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Previous: >>494104339

>Ordeal Call III: Neo-Primate Succession War, Archetype Inception:
●Event period: Aug 28 ~ Oct 31 JST (2 Months).
▶NEW Limited Master Missions (~ Sep 18): 10 SQ, 10 Stargazer's Teapots, 1 Lantern of Chaldea and 4 Silver Apples.
▶Stargazer's Teapots expire October 31.
▶Final Part: September 25.

>BB Presents Celebrity Summer Experience! ~ Dubai Strikes Back:
●Event period: Aug 14 ~ Oct 2 JST (7 weeks).
▶Login Bonus: 12 Golden Apples and 66 Silver Apples (It also counts for the duration of OC III)
▶Welfare Servant: To be revealed at the end of OC III.
▶This event is scheduled to be added to the Main Interlude.

>Lostbelt No.4 Clear Support Campaign:
●Sep 1 ~ 30 JST.
▶LB4 main quests at AP 0.
▶Recollection Quests: 6 Golden Apples and 600 Mana Prisms.
▶Limited Master Missions: 20 Hellfire of Wisdom, 400 Evocation Leaves, 1 Rare Prism, 3 SQ and 1 Crystallized Lore.
▶New upcoming event on October requires clearing LB4.

>Archetype Inception Part 2 PU Summon:
●Sep 11 ~ 18 JST
5*Foreigner Koyanskaya of Darkness (limited)
4*Caster Edison (story locked)
●Sep 13 ~ 20 JST
5*Saber Astolfo (limited)
4*Rider (permanent)
●Sep 15 ~ 22 JST
5*Moon Cancer Jinako Carigiri (permanent)
●Sep 17 ~ 24
5*Alter Ego Kingprotea (limited)
4*Alter Ego Passionlip (limited)

>Current Pick Ups:
●~Oct 2 JST.
5*Moon Cancer Mysterious Agent C.I.E.L
4*Lancer Dobrynya Nikitich
4*Avenger Xu Fu
All limited.
5*Lancer Karna (permanent)
4*Lancer Percival (permanent)
●~Oct 9 JST.
5*Moon Cancer BB Dubai
4*Moon Cancer Tenochtitlan
4*Foreigner Mysterious Heroine XX Alter
All limited.

>Pastebin for utility links:
Where isn't there a doujin of the two?
>OC3 happen because BB can't compute on the missing history on how Human gone extinct
>Space Beast Eresh is because humanity became servants and learn to respawn
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Archie doko da
So why did Nasu add Servantverse slop in OC3? Wasn't it supposed to be a gag event only
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>Hakuno, not Arc, is Grand MoonCancer
Why is Crimson Moon such a pathetic excuse for an Ultimate One??
You were wrong. Like I've been telling you for years, Servantverse is 100% canon. Fuckssake MHX showed up at the Time Temple. It's CANON. Deal with it.

Besides, the main plot is more nonsensical than Servantverse and GUDAGUDA anyway.
Bro your English...
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>french canadian
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Why aren't Gilkeks mad that Hakuno's here? The only master he treats like Enkidu.
she's not quebecois stop begging it
They're used to jobbing better than tamamokeks who just embraced getting cucked lmao
Well of course for people who have mental illness brown people like you.
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That's a weird horse
Pretty sure she is.
If you think about it.
This is the second time Nikitich is in a squad to defeat a Beast.
This is the second time Percival makes an heroic sacrifice in a Nasu story
She's from Windsor, Ontario.
It is indeed canon I just didn't expect it to be important enough to get a beast (I know she's not a numbered beast but still)
So when are they going to release Gudaguda beast or ordeal call? It would be unfair for Keikenchi if only Nasu gets to add his gag lore on the main story
>Yes mommy/daddy, I will be a good girl
I don't understand Koyanskaya. At least in Kiara's case, she legitimately has childhood nostalgia that lets Anderson get away with talking shit at her.
Can someone explain why evade is better for anti anti defense lorewise
Given GUDAGUDA has been getting increasingly serious, not long. Might even get wolfguy as a Servant for the yumes.
Nasu writing Percival so well just makes me mad
because grandma don't know how to use the ipad
Even the event writer didn't boil his character down into DUDE FOOD LMAO lol
Read the beginning of OC3.
You can run away or dodge it, but you can't tank it is the gist
It's just the fact that Percival uses a Miracle which is a huge fucking thing but only Nasu would remember just what kind of fucking big deal Percival and Longinus are
Since when?
King of the Moon babyyy
I thought we've known this years ago. I still remember first seeing it on /fgog/.
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he cute
And I still don't care for either of them
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Do you not know how to share a video?
The ready epidemiologically accept because innocent undeniably connect via a plucky underwear longing, ugly game
This is also the second time Karna goes missing for the most part of the story lol.
You sage if you agree on this board
She is just that strong.
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Gib Gudako instead
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Do you struggle with reading comprehension?
ok but when were you mentioned in literally anywhere previously in this thread
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Haha. So you like toxic positivity but you back off when people prove you are wrong. Nobody’s having trouble reading words here buddy, but it seems you have trouble putting the meaning of these words together...
I hope playable Crypters (including new version of Paisen) will summon their servant(s) as part of their battle animation
>inb4 Ophelia's extra attack is just Surtr screaming "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPHELIAAAAAAAA" and laserbeam the enemy
Convince me NOT to roll Yami
“I am a cultured 4chan user” that’s what you sound like, stop it with this fanart
I mean, isn't Grand more a min-maxed container for dealing with specific Beasts/Threats against the planet more then being "The Strongest Servan of that Class"? Or am i mixing up my lore? I swear it is speciifcally talked about in relation to the Grand Caster Candidates where if you don't got Clairoyance you can't qualify even if you are technically a mage/hero as strong or stronger.

I'd assume Hakuno get prio because the speicific power is far more context approriate for what Grand Moon Cancer is meant to solve then Arc being strong as fuck if similar rules are in place, plus you know, BBs class, BBs rules.
And there are people who still think Shiroufags are not just ntr loving self-inserters
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hag bottom
I guess not if 4chan has a community for unpopular video game opinion which will discredit you for uploading a truly unpopular opinion lmao. Or just for having users who sage because they desagree instead of explain why and cry when loosing an argument. Just saying it's amazing how people take so seriously everything here except a proper debate in which someone who is not a bot and has a slightly different idea has a good point.
>REEEE a slight grammatical error

Aren’t you a little too old to acting like that
Just gonna get this of the way since this general’s content isn’t going to be dictated based on delusional threats. You’ve been proven right after 2+ years. I’vs really been a Chicago Bulls employee all along. Go get your viral posts.
And how exactly does that excuse this behaviour?
The Gudas look so ugly with the Takeuchi front facing face and angry look with the current Chaldea uniform
Do you think this behavior is any better?
Fuck off. I have food issues and can only eat and enjoy a few things. Your spelling and grammar will only be so good in such situation. I’m always over polite when I ask for special instructions when I order.
This probably should go in unpopular opinions and I actually feel like kind of a shit for it but it’s 4chan and I’m allowed: Women going through chemo hate you for this. We never tell you and we applaud you but we don’t mean it. We secretly feel like it’s a slap in the face. So just know that any female friend/relative you have that’s has to go through this secretly is hating you. And we know we’re wrong for it but that’s the truth. The most I can truthfully say is I’m glad you’re happy with it. Disregard me to your hearts content.
What do you mean? I didn't read the Trung event yet
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>"Fufu. Listen well. This sports gym oniisan is just a disguise to hide from the world.
>It's a story from a long time ago but I'm the man who saved the world a few times already!
>The Master of the Moon, Kishinami Hakuno! As your senpai, I'll show you how the job is done!"
Guda really became dead inside for Hakuno to show up and teach Guda how it's done
I sure do feel better! I’m smiling and laughing every time I see the bell. FEELS FUKKIN GREAT telling you how I really feel. So suck a dick and stop this general if you don’t want to hear it. Real simple.
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Ah, that why some nips were talking about how Guda was being treated by Nasu.
Is BB not for (you) now? Is there anyone got the list of Not for (you) servants?
Why would Guda become a servant in a game where you already play as them

