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Previous: >>493619950

>Character Anecdote - "Emergency Rescue!"

>Character Trailer - "Mualani: The Ultimate Sightseeing Experience"
https://youtu.be/lmZvYv-pQVk (EN)
https://youtu.be/lQoyQdLEIvk (JP)

>Character Trailer - "Kachina: A Shimmering Dance of Stone"
https://youtu.be/uKr_9h79yf0 (EN)
https://youtu.be/RCGfoDHJYxA (JP)

>Character Teaser - "Mualani: Kindness Begets Friendship"
https://youtu.be/BNLghVMba_o (EN)
https://youtu.be/RbTnCgeyiVY (JP)

>Web Event "Off We Go to the Nation of Pyro!" live until September 24

>Current character banner: Mualani, Kaedehara Kazuha, Kachina, Xinyan, Bennett
>Current weapon banner: Surf's Up (Catalyst), Freedom-Sworn (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift
>With Primogems
BlazeToNatlan (NEW)
>Without Primogems

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
surely everyone is comin' here
I don't think so, ritual posters are cringe like that
This one
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
probably not yeah
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Why did she lose to an uggo NPC fox

And BIGLY to a shipbait yelan expy
this thread was 1 post early from 751 anyways
Characters that popular among women Vs Mualani lmao
Watch, Mavuika will be the first flop archon because she's super unpopular without Capitano
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>da wei goes back to his roots by making a region that can provide him with 60 nigger cocks
>flops harder than ever before
Muttlani gigaflopped btw.
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hu tao my beloved
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Thoughts on my legal husband Alhandsome?
I wouldn't trust any claim of easy damage without a character sheet.
I heard Tupac is in natlan, so where's my nigga Biggie Smalls doe?
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Gato erotico...
My balls hurt
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sex with alhaitham
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I haven't seen anyone talk about this quest. I don't even know what the fuck I'm doing or where this quest came from, but it's talking about the pyro dragon???
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nta but my cope mualani hits 100k skill 200k+ burst without reactions lol
Show your marriage certificate first.
really ugly and cuckbait*
What's your comment on the sales performance of the character Neuvillette, Sparkle-chan?
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It's the main WQ questline of Natlan and nobody really talks about it because it is short and full of nebulous loredump that nobody can really make anything of
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Right here Lil Digga.
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>63 Douyin hours
Neuvillette is a God.
you know remember Ngoubou
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bruh it's real fucking neato though
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I liked it.
For me, it's Ifa.
can you please stop being out of topic? we don't talk about the game here
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they are /here/
What a shit take. Back to cock diet for you slut. Neuvscum pretending to be Sparkle posters.
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You have to fight him for Mualani mats
i dont even know why i keep playing this I have not pulled since sumeru i have 120k primos i just log in explore speed skip all the story get 100% and leave its like a chore more like a game
>want to level some characters
>need mualani artifacts
getting artifacts is so aids
please have some respect with people here who are no longer playing genshin impact
God, I wish that was me.
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Niggerman? Is that you?
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>implying I've been anything but consistent with my takes
Seethe about it but Inm not going to lie about my views to please a gentroon
Whose POV is this?
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How do people not have all 3 rings? They've RNG but long as you clear the map you should get all of them.
you look great together
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dehyas daily bwc stretching
i don't have a mental illness.
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those 3 dudes who tried to grape her in the desert
The lore is just a rehash of previous regions'. You need to clear two other WQs to unlock this one and one of them is about how present day stories don't always match up with actual events that transpired. Xbalanque and the Pyro Sovereign actually schemed some bs together to save Natlan instead of being enemies as told by legends, the same shit as Scylla & Remus and Apep & Deshret
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you know how genshin loves to do its lore..retelling it at least 5 slightly different ways through various quests, item descriptions and paimon directly saying the information
Oh yeah? Have you ever played Neuvillette? Have you experienced the story he ruined to be making takes like that?
Everything in that garbage heap of a region is rehashed, including the scene in the Night Kingdom which is a parody of Zhongli saving Xiao in 2.5, except they couldn't justify Mavuika being there physically so they had her astral project.
only mentally ill would say this
i like female pussy
Refer to some of my classic era-defining posts for my views on the topic
i think straight women are faggots. imagine liking men, ew
that's gay as fuck
haha this nigga saves his old posts lolol
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I’m standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff—I mean if they’re running and they don’t look where they’re going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. That’s all I’d do all day. I’d just be the catcher in the rye and all.
I loved playing as a little guy.
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So what exactly is Celestia gonna do when it wakes up after jerking off and sleeping for the past few hundred years?
I love my scarayume gf
hopefully not boiling dogs
one can only hope
please let them go
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Get BTFO by the Abyss order
hopefully fucking a dog
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Great book. He rapes his sister Phoebe
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Can't rape the willing.
i really think they traded our scriptwriter for the zzz's designers
because this story ain't it folks
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I wish we could get an archon meetup GAA. Yes Furina is invited.
