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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

I miss Janny he needs to come back and ban every off topic post.
are shb/ew fates dead content? it seems like there's no reason to go back there after getting rank 6 in all zones since you get more gemstones from dawntrail zones and bozja is better for leveling dps from 70-90 anyway.
anyone else got cute catgirls to coom too
sun or moon, i can goon
what will happen if a female character gets caught snooping around a male character meetup like the maliddie council
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queue CC 6:20
no, 6:30
reap sow
I'm willing to pose with you as long as it isn't some obscenely weird fetish
sir this is just hardcore pornography wtf
Post old pics
>not a femboy
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they will all stare at you and one will be brave enough to try and get erp which will then make all the others jealous and you'll both be shitposted in the thread whenever you post an image
damn son where'd you find this
I am an asian male.
Ace used to be so cute...
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havent had this for over 6 years
Someone's son
what asian
>know that kino awaits
>2:52am (at the time of the screenshot)
Ah well. Maybe in the afternoon.
built for white men
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i took this when i first started playing, i think before EW
but the thread always make them out to be chads that have a harem at the ready
shouldn't she take her glasses off they are getting dirty
We know Ursula, I'm still cumming on your lizard
how do you even play healer on ac ontroller
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Post some lowlanders.
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>korean man
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My malera doing this to Akemi Sanzo
i see groups people doing them sometimes
just put them in the washing machine after
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I miss stage games meet ups...
In order for them to remain, they'll have to accept a donation of special cells from the males in order to stay there on a loophole technicality.
For a second i thought this was real
don't care
Does anyone know what mod the green onepiece swimsuit is in the center?
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hey any cute femlalas or femra or catgirls wanna?????????
What race to make fake friends who only want to goon with me
Me with a femra but my cock is uncut
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cumming inside this catte
dirtying this bloonie's glasses
We should make another one of these at some point.... actually I may have a project to do tomorrow
cut dicks look so weird
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Why are Hrothgal players like this?

>ShB outfits
>endwalker general
>ShB races

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drink some water you drunk bastard
Wanna bury this gigachinned pedo alive? Yeah...
Say "aaaaah"
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>hear ff8 overworld ost in eden camp
man i want a ff8 remake
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upskirting you rn
ShB was 5years ago
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what the hell is this
We just had one a couple of months ago
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Remember when we had OP collages?
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I used to wear glasses like those.....
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its like im at the grammies
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Does anyone wanna..?
One of these fucks dogs (THE ANSWER WILL SURPRISE YOU!!!)
hey can i hit
or rather
can you hit... me?
really hard?
i didn't level the alt or log in to see my friends on my main at all today...
just rotted watching yt after work,,
someone would go to meetups and pose the people there having sex with each other
please do nyot I nyeed them to see
Sure effy, you can come stay at my place
pet moonies?
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queue CC 10:15
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updogging you rn
Yeah but didn't it turn to degen games way more quickly than usual? They usually do those later on.
I'd give her a million just to be on sucky retainer.
you made me wanna make some now
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yea sure
post your character and
>whether you cleared M4S
>whether you plan to do the savage alliance raid
>whether you plan to do FRU
there aren't any lenses there
Not really, I don't remember anything being degen.
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Rate my back tat
So everyone here is a shadowbab?
Where is confess anon
Femra stocks have never recovered since Moz left.
yeah but you hate male characters
she was a very violent killer
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these at the top wew
i started playing in endwalker
It's not the fiddie with the dog minion?
what's updogging?
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Not Effy and I don't need a place to stay!!
Rape Moonies
Not true at all I love men
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around 2004
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ok i hate you


gigachad me you virgnloser incel
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You mean clique collages*
>4 faces
>all these varied rankings
That's some hatred.
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need a highlander gf like this
when ever did ffxiv really 'peak?' heavensward?
It's the niggoid center-right.
I started when heavensward went on sale before stormblood came out
>queue cc for 1 game to level up
>its c9
ist et vorbei
gay sex
I miss her and I really regret doing what I had done. I want to apologize but I have no way to contact her. I’ve been miserable since then.
i don't know about everyone else but I am
probably would've played in heavensward if the free trial was as good as now
I spent the entire afternoon and night procastinating on savage prog with CC.
Post a picture of your WoL preparing for battle.
Hit up Claire
AWUUUUH so precious!!!
I can't tell if that's good thing or bad
My character isn’t interesting

