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Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Current Events

The 4th Walpurgis Night - The Noon of Violet
2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19

>Upcoming Extractions

2024.09.19 — 2024.10.03
[000] Devyat' North Section 3 Rodion
E.G.O [TETH] : Bygone Days Ishmael

>Current Extractions

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Solemn Lament Yi Sang
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū
E.G.O [HE] : Solemn Lament Gregor

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
Target Extraction: [ Don Quixote ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

Rodion sounds cute in the new id
Sinclair will get the 00 with Ish. You may screenshot this and seethe later.
She sounds extra girly and cutesy.
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>6 sinners vs 3 enemies
>Rodya triggers
>Rodya returns
>5 sinners vs 4 enemies
>some sinners are the same, most are different

Someone make it make sense
>he thinks there will be any 00s before next Season
>Bygone Days has the ego gift Pendant of Nostalgia
I never noticed that until now
Why is everyone 000 now. Whats the point of 00 ids anymore even, i kinda liked how in mirror2 there was a reason for 00 to exist and use them...
Sorry, I'm straight
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>Literally no one talking or making art of Bygone Days Ishmael
There was never a real point for them
My guess is that if a sinner close to her on the board is attacked the box takes her off the field and places her back later on. It could be she comes back next turn and the base sinners except Outis cuz she's actually decent died the turn she left. We won't know for sure until Monday or whatever most likely.
>Fuck, what caused season 4 to go so long?
Like half of the stream KJH did was about this. Development fell apart trying to get MDH done at the same time as walpurgis which delayed everything, and then the work they'd done for Don's canto wasn't good enough and that delayed it again.
Heath is cracked tho
Ring Outis for bleed
That's it
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I've been distracted by shiny new things but the ol classic is still pretty fun
ebin yet another giga fugly mediocre roshitdion ID
>non full BL squad
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>eats your food and explodes
how does she do it lads.
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I never finished Lobotomy corporation, can I jump into this game or do I gotta play library of Runia and then Limbus Corp. Seems to have more autistic lore than 40k.
awful bait
>Whats the point of 00 ids anymore even
Multicrack Heathcliff has good numbers and provides his team with extra charge. T Corp Rodion uh I haven't used but she can pop Don's time stop early. Ring Outis hits hard and adds a ton of bleed count which is in short supply.
They've moved to designing them as support for whatever IDs they're released alongside.
Shitty mechanic where your team gets shuffled, if we're lucky they'll inherit sanity
We use hook hong lu as well anon
I actually like BL sinclair and thing he's pretty underrated, single coin skills with hawaiianhonglu and rodion make claim their bones quite mighty.
However I got Wound Clerid early so someone had to get benched.
The game is a sequel to those but not directly, it does reference events from the previous two games.
finish lobotomy corp and library or the story wont make any sense
I can't even remember the last decent one. Rosespanner is ok at best, there are people coping that her 00 time tax janny is decent but it doesn't make the team, Liu is ok. I guess Dieci? It is really good to be fair
meant for
Ignore the anons here, just watch a recap video. If you get into it LoB (Library of Runia) is well worth playing.
Start playing now so you can catch up and play the other two during downtime, preferably lobco then ruina.
Rosespanner, Dieci, Liu and T Corp are all good.
if gregor gets anything decent next season he'll pull ahead of her at this rate, hope she gets a top tier bleed ID soon
You can, you will miss out on some lore but overall id say story and setting are explained good enough, but at the beginning there feels like not enough worldbuilding and there's an assumption that (you) know what's up (or be clueless roleplaying as Dante).
ignore this anon, all recap videos i saw are made by retards who misunderstood half of it and inject their own theories of "how it really happened" so better off not watching them at all.
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I got filtered by the pink llama last time I played. I remembered I met the green dude. But I can say that Hod is pretty cute. Is my best girl there?
