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Previous: >>493627687

>[Event] THE Great Tea Ceremony Battle: GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku, The Man Who Returned from Hell
2024-09-02 01:00 - 09-22 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku Sen-no-Rikyu Pickup Summon
2024-09-02 01:00 - 09-22 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku Pickup 2 Summon
2024-09-04 21:00 - 09-20 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] Back to School Campaign 2024
2024-08-25 21:00 - 09-08 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

I thought about it some more and men are not beasts after all.
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Do you like girls who really love money?
Actually I changed my mind. Men truly are beasts.
Men are beasts
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When do we get him?
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I want an /alter/ bro being a beast in my bed
You know what, scratch that, men are domesticated animals.
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French kissing Clae in a platonic way.
Fairly soon, we got Tiamat and are nearing the end of Part 2 as they announced the ending is coming out 2025.
Are men beasts?
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Have we ever got that gimmick where Himiko appeared and used her NP on your party before?
Except you don't fuck your mom and don't think about impregnating her?
I changed my mind. Rikyu being a berserker instead of an avenger is fine, since he wanted to destroy the world instead of just getting revenge.
I think I was pretty clear on the subject
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Monkeys truly are beasts
I liked Okuni in her event, but why did she swear so much?
None of them are evil though, they are just dorks
I want an /alter/ sis to DOMesticate me
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Monkey is the only person alive surrounded by beasts.
Ordeal Call 4 (part two finale) Shielder.
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STFU monke
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Post gudako pls
Habenyan uses her NP in Tunguska

Just albert things
Shielder is obviously going to be kept for Final Chapter Fuyuki F
>be nobunaga
>murder lots of people
>still have people simping for your ass
this is how you know monks are right about nips
but what if I consider a lot of those people not to be people due to their political affiliation
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That was last thread. Dumb Red.
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Sir, this is the FGO thread, we simp for Oda Nobunaga here. Also who are these jews you speak of? They sound like some sort of a religious monk sect.
Potty mouth asking for correction
Rin would _____ behave like that.
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I am a beast for everyone except those I love.
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Hope this thread is far better than the travesty that was the last one.
So now that we know Japan is the worst country in history, whats next?
I’m assuming here that OC4 would be the last one. Or a “fifth” one would be tied to a fourth one very closely.
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last edit good night
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When will Rin move to Dubai?
Germany is the worst country, but at least they will die out this century.
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Are we not getting a new Gudaguda this year because of surprise-OC3?
Eric Bloodaxe
Sorry I can only read Nobu's name and the -gawa and ie- in what I'm guessing is the fat tanuki bastard.
All me.
>we simp for Oda Nobunaga here.
Fuck you, Uesugi forever!
I don’t understand, why do Gudaguda characters keep mentioning a monkey?
I only know the character for gawa, so I just picked one of the other two.
I read Date Masamune's bio and it really looks like he should've been the one in charge. He was good in war and every territory he held prospered.
If you shake hands with a girl after fapping, is it an indirect handjob?
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Men are beasts...
Men are beasts
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based Date chad
Beasts are men (women).
But she didn't do anything nearly based enough to require posthumous simping...
Why men are breasts?
Why did people roll for Arc or Summer sluts when there is a rate-up for such a masterpiece of a character as Rikyu?
Guda Gudavember...
Guda Guda Chrismas...
They will never skip Guda Guda
Guda Guda is more important than Halloween ot Christmas.
Nobbu is 織田 信長
Monke is 豊臣 秀吉
Never heard of Pongo Toyotomi?
My hands aren't black enough.
yes, I do
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Doesn't matter. Either is a good pick as long as it's now the Tanuki.
Me too.
Can I farm the 90++ tomorrow with just Iyo, Xu Fu and support Castoria?
田 is ta/da, meaning fields, it's a very common kanji in names
>tokugawa canonically died early into his "historical" career and actually he was just a system of body doubles
wtf why was this never mentioned in ooku
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Ishida... Come to me, my son.
NP4 Morgan (with Reines buffing her instead of Oberon) can't kill Tamamo on the level 90 Caster Node.
She also struggles to kill the 100,000k HP mob on turn 2.
This is pathetic.
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You know remember about

Katou Danzou
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>suddenly everyone is trying to teach me Japanese
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Yes, my lord.
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NP4 btw
fake news, my NP2 Morgan clears it fine.
what about her
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Iyu's mom has got it going on
she's all that I want and I waited for so long
Iyo can't you see, you're just not the girl for me
I know it might be wrong but I'm in love with Iyo's mom
excited for Tokugawa storyline that's starting to unravel with the Boshin Grail War's Edo Castle massacre from last year's gudaguda
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Pull my finger.
Iyo's big sister*
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Oda (織田) means "Interweaving Field"—or more poetically, "Crossroads." Now you remember what the central plot of Gudaguda 4 is about.
>fake news, my NP2 Morgan clears it fine.
Only if you're wasting Oberon bond. Here's visual proof of Morgan failing to clear it.
Save baiting the jews for the next time someone starts cuckposting. I want to see if talking shit about them will cause that to stop at the same time.
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>be hitler
>be you and your country owned by banks
>be arresting bankers to free your country

>be bankers
>be siccing your pet countries on hitler for arresting your third cousin while you already bought entrance into the US

