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>The Toilet Within
>Anniversary Event
[YouTube] 20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview | WoWCast (embed) [Embed]

old >>493356258
i use a hypervisor bot
Classic lost. Get over it.
Hunter has too many buttons
Well not really but its just not fun
Having a pet sucks ass
Is there another class I can set up to not have buttons
Not doing DH thats gay
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bgs are full of autistic spics just rolling over their keyboards how can you niggas like this shit over arenas
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Female LF Paladin or Female Human Paladin
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Globo fomo more like giant homo
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>load into dungeon
>slow pc
>crackmonkey already dying 3 rooms ahead
dont play a healer girls
just play survival hunter, less buttons and more damage
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>Uh-oh is that a BHC coming straight in my face?
Wait until after the first raid reset. 3 more days.
i tried to let a tank die because the moron was pulling half the instance and going LoS but he wasnt even taking damage, and when he did his health just jumped back too 100%

tank self healing needs to be nerfed
I feel like I've killed more slimes leveling in this xpac than any other xpac combined
i look like this btw
>crackmonkey thinks pulling alot of groups is running through them on a mount
>as a tank druid
healer wtf
kill every footfaggot
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Is this bugged? he never uses it with me? I think I get the voice line
but there's nothing going on also when he says jumps to me sometimes he just doesn't activate the skill.
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yes I click shit
I just can't be arsed to try as hard any more
Just make an affix that ruins self healing
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Ni Hao /wowg/
*offers bamboo to all* I hope the Celestials bless your day~
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Azusa, that you?
i dont feel like buying one of those special gaming mice and there arent enough keybinds available for a normal setup so i keybind all the important buttons and click the other half
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holy shit
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he sometimes (frequently) activates multiple abilities at the same time that override each other
It's only like that until you start climbing keys.
Um why did you post a fruit salad?
the playstyle
the mog
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>he is gone too
reminder to report and hide avatarfags
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i always wait for the girlies to zone in ;3
i look like this btw if that matters
I actually have a very simple mouse with just 2 extra buttons on the side, but one's not even bound since I got too used to clicking and both mouse-wheel up and down are bound to the same ability because my previous mouse had a fucked up wheel that was constantly moving on its own lol
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glory to Chinese Communist Party
wouldnt know, i dont have aspergers so m+ doesnt appeal to me. weird that they would balance the entire game around a mode that barely anyone does at high keys
Ah that makes a lot of sense. I'll try using more passive skills and seeing if that helps. Thanks anon. Hopefully they fix it.
I feel like the perception of every class is fucked where we don't have m+ yet
>weird that they would balance the entire game around a mode that barely anyone does
welcome to modern wow
That doesn't fix my issue
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>just found out you can upgrade your offspec weapon for only valorstones as far as your main spec's weapon
breddy gud ngl
>wiped /wowcg/
perfectly balanced
An'u belore delen'na
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Imagine your story being so shit that you have to pay youtubers to make a video explaining what the fuck just happened and...how its actually a good story actually.

How do I get into battle pets? I want to stop being mad whenever I see a battle pet wq
So the item that has 25% chance to drop didn't drop 10 times in a row. I think I'll go kill myself now
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are the rumors true? was maye permab&
based wow is a boomer game for fun, not for people trying to be the next esport hero. thats the problem with our society. people are programmed to live life as efficently as possible or they feel like they'r lossing.
it's amazing how people treat video games like they're chinese students trying to gain entry into a top university.
he probably used a potion, damn things heal 1.5million hp
I just wish they didn't make them so difficult. I have about 10 different "good" pets at max level but if you don't have a whole set of each type you're probably not going to be able to kill the bosses for the world quests.
Remember to always tip your alchemist 20%!
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is aldrachi or fel scarred tankier for veng?
I seriously wish I chose different professions but I'm too locked in now
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you need to start getting the basic one that are used for most quests and level them to 25
i recommend using this site to check the fastest comp to beat the wq
>I just wish they didn't make them so difficult
what are you talking about, i find the wq way too fucking easy, almost all of the solo mob wq can be soloed with boneshard + ikky, only the trainers need a little bit of tweaking around
My tip to cock ratio is 20% so I know what to do next time.
that anime was whack
>opinions are already slowly starting to turn
DOOMTITANS always win in the end unfortunately
Arms has more buttons to press. Therefor, I will be playing the superior spec. Fury.
>the only dungeons in dungeon finder from level 10 to 70 are dragonflight dungeons
WTF? WHY would they do this?
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>click video
>some disgusting chink starts talking
>close video
How locked in?
I haven't done any jewelcrafting this xpac, but I'm considering switching to blacksmithing.
It was super cute. She built and entire family of cute girls and they are all living happy lives. You are just a cunt.
does that happen outside your crack infused brain or
ADHD zoomer, watch for 1 more minute until our god pilav comes
The story can never be good again, because it's just... there's just too many people who are like
>I want to live
and really that's just manipulative storytelling to get faggots and normies to care about shit, when a real gamer just wants to kill
I still lovingly remember the first time I played Fallout and just murdered everything I saw. Shit was so cash.
Things and characters in the game shouldn't want to live. I don't feel like being manipulated. I want to participate in WAR and commit MURDER. Things in the setting and the world exist for me to slaughter. Don't even bother to bring back that old warcraft feel of just butchering and killing and raping, you've lost that now that we have to accept they want "more" out of "life". It's irrelevant. Just burn the whole setting and start a new one, fresh, where there is only blood and carnage, battle and death, heavy metal and masculinity which is literally just another name for killing people. No more Horde. No more Alliance. No more Night Elves. Just lots of killing and killing and killing, things to kill and be killed by, my cock hungers for the blood of things I can kill. Video games are fun!
Anon we're talking about the average player not people who have a million leveled pets and have invested a lot of time into pet battles.
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>tank self healing needs to be nerfed
why? youre literally playing together, why not keep it like this? Not to mention current dungeons are normals and heroics aka irreleveant soon
Isn't is based on which Chromie time you picked?
I don't actually know, haven't leveled a new toon in a long time.
>tankier even
enjoy running away from mobs incel
no I don't think I will
>doood stone robots
member shadowlands? yeah more robots haha
retard. pick a timeline in chromie and then you can queue for tha expansion's dungeons
Surely you'll get it on your next attempt.
because healing is just an unsatisfying damage spec now.
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you need to start somewhere, and as mentioned to the other anon, just get the most basic ones that are used in most comps first
Is this that unspeakably lovely goddess you were telling me about?
locked in? bro just make another character, you literally only need lvl 70 and if you have the expac you have at least one boost available for that
least maggot-infested Forsaken
it tanks just fine if the player isnt brown
You think you need an MMO mouse to bind all your buttons? I have a steelseries sensei ten with 2 extra side buttons (2 more on the opposite side but I don't use those) and I have 3 fully keybound 12 button bars. 12345, shift+12345, ctrl+12345, q, e, r, t, f, g, c, v, mouse side buttons x2, shift/ctrl+mouse side buttons etc.
get 3 pets that can use sandstorm and win every match easily
nigga the matches will take forever
it was cute but it was whack
i should make an RP character like Beelzebub
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what pvp set do i buy that doesn't look like dookie
any armor type
I'm leveling a Human character now by just leveling because I've never done the alliance side, always been a Hordie, and it's pretty neat. What zones have the best stories? Trying to stay away from xpacs as much as I can, don't care about how long it takes to get to max level.
You now remember Pesado
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what 70-80 exclusively by gathering looks like.
as a eleshaman i need to ask
do the usual. elwynn>westfall>redridge>duskwood
it's pretty good
i farmed the pvp achieves with a movie in the background. it only seemed like an eternity for the other player
Maye linvail i need your Maye 3D model right now. Trust me it will be for good.
that's actually garbage wtf
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Yes, you seething faggot.
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i remember BTFO'ing him during BFA, he lost.
ok geesh I kneel she is the most beautiful in all the land fine whatever
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there it is boys, finally
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where all the white women at
I appreciate the info anon, I've been using bloodbeak, molten corgi, and baby blizzard bear for everything and just skipping any fights where it didn't work out. I'll take the time today to pick up these pets.
no u
I'm now gonna go watch Kaguya find love. You better get your shit together. If I hear u say more mean things about awesome and cute animu I'll force you to rewatch all of naruto with me.
this was so based lol he seethed the entire thread and was passive aggresive for weeks lmao you fucked him so hard
Bro you better not be full of shit
tummy armor? let us fucking go, ash teradardor!
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i have 10 lvl 80 alts that i use purely for Skinning
just to keep new players from getting 1 dungeon quest into a dozen different things and feeling lost on what to do anymore.
it should probably just open things up for people with 2-3 level caps but chromie time is a really painfully slow WiP that's likely competing with a dozen other legacy things being updated or re-added.
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it's very telling that only shitskins from NA defend the wow token. europeans and australians are always the ones in favour of removing it
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i thought it was 70..
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I'm getting worried that they will bring spectral tiger in the trading post
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um bros? Where did all my tendies go? I had like 3k
NTA but I really think it shouldn't be tied to where you're leveling. Just make each explanation a checkbox you can select or disable when you queue
i remember this, you kept posting mounts you were getting and eventually got even more than him, no wonder he fucking quit posting after bfa he never recovered from you
kill yourself
>europeans and australians are always the ones in favour of removing it
Huh? Barely anyone in NA even play WoW anymore. It's Asia and EU who are the little oinkers that keep WoW going.
it will be the twitch drop for midnight or the last titan.
same, they disappeared months ago but i never bothered to contact support cause they'll probably tell me to fuck off
not so hot take but
remove chromie time, and just scale everything. there's no reason why i shouldn't be able to go from orc starting zone to say, wod zones to quest. or queue for those dungeons
they should bring everything back
if the only reason you are using your low poly horse is because only 5 players still playing have it then it's worthless
peak retard
you better be cute
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>cindercrew is used for explosives
>fairly weak alcohol
I agree with this. Just give us a 10 second cast spell you can use to swap scaling on and off when you're not in combat
>anime pic
post hidden
my eu friends love it because they are all neets and buy wow with gold
who cares about that
they should bring back every pvp set and glad mount, unreal how pvpNIGGERS are so loud about their abortion of a minigame yet have been getting exclusive FOMO for almost 20 years
its a whole wow token from ~6 hours of leveling an alt.
Guy reminder that avatarfags are our friends and we should encourage such wholesome behavior
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i agree
Who's reporting this type of shit and why do mods care?
its even funnier when you know that every glad title and hero of the alliance/horde is win traded for. streamer discord cliques run pvp and nobody else has access
I paid 3k for the spectral and 1k for the feldrake
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Ok now we just need a cloak that's an actual cloak and not a tiny cape.
Any day now Blizzard.
Fucking WoW and its dogshit engine, they wouldn't put in any actual shoulder to shoulder cloaks in the game...
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>arena season hasnt even started
>healer already quitting
its impossible to get someone to heal in pvp
its so insuferable you have to be into pain to heal in pvp
please add healer bots i dont want to spend all my time looking for a healer again
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>you will never again enter an instance with your friends for the sole purpose of exploring it
>you will never again meet someone in a cave and strike up a conversation before adding eachother as friends and questing together
>you will never again get the gang together and spend the afternoon attacking Orgrimmar from the Cleft of Shadows, retreating into RFC when your 10 man raid finally gets wiped
>you will never again hang out with your closest guildmates on a floating rock in Nagrand, losing hours to deep conversations
>you will never again spend a weekend escorting a low level friend while they quest in contested territory
>you will never again hearth and hop on a flight path because your guildmate spotted that one particular bastard somewhere and it's time for a fight
>you will never again truly enjoy World of Warcraft
Is it really only 6 hours? How much planning went into it, or did you just fly and gather? I like this
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Does that look right for a Single Target 2 minute fight?
Okay... it seems they all transferred onto my alt since I redeemed the 1kpoints mount on it earlier today while logged onto it? Guess it wasn't 3k, sorry for lying.
nobody wants to see a man pretending to be a woman that has now been working at riot for about 2 years
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yw, i know the beginning will be annoying when you won't have a lot of them but you'll get there fast
Sucks to be you, I never experienced any of those things so I'm missing out on nothing. I just want WoW to be Warcraft 3.
you doofus
so warriors aren't pretending to be retarded after all
just flew and gathered, switched zones when I felt like it.
Started by getting all the knowledge treasures and specifically seeking out each type of herb for knowledge to get to mounted gathering for both herb and mining after that though just gather nodes goes brrrrrrrr

