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Previous: >>493666159

>[Event] THE Great Tea Ceremony Battle: GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku, The Man Who Returned from Hell
2024-09-02 01:00 - 09-22 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku Sen-no-Rikyu Pickup Summon
2024-09-02 01:00 - 09-22 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku Pickup 2 Summon
2024-09-04 21:00 - 09-20 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] Back to School Campaign 2024
2024-08-25 21:00 - 09-08 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

Micro bikini Chacha when?
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The extra quests had better be good
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hag chacha when
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Kama Love!
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Time to farm.
hopefully next Gudaguda in JP
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Konoe's shrimp is pretty cute.
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>Good boy.
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Hoping for avenger Chacha this year.
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Vroom vroom
Would Nobbu being in a main story chapter be kino or cringe?
/alter/ my tummy hurts what do
your shrimp is pretty cute
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Post yfw
Comfy momtato
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Arthur Pendragon is the coolest!
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>one of my favorite artists drew Shusha
>Shusha is an irrelevant historical figure who died at 3 years old
>will never be summonable because of that
Kinda sad.
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Drink ginger tea.
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I miss the Billy poster who linked his vibrating buttplug
Mo is the best even as a cat
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>not futa
Kots of the Round
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Men are beasts
Kot of the Round
cute teen shrimp
I have no idea what wabi sabi is
It feels good for the guy and the girl gets to feel in control and powerful, fairly easy to explain.
Cute, reminds me of The Cat Returns. Muta servant when?
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That, in itself, is the essence of wabi-sabi.
sex with shusha
>Wow this totally sucks, and for that reason it is great.
>Jason cheated on that.
He really is an idiot.
so cute
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You don't hang out with your bros in wabbysabby village?
He's 3.
How could they have made her more popular?
He's 300 and dead.
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It's just wabi with some extra sabi mixed in.
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Kennichi makes it so obvious how much the other writers drag the game down not treating it as a way to explore history and mythology, the stories are already there you just have to explore them. The other writers don't see the characters history, all they see is a one note joke "hehe Tesla shouted again, and Edison was a lionman, and they fought each other". Even with a small amount of effort he makes everyone else look like they aren't trying at all.
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I think she's kinda cute, wasting two ascensions on the same thing is kinda silly though. They should've just made the less armored mech suit a costume and had a real 2nd ascension.
Wabi-sabi is when you start finding flaws preferable to perfection in aesthetics. It's a form of aesthetics that a culture inevitably turns to once it has hit the peak of its artistic traditions and started to stagnate. Having nowhere else to go, it starts looking at everything previously discounted for not being "perfect" and finding the beauty in it.
give her a real personality
>He's 300
Asians really don't age, do they?
According to google
> In traditional Japanese aesthetics, wabi-sabi (侘び寂び) is a world view centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection.[2] The aesthetic is sometimes described as one of appreciating beauty that is "imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete" in nature.[3] It is prevalent in many forms of Japanese art.

google tells me this image is very wabi-sabi
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good girl
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MHX has relationships with the GudaGudas, Foreigners, and Saber Lily. MHXA has practically no connections others than Medb and Crane.
Find out with the eventual gudaguda ordeal call
those traditional japanese mansions? with the inner courtyards would be so nice to live in
It's japanese for Shabby Chic
Holy shit,she never had a chance
Damn and I hate Medb and Crane!
I want to have sex with them.
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Word on the street is that /alter/boys are defenceless.
Just came back from a Japanese Fair
Should I roll for any of the GudaGuda Servants?
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I remember the other day we had this discussion about how disappointing it is that even the elderly servants are super attractive and look young, but Hideyoshi's design is actually like the complete opposite of how servants are usually drawn super attractive.
He's got fucked up teeth, a mullet, and scars all over himself. It's kind of refreshing how he's not like a model of perfect human beauty like most servants are.
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That's rich coming from the anal queen herself.
Honey even if I don't like a Guda event I can at least appreciate the effort that goes into tying in history, instead if it being half assed like everyone else
MHXX works because she's drastically different from normal MHX
She goes from flat chuuni, to workaholic busty older woman who just wants a break, its a natural development
It feels like a natural development watching an optimistic retard turning into an overworked single older woman. It also worked because she's a desperate older woman who's kinda for you even if she's stupid, kinda like Guda's version of Taiga.

