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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

• September 11, 9:00 PM EDT | Famfrit Lavender Beds W15 P20 | Spooky Club: Haruhi >>493747696

Previous: >>494152794
Sorry H.B....my songs weren't merry enough
Sex with catgirls
catboy supremacy
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fiddie wombs
moonie+ nutsludge
name a more iconic duo
effy sloppy bjs
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if a grey moonie is a goonie
and a face 4 moonie is a poopnose
that makes a grey poopnose
a goopnose
What if they were just afk?
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I appreciate your help as always
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im tired boss
girls with cat sex
a rare combination indeed.
You and mental retardation
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>your own two feet
Moonie feet canon?
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who wants to ride my rava+?
sisters... my agp is flaring up really bad...
Log out nigga. Stop taking up screen real estate if you're gone.
Met Dababy at the lavender beds
LM is the worst one to level, so slow. Maybe it's because extremely underleveled people were in my party though.
what are you gonna do about it?
nice chatbox
They most likely were afk but mentally unstable grown ass men have the emotional intelligence of middle school children here constantly talking about having crushes and going to the extremes assuming every little thing can end their friendship with someone
you + melt
erm actually its a grey cutenose
a gutenose
I literally just switched characters to check my subs how long were you waiting with this.
Would you visit a hrothgar's bar and grill?
theyre feeding me to a haitian immigrant tomorrow
my male midlander just woke up frmo a nap after drooling on himsefl
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It's funny to see the cultists speedrun the stages of grief in front of everyone else as they cope about the quality of DT
we're currently at bargaining, where they cope aboutb
>actually the content is super good if you raid
>actually I'm super excited about all the plot threads they left us, 1-2 expansions down the line is gonna be a banger
you can feel the cognitive dissonance playing on them as they try to spin this shit.

Doesn't help most people who parrot this are either the type to have ffxiv tattoos or built a "community" on twitch/twitter around a ffxiv persona so if the game is ass for 2 years they basically stall and their social media presence and money dry up. I'm excited to see the next talking point that gets regurgitated before 7.1.
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Is anyone else feeling random lag spikes tonight?
My male middie is in lancet jail
I only just now noticed it and am cringing hard....
abhorrent post
NTA but ive literally had people here on discord who I asked to do content and they just keep talking about something else and not even reply to the question
>Volcanic slop
I'm going to have melty the likes in which the thread has never seen before
do nyot loce moonies
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i really wish i didnt have to level sync for any of these. it sucks that it takes like 4-5 minutes per fate if you dont have a stacked party.
I saw people coping about how the Ix'Braax "tacos ended a multi-century war" is actually the same thing as "the Eorzean alliance gave food to the frozen starving refugees of Garlemald and they accepted" were actually completely the same thing
She said the line!
don't be mean......
death is death
the game isn't dead
if a patch is on the horizon and content is planned then hope is not unrealistic to have

and i'm not talking about delusional hope because of the things stated above

so no it's not "cope", your comparison falls flat because you've assumed theres a corpse, something to grieve over, to stop and self-analyze and overcome when that is not the case because in the real world outside of your mind palace, the game is doing fine.
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im unironically excited about ffxi raids and facing preservation in the msq though? why is that so hard to believe
There we go.
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What's with Malera always being weird to my femlala?
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eb doko?
no i think i will tease you about it actually
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finally, recognition for my greatness
God you're cute
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throwback thursday
it's malera what the fuck do you expect?
i dont think any of those are dps cards
let my male middie be weird to her instead
dont play as a class that you have to level synch with, people dont seem to mind or notice if you're underleveled anyways
what should i do with all these
Because if you're already saying "well the current content is ass but maybe down the line we might possibly get better content" you are committing to paying 100 USD a year or more for a subscription to a game on the promise it might some day be worth it

which is just actually sad, demand a good product now, you paid the fucking money for one.
doko is CC
This is wrong. It wouldn't be a Sechen image without the toddler-level framing job and 14 billion pixels of blank space on either side.
MM gassing himself up is so fucking pathetic
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Ah the good old days.

You're like me if I wasn't basic and ugly.
I would 100%
>Doomers insisting that everyone but them is simply lying to themselves and that they cant possibly just like something
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this cute moonie is rape coded
her eyes go all big and cute in cutscenes too
you silly buffoon
what hair mod
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all moonies are rape coded
>no you don't understand I actually like eating shit yum yum yum I love the taste
>Imagine how good it will taste after I've spent 12 dollars a month for the next 2 years and we get another heaping helping of shit yummy
i never said that though? im having fun right now and im not afraid to unsub if it gets boring
you all talk about being aggressive and creepy but none ever hit on me

what gives??
gms will never ever do fun things and rp as characters ever again
Daddy doesn't like when his lalakitten gets uppity. What did I say about making posts like these?
gem bags if you already have the outfit
Why are mare limits a thing now?
I'm a fava and aggressively hit on fiddies but they're all into males
I would eb you in an instant if you had a cute nose
You're ugly.
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but that's the people I'm literally talking about?
why are you taking this personally like I'm talking about you when I'm not?
>these specific people are so funny look at them cope
>"I'm not coping"
>"I'm not in taht group and I'm not coping look at me, completely disproves your point"
you cannot be serious nigga
They're user-set and designed to be an anti-crashing feature
That means your 16k hyper HD asshole follicles won't nuke pablo.gonolaz2009's ancient tech
based fishmael enjoyer
You're fighting a battle against people you're making up in your own head. Get a grip, nigga.
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Y-Yep, pure 100% Catgirl here..
aren't these the ones that are retarded and you basically need to monitor 24/7 because they'll starve themselves and die
I kneel for your tastes anon.
>anon typod and left the race out but we all know it's about malera
>mare limits
read the notes retard they're just warnings and you can set the values yourself
no one is using any more data than they used to and no one is limiting you
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Crystal CC 3:00 E.T.
don't listen to them anon
you're so attractive it scares the rapists away
Can a Lalaboy hit too...
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reporting in but about to go to sleep so blessings upon ye
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>more m3s wipes
the post is in reference to the new cope by retards set up by Jesse Cucks,
in it he basically talks about how yes he hated the story and he thought it was a shitty story but they had no option and he's excited for the future plot hooks in 8.0, 9.0, and 10.0
this has been parroted nonstop the last few days on reddit and twitter