maybe if they make a FGO 2
to the artists working on fate/grand order, in case you are reading this, don’t listen to me cause i’m not even in college yet, but personally, i’d quit. i like to keep my self respect, and if i’m being chewed out for doing something right but not ThEiR WaY, they don’t deserve me. before i leave, though, i’d match up to the pitiful boss and chew him out to pieces, slam down my resignation, and leave like the boss i am.
Why the fuck is Nasu love sucking this faggot dick so much?
>don’t listen to me cause i’m not even in college yet
Report you for being underage
>As your senpai, I'll show you how the job is done!
(You) didn't became suicidal for this...
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>Countless times
We literally had to clean up his shit because he's incompetent twice or more lmao what even is this writing Hakuno is such a dogshit character
Love the character design here and how it’s clear you probable don’t want to mess with him. I haven't broke anything yet but worst for me was getting hit in the face with a gate when i was 11. hurt pretty bad after the fight i was bleeding out but got home in time to get patched up didn't need hospital even tho it was big and deep. I rested for 2 days then went round to the fuckers house and cracked his kneecap with a plank of wood. Apparently he went hosptal
Burn the cuckunos
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>I'll show you how the job is
Excuse me? Although it was heavily nerfed by Batshizo Guda faced THE spider.
What's with the schizophrenia
wtf?? i’m of age out of high school just been taking the last few years off before starting college. dumbfuk
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>story chapter about AI
>fgog starts talking like malfunctioning AI
It's pottery
Hakuno faced a thing roughly equal to the Spider's fingernails, please understand...
Yeah start bringing shit out of your ass for no reason whatsoever
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Mai foggsu~
Source on that scaling?
Could you be an /iamverysmart person?
Cuckuno is just a dogshit addition that robbed us of a summer character. So I'll shitpost his disgusting ass as much as I can, shit like this just fuels the fact that I'm right.
He didn't do shit. Didn't help with KP or KP alter. Didn't help with Beastresh. Didn't help at all in general but spout some words and act as bait.
Burning them and posting the webm here will be the highlight of this OC.
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Imouto here, where the FUCK is the second Arc rate up, Onii-chan? It's been over two fucking years.
The fuck you say. You never are happier, we know that. Piss off.
Dumuzid. He literally scales Sefar as being = ORT's spider body, which is compared to fingernails-an appendage that the core UFO body secrets to interact with the world better
The BBspic being a Georgie persona is not what I had on my bingo card this year.
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>the way to make people like a character is trough wanking and have everyone on the room telling them how right they are
Nasu really learned nothing from how Mashu was handled in Part 2
Your behaviour is EXTREMELY concerning. You are obvious suffering from some extreme mental health issues and you refuse to seek help. You comment this silly ass story in fgog trying to find...What? I’m not sure. Your actions and behaviour are abusive and controlling and beyond toxic. You scream and yell and throw a fit (talk about self centred!) You manipulate and lie. You have extreme emotional reactions to mundane situations. Please seek therapy immediately. You are in obvious need of professional help.
Miracles are kind of a trade thing right?
I remember that Roland also pulled a miracle at the cost of his own existence on that particular singularity.
Post twerking ORT
I guess we’ll see if you’re right or if OP isn’t insane because I just posted a load of bullshit to that general right now.
She's still alive so uhhh, on the 25th?
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I can brag to my savior gf now.
...wish she would also be here so we both learn.
peoples errors arent their own business anymore once posted publicly, so criticism is warranted. in the case of fgo, lack of curiosity could have killed the fucking cat. if you suspect something do what you think is right, i'm a nosey bitch and look through peoples shit (if i suspect something going on), i justify it by thinking it's better safe than sorry. your advice is shit, and by the sounds of it you have something hidden
Good morning
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ChatGPT write a 500 word short essay on why foggsu~ is the best in the world and post it here on /fgog/.
I’m going to ignore you by commenting on you reply.
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How bad did she bomb that they're running her banner for 2 months?
>Wake up
>Fgo still a cuck game
Wipe the smirk off your face
>I don't understand Koyanskaya.
Don't even attempt it, just fap to her doujins, it's all she's good for.
>Implying Nasu even read what the other writers wrote
So even nips think clapping is a mistake?
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It's because of people like you that this shit gets popular, you keep spamming it everywhere going "see see see"
I would never know of the existence of those if you didnt post it here.
A few Klan members trying to drown out my comments. Perhaps there's been an uptick in members. Must be all the larpers wanting to be crowned "Grand Wizard". So cool!
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Remember when Holmes deduced Sigurd was Sigurd because he was able to dodge his beams? Peak Sakurai Kino writing
>>Nasu tries to give personality to Hakuno, who is as much of a cardboard as Guda and Sieg
Fucking kek
Guda has had a personality for ages unlike Hakuno you would know that if you weren't a shitposter and actually read the game
>who is as much of a cardboard as Guda
Finally coming to terms with it?
Remember that time when Holmes was useful after joining Chaldea?
Yeah, me neither.
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Remember when Stheno knew the villain's exact location because she is a goddes?
Peak Sakurai Kino writing.
Well, other people like it I suppose, and I'm pretty sure if I comment on my true feelings I will be chewed out by MANY people. Oh well. Anyway, I really don't want to offend those who like the general, its something to browse, and it IS infact a tad intertaning, but, I really would rather not browse posts of overly tan drunks running around like idiots. Its UNFORTUNITLY intertaning, but, of course, do not let your children browse it, don't through away the childrens' freedom, just spare their lives by NOT browsing this. Like I said, no offence to the users of the general, and the fans of FGO. But I see this general and must wonder, 'why do I want to waste my life browsing this, I see the same stuff at school!' My guess now you are all thinking "well if she hates the general, why the hell is she commenting on it?" (the h-word was included because I'm sure some are furious at me at the moment) well, my responce to that question is: "Same reason YOU comment on things, to share your opinion" Anyway, I seriously see no total purpose of this general (not that any general 'needs' a purpose) its just this general is very popular, which is a shame, because this is what our youth is browsing, and some, not all, are learning from. Yes it is obvious many teenagers know these are not good role models, although, teenagers think they are 'cool' which, like I said, is sad. I just don't think we need online spaces like this now, in the worlds freakish state. The last thing I want to see is another drunk 13 year old walking down the street because he did that with his friends because of peer preasure, these online spaces are part, PART of the blame, admit it. I think its foolish of them to reanact their behavior, but it makes it much easier, go ahead fans chew me out, Its expected. But I don't see anything wrong with the fans, as long as they do not reinact, which I'm sure most of you are much smarter than to do that. So don't wig out, its just my personal opinion.
>>The Master of the Moon, Kishinami Hakuno! As your senpai, I'll show you how the job is done!"
Does he know?
Honestly I feel like he had more personality in Extella, in FGO Hakuno is just constantly upbeat chipper gym mann and Hakunon is just BB's master because reasons despite both of them conspiring to make Eresh synch with her Servant Universe Beast self
I wish Hakuno had his NIKUI powers
Should've been his actual NP
She's a debtfag and Actual Nikicth saving and naming her is one she will never be able to repay. That's it
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Haha thanks ChatGPT.
Not every AI understands the greatness of Foggsu~
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but /it's not even the real Nikitch/
The debt autism thing is way cuter on Beni than Koyan.
But its his Wife and he asked Nastasia to cover for him
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Please consider sex with the banana
Don’t think too hard about it.
There clearly wasn’t any thought put into Chunguska by Sakurai or Nasu or anyone else involved.
I ship her with Shuten
I hope Nasu actually has Guda do something cool desu.
He will sit behind his servants and Hakuno watching and in the crucial moment just Deus Ex Machina CS like he always does that's his style
He did have Guda do plenty cool things in this story so far already.
>Fuckssake MHX showed up at the Time Temple
All characters from the events appeared at Time Temple, GudaGuda characters were there too and Nasu consider them not canon
I don't want oni STDs
No Story Serious Avengers allowed any more only joke ones like Our Best Non-Platonic Friend Xu Fu
Guda being friendly with everything he meets is tje standard it's not cool. Nice guys finish last
>2 weeks of wait just for 5 sections and an interlude then 2 weeks of wait again
How many points are they going to resolve in part 3?
>cuckquean mashu
I love it already
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Takeuchi front faces are so bad
Gudapags will look at this generic nipman mc design trying to look all serious and go "he's so cool he's literally me"
Worked really well for Brolga and Kukulkan
You didn't read the story, so why bother commenting?
The whole Beast Eresh segment wasn't "cool"?
Guda telling Koyanskaya off and her getting wet surprised and all apologetic after wasn't good?
Guda telling others to respect Jinako's sacrifice wasn't cool?
There's lots of "cool" moments with (You).
Ah now I see the issue here
To be fair, Koyanskaya automatically makes every scene she's in uncool by association, it's like her personality Reality Marble is Sakurai writing. Especially when other characters suck her off to try to make her seem more impressive.
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Call me when he does something else besides talk and watch the servants fight. Even Cuckuno is fighting now he has no excuses
>Call me when he does something else besides talk and watch the servants fight
>TL: Spoonfeed me so I can shitpost what he did
The entire point of the Beast Eresh confrontation was that only (You) could take her down and you do.
People like you are just disgusting pieces of shit, lying and pretending you have arguments when you're just posting for the sake of shitposting. Fuck off.
Go back mihoyofags
>oni STDs
Ibaraki is pure, Shuten is the one you need to stay meters away to not get anything deadly
What the hell is that face, Mashu.
>The whole Beast Eresh segment wasn't "cool"?
No I wanted Eresh and not this lame servantverse shit.
She's surprised and jealous because you treat AE to French cuisine and treat her like a princess while she blushes all over. Not even kidding.
Trips of truth
Why french?
She's canadian
>no personality
You've never played Extra.
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Fgog doesn't even play fgo.
>Even Cuckuno is fighting now he has no excuses
Isn't Hakuno just throwing servants at the problem too? that's what i've seen from a few images at least.
So the third alter ego stationed in OC3 wasn't melt but protea alter?
So she picked passionlip, protea, and protea?
>Even Cuckuno
He is a servant now anon
French cuisine is stereotypical high class cuisine.
The joke is that AE then ordered an Happy Meal.
Current chapter reminds me of when Anastasiafags used to claim the Ana you summoned would leave you the second she sees Kadoc, and they would make all sorts of insane claims that she would gain LB Anastasia's knowledge and leave you in a heartbeat and it would be out of character and it would destroy the lore if she didn't.