>No but I’m ready to clear once the party stops dying to sunrise
>I’ll try it unless it requires consumables and other dumb shit like DRS
>absolutely not
that was stupid, i admit.
when you weren't playing.
sorry you missed it.
You have to be the one to start the party finder group anon. Fates are drop-in, drop-out content and a lot of (dps who havent unlocked bozja) will occasionally drop in to do some fates in shadowbringers.
And while many people have unlocked bozja, many more refuse to interact with the games systems outside of its bare essentials, so there are again, always a couple of people willing to group up
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everyone who replied by a certain time got on this. i did and im a literal who.
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Here is some random femra tummy that just ran onto my screen
cc syncs aren't as fun as they used to be
the funniest part of this image is i have never seen 95% of these characters before
>fanta flopped so hard he's trying for (You)s with his old look now
Lmao even
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now he lives in frenfantasy and reposting rightwing ragebait from videogame twitter and seething when someone makes fun of femroes
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i was told this was supposed to be an awful place. everyone here just being nice and/or silly
>>I’ll try it unless it requires consumables and other dumb shit like DRS
you are soulless I hope you stay trapped on sunrise forever
100% true.
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We're male midlanders. My midlander would stuff all of these lalafellin cuties inside of his very spacious mancunt.
better times
When I started playing
just nutted to catgirls
Sunnie Sunday, post Mi'qittens
if it's a MALE MIDDIE council meeting you have to be invited as a +1 by a male middie if you're not a male middie yourself
thems the rules
fat cat stocks are the only ones that never stop getting bigger
my wife bottom left
yo Heiko, there's a new highlander in town.
hot but not goth or slutty
>no modbeasts
He sounds based
>bots the game
>ask when was it peak
actually play the game.
Too late buddy, LT is already fucking him right now
r u a male character
best I can offer you is a crossdressing soft faggy miera
Any point to maxing FATEs in ShB and EW? Nothing's sellable and effort =/= the reward for the mount
it's so over
>the absolute lack of malera in these old pics
We always were an endangered race, weren't we...
Fastest way to grind out purple scrips for the relic weapon?
You have the pedophile Mithia, the ugliest croissant in history, and the most annoying coomer spic all at the top. That's what the wew was for.
>You have to be the one to start the party finder group anon
my point is why would I? I got rank 6 when it was current so I have no incentive to go back unless there's a world boss that gives a ton of gems or something.
For me it peaked in EW, it just felt so conclusive
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it's almost that time of year again
I started in 6.3
any game with CA in it is bound to be sweaty as hell. not comfy at all
ok thats hot then
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Is she asking duck lips for a date
why do the collages only feature the worst ebins
i like those somteimss......
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Week 5
Depends on if it is doable without needing to go to a large discord server and if my half-static in NA is doing it. I've never done DRS either
I dont think I can do anything ultimate. Criterion (Normal) is the hardest I can do.
This image is OLD.
that's because you're new
>Jean about to jump in bed with Uchiki
my fujo meena fantasy
triple triad cards furniture and orchestrion rolls
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what the molly foretold the lb14?!
I use glamourer to put other people's characters in slutty outfits without them knowing
because the worst ebins are usually friends other shitty ebins
I'm too tired or I would snuff you.
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Oh yes, the holiday that makes stores have cheap candy.
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You can definitely do ultimates
people who replied after me got in and i didnt. if the person making it doesnt like you they arent going to include your picture.
I have underpants older than that fucking image.
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This still hurts me the most. Is Y'shtola evil and cruel?
the fun ends when the ebins with ranked experience join, true
Why does she looks so fucking mad?
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I took like 6 different versions of this waiting for the queue to pop.
These were so sovl, I miss them
I saw a Xitter post saying that 3.1 was grim
queues dead grim
no, she - like every other biofem - does not like hrothgar males.
SSRI kicked in
I'm around all the time because my job has a lot of free time to fuck about, hence it's easy to get into collages
this work?
You fucking newfag
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My free company in Heavensward hosted a sermon. The femra in the aisle came in and began yelling about how Halone shone Her gave upon "even the lowliest creature" and the malezen sitting just slightly to the right of her began strangling her in front of everyone.
qrd on viper in pvp?
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Hey, I remember this image, I stole everyone's nose.
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extremely degenerate team composition
queue CC 1:45
My EB hate posts me every time we get into a fight, and thinks I don't realize.
Every time they do it, it just pushes me away from him further and further.
I'm no longer sure it's repairable at this point, if his response to every fight is to regress to childhood but pretend he didn't, and never acknowledge or apologize.
Yes, they are girls.
Yes, they love each other.
Very simple.
Because she's being blackmailed to mouth those words by crazed online shippers.
Why should someone be forced to include another that they don't like into something that they are making?
i want so desperately for a final boss trial to actually be somewhat difficult
nidhogg is the only one i've ever seen a party almost wipe to
Pedo tranny
probably because they're the only one that ever replied to the posts asking for those types of pics and you're a lazy little crybaby
>Depends on if it is doable without needing to go to a large discord server and if my half-static in NA is doing it. I've never done DRS either
lol good luck with that
the thread's so much more engaging with pics like that, instead of just pinups
a lot of people who are common sexpest pariahs now used to be my favorite posters for having funny gposes, I get that making comedy can be draining but its just an energy that I dont see much anymore that I miss
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Just kill her, it's not that hard. I was upsketti about getting ram ranched by her too but then someone made me realize that she's overly aggressive and it's made it a lot easier to make plays around her.
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Anyone want an eb who works 13 hrs m-f
Because she has to date a Hot Topic manager.
Meanwhile we get to fuck off with her dad dick.
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>the femroe sexpest
just had ptsd flashbacks does that guy still play
sex of the gay variety
last time i asked you didn't respond so no
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Heavensward was dogshit in terms of content. That was when the game was genuinely a tuesday raid logging game and savage being the only content is what gave way to parsing FFlog culture.
Never let people defend the old game because they were the ones defending when Diadem and LORDS OF VERMINION were pushed as an actual legit content patch
my first group almost wiped to dawntrail's hole in the wall gimmick
>Week 5 because hella busy
>maybe, I still think it's some odd mistranslation but if it's real it sounds interesting
>I'd like to, I'll have more free time this winter into next spring.
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I saw the gpose symbol and I knew what was coming
nice pic
madfag that molly has been proven to have quad digit iq.
holy moly that femezen
are they from here?
I want to be plapped not snuffed... silly anon...
My ex is so used to being manipulated, by the thread, her "friends", and weirdly even her neighbor, that she wanted to believe all of that instead of what was obviously the truth.
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Shoot them
Where is the femra on the middle-far left? Shes been gone for months!!!!
not a final boss but I had a party wipe in zodiark normal a couple times until I put a dorito symbol on. this was a month ago in dawntrail.
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i keep missing the queue...
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I hope it didn't - I really like this MMO. It's consumed most of my time from lore reading or rewatching cinematics or keeping notes and tabs on side-quests. The themes of revenge and guilt and reform for the sake of the next generation. Just lovely.

Then again I haven't played past... somewhere between HW and Stormblood's start? Not sure.
I swear I did
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Fuck it, it's been a long while time for another Collage. Post your character doing /eat emote it can be pizza, apple, riceball etc
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I miss her
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dreamworks flop lookin asses
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I can't remember the last time I enjoyed raiding but if I stop i won't have anything in common with the only friends i have left and they will leave me behind
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i still make memeshit but ever since we started having a dedicated hangout spot the sauce comes much less frequently. its probably just the lack of variety or something.
Hate this two faced fat fuck
Hey now, fishra have it hard enough as it is.
Somebody get Kong to post his moonie thank you
i fucking despise the new generations of ebins

i used to be able to see a cute cat or lizard in the thread then fuck the shit out of them but now there is a fucking line to throw your hotdog down the hallway
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I don't know. I've seen them a few times in queue though and I always swoon.
it was entertaining watching my schizos think they were arguing with me but they were just arguing with each other
when people make funny gposes they get called samefags for getting a lot of yous or people call them cringe
this general became xitter-lite and it sucks ass
>Heavensward was dogshit in terms of content
kong is my favorite moonie
I don't really have the communication ability to do it in PF or the time to commit to a static, especially not with strangers...
of course...
i suppose shinryu is more complex then most of them but i've genuinely never seen a party fuck him up myself
(haven't done him in a LONG ass time though)
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Apr 9, 2014
Eden's Verse: Furor sounds like an absolute nightmare
People making funny gposes are attention whores of the lowest level.
Do Moonies have racial autism
>Why would I
Far be it from me to judge dps leveling after only finishing 2 classes but you wanna have different methods for each so you dont burn out.
And Fates + Dungeons in ShB/EW, and eventually pure fate grinding in DT, is a good alternative to bozja.
Plus it makes you good money from lazy bastards
She will be the next Shiva.
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There it is dood

