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Previous thread: >>493648684

Version 1.1 "Undercover R&B" Special Program
Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo


>Current Signal Search
Jane Doe - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)
Sharpened Stinger - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)

>Current Events
"All New Program" - Receive Encrypted Master Tapes - Ends 09/24 03:59 (server time)
"Camellia Golden Week" - 08/21 10:00 (server time) - 09/23 03:59 (server time)
"Daily Life of a PubSec Officer" - 08/30 03:59 (server time) - Ends 09/09 03:59 (server time)
"Immersive Tactical Drill" - 09/06 10:00 (server time) - Ends 09/16 03:59 (server time)

>Upcoming Events for 1.1
"Scene One, Take One!" - Starts 09/13 03:59 (server time)
Full 1.1 Event Details: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125244

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
Billy love
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Okaeri, Onii-chan!~
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Do we have a friendlist?
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>is the single most useless S Limited ever put into a Mihoyo game
Worse stunner than Qingyi. Worse buffs than Soukaku. Worse damage than Ben. No Grouping like Nicole.

Just nerf her again like Reddit asks for, and then delete her from the game.
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debating rolling Mibibi solely because that’s fun to say
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Show me your best Wipeout screens
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This is now a certified Coco thread
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Reminder not to engage with shitflingers.
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Roll for miyibibi.... or anyone else bwo
She's gonna need some serious quest wank to make me want to roll for her. Her being introduced at all so early on is making less and less sense as we get further away from any sort of S6 questline.
Why'd you downgrade from the gay porn homo?
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Shitflinger vs average /zzz/igga
reminder that f2p jane loses to 4* teams
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is the schizo a schizo because he samefags or he samefags because he's an schizo?
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How come nearly every disc I get at Bardic is utter shit, and those that are decent I get dogshit substat rolls when leveling
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Don't care, still pulling
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Koleda Belobog?
Heh, more like Belly-Mog.
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Bwos... I did it...
I play on PC so I just logged in and got a free platinum, very cool
I look like this
just keep rollan
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She makes sure you never win the 1 in 8th
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>use tuning calibrator to get a crit rate disk for chinky
>get this
>1000 rolls
holy whale
How do I use Lucy if Jane is hogging all the field time?
Today's card
I really wanted the rat but I got the furry. But I heard he's the best standard S unit. Now I'm conflicted
I got the three poops, is thst the highest?
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Eating ramen at night after a long day of work with my cute bf!
Do you get something like a profile picture for getting the plat
Passionate sex with Rina.
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>quick swap Lucy EX and swap out
>Chain attack Lucy > Rat
>Salchow Jump Rat > Lucy swap EX
>Defensive assist Lucy > EX > swap
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Still rolling
Which part of jane glows when you have her weapon?
Not really. He's bis with Ellen but she's long gone now.
her tail
Is this random or hardcoded?
Jane slept on my bed and it stinks now
>tired of shitflinging with Bllyi and Pepir
>switches to Caesar
Do you not realise how much of a braindead nigger you are?
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how's your stat rolls looking bwos?
Is it very noticeable?
Haven't been here for a week, wasn't she kazuha must have just recently?
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is there anything I'm missing about getting good discs? I've wasted so much energy on routine cleanup and master copies at Bardic. Most of my rewards look like pic related
These posts are so fucking useless without showing what weapon is equipped you retard.
more or less, i wouldn't roll her weapon just because of that. the dps boost it gives her is the selling point.
Aren't they all just the bis for any character of their same type
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Definitive Tier List
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>right in the balls
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Why do you do this to me?
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>tierlist posting
it's that time again.....
may the best man win

you mean on PSN? don't even think this is a thing. I have 17 platinums and have never seen you getting anything from it
He’s the second best stunner in the game, and the first is no longer available, so he’s still a good pull.
Only if you have Ellen is the knot worth it. The best S rank standard is easily Koleda by a mile. Fastest stunner in the game and barely needs any field time.
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>poll for rat ass
>pity timer close
>scrounge up enough for a ten pull

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>initials of the game are ZZZ
>tier list is reversed so Z is the best tier
seems accurate desu
How much for Nicole
I don't know bros. I'm straight but fooling around with Seth sounds kinda hot...
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do not give up now that you got one of her meta teams anon, you know what you gotta do.
is stunner Ben worth building if you have him at M6? it sounds fun even if it’s not optimal
she's free, bro
>The best S rank standard is easily Koleda by a mile
How do you properly play Koleda? Only switch parry with her? When I try to do BA-BA-EX with her she always get interrupted 'cause she moves too slowly
don't know but i'll be building him when i finish my main 6
Graces fits would need to be five times bigger to put up with her annoying quirk chungus personality
I got a gift code for a free avatar for platting Spider-Man
Maybe not all games have them
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made for Belle Futa
oh that's cool. did they send it to your PSN mail or was it ingame?
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>Disc has Atk%/Crit Rate/Crit Dmg as substats
>+3 rolls go into flat HP
When does the pain end
She's one of the starter characters
abuse her dodge counter, it has tons of i-frames and insane daze buildup
I had a +4 def lol
tranny fetish
I like pink
self insert cuck seethe
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what causes this
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Nicole is Wise's canon girlfriend.
Who's better for physical DPS:
>Nekomata, M0, no signature weapon
>Corin, M6, weapon
Thinking about Shiyu 17 specifically.
my officer cui banboo does like 150k damage
Warm Ballet flopped.
>this is somehow a bad thing
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What's on your wishlist for Outfits/Skins?
50k dennies for her tits, 100k for her pussy, 200k raw, 500k creampie
Yeah they sent the gift code to my e-mail inbox and also congratulated me for beating the game
When you don't have parents and you only have your sibling
I dont care about GayHomo low effort skins
everyone here mods their game
Meanwhile Belle gets Anby+Nekomata.
Naked Lucy skin
Corin M6 with her weapon no contest. Neko needs M1W1 to even be competitive to begin with
Give Corin a decent Dazer and she will eat enemies up
>trust decrease
fuck this gay earth
gratz on your guaranteed caesar bro
and jane
When wise and belle were kids they said that they would marry each other when they grow up
It's a promise kids make when they're kids, but few keep their word.
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Anby in literally any other outfit. I'll take her off the bench immediately
Wise is a pushover
Shame ingame dialogue between them is so tame but at least artists dig it.
Based! Rapist futa belle tries to rape Jane only to get reverse raped by BRP (big rat pussy)
Billy is actually Belle's previous identity from before her transition it's so obvious
Yeah. He won't do as much Daze as a dedicated stunner but he shits out damage as a trade-off. I use him with Lucy and Piper and S cleared all Shiyus with them since release. The Ex Counter is too satisfying.
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Gym wear for all the girls
Holy based
It works but you're not really using it on-field, you just defensive assist forever while shitting damage with ex counters
Why are there two S-tiers?
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oh boy here we go again
Aren't you basically self-inserting as Futa Belle though
I will have a look at my mail account for the next couple days but Spider-man was a first party title I think so I don't expect MiHoYo to care...
But what I find weird now is, you have achievements in-game and I think all PS trophies are also in-game achievements. So if they decide, here these are the things of that list you have to do for the platinum, they could also give you at least an avatar or calling card for your interknot profile on all platforms. Sure no one cares for that, but it's at least something for your efforts
>wonder when does the content get harder
>remember it's a hoyo game
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Which way, wise man?
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pic was related but wrong pic
What's the strongest faction
Attack once then hit E. That's literally it.
N.E.P.S. easily
red fang
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I want her
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Section 713