the dude is basically taking the wowdrone stance of "well I'm locked into this game so I might as well eat shit and theorycraft about content years in the future"

and that's funny, sorry if it hurt your little feelings to have people make fun of retards
Don't try to befriend me if you won't drop whatever you're doing to do something with me, because I would drop whatever I'm doing to do something with you. If I can't be your everything I have no problem being your nothing.
have (You) ever played any other MMOs?
do you think there are any other good ones left out there?
Have you tried not wiping?
isnt it harder to get the gold rating then
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rutas comb or some shit idk
blame yoshi-p for having 4 nose options
i don't remember making this post
the funniest part is that people like this actually exist
unholy bpdemon
its not happening to me so far
man you just keep making shit up
prove it by queuing CC at 3:00 ET
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Eb never
I'm afraid not.
I may be messed up but I'm not that messed up you little rascal.
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No more fireworks, I think I agree with most anons now, it is better without
cope and seethe more about people not liking the new expansion retard
Yes. They're cute AF though. They skip the tadpole phase entirely.
Glue Nigger
nobody was even talking about that
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>fiddies but they're all into males
As god into intended
No I can't post I hate myself and will never be interesting.
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I'm a grown man too...
>You keep making shit up
>Anon posts a video with the people talking about it right there
Hey you jst blow in from stupid town?
post lalafell
My moonie+ needs brown pussy
post the rava
t.fiddie into females
we don't care elk
hiiii elk!
thats like 2 feet long who would even try
thats so silly
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>whm immediately bene's, completely negating the point of my superbolide
A Realm Reborn launched 11 years ago
How come you're still EBless?
yeah but it makes my asshole inch really bad
>wasted a decade in wow
>wasted half a decade in xiv
nothing else looks good
superbolide prevents you from taking damage so yes it does have an effect
You can't just call me Elk because we're both catgirls. That's racist
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You're going on the list
upper, outfit, bigger sack, gem bag, coal bag, then either the gem packs or soft sands if you want to make tabs. if you're not helmie i think sand is usually better gp on avg
elk still posts here?
bro cant follow a reply chain or hes samefagging and i cant decide which is sadder
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oh you know
Bro if your asshole in an inch dilated you need to lay off the Bad Dragons.
He switched goalposts, anon never said "well the current content is ass but maybe down the line we might possibly get better content"
But >>494163376 is now changing the topic from his L so he can scrape a win
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>Entire self worth is based on raid performance
>Try as hard as I can
>Consistently get purples
>Every week is the same regardless of gear
>Spiraling into depression
>They all clear with oranges and pinks
>Don't want to do any content with friends because I'm convinced I'm shit
>Hardly even want to play the game
I used to get oranges and pinks. Now I'm performing like a fucking peasant casual. Fuck I want to tear my god damn hair out. Did everyone get better or did I really get that much worse? It's so fucking frustrating.
no one wants to eb who measures happiness in amounts of totem reclears
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I should rape you
it's over
smacks your woober
How long does an EB ceremony usually take?
My warrior of light is thinking about IVs voluptuous ass before bed
>he nbever said the current content is ass but down the line we might possibly get good shit
it's in both
>actually I'm super excited about all the plot threads they left us, 1-2 expansions down the line is gonna be a banger

I don't know how you can actually be this illiterate but good job anon!
bangs are so hot bros
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my fiddie is 300 years old
nta but I would kill for a proper 9-15" Bad Dragon with a cumtube and suction cup
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finally a good post
it has a max time of like 50minutes, it depends on how many pictures people want to to take after. most are like 20min tho in my experience

I drink my Bang's over ice, not a fan of warm soda.
youre grasping at straws
my fiddie is a retard
sorry no also I can't even form sentences correctly, it's over for me.
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that's a fancy way of saying you got btfo and are embarassed now
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I'm jobbing consistently and i'm tired as fuck
you know what that means lads
Crystal CC 7:00 E.T.
last call for me
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comin right up
It's almost prime ESL hours, you could have just played it off and I'd let it pass. That's what I do anyway :)
making shit up to save face when youre anonymous is third world behavior, but we already knew you were a thirdie when you obsessed over e-celebs
diagnosis: brown
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Whoever posted this plugin last thread is a chad, I love it
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aren't you a male char now
>>494163051 Never said any of those things. Anon is saying he did. You are defending yourself for making a mistake. Take your L, it'll match the one you got for even starting this argument and not being able to construct a cohesive debate.
You're so right bro. I'll remember that for next time.
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i dug through my phone real quick to upload this because i think you'd like it :3

>change one piece of gear
>go from gray 7 to green 44
raiding is for mentali ill trannies
can i post my catboy in this thread (moonie)
What class?
what plugin?
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Hello, /xivg/. I am back. Please post fit, athletic, healthy women in gym clothes who are sweaty and showing their armpits with angry or disappointed looks on their faces. Yes this is my fetish.
>never said those things
that's not relevant though?
who cares if that retard said them???????
are you retarded?
>anon posts about retards
>"hey that's unfair I'm not a retard"
that's not the OP's fault that 2nd poster is an illiterate moron