Is it real or a meme? I only read censored ussr version a long time ago. Maybe I should read the original.
you guys talk a lot about having sex but you never had it
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weird isn't it?
Of course it's not real lol. It's a schizo /lit/ meme.
>You were handed the best thing ever
So what was better? Fontaine or Penacony?
Chink creative bankruptcy finally hit Genshin at last
No gemstone, though. Shit drops desu senpai
The whale dropped nothing as usual this game is really stingy with drops.
sis the entire game is a chink bootleg BotW since inception
why is anime mainstream suddenly now?
fucking cringe
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Say something nice about genshin script writer
wukong is kino thoughbeit
they can write but not for gachaslop
Likely writes the ENG stream not the game isn't self.
Penacony was thematically better but it was dragged down by the long ass shartfly segments in the middle and at the end. The story was hard carried by Sunday, Acheron, Aventurine and Sparkle.
As for Fontaine, I liked all the characters but it was less interesting.
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based HebeGOD
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So when are the fatuiniggers gonna burn down the Irminsul tree?
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I have but I wish I hadn't
I want C2+ Chiori but my Chiori has 0 ER and I don't want to farm artifacts again...
Non-virgin genshins?
>traveler goes to region, solves some problems, fatui gets the gnosis
this is the entire game
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How many anal worms did you get cheldbro?
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You're waifu. Everyone else is pure
Just Kaveh and Faruzan (because they fuck each other)
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For me, it's Yaoyao.
Kinich, Kinich please marry me!
how do they get there
also even just a small section of the irminsul roots dying completely fucks up the surrounding area, how the FUCK would they handle the entire world getting destroyed? you want them to remodel everything?
hoyo should have made Mualani pale white fix her burst and bite missing and give her c2 in the base c0 kit her numbers could have been just adjusted so she is at the same power but at least she would be fun to play
what a boring thread I am gonna play league of legends
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Dori is guaranteed to have sold her virginity.
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no question. no doubt. sumeru's biggest onahole.
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I unironically need a compass.
i hate looking like alhaitham irl...
Have you unlocked every way point?
Dottore is from Sumeru, he has the tech
There's a lot of chests and some oculi behind world quests. I got the last few percentages doing the warrior trials as well since you get 3 chests for each one.
I look exactly like furina irl
my gf thinks I look like alhaitham but I always wanted to look like diluc :/
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I sexually love them so much.
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HE got Furina's boywomb boypreggers
noone asked pedo
ah yes the classic le science character that can just do whatever the FUCK they want with no explanation because hes le smart or some SHIT
How I feel playing genshin right now.
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How is this even remotely possible? Throwing the cryo cans is part of the fight, how do you get Sappho to not throw any at all during it??
I look like hu tao
Ewww why does she have boobs
She is pregnant
Still missing one.
I think I miss four quests in the area I'm in right now.
I am literally Xiao
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you will never be australian?
- french?
- dutch?
if u break them with pyro, they wont explode
i am literally liben
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u rike?
Oh, what the fuck I thought using pyro is what made them explode. That's easy as fuck what the hell
maybe you can interrupt her throw? I dunno, I found that fight to be extremely cancerous because she kept zooming out of the arena and disappearing, glitching through the world, and getting stuck on shit
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I love the hebe body type.
HRT overdose
The big main quest doesn't have a ! on the map btw. You have to have gotten your saurian and talked to Manqu the NPC then go to the Children of Echoes area (i got mine on the bridge near the breakdancers) and fast forward time 2 days. Paimon should give you a dialogue to start it.
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Inazuma is still the only region without a 5* loli.
i love female with vagina body type
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The FLOP postergirl.
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I've been to the final boss.
the electro dragon...
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I also love the loli body type.
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UID? i look like zhongli
i wish i could play genshin all day but i have uni and then after uni i have work and then there are only 5 hours left of free time until i go to sleep
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>it actually takes 24 hours for the overworld local legends to respawn
im 31 i only play gachas and neet away until i die
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I'm 153cm.
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>i wish i could play genshin all day
and become a bitter streamer?
genshin doesn't have that much content
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Fontaine is the only one without a 4* loli.
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Found the missing one.
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my wife
I only just now realized you can actually see the shrines of depth on the map if you look closely enough.
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yeah...i'm not reading that
>complains about Firefly taking too much screen time
>proceeds to say that Aventurine, the character that wasted an entire patch with his forced sob backstory that had no story relevance, hard carried
You have no self awarness
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I am Eight-Fist Lumine
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or just explore the map? retard
Im a straight man and Capitano is just cool.
Mystery niggas are cool. He carries himself with confidence and he is fighting head-on without use of sneaky tactics.