Miyabi is the only agent who can solo a Nineveh
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that's gay
I am the master puppet who pulls the strings around New Eridu
You get some polys from an achievement for it and there's no long-lasting repercussions.
Thanks. That's what I was thinking. Current team is Neko/Corin, Piper and Lucy, so I guess I replace Piper with Anby or Qingyi.
I don't think she's with calydon, I think she'll be a new faction
>doesn't even leave a scratch
We do all know that the Void Hunter from the trailer and Miyabi aren't the same character, right?? Miyabi's a descendant
The cute maido imagine picking some filthy r*t instead lol
Bangboos are so retarded, I love them
Uploading my seven hour "Why Zenless Zone Zero is ugly and gay" video
Your game is finished, Zdiots
>Miyabi is the only agent who can solo a Nineveh
But she didnt solo it. It just wandered off. A feat literally every single agent in the game can achieve as of 1.1
I now have two good teams. So why should I ever roll other characters again?
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S-shut up she's a r-real Void H-hunter!!!
Then why is it always Belle who's futa and not the other way around or both
Great, I love these kinds of videos!
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>is the single most useless S Limited ever put into a Mihoyo game
because Belle is the MC, the MC gets to have the dick since she also can't fight and has special bangboo power
Lycaon with claws and the basic of cqc when? I've been memorized by this sequence in slowmo. It looks so sick. Dude put his all into this rush.
You do really want to have Corin's core active as it gives her free 35% vs dazed enemies.
>Corin Anby/Koleda/Lycaon Rina
>Corin Anby Piper
the first row is ideal, 2nd row if you don't have have Rina or Lycaon to activate her passive
Any reason to keep 2 copies of each weapon around? B or A rank. I already have a couple of A-rank weapons upgraded to 5 stars.
So you do self-insert as Belle
Any anons here who pulled for M2 Jane and regret it?
Yeah maybe it was a first-party thing, that's true
>But what I find weird now is, you have achievements in-game and I think all PS trophies are also in-game achievements. So if they decide, here these are the things of that list you have to do for the platinum, they could also give you at least an avatar or calling card for your interknot profile on all platforms. Sure no one cares for that, but it's at least something for your efforts
Maybe they plan on something like that, have they ever done anything PS exclusive reward that wasn't that forced crossover with Horizon?
Wise gets to sniff this...
call the futa Belle green guy, he said one per character and I haven't see his green for rat yet.
Nah, it's about the fact she's the MC, you root for the MC. Would you prefer your MC getting dicked down or to be the one giving dick?
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The KING of BRICKS will beat her, don't worry
Didn't see Qingyi at the end there, definitely Qingyi over Anby as it's a nobrainer for Corin
Corin Qingyi + Rina, if no Rina then Piper
whenever billy gets priority over the girls to get his upgrade and get a claymore with his two guns
because Belle is hotter and Wise is fag
>muh self insert
Does she know of Sacrifice?
wise likes to watch
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Mainly switch parry
Also you can just press EX raw doing the ba-ba-ex doesnt do more daze unless you have C1
I actually dont even do her full basic string for speedrun runs, cuz the dickhead in shiyu 7 doesnt stand still long enough.
But when he's assaulted 1 single parry-EX does like 70% of his daze bar its great
Me inside the seat, btw.
I regret rolling for Caesar Lawrence
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Does anyone want this or is this going straight into the bin
Hey bro, that's a good dis-
>it's about the fact she's the MC, you root for the MC
That's self-inserting
I was asking why Belle is usually the futa and not Jane or both of them, nothing about Wise
Wise is no cuck, he's a power cuck. Instructs Belle on what he wants to see and how he wants to see it and then approves her actions.
bro, your anton + koleda?
Lucy perhaps
I was only playing but you had to be mean and hurt my feelings :c
That's why no one does anything nice for this general
I don't think that's awful for lucy
>MC wars
>hating on attractive women
>shilling billy
Tourist hours. Did Natlan flop that badly?
Burnice will
Ok, I'll try it. I have Qingyi on team 2 right now, but I'm thinking team 1 could use that damage more. Since team 2 has Zhu Yuen.
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>open YouTube
>type in "zzz"
>"THIS JANE DOE TEAM IS INSNATE!!! | Shiyu Defense 4 - ZZZ"

>go onto /zzz/
>a fucking free "T3" DPS is beating her by 35 seconds
>while solo
>That's self-inserting
It really isn't. that's like saying because you see someone like goku fuck chichi you self insert as goku because you were rooting for him. the futa only works because it's Belle who's been given the dick because Belle was already appealing as a character
belle has sex with jane daily
Find better bait
Zhu Anby Nicole is more than fine to carry their weight
If you've got Rina for Corin or Lycaon then Qingyi can go back to Zhu but until then I'd keep her with Corin to help with the lifting, Piper's purely there for Corin's passive, free stacks + filler here and there
the rest of the internet is retarded
only 4chad knows what's up
wha- I thought I was also just playing though bwo... sorry..
>a fucking free "T3" DPS is beating her by 35 seconds
>while solo
???? Where? I've just seen the whaled Qingyi clear
>he's falling for the bait
kek enjoy us Janechads being miles ahead for eons
add Zhu and Caesar to this
This Is my current team bros! Is the placement Correct? Should I replace Qingyi with either Lucy or Rina? Jane has her W-Engine if that changes anything. I also have both the Phys and Fire Boo's
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you already typed this in previous threads

how long are you gonna be annoying for?
which character moans the loudest
lycaon is infintely superior to ellen because he lets you pet his tail!!!!!
I'm sad
I finally got Jane and I don't know how to walk on pc, I just run
You can leave this place all night and come back to people posting the literal exact same shit word for word
Then why even say this:
>Would you prefer your MC getting dicked down or to be the one giving dick?
Unless you're subconsciously self-inserting?
you can't
I'll keep posting this just for you faggot
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tap ctrl while moving
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I wanted Qingyi but couldn't get her so I'll just save till Cesar comes in or they rerun her. I can't wait for Cesar time, do still wish they made her the fist girl tho, I wanted big mecha punching lady and now she doesn't exist
Your controller?
/vg/ attracts autistic unmedicated schizophrenics. the threads here are some of the worst on the site
Section 6 > Obol > NEPS > Calydon = Victoria > Belobog