MHXXA doesn't work because she's the same
We saw from her idol alt, and from her regular alt that her breasts were already kinda big, so there's really no difference physically. Unless you make them fucking huge for her older version, there's really no difference.
Her personality is also exactly the same
So what exactly does it add? Nothing really. Nasu thought doing MHXX a second time would work without even trying to understand why it worked the first time.
>collectively made the world go full Mandela Effect on whose anus is actually the defenseless one
How did she do it
beauty is objective and ugliness should not be praised to spite beautiful things
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That's right!
Makes sense, she would know whaat it can take
Because most people repeating F/SN memes never read the VN and they don't realize that sex scene isn't actually Rin at all.
I'm not praising it in order to spite beautiful things though.
>even the elderly servants are super attractive and look young,
Really now? Yagyu, Columbus and Tell are total geezers.
>vitch domloss to maou
Rider's asshole...
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Cute Milly, Cute Yui.
>fucked up teeth
Moe, shark teeth like mori
>a mullet
Anime hair
>and scars
Thosee are always like paint, never really shown the ugly nature of scars.
Hideyoshi has different forms anon. That's just his day 1 form. His day 8 form is even more hideous but...
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I like Chacha.
They're okay with making men look old, but there's no old looking women in game.
But also all the old men are good looking, aside from the yellow turban guy from Traum, but I forgot about him.
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>this makes Nips cum on the spot
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>but I forgot about him.
>zen garden
>no plants just sand and some rocks
those monks pulled a fast one on Japan's nobility
me when nobody adds me when I post my support
isnt wabisabi the stuff for their fish to make it spicy?
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I think its really cool how at his peak his forehead scar glows like the sun.
Thirdies wouldn't get it.
looks cool
Chacha's parents when?
stupid monkey
Not even a majority of Japanese people really "get" Wabi-Sabi stuff. It's seen as very "arty".
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>this makes burgers cum on the spot
I want to have sex with them.
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The event tried to tie a pretty bow to end the story but I still feel like Hideyoshi is a cunt and Komahime and Rikyu /should/ have gotten their vengeance.
I would prefer an oak tree in the front lawn, but yes, that is peak 20th century suburbia.
hnnnngno nono nononono anon hnnGGGAAAAAA
>most people repeating F/SN memes never read the VN
They are the smart ones.
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Nah, but this does
I want to have sex with a house
with very few exceptions the old guys in the game are just regular, fit guys with gray hair and maybe a beard.
it's not the same as hags just being busty, but similiar.
realistic old people would just sell worse.
You won’t last long with Woodwose (forma de wood)
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I remember this type of garden as one of the construction options at the first Summer event.
I will be the one doing the fucking
DESU as a Euro I kind of wish we just had these random truck stop "towns" that feel like somebody scraped some buildings together along a freeway. In like 50 years this place might not even exist. It feels so transient. Very wabi-sabi.
burger king SUCKS!
Woodwose is a man and as we know the men are beasts
It's kinda a philosophy thing.
Which, inherently, is something the masses cannot do.
It does look pretty cozy and satisfying to look at, ngl.
I like BK because you can use both Coupons and your points unlike the McDonalds app
There is a beast in me
Oh no, a small center that contains everything one may need, the horrors
Those truck stop towns are awful, I don't know why you'd want them.
what are you gonna do retard? get raped by koreans again?
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anons im getting pretty sleepy, please dont tickle my asshole while.. while i....Zzzz....
The beast is coming out of me…
They're great when you have to drive hundreds of miles anon. For yuropeons, they never need to drive that.
agree but the only guy they could enact vengeance on was mitsunari
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Bunyan bros....
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So what if you can see the darkest side of me?
No one would ever change this animal I have become
Help me believe it's not the real me
Somebody help me tame this animal
(This animal, this animal)
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Post your beast face if you are a man
I hate them precisely because I often stay at hotels near them and drive by them because I often drive hundreds of miles a week for work. You get sick of them when the only thing near you is shitty fast food and dangerous roads.
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let her cook
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Super Bunyan (awakened)
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/alter/ ia very wabi-sabi
That's your own fault for being overexposed to them though. The average US citizen only sees them every few months at most. They're very accepted.
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Preach it, sister!
that's right
What servant has the best bush?
Ah, true. But Mitsunari was still loyal to Hideyoshi, despite event. It's kinda like he didn't evolve through the story. He didn't go through a arc of doubting Hideyoshi for his actions, only to later remember why he liked him. He just always liked him.
Which felt weird since the entire event was about his Hideyoshi was bad.
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nobbu took kyoto in 1568 and died on 1582
monkey died in 1598. monkey only got 2 years on nobbu
tokugawa was the actual chad
>tealets won't be able to see this ascension on people's lists
very lame
*how Hideyoshi was bad
I'm trying............ but she didn't come......
Would having nobu as a servant be dangerous? Like, are there chances she'd kill her master?
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he did said that he regret not stopping him
but i agree
sex with xuxu
bro think of the advertisers...
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it's a good thing these are boy nipples so that the advertisers don't have to worry about a thing!
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>It's kinda like he didn't evolve through the story.
He did though. The event was actually primarily about letting go of your regrets in life, not about how Hideyoshi was bad. Mitsunari was originally obsessed with trying to revive the Toyotomi clan with Hideyori, and he ended the event just being happy with being considered one of Chacha's sons.
Yes it would be dangerous. She straight up kills her first master in redline for not showing enough reverence.
>Pure sex
>No appeal
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anon thats not a boi
she will insta
the flatcord...
I want to see Takeru's nipples.
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No catalyst, you're fine, you're already vibin'. With catalyst? Best hope your ass is entertaining enough.
>the entire event was about his Hideyoshi was bad
The only person in the story that hated Hideyoshi was a seething berserker. Nobu, Chacha and Mitsunari all stand with him.
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How come her sad expression makes me hard?
>The only person in the story that hated Hideyoshi was a seething berserker.
And that person was also the true villain of the event.
*cums* nnngh I'm so sorry ykomahime *ccums again* oh no
he moved on from drawing cuck porn?
Well Nobu doesn't exactly stand with him, in fact even she was disappointed at how retarded he ended up being.
I don't thin that guy has drawn anything but guda gropping the girls
Closet rapist
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Honestly, really liked this scene. Rikyu/Koma had great art the whole event and this capped it off.
Well I think after the end of the event, Nobu would be like "Monkey was a god damned genius for killing Rikyu".
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You know, if you think on it Chacha is kind of an asshole.with her Hidekata did nothing wrong Hideyori did nothing wrong. "His highness lived to its full".

Holy shit, damn bitch, Hudeyori was a bad person Hidekata was a bad person and Hideyoshi is Japan number one bad person!