Dude is just cool, he is overshadowing everyone so far
The compass won't be for some time I haven't done the maths on it.
i have remuria chenyu vale and natlan to explore, i took a break and now i’m back
It's a femcel with biased taste. Who the fuck likes Sunday? I will correct her.
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It was a very cool dungeon, took plenty of photos.
natlan is weirdly small
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Both situations need to change. Also, that Yaoyao is so beautiful. Wish she would suck my dick.
why is mondstadt still in the dark ages while fontaine just has robots walking around?
How sore was Aethers asshole after getting pegged by Arlech?
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what is this graphics lmao
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>The Hexenzirkel is an organization of powerful witches or mages, founded by Alice, which conducts Irminsul explorations and gathers around for "formal tea parties."
They can't. Alice by herself is more than enough to kill all the Harbingers in a fight.
How come Jakob became a neo human when he got infected by the abyss, but The average Natlaner is at death's door even with the Wayob protection
It's crazy that Mualani is better when you just ignore vaporize so that she has access to better teammates.
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for me it's jinhsi
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Honestly you feel that way till you can play all day you run out of things to do within 30 minutes.
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Kachina but good.
yeah and so is my penis
same sub 100k bite bro
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how is this even supposed to work
how could mualani ever catch a vape when furina is going out wild
The budget cuts...
>wuwa off topic hours
Bring back Sparkle.
Nailing Fontaine especially neuvilette
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the women of natlan are asking for it
The population of Mondstadt is too drunk.
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>bring back the other off topic attention whore avatarfag
She easily clears 100k chomps with Furina and Kazuha. I get around 170k.
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lmeow I knew you were gonna seethe about that
No, they are not the same. Aventurine is very entertaining, shartfly is not.
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Thanks for that valuable input anon, I do explore the map, that's why I came across that information when I intended to mark the location of the shrine I found.
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i got it
Pawjobs from Kiara
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we cant, they are gone...the good off topic posters..
Jakob was extremely special. Most of the people they experimented on died miserably
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Where is it
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why did I pull for this brick when the upcoming female chars mog her to oblivion
Why is a backwater region like Natlan having the most modern look and feel?
I tell you. In 3.2 there were leaks coming out that the old guard was replaced with newer guys. Sumeru was still in the hands of the older guys so despite some futuristic enemies, it still felt "non-sci fi fantasy"

But fontaine has been in charge of the new guys. its why the Oceanid rebelion storyline has been dropped. And the new guys operate on whats cool instead of what makes sense. its why Fontaine is the most technically advanced region and why Natlan is just nigger culture.
I guarantee you they will introduce metal gear solid shit in Sneznahya. And Khan'riah will be in space, which you can get to by boarding the newly build Space Shuttle (runs on <insert local energy source>)

I love Sci-fi slop I love sci-fi slop!
stop being poor
sakuuta finally got good
they wake up and start laughing saying it was all a part of their plan before getting raped by an abyss turbonigga whos the actual villain who says some weird shit about protecting the world from the horrors beyond after we beat his ass
then we go back to beetle flipping with itto
>It is unlikely I will vape, but if im lucky and vape, jackpot! big number
it is used satisfy the gambling addiction
how many hours in?
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>firefly bad
>wormvillette good
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He's a BPD slut
oh boy I cant wait for the modern looking slut to pull out a high-tech DJ table while rollerskating all over the place in this fantasy game!