>be shitreal
>be stealing the blueprints and plutonium triggers for nukes
>be selling them to the highest bidder (read: everyone)
>be eternally cock sucked by simps while committing racial genocide on the native mudslimes, replicating exactly what hitler did
fate grand order?
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>Now you remember what the central plot of Gudaguda 4 is about.
Um, no I don't.
>Now you remember what the central plot of Gudaguda 4 is about.
I don't. Remind me please Jannu.
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NTA nor a Morganfag but come on bro this is just sad.
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Milord! You’re noticing too much!
I still can't accept the fact that Mitsunari is a boy, he should've been a girl GODDAMNIT
Sad that Morgan can't clear a level 90 node? Yeah, I agree.
lmao Morgankeks?
I get bobfags seething about her being a whore, but what's the deal with people hating Morgan so much?
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do the hands in this image belong to you
She's worse written.
I was thinking of getting into the game again, I used to play it years ago. Is it feasible to reroll my account until I get the servant I want during a banner? I don't remember my old accounts code and also didn't have anything decent
This years gudaguda will be about Xu Fu founding Japan. It will also serve to explain why Japan is such a hotbed for autists.
no comment
Think about it some more, brainlet, ask yourself what do they share
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>Refer to the same nippon character with 3 different names in the same conversation
Why is this allowed when it's translated to English?
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>Ghost drowned in Tea A
>Ghost drowned in Tea B
Did... did we do this..?
Very feasible. Which servant?
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Ishida supplied the tea.
Going by Super Bunyan’s new lore, shouldn’t she 100% be a Pretender? “Bunyan” is somebody else pretending to be her, with the deception so deep even she doesn’t realise it, which is exactly what the qualification for Pretender is as stated by Nasu, right?
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For me it's a daily occurrence.
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Yes, what about it? Nothing wrong with committing a genocide or two to win.
i dono. What do they share? Fairy stuff?
Only once Nanabozho actually wakes up.
I was thinking castoria, so end of november
You dont love her
hey it's that gay dude from Cardcaptor Sakura
This looks like bullshit. My Morgan is NP2 lvl 100 2000/2000 and I'm going to test it.
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I did this.
She's just that good at pretending.
God fucking damn it
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Both are extremely popular
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>The Mini Nobu daughter switches to Katakana
>It was a gaijin all along
I believe you.
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So this is how Xu Fus are made.
Then why isn't Oberon hated?
Alright guys, I MLB'd the event CE. But I have 4 meta supports on my support list. Which 3 servants should get the MLB CE for my support page?
>Caster Artoria
>Koyanskaya Assassin
>Ruler Skadi
Whoever is the odd man out will have the regular, non MLB event CE.
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Why tf are there niggas trying to farm with Morgan when Habetrot with Merlina and sup Castoria can plugless 6CE this node?
Most dishonest Morganfags
Don't bother replying to that one schizo. Let him seethe about bob, melu and morgan from his corner.
Me? Iyo.
This guda guda has reminded me of something I loathe about the way Albert translates this game (I know that Albert personally does it to annoy me, do not bother to dispute this). The whole goal of translation is to turn a foreign word into a native one. But every fucking time without fail, the useless translators of this game will leave completely untranslated Japanese words in the Japanese singularities/lostbelts. It's impossible to tell what a title means, who possesses it, whether it's a name or a title, and so on.

Hate this shit.
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Isn't he forgetting someone...
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I want to suck on your sister’s tits. The grumpy one.
he should add TL notes to the english script
Retard or troll
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Bob is easily the most popular Fairy Knight in Japan, don't be fooled by people wanting Barghest to peg them.
I don't remember anyone being mad at barg.
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Genuinely can't wait until Nanabozho chestbursts out of Super Bunyan, she looks really cute.
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>The whole goal of translation is to turn a foreign word into a native one
Me yo is いいよ
People actually wasted quartz on female Merlin? Why would you do that when Merlin (male) is better for CQ? (and later farming once he gets his buff)
Hell, I'd even argue that Nero Bride is better if you just want another arts buffer
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Okay what the fuck.
What if someone already knows what they all mean anyway? They already have articles about them everywhere using the titles.
Must collect all the Kawasumis
It is my Grand Order
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Asking Rikyu to teach you how to make the best kind of tea
Taking regular lessons with Rikyu and talking regularly
Going on long tangents unrelated to the lesson and discussing all sort of things with Rikyu
Developing a deep, emotional and caring bond with Rikyu
Asking Rikyu if she wants to go out on a date
Telling Rikyu I'd like to even though she responded with "What? With an old man like me?"
Going to some of the most beautiful places in the world with Rikyu
Seeing Rikyu smile at experiencing something wonderful each time
Eventually after enough lessons, making tea that Rikyu really loves
Getting down on one knee and proposing to Rikyu
Seeing Rikyu in a beautiful wedding dress - black of course
Living together with Rikyu
Planning children with Rikyu
Having sex with Rikyu unprotected with the intention to have children
Seeing Rikyu nursing her pregnant stomach
Holding Rikyus hand as she gives birth
Seeing her face as Rikyu smiles at her new born child
Telling Rikyu I love her and Rikyu responding with "You've made this old man the happiest woman alive"
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>Could have had this
>Stuck with an angsty teen that isn't even Bunyan instead
Castoria, people will use Iyo for 90++
I am honestly just looking for MLB CEs and adjusting my team to that
You still dont love her
You dont love her either
Give me three examples.
Oh yeah? Let's see your summer Anne.
>lvl 120
Whaling isn't love, dishonest cunt.
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Goofy dork
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let her cook
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Extremely high levels of based.
She's hot, what other reason do you need?
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was he a good dad though
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I was wondering who this girl was when I first saw these pictures.
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>keikaku means plan
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Eight days unt FSF anime news!
Because she's also great for farming and soul
Bride can be my 3rd support for quick teams tho
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Don't open, unless you want pain.
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>Take off hat
>Slowly turn into someone else
Horrifying but cool, also that sucks.
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Oh no no no that's embarrassing
He still has a pixiv
I married a red-headed succubus (mod) in Skyrim. Then I saw that the game coded her as a Nord so I just wrote it off as a girl cosplaying as one. Fate/Grand Order.
Just from specifically the chapter I'm currently reading and I'm too lazy to go back and find others from prior story chapters. It is completely useless to throw random words like this at a non-native reader. They can VERY easily be translated, with no missing context, as chief advisor and former chief advisor.