I understand its her family but come on!
why did nobody warn me about the rikyuu jumpscare... I legit fell off my chair and spilled my drink
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his only artwork tagged "NTR" is Tamamo getting dicked by the monkey enemy
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Cat/Nyand Meowrder
bro, her first master literally shits on her the moment she's summoned. hell, it wasn't even her real master
I wish I knew how to imitate this artstyle. I love it a lot. Seeing it blind must've been a shock. Just how scratchy and chalk-like it is.
I unironically want Kondo so the shinsengumi shit is finally done for real
>With catalyst? Best hope your ass is entertaining enough.
Why would someone willingly summon this jobber nobu
Nobbu didn't hate the guy but she had no issue pointing out his flaws
the people that actually like him are his concubine and his adoptive son (and even the son said he regrets not stopping the guy). oh and his actual sons i guess.
chacha just suffers from extreme stockholm syndrome
It would still be pretty dangerous because Nobu gives no shits about people who aren't entertaining to her. If you're not a really cool guy you better hope you never do anything to get on her bad side.
Good night, bros.
The whole event exists because Rikyu/Komahime being killed unjustly by Hideyoshi
What servant will I summon if I use my cum as a catalyst?
Try using different texures for the canvas
Also, even if they're entertaining, she's very willing to get rid of them for little reason.
no? he literally is the reason all this shit happened to his family.
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good night, bro....
Yeah and the only people that hate him are the ones he killed. Well half of them since Komahime didn't mind it much and just told Rikyu to let it go.
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Monkey is legitimately one of the few people that Nobu likes.
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im starting to believe that
>give her a real personality
thing is just a fucking meme for people who don't like a random servant and can't explain why.
X alter got a personality, she is just a mid tempered girl who loves to laze around and enjoys eating sweets while trying to have a normal life outside her original orders of
>kill X cuz reasons
if she was a yelling asshole proclaiming her hate for X every 5 words then yeah she would need a real personality.
Yeah she is boring but thats her appeal, not every servant needs to be this chad or stacy with a minimun of 8 in charisma, she is just a relaxed girl that enjoys life.
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sweet jesus...
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2v2 me next HGW how bout that?
someone give me a real personality...
Knowing how Nobu thinks, she probably would think that Rikyu should just chill the fuck out and get over it. Being such a pain in the ass in the singularity is more annoying to Nobu than Monkey killing a bunch of people 300 years ago.
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I think its kind of fun why all Japan turned out against Nobunaga for burning some monks but Hideyoshi managed to fuck up and anger every single clan in Japan several times and the guy died before it came back to bit his ass
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sweet jesus...
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Sup mods
These are male nipples so they're 100% advertiser friendly.
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Not putting her in an event with Eresh, BB, City and Xu Fu
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Thats an ugly Kanna, and thats saying A LOT because normal Kanna is ugly enough already
>thing is just a fucking meme for people who don't like a random servant and can't explain why.
Well no fucking shit, retard.
But it's more like just an easy way to shit on a servant.
A better thing to say would be "write her better". Because MHXA does have a personality, sure, but it's boring as fuck and not written in an interesting way.
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Same, it was a pretty sudden shock and very cool. A good way to give Rikyu a last stand before Guda and Koma gave him the Talk no jutsu
right but saying "she stands with him" is like saying she defends all the shit he did and she doesn't
he was a warlord just like her and did a lot of stupid shit too
>Komahime didn't mind it
she just didn't want to continue with the revenge but she definitely doesn't like the guy either
she choose to just remember the happy days
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Silence plebeian.
Now this is a woman.
>right but saying "she stands with him" is like saying she defends all the shit he did and she doesn't
I wouldn't say that. Nobu is on Monkey's side in this conflict. She's still capable of acknowledging that he's done some fucked up shit, but she's still his ally because she likes him. It's as simple as that.
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Bring it faggot
>Knowing how Nobu thinks, she probably would think that Rikyu should just chill the fuck out and get over it.
sure, but
> Nobu would be like "Monkey was a god damned genius for killing Rikyu"
is still bs
If Cao Cao doesn't end up as a Kayneth Pseudo, will (s)he be a Nobuface?
>Because MHXA does have a personality, sure, but it's boring as fuck and not written in an interesting way.
Thats the point, it would be out of character to put her in situations she clearly would avoid unless there is a good reason to put herself in the line of fire, might as well use other servant for that situation instead of the lazy girl who wants to avoid conflict.
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And the way to fix that is to write her differently. If you want to make her popular you have to turn her into a different character.
If you look it up, Hideyoshi having Komahime killed and dumped in a grave (along with other people) really did happen.
And I don't think Nobbu cared so much for Hideyoshi as he did about not ending the entire world.
Was this a yuko tatsushima reference?
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There are no evil Servants, all of them are good deep down and just need understanding and a chance to prove it
Except Columbus
>Why would someone willingly summon this jobber nobu
Hypothetically speakin If the grail war takes place in japan, her fame buff would be OP as fuck
now that's dedication
Nobu did like Monkey, read Koha-Ace.
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And you're calling out MY servant for being a jobber?
smooch the spooky ghost lady
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Next year ......
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>skinwalker Bunyan gets more art than regular super Bunyan
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>Ears and antlers grown
Cute skinwalker.
Janny I would have you know that neither of these pictures represent characters from Fate, Type-Moon or Fate/Grand Order
There's a difference between jobbing to the whore of babylon and jobbing to jobkita
what do you mean? its morgan and jalter
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The face of evil
What if we got a Summer alt where Melies or Hoover is the dominant one, a Christmas alt where the other one is the dominant one and a Halloween alt with the Skinwalker?
>her face when you tell her that torturing the monkey and uploading it to the internet would demonetize her channel
People of that time probably truly feared 'divine punishment'. So Nobbu's actions were more sacrilegious.
I don't think modern people dislike Nobunaga so much.
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Is that so.
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Who would be the strongest in a grail war, Nobu, Hideyoshi, or Ieyasu?
>Nobu is on Monkey's side in this conflict
i have no idea why would you say that. nothing in the story tells us that
monkey can be one of the nobbus closest companions and she can also be against him in this situation. that happens multiple times during this events.
at no point nobbu praises monkey for his decisions that lead to his.
If you are gonna post fox students at least post the cute ones like Seia
There are no evil Servants. Except the soul sucking monster that ate Bunyan's soul and has copied her completely to hide itself.
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you get banned quickly now on /bag/ that you have to start falseflagging other generals I see
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nobu is literally japan hitlah
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Omg it's Rumi the Rock
It can't be helped...
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It's not looking good birdbros, only the shithawks are left. Fucking cards.
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Nobbu, duh. He conquered like 80% of Japan.
Nobu cause fame I guess.
Despite being the other ones who did actually unify Japan Nobu stays as the most important japanese person for Japanese
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Nobu in general.
Tanuki would be the most diverse pick however so he'd just Hanzo out whoever summoned Nobu, since she's absolute shit at defense.
Monkey is just inferior to both.
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depends on what your cum tastes like
But Hideyoshi conquered 100% of Japan.
And then Ieyasu ruled Japan for like 200 years.
What a shitty thread. Kill all anons who posted here and burn their bodies.
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What the FUCK was his problem?
why is the dude not moving?
I would be groping the legs waiting for the butt
>What the FUCK was his problem?
penis, probably
is koma considered a loli
>joke characters from a silly manga
>still give me a boner
How does Riyo do it?
Chaotic Evil bros..
>does all the work
>various lesser beings keep wondering why they can't hold all the limes.
>Nobu got Honnoji'd
>Toyotomi fell after Hideyoshi died
>Tokugawa shogunate lasted for 300 years
I'm going with Ieyasu.
Oh, but a well played Hideyoshi would be practically unstoppable. If you can somehow organize a fight one week after summoning him, you're basically guaranteed to win since Hideyoshi's stats would be so high.
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Dinobros our time has come
she is flat as hell so i can see faggot bitching about muh loli while playing a lolicon pandering game....
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shes 15, up to you whether that means shes a loli or not
Hideyoshi conquered 20%, inhereting land is much easier than conquering it.
Ieyasu ruling for so long is easy too, since once you destroy people, they are placid.
All Nobunaga's work.
anon no one is saying the opposite
but nobbu motivation during the event wasn't
>oh my cute monkey did nothing wrong you are mean for attacking him
Japanese warlod hands typed this post, probably Masamune date or sanada yukimura or one of the shitters are not in FGO
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See what I think is
Komahime's part of the body, is the body
And Rikyu's influence is making her have a cute little cock
Sex with old men
>but nobbu motivation during the event wasn't
>>oh my cute monkey did nothing wrong you are mean for attacking him
I don't think anyone is saying that either.
Okay I trust your word
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goddamn this thread is shit
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God I want samurai armored black hair maou.
She looks so fucking cool as a serious adult.
Like I love the 3 stager avenger we got, but frankly I'd have preferred if we had a proper inbetweener instead of Kippwhoshi
>Ieyasu lived for two hundred years
Sasuga Japanese health.
Ey, if its flat It works for me regardless. Actually I have certain bias for lolibabas.
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Something you wanna tell us bro?
how little?
He lived on through the Tokugawa shogunate.
Nobu is Nobu, very easy to remember cool Nobu with a name as short and as easy to remember that rolls off the tongue as well as Nobu. Hideyoshi-no-toshi-bakawotoshi so on and so forth very bad. No one will remember them... But Nobu...
Is that so...
I'm into anal mostly, so its fine as long as see keeps it hidden
what about the pineapple and so on meme?
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>try to kill Monkey
>he takes your weapons
>he kills you with them
Nice try, Nobu.
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Hai Hai~!
I wish I had dino mom...........
Saberface Masamune when?
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cool so she liked the guy while also capable of recognizing he wasn't a good guy (just like her)
that's all
>nobufags not being the center of the pride parade
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Yea exactly.
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Save up some tickets
Mom's puffies...
They did. Or it was at least the impression given their wording, even if they didn't mean to.
Discord banned blue archive art???
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To some extent, but it's not really as massive of a difference as people make it out to be. Even then it'd take a while.
It doesn't even have to be pineapple, just anything that increases your blood sugar content, so most fruits. It's mainly about being hydrated though; it can smell and taste really bad if there's a lot of meat, starch, alcohol, etc. and a lack of hydration.
I will...........
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We couldn't protect her smile...
But you can give her the happy marriage she never got
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Yeah, Kipposhi was a weird decision, but then again Pako is kinda gay...
He did on the other hand deliver onto me literally the perfect manifestation of physical female beauty as far as I'm concerned, so the whole thing is a bit confusing...
With whom?
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how much do you think it'll take to max out a fp 3 star with this
is it even enough
Hideyoshi killed this...
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>inheriting the land is much easier than conquering it.
idk. holding an over expanded empire is p difficult.
especially if it costs more than it gives back
Yesterday there was a lot of negativity towards this Gudaguda, but I don't feel that way at all. All the main cast get decent screentime and scenes, Iyo, woofman, Yamanami and Ishida. And especially Nobbu, I forgot when was the last time she got to be competent and even menacing like this. This is probably explained by Okita's absence. Okita's influence on Nobbu shouldn't be underestimated.