T Corp Rodion has a niche because she can inflict Time Moratorium on any team while T Corp Don needs the enemy to have tremor. It only matters if the boss is weak to Sloth and realistically it's only worth going for in railway turn autism, but her niche exists.
Oh yeah. Ish is the Master's portrait. But it's overlaps with Yi Sang's shards.
>Rosespanner, Dieci, Liu and T Corp are all good
No, like I said only Dieci is good. The rest are decent. They don't make the standard teams except for Liu because you don't have many choices anyway. Not like there's any need to metafag in the game though.
gn /lcg/
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Not blamming the artist since that's how she's in game, but I would have never guessed that was Nelly and not Outis
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all sinners have 4 00s and others have 4-5 000s, it's not that different
>I would have never guessed that was Nelly and not Outis
Because they both BROWN? Huh? Says a lot about (You).
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Depressed Fish.
It's just this Season releasing like 6 00s and 12 000s if we count the coming banners. If PM wants to catch up on the balance since there is gonna be like 8 more 000s than there are 00 by that point, we are gonna need to have 2 00s and 1 000s a banner at this rate
My wife is so cute bros
I can't wait to see how she looks in her Zwei id
I do two MDs a day and have yet to see Lunar Memory, damn
I'm hoping it's all slash but I'm expecting 2 blunt and 1 slash because PM are dumb.
I feel like Outis has different eye shape/style/colour. Like her eyes and skin are a bit brighter.
Nelly looks more subdued colourwise all over.
i do about 5 per week on average, sometimes more if im vegetating at work
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>in mirror2 there was a reason for 00 to exist and use them...
It wasn't by choice, it was obligation. Most if not all players picked 7yoshu and Yuri Faust because they were the only ones who could clash. And even then, they'd just be replaced for a 000 ID in the nearest rest shop
People didn't pick 00 IDs for MD2 because of a fun unique mechanic, it's because they were forced
Despite what people say, you will barely understand anything in Limbus so you need play the first two games. (Same thing applies to Ruina if you don't beat LobCo)
>only 2 per day
I do 5-6 runs and no, I haven't seen Lunar Memory is the MD4 patch
Also her hair
We have WOutis with a ponytail now tho
We can all agree that MD4 was better before it was patched, right?
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It is fat fuck friday, my dudes.
Bullshit honestly, there is even a glossary to read up something if you forget.
People aren't that dumb, they can learn from context clues and the story explains itself pretty well.
i dont remember. do u mean when packs didnt have icons or something
Limbus is limited by energy.
So you can just play it and play the other game along with it.
Oh yeah. Her hair and under eye wrinkles are a given so I didn't mention them. As well as her earrings and watch.
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md2h made me learn how to use paralyze for not getting fucked by the bull/mfe and how lccb rodya saved my ass more times than people complained about her being bad
Back when pack themes meant something
If you went to a Slash pack, enemies would be weak to slash and all the EGO gifts would be either keywordless or Slash gifts
After the patch, anything could appear anywhere so long as they aren't story focused EGO gifts. You can find Blunt weak enemies in Slash packs and vice versa. Every pack uses the same EGO pool, regardless of the theme
Sinclair has a Zwei already.
I have dementia i can't even remember what md4 was. It was lake right? But i don't remember gimmick at all.
oh. then no it wasnt better. they already force us to take those static starters gifts so also not getting what u want for ur status teams in a mode designed to rotate ids out over and over felt like shit. it was a more interesting scenario but for a mode thats meant to grind resources it wasnt great
Demntia bro... Lake is MD3.
If you wanted your theme appropriate EGO gift, then all you had to do was pick the theme appropriate EGO gift and you'd only get that status gift. If you were running a Burn team, pick Burn pack, you weren't gonna get spammed with Sinking, Tremor or Bleed EGO gifts
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>the box just fucking kills Rodya
this makes me laugh too much. Ish looks nice in the suit, but the attack is a bit lame. Just a claw attack but the camera just freaks out instead of actually showing an attack.