make sure you buy truesight phials for the extra node spawns. I didnt even bother with full prof equipment just tools I made on another alt.
whats the fastest way for 60-70 wowo wawa general
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NA /wowg/ guild
has been baked and is
Remember to tick all filters if you don't find it (if you still don't find it then you're horde, keep reading for that)
We'll prolly do the usual, m+, raids and maybe some RBG if people are interested.

Community group for horde people to join and get invited: same name "GLOBO FOMO"
You can find both by looking for the name in community finder and guild finder, duh.

>Alliance but Cross faction and Cross realm
Base realm: NA Moonguard

Allowed but nothing in guild chat.
>Standard Roleplay

Answer the call, /wowg/ anons.

We sitting at ±20 members rn.
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Pressing CTRL + V is hard. Maybe yours are on some random alt also.
"Vanilla" dungeons aren't available, though. That's like.. definitely half of them, and definitely the most iconic ones.
there's no real incentive to do pvp if you aren't incredibliy confident in your and your mates' skill
if you don't make it to the top you get LITERALLY NOTHING out of it, and that design in itself is enough to drive most people away from it
tragedy really. they're finally doing it with 11.0.5 where they're adding dire maul, strath, zul farrak and og deadmines
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There is only zug.
Damn I was hoping to bring some spicy Pandaren erp into the guild chat.
reminder to report and hide avatar troons
u mad doomer?
but atleast i can quest alone in my phase and fly with 500% speed over everything
oh my dungeon popped see ya
I didnt actually time it, but I started yesterday and finished this morning with sleep in between.
I ate about 5 hours of truesight phials and I had one up MOST of the time I was gathering but not 100%. So Im estimating 6 hours. I didnt do it straight but generally ate a phial gathered hard until it fell off then either took a break or ate another.
Thanks anon, I've got a couple 70s I don't have any interest in playing and I'm gonna give this a go.
they lowered the rating for pvp rewards in TWW, its like 1600 or some shit now
>can't even fly
who gives a shit, I have the unarmored one and never use it. Ground mounts are fucking finished.
i mean the doomsissies won you're posting in a toiletwithin op
i mean theres atleast a transmog set at 1800 raiting and a bunch of achievements
i swear people farm all transmogs and achievements except pvp achievements
fuck man no one wants to play my playmode please add bots so i can play alone
zero people look at the OP
skibidi within
Catboy supremacy
Hi wowg how’s the war within
one of my friends said it was pretty fun
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wowo......... wawa??????
people farm that shit because they know they will EVENTUALLY get it, in pvp it doesn't work like that
for you to get stuff, someone has to miss out, it's not something you can just do at your own leisure and it requires a really high amount of skill
wait, this isn't the final fantasy xiv general! this is the world of warcraft general!
not great not terrible
the maintenance within
It's pretty fun, and the real shit hasn't even started yet.
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>inspect someone at random
>they pretty have full 590 crafted gear
the fuck
>10k enchant for 10 artisan's

