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Eromancer edition

Previous Thread: >>493552753

2D Hentai games (Hentai RPG, Violated Heroine, H-Action Games) General /hgg2d/ former /vhg/




>/hgg2d/ Game Archive - IPFS Edition



>Nifty translation tool by Anon:

>RJ Gallery SCRIPT

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Please wait for page 10 before making a new thread.
I like this OP better
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I choose this thread!
This is the one.
As I was saying; 10/10 game. was hard to resist the horny onee-san honeypots and plump big titty mommy seduction but managed to get the best end.
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Play Bloodroot!
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>no fantia update last month

Rindou's neverever is never gonna come out bros...
Yeah, I also choose this one over that hag Monica. I really don't want to see more Acerola slop.
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SEX with Alcy everyday!
FFS Blight's bosses are kicking my ass, I'm not even at the Sage Group hq
But I like it, I wasn't expecting it to be so endearing
No I won't play it on casual
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The series is just full of comfy adventures, that's why people like it. The sex is the cherry on top.

>I'm not even at the Sage Group hq
I'm gonna assume you're stuck on this fucker? He's the casual filter of the game. I do have some tips saved for him and playing in general
>equip Composure Guards on as many people as you can, you can buy more if you have to. Confusion can really screw you over if you get unlucky, so try to get Acolyte's Recover All skill if you can as well
>try to get Striker's Wind fist skills on someone since he's weak to Wind. Thaumaturge's Wind skills don't work that well since he reflects magic sometimes
>get Queen's Royal Bind on someone for two free turns
>get Warrior's Wide Block for some damage resist
>if all else fails, gear up and get levels
He is easily one of the hardest bosses in the game.
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Best Acerola retard. Perfect mix of stupid and slutty.
>the casual filter
Ayyyy, I knew it lmao
>composure guards, wide block
Yeah, I've gottem, guard force too, unsurprisingly alchemy is important
>he reflects magic
Yup, I'm taking a break because I just figured that out hah. I try not to play games the first run through with a guide, but I've had a few peeks, definitely should revisit some areas
Does Rondo Duo (a flash based game) have any save files? Should I make a copy of the files to not fuck with the torrent?
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It's not a bad idea to use the sequel bin's tips for blight, it's a lot more obtuse than all the games that came after. I remember I didn't get that many of the optional classes when I played the game. They're not totally necessary and you're railroaded into the best ones (Dark Lord, Queen and Nightmare) anyway, but still. It's nice to have all of them when you're doing the harder fights in the postgame.
>There are four NTR routes:
>Barbarian (Pure Love)

Wait, seriously? Does the Barbarian genuinely like her? Please tell me more.
what ge?
Jesus Tapdancing Christ, these two absolutely fucked me up. Especially Rabi
>fucking crits four turns in a row
And this is on Casual
>multiple routes
>silhouette sex
>detailed h-status screen
bazed translation when?
Just don't attack when Tirma does her counter stance, and make sure to shit bomb Rabi's buffs away. If all else fails, go level up with chickeners, they give you access to it right away for a reason. Yanie and Lec make it easy too.
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visit arisu
Duuno about Yanie but Lec carried my ass during that fight, Darkness + Debuffs and Erase was a huge help. Had troubles with Tirma's taunts though, but still. A bit disappointed because i thought i'd see FakeRabi as well, my boy Dire at least could reunite with him
Oh I meant Yanie and Lec are good for chickener kills. I think for that fight, I used Sheila, Nosh and Clar. Clar is kinda busted because of his full party heal and big damage.
Like how Liz has a preggo mod, has anyone made a difficulty rebalance mod for Rune's? It's too easy, especially for an alchemy game that focus on material grind.
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>the only real option for "bimbos" that I get in nip games are Acerola femcs
>but they basically always suck, and the side girl bimbos are better
acerola are the kings of "side girls are better" and it's not even funny any more. fuck sake even that yukino purple haired girl or whatever her name is is actually BETTER as the side girl in one of the other games were she gets teleported to that worlds universe instead of her own game
What's a good scaling mode in magpie for h rpgs?
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I don't play NTR games, but I need to know, did he win?
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he wins the fight but later it depends on your interpretation
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Yes. Going dark lord is always best end
Now play the THP killer.
Who are the most notorious schizo tier batshit crazy devs, for whatever reasons, but typically piracy? I recall Asgar and the Tunnel Escape one. Who do you remember?
I only remember the Tunnel Escape dev because of all the broken english of people in the fag95 thread getting their computers shut down.
Do they really bump threads without even testing the games? kek
9 years and no other game allowed the same route as thp
Dev put malware in the game to brick the pcs of pirates
I know but I thought fag95 would test the downloads they're posting before pushing it to the updates page.
To be fair, I don't think anyone expected the dev himself to put malware in his own game.
I forgot the name of some harvest moon esque hgame where you could impregnate lolis but going for the real young ones you'd be called pedo, anyone knows a bunch of games so I can find it again?
this girl looks very cute
I'm sure that means her game is good too and not a trashfire
Let's go harem farm or some shit
RJ01083992? Can you fuck the lolis?
That's one of the games, the better one of the recent two. You can fuck the ones in the previews. The other one is RJ402453. The game is substantially worse than the other one. You can fuck them right away without any buildup. Both games are mediocre.
>To your ridiculous argument though, if you're incapable of conveying something in your language, you're simply not very skilled or creative with it.
>to presume that you can monkey-patch your expression with whatever semantic chaff you find floating around in the whirlpool of your lukewarm mind's whims, and that the rest of us ought be okay with with that, is pure arrogance. Simple as.
Nice self-own.
>without build up
I tried that one to see if it was any good despite that but the sex scenes were straight ass too. They were short and they didn't look great. It makes me wonder how it got dlc and a steam release.
It sold pretty well to no one's surprise. I'm not sure if jegs do these types of games well. I can't recall any good examples right away. There are some decent wegs I think, but they're... as you might expect... either abandoned or incomplete. Also, no lolis allowed. So.... yeah.... not a good state of affairs.
Yes you can. You can't fuck the youngest one unless you do time travel shenanigans.
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>Defloration rape masterlist
I know it's not a popular fetish, but posting the list anyway since there are now just over 300 games listed with confirmed virgin rape.
Wish devs would be more consistent with including the Virgin Female tag in their games.
fag95 is like those city ships in warhammer. oh the machine spirits were angered, eradicating three bloodlines of worker clans in the lower levels? yeah we'll send a tech priest down in a few days to calm the terminals.
Wish I understood what this means. I like the vibes of W40k, but it's just too deep4me.
>I'm not sure if jegs do these types of games well.
Let's go harem farm was good and although it's not really the same thing the monster rancher rip off was pretty fun too.
There isn't anything to get, really. It's an endlessly wide puddle like any form of franchise-based collaborative western fiction.
no one cares about your unheard of game
It takes fag95 forever to respond to issues, remember that hoohaa when a bunch of wegs were found to have malware? Most of them were up for a week or more before the announcement was made and the links were taken down.
not him but basically it's such a large website with so many members and threads that the staff are always miles behind, to the point where the typical strategy is to spam the threads of games with malware to keep them near the top so that the mods notice and eventually send someone, but as I said above, that can take days all the while esl's keep feeding into the meatgrinder of dodgy files.
Rogue Trader was nice and deep tho
Cute lolis, I'd play if nyaa or fag95 had it
I think I checked and saw they were all Daz goblin shit too like who the fuck cares about that slop getting pirated.
read more books anon
>I know it's not a popular fetish
anon that's like the ONE thing you can find in almost all FMC hentai games wtf
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what did saikey mean by this?
I accept your concession.
You acted all high and mighty and yet you couldn't provide an answer to what you'd have done instead and ignored the fact that no matter how familiar you are with your own language some things cannot be directly translated and as such things will often be lost in translation.
>anon that's like the ONE thing you can find in almost all FMC hentai games wtf
Do you mean just virgins, just rape, or virgin rape?
And well, I meant that virgin rape in particular doesn't seem to be a popular fetish here on /hgg2d/ which is why I don't post the list as often.
>almost all FMC hentai games
See the "Rejected" sheet. A lot of games either keep defloration consensual or fail to explicitly confirm the virginities of the girls.
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>Anon so booty blasted that people don't like zoomer memes in their translation that he brought the argument to the new thread hours later
Erm, what the sigma?
ah has one of the curtain scenes. I will now play your NTR trash
Name good games where the girl is stuck with a hideous ugly otaku freak (or similar).
>traced AI shit
Wasn't a part of that argument but i'm adding my two cents, translation should always be as close to source as is possible, it's like how Nagatoro's anime subs had words like "sus" and "scrub" in place of "weird" and "suck". Using slang terms when slang terms weren't used in the source material just makes things age poorly.
I know some doujins but I can't really think of a game where you play as an ugly bastard and also have it be a singular femc, typically the ugly bastard MCs are in harem games or walking event collectors but most ntrsloppa has an ugly bastard route. I wish there was more pure love UB because it could have a positive message about "what's inside is what counts" or "learning to love yourself", honestly I just wish that there were more cases of ugly bastards that aren't bastards.
This was a game I thought about but I thought anon meant 1 guy 1 girl.
His answer is to write fanfiction. That's the obvious allusion he's making when calling translation a platform for """"creativity"""" instead of a mechanical process using an existing information pool. He won't say it out loud because he's a subversive trannoid running damage control while knowing his viewpoint has already been rejected by the general community.
>Using slang terms when slang terms weren't used in the source material just makes things age poorly.
I agree. Seeing "thot" in my translation just had me scratching my head.
You're getting both the time frame and the content wro-
Nevermind, carry on.
What gaems are you anons waiting for
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They made a manga about NTRanon and his quest for pure love routes
I tried out Nebel and the gameplay loop is garbage. Even if I was a hardcore NTRfag I wouldn't put up with all this shit just to see RNG content. How does this have such high reviews on DLsite?
Did you somehow miss >>493676034
>"bad gameplay is better than no gameplay"
Also because hardcore NTRfags enjoy the suffering, you don't understand, the garbage gameplay loop adds to their fetish, the same reason THP still has enjoyers despite being literal tortureporn to play and experience.
>gameplay loop
meme term
>Unity game
>1.5GB compressed
>11.7GB uncompressed
What the fuck is this
What's the latest about VB Ragnarok? Is it coming this year or next?
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I'll take the short girl with massive tits. We can save them from NTRman if we work together and cuck him first.
High Quality slave trainer, the kind where you grope, insert, whip etc with the mouse, has many different scenes, routes and endings, mainly focuses on turning the strong willed kunoichi into some form of debauched sex fiend, the routes are just what sort of fiend you want her to be, the entire thing is voiced and animated, that's why it has such a large filesize.
Games where you can pimp out your girls for gold?
Late 2025, and that's from before finishing the kickstarter. Add the 14 or so max tier pledges and everything else and it'll probably be December 2025 if not early 2026
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your girlfriend's face after she just watched you sexually torture your ex and sell them off into slavery.
Do girls get aroused by seeing their competition suffering?
That doesn't work and I don't see how it slots into here >>493636161 for example. The first Tis might work but the second doesn't and there's probably lots of examples of Tis not fitting at all. You'd probably end up removing a ton of nojas or forcibly rephrasing stuff to work a Tis in a way that doesn't feel natural. Noja being a sentence ender makes it easier to throw out like Lec does without really breaking the flow of the sentence because a starter dictates what comes next. Unless you're implying Tis would be a sentence ender too in which case it just doesn't make sense in English at all.
I meant this image.
Now equip her with a dog collar.
Read the first 3 chapters, it isn't very good unfortunately.
Nagatoro sus is the worst example you could bring up because she's an actual zoomer using the word Japanese people actually say when playing amongus lmao
not the same girl but here you go
More games should have pregnant by bull gloating end
This but futa bull.
This also futa has balls
This but I eat futa balls while alice blob watches.
Feta MC game where
Futa netori game would be kino
You are genuinely retarded and I don't even know where to begin with this.
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new ero fighting game engine doko
I wanna try and make my own RPG Maker eroge, is there any places I can get guides and stuff to help me get started?
Also what version of RPG Maker is the best?
I liked it, combat was gimmicky most boss fights get quite easy if you find certain items made explicitly to simplify the bosses but engaging even with the items, it wasn't autowin, more like removing the bosses ability to instawin and Luna was a cute and endearing character, so much so that I never bothered intentionally losing to see scenes and actually just played normally, the side characters were cute and felt like people as opposed to victims of circumstance or blank slates there to fill up the scene quota or add variance, good game.
If I were in charge of translating it she'd speak generally like an old fogey, and I would change the gobi to "By gum!" or something, while also using it more sparingly in general.
Crumbles too easily, we like HRPG heroines who resist and hate it for the first bit
Im lookin for a game I lost. Im pretty sure its about three guys climbing a tower because they all got turned into girls. Its gameplay is similar to Aria's ero trap dungeon where you collect atk-def-hp buffs to headbutt enemies like a puzzle almost.
>and I would change the gobi to "By gum!" or something,
So now that we know you revived this argument for the sake of shitposting could you fuck off with it?
>t. monolingual mouthbreather
Does this pinkge have a recollection room?
Start by rewriting the sentence in the image so we can actually tell what your version would look like instead of theorycrafting your translation.
This seems to be the unfortunate nature of it where the only way you make it sound more natural after removing noja is to change it quite a bit and the noja joke is sorta lost in translation. Even you recognise how "By gum!" or something wouldn't work if used as frequently as noja plus it carries a different tone. This is why I'm personally a fan of leaving it as it is.
No anon, YOU start by learning some Japanese, picking up reading as a hobby, maybe doing some translation work, and then maybe, you might possibly be equipped to have an opinion on this in a few years. From my perspective, I just gave you a laptop and told you to open it, and you started smashing it against the wall and shitting on it so your greasy shit might lubricate the cracks and let you pull it apart easier. That's how dumbfounded I was reading your response. You actually just have no idea about anything.
games with faithful housewife?
Real life :^).
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have you guys played wolf dungeon?
But anon, you don't have to be a football player to talk about football!
Go on Steam and buy MV. Run it and start doing stuff. It's really that simple. The entire interface is premade. It has all the songs you're familiar with. You can import others from the different RPGM versions or even your own music, not like you're gonna be publishing whatever you'll be making right now anyway, so anything goes. And off you go. Start a new map. Pick whatever tiles you want, make some ground, add some buildings, maybe decorations and shit... then add triggers to the relevant squares that teleport you to different maps, like doors or entrances... Just make a bunch of stuff every day for a year or two. Get a really cool collection of various map types and terrains and labyrinths and all sorts of cool stuff going... now you just need art and writing and you have yourself a porn game.