Post your LB crush initials or your mother will die in 7 days!
Nice Khloe Weaber cosplay
wtf kim petras in 2014
shinryu is a really fun fight its a shame you only see like 3 mechanics now unless you force min ilvl (it took my baby fc a whole lockout to do normal min ilvl shinryu in shb)
Are those characters having sex?
>want to make a funny picture
>have to choose between using characters I know that invites schizos to bitch about using certain people or golems that no one cares about and the image is ignored and passed over
Oh look Tikaasi is being as schizo again
yeah they were doing sex animations in the street for like 6 hours
They make me laugh and I give them attention
This is an equal exchange and much better than the boring ones who demand attention just for existing
week 2
yes, in pf
yes, in pf
my socks are wet at the lb again.
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i got

worlo darkness

Femezen are probably the only females who can pull this hair off
Post what you're doing RIGHT MEOW!!!
Just do what all the femra do and ZOOM in as close to your face as you can.
No facial expression, it has to look authentically femra.
If you show up to the monthly male meetup like Akemi did, nobody cares and you're immediately given the stream link.
If you show up to the maliddie council meetings which don't even happen anymore, nobody cares and usually there's as many female as male characters at these.
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Seiton Tenchu.
Overall experience: SB
Raids: HW
Story: SHB

So basically 2017-2019 was THE time to play XIV, 2015 if you wanted to cut your teeth on some really sick raids but desu all HW had was raiding. I pity the 5.3ers, I really do. Majority of the current playerbase has minor idea what they missed out on.
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the fish minge is strong with this one
Farming gacha bullshit to try get the meta items sucks
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see pic
>characters I know that invites schizos to bitch
its really this, nowadays you even so much as post a photo of a hangout spot and you get schizos because of one person there
i volunteer as tribute
delete this post nephew.
>being compared to khloe again
its like chen all over again
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There is nothing left to do
Stop saying maliddie thank you
P.M but i haven't seen them around in awhile
5.3 unironically
2 years ago middies. I was using Liora mode fanta.
UM(Ur Mom)
If the joke is funny no one will care that you are using golems.
Doing supply missions, because I lost control over my life.
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I figured out their game the second they just hit and run behind my team's lines. The issue is when my teammates take the bait and can't finish the job. That's when CA pots and comes back at 2min with LB ready and sweeps the crystal.

That kind of playing style is extremely sweaty and results in sweaty matches regardless of succeeding in killing them or not. Zero fun.
why did they write this in
I'm wandering the ward aimlessly alt-tabbing again
Almost bumped into someone standing in front of their house
I want to level reaper so I can do savage all over again. Or maybe I should just stick with gunbreaker but I don't know how to tank stuff at all.
I jump mockingly at any ninja that fails to kill me with their LB.
You get an overwhelming amount of resources from doing castrum correctly like every once in a while
Right. Why spend 2 hours on something to be called a samefag when I can spend 15 minutes and get simps and some pathetic person acting like they're going to have an aneurysm with how angry they are at it?
People bitch too much that this isn't their curated twitter feed of only what they want, and the people making content stop caring at how impossible they are to please.
I've been Snapper'ing all the mods I like at LB14
Maliddie is the organically accepted term and you're not going to change it.
>tfw you will never be crushposted
Im not convinced Wuk is female.
>That kind of playing style is extremely sweaty and results in sweaty matches regardless of succeeding in killing them or not. Zero fun.
You are such a petty little bitch lmfao
I want to make more poses, both solo and with others, but the only thing floating around that is half inspiring is bait for gooners. The personality I have for my toon is very clear but expressing that feels so hard when the tools I’ve been given are specifically honed in on making softcore pornography.
I'm not even at the LBs but AA AB AC AD AF AG AH AI AJ AK AL AM AN AO AP AQ AU AR AS AT AV AW AX AY AX surely one of these is there
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>but I don't know how to tank stuff at all.
You have already achieved more than most gunbreakers already.
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my first ever xivg appearance is in this pic, iirc this is the first cross dc meetup
making a tank glam lads
gonna use the ashopedelos shirt lads
Okay, CA.
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i ended up drawing the vibe instead of the pose
same energy
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queue CC 6:00
AK is mine fuck off
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its in my nose and everything
i am full of ice water trying to flush my nose and throat and everything and my tummy hurts jesus fuck
final fantasy xiv
help me xivg my whole head hurts
Yeh gl bro
Then just do that. This is not your job, nigga.
damn this makes me wanna go replay it as a nosferatu since i look like that in real life

or maybe malkavian
my femlala bones are very sore and need to be cracked pretty please
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queue CC 6:10
I did the funny item thing and was clearing out my armory chest again.
may i plapp while you fight with spicy tears in your eyes
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The dancer cannot Contradance if you disable their character.
Jacking off to kittens
If the joke is funny no one will care about using golems
however if the joke isn't funny having other ebins in the image will get (yous) which is better for your thread cred
that was your best fiddie desu
busted so many loads to it