not sure if worth...
Do you not?
The game has been out for two weeks Anon, come on...
i dont understand why they do it
when the weekly reset hits you will insta outgear with the mythic gear
It's fucking wild that the canon mount for this expansion is a special edition bonus. I drunk bought TWW super special edition back in dragonflight so I have it but Jesus Christ I'd be pissed if I had to spend $40 on this.
and because you're selling trade goods into the regional market it all sells out basically instantly.
Some people keep in touch with their ex as fwb.
The sex is great, but there's a reason why we aren't together.
I give it a month and I'll be done.
people blow millions of gold on full enchanted crafted gear and they replace it all by week 2. its crazy. 590 ilvl is going to be shitter tier by the end of the month
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I saw a fellow arathorchad in the OP image and I felt at peace, I guess I couldn't expect such alterac treachery...
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as it should be. only smash things
>farm herbs and ores below minimum wage like a venezuelan for a day
>get a job and pay for token
what are we thinking wowgee
2 days until i can finally play the game!!!
you can farm Alunira pretty easy
Gortrek is Arms thoughbeit
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Play for two hours instead doing dailies and hit your goal? Sorry you're chained to the grind
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>the toilet within
for some reason they always give nearly no haste and loads of mastery on all gear until raids
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use a nintendo switch controller
im horde so the mount is completely unfitting for me
easy +40 bucks
also baffling that the paypiggie statue is alliance only
might have bought a cool wyvern rider not some cringe dworf
he's not world of warcraft anymore
mods = gods
She's gathering unspeakable, unstoppable, endless power... all so that she can turn Azeroth into one enormous mass of feet wriggling around a planet-sized fiant sole with which to step on the rest of existence.
I enjoy flying around and my particular brand of autism has a good time gathering.

Farming materials is gameplay. And in my case its gameplay I actually enjoy doing. Is fun to me. And each day of this I do now pays for a month of arena and casual raiding later.

Getting a job and buying tokens is like double cuckery. I have made WoW pay for itself. You are paying for wow twice and then paying more not to play it.
She needs a toe ring on the left to balance it out.
What is the best thing to get with your firelight ruby with wax if you dont craft
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Roster is updated, can't be bothered to keep track of alts right now, if you need to roll in an alt because you're bored of playing your other class just do-so or let me know i guess.

Current guild status? Nothing changed. We lost a healer to the nerub silkweaving forum guild but thats it. We are short 1 dps (if everyone shows up) and we need 3 healers (can just invite from pugs while the guild is still fresh)

Raid is friday+saturday at 8pm, earlier on saturday if you guys are all online and don't have anything better to do.

Monday 9th september m0 may be open, otherwise it's open on eu reset day - wendesday 11th, you are all expected to farm m0 to get your gear score up to 585-590+ ilvl, we can go as groups from within the guild and start to play together, or you can just pug it.

Oh, and we won't be affiliated with 4chan anymore, the shitposting is too much for me and I don't wish to recruit "schizos" or anons that are just weird... It was a means to an end to recruit people, i've talked with most of you one on one about this, if i haven't talked with you it's because i didn't feel the need to and hope you will just go along with it.

We can post our heroic clear in the thread to brag i guess but that's it for me as far as i'm concerned.
if you're a solo player who pugs everything and you're not playing tank or healer, you pretty much have to be at the max possible ilvl at the start of the season to actually get into groups
No beard/10
You can smell the reddit coming from this image
based dorf supremacist
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okay this is fake right
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>if you're a solo player who pugs everything and you're not playing tank or healer
Why would you pug as a DPS? that sounds miserable.
goblin lovers/10. Cute dark irons
>cata versions
delvin' melvin
>590 ilvl is going to be shitter tier by the end of the month
By end of next week*
>need 3 healers

lmao, absolute state of this guild
>if i haven't talked with you it's because i didn't feel the need to
this line gives it away. its just some schizo trying to sow discontent as usual
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>autistic paypigs rather pay 20€ to buy wow tokens for gold instead of spending a few minutes to grind some gold
grim that such people exist
>inb4 muh time
you faggots still spend 24/7 gooning to fucking futanari and r34 porn of this game so dont' fucking talk about consuming time
kek disney bloat retoilets btfo
If you haven't bought it, get the wyvern from the Horde's Kras. Wilds rep.
because I don't find tanking or healing fun?
>doomer clique spam non-stop for the past two hours
You think?
I am a futa gooner and also an autstic flower farmer
I do not buy gold
I sell gold.
The worst part is you have to know the raids before you actually do them if you're tanking. You can't learn the raids before doing them
>do LFR or follower raids
No. I will not accept that. I do not accept that.
>few minutes
lol, lmao even
but why earthen?
i think mogu would be better since china got wow again...
if youre dumb enough to not make easy gold its your problem not mine
None of this "drama" is real, it's all manufactured for attention.
Do you not jack off to futa elfs?
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>plays outlaw rogue once
626 Chads WW@?
jesus christ please no more fucking mogu. what an ugly and retarded race
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>It's fucking wild that the canon mount for this expansion is a special edition bonus
Are we just pretending like the last several expansions never happened?
wtf is this faggotry and what guild or who even is that
Better question is when are we gonna get unfleshed humans. I tire of gnomes and dwarves being the closest to the Titan's perfection when us humans are their darlings
Terenas Menethil never once used a sword in the entire second war, and people have the gall to call Anduin a pussy?
just do delves, retard. they give up to heroic level gear
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The year China won...
Alunira looks nowhere near as good as the storm rider, it's not even close

