, a proof of being..."

Tartaglia: "My goal. One day, I'll prove my worth against him, and rightfully claim his seat as..."

Everyone: "...The strongest.
Is Natlan so boring that you guys are already thinking about Snezhnaya
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this is my >xl
2p witch and 2p glad, she is pretty trash but i don't want to go farm emblem and my >b is lv1.
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I finally got Kazucute this time around too bwo
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it's actually extremely evitable, just make all the emilies and yoimiyas of snezhnaya into 4 stars
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Holy shit the amount of stats you need to reach top 1% for Chiori is kind of insane compared to most other characters. This barely made the cut
Oh yeah Natlan definitely is kinda unimpressive
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>Mualani's eyes look like cocks
that's intentional. because she's a canon horny slut. And its sexo as fuck.
>No Faru on Ch*sca banner
She was a 99% skip for me, now it's 200%
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We're already 100%.
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What went so fucking wrong?
Mualani is cute.
kachina will grow up to be a gigastacy warrior with bigger boobs than mauvika just you wait
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no wonder he doesn't get screen time anymore.
Koult discussing gameplay? Wtf?
Her banner will be >b >xl and Noelle. Enjoy.
For me, it's the stability of shell eggs.
chartposting is my entire personality
not necessarily anything to do with natlan its just that snezhnaya is the most hyped region in the game and is now right around the corner
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Co-worker got him yesterday regrets not getting him sooner.
>tupac stands in his way
would jobitano survive even his mere presence?
I think the uncanny part are her cheeks. See >>493621090, the glow on her cheeks look weird.
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wtf happened here bwos... it's actually over
Wormtables flopped
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hu tao my beloved
It has been 10 years already I want to see Celestia.
Waifutroons confirmed as a loud minority.
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I was so worried the banner would end before I could farm enough for the guarantee kek now I wait for Xiao & Wanderer rerun to finish off my cute Anemo boys collection
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Why does /gig/ hate trans girls?
I love Arlecchino though?
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she's a woman with high standards
You might be onto something. She looks pretty different from the other hebe models, even based on her face alone.
If you think Mualani's pupils look retard, you should've seen Huohuo's.
we love hutao thoughever?
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Mualani's eyes never stray from the prize (white foreigner cocks)
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sumeru boys will save genshin AGAIN
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I decided to check on the stats from the 1st and only Chronicle banner we've had

more people rolled for Tighnari's weapon than the characters lol
She's 14.
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Sex with Natlan NPCs
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Only whales rolled for chiori
How is it that 5 years in the main quest still feels like sidequests? The rest of Natlan seems to finally be picking things up if leaks are accurate but still that's insane, genshin's archon quests have pretty much been the waiting room until 6.0 and beyond, no story should be told this way
Would you date a girl that has cock pupils gets impregnated by foreigners on regular basis?
Natlan girls make do.
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/gig/ never learn
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>play genshin
>play hsr
>play zzz
>still no tomboy that looks and acts like a tomboy in ANY game

Why does mihoyo hate them so much? Just add a female with the personality of Tartaglia with the bodytype of Firefly and with the spunk of Ellen. Mihoyo please!
Smell kink
What do the leaks say?
Missing the mulani powercreeps neuve images
Same. I'm uninstalling after Burnice but I love what the game represents.
asians hate tomboys
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>every mualanipost is someone trying to force some kind of meme that never catches on
What did she do to deserve this?
Ok I’m not an SJW but you can’t defend Olorun’s existence
He’s literally a Nigerian diety/God and is black
What Mihoyo is doing is the equivalent in of making King Arthur black
Beidou and koleda are tomboys
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But the best Sumeru boys aren’t even here
Isn't Arlecchino an absolute beast though? She is always next mentioned after Neuvillette.
bro your iansan???
being clunky as shit to play and just a character that won't matter in story by the time we are in the meat of the archon quest.
Who's you guys?
I don’t know but it’s kinda sad to watch
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Oh shit guys look at the graphs
she likes wearing wet panties
we love koko and siggy doe
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Which Cap would you choose, /gig/?
Fat Xiao needed half a decade to power up.
chino was already nukecrept by mualani and she couldnt even beat neuv once since her release
NZbros… not like this
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You really wanna know?
Well, that's because she's a barebone character who can be summarised as 1. genki 2. friendship, so people have to headcanon her a personality, desires and cravings
she titfucked her dog right after
Mavuika breaks the firmament (fake sky)
Full cloak
wdym? Make do with what?
The cape looks the best.
USGAWDS stay on top
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Honestly cloak-less has grown on me a lot
Among scholars the most widely accepted ancient legend is that of Neuvillette flopping.
When the game proved a success they started drafting the next chapter after Teyvat and they rewrote everything from Inazuma onwards to make it filler.
I like the 3rd one without either coats
FotM waifutrash, like most female characters Mihoyo shits out.
Full drip
I want at least one of the Harbingers to keep the Winter Night Lazzo look.
1 is okay but too busy and impractical for gameplay
2 seems fine if he goes to 3 for his burst
did anybody play plunge mualani yet
Why are you still obsessed with Neuvillette?
Every hebeslop has a forced meme associated with her though. Did you already forget the Emilie ugly + good/bad post spam?
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Loved these
Saurianbro quests were the highlight of 5.0 for me
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I can't solo the Raiden boss no matter what I bring, and it feels worse knowing that just learning to dodge her attacks means a 100% success rate eventually.
i remember when sparkle was first teased and literally the only thing that people ever cared about was her feet
post asians
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No one's bothered because Plungevillette is better.
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Keeps herself ready for cocks to enter anytime.
What the holy fuck?
Now remove the 5* supports
They’ll forget her existence when clit comes out anyway. Mualani is too boring.
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How the fuck is Hu Tao lower than Diluc?
Xiao hits harder.
w-where's raiden?
plunge diluc is insane
What an horrible way to represent dates in a graph, wtf. Also, it would be much better to have the country codes next to the end of each line.
Bitter femanons who seethe that no men will want to coom over them as they do for Mualani
There were a lot of hidden ones too, like the fishing one
hu tao is clunkly
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fatuifags heard this and still unironically thought Mavuika would lose
>ss(tier 1)
>s+(tier 2)
>s(tier 3)
these lists are getting more and more retarded.
also c0 neuvilette is a b tier character lol
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my c0r0 lani is hitting 500k vapes with esof
I still don’t know what this tier list is for
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Is this the Waschizo of Natlan?
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Sovl or meta?
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I'm as hyped for Snezhnaya as I was for Natlan. Khaenriah is the true hype region.
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What are these for?
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i got it
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>despite all the cool scenes in 5.0, mavuika is getting surpassed by a random fotm in art count
why couldn't she replicate the popularity of the previus female archons? is the damage fontaine did to the archon position irreparable?
prolly c0
>baba yetu yetu uliye INGONYAMA NENGW' ENAMABALA
Wow no one gives a shit lmeow
No one asked btw.
I don't know.
t. C1 Xianyun enjoyer.
yea but he doesnt have pufferfish on plunge does he?
Japan are plunge enjoyers. They have good metas.
How the hell in kinich that high? Is he popular?
fetish for pantyplay
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post your build pls