>making shit up
cope and seethe
>calling someone 3rd world after you lose an argument
easy fucking dubs for me bros, your tears are so fucking tasty
Hi LT how are you
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euuuggghhh I'm hecking beasting bros.
t. moonie catboy
catboys are illegal, please report to the ishgardian barracks.
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every fiddie makes this face when I ask for mare btw
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Hi TL how are you
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Doesnt seems to be working on healers
Have you tried not being a malera?
Thanks, have this version in return!
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You guys didn't tell me this game had snek cunny.
i dont know where that is
can i go to the cathedral library instead
I'm actively being mindbroken in CC
I can finally post this image
if i was a fiddie, i'd let you smash
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i played like absolute dogwater last few games, sorry gang
time to go lay in bed and read tower of god
thank for the calls
Niggas bringing up Ladainian Tomlinson in 2024 like its 2007 still
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i forgot to queue cc
Good little corpse slut.
oh my goodness gracious
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is it me?
i have unironically been calling him this in my head for weeks and it makes me laugh
You stole Mery from me....
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I have the raid weapon and am one upgrade and one drop away from BIS
what is the mod stealing plugin called?
ive caught feelings like three times and none of them have reciprocated.
>go to LB14
>don't get a single PlateSpy ping

what am I doing wrong :(
>you said he said those things
I didn't retard
I said that people who said those were retarded and he came in and said
>"wtf I'm not a retard"
how was I supposed to know he wasn't actually a retard who believed that lmao?
if shit doesn't apply to you why are you running up to someone's post, pretending like it applies to you, and then getting pissy when people go with it?
it makes no sense faggot.

again, it makes 0 sense for someone who the post doesn't even apply to, to hop in and get offended and try to drop some fucking counter argument when IT DOESN'T EVEN APPLY TO THEM NIGGER

you are an illiterate fucking ESL faggot who was looking for a fight, now sit down and shut up and take this beating like a little bitch I know you are
>port hair from one race to another
>instead of making it work for both races it only works for the ported race
make it make sense
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is this close enough gym clothes
Everyone there has CounterPlateSpy you dingus
people inserting themselves into others' arguments and then going "haha why you so mad i wasn't even that anon! stop saying i took positions i didn't take!" is the dumbest shit 20 years running on this site
Sorry that was not my intention ;;
Why is every lalaboy either gay or a pedo?
I often fantasize about truly being together with my favorite femlala... but I try not to have those thoughts. I don't want to be delusional. I don't want to fantasize about her... it's not fair to her... Oh, if only we could be together...
Post your late night femra right NOW!!!!!!!!!
i didn't start doing anything outside of MSQ until dawntrail. i didn't have any in-game friends until like three weeks ago
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no one converted this thong for yab still reeeee
homeboy actually comes up to a post saying
>Isn't it funny how retards are coping about this?
and replies
>wtf I'm not coping
when the post doesn't even apply to him
holy fuck lmao, victim complex much?
I have PlateSpyCounterBreaker...
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Is NA really more talkative/sociable than EU? Slighty considering to maybe look into server hopping, barely anyone talks in EU these days, even the bare minimum of saying hello at the start of a duty seems to be something of the past.
My FutaFinder got a ton of hits tonight so idk what you're doing wrong bro
pathetic thirdie samefag tactics
This WHOLE post >>494164365
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Good night /xivg/
make an alt and find out
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need uuehh
a big
you know
someone who is... big
>he forgot about the PlatespyCounterBreakerCounter
come to NA and EB me
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does anyone here wanna see my tits?
I'm having lots of fun in Gridania!
I know bro, I used CameraRenderSpy to know that you aimed your camera at me.
i play a lalaboy and i only like grown adults...
hey man take a look at this
this is you being a faggot and inserting yourself into a post not even about you and getting offended about it
then when you get called out you say it doesn't even apply to you

absolutely braindead lmao
Don't cheat on your current EB bro.
taking anything at all on this site seriously is the dumbest thing you can do
someone who posts nothing but goonslop is by far more mentally sound than someone who tries having discussions or debates
Me. Show it.
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Yes. Even if you don't come to xivg hangout spots, people talk all the time in cities and are much more open to having a random conversations during duties or out in the world. I've had a lot of pleasant encounters, mostly while big fishing.
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Massive brown femlalas
all lalaboys are straight tho
Smooch them on my behalf
what makes you think i'm EBed
Ignore elk. I wanna see.
*rubs big hairy santa belly and burps* sup babe looking for a daddy bear?
Val why are you using underwear that implies you like to be WARK'd?
Why ARE you so mad though?
i play a lalaboy and i only like grown adults... but that includes men
any lalas like this in game?
yeah it's amazing how often it happens on this site and this thread
number 2 in the running is when a poster realizes they were wrong 5 posts ago and has to triple down and reply with "I accept your concession" tier posts for 10 replies in a row because if they were to just hide the chain their ego would take too much of a hit
I gotta do more sporty stuff in general, but especially ANGRY sporty
even the avatarfags are worse nowadays
No, you're a pedo. Otherwise, you wouldn't be a lalaboy. You'd be a male of a non-pedo race or a femlala.

Straight pedo.
third world inferiority complex. look at him samefagging now to try and manufacture consensus
i hate when the internet ruins things that looks nice
Hi, I'm fine. How are you?
yes. more
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i sleep
it is few and far between that i rape post but if you do that, i promise that is exactly what i plan to do
I am going to /pet you twenty times in a row when you least expect it
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you ever notice how it's the SEAniggers and ESLs who cry the loudest about "thirdies" and minor spelling mistakes?
just food for thought
GGs thanks for calling
People joke about this game being SecondLife 2 but it won't be until we get a plugin that does exactly this. SL has that by default, letting you know if someone has their camera nearby you
a lalaboy named marcel mitchell on alpha is a pedo btw
why has val been so desperate recently? he's as bad as effy now
I just want to be cute fuck nigga, let me enjoy my mmo, i like grown women not children
I know, It's just something I can comfortably do.
Nothing against lala's usually, I just won't do sexual stuff.
Paladin is so fucking gay to play against in CC.
fujo detected
focus em down
goodnight all
>as bad as effy
lets not go THAT far
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my fiddie is like this
desperate for some malera cock
the catgirls are in heat
Macchi do you take constructive criticism
outplayed at job select
Next you're going to tell me water is wet?
A lot of people have been pointing that out to me lately. The writing lazily like you are isn't an ESL thing, but ESLs say it is.
You can see ESL more in the cultural differences, especially in humor.
What bottoms and leggingsa re those?
It's funny when you realize all the weirdest gooners and schizos are pinoy.
No because XI has had this feature for fucking years. You get notified every time someone inspects you, it's not a SL thing.
it fucking sucks
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i am the MOST misandrist femlala in the thread
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queue CC 1:00
Oyasumi, xivg.
No you don't, you are a child molester. If you weren't you wouldn't be playing a male lalafell.
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i feel like a nendoroid saber
server and eb status?
I love these femlalas so much it's unreal
Wtf that's not normally what is posted with that picture. And it's not Tzera.
Wasn't it normally looking for a girl like that? Did you cave and become the girl?
idk i renamed them its made by yurippi tho
Oyasumi, dad.
dont out me like this bro
Shall I give my f3mra a woob or not?
If I do, shall it be tiny (like 2 inch or less)?