That's shit though
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no i look at sissy hypno
i'm still not buying welkin
Sounds typical of a human line, especially an eastern kingdom.
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>vykrul in as stone men
>will get a flesh version eventaully
i want the weirdo water boys hella has
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>That's shit though
you could actually get all that stuff without buying the special edition
all you needed was someone else to ride the mount or something and you could get the quest for it
it's called wawi
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>wotlk chads saving retoilet YET AGAIN
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>tfw gyno
>tfw never above 1800 rating
>tfw can only clear hc
>tfw m+ makes me spaghetti and gives me anxiety
>tfw almost 30yr old virgin
Just a tip if you have a profession slot thats easy to relearn or is open - pick up enchanting and spec into deceptive decorations + do all patron orders for a ton of cheap artisan acuity .
Anybody who compares their minimum wage job to my gold farming doesn't understand. I go at my own pace, I get to multitask, I get to take breaks and eat snacks. They have to wage at a soul crushing job where mr goldberg yells at them if they slow down for even a microsecond. They only get government mandated breaks (if they even get that, most businesses break the law and get away with it) They have to forfeit large chunks of their slave wages to the government as taxes. I am chillmaxxing, they are goymaxxing. We are not the same.
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>the Titan's perfection
Because of some strange convergence of the cosmology, humans and high elves are by far the closest creatures to the appearance of the Titans despite evolving from two completely opposite ends.
Unfleshing humans would be just a regression.
Improve your gameplay, shitter. Quit trying to grief a group because you're mad they're playing better than you are.
the fuck you mean dailies
Holy shit you must be the most inept gamer ever.
the what?
can't wait until indians start playing WoW now that they all have internet access
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>Vereesa Windrunner in MoP
>Sylvanas Windrunner in Sneedolands
>Alleria in TWW
>Valeera from Legion to Sneedolands
>Fagduin has plapped at least 4 elves and I'm still stuck at 0
How the FUCK is this fair?
let's see the full list of drops and ilvl based on difficulty
because as far as I know, the only heroic drops you get from delves are from the vault
thanks for the pity (you), will you be my wowgf?
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What's gyno?
>enlarged breasts in men
go to bed gunther
nah, im not going to tryhard in a heroic dungeon or with zoom zoom pugs at all
why do chinks love Wrath so much?
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How is your collecting going in tww?
they have taste
it was the first time in WoW when absolute dogshit players could easily clear everything
chinks love wow period. the warcraft movie did extremely well there while the west regarded it as a flop
which is funny considering that it got to top 5 on netflix a few months ago
i started hating collecting in wow once i realized its impossible to get 100% :/
no way this is real right? LMAO
China is getting Wrath Classic in full rather than jumping straight to Cata, unlike retail where they had like 3 weeks of DF and then TWW launched the same time as the rest of the world
Did this retard miss shadowlands, the expansion with literally nothing but new additions poorly strapped to and stacked on top of existing lore
Retarded faggot dumped this for Faerin
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If wrath was so good how come blizzard didn't give them their own classic server? Oh right, because the servers died before ICC came out lmao
thats when white people stopped playing wow
the warcraft movie wasn't that bad and the playerbase was way too hard on it. blizzard should've been making movies/shows and really capitalizing on their franchise, it could've been massive, but at this point it would all just be gay and retarded if they started doing that
>chinks love wow period
clearly not or they'd be playing retoilet
The warcraft movie isn't even bad. A bit misguided and with unnecessary changes to the lore and characters but not bad as a -movie-, particularly.
why dk is so comfy
Are those even daggers anymore? They're so long (and girthy)
>For Faerin
Not even for her. He did it for sad boy hours and pathetic old man dick. Like always
>click three dots on the right
>Don't Recommend Channel
>carry on
It's easier to lock down and gatekeep progress behind paying someone real money in older versions of the game that had more reliance on social interaction
I wear mail boots as a DK
dragonflight literally invented the primals and introduced the idea that the titans ordered the dragons lmao there's been new lore every expansion
oh that! thanks i have that mount since forever and its one of my favorites
was hoping for a new one
Self-sufficient while being a plate armor class. Plus very realized class fantasy
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Vulpchads won again
Yeah I mean they wouldn't even do Arthas' human campaign justice at this point. It would either be goldenslop or Hitler: the Rise of Evil and either way they can't convince Arthasfans that the culling of Stratholme was wrong despite it being very much the intent of the narrative.
Genuinely just the solidified and solid visuals
dk's are based because they always cuck pallies
>THE light expansion
>whole zone specifically for paladins
>DK's are the ones that get mounted combat hero talent
it's fucking hilarious
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Wrong pleb. Fagperas were born to be enslaved.
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can someone explain how you do "story variants" of delves?
They have 1.4 billion citizens. Chances are they have more WOW players than "THE WEST". It would actually be more shocking if they didn't sell more tickets. The problem with the WoW movie is that general audiences don't give a fuck about DA HISTORY OF AZEROTH. If they wanted to rope in the non WoW players they should have focused on a more exciting story like arthas or even illidan.
it was the last time wow was good
different story every week/reset
they rotate weekly so the delves aren't exactly the samee every week
Arthas was right and Uther bears most of the blame for what happened afterwards.
I think a War of the Ancients movie could work, but they'd probably make malfurion a little bitch, make illidan overtly evil and tyrande and the sentinel bitch would be the main heroines
>>THE light expansion
What? When? One zone where it's an important storyline doesn't make this THE light expansion.
oh, ty lads
>DK's are the ones that get mounted combat hero talent
man this was a punch in the gut
how is it gonna work in pvp?
also apostrophe S isn't how you do plurals you stupid coon
>I don't want to recruit these yucky anons!!
Okay so it was never a 4chan guild
Will I be shunned from mythics and raids if I play outlaw rogue?
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>make a wow movie
>dont make it about arthas
this will never make sense
they have the rights to one the most known videogame characters of all time and instead they make a movie about sweaty orcs mud wrestling
>how is it gonna work in pvp?
it doesn't work in instances, only outdoors
as a dk main
we also get fucked by paladins in PVP man
>this is a Elysian guild member
blizz deserves to die if we dont get a series simply named Arthas that basically documents his rise and fall
No but you better perform like a beast. That specc is bad
Retcucks and other like minded faggots have been shouting from the roof tops that this expansion and the saga are pally focused. Why? Cause they bought into typical marketing hype Metzen used to drum up interest
how would you do Arthas as a movie though? like, where would you end it? it would have to be a two parter or maybe even a trilogy, but it's difficult to imagine it working in movie format
This is a false flag attack from Nerub silkweaving
>wanted a wow series with the current pozzed blizzard
they would make arthas a tranny or black or both
Is it just my shit gear or does Mistweaver feel weak as piss right now? I was healing +15s in 528 gear by just spamming my damage rotation and never stopping to spot-heal. Now I'm 580 and can barely keep up in heroics.
alleria movie was really good, so that's proof that they can do it and stick to what's accurate
Not a wowg guild, fuck off.
I think they/them are at riot now, so good luck for that.
A series would works far better
It's virtually impossible to sell a movie with almost no humans in it to general audiences, it is completely impossible to sell a warcraft movie to hordefags (especially Catababbies) if they have to look at alliance races (yes, in their minds night elves from WotA are still an alliance race) for longer than the time it takes to kill and rape them, and let's not forget Rhonin is a dogshit character as well.
Arthas wasn't right, Uther wasn't right, Medivh was right. A fallen paladin turned out to be a far greater doom on Lordaeron than the undead plague. You don't have to agree with it, you just have to understand that this is the sort of story Metzen and his writers would have written for the game. If you don't want to engage with it, it's wasted on you.
basically the warcraft 3 story in movie form
end it with arthas sitting on his throne
the straigh to video sequel can have shaquasha and aquadelphina farming him for invincible idc
hear me out on this, Arthas movie made like the Minecraft movie
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>alleria movie was really good
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I am dogged into World of Worgcraft: The Worg Within
my FtF trans wife
>anime pic
post hidden
Do they at least get a divine steed equivalent?
Depends on who they're trying to shoot it for? Anons are right about Arthas being one of the most recognizable video gaem characters.
More casual fans would probably get hooked on a movie chronicling WC3 expac with him becoming the Lich King.
arthas did nothing wrong
Bro we are busy talking about how many void elf and troll women are lusting for our dicks cumming in their pussies to shout from rooftops about your perceived shizo nonsense, take a chill pill "monster without whom there would be no heroes" it's just bants nobody says this is THE LIGHT EXPANSION
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I wasn't expecting to enjoy frostfire more than the other mage hero trees.
Maye won bigly
Get turnip and anubisath idol and use those to farm up the meme comps for wqs.
Please kill yourself
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>is the best pet in yo path
this has to be troll. stratholme aside, he killed his own father/the king and let lordaeron be pillaged by scourge scum
Is that Cleave?
what would you guys rather have as a warcraft series?
>Option A
Follows the Warcraft story from WC1, to WC2, to WC3 and then WoW vanilla followed by each expansion. Main characters are just the big characters of warcraft, like Jaina, Arthas, Brann, Thrall, Garrosh, etc.
>Option B
An anthology series where some lorekeeper character has a big book of lore where he acts as a narrator telling a bunch of stories about the Warcraft universe. these stories can be stuff from the games, lore stuff thats explored in books or in-game items, or even stuff we know little about and are expanded on by the show.
>Option C
A story following a party (or parties) of adventurers going through WoW zones, almost like following a group of players while they play the game. They do most quests, all the dungeons, the raids, everything in proper order
starring henry cavill
he even said he wants to do it.
he's a huge nerd who has played wow since high school
I would stop with the murder of Terenas, honestly
Everything between that and merging with Ner'zhul he's just a very, very competent and menacing lackey. A cool lackey with a lot of charisma and a genuine comraderie with his adjutants, but he doesn't have any drama anymore.
Like I said, he did nothing wrong.
The more I customize my UI the more I feel like a weird sex deviant freak
Maye's feet won bigly
Why can't holy cucks read the room? Here's the breakdown of which classes have the best zones:
Rogues (Tiragarde Sound) > Hunters (Nagrand, Sholozar) > Warlocks/DH (Broken Shore, Shadowmoon Valley) > Death Knights (Icecrown) > Shaman (Mulgore, the Hinterlands) > Monk (panda land) > Warriors (Valhalla place) > Mage (various Academies, Sunwell) > Paladins/Priests (space alien retardation) > Gay Dragons (Gay dragon shit)
either wow 2 or warcraft 4. i have no interest in seeing the old lore over and over again
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>valhalla not dead last
I forgot druids, they'd be #3 with shit like Hyjal
>green parser
>wants to get carried by wowg to show off wowg a curve... that he got by getting carried by wowg
here's how you do it. you make it a trilogy. first movie, follow Arthas like in WC3 up till he kills his father. second movie, continue from that scene and have him destoy Quel'thalas and then end it with him becoming Lich King. third movie is the Horde and Alliance attacking Icecrown
big retard
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I have completed the war within :3
>nelf men sitting while the women speaks
lore friendly warband
>apply to guild
>guild accepts your application/ invites you
>you now have to request to join
>guild has to accept your request again
Who the fuck designed this.
I want option D, which is a Diablo 1 movie as an actual horror film.
But barring that I want A except done justice because I could show my parents why Azeroth matters so much to me.
>Female paladin
Please neck
NTA but everyone turning against him in stratholme has never ever made any sense to me
>fem human paladin
please show feet
Yeah, she fucks tauren
he came in with the intention of killing everyone
per character it rotates per week, but every character has a different story variant roll so you can finish them all in 1 lockout.