Im sure lion slut wont look out of place in Mondstadt, Inazuma, Liyue or Sumeru at all!
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She would look out of place in fontaine too, for other reasons lmeow
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How many nails can he take?
>Aventurine is very entertaining
If you're a woman or a faggot
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Burning means you have consistent pyro on the enemy. It's hard not to vape.
why does stelle have a dick
Not canon, Stelles dick is at least twice that size
ICD is a thing
Fontaine as a city doesnt feel genshin-y, with its sewer system and what not. But the clothing atleast has a classic style to it, so their designs dont feel THAT out of place.
Meanwhile Lion Slut could be slotted into ZZZ and would look like a perfect fit.

Natlan's char design just isnt fantasy.
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>KV killed
I wish all Nexon employees a very pleasant Islamic fireworks celebration.
I don't remember firefly having such big booba...
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wdym killed?
We hate Gayshit Infact here
This is canon.
I'm so proud of /gig/. You guys actually didn't fall for the obvious bait for once
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>feeling threatened by stingy dying game
No need to be afraid of ToF 2.
they killed it? they lost with DAD but no one talks about it anymore so they won in the end
Cancelled, Nexon sued them or gook BAkeks sent them a bomb in their mail or something
Does the Natlan theme play in game at all outside of the Ode of Resurrection?
Watcha gonna craft?
Can somebody post Xilonen's mats
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How the fuck are you supposed to do this?? She drops down before I can destroy all 3. Burning goes too slow, electro bow CAs do too little damage
Fingering auntie Chikya until her back pain is cured...
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please enlighten us with the last 3 digits of the post to which bait you are referring to, since I fail to see anything worthy of such
Name? Sauce? @?
>And the new guys operate on whats cool instead of what makes sense. its why Fontaine is the most technically advanced region
werent we always told that the french were the most advanced with cameras xavier fixing a nuclear reactor that was made in collaboration with the french in the first place or the dream machine in GAA 2
uncensored doko
>burnign goes to slow
just use amber, light all three on fire and thats it
I did that shit in WL9 and never was an issue.
Stop attacking her when she is in the air like a fucking retard
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I thought the schneznayans were the most advanced?
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i didnt realize i posted on the wrong general
sorry giggers
That's literally what I'm doing. The burning goes too slow and she drops down before any can be destroyed. I'm losing my fucking mind on this
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I did that with Yae turrets and Fischl shots.
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Airbrush archon
replyschizo, get em!
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I jerked off to NTR hentai for the first time
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Is this cheeseable?
Like just try it on easy diff and reroll until I get lucky?
they just have the most money so they just buy their shit from fontaine I remember something saying fontaine and sneznhaya were trade buddies
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I regret not rolling for Emilie Lawrence.
I have 7 and not sure when I will use them we get another in 3 weeks.

This reminds me of something. I wonder how powerful Barbeloth is. Given her name she should be powerful.
Mona seems to talk about her as a frail old woman and Barbeloth herself talks like this, but I doubt she doesn't have a true younger form. And Mona doesn't know a lot about her.
It’s over for you
so YOU caused the disturbance I just felt...
NGL some NTR hentais are really well drawn.
bwc addict
you are doing something wrong, since I did the thing without breaking a sweat with my level 60 Amber.

Im afraid I cant help you since you are doing something wrong. There are youtube videos that showcase that specific cheevo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhrVckbanQM like this pajeet
stop being stupid
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what is this cane
this poster is likely this poster>>493645091
Emilie isn't a Lawrence, she's a Kaedehara.
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Are we finally getting a caster???
Citlalis BiS.
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I have only 6.
yeah mb byebye
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Does Xilonen use Contention, Kindling, or Conflict talent mat?
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Oh, I'm still missing this one.
>the Archon quest is about the power of friendship
>Mualani's character quest is about the power of friendship
Oh you get one from the BP I keep forgetting.
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Are these panties or shorts?
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Black mage is the most boring class in XIV so hopefully not
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We'll find out soon when Fat Xiao rips off Harry Potter for Mondstadt's magic academy after Snezhnaya.
Probably spandex
Mualani fucks dogs?
What kind of buff will Xilonen get next?
mualani sucks cocks for free
She gets fucked by her family dog*
Fat Xiao should rip off Tanya Grotter instead for additional Snezhnayan value
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But enough about Summoner.
Kachina is a chinchilla, not a dog.
But Mualani is not white.
>for free
Why do you think she’s rich
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>shields can take hit
>can be hit during burst animation i-frames
Is this one of the worst challenges in the game to date? Sources point to yes.
holy fuck Cuvie no one cares abour your fucking cheevos shut the fuck up
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Kissing Layler
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Best thing they've done.
You jest but that would be great.
mhhh cuvie's stinky rancid pussy...
This is literal skill issue.