>noooo you can't say that because it doesn't properly imply he's the father of the current chief advisor
if you care about this you are unironically autistic
>EN account is dead
Albert you lazy sack of shit just run deepl on the JP account
Reminds me of when I tried reading the Kojiki and sll the proper names were literally translated.
>His Swift-Impetuous-Male-Augustness
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You say that but my Morgan easily clears the node
>bro just chill and have fun
Was this really the message he needed?
His tumblr had more art
Bro, that's disgusting, spoiler that shit. I'm eating.
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Was it a retcon because of how poorly received she was in the collab event?
literally me
>She's hot, what other reason do you need?
No? Her in-game art sucks, and her costume is ridiculously over designed. She should look like pic related
which official artbook is this from?
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His pixiv and twitter are practically dead and he normally posted new art on tumblr.
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The retcon does make her more interesting and introduces a potential better design for a new one later at least.
Also it only affects the Bunyan people don't care about and not the one people like.
FGO Material XV.
It's the message we need too.
Is that greed I hear, anon?
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Weird. I hope he's okay.
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Imagine thinking this isnt one of the most beautiful creatures in the game
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get back to waging
Gotta be honest, Merlina does nothing for me sexually. Like not even a wiggle down there.
It's not hard at all.
This but Morgan and Bob Shit
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Hopefully just a regular scheduled melty, you know how eastern artists are, motherfuckers love to purge their accounts from time to time which is why I'm grateful that shit like danbooru exists.
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She's legit hideous. she has some of the worst art in the game
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>bro your feeling of being treated like shit by the ruling class doesn't matter bro just relax
I don't know, Rikyu's motive for this event isn't something that is easily fixed with just words.
If she were to be released, would the real Proto Merlin from Arthur's timeline be Quick? It's the only one missing.
If we had a Sengoku Saberface, who could it be?
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Those two too, but for completely different reasons.
How long is the list of hanging plot threads for GudaGuda at this point?
>avenger/super mode ChaCha
>wolf guy
>big guy from a couple guda's ago
and I know I'm missing a ton
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Legit beautiful....
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Big Nobbu requires too much bonds just to get to bond 5
Does it matter?
Once she's in Chaldea those feelings will never be taken seriously again and will only ever be used for gags, if even that
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I wouldn't say she's hideous, but she has a distinct artstyle which can clash easily.
>Iyo's mom
So Woofie's the dad?
Are you sure we do. Think about it for a second
Merlina is literally the least attractive Kawasumi character.
>Morgan and Bob
Their personalities suck, but they're hot as fuck
>Super Bunyan’s new lore
What? Elaborate.
She's not even close. It's no wonder she's the only one of the three 5* Summer 7 girls who had the least amount of doujins with Guda (as well as had no cunnilingus drawings), because not a lot of people find genderbent Merlin hot at all.
Also, Skadi's easily the hottest girl for that Summer, and possibly one of the hottest for all Summer events.
>big guy from a couple guda's ago
Katsuie? I wouldn't say he's a loose plot thread, just an unsummonable servant. Same with Mitsunari probably.
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You gotta earn those persimmons. Now dance monkey, dance!
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Actual Kama servant when? Dude’s lore is metal af.
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Masamune was also Komahime's cousin apparently.
>just found one of my close friends is an artist who draws fate girls with disgusting, wrinkled cocks licking shitty horse asses
how do I cope
Did someone say monkey?
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kenshin was literally played by saber in gudaguda1
Skadi is not a girl, she is a woman
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Which non-SSR servant would you like to see get an SSR version according to 9th Anniversary JP poll:

>1- Hercules
>2- Arash
>3- Sasaki Kojirō
>4- Chacha
>5- Tenochtitlan
>6- David
>7- Mandricardo
>8- Cú Chulainn
>9- Hans Christian Andersen
>10- Passionlip
How did you not know?
I don't really dig the design.
>No armor
>Generic bow and arrow
>Competing against the likes of Arjuna, Karna, and Hotwheels
More Mahabharata servants are always welcome though.

>A hero/trickster mentioned in the mythology of the indigenous peoples of northern North America, mainly the Ojipwa. Super Bunyan's knowledge of the indigenous people and her special appearance are derived from this heroic spirit. In order to fulfill his own wish he snuck into Bunyan's Spirit Origin and uses it to manifest. ■■■■ eroded and completely devoured Bunyan's soul faster than they could be incorporated as part of Bunyan. A shape shifter ■■■■ mimicked Super Bunyan's soul in order to keep his existence a secret. The result is a perfect copy of Super Bunyan's personality unaware that's it's a fake and that it's real self has long since been devoured by ■■■■. They had planned to masquerade as Super Bunyan for a while and then reveal themselves when the time was right, however the personality of Super Bunyan which they had copied had a strong teenage ego and stronger self interest than expected and so their self awareness was sealed deep inside her psyche. ■■■■'s self awareness has been completed sealed and the only knowledge of their existence is in a disoriented state within Super Bunyan. When Super Bunyan who is still soul searching one day comes to terms with herself, the world and finally finds peace of mind the sealed personality of ■■■■ will resurface, break the mimicry and take over the Spirit Origin. And then Super Bunyan's personality will disappear without a trace.