nyo clue

just like mualani, he's getting boosted by the fotm factor
>clearly not meta
>soulless coombait slop
She slopped and flopped.
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*farts tenderly*
>how is Sasuke popular
God I hope he's playable. He'll my my Natlan C6R5. If not Natlan then my Russian whale target along with Columbina if she's playable

Full cloak easily
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why do you guys find it hard to believe people like mualani for who she is? not everyone has to be the best written character in genshin's history
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Reminder that we're closer to Khaenriah in the story than we are to Inazuma.
>Lumine winning, flourishing, having a good time
>Aether suffering, miserable, a wretched cuckold
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>still archiveschizoing those 2 years old Dehya posts
Dehya (roughly)TICKLED you
They wouldn't have nerfed Mualani if she was male.
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i asked
Why are you spamming Raiden fucking freak
how often do you think she changes her panties?
I love Xiao so much
>male artists left
>female artists stay
>furina is peak female self insert
>most female artists dont like mavuika
it's that simple
if you check out furina's artist twitter, 90% chance they have already been drawing boys in shorts
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Kinich, Ororon, (potentially) Xbalanque, and Capitano will save Genshin Impact.
kys kitty
i love hu tao so much it's unreal
blame the writers for refusing to let anything happen until the last region
He's riding Mualani's popularity in shipping art
I’m skipping xilonen like I skipped kazuha for 3 years
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There's no fucking way that Xbalanque will be playable now. His name shows up in lore and world quests. He's like the Deshret or Alain Guillotin of Natlan.
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What's he saying?
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I love this game and I'm not scared to admit it

I've been playing since around 2021~ and I truly like this game, there's so much good in the game that overshadows all the bad that it may have.

From the amazing game OST, Stormterror's lair for example is my favourite place because it is nostalgic and the emotion it emits from the music is wonderful, even in the early stages of like Mondstadt, compared to Natlan and Fontaine now I think it still holds up well even if it isn't so "impressive" and detailed like other regions it still has it's own charm to me.

I love all of the regions and how unique they all are, the characters too are probably my favourite part of the game. They all have interesting lore, design, gameplay and voicelines too, my favourite being Navia and Nilou.

I know the controversy and why people were upset about the designs because how they didn't look right, but I still love the character outcome in the end anyways because they look beautiful to me.

Final thing that I love is the events and things you can do, I love abyss and also the new theater addition it's really fun.

I'm not afraid to admit that I love the game and that I play it regularly, I'm aware most people dunk on the game and find it "cringe" and "bad" but haven't even tried it fully, and if they have, it's ok to have opinions but it won't change mine

If my english is broken, I'm not native so I'm sorry I want to just appreciate the game
natlan cast actually is the best written in genshins history so far
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natlan flopped worse than fontaine
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>S+ tier Fontaine exploration
>S+ tier Natlan exploration
How do they powercreep Dehya?
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I look like this.
The slates are to level pyro traveler talents and the ores are to level pyro traveler's night soul bar.
Run towards her, tackle her in a hug and then kiss and laugh with her
This shot was cool as fuck. The way he coolly holds his sword behind his back and everything. My fuarking hero
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New official art
Natlan girls are built for BBC
Oh this makes a-lot of sense why they are 5* rarity
Mualani's breast size?
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Archive detectives are the best.
True true
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i should level up my dehya because she doesnt have the exploration passive unlocked yet and its been more than a year since i got her...
Archons are secondary bait characters, their popularity comes mostly from casuals that barely play the game.
What this tells you is that this group completely abandoned genshin, only sunk cost fags still bother with this game.
Xilonen only has eyes for me
Thanks anon
If it helps /gig/ make sense for even just a few posters, I'm happy to put in the work
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356 pulls and sitting on a guarantee
i might MIGHT just paypiggie Xilonen to C6
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I like the impact frame for this
She goes 3 days with each pair.
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currently cleaning up the trash quests from fontaine
>cries about how resource starved everyone is
>hehe lets build a statue of my parents because my family is the greatest
fucking retard
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Post kokopenis pleaseeeeeeeeee
Only cucks pull for Natlan women.
Devs aren’t funny for this shit
We know Ororon.
I think you didn't understand that scene
it's clear that it was a fight staged by Mavuika
this is like the Venti vs Signora fight all over again; Signora really thought she was fighting Venti but he was just acting to hand over the gnosis to the fatui without raising too much suspicion
well yeah
has a single important character appeared AFTER all the main advertisements for their region came out?
how did you know my name?
Navia's entire purpose in Fontaine is to be boring word-filled pityslop
funny how mavuika came out of this without a scratch and capitano got a really bad wound
>fanart has npcs in it
>automatically assume NTR