Damn i thought we're on md5 already...
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>add a single wrinkle
>it's now Outis
But yeah, there's a very subtly difference in her complexion/skin color and eye shape
Rodya is already confirmed unrunnable in MD
Meaning you won't be able to use her in 99% of the "content" of the game
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today i will remind them
>he didn't max out his Starlights
Nice scarecrow you got there
>but the attack is a bit lame
I don't dig pocket "switchblade" greatsword. But he S3 where she just bashes enemy skull with dimensional bag is kino.
>pick generic keywordless pack
>empty the shop
>Lunar Memory guarentee to spawn after Piece of Relationship
I must've farmed 11-15 Lunar Memories when MD4 first released
No, I like Rodya's attacks, I was talking about the Bygone Days Ish EGO.
I just play Limbus and wiki dive for relevant info when I encounter something I don't know. It works well enough. Lob Corp is a strange game for masochists, but Ruina seems alright if a bit stiff.
I can't read.
>Bygone Days Ish EGO
You don't like the way she uses her pubes to strangle interlopers? It's much better compare to Yi Sang pocket glass.
Nelly also doesn't smile like a cartoon villain
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I remember when anons were claiming she was a bad id. Then they said that mirror dungeons don't count despite them being 90% of your playtime or so.
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Whatever do you mean, Executive Manager? This is the smile of your most loyal and trusted advisor.
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>smile like a cartoon villain
Outis doesn't either
>It's much better compare to Yi Sang pocket glass
I just done did mention that. My apologies for confusing you.
Are there any limbus youtubers that aren't massive faggots or deranged narcissists?
Don't like the tubers
>massive faggots or deranged narcissists
Those are the prerequisites to care about the lore.
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/lcg/ loves and supports vtubers
bro outis's eye shape is completely different, and she has earrings too
>Sinclair doesn't get the ugly armor ID
Nice. Bullet dodged.
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She's okay.
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Cute Ruskie!
Cute Fish!
for some reason, bygone days Ishmael's banner has one of the ego gifs given by the freischutz aberration
Why are Rodion's bare shoudlers so erotic?
her voice pack is currently available for a limited time. you can reroll for it if you want. you have until next Thursday
and who got the bullet EGO?
Cuck All Cathys
>Ishmael Bygone Days has shootie's pendant
>Heathcliff has shootie's EGO
What did they mean by this?
they both have bad memories they wish to no longer be burdened with
As opposed to Gregor and Sinclair?
Ishmael as Cathy when
gregor is literally carrying around a physical reminder of his memories constantly
reinforcing it with the pendant gift would be too much
sinclair is a pussy boy and it's not worth my time to explain anything about him
>sinclair is a pussy boy and it's not worth my time to explain anything about him
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Gregor got world building instead of development in his canto.
Rodya got comedy instead of development in her canto.
Sinclair got foreshadowing instead of development in his canto.
rodya should have gotten sex(with me) in her canto
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Rodya love.
>the skill is gloom
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So does the Deyvat have a fucking self-destruct system in case the package is off course for too long?
Again' why does /lcg/ keep bringing up Sinclair? Nobody cares about him.
His canto was middling at best and was carried entirely by the now dead Kromer.
He's not an enjoyable character. He has no redeeming personality traits. He's the stuttering, blubbering moralfag of the group.
Any other examples?
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sinners for this feel
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The true canon Ish
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"Hey anon I know you paid a bunch of anh for your red mist daki to get delivered by the deyvat but the delivery guy got sidetracked by a finger turf war and their box blew up. Yeah, no, I don't think it survived. Sorry."
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>hides her monster arm
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I wanna bite into her cheeks so bad
he ain't hiding it so well
>only four fingers
Is director a fan of the Simpsons?
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>maid dress ID and butler suit EGO
Ishmael is servantmaxxing
Yea anon, thats a claw, thats how they look.