Nasu always tries his hardest to pit the shippers against the self insert fags. Most people forget that in CCC event he cruedly tried pairing melt with Tristan and Lip with Gawain, even gave them special myroom lines together, and years later swept it under the rug pretending he didn't try to make that a pairing.
People should realize by now that Nasu is a fucking retard
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>besides talk and watch the servants fight
Guda literally summons the right servants for every battle and commands every move they make in combat, allowing him to take on god-like beings.
Stop being a retard.
And yet here you are. Slopping his game like the retard you are.
I don’t know what’s his plan in regards to BB. While the semi-emotional reaction of her meeting Haku is expected, that’s all the fans/shippers need.
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Her Majesty cannot be THIS cute I love her
Guda has died like 3 times and always comes back because this is a live service game
Hakuno wank is disgusting
Personally, I think it's incredibly based that Hakuno is the first master to be fully playable, now when it happens to Kirsch and Guda I don't have to care!
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Surprisingly few considering he is still just a human and has been exposed to a lot of unparalleled dangers for years.
Honestly the trauma of dealing with shit worse than death feels worse than dying
Because all his enemies abide by the honor code and will kill him only after his army reserves are exhausted.
this sounds like cope
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What would an Ibaraki footjob feel like bros? What about her hanjob skills?
I wonder if THIS Hakuno has fought off the other Velber sisters.
That's the only conceivable way he could be Guda's senpai after Guda defeated ORT.
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Now there is no reason to not buff the +4 years old servant, Castoria.
Wouldn't Avalon be anti-anti-purge? I don't think it was ever classified as a regular purge anyway
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You know, I think Nasu should add Evade and Defense Up to Castoria's NP.
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I can relate to that
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>sacrifice 90% of his treasury to save Hakuno
Enkidukeks lost.
Nasu really just likes giving his protagonists unearned out of nowhere asspull plot armors, whether it be the sudden Avalon reveal in the climax of the Fate route, or the thousand times more egregious case of Ritsuka, that allows him to survive or bail out countless times through contrivance after contrivance and even when he dies, he manages to survive and come back somehow.
Sure, I find some of his stuff fun and I don't care about shipping but I think he makes some dumb decisions.
And buff removal resistance, don't forget it.
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>This place could appear at the end of the event
>Twist is that Extraverse becomes the Servantverse
Nasu and Takeuchi are both hacks of the same coin that contains the shit that is Type-Moon. On the writing side and the artistic side.
Gudakunon yuri selfcest when?
the ponytail really makes him look like tokiyuki.
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Draco love
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So many JP posts about BB's emotional reunion with Hakuno
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Here we go again with his same routine...
>Gudakeks absolutely seething both here and on the replies to that post
Kek based
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just tried updating with the apk and it keeps saying it's incompatible with my phone, this is the first time this has ever happened to me, any help?
Wish I could field more Lippus. Least the old one got new battle lines too.
Could anyone post that NP1 Ciel setup for the OC 90** quest
Just got her and I want to try it out
Gil sacrificed 100% of his Treasury to befriend Enkidu.
That was before Gil got more treasures from being a HS. Statistically, Gil sacrificed more for Hakuno.
Pretty sure it's just Ciel, Summer Skadi, Vitch light and Summer BB.
Lol and Gil sacrificed his life for Guda, your point?
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>so he can summon himself
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>Nasu writes all the Muramasa scenes
Lmao Sabatarou is a riot as always
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Protea Alter opened up a cake shop
It's hard to sum up her personality, but it reminds me of Jeanne alter at this point
our true wife truly
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Why does Hakuno have his Command Seals...
because he's come to fuck "your" waifus?
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I don't think that 90** was doable, was it?
>Nasu: Guda has his BB and Hakuno has his BB, both sides are equal, gudas BB isnt the same as the one from CCC so Hakuno didn't lose out. She was born right before the CCC event, CCC BB said she would fall for her own human who isn't Hakuno, and indeed she did, all of her development until now supports her development for Guda. She shouldn't be treated as CCC BB. She was made for Guda, Hakuno already has their own BB.
>Nasu single handedly makes her one of the biggest heroines in FGO by having her be extremely for Guda and also being a fun trickster kouhai. Fans never doubted she was for you so the waifu value was high and she got hundreds of doujinshi
>New event happens
>Literally one second scene happens where nothing is actually said
>Hakunofags: I see what you mean, so you're saying Chaldea BB belongs to Hakuno just like CCC BB. They both only belong to Hakuno and were always only for Hakuno, I see
I can see BB quickly going the direction of Circe because Nasu did something stupid without realizing it

People here forget but Circe used to get doujinshi, and the guy that used to make doujinshi for her says he specifically quit because her event made it clear Guda would always be second place and Circe didnt actually love Guda.
You basically just poisoned the entire doujinshi market for a character by making it clear that they always would have picked someone else if given the chance. There was not been one Circe doujinshi since her event
Enjoy writing your own fanfiction here?
Look and laugh everyone, this is your brain on cuckoldry
Lip talks about the Velber
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>poisoned the entire doujinshi market
FGO doesn't get doujins anymore
Oh, thats the mechanical guide not Lip
right its smarter
Searching BB on X became a huge landmine.
I still don't think it was planned for Melt to take off as hard as she did among FGO players. Remember Nasu thought she was the only Wada Servant who deserved to be a summer 4* instead of a 5*. He thought Lancer Artoria, 2BBs, Ibuki, and Kiara were worthier to be 5*s and more budget for animations. And yet no Servant still has been able to surpass summer Melt's reception. If she had not taken off, maybe Nasu would have pushed more for her alternate pairings, kinda like he tried with Castoria.
Boy, do I LOVE the idea of FGO taking the unresolved Umbral Star plot from Extella, bros!
which Servants can he summon?
Extella is forever dead bro, it's been super dead for ages
How far the mighty have fallen. The worst part is looking up a new servant and seeing they barely have any fanart.

The protag servants
LIZ LOVE lost...
Who's Emiya?
Thanks. I understand now the Extella posting replacing Last Encore.
>no Altera (loli)
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Some people have noticed the change in Protea's way of speaking
Normal protea doesn't call people insects or pests
>0 City
I just want Summer Tenochtitlan...
My condolences I suffered the exact same Fate with Xu Fu and Ciel.
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blond NPC guda and co saved earlier in the story was Anthony Beckman, a person the AI have a reason to hate
So two more weeks until we can kill off the cuckposter?
Same for Morgan and Melusine. But with Melu he's givimg CHOCO free reigns
enkidu? for me
Holy KEK, what does this cuck wanna teach Guda? Maybe if Nasu has done this with Guda shortly after part 1 or something, this might have actually felt impactful.
Hes also Astolfos master
Liz is for gangbangs
The sandworms are literally called Terminals of Velber
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Ciel and Hakuno are in this chapter as your senpai
Japan takes the idea of senpai seriously
Please Nasu, completely shit all over them in the third part
Then this should have happend earlier. Maybe Guda in EOR. This just feels too late.
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>Nasu setting us up with a bratty giant in bondage gear
Still better than Trashu.
Senpai will always be senpai, even if you're more experienced or stronger than them, being a senpai is a responsibility
Senpai is just seniority
The senpai can be weaker or stronger, but they're still expected to act like a proper senpai
total gudakek death
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The character /fgog/ hates the most.
That's not Melushit
>Guda rages at Koyan
>Koyan cumms
This woman is really messed up
That's not your favorite
Nips dislike that the PV lied to them about the giant kaiju battle.
are they starting a petition perhaps?
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The character Nasu hates the most.
people are like to make that joke, but asians actually capable to unite and stop spending. grub's -0.1 situation has shown that pretty well
yes and they are very vocal about it
But FGO PVs lie all the time. It's a consequence of the medium since PVs need to be made months in advance and changes to animation aren't easy, where as writing it.
Like almost nothing from the Fate/Zero collab PV was real but no one cared because it just existed to look cool.
This is why Guda should be more like Shirou who doesn't give a fuck about honorifics and playing the fuck-fuck games with the senpai/kouhai dynamic.
Shirou had 18+ VN buff.
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When was the other event?
I'm glad we have more GudaAE art now but I hate Gudakoshit so much for giving artists the easy way out
I find it funny that some people here say Nasu hates Guda and only panders to shipfags when the truth he doesn't give a shit about the self insertfag/shipperfag war
wow I'm starting to think Nasu doesn't lurk fgog
>he doesn't give a shit
I personally feel that any big director or main person behind a game that does it is NOT a good sign. Not giving a shit can sometimes lead to a huge drop of quality.
Do we know anything about part 3 banners? At least number of possible new characters?
I find it weird people immediately shit on Nasu When stuff like this happens
They already said PU2 was the final one.
Nasu fuck it I'll do what i want/find interesting is basically his MO.Remember when nasu rewrote a huge portion of lb6 script which was already finished because he thought Oberon looked cool
Oberon AND Morgan
it's pretty fucked up people thinking he doesn't pander when this summer pandered a fuckton already
Remember when that never happened?
Unfortunatly, Nasu destroyed any trust in his writting to such degree that even if girl will publically start sucking our cock, people will still be doubtful about pandering. That tells you something about how writters treated their playerbase
>Nasu destroyed any trust in his writting to such degree that even if girl will publically start sucking our cock, people will still be doubtful about pandering.
And how he did that when the recent servants he released are all full blown pandering?
No, stupid shit like quetz mats unironically doesn't count
>And how he did that
it's a 9 years long story
I think that what makes Nasu so interesting.He basically operates on Wouldn't it be Cool if this thing happened
Also I am really get tired of Forced story supports I don't understand why there are still a thing almost a decade into this game.
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This, but Edmond and Oberon beating each other up
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ofc because Extra was released before FGO Hakuno should be a senpai IRL, but in canon Extra takes place after FGO.