just clearing my blacklist out waiting for queue
I would've left her for him, if he only asked.
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my old character that nobody in this thread has ever seen before
in my opinion zadnor leveling in itself has more variety than I could ask for since the fate spam gets broken up by CEs and dalriada pretty frequently. there's also a lot of money to be made there. I've leveled everything to 90+.
Ai Kotoba is a free use fucktoy
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my first cc match guys wish me luck!
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wait why am i in this one
hey crush
if you don't like how CA plays then you probably don't like CC, you just like the idea of playing your job in CC not the mode itself. Calling someone sweaty is just making an excuse for you not knowing how to deal with them, which is fine but you can do better bud
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Do not defy the Council's will
i thought wuk woke the wol up in the middle of the night to show them her sphene
If the joke is funny they may chuckle to themselves but it might not be enough to get a (you)
My femra is a slut for lalaboys
more like clowncil lmao
I dunno it was from 2021
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>The ranged DPS job with four available dashes is using hit-and-run tactics
>This constitutes extremely sweaty behavior
Have you tried relaxing
If you touch my wife I will peel the skin off your penis like a banana.
You know /xivg/ is ass at pvp when CA of all people is being glazed as a good player lmao
we like this
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me playing anything but PLD in CCC
this exactly. every silly moment or character in this game used to inspire a picture or pose but recently ive been sucked dry of motivation
good luck
zesty but cute ngl
Can I get one sometime...?
nothing, I'm just idling around while I wait for the upcoming ealad window
can i have your old catboy data
always the danger of putting effort into an image for xivg
how long have you been posting in/lurking in /xivg/?
do you regret the time you've spent?
Something something full nelson plap correction
I know how to deal with their playstyle. It's when we are left 2v4 at the crystal while 3 teammates chase CA that things go south.
That's probably better. Looks great.

9 years and nothing has changed?
How do the shitposters not figure out that they're the worst posters?
like a month and a half

no, because i met a couple friends i really like
just sent out my submersibles
nice try dataharvester
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i'm going to give you the ol' spicy penis if thats what you want
>recently did an p1s and p2s savage run
>coffers of the same exact type could drop
>p2s had only two loot drops per run
we truly have it too easy now
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Every time I queue a dungeon and I'm the only one with a fixed portrait I take a screenshot.
does anyone want a mentally ill trans eb?
Shadowbabs are the lifeblood of the thread atm, anyone whose been here from SB or longer is basically just a complete fucking loser.
people talking about meme gposes but im not seeing any?????
technically 3.5 years since I left for the whole db arc but 4 years since I started
How do you deal with just being lamer malera?
Why are raiders fucking retarded?
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1-2months recently, 1-2yrs on-and-off. Never posted until now. Going to probably go back to lurk mode until I can harvest fresh memes.
technically arr but i didnt really browse or post much until like halfway through sb
because mine are cringe and not funny
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sorry for making it unfun for you anon
if it makes you feel better i often die first right away because of how deep i go
i aint posting mine i get shitposted even if im the background of a picture
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my moonie did not meet this weeks rubber collection quota and so her hand has been taken as punishment
Does that mean us shadowbabs will be the losers in 8.0?
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fluoride collage
i'll nicepost you anon
I’ve been here since late into stormblood but only recently started posting my character

No since I’ve made genuine longterm friends and also irl plaped a femboy that I met from here
It took me a long time to figure out who ca is.
Just fucking play rpr or other punish lb jobs like drg and delete them on lb or cancel their lb.

They're cringe sweaty for casual, but who care. Shit is a meme unless you can at least top 100 on ranked. Which is like 10 anons tops.
Because Hector wills it
first time I came here was 2014 but didn't stay because it was horrible, came back in December 2019 and have stuck around since
would you a veena?
what about a fishra?
what about a moonie?
what about a duskie femezen?
your harddrive would be full if you played in korean servers
more than half of these guys dont even have adventurer plates
Aren't you that nigga who made the cloud server Femlala in secret then let a bunch of /xivg/ Middies run a train on you
I was lurking intermittently since Heavensward.
I didn't post my character nor attend a meetup until the implementation of DC travel when all of you started showing up on my world.
2 months posting/lurking.
Mainly just spent the time learning gposing.
>month and a half
shadowbabs will be peak forever, not too young not too old
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this one?
Never apologize to subhumans.
>>month and a half
hot character
check back in a few more and it'll be none again

You can cringe at mine
>any game with CA in it is bound to be sweaty as hell. not comfy at all
Yes this is common knowledge
All are sweatlords and make CC unfun to play in
Is your WoL on the squirt squad or cream team? Male characters can be honorary reps.
Do you have a cute little useless penis irl i need a trans gf
maybe im misremembering, thought he was light brown haired
that's not an issue with CA then, that's an issue with your team. You're just frustrated at the randomness of casuals and rather than accepting that the game mode is a slopfest 90% of the time you're trying to target an individual to take your anger out on, which is really shitty of you m8
I've lurked and occasionally posted for almost 2 years now.
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This is taking forever
my suncat would drain this mans balls every morning just for the protein shot
>also irl plaped a femboy that I met from here
story? how'd you meet him/convince him to plap?
YES especially if grey or porcelain.
God yes
>duskie femezen
probably. Depends on glam and body mods since they can look awkward.
9 years on and off
not really, it doesn't take up that much time and makes me laugh
>i told someone i'd meet them in game in the thread
>i did
>i met their friends
>we all get along
>play with them almost daily
it really is that simple

i play a male lalafell
Its not my character though! Just skinwalking a long dead middie. Although i do plan to go Liora mode for October this year.

But one of those has another person with a working portrait!
>Catte Anus
>Orenthal James
>Huge Dingus
You're based and I find your posts funny
I'm a shadowbab through and through.
Even though most of the friends I've made from here faded away, I don't regret it at all. Maybe some things I've said and done, though...
anon you didn't read this post?

Otis isn't even good
>hot character
Hm, well I don't mind playing this game like a singleplayer rpg. Thanks.
*pins you to the wall* GRRRRRR.... BACK OFF...... I GET FIRST DIBS
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over 10 years
yeah sometimes but I made a lot of good friends. One of my favorite people started out as someone I wanted to beat the shit out of because they wouldn't leave me alone. Now when we shoot the shit or bully each other in CC I genuinely have a great time.
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Queue CC 10:30
Oh yeah I think I screenshotted that one because they were matching au ra and didn't queue together
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on and off since 2015
im not trans and no i dont have a little penis
this one then
he was one of my favorite fantas... maybe he will come back some day
6+ years on and off, to various degrees.
Don't regret it particularly.
Met some people I still like. Met some people who schizo me.
Kind of liked bnsg more if I'm being honest, but xivg isn't a bad 2nd.
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8 more fish to go!
Every post gassing up Otis is Otis.
I am a midnight sabbath progger
please clap
post some spooky october glams