I -think- either being partied with someone who hasn't finished campaign on their acc, or being partied whatsoever, forces you to roll the default story variant. if you want to finish this cheevo with a friend you should both check your story variants unpartied then join the desired in-progress delve - beware I didn't get credit first time I joined my friends but I did all the others.

also find all the hidden treasure chests in each delve for the other cheevo. you can go back and find them after finishing the delve which despawns all traps, enemies and harmful auras (smog/darkness). some will be unreachable without certain story variants.
grats tina
murder bad
PLEASE go back to /xivg/ and STAY there
D. I want to follow just Westfall's storyline.

you now remember this humiliation ritual
whats the never goon race class combo
Male Human Paladin.
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I was wondering why this looked like shit.
Then I remembered hats on players removes their hair.
I really wish they'd do something about it. So many mogs with hats ruined because the tech apparently doesn't exist.
>man has clearly gone insane
>no it is the children who are wrong.jpg
Male vulpera sub rogue
probably drakthyr or something other zoomerish
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reminder that true wowgers don't care about eceleb trash and we all wish they would've either killed themselves or quit for good in shadowlands
>black screen
>low rumbling echo-y ambience
>"Glad I could make it, Arthas..."
>snap close up of Arthas' face covered in blood and mud
>heavy breathing, followed by slow fade-in of clashing steel and shouting
Anyone do the Trolli promotion? I gave up my valuable private information to get a dumb worm but I haven't received anything back yet in my email
what a load of crap
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Why does my load screen keep changing?
No he didn't
But it wasn't murder...
I get that its a meme now so its impossible to talk about but when you actually play wc3 jaina and uther freaking out so hard feels so fucking weird. Its one of the reasons I didn't like wc3 as much as other people do
Orc/Kultiran/(MALE) Draenei Shaman.
nothing is further away from sex than a male human ret paladin
Male goblin mage, you're the one doing the subverting
if this post ends in 9, on god t dubs is bussin no cap
what class/spec could pass for a melee warlock? besides demon hunter.
i was thinkin monk because of the green and they can use staves
>No he didn't
he did tho. he regarded everyone as an enemy or potential enemy
Meh, do we know what we're getting next month?
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is "piano shit" the new "disney bloat".... ?
But he wasn't insane yet...and if he was the game didn't do a good job telling me that. He was going along fine.
Not yet no he didn't
The implication that is never really presented very well in-game is that he murdered people who weren't infected too. It's not "The culling of the undead and infected in stratholme" it's "the culling of Stratholme"
Other people weren't as aware how the whole plague worked and spreads. And for Jaina you could argue that going straight from 0 to "lets murder the whole city" as the first step was too much.
>anime pic
post hidden
feels like every single video about WoW is from paid shills now. except pilav i guess.
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how do you think pilav got out? He sold out
>anon finds it really difficult to believe that people genuinely enjoy the expansion
very cute
Night media
filtered anti anime troon phrase
I disagree. I think you can't just skip the entire invasion of the Burning Legion. It makes more sense to have one movie about Arthas, one movie about Thrall, and one movie about Illidan.
The impossible thing is how to sequence the story in a way that it will all fit together when you watch the whole thing.
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ok troonman
I thought the wow movie was pretty good.
>go to tednie post to buy this
>there's only crater in the ground
>see a note
>pick it up
>its written in english
>not good at reading
>get my friend to help me
>begin to read it
>its from terorists
>says they dident blow up the tednie post
well now the mistery is thickened? wtf?
redpill me on tina lads
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Faerin if the devs were straight men
i like earthen
gem :D
PLEASE come back to /wowg/ and STAY here
You don't know how black people hair works nd you're retarded
QRD on tina?
>black booty skypirate
im digging it
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these are nice, getting em
maye still cries every day because she didn't want to erp with him
>forsaken can't have facial hair
>forsaken can't be even more skeletal and bony
Are any of the time limited pets ever good fighters?
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>get cought in spider city
>guard starts covering me in cum
>start hitting on him so he stops
>game starts spamming me in raidwarnings like a raidleader wanting me to sober up to stop
>so i just walk around? for a bit
>he keeps running after me and keeps squeezing love juice
>have made 3 circles around a house at this point
>aggrod more mobs
>kill them
>whole bukake squad shows up
>wake up the next morning below the city in spider sewage
the fuck are you supposed to do with the guards? is it just shit so it feels good to grind the rep to buy an item to just win this situation?
i think 1 of them was, but i just collect them for the numbers honestly
reminder to report the faggot tranny avatar for avatar/signature use
no, piano is when your rotation is too complicated for no significant dps gain like ww and ele in older expansions
>guard starts covering me in cum
god i wish this happened to me irl
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drown avatars.
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half the thread is /pol/ack spam anyways i literally do not care enough to
Because he didn't just present a flimsy reason for his actions, he immediately went on a power trip and disbanded the Silver Hand. He'd let himself go bad. I know we are all little bitter 4chudders who want to be saved by our daddy and waifu, but the reality is when an an adult man snaps at everyone around him and starts giving out royal decrees toward genocide, most people who could help him turn good again are just going to cut their losses. And that's what Uther and Jaina did, which let him fall even further in Northrend - but ultimately, the fault for the end of Lordaeron is still very much his.
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Do death knights even need to breathe?
So, not a wowg guild anymore, now go neck yourself dramanigger
imagine sorrowdark
chinese are such bugs it's unbelievable
There's bigger problems then your little problem
+10 milly and counting at this point
>This is WOTLK
nyooooo ... why aren't they playing the toilet within??
The spider city seriously feels like shit on a 1st visit especially when its not clear what's going on. I get that its probably going to be a real city later in the expansion for players but it suck ass right now. Its like if booty bay was automatically hostile to you and you still had to do all the quests around it
>Pirate Software is a paid shill too
Grim reality we live in, doomsisters...
Reminder that all true wowgers play frost DK
Uh bro just farm 9 million Kej and buy the good pheromones?
you described me wtf
They shouldn't but they get the breathe mechanic
>know we are all little bitter 4chudders who want to be saved by our daddy and waifu,
>he did x y z
No not yet.
I just don't get it. But like I said its a meme now and you think I'm trying to say some other shit that I'm not saying. Purging stratholme just makes sense and seems way more reasonable to the point where uther an Jaina getting so mad just seems unreasonable. And then after that happens arthas is just 100% evil.
I don't think the wc3 story is as good as people say
Finishing the raid should reward that.
Can you still not hide Action Bar 1 without an addon?
So in other words all wowgers are metafags?
isn't wotlk done and dusted
need goblin gf so bad
M+ next week sisters get fu*cking HYPED
hammers UP
Why do my action bars change when I enter an instance only with warrior? This shit is annoying as fuck.
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We killed her :(
clearly not
I do hope they turn it into a real city. Spiders are the thematic, narrative, and aesthetic highlight of this expansion for me.
Yeah..try living in an unholy DKs world, these numbers are earned through scars. chud.
Goblins really feel like the most genuine race there is even though it should be the opposite
Something to do with your spec loadout settings
>dk has been mounted since its conception
>4 horsemen in vanilla set the precedent they can be perma mounted indoors
>dk still cant stay mounted indoors
defend this
You sound like you just don't have the theory of mind to engage with a work of fiction.
fucking please save paladins from the gay horse i just want judgement sprint back PLEASE
if 7 i will buy 10 wow tokens
If they take the horse riding movement ability from paladins they'll mass suicide
>it's bonkers guys
27k people is like what 0.000001% of their population? it's nothing
History repeats itself. China missed out on original wrath due to regulatory orgs bickering over who had the right to approve games, they missed wrath classic because of Netease and Blizzard bickering over a contract. In both cases they just launched the older version of the game they missed when it came back.
Or I just don't like the same thing you do
Sometimes I can't tell if you retards are shitposting or genuinely believe Anduin/Faerin will be a thing.
>mounted indoors