Cunning Hares appears to be the weakest but Anby and Billy are hiding their powerlevel and Nicole is one of the only ether unit so there's maybe something going on with her, kot is just a dumb kot tho
>failed to shit on Zhu
>failed to shit on Qing
>failed to shit on Wheel
>failed to shit on Kid
>failed to shit on KING
is there a bigger loser?
Reminder that petting and feeding Inky every day at the store increases your chances at winning the 50/50 (and getting S11 for some reason)

Reminder that if your account is below 500k UID you're luckseeded in the long run

Reminder that Mihoyo games have a loyalty tracker, and if you log in every single day it'll increase your chances to get who you want.
>is there a bigger loser?
first day of Natlan
Ben Bigger is a Nigger
You can't in combat missions, next patch they'll let you walk around town with any agent you own, we'll get to enjoy it soon, fellow asschad
Your positioning is fine. You can put however you like in position 1 (if you prefer a particular character into). It's the relative positioning of Jane and Seth that's important and Jane needs to be directly ahead of Seth like you have it. The Jane Seth shee works with lots of thirds. Qinyi is fine, Lucy and Rina would also be fine. Experiement and find out which comp you enjoy playing more as that's likely to make more of a difference than minor DPS changes.
Has there been a C0R0 Jane clear that's beaten out those two Piperfags here yet
Friendly reminder that Caesar is useless without M1W1.
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Was this pose really necessary?
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i am going to steal this dog
How much tapes one can get per patch?
The cuckposter
Anon, I feel you don't get what Self inserting is. The MC is the one you are rooting for, if they sucked you wouldn't want them in your porn to begin with or would give them the male MC treatment most porn artist sadly give which is remove the personality entirely and make them faceless. The MC is the cool hero of the story, for an example look at WuWa and how they fumbled Rover so hard she is always the one getting dick rather than giving much of any: it's because both male and female rover are uninteresting outside of designs and maybe moves of the second element unlock. Belle and Wise critical to the porn enjoyment because both are fun and likeable; if you take that away they lose their porn value and Belle is just a hoe and wise just John Zenless.

Self inserting ignores the critical aspects of character
reminder that is canon that she can fart, shit and piss
Kill yourself
that pose alone made the corporation an extra tens of thousands of dollars
so yes
~90 if you're fully clearing shiyu
One Jane that did it in like 58s but his Lucy wasn't really built and he was using a B rank engine on her kek
The rest is all C0R1 hovering around 30-38s
One C2 solo Rat with sub 45-50s

110-120 with monthly.

120-130 with monthly + BP.
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My Nicole looks kinda weird bros
Thanks bro! The only thing holding me back is the insane energy requirements needed in order to bring someone up to speed. I honestly feel like we should have double the Energy each day or Double the drops..
I love Zenless Zone Zero
I hate India
per banner?
i did the math and it's around 20 (not counting regular tapes)
don't have the numbers on me rn tho
It doesnt matter how fast you clear lol. Why are you so tryhard about it.
tfw m0r1 and can't break 60s because I'm a shitter
don't be mean to Jane's fanbase
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Wait, is that-
That pose made her the second best selling character of the game so yes
Dang so still no, not yet then
>Self inserting ignores the critical aspects of character
Not always true. You even see some people here say they self-insert as Seth, who is defenitely not a blank slate character.
nah, it couldn't be
They self insert as the only aspects of Seth that matter to them: he has game and looks good. They ignore the real seth and all his traits that wouldn't fit the needs of their connection.
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i love officer mew mew, he's my favorite real cat in all of new eridu
when furry said "yes my liege" i cringed so hard i almost died
Throw her in with Seth Lucy and watch how others do it, it's not that hard. You can delete the first 4 mobs with 1 EX on Jane. Just watch how this guy does it
There's faster ones on Bilibili, with just C0R1 Jane as well, pretty nuts
sex XD
Officer mew mew is probably a woman, probably wearing glasses too
when furry said "yes my liege" i based so hard i almost lived
shipbros, our response???
i want to fuck her inside that suit so hard it's unreal
I reckon the B rank Engine guy can shave off 5-8s by just building her, he was just shy of a bit of damage to finish him off which he would've had otherwise
I bet its the mouse thiren that jane raped
Officer mew mew is a /fit/ tomboy
No. The RNG giveth, and the RNG taketh. It's why gear farming is usually the last thing people do for their characters as it can take anywhere from one day to EoS for you to get a "good" set. At least we don't have to deal with high/low rolls for substats haha...
>open video
>weird turd world language
>close video
I love his voice
Mew Mew is CUTE
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I aint saying shes a gold digger...
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I look like this
Was zhu's ball worth it? I can't tell... all I know is she's a beast but I spent 160 rolls for her and her ball
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who is she tho?
why is she always talking about rape?
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My king will make zzz porn again soon, this I know and trust.
Rina's story sucked ass.
But something piqued my interest - the music that played during the last fight was unique, I don't think I've heard it anywhere before. Are all final battles during story mode exclusive like that?
There isn't a person inside Mew Mew, are you all retarded?
>El Psy Bangboo
It's a stat stick monster that you have to slightly adjust your disk mainstats to, works great on any attacker as well
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Is Anby's signature better than Steam Oven at M4?
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>no one talking about the new event which will last for a whole week
Game is dead, you all talked more about the police papers please event more than this one.

not really no
the difference in clears between ball and no ball zhu is like 8 seconds
Jane has a difference of 24 seconds plus, shes a lot brickier without her ball in conparison
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I fucking hate mew mew so much, most dogshit character in the entire game.
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>Mew Mew is leaving her pussy out as we speak
>They self insert as the only aspects of Seth that matter to them
How would you know that? Anyway, seems like we just have different definitions of self-inserting. I still think futa MCs are self-inserts though, otherwise Jane should also be futa sometimes. Maybe even with Zhu Yuan who's hotter than Belle
that's not combat
that's 1 minute and 30 seconds of trying out new characters a day
i want infinite hallways with infinite rewards
Seth is going to learn the hard way he was born and made for hollow raider cock and nothing else
Yeah its dead you should probably go ahead and leave too
She's just a seething poorfag lmao
What bangboo do I roll for my zy+qy+nicole team with my newfag bangboo rolls? Resonaboo? Officer cui? Someone else?
imagine the smell
I thought that was just faggots crying about how there arent enough niggers in this Chinese game
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>mihoyo shitting on poor people
Greediest fucking company in existence.
i showed jane to my 1yo nephew and he throw up all over himself
if that's not the sign, i don't know what is
post THAT
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Koleda desperately needs a parental figure in her life and it's incredibly sad that Belle/Wise aren't mature enough to fulfill that need.
Not taking into account substats, would Jane want a phy% or atk% disc 5 if she has her signature wengine?
Holy based, I will now spend money on your game
he'll start playing with dolls and want to wear dresses in a couple years
Show him THIS
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Freaky ahh Bangboo
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me on the left
>1yo vomiting
Wow, next you'll tell us water is wet?
My future gf...
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im surprised ben doesnt really act like a father figure to her ever, it seems like he’d be the prime candiate
But either way my cock will handle her fine don’t worry
the more i watch the 29s billy run the more im impressed
the average autist here cant even comprehend 1/3 of the tech and timings that billygod used
the elemental bangboo are all significantly more useful than the faction ones, so roll all of the elemental bangboo first starting with the one that matches your main team (so resonaboo)
he did like the lolibaba cop
>How would you know that?
because Self inserting is a one way street, it doesn't go both ways. People will choose what works and leave what doesn't for a character who isn't a total blank or is like Ritsuka or Gran, aspects will be omitted to make the insertion work even if they would ignore more vital aspects to a character.