What do you call this mentall illness?
whats your height, weight, three sizes and cup size?
Scaramouche I guess
I had a dream where I was Lumine is it over for me am I trans now?
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Justify why you're still rolling for this fucking jobber after he jobbed on his first in-game appearance
I love genshin too. as long as we enjoy the game we are winners. I play the game to relieve stress from my real life which is a mess. i like having no stress in game. i hate games that force you to be competitive and inducing stress just for their own profit. genshin is at the opposite of that idea and thats why i love it.
Blame hoyoverse who hate self inserters and purposely push shiptrash, they arent slick with their subtle mockery
but Clorinde is T0C0
npcs are made to rape our wifes
not she changes them after every gooning sess, Mualani isn't that unhygenic
did you enjoy it
>im not a cuck im rolling for my waifu!! she's for (You)!!!
enjoy your sloppy seconds in silence as your pull anyway
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He is still by far the coolest design Mihoyo has come up with.
Anon, how long do you think those sessions last? I said three days for a reason.
>go to xwitter and hoyolab
>art nowhere to be seen
not official.
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unironically I think he was scrapped and will be replaced with Mavuika's sister
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He's my hero.
Don't care.
They are similarly weakened for plot reasons and for a plot convenient amount of time, it was basically a draw
he was supposed to be red neuvillette according to leakers, while the pyro archon was fanta furina
the entirety of natlan got rewritten after fontaine crashed the game
>it's clear that it was a fight staged by Mavuika
>sacred flame is running out and current tourneys cant sustain it
>capitano(maybe natlan origins) shows up and fights with the archon
>two powerful fighters turbocharge the sacred flame
i can believe this
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Mualani... happy.
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>it was basically a draw
only jobbed because he tried to beat her with just cryo I fear
It's very simple. If he jobs again I might roll because the GODpitano fags will have gotten btfo and that's hilarious
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>Don't care.
It's not humanly possible to goon for three days without stopping. She goons everyday but that doesn't mean it's without breaks in between to eat and rest.
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He did a quick job to make Mauvika feel better before she permanently depowered herself thereby making leaving him as the strongest being in Natlan. What a nice guy.
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The pajeets at the support desk are refusing to help me or listen to anything, I'm pretty sure it's just robots actually. I have receipts from 24/7 desktop recording. Listen to the pitch of these dashes. These are one week apart, from the 31st to now and both within 5.0.

Do the same in your game and tell me if yours sound like the former clip or the latter.
>Taller than the tall male model
>No vision on his model
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He is the coolest looking male character since Diluc was released
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>no gaming.gif
Yea if you want Genshin to be a slice of life anime
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Raiden shitgun trannies, response?
raidentroon melty
Any lesbians in Natlan?
She has a Vision, she'll be alright.
It was alright I guess wasn't sexual and Paimon was there too
How the hell do you manage to get 3 bites with maulani? It runs out before then even if I try collect the fish. Do you have to get lucky with the fish spawns?
wormulani floppped btw
Raidenpags are mad today
Only Capitano
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Surprisingly big. I don't know how she compares to the likes of Keqing and Yoimiya though
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Whose POV is this?
everyone with the dyke haircut
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Booting up the game, give me a moment.
These Natlan kits aren’t going to age well once we leave this region
Nah, panties get really nasty if you go too long without changing. Mualani isn't that unhygenic. The longest time she spent without changing is at most one day.
wriothesley was cool and alhaitham would be cool if not for his headphone retard thing. also arlecchino gets the special mention for being cooler than everyone except for capitano.
Mualani already feels like she has aged bad the moment you enter a domain.
You'll still want to farm them for Natlan characters, so it doesn't matter.
You lose the exploration bonuses but you keep the nightsoul damage bonuses.
AR58 and have about a year old account.
How hard is visionary mode? While a bunch of level 70 no weapon no artifact characters be able to beat it?
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Mine sounds like the first clip
lord _
No, those wouldn't sell. She has to keep them on for longer to get any money for them.
look harder
called it, raidentranny is going to melty soon
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Metaverse project proceeding nicely.
raidentroon about to melt
she's so fucking hot
mualanis mualanis are best appreciated from the bottom
Big C or small D, assuming we use JP measurements.
Raidentroon melty incoming
probably without stars
I dont FGUCKING cares about your FIUCKIKNG Raiden you mentally ill freak.
Yes, the reaction bonuses are op as shit.
If you have good dps units you can carry the dead weight, even with shit cards picked.
Post objectively beautiful Genshins
Beat in what?
She always beat him in speedruns
Both c2r1 and c6r5 brackets
She's basically the only one competing with Mualani now, other characters are not even close
why can't they implement quadruple banners like star rail? why do they love punishing their playerbase so much? i just want shenhe, ayaka / kokomi to rerun
Say what you will about Raiden but Neuvillette flopped.
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>is cool as a cucumber
yeah she is, why do you think she has numbers of coomers never seen before for a female character
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My dashes are like the lower pitch one.
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>just getting into the game
>get this whore
>yeah bro she's one of the best supports in the game you just need her to have a Pyro goblet but also a 1:2 crit ratio BUT ALSO 300 ER
Nigger literally fucking how? This is fucking bullshit, how the fuck am I supposed to get that much ER??? I can't have all my artifacts roll on Crit AND ER at the same fucking time.
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gay sex with gaming (no homo)
the full cloak looks fucking stupid considering his arms are out. It's like wearing a sleeveless suit.