Only Rikyu feels boring. But oh well, she compensates for the writing with her art and style. For good Rikyu writing I can always reread Hyougemono.
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Fuck Okita, she betrayed us
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you need 40 mil if you aim for 120 and all appends maybe 50 if unlucky
you feel boring
Reminder that the teenager is more evil that the merchant
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>/alter/ meetups be like
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Please re-evaluate your life choices.
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I think it was a good event, it just was a little bit short and fumbled the ending.
Like all gudaguda events it has very well developed characters with strong personalities despite having a short amount of time for each of them, and generates a lot of great discussion about real life historical events. I might would call it a "bad" gudaguda event, but that still means its easily one of the best events in the entire game.
>holding an over expanded empire is p difficult.
Not really. Read 'The Prince'. Machiavelli explains why, even after Alexander the Great died, none of the empire revolted.
This is pretty much like Nobunaga's case.
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Aoko sex
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How did you finish the ancestral beast?
she's underage
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No bitches?
Maou GG
Himiko Punch
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Nobbu hijacked Miyu's body.
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More like Rumi the paizuri
All the endings of events for a year now feel fumbled. ESPECIALLY Halloween with the Cinderella Eli, which seemed to fumbled 1/3 of the way in. What the hell happened?
Are any of the 4 and 5 star servants available today only worth trying to get?
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Rikyu 3t