No one here could be Seth except maybe Frank but he's not part of this. A futa MC is the logical next step when it comes to looking at the porn for the MC if they are also given female options. Lesbians are cool but most people know the sex between them is pretty boring to both draw and animate, Futa fills the gaps. besides, Jane and Zhu are the futa sometimes, but what's the point in giving them more than they already have over Belle: the best defense she gets is a Taser, she's not playable for the main combat aspects of the game, she has no currently overly notable powers like other Mihoyo MCs, she's pretty short, and much else.

Belle has earned the right to have the dick since she can't actually do any of the field work outside of Eous most of the time
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thanks, corin
based kid
Another Corin fuckup...
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nice bro
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real canon stuff right here
this shit is not funny fofoschizo, KILL YOURSELF
imagine reading all this
couldn't be me
Based corinbro
I can't daze him that quick nor build my meter fast enough, or once cycle it in one stun phase. I should've listened to the lolibabagods, didn't know how big she'd be for speed runs
Last thread Seth/Caesar was shown to be worse then Ceasar/Burnice with Jane. Were those fake calcs? Is Seth really worth building?
It’s kind of weird how everyone still talks about Zhu and Qing while Ellen is completely forgotten.

Why didn’t Ellen have any staying power?
Corrin is so cool, she managed to be the first one I got all piece for and I wasn't even asking for her
I'm brand spanking new and managed to get both the sexrat and the gay furry standard character. I don't have the makings of a sexrat team that I like yet but it's come to my attention that furry butler and Corin work well together. My question is, is this game stingy enough with character building resources that trying to build two teams early on or at least one team + sexrat and a few random off-meta supports for her is a bad idea? I'm afraid I'm going to cripple my effectiveness.
Get better bait Janetard
>he says after making up a story about his 1 year old nephew
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We love Ellen here though
We are aware reading isn't your strongest subject, we care for you Anon
shes m1w2
that increases her daze and meter buildup and spawns you with full meter
those are men
zhu already powercrept ellen
jane sealed the deal by becoming the 2nd dps team
Get your main two teams to 50 at minimum. Get your two main DPS to 60.

Only if you have resources to spare level them from 50 to 60, it'll take the same investment as it took from 1 to 50.

Your priority as a new player is to get an Ether/Ice, Fire/Physical and Electric DPS online ASAP, preferably with proper support/stunners/defenders for their needs.
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Ellen didn't have the threesome with Wise and Belle, she's just not as cool.

Plus Zhu uses her first so she's cooler than Ellen by all accounts
Lore from Timely Assistance VIII - Bangboo have a translation plug-in that translates their speech for them. The Flatterboo you fix has neglected to pay for it's translation plug-in subscription. Nicole cheaped out, so Amillion has a super basic one (probably free) and that's why it has such stunted speech.
Because Ellen is the oldest limited and she doesn't have a whole lineup of limited faction buddies that make people talk about her.
And she really needs a story mission because she's the most forgettable agent in her own faction.
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supports don't need to be max lvl, so you can save on those a bit
but it's best to build one team and then start another
you will need 2 eventually tho
in my experiance at max lvl (50) you need around 2 weeks to damn near max out any character
ngl im getting kinda tired of all these female banners, we need a cool guy banner soon
eous has an onahole
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pls pls pls let me recruit her
Build the DPS characters first like Jane and Corin, hell put them in one team even for content you don't need 2 teams for. with Seth just keep his level up and cap him at 40, ignore his skill levels aside from his core
For furry butler keep his levels up, cap him at 50 and level his normals and ex to daze for Corin later
Always prioritise Jane/Corin, then Lycaon, then whatever crumbs left over to Seth
3rd teammates for both can be filler, example, Lucy for Jane and Soukaku for Corin, same idea, just give them the left overs here and there, don't worry too much
So Seth is just a parry > shield bot? Jane is hogging all the field time!
redpill me on swing jazz
does the equipped character need to start the chain attack or is it fine as long as they participate in the chain? tried to lab it but the buff doesnt show up anywhere and the damage seems the same regardless how i do it
I've almost got all of my MewMew quests done... soon I'll be free...
Parker i need webms!
Webms of Jane Doe
the Wise Maid costume Banner is on the way
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>Belle is weaker
>so she earned the right to be the one with the dick
I'm hoping the first S banner in 1.3 is the bow faggot so we get to save a little for pinkbitch/foxweeb
I'm M0 with a cope engine for fuck sake..
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you should ideally defensive assist > follow up attack, start his hold attack then quick assist back to jane to get the shield. he'll continue doing his hold attack and debuff the enemy
I don't really feel like checking, but i know the new parry disk set has the text "boosts the entire team's damage when anybody parries" so this is likely to be the same
Thank you anons.
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yeah its not a very realistic speedrun
what's the best cope engine for Jane?
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she's not weaker, she just has a different skillset and has Bangboo power. Belle is big smart and as many people in game say very attractive
c1 is mandatory for full charge + more build up but people sleep on the ball tea buff
20% dmg increase from that is way more raw damage than her 15% def shred on c1
she is
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How many run of HZ should I be doing a week?
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Stop pretending there is nothing wrong with this face. I'm not rolling unless they fix it
Yes, exactly. So I rarely use his EX Skill
There's not much to discuss about Ellen, everyone who started on release had enough ressources to guarantee her and everything in the current endgame is weak to either ice or ether so nobody feels like they got bricked
Imagine slicing your cock on that chin
15 if you want all the rewards (mostly pink chips dor bangboo exp and star up)
Well shit. I hope they start doing reruns in a couple of patches
6. 2 at 3500 and 4 at 2500. Thats the absolute minimum for all rewards in the quickest time.
You can easily push the 2500 runs to under 4 minutes.
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rude bitch
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Bros what does a nursing handjob feel like? What if I cry out mommy when I cum or call her mommy? Will she think I'm weird?
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That's because they're perfect. Even after Jane falls into irrelevancy, Zhu and Qing will still be talked about.
What engine do you run on Piper, Rainforest Gourmet or Weeping Gemini?
Do they adjust the chin or do the adjust the position of facial features? Any Photoshopgod that can experiment?
if you don't have 75% resolve after a defensive assist, it's probably worth tapping his skill before quick assisting back over to jane
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Belle has a strong mind and is half of the greatest Proxy known to the planet, she has earned the dick in the relationship.
cute and canon
Her sig kinda mogs everything else though, missing out on it hurts
Her signature or bust
Oh, I have m6 btw
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not enough virtues ITT
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Thank bros.
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Just lowering the face and bringing her cheeks in a little helps a bit I guess
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What are the ideal main stats on drive 4-6 for an attacker?
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Burnice wasn't the same after the chemo...