Guda should be the senpai here
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gookbros dont look...
It's truly impressive how stupid the idea of making his best look npc only is.
Still ruined by his stupid face
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Oh, is bishounen Hassan popular?
>pronouns in bio
>xitter accounts created in recent years
perfect traits of the usual gouda posters being mad at Hakuno.
He was heavily eclipsed by Dantes being one line of dialogue away from sucking (you)r dick/pussy while doing some weird daddy roleplaying
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Not really but he got fans still
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I don't get it, the twitter post there doesn't have pronouns in the bio, or flags. What are you talking about?
Think he's talking about the comments
>when the truth he doesn't give a shit about the self insertfag/shipperfag war
Anon we know he ego searchs everytime something he made is released
That's not Nameless
Yes, because he wants to see if it was liked overall and if people understood the message and themes he was trying to convey. That's what's important to him, not ship wars.
He sure ego-searches.
But he doesn't look up westoid schizos having literal meltdowns on their irrelevant timelines.
Edmond was begging Guda to take the Avengers with him but Guda couldn't see it.
This but for the entire thread.
this entire event and chapter are nothing but USA mockery, so you may be wrong. He's clearly tired of your shit on twitter.
Her hands and feet aren't soft but also not rough like toned muscles
>hanjob skills
She definitely have no experience so she would be bad at anything sexual
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Nobody who actually reads the story could possibly fail to understand it like this, if Dantes wanted to go he simply would have burned Cagliostro with some help without making a whole Ordeal Call and singularity for it.
Yeah both Hakuno as welfare. Part 3 banner are Arcueid and summer Kiara.
Cute and Canon
No they didnt
In fact they said the opposite that these werent the only characters

Kazuradrop feels like a safe guess.
Be real retarded if they didnt add her
im scrapping botto of the barrel and planning to roll on rerun banner, so any good stuff like kazuradrop is a horrible news for me, because i wont have any SQ
Altera should get a buff to her 3rd skill.
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Man I wish I could read
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it actually is
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We love, respect and care for Lip here.
surely Nasu won't go for 3/3 in two weeks
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Wrong, this is a Protea general.
Lipper is dead, she shouldn't be subject to any more bullying.
Unless the 3rd statue is another lip statue and she gets revived just to die again.
Does that Guda x Earth artist post here?
Edison still can summon a Servant as a Mooncancer
>Recent servants
>When he keeps letting people go back and ruin shit like Serenity and Arash, the constant retardation involving Ibuki, the constant dick sucking of Kintoki, the ruining of Vitch's entire personality and backstory, the constant Muramasa dicksucking, etc.
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How thoughtful of Abby to prepare the nooses for the schizos. What a good girl.
those seem like awful spots for nooses desu
>Certain other mobage goes out of its way to say certain girls love only you, it's not omnipandering, specifically they love you, only you, no bullshit attached to that statement, just you
>They manage to break the records for doujinshi sold for that series this year and take first place in comiket, purely because they don't cuck the reader

>FGO says "I dunno maybe BB is for you, maybe she's not, we might change our minds later" or "yeah ultimately melt is into Tristan", or "yeah if Odysseus showed any interest in her she'd dump you in a second", or "yeah Mashu fucked a lion, told a dinosaur she loved it when she specifically said she didnt know if she loved you when prompted one chapter prior, if she has options at all then she has no interest in guda"
>Doujinshi are fewer and fewer each year with sales going lower and lower
>Doujinshi makers who are huge character fags directly cite the poor direction of characters and how the story keeps playing games about them being for you or not and trying to be omnipandering which ironically fucks over self insert fags every single time as a big reason they don't make doujinshi for the series anymore. And why they started making doujinshi for "certain other game" that made it their company statement that all girls are for you Instead, because it makes doujinshi writers feel safer when there's no subversion or bullshit

The guy earlier saying the story is better written and produces better content, when there's no for you pandering is retarded. Best chapters in the game are pandering. We have artists who have said they specifically stopped making content for the series because their girl started being shipped with another character.

You know who you get when you're wishy washy with character pandering, and you have girls who are for you and then get shipped away five years into being for you? You wind up with Ankoman as the only doujinshi writer you have left.
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Artists are just naturally inclined to draw Hakuno and BB.
You don't see sweet stuff like this ever being drawn with Guda outside of being paid to, lmao
Dumb Abby, that setup will immediately break under the weight of even one person
If they don't die from suffocation or from a broken neck, the voltage from a live hot wire will fry your average person as it snaps.
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is that a fucking paranoia agent reference
No he didn't, all the Avengers know they can't pass the barrier so long as Guda is who he is. It was a trap for Cagliostro and a farewell for them.
We are having a lot of salvation stuf lately
Wasn't a trap from Cagliostro and not for Cagliostro?
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If he didn't care he wouldn't make waifus in the first place, he would just make gay mollusk porn that only pleases himself. He made CCC event with melt as the heroine because he is a VN writer at heart, and as a VN writer he understands the girl in the route had to be for you, otherwise the reader has no connection to her.
Nah, I just lurk
Kill yourself
people just wanna fuck Melt since ccc and foxtail
even female artists admit this
My oc daily workhorse...
Guda is losing his allies and only his frenemies are sticking around
It's over...
Maybe the reason Sakurai kept making non for you servants was because she was that in love with Edmond
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I'm sure that you have other options.
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Sex with Okita
>bullying Liz instead of Vritra
All that potential bond wasted...
So what, beasts are now mere mid-bosses? After Camazotz and Eresh, that seems to be the case
They're not our Beasts.
Bare backing okita 24/7
LOST Beast
Konyasku was also a LOST beast
Which basically are things that ultimately failed to become true beasts even if they could have been
Servantverse beast
Servantverse sucks so it doesn't count
Beasts have been a joke since Kama I don't know why you're still surprised.
We got Morgan, Meluko and Bageko. We need Toriko, Castoria and Knocks and everything will be completed.
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Why is he cryin?
I got his nose.
man, people already shitposted all over mashu and co commentating on (you) eating lunch with arc
but it really doesn't do justice how bad (you)r default standing sprite looks, especially when the context is "making small talk and eating a fucking happy meal"
Eh I think that goes for at least half the characters in the game. Like Chloe constantly holding her knoifs. Or Melt and Sumanai standing hunchbacked.
He read the past couple of threads
Wasn't there a comment way back in year 1~2 that they didn't want people to expect every subsequent Beast to just become a bigger kaiju raid boss than the last one, after Tiamat and Goetia?
For better or for worse it seems like they've stuck to that, even if the powerscaling overall has continued into larger and more handwavey areas like whatever the fuck LB gods and ORT are supposed to be able to do
My sides.
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Notice how every time Nitocris is in a chapter with a Beast the Beast is defeated?
Only 1 time?
Time Temple and LB7. That's two for two. Your move, Orion and Romulus
But Nitocris died before we fought Batman.
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It's the character that /frog/ loves the most.
What kind of a retarded logic is that? I mean you could apply that with every Servant that appeared in Babylonia as well. You could pretty much apply it more to Ereshkigal, since she appeared in three chapters with a Beast, Babylonia, Solomon and LB7. Hell, King Hassan briefly appeared in LB7 too.
Quirinus was in Olympus, and that too had a Beast fight.
i hate shipcucks so much it's unreal
that's not best girl suzuka
that's a troon
suzuka isn't
>Melt into tristan
Lmao where it is now, cucknigger?
Only within your imagination, lmao.
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>>494267128 (Retard)
Cucknigger already lose by spamming their cuck images and using buzzword like kek, etc.
>JP and westard twitter are saying the same shit
This community is trash.
bbspic shut up already.
>using buzzword like kek
Literally everyone does that.
Not that faggot.
shut up already.
Cope, BBCHAD rules this general.
Literally only posted once.
Your crying and cuckposting is not ruling anything.
Enough of that now.
Shut up.
It's not healthy to use third worlders as a scapegoat, georgie
Funny because the spic also used georgie as a scapegoat multiple times.
>AI NTRorpa
So how do you guys like the OC3 so far?
It's fine.
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I'm going to slam my face against Eresh's crotch and go to fucking town
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>astolfo outside of fgo
Can someone kill ankoshitter?
I hate how Nasu is sour graping about "Death good immortality is bad There should be an end to everything" all the time
Deranged, crying and mindbroken.
Still mad there was no real Kaiju fight
Don't care for anyone or anything really and I don't think part 3 is going to change that
I'm liking it okay.
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It's okay but nothing to write home about.
Still would have rather not have it at all because the shitty servantverse is pure cancer.
At any rate Hakuno's minion mancer animations are cute.
In here only cuckfag using that also doesn't play the game.
So do you guys think it'll be like Mecha Eli-chan and Mk2 case where you get to choose between the male and the female Hakuno or whatever their name was?
I honestly can’t help but feel that BB’s feelings for Guda will be “retconned”(I can’t find a better word) since her semi-emotional “reunion” with one of the Hakus had her almost cry, etc(nothing wrong with that). To be frank, I don’t want to give up on Guda x BB, but to me it seems like the beginning of the end :( apologies for the vent post, just wanted to get it out instead of holding it in.
BBspic for the love of god shut up and touch grass already.
Fuck off, he represents /fgog/
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That's what I'm expecting, yeah.
>AI autismorpa
>she makes a very small face, for half a second, and afterwards its entirely ignored and she just talks to him normal while they both act like they've never met before
Can we talk about the plot(real) for once?

Who will travel to the past to stop Marisbury Guda or Mashu after becoming a heroic spirit, which has been foreshadowed even in Melty?

Will (you) actually make the decision to kill your entire timeline?
>trAshI spam
Retard. Kek is used everywhere. You're right about everything else though.
No BBspic.
You definitely do not represent /fgog/.
Go back.
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>replying to a falseflag by Georgie
I was surprised that she's taller than many 'adult' servants like Nero
Things seem to be pointing more towards Mashu, from her being the one to time travel and meet Tonelico, to the songs from her POV talking about 'rewriting the conclusion'.
shut up BBspic.
Women tend to be early bloomers, if they didn't grew to their full height at the start of adolescence, they will end up as midgets later down the line. Also Agrippina has messed Nero's food and drinks since she was a child that also contributed for her to be a womanlet.
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Had to scrape the bottom of the barrel, FA'ing 1* to get to their rank up quests, but I made it bros...
Cry more. Samurai Remnant flopped btw
Chapter 14 is kino, I'm liking OC3 so far.
Anon, Beast Eresh is the one holding this point of view and she's the antagonist defeated by Guda who says he doesn't dislike the immortality Moon Dubai and Servantverse has. Try reading the story before having opinions about it.
Oops, wrong general, but thanks.
Nobody cares BBspic just go and touch grass already.
>Anybody who talks about BB is the spic
Georgie i know you're desperate since you keep getting outted but holy shit
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I'm vibing with Ereshkigal screentime especially with her going as far off the rails as she did. It's just a shame that >servantverse is keeping people from taking her as seriously as she's clearly meant to be taken as. Hopefully the third part is even better.
So how many Servants died so far?
I keep having the sinking suspicion that OC3 could have been a near perfect story if they reigned in certain aspects and removed certain aspects. I keep seeing potentially a great story buried under small things that bog it down.
Bratty Protea Alter in desperate need of correction...
>This Guda's endgame
I'm surprisingly okay with this, as long as she's normal size.
For me it's an alternate universe female Karna
>kingu PUroteah oruTA
Wonder how will they gonna do it in the NA version. Pter?
>Confirmed dead
Lip again
Protea (offscreen)

>Possibly dead
Nikichi's dragon
Protea alter(barely hanging on)

BB Dubai
Xu Fu
BB Cosmos
Edison Alter

Either section 3 of this event is going to be long as fuck, or they are going to rush the shit out of almost every single plot element at the very end. People expected part 2 to be a lot longer probably.
I'm sure it'll be something dumb like Prolter
I think I heard it gonna be 26 chapters total
Didn't section 2 end on 14?
That's going to be a very long third section probably.
So is it pretty much confirmed that KP was Kazuradrop?
Its unlikely she's dead though, and its not clear on when they "switched"
Its unlikely Kazura is dead to be specific
Original protea is dead
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Something about her starting a cake shop out of anger to show how great she is to make Guda come running when he hears about it reminds me of Jeanne alter
wasn't it like 'whore' in spanish or something? guess they'll find this hilarious.
Real question is when did she hear about his dream?
So, anyone else found the Koyanskaya naming story dumb?
its a coincidence
Yeah most likely.
Jeannes also dead
She suicided to make an ocean
Whore, bitch, etc.
>schizo spamming aislop
whos schizo?
I wish sakurai didnt write shuten
She could have been a fun character
What did Percival even do really. The scene makes it not clear at all.
whaaat the wife of a russian bogatyr from the middle ages somehow survived until the 1900s and on a whim decided to raise a rabbit and also spoke enough japanese to have it influence her naming conventions, how is that stupid?
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Jinako was cute at one point
We all were.
>OC3 final chapter
>Both Hakunos begin to fade away
>”Looks like that was our ‘Last Encore’ huh?”
>”Here (You), take this Extra Record of our Grail War.”
That's not what happened

>Ameratsu summons Nikichi(male) to watch over Konyasku, due to his connection to the Sun
>He names her and raises her
>Later on the wife is summoned under the guise of the husband, since the husband can't be summoned in Konyasku's anti-humanity bio-sphere. The wife being a beastwoman is able to exist in the anti-humanity zone. The wife takes on the role of the husband, but its fake. She never raised Konyasku, however after learning her husband was the one who gave her its name, she also ended up becoming Konyasku's parent, and felt some affinity towards the horrible creature.
>At the end of the event the wife and husband somehow have one last conversation, but its written in a confusing manner. The wife takes over raising the rabbit child.
>"This truly was an extella"
Why was this explained so confusingly in Chunguska?

Why the FUCK didn't either Nikitch or his wife notice Koyanskaya was going to grow up into an ecoterrorist while raising her??
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>"Hakuno Matata (You) too!"
Because they didn't care; Ameratsu just wanted the thing to be raised, whether it was good or evil didn't matter.
>"Let's bring our Fate to a CCClose"
Fuck. This one got me.
No, I'm not talking about Ammy. I'm talking about why NIKITCH and HIS WIFE who are otherwise normal people didn't give a shit about the thing they were raiding becoming a world-destroying abomination
They're Russian, they don't care even now. If the child acts up they just hit it until it acts normal again. That's basically their plan in both Tunguska and OC3.
>>Ameratsu summons Nikichi(male)
Don't make me read that trash again but I'm sure that's wrong.
Yes they have the sun connection which was why Amaterasu was noticing the events and had blessed Yaskaya with her pink fox genes but Nikitch was summoned by the world as russki hero not by the sun fox.
Ask Sakurai. She wrote them.
Didn't they dematerialize like, an hour at best after their initial summoning or something like that? Definitely weren't around long enough to raise her right.
>They're Russian
Suddenly I understand Koyanskaya completely as a character.

I vaguely remember the wife sticking around longer than Nikitch himself
The meeting at the end of Tungkuska didn't happen when they raised her, it happened at another unspecified time. As long as Anastasia calls herself Nikichi she's acting as the dad, not the mom, they didn't raise her together. She is pretending to be her husband who raised that foxrabbit.
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coincidentally I'm present.
They should've been shimapantsu!
Another sign the Mushroom hates Foggsu!
You can't be fucking serious
I skipped playing yesterday because I was busy, I didn't use a single apple because I thought new new nodes would unlock daily
But to finish everything in a single day? And now I have to wait two more fucking weeks for a new load of nothing?
Am I missing something here? Are they releasing a new event tomorrow?
Or is this game really this lazy and dead by now?
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Kys retard.
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This is why men are driven to 120 things, lack of anything else to do
Can you translate your autistic screeching into English for me?
Keep crying.
This is why men are driven to log in and log out, lack of anything else to do.
What? Are you actually autistic? What the hell are you talking about?
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Endgame Ship and I'm all for it.
>says the autist crying over a timelock
lol keep going
New Ereshkigal's popularity, response?
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huffin the fluff since 2011.
Not sure this chapter did her many favors
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>people just wanna fuck Melt since ccc and foxtail
She was already pretty sexy and cool since then. FGO was just overkill.
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Why did Ufotable have such an obvious favouritism towards Sakura? What's the logic here?
The HF movies director is a wormfag.
Next question.
>he asked during a summer/mainstory event phase where another wormslut got yet anoter summer version + event
It's Nasu.
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Indeed. My ancient pixiv collection from before FGO was released, back when the Casko tag only had like 300 images...
Did Guda fuck female Hakuno yet
I'm not sure if I prefer the old days before FGO exploded Fate's popularity to now, but I am at least glad I got to experience those simpler times.
At this rate he's gonna fuck the Male hakuno.
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I feel like that should've been more until FGO released bro.
My first folder is super chaotic but simply by sorting by filename and marking the first pixiv files until let's say the first Tamacat appearing it's way around 1000.
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It has been a while, so I don't remember the exact number the tag had. I just remember it was extremely low compared to now.
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Female Hakuno has been sitting in the tower the entire time fucking around with BB Dubai.
The only thing Hakunon has done so far is show you her feet and losing a game of rock, paper, scissors.
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>beast Eresh causing problems
>Hakuno tells you to just use a command seal to suicide her
>He even offers to teach you how to layer command seals to make an imperial decree
>Cut to the girls looking slightly off
You don't live for 1000 years without becoming slightly pragmatic
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May allah have mercy and god not be watching....
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>What's the logic here?
Sakura needs physical assurance in her romantic relationship with Shirou way more than Rin does in hers, because of all the worm crest body horror and Shinji rape. Rin still does well for herself in the UBW epilogue chapter getting a lap pillow from Shirou and being generally comfortable around him.
>UBW gets another adaption, a 26 episode adaption with 2 bonus after ending scenes
>HF only gets 3 movies
UBW anime tertiaries are something else.
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Hakuno did nothing wrong. Is this Imperial Decree new?
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Live service shit breaks peoples minds man.
I miss simple Waifuthreads where you could just hang around and write about what you'd do with your love in randumb situations or doing cute valentines day montages (which /a/ still does I think) and all the classic Waifustuff.
The only thing FGO did is massively helping out with fanworks which is a good thing.
What was a bad decision is to actually welcome in Westerners in the social media timeframe it happened. The mix up of popularizing Nerd/Weebculture, Tumblr types spreading over Twitter, and far too many retards thinking they found good company in gachatrash communities has completely poisoned this franchise. People care about themselves more than the person they claim to love.
I mean yeah it's complete bonkers that the collection grew so big that it had to be divided between different folders or else it'd take to long to load. Back then I always knew where to find a specific Tamamo for some funny image response while nowadays trying to find that one specific image is near impossible.
I saw people saying Leo did it, but I don't remember that
It probably require minimum 3 CSes since Rulers could use it otherwise.
I think he does that in CCC when he loses to BB, he uses all three command spells at once to break his contract with Gawain in a retroactive manner so he disappears from the Far Side of the Moon so thoroughly that BB can't use any shenanigans to stop it and absorb him.
>>Hakuno tells you to just use a command seal to suicide her
That doesnt sound very hakuno-like. extra games are all about him putting up with highly problematic and evil servants (and emiya)
is he a fake?
What do you give oc3 so far out of 10
As the Moon King he can probably summon anyone that went on a suicide run back to normal.
holy based chad
wish this guy was our protag now
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>Rin being a bitch again
>Have you tried shutting it off and on again?
Big Dick Zabi tech support.
>That doesnt sound very hakuno-like.
He kills Melt in all routes. Not to mention all those deaths in the first EXTRA game it took for him to win the HGW.
I can't care about characters that Nasu purposefully intends to shill down my throat anymore. He's gotten way worse at it.
Instant negative appeal for me. I already know what the story will be
No shit. Melt was a psycho in CCC. Only retards who didn't read CCC thinks she's cute and shit. Which she is but I'm a Sakurafag.
Melt was an evil bitch and the others had what was coming to them. Rin is different. Hakuno has always saved Rin...
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He's over 1000 years old

Also Hakuno could always be cruel at times
I get what you're trying to say but it really just feels like Hakuno is defending himself and Melt ends up dying on her own
He can't bring himself to kill any Sakura even though some of them desperately try to murder him constantly
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Correction, anon. Hakuno puts up with HIS troublesome, evil Servants. He doesn't give a fuck about the rest. It's kill or be killed.
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Stop calling her a bitch, you're only turning her on more
Did you forget Space Ishtar and now Space Eresh? Both super shilled flops with high budget put into them?
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Found it, yeah, it's a thing Leo does.
Nasu said in his head there can't be a Grand Foreigner than ORT. It's not mixmax container. That's a COPE from the tards who got their favorites snubbed (normally Giltards).
They ARE the best. That's why only Hassan was Grand Assassin until a fucking omnipotent god who is basically his whole pantheon turned himself mortal to qualify. And among them, the ones dispatched IS mixmaxing against the Beast.
Nope. It's cope. Gil is weaker than Orion when Orion isn't being held back by Artemis into a teddy bear. That is canon.
>Gil weaker than Orion
In Grand Container, probably. Normally? No.
Their LB kings too.
And ORT in Daybit's case. He was part of its new core.
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>He kills Melt in all routes.
He literally doesn't, the CCC route with the true end requires Hakuno to spare both alteregos, it's then Kiara that absorbs them. I'd usually assume the person to bring up Melt and use fanart of her to be the Meltfag, but surely he would actually know what her origin game was about.
What's with all the Guda cope recently? Guda already gets sucked off and treated as god's gift to mankind by every Servant ever, why does a small thing like this suddenly have everyone raging?
You're confusing two things: one is the qualifier for Grand which is to represent the BEST out of a class, in both legend and power. That's what Nasu explains it. And the other is the process of why certain Grands are dispatched vs a Beast, that's indeed compatibility.

Think of the Grands as the Avengers, Earth's strongest superheroes (humor them), equivalent in TM. But as a fact.
He was joking and gets himself bashful immediately after. Then Guda and Hakuno glaze at each other while Mashu watches.
>Completely forgot Karna was missing
lmao, zero presence motherfucker
What's cope, the inscure one?
Read the FULL scene of Melt's death in the True Route. She was fatally wounded during her final fight vs Hakuno, and then Kiara absorbs her before she has a chance to help with her last breath those back in the high school. Even if Kiara had not absorbed her, she was going to die.
Isn't it 4 chapters?
Velber being the final bosses fit because they prey more on digital forms than physical ones.
Part 2 is about saving everyone at the cost of yourself. You aren't beating the Alien God by... beating it, because it's not and never was evil.
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>Archetype ORT-sama, have mercy-ACK!
>while doing some weird daddy roleplaying
It's just his kink. Look at Haydee.
Too busy eatin Carens Crazy Curry with Ash
>Their LB kings too.
Only Kirsch and Ophelia befriended their kings, I could see it for them but it wouldn't make sense for the others.
So Melt was a retard then? She got spared and jobbed. How was this Hakuno's fault?
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Guda tolerates a lot evil women, unlike Hakuno. That's why he can romance Morgan, Kama, Melt, Eresh, and Jeanne Alter.
>Hakuno doesn't kill Melt
>Kiara does
Right, glad we cleared that up.
Douman is for (you) though.
bros, i'm tired of fgo being all build up and no pay off...
Hakuno is obviously in the wrong. Either Guda will surpass him as a Master or he will defeat both Hakunos using the Sakurafaces and Eresh.
Nasu explained Camazotz didn't go all out because he doesn't fight or wants to kill humanoid. It was basically a suicidal fight for him to get help and rest.
Nobody gives a shit about Eresh. She was your Servant so you could have made her kill herself with a CS.
So what, the Beast Eresh killed herself or something?
The real Alien God/Chaldeas is still Beast VII, she's also still Olga, just a different Olga. I know because I actually pay attention.
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CUTE retard
Yeah, Hakuno lethally injured her. As I said, he causes her death in all routes. It's no wonder Melt didn't bother showing up in OC3 since she's not as attached to Hakuno as BB. She's thankful to Hakuno but already moved past him so it doesn't pain her to skip this incident.
What feelings? Her mats say she doesn't have romantic feelings for Guda. He's more a toy she protects because she's indebted with Hakuno.
Hakuno tolerated Casko, Nero and Altera though. Gil too.
Guda only has more because it's gacha.
They added the beast class too late
>Dark Koyan
>Camazotz (likely)
>Goetia (inevitable)
>Cath Palug (inevitable)
But Ereshligal?
Eeeennngh idk
Dindu, dindu, dindu, dindu. Guda has at least two irredeemable bitches in Kiara and Koyan.
>7 years of development
What development? She never once stopped calling you senpai (katakana).
Do you think it'll be more traditional time travel with 2 mashus running around or her summoning herself into her own body in the past?
Okay, FGO tertiary. We get it. Hakuno is threatening your Guda x Melt ship.
And thank goodness that's all he's getting. Some assholes even want the Sakura 5 to be part of his moveset. As if they cared for Hakuno anymore.
On a technicality at most, remember how Hakuno told Eresh that the Beast wouldn't take hold if she didn't let her? Guda uses the imperial edict to ask Ereshkigal to "wake up", this makes Chaldea's Eresh think things through and she rejects Anki Ereshkigal because she loves Guda pretty much, so the Beast becomes undone and fades away.
If Goetia is released he won't be a Beast class Servant.
BB does.
It's Mashu. She'll be the one fusing with her past self in the Demi Servant experiment replacing Galahad.
Nemo gave the rules for how time can change, it has to be by a person present in that era at that time. Guda is out. So Olga and Mashu could. Guda will die and serve as last push.
Wouldn't that be Olga? Wasn't she Subject E? Wasn't she experimented on for a century?
>Hakuno is threatening
The Extella cast and BB, maybe. Pour one for the BB, Nero, and Tamamo fags. Oh, and for Alterafags. Yeah, there are some of those in the other general.
This guy killed bluebook.
>Can we talk about the plot(real) for once?
I'm unironically more interested in when GUDAGUDA's coming back than whatever this dreck is.
I hope Hideyoshi's in this year and we get 5-star Chacha
If the story really goes in that direction, Olga is the only one who can stop the events of Part 2 from happening. She's Chaldeas' weak point, as it was foreshadowed in Reines' interlude.
>Pour one for the BB, Nero, and Tamamo fags. Oh, and for Alterafags.
Why would any actual characterfags take issue with Hakuno at all? If what they care about is the characters then they'd have played their origin games and be happy they keep getting stuff in FGO too. The only ones having an issue would be very specifically people who waifu those 4 in FGO through Guda and refuse to engage with any other media about them.
I unironically want to roll for Serizawa.

No, fuck you, and fuck Nasu. I don't want Olga to be any more relevant than she has to be. I have Kuku, I will 120 her, I will use her to buster looooop all over the retard planet's stupid face.
There was an old interview that Nasu said sex is only necessary and part of the plot of HF. In other routes it was forced.
Well that's retarded.
The Ritual is the most important sex scene in FSN.
The only thing about the story that hasn't changed after the dozens of rewrites is Olga being the central character since the dumb Melty Blood meme manga. She's the Romani of Part 2.
At being wrong, lmao. You're the fact got threatened.
All 3 of you are wrong. It is explicitly stated that there is selection from candidates(s) and the one most suited to dealing with the beast is the grand. There is no single grand servant, and they don't have to be THE best. They are just top ranked in power and legend.

The fact that Heracles > Achilles > Orion exists should make this very simple for you clowns.
There are 3x the number of Sakurafaces as there are Rinfaces. Are you stupid?
He only puts up with his evil Servants. Eresh's not his so.
Look at fgog theory it's shit if this happened.
that is so fucking lame
Saru should've been last year
>from candidates(s)
Idiot, those 'candidates' are all Grand Servants, few are chosen to deal with a particular Beast. learn to read. Your shitty ehadcanon got smashed to pieces when Mooncell (Hakuno is the vessel) is Grand Mooncancer and ORT is Grand Foreigner. Now fuck off.

>The fact that Heracles > Achilles > Orion exists should make this very simple for you clowns.
Not as an ARCHER, you clown.
Guda understanding Chaldea's Eresh well enough to dispel Anki Eresh's Beast conversion (while promising Anki Eresh that he'll visit her underworld someday) was a pretty nice scene actually, if you want edge you can always rewatch Fate/Zero for that juicy taste of slaughter.
It would've been nice, but I really like Egao so I was very happy with her too
/frog/ was correct Moneybills was behind it all, unlike BL which theorized Amaterasu, Velber, and other shit as part 2 foe until the Brolga reveal made them shit themselves.
They even had a page to laugh at the theory it was the memespheres.
Yeah it was offputting honestly. Since he doesn't even help with Ereshkigal in a way the other servants do.
(You) use your 3 CS and your charisma to save Ereshkigal instead.
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Which NPC servant are you expecting the most to be playable anons?
You can only do that because Hakuno taught you how to do the Imperial decree. Without Hakuno, Guda would have lost.
KP Alter was really cute
>BB gives zero fucks about Violet so she just used KP Alter as her 5th
Man all 3 violetfags are probably dead now
i can't believes anons will actually be surprised when the ai final boss is also olga. did everyone forget this:
the digitalized voice at the start is her va, and the serious voice at the end is also her va. they even realized they fucked up by making it so obvious and made her voice even more distorted in the english trailer:
It's not lame because (You) literally saved Ereshkigal from being bound to that shithole too.
Also it's probably how she reaches 3rd ascension since quite obviously Ereshkigal's not dead yet.
>(You) use your 3 CS
no, you use the imperial decree HAKUNO taught you. You simply change the order from "kill yourself" to waking up the regular Eresh. He solved the whole situation though. The plan was absolutely correct. It would have worked either way if it goes exactly as Hakuno wanted and you didn't do that.
Even right before LB7 came out there was a BL guy insisting Daybit was the real villain, not Marisbury. It was a staggering display of poor reading comprehension honestly.
>There can be multiple candidates for Grand Class based on power and mythological presence, and are chosen based on their era's target to defeat. Assassin only has 1 candidate, King Hassan, but that seat is now empty after Babylonia.
Read slower next time, Castor. Nasu explicitly states they are non-grands UNTIL they become selected. It's not
>the system selects grands to fight the beast based on compatibility
>the system selects topranked heroes with the best compatibility to become the grand

An "imperial decree" is never mentioned >>494288683 as Guda does the chant so not really.
(You) fight Ereshkigal 1v1 and manage to reach her as Anki Ereshkigal gets caught up in your words since (You) know and "worship" how the PHH Ereshkigal acted in regards to her Underworld.
She's still staying.
because 'beast ereshkigal' doesn't exist in Chaldea. Her Spirit Origin doesn't match anymore.
Will Part 2 final chapter use dialogue from the PV like how Part 1 used dialogue from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMx3LY-ZMXs?
No she's not. The two Ereshkigal have separated, the aspect she inherited from the Servant Universe is gone now.
Also, dumbfuck
was me illustrating that Orion is not even the second strongest greek hero. There is a gulf between him and Heracles, who is the undisputed strongest of the greeks. If Orion can be grand then Herc absolutely could. Almost like Nasu tells us there are several candidates in the spot.
I'd like to get Mitsunari
>it wasn't the gilkeks but the greekkeks who are mad about their shitters not being grands.
Maybe Herk was the grand Archer who jobbed to Brolga bros. wait maybe all grand were him summoned as grand and they jobbed to brolga. It fits.
The issue wasn't only that but a change in her spirit origin. Ereshkigal is a LANCER, and now she's a Beast. It doesn't match the saved data in Chaldea. She'll stay as a Beast with new horns to save the day, that'll be her third ascension, and sacrifice herself to stay there.

That's why you see the flowers on earth/underworld. While Anki underworld has none. She's done.
Guess the is a consequence of violet being to similar to Medusa
how can people still take grands seriously after the absolute mess of retcons that is tezca? he was a grand as daybit's servant in lb4 (and we were told that daybit specifically wanted a berserker), then he was a completely different class as daybit's servant in lb7 (ruler), and then he's yet another different class as a summonable servant and says "actually i became grand assassin as a favor to king hassan" which basically only exists because nasu realized he had already said tezca was a grand.
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From GudaGuda? Maxwell and Itou pls.
Seriously. The grand concept (and many others) don't fucking matter. Nasu will make any excuse and change any principle if he "likes the art" well enough. Dazzles me how people still act like Fate has any real rules. There is no integrity in this setting.
She has lines and profile locked behind OC3, that's not happening.
The resolution they had makes it clear she'll be able to return since they separated her from what made her a beast.
You're huffing cope hard.
Anon do you really think Beast Eresh won't be back in Chaldea? With 2 BBs and 2 Hakunos there's no way they can't figure out something, worst case scenario even if Eresh can't go back Chaldea will probably have comms back up before the event ends, she can fade away the get summoned in Chaldea like all servants who get observed by them.
Do we know how much exactly Class Score empowers your servant?
Nobody takes Nasu "lore" seriously. Did you forget the cellphone DAA?
>how can people still take grands seriously after the absolute mess of retcons that is tezca?
Quirinus was worse, at least Tezca is charismatic enough to pull the wool over everyone's eyes.
I'm just about to start Salem, can I realistically reach Olympus by Halloween?
It doesn't. It allows powerful Servants use their power.
Solomon's corpse was already Grand Caster. Merlin as "Grand Caster" is just him walking out Avalon. Hassan too, it was him as himself as wraith, his sacrifice was sacrificing part of himself.
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Micchy but only on the event he's voiced by Chris Peppler.
i like tezca himself, but the guy went through 3 different classes and had to get a pretty haphazard last minute explanation to make sense of his first tease as daybit's servant. nasu probably regrets daybit's appearance in lb4 since they even had to retcon his command seals.
Of course you can.
I forgot to add Quirinus. He could ONLY be summonable as Grand Lancer then.
You can skip 1.5 and start part 2.
Yes, but you can put off doing Salem for later if you want and go straight to the Lostbelts.
nah, quirinus' god but human is rooted in myth. the concept is fine. execution's trash
nasu admitted he made orion a grand cuz he liked his art. why are some of you pretending this matters? grands aren't even a power level thing anymore. they're just whoever nasu thinks is cool on a given day
>Koyan Dark banner
I hope we get a new skin for Koyan Dark because 6 ears makes me want to puke.
I hope we get a new skin for her and it gives her 6 more ears
I'm the only master in existence who wants Beni Alter to be playable.
Wasn't it later explained that he was summoned because of Koyanskaya being in the fifth Lostbelt, and y'know, hunter -> animals/fox?

Too bad he had to burn himself out to stop Artemis, but the intention was still there.
>i can't believes anons will actually be surprised when the ai final boss is also olga. did everyone forget this:
Isn't AI Olga just CHALDEAS?
Both Koyans could go for more skins, I really want her LB3 and LB4 outfits.
>jetkek getting uppity again
lmao, some things never change
ai is going to be chaldeas' interface/type/whatever the fuck terminology nasu uses to mean the exact same thing.
And she fucking sucks, even moreso than Romani back when he was played as a joke character.
>who is the undisputed strongest of the greeks
There is literally nothing Hercules can do to top what Orion did in LB5 simply because Herc never met a real Machine God.
Nasu called Olga 'Earth's Silhouette' in last year's anni interview iirc, so probably something like that.
ai olga*
Beast Koyan isn't going to be relevant again until she gets a proper summer variant. Just drop it already
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If you are asking for numerical gameplay values then the wiki and appmedia have them, it's all damage and some critical star generation, no increased np gain anywhere.
thanks. 1.1x1.2 looks pretty sihnificant dmg boost
I mean Koyan Light couldn't even feel relevant in her own in-story appearance so I doubt even a summer variant is going to do shit for her

Reminder we still don't know who most of the actual Tamamo 9 are lmao
>Orion did in LB5
Nah, pretty sure Herc will do just fine if he has Hephaestus make him a special weapon using Achilles' armor while he gets buffed by master support and saved by Hektor/Paris. Because he's stronger than Orion and not a soul in-universe has ever questioned that. Not even the actual grand lancer.
When did they jerk off Herc in LB5?
Nasu said Orion was grand-picked because he thought his design was funny. Anything else, including Orion's lore, is an afterthought excuse

Speaking of which
3 beasts, minimum. Is Nasu doing something with this, or did he just want his pets to be involved with the plot?
Olympians went through hoops to make sure that Heracles could not be summoned again. Jason calls Herc the strongest bla bla. I think what he really meant was Quirinus' lines calling Herc the strongest hero.
At one point were going to get beast/god/alien artoria at one point because the og stay night trio has to be planetary buster level nowadays.
I discounted Jason because Jason is gayer for Hercules than he is romantically attracted to any woman, but yeah I forgot Quirinus. Even if I'm inclined to disbelieve him/assume he's downplaying himself after the shit HE pulled.
Given the recent LB4 support campaign, which is weird because they don't usually push older story chapters in a non-marathon basis, the next event requires LB4 to be cleared and Rama's 3rd skill buffed and changed names, it's a possibility.
>Would lose
Because plot say so, funny.
swear on me mum ,if it's another collab event...
Is Sei Shonagon particularly good for anything? I've had her for years and I don't think I've found an excuse to use her a single time.
Providing much needed levity and lighthearted positive energy in a story that's been growing increasingly dark with each passing chapter?

Unless you mean gameplay-wise, in which case I think she's able to quick loop? I forgot which one was the AOE and which was ST.
I wish I could fuck around with hakunon too
I'm still waiting for Dahut
We got fucking Marie Alter before her, it's incredible.
Killing one (1) bar off an annoying boss if you have an underdeveloped team I guess? Sei is like Taira for people with ADHD, you unload a shitton of Quick damage on a single target with her and hope like hell you can finish it off while her crit-ups and Evasion is still working.
Lasengle somehow thinks Dahut is still unforgivable long after welcoming Koyan and Kiara to Chaldea
I honestly think we'd get Swimsuit Drake before we got Dahut, and I don't think we'll see Swimsuit Drake in the next ten years or so.
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If only...
Where does it say Hakuno is Grand Mooncancer? Is this general pulling a fast one?
What did Moneybully did to them?
Marisbilly is still there. He shot down Bluebook.
He's the Rider of the Beast.
No, I think Marisbury is dead, dead, and he will only bee an idea. The him that will appear will just be the manifestation of the shadow hanging over the Olgas. The real him won't appear until you go back to the past.
>BBDubai attempts to be evil and controlling
>Hakunon ignores her and asks for cake
>BBDubai immediately folds
Damn she's a fucking pussy.
Having a "Grand Mooncancer" at all is an immensely retarded idea.
Moon Cancer is a completely made-up class from the start. You could at least spin Alter Ego into a broad concept through the idea of historical figures having pseudonyms and ghost writers and shit. "Moon Cancer" is just a term to describe BB when she's integrated with Moon Cell, and Kiara's bug makes her want to completely alter the Moon Cell's purpose and wipe out humanity.

They would have been better off giving BB a "Gamemaster" class, at that point, at least it would reflect her actual character. I can give credit to OC3 for taking the piss and allowing anyone to change their Saint Graph to it with virtually no requirements or conditions at all.
He's definitely appearing because there's a contradiction of his "death." I think the nips calling that the original Moneybills is in Chaldeas is correct. Because Olga wasn't switched off exactly, she got extracted from the system.
So the switch had to be someone else. It's him.
The one killed is the Marisbilly from Chaldeas.
Where's the translation page?
Mooncancer was LITERALLY random shit she made up because "ruler" didn't sound cool enough. it was like Lancer switched to Launcher by Karna. Not a real Class.
>evil and controlling
They have pretty blatantly shown shes not really evil or anything from her interludes and scenes with Hakunon

Its like 90% some asspull Kazuradrop backstab final boss
hakuno is her weakness
Hakuno completed her SG and knows she's a M posturing as a S. That's why I don't buy any of her "affection" for Guda since she's still larping. Those who play CCC know her real personality.
Musashi buffed by nanomachines says she can't compare to Herc for some reason, Quirinus wanks him as the GOAT hero and uses his NP in the Grand Container
Somewhere in xitter. Dubai was trying to posture she's so evil, and Hakunon is a sacrifice/guarantee for this city and Hakunon literally ignores her bullshit and make demands. "Great. Let's eat together, BB!" She's not taking her seriously at all.
My problem with Marisbury being alive is that I don't like the B-movie plot fake reality being his doing. It just doesn't feel like his style; I think he would've come up with something better. It could've been an AI trying to come up a story that would feel believable humanity, or something else, but Marisbury? Maybe I'm projecting a bit on a guy that has like 15 minutes of screentime, though.
>i don't like
I don't like it either, but after LB7 fake out deaths, I don't expect great writing from Fraudsu.
It's a Mystic Code. They can be sentient. Administrator of a celestial body doesn't mean AI. Please don't fucking use scifi jargon here. Fairies are that too.
I mean what else are they gonna collab with?
Tsukihime? That's way too soon, especially since we are still going through OC3.
Extra/Extella? Same as above.
Notes/DDD? A lot less people know about them than with Mahoyo. Hell, I don't think even TM knows what to do with them.
Girl's Work? It was never finished, so why would they waste it here?
Canaan? What the fuck is that?
FSN? Nah, they're saving it for the finale.
So really, the only collab events eligible for this time are with FHA, Prototype, Type: Redline for a GudaGuda event or a Requiem Part 2. (so they can debut more characters from the LN and tbring Erice into the Evocation Shop)
I would actually clap if BB Dubai's final ascension is just White Sakura
Not surprising since it's revealed that it was hakunon's NP that erased Lip and not BB's lol
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Wait a minute that card
That's true, all her behavior in FGO has been Sadistic or S-leaning, but we've learned in CCC that's just a mask and role to hide her real depths.
Are you ready for her bond ce change will have the text change after clearing OC3?
It's a digital demon like Laplace.
She aimed at trashu, though. That makes her based.
Huh so Guda did indeed win BB considering BB Dubai bond CE
Chaldeas is a magecraft mystic code originally. Calling it digital is confusing since it's the opposite of technology bronon. You can call it a magecraft equivalent.
the anima animusphere chant voice from the pv is clearly meant to be digital.
See >>494305571
That's also the bad ending. Guda never won BB over because she's always referred him as センパイ. When she calls them 先輩, I would believe it's more than just her usual devilish kouhai flirty Larp.
Isn't it implying the opposite? All those endings is keeping Hakuno out her real self. It's Hakuno giving up instead of pushing through her boundaries and pretenses.
That's a bad ending where Hakuno fails the affection points.
Have you read BB Dubai bond CE or are you just cuckposting for the sake of it?
I guess it goes without saying.
>"The bond CE will change"
I swear Cuckuno tards are a new breed of delusional faggots
I have. Anything with BB acting S or dom is actually her not loving the character, though. That's her mask. Self-insertfags are really unable to comprehend characters like Semi or BB and then are shocked when they reveal they love their original love interest "even if they never met them." They cry that Semi had flirty stance and then Amakusa happened. Because they are both cut on the femme fatale archetype. WITH the person they love, they would act different.
Adding MCs of other games whose heroines were made for (you) as Servants was a mistake.
>Attitude towards the Master
>Without tearing down her wicked underclassman character, BB sincerely serves as a Servant. There are no personal romantic feelings in that. Although BB’s misanthropy is not any different, she loves the “good humans themselves” as gratitude to the person who once taught her.
>There are no personal romantic feelings in that.
From BB mats. Now you can stop.
Castoria Buff when?
For real?
People need to stop mistaking her playing a role from her being seriously in love. Her mats are very explicitly stated Guda isn't important to her as a significant other. IF he had grown important in that direction, she would have addressed him as "senpai" (with kanji). She never did. Not in Summer or her appearances after.
>uses outdated mats
Fuck off Georgie
I can smell your fear.
And I can see through your pathetic attempts at twisting lore pretending you have an argument.
FGO BB isn't BB/GO, that's full stop where it ends.
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BB stands for Big Baby.
BB stands for Bonzi Buddy.
Where's the new BBGuda art? Because all I've seen since summer began is a flood of BBHaku.
/fgog/ won't survive Hakuno's release and all the lines from/towards him. It will like Murachanga's release except worse.
Reminds me how Chibichuki portrays the Hakunos as idols while Gudas are regular people who don't get fawned.
we've literally had a god and alien artoria already. goddess rhongomyniad and servantverse's mhx
i miss being hakuno. i want my extraverse console games back. stop wasting time on shitty remakes of non-fate games.
It's not that long after LB7 and OC3 did touch on what Archetypes actually are, might as well strike while the iron is hot
Good things that I don't give a shit and won't give a shit like the rest of the people after oc3 ended.
Yeah and how many of them have insane amount of effort put in? You're telling me Parvati's equal to Space Eresh/Ishtar?

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