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/lolg/ OP pastebin

Racebait spam filters
I wish I could into perspective
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If we're doing /ic/ rn anyone got advice for my qiqi
I was trying to copy yordlebro's mspaint style but I'm also pretty sure I fucked it up
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If you are talking about the Quinn request I am flattered that you still remember it
It’s fine, just take your time and don’t worry about it. I am still here
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mfw garen with crit items as been an A tier pick through challenger for four years straight
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How often do you guys ACTUALLY report someone?
Do you report for feeding? Shit talking?
I have a friend who report almost once a game at minimum. Usually someone who feeds but occasionally someone who just upset him.
I try not to report a ton, but occasionally I do rage report. Like I just did which is what prompted this question
yo... this kinda scaring me stop..
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Briar brain at it's finest
>If you are talking about the Quinn request
I am not......
do tell me the request so I can try and fill in for another slob anon
Wow!! small Yone
There is at least one person worth reporting in every single game.
No exceptions.
BUT if you do not check "verbal abuse" in the report then it will be thrown straight into the garbage.
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Stay positive /lolg/!
>ACTUALLY report someone?
teammate flaming me for a valid reason? don't report
teammate flaming me over his retardation? report
enemy team bullying me? don't report if it's turning me on
some 12 years old is flaming their opponent unsolicited then cheering themselves on for getting one single kill after dying 8 times in a row? report
It’s been like 5 months so I don’t even remember precisely what it was kek
Anyway if you are >>494313784 this guy then Corsair Quinn in a light yellow white striped bikini would look nice
Pretty please with sugar on top
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just edit the ref image bab
any of you know how the shadow isles characters get that ephemeral glow?
also viegos skin has a glow that looks really bright too
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>why are you playing against silvers as an iron retard?
suppose ive met a silver player in a normal game, what should i do
Did that one drawfag ever do pentakill Seraphine? Sorry I haven't been here in a while
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yeah there's a book about it
I just hooked up with my 50 year old landlord, I don't really know I've just been really lonely since I moved and she's very sweet and gentle and somewhat attractive for her age.
I'm just really confused right now but uh... champions for this feel?
lube up and ask him to be gentle
I'll take things that didn't happen for 200.
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she carried that fight you're just a hater
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I fucking love petite anime women
new petite champion. WHEN
>ziggs, corki
>ziggs, corki
>ziggs, corki
>ziggs, corki
Every fucking game this pro meta is ASS
idk bout the pro meta but I had my ass handed over to my some iron 3 12 cs/min ziggs to me once in iron 3 and shit's never been the same ever since
Besides Garen and Nasus, we're in a mage meta.
seems believeable to me, two very desperate people
truly we need more retarded takes like this for the sake of my entertainment as it made me giggle
How do I play ADCs with a bad support? I notice most of the times with a bad support, it's usually an Enchanter. And how do I play support with a bad ADC who never follows up on plays?
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The former you just kinda give up, the latter you go to other lanes and get kills there. Or follow your jungler around and invade. Botlane isn't the only place you can make plays, especially if another person is doing well and you can get them further ahead.
me thinks you play too aggressive with an enchanter sissy but enchanter sissy weak early and need scale
Sorry anon im not the anon asking for the request
Maybe during next month's drawpile I can do a little Quinn for you though, I do like her
Nah, I usually throw in "Hate Speech" if they are pissing me off.
is it hate speech if someone calls my champion braindead?
>d4 last split
>deep into plat4 with negative winrate as ADC
>get decent games with supports that sometimes press abilities on me so i can work with that
>win lane really hard
>go mid to take tower
>on mid now but support doesn't understand he has to ward
>get perma ganked
>get lucky because toplane literally 6 levels above 1v5ing enemy team and we win
>check end results
>my j4 had lower damage than my milio
>he had the lowest damage taken aswell
>my talon repeatedly died to a katarina support
>said katarina support actually had 5 items by the time everybody reached 4 items(except toplane)
>get repeatedly assraped by people flash ulting me the entire game
>only win because top backdoors with tp

i am honestly lost, the role has never felt this bad
extremely low agency and i need the enemy to turbo int and donate 10 kills in order to maybe make a difference
it's fucking wild how katarina support despite being down 4 levels can still 1shot me even if he griefed the entire laning phase + his adc + i got all plates + first tower + 6 kills AND THEN I GOT 1SHOT BY KATA SUPPORT ANYWAYS
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>Darius players when their opponent didn't just walk into them and die three times in the first three minutes
What champ were you playing?
Malzahar is very cringe, sorry but that's on you. You are indeed braindead.
He is pretty braindead yeah.
>Press E W
>get all cs while sitting a mile away behind a spellshield
Nah they're just telling the truth mate
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lmao I miss laning against dario so much
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umm if you can't even tell the difference between malfart and malzafart maybe you're the ones actually braindead
Oh right my bad
>put post it covering KDA and cs because they don't matter
>Press R
That's the champ
Still true
Don't make plays, just play safe and farm and wait for teamfights.
>Win match
>Got every drag
>Got one baron
>200+ CS
>second highest vision score
>second highest champ damage on the team
>Not given an S

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa this rating system is so dumb
>>200+ CS
in how many minutes
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the two reasons pisslows can't end games is because they don't take turrets unless the entire enemy team is dead and they don't have the frame of reference to understand that the game is over if the enemy team is dead for 40 seconds
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post em
Does anyone know if Rekky has these cute kr girls with signs for him, when he plays, too? I wonder if he has been pounding puss in Korea
>I wonder if he has been pounding puss in Korea
he has been for a decade
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Does LoL still do this with chromas even if you can't see it? Or even have panties for female skins? When I saw KDA All Out Evelynn's corpse, I never knew they actually modeled panties under her skirt.
nta but now I'm curious if nemesis pounds slovenian pussy
dude just constantly looks like he hates being alive so I feel like there's a good chance he doesn't even care to have sex
>Does LoL still do this with chromas even if you can't see it?
Last I remember the skirt on Coven Morg disappears when in a bush which is probably why they properly modeled underwear on that skin
>the skirt on Coven Morg disappears when in a bush
small indie team mummified spaghetti coding etc
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it looks really good. I'm digging your style. only thing is she's off balance. she's shifting her weight so the rest of her body needs to support that. it also lets you push the pose more
as for going for yordlebro's style, I think the major points is that he uses a pixelated brush which you use a soft one, that his colors are more grouped together and that every part of his drawing's silhouette is outlined in it's darkest color. but I also really love your spin on it too
hopefully I helped, I'm no expert myself
>Enchanter Support is actually aggressive and not passive
Why is this rare?
no way, he never leaves the house lmao
neeko seraphine and zeri
I can't give a definitive answer but I'd imagine it has something to do with how textures layer over the champion models and the skirt texture/modeling interfering with that see through masking layer that bushes give to champions when they sit inside of it
>Enchanter only starts to do shit the moment I'm getting attacked
>Enchanter is trying to set up kills for me
So how do I play with passive enchanters? Just farm?
I can play them aggressive if need be but only early and during the laning phase when trading is most effective, anything beyond that point is no point for me in terms of peeling, trying to go in and slow down the enemies for your team to reach them and other things I can do but anything too deep I won't.
not buying it
>he has been for a decade
Nah, when he went there for worlds theres no chance he would be pouding puss, hes too professional for that and worlds are the ultimate test
Nemesis wouldnt pound puss if she was laying on his bed with her legs spread. He would rather play league and look depressed so he could complain about Phreak after
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yep, they will never do shit so just play nasus sim for 15 min then wait for top or jg to go in on tf for them to do anything.
>Nemesis wouldnt pound puss if she was laying on his bed with her legs spread. He would rather play league and look depressed so he could complain about Phreak after
my idol truly
you think they did it on purpose for the coombait sales but do keep in mind certain champions visually tweak the fuck out when they enter a brush because their head goes semi transparent and all the sudden you're looking into their torso through their neck
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Nemesis has a 10 inch penis but he is an asexual robot
>Nemesis has a 10 inch penis
Someone post the picture
the WHAT there is no way
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I really want to post some cringe ass rizz reply but truly I cannot find an entry angle here
>cringe ass rizz reply
a what
Can Zilean carry me from Bronze to Silver and possibly to Gold?
some "it's okay babygirl it's not your fault, I know you're doing your best to win every single match out there and it's normal that you make mistakes sometimes, everyone does! Please just mute and report anyone being toxic and transphobic in chat because league is NOT the place for that kind of disgusting behavior. Feel free to add me if you're on NA btw we can play together if you want :))))))) ;));));)) xoxo smooch"
Zilean can get you to diamond bro
do you guys think phreak in his mind believes there is a single person on this earth who actually appreciates him as a person? ever since I first saw this nigga throw a tantrum on the tyler1 queue shit I just can't shake off the feeling that he's just an unkempt manchild that doesn't deserve any respect or love as a human being
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>this nigga throw a tantrum on the tyler1 queue shit
tldr is basically t1 bans brand and phreak throws a tantrum about it says he'll lock in a mage support anyways, t1 threatens to troll phreak says "ok me bans you :)" and then links his 3 viewer twitch stream (on which he's wearing GAMER gloves mind you (fingerless gloves intended for fat niggas who get cold hands from sitting on their ass all day and literally cut off their blood flow))
>8 years ago
Let it go nigga goddamn
widdwy watch any of his recent videos where he's supposed to be an adult male sitting in front of no audience talking to a camera by himself giving a presentation