And the hair transplant...

And the eye LASIK treatment....
Women actually love to be called mommy anon.
there's a reason she wants to burn everything to the ground
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4.crit 5.element 6. Attack
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thanks bro
What are the Caesar nerfs people are doomposting about?
Launch Limited Character Syndrome
This is absolutely nothing surprising. In fact, everybody knew it was going to be like this.
>artist tries to draw haha le funny scene
>ends up being way worse than the source material
why even bother?
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How the FUCK do I get there
Hey the twin girls boss is too hard
clear the rest out
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I miss these types of posts with people getting filtered by TV.
I did. I have nowhere to go but there now
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I'm an ESL, what the hell are they saying in this ad
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Corin a cute!
There's literally 0 porn of smelly/stinky Jane.
What the fuck are artists doing? Do they play the game?
is this the current event?
check the minigames, maybe you forgot one
It opens in a later day of the event
spread your damage
Try leaving the hallow, you have to leave sometimes to kturn in lost items to trigger progression
who the FUCK is victoria
I am going to use the tuner from the battle drills event to roll a phys damage disc. If it does not have anomaly proficiency on it and it does not roll twice. Corin will suffer.
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I want to hug Corin and convince her she's a good girl
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>I am Shadow, The true self
wtf GayHoyo keep stealing lines from Persona now
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what causes this
get raped you annoying bitch
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I used a tuner to get a physical damage S-rank Fanged Metal disk 5 for Jane and it had no good substats.
Don't get to close she will rape you bro
>if i roll for burnice everyone is gonna make fun of me and post her fucked up face every thread
please fix it hoyo please....
I've held every tuner I've gotten for fear of this happening.
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Why would they say she has a fucked up face?
Progress until you watch the TV with your sibling and it will be unlocked
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wtf is this HAHAHAHAAa. No wonder she is off field character with a face like that
I like incest
Never play with fire, kids.
You can't finger someone with those nails
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burnice + miyabi will be kino
I hate artists.
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her face is fine imo
I can't just magically roll her sig so gotta cope.
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Fuck the rat
>fix Corin's self esteem issues
>she realizes she can do better than you and leaves you
I hope she'll get this as an alt costume
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Why not? It just takes one encrypted master tape.
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>Give Corin the smallest modicum of power and tell her its ok to use it
>the first thing she does is demand you take Lycaon's tail fur
Yeah the bitch is better off with a broken mentality
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Just keep raping her to show who's boss
When will we have a shrine maidens faction with a fox girl?
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A Song of Ice and Fire xD
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>fix Corin's self esteem issues
>she's forever grateful to you for helping her see the good in herself and stays by your side
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hope you’re saving for him
Grace is pretty much her surrogate mother at this point
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>the reason why she's named Burn-Ice because she's made for fire-ice teams
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>fix Corin's self esteem issues
>she still stutters while texting
someone post the lucy one
How long is chapter 3?
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Will razor ever be playable?
that much pubic hair is not attractive
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>playable razor
but why?
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Stupid thiren brat. Kidnapped for research purposes
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what a terrible fate...
It's 10 to hit pity and said pity could be anything in the game.
Will definitely happen in the future I just hope it isn't another yae sakura expo. Pink hair does not fit a kitsune miko.
Grace is her older sister. She acts nothing like a parent.
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*mogs you*
Bro, just hit the 0.6%. Easy.
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I love him...

I'm pulling for my general...
Grace seems to have practically raised her ever since her dad went missing/died
>Ellen is completely forgotten.
do you browse the thread with your eyes closed?
we still get ellenposters and we still get that one hutroon that has a meltdown over it
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>Harusama is my favorite charact-ACK!
Why would a nun dress like this?
jane does room
Don't tell anyone but whenever I get close to the girls in this game I move the camera so I get a better look of their ass
I'm creeping on Qingy right now
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nuns are sluts (for God)
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does stacking pen% do more damage than atk% if i have rina
Is this event about the daily life of pubsex like papers please?
Colour scheme and weapon would work for Claydon. She's probably the mother of Lucy's piglets.
Yes. But a much easier version as it basically just tells you the answers.
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Thinking about him again.
there's nothing wrong with burnice's face desu...
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yeah but can you double wipeout?
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Didn't ass
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I've done the math, it will take me 472.48 days to go from level 47 to 60 by just doing the dailies and spending the energy once a day. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING??
nice hand
the rewards past 50 are shit. who cares
It doesn't matter beyond level 50.
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>missed the friendship supervision event
>Missed the icedrift hollow event
>Missed the two arcade comp kino events
That's like 1k polys. They'll never be that generous again why did I have to start playing a month after release
Are you neglecting all the fucking ether batteries and the fact we'll continue to get fresh commissions with each patch?
this is what a good dynamic wallpaper looks like btw
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>1K poly
So like 5 rolls?
Thread is slow as fuck
The modded car is hers???
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Kot is cute
I like Nicole and Rina's
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4 bongs to go...
How do you Seth?
Thread is slow as fuck because there's no content other than coom posting and baiting
I know you're from there. EOS soon LMAO
J-Just put the gun down, saar.
but jane just released
Place him in the party slot directly after Jane
Get enough energy for EX
Use Ex to get Resolve and shield
Hold basic to spend Resolve to trigger quick assist back to Jane
Quick assist back to Jane to give her shield, which buffs her anomaly proficency
He puts the BANG in the boo.
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I am well capable of clearing the entire SD every reset with the roster that I have available, from now on, I'm exclusively saving up for C6 Ellen and her weapon
Characters aren't content.
defensive parry > follow up attack > hold down attack to start up his charged lightning attack that debuffs enemy anomaly res > quickly take advantage of the quick assist that's still up from his follow up attack to go back to jane with the shield and buff > he'll stay on field while his hold attack finishes
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Ben think
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>Always refer to him as revolverboo
>It's bangvolver
I WILL DO IT I WILL PULL JANE M2!!! or not... talk me out of it
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This boo eats the doo and refuses to poo in the loo
Bang bang bang, pull my volver trigger
>has a gun
chat is this racist?
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Have they announced that they add a sweep function for material grind stages and HZ yet
I can't fucking do this shit anymore
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>Physical-weak enemies on both sides
you ARE physmaxxing, right?
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Don't do it bro save instead. Big poly numbers outshine any agent
I'm just trying to pull Seth M6, if I get spooked by Jane Eidolons, sobeit. Don't really care about the Calydons. I want Yanagi way more than them.
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Depends. Anby's engine shines if you give anby a lot of on field time. It requires you to be dodge countering quite a bit and it benefits if you have Anby's M1.
That said, if you are comparing a 4 star steam oven VS a 1 star demara. Obvs it's steam oven win.
Getting the right teams on SD just makes the fights trivial. Jesus.
They should add a whale thiren to the game.
I hope she is good and not Burnice Brick v2.
Hello im Piper boyfriend
Hey Lighter
How does it feel to spurt your creamy load inside old, infertile trucker pussy?
Who is the third member of their team?
Diaper agent status?
>double ice resist
ok hoyo
She's really not that old bro
What killed the hype?
Jane vs shadow Jane felt like peak cinema in that one mission desu.
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We can't compete
No Pokemon Amie like mode where you can rub and feed your agents
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let her sleep bwo
That's actually really good without changing what they were going for, nicely done
Burnice controversies
Best build for Anby? Which discs/substats should i aim for?
Do you think It's comfy or annoying to have a fat shark tail?
I accidentally dismantled all my unleveled yellow discs. there might have been something good there...
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someone send this to the zzz customer service
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>might hit 50 internot next week
owari da
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Feeling any regrets?
I uninstalled the game too late
is there any visual cue to know when hormone pack 4p stacks are active? they dont show up on the buff bar
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Nope, still happy with Qingyi and Zhu Yuan
a little bit, since my zhu/anby/nicole team feels way weaker than just jane on her own, and I know qingyi would make zhu feel 100x better to play
shame there's no ether stun/defender on the horizon
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final update and post for v1.1 1 of 2
even though my Z/Q/N team is only level 50 it still felt like cheating in Lucy solo runs so I decided to solo Piper on the opposite side. started building Piper the day of Jane's launch because her engine motivated me, the same way Zhu's engine motivated me to commit to soloing Lucy(I was running everything with her sig way before except critical node). Piper's disks have been decently upgraded since running node 17, too lazy to rerun it though.