Id settle with the cape.
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Arlecchino is 18 years old
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because contrary to salesposting retards screeching all the time, they dont actually give a shit about your money. they could easily extract like 10times more from the game but they choose not to.
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Man, I doubt I'm ever going to take Xianyun out of my exploration party. She combines mobility with healing.
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>why can't they exploit their playerbase for short term profits before leaving them burned out and resentful thereby sabotaging the game in the long run
sacrifice CR and get the catch
its just sunk cost raidentroons that spent 3 years farming EOSF
Mine sounds like the first clip.
she doesn't need 300 ER, but she does need a big investment in it and also needs to be glued to Bennet
But yeah recommending her to newbies is retarded, messing around with dendro + electro or swirling with anemo MC is the best earlygame damage if you have nothing better
You need five dps's right? Ten rooms, two vigor per char. These other elements are really fucking me over. I barely have any geo or dendro characters. Might have to pull for xilonen to even do visionary on the next IT.
you only need em on her early AR
C6 Cloud Retained god...
Selling panties is for talentless bitches like mona. It's inefficient because you can only turn out so many of them due to its time consuming nature.
Mualani knows how to dance. She can perform naked on stage and earn a thousand times more mora than selling a pair of panties every two days or so.
Good, I should use the repair function on my game data to see what happens after. Not even going to bother with sending tickets in the future because it's clear they don't give a shit about what you type, it's just generic template replies every time.
Dem keybinds. I am curious.
all they'd have to do is rotate Chronicle banner, but instead they've run it one time, half a year ago, with not another one in sight.
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Capitano shouldve been a double wielding claymore user.
Enough about this. Do you think Mualani has hard poops or soft poops?
Just get mauv in a couple of months
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if only there was someone else...
This woman is so beautiful it's unreal.
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watch out raidentroon will start scatposting
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>Dem keybinds.
you simply dont. xl is a dogshit character that doesnt function in any way whatsoever without at least c4 AND bennet c1. retard "theory craft" content creators play spreadsheets instead of the game, so they wouldnt know and bait new players with dogshit ideas that only work after 500 hours.
I am going to save my rolls for the leaked goth catalyst, she will not be released, and I will curse my greed.
It's insane that the Pyro nation has a single Pyro character.
what will be the cope when emilie has higher ownership rate than mualani?
literally just build er when you're low AR and buy bennett from the shop
Shes constantly constipated.
I find it funny how Mualani generates so much seethe that femcels have to falseflag
Watch there will be a samefag reply to this soon enough
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God, that's hot.
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You can never fail when you save for characters that might never come, because you can always just give up and spend the primos on someone else instead. Unless you are saving for umm.. I forgot her name, that Harbinger that Raiden killed. Then you will always fail because she's dead and never coming back.
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so cute! her flippers almost look like bunny ears
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Aren't you forgetting someone?
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That'll be $50 + tip. No refunds
if you mean that girl in red kinda outfit or some shit then it was almost certainly a 4* design
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Yep called it, right on time too for the cooldown >>493624913
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melusine pfps are always guaranteed groomers.
She has persistent aggressive diarrhoea
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lmao, truly natlan's yoimiya
Two dps if you save them for the bosses (4 bosses).
The other chambers have no time limit (mostly, the ones with mobs to kill and also have a time out come later and you can abuse the reaction cards).
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Five more areas to 100% and I will have the entire world completely explored. still have to do dragonspine though.
doesn't count.
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even Siggy?
This feeds my soul.

I want ZhonglixMavuika now. Because JP VA.
Curious, how do Mualanifags explain her extremely poor sales?
Which character am I talking about
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shame about the jank but this homing missile shit is soulful as fuck and it feels good when it blows shit up
Is this dejavu or have you guys already said this before
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Get juked.
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nigga I don't care about their profits, just give me my fucking shenhe. no I don't want troonhida, troonlan, troonmilie, troonzuha, troontham, troonlou, troonori, trooney, and all type of troonery rerunning before her