Big Nobu violent cowgirl sex
rome had constant external threats that needed to be dealt with, japan is somewhat of an anomaly in that regard so it's even easier to rule once you establish yourself. Once you set up a form of government and keep the status quo of keeping people fed, most people will be complacent. Look at any country today, people might scream about issues but at the end of the day they have distractions and food so there's no need to change the status quo.
bros when will we get road to lostbelt 7 with Oberon banner? This fucker escaped every single GSSR banner that I rolled on since LB6
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She is like 50
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The biggest strength of the franchise is the ability to introduce characters and using their IRL history as a shortcut to skip hours of backstory and jump straight into character development. For some fucking reason Keikenchi is the only one that still utilizes that.
most people in this thread don't really need more servants dude
Out of 10!
Himiko is nice, but if you're a dumb latelet you should be saving for Castoria and Oberon.
No :(
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The main problem of large empires is the extended borders. Japan being an island nation doesn't have that problem, and in general isn't even that large, so it's not like you'll have unexpected invasions.
The key is having a good roads network, keeping garrisons in the occupied provinces to avoid revolts and having an efficient way to quickly dispatch reinforcements. You'd have to come down HARD on the first couple of inevitable revolts, though. That's the stick, then you couple it with the carrot of local infrastructure projects, securing trade routes with bigger cities, or maybe temporarily reduced tax for a couple of exemplary well-behaving provinces, and increased political power for local governors, and you have 90% of the problem solved. Expensive shit for sure, but it pays for itself with a decade of stability.
jesus this
you nailed that
Because Keikenchi is actually interested in history. I think most of the writers (especially Nasu and Sakurai) don't care about history anymore and just want to write their OC's.
Around December.
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Rikyu, Iyo, Castoria, Mashu, Melu, Abby S

In the end was only Abby S and Melusine so I finished it with WOnderlands
I have Himiko and I have Castoria. Mission accomplished?
Then you save for Oberon
>For some fucking reason Keikenchi is the only one that still utilizes that.
Because they assume nips will know nip history and not anything from other countries.
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Iyo, Nobukatsu, Nobuvenger (Sup), Izo, Castoria and Morgan.
Kukochihiko and Himiko helping was perfect, specially when Himiko just appeared when pulling out the last 2 + Iyo's NP. Iyo gave the beast a kick, Morgan a Morgaouse of tea, and Castoria finished him with a bonk on his head.
I do admit, I wish I could have used Nobuvenger more cause she cool AF, and I absolutely hate my dumb ass how I forgot to turn on Izo's Evasion.
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Japan is actually bigger than individual European countries, barring Russia of course.
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Went to the store today but forgot to get snacks. Life is hell
You are sick in the head, dude, get help
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Hideyoshi did do the majority of that work though, not Nobu. He crushed a peasant rebellion pretty early on in his rule and implemented the sword hunt policy which pretty much unarmed the Japanese population and ended the possibility of revolts from happening.
It's also very mountainous so it's much harder to control more remote areas compared to some of the flatter parts of Europe.
What makes Okita and the Shinsengumi so popular? Aren't they the equivalent to the Gestapo?
That's all the more reason to do it
If you didn't know anything about Edison or Tesla you still wouldn't know anything about then after FGO because all they are is a fucking love triangle and ACDC jokes
Wait a minute guys; if Wolfman was only pretending to be a bad guy, why the fuck did he cut down Okita Alter?
Even Mitsunari wasn't expecting that, so it wasn't to prove loyalty.
not that brutal
unless you were an actual rebel they didn't give much of a fuck about you
That's not even relevant because Keikenchi manages to make me, an American, extremely interested in Sengoku era and Meiji restoration Japanese history. Any other writer could do the same for western history if they actually put in the work.
Don't think too hard about it
super orion
Convincing males in female bodies to wear lacy bras...
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I like Iyo better
And the Gestapo was based.
It ensured nobody doubted him.
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>What makes Okita and the Shinsengumi so popular?
It's the same as how people like Blackbeard are popular in the west despite being barbaric murderers. They're just cool.
They were autistic about defending the Shogunate.
And Japan kind of love autistic people.
you are not surviving that
>Gestapo :(
>Gestapo but japanese :)
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My second sentence was to address this very response.
They were basically the first real police force and were pro-stability so had a lot written about them.
So if Iyo is no longer doing customer support for caveman land, who is?
Because Chaldea was standing in the way of his plan to resurrect the ancestral beast even if he was ultimately on their side.
He wasn't trying to mislead you, he just wanted to stop Okita Alter from fucking up his plans.
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sex with cavewoman in the beach while going clamhunting
everyone loves dog loyalty.
You don't have to just do everything you're told to look like you're a real believer. Acting on your own terms to further the aims of your supposed goal will also make you look like a true believer.
You don't think Nobbu could put down a few peasants?
Nobbu is the guy who destroyed the famed Takeda cavalry.
My hips will not survive
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Because they're cool.
it's not only that. even if you didn't know rikyu for example, you could read up on his wikipedia article and know why he would he pissed at monkey.
before this event I never heard of ishida, but him sucking off monkey already gave a good picture of the relationship between him and rikyu in very few lines.
No cause Nobu was fuckin dead.
I will revive the yamataikoku
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I gotta be honest, them admitting to having a special 3v1 fighting formation was so unabashedly assholish I laughed.
>Though they manage to subdue their primal instincts through their devotion to Daikokuten, this aspect occasionally resurfaces in their need to proliferate their kind. Daikokuten's mice do breed and expand their population, but since no one has observed this process, it’s unknown whether it follows the same patterns as typical living beings. To prevent inbreeding, they seek out other humans or Servants to mate with, including the Master, of course.
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Propaganda but japan made sure that no one ever talks about the war crimes so they are seen as heroes.
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They're just cops. Cops have always been pretty popular. The main issue with the gestapo was the totalitarian fascist regime they were cops for.