SD17 was extremely rough for Lucy. burning state took too long to activate so my crit rate was too low for too long. I could not replicate or beat my fastest time due to so many variables at play. decided to make a crit rate build for the next critical node to remove the burning state crit rate variable at least.
I'm having that problem with Jane's signature w-engine. It's stupid there's no buff icon for it.
but if you're using it on a burst dps then you can kinda just assume it'll always be up during the stun window
I regret rolling for pedoshit I don't even like even though my shiyu clears were already S
escape, detailed stats
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post 2 of 2
against a level 70 enforcer in VR, im hitting 209k assaults full fervor full power outside of stun and 419k assaults full fervor full power during stun. ive dabbled with an atk% disk 5 and I reach a max assault of 409k best case scenario with it so im sticking with phys disk 5 for now

fetched a 74 res assault disk for Piper and managed to reach 67m solo. ive seen assaults hit over 1m during stuns and seen a single 2m assault hit. I have not idea what criteria needs to be met to hit any of these, just testing out the latest build.

with crit node wrapped up im going to finish upgraded Piper then back to disk farming until 1.2. I believe with what I have now I can solo the next node but im not sure if I can S rank everything: need to see what enemies are dropped.
bro im not going to pause mid fight to find out if the shitty buff is on and then unpause to continue my combo
>more food for Billy gods
Yeah, no shit, I know you can view it there, but you should have to pause the fight to know if a buff is up or not.
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and this is why you're WEAK
She's a fat shark
how do i use rina
i feel like this character does nothing
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MibibiGODS are we feeling good today?
Not at all, she's the more future-proof character out of all the ones revealed so far
she makes my dick hard
she's just like me fr
ideally have her m1
max pen w-engine
pen disc set
max level her pen main disc
try and get pen substats
swap to her every so often and either ex or double normal attack I believe is all that's needed
She takes no time whatsoever to swap over to, do literally anything and swap back again quick, if done during the right animations on your DPS they'll lose nothing. Perma Def shred and alright Anomaly build up if paired with Grace or Seth
It does take some work though and having M1 on Rina would be a godsent
No, I got Koleda instead who's the far superior genki girl off her banner.
You only use her for her buff. Swap her in for that and use it before your main damage dealer in quick assist chains. The buff is strong but without M1 is requires a fuckton of swapping. She's much more comfy to play at M1 because it means you can keep buff uptime wihout having to swap to her constantly.
Ice cucks need not apply this Shiyu I guess Not like they won't be able to clear this baby shit
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Thinking on short-term gameplay in a game where characters will be powercrept often is pointless in first place.

Rolling with the dick alone for characters you are not gonna use just because are cute is also a mistake btw, for fapping you have fanart and your fantasies.

You should think on which characters you are gonna actually use the most in the long run.
Obviously, rolling because its cute is fine if you are gonna actually use it.
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Every day, I feel grateful these two retards blessed my account
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I look and sound like this btw
just make sure the buff icon is on your actual DPS at all times
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I've been playing hsr for a bit and it's insane how much of a difference zzz's 10 substat pool is compared to hsr's 12. Hsr also not letting you dismantle relics with levels sucks. We have it pretty good
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I know just the Agent for both sides
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I can't believe they found a way of make sword and shield boring in a game like this

told you not to buy botleg figures, bro
okay... I won't do it although I'm tempted... thanks bwo
C1 or don't even bother.
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my only complaint about the SoC girls is that burnice isn't insane enough and caesar isn't assertive enough
yeah, it's hugely disappointing
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Yeah having played all of the big Hoyo three and still playing HSR and ZZZ I'd say the ranking in terms of artifact farming is: ZZZ > Genshin >>>>> HSR
Does anyone actually have the source on this? >>493672056
Best disk setup for Seth? Building him as daze doesnt seem right
Holy shit this special episode is boring as fuck.
I've not found his ex to be necessary so energy regen isn't important, his chain attack is slow as shit so I don't like using it, so what else is there. 2 piece impact, 4 piece upcoming 1.2 shield set in my imo, with impact and attack % focus
uninstall like we all did
she's been disfigured from being in the hollow for too long
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The manliest ZZZ men.
Zros, zi zhink ze zhould zalk zin z zecret zanguage zike zthis
apologize to TV kino before unistalling.
how much?
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kill yourself
live yourself
Zill zourzelf zirzt.
>the toilet when my mouth is right here
>not a single (You)
omega flop confirmed
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Why don't they just do weekly events for the arcade?
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How many more days are there for the double drops?
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I just ate a whole tub of icecream
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SD6, SD7, inferno reap

>piper seth grace, SD7
That's right you better hide that UID faggot.
>all the best teams include Qingyi
Y-You guys... you told me she was a brick...
How come Rina's bangboo can speak english?
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>2 seconds faster than Lucy
Definitely worth 180 rolls
If you actually play these games and not consider Genshin the worst.. your opinion is quite frankly invalid. Sorry. But there's no way a 20% chance for rolling the "dmg%" slot, a 5% chance on top of that for rolling a specific dmg% (and half of that if you want EM on that) is fine, on top of 50% chance for the correct set. That's 1/200 !!!! (or 1/400 for EM).