i need some ideas
>gacha bullshit
the fragments drop everything with generous rates unless you're going for something like lost excellence which is not required at all (it wasn't even in the game when drs came out)
everything you need can be bought with clusters or accumulated naturally by playing in Bozja. if you're too lazy to do that you can spend a tiny amount of gil on the market board so unless you're such a poorfag you can't afford to shell out a paltry amount of gil this shouldn't be an issue
people also give away fragments all the time before DRS runs
the important thing is that it encourages people to return to the zone and it's partially responsible for keeping the content alive two expansions later. for example, farming memories would be much more painful if there weren't other players that wanted to farm the same mobs for clusters and fragments.
Kisses you with tongue we fall in love and get married and live happily ever after
What mental illness
No, you're a sunrise sabbath progger. Go get em champ.
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everything reshade's been slightly broken for me ever since the great gshade incident, I've followed all the guides and even went back to gshade but no dice, its like the ghost of something's invariably looming, I don't use it that much anyways but it was always nice to turn it on and flip through the preinstalled presets for fun
I love all my time spent here!!!!
everyone talks about ca... but they dont talk about ca...
im so smart obviously because 4 is blocked off she doesn't get any so its 3
Post lewd hypnosis
Otis is average at best and fun to play with, though.
Which ones home slice?
I'll say what we are all thinking. Consecutive Mating Press creampies with Chi.
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Anon I can't go too spooky, this is a blue board
ignore them post sfw hypnosis
Bird Brains
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It's 2 dummy.
How often do you samefag?
I do it a LOT.
Wow so smart! Good girl!
actually i realized you were talking about the original picture, he doesnt have light brown hair its just the lighting.
if the savage alliance raid isn't attached to the foray then groups are probably going to want you to have BiS, even if it's not required by the game. better get started on savage if you want to run it.
I tried to kissnotize chi albarea and she told me that she isn't a hypnolala or a lewd lala at all
<ebin I dislike personally> is dogshit at PVP actually, kill yourself retard
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The whale and lancet will give me a lot of trouble I'm sure
But I've been struggling a lot with Aquamaton and Duskfish, especially with the latter's uptime
Thanks, I needed that. We are so back.
I love all of this, thank you for sharing
rarely, you don't need to samefag in this general because the lowest effort bait gets 8+ replies anyway
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Can we pause the match, I have to pee.
It’s boring honestly. We met ingame and proceeded to bullshit for around 3 months before I mentioned I was going to a con. He happened to live ~an hour away from where it was being held. We both found each other decently attractive so I blew out his back for 3 days when I wasn’t at the con dressed up as Dante from DMC3.
currently despairmaxxing (levelliing healers through DF)
Fish Eyes works on ShB fish now if you want to waste all day trying for Moras or anything.
broken in what way? graphics upscaling settings breaks reshade stuff but it seems like its been broken for you before dawntrail
xivg is easier to bait than /a/. There's no need for samefagging.
use the bottle of an elixir like a real pvp player
I only come to this general for the femlalas and cute funny posts
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I've been in and out since 2014-ARR, forgetting about this place when I'm taking breaks from the game, and hanging out in here all the time when I'm playing it as my main game.
In retrospect I would have probably chosen to close the thread more than I have when it gets really low quality, but I don't regret my time much because I've made some good friends during my time here. I will cherish those connections made even after XIV is done.

It's interesting to me to look back on my social skills when I first started playing the game versus now. I used to have a hard time making friends and would lonely post a lot in hopes it'd actually work. Nowadays after a decade of life experience I'm able to do what I wished I could do back then.
broken how
Relogging to alts because I just remembered I have Gold Saucer tickets to cash in.
i doubt most groups will require bis but if they all do i will simply not do it until the next patch
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I usually just throw a pumpkin head on
>trying to farm the fending warg set
>have every piece except the helm
>have gotten every single other helm
>have the entire sets of all other warg sets
>ran the dungeon a million times
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dummy i just sqeeze it over the sides so they all get OJ
Would you a rava?
Would you a hellsguard?
Would you a xaela?
Would you a dunie?
no most vieras are piloted by mentally ill people
probably but i would begrudgingly be gentle
yeah and i would not be gentle
Just touch your ears they're a pause icon.
since arr to stormblood
then I stopped going to 4chan
didn't like the type of players I was hanging around so I came back to check on xivg recently
you guys are pretty diverse these days
Rise and grind
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ive been after a piece of gear too and its been like that
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gn lads
say it back doko?
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define low quality.
Kissnotize is meme shit. Use some real hypnosis.
You're cool, PC. Hang in there.
I thought you were CF's alt for a long time for some reason.
what are you even talking about
Would grind with this fiddie
t. fiddie
dat dont look natural
ai kotoba your fanta was a massive downgrade and you should kill yourself asap
>b-but infamous gore spammer and blacked addict jhazda likes it
all the more reason to rope immediately
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I've known the general since 2015 but I started lurking on december of last year. I started posting every day on DT release.
Wait does it? holy shit that's actually huge, thank you for the info bro, I'll just go hang out at the tempest and try for Moras one of these nights then
adhd, depression, anxiety. none of the meme personality disorders but traits of dependent personality
which fight are you referring to?
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>Lets stop working on the game that works and gamble with other shit
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>rushed through both the garlean story and thirteenth story just so we could get to wuk lamat's wacky adventures sooner
we were fucking robbed
instead of cramming three major storylines into EW and post-EW we should've had something like
>Imperialstrife => Endwalker => Lightbringers
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good luck anon
whale for whale good luck
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Got her it
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I'm logging in (to my FC workshop to run subs, and then logging out)
Just short of 8 years
On one hand this place has taken an immense amount of time that I could have invariably used for far more useful pursuits and I've also without a doubt grown more insecure about myself and my image because of it (not that I haven't been my whole life)
On the other hand I've met some truly wonderful people, received tons of quality advice and nuggets of wisdom, learned a lot about socialization, and found out about hobbies and interests that I likely would have never experienced otherwise. I can confidently say it's made me a better person and probably a happier one.