Design was post above.
Sir. We are discussing the characters of Fate Grand Order. Kenshin is no longer a saberface.
Damn that's awful, got a link so that I can remember to block his art?
Why did they make Chacha a loli?
>because not a lot of people find genderbent Merlin hot at all.
The concept is hot, the official art just fucking sucks for it
Lady Avalon is over designed. Her costume looks goofy and it has way too much going on. Her color and shading look really weird. Her hair is ugly and the ahoge does her no favors. Her face is oddly shaped. And the eleven ears really don't fit the aesthetic they were going for.
But >>493646336 shows that a female Merlin CAN be hot. You just an actual competent artist for her, which her official art unfortunately doesn't have.
Is it possible to attain the lowest test possible like this fella >>493646681 ?
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>Drawn by Takeuchi
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Skadi is not a woman she's a HAG!
just found his twitter
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They're saving adult Avenger Chacha (True) for a later event.
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Are you sure Skadi resembles this?
cute and funny skill animations
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Hold them where exactly?
I can't believe Rin, Sakura, Medusa, Illya, Taiga and Medea are now Saber faces...
Cacha looks way better here. Like A LOT better.
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Don't worry, Skadi, you will always be the cutest Hagussy
Is one, but she's usually wearing a mask or glasses.
>The rest
Haven't been drawn by Takeuchi in ages.
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Every character should look like saber, that's right, even the dudes, all saber, there should be nothing but saberfaces drawn by Takeuchi and Takeuchi Wannabes
Did Riyo draw that? How long ago?
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>Which non-SSR servant would you like to see get an SSR version
Julius Caesar. I want a 5 Star Rider Julius Caesar that is fit, charismatic, and a gigachad like the irl Julius Caesar was.
I also want a 5 Star King David. Let him be a full blown adult with a power level on par with Gilgamesh.
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Skadi looks like a woman in her early 20s, what's the matter with calling her hag?
>Let him be a full blown adult
... is the david we have a child?
>Which non-SSR servant would you like to see get an SSR version
Julius Caesar. I want a 5 Star Rider Julius Caesar that is fat, greasy, and a gigachad like the irl Julius Caesar was.
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It was on his (now deleted) tumblr a while ago.
Shortly after Super Bunyan released I think, it's both a cool (if horrifying) concept and also Riyo taking the Bunnyan memes to their logical conclusion.
I can't believe that spider slut from the new Tsukihime is a Saberface...
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>descriptivists blatantly misusing words and ruining the English language yet again
Well she is.
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cute ishidas
>Takeuchi Wannabes
Takeuchi copies himself so...
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>Read stupid post
>IQ dropped a little
>early 20s
Yes, a hag.
Damn, while I'm playing Pokerogue even
What team would she have?
Do you think these women>>493647704
are in their early, or even late 20-s?
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>Lost last of my IQ years ago
>Can now read stupid posts in piece
Yeah. Maybe they got a little too much sun though.
Obviously not. They are still hags though. Any woman over 12 is a hag.
They look like the average californian meth head.
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>Super Bunyan was such a downgrade everyone is cheering for the skinwalker to replace her
Might genuinely be the most failed servant of all time which is amazing considering how liked OG Bunyan is.
>Might genuinely be the most failed servant of all time
what about me?
threesome with super bunyan and skinwalker bunyan
You had no potential to begin with.
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SSR Babeage
You might not know this but meth doesn't affect your appearance
I genuinely think the character and her event would have been better received if the writers had made Payan the villain instead of that literally who alligator.
You're not a servant.
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>read anytime post
>my soul gets devoured and replaced by a anytime shifter
I'm still angry at the Rats for tricking Hoover and Melies
This is such a downgrade.
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Dareka ni aisareru deshou ka
Tsuyogari no oku ni kakureta "watashi" ni kizuite yo
Hontou ni jiyuu ni nareru deshou ka
Douka oshiete
Fuyu no machi ni mayoikonda samishige na
Tenshi ga nageku
Crack then, idgaf.
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Sure buddy.
You're gay
lol meth addict cope
get backing to cooking jesse
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Quite the opposite. Cunny Chacha is prime.
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I still think collage aged Bunyan is a fun concept but they really fucked it up so Skinwalker it is, bring on the Nanabohzo.
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Hey, that's Mike Fink you're talking about! Mike Fink is a legendary roughneck who is also known as the "king of the keelboaters." He was a real person in the nineteenth century, but he became an infamous and reviled character in well-circulated tall tales. He was said to be a large man with a booming voice who was quick to a fight. Reports also claimed he was an excellent sharpshooter on par with the famous folk hero Davy Crockett. One of Mike Fink's famous snappy and boastful remarks: "I'm a Salt River Roarer! I'm a ring-tailed squealer! I'm a reg'lar screamer from Massassip'! WHOOP! I'm the very infant that refused his milk before its eyes were open, and called out for a bottle of old Rye and now I love the women an' I'm chockful o' fight! I'm half wild horse and half cockeyed-alligator and the rest o' me is crooked snags an' red hot snappin' turtle. I can hit like fourth-proof lightnin' an' every lick I make in the woods lets in an acre o' sunshine. I can out-run, out-jump, out-shoot, out-brag, out-drink, an' out fight, rough-an'-tumble, no holts barred, ary man on both sides the river from Pittsburg to New Orleans an' back again to St. Louiee. Come on, you flatters, you bargers, you milk-white mechanics, an' see how tough I am to chaw! I ain't had a fight for two days an' I'm spilein' for exercise. Cock-a-doodle-doo!"
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Big Chacha voice...
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i wish kukulkan final ascension would look like this
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You can call me Everytime!
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Kanashimi no kiwa ni tachisukumu futari ni
Ima sejou no ame ga furisosoide...
Ato ikutsu no yume wo fumeba
Yasuraka ni nemureru no ka?
Mou daremo ai senai
Ai subeki mono wo matanai
Oh mijime de mukuchi na kono yoru ni
Itsuwari demo soba ni ite yo
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Big Chacha looks so much better
I want Chacha's husband's wife
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I wish we got ORT servant instead of K*k*lkan
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I wish it would look like this.
What's the skinwalker thing i've been seeing in so many threads? When I CTRL+F skinwalker on Bunyan's wiki, I get nothing.
>Super Bunyan downgrade