>Liu burn burst capped to 30 for no fucking reason
>next 000 shows her own mechanics kill her
They HATE Rodya
I was talking about Ishmael's LONG COCK tho.
>It reveals a concealed arm stained with blood
We can see him being able to change the shape of the arm during the fight.
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yo check this out
you'll be able to follow Limbus' story and everything will be explained more or less, there's also entries you can read about stuff
but just play Ruina if it even remotely interests you
What are walpurgis events canonically again? I mean are we time travelling into our lobcorp? Or is it time travel + mirror world? Or is it completely not real like mirror dungeon. Same question with LoR walpurgis too.
mephi engine instability causes doors to open up and ids from 10 years ago to become pullable
that's all i remember
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>the only time Ish is a good leader is when she's a whale-hunting schizo
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faust explained it
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now it's only a Zwei 000 and then we get Don's canto, right?
Don when her dream crumbles next month
Flanderisation Friday.
Don't forget the obligatory 2 week delay every canto has
>Pokemon starters.jpg
Faust. because of manga name
anyone else getting error code:14001? i cant log in
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Was it really worth removing Rodion's two major traits just to make her a fat glutton for the giggles?
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they already paid their delay tax mid-season
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I guess the first time it tracks unauthorized actions, or wrong coordinates, it forces the user back unto delivery route? As in, takes them out of the fight without killing them, but in some other circumstance it straight up kills them?
I figure the latter is an anti tampering measure that will affect anyone who isn't authorized to open the package or something.

What is Zwei west's gimmick gonna be?
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<I forgot.>
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>Rodion's two major traits
You mean the ones that just got expanded on in TKT? IDs do nothing to add to Sinner's characterisation, the story does that.
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nevermind restarting steam fixed it
>What is Zwei west's gimmick gonna be?
I meant gameplay. I already know they look like they're wearing knight armor.
Deep Blue Tremor
Enemy staggers for 2 turns but no stagger damage bonuses
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Her boobs are bigger.
They are kinda obscured by her thick clothing but her two major traits are still present.
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>What is Zwei west's gimmick gonna be?
Director mention that.
Blue Paralyze. Coins auto-0 and they get offense down
I gave her a 1 star review on ubereats
Unique Counter with Attack Weight, usable multiple times
Anon we're 2 and a 6th of a game deep into the city, by now you should already understand that people are completely expendable and live don't matter
>Sinclair got foreshadowing instead of development in his canto.
Sinclair developed from someone ready to face his past head on to a sniveling crybaby who still relies on others to save him.
correct me if im wrong but you can't change your loading screen(not that i want to change mine) aside from watching stuff right? i wish you could choose multiple pictures for it to shuffle through
>Devyat Fixer gets bad review
>Fucking explodes
This is ugly as fuck, twitter users need to die
Her traits were that she was a gambler and had sporadic episodes, which explains why she had so a good deal of sanity lose synergies early
30 minutes means 30 minutes
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I think it's connected to losing clashes? Greg lost one and the box freaked.
>association director INSTANTLY COMBUSTS if they run into an unforseen hiccup
how is this SUSTAINABLE
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Very elaborate way of saying you want Ryoshu pit pics
We'll have your meal delivered in 30 minutes or the delivery guy will fucking explode
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why does the head let a m*chine like the devyat box exist
>it's another episode of all my problems are solved by max leveling
I should stop being stingy with the EXP tickets, shouldn't I??
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>delivery guy fucking exploded
>I'm still waiting for my meal
>They forgot my drinkypoo
It's a box, not a perfect imitation of humanity.
It's a tool you dimwit
It has no free will
>entire DEAD week after Devyat/Bygone Banner
It's so over.
man fuck working at Dreyvat
holy fuck man
i just want to have different ryoshu pics in my loading screen... liu ryoshu just happened to be the best one(uptie red eyes was meh)
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>see the Devyat delivery person off in the distance sprinting towards your door
>they spontaneously evaporate along with your delivery because the automated kill switch activated from being a minute overdue
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>the director thinks couriers who don't hold the delivery of hot food promptly sacred deserve agonizing death
erm based?