I feel disingenuous playing a woman-woman, given I am a gay-leaning dude IRL and don't want to mislead people.
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big... fishing?
he's been mass replying just like effy
Not inspect, camera position, you'd get a little cross midair of whatever someone was facing, without neccesarily targetting you
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Any biofemlalas or is it all men
Manage your expectations
hotgluing this saber nendo
Get hit by a solid wall of chromosomes and shield, nerd. My IQ is in the negatives and I am immortal.
you the one that made the mistake, nothing you say to me can fix that, but you can start from here as a new beginning and start going to church, counseling, therapy, or see a psychologist. One foot in front of the other, anon.
Why are femras like this?
oyasumi prez
yes it is very obvious
>clear party disbands
>try to join a new one
>I'm blacklisted by the host who was in my last party
I think we should kill all filipinos
go away again creep
I'd like to take more athletic shots too
It's been something that I find interesting since I played wow, is being called an ESL despite being american
the lack of punctuations, the minor transpositions in taht or othre words from typing fast and not spell checking
the run on sentences as I stream of consciousness it
all of it gets me called a shitty english speaker by ESLs and then they say some shit like "Your father is a dog's leg" and I'm just like eye of Sauron focused on that and immediately know they're a foreigner
she should trim that shit
all GAMs. There are no women on 4chan.
I LOVE GIRLS WITH PUBIC HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wish they were real
maybe fat girls arent so ugly
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>femra speaks
im listening
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yes officer, that pervert right there, take him away!
my catboy? would dive in
a big male character

>i wish they were real
>female character
>female voice
VERY rare
Jeb post.
How big?
>despite being american
You are an ESL, Jason Valdez de Guadalupe
the east wind favors me!
this shall be a glorious day!
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GAM wrote this
holy moly
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Rape posts are worth their weight in gold. Also, angry expressions are just plain incredibly fun to do now, so that's plenty enough incentive for me
I exchanged my essence & habits to him through the kiss. He will never be the same again
My moonie couldn't pull off pubic hair like this because it'd blend into her skin...
why would they tell you? you guys are assholes
>female voice
Anon...the lore...
shes trans you bigot
I get called ESL by an ESL schizo here sometimes because of my Freudian slips. Freudian slips have nothing to do with language proficiency.
It outs one of my schizos as most likely being SEA, so I never mentioned it before and let him keep going with it and revealing more and more to me.
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>female voice
mein bruderlein...
You are Y, If you werent Y you wouldnt be X.

okay nigger
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extremely gay
giga gay
this is the literal esl schizo lala
putang ina mo
you are a bitch fucker
puta madre de ctm
post her right now
please more Venat please PLEASE
that whole clique is cringe af
ah ggs he got me
if anyone here has a spanish accent i will fall in love
You're father is a dog's lef.
How big?
You don't deny being a pedo then. How rare, a self aware kiddie diddlier.
I hope I get a cute femlala in my roulette tonight
If I grab someone's data with snapper do they get notified in any way?
Crushing hard on a fiddie right now, bros. Pray for me that I don't spill my spaghetti all over the place.
that is a nice hat
what lore?
it wont be me sigh.........
how about 8 inches and thick
Wanna get drunk together on 94 proof rum and cherry pepsi?
it might be if you're queuing expert rn..
/dote /pet
kill yourself transbian freak
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you can just pick them up for free
i have 17 cat girls
My moonie is drunk and will make it your problem
which data center.........
Did you bring the alfredo?
QRD on which schizos I need to avoid at all costs?
Theo voloux
He's insane
is it me.....?
My sunnie will take the brunt of it
>esl accusations fly
>always followed by a post saying "the real esls are the people who call others esl!"
nobody is falling for the third world astroturfing
Saelonu Kellonu
He's an unhinged sexpest.
my sunnie will work with the other sunnie to take the brunt of it
i am, i'm falling for it
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Crystal Casual CC @ 5:20 ET
theo voloux
serial cuntboy
Stealing this femezen so I can steal all her cats too
Kyoukoko Kyouko
Lorilee Tuliyollal
Magness Lascinda
I'm convinced by them. You won't fool me.
Yesterday I returned from a train on phoenix I believe and a guy in limsa just started talking to me. It was a bit overwhelming, because I was already tired, but he was from NA, for whatever reason. Chill guy, but these days I'm not matching the vibe on purpose, because sooner or later I'm tired of it and they would be disappointed. Still accepted his friend request though.
correct list unironically
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oyasumi xivg
Reminder that there is nothing wrong with a bit of light stalking if you have good intentions. I got with my first EB by looking her up in player search a bunch and finding out what she likes and then carefully maneuvered my way into her social circle. You have to be proactive fellas.
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Me being up front with uppity femlala brats.
You're too scared to tell me where you are
you are too
Post your moonie and I'll think about it.
the reality is typos do not make someone ESL, there is residue on their posts you can see, usually from their literal translations of insults or idioms that sound awkward.
also the adjective order that is normal to native english speakers but hard as hell for ESLs to learn
if you say adjectives out of order it immediately sounds off and we can tell
>Magness has been nice to me everytime I talked with him
What's your beef with him?
>2.5 weeks til the next live letter