why is that so hard to understand
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What is about Mualani that triggers the femcel seethe so badly? Even other sexo characters like Chiori didn't drive them up the wall like this
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genshin impact?
I'm sure I've said something like that about whats-her-face before. But I remembered her name last time.
Hydro DPS
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I think Lumine is better MC than Aether just like Caelus in star rail, he's better MC than Stelle just saying...
Good bye.
Its a good thing only 3 people rolled
Man I kinda regret getting her now, if you have to chase after any enemies even slightly you wont have time for 3 bites. The timing is way too tight for this, it's actually annoying..
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Alhaitham pov
thats what i said, they dont care either so you will have to wait for the next chronicle banner.
Don't be greedy.
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The age posting made the really froth.
Yes. Target the one that is moving instead of the sitting duck at the center.
What do you do when you're done with content?
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why do such massive jobbers get a such a cool theme?
whens our trailer like this for the celestia harbingers that obviously will exist
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Who is the Ubel of Genshin Impact?
mua cute
Samefag Mualani hater that only appears around burgerhours
They need to build up the FOMO so that you'll be pressured to get them at all cost whenever they do rerun.
i think its probably because more people rolled and post her gameplay and shit because shes not geo. chiori posting just kinda died down after a bit.
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boot up zzz
Ult lvl?
Is it vaped?
Lvl of weapon?
Be extremely close to the puffer yeah
I found another game(gacha) to play.
Siggy pfps are always troons or pedos (not mutually exclusive) so yeah, still applies
Which one?
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are you going to roll for her bf?
ZZZ happened
Straight men migrated
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post something angry
I've had the non-boss rooms hurl lightning bolts at me for taking too long. But yeah you're right. I'll have to figure out what dps I have of the selected elements. No hydro is rough since I use neuv / furina to hard carry me thru content. Really I'm just annoyed that it takes so long to farm up the boss mats, plus having to split resin with weekly bosses.
Signora will be playable.
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How do they generate can you preplan where they will drop? Or just fuck you buddy it's too far away no 3rd bite for you type of deal?
90 widsith
32k hp
I get confused sometimes. If trannies are pedos for having a loli pfp, then lolifags are also pedo trannies. Yet they always fight this claim because they swear they're different. Curious.
Hahaha what the fuck is this garbage
more mobile enemies are usually shitters where it doesnt matter all that much if you miss some bites desu
Aether is the best mc, because this way Lumine will be the evil twin and evil women are hot.
I think it's also because they're mad Mualani is getting more attention from straight men (which they crave deep down even though they deny it to their last breath) than they will ever get. They are seething that no men will ever want to coom to them.
>matchmake for Shouki no Kami
>lock in Koko for healing support
>someone else locks in Furina
>then the other two lock in as Yelan and Neuv
I left and I'm not sorry for it. I don't care about haha funney hydro sweep that takes 8 minutes to do, we need fucking elemental reactions for that place and specifically something that can pop electro totems very quickly.
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Fuck you buddy deal, it was a massive pain when fighting the riftwolves in this abyss
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No I'm saving for Mavuika and maybe Xilonen.
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I would but I want to save and catch up on all the other characters I'm missing instead
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GODvillette will be involved somehow
kinich already has a bf tho
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Feixiao my beloved...
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Ignore femcels
Lets keep cooming to Mualani
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>playing a healer in a post neuv/furina world where there will always be someone playing one or the other
Traveler can't resonate with Pyro.
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>they fell for 2024 Yoimiya
Pedos lack the self awareness to realize they’re not much different from troons
Fontaine sailors are so lucky
just play mualani freeze and you will never miss ez
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Fischl is a sexy 14 year old also.
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My animebytes account got disabled... Genshin impact
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I think you have to be over a certain age to start appreciating Sigewinne
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Yes. Weapon is up in the air for now.
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Character design, personality, gameplay, those don't matter. All that matters is sales.
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>brainlets still trying to doompost the best Natlan character because "m-m-muh clunk"
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Sayu makes me happy
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
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She can't stay a plank of wood forever right?
the only people that like potatoes are 12 yo children and gay pedos.
Sparkle-chan please not now...
I regret falling for fomo… and I don’t want to be banned if I ask for a chargeback
Go woke, go broke.
good job you learnt how to rotate between mobile and landline to samefag two posts at the same time
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>dabs on your stupid shark while skating away
All you had to do was visit the site once every six weeks...
Go beg in irc or discord
did you forget to do the inactivity thing? i hate that shit, they're also the only reason I remember AB exists since I stopped watching anime in 2015 but keep my account anyway.
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nyaa is fine skill issue
infact yoimiya is better
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You know remember 2.3. Sparkle loves watching Trailblazer and Firefly date.
Sword of Convallaria. It's a turn-based game with tiles like Final Fantasy Tactics or Fire Emblem. The gacha system is similar to Genshin and might feel familiar to navigate.
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omg hi Sparkle!
Wtf give it to me I still watch anime and they won’t let me into their sekrit club
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bwc slut
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How long before a Mualani Rabi with missing shark missle animation comes out?
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I was busy with work... Besides barely anything watchable comes out nowadays.
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Miss her?
calm down nguyen
>The gacha system is similar to Genshin
That's not an upside
>mualani hater shows up
>samefagging increases tremendously
>sparkletroon shows up at the same time
i'm nyoooticing
Seedboxes are one of the worst parts of being on private trackers (that don't have abusable coin systems). You get NO ratio but are expected to keep adding to it somehow or only wait for the gayest, most massive packs that are freeleech and nothing else.
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Muttlani status?
I hate Mualani's pupils.
already forgot about her actually lol
what is the canon passage of time for genshin
it feels like the traveler could've done all this shit in a couple months
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sparkleGODS broke you
what the hell is up with her makeup. she looks uncanny valley asf
Slime is literally this season
Bokuyaba was literally 2 seasons ago
now post your C2 Furina and C2 Nahida
Lantern Rite is canon so the time spent in Teyvat doing literally fucking nothing is 4 years and counting. In that time there were nearly 3 apocalypses.
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They look like cocks so it makes Mualani look like a cock-obsessed whore drooling at the sight of any man willing to give it to her
All the trackers I am on I have a 10:1ish ratio just for hosting niche files and being the only host. I gained 1tb just off one series. Also hosting gives bonus points so you can trade them I don't see any issue.
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You shouldn't talk about a 14 year old that way.
don't worry nothing important happens in teyvat unless the traveler is there to see it
Mualani's sex appeal is so strong Capitano couldn't focus on the fight because he kept picturing those eyes looking up at him from between his thighs.
>Brings up one of her best points and tries to spin it as a flaw
I know this post was made by the Mualani hater schizo but unironically what you just said is one huge reason why i love her.
You're damned right I love that she's a cock-obsessed whore. Mmhm.
My hero Capitano… she’d open her legs up for him in a heartbeat
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>openly dislike the mystery meat surfer
>people still make up narratives about you
Or the usual case, whoever has the seedbox adds that niche file to their repository
>is now the priority, default seed for everyone connecting regardless of location
>gives them the full 100% file and credits it to the guy with 359252362tb of ratio
>you, sitting there with it, contribute 35kb and still have no idea how to get the blu ray you really want because it will put you on fucking ratio watch instantly
If a tree falls in the forest and nobody was there to watch it, did the Pope shit in the woods?
Deep thinking with Fat Xiao.
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razor birthday SOON
Looking forward to my cute caveman son’s birthday
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STOP noticing. You're ruining MY narrative.
>Xer thinks being a cock-obsessed whore is a bad thing
Woman/tranny spotted
I don't regret rolling for Kaedehara Mualani
no one here actually white
it's just joke, right?
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this ratio is horseshit
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I know that obviously the best c6 is the character that you like the most but what is objectively the best c6 in the game right now?
C6R1 Furina probably
Currently sitting on a queue of 300 gorillion chargebacks for her banner
aloy, solely because whaletrannies and oldfagtrannies can't get it
Mualani is trash outside Natlan
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Based. She's cute and sexy, plus she makes the big numbers
I mean everyone knows by now it's one particular Mualani hater schizo samefagging
>Shows up at burgerhours 8pm to 2am ish every night
>Content of posts is always the same mualani hate
>Said posts get immediate samefagged and sockpuppted on cooldown
>Sometimes rotates mobile and landline devices to dual samefag at the same time
>Has a very distinctive posting style
Pretty much.
who jobbed now huh