To the anons who picked delivery as their occupation in those past few threads, Good fucking luck LMAO
>uber eats arrives after 29:30
>dude desperately banging on your door, crying, screaming
>hear wet splat sound
>open door
>food is there, covered in blood and guts
1 star review
I mean, it's not a bad solution for IRL delivery problems...
holy SHIT man sign me the FUCK up for Shi or Cinq association because FUCK Devyat man, how the FUCK is anybody supposed to live with all the BULLSHIT that can just happen in the city man
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>mfw win rare item at auction
>mfw delivery dude's late and so activated the kill-myself-right-now-inator
>implying you wouldn't be The Chicken Man instead
Whatever they do with Chain Battles gimmicks is probably what will make or break the rest of the combat system
I just want my 1~5-man ace team, not this bullshit with backups
that's the new thing it's always banner, dead week, event, dead week, banner, dead week,
Here's my theory
>Low ranking deyvat are provided with low stakes deliveries (food, merchandise that's easily replaced, socks)
>Worst case, they get docked pay
>High ranking Deyvat, having proved their capabilities, are sent to deliver high risk materials and items of value
>No goods get destroyed because they're in a warp dimension, not the box itself
Devyat courier hops on warp train to avoid being late, more at 10
It will be Ishmael immediately after
That's why they use foot... if i remember that crab substory right
like I would TRY for the Shi or Cinq association
doesn't mean I'd make it
doesn't mean I wouldn't try
doesnt' mean I couldn't fail and end up a fry chef
but JESUS CHRIST would it be better than being an Uber Eats driver
>the delivery guy got sidetracked by a finger turf war
Imagine all the BS that can sidetrack you in the city and get you killed
>Have to deliver a package to someone who lives in T Corp and lives 100 hours days, they ordered express delivery
>Have to deliver fast food during the Night of the Backstreets
>Someone was given a prescript to give you impossible directions
>"A distortion ate the package"
>Accidentally kicked dust on a Middle member's shoe while trying to meet the deadline
>A random Color Fixer fucking you over because of what you're delivering (Iori)
>"Hey can you deliver this to the Outskirts?"
Wasn't even an economy ticket fairly expensive?
Zwei in October.
understandable coming from a guy who wants to do mukbang and probably dealt with bad reviews for hhpp because the courier was jerking off in a corner
>000 Zwei Ish
the box clearly doesn't blow up its contents that's fucking stupid
it just blows up the delivery guy, whether because they're standing closest to it or because they have the fingerprint to open it or whatever, and then locks down
You mean zweihandler?
Doesn't the text imply delays are fine it's just gonna cost you your paycheck, and it's just unauthorized actions of attempts to tamper with the delivery box that are the problem?
>box kills delivery boy because he's late
>I still don't get my package
They don't use Zweihander in West.
>000 Zwei Ish
West Zwei ID's use the Guts sword instead
Tell me this then, smartypants.
How do you retrieve an undelivered box that kills all who are unauthorized?
listen guy I don't care if the delivery guy explodes because they're late, I just want my shit man
And Improved Window UI was supposed to be 08~09 yet it was launched in the middle of 08
He's accelerated, trust
The last cutscene you watched and saw CGs or BGs for will become your loading screen. If you watch the last scene for time killing time for example, you get tons of it.
You have to manually go through the entire scene to get all the images though, if you only watch up to where Hubert enters his limo for example, you'll only get CGs and BGs up to that point.
make a delivery request to devyat
I just like the mace and shield combo and want it outside of her base…
devyat recovery team with a gps that gets a tracking signal from the box
incredibly obvious if you think about it for like, five seconds
>Devyat fixer spamming the door bell as I shower
>have to get out with the towel wrapped around myself
>my package is left on the floor covered with weird shit all over
I should make a formal complaint.