And you can't even craft any of the newer sets.
>b-but they added the main-stat craft thingy
Yeah nice, once every half year.

The system is REALLY fucking trash, and I'm extremely happy Star Rail massively improved it. Alone by farming the dmg% slot separately, and increasing the odds, so you have a over 5 times higher chance to get a natural drop. The "off-set" slot in Genshin also doesn't really matter, as the odds for the rest aren't much better, AND the subs are more important due to having only 5 slots, not 6 like here and in SR.
Rina is rich. She can buy an expensive language module.
Same, +20 poly yoink
cute seth
Seth does look like a girl desu
I'm dropping this shit tomorrow to play with feixiao
Belle's toys
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What routine cleanup stages should I avoid? I imagine they paired stronger discs with weaker ones
>play with
You mean turn on auto-play?
Anon.. middle is vs phys weakness. Robutt is 2 seconds faster without physical weakness existing...
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>wise fags
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Its like 50% of her body weight. I think it'd be more of a hinderance than anything.
Also takes up a fuck ton of space.
unless you pulled zhu (in which case swing/ether is good) all of them are kind of ass
cute rat canon girlfriend
You think if she trains hard enough she can do like, a cross legged pose in the air while using her tail to balance herself?
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Based levels off the charts
This looks repulsive, wtf is going on over there.
People using those mods are female lol
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Thong siblings...
Her smile was cute. I see that this artist noticed that too.
maybe because he/she plays the game unlike ohters
COPE. Feixiao will outsell Jane 3 to 1.
>wanted to do a 10 roll on the weapon banner
>did it on standard instead
>bellenigger melty
is because the KV gacha got canned?
it's not that difficult to outsell this banner desu
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>already coping
it's OVER zzziggers
Wise has a Hank Hill ass
but enough about qingyi
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Go back tourists. Your new faggotry is showing.
>banner character that's just barely better than other options
Yes, you wasted your rolls.
both banners will be a flop
>wisejeet melty
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how about a quad wipeout?
>male fox outsold Qingyi
There is zero chance Jane is even remotely at the same level of sales as Feixiao. ZZZ is an indie game compared to the juggernaut that is HSR.
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In the same video he uses Jane and gets a 18 second clear with minimal switching and stuns.
Pipercopers our response?
>literally makes your whole team do more damage
yeah bro shes totally a brick worse than anby
These jewtube niggers need to fuck off. Hoyo are gonna see this shit and make Shiyu harder. Normal people are already almost timing out.
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She can outsell her 5 to 1. Neither me nor many people here care. We take comfort in our game having at least some semblance of gameplay and it not being an autobattler with two trashcan events in a row
>just finished the twins questline
Holy shit bros that's depressing
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thanks bwo. im looking forward to the next node more than 1.2 at the moment
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>Feixiao can EoS us N-N-NO ONE C-CARES!!!
Still more intensive than mashing left click in zzz albeit.
This has to be a completely whaled Jane right?
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Good, total A rank coper death
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Stop being faggots and post some ass, thighs or tits
>lost to trashcans
That isn't the win you think it is
>Feixiao can EoS us
this is a quote from hsrg, not zzz
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Do you have any idea how retarded you sound? Even as a shitposter. Put some more effort into it. At least amuse us a bit
What if the trashcan sage was a cute racoon thiren?
yeah that was good
>using weapon
>still not as good as c0r1 piper lucy grace
>Arena battler where you load in and spam left click and mindlessly swap like genshit
I was fucking sweating for my A rank. Granted my drives are shit but still
How much do you build Seth since he is being replaced in 2 weeks? Just Character level for the tapes?
Shiyu was always meant to eventually get harder. You think they just randomly chose 720 polies as the reward number? They will add shiyu 8 to make the full reward an even 800 chromes. Theyll prob make the S requirement 180s like it is in genshin too.
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yeah considering this is W1 i'm not shocked m0w0 jane can't break a minute
she's pretty serious whalebait or at least dolphinbait
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Again, don't care. Have your more popular trashcans, we'll take our game having actual gameplay and non-wormed story (at least on a much smaller scale than yours)

Which is why a semblance, it ain't much, but it's more than just running 4 niggas in a row on auto mode during 99% of all your battles
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LOL I knew it
Immense cope zigger.
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What about midriffs?
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>its all so tiresome
His is only C0W1.
18s clear is whale
others are M0W1
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Bwos I want the kot but I keep getting knotted how do I brick myself?
im going back to your game tomorrow bwo
verifiably false
nice try though
Based MarchGODS keeping the thread alive. Thank you sirs
Do you have even the slightest idea of the meaning behind the words you're spouting? Or are genuinely just braindead
ewwwwwww its lame when you try so hard
Nice, now let’s see Piper’s 18 second clear time.
This general's favorite character is Billy. This is a wormed general.
what is sex like
bags of sand
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fine with f2p weapons
fine with f2p weapons
fine with f2p weapons
fine with f2p weapons (as cope as it seems)
probably fine with f2p weapons nobody's actually done the ER calcs yet