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i need bwc inside my pussy
Mavuika Harris flopped
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I am gonna post mualani sales again if you're uppity
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waifufloppa waifufloppa dont cry...
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curiously enough sparkletard got banned exactly at this time a few days ago and mualani shitposting ceased for a couple hours
Ganyufag was definitely claiming his dailies on coop for extra friendship exp kek
daily reminder no one can cuckpost emilieGOD not even cumthaipag
>there are actual females in this thread right now trying to insult Mualani by calling her a cock-obsessed whore
Lmao that's a quality not an insult, stupid women could learn some lessons from Mualani and start pleasuring men.
Arlecchino or Mualani for speed running
Emilie for Afk gaming
Furina for comfy gaming
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>you are quite tiny
isnt capitano a manlet lol
She's a whore
bros, will i like genshin impact if my only other phone game is arena of valor
everyone who cares already has neuvilette
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neuvilette jobbed in every speedrunning ranking lmao. As for soloing capability, he can already do that at c0
My dick is flopping
Hmm nyo I will be purchasing the packs for a character that isn’t a brick
I deleted it myself BTW
the femcel is already here to ruin the thread, don't need to do anything to ruin thread morale if xhe is here to samefag nonstop
>Quit at Eula banner (original run)
>Came back for Mualani
Yep, I noticed that as well. Like I said, everyone knows it's just one schizo
Which btw schizo-kun if you're reading this
I LOVE the fact that Mualani is a COCK LOVING WHORE. Damn thats sexo. thats coom. Based hoyo for making her have dick symbols in her pupils.
you are either vietnamese or thai tranny, no one outside those people play that shit
waifutrannies are poorfags that need to switch region to JP to buy welkin
Quick describe the type of sex kinich and mualani have
loom is a womanlet
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14 year olds are just that sexy.
Muttlani loves that big capitano cock
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I lost my 50/50 rolling for you BITCH
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>too much of an asshole even for the Fatui
Damn, not even a transfer to Dottore's troop? This dude must be the Local Legend of being a dick.
capitano isn't white though
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No way I'm picking this up to make it some sort of indoor painting item. It stays like this so I can come visit it. So cute.
Only three people have it but it looks to me like porkrinde's C6 is pretty impressive
Pantyplay where Kinich inserts his penis through Mualani's sloppy wet panties
whose POV is this?
Where did this mualani = slut forced meme come from? Just because she's a genki?
its like trying to get sparkle but you already have bronya
I think it's outside furnishing
though out the fight Mavuika used a lot of magical damage so there aren't obvious signs that they dealt damage even tho Capitano took them head on.
>all that shilling
>still flops harder than emilie
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Should I? It's a meme weapon at this point. I only have 1 at 90 for the Qiqi dps build
Mine. I love this cutie
lmao im american, i just like it cuz to me it plays much better than rift
He's a lanklet just like me...
Don't feed the samefag
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Poorfags need to think carefully before they invest into the game
I tested too and I too think it's more like the first clip. I'm not sure it's corruption or something, maybe an environmental thing like if your feet are wet or not or just that specific area did you experiment with different states of the zone like switching between dream and reality version? Another likely suspect could be windows auto-updating your audio-driver or you switched audio sources?
ur >B?
>loses to an EQ bot
Owari da...
Thank you.
Mualani doesn't have a personality so since she clearly exists to be a tanned genki girl who shows skin she's automatically a slut.
Mualanibros are trying really hard to see if something sticks for her, but it ended up in chaos and now she has like 5 forced memes that never really stuck
wait i dont remember this, where is it?
I thought americans play mobile legends. Maybe just the Filipino diaspora
I may be stupid but >B's attack bonus stack with only his base attack, It doesnt matter how much he has?
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>one of the best combat animations to date
you mean clunky animations, the L3 bite animation not only whiffs a lot, but doesn't feel like it impacts as hard as it should.
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Fonta Mavuika and Xbalanque were a fever dream. I fucking hate hrt diluc for starting the Xbalanque thing. Both him and Deshret seem more interesting than the entire playable male cast. Feels bad we'll get an emo bat and an one note dino vet instead.
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Kachina is an atheist...
I repaired the game files and it fixed the pitch, which I did test with different characters and environment. Might have been a corrupted file in there somehow.