Just don't use shields.
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Genshin for this feel?
It was way overdue.
clearly a faggot
almost killed myself in 2.1 with the ungodly amount of homoturineslop
>BA invented halos
Why is KEKson like this?
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A shame what they did to that class but I still stand by the fact the BLM is way more boring
>stand in a circle
>cannot leave the circle cause your cast times are 100000000 hours long
>your spells are lighting, fire, ice and uh... more fire and ice and fire and ice and-
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I need some sexy loli posting, stat.
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But Hebehida is peak.
wanderer's and wriothesley's POV
why even bring shields at that point?
just spam turrets with Yae, Fishl, Emilie and Guoba, and focus on dodging
I require more evidence.
I'm fucking trying! The bitchass moves his laser right into where I'm dodging into, every fucking time
True, but there is a difference between being scientifically the most advanced and the art department depicting what is basically ye olde London but with STEAM.
Look at Sumeru. Still felt like it belongs to the same place as Mondstadt and Liyue, but it was more advanced.

The art designers just fucked up big time, especially noticable with natlan, as that isnt a scientific region yet has fucking polyester clothing and acrylic paint.
wandie fucked that
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This is by far one of the best asses we've had in a long time.
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I just discovered the Enkanomiya quest after skipping Fontaine to Natlan. And holy mother of kino, I kneel. This should have been the ravaged war land.
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Are we really meant to just teleport out of here? Feels a little wrong.
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>>stand in a circle
You can move ley lines now.
>>cannot leave the circle cause your cast times are 100000000 hours long
Ermmm meld Spell Speed???
>>your spells are lighting, fire, ice and uh... more fire and ice and fire and ice and-
Perfect for a Genshin caster! BLM haters BTFO.
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It's also possible to enjoy something that isn't peak. Personally, I think Nahebeda has a better ring.
When will she be playable? 5.3?
At some point I am going to look for that doujin.

I don't even know if it exist.
hat guy fucked THAT???
Have you not seen Yae's NA animations? Closest we'll ever get to a proper mage
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Against his will.
3 patches to go guys.
Probably since that's when we'll get the archon quest finale
Probably 5.4 since lantern rite is during 5.3.
What is it? Looks interesting though, why did it get killed?
Absolutely not. THAT fucked hat guy. Big difference.
he is so fortunate (lucky)
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Kachina Sex.
why wouldn’t mavuika be released in 5.3
Why do we have worst content creators
why wouldn't she be in 5.2 ?
half the blue archive team got burned by nexon hard so they quit and broke off onto their own project
nexon said no and they blasted them from orbit
I don't know. Chinkcels throwing a melty or something?
I decided to drop that from my ritual post because you weren't noticing it. I drop it and now you give me the (You)? Okay.
Leakers have been adamant with 5.3.

Unless they recently got word that it was moved.

Though with the finale happening in 5.3, it would be weird to delay Mavuika 1 patch after her spotlight story.
No one cares about your pagpaghida btw
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>He paid to make that art
Sorry schizo, here is the original
Apparently Casca and the bat guy are for 5.2.
reminder that huflop sabotaged neuv's banner
>camerapag getting uppity again
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Well what were those retards expecting when the Halo is so iconic for BA? Worse they literally copied BA's slim character designs basically marketing the game as a BA spinoff.
Death to gooks
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>I decided to drop that from my ritual post because you weren't noticing it.
There's not much to say about it.
Don't go there.
now remember which 5* got released during 3.4’s lantern rite
>blue archive created halos
the period from enka to the first desert expansion was the unironic peak of this game
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Aside from "whichever is best" or "whatever you can get" are there any certain crit rate/damage values you should aim for?
I think I remember seeing people say 1:2 rate:damage ratio, but a lot of the builds I see people post usually have something like 80:200+ so I was wondering if there's some kind of threshold that you should try aim for where it becomes more beneficial to stack damage instead
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Haibane Renmei created halos.
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I can never forget
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i clicked this image before it loads. am i safe?
60/120+ crit with 150+ energy recharge or elemental mastery
Welcome to the WQ that fucked every new player that pulled for Yae or Shenhe
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Are signorafags dead?
wanderer's point of view
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>before it loads
Are you on a 56k modem or something?
WL9 has some upsides
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are the kinich 4*s known yet?
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Due to how expensive/rare crit stats are, I would say 70% CRate for more consistent crits.