Can't believe I typed all of this dumb shit that nobody's gonna do, and if they did it would constitute a weg.
You forgot the most vital step, set up a patreon and milk coomers forever.
I don't need to speak jap to know what flows and works in English. Refusing to retranslate it just shows that you know Tis doesn't work without heavily changing what she says or having it not make sense. We accept your concession though.
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All this noja talk just makes me want to replay Sequel awake
I actually I apreciate the response, thank you.
Gonna do just that, maybe someday I'll have something half decent
You're right! How foolish and shortsighted of me!
MV is rather expensive at full price, anon. It gets fairly regular discounts, upwards of 85%, look it up on https://steamdb.info/app/363890/ if you're serious about it and just wait until it's cheap.
It's the best one.
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Nah, colony and kludge are my favorites. Awake is my least favorite of the main series.
What do you do when she inevitably uses her verbal tic noja in situations where tis is not appropriate?
Kek. You give her an archaic accent and then for the lines where she only says noja have her say 'Tis. Now go drool on yourself in a corner somewhere.
>B-But then you'd have to change things!
Yeah that's what happens when the original translation is so horribly wrong and butchers the character. And I'll emphasize once again, you are not equipped to have an opinion on this, so don't even try.
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Japanese speech gimmicks will never translate well because japanese choose speech gimmicks for aesthetic and phonetic reasons that are fundamentally impossible to convey into another language. Take umu in >>493740225. The crux of why Lec uses umu to express agreement is not her being an old hag who speeks in an old timey way, otaku don't give a shit about something like that. Luc uses umu to express agreement because it's fucking CUTE. Old timey english is not fucking CUTE. So just like a man will never pass because he's too masculine, trannylators will never pass because english cannot both literally or metaphorically accurate to the japanese message, and simultaneously match the aesthetic sense of the japanese chosen for the dialogue. It's an impossible task, and that's why everyone needs to learn japanese.
>and then for the lines where she only says noja have her say 'Tis.
Thats retarded
so this is how urinals are setup huh. games with this feel?
she could just say hai! and it'd be just as cute if not more, but she doesn't because that wouldn't fit her character as a...
>old hag who speeks in an old timey way
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I too just finished the final boss, though it looks like there's a decent bit of post game content to do still. Very good game overall but I didn't like how it kept having scenes for other girls. One of the few games where the side girls are all inferior. Rico is pretty good too I guess. H wise the later scenes leaning more toward sensitivity increasing magic and machine type stuff is a bit of a let down but overall it's a good spread of content.
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What's retarded is leaving noja in an English script. That shouldn't even be an option in your brain if you're a competent translator.
It's like thinking you can properly convey Shakespeare while disregarding iambic pentameter.

According to your logic the most cute page of writing would just be "hai!" over and over again.
I'm glad you're not the one who did the SEQUEL Awake's translation and I'm glad people with your mindset are being run out of the industry as we speak.
no that would be dogodogododogdon but thats not the point
With enough experience anyone will realize it shouldn't be done.
GPT-X won't be leaving that in, either
Kek, you think chat gpt would leave the noja in?
Why wouldn't the nips train their translation algo to do what makes more money? They sure as fuck won't let it rant about patriarchy.
you've made me add it to my backlog, I hope it's as good as you're making it out to be
Anon it's very simple. A translator's role is to translate, not to leave Japanese phrases untranslated so terminally online mongoloids like you too lazy to actually learn the language and fuck off to the source material can clap and arf like seals getting thrown scraps of fish from their handlers.
Refer to >>493742913
Is the start of >>493637191
Hope more games have reverse NTR.
To be fair, that anon probably played like 10 minutes of it, with the Dazed no period lol spam translation no less, saw that the first scene doesn't have a CG, and his brain melted.
Does anyone have RJ01247995? The only site I can find that claims to have a download link is "Hentaicovid", and that website seems suspicious since you need to make an account to see links and it looks like one of those Japanese honeypot "download" websites.
Dazed worked on it?
Is it a sleeper hit?
How can they be related if one of them has eyes and the other doesn't?
that faggot mtls every ntr game that comes out
You're not a competent translator because you want to change what she says to make her sound like a sperg, she's not a sperg, you are. If you can't help but bleed into the character and can't do it proper just fuck off.
games where you gobble up americunts and save the world from evil?
That site name in itself is already suspicious as shit.
The game just released. It's better to wait for more reliable sites/forums to upload it.
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>noja is what non-autists say
Okay anon that's enough baiting.
No, it's kusoge amongst kusoge. The art is fairly decent and I can get off to it, but it's not a game, it's a corridor with porn scenes strewn along the way.
Does the concept of an exploration game just not exist in your mind? You do actually need to run around doing things to get the true ending too.
You are retarded noja.
I leave -suu in too. We're reading japanese writing with japanese writing quirks those of us who consume japanese media WANT to see.
how do you localize noja?
Anon please we've looped twice already.
The Noja Question
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>noja is what non-autists say
Anju isn't an autist though? You're legit retarded and want to turn characters into your own personal randumb "creative" fanfiction. I'll take noja or just removing it.
Why isn't Netori more popular? All of the good stuff from NTR with none of the being a cuck.
It's the being a cuck part that's what makes NTR good.
Gameplay was too jank for me.
netori is sword art online
There's plenty of Netori in pretty much every non-NTR MaleMC game, a netori-focused game is more difficult because you have to actually make a gameplay loop and story that allows you to steal the girls, Netorare gets away with it by having all of the corruption and interactions happen off-screen so they don't have to make a compelling reason, they just need to go "er blackmail", it's different when it's the player themselves attempting to steal someone, Netori with shit story is worse than Netorare with shit story.
It's okay anon, you might not be showing it right now, but I know you're not really this retarded.
You don't even need a compelling reason for netori either though. Just go in there and do what NTRman does and raise her lust stat
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Okay be honest you fuckers, if you saw someone playing Fumika out in public, would you talk to them?
me on the left (bitch)
Sure, you don't *need* it but you should have it, Netori / Netorare without context or build-up is basically parody.
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File deleted.
Left is literally peak, 171's chest is too large, 158 is too cute and 160 is dysgenic and out of place compared to the other 3.
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I love height differences
pure sex.
Awake had the most enjoyable party building for me because of the Lec Nazuna suicide bomber combo.
meh, it's alright.
What genre is this game in?
i'll take the blue one on the left to be processed into an onahole, you can do whatever you want with the others
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You rape people
Sounds good
Are you an oneefag or shotard if you like oneeshota?
if she were 12 years younger, would
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Thighs way too fat, girls should be slender
Looks more like a sacrifice to the dark gods.
¡Dios mío! ¡Expulsa al diablo de este lugar!
You like being pampered by older women.
But I'm kind. Gentle!
Yes, I would like to purchase the maid on the right, please.
nta, but that's a very retarded stance. It's in fact very common to leave things untranslated if it conveys things better or if an appropriate translation doesn't exist, or if leaving it conveys some characteristic better. The most obvious example would be names. No one translates names even though names are actual words with meaning. Imagine if Kojima in English got called Smallisland (小島).
It's also very common not to translate name suffixes when they aren't -san. Hell, sometimes even -san is left to leave the feeling of japaneseness of a character.
Because of the fact languages fundamentally work differently it is impossible to not lose things in translations, the compromise is that people want to read as much of the original as possible without needing the other language so they can partake in experiencing the same jokes, characters and events. It seems like most people are happy for when it's impossible to translate something to just leave it and maybe have a note explaining it. The opinion that EVERYTHING must be translated seems to mostly be held by lower tier translators who are failed artists and want to inject things they come up with to replace untranslatable stuff (usually jokes).
P.S. One of my favorite examples of an untranslatable nip joke is, Why is it important for a woman to have a left(左) and right(右) breast? Ah, because together they are erotic (エロ).
I hate rape, I hate it so much, it literally kills my boner immediately, I put it up there with scat for how much it disgusts me.
Doesn't stop the japanese from putting it in every single game THOUGH.
Noja is noja you kisama yatsu. omai wa ore no nakama janai n dayo
This is still my favorite NTRge. It wastes your time and is shit in a bunch of ways but I can't think of any other work that goes to such lengths to bury the MC (and arguably the player). Maybe NTRPG2 but I don't like pixel animations.
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Kage bunshin no jutsu
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>It seems like most people are happy for when it's impossible to translate something to just leave it and maybe have a note explaining it.
Yeah no, if you make me have to stop my experience to read a TL note, or bothering me with nip garbage, I'm deleting your shitty readme you worked oh so hard to write, and the game entirely, and switching over to Dazed instead.
What would the Daze quitting do to the EOP population?
TL note: anon is a retarded ESL
>english translated
>download it
>it's clearly mtl
i hate it
Anon you just turned him from a jop to a jopper.
Nothing, because his audience is ESLs. EOPs at least understand English, which is more than can be said about fag95ers
You sure took a lot of words to write: "I'm a mouthbreathing retard".
Why even translate keikaku at this point when every weeb knows what it means? Like, seriously.
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It'll always be Colette for me.
That's a (you) problem, which speaks more of your propensity to read garbage you will forget in a week where there is nothing to be lost in a translation and no need to care for intent. Had you the expirience, you would know for important books it is very common to be riddled with TL notes to make sure you understand what is going on. From legal trasnlations, to religious works like the Quran, and historic fiction like Dante's Inferno.
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If the girls were better designed, I would have been interested in the game.
Has there been a single good Femc corruptionge this year
pink flat Yuuka betrays...
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>No one translates names
>Imagine if Kojima in English got called Smallisland (小島)
Anon you're too late, I've become immune to these baiting attempts.
This game gave me a craving for futa mother NTRing her son
Well it's a good fucking thing I'm not reading Dante's Inferno over here now isn't it. Retard.
What's your favorite game from Excellinghusband Smallisland?
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the japanese were just native americans all along
I like her because she's genuinely sweet and innocent. FeMCs that can melt the local edgelord's heart are always great. Hell, even her sluttiness can be waived by mostly just attributing it to the chip in her brain making her go haywire, as opposed to your typical Acerola FeMC, who just comes off as a whore with how easy she opens up.
It's always the English translators.
The japs can handle their alcohol.
Acerola games would be better if you played as an 11 year old getting corrupted away from her older brother and school boyfriend instead of disgusting H cup bimbos
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I learned somethign today
I'm not sure what the Japanese have to do with vikings.
You already said that you would prefer reading machine translated garbage. You already lost any right to call people stupid or have anyone take you seriously.
>admits to reading garbage
One of those shit-posts that is false but sounds good at a glance so it'll fool retards.
Why do you ask, 二犬交尾?
Felt called out huh?
What's your opinion on Marvel movies?
Should I give Asylum a second chance?
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/hgg2d/ - Translations and Localizations
it's pretty consistent, so if it's not something you like, you won't be liking it more later.
It's been 2 years, maybe I'll like it now.
Anon... loli is... a niche genre.
Who do I translate デス gobi
I was thinking having the char repeat their statements to a small extent
Another example of the aforementioned.
I never encountered it.
It's apparently very archaic
Will fumika fantasy 2 be good?
This is all part of my psyop to make you retards never want to talk about this again, so I can grind your waifus through the twisted gears of my mind and feed them back to you as paste, spread over toast and caked in parmesan.
Anon, I desire to learn more about 158. Can you assist?
sure bud, don't see how that relates to my statement
Acerola games are the most normie shit on the market.
And we haven't even gotten to porn sound effects yets
>Acerola = safe, middle of the road, nothing too out there, just decent quality, mostly vanilla
>loli = the only tag that gets games purged and deleted, so radioactive that fag95 tosses a coin on whether to let a game with the tag through their verification process.
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Smartest cuck though, instantly figured it out
Not niche for /here/ but outside this cancer research blog it is one of the few things that sets the normalfag on edge along with zooniggers and of course, truelovechads.
Any games that flopped that you wish did better?