I sort of liked her until the story revealed that her spirit origin is colonial guilt, and that she has a deathwish for it.
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Is this already scanned? I need my occasional dose of double Scathach action.
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Read the thread bro, it's from her complete materials that just got translated.
Skadi owes me sex.
FGO Materials XV was released last month, in which the detailed profile for Super Bunyan was written in it, and the scans were made available and translated recently a few days ago, so the wiki isn't up to date yet.
The Ojibwe god took over her form, but reasons caused him to be sealed until Super Bunyan finds peace of mind. If that ever happens though, she'll be totally erased and Nanabozho will take the wheel.
I’ve skipped both bunyan events and I don’t feel bad about it.
They only TL in-game profile anyway, not extra stuff from outside the game.
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Aoko in 594 days
Sorry I won't read anything about >American servant.
Dantes owes me rent
But it's Indian, so it's actually good. There's actual mystics there.
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It was foreshadowed...
Why does it look like it's from 20 years ago?
He has immeasurable wealth. You are his bitch.
What Hag deserves a Loli version?
What Loli deserves a Hag version?
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You don't pay rent for prison terms bro.
So this sets up for a Pretender/Foreigner Bunyan (True name Reveal: Yee'Naaldlooshii / Skinwalker)?
Sorry bro, squatter's law. Should've used your head sometimes.
>Melies has accepted that she'll never be an actual Servant and is happy
>Hoover impotently rages against their Fate
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what if I had sex with hoover in her former workplace
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Scatach and Abby.
That's not Ojibwe.
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Nice, I will dig in later
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She is not a hag
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I'm going to reread the Mississippi Mythicizers event and enjoy all the FORESHADOWING
Jing Ke love!
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>riyo manga, FGO CE art and april fool games are pure soul
>the event in the game itself is a disaster
So this is why Riyo stopped making fun of the game. The jester went too far and the king is now angry.
He's your soul's janitor and he does it for free.
I can't believe Nasu sabotaged Riyo because he outkino'd him in the first Bunyan event...
Will we ever get this little retard in FGO?
>What Hag deserves a Loli version?
All of them
>What Loli deserves a Hag version?
None of them
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Official(?) Hougen swimsuit
Is that an antler? I always thought it was a baseball glove. Because America lady. And Americans love baseball.
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I look like this and laugh like this
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One day...
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Yeah, it's an antler.
>What Hag deserves a Loli version?
None of them
>What Loli deserves a Hag version?
All of them
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>Foreigner Lavi
>Skinwalker Bunyan
Why is none of this in the game?
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>bunny ears & antler
You forgot Lobo with Animal Communication A which could potentially make him one of the best ST avengers
Abby's girlfriend has cute feet
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Redman poster made the same mistake I did... I even warned you guys yesterday...
(You) owe me sex
Can Lavinia even become a Servant if she never existed? Especially not outside FGO.
I'm your sibling, dipshit
Anyone got a webm of the Rikyu jumpscare?
I'm also your sibling. *unzip*
Fictional servants can be summoned in the same fashion as Kojiro.
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We have been talking about Bunyan for half the thread anon.
>5 fingers
QRD on what this Bunyan shit is all about?
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>make low effort servant
>people hate it
>foreshadow (read: retcon) her to be more interesting
She's going to die in a future event when Nanabozho reveals himself, won't she?
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Not enough tea feet in this thread
>dying permanently in FGO
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Monkey HATE
in the event, you retard
Merchants are beasts.
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No they'll more likely pull the cope of "S.Bunyan's personality somehow survived inside her but she's a seperate servant now somehow so we can justify killing Nanabohzo as an event boss before we summon her"
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We need more female servants wearing toeless legwear
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New one from Mochizuki's book.
how come Yui can't cook...
Oh yeah, post your monkey torture webms then, tough guy
>before we summon her
More like Nanabohzo will be a costume for Super Bunyan at best
>red toenail polish
Based and appreciated
im hungry
I'd watch it
what if hideyoshi was summoned to chaldea and master raped him with command seals in front of chacha, haha
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not at all.
They don't make $$$ from costumes.
Before they give Bunyan a costume, they'll re-release Bunyan with the final ascension Nana.
Sort of how they did with Dantes.
For more feet content obviously
ask your mom for food
Pure sex.
You don't do that with every married Servant?
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>tea nobbu only appears once
Shit event, 0/10. The fact that they actually talk like a human makes it worse too.
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The most beautiful servants in Chaldea.
I'm very forgetful, which servants are the married ones?
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The OG would get jealous, bro
Delicious old man blood toes
Ewwwww who would want that
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Would you suck em toes?
This scene is basically two cave women arguing over which of them gets the future man for sex
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Fuck the police (literally speaking)
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They can compete in My Room.
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>i will plunge the world into darkness so no one powerful man will abuse the innocent ever again
n-nuh uh!!!
>arrrrgh you're right *dies*
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I am about to read another romcom manga and no one is going to stop me, HA HA HA HA
Anyway, where is my grail for this event?
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What do you think?
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Made me search. Almost thought they announced a third game.
Rikyu was already weakened and her own host body was telling her not to bother. She was doing one last thing to try and convince you, and you convinced her instead
Yoshitsune (True)
I think Woodwose got wood…
Katanas are shit swords
Katanas are great swords
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Katanas are adequate swords
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swords are shit
Katanas are perfectly serviceable averages swords, that neither need to be aggrandized nor deprecated.
Fuck off, attentionwhore
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List of servants that should be added to FGO.