Like, yeah, the shogunate wasn't a model liberal democracy or anythitg but people grade states on a curve when it's that long ago.
>ywn breed with two beautiful cavewomen
>n*il polish
They are quite assholes.
Does Iyo have a Himiko-tier bush?
That makes sense, kinda. Still seemed a little drastic, since he did end up needing Chaldea to kill the Beast.
also underdogs and peasants instead of samurai nobility
multiple times himiko impresses fellow servants with her barehand brute strength
iyo is better at dancing than her which tells us she may not be as strong but more limber
himiko main motivation to come to chaldea was being with you and iyo wanted in since that time too
if you survive you are gonna have multiple fractures and you are gonna have yayoi woman stink on you for days
>Stasi :(
>Gestapo :)
>Japanese Gestapo :D
I swear, if I end up rolling and not getting Himiko because I was convinced by you, I am stealing every good luck of yours.
>since he did end up needing Chaldea to kill the Beast.
Really that's only because Rikyu betrayed him. He likely could've handled the beast on his own with that sword of his.
i mean they're a police force not a duel club
>gestapo is... le bad
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what do you even like about medea
know what? fuck it
gonna make my own lostbelt with nobbu as an actual shogun
buddist fuckers wouldn't know what hit them
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She has very cute feet and a fun personality and a great manga and is better than that dumb and stinky Nobu
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The Gestapo and Shinsegumi both acted as police and assassinated political opponents, but only the Gestapo were implicit in genocide.
Furthermore, the Shinsegumi fought for the Shogunate against the Meiji rebels and the controversial opening of Japan. The Japanese don't romanticize rebellion as much as other cultures.
The perfect female form
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>beach-body ready Gogh
Lick lick lick lick lick lick lick
meant for >>493710849
Meiji was actually rebelling against the opening of Japan, which Tokugawa enacted because of the black ships.
Their motto was something like, 'expel the foreigners, seven lives for the emperor'.
My favorite FGO writer? Good
Your favorite FGO writer? Bad
Simple as
>but people grade states on a curve when it's that long ago.
You're not a historical dialectic sort of guy?
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FP 3star? they're 15 coins per copy, so 660 coins is 44 copies. 39 if you want it by bond.
R is 1%, so 20k FP gets you 1 on average, but there's 39 FP silvers, so its actually 1 copy per 800k FP, so for ~40 copies you'd need over 30m QP from start to finish.

That's if you only got them from FP ofcourse. normal gacha rolls have a 40% chance of a silver servant, so if you hit pity on an SSR you'll get like 3 copies of every common pool silver servant.
This also all assumes you're starting from 0 copies, so unless you're talking about a recent or future servant, you probably already have a handfull of copies to cut those numbers down.

Good luck anon-kun!
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>don't romanticize rebellion as much as other cultures.
That makes me wonder, for any frenchmen or french culture enthusiasts here, how is the french revolution considered in french culture/writing? Do they romanticize the royalty or the revolution or do they talk more about the atrocities?
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nta but from what i know both sides were kinda hypocrites to that
Hags... meh
So the game was rigged from the start? You just can't win against BWC...
jesus this guy is GAY!
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Well, the Meiji rebels gained a lot of influence /after/ Tokugawa started opening trade with foreigners more. So I don't think Tokugawa was really saying they were trying to keep the borders closed.
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Double paizuri...
>nipponpipo were scared of this
>kazuradrop, a servant not even released yet, got a swimsuit before lip
all smiles.
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Lip love!
It's a major historical event here so we're taught about pretty much everything that revolves around it, including bloodbaths and arbitrary executions.
tits too small
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>supposedly against letting Foreigners into Japan
>one of their most prominent members is a white woman
Believe it or not, Okita was not actually a woman in real life.
>it’s been a little bit more than a year of me being an active poster on /alter/
>still feel like I am a rogue here
I guess I am too normal for /alter/ huh… See ya in the future maybe. Sorry for bothering you, anons.
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>french creatures in the thread
that's too far
But he was white
People will look at this and will unironically go
>uoo sex uoo sex cunny cunny cunny cunny sex sex plap plap omf get pregnant
>Nobles Bad!
>jacobins Bad!
>Napoleion, cool dude.
Albert Camus disliked the Revolution, since he saw the hypocrisy of Saint-Just and Robespierre (they began the revolution against capital punishment).
He also said, before almost anybody else, that the king was ineffectual but not evil and didn't deserve to be executed (and that people didn't want to execute him but Saint-Just pushed it anyway).