RJ01231295 for me. There are 5 animations, 2 are clickable (ignoring the a clickable nude art and base outfit). There are 8 CGs (which are mostly aftermath sex scenes and not with the action taking place) and honestly, it's expensive for the short game it's offering. But I did think the animations were decent, though no climax ends. Hopefully the developer builds on this since the heroine design is cute.
Are there MMF scenes in this?
If "slop" and "flop" are part of you regular vocabulary then your opinions don't matter and your posts should be completely disregarded
bunny stealth ge RJ01035902
>part of you
Typofags should also not be regarded.
Cringe cope.
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ehh I think most people don't care. It's always a vocal minority screeching
>figures it out
Ah so is this actually playable? I thought it's one of those netori games where the cuck only exists so that tag "NTR" can be added with no further involvement
what ge is this?
yeah and they'd be better with lolis, what's you're point
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I googled Azami and Kamiyama and this was the first result
That's what you think, then your roommates report you to the FBI for that Fumika body pillow that comes in.
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Sakura Wars. As in every other game of the series, you can romance a loli
Well yeah, I think most people think it's weird but are generally indifferent skewing "ew", weirdly enough there is a correlation(which does not equal causation) between extremist views and loli, generally moderates do not have an opinion on it but extremists on both sides are very passionate about it, typically it is a key part of the free speech debate.
That Acerola will never do Loli because they do cookie-cutter big-breasted femc corruptge.
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meant for
>but extremists on both sides are very passionate about it
as in, the people for it are passionately into loli, but people against are passionately into real children?
Most normal people don't voice their opinions on the subject because it's generally accepted that, uh, having sex with kids is wrong.
I dunno anon these days it's not so clear. Some of the creepiest and most obvious pedoposting I've seen has been in the comments section of loli/shota art on gelbooru.
cartoon characters are cartoon characters. If they look like real people to you then you are the mentally ill one. No sane person cares if you marry a loli in your videogames. Just look at rune factory
I'm pretty sure no sane person regularly plays video games where you can marry children.
Hello Amos Yee
You guys aren't talking about people, you're talking about goyim.
i'm not arguing for either side, i'm a hagfag, i'm just stating that the people who fight over loli's are also fighting over other tangentially related politics and with the exact same battlelines.
>it's generally accepted that, uh, having sex with kids is wrong.
Agreed, I also don't think the average normalfag is terminally online enough to even grasp what loli is, some corporate drone working a 9-5 office job with a wife and kids has little to no stake in the argument, i'm sure if said people were informed about what it is they would be grossed out, the whole debate regarding loli is so messy and crosses so many political borders that it's not even worth getting involved and batting for either side, whether fictional characters and stories should be liable to real world laws, whether loli is a depiction of a child based purely on physiognomy when even the creator claims they are of age, whether it is a bodytype or an age group, is the inverse acceptable? Is it alright for a fictional character to be underage if they don't look it? So many layers. The whole thing is ridiculous.
Don't look at me like that Arisu. My tongue is all raw from Miria, Rika, and Chie. It'll be your turn soon, I promise.
>That Acerola will never do Loli
Except Acerola does loli all the time? Just off the top of my head:
Tear has a loli as the main sidekick (Korin)
Colette has a loli as one of the major party members
Clair has a loli as one of the major party members
Melissa has a loli as the FeMC (she's literally in the title)
He just doesn't do have any lolis in his NTRge for some reason.
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Very nice 2D hentai game discussion.
Did you miss the whole incident with Soulash 2 where the dev implemented historically accurate child marriage and homos threw a fit asking when it would be their turn, so he banned them all from his discord?
What the fuck is Soulash 2? Anyone who even knows about the existence of that game is not a normal person.
People shitting on circle despite never playing their games or only after just playing one game?
/hgg2d/ would never.
Asmonberg made a video on it you retard. The dev came out of it with positive reviews and like 4 times the player base lmao
>shitting on circle despite never playing their games or only after just playing one game?
This is me with Sharkslop btw.
Same, but with Juan Juan Juan stuff.
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Can you give me some fairly new vanilla loli games that aren't one-rooms?
He actually knows all about it and wants to pretend otherwise because it was another massive L for troons in vidya.
and you will never be able to have a reasonable discussion, because the average 97IQ person will not be able to hear anything without immediately clutching their pearls and screaming about real children. Same thing happens with violence discussion really.
Ending 4 (life with the dragon loli) is canon according to U-room.
He considered doing a sequel following Imos’s daughter with the loli, but it never happened.
Fuck Nazuna.
I will!
Fiction is fiction.

Could fiction cause a person to go off the fucking deep end? Yes. But that's typically a freak occurrence where for every single person that went loco and did a crime after something they read/watched, there are million of others the just went: "Huh, that was weird/disturbing/fun/interesting." and went on their merry non-criminal lives after consuming the same material. Point is, those people were already gonna snap one day and anything could've set them off. It just happened to be that piece of fiction.
The discussion people don't want to have is how to deal with those aforementioned people that are already ticking time bombs. Because unlike sperging out about fiction, that is something that will have actual effects and consequences.
So Fumika’s actually a JK with body proportions similar to Taimanin Yukikaze’s right?
Does that mean in any other art style she’d be hot?
Nah, sperging out about fiction has very real consequences, like power-hungry people that decide they're the thought police and the resources that need to be expended removing them from society.
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dazed (pbuh) will save us from localizers
It's easier to have an emotional outburst and say "you just want to kill people/rape children", and then you're stuck trying to defend yourself. There is a very large segment of the population with whom you simply can not have a discussion about fiction and it's influence or lack there of.
>localizers anonymous
>lolicons anonymous
What happened to talking about games?
localized lolicon games
No new games.
You rike?
dope. Keep it up anon!
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Does a slutty evil homewrecker FeMC game exist?
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You know I didn't want to say anything since everyone seemed so happy and used to it already, but now that 3 years or so have passed, I just have to say.

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There are some with a couple of scenes focusing on that, but I don't think there's ever been one with that specific focus.
It got a lot better for me when it moved to the new link recently. Though I don't really use it much.
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if only i had known this was an otome game before playing i wouldve enjoyed it more. many such cases
>They will call you many things but they will never call you a liar...
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New link is laggy for me too.
Never happened before, made me think the roomers of aliceblob mining was real.

I probably will just find the sources myself since I only even used it for lolige anyway & get the rest from f95.
>even spoonfeeding in regards to lies
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games where reversed traps have their secrets revealed and violated?
>colony has markers for locations with Guardians
Finally, my forgetful ass is saved
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Video games?
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fits all my kinks yay.
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Anyway, where are the loli games?
My 'eck arrives tomorrow. Which ge work great on the 'eck?
holy yikes
Would you kindly return to your dormant general
soon maybe?
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wrong general bud
female MC who lures and betrays other females to their rapepits is hot.
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EOPs mocking those who choose to learn Japanese, when in fact English is the easiest language for machines to crack, making it the least valuable language to learn in modern times.
bro wants another guy cucks another guy for the 999th time
But ntr and futa are equally shit fetish for disabled people?
What do you mean crack?
Black don't crack tho
Lol as if, English gets a new update every 2 weeks. My cousins in Slovakia are still using slang from 15 years ago.
EOPs aren't considered human.
am i doing something wrong with the

https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmasqEtvzbBHFTof9ffhGS7hASHrjJuBhRfiVXXueeZz7p link?

I try to go to the link and it says the website cant be reached for both links.
i blacklisted a bunch of ips earlier who were accessing the bin too much without a history of seeding
>You give her an archaic accent and then for the lines where she only says noja have her say 'Tis.
So you pissed and moaned about having noja in "ruining the joke because it's just that she's repeating stuff like an autist" but then your proposed solution removes noja COMPLETELY in most cases replacing it with "an archaic accent" and having her say Tis randomly instead which completely destroys the joke. Your proposed "solution" is terrible and retarded and it's funny that you said inability to translate something is incompetence or lack of knowledge but you admit that you can't translate it properly without destroying the joke and changing her character to say noja way less. We all knew you were just talk retard kek.
flat milf with wide hips...
fumika online was cancelled, anon.
oh no... *turns on vpn*
>the least valuable language to learn on the planet is one of the most spoken languages learned across the globe
The pure cope of people who wasted their lives speaking a dying language like Japanese never stops being funny
Japanese is honestly an utterly useless language for most people living outside of Japan. It's obviously useful for translators and those that enjoy the Japanese culture, but also those who go there for work. But if you're learning it solely to enjoy the deluge of slop that comes from Japan for the sake of entertainment and gooning, you're doing it wrong. English is a far more valuable language. Not only it doesn't clutter your mind with useless runes that only the Japanese can understand, it's also comparatively easy to learn and shares a lot of similar words with other languages and is understood to some extent everywhere around the world. Every single other language has been in some way raped by English with loan words at the very least, Japanese is no exception.
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English is the most easily translatable language. If learning Japanese is "a waste of time" because it can be machine-translated, then by the same logic, the biggest waste of time would be to learn English.
Not one person argued that English is easy to translate so is inferior to Japanese, the fact that a language no one needs to learn (JP) is being made easier to learn by AI is the joke. Always has been, always will be. No one EVER spends years of their life learning English, I didn't, you didn't, no one did or does. It's something most of us learned as we grew up watching American/English TV/cartoons aired in our countries

The butt of the joke is you or others wasting years of their lives learning Japanese when now it can be instantly translated better than most of you can speak/read it thanks to AI. No one gives a fuck that a language that almost the entire world knows is easy to translate. Your levels of cope are through the fucking roof right now
Yeah I wasn't going to mention it but part of the reason why Noja works but Tis doesn't is that Tis doesn't run off tongue as well plus it's not cute. That sort of goes for old timey language as a whole in English. This is also why "blobbity blob blob" doesn't work at all either it's not cute it's just kind of retarded.
where's the page where she gets banged by her ojisan coach
>fag95 "translator" no longer calling his MTLs as "Similar to Fan Translation" but now just lying and saying it's "Fan Translation" due to being asked and made fun of over his MTL
A shame this faggot had to taint Jermaneels.
please understand english is the easiest language to learn if you made americans learn a more complex language they'd still be stuck in elementary school by the age of 25
>If learning Japanese is "a waste of time" because it can be machine-translated
Learning Japanese is a waste of time because nobody gives a shit about Japanese outside of Japan.
Japanese is honestly on the same level of worth as Uzbek or Tajik or Thai languages. Congrats, you can watch cartoons and play porn games without reading English text, that was 3+ years well spent!
The difference is English is a commonly accepted second language. You can talk to all sorts of people from across the world with English and it can also help you get a lot of jobs you otherwise couldn't but the only reason you'd learn Jap is if you wanted the unfiltered experience of their media for fun. You might be able to land a translation job if you're good enough but it's ultimately not that useful because most people aren't using it on a day to day basis which most people aren't.
If I was a fag95 moderator I'd outline the basic rules and say fan translation means 100% manually translated by a fan. Partial or Edited MTLs aren't "fans" translating it's a machine.
hmm nyo i think i'll learn some nihongo
It's sad as fuck that you feel the need to punch down on people for learning something and expanding their horizons, even if the reason is pointless.
I mean be a little self-aware of what site you're posting on.
You summed it up perfectly. I'm a Yuropoor and I know 3 languages. My mother tongue is what I'd call completely useless on the global scale and the other language that I know is likewise relatively pointless in terms of communicating with foreigners over the internet. English simply mogs everything else and is extremely flexible and easy to learn. Everyone knows the words fuck, shit, sorry, please, thanks, and so on.... Literally everyone, even 3rd worlders living in mud huts know at least 1 of those words.