>Adult David
>Musashi (true)
>William the Conquerer
>Richard Lionheart
>Saladin the Great
>William Marshall
>Godfrey of Bouillon

>Hou Yi

>Cao Cao
>Shaka Zulu

>Fisher King
>Nimue, the Second Lady of the Lake
>Baba Yaga
>Issac Newton
>PHH Morgan
>Albert Einstein

>Augustus Caesar
>Julius Caesar (skinny)
>Khalid ibn al-Walid
>Henry II
>Edward the Black Prince
>Leif Erikson
>Baldwin IV
>Jan Žižka
>Mark Anthony
>Genghis Khan
>Artemisia I of Caria

>Lucrezia Borgia
>Isabella of France

>Ivar the Boneless
>Ragnar Lothbrok
>Bjorn Ironside

>Sir Balin
>Justinian (warped by Procopius's secret history)

>Constantine the Great
>Alfred the Great

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Lmao, think fast.
>1 more month until the next season
We are so close...
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I don't get it, was I supposed to care for Yamanami? Serizawa stuck to ne more and all he was a oower hungry guy
and me too, I want to be in fate too!
if you have to say it..
>>Justinian (warped by Procopius's secret history)
what kind of kinky sex would this servant have
>Oberon pic
His hooker was cute though
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Anon is my bro, don't even think about touching him!
toyotomi is going to change his mind and kill anon
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release my niggy Lumbus from NPC jail!!!!!!
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Speaking of NPC jail.
Do I need double Castoria to farm the 90++ tomorrow?
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I changed my mind. Have Anon head sawed off, his family executed and his pets eaten.
The last gudaguda I cared about was himiko's
The other ones suck. It's just so fucking boring
based beyond belief, instant grail to 100 if he comes out in NA before EOS.
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Has teen mom ever implied she can cook?
They shouldn't drip-feed GudaGuda like how they do with other events.
GudaGuda events are usually shitposts, and unfunny ones at that. So being forced to wait a day for another "well THAT just happened..!" story chapter feels like standing in line to have a fat, Japanese businessman spit in my mouth
I'm sure that if we get him, it will be him young, when he was still good. And that him being bad was when he was old and his mind already starting to fail.
Sorry, anon, Columbus is the most evil human being in history so he deserves nothing
>what kind of kinky sex would this servant have
The nipple fucking kind
it can't be helped. paranoid schizo monkey would be fun for some, but I imagine TM would play it safe with a nice monkey.
She's on the "Can't cook" side, though
so wellfare SR toyotomi?
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1st and 2nd ascension will be young Monkey
3rd ascension will be old Monkey
ascensions are meant to make your servant better...
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Koma i understand her reasons perfectly. Rikyu is a shitter who thought was beyond the consequences of his actions, if he wanted to be a hustler he should own it, its perfectly natural that someone would eventually give *him* a raw deal in turn
Shut the fuck up, Ptolemy is better as an old man
>why don't Berserkers think normally
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>Child of the Sun (日輪の子, Nichirin no Ko) is an ability that reflects Toyotomi Hideyoshi's growth from being a minor, no-name farmer into the most important person in Japan, then deteriorates him into a useless old man.
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It says that "rider knows how to cook but chooses not to"
At least we're done with nipwank until....uhhh....lostbelt 7
in the end rikyu didn't mention what happend to him but was overly zealous to fight for the weak like koma and those other countless souls he absorbed.
>Tsukihime remake
>Mario calls Noel Porky
I can't believe this guy went from being a brat to being best boy
servant variant when
>hates the strong crushing the weak
>becomes strong, crushes the weak
not knowing and not wanting both boil down to the same fact: you're sitting in front of an empty plate
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Why is she awkwardly putting her foot up?
>then deteriorates him into a useless old man.
I mean he tried to conquer korea and china with only 300,000 men he’s lucky he wasnt forced to commit sudoku
>student x teacher
You truly are Satan.
Would you roll for Noel if she became an SSR
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Birthday line admits she’s not as good as her adult self, but gave it a try to make dinner for you on your birthday.
She’s trying to fight off the paedophiles
This is the only NPC other than Lavinia I'd roll for
Tell that to the tam lins
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There is even a bigger irony... but I guess I am a little.
she's not trying very hard...
I wouldn't lose any sleep from failing to roll her off 2x11x, which is probably about as much as I'd be willing to give to her alone
I'd sooner roll Vlov for that matter and I wouldn't fuck him
Men are beasts
Are men beasts
Beasts tongue my men
Beasts are men
Are beasts men?
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How about this?
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how would you respond to this
Remove the trash art
I changed my mind. Let's uninstall FGO and play Epic Seven instead.
I changed my mind, kill all the anons in this thread, their families too and burn their FGO accounts.
The first step should have been stopping looking sexy
Who the fuck is Sovereign Supreme?
Raita and Raitabortions were never mentioned
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Future Evil Gudao. Kind of like a Ritsuka Alter, but far more powerful and far horrifically worse.
Toukiwa Sougo
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Albert, how did you even manage to slip a typo in here…
Time to save.
>noble pahntasm
post her knot
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Do you like any Servant couples that aren't from actual history/myth (so no Ryoum x Oryou or Siegfried x Kriemhild?
Hijikata/Carm is ok
shipping is cringe and reddit
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I liked Hime x Musashi but well...
I like Kama x Muramasa but it’s reduced to trolling here unfortunately
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I like My FacexBarghest’s Chest
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I think Alternating Current x Creampuff is a very interesting dynamic that none of the writers are fully prepared to explore yet.
what is Sima Yi's opinion on all this
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If I had to choose one, /alter/ indoctrinated me into Liz, Kiyoyo, and the taste of lizzy chapstick.
That's from real myth, dumbass
What's her personality?
Uhh, can someone break it down for me?
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Time to sex.
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No it's actually a schizo fanfic that some bloke wrote a long time ago because we all know Creamhill isn't real while Atoll the Hung is a real human bean
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Morgan but for (You)
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Earnest, puts up a strong front, lies to herself about how hopeless she is, likes fighting, has trouble connecting to other people (fairies) on a genuine level. She's a little bit like Ciel. Very knight-like.
cute male bob
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Project KVbros...
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>a little bit like Ciel
A little bit like what?
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A little bit like Blue Mash...
Raikou x Kintoki
He was her first son after all and they confirmed had vaginal sex per her interlude!
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wtf my plan to commission Kivvers x Baggers crossover yuri hatesex is ruined...
I found out about that gacha because futa artists on twitter kept drawing the girls with dicks, and now I found out that that game got canceled because a futa artist made a post about it.
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Oh no she smol
We can actually read here retardo, go back to your dead general.
No, they didn't, get your facts straight
Good moming
These all suck ass
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So this is the power of Satanic Jesuit Magic…..Implessive….
Yup, youre right. Cant believe i forgot. Its cute that she put in the effort though- dont worry Milly, you'll eventually get there!
Even better.
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Looks like Rikyu finally met her matcha
What... Matcha... but why...
Mom is smol too
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>thinking any medieval warlord wants a daughter
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Yeah, I've read that translated doujin.
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Good morning!
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Good morning bro
So... in the end the one doing all the grudge ghostly faces was Rikyu all along not komahime right?