More is better. Also 2CDmg:1CRate. But at least achieve 50%. Though you want 70%.
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She was supposed to get resurrected in Natlan...
Nope, official reveal should be this Thursday
Only thing you can be almost 100% certain of is that Kujou Sara will be one of them since Raiden's on the banner
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pagpagfly killed the game. the only audience it appeals to are poorpags with no money
For characters without crit ascension, 75/150+ is the goal. Nearly all my DPSs with crit ascension have 75+/200+. Anything below 70ish% crit rate and it just feels like you miss way too often
Basically a 33% reduction in required resin to ascend characters.
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are you lost bwo?
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finally. no more 2 memes
oh right, awesome. still only have her at c1 after all this time.
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I can't bring myself to give a shit about Genshin lore anymore when the relevant figures are just murals or faceless entities without character designs
Not Chevvy?
I'm pretty sure its within the weak officially.

Bo news from leaks
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My canopy exploration is at 99%. I'm sure whatever is behind this wall will get me to 100%, but I need three more graffiti stones. Where do I find them?
mtashed was right, this game is boring
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I'm trans
Just freeze it.
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Oops, wrong rabi
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Not that I know of.
Usually, the best builds have 35+ critical value artifacts and relevant substats.
Of course you don't need critical rate to be above 100, or to had all 5 artifacts with 0 critical rate, 35 critical damage.
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I want to fuck the lolis so fucking bad in this game.
Full image?
Last time I played this game was when Xiao was released.
Is there a rough estimate for when Wriothesley will be rerun? I really want him but I think he came out recently.
I still have to do this month's theater.
Retard? Xbalanque schemed with the Sage of the Stolen Flame who betrayed other dragons. Sage wasn't the Sovereign, we literally see murals of the sovereign getting bodied in this very quest.
FGO is just better
Likely 5.1,5.2 so soonish
This is is easier than last one.
I want to fuck the grownup-olis so fucking bad in this game.
They scratch different itches.
Thank you!
Breeding Mualani until menopause
It's all RNG and I don't think you get enough cards on Easy to get that many. I did the hard mode and rewinded when I didn't get enough mystery caches. Took me 3 runs to get 8 though.
better than what
It shouldn't take long for his rerun. His banner was nearly a year ago. He isn't a very popular character so they won't rush his rerun, but he should have a rerun soon.
You dodge when he locks in, not while he's still seeking.
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i look like this
imagine arlecchino wearing this
That is what Natlan folklore say. Thing is the other WQ already cemented that folklore may diverge from actual history so what is presented in folklore might not be true. Combine that with existing lore from other regions and voila, the lizard sovereign wasn't akschually evil.
Most likely next patch or the one after.
He's the only early Fontaine character that didn't get a rerun despite later released characters having had one.
Sporkle fulfill all my cringe fantasies pplzzzz.
Why are they holding Shenhe hostage?
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Fuck timegated achievements. So close yet so far...
imagine diluc wearing this
Mihoyo fucking H A T E S cryo for some reason. All the cryo characters go the longest without reruns
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I love Monsieur Neuvillette
what’s the max count now?
I must have beaten both of these fuckers like 30 times already, yet only ONE time I've gotten 4 pieces of the ascension material. Just how low is the chance for a 4x drop, wtf dawei
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The volcano just fucking erupted? Has that always been happening???
don't give a shit about HRT and who this character is, but got to admit the phone cover with cosplay is very clever
Leakers said something like 3.10 rate
Even Ganyu is gaining days
Cryo's been shit for a long time, but yeah even 4 like Layla went ages without a rerun.
I think he is holding the current record for longest time without rerun after Shenhe.
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She has a problem in that unlike at the time she was released, there is no top tier character as of now that is buffed by Shenhe (right now, Ayaka and Ganyu are bellow Klee and Keqing), so she has no niche in meta.
They will probably rerun her when there are cryo main DPS who could be good with her.
Thank you! Since Natlan just came out, the next patch shouldn't be for another couple of weeks, I presume?
(Sorry for all the questions, I didn't want to make a Reddit account to ask.)
Sparkle anon...
Yeah, 4 weeks or so until next patch
It does that from time to time.
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>playerbase so fucking braindead mihoyo has to put actual fucking arrows showing the solutions to everything
I hate that I started playing this game.
Yeah. It will take a few months. But if you want to get ready for a Wrio rerun you should start playing now, because there is tons of content before Fontaine
Wiki says 1357, but Paimon.moe seems to have 1 more daily achievement that's not on the wiki that might or might not be real.
3 of them you physically can't get in 5.0 (lvl 10 statues, max level tablet and max rep with all 6 tribes) and 1 is time locked by IT (5x envisaged echoes). Rest are obtainable.
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Throw the ring!
There is nothing more braindead than someone complaining over other people.
The community is my biggest regret too.
When you first come to natlan there's a scripted volcano eruption. It does erupt once in a while too.
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Didn't think Kokomi was that high.
Yeah, I forgot my old account so I'm starting fresh, currently on the Dvalin prologue, I only had Diluc anyway so I'm glad I'm starting anew.
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This community has its perks.
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I'm actually confused. I only have those red quests left, yet I've been flying/running around for hours and I can't find a single chest/anything *anywhere*. All the other WQs are done, only 94 pyroculus found
I was going to shitpost and say Furina but she is the only character who doesn’t refer to him that way.
I thought we had Shenhe recently? Has it really been 13 months already?
There's 108, wait for compass/finder
That's patches makes it even longer.
Cryobricks status?
>3.10 rate
seems too high to be true
>That's patches makes it even longer.
I'm dumb. Didn't see the patches part.
he is, how you say, un flop
If they are feeling evil, should release Shenhe in 5.8 and then have a bunch of Snezhnaya characters depend on her buffs.
>There's 108, wait for compass/finder
I know. I just can't figure out where ANYTHING else is
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Why didn't they put Hu Tao in the chronicled wish?
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Dodokino tomorrow
Did you unlock all of the shrines? Did you unlock the tribal stashes? That's 10% right there.
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fucking hell I'm out of artifact storage again
I don't think there will be another chronicled wish banner
He's the oldest Fontaine character that hasn't been rerun yet and they've slowly started rerunning the ones released during the middle of that region's lifespan
Not sure why they're so insistent on keeping him locked away for so long, but it feels like it could become his turn any moment now
In my 15 runs I got 4 ONCE wait for DataGathers to do their thing.
Liyue chronicle banner hasn't been released YET
Cryo has been useless for ages so no point in rerunning.
Only Mondstadt.
They will start the new Ematol event? She is one of my favorite NPCs.