acts like he's unironically spastic or something, jitters and twitches like a RAT
I lost all respect for him a while back when I saw he refuses to take responsibility for any fuckup and even tries to gaslight the playerbase into thinking they're at fault
I'm tired lolg
take lil nap catch some rest my sweet babby
go sleepytime
ok goodnight lolg
gn lil sissy retard cutie
sleep well sweetest dreams love you much
I'm not a retard or a sissy...
thank you anon that's very sweet
that's just rajot company policy for some fucking reason, it's so weird that they refuse to go back on champions whose kit/core design is fundamentally broken for an incredibly extended period of time going back and forth over the line of "it's broken - it's useless" and then once enough time from the release has passed they decide to release a rework

riot august for example admits to gnar working not as intended because they wanted it to be some cute little silly animal goofball sorta thing and instead it just became proplay staple on release. weird how instead of just working that out immediately they just went like "oh well ggnore better luck next release guys"
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don't let the bedbugs bite
Same lol, thank God it's Friday..
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Champs for this feel?
not that anon but whoa that is pretty detailed feedback
>I'm no expert myself
y-yeah sure
engage supports
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Wooooooooooo finally max mastery with Gwen. I've played like I swear 30 games over the last few days on her and I finally got there. Just 2 more to go with Sona and Kai'Sa and then I'll be happy with 10 champs at max.

Please say something nice.
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Would you?
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Okay so retarded
But they are also correct in that low elo will sperg out on jungler for no reason with no actual good tips or constructive criticism. They all know exactly what the jungler should be doing, but at the same time have no clue what the jungler should be doing.
As a low elo or new junlger, if you got a thin skin or just dont like being insulted, its best to mute immediately, because any time anyone fucks up its your fault. Either that or play another role that gets blamed less.
>because any time anyone fucks up its your fault
I've had top trannies scream jg diff before I can even full clear because they died in a 1v1 2 1/2 minutes in. people are so unreasonable it's no wonder no one likes this role
allow me to introduce you to "gank every single lane several times the first 10 minutes so you can lose the game due to your snowballing team refusing to help your weak ass smite underleveled brokie jungler on the objectives and then you lose and get flamed anyways"
people really don't understand positioning is the worst part imo, like retards genuinely can't comprehend what's wrong with "enemy toplane and jungler are standing next to each other while our toplane is in the lane and our jungler is in the river"

like that's obviously not a straight up 2v2 that's a death sentence for whichever person on our team engages first because they'll funnel damage before we do and cut down the total damage output by killing either of us
I love Lissandra!
I don't want to catch another 3 day ban for making a joke about someone's favorite lolg
ur dad
Tell us
Fuckin true. I used to level 3 gank bot on a regular basis as briar cause it was a free kill, and they i just quit that shit because then id be behind and get 0 assistance on dragon later.
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Is there anything I can do with these anymore? You used to use shards and perms to unlock shit like increased mastery if you had the champion right? Is that still a thing? Because I haven't seen one in a while.
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im gonna lose
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Had a Yuumi yesterday just say "Nigger" and instalock her and go straight top with Morde.
how to lane against lebitch?
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Pick ice waifu hehegehhegeyehegeh
she has no le waveclear so you can le clear waves harder than her and she can never le fight you without dropping a ton of cs and fighting in a bigger wave
her w is a straight line so its easy to hit her while she is dashing straight at you
Anyone know if Ambessa is meant to be more like Riven/Fiora/etc. or more juggernaut like?
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>"so you just play league of legends all day and have NEVER had sex?"
How do you respond without sounding mad
yeah that's a certified Kek moment
Gwen your ass ass is not that big.
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urge to dodge intensifies
Anime pictures can't ask questions
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And you hide your face like a cockroach.
sera > gwen >>>> zeri
not racis just dont loik em
I'd just whip out my painfully average cock and beg for sex and tell them they're all so pretty
>31 minutes ago
Did you?
Let her collar me and take me out on a walk? Absolutely!
nvm we won, i'll never doubt a paki lol player again
just won a game because our 1/9/0 Swain support stole Baron with W
I've gotten kills doing that plenty of times but the high from a W'd baron steal must've been unbelievable. Wish that were me.
imagine posting your real face and info on 4chan under any circumstances LOL

it's the internet you might be "friends" one day the next day you're the discord lolcow
remember it will eventually come back to haunt you
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This is your support for the game. Be nice to her.
Bend over and lube up so you don’t start bleeding when she fucks your ass
watch the first 3 minutes and tell me you don't recognize this guy from /lolg/
It is kinda funny how these dudes cant even make halfway decent looking animations or anything.
Only one who is good at it is GB. Its fuckin ugly, but at least he can animate. Only cuck who can.
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it was ogre two minutes after the vote
janny, normal people are working irl right now why are you here
Yeah back when I was more active here I didn't even add much people, maybe one or so on my league account and I think 1 random guy on a new empty discord account (due to precaution), low and behold someone or some people started posting my irl details here despite genetic info even if I hadn't done anything in particular. People here are just miserable and love gossiping I guess but definitely did not appreciate it. So far the best lolg experience is just reading through it and watching stupid things naturally develop.
bro is on welfare just so he could delete posts on a chinese forum all day long ROFL
When is Riot going to ad back some real crit caster items? Why were they reworked in the first place?
kys fat furry
I am better than you
yh at being fat acne furry :D
Good one anon
bro has bestiality on his pc and thinks hes allowed to speak
>queue mid top to play løblanc
>get mid
>somone dodges
>get autofilled jungle
post was sent by a true acne riddled neckbeard
when was the last time the sun caressed your deformed acne face
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arena bros what the fuck is going on
You gotta be a little more creative than that, anon
mad cuz scythed by norwood reaper
hmm if i spam these drawings it makes me look less disgusting
I dont mind phreak. he's pretty iconic. people hate him now because he's the one that has to sign his name besides the patch note thats nerfing (your) favorite hero. To be on the balance team is to be a martyr. name ONE(1) balance lead people liked and didnt make fun of. go ahead. you cant lol.

Morello?Meddler?lol this body is just one of many. nerds will never be happy. IF you love him let him go back to that bar in Tokyo.
Can you talk about league of legends please? Also answer my question
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right after they add actual good right-click AP items and AP fighter items with statlines for proper frontlining. right after they add Melee carry items that make up for the obnoxious amount of damage, kite and crowd control creep they've added to the game.