>worse than a m1r1 a-rank without her weapon
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Guys stop fighting, ZZZ and HSR are both fine games yes even the auto battle afk simulator is fun to manually play
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You ever seen hand shadow plays before? Its like that but with your cock
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Cope harder Piperpagpags
hahaha keep coping
dont you have multiple s rank sigs to roll?
My jane is performing far better with a f2p weapon than my Zhu or Ellen and her team mates aren't fully invested into yet. I've been clearing all of Shiyu easily.
pfft >>493702340
ITT: Mindbroken Piper SEAniggers
No one cares about your Billy btw
HSR is dogshit. Trains in space (LOL) whose dumbfuck came with this shit idea. Then theres the completely tranny character designs literally importing genshin male skeletons and slapping some tits with disregard to body proportions HAHAHAHA.
You gotta go thru years of discord grooming to find that dogshit playable. You've been GROOMED.
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There are imitation frogposters here. The frog community is very pro-Jane, something is wrong.
SEX more
the resident hoyoge frog fag has always been about helping f2ps make the best rolling choices for their account
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Here you go bwo
>dude persona but shitty one button pressing baby tier genshin puzzles
zzzzzzzzzleep tier
It’s tourists and poorfags from other generals who just started and don’t have enough for Jane and trying to delude themselves that Piper is a good welfare unit (she’s not)
>5 stars
sex with my hand
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why doesn't jane have a rabi?
>c0w0 jane is the absolute worst limited unit for f2ps and outperformed by any piper with single dupe and single weapon
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>Belle 41%ers
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you have a duty as a frogposter, one of the most valued voices of wisdom' to prevent your fellow man from bricking themselves
by doing things like rolling M0R0 Jane for example
I enjoyed it.. :( and my wife also loves the fuck out of that game so I can't not play it/watch her play it
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Went to bed last night and people were still debating if Jane could clear the same speed as Piper without her sig, now people are saying Piper is shit in comparison. Did something actually happen or this just another phase in the cycle of shitposting?
Why are we supposed to be worried about Feixiao or anything HSR related?
Their banners always release a week after ours so they literally can't overshadow our characters only genshin can do that and they are suffering right now (thoughts and prayers).
Fully maxed Jane with fully maxed signature is better than Piper. More news at 11
bro who cares play whoever makes your dick hard this game is easy as fuck
the only ones who lost are the sethpags LMAO
Jane is only better if you shekel out for her weapon
Baseline Piper with a few dupes mogs baseline Jane, she’s complete whalebait
My M6W2 Piper assualts for 120k/150k and does okay damage.

My M0W0 Jane assualts for 700k/900k and does okay damage.
sunkcost f2kek jane impulse rollers
piperfags and m2r1 jane metagods are clowning on them
m0w0 can break 1min with r5 gourmet

anomaly is ok. jane, piper, seth, lucy, qingyi are good
grace is shit
Post your 51 second shiyu17 clear or forever hold your peace
Until any w0 jane can do that it’s over for them
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In Shiyu, with buffs.
Stupid bitch.

Try and do it in Notorious Hunts.
Billyhomo is asleep. That's why the A rank shilling is at a minimum.
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ZZZ for this feel?
grace jane is one of the best teams howthoughever, you're just too shit to play it bwo
I regret rolling for Jane Lawrence
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>tencent shills desperately trying to stop people rolling on ratto sex
i got jane at 60 everything maxed, c2 with her sig and she fucks way harder then piper
piper probably better if you're f2p though
serious cope from both sides to be honest Jane is way better than Piper alone but Piper is better in disorder right now as Piper + Grace out performs Jane C0W0 + Seth by a few seconds but Jane's w-engine is so good you can get absurd clear times with it and people debate just how broken Piper's sig is and how it effects Piper clear times.
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keep fighting retards
meanwhile I'm enjoying my cute corin
Bro where's your SD7 clear? We've been waiting for days
very next post
lmfao retards
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Jane is cute!
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Bros I don’t feel so good how do I refund my Piper materials…
>Enjoyed every character i rolled
I agree Corinbro, these nutcases are funny to watch. It's like their lives depend on shitposting.
You can tell it's seething qingqi cucks trying to prop Jane as a flop after qingqi flopped BIGLY
bwo...? >>493698926
Stay away from MY cute Corin you fuck.
Corin rape
Can confirm, it's a skill gap.
>A rank shiller is a SEAnigger
No surprise there
>he leveled Piper
4* DPS is always a brick in hoyo games. Your own fault if you leveled it.
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Bros am I cool yet
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Lovely Corin would never stand for such needless violence...
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There are people who was under impression that their C6 4* will not get powercreept after the first 5* release of the same role?
dumb sperg the anime poster isnt a real person
When are we getting confirmation for the next banners feature A-ranks? The live or further down the line? I really need to know if Lucy will be featured with Burnice or the King of Ugly.
Super based, chinky is fun to play. As is jane
My shining Zhuwife...
Impressive. Very nice
Yes you are cool
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Reminder piper will be bottom tier a year into this games release
Tick tock Pipercopers
seth is so cute
Lucy is with Caesar alongside Anton if we go by leaks
erm anon the c6 4star is mogging the w0 5 star by ten seconds
So after we get S characters for all attributs and roles, what's gonna happen? New roles and attributs? Because there aren't that many elements and roles to begin with
What game are you playing?
the problem is that's not the case right now unless you also roll the 5 star's weapon
It’s not only disorder, an anon with Piper Koleda Lucy got a 55 second clear too, which is also better than any f2p jane clear ive seen
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I've seen them, I'm just waiting for a miracle. I really want to get Lucy's 'scapes but FUCK ME if I'm pulling for King Ugly.
Hybrid roles/attributes could be interesting but they would either be too powerful or too dog shit. Nothing inbetween.
we get characters that are good at brute force content.
See Acheron, FF, etc.
Blockbuster in current year with smartphones whose dumbfuck came with this shit idea. Then theres the completely furry character designs
>he pretends is the genshin community
man wuwa niggers have been shitting and derailing zzz threads since it came out and even our livestreams, why are you trying to make it a hoyo vs hoyo, are you one of those wuwa niggers?
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Kukibros and Xingqiuchads remain unpowercrept
Fuck man I love Anby so much. Let me change her outfit Hoyo
shes talking about her health retard ot the looks, ellen is always sleepy
Who fucking cares about powercreep in a game like this? As long the character is fun to play I use them simple as.
Groomed HSR troons that don't understand you can press dodge in this game.
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Not only is that still a disorder team with Koleda and Lucy with rocketboo easily causing burn but anons have posted 53 second C0W0 Jane clears.
I press dodge but I still cant clear. What do
Ellen banner
Zhu banner
Qingyi banner
Jane banner
inevitable male banner
piper is so good bros you just need grace, an enemy that doesn't resist electric, and then 6 more copies of piper
so easy haha
Raiden does what she does 10 times better, the only reason Kuki is still playable is literally people having better uses for Raiden or just not bothering with her.
Get good scrub. Take meds and stop using discord to goon the entire time. (press attack after dodge)
sub 1 minute shiyu 17 clear is done with m0 grace and m0 piper, cope harder.
Thanks bro I'll try playing with 2 hands next time
>sub 1 minute shiyu 17 clear is done with m0 grace
so he wasn't coping then?
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this is
Sounds like HSR tourists to me
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This, but unironically. Future T0, btw.
While Raiden lets you afk clear with Furina or use a hydro driver like Barbara or Kokomi she is useless with in hyperbloom and worse in quickbloom with dendro drivers like Al-Haitham or Tighnari
>sounds like [thread boogeyman]
kys retard
Keky! You really riled him up with this.
Lighter? Powercrept by Harumasa one version later.
How do you fuck up your Hyperblooms with Raiden?
>he trusts zzzigggers to do his thinking for him
you fool
you retard
you absolute moron
even in hsr you can auto moc 12 with trash teams and pf too, is them tryharding 0 cycle shit for literally no reason, the game has enough turns to clear and get all the rewards, they fall for the 0 cycle CC nigger meme
I meant aggravate

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