Also, although Chinese may be one of the most known and spoken languages alongside Hindi, due to their grammatical structure and cultural isolation (at least the Chinese in any case), they're also extremely useless and completely alien to 99.9% of foreign peoples. Compare learning an entire new alphabet or two of them (kata/hira+kanji) to 26 Latin letters that constitute ALL possible combinations of ALL English words.

It's not even a competition. English mogs everything else in terms of viability, practicality, ease of learning as a foreigner with a Latin based alphabet, and so on. Everyone that thinks otherwise is completely fucking delusional.
>haha eops aren't human we jops are very smart and superior keep waiting for that ai translation noja xD
*some time later*
>it's sad that you feel the need to punch down on people for learning something and expanding their horizons
fellow jops play japanese games but read it in english
>Partial or Edited MTLs aren't "fans" translating it's a machine.
A machine... cooled by fans!
I'm an EOP myself.
learn chinese
bcz cheg supremacy
>expanding one's horizons
You may not feel the same way, but knowing multiple languages is honestly sometimes a pain and feels like clutter in general. Do I really need to know how 1 thing is called in 10 different ways? For what fucking purpose? A competent native English speaker will always mog me in a debate. What am I gonna do? Start cursing in my mother tongue? Hahahah, yeah, might as well just don a clown hat and nose at that point.

Sure, other languages can be nice, sound good and whatever, but from a practical standpoint unless you go live there or use them to make a living, they're a total waste of time, especially now that AI is going to make everything obsolete in the next decade or two with instant voice translations of conversations.
soon even korean will be more relevant than japanese
Cumge when?
why should I care about some language being useful for a "job"?
I'm never going to get a job
Okay let's not get ahead of ourselves kek. Korea's only cultural exports are kpop, some mmos and mobile games and maplestory.
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wrong, all h-games will be in hindi by 2030
I can believe this considering the migration numbers. They'll use JP voices cause they sound cute, but Hindi text.
Half of them can't even speak proper english anyway
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need more games with slutty maids, no more hags
>no more hags
then stop playing them, retard
>Every single other language has been in some way raped by English with loan words at the very least
this is funny because nearly every language has raped English with loan words.
The irony of people talking the high ground of finding better ways to make use of time while posting on 4chan will never stop being funny to me.
>talking the high ground
>No one EVER spends years of their life learning English, I didn't, you didn't, no one did or does.
My C2 diploma begs to differ, but I learn languages to be able to more accurately understand different cultures. You accept ML slop as fine.
>useless runes that only the Japanese can understand
It's actually rather simple to jump to Chinese from Japanese. The pronunciation and grammar are all different, but the runes range from same to recognizable (馬 vs 马/馬)
Yeah no shit your day job will probably not use all of the stuff you know, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't pick up other stuff. Especially if it relates a lot to your hobbies or where you spend your leisure time on.

>D-Dead language lol
>I have better ways to use my time!
And yet you're a nigger whose media consumption primarily composes of stuff from Japan and you spend a lot of your time, maybe even hours per day, on a fucking mongolian basketweaving forum.
All of this is almost alway just cope from people that are too retarded or lazy to pick up another skillset or language.
>The pure cope of people who wasted their lives speaking a dying language like Japanese never stops being funny
And here I am learning Latin and Ancient Akkadian
Some people genuinely spend their time learning Klingon
nice to see a future catholic priest around here
Different languages actually let you think in different ways. There are entire regions of the noosphere that are inaccessible to you unless you can think in specific ways.
Sure, we could argue that most languages have molested English to some extent, especially with more exotic loan words, but English has fundamentally raped others with theirs. It's not a fair comparison to make, but let's do it anyway...

What Japanese loan words are used in English? Tsunami, ramen, judo, sushi, uhh... I'm sure you'll come up with more relevant examples.

And now for English. Toire (toilet), deto (date), erebeta (elevator), baiku (bike), messeji (message), kompyutah (computer), hambaga (hamburger), paso-kon (personal computer), lida (leader), gemu (game), and so on... If that doesn't constitute at least as statutory rape, I don't know what does. Especially considering how common they are in day-to-day use.

It's all about degrees. In a boxing match both fighters are going to get hit and hurt in most cases. Japanese has grazed English, while English has sodomized Japanese and made it its bitch.
toilet is french, date is latin, elevator is latin, bicycle is greek, message is latin, computer is latin, hamburger is german, leader and game are english.
So you're saying that not English, but whites raped Japan? I mean, okay... that's fine too, I guess.
The whole "wasting time learning X" argument especially for a hobby cope always seems weird to me.
Yeah obviously you have your own thing/life/day job/whatever already going on, but not everything has to be in service of that.

Are people so buckbroken by wagecuckery that they always need to weigh all the stuff they do in how "practical" it is or how it can make their wagecucking less miserable? Never mind the whole angle of talking about making better and more meaningful use of one's time while posting on 4chan and all the irony dripping with it.
Greeks and Italians are not white. Med bulls did the raping.
Of course everything has to be judged by its usefulness and practicality. That's just how life is. Do you go through a ritual of specific hand gestures before you pick up an eating utensil each and every time, even after you put it back down? No, that's a fucking waste of time. Efficiency is important. And look, if you really like it, if it makes you happy learning it as a hobby, that's fine. Go ahead and enjoy it. But if you're doing it for the sake of being able to access content quicker, if you don't fundamentally like it that much or care in the first place, then what the fuck are you doing? I have nothing against it from the perspective of learning it as a hobby. I hope at least you won't get too upset and moan about AI making your effort irrelevant. You did it for yourself and because you enjoyed it, right? That's what matters or mattered, I hope. That's all.
>Are people so buckbroken by wagecuckery that they always need to weigh all the stuff they do in how "practical"
considering lots of people in here are probably neets it would make sense
why learn anything at all? just be a skillless waste of oxygen that cant even provide for himself
actually, latin is for the cool songs and akkadian is for the epic of gilgamesh and enuma elish
the absolute state of wagecuck consoomer mentality
>Do you go through a ritual of specific hand gestures before you pick up an eating utensil each and every time
in happier times people did, they called it praying.
>he folds his toilet paper into perfect rectangles before wiping
>SEA hours yet again
As much as I'd love for AI to make learning jap irrelevant for someone like me who only cares about their media and not speaking it I highly doubt AI will get on that level any time soon if at all. I mean this thread has proof that tons of people disagree about how lines should be translated and this would mean that there will be tons of times that the AI makes decisions people dislike. Also when it comes to plotge sometimes wording is very specific and intentional and I feel like AI would probably not be as good as humans for translating that sort of thing.
>he doesn't fold them into airplanes to perform anal 9/11
never gonna make it
Itadakimasu! Or as modern tranlsators often put it "rub a dub dub thanks for the grub!"
>modern tranlsators
those times are long gone anon...
>not using a bidet
>I hope at least you won't get too upset and moan about AI making your effort irrelevant
Why the fuck should I run and get fit? Cars exist.
Why the fuck should I learn how to drive a car? Public Transport exists.

And at the end of the day, there are still people who choose to fucking walk.

I'm no luddite, but the fellation and overreliance on modern conveniences and technology is just sad to look at. There is no guarantee of everything. Remember when internet etiquette was all about anonymity and freedom? Now you better watch what you say and you need fucking IDs for nearly every fucking service. Future AI use will most definitely get cucked by some bullshit payment plan or some form of government red tape. And when shit happens where AI either gets compromised or rendered inaccessible (even withstanding the actual reliability or quality of AI), you're up shit creek without a paddle. Its always better to actually know how to do things yourself.
Well, you're wrong. AI is already capable of doing great localizations, it's mainly limited by the context provided or costs. Arbitrary limits, basically. Go compare Mid Exit 2007 MTL to dazed's GPT version. It's not even close. And considering how vastly different and context dependent the Japanese language is to English, there's always going to be a certain degree of nuance that's lost or that won't be liked by someone, and that's fine. The general meaning is conveyed to a more than satisfactory degree with or without various colloquialisms and such. For everyone but the most die hard of fans, this is perfectly sufficient. As I said before, don't get too upset that AI is going to make learning it redundant. The majority is going to be happy with the 2nd or 3rd choice of words utilized. Not everyone's as a perfectionist as you may be, and such accuracy isn't even required for HRPGs. Let's not kid ourselves. This isn't important literature that should be carefully translated to the best possible extent.
So you agree with me on the matter of usefulness and practicality. I think I'll be 100% perfectly peachy without knowing Japanese in the event that the internet goes dark or society crumbles. Also, walking is a bad example because it's inherent to humans. We do it indoors. As for outdoors, it really depends on the culture and layout. America wasn't built for walking.
>considering how vastly different and context dependent the Japanese language is to English, there's always going to be a certain degree of nuance that's lost or that won't be liked by someone
It's amusing that mediocracy is the best you can hope for

Linear RPG but I felt tried to remain true to my wife but that sinful harpie pulled me into darkness.
How are you gonna communicate with the future global overlords if you don't know their language? Enjoy being turned into sushi.
so TL;DR you are satisfied with slop, and can never hope to experience something with more meaning, because it will only be served to you as slop.
Again, it depends on how many fucks I have to give. Anon, I'll be candid. These are pirated indie hentai games that I play to jerk off. They really don't have any other deeper meaning than that. Yes, I coom, therefore I satisfy. I am happy, in my lane, moisturized, unbothered, focused, and flourishing.

I wouldn't be happy with low quality things that are of actual importance to me. It's really that simple. I don't take shortcuts or necessarily buy cheapo stuff IRL, nor do things half arsed. But for Japanese and HRPGs? Not an issue!
I'm pretty sure I've seen modern translation slop do the "rub a dub dub thanks for the grub" recently though even though "thanks for the food" is better and makes more sense.
Never thought I'd be saying this in /hgg2d/ of all places, but you're a tourist
If it's a HRPG, if it's for mindless entertainment and gooning, yes. Definitely I'm satisfied with relative slop, depending of course on the content and context of the word. Think of it what you will.

AI voice translation is already a thing. It's only going to become more common, accurate, reliable and efficient in the future. If society breaks down, however, neither Japan nor China will go overseas. They'll have plenty of problems to deal with at home.
>seductress that isnt a succ for once
holy shit picked up
Anon the assumption was you had no AI due to some crazy anime plot. Now how are you gonna communicate with the cyber samurai so that they don't eat you and fuck your mom?
No, I'm a pragmatist. I don't take this hobby "seriously", whatever that means to you. Clearly this matters way more to you than it does to me. I've been here for years and I've always treated these games as I described. The vast majority of them aren't even worth consideration in the first place due to how bad they are. And if you consider less investment to be tourism, so be it. I'm fine with that too.
I'm not arguing that things haven't improved I mean compare google translate to gpt4 for example. I know some things being lost is inevitable even with human translators but I think AI is always going to lose more than the average human translator especially when it comes to plotge. I think think AI being able to translate things better than our old MTLs is great but it's never going to be better than a good human translation. So unfortunately retards like me will inevitably be losing some context and all I can hope for is good human translators to translate plotge and reduce the amount im losing and for AI to be decent enough to translate games that won't get human translations while not being as good as good humans. That being said when it comes to corporate SFW translations AI might be better than censored slop that gets put out but we'll have to see about that.
remember anons, this is why spoonfeeding is bad, you attract the wrong kind of attention.
I still don't care either way. I'm really not interested in learning Japanese, and I never will. But you go ahead. Your what-if scenario is cute and all, but far detached from reality. It's just a fantasy in the end. Project whichever fantastical scenario makes you the happiest. That's great!
I will get back to my Anki drills and learning the language... I just need to get a better paying job again.
>AI voice translation
I tried WhisperAI to transcribe h-asmr before and it's extremely hit or miss especially if the girl is moaning the words during a sex scene or if there are multiple speakers.
You have successfully convinced me to take up learning nip again. I pray I never become such a bleak mindless consoomer like you and can continue to appreciate the finer points of things.
>he lacks the information
Enjoy being less than slave caste.
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>sees loli elf cohab game
>cool, wonder what else this artist is ma-
>insect rape and NTR
That's just how things are and if ultimately such nuances matter a lot to you, if this hobby is that important to you, you're free to learn the language at any time in order to make your own interpretations. It's a matter of how many fucks there are to give. I'm gonna make a food analogy that's going to upset some. Preempting this to prevent that, to an extent. Say you have a slice of pizza you bought at some bakery or pizza place. It's whatever cheap stuff they had around. That's AI MTL. It's good as it is and "it will do". Now imagine being able to order various extra toppings or getting one to your exact specifications and tastes on demand, then and there. It's way better and you're happier, which is great. But now you're done eating it. It was either an ok or great experience. And now you go about your day. Maybe some 15 minutes have passed. You have other stuff to do and think about. That's where the whole practicality aspect factors in.