oh hey i got this one too
it got a little bent on the return trip and i feel bad
Notifice how anon doesn't specify what mechanics he's talking about?
it's because he knows he's a retard and someone would call him out as such if he did
wondering why im getting periods of my game locking up completely for no discernable reason and how to gather collectables as min/btn
he EVER focused on xiv???
why make comedy when you get more attention from making softcore porn because everyone here is a coomer?
4 years
>none of the meme personality disorders but traits of dependent personality
I'll accept this. Where do I collect this gf
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they just don't appear the same way they used to, I guess they just don't interact the same. I really liked malkovichphoto-studio because it made skintones look vibrant and healthy, now its really pale and blown out, other presets too that I know were a bit experimental but not like this
I wish we were best friends and then fell in love and eb'd and met irl and got married and had babies and died in each others arms of mental illness
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gn sers
I cant remember off the top of my head but theres some fucking mechanic that has healers that were left go right for some retarded reason.
going to bed please post a catbox of your characters ass
VS battle with xivg ebins.
>Big fish trading card
I love this, thank you anon
I will save this as my whale luck charm
>On the other hand I've met some truly wonderful people, received tons of quality advice and nuggets of wisdom, learned a lot about socialization, and found out about hobbies and interests that I likely would have never experienced otherwise. I can confidently say it's made me a better person and probably a happier one.
I know cope when I read it and this is a cope.
A retainer grabbed that one a couple of days ago. I redeemed it for seals.
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queue CC 2:45
>we are also workig on an unannounced project
FFXIV version of Hearthstone
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>meltdowns at meetups and shitflinging in the thread postgame
>more people going AFK or giving up halfway through defending themselves with a ranked "go next" mentality like they're not going to fucking actively try to queue into the same group of people for the same zero reward Casual match
>more people obsessively keeping track of winrate percentage like its going to get them a sponsorship
>less people excited to play with their friends and more people complaining when they get certain people they don't like
I miss pre-Dawntrail CC syncs
What the fuck happened
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real men don't need no catbox
Wait did they actually fanta to that awful bungirl?
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>The command /Sit does not exist.
>The command /Greet does not exist.
>The command /Nod does not exist
I wish you were bouncing up and down on my meena's woober
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I have been saying this for the past two years. Whenever I updated my reshade during EW it broke and none of the shaders ever worked again. I uninstalled and reinstalled fucked with all the settings presets and everything but it still came out shit. I was tempted to just reinstall Gshade but I can't without fearing I got some malware on my shit.
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I just watched a man lose 250 pounds in 7 months and then have a mental breakdown about it
gua, missed this >>493634465
Nice, love crash.
why are you bitching about something you can't even remember
this sounds very pathetic
Yoshi-P knows the game is slowly approaching maintenance mode.
it wasn't 7 months, it was more like 2 years which is still impressive but he says he recorded years worth of content while he was still obese
very good girl! /pet
rava int is way too low to do anything else
I like a lot of the schizo'd posters.
I like EC, I like TM, I like Beepy, etc.
I think they're typically misunderstood, and commononly villified because they're easy targets, but in my I my interactions with them, they're OK, and I'd like to see them happy.
Ironically, I'm pretty sure one or more of them think I'm weird or their personal schizos, but that's OK.
Throwing this lala in the woodchipper (unironically) and bloodeagling his player irl (real)
i have been saying it "side-reel"
you probably have multiples of the same thing turned on
>omg did you hear about nikocado?? im so underground lool have this yhslatta softcore porn xD its on topic
kill yourself
Tyrone gets schizo'd?
It wasn't 7 months, it was 2 years. Learn to listen you fucking idiot. No wonder women don't like you.
Because I remember it enough to remember it was retarded.
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My bet is on XI remake that's been in the works for a long time.
I've been saying this for ages but they should give doman mahjong the hearthstone treatment with it's own client and mobile app (just add it to the companion app desu) that lets you progress in-game. I would be able to kill so much time at work with this.
I know the bar here is barely above the ground but I’m thinking of like, there’s next to nothing even entertaining and it’s just a couple guys arguing for three consecutive threads going in circles calling each other trannies or something.
Thank you anon.
[Spoiler]CF the bunboy? Huh!?[/spoiler]
If we die of mental illness together who’s gonna take care of our babies?
Meena Rizz…
Stay mildly annoyed, baby boy
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i got into gunpla because people from here pushed me into gevo
Yeah well I watched a stupid greenskin die to a saradomin wizard from a clue scroll so I think I win this one.
>FFXIV version of Hearthstone
TTT is already a standalone product
I'm pretty new to CC syncs but I'm having fun with them. I haven't really noticed anything schizo in thread at least while I'm playing.... maybe you just need to be retarded like me to have fun anon?
I’m working on it i just need what some good assist move names are for degenerate coomers in this thread
i met up with an anon at a con recently
Shirou, you son of a bitch
give me triple triad app
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I've seen more of this femra on /trash/
Titty Twisting Tyrants?
that's pretty retarded of you
The babies will be well in to their twenties by the time we die
SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!++++!!!!111!!!!11
Well, duh
troulbe in terorrist town
>>Lets stop working on the game that works and gamble with other shit
You are literally the reason the games industry is dead
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>look I put le coin in le face or phone in ur face
Low effort, and shitty just like your fetish
maybe use your pea sized brain
>talking about xiv version of hearthstone
>hearthstone is what type of game?
>what is this type of game in xiv?
>what could ttt stand for
there, i've given you question you should be able to answer in a few hours
The bunboy, yeah. Idk why, my brain is smol.
Join an uptime sunrise party and stop being a bitch.
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Stop schizoiding me you baby man
I reported that malera to the Square Enix Police Department because he used teleport near me.
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I've been here since CBT Grass Inspectors with Maha and Mateo and PEBs. I doubt anyone from 14years ago still plays or is around. I had to unsub from a time being since I became a poorfag but I knew in me doing so the NSFW FC would crumble since I was the glue holding it together. After a year or two when I came back I learned that some people left and made another FC and most players have quit at the time. I would go on and off during ARR-SB. I started to get into this game more during ShB before all the streamer shit.
>Boomer trying to act like sequels were never a thing when he was a kid
Take your heart meds, old man.
Gshade is fine nowadays i still use it
the only problem that's occurred since is the qmxao shader getting renamed internally or something which reset the qmxao settings for a bunch of presets. But I only use one preset anyway and the ao is a lot better in dawntrail that you probably dont even need it