But maybe he's an outlier.
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uoo sex uoo sex cunny cunny cunny cunny sex sex plap plap omf get pregnant
wtf is this true?
its good to be in something from the ground up. you came in too late for that, you know, but lately i get the feeling that you came in at the end, the best is over.
>Guda: "Fun things are fun."
>Rikyu: I will now commit seppuku.
Praiseworthy writing.
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I think the context of the creation of Shinsegumi is important.

Imagine if new, slighty more liberal leadership of the Soviet Union intended to raise the iron curtain (pretty much objectively good from a human rights perspective) but certain powerful, corrupt interest groups and minority party conservatives were against it, so the leadership created a new police force specifically to prevent the opposition from starting shit. That's sorta what the Shinsegumi were. In that context they're pretty good since they were created to protect the process of Japan's liberalization.
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>t. seething angloid
>so we're taught about pretty much everything that revolves around i
No we're not
We barely talked about it in my school
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Are year 1 limited servants like Gil or Okita stil desirable in rateups or GSSR's or is everyone happy that they are finally ditched and only show up every blue moon in favor of the year 4 onwards servants?
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If you want then and don't already have them at NP5 at this point i don't know what to say and for anyone who doesn't want them They're almost all worthless spooks.
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I don't know about (You) but I was taught everything. We even got to watch a 6 hours movie on the subject with pretty graphic scenes in middle school.
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>since they were created to protect the process of Japan's liberalization.
But Tokugawa lost my bro and it was the Meiji rebels that ended up opening the borders. Tokugawa didn't even want to, he was forced to since America literally stared firing canons until they agreed (or something like that).
Adorable non playable character
he was giving you the historical context at the moment bro
but yes
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>Actual discussion on the unification of japan, the meiji era and the french revolution
This has been a good thread, bros.
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Gudaguda always does this.
For all his faults, the man brought the country back together by himself. It was either his Empire or more civil wars.
Quel âge?
keikenchi having his story based on history does that.
not that traum is bad, but for example I don't think knowing of the eastern roman empire would enhance my reading experience.
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It's way more complicated than my example, sure, but the Shinsegumi were primarily created to fight against groups that intended to fight to the death against the opening.
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J'approche des 40 balais...
J'étais en CE2 quand j'ai vu ce film, donc je devais avoir 8-9 ans.
I can't believe they forgot to rape you during Skadi summer
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>J'approche des 40 balais...
Ah c'est peut-être pour ça alors, j'ai une bonne décennie de moins que toi
omelette du fromage
>Are year 1 limited servants like Gil or Okita stil desirable in rateups or GSSR's
I don't have Archer Gil and I'd be happy to get a copy of him from the GSSR.
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Love her
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Y-you too.
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Yeah, I get the premise, they were created because Tokugawa knew opening the borders was stirring the pot.
I just wanted to clarify that it wasn't about making Japan more liberal, since it wasn't really a voluntary choice, and more to make sure his power wasn't threatened.
considering grailing her since I got her to np5
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>William Tell jpg
You're Swiss?
Sérieusement, on ne vous a rien appris sur LA Révolution? C'est scandaleux si c'est vrai...
wait are Iyo, Himiko and dogman meant to be GudaGuda's take on the three nip treasures?
Honnêtement pas des masses. En cours de français on eu quelques œuvres qui traitent du sujet mais c'était à peu près tout de mon côté.
i knew we had spics, sea, gooks and russians
but french is too much
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Do it
I assumed Meiji was for the opening to foreigners. Either way, he surely benefitted from it.
you got it
hablar frances es facil
solo termina toda frase que hables en ghh
>holagghh comogghh estaggghh
>sword, mirror and magatama
Alright I'll get her and her brother to lvl 100
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Kiss her
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I didn't notice it, but now that you mentioned it, yeah it would appear so.
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Ça craint...
also Ammy Tsuki and Susan
Gareth isn't for romance
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>Toyotomi Hideyoshi is considered the second of the three "Great Unifiers". He is also famous for his failed operation to conquer Korea.
So he is a jobber
I love this sweet potato.
She doesn't like getting her hair ruffled
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Lis « Histoire de France » de Jacques Bainville, au minimum...
Why not
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Is Gareth fujo still around? She seemed nice
Je regarderais ça, merci de la recommandation
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>And so I said to Alaya, "Extra classes? Don't mind if I do!"
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we probably bullied her away after her interlude came out and sakurai butchered her worse than lancelot did.
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Please respond to my Aescpost with "lol" or "very funny!"
Fuck off.
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thoughts on iphone bobfag
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You guys are jerks.
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Very funny!
kill yourself
I don't have any crying Aesc images, but if I had one I would post it.
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Having a background on this era of Japan was great while reading Muramasa. Ashikaga being related to the Genji? Hell yeah.
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I too speak egg.
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She's so beautiful.
Smug sexo
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Some say he did it to get rid of some samurai, who would otherwise be in Japan, with weapons, and bored (that is, start a revolt). It didn't seem like he had much expectation to actually win, since the aftermath was... nothing really.
Sex with old men
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Rare attention to detail.
good night... bros.....
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How do we improve the rikyu jumpscare bros? Should we add FnaF 1 scream or the one from 2?
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It's kamige, what of it?
we need femcel servant
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Deer bacon and eggs…yummy.
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Add that weird purple void background they use sometimes for Abby and Oberon. Or just copy Tsukihime for the schizo effects.
night..... bro.....
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This isn't /vn/ bro we can like good things here.
i think is ashikoki
Anyone made a webm of it?
We have multiple
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It's feetzuri.
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>nasu said that he wanted to kill halloween
>kills halloween
>nasu says, among other things, he also wanted to kill summer