I'm happy with Kagura's Kozue translation.
>insect rape
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*hops your walls of text*
Insect rape NTR is pretty based too
The fact you chose that example makes it seem like you don't take pleasure in anything. Are you like a drone that just has a checklist "satisfy food, satisfy masturbation, satisfy thirst", go to your job, and just mechanically repeat this every day?
The problem is I'm so retarded that occasionally I google certain words to double check im spelling them correctly and such even though English is my native language. If I'm that retarded in my native language that I feel like I probably shouldn't be learning another language. Plus from what I've heard Japan uses several thousand different runes for their language that all look samey to me which seems far more complex than English where you learn the 26 letters and the sounds they make when put together and you can basically infer pronunciation off of that. Then let's say I did learn all those runes and how to pronounce words I'm probably still missing the cultural context of how those words are used. Despite everything I'm somewhat tempted to try and learn Japanese anyways because I'm just a NEET and I could maybe learn through the media I already enjoy.
Most, if not all, ntr games are absolute dogshit.
Not because of ntr, but because devs don't know how to make it/write it. Why would I give a fuck about "my wife or gf" when you spend like 10 minutes together, for ntr to be good you need time to build a serious connection to your so.
Shit devs.
The fact that you are this hellbent on painting me in such a negative light makes it seem as if you think of me as completely 1 dimensional, that I only have this 1 thing in life. I have lots of other things to do, that I'm far more invested in. Also, why would I need to go all the way to 11 in order to find pleasure in something? I don't need to squeeze every last drop out of a lemon to enjoy the lemonade. I'm fine with some of it remaining and just tossing it out. If that bothers you, hey, not really my problem. You do your thing and I'll do mine. Just know that I'll enjoy that AI MTL from time to time, loss of detail included.
most of ntr games are made as a soulless cashgrab to ride the perceived popularity of it
Hey, if you think you'll enjoy it and if you don't mind giving up eventually in case you don't like it anymore, that's fine. I don't think of that as a waste as long as you had fun, if you succeeded or not. It's not really that important to you or detrimental in any way, right?
For how much you allegedly don't give a fuck. You sure are hell bent on replying to everyone and making all sorts of justifications and defences to yourself.
Are there any good free resources you'd recommend for learning the basics? I've heard that "immersion" methods for learning are good but you need to at least understand basic common language first.
I'm not hellbent on painting you as anything, I'm fascinated because to me you unironically sound like an NPC. I'm probing to see if there's any soul in there. The constant appeal to efficiency and complete disregard for art is something i only thought existed in memes.
You don't get it anon.
He needs to show that he doesn't give a fuck.
And what better way to show that by replying to every single person that questions his position.
Are there any hentai visual novels that are legitimately fun to play? And by "fun", I don't mean gameplay, I mean story. Something that really pulls at your heartstrings and immerses you, like omori(a truly sublime, although non-eroge, example). So many fricking eroge play exactly the same; I get it, it's fap material, who gives a shit? I do. If I have to sit through one more half baked nothing burger bog standard hentai visual novel with absolutely no real substance, I am going to have an autism attack. To experience just one masterpiece... that is all I ask for...
> really pulls at your heartstrings and immerses you
> like omori
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>again and again they fell for it
Since you're asking for vns, my go to recommendations are muv-luv and muramasa. Rance is very fun and endearing, also probably my favorite game, but on a pure storytelling level it's not some masterpiece. There's also Utawarerumono, but for me it was something i liked in retrospect, going through it feels very generic storytelling wise.

Also, there's a fucking general for visual novels. Go fuck off there instead.
So I'm supposed to just walk away because you said so and you're right no matter what I say? Okay. I won't do that, but I don't care enough about what you think if you're leading the conversation this way, so I'll ignore such replies.

And to me you frankly sound very autistic and like someone who has high demands, maybe even borderline controlling or policing. I don't need your approval or to do or see things your way in order to derive enjoyment from something. I'll build my sand castle the way I want. It will be flawed and imperfect, but it will be mine and I'll enjoy it for the time I'll be building it. Maybe I'll take a picture of it too to preserve that memory. You can have your 4k ultra HD castle too. That's great. I'm happy for you. But then I move on and leave you behind. I don't really care what you do or how you do it, you know? Reminds me of the whole you aren't living your life correctly meme. That's how you sound.
oldfag JOP here
i rarely post now so it might not be apparent, but i still see you the same way
i'm an ESL and seeing the EOPs here get uppity about not learning japanese for a predominantly almost entirely japanese media is about the same as another guy in my country getting uppity about not learning english since the harry potter books got translated anyways
as in fucking stupid
if MTLslop had truly deleted the language barrier i could talk about the games i played here without getting a "translated?? bro why are you talking about that when it's not translated?? bro? bro???", but that's not the case
instead the EOPs just have an extra anus they tongue for translations now
machine translations at that

>No one EVER spends years of their life learning English, I didn't, you didn't, no one did or does. It's something most of us learned as we grew up watching American/English TV/cartoons aired in our countries
funny when this is what pretty much everyone here did for japanese, just with rpgm porn games
did you not catch the memo?
it takes like a month of playing porn games and translating them word by word with tools to get pretty fluent
HRPGs? Not really VN tier in most cases, there are a few outliers, but I wouldn't recommend them over high quality VNs with plot and deep characterization. If it comes to VNs, a very safe recommendation is G-Senjou no Maou.
Go to vn general, retard.
>i rarely post now
>i could talk about the games i played here
a couple of lines and jop already starts to contradict himself while making up a strawman
learning languages didn't help combat alzheimer's, gramps? already forgetting that you're posting from a perspective of a "i don't post, but here's my valuable input"?? XD
>i still see you the same way
as smart people who don't brag about learning a language to fuel porn addiction? don't flatter me
>Maybe I'll take a picture of it too
You sound like you'd take a picture because you think it's something you're supposed to do. The divine spark has left you.
No, not interested in your tabloid, sorry. I will refuse the message. Bye.
>insect rape
Bugbros finally getting good content
>I don't care
>I'll ignore such replies
>I don't need your approval

Says the guy who replies with walls of texts vindicating himself to multiple people every single time.
We get it, you're an insecure slurper that has to justify himself to people that call a spade a spade. You've already done the whole "You do you" adage multiple times already. You'd think you'd just fuck off already after that point. But you still come back every single time someone pokes you.
This has long left the original topic and become a personal thing to you where you need to have the last word. Do yourself a favor and fuck off already man. Maybe throw in a last (You) too if that helps make you feel better.
ESL moment, more so than that other ESL who actually bothered to learn human languages
>another terminally online snowflake incapable of holding a conversation has been offended by a difference in opinions again
oh no! anyway...
/jp/ called, they want their fat virgins back
They can come over here instead, plenty of touhou to go around
yeah I'm sure they'll loooooooove the fat patch jank we got
>uses mtl that removes any interpretable depth
>comes to the conclusion all h games are mindless
Couldn't be me
For when a thread gets overrun by bad faith posters, how long does it usually take till they get bored and fuck off because I wanna talk about geimus.
>Gets hit by truck
>Goes to dragon quest
>Gets harem
Why are all books so shit?
The smart choice in these times is to just fuck off and come back later. Actually have fun with the ges and don't be a miserable fuck like the past hundred or so posts anon.
interpretable depth right there
truly a work of art
i am definitely not a retarded baby who doesn't read any literature and finds "bad people do bad things, it is what it is" message of THP to be profoundly deep
>he wants to discuss games
>he doesn't discuss games
>he moans about discussing games
>he's still posting
>he totally doesn't care though
>already in dragon quest
>become a slut
Mature Quest was great.
yes anon, i do still rarely post here so i have experience on how it goes
but i'm not here to make fun of you for each occasion you have a meltie :^)
glad that you got it
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Meme art aside Megrim's new game is a pretty fun adventure game. Shame that one of the few H game devs that actually knows how to design an RPG is also a complete schizo.
Kiara's game is just a CG collector with extra steps.
>so i have experience on how it goes
which is a retarded strawman? jops, please, this is getting retarded
JOPs are mentally ill with their entitlement. They cannot accept that EOPs don't care about them and will play the games without understanding Japanese. They're very entertaining with their attention whoring.
>They cannot accept that EOPs don't care about them
>meanwhile EOP can't stop spamming his shit take
I almost thought that was one of his women. What the actual fuck! This art almost looks good. I like the detail on the swords especially. Too bad he's dressed like a caped rapist or some weirdo exhibitionist. I don't get it. Imagine this with gladiator like armor.
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Any recent games with thin virgins?
learning japanese is literally useless unless you want to become an english teacher in japan (aka a loser with no respect or future) or plan to somehow settle in japan permanently (you won't). learn a useful language instead.
but muh hidden erogems and muh anime though :((
ٱلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ
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When he's not designing grotesque hags he can make some cool enemies. At the very least I respect that he makes his own enemies instead of using stock RPGM assets.
French hasn't been relevant in a long time
Mandarin's about just as useless, bugman. Language isn't important when all you do is getting shredded to a pulp by a factory machine.
>cool bosses
but that looks just like the women he draws anon
Languages are spooks, return to monke
future dominant language of Europe? more useful than japanese
the language of over a billion people that slowly takes over the world? more useful than japanese
nip and chink are the same language, like English and German
but I didn't even bring up chinks? learning that shit is even worse. I'm saying learn a useful language relevant to where you live. If your in burgerland for example then that language is probably spanish since half the country speaks it at this point anyway
go to the streets of Poland and say that Russian and Polish are the same language
try to find me one guy who played through RJ146143
or pretty much anything that didn't get BAZED or KAGURA'D
Nice game discussion
They are, slavs just cope about it due to historic grievances
Nice. I'm a fan of unique designs, even if it's just a reshuffling of some cat and maybe bird almost talon like claws, not really sure what that is. But hey, it's unique and that makes it memorable. But yeah, his women truly are a crazy turnoff. I couldn't like one of his games that I tried. Mechanically they were fine though. Same deal with Kirstin and what's her face.. Rinko. The former I completed and just ignored all the porn, but the latter I just couldn't get into, even though the world is so fucking well designed. It pains me not being able to play it due to the art being so grotesque. It unironically triggers my gag reflex.
i won't because there are none
now link me to a post that has
>translated?? bro why are you talking about that when it's not translated?? bro? bro???
as a reply to (You) trying to talk about games
>uhhhhh if you can't recall the posts you made and go dig them up from the archive along their replies, i won't believe you!!
peak cope
are you a chink since you sound just like those "i'm right until you prove me wrong!" faggots
i've got my experiences and i've got my opinions based on those
i'm sure you'll find a more docile sheeple to talk to if you just want re-affirmation
It was painful on the eyes and the instant sex and pregnancy during combat with random nobodies was terribly implemented and paced. From what I recall, getting a cold meant using meds or going back to heal, due to how strong the debuff was. Other than that, pretty good overall.
>i don't need proof, i only need to make up someone being mad and that's enough
i accept your concession
quote what I asked you to in the next reply, otherwise don't even bother
>this is a competition and you won't win unless you make me think you won!
okay kiddo
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Yeah I like the idea of it but the dev went too far in trying to be an authentic old school rpg experience. Every time you'd get to a new area you'd get your shit kicked in by the new enemies. And some of the boss fights are pure bullshit.
>i won because i made up a thing that never happens
iq status?
What should I play next?
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>main game is a barely functioning tech demo after four years
>still makes random minigames and side games that nobody asked for
The wegdev brainrot is real. Technobrake does piss off chinks though so that's fun to watch at least.
getting over it with the mesugaki
Please understand saar, he needs the $20k for his therapy bills. The game will be ready soon, just 2 more remakes! The port from VX to MV/MZ wasn't enough. It has to be Unity!
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>game stays on development for 4 years because dev wants morbillion subltle facial expressions on both sprites and h-scenes and go deep into farming which ended up simplified anyway lmao
Didn't he finish a game in like 2 months? (assuming he wasn't fucking over his patreons and making it in the background)
The guy just never wanted to make cuck games but can't say no to the western cuck money, despite probably making way more if he just kept pumping out finished games.
Where exactly do you experience the slowdown? If it happens when you click on "Bin" it's because it takes a while to sort by date.
If it bothers you just disable javascript or clone the git to get your own copy of the bin.
I guess we figured to the answer to how much skindentation is too much
>good morning sir
>trying to find good hentai games
>every thread exclusively discusses visual novels or RPGmakers that are just CG galleries u can find on sadpanda
>95% of anything tagged "animated" is just motion tween stretches applied to still image CGs.
>if its not going to be animated it should at least have lots of costumes
>it has like 5 costumes or majority of costumes are retarded things no one would want
>if its going to have neither it should have variety like VH,
>the game is either total vanilla or just one fetish.
>maybe western games are better
>sonic-level autism art-styles, projects barely move for years, all the same problems.