It's not the only problem I've had. Some in the past that later showed up in patch notes as being fixed, which tricked me into thinking reporting was worth doing. "feedback" should just be renamed to "garbage disposal" instead.
Why are they so vocal if they’re poor?
This is the 2nd only highest base damage sword in the game other than the MSR. It's become his signature weapon unless you run FAV
Uh oh the femoid is gonna freak
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that's what happens when you pander to waifuPAGs
there's a reason their games are all flopping in the biggest mobile market
wrong. it's just the panties guy. prior to him showing up, most mualani talk was about how she's made to be in a loving relationship pumping out kids every year until menopause
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Mualani keeping her panties on and spreading herself open to make sure her panties are as wet and coomy as possible!
>"feedback" should just be renamed to "garbage disposal" instead.
i reported that arlecchino literally doesnt work on dvalin when she came out. im pretty sure that she still cannot deal damage to dvalin.
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what do you get if your favorite genshin sells well?
where Mamere (used to) live, just aside from the rest of Merusea Village.
Meant for >>493628289
wait you B's Q doesnt only count his Base attack but Base attack + Weapon attack?
It's his base attack + his weapon. Sara works the same way.
You know what they said
Empty vessel makes the most noise
Scara only showed up in 3.2. Xbalanque has a chance I guess, though I'm not holding my breath for it considering the current data. afaik Iansan is the one with the last character ID rn. Yes, even Madame Ping is still MIA.
Things that didn’t happen
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Now kiss.
I wonder what women think when they read posts like these
>tranny goes full schizo when people expose his spam
Yes, it doesn't count any atk%/flaf atk from artifacts
read >>493628401
>Conveniently ignores the cuckposting, pregnancy and mixed race posts
That anon really got under your skin huh
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Mualani keks were making fun of Furina
I wish Sampo was the one shitting these threads up instead of Sparkle
Leakers didn't say anything about Ifa till the 5.1 beta. There's obviously gonna be more characters coming out
character+weapon IS the base ATK stat all the ATK% buffs work off from
so yeah it's his BiS
Poor guy lived long enough to become the schizo himself
Even so, I'd rather keep hers here than take it for my own. It makes sense for it to be left outside of her vacated dwelling more than it makes sense to put it in any of my realms. The ideal situation of course is that both exist, but that's too difficult for devs.
It makes it obvious that the op is male
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60 million active playersbros.... we LOSTED
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oh 72 isn't that many-
>over the course of 18 days
Alright then 1 for Bennet 1 For Qiqi the other are getting fused into Qiqi's sword
scara showed up in 1.1
Scara showed up in 3.1. Technically Xbalanque shows up in 5.1, in a flashback scene with the Shade of Death, but Tabibito is probably using his PoV like what happened with Remus since dataminers can't tell whether he's a NPC or not.
racemixing and pregnancy are not separate from what I said, it's still about going to natlan and having her all to yourself in a healthy relationship
They explode into a melty like that Mualani hater samefagging schizo
Have you spent any money? I remember I sent some feedback and they eventually said they will forward it and my issue was fixed 2 patches later. Could be a coincidence but they always seem to give priority to me. Once the game would freeze up on boot and they replied almost immediately and eventually figured out within a few hours it was the old GPU drivers after a game update broke the game.
they get horny
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What does this pose imply?
>if he waited like 15-20 minutes he could have won easily
Its fucking hilarious.
>mualani is popula-ACK
holy kek
Don’t forget the diaperCHADS
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>sparklefag(s) arrive
>saleposters also arrive
it's just no coincidence
i self insert as mualani
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Genshin is truly dying, but at least it funded the other more popular game!
Its honestly crazy how hard shes flopping. I feel bad and even rolled c0r1 since shes just so cute.
Where is Ifa
Its really funny seeing how they’ve acted from pre-beta to now
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Has your voice been listened by dawei?
Seriously, what were they thinking when they released these two animated shorts at the same time?

The difference in quality is absurd. It's almost as if the HSR devs are mocking Genshin.
im tired of pretending mualani is attractive
shes cute but in a cute animal way
Other than mavuika there's no other pyro units on the horizon. You gotta be retarded if you think they won't release another pyro unit during 5.x
This is 4chan its happening either way, if you want to lose your mind over it then good for you
Ironically you shat up the thread way more than any of these coomers because you had a total meltdown
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>you at least understood even the most basic part of furina's character
No they don't they still want her to return to archonhood
while its crazy, I do think its mostly to be expected.
Most Genshin spending at the whale level is meta-fag influenced. All whales have a maxed Neuvillette already, so what the heck would they want her for?
Just bring a shielder bwo.
Shitskin debuff
First chief is cute af
Yes, Mualani flopping is proof
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Can you not disrespect my wife like that?
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PC and PS5 players simply dont watch youtube haha
this nigga FLED
Is Zhongli still the only good shielder?
>Have you spent any money?
In total, about $135 over the past 1.5 years that I've played. That's about all I'll ever do too, but I would hope that doesn't influence anything about tickets.
I think in those cases maybe your issues were actually known or reported by enough people that it was already being investigated. I'm just burn out and so fucking sick of trying to be the nice guy that offers steps of reproduction (critical with all bugs or issues) and specific settings I know they'd ask for, and then they just say hurrr we need a video or we won't even reply to you.
I'm not gonna post my best post when the thread is almost dead.
you all have to wait by then.
You only get oroworm leaks gwelilo
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>check where this matches
so it's a seapag femcel seething at waifus all along?
I wouldn't refine any weapon unless you are a whale.
Diaper is falseflag by same schizo, xer's not actually a real mualani coomer, notice how all the posts are just responses to the Mualani panty coomposter, while the other real mualani coomers post ther pregnancy cooms, their racebait cooms etc
>losing in the west
>losing in Japan
>losing in China
God damn she can’t catch a break kek
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>Itto manspreading in broad daylight to make sure every Inazuman passerby gets a whiff of his musky oni balls' boysmell!
Tell me how that makes you feel. There's your answer.
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congrats, you managed to make people hate her because of your excessive cringe. can't wait to see you move to the next girl
Not surprised desu, it's always seaniggers doing this sort of shit
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Pass me some of that copium sister. I'll admit that we were always aware of how Deshret and Egeria died, but Xbalanque's final moments are never brought up. We just know he was depressed and then bang, the lore mentions the second archon who just so happens to have placed his life in the Sacred Flame just like Mavuika did before traveling through time. He also didn't do any Pilgrimage shit despite Mavuika saying Xbalanque set the Pilgrimage rules. I swear this red eyed youth is an odd character. But I'm guessing we'll only find out more about him and his link to Xbalanque once Ochkanatlan is released, probably in 5.2.
Fuck off you mentally ill piece of shit.
No please, I'm only going to stay until this thread is over
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It's well known that the schizo is a projecting pagpag.
I'm not sure that he's a femcel though, a homosexual seems more likely.
Actually no I think about when I was new and rolled the banner for PJWS because I had nothing to make Rosaria feel strong with (it's still on her). I think maybe $230 total seems more realistic if I think about it, and maybe I get a welkin every few months but it depends on how soon Cyno gets a rerun.
Either a SEAnig or a late night Amerilard because they're here every night from 8pm - 2am burgertime.
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>when the 3-minute high quality HSR animated short was released
Woah, the animation is so fluid! Impressive!
FEIXIAO IS SO KINO BROS! I can't wait to pull her!
OMG... Jing Yuan is so handsome, sisters...