Ish better get the right outfit
i didnt know the part about having to watch the entire scene to get all the cgs. makes sense why i only have sweaty ryoshu and not her uptie art kek
Can you just shut the fuck up whining every thread about the same thing?
>fucker tries to steal some fries from my combo
>gets vaporised
Based, 3.5 star review.
That wasn't an answer
>fries just fall onto the ground as the doordasher perishes
the Head has felt a lot less threatening ever since the ending of Ruina
they didn't even try to delete the library, their plan from the very beginning was to just push the library away
It feels like the entire encounter was already out of the head's control and all they really could do was compromise

it's just a bit hard to see the head as something big and in control after all of that
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Don will get this
... You really just don't read anything huh?
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get fucked
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It fits the arbiter MO though. Garion made sure to cause as much chaos and lower the place's fighting power by tampering with the location first, though to be fair, she enjoyed fucking with people.
Zena seemingly acted out of self interest to get Garion's body back.
>gregor is now le funny bug guy who everyone makes fun of, no more substance
>rodya is now le fat woman who's always eating, no more substance
>ishmael is now le blindly obsessed retard, no more substance
Nice flanderization of your whole cast, Director. Good luck lasting 10 years with that kind of writing.
>Be Devyat fixer
>running late
>Decide to be cheeky and take a WARP train to cut down on time
I wonder how the box would take that
They should have made warp jannies urban legend or plague, they're absolute pushovers compared to puppets
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>be devyat
It's probably happened before and W Corp has bullshitted their way out of an explanation by saying it interferes with their technology.
Sir you must play and understand the game to post here
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Boatbillyfuckers.... You took Saber Don away from me
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Solemn Lament's butterflies are hard to draw..
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I'm gonna explode inside of Rodya, if you know what I mean
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>Poise gifts are mostly drugs and alcohol
>Poise fusion gift is literally a lucky sack (of uppers)
what did el director mean by this
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get fucked dontard
Don canto in a month, right?
Winners do frugs (fun drugs)
>tfw you're condemned to a tank ID for your next 000
Does PM has any characters which wants to kms other than netzach?
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Soul. Artists really get much worse once they get even a middling amount of skill and technique. Don't ruin yourself bros, don't actually get "good" at drawing
Ryoshu if we go by the book
what a nice Yi Sang
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>no shield
>giant two-handed sword
>"tank id"
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Which seat in the classroom do you want to sit in
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does devyat represent czarist, communist, or modern russia
right next to ricardo because in school I had shit eyesight even with glasses on
Next to Rodya seems to be less annoying but i can forget about my lunch.
From top to right, 1 to 9
>Not a single seat left next to an attractive female
Guess I'll sit next to Kim
>kill someone
>they we're from a gang
>they decide to avenge you
>you get captured and tortured
I don't think working in association or any gangs is a good idea either.
it represents Amazon
Modern Russia, of course. Food couriers earn much more money than I do, sometimes.
Rodya of course.
Easiest choice possible
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I am bricked...
>giant two-handed sword
>"tank id"
They have decent stability to act as pseudo-shields. Now the real killer is stamina drain and cheap damage.
It's association and not corporation to represent something. Just kidding, i guess it's modern
Calm down you get Kisshot Don next season.
She did the fucking richard waterson trick
>Kisshot Don
Ew. I don't want that.
close to Charon, Outis and my bro Meur
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*licks on his gun*
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The seat surrounded by Linton/Cathy/Hidnley/Erlking would be an actual nightmare
Next to Yi Sang is correct because he'd be pretty quiet and you can cheat off him
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>you can cheat off him
>hey ladies~ who wants to sneak off and grab a little something to eat together~
>hmmm~ there's a big lecture that they want 100% attendance for~ maybe I can say I was out looking for knowledge~
>I'm on a delivery right now but I'm ahead of schedule~ I should be able to swing around if I... wait... I FORGOT TIME ZONES SHIFT WHEN YOU CROSS OVER TO Y COBEEP BEEP BEEP WHIRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
just get lucky bro
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This is canon.