>takeuchi stop him, also change everything on the story of the summer, again, and morgan and castoria roles are diminished
>also nasu goes to tie oc3 with summer and make the worst delay that /alter/ is also gonna suffer
>there is a chance that the welfare will not be considered summer welfare
>if the "welfare" extra copies comes from the FP gacha, then is definetly a "welfare" oc
>meaning that there is a chance this will be the first summer without an actual welfare
Nasu sometimes is an evil genius on par of nikocado
Damn she has amazing tits...
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woah... amazing tits...
why did someone post my support last thread
My tiny dick couldn't win against Anastasia's huge russian tits..
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Don't worry about it.
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>Anastasia's huge russian tits..
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Is this a joke about Guda refusing him being one of the most retarded moments in fgo?
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>actually made me go "oh shit" when it happened
Is it weird that this makes her even more attractive to me
What's that red thing around her eyes
it's just red eyeliner. It's not unseen in typical east asian makeup.
>red eyeliner
What the fuck, anastasia is a whore??? I feel so dissapointed
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Iyo wtf
It's okay, Kadoc, let me comfort you...
To put it in modern terms, she's going to go all out.
Men are beasts
then why are they called men in the first place
Neither the image nor the text on it are FATE/Grand Order North America.
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>meanwhile Koma
Which servant gives the best paizuri?
>if you survive you are gonna have multiple fractures and you are gonna have yayoi woman stink on you for days
Worth it.
Your transexual father
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Can't have men=beasts without men like we can't have scathach=skadi without scathach.
Scathachs are Skadis
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Drunk Drake followed by Schez
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I cant decide what was the worse part of this awful event, Rikyo, Nobbucringe or Mankita alter.
Iyo and the wolfman were great though.
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No clown
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Me and my alter ego
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Kissing during mana transfers is unprofessional and cringe.
you're right i need another cock in my mouth instead of your lips
What is the optimal way to mana transfer?
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It would be ironic and cool if Charles the Great (True) had the Savior class
IE: if he didn't use Imperial Privilege to discard the legend of Charlemagne from his saint graph
CGI dolphins
do I blame wada or is this design just inherently terrible
I put on my robe and wizard hat.
That's right. Which makes it better
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Why did Okita use that guy as a shield when she's a Servant and would likely survive getting shot?
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I personally like his other costume where it's more explicit that his design is the king of hearts.
The cross on the goatee is retarded mainly.
Why waste a good shield?
>What is the optimal way to mana transfer?
Missionary, with the one being fucked on their back, with their legs on the shoulder of the one fucking them. No kissing either. Instead just passionately stare into each other's eyes while fucking as fast, rough, and hard as possible. Bareback of course.
You don't take a bullet just because it's likely you'll survive. Also there's the guy behind her
Doesn't she have weak Constitution A? Probably cannot afford getting hit.
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Surely foot kisses during mana transfer are ok at least?
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that sucks.....
Easy way to kill more
She is not affected anyway
That one is much better
Post couples you like
What's the most inefficient way to mana transfer?
that's not how weak constitution works
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Is this what Izousisters want?
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Suck Alice's breasts and feet for luck
You have the whole set, right?
I'm so sad they picked this dogshit VA for Alice
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Alice feetsmell
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I'm going to make alice cringe so hard
I'd donate Stabilizer blood to Akiha anytime.
Kohaku deserves happiness
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I found some bugs in my hair. It's probably Alice!
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i dont get it
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Asking Rikyu to teach you how to make the best kind of tea
Taking regular lessons with Rikyu and talking regularly
Going on long tangents unrelated to the lesson and discussing all sort of things with Rikyu
Developing a deep, emotional and caring bond with Rikyu
Asking Rikyu if she wants to go out on a date
Telling Rikyu I'd like to even though she responded with "What? With an old man like me?"
Going to some of the most beautiful places in the world with Rikyu
Seeing Rikyu smile at experiencing something wonderful each time
Eventually after enough lessons, making tea that Rikyu really loves
Getting down on one knee and proposing to Rikyu
Seeing Rikyu in a beautiful wedding dress - black of course
Living together with Rikyu
Planning children with Rikyu
Having sex with Rikyu unprotected with the intention to have children
Seeing Rikyu nursing her pregnant stomach
Holding Rikyus hand as she gives birth
Seeing her face as Rikyu smiles at her new born child
Telling Rikyu I love her and Rikyu responding with "You've made this old man the happiest woman alive"
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Isn't Charlie 3 supposed to be Super Perfect Charlemagne? Or is it still finnicky?
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Why didn't this charlie appear in traum
there she go...
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/alter/, by my Command Seal, make a good post!
So you can roll him 5 years later.
Maybe? He has none of Karl's parameters tho
>Command Seal
Getting 2,000,000 event points is a hollow victory. At least I can reap the rewards of hero crests and dragon teeth.
because the Traum writer is a retarded hack
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A lice
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It's been so long since I last grailed someone that I've built up this idea of being cautious about who I grail in my head and now even though I've specifically decided who I want to grail, I can't bring myself to do it. Like I 100% want to grail these two servants but my brain is saying "hold on"
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So does that mean for guda 9 they'll give us kukichiho or whatever the sword dog's name is?
People been saying that they're a trifecta in multiple ways. Seems odd they'd give us two and leave out the last.
That's just weird bro
It's just a game bro, relax.
She's not goghne, she kam back...
Liz is perfect
Ruler OC
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Shouldn’t this Yamanami guy have Presence Concealment, Espionage or some skill related to stealth?
Cause his style in 2 events have been of deceit and to avoid attention
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Unless they're rolling him and Serizawa into a single servant, considering literally used Serizawa's body during this event, I don't see it happening.
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Most the shinsengumi qualify as assassin class. They just shove them all in saber because one they're swordman and two no one wants another crappy assassin
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Free maidous

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