>when the barely 1-minute sloppy Genshin short was released
bros wtf is this
this is so low quality
hehehehe lectoure is fucking my waifu!!!!

It's over, we lost...
The more time I spend on this general, the more I start to hate sea " people "
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Call me a schizo but why are you guys acting like Mualani
>killed your dog
>burned your crops
>shit on your ancestors
>commited a crime
Not a single Fontainian character has been getting this much shit aside from Neuvillette, and she's just a random swimmer
Why do you accuse all of your enemies of being femcels? I struggle to believe that women use this site outside of shit like /soc/
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you will give me a (You) on the next thread whether you like it or not... but you will nonetheless
patience young one.
Ifa is right there. Yes, the literal who vet.
Where are my big tiddy dragon waifus in Natlan?!
I think xbalanque is connected to the wayob. I remember seeing really old leaks about natlan having 2 archons where one rules above and the other rules below
Meh, sleepy elf is ok. Honestly you xan also try running your normal team and stacking elctro res potion, and bringing good food. That or skip inazuma for a bit, raidens a pushover once you get a actual team.
probs a late night burger. burgerland is most seethe nation on earth after all
SEA femcels BROKE you
mualanifags were picking fight against everyone when natlan PV dropped
I'd say its karma for them (most of them will jump ship to citlali later anyway)
Idk I just sometimes feel like they specifically read my surveys because whenever I ask for something it happens within 2-3 pathes but maybe like you said many asked for the same thing too. It's funny though it almost feels like I've been chosen for a shadow playtester and they keep an eye on my feedback. Day 1 player, played all 3 of their flagship games. Tell me something you want looked into I'll include it in my survey next time.
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This general has been overrun with shitposters and schizos, it's really as simple as that. Pay them no mind.
Itto is too stupid to know what sex is.
Because mualani pleases men and is popular. Chiori doesn't please men as overtly and is less popular.

Have some big tiddy women instead.
Oh. I see.
But he's probably gonna be a filler 4*. I'm talking about a 5*
I’m waiting for Ifa and the pink vampire
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We love shipping here
I wonder who's behind the falseflagging...
your eyes
>almost 30 posts early
earlypedo melty
It's like they set it up so she could fail spectacularly, every brown character in the game encountered one fiasco after another. Hoyo REALLY fucking hates anything less than pale huh
>Mualani was compared most to Neuvillette
>now Mualani gets tons of shitposting
>Neuvposters are absent
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I will allow it
It's around 1,6k or 1,8k for me but it's not near the threshold where they start noticing. I was for a short while a CS for a gaming company and most vocal players were in 20-30k range but we only gave priority to the ones in the millions range.
At least use someone hotter than Itto
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Well, I'll do something very unlikely then. Can you ask for this temizuya as a teapot item in the next survey? I've been trying for a year at this point and I think because it's from 2.x it will never happen.

All they have to do is take the fucking prop and then scale it and assign a load limit, boom done. If it makes it into the game unannounced, I'll buy you a cake or something.
Why do you samefag so hard
What is it about Mualani that causes you to seethe so hard?
Lets talk. Maybe gig can help you heal from your Mualani induced trauma.
she scared neuvfags before she got nerfed
also got a lot of screentime in this patch, unlike kinich
This one for the heteros
uh oh mualanifag melty
Ifa will be a spectacled 5*
No it's an american. Check out the id flagged genshin board its an american bitching about it
Well I will try but I will tell you right now that specific requests like that are unlikely to get looked at no matter who sends it. I was thinking more along the lines of player experience feedback. For example I noticed the LoD got lowered and I sent feedback suggesting they optimize areas by compartmentalizing them better and soon after the next two patches they did some big optimizations to file structures and also culled far away areas like Inazuma being visible from Sumeru and redistributed the polygon budget improving the local LoD a lot. Another thing I complained about was not enough weekly boss mats because new characters all use the same ones and they began making new characters use old mats now etc. I was thinking something a long those lines. Things like not enough Artifact fodder and things like that.
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I'm an active player since 1.0 and I won't watch waifusloppa trailers
Doesn't help that is a Pyro Agent. I always and often assumed Pyrow Agents are the more higher ranking or upper middle class of Fatui rankings. AKA; the Pyro Agents are not the lower enlisted or conscripted grunts. So he must have fucked up royally to be discharged like that all while being a Pyro Agent.
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