It was retarded in D&D.
It was retarded in WoW.
It's retarded in real life.
Consensus: It's fucking retarded. We aren't doing it.
>vast majority of the expansion takes place underground in a huge cave
>you can mount in the cave
>enter a cave within the cave
>can't mount anymore
defend THIS
Come back soon.
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you're not a true pet battle enjoyer if you never got this
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compress avatars.
Bro they literally held hands it was lewd
When has he ever held hands with any other girl? He didn't hold hands with Talia, or Tess, or Jaina, or Valeera, or even Vanessa.
paladins deserve to crawl
Unlike you, she would improve this shithole of a general.
He probably held onyxia's hand when he was a little boy.
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thank you based china for saving worlo worcar again
27k unique players per min
You're right I'm not
What set him off this time?
>bugs fund retail development
>suddenly endless purple prose and pointless description of food
yeah, it's co-written by golden alright
I don't think they'll be a thing but I hope they do. The amount of fucking seethe from both chuds and fags will be insane. I don't care about the lore of this dogshit franchise anymore like I used to so it would have no effect on me like it would have in the past. SL forever broke my interest.
Not yet in China.
Take it from an actual Sand nigger
I'd rather be represented as a bodyless humanoid manifestation of arcane selling fucking mounts and helping you transmog than as an actual brown human with fifty disabilities and "Fitting facial features".
Faerin is a good character for Anduin to bounce off dare I say she's rather cute, but her design is laughable stop defending it
It'd be impolite.
>as a....
go back
oh no no no no
avatartroon seething
you know that wojak where its seething behind a troll face mask lmao thats you right now tranny
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Faerin will end up with Wrathion and huge hijinx will ensue, they'll both play wingman to Anduin so he can score with Yrel
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Johnny Kej
black people fucking hate their own hair though
escapism isn't about showing you what reality is like, but what you would want reality to be
>human male
>ret paladin
>full t2 + Ashbringer
i really hope people understand that i hate troons and letter people in general
the guild leader actually got 3k in m+ as dps and 2,800 as tank and parsed blue/purple in recent raids thoughbeit, why do you think they used the cherry-picked green one from his alt?
>stop defending it
Blizzard needs the ESG bag, Blizzard gets it by using the overwatch DEI chakram chart. As long as they don't act like true believers or god forbid start shielding themselves from critics as "racist transphobes", there's almost no problem.
kek. i love wow so much
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I'm still catching fish and getting skill ups so I don't understand this debuff
gonna make an undead and call him hayverngames
Why do some e's turn into c's while some don't?
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So I just hit max level for the first time, got the game a week ago and picked a dwarf paladin. What is there to do now? I'm completely lost on how to gear or train professions, make money or do anything because I've just played on auto pilot questing to level.
>enter a home
>debuff puts your shoes in your inventory
It just makes you get more junk when you fish in open waters
>make vow to vanquish evil from the darkest corners of the world
>learn to crawl into claustrophobic, dark, hostile spaces your allies wouldn't dare tread and vanquish the evil therein
I would like this to be canonised now. paladins possess a heart of boundless courage. they would shimmy into a spider-infested 2x2 crawlspace with a floor covered in hydrochloric acid if they thought someone was suffering unjustly on the other end of it.
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Player housing when?
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It's true, but that doesn't mean people should just nod along, Faerin Lothar is a good exemple of decent enough inclusivity, I can believe that a character locked in an eternal conflict against spider people can lose an eye, get scared and lose a limb alongside keeping their hair short.
I think the main issue she has is that she's built in as an "handicap acceptance" kind of character, her most retarded dialogue is with her smith offering her a new arm.
>want to try out my retardin in pvp
>every ability dmg is halfed
>avenging wraths effect is halfed
so you just cant play ret in pvp or what is this shit
wowo wawa or wukong before bed
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Nothing. Nothing sets him off. He's just by default mad at internet pictures cause he doesn't leave his basement.
do some dungeons
world quests
professions (but look up guides so you don't fuck up)
while farming rep to get some rep gear which you do by doing sideq uests and all of the above
also the weekly quest called "metaquest" gives you a good piece of gear usually
The pdf I'm reading isn't the original novel, it's some kind of autotext scan. If it recognised an e, it will type e and if it doesn't it will type c.
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We had it already with garrisons and everyone hated them.
>Dear Santa, I've been really good this season. This Christmas I want a big harem of elf slaves to service my BHC.
>thought these were all machinima shitposts
>they're actally all real and in the game
for what fucking purpose
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>believing his lies
Dude wants to be carried
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Why haven't they done this?
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but Onyxia was a groomer
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Normal dungeons to 551 ilvl
Heroic dungeons to ~570
Easy money making professions are herbalism and mining
World quests in each zone to unlock the "special assignment"
Theater Troupe in Isle of Dorn once at the top of the hour
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umm why is this thing following me
black could be anywhere
pumping to this milf bitch
oh so NOW china subs count huh?
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h-he's fast
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He is so cool, bros...
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>Theater Troupe in Isle of Dorn once at the top of the hour
Is there any point in doing this after the weekly quest?
>play delves as a rogue
>get jaina tier kobold raped by every pack
>have to stand there like an idiot waiting for crimson babyvial to come back up
it gets better I'm sure :)
It's grandfather winter, not santa.
we had 7 milly without china. Now with probably 10+ minimum
we just cannot stop winning
we just cannot
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green fleshlight
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>PLEASE Alleria! You can't keep all the BHC for yourself!
>Dear Grandfather Winter, this Winter Veil I need a harem of enslaved elf sluts to goon inside of. I've tried really hard to be nice this season.
That's like +100k gold damnnn
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If you only knew how bad things really are.
can you stop with your big horde cock meme
reminder to instantly hide avatar troons
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>382 ilvl
enough for the raid?
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that's DF green gear
Remember, goblins are stretchy while gnomes aren't.
name a better mog
playing as a male human ret-templar btw
Lol leave the guy alone like normal adults. Just let him have his guild and ignore the drama.
can you tell us if outlaws find treasure passive works on the sturdy chests? I don't want to level a rogue for no reason.
how much ilv i need for m0 and raid? is 384 enough?
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Fem Draenei hnggghhhh
I love logging in World of Warcraft: The War Within and World of Warcraft Classic: Cataclysm and World of Warcraft Classic: Season of Discovery and World of Warcraft: The War Within PTR to play with the FIFTEEN MILLION other players currently engaged in the immersive and renowned World of Warcraft
every warrior/paladin I see is wearing this outfit lel
>celebrating that classic wotlk is stomping retail
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Kys doomtranny
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*removes beard*
utter gem
fat bitch
utter gem
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bro your healer bran?
Just use dwarvern treasure finding. oh that's right it was taken out of the game for a profession that hasn't recived an update for 3 expansions now (:
He's autistic so he doesn't know when to stop and he's a 4channer so he'll keep going because he thinks he's owning the haters
the chinamen don't even have TWW yet and they just got classic wrath lol
Please Metzen save this shit story holy fuck I just got to hallowfall and it is fucking hard to go through this story. I cant go 5 minutes without cringing.
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Do hordecels really? These bimbo'dorei are obviously talking about BIG HUMAN COCK
I leveled a frost mage 70-80 in delves and the mobs never even touched me. Imagine being a meleekek
I'm glad there's a spore event right next to the radiant echo that pulls you out of it every time you get close
a month ago you spammed it and it meant big horde cock keep your story straight
Can anyone help me
I wish I could be a survival hunter with no pets and using one handed weapons. Thatd be perfect