Do u guys feel its all pretty mid?
why u guys never discuss Aurelia or Crimson Keep or the VH remake project?
why dont we at least develop a tierlist/guide like /mu or /tv,
insect consensual NTR is better
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i was waiting for someone to laugh at this too, even AI does hands better
were we raided by fumis? why is almost all of this thread not about gaems? xD?
sorry, I've been too busy playing non-h games.
>tier list or guide
This would be very difficult due to arguments over judging criteria, ranging from translation, gameplay, fetishes, narrative, engine, and so on... I don't think we could agree on anything and it would devolve into trolling or flaming. Such tier lists are only possible on sites like fag95 with actual usernames and active moderation. Even then with open voting they'd be susceptible to bandwagoning and smurfing and other nonsense. People will go to extremes for almost anything. So why bother? There's the bin, it has most of everything, along with some honorary wegs. Everything else needs to be assessed by you on an individual basis.
>aurelia, crimson keep
These aren't Japanese. Look to the OP for the link to the weg thread, which is dead btw.
>vh remake
I'm unfamiliar with this. Is it western or Japanese backed?
because you made this post to get (You)s instead of actually wanting discussion I will post another general's meme in response

Dunno what that means, but thanks for the superchat!
>I'm unfamiliar with this. Is it western or Japanese backed?
He probably means https://gitgud.io/vh_english/vhmv
So... it's dead?
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>last commit: 1 hour ago
Yeah, it's ded.
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Oh... my bad. I skimmed through it. Saw that it was created in fucking 2018 and the latest thing got authored a year ago. I checked the activity now and I see that it's being worked on. Any idea on what the progress is like and what entirely this entails? Is it just a port into a newer engine along with a translation or are they improving and adding events? Is the original still being worked on and content from it ported over too?
But also, genuine recommendation is Majikoi for fun. All of it. Even if Majikoi-S is such a slog.
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You probably spent longer censoring these than making the tier list.
Conventional taste.
>not eating enough fiber so that your shit doesn't dirty your ass
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Yeah who would want to learn the language of the country with the most successful and rapidly expanding artistic sector in the world lmao
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Majikoi bored me to sleep.
>Who would want to learn Japanese when their cultural exports have been incredibly successful thus far!
>He says, while posting Demon Slayer sales, from a publisher that translated the manga to English so Amerifats can enjoy it
Japan is overrun by pajeets and western influence, China and Korea are future
Was literally preparing to type up a post about this, how can someone be so fucking oblivious to why something was successful outside its country of origin. Did he really think the entire comic/manga community learned Japanese just to read Demon Slayer? Absolutely fucking embarrassing
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Which language is most useful for more fantasy novels like pic related?
I'm willing to learn any which provides the best daughterfucking experience.
The Covid boom for digital entertainment has long since ended. US comics are in a downfall due to mandatory DEI garbage and will soon get better again or go extinct if they decide to double down. Although these people are woke as fuck, they aren't entirely stupid. They need to make money. If DEI doesn't work, they won't do it anymore. And learning the language is pointless due to localization, as already mentioned by other anons. But hey, if that's what you want to do, if that's what you enjoy and if that's what makes you happy, go right ahead. But could you stop pestering everyone how it's important or whatever? We don't care. Either localizations or AI is good enough already.
Is it really that hard to talk about 2D hentai games?
The more pressing question is why does he have only 1 daughter? Why's he content with 1 and 1 only? Why not have more? In fact, why not have more with said daughter?
Shes the one that grooms him
You don't understand, when someone is wrong it needs to be called out. It needs to be addresses and rectified, even in the face of defiance and dishonesty. There's no greater good in this world than proving someone is wrong, especially on the internet
Why didn't you plan Hinata-chan game yet?
That's fucked up, man! I'm calling the cunny police! On a serious note, why doesn't she want his seed? Immersion broken! She should be the one demanding at least 10 kids!
Can someone copy him with better art and different poses?
The concept itself is solid bust a nut material but developer is a lazy ass retard who don't know how to capitalize on it.
You could've done just that instead of posting something so useless! Instead of reacting to someone's posts, you could've started a discussion on your favorite game or whatever upcoming slop, yet you chose to virtue signal instead! It's on you!
Because it's the first time I've heard about it.
OneOne1 games just get worse and worse as he ages.
Does anyone think that maybe these games are like 99% garbage and a waste of time? I played the new VP and also Ricca's game and kept hunting around for more but they seem to already be the cream of the crop so to speak and everything else I tried has been a let down.
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She spawned a mini-me... Any babymaking games where the daughter actually grows up aside from Lilia's Blooming Season?
I read only a bit of it but I believe that they're both immortal after she becomes the demon lord, might as well take your time with building not only a football team but an entire league.
I enjoy 90% of the games I play and I play a lot of games.
Do any daughterfucking games even exist?
Male fantasy and female fantasy are two sides of the same spectrum
>RJ01229230 mid September
the pokemon miko NTR game will finally be completed
Yes. How new are you?
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>Trannoids really tout their trannylation as the reason Kimetsu outsold the entire american comic book industry.

>Mainlanders really think they're going to surpass the country their entire cartoons and video games industries are copying

>anon really thinks DEI is going anywhere when it's just DARPA-designed state propaganda being funded by a money printer

Your various points are all well and good, but suppose there were merits to viewing the content and the production environment of the country with the most successful artistic sector in the world without the filtering and censorship of trannylators on top of the already significant intellectual barriers of one's language differences?
Yes. But there needs to be more
Futa cocks
Name every daughterfuck RJ then.
with balls or without?
Princess Maker
I can think of at least 5 more on the fly but I'm not spoonfeeding you any more than that.
>Your various points are all well and good
Thanks for conceding, you really didn't need to write all of that other shite that no one is going to read though
with blobs.
I think they're more or less the same and as consistent as Acerola, Sharkslop, and Clymeme. By that I mean that the art hasn't been drastically improved or changed, and that mechanically they work the same way. In Acerola you have either forced defloration followed by RPG or NTR with jobs and sex in 5 minutes. In 111 you have the whole morality route system, with vanilla options, prostitution, or genocide and bestiality. In Clymeme are generic CG hunters more or less. And Sharkslop is raise corruption to max, advance level, repeat, alongside balanced RPG and a mid story.
I wish I could have broader taste
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True. They found their own formula and stayed with it. But it gets boring real soon.
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Why aren't you answering the question?
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Don't we all?
To give you an idea, I enjoy loli, vanilla, NTR, Netorase, blackmail, hypno, impregnation, captivity and prostitution. Corruption games are alright. I enjoy good simulation games, adventure games with good events and flow, and even some scene viewers.
There are, I'm not contesting that. Knowing the language itself is a great boon and in terms of understanding all the nuance it puts you ahead of EOPs, but I don't think the effort and time spent learning are worthwhile for just this. I don't care enough, is all.

A practical example would be onii-chan vs big brother/broski or itadakimasu vs rubadubdub or whatever... Look, I know that some are more sensitive to this than others, specifically the Japanophiles or whatever... but to me it conveys the message just fine. I'm really not that picky about such details.

It's when they go into insane territory like the Maid Dragon example, bringing up pesky patriarchal demands or whatever, intentionally mistranslating and not merely taking liberties with localization, that it crosses the line and I'll start sperging out about it. I don't care for their political agendas in my entertainment. I interpret it differently if AI fucks up, as long as it isn't too big of a flop due to whatever censorship it has holding it back...



Liberal localization = fine by me.
Deliberate mistranslation = die in a fire.
It's not in englisch
Why bother when it's exactly the same as Fran's game?
Sounds based
>estimated play time 1-2 hours
>moralist with 5 different artists contributing to the project, alongside possible ai use
>A practical example would be onii-chan vs big brother/broski or itadakimasu vs rubadubdub or whatever... Look, I know that some are more sensitive to this than others, specifically the Japanophiles or whatever... but to me it conveys the message just fine. I'm really not that picky about such details.
Rubadubdub is just a childish memey way of saying "Thanks for the food". Nobody says that in English either so it feels like a calling card of a translator instead of real dialogue. It's an indication you're playing a slop translation rather than a good one because the translator wants to be quirky instead of accurate. The reason translators are so cocky and outright censor or add scenes is because so many people know they're getting slop but don't care so long as it's vaguely similar to the original intent like you.
man this general sucks, where's the games at?
It would be impossible to discuss it ur right.
Im talking about an A/B voting tool, if u "search A/B voting tool reddit HenryLoenwind" that guy made a tool doing exactly this. collating everyone's would need a website and scoring but the point is /mu and /tv have made their own collective kino lists.

yeah they're not japanese, but anything save CG, basic games are seldom discussed.
Yeah its to taste, but I'm surprised how consistent the taste of this general is.
I can find decent games myself, but I can't check here to get kino, that's disappointing.

Sword of Sucubus (RE239624) was good, I didnt find it here.

Yeah theyre remaking VH for the later rpg maker- theres a discord, plus theres also a few branches by other guys with some good content.
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Any hidden gem harem games with 1 or more loli members? I think I've already played them all.
You're basically saying you'd rather be slow poisoned than poisoned overnight. There's a reason people take these "minor" mistranslations very seriously, when viewed in aggregate of frequency, mentality, and projected over an extended period they become a very substantial and malicious behavior. You're basically being gang stalked every time you seek exposure to foreign ideas through japanese works.
Ur cringe
It's not because of me though, cause I don't pay for any of these things. Beggars can't be choosers. In terms of anime I understand some of the spoken lines and derive context from that, and I'm sufficiently familiar with a bunch of Japanese mannerisms to also understand when English liberties were.... exaggerated. But it's still within my tolerable limits. I'm speaking entirely for myself here. Of course I'd be happier if the translation was elder god tier, like what stonefred provides, but again, I'm not a paying customer. So whatever...

Talk about Monica. It's the new hotness. And mind you, talking about the quality of the translation is on topic because these are Japanese games that cannot be understood in most circumstances unless translated.
Well anon, I wouldn't be opposed to you attempting to create a tier list for us. It has to start somewhere, by someone, right? You could be that person since you brought it up and know so much about it in the first place. I don't visit either /mu or /tv, but it does sound like an interesting experiment, although you'd probably need to impose some kind of limit on the number of titles because there are literally thousands....

As far as game discussions go, typically we talk about plotge, nostalgia, or games with actual gameplay, typically nothing about erotica itself. I cannot contribute to the game you mentioned cause I tend to avoid anything related to succubi.
>I'm not a paying customer
It's not like they'd ever know. If westerners were willing to throw tantrums like Koreans or Chinese people whenever devs do something they don't like we'd be getting less censorship but ultimately a lot of people think like you and either don't know or don't care. There's also the problem where unfortunately unless a bilingual bro tells you they fucked the translation up it can be hard to know if things were messed with to begin with. Some of us who are more into Japanese media might notice some tells like zoomer slang which might indicate they're changing stuff but other that we're rely on bilinguals to tell us things have been messed with.
I mean... I'm already fine with the microplastics, pollution, seed oils and whatever... so okay... I concede your point. I have too much shit going on in life to worry about these details. Either it will stay the same, get worse, or improve... maybe a little of everything but depending on the source... It is what it is, man.
You just brought up the crux of the entire argument. They don't know. That's the thing. And ultimately if they aren't as involved with the culture to know at least these basic words like itadakimasu, ohayo, imouto, etc... they aren't invested to care in the first place. I have some understanding when liberties are taken and when mistranslations are done, but I don't care enough to do anything about it. That's pretty much my take in the end. Don't know what else to tell you. I forgot what we were even talking about.