sisters i dont want to be in the new world anymore.
this sounds nice but what is your canon femra voice? like who's voice do you think of when a femra speaks in your head?
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My Male Midlander wishes you all a good night.
Macska or however the fuck you spell that schizo's name
Theo voloux
Raging homosexual who will hunt you down for cock
hi magness
The real schizos are the ones who don't let you know who they are.
If you know their name, they are a target.
ESL's are learning from the MAP playbook.
I’m glad you stopped talking to her. She was just using you. She never talked to you first. It was always you. You don’t need her to run content. I’m here. I’ll always be here for you.
No, I didn’t say anything to her. Those logs are manufactured. Look, mine are different. She clearly has an ulterior motive. She’s trouble. I’ll make sure she doesn’t take advantage of your kindness. You’re too forgiving. Ignore her. She would ignore you. How often. I’ll always talk to you first. I’ll always listen to you, about the game, how your day is, what work is like. Have you been eating well? Have you gotten enough sleep? Would you like to sleep together? I can comb your hair while you rest. Don’t worry. I’ll make you breakfast too. Nobody else would do that for you. Nobody else knows how great you are. Just me. You’re overlooked by everyone. Remember that time you tried to talk in the area, and no one replied to what you said? I replied. I can give the attention you deserve. I always will. Come, let’s go do that trial you’ve been having fun with, or farm that glam piece you want.
Tell me more about yourself. I’ve never had the chance to ask. Maybe we share similar tastes. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?
whats wrong...
There's nothing more retarded and lame than calling someone ESL as an insult. Most ESL's are out here speaking 2-4 languages, while most native people who learn english as a first language only know english. You are embarrassing.
motherfucker is astroturfing even in this post
wrong dc....
no and even if they did, so what
it's not like they can stop you or do anything about it
had that guy sending me weird tells because I stood in his spot at the enclave
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yeah, catgirls
actual correct answers
HOMOgenization job schizos.
looks retarded
anyone from europe and mm
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On Light
>she says while posting softcore child porn
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Love 'em
The one exception to this are the mentally handicapped schizos who get themselves caught and outed, and thats actually very rare.
Tali Rizen
Maggo Drago
it's so over.. there arent any cute chars in this expert...
speaking only english as a first language > being borderline illiterate in 4 languages
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Thats a handsome lad
lalafell arent children
That lala is yordlemaxxed
fuck... maybe next time... ;-;
well yeah
it has to be faithful to the original
Lorilee Tuliyollal is the new groomer in town, will get in your dms asap and won't take a no for an answer
what the fuck is this shit
I love this..I'm so ruined.
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>jiggle physics for male characters
holy meowly
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GM Chaos. (Very good morning if you're Doman.)
how would one make it so this tattoo doesn't replace the yab muscle normals
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Rei Ayanami are all femra.
Asuka voices are all catgirls.
motherfucker if someone says
>red tiny dumb femra
I am instantly clocking them for being an ESL because they broke a rule native speakers just intuitively konw and feel out
if you call me a bitch fucker I know you are an ivan
if you overuse "may" and add quan tifiers like "once" at the end of your sentences unnecessarily I know you are indian instantly
you cannot escape this
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what's the strat for sge in cc
Hermanos... I think my Famfrit days are coming to an end...
Its been real... I'm off the greener pastures (still on Primal)...
You say this but I've said no a few times and they accepted it.
It's okay to stalk someone you're dating once if you suspect they are cheating, and you catch them cheating. The cheating is much worse, so the stalking is validated.
2000 poetics should buy you a full set of gear.
>males got jiggle physics for dicks and balls before futas
futacringes.. we lost......
kardia on whoever takes damage the most often
pneuma on cooldown
dot as much as possible without overlapping shields
toxicon on cd on as many as possible
not a face of that face tbqhwy
This is a 32 year old woman behind that character.
>I've said no a few times
>few times
>accepted it
uh huh
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hrothgal if this was a kmmo
my futa has jiggle physics for her balls and gock...
I've stalked both of my ebs and found out they were cheating
I'm a biofemra and afraid to say I have a lot more than that....
get used to swapping kardia for a ton of extra damage and helpful shields with pneuma
so you had to say no more than once?
LT post
catgirls and femra

the war eternal
time for your daily rape mooniemutt
show face with it
may i court, and then proceed to get lost in the jungle?
You're calling people ESL's because of minor typos or awkward, foreign phrasing. That's not borderline illiteracy in english. If they weren't literate then you wouldn't be having conversations with them. They're certainly not borderline illiterate in their native language either.