Die doomtroon.
looks like someone's grandpa who didn't know what those were
>yes they're earmuffs you like em? they got a cool tattoo on them.
>I bought em off the computer. I was trying to download leaflets from the government office on how to do my taxes. i just sent them in the mail it's quicker but the earmuffs are nice it's only $14.99 a month they send you all this cool stuff each month! you should sign up for it. want me to send you the website?
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this is kinda funny, seeing two elven women argue over BHC is one of the better posts this thread has.
Lok'tar anon.
yeah but I AM MY SCAVRS
Cope hordecel, if I see you in a BG, my BHC is going down your throat
can someone please help me out? there's apparently some echo/world soul event that you interact with and kill bunch of stuff on a timer, but i dont seem to see any on the world map, how do you activate them or is it random?
they do, troon
based china dont about pozzed retoilet bloat
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Goblins would probably capitalize on that kind of industry.
God you're just not funny man
I proudly play alliance and we both know it's horde cock you're lusting for
How is WoTLK so popular in China? I thought the Chinese were terrified of skeletons and ghosts and its illegal to even show bones there.
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Post characters
unironically that exact racial, the minimap tracking, was given to outlaw rogue. but it's entirely arbitrary what's labelled as treasure, sometimes random ass dirt mounds in the old world count. whereas these new hidden treasure chests for the achievement might be labelled as quest objects for all I know.
>t. undelete character button still broken
They're playing disney-fied Wotlk to get around the legal taboo of bones
1v1 me in Dornogal
Modern wow makes me not want to be alive anymore
china is crazy for classic. also they only got classic wotlk 1 month ago. i wonder what are going to be tww numbers once the season starts
Their govt is very conservative when it comes to violence (and faggotry) shown in media. Doesn't mean people are terrified about either of those.
this is how your recognize a male in female armor
m+ score is a really terrible measure of skill unless you're a title pusher. I played with plenty for 3k+ players in s3 just doing 20s for vault on all my alts and almost all of them were just as bad as the random 2k-2.5k players I would invite.
just look up the fucking maps dude
chinks went about a year without wow, they must be fiending right now for any version to be honest
I really want to make a Kul Tiran plate user but all my plate classes are dwarves already
>RWF starts in 2 days
Broooooo I'm fuckin hyped
Death knight
I was calling it dorognal for ages like bologna also I only turned the sound on halfway into ringing deeps when my MCR playlist looped back round. I was imagining them as Italian dwarves.
no problem we can replace you easily >>493693859
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I'm not one of those. I hate this us vs them mentality man. Why does the thread have to be like this
wtf no seriously BHC stands for big human cock, why would it stand for big horde cock? most horde races are dicklets
did for the first 4 delves
not online right now
there was a guy in the thread inside a delve on a rogue
weighing up my options
The idea was there since the beginning. Didn't make it.
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From the wiki:

In China, many models had to be edited due to not being allowed to show bones or blood. Bones and skulls are usually replaced by loaves of bread. Blood is a green color. Among the affected mobs are:

Abominations, stitched belly
Bone giants (Skeletal Reaver, Bone Guard), usually replaced by Forsaken
Bone wraiths (Lord Marrowgar), model touched up
Flesh giants (Pustulent Colossus), usually replaced by storm giants
Forsaken, changed not to show bones anymore
Frost wyrms (Sindragosa, Frostbrood Matriarch, Sapphiron), usually replaced by blue dragons
Generic skeletons are often replaced by Forsaken wearing uniforms matching how the skeletons would dress before their death. For example, the Risen Soldiers of Icecrown are wearing a variety of Lordaeron, Valiance Expedition and 7th Legion uniforms
Skeletal mages (Scourge Soulbinder), model touched up
Vargul (Vargul Wanderer), model touched up
Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade, replaced by a dark gryphon
Slimes and oozes where skull parts would be present have had those removed.
Blood elementals are shown in greyscale.
Hordecel cope is delicious, look at how delusional they are
We get it already. You're just not funny.
ASMON said he's gonna watch the new pilav video
Average horde player, how many BGs did you lose in a row zug bro?
it's usually something like mass produced books with irregular printing + people who scan them without laying them flat distorting shapes + no proofreading
then some people don't even scan it's just phone photos. then i suppose there's also people screenshotting locked program/pdfs/readers for their images.
>Bones and skulls are usually replaced by loaves of bread
holy shit based
Out of all the generals why does this one use chud sneedcel retard lingo the most out of any of them
Why can't you just be more self aware man. I play alliance. I just don't get you're weird sex spam. Some of you here really would fit in more in XIV
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>why is this general the most hateful towards trannies
huh BASED?
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Sure you play alliance. Seething hordecel
>avatroon falseflagging as an anti-avatroon schizo in the hope that it will turn the good people of /wowgey/ against his haters (plural)
>After the Forsaken started rebuilding Brill, the farmers took control of Cold Hearth Manor.
so the human tirisfal farmers still alive
...this isnt your character
Should I upgrade veteran gear or am I going to replace it once the season starts?
doomsissies winning as usual
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More statue of hunky men striking poses, please.
reminder to instantly hide avatar troons for a better wowg
The gam stops being fun for me after 4 buttons
I don't want to reassign buttons either
What classes have th first 4 abilities you get while leveling be all you need to press even in m+ to do at least average damage or healing
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I'm very drunk my good beautiful sister
play classic
>t.doomsissy clenching her teeth with tears in her eyes
havoc DH
Ok so Liadrin was redeemed, Sylvanas was redeemed, and Xal'atath will obviously be redeemed, but when will Onyxia be redeemed, eh Metzen?
You can definitely get away with spamming flash heal as holy priest
shadow word pain, smite, holy word: chastise, that makes 4
all that darkness?
its xal's fart clouds
Are those the first 4 you get
Cool and cloth is cheaper to repair
Finally, a single good character after a series of forgettable nobodies.
Try deathbringer frost dk
I've been having towelies stream on mute in a tab im not watching for an hour now. When do I get the mount?
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Someone know why the tooltips don't show up? It's across all my characters.
Would've done it last expac if it was gonna happen
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>stares at you
570 would be enough to clear normal and heroic
She fucks worgen
reminder to hide avatartroon to hide al subsequent troons
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I really want these last two goddamn knowledge points.
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sounds good
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everything except chastise, in that case replace it with holy word: serenity, then all 4 are available from the beginning
cope troon
I am tww enjoyer
doomsissies dunk on you
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This can't possibly be how these are meant to display.
Sisters, when's our next graphical update? WoW is falling behind, and the new armor sets aren't close to what's needed in the modern MMO market. Our biggest competitor already has photorealistic graphics. When is Blizzard gonna step it up?
Ok looks like I'm a priest now. What's a good race for priest I was thinking of rolling a
people actually install revolting shit like this
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We can play in two more days.
Frost dk is bad and deathbringer is bland af
are M0s on a daily or weekly lockout next week? gonna be mad either way so don't sugarcoat it
why would you chose to play as a fat ugly and goofy male when you could be playing something that looks good like most females? even maye has better taste lol
Gnome for 5% increased mana pool passively
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damn looks great homie
As a cloth you can get away with not having gear since the robe covers you up. Unless people inspect you they'll never know.
Its an extra way to save money
believe or not most healthy males aren't interested in chopping their dick off
My character is genetically engineered to make real women (female) swoon and find me more attractive by proxy.
You wouldn't get it, its beyond your comprehension.
Weekly as per usual
i dunno man if only there was a million different souces that have all confirmed it being daily over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again this really is a tough one to figure out
assa rogue is too hard to learn :(
why are you pretending to be the toon? are you autistic?