I also recently downloaded this fork of reshade and gposingway on another client and it seemed to work fine, just had to move some missing shaders from gshade over for some of my presets
that’s illegal. . .
>it got a little bent on the return trip and i feel bad
Honest, genuine thoughts on Mare?
Pee on me
>stating the obvious btw save this post lol! #tripcode xD
you will never be important
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ok i give up on making a glam
im glamming the full class gear fuck you
Anon that post is literally complaining about making sequels
They want them to make xiv and nothing but xiv (and also xiv is currently burning to the ground)
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ah yes the FFXIV spinoff game trouble in terrorist town
I mean I'd take it but it's not that interesting of a game. I would like a gold saucer app with everything in the gold saucer though, except the GATEs. verminion and chocobo racing should be transferable to a mobile app format too.
>I knew in me doing so the NSFW FC would crumble
to be fair, anyone with half a brain knew a nsfw fc would crumble, coomers in ffxiv always without fail ends up starting drama for the stupidest of reasons
Final Fantasy is FINE. It cannot be overstated how well off 14 is and how ok people are with the game. This is a remarkable achievement among MMOs.
I would like for Squenix to make good games again.
Its the fact Hector is a fucking retard and thought that was the best way to resolve that mechanic is what gets to me.
goodnight xivg
Interesting, unexpected that you’d think we’re similar somehow. He’s a nice guy, if he was on Crystal more I’d talk to him more often.
most mentally sane fiddie
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>triple triad
>not interesting
I don't have any, it works like its supposed to, and its optional
This and any kind of aphrodesiac pheremones, mind control, or addictive cum or any of that shit. It's just an excuse for you to pretend you don't have to rizz or rape to get laid.
This moonie looks autistic as fuck
>learned a lot about socialization
>from fucking /xivg/
There's no way you just said thst unironically man I can't deal with this omg lmao
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fftcg in xiv would be cool
Thanks anon but I won't reinstall gshade or reshade anymore i'll just play vanilla.

Well I was the bridge holding the people together. I knew me leaving the FC was going to explode.
idk I'm shy... can you come to rhalgr's reach balmung?
XIV is burning to the ground because they keep designing every single job around raidnigger content and wasting dev time on retarded shit like Ultimates.
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Bruh ain't this you before you got cucked? You wildin' fr.
Tyrone has been getting schizo'd ever since he outed Magness as being the biggest schizo of the general https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/489687181/#489699897
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It's so obvious that Hydra is a fag because none of his characters look attractive to straight men
>veron was the crash bandicoot
God I need his dick now
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looks like you got a little bent in transit too lol
(bent can be a word for gay)
Currently shitting
>he still uses the program headed by the schizo that literally put maleware into it
do you also accept "you won iphone" ads?
eww, tikaasi was a malera?
That is a femezen
I don't-- what...?
I can't follow and need to sleep.
oh shit
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>Femrean on the enemy team
Its time for kino
Do you think people care about the shit you just typed?
She is, my bad.
completely true but at least we used to have the story for the normal people
Honest, genuine thoughts on femlalas who ERP at the LB14 in public?
Magness is just a retard who loses his spaghetti any time he finds out someone is actually a woman
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crispy trooning out and getting penis surgery all to be a fake trap on onlyfans will never not be funny to me
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Man uglies should not cosplay.
Fair enough vanilla looks great especially in dawntrail
I just hated the vanilla dof setting so I caved in
I didnt tamper with the program's internals and stole stuff so it never would have happened to me. Every plugin maker, every mod maker, every marebeast is one melty away from doing the same thing.
i like that the warrior class gear shows tummy
That's hot I want to take advantage of her undeveloped social habits
yes that malera and his retarded purple femra were the characters he spammed with as he posted gore daily and posted hundreds of times for like 18 hours a day both here and trash
The Hypnosissies BUCKLE under this card
>nobody cares
I'm about to go take a shit too. Any tips?
I am a meena that has been using a weighted hula loop for 3 hours straight now while phoneposting.
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queue CC 7:30
Nobody wants a stinky lizard skulking around.
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I got cucked?
Sweet dreams.
I wish there was a good way to smooth out playing cards. You'd think someone would've figured out how with how much value people put on baseball/magic/pokemon cards.

People here aren't half as "weird" as they'd like to think.

i thought bent meant "fuck" as in "get bent" = "get fucked"