Learning Japanese? Again, feel free to do just that. I'm fine with the brainwashing.
Hope life works out for you anon. Maybe take a break from this general. Arguing too much over meaningless shit is unhealthy.
>Localizer still going on about why people should accept his memesubs and zoomer lingo
Damn you are obsessed
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nepu geimu RJ01258175
a translation for this already exists
I made an objective point on my stance, there's nothing to question and nothing of worth you can ask that needs answering. If you don't agree with what I said then that's fine, just because you don't agree doesn't mean I need to adhere to your rules when you're the one playing my game
Too big
>a translation for this already exists
This game had better have an oyakodon scene with middle and left.
it's a free game the dev has been working on, this is just him throwing it on dlsite too I guess
I'm not a localizer and I'm not forcing anyone to do anything at all. All I'm saying is that I'm fine with it, even if you're not. You're the one who's either intentionally misinterpreting this in order to bait a reaction or who's upset that there are people like me around, who have much lower standards when it comes to accurate localization, than you.
We can only hope that AI will force translators to step their game up out of fear of them losing their jobs. AI will be worse than a good human but it might be better than a bad one.
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>it's a free game
Why the fuck do I have to pay for it then.
Yeah, I played this one. With "played" I mean I browsed the CGs and deleted the game.
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Hard agree with this list honestly. Especially you putting Three Charms R over Lonesome Spirit. R was amazing.
for paying you get
>included content
>recollection unlock function
>strategy guide (can be opened from the recollection room)
>DLC (2024/6 support bonus)
>complete version (2024/9 support bonus)
I actually played it halfway, then stopped trying just to see the bad end scenes. Your way is probably the best way to play it.
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kissing games?
no u
this was kinda disappointing
>Does the Barbarian genuinely like her?
I haven't played so I'm going only off of reviews and previews. But it does seem that way. It's a rescue romance set up, he saves her and she slowly falls in love with him.
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Not seeing Aria's War Chronicles there

I'd take an AI translation of Unicorn Overlord.
It's good example of translators taking way too many needless liberties, when there is literally no untranslatable expression in the Japanese, causing changes in characterization and tone.
I would've put Rashe's game in Epic instead of Bretty Gud because the story was so cute, although i'm biased because I love all of Kaze-t's games.
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what about tsunami then?
any nice pixelge recently anons?
I'm still trying to wrap my head around taking a character that has a set appeal and morphing it into something completely different. Why not choose a character that has larger tits? Why take a character with a smaller frame and make her look like every other femc in existence? I don't understand it. If you like the way Shirabe looks then why change it? Changing her proves you don't like her base design which means the original appeal doesn't apply to you, so what's the fucking point? It's the same for people who take flat characters from anime/video games and give them larger assets all round. I don't fucking get it, just make an original character instead of latching onto a fake version of some character you pretend to like but actually don't
>JP: イレニア。。。
>EN: *huge wall of text*
This game confuses me, I dont follow closely, but some posts show her being perect and beautiful aka cunny... And others show her as a hag...
Azure Orphanage is fun so far.
you put it better than I could anon, this game frustrates me to no avail
Supposedly it is one of the best NTR games, with the falls of every character being believable and understandable, enjoy anon
I second or third this. Also, there's still something uncanny with her face, can't really explain what. Anyway, it's weg.
NTA, but can you attest to that or is this only something that you heard before? Cause I don't believe that there are any good story NTR games. Too many horrible precedents.
Azure Azurite...
No I can't, but every review i've read on fag95 and other websites says that the story is the best part, there are one or two pitfalls, some side characters are less developed than others but as far as I am aware the main love interest NTR's believably and has an excellent arc.
If you're in it just for the Ero and don't particularly care about the story then spoiler: there are no ffm+ scenes, it's all either mmf+ or mf and also there are quite a few reused CG's, basically the H is good but you should be playing it for the story, skipping dialogue in this game makes it maybe a 3/5, with story it currently has a rating of 4.9/5
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Contribute to eraMegaten.

Salsa senor.
NTA but is this game male protag? I would assume it is if it's NTR but tags and the description make it seem like femc
No, it's femc, the main selling point is that the femc is well written, you can understand why she does what she does and the amount of "this is an NTR game so she has to make stupid decisions" is minimal to non-existent.
Is the spoiler pic edited?
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No rimjob
No service
Get out.
MGQ legitimately needs its own tier and Summer memories deserves to be in kino. Other than that sure
I haven't played in 4 years and even then a bunch of things weren't translated. A couple of days ago I checked the wiki and it hasn't been updated since 2018. Is there a more up to date version somewhere?
Be a good blob.
now someone should prove if they are a veteran or not and name them all
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>Chemica's a fucking fujo
Well shit.
If it weren't for the fact the the game forces you to fuck Fake Rabi then i wouldn't, after finding out what he really is then i think of him more of a close bro
what NTR game has the biggest cocks?
Same anon who you replied to here. Sorry about the late reply. I just wanted to say that I also skimmed through the F95 reviews, curious about the game, but due to having read a bunch of reviews in the past about a lot of other, rather average games, I cannot say that they inspire much confidence. 5/5, best game ever, and so on... on so many titles that I consider to be downright average or less. Same deal with DLsite scores. I think that many games don't deserve such high praise. But I guess that in the end it's a matter of trying it out and seeing for myself if I'd like it or not. It's kind of a hassle convincing myself to take the first step and do it. I'd much prefer if the game inspired confidence from the onset, without even needing to try it out. I guess I'll think about it. Why haven't you played it, btw?
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It was unsurprising that she was a fujo. She looks the part.
Which tier would Dusk City/Witch of the Blue will be
Man speaking of "unsurprising" I just restarted blight and noticed after killing the first two enemies Rabi says suprised instead of surprised. I hope it's a typo but if this keeps happening I'm probably going to try and edit the script or something because it's making me sperg out.
>kagura now has at least 4 vns advertised as upcoming
it's over...
What sort of games mislead you by the reviews?
Also I haven't played it because I dislike NTR, even when i'm the one controlling it, a scene or two is alright but I don't play any games where it is the primary fetish at play.
You’re playing on the 1.3.0 translation version, right? Most of the typos should be fixed with that
Games for this feel?
Not even when it's feMC NTR, similar to Mischief War? That's more akin to ordinary corruption because you're not playing as the cuck, self insert or not. I guess you don't like the fact that the feMC is being coerced into it and that she has no say in the matter?

As for the matter of reviews, nothing specific. A lot of things in general. Maybe some games I've played in the past, wegs or otherwise, that I thought were either alright or completely average, are getting standing ovations by some people, saying how they're the best thing ever in terms of plot and such.... when that's not even close to being the case.

I think you can easily find such an example yourself. Filter by Japanese Game and weighted rating, select one of the better rated games that you've played and are of the opinion that is overrated for what it is. You're guaranteed to find a bunch of reviewers fawning over it, how it's the best game on the site, etc.. And many are even full length reviews, like actual walls of text.
Oh it appears the version I'm on is 1.2. I assumed it was the final version because I downloaded everything before kludge at the same time. I'll check if the bin has 1.3.
Yeah it seems that every single sequel game I had downloaded had an outdated translation with the exception of L.Depth which is odd considering I'm pretty sure I downloaded The first 3 games at the same time.
He's still working on it, thank god
I can't believe some filth had the audacity to complain about noja. Please recommend me some fairygay to play in observance of Cirno Day.
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>play Serena's game
>dialogue is about making a family and how babies are a gift from God
>Serena being innocent and naive not even know how babies are created
>gets flustered at the mere thought of being naked
What the fuck is this? I came for an arrogant little mesugaki who thought she is important... But I don't see her anymore.
there is a reason why not many can stomach any other ending than the virgin run of VP anon, good luck...
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If you want that, stick to VH.
I don't think that was her character to begin with? Wasn't she always kindhearted but arrogant due to status and lack of real life experience + naivety? If you're playing the game for her suffering, fret not, because it offers that in spades once you're done with the tutorial intro town.
damn, king from leane 2 hit the gym and now can conquer and fuck everything by himself
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Do tell. How hard will Serena fall? Is it boner inducing suffering or just plain gut wrench that will make you feel like the garbage of humanity when you do?
NTA, but do you know if the VP dev's VH version, the one with the much improved Serena's art but which is also untranslated, offers a lot in terms of her content?
Nope, never played it.
Fake Rabi is my waifu
Depends on where you draw the line between arousing and too close to home. It's entirely up to you to decide her fate. You can keep her a virgin until the end, or you can have her lose various encounters and suffer multiple near mental breakdowns due to the rape and repeated birthing. There's plenty of scenes, from goblin gangbangs, humans doing human things, orcs, and even being impaled by humongous horse dick.
You can get the updated translations on sub-par’s blog
Just drag and drop onto the game folder if you already have translated versions
>dope. Keep it up anon!
Cheers anon, hope more anons would get into the fetish.
I'm already a fan, it's just that virginity loss itself isn't good enough to attract me to a game. There has to be story and buildup involved, or I won't care about her ripped ketchup packet.
Why is a rock bleeding?
>There has to be story and buildup involved, or I won't care about her ripped ketchup packet
Yeah, the build up into the defloration rape is very important to me as well. Slow burns are great.
I'm planning to rework the list soon and I'm definitely adding info on build up and stuff like that.
So what's going on with sub-par? Did he disappear from the internet or did he just get tired from translating games?
It’s a mix of burnout and depression. He’s still alive in his discord server and he said in the past that he’s still interested in translating Innocent Rules though.
There's a lot but not that much. Also, it blueballs you with the unfinished brothel content. The Minotaur(real) and the Innkeeper scenes are still the gold standard.
>gut wrench that will make you feel like the garbage of humanity when you do
yeah, thats VP, I only found arousing when she was getting molested in bars or that kind of stuff, beyond that it was... rough
Games with battlefuck and malemc? besides the fox girls betrayers, shin dei sen or is it because im weak ones
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Hey guys, ehm I'm just letting people know I'm starting this project https://forums.fuwanovel.moe/topic/31650-shuffle-essence-translation-project-003/ , I didnt posted the build drive folder in that thread because I thought they could see it as piracy (funny coming from a former Visual Novel pirate site) so here is the link to it https://drive.google.com/drive/u/6/folders/1BKcn4szWp8AUrfbrgFjGWnuMiYWWWywq , also will try to post upcoming updates on our server in case anyone feels like following or evevn helping out in this project https://discord.unclebane.xyz/
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ROBF series
Succubus Academia
given these recommendations look like you are the one getting battlefucked in fendom fashion I can guess you havent played the games I mentioned anon, I appreciate the though tho
>discord server
He should be careful about that. Don't want him to catch the mind virus.
I think that's more a /vn/ thing friend. Best of luck to you though.
Good luck with your project anon, fan translations are always welcome.
Although it's a little off topic on hgg2d, I hope you also posted on /vn/.
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VP is rape kino and the only one falling is the player
>SEQUEL colony
>the whole battle sequence
Nigga what the fuck, i just played the game to jack off. Why do i have to get scarred and horrified
Any ntrge that lets you develop feelings for the heroine through multiple hours of vanilla content before the shit goes down?
That one with the pink hair girl that was like louise from zero no tsukaima but with twintails, iirc it had hours of vanilla before you get scarred
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I dont know, I have never ever be on any /v/ or similar board ever in my life (doesnt help the bad fame it always had) so I dont know the generals for this stuff, Shuffle and in particular Essence are NSFW so I guessed it was better here, is the /vn/ general on this board too? as mentioned before I have never left any of the boards I have visited here so I dont know the generals and the like so if
I’ll assume you’re talking about Mormai? You dropped your context, anon
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do lolis taste good, tentacle monsters always look like they're enjoying it when they swallow them whole.
game name blease
Is Lars beating you to the distortion of Patientes scripted?
yup its the visual novel board on /vg/
newfag and lazy
umm ge?