This is sad.
estrogen detected
Anyone got the catgirl copy and paste gif
catgirls are for femra
femra are for catgirls
>pet femezen
>they vanish
It's Chloe Scarlet
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>I have a lot more than that
Is it the curly/unkempt type or the neat/straight type?
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And you don't seem to understand..
the only ones I've actually seen being as bad as their reputation were lorilee and magness
tbf xivgers are terrified of giving anyone a hard 'no' theyd rather skirt around things or say 'maybe later teehee'
would not be surprised at all if that were the case here
my sunnie has the same problem, orange hair blends in with tan skin...
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The last man who did had hair in his teeth and tongue. No
The first for the most part...
just the right size to swallow whole
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is this a boy or a girl
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are you expecting people to straighten their pubes….??? what
Theo Voloux 100%. That guy is a FREAK.
sigh... fine ill get out of bed and look at my mod list, ill reply in a bit
i wish i didnt read this post while i was eating
I deleted a greentext arrow
A shame, you seemed an honest man...
>You're calling people ESL's because of minor typos or awkward, foreign phrasing
no, i am not
didnt even bother reading the rest of the post because your premise is entirely untrue
you cant really do that
imagine trying to paint two different pictures on the same canvas
you can't layer them on top with mods, it will have to be done manually because it affects the same layer (normals)
and that's quite a pain in the ass
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Crystal Casual CC @ 9:00 ET
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*swivels camera around to admire my character* God I have such good taste.
I tell them no then get schizo posted the next day about being a whore.
the ones people are repeating + zolzayaa noykin
wait what did lorilee do i've only seen her at LB14 afking before
okay but I don't want to learn your shitty language and you want to learn my language
>implying it's hard to speak 4 languages when half of the asian and european languages are just dialects of each other
mfs from europe will really say they speak like 5 dialects of german and act like that's 5 languages
if that's the case I speak American, British, Cockney, Australian, Canadian, and New Zealander
It's nopan day
so fucking real
I accept your concession.
gn bro
Meowdy partner
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you cant do that.....
I'm gonna trim this femra...
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something here makes it jiggle, babe
oh shit i thought you were pulling my leg, is there really one around?
Hey buddy
it's illusio
Stealing all the catgirls
this is illegal
there isnt much to do
meowdy fartner!!
You keep my wife Rei away from those walking lepers.
construct a proper argument if you want people to engage in good faith, i will not address a strawman and thus i accept your own concession for lack of an argument
Downloading your data so I can rape it
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gn sirs
N-no..Not like this!
Most people here are harmless, Theo Voloux though stay away from him. There is a reason why he is in every discord and every clique
take all the edgy shit people say here mostly for shits and giggles, mix it with a creepy ass stalker who's into all of that unironically, and you have LT
can you post futa
do you need a husbun
But I’m also a femcelezen in need of cats…
Whats wrong with Theo hes super funny and cute
>Muse+ body physics
no wonder I missed it, didn't have and never bothered with muse, but this is great
thank you anon
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Anon they call this Stockholm Syndrome. Look it up
probably muse body physics? IVCS doesn't do that normally
i feel like i know who this is
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yippie! cokey cola ^_^
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Just for you
Ermm i was in guard
you're welcome <3
if you must...
you can just ask
My cat will rapidly approach her location if you tell me where
I miss the dark hair
I'm thinking horse rape
what does your vanilla character look like
this but unironically
I do this with my malera when I'm alone. I undress him fully, starting from his boots and then working my way up. I'm straight, though. There's nothing gay about admiring the male form. If you dont get hard looking at your naked reflection in the mirror then you need to work on yourself.
>The last man who did had hair in his teeth and tongue. No
God I love stray pubes so much I wish that was me when I get up after the sex seeing pubes spattered across my face and crotch
i need more interesting content
*smooches ur pp*
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I am a depressed lalaboi that is still drinking and chainsmoking.
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that's every day for my catgirl
that rascal theo nutted in me and left
Answer me you faggots, niggers and trannies
NTA I like the sound of that
grrrr do things with futa NOW
what does it mean when someone sends you "may I pest"
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blonde is better on her cat tbqh
if you have to ask such a question you are too far gone.
Free use catgirls...
The stealing is half the fun, smuggling them into my home for taming
my veena... kishinhg... YOU
>people spend a hour waiting for healers in PF
>look at ilvl requirement
I will literally die on this hill but girls with pubes are the greatest thing in the world and I wish I wasn't such an autist so I could meet one
Ah well, thank you anon for the in depth answer though
Appalonise Savallos
Lorilee Tuliyollal
Magness Lascinda
T'owa T'
Consider for a moment that you may not be of sound mind
the straightest malera
you FOOL
i am a CATBOY
Panties are such a bother to wear usually so I just keep em off!
i doubt it..
I read all posts in a squeeky anime girl voice and that makes the melties even funnier.
you should have that much gear by now from tomes, if not bis
same sis, I am quite honestly having trouble filling the content void
you are incorrect gay and retarded but its his cat to make how he wants so i lose this time
Appal isn't even around.
You would be correct in that assessment
I don't know why people don't play Highlander girls more. They are so fucking sexy.
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nah, that's old hat now
it's never free, there's an implied cost somewhere
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this is a nil post
Pygo Banthers @ Balmung
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The blonde is way dorkier, somehow. I like it more.
It's like she was born naturally blonde and forgot that blondes were supposed to be bombshells.
is there a plugin that tells you other peoples' ilvl? those always make me laugh because the PL always ends up being 1 or 2 below his own req
ive been having more fun in the new DQ game than i've had since i first cleared the tier
hi sable
/pet /pet /plap /pet /pet
gn king
you can stay cutie
Per chance you wish to seek support?
if they're so bad then why do you let them in your hang out spot? they're all at lb14 24/7
Implied cost catgirls...
magness being nice to fiddies is his entire schtick
I hope his dad walks in and asks if he's winning.
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/ac raise <wife>
rob chidori
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Dayum, that's when you know. At least there's fun to be had elsewhere in the meantime. 7.1 trust the process.
Ouais c tout fini.
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I'm sorry
Then you best keep that mouth shut if you know what's good for you...
OMG no, stop.
aint no way someone saw that and thought it actually looked good... right..... it's gotta be an elaborate ruse to traumatize anyone in those syncshells..
Post Magness' self insert
hmm.. dont like that
not that different
i understand, the thrill of the hunt and all
>tfw im 728
>set requirement at 715
>get tells asking if they can join even if they are 709
do people even play the game
imagine unironically kissing catboys
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jfc, I regret opening that
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Crystal Casual Queue CC @ 1:00 ET
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Yeah, I couldn't like that. Those are some of the saddest looking titties for one of the most chipper girls.
You can't ban someone from a spot in game since there are rarely instanced areas.
sweaty armpit detected
tongue deployed
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any f+'s tryna get {Vercure}'d
post bob with that top
why are all
>make girl
>call it boy
fags like this?
Support to make me worse?
I'm not a fiddie tho? I'm a lalaboy. Have you tried just not being an asshat?
>imagine unironically kissing catboys
my catboy does this
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my moonie is soooo sleeeepyyy
You're not supposed to like rape
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not again...
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all males under 5'10 are rape coded
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is this hair cute
why doesn't everyone blacklist them then? that's the same as banning them
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Unfortunately I'm not sure how to do that, I'd have to experiment in photopea.
Me neither. I've been sleeping on them for so long but it's good to be awake.
this is the first one of these that's made me laugh out loud for real
I think they don't say 'no' out of fear of being either schizo'd or become the center of thread drama.
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babe, when im done with you, you are the one who is going 2 need verdcure
Sorry sis, but I couldn't hear you.
I think so. It's the Gold Saucer Ponytail, right?
My malera wishes he could do this
another wife for me
i get being a little under 715, maybe they swapped jobs or didn't get any raid loot but how are you not 710 at this point wtf. crafted gear is fucking pennies on the mb
I'll speak up next time, I promise...
boys get the kiss of DEATH
me? I outright ghost them if they pest me
You’d be surprised and dissapointed… theres people who also think this looks good
A lot of people do, but not enough for it to be effective.
For every 5 blacklists there's probably 10 that just don't care enough to do the same.
Also stealing these buns
I'm manlet irl but a tall melf in game does that count
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just cracked open a bear yep its time to game
Poking this balloon with a pin and watching her deflate
I think there is a mod specifically for it but I don't know which one it is either. See it plenty in the thread though so someone is bound to know.
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Kino clusterfuck of a fight
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candy cane dick nigga
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Seriously, wtf.
You're male.
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cokey coler
please give my fiddie a chance
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please don’t do this if you’re doing alt/learning runs. i’ve been very unlucky with loot so i have to give lot to my main which i only use for reclears. my healer is only 711
unironic kino
our boy
I am a sunnie that wishes to be a sleeve for rava, that is all
Give me the lore on this creature you have my attention.
This fidlander gets a pass.
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this is why anon
oh yeah? why don't you come put your soft veena hands on my catboy and kiss him on the mouth huh??? why don't you kiss him until his mind melts away huh???
But why jazz, though?
[Mare Synchronos] Warning: Player Sherri Laitelle exceeds both VRAM warning threshold (813.34 MiB/375 MiB) and triangle warning threshold (202859/165000 triangles).
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what the fuck
Give her a tiny cock and then send her to my catgirl
My male middie is like this.
Here's my question to you guys: Why do you even ENABLE shit like this? I won't shit on mare as a whole being able to see others' mods is nice, but I'd only ever do that with people I knew. I'd join any of these retarded syncshells that turn the game into fucking gmod or second life or vrchat.