When those two things are added you might see Lethality Items added but probably not Crit-Casting items since Crit is supposed the Right-Click stat not the caster stat (then putting crit ratios on abilities is them tuning champs for lowest common denoms).
smolder pool party skin doko
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Why does nobody play these champions anywhere?
dei esg black rock score california pozzed tokens
i still see a few nilah's ADC in niggalow from time to time, same goes for naafiri mid
ugly designs
gameplay not fun
most are weak too
u forgot the jewish esg score bro
blud do you have downs?
the california jews made those champs doe its a conspiracy?? i only want sexy womans cause i sex the woman
>get autofilled jungle
>my silver mf crushes the enemy diamond zeri
>my unranked rakan is playing like a smurf
>the enemy jungler is literally trash despite maining the role and getting decent "kp"
>completely clueless, gives up every camp and objective, never is where he is actually needed
>ends up 3 levels down me and doesnt understand vision or counterjungling
I've been having fun with ranged top and melee bot, am I mentally ill?
Having fun is the only reason to play the game
pozzed dei token shill typed this
relax little timmy
i cant when this woke garbage esg aaa game studio aka riot games adds dogs and indian ladies to my game
>what the forge gives all of your carries +660 health
Is this really ok
i will not play doggo
i will not play monster
i will only play female womans
i was gonna play viego but then i realized hes south american
The dog isnt played because it's edgy instead of of cute and fluffy.
I do play Renata but only in Aram, it's unplayable to play her in soloq because of synergy issue, plus other people can do bits of her kit better. Zilean for res, nami for r, karma for shield, blitz for hook, etc.
you can only play 1 champ at a d4 level anyways if that
then i bought milio and the same thing happened again. i made a ticket and told the diversity hire to refund my blue essence
too busy to play cartoon game cuz playing ur moms pussy at kr chall level irl
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Riot didnt try with Milio. one of the most phoned in kits I've ever seen. He does the exact same thing everyone else in his lane has been doing for years now so why bother?

Gey'Sante never stood a chance the second Riot kept nerfing his all out so he couldnt 1v5 anymore in the name of Proplay. champ has eaten nothing but nerfs for 20 patches now and is on his last legs before he joins Sett in the abyss.

Nilah is pure fucking dogshit because Melee cant be good in LoL nowadays without busted survivability tools and Nilah has 0 busted survivability tools. dont tell volibear poster but she's LONG overdue for a Gameplay Update. she has the same teamfight gameplay goal as Samira but doesnt do Samira things nearly as consistently and efficiently as Samira does. Her kit feels 15 seasons too late to be half decent.

Renata doesnt benefit as much from the linear item direction of her class Only worth picking Renata in conjunction with 2 or 3 champs (Kalista, Varus and Zeri maybe) due to the awful design and balancing of her W. Renata's design is too high test play for the one audience that occupies her lane. shes actually cool and not a generic cutsy uwu shieldbot. has to play at a midrange while having no escape tools which means if she gets collapsed on shes a corpse. not low skill friendly and requires too much coordination.

Bel'Veth has one of the most boring shitty gameplay loops ever and her numbers/kit is a mess. Do you go onhit? do you go utility? do you go tanky fighter? are you a carry?are you supposed to be the most important person on the map lategame like Yi? who fucking knows. not even Riot knows. at the end of the Day Riot managed to make a walking Lissandra passive and thats about it.
why are there so many Nasissies in niggalow it's every other fucking game
>Renata's design is too high test play for the one audience that occupies her lane. shes actually cool
Absolutely noone wants to play as an ugly woman.
lifelong diamond shitloglow players calling others d4
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Milio is sleeper OP but people will trash him because they don't know how much he actually provides. He's probably one of the best supports right now.
But of course, as an Enchanter, he relies on the adchud to use his kit to the fullest which most don't !
Renata needs a complete rework. She's been trash since her release.
qq more downie
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>wooow milio so op look at this webm where completely overextended botlane get doubled killed by belveth with milio doing literally nothing
>b-b-but I le slowed Lux a little bit so belveth could instakill her
as if quite literally any other support cant do the same
speak for yourself. I like Illaoi and Shyvana. champions like Neeko and Lilia however make me pop a blood vessel especially when they open their fucking mouths to say some dumbfuck shit from anime tropes dot com and I cant play a single game of aurora without complaining about her visual design(specifically her lack-there of).
>sleeper OP
according to whom? he is just op
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Doesn't Nilah have like the highest WR out of botlaners?
when was this game?
i need to watch it
she is a counterpick champ that is usually only picked in good games
it doesnt count for champs like her
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>wake up
>realize I'm not cuddling my zed main gf because I don't have one
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Would you believe I got flamed the entire game by our mid?
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Webm is unrelated... I just like posting funny clips.
>Riot didnt try with Milio. one of the most phoned in kits I've ever seen. He does the exact same thing everyone else in his lane has been doing for years now so why bother?
And anyone else who has qualms about him. He's going to be even more busted with the item changes too as we head into a "Tank" meta.
I had the epiphany that the upcoming split's changes regarding ability haste and item efficiency will irreversibly fuck the meta (this part is obvious) and some champions will gain immense popularity and value due to their cost efficient combat passives that don't rely on haste/items
winning the game with good kda does not mean you played well and/or did not fuck over a certain player and mess up everything related to them like every gank or every skirmish involving them
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yes. then again I dont ever think Shyvana was meant to be cute/hot. I hope if Shyvana ever gets a rework they keep her that way and play up some of the bestial aspects about her. protruding scales, those lovely reptile eyes, elongated nails and a bit of fangs.

having a high win rate is easy when your pickrate is nonexistant. it basically hints that nobody but dedicated players bother to lock you in. SEE: random shit like Middle-Sticks having 60% winrrate (gee wonder why)
how it feels getting carried by an assassin jungler who just uberfed himself while the entire team got fucked on
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Lmfao I may just be tired but that is fucking hilarious.
What makes him do that much? I literally never play Coco.
You're right. I didn't gank mid even once. It was glorious. She was fucking furious and AFKing under tower after 5 minutes. Fuck that Akali.
Was a 4v5. Bit of a struggle. But we pulled through in the end. Got most honorable player too!
Y (why) r (are) u (you) typing like that?
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>I dont ever think Shyvana was meant to be cute/hot.
A lot of the early game were very Warcraft inspired. Shyvana is pretty much supposed to be League's Alexstrasza. Her design is basically Alexstrasza with blue skin. I think she was intended to be hot, they just failed to capture the coomer audience with her because her original splash wasn't very sexy.
peak na hours for someone to have a mental breakdown because they couldnt carry a game of norms or smth
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DH + Zz'rot + Ludens. AP Milio is honestly not as troll as people think and it's actually a viable midlaner too. His Q does so much damage if you can land it.
what if burst mages bought collector's for the 5% hp finish off proc?
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>I think she was intended to be hot
She was.
>they just failed to capture the coomer audience with her because her original splash wasn't very sexy.
Well just her original skin.
They definitely got me with Ironscale Shyv though. But I just really like red hair.
Ironscale should have been her default.
i'm a guy fag
I should start fucking around with him lmao. Too funny just getting 1 tapped by the Disney Diversity kid.
Gonna try that shit out in normals later today with a friend.
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>Her design is basically Alexstrasza with blue skin. I think she was intended to be hot, they just failed to capture the coomer audience with her because her original splash wasn't very sexy
>I think she was intended to be hot
>her original splash wasn't very sexy

the only thing I can say for Shyvana is that she succumbed to the typical Riot pitfall of mid-riff exposure but besides that I dont think Shyvana was at all intended to be "hot". Badass probably. not Hot though. her design doesnt objectify her to the degree that other designs like Miss Fortune or Evelynn did. Shyvana was just. Weird Blue Hybrid Lady.
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No you're just a faggot who doesn't appreciate a cute red headed dragon girl.
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Glad someone was on the ball with this one
i just versed a master player as a gold 2 player in normals
that was fun
How do you know? She hides it under a big dress!
it's the spammer btw
i wasnt trying and you were sweating
i will never remember you
what even is getting you so butthurt that you're schizophrenically calling people the spammer?
did you not appreciate me posting shyvana or something?????
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absolutely retarded hip ratio aside not that bad of a visual update honestly. would prefer some more...regal looking armor though since she's basically the friend with benefits for the literal King of Demacia and part of the elite border guards.

that armor doesnt really scream "Demacia" as much as it should.
Wouldn’t it just be better to have shadowflame and more AP
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>some gay faggoted dude who wants to suck swain's dick thinks anyone cares about his opinion on hot mommy gfs' hip ratios
please stop typing
yeah but that's not off meta cool hip alt hippie :(
People like to jack Mark Yetter off, but that's just attributing merit to him for general satisfaction at the time (even though he was a lead during some of the philosophical turning points in design towards what people complain about these days.)