(When Klee becomes Captain she is probably going to be the first to ask to move to the new squad)
When did /gig/ peak?
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All memes aside is Mualani the biggest footslut they've added to the game so far? I can't think of any other character who has canonically shown their soles.
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click this silly little button you dummy
Bro your salvage? They turn into XP potions rather than mora.
triple banners soon
Maybe he has synergy with some future Natlan character?
but their substats look promising...
>Did you unlock the tribal stashes?
I'm at 2/3 on two of the fucking rings because they won't fucking drop
Jean is so bitter and hateful...
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You are worrying about 4*s?
Sad that all archons were X.1 or X.2 but she might be X.3? BULLSHIT
Femcel workaholic virgin at 30.
People have been saying that since Inazuma, anon. No one believes it anymore
Is anyone still holding out hope that Celestia is gonna be anyrhing other than disapppointing after all the absolute trash mihomo did?
They just make up things as they go and ignore all previous lore, imagine being a lorefag after getting spat on in Fontaine
Go play Puzzles and Dragons already, retard.
When will they reveal the witch from imaginarium?
Nah no hope.
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>all archons were X.1 or X.2
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Wait, why is there a nail in the night kingdom?
Mualani / People of the Springs tribe quests will unlock new areas that have those.
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guess my Kachiner can use this
shes dead
i can't use my venti anymore because i pregnated him.
That makes me extra retarded coz I solved some of those puzzles without knowing about those arrows.
What would you do if Furina confessed her love for you out of nowhere? Asking for a friend.
Go look into what nails are actually for instead of the retarded WMD headcanon /gig/ pushes.
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Baptist is pretty gay to do in visionary mode, most of the variation with my roster gets eaten up with act 1-9
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I too am waiting for an explanation.