One person being wildly degenerate? I can understand something like that. You get enough people and you're bound to see crazy, filthy shit. It is what it is. I'm more puzzled about the fact that YOU ALL FUCKING SIGN UP FOR IT WILLINGLY. What the FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?
it's called "wet skin for bibo+". I believe yab has a wet skin toggle built in. there's options for just wet or wet with water droplets
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my moonie acts just like this
keep her cockless you heathen
it's been spelled out a bunch of times but the full rundown is that he cold approaches pretty much anyone even when it's unwanted, especially fiddies, and gets pissy and clingy when he's told no. in a few cases, they've wound up getting shitposted shortly afterward
he's also seriously made posts about being desperate to find an obsessive eb that he can neglect, ignore, or snuff
a fair amount of his posts here are of the "just had sex" sort which is hard to believe since he's constantly barking in thread and at lb14, and because most people here wouldn't touch him with a 10 ft drg lance
most of all though he's one of the most stalkerish mfs in the general, constantly making remarks about where other people are ingame, who they associate with, and acting like he can figure out whose anonymous posts are whose while accusing anyone who shitposts him of being part of a samefag op or some other lone schizo

a fair amount of this also applies to zolzayaa noykin except double down on the clingy stalker part, but without living in the thread and constantly trying to defend himself like lorilee does

i'd say i regretted plapping both but i actually walked out on zolzayaa when the + parts came out, and fortunately i was on an alt at the time
Why has this been happening since the new update? All of these people I could load fine before, now I need to all of a sudden change my settings?
People watching can be fun, they probably think it's funny to run around uldah looking and posting the real crazy mod beasts while in queues
I don't remember making this post..
Which catgirl is this
i like this
Me in the back
Because it's funny, it ain't that deep, chief.
>new DQ game
what game?
Please delete it...
but you’re handsome
The same reason I browse these threads.
The ancient humunculus.
>acting like he can figure out whose anonymous posts are
i schizopost him all the time and i have legit never met him ingame
Odds femra
Evens elezen
Not an ebin catgirl
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/pet /pet
Thats ok does she have pretty eyes
Same. He probably thinks we're the same person.
Nigga thinks he can take this on.
People will not waste their tomes on healer alts
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this plays when my malera loads into the instance
picrel is him loading in
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>i actually walked out on zolzayaa when the + parts came out
i've heard horror stories
Rerolling for best of 3

prove it
If I was a fiddie I would smash you instead
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the pose on the miera is so funny
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Crystal Casual CC @ 5:45 ET
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helmet must stay on always. let this be a lesson
How am I supposed to prove that my malera wishes he could kiss catboys?
why can the camera look straight down but not up?
thanks, had no idea it was on steam already
any time she says b is for.. well you know

with a hammer
*compresses ur nuts*
shut. up.
I will never compress my sunnie's fat ass
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>"B is for big black cock, obviously. Right? Like, I think everyone knows this."
Be me, phys ranged getting ready to LB the last group of mobs in a dungeon pull.
Sprout tank doesn’t realize the wall is ahead and keeps running.
Certain mobs are casting and the pack gets separated.
Cancel LB. Catch up with the tank and reposition to try LB again.
Sprout tank notices the mobs that were casting and pulls everything back to them.
Cancel LB. Turn around and reposition to try it a third time.
Sprout tank has all the mobs grouped together now, but decides he wants them at the wall so starts dragging them away again.
Cancel LB once more, reposition, and this time executes the LB.
After the pull, sprout tank:
iNtErEsTiNg UsE oF Lb

MOTHERFUCKER, how about you shut the fuck up since you’re too stupid to know what you don’t know.