everyone should cosplay at least once it's fun as fuck
the only good hypno is the kind where you see the rapee describing their entire internal monologue and struggle
no xivg hypnofag does this
>see this pink spiral? you will now suck my cock
>yes master i will now suck your cock
this is xivg quality erp
Because you kept gposing them nude without their concent
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Is the El Suavador?
same many ropes and coils
If Triple Triad was closer to YGO rather than Uno, I’d be obsessed with it.
Every time i post this i lose to them wtf
What ever happened to Britney or whatever that slut’s name was, anyway?
i touch ur boobs
I trampled you to death with my rroneek and frankly you're breaking NLR by still posting as Akemi. Pick a new avatar or FUCK OFF!!!!!
I've played a lot of triple triad because I like collecting cards and there's really not much to it. it's pretty simple to build a good deck for each rule set and you won't ever have to change it. most other RPG card games are more interesting in my honest opinion.
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Here's the other one with it. I think they were super cute and was maybe gonna ask fruity if he had like a file I could mess with to maybe make others.
She fucked Nil Yhlm irl while dating Tikaasi, realized she peaked, and quit forever.
Remember that time you tried to get into the malera meetups
The fun part of hypno isn't the sex, it's the loss of control and humiliation. Sex doesn't intrinsically add anything to a hypno scene at all.
TT isn't a bad game by any means but it's mostly just interesting as a minigame from the 90s.
If they make anything into a "full thing" it should be queen's blood, and they're probably doing that too.
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british people I know call me it a lot for no reason trying to imply I’m gay
so based. this game is more fun than WoW as a raidfag.
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Colonel, this is Snake. Do you read me?
I do this...
>the spreading warmth of your suggestion snakes through my mind, drawing each and every nerve into a vice, compelling my lips forward onto your cock as tears slip out of my closed eyes
Guy said he learned social skills in an MMO nahhhhh /.\
why did you quote me and add nothing to the conversation? just like your shit erp.
kill yourself you spiral spamming slackjawed wannabe rapist retard
Reminder: people only like miera because they're sissy fags
There's no rape without sex retard
feeling kinda lonely rn ngl
He’s used to it just working LOL
Pelupelu coded wife
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>If Triple Triad was closer to YGO rather than Uno, I’d be obsessed with it.
It's not exactly a FULL card game but it might be in the future, and it's still pretty good.
Why do you think you know what's up of you're new?
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>One of my favorite type of Hypno
>Lost of control/ie Hypno where the person just losses all form of shame(doesn't even need have sex)
>All forms of Hypno is just UOOOOH SWIRLS!! SPIRAL LET ME RAPE YOU
>UOOOOH YOU VVILL have sex with ME
Fucking hate you retards
Nah it's actually crazy how some of you learned TO SOCIALIZE FROM FUCKING /xivg/???? HOW MENTSLLY ILL AND PATHETIC ARE YOU????? JESUS CHRIST
I remember when people were saying Nil was Jhazda, fun times
>>the spreading warmth of your suggestion snakes through my mind,
sounds like you're pissing yourself
this faggot has griefed my ranked queues in diamond multiple seasons with his terrible SCH gameplay
Anyone who uses hypno as an excuse for sex doesn't have hypno for a fetish they just want to goon without trying.
It pisses me off.
why did you quote me and add nothing to the conversation? just like your shit erp.
kill yourself you spiral spamming slackjawed wannabe rapist retard
ive learnt it through 4chan, whats the problem?
too many PLDs in queue so i will not be queueing for the night
why the sudden onrush of ebonics ITT
Good thing I'm not a lizard then, you stinky biscuit
I'll do it again
Your thing was my out of cotton candy in my official lore book. Also, you fell off and got permanently paralyzed and pregnant, so get to wheeling around old man
Noo, of course not... I'd do no such thing!
Hypno is just more boring blackmail
Out of all the tanks who does the most damage?
>already repeating your mantra
Good hypnoslave.
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the one i play
>mm yeah baby stare into this watch oohh you're loosssinng your mind babbbyyy
You don't write any of the hypnosis part well at all, either, stop kidding yourself.
Europeans waking up they think this shit is hilarious, especially baltoids
I'm into omo so if you made me piss myself that should be an 8/10....
naaahhh lil bro thinks the thread is all unc mfers like himself :skull: :skull:
ESL spic detected
average hypnotranny erp quality
That's not what he said at all.
Reminder: no one likes male characters
you're more based than i expected
>Projecting this hard
I've found myself speaking up more often since I decided to reach out people in meetups. It is possible.
Concession accepted, little retard hypnosissy.
Name and shame!
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It *is* hilarious though.
A lot of problems would be solved here if we just forced people to post hand
As a Latina, I have to unironically say it's pretty cringe that as soon as you retards see someone spell incorrectly, you lump them with spics. Look at the time, it's probably one of you euros
shut up akemi
brownoid hypnotroons on suicide watch over one critical post
no argument has been offered to prove him wrong
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>little retard hypnosissy.
Could you call me that again please
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the best form of hypnosis is when it actually doesn't work and she goes along with it anyways
>you fell off and got permanently paralyzed and pregnant
What the fuck did I just hear?
Hey maybe you aren't too bad after all.
your accent is almost as disgusting as your round goblin visage
>I'll do it again
absolutely no shame, I kinda respect that
>As a latina
You will never be a woman Enrique
Reminder: people only settle for males when they can't get a futachad
My EB process involved skin tone checking. I love my wife so much.
You weigh like 300 lbs and are ugly as fuck nobody cares.
i wish there wasnt a limit on how far up you could float things i want to stack 20 hoh towers and reach the skybox...
Any experiencing moments where the game just completely stalls full stop for several seconds at random intervals? It can be something as simple as talking to an NPC, idling in an instanced zone, flying around in an area, or simply tabbing out to check something then coming back and it will lock up for no real reason. Could it be a hardware issue with my new rig? I never experienced this thing before with my old computer when I was playing DT.
>accidentally press LB
man, the cc schizos finally shut up
can't believe you whiffed your chance to make a sena joke this hard
Why can't cover be useful, instead of a suicide button.
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Please queue on light
nice timing
thank god someone killed those lalas
lmao I love these posts
>Why can't cover be useful, instead of a suicide button.
Please kill yourself.
Sena is white though hermano
It is useful, though. You can survive a hit that would kill a non-tank.
protip you can press guard while covering
I was comparing MCH BiS and DNC BiS and realized they're the exact same except for the weapons obviously.
how often is this the case? I thought switching jobs between the same role would be more of a pain in the butt.
I screened mine with voicecel.org before ever hearing his voice :)
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queue CC 12:00

they played whm pretty well just now
Reminder: majority of biofems here are futa only
Hey mamasita post your character
We will yell at you to go away and complain but ultimately can't do anything unless you step on the lawn. We would hope female characters would respect the rules and stay away, or at best come attend on a male alt, but thats too much effort for these HOLES to do.
>Akemi is super desperate
I might have a chance
Often the case for phys ranged, they don't want any skill speed
Tanks can also run the same gcd for all jobs, though it gets wacky for GNB
DC and eb status? I love latinas
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I broke up with her because she would constantly be hypocritical of shit and I was genuinely sick of dealing with her flip flopping and randomly getting butthurt over nothing (eg me not wanting to fanta back to malera or crafting something instead of buying it off the MB). She was a literal fujoid BPDemon and as much as I loved her I didn't want to deal with another instance of being scared that someone I cared for was dead because they disappeared for three fucking months after doing a bunch of heroin over the course of a week to celebrate their birthday.
It needs to be useful then?
Bruh you have a buff on already, then you can + it with guard and no DPS is going to touch you like that because its pointless if there are 3+ of your team in the area. You are guarded, buffed, and your teammate is covered, the other team has no choice but to either stand around, attack a third teammate of yours, or use you for progressing their rotation, OR if its necessary making a getaway while you cover
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pve cover is nigh useless shit I agree
>As a Latinx
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Not that old, admittedly.
Everytime i posted my hand you guys would just make fun of my long pinky nail
>>493636313 and all the replies to it
beautiful sequence of posts
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Can't. PC (lit) on fire.
>implying being upset I messed up LB is schizoing
Schizoposting falls strictly under the category of harassment of another player, not self-degredation
Can I join the CC queues even if I suck at CC?
Yes of course. The one crying about CA has joined many of them.
>healers pulling extra mobs "for you" when the reason youre not pulling wall to wall right now is shes not fucking healing you
If you bind your pvp buttons and hit the pvp dummy with your basic rotations for 1 minute, you will already be better than the average xvigger cc mouthbreather. Stick to your ebins and you will be fine.
belly belly belly belly
Yes. Just using recuperate, purify, and guard places you head and shoulders above most randoms. If anyone gives you shit just laugh at them for being butthurt in casuals.
Too based for this general

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