I mean, is the Night Kingdom a physical thing?
Natlan was to be nail'd but something stopped it from happening.
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I can fix her. I can be her stay at home husband and take care of her.
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They keep pushing it back
I mean, they nuked a Irminsul knock off, and Apep.
Nails suppress abyss cancer but they seem so violent when dropped.
The bigger question is how did that nail get in there, and it must be doing a shit job unless the Wayob are a result of said nail.
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retard who didn't want to read dialogue here.
is night kingdom supposed to be limbo?
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Man even now Mona's design hasn't been topped in the hebe class, she's so pretty
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The roots...
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hkvh big love
AI is awesome
Explore more?
>some normies still said Ayaka and Furina loli
hebe bro, how do we cope................
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Fishblasting with Klee!
The last Signorafag is coping now by moving his timer back another few months again. Pretty sure he's full on sunk cost delusion now.
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It sucks too because KV looked like it has more soul than current BA.
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They should've paired this with a cloud retainer rerun
>It sucks too because KV looked like it has more soul than current BA.
As much soul as MN9 did coming off of what the late 2000s did to Mega Man, I guess.
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Something like that. It's clearly a physical space too since you literally go there in the AQ and for some challenges.
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>genshinbabs talking about "soul"
Don't pretend as if you wouldn't pull for her if they suddenly dropped her banner.
Gaming is so lucky...
For freeze you aim for around 30-40% crit rate since cryo resonance and blizzard strayer adds 55% crit rate against frozen enemies. Aim for as much crit dmg as possible after that which is really straightforward.
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500 years...
nice assumption but no
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it provided good futa art so that's enough for me
its underground of natlan
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Which one do I keep?
>Cryo has been useless
Still works on my machine
even if she is 30 years old?
built for me (i'm welsh)
I'm soulless so I can tell when something has the inverse of that
they're both kinda shit
Right one
How would Mona react if suddenly her master became young again and mogged her in looks?
This is the 2nd time I've seen this. Is this fanart or an official video?
I have trouble letting go of artifacts with no double crit on it
it's full of 5*
it's official video.
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I think the better question is how I'd react of a girl mogging Mona in looks.
if she turns into a hebe then maybe but probably not. Would be nice to see some yuri with a hebe signora and columbina though
Aether? For Lumine
Albedo? For Klee
Alhaitham? For Kaveh
Amber? For Eula
Arataki Itto? For Gorou
Arlecchino? For Furina
Baizhu? For Qiqi
Barbara? For Jean
Beidou? For Ningguang
Bennett? For Razor
Candace? For Dehya
Charlotte? For Chevreuse
Chiori? For Kirara
Chongyun? For Xingqiu
Clorinde? For Navia
Collei? Waiting for Eula to hit the wall so she can steal Amber
Cyno? For Tighnari
Diluc? For Kaeya
Diona? For her patrons
Dori? For pay
Emilie? A femcel
Faruzan? Trying to groom Collei
Fischl? For Mona
Freminet, Lyney and Lynette? For fat ugly politicians with important intel
Gaming? For Yun Jin
Ganyu? For Keqing
Hu Tao? For Zhongli
Kachina? For big riftwolf knots
Kaedehara Kazuha? For Beidou
Kamisato Ayaka? For Thoma
Kamisato Ayato? Also for Thoma
Kujou Sara? For getting keked by the stinky fox
Kuki Shinobu? For Yanfei-senpai
Layla? Waiting to finish her damn degree
Lisa? For Jean
Mika? KoF scouting team's sex relief
Mualani? For Kinich
Nahida? For Wanderer
Neuvillette? For Wriothesley
Nilou? For her spectators
Noelle? Mondstadt's public sex relief
Raiden Shogun? For Yae Miko
Rosaria? For Dahlia
Sangonomiya Kokomi? Trying to ungay Gorou (it's not working)
Sayu? Sleeping
Sethos? For old and dirty sandpeople
Shenhe? For Yelan
Shikanoin Heizou? For (You)
Sigewinne? For her patients
Sucrose? For Albedo (he's not interested in old crusty grandmas tho)
Tartaglia? Asexual battletard
Venti? For Xiao
Xiangling? For Xinyan
Xianyun? For Guizhong
Yaoyao? For "For me it's Yaoyao" posters
Yoimiya? For all Inazuman boys under the age of 12

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