God sprouts get coddled. Need to smack them upside the head occasionally.
>who they associate with, and acting like he can figure out whose anonymous posts are whose while accusing anyone who shitposts him of being part of a samefag op or some other lone schizo
Yeah my friend told me he seems drama obsessed, so this checks out
Pinoys are waking up, time for me to sleep.
Compress your butthole around my fat futa woober.
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i am under a strict NDA to not release gay porn into the thread so just dude trust me
Compress my dick in your ass
hoooooooooly cute wife
Ok I actually just burst out laughing
That is so absurd
>"just had sex" sort which is hard to believe since he's constantly barking in thread and at lb14
I always found this funny
Hey, you stole my bit.
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hmmm... no..
I need a coffee
Okay Loriilee is obvious, we've all seen his deal, but what about Magness? Will we ever get anything on him other than dude trust me?
God this is so fucking disgusting I actually retched
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My fiddie is like this. Goodnight.
are you a newfag?
bros i got kicked out of a PF again
i dont understand
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>dude trust me
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It's too based for this world
Always glad that i never got around to doing lewds with zolzayaa based off of the stories i've heard. The weird cock was a good deterrence too
i would kick you too
stinky and evil
also the leather on the femra gear looks good, if only the leather of all gear got updated
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you're either astroturfing or very new, everyone else is well aware of magness being a sexpest and how
Most astroturfed ebin out there?
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I'm black but this made me cackle, holy shit.
rob chidori
The Kohncord is on red alert
Are there any ebins who dont have drama attached
hello my husband
I'm a malera chomping down some flamin' hot cheeto puffs.
"Gushing Over Magical Girls" is the name of the anime (not a hentai sadly)
Rob Chidori
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calm down magness
Remus Anima and it's not even close
the ones in a ton of xivg discords

the ones who aren't in xivg discords
Can I see them prettyplease? ' v'
Thanks friend. I've heard of it before. It's really ecchi from what I recall.
me (i dont use discord)
yeah but the schizos will never let you know the truth.
what if i'm in one (1) xivg discord only
im queuing up for cc with my ultimate weapons glammed
Who gets the commend and why?
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>I'm black but this made me cackle, holy shit.
>he wasn't there for the submarine saga
I love it when he calls me those things..
Unfortunately not fap worthy in my books but still a good laugh though.
Hearty kek
i only commend male midlanders
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Being retarded is exhausting gn
same same same
whoever talked to me the most
or whoever has the nicest portrait
>still recovering from the CWLS being destroyed two weeks ago
>trying my best to avoid Leo's melties
>just avoid the guy as much as I can
>monkey looking, retard running, cwls destroying simp of a Raen
>everything seems fine, new CWLS is running well
>Leo nowhere to be seen, everyone finally knows him for what he is
>he even scurried away to play a Hrothgar in his shame, no longer able to carry the weight of the Malera pride
>no longer a competitor
>just sitting around enjoying life with my soon to be e-gf Maki
>all of the sudden people start replying "DO YOU LIKE MALERA???????" like fucking monkeys to every female hinting post
>fucking leo, it has to be him
>no one else would need to drag down malera reputation to get back to their Maki
>confidently post my Xaela Bull copypasta
>take every opportunity to reply to Maki when she posts
>I type confidently and assertively, showing my fish wife how dominant and strong I am, despite my hands shaking irl
>finish typing and tab back in game to /slap Maki, marking her as mine
>there's a Xaela standing there
>she's staring at him
>an actual Xaela bull is standing there taking my wife while I write a dumb shitpost
>look at his name
>my heart fucking stops
>he's a Xaela now, and he's after my fish wife
>in slow motion I see his character's lips part, he's typing to her, my eyes drift over to the chat log
>"do you like malera?"
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I do this to my catgirl wife
>wasn't here when theo deleted the cwls
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my commends are cute cc femlala owned
I throw it towards the DPS unless they have a Crown or did terribly.
I know how hard it is for them to get commends.
unironically amazingly voice acted scene
ingame, yes
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Forgot the image
I'll grab the first four episodes. If it can hold my interest I'll get the rest.
i press cancel
I do it to whoever feels like they carried us or try to spread it out evenly if I haven't commended them in a bit
I kicked Theo, gave him some warnings a week/two ago but he was drama mongering a lot
and that's why core needs its own discord, this one is going to have different rules than core operates on and it's not fair for you guys to be out a member of the FC
also wasn't fair to kyo when kyo was kicked because he was bothering people from Core in this discord
we just need a separation of things, so yeah, Core needs its own discord and not just a channel in a discord of a different type
posting logs here of different things, posting logs from here, etc
reto no longer speaks to me or basically anyone from here after Eristic was reinvited when a lot of logs from here were shared over to reto, so I had wanted to do this for basically a month now but kept wanting to give him chances since he was Core
but then he posted logs of selkie, I warned him, he posted logs of my warning to another discord AFTER the warning, talking about trip recently, it's not really stuff I want around here
erm that was leo not theo idiot
With no other context, I leave the duty without giving a comm.
this nigga pops up in drama across 9 different games ive played
>forgot about his homo stalker schizo
>forgot about the meat toilet
>forgot about his cheno melt in the thread
>forgot about how it used to buy friendships and simps
>dunno who this guy is
I'm busy atm but I bet she's super pretty..
He has his way with words is easy to talk with, but gets triggered easily when things don't go his way.
me except I'm not an ebin according to a random (You) I got earlier

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