Whats the fucking point of Komahime as different ascension then?
Men are beasts
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In case you didn't catch up, she was basically a prostitute
Incase you don’t want to fuck the old man.
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I'm literally looping that node with Zenobia without plugsuit.
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Good moming!
Why would anyone rape a monkey?
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One who drinks nothing, tastes nothing.
Good morning, Morgan-sama.
Last year's Gudaguda was pretty bad, and this year's was low-quality to. Gudaguda is slumping.
Ask the person who invented aids
The last good gudaguda was 3
Last years gudaguda was the best event in this entire game.
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So if we had actually chimped out during the event and killed Super Bunyan it would have been the correct choice??
I wish I could abort Morgan post womb
Purple Ushi…..its almost like theyre related
That arist is great.
Back then the game was kind of short in that niche
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Looping my cock between Zenobia's mouth, pussy, anus, and titpussy
No because then we wouldn't have a cute skinwalker to be the villain of the next event.
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Super Bunyan is doomed to a bad ending. It's more like those zombie movie scenarios where one of the casts gets bite and prefers to die when they are still themselves instead of an empty shambling flesh eating husk.
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>next event
This but with Schez only because I don't have Zenobia's light mocha ass.
honk honk
Matcha within matcha awaits you, Rikyu.
Holy shit, I would NOT want to be a Bunyan bro right now. Didn't someone 120 her? How humiliating...
Hey, I like Bob...
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Regular Bunyan is still safe, only Super Bunyan is a skinwalker.
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Still top tier
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I'm literally just 3-4-5 turning that with Douman, Abby and Rikyu.

Whats even the point of looping this? Is not a lotto, is a normal event, you can clear your ap in 10 minutes by doing the node 3 times, get back in 12 hours and spend another 2 minutes.

Even with inneficient CE setup you will be done way sooner than the event ends.

And in the very weird case you want to loop it, this is not even the last node, why bother?
>We will never have a skinsuit Bunyan reminding you every time how you failed to figure out and save the real bunyan while she slowly rapes you every night.
b-but I got np4 super bunyan trying to get the Ratmaids…
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Umm myths by definition aren't real
Lucky you, I got np5 ratmaids trying to get even 1 copy of bunyan
Yeah, I meant that at least one guy 120'd super Bunyan. This is a massive bait-and-switch, if I was a fan of super Bunyan I'd feel like crap for wasting my quartz.
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The signs were there everyone wasn’t who they really were…
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Unf choco milkers
I want to drink some chacha brandy
It's not like I'm spending apples on the node. I just like Zenobia, and I'm trying to run all nodes with her because I need more coins to finish grailing her to 120.
Holy guacamoly….
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Holy fucking kino...
Hoover is still legit, right?
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What happens to the new FGO killer again?
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Let’s discuss BB Dubai.
I'll be honest with you, canon pairings barely work. I don't think fan ones are any better.
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Let's not.
boyfriend and girlfriend
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Those saggy BBs
Oomph I need them on my face
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Who wins in this scenario?
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Sorry habibi, she is not allowed in here after last time
>they are wasting koyan and morgan bond
oh wait morgan cant even clear 90++ jhahahahha WWWWWW
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Let’s discuss the amount of summer Schez swimsuits instead!
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Lancer Artoria x Dun Stallion
Nightingale x Bicorn
My Dick
Me whose offscreen for the pincer attack.
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Even when Gudako loses, she wins.
I completely forgot there was stuff going in JP.
Well, "stuff going" may be an overstattement considering this whole summer servant into ordeal thing only feel slugish.

But may be thats just me. Same happens for for LB6 that everyone seems to love so much.
I liked it, for real, but the whole thing of a 3 part release only dragged it down making it feel unnecessarily spread.
And lets be honest, Nasu sucks at cliffhangers, he seems to think randomly stoping the story at some point already qualifies as cliffhanger.
The sisters wearing hijab are actually arousing me
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NO anon, you can ONLY be aroused by stripper bikini sluts!!!
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I am primarily aroused by fully clothed women with futa bulges.
same, ArabStreetHookers was my favorite pornsite when I was growing up
God, I wish that were me
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Wtf is bullshit, in one event everyone is an skinwalker and in the other everyone betrays (you). Cant we just go back to the dumb glasses thing??
>I want revenge!!!
>Have you tried having fun?!
Nexonchads win
That was a really anticlimactic way to end the event.
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A2 >>> A1
>inb4 A3 is just her welfare outfit
Okay, alter, I took what you said under advisement and this is V3 of 45 of the most-likely to appear in Extella 3
>I should have filled your black tea with my white semen!
What did Gudao mean by this?
based speedreader
seems like a lose lose situation for BAfags
But I had fun
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Personally I'll use both Morgan and Zenobia (cause they and Nitocris teached me that queens are, indeed, the best) but I am not doing for the sole reason of trying to be a good Master and use the GudaGuda servants that REALLY need to go outside.
But yeah.
Morgan and Zenobia are truly the best. And I'll die on that hill.
bad taste
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Or it would've been if I linked an image. Which I'm certain some of you will make a joke about there never going to be an Extella 3 haha
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That old man needed correction
based taste
Whose wood is this?
Charlie sex.
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Based roman legion sloppy seconds enjoyer
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..or choco?
>newest gacha died before it can even become a gacha
Post silly Kama pictures to cure my depression please
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>he brought Gilles back
Good man.
No one cares about Darius tho
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Im going to bed.
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Don't worry, starting from Wed this place will soon be filled up with OC3 spoilers by Voidstance
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BB is so fat, she should be ashamed to be showing off her body like that
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>the fact that Rikyu's tea can magically make you immune to the miasma is never explained and we have to accept that it's a thing that just happens
Project KV
Night night
>his hatred for Monkey is real
>yet his love for tea is even deeper than his hatred
Bro you're drinking the souls of dead people
>scared to death
>has killed billions
You don't need everything explained to you, bitch, use some imagination.
Is One Radiance Thing a stupid name?
There is still story left.