post there bro, and i'm only doing this because i respect the shit you do.
The git has the most up to date version.
The wiki version is a bit over a week old (Remember to scroll down the list for the new releases).
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It’s literally right there, you mong
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If i can't have good rapeges this will happen to you all
Yeah, forgot about Amalda.
Been playing through the games on Casual just so i can catch up, i tried switching to Normal and the difficulty spike is massive.On what level and gear am i supposed to face that boss anyway
no matter where I download this game, it triggers my windows defender and my pc has a brain fart lol
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Yeah, thank you for the help guys, I just want to get the message out that this exists, get the original and the Steam release text into this new version should be fast, the Yumehaven version (which funny enough was built on Unity too) had the entire fucking game text in a single JSON formated file
good luck you cute dork
Mpreg rararafag.
I never bothered with the VP mods, is doppel Serena just a figment of her imagination or is she something more?
VP mods are nuts with how well done they are.
I've finished it, and while it markets itself as an NTR game, NTR doesn't actually have that much focus. It is primarily a corruption game, it's just that the FeMC has a boy she likes (and likes her back) but plot happens before they could have any "claim" to each other. Rather than someone getting stolen, it's more about the tragedy of a love that could, should have been.
Nah it's NTR. Theres the feeling of loss. Only a retard thinks they need to be in an established relationship for it to be NTR
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Is there a consensual mod?
I want the violated taken out of the princess.
She deserves gentle love.
serena is too defiant, I need a mod that makes her a craven submissive slut after enough rape beatings
There's an "official" one made by the dev himself. It's with the glasses boy (that I forget the name of), but it's after Serena has been well used by Ganelon.
She likes it in VH. Play that if you haven't already or feel nostalgic.
How's the progression of H events like? Is there a lot of swapping between the female protagonists and their perspectives? How are scenes told?
Mod to remove all the blacks when
You could make it yourself, shouldn't be hard
Happens occasionally in kichurea games, but it's more like a daughter just suddenly appearing for you to fuck
anybody know any good vr taker pov games?
most I've seen is skyrim. and I can't use real people so no vrchat.
I want to get fucked.
dominatrix simulator is a thing I noticed.

sorry for request but I cant find shit
I don't deny it has NTR elements, but the characters never dwell on them long enough for it to be the primary feeling in the story.
>Only a retard thinks they need to be in an established relationship for it to be NTR
It's not about the (lack of) establishment of a relationship, but how calmly Elwy (the male love interest) takes the "NTR". No heart wrenching agony, no tears, just of "oh I guess she's with this guy now" while still believing in her. Or how Nina (the FeMC), never actually falls in love with the NTR guy, as much as she wants to. Throughout the entire arc, she never really stops seeing him merely as a convenient dick. The characters are simply not invested enough in the idea of relationship between them that it defines the sex scenes.
The game can roughly be divided into three parts. There's the first 3 chapters, which is entirely from Nina's perspective, which branches off early into an if-end. Then there's the long middle chapters, chapters 4-6, which, each of which rotates between the POVs of the 3 main characters: Nina, Elwy, and Amalia. So chapter 4 has Nina, Elwy, and Amalia POVs. Finally there's the ending section which goes from chapter 7-10. The rest of sub characters have optional missions that you can do during Chapters 4-6, each telling a three mission story where they find their love interest. There's H-scenes along the way, with NTR-ish bad ends if you lose the final battles. By doing all the sub character's optional missions, you unlock the final epilogue cutscenes, featuring the True End and the corrupted Ends.
The H-scenes are primarily concentrated in the middle, with Nina having to slut herself up for plot reasons, Amalia dealing with the antagonists, and Elwy catching glimpses and hearing rumors. The big thing that makes this not NTR is that instead of Elwy going "it should have been me!", his primary thought is "I hope they're taking care of themselves"
I can't find it, please spoonfeed
Well I did find a ntr game with a pink heroine who has twintails and is called Louise but it doesn't seem to be the one you're talking about
I described it that way because I really can't remember the name, hopefully some anon can tell, I remeber you placed girls in rooms and depending on the configuration they would fuck other guys or not
I'm replaying Sequel Blight and I just realised you need to press "A" when hovering over an item for the details which is how you see the bonuses purple items give. I feel retarded but then again most games don't do this.
Thanks for the concise explanation. So I gather it's a bittersweet true ending?
Pretty much yeah
there you go
Oh, that one. She is a cutie, but I was hoping for something with more solo focus.
I'm translating something right now. As is my tradition, since I have been forced to witness another localization debate in a random thread on 4chan I just wanted to chill in, I will insert one intentional meme out of spite. It will echo into eternity and be a permanent blight upon the world. All because anon couldn't help but whine about trannylizers.
Ah it was Leane, I've never played it but from what I've heard I wouldn't have guessed it had a long vanilla build up
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/hgg2d/ is not your discord group
There is a VR general in >>>/trash/ . Maybe they can help you (probably not).
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kill yourself
Judging by the damage it does then probably at 45-50-ish with you having III Brands and proper gear
insert "erm what the sigma" and use "dazed" in all appropriate context, chad
>All because anon couldn't help but whine about trannylizers.
If you read the conversation you'd realise it was started by one of your kind who wanted to remove noja from a translation. It's also retarded of you to whine about translation debates within a thread where most people need translations. It's not "a random thread" by any means.
You're late! You almost didn't make it in time!
I was busy yesterday...
no sadly

they are legit a group of about 20 actual schizophrenics and bipolars. it's fucked.

ide go down the vrchat route but I got a gf recently so while she doesn't need to know my porn habits, I don't want to do things with real people

I'm about to just mod skyrim into a rape simulator at this point
Oh god, you guys are still talking about noja...
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Anon it’s like that in all of the Sequel games, you Nazuna
all according to keikaku
nani are you doing
anon-san is so cute
yare yare this discussion is kuso...
I speak like this
It annoyed me in this game that the vampire wouldn't retaliate no matter what you did. I get that the MC is a precious blood source, but the wearing down the haughty and powerful monster girl theme falls apart when her anger and threats are completely impotent.
She is probably into it. Just talk to her, bro.
she's not
I have

before we dated I mentioned vrchat stuff because I just bought a vr
she said she didn't care as nobody is actually touching you physically. finds it kinds funny. but had no interest
don't make me post the dog collar scene lil shit, I won because I never advanced further than the demon town, so they are forever cockslaves buhihi
sorry to blogpost but going along with thag image

she's into domming irl with me. but very slightly. and is afraid. Basically the last guy she ever dommed beat the living shit out of her. he's in jail now gladly but i don't want to push her. as she's been scared about it ever since. also not to mention she's much more of a sub anyway. so at most i wear a day collar and a night collar already
Someone should just go back and retranslate the entire Sequel series. With how much sub-par and all those games get glazed, I was shocked playing through them at how awkward, vaguely worded, and low quality the TLs were. I don't get it, especially when pretty much every random anon that posts their TL here does a much better job.
I don't have anything against sub-par and I don't read translations so I can't speak to their quality, but the reality here is that people praise translators who are fast and consistent. People want CONTENT. That's it. Of course, if you overtly insert SJW shit or w/e then people will be pissed, but in general almost nobody notices or cares about low-quality writing or even inaccuracies. They really are like pigs at a trough just eating up shit. They will love who feeds them and hate who doesn't. The worst thing you can do is just be slow and not release anything. Putting effort into translation is like an optional thing translators do for fun. It has no real impact.
the name is sub-par so it's fine
>Putting effort into translation
Do you mean ruining the work like in pic related?
with fanfiction tier writing?
A hilariously huge factor in this as well is the enormous number of ESLs reading English translations for lack of any other options. They have basically no ability to detect bad writing - they are literally incapable of distinguishing good from bad English writing. And it gets really funny when a really skilled translator uses advanced languages in any way, since suddenly f95 reviews will pop up with ESLs seething about how the text is barely comprehensible to them (while citing basic ass idioms any native English speaker would know). To them, bad translators are actually better than good ones since they can read them more easily.
>They really are like pigs at a trough just eating up shit. They will love who feeds them and hate who doesn't
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Ah yes, the infamous gay enemy that will one shot your team in Hakika's games because you're specced into AOE one shot to speed through trash mobs.
>samefag at it again
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Hey look at that, just as I predicted, 2 dead already in one turn.
No. Not specifically. Effort can mean a lot of things.

Right now, I'm translating the internal monologue of a poor like 5 year old uneducated child. This means I have to be really careful about my word choice because I need to match the low vocabulary level of the Japanese and avoid writing unrealistic dialogue. This takes effort - time spent mulling over how to phrase things and convey the meaning simply but accurately. But I could translate this a lot faster if I didn't put effort like this in. Like if I sloppily used long sentence constructions or slightly advanced vocabulary or whatever just to get the shit out faster. And most people wouldn't really notice if I did. The effort put into making an uneducated 5 year old sound like an uneducated 5 year old instead of like everyone else will go unnoticed and appreciated by 99% of people since people chew through text in an unthinking flow state. People just have way lower reading comprehension abilities than the average person expects. Only a writer intimate with conveying ideas in language will come to appreciate just how difficult it is to get readers to notice basic things.
It looks like her actual legs are white and she's wearing flesh colored shorts.
You're being vague here but I think the game roughly tries to keep the Japanese style phrasing that's less natural in English but most people reading fan translations don't mind because they're invested in Japanese media and prefer it over fan fiction or rewriting characters to make them sound how you think the creator intended them to sound. There's no need to Americanise their phrasing.
>vaguely worded
Can you give an example of this where it's very deliberate and obvious in Japanese but needlessly vague in English? I just assumed any vagueness was due to how it was originally phrased in Japanese.
The fuck are you talking about with "Japanese style phrasing?" Are you legit talking about how Japanese is SOV instead of SVO and how inexperienced translators tend jumble up sentences as a result?
>justifying rewriting
Why not just translate her lines as-is and if they don't convey what you want them to convey naturally, don't interject your own irrelevant artistic sensibilities into the script?
>can you [bad faith screeching]
No. People with no appreciation for well-crafted sentences, and a desire for linguistic donkey-shite, deserve no effort on my part to satisfy their requests.
>I'm just shitposting becuase people complain about my rewrites all the time
Ok but why here? We're just fapping
You have low reading comprehension or you're replying based on something someone else said. Perhaps you are arguing with phantoms. There is no rewriting here - my post was about preservation, not adding. Preserving the JP in the ENG. You may not have any experience with creative writing, but translating lines "as-is" is not an automatic and simple process with one singular result. In the most simplistic way to put this, there are multiple ways to translate words and some will end up more or less fitting. A low-effort translation would blaze by with no consideration for which is more or less fitting, being satisfied with any approximation. A high effort translation will put thought into what is the most fitting.

For example, lets say the 5 year old says お腹空いた - "stomach" + "empty" = expression of hunger. A low effort translation may blaze out "My stomach is empty" to match the words. But that is stiff in ways the Japanese isn't. So the obvious thing to do is go with "I'm hungry." since that's more like the JP tone. But then one may consider whether "I'm hungry" is too much of a deviation from the literal text of "my stomach is empty." And so we see that there's actually a lot to consider at all times even for short, simple sentences. Now imagine more complex sentences. (If you over-analyze this random excessively simplified example I'm going to kill you in real life.)
I wont read your argument anons but could you tell me any good male mc game where I can be a serial rapist and evil person?
Yep, I'm thinking he's based and thoughtful.
I'm talking about English that is correct but not commonly used that way by natives so it can feel awkward as some would say it's not natural. I'm guessing because you just said it was "awkward" so I assume you're talking about that.
>asking for an example is bad faith
A lot of these retards like to act high and mighty but won't even attempt to show how they'd change it because then it could be scrutinized by other people
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>they are legit a group of about 20 actual schizophrenics and bipolars.
Don't forget furries.
Wish it was, tourists usually leave. This thing is a zoomer troglodyte with nothing else going on but coming here to bring the thread down to the levels of wherever he's from.
If he honestly believed the shit he says he would stay on pag95 or do something better with his time, or if he thought this place was of a certain quality or worth to spend all this autism over others he would not have spent this long shitting up the thread for as long as he did.
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>discordfag goes mask off for a sec as a "joke" because "is so over the top they'll never take it seriously kek kek KEK"
that goes hand in hand
>doesn't understand obvious shitpost
You could try Waifu sex simulator
Koikatsu with VR (Compatible with intiface)
Or RJ324939 Is also compatible with intiface.
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The problem is the dragons and other BIG monster girls like the sharks and chimeras they don't fuck around. They're like minibosses. Suitably, they're strong as fuck when you unlock them in Innocent Rules though, so it balances out.
>implying it wasn't an admission disguised as a joke
I can get female pov with my lovense support on all 3 of those?

I thought those were all "im the one doing the work" games instead of female pov.
kinda want raped and used

I should add. I'm using a plug not a stroker
sorry for the hassle. thank you for trying though luv

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