females know you don't look like that irl so you're not fooling anyone
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Will we ever have a good warcraft related movie or tv show?
I don't get how Blizzard isn't pushing hard for this stuff? League of Legends does this shit constantly so why can't Blizzard?
And please keep Metzen away from it. He is an ideas guy not a writer.
Nah goblin for lower repair cost
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Jack of Blades bros....
we won
we fucking won
I told you you are too dumb to get it
excellent choice
Yeah I'm just fucking livid at this point, they have an entire disney channel family expansion about dragonland friendship is magic where they're all about restoring the black dragons and strong female characters... and they don't res onyxia to be a part of it? It's literally just because she was too sexy and would've overtaken Sylvanas as the popular evil female dommy mommy and it would make Danuser jealous and the whorewomen on the writing staff seethe.
At least we have Xal'atath and her delicious toes now.
Unholy clears frost as it always has for the last 10 years
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Fuck you
Best class for Chicken Chaser?
Im gonna need some proof
>3 hours
>161 posters
dead game dead general dead forever dead dead dead
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I am autistic and so undecided as to whether to make my character on Moonguard or Proudmore. So much so instead of just finishing the MSQ I’m leveling them both simultaneously. I don’t know what I’ll main, but I want to try M+ because I’ve never done it before.
>think about logging in
>click on a WoW stream to see what people are doing
>get so bored watching it i don't feel like logging in anymore
it can't be just me right?
I don't google everything about the game because I'm not a turbofaggot zoomer
only if ur a qt 3 foot tall goblin irl
>hey guys sex haha
Your life is a husk dude
to be nice to avatarfrens
Does anyone unironically use crossbows in this game? Like, really bro?
It's not that bones and shit are illegal nor that it steps on some cultural fear the Chinese have but rather self-censorship. Self-censorship so they can actually export the game to China and reduce the risk of being banned for a vague reason by whatever board of Chinamen handles the media/cultural imports into their country.
they're all 70+ years old at this point. they have to kidnap some women or they face extinction.
reminder avatartrannies should be reported and hidden on sight
you carry your gem
you light the gem.
Maybe you should start doing that instead of being a 20 IQ monkey
The Warcraft movie was good.
Warrior come on
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What franchise does WoW need a crossover with? Fortnite?
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So what, if they had never had any bones or undead in the game to begin with, they would have to censor something else in order to prove that they're willing to self-censor at the behest of the CCP? Sounds incredibly petty.
Would be a greater boon if the chinese version just didn't have blacks in it.
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Honestly if you don't have any goals or anything of interest that you want to do now, don't buy it now. You'll just get bored and frustrated rather quickly if you do and then get all sour on the game/expansion. Better to wait until you have a goal in mind.
Why isn't there one that just boosts healing
yeah i'm not wasting valor on blue gear, i know i know, i get it but i'm just not gonna do it, hahahahaha
>sounds incredibly petty
Correct, that's the CCP for ya.
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how we holding up
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what the fuck does summer and winter mean? what do you get when it's autumn?
simpsons wrestling (ps1)
simpsons wrestling gets zovaal wrestler and the maw map
wow gets groundskeeper willie outfit on trading post including overalls / ripped shirt variant and groundskeeper willie rake for logging in. also for the duration of the event players can /taunt each other to challenge each other to a Simpsons Wrestling match. like a duel but your attacks have a chance to knock each other down based on your remaining HP and to win you have to stand over someone to pin them for 3s.
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Zandalari I guess but that would require him to press another button to get the embrace of akunda
Also trolls are ugly
>doesn't invest in will or skill
It was ok. Garona being Medivh's daughter because he somehow found the orcs before, then hooking up with Lothar was kind of cringe.
The worst part was Llane's death though. Stormwind falling due to Garona being a sleeper agent and Lothar being forced to retreat with as many civilians as the boats could carry was the most significant part of that story and the movie just goes in a completely different direction that robs the fall of Stormwind from any true drama, in the film's narrative it's just something that has to happen because it's part of the chronological sequence of events.
literally every throughput racial does except nightbornes which only works on magic damage, and zandalari's bleed. dwarf tauren probably wins as usual.
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Depressed as fuck
Realizing all the old Warcraft stuff was soo good and now its all gone and over.
Photorealistic graphics age like fucking milk. If your game is supposed to be a "live service" meant to be around for years then photorealistic is a big no-no.
>two humans and an orc standind around looking cool in Goldshire
memes aside, why did Blizzard renege on the idea and even threw the curse of babel on us to boot?
Are low level bgs supposed to be retarded?
>three times the population of the U.S.
>make the Chinese sound like aliens from Saturn for some reason
You have the mind of a child.
All bgs are retarded.
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>No-No List
>The need to camp for crucial monsters
That aged well.
It should be the same rule as winter squid and summer bass, summer is roughly march 21- sept 21
>Humans and Orcs can play together
So that was a fucking lie for 20 years and still isn't true everywhere.
>or Proudmoore
are you for real why would you level on that dogshit server?
Clueless nigga
runescape 1.0 unironically has a superior ethic to the game your screenshot depicts
no anon you don't get it China is the only country on earth where media companies self-censor in order to not offend potential customers. This has literally never happened once anywhere else on earth
reminder that wowg anons are the most handsome hotttest anons in this entire board and possibly entire website
Christ, it's creepy how similar that is to me ~15 years ago.
Thanks gorgeous
Same ping. Substantially bigger than the next west coast Alliance realm
True, I am quite the catch
I'm a femanon though...
reminder to report avatar/signature use.
azgarn with the godly setup
Remember that big thick novel of a game manual you got with the battle chest.
I wish I still had mine, that shit must be a collectors item by now.
Nobody is forced to self-censor for the sheer sake of performing an act of self-censorship, which is what this debacle with China sounds like.
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Thanks beautiful
>in the film's narrative it's just something that has to happen because it's part of the chronological sequence of events
Explain (to someone with zero investment in the game's story, and skipped all the human scenes and some of the orc scenes because holy shit that acting and writing)?
we know, maye
post tits now
Is there a limit on crafting orders I can put in? Found a bunch of things where the mats and a decent tip are way cheaper than the finished product
>The Horde embraces you
avatar tranny haha disgusting troon
This isn't true about me but I still appreciate the kind words.
does anyone actually like using void eruption? or just that it's better numerically?
the game transforming a long cooldown button into a spammy rotational button feels fucking awful and retarded
I abused chromie time hopping for TLPD, aeonaxx after all those years and thought I was dusted. now I come back a few days before season start and find out there's a 2% drop mount from a rare in ringing deeps that only spawns if 5 people push 5 levers scattered across the zone at the same time, and everyone who wanted it camped it on 60 alts and mashed the levers til the rare spawned inside the first week
avatarfags are disgusting
avatarfags are disgusting
avatarfags are disgusting
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Might want to reconsider this one Blizz.
We love our avatarfriends here (except foxfags)

Grand Wizard of the Kirin Tor cosplay
Retard, the difference is censorship in China's case is done for the sake of one entity: the CCP. The big government entity that likes to keep a tight control on it's citizens and whatever goes on in it's countries. Who's Great Wall of China can only be compared to by it's other Great Firewall Of China.
no probably never unless they find a sucker to produce it for free with high creative control or something like that. they've got overwatch as their mass market property and are buried in an even bigger conglomerate now. something like league is more competitive and more important to its owners, making the ad-like productions more inciting. wow is just a niche game on autopilot. be thankful they responded to shadowlands collapse and ff with some new investment.
typical hordefat
that is clearly Teldrassil on his monitor
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huh. check options?
Do you guys even play the game?
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I made a rogue and never felt this devious by mere appearance.
kys retard
>no headplate
>tail too big
Not a draenei.
what did u spec into

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