And also Rikyu has the power to create her own miasma as specifically stated in the most recent node so it would be safe to assume she can create what counteracts it too.
>just leave the company and make your own g-ACK
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I Won A Holy Grail War In Fate Grand Order And Wished For My Favorite Servant To Come To Life
>There is still story left.
It's gonna be all gags, they're not gonna explain anything, probably.
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It sounds stupid even by chuuni standards.
Isn’t that basically using grail mud?
I dunno why you'd assume that when we still don't have the grail or the last farming node.
Cuck or tranny
Because the story is over and we returned to Chaldea.
>The cavewomen actively seeking to milk me dry
Im both
meltchad btw
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to this day the most kino FGO PV
We always have to go back and clean up some retarded mess afterwards ever since gudaguda 3.
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Yea, and it's always the gag part of the event. It's played for laughs.
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Nice too see people with the same taste being so nice
Jester, no!
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I wonder who's behind this post
>this tea is terrible
But you're the one that made it
I'm fat.
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>the one most liked is not the one with the best animation and cool scenes
>but the one with the tragic heroine narrating the outcome of what will come, while static images of scenarios about to be destroyed
Absolutely kino and soul. LB6 is truly the best.
Yes, but the serious story isn't over until we get the grail and pass all time locks.
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which one?
Yeah it's kinda stupid.
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>"but did you have fun"
>oh ok I'm going now bye
What a fucking stupid ending holy shit. Fuck Rikyu too, what an obnoxious (((merchant))) cunt.
Where is he going?
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I guess instead of serving justice, Rikyu got a serving of just teas!
Bro Nero's numbers go far beyond just one roman legion lol
The rats were fine. Bunyan was awful. She never once apologized to Ann
to EoS
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hurr durr MAGAN MAGAN MAGAN caw caw
Did Japan ever had a respected, loved and benevolent Shogun/Emperor?
China had, India had, even Russia had.
You can already read the next story section on atlas, you know. Rikyu comes to Chaldea and gives you the grail because you "forgot it" in the singularity.
Ann’s an ugly dyke
>that skindentation
How fucking huge is Schez's ass?
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Mike Fink wasn't the villain. He was a gag antagonist in the final act. Reading comprehension, bro.
Seriously, Hoover & Melies deserved implementation more than rats with ZERO dialogue in the comics.
>b-but the pocket gag
Yeah right after we meet Fake Richard from Camelot
massive bro just look at her official art
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The biggest
It was more on the side of Komahime, (you) set up the path, Komahime finished.
That being said, even irl Komahime has been said to be elegant even during seppuku. Was she really that lovely?
Damn monkey.
brics? more like Shit
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>one of the KV artists was a Lizbro
Are we gonna take him in at least?
He can't go back to Blue Archive.
>That being said, even irl Komahime has been said to be elegant even during seppuku. Was she really that lovely?
It was all just propaganda from Hideyoshi's enemies. Don't trust their lies.
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I'm sorry you were too shit to properly kill me, Anning. Maybe I should've summoned an actual competent servant, like Mary Ann Mantell.
And the writers still managed to make her more likable than Super Bunyan, so yeah...
not that huge compared to mine :)
it's because it was a tea made to kill....... deep...
Ugly dykes with bro tier personalities are the best types of girls, just like Kanbaru from Monogatari.
Nice try Mitsunari
A little hard when we know that the monkey was an actual seething schizo.
>a traitorous rat
The Rats tricked Hoover into becoming power ups for Bunyan while they became actual Servants
Monkey’s schizo episode is unironically the best thing came out from this event.
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I fucking kneel.
>Are we gonna take him in at least?
Sure, if he wants to come back (he doesn't)
skinwalker-chan is sorta cute when she’s being cunty….
>super bunyan is actually a cryptid freak who murdered original bunyan
Yeah, Anning bros were in the right all along.
...On second thought, I change my mind. It was the worst. Kill Keikenchi and his family. Leave none of them alive.
My lord, please reconsider! What would the other writers think about this?
Was the whole Bunyan bodysnatch thing hinted at all during her event?
I will SHIT on your clan
Not even once.
Before I learned about ORT I thought the spider that Avenger mentioned was Ungoliant
>you're alone in a room with the fucking schizo
>you are clearly combat trained and he's a retard
Explain to me why he didn't just chop the fruitcake down immediately.
Monkey's spirit lives on...
>Rikyu wanted to cover the world in darkness because he wants to redo the whole thing
>He's undone because Kingdom Hearts is Matcha
>then in the Realm of Matcha, Rikyu, Komahime and Guda have a talk
>Rikyu chills out and passes on
>Iyo uses both light and darkness (what a genius)
This entire event was Kingdom Hearts/10 and I love it
Bravo Keikenchi
Distinct lack of Medusa though, she didn't even show up for the afterparty
>And then Super Bunyan's personality will disappear without a trace
And nothing of value was lost
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>>Iyo uses both light and darkness (what a genius)
I want to fucking kill you whenever you start posting this shitty ass soifaces shinjis while screaming any form variation of kino
I find these funny and usually chuckle imagining how someone would shout "holy fucking kinoooo"
Its Voidstance.
no its not, its a /vn/ shitposter.
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Sorry, I'll stop.
GudaGuda should put Nobukatsu into FP pool every event.

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