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>thinks Kim is more attractive than Rodya
Anything to tell us anon?
I literally couldn't sit next to her even if I wanted to because of how fat she is
Can they stop giving the girls helium before they record their combat lines? It's bad enough that Faust has to be squeaky now, leave Rodya alone...
>Ish gets Zwei
so the first banner of Season 5 will be a 000 Gregor and a 00 Sinclair
It's for contracts for when Don cracks completely
>want to sit right next to meursault
>sear taken
>everyone else is too judgemental
>will be mocked by being uneducated
I will sit near Heathcliffs, my stupidity will be able to hide well between constant arguments between Heathcliffs, Linton, Hindley and Ishmael with Ahab.
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I hope we get a defanging scen for Don in Canto7
You are definitely getting killed when Erlking goes school shooter
But I would mating press Kim.
Sit besides isang
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the schizo corner
next to Yi Sang
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You can cheat off Linton too to be fair
Catherine would stop him.
Everyone in Yi Sang's part are all extreme nerds, i can't even do math.
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Wrong vampire
>>Not a single seat left next to an attractive female
>Guess I'll sit next to Kim
Bad move, you're sitting right in front of Don and the Indigo Elder. You'll have to listen to Don fangirl over him at max volume.
I hope a nigger caves your skull in
she might very much do it herself out of rage and hatred towards her bloodfiend side
>zwei greg
>t don
>deci rodia
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sinners for this feel
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Thank you for the kind words, anons. I mostly only lurk, and barely practice drawing. I will like to contribute to the general if I can.
>favorite sinner
>last time you had sexo
my favorite tank id, base ish
It's leather gloves retard
I come from a mirror world with IDs slightly different than yours, for example instead of QQCliff I have QQ Gregor (has a harpoon instead of hand) and the Liu captain was Faust instead of Rodion, ask me anything
this should be the first crossover event unironically
>actually decent speed to act as tank
>meanwhile Meursault
you're supposed to use him solo
>he RAN
base meursault is a vessel to spam chains
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gurochads win
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this might sound stupid but I imagine Heathcliff's fully effloresced Ego is him in a similar outfit to what he wore when he returned to Wuthering Heights, a gentlemanly suit, purple and with violet petals flowing off of it. It would represent his love for Cathy and ability to not be burdened by grief & rage. Plus he'd have a fencing sword, something to contrast his brutish bat.
Cathy's ghost is his stand and she duels alongside him
i love how stupid the thumb's thumb looks with the silly coat and hat
it does sound stupid, heath is a stinky dog
He is fucking amazing. Actually good for Tremor teams So useless that might as well debuff him too.
I was a faggot teachers pet so I sit in the middle front with all the other almost forgettable side characters (and outis)
I'm so horny for Marie.
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>ish can cuck cathy!!!
with what
meursault don't you have an arab to magdump?
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Replying just to laugh at you.
Ish cucks Heathcliff with me
based cathy sister
with being alive
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Cathy looks like a woman that would totally enjoy a cuckqueen role
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Your knight ID? It's mine.
My cpt Ish is seething that all her kills are being stolen
And people made fun of Rodya for being a loser. Ishy is literally just a wagie, Rodya has Sonya to claim she's special
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Extra attack is still god.
>Ubereats delivery boy
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Call it: Zwei Ish is good or trash.
Bonus: It gives her a shield which she uses to effect or not.
No shield. Huge Zweihander.
the sword IS the shield
Are you guys for real?
i wish there was an option to explode the minority delivering my food
Anon... Its confirmed.
Which sinner would do this: https://youtu.be/853l2Z4XQ7A?si=Mp9d