As you said, whoever is the spokesperson knowingly tanks the dumbshit takes and negativity for their team. Phreak has already been a face for the company for years so he's used to it, perfect choice after making the career transition.
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I just need her to be the old bruiser ad self and reworked for the better with that in mind. If that happens I'll play her jungle along with Vi, Elise and Sej.
wasn't referring to you mongoloid
do not ever reply to me again
The only champions I can imagine it working on are ones that have AP and AD scalings in their kit or they auto attack a lot so maybe you could do it on katarina or diana or something.
you would get mogged in every aspect billy
get a new jig
what the fuck are you talking about? i never mentioned swain at all. and yeah. those propotions look stupid. Camille has an excuse. those hips are where she keeps the wire and mechanism for her hookshots. It makes sense from a design standpoint. Shyvana has no reason to have that big hips though and I can only assume its for top-down visual readability reasons.
aren't you actually literally gay don't you like regularly post about how you want to fuck lolg boys or something
I don't buy that. 1.5-2% is enough and Riot has only nerfed her since the release so they must think she's overturned
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im not a avatarfag. im a random lurker. youve got me confused for one of the clique retards.
I always liked Shyvana and Camile.

Dragons have larger back legs than the frontal ones. So in this case the human transformation makes sense plus she's a woman which means thicker thighs and she's quite athletic.

That wasn't me, I'm not gay nor do I coom post. You need to genuinely stop.
my bad you two faggots just type very similar
This is like slower NA hours, people are still going to/arriving at work/school. You just mad this exact line was used for euros yesterday lmao
oh so now you guys have jobs/school etc
thought you said both na and eu were all neets the other day
Mcdonalds status?
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Forfeit your life
If you don't get a friend request after the game, you didn't actually int that much. That's my philosophy.
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Zoo wee HOT mama.
dont tell witebois to kill themselves it is racist my lady
I only get friend requests from gay dudes that flirt in all chat
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>Dragons have larger back legs than the frontal ones.
what??? since when? are you thinking of Wyverns?
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I didn't comment on that slap-fighting at all, just an observer.

Semi-related: as someone on a split schedule who gets to see melties on both sides, generally EU posters are sperging out and being racist about their solo-queue team-mates (specifically racist,) whereas NA has a bunch of spurned autists creating drama and bitching about namefags and lashing out at trans people because they don't know how to socialize with vgs orbiters. Not exclusive behavior obviously, but generally this is the most common autism exhibited by each distinct group.

I dunno why I felt the need to point that out. Anyway how are you?
New fantasy creature: flying gorilla.
I participate in both region's autistic behaviors because I'm accidentally on a biphasic sleeping schedule so I sleep 4 hours x2 on random occassions throughout a day

>Anyway how are you?
who's asking?
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but it already exits??
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you jest but Magic the Gathering and DnD did something similar. a Flying Hippo for the first and flying mini-Elephant for the latter. so long as you gave it a wacky name you could probably pass it off.
damn that's a tall dog
we need to fund a R&D department that can supplement anon's league related reaction/funny images on the regular to keep the threads fresh desu
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Just the rando Support Arc Luluposter, a veritable no-name WOW
Not a gorilla, I'm looking for "forelegs" twice the size of hinds. I want that real dragonape shit.
The male one is superior, this model reminds me of those modded Skyrim girls or so. Why do you even ritual post that term anyways.
>wait 7 minutes to find an emerald game where i lose in 17 minutes to 3 botted accounts

just rank down bro
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when did they add this?
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>$100 + shipping
Is it worth it? Also includes the viego skin and the Worlds event pass.
90% of these retards never queue jungle, you wont get a real answer here
if you want the stuff then ye?
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and yet you returned the next day. like always. yet to reach your proverbial limit. so how "tiresome" can it truly be? just queue again. It'll be better next time. we promise.
Yes but only if you want the Viego skin depending on how hard it is to get in the game.
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are you trying to get us to talk you into a purchase you want to make?

gonna need to know more information about you then. like your income bracket and how often you play Viego and how much time you spend watching LoL E-Sports.
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Nah, only things there I really like are the lux mini and the baron plush. I don't play Viego outside ARAM (and even there I suck with him). I wouldn't buy it myself.
More was wondering if people here thought it was actually a good value or not.

Now, if there was ever a Worlds Annie...
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other people cant decide on subjective value for you mate. dont be scared to make your own decisions and live with the possible consequences. if 100$ is nothing to you and you dont mind knick-knacks sure man.

christ. do you just want some attention or are you ACTUALLY this much of a Jerry?
It's not good value because those chibis are like $25 each. The calendar is relevant for a year. There are also better plushies (probably a tibbers one out there) of other more notable things. Mouse pad also has a Viego aka irrelevant to you and the key caps are only compatible for a specific gamer keyboard you'll probably have to buy to make use of. Just buy a chibi lux and a plushie separate for like $50 or whatever lower pirce instead of $100.
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Dude, it's just conversation. Did you throw a fit when people were shitposting about the $500 Ahri skin?

For how cheap they are, I assume the chibis aren't good quality then? The official league merch store always seemed sketchy with how much of a range of prices and quality they showcase.
>Did you throw a fit
NTA but he gave you a reasonable answer. Noone can really decide if its "worth it" for you.
>free win
>2 conditions: my yuumi doesn't go afk and my jungler doesn't tax my waves 24/7
>both of them failed
>i am down 70cs at 12 minutes getting dived by 3 people
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I want more-dles
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What do I do as a support when my ADC is a retard? Wasn't backing when he was low or had no mana, kept repeatedly dying to MF and Zyra. How am I supposed to climb as Zilean when my ADC is retarded? Do I just abandon him and go help another lane?
I wouldn't know, I do have one Caitlyn figurine of the old Cait however that is not a chibi, I presume chibis are more perfected in terms of the paint job and such, they always seem to anyways (when I think about those nendoroids). To be honest my largest justification of these chibis is that it's not a Funko pop. I would say just give it a try for yourself. I can't say anything further.
>MF and Zyra
deadly combo in niggalow
You mean Senna?
no, I meant niggalow
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>win laning phase 4/1
>yuumi shitcunt decides to sit on top of shen after I farm his ass
>2v1 for 10 minutes after laning phase while our bot and support do fuck all
>milio alt f4s
>team refuses to ff 48 times despite being 4v5
>win multiple teamfights with the kalista noc ult combo
>lose one teamfight
>3 teammates dead one afk
>tp enemy base to break an inhib and force them all to recall
>next up they decide to go for baron
>just run it down topside jungle and backdoor naked nexus
can't believe playing fucking norms can be an even more of an insufferable experience
a veritable no-name cutie more like
If I keep posting this one, eventually the riot agents that browse this thread will HAVE to put her in league
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>Top lane trolls by picking Varus top and dies to Heimerdinger top
>Jungler AFK farms and never ganks
>I'm dealing with Cho'Gath mid
What are the immediate signs you should dodge a match? So far, it's been:
>Yuumi in any role not support
>Ziggs jungle
>Ranged top laner not meant for top lane
good, back in my day that's how it was
if u want HP get a warmogs or a sunfire cape
>Top lane trolls by picking
>>Ziggs jungle
Teemo jungle*
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I don't like those hip horns, very bad placement for the arms.
varus is decently viable against tank toplaners tbdesu you just got a shitter teammate who probably has no experience with it

>What are the immediate signs you should dodge a match?
someone asking for lane swap in the lobby, even worse if these people get their preferred role because the system decided to autofill them into another role specifically because they're worse than whoever else got their role

>champions that require more than 3 braincells to use because I'm in bronze
>edgelord champion on my team yasuo zed kayn etc
>some shit that got nerfed during the recent patches that my ghoul teammates think they can still abuse
>duo joking around in champ selection
>mage support/assassin jungler
>one or more people speak fr*nch in champ selection
>new release/rework/etc on my team
>no tank comp into two or more tank comp
>illaoi on enemy team
they're supposed to be used as handles when you're getting backshots though
have TWO (2) sera 1 tricks that hit master on my friends list and play like shit on every other champ

people really say this shit isnt an elo inflater?
I tried once in aram passive make very confuse because ability range constantly change no likey it take very high iq
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this will surely get more people to play tank
why would we want more peepol playing tanks?
every champion besides kalista draven nidalee are elo inflaters
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Name a sloppier skin slopline than Empyrean
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Is anyone actually excited for Worlds?
no, I lost my interest in lolesports sometime during s12 worlds
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>shyvana isn't hot

Holy shit, shit taste
This skinline killed Vex’s chances of getting a skin even semi-regularly
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Why do people hate Tristana mid?
Why do people hate Quinn top?
Why do people hate Nilah not?

Like top players hate ranged top, bot players hate melee bot, mid just hates a ADC???? Wat
Nilah bot*
I was interested in going there irl but it seems like all the tickets got swooped and I won't be able to get any in future waves due to bots, scalpers and whatever else.
>bot players hate melee bot
I just got a 1 week chat ban and 3 game rank ban and lost all my honor for saying "suck a fat meaty throbbing twitching cock" to my jungler after flaming the shit out of me all game. His behaviour was fine though, since my report was thrown in the trash.

Honestly fuck this shitty fucking game and fuck Riotniggers to hell.

See you on the Rift, anons!
>hit tristana with hard cc
>her jump goes through anyway
I am tired of getting timid ADC's who are too scared to follow up with my sick engage plays
t. poppy support
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just played rengar and went 0/11 ama
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>this will surely get more people to play tank
Thats fine, i dont want more söytank players in my games anyway
its genuinely over for rammus, this is like cutting his damage in half, what the fuck
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street demons

thematically it was meant to be a cool swag mixture of yakuza/street culture and oni demons etc but in reality it just looks like arcade 0.1
they can just buff rammus himself to compensate but if we are being honest here Rammus's design isnt very good.

I would not mind damage being moved away from reflect and into R to beee honest.
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>First game in ranked
>Get a horrible ADC and Top laner
>Next game
>Varus and Jungle troll
>Third game
>Lose early game and dragon soul but were making a comeback despite enemy having Elder buff
>They're in our base
>Rammus decides to AFK after shitting on all of us, constantly trying to surrender, kept feeding, etc
>Demote to Iron 1
WHY DOES THIS GAME KEEP GIVING ME FUCKING IDIOTS? WHY? Where can I fill in a support ticket and ACTUALLY get this fucker Rammus banned. We genuinely could have made a comeback.
so he can just be another cc rbot tank? the reflect is really the only thing that makes him unique
>Demote to Iron 1
awww wittwe babby googoo
I'd genuinely like to see you 1v9. Post OP.GG.
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but he funny sonic spinza?
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Briar fucking won
which is funny because he one shots the adc
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too big
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>do loldle
>realize champs have changed their primary roles

also wtf Maokai was literally played in 4/5 roles last year how is he only a support

I am dumb for picking Rumble when I got 'mana' already
I don't play this game for a long time but I was thinking it's cool a lot of characters are directly inspired by batman
zyra-poison ivy
jinx-harley quinn
vayne - batman
fiddlesticks - scarecrow(?)

and then a bunch of skins like cryocore brand
maybe i will watch a few games of worlds, maybe i won't. I've actually watched at least a few games of Worlds almost every year since Season 2. am I excited about it, no.
how do i kill ppl as rengar..
afaik you don't. he does a lot less damage than he used to.
it's gonna be really hard to watch from NA because they're gonna time it so EU/CN/KR can all watch instead

Which is really fucking sad when NA is probably gonna do better than EU again this year
hes broken in challenger though..
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are you challenger though? no, you're stuck in peanutbutterlow LMAO
yah but hes so cool i wanna kill ppl as him!
are you challenger? yes, then learn how to play him and play him. no, he's not going to be broken for you, play him if you want to without expecting to do a lot of damage.
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Still winning after a year
Play warwick if u wanna get kills as a furbod, Rengar is small time
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the reflect is the most stand out thing about him yes but it makes his entire character very unhealthily one-dimensional. his entire champion comes down to "are you stupid enough to right click me? " and to a lesser degree a litmus test for your understanding of the item system and its interactions with various champions. IE:this champion stacks armor and uses his armor to deal damage. my choices for items against him are

A. Blade of the Ruin King
B. Last Whisper
C. Black Cleaver
D. Bloodthirster

hmm which of these items will be the most useful to shut down this Jak'sho Aftershock Thornmail Rammus... HMMMMM.... (90% of LoL players are too stupid for this one).

moving a armor ratio to R and letting Rammus be the best premier anti-tower tank which he secretly is would be a nice change of pace for the champs direction. I say this as a Ramussy enjoyer.
but ww is lame and cant be a jumpy dog like rengar can..
i wanna play rengar
okay but how do i not be totally useless every game..
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Did you know: Black men won

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Fucking donkeys ruining their mmr just to spite you but still be in top 4.
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another victim of domestic abuse
Lux mains are so powerful...
Why do you never play with your "lux main gf"?
I've lost 4 games in a row now, am I gonna get a free win now?
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>Teemo Jungle
>Vayne top
I just wanna get back in Bronze, I'm losing 30 LP a game now and it's always my fucking team's fault no matter what role I play, I can't carry when I get retards. It's driving me insane.
cute. CUTE.
Thanks anon!
Appreciate the tips a lot, you definitely seem like an expert lol
If my ADC is terrible but one of my other team mates is fed, do I just abandon my ADC as a Support and support the fed team mate instead?
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Quickplay is so fucking bad, one team has a plat duo against our iron randoms, their top is a bot so that evens things
Do you think Briar is a cuddler? Fuck bros...
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Rate my Jinx cosplay sisters
Briar would kill you the moment ur alone with her
Too busy holding hands 24/7 and spanking her cute butt but we do play from time to time...

I'm down for a few!
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Pettable briar ngl
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she could pounce on me anytime, I wouldnt mind dying, she makes me happy
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What's her ign?
FUCK rammus
By ripping you to shreds

She doesnt love you
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Beta 4 Yordles#PAYG
will come on soon after I make some cereal
hot. keep it up
His ign is swift service
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*cough cough* sisters... i don't feel so good...
last hitting as a full build adchud is somefucking how harder than last hitting midgame because my attackspeed outpaces my brain
umm just relax bro just focus on urself teehee it's the only way you'll improve sis sksk
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The sheer schizophrenic aura emanating from asking such a question is fascinating. Is it humor? Is it being serious? Does it really make the schizo laugh? I have no idea. But do not forget to take your finastride, cissy.
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Would be kinda difficult when she's in her pillory where she's most docile but if she considers you a friend either way I'd bet she'd enjoy hugs
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Will they EVER let smolder be playable? I’m not asking to be good, just playable
>$500 Faker Ahri Skin
>T1 Red Bull documentary
>Worlds song about T1
>T1 winning EWC
>T1 got 3-0'd by KT and didn't quality for Worlds
hopefully not
why do you want to fuck briar she would literally kill and eat your ass you dumbasses. She wouldnt even know the concept of love.
would free me from my suffering
And who is the most safe adc to do this with?
caitlyn since 650 AA range
You shook the nigger so hard with this he has to play it off lmao
Her cinematic shows she's capable of restraint (didn't kill her escape buddy) and some of her voice lines indicate she's at least developing something of a moral compass
Why do lolg niggers like briar so much?
Briar is just Evelynn but uglier

Dogshit champion
Her entire goal is to understand the human condition that she was deprived of her whole life, she will LEARN what love is
Coom champ + low skill.
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Here's your toplaner for today bro
This is the biggest mis-characterization of briar i have ever seen
XDDD what about your porn stash doe
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Please do not be mean to Briar on her birthday
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Its about imposing your dominance against theirs and turning a maneater into a cockeater.
Know your place.
drawing faceless men is peak agp desu, yuuuck
>Briar is just Evelynn
what the fuck am I reading
They got rid of all of his items, they removed all of the buffs they gave him other than the crit scaling for worlds, and next patch his items will be even more of a mystery. Bring back old essence reaver
probably because it was the first cute girl champ they released since like vex or gwen
spamming porn for 10 hours and obsessing over internet people is a certified high t behavior HAHA
brother its hard my fault for losing when I get 3 aces in a row and a losing bot lane 3 times in a row(coincidence?)
based af
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I have a lot left to learn myself, but I love helping where I can. I think art is a kino hobby and love seeing other's stuff

glad it helps! consider it my payback for the qiqi tips. hope to see more of your awesome art soon
youre the best my love!
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How/why did jinx become the face of league?
People who never played league would recognize her well even before arcane released.
She isn't Lux is and she's not even in a show.
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>Bot tells me to choose Nautilus
>Choose Nautilus
>Bot is Anivia
>Tells me not to play aggressive
>She proceeds to go 1/20
I fucking can't anymore
>How/why did jinx become the face of league?
Her release video went viral and arguably is why League got giga popular.
Almost immediatly after this they decided to make Arcane.
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It happens to OTP's and it happened to me. I used to be a Syndra midlane main while playing other randoms and got to emerald 1, but then switched to Sona supp ONLY and immediately shot up in ranks. But now, it feels like my brain is being microwaved on any other champ. It's like I have to think about clicking to walk, just fundamentally feel like the wrong piece of a puzzle hammered into place by force.
loldle was ezpz this time lfg
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done flipping burgers and back to your parents house?
Because Lux is a basic boring blonde bitch bimbo with a boring design and boring personality. Meanwhile Jinx has an actual design philosophy. You can look at her and instantly know what she's about, her personality and her attacks. Plus, a very recognizable silhouette certainly helps.
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Oh I wish he was a nigger.
Sadly, he is a projecting beta incel. Didn't you notice when he cries about how shitty his life is inbetween the spam? Hilarious, really. Every single thing he says is projection that also applies to him as well as a White moid. Turd-smeared mouth on his bald head with blood from his self-harm messing up his cissy keyboard.
>Because Lux is a basic boring blonde bitch bimbo with a boring design and boring personality.
Never stopped Jaina Proudmore from becoming the face of WoW. Lux is based on Jaina btw
Jaina was never really the face of WoW and the only time she really had the spotlight on her her design was more than just "blonde"
Jaina has never been the face of wow. Even BFA had Anduin marketed over her.
Thing is, briar isnt even cute tbqhwyf
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>40 minutes into the match
>enemy team has a 9k immortal baboon sion which is the sole reason we didn't win already
>all inhibs down except toplane, also down one nexus turret
>start running it down toplane like a madman because I know they won't let me split mid
>sion TPs into a bush near inhib even though I'm pushing the wave ahead
>cross fingers and keep running it down toplane
>team pulls a 4 man raid boss fight on sion and kill him
>all 4 other enemies run it down mid and ignore me so they can end the game
>tears start running down my face as my team is fighting a 4v4 in our base while I'm headbutting the toplane inhib turret
>just assume the rest of my team will get wiped from this point on but my structure damage might be enough to win
>I start pole dancing around the enemy nexus turrets while my team cluelessly watches me
>start spamming EZ in all chat as I'm last hitting the nexus
>the crowd starts screaming out my name as the victory screen splashes on
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reminder that Nami is cute
fine then how about "first champ that made my cock hard since vex or gwen"
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I think she's cute
how come no one plays vex
she gets boring fast
pretty one dimensional champ
>he's here
aiight imma head out
sylvanas is way more known than jaina outside of blizzardkeks
True, nilah and zeri didnt make my cock erect
what you guys hate me now?
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yea thats cope
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ima rengar pro now, ill see the rest of u guys in challenger..
he's here at the same for about the same amount of time every day
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>I've lost 6 games in a row now
>I'm now Iron 2
pretty sure posts like that are made by the spammer to try to make people leave
Hi chenna
you're in an elo where you can literally afk and climb bro...
I tuned in to upset's stream for a minute just now
it's so crazy how much worse his mouse movements are than pompoms
the guy is an adc main and he doesn't move his mouse in a straight line and he doesn't right click near his champ in fights either
it's so odd, if I was judging just based on his mouse movements, I'd think he is plat or something
>he fell for the playing support in low elo meme
I'm deranking at the moment and am about to reach Iron 3, ideally 4 by this weekend.
>Flip a coin
>Tails 6 times
>This coin must be rigged against me!
She used to be my favorite champion to play until they removed Everfrost. Her passive is a pain to work around without it, and it only gets lowered cooldown on level ups. Everyone else has their cc up in half the time it takes for you to get yours back so you better oneshot them or leave immediately
...do you have hands?
>ideally 4 by this weekend
Stop playing lol on the weekands
is a bad idea to derank on weekend???
It'll get the rank.
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Seraphine is dead!
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Gotta go sled man
gives your team follow up potential, gives you stick, and gives you disengage, and half decent peel.
before that, suck it up.
wiggling is probably one of the most retarded and overrated "strategies" in this fucking game, it should only be effective in iron 4 where people can't predict the outcome of a given situation before it plays out
She is literally just Lux but bad. Unless you need the meme "anti mobility" fear then you are better off not touching Vex. And if you need anti mobility then there are better champs like Lissandra that actually function at countering mobile champs.
hi anon
No she isn't. She is just sleeping and I will grope her.
what does wiggling have to do with my post?
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KT Wars tomorrow, are you hyped?
>and he doesn't right click near his champ in fights either
was this not in reference to wiggling
Eh, I'll probably run that stuff in the background. These esports games have been a bit boring so I've been running it on a muted tab for a few days now.
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Why so weak champ, Rito.
She's fun and interesting, but most supports outperform her and also weird passive becomes useless if your adc suck or decides to throw.
Funny to play though.
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Todays progress.
there was a game I played recently where we could not win unless someone on the enemy team dc'd, luckily like 2 enemies dc'd, but it was a guaranteed loss we had no chance probably from the time the match was made, and that kinda felt bad
>playing yuumi outside of ranked restricted quickplays
Shut the fuck up you stupid fucking nigger. She is #0 most hated character ever put into this fucking game. She makes the game shit, she should have a max 30% wr. People genuinely cheered whenever she got banned in pro, and booed the players on stage whenever she was picked. Fuck you, eat shit out of my asshole.
she's one a few champs that are the most fun to play while listening to music, i haven't watched movies while playing her, but sometime i may try that
Fuck chenna
Fuck sunshine
Fuck 5 7 gorilla
no, rightclicking near your champ helps with dodging skillshots and reactiontime, not only wiggling
upset rightclicks near the edges of his screen which means that his mouse has to travel a lot more to change directions and it's not the easiest to determine where you need to click exactly to dodge something with his technique
it's weird, you don't see those type of mouse movements outside of lowelo
Dude I'm playing Ori support while washing trashy movies in the bg, that stuff works with any champ you just need two screens.
you'll fuck anybody
we need a new season of lolg romance
new rivals, new crushes, shuffle existing ones, and surprise returns
we really don't
Dude people are literally trying fight each other every day.
Thats too a nice part of her that makes her so enjoyable to play, he-he. Though mostly its my teammates who cries about Yuumi pick but not enemies.
No all lolgs should kys
i'd also imagine that she's one of a few lol champs that can be played decently on a laptop that doesn't have a mouse, like a touchpad, if your mouse stops working
we need more named posters to emerge who we can ship
if you're decent at yuumi, you can still win more than 50% of the time
Why can't you play with a mouse. But if you're that crippled playing this game then yeah just stick to Yuumi and maybe Soraka and Sona. Please do not pull the Ori Support it was just a joke.
my only regret is that i cant play gwen or zeri anymore
i miss them bwos
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are they ever gonna fix this
it's probably here to stya
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I didn't even play with the m once I just joined the lobbyan dleft
Actually maybe consider playing Wild Rift unironically if you don't even have a mouse, fuck the laptop.
Doesn't matter. You joined the lobby, now your forever affiliated with them
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>Now lost 7 games in a row because Teemo kept trying to split push
starting with you
let the yordle cook
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>surprise returns
I miss pompom...
Focus on what you can do better, not your teammates you nigger
I've never played Wild rift, from what I hear it's great, maybe LOL should take some ideas from it
looks like he's wearing a saltine cracker on his face
who even started this meme. support in low elo is at the complete mercy of the other 4 retard's bad shotcalls
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Tier list ranking my gut reaction to opening your op.gg and seeing you have 85%+ games played on this champ in support
Lyra vs JFS
>weekend ranked
you are literally playing with 10 year olds, drunks and casuals who don't care if they feed
Maybe I'll play WR sometime too, problem is my phone often has problems playing games with moderate graphics, we'll see
Briar is ugly and cringe.
You x kys
>bard and milio
>annoying or sweaty
lolg x rope
good but move zil, sona, sera, janna, karma, lulu, senna, vel, xerath to D
lolg shitters complaining about how easy and impactful support is etc
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I'm scared...
hope you lose nigga
>support in any elo is bad because... hmm.... uuuuhhhh.... sorry guys I'm disabled, I wanted to say something... oh right, support... mmmm... has no... impact?... yes... in.... aaahhhh... sorry guys I'm also senile... innnn..... low... elo...? hmmm.... yes... because... uhhhhmmm... aaaaahmmm... uuuuhhh... just trust me on that one ok?
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Slug champ when?
it's not that uncommon for people who have a laptop to have a mouse that suddenly stops working. it happens from time to time.
cute made me giggle
I'd be scared too. Emerald is the W O R S T
>Better face
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Ruby rank when?
Kys, then you wont be scared
Bard players are some of the most annoying people on the planet, but yeah I meant to put milio in A but forgor. Bard players have a perpetual "i'm better than you" sweatiness that almost equals champs like yasuo.
LOL. kys.
>playing in pisslow
>get hit by lillia ball
>sleep casted on me
>in a desperate attempt to not get 1shot i kaisa ult into range of my support to get shield + hope he activates locket of the iron solari
>3 people suddenly tell me that i am the worst adc in existence because i ulted into melee range to some tankchud that wasn't even looking at me
>explain situation to them
>they tell me i am bad and ask enemy to report me
>end game in 15-6-21

next game
>be kogmaw
>W active and fighting among minion waves
>W deactivates
>range reduced
>i auto a minion because of attack click
>i get spam pinged for the rest of the game and my 0-9 yone tells me i am the worst adc because i autod a minion
>explain the situation to him
>he just keeps telling me i am griefing
>end game in 19-3-12 while he was 0-12-2

its alright bro you are hardstuck because somebody misclicked a minion
bedrock rank when?
guys I don't appreciate the noticeable increase in the kysposting please b nice to each other
Female yordles shouldn't exist.
Where's the lolg iq tier list?
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>Want to piss before leaving bed
Champs for this feel?
pompom, me: 155
rest: 110 and below
used to have a leaderboard with lp rankings
stop referring to "lolg" as if it weren't like a total of 6 dudes from NA and 3 dudes from EU and that one guy from EUNE
Why'd they remove it ?
you forgot about our oce sister
They hate ME. YES, ME.
she don't even post here brotha that bitch grab and runned on yall ass
the queen got sharted
I still can't believe that my nigga keyori trooned
this shit was busted on veigar
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ummmm SHAT?? LOL!
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What do you have to say for yourself?
I think back when this site counted IP's it had over 100+ then when from the 2020's about around 75-80. I'd presume the current unique users posting here are about 50 to 55 and even by that quite generous. The same 10 people making about 50 posts to hit the bump limit.
do you always have to act passive aggressive and hide behind 100 layers of irony
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what should i play /lolg/ i've pretty much given up at this point
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>There are some attempts at more lighthearted or humorous posts, but they are often drowned out by the aggressive and inflammatory discourse.
literally talking about me trying to keep it positive around here...
I don't do any of the vulgar or passive aggressive stuff so I'm fine.
I'm positive
And me.
nobody cares stop attention whoring nigger
HIV positive
how am I attention whoring if you don't even know who I am ????????
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I need to reunite the Kinkou.
Nobody believed me when I said Poppy had become Christian...
Not really. I typically respond to peoples posts and keep it neutral, I don't even add or do anything with people here and mind my own games at my own leisure.
Any of those AI dudes around that know how to prompt league shit wanna try to make some videos?

I imagine describing more than a couple characters would be hard for it.
my fellow lolg friendos I spent the past 40 something minutes making this haha funny clip it's only a minute long please feel FREE to watch


>umm why are no upload on catbock or streamable? you are make moneys off of youtube?
its a 1.1 gigs sized video and I wanted to add haha funny music over it
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which champ does she main?
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Consider kys
>I just egopost and argue with people and don't even actually socialize with anyone
wow you are such a man of the community a man of the people !!
When are they going to make League of Legends Starcraft 2 to finally fucking kill Starcraft 2?
Nope. I talked to that guy about wether or not to buy that chibi Lux or not for example. Nothing in that conversation had to do with ego or arguing.
>Yordlefuckers once again posting off model slop
starcraft 2 isn't even alive althoughbeitever
>source I've never heard about it personally
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poppy had to embrace the human culture in order to be accepted among them and marry a human man
Not ur "friendo" kys
Gee, I wonder what certain factor could have contributed an absurdly disproportionate amount to the "vulgarity" of the threads...
Truly a mystery...
>I flexed my disposable savings of $500 on some poor anon while "discussing" whether I should or shouldn't buy something he can't even afford
>Nothing in that conversation had to do with ego
I would say a good portion of Starcraft 2 players should migrate to AoE2:DE since that community's fairly neutral and has become a bit more livelier.
It's alive enough in Korea.
it made assassin sissies shit themselves
she also became catholic specifically
(no protection ever)
of the many things in this general that can make you pissed off, this is the one you chose to get mad about.
no (also not funny)
no actually he complains about widdwy ewwything just in seperate posts so people don't gang up on him for complaining about widdwy ewwything
video gave me a faint smile, heres your (you)
Nope. I didn't anything about buying anything $500 or whatever either. Infact the guy wasn't even discussing about struggling to pay for the bundle, more like if it was worth it or not, I recommended them to get a tibbers plushie because they like Annie and get a Lux chibi separate instead of the bundle because it's probably cheaper and more worth due to the champs they're interested in. You people love twisting things, it gets cringe.
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glad I made u smile
yes(its funny)
the fuck is this
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you know I was just baiting right you didn't have to give me an essay of an explanation right
the one subscriber is my irl buttbuddy btw
I know it's just that people often do that to me here on a daily basis it just gets annoying.
Bwos, is Anivia bwoken?
we need yordles
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The feet queen of /lolg/
who asked
sorry I'll stop doing it...
smack bird then smack egg she dies
>no chihuahua pic
it's not the same
for (You)
Why is mantheon such a snake bros..
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Does he have a fade?
singed is both high IQ and high test
what snakery did I do exactly

it's not a fade you dumb fuck it's a NON fade undercut
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>Have now lost 8 games in a row
free winstreak is reserved for paying customers who buy at least one skin per week, chud
Stay off this game for today.
Never, now get robac pls
>it's not a fade you dumb fuck it's a NON fade undercut
Does he have an undercut?
Stop playing ranked on the weekends, how many times we gotta tell you this shit
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I did it ^_^
Whenever you hit the ELO you're supposed to be at so you stop getting your shit stomped every game.
yes I do I do have an undercut and sometimes I pull it back and tie a tiny winy small ponytail
I'd sub but I dunno if I want lolg knowing my youtube account
But he allows you to be stupid more efficiently.
Sorry for kysposting, good job chinaman
So I'm destined to always be Iron 4?
is nothing wrong with being in iron 4 once you start winning because you're playing against equally handless ppl it feels fun
>tie a tiny winy small ponytail
You mean a snake tail.
ok that works too
But that means I'll never progress if I'm stuck in Iron
nigga you called me a "brownoid shitskin zoomzoomie" after having "known" each other for 20 minutes excuse me for blocking your insufferable ass
You can improve at the game.
>"brownoid shitskin zoomzoomie"
I didn't say "shitskin." I said "zoomoid."

You literally made it worse in your head because of your insecurities. I insulted your haircut and then, later, said I wouldn't suck your cock because of your skin. You took that as an insult to your race first and foremost.
there is a chance you will progress if circumstances outside your control say you will. also i don't care about what anyone's rank is unless they are my friend or they are a pro, the second much less than the first, and i don't think you should care about your rank unless you're trying to become a pro
this game is for women
I am good at the fucking game, it's my team mates who are bad. Not me, them.
kysposting is so last year. glhf posting is IN
true sis, riot implemented an algorithm where the amount of skins bought directly effects the quality of your teammates. keep this between us only
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here we go, NA hours
>said I wouldn't suck your cock because of your skin
you brought this up out of nowhere like a freak in the middle of a conversation where I was expressively not appreciating being insulted

which you are a mentally ill freak
>low rank
>low iq
>low self awareness
every single time, idk why im expected to treat you things like people
>widdwy ewwything
what is this speak
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Nice one bro
I don't want to suck your cock because you have white skin
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context btw
>na hours
He's literally in EU, lol.
>which you are a mentally ill freak
Not proper syntax.

If insulting your hair is enough to get you go ballistic like this, I can't imagine you in-game or as a friend. You're way too zoomer. One year makes a big difference!
If you're Iron 4, you shouldn't feel bad about it. Your skill at the game is 1 out of 8,000 people in the world.
>If insulting your hair is enough to get you go ballistic like this
yes it is enough for me to decide my time's not worthless enough to spend it trying to help out a no friends having freak who barks unsolicited insults at me for no reason
what the fuck is that turret damage. aren't adcs supposed to be the best seigers
we know you prefer black cock lux
Yeah I think everytime I suggest people improve themselves and whatever they start clutching and getting venomous or crying about it.
You're gonna have to leave people here alone and just watch their poor socialization bite them time and time again endlessly.
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stacked up hullbreaker + wukong Q
Allah did not give you patience.
Literally just because I said I didn't like his haircut.
like said, high test and high IQ right there
Day 3 of hating """"""""""""support"""""""""""" players.
I so get it why adchuds hate supports now, and probably all the roles honestly.
We're absolutely apes.
You don't have to suggest people improve themselves, maybe they've tried your ideas and failed. You also don't have to voice chat with randoms.
Hell hath fury if you insult a /lolg/'s undercut.
>I don't understand basic social etiquette to not insult someone twice in a row on our very first occasion of meeting each other
>oh gosh, why did this person just immediately dump my retarded ass out the window? surely he must've been super interested by that point already to put up with insults
Then what do I do when I get team mates who keep constantly feeding?
if I install customs skins, can I easily uninstall it if it messes with the client?
Hi wind up merchant
you are the only constant unironically
/lolg/ are jealous if someone has hair because they are all balding and low testosterone
Saying I don't want to date you because you're brown isn't a direct insult unless you already have hang-ups about your race, which is kind of clear by now.
wind up sissy
you stop posting about it here and you go make a blogspot account where you post a new post every time one or more of your teammates feed

ye CSlol manager doesn't mess with the client or anything else it just injects the skins during the loading screen and then pulls back out when you're out the game. tempering with game files would just trigger vanguard and prevent you from getting into the game
NTA but there's a pretty good reason you're friendless lmao
bro you are mentally disturbed please genuinely stop interacting with me entirely I can't be assed to deal with this shit
Namedrop pls
Play Singed.
To be honest people will chimp out here to you over no reason, even if yours was stupid atleast it was over something.
t. white incel trying to online date
botlane in general is just an insanely wild ride desu
I miss JFS...
that whole "I don't want to date you because you're brown" thing came out of NOWHERE btw, the conversation was about how I didn't appreciate being insulted for no reason and he said "oh I don't date brown guys btw" out of nowhere
play vlad
Yeah yeah whatever.
I'm not friendless, I just don't have friends that play League.
You know the greater context, don't pretend you don't.
it got kicked out of mcdonalds early
the fuck is going on itt
some queers talking about sucking dicks i think
Don't say that
H O L Y - Why are adchuds like this ???
Idk but im lovin it badabababa
NA high school drama, the usual
(womantheon is having a meltdown)
chaos and mayhem in /lolg/ land
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have a wank
>Pick Draven
>Support is a Nami who only uses abilities when I'm getting attacked
If Lux insulted my haircut, I would literally smash her head in with a brick.
That's not attractive though?
Genuinely embarrassing.
anon i have some bad news
You are balding t. lux
Go off king, you tell em
>another trantheon tantrum
maybe you guys always talking about lolg romances were onto something, wanna see the good ending rather than whatever this is
who the fuck is mantheon
nigga treating the lol chat function like its Tinder
A man with an undercut who doesn't like his undercut being insulted, not in the slightest.
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Stay positive /lolg/!
maybe he just doesn't want to have sex with a picture
Some retarded nigga
king grey's persona
romance queue threads were comfy. this is just confusing
What are the main cliques at /lolg/ high school?
Stop farting first.
guarantee you're a virgin
Nta but it does nothing for me as well
Give it to me straight anon
i actually sleep so well being 100% confident that i for a fact have the most hair on my head in this general, and its not even remotely close
King Gay.
Undercut club (they spin around with rulers if you don't like their haircut.)
good. I hope am employee saw the dicks and got him banned from the establishment for the wellbeing of the kids
nah your tranny hormones are all out of whack, super delusional
The losers

The schizos

The trannies

The retards
Turkish newfag zoomer who tries to edate sissies
the greater context being the fact that I unfriended you twice before we ever talked because I just fucking new you'd be a nutjob, then I asked a friend to add you in my stead because you were begging in the thread like a dog for friends?

that greater context??
Nah, you know what I mean.

I'm a nutjob for not liking your haircut. Is this like, a religious thing to you?
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it's friday the 13th lolg
no you but factually
league of autism
yes it is actually I'm glad you could tell how much of a traditional muslim I am by my appearance

actual retard
Should be the new thread theme.
majin is washed
it looks illegal
Ancient cliques. Update it and add new posters like chenna, sunshine, gorilla, RR, steel and jfs
why is every attention seeking spammer always a bipoc?
you never see white people shit up the thread like these niggas
Nah, just a traditional Zoomer, of the Gen-Z faith who takes any insult on the Internet with the most amount of gravity possible even though everyone shit-talked your hair when you posted the selfie anyway.
Oh boy, I'm a part of the club.
>ye CSlol manager doesn't mess with the client or anything else it just injects the skins during the loading screen and then pulls back out when you're out the game.
White people are too busy trying to have sex with the pictures
Wait, which ones are bipoc?
bro you talked about having chronic pain due to anxiety, then talked about abusing ketamine to cope with that pain, then told me you don't even go outside, then insulted my haircut and called me a shitskin brownie zoomer, and then tried to turn the conversation around as if you weren't just being insufferable but instead I was just trying to have virtual sex with you

please do explain why any sane person would keep interacting with you from that point onwards
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dam, /lolg/ really went to shit
>please do explain why any sane person would keep interacting with you from that point onwards
idk stupid nigger ur giving him ur entire day right now so how about you explain it
does senna even post
no the attention seeking bipocs are the ones trying to fuck pictures, have you ever read these threads?
I'm around in the thread, anon. just playing a couple norms this weekend to practice champs, and finishing up the briar wip
fair point I stop replying now
is that a chained up elephant
ummm its the elefant in the room lol
Post the /lolg/ collage
>then talked about abusing ketamine to cope with that pain,
Never said that.
>shitskin brownie
Never said that.
>then tried to turn the conversation around as if you weren't just being insufferable but instead I was just trying to have virtual sex with you
Because the nail in the coffin beyond your precious hair was the fact that I said I didn't want to have e-sex with you.
Yeah, I'm fucking with him because he's a hypersensitive retard who lost his shit over an insult to his hair and gaslit himself into thinking I called him slurs because of how asshurt he was over that.
>half of these don't post/play anymore
Ignore it, it's the spammer doing their warm-up shitposting
playing some lol of legends on the weekend :)
this is just sarcasm though right
yeah ur a stupid nigger too stop typing
>Bumps a necro'd thread
These aren't high school cliques
>He never finished junior high
The new Clyde skin
>AD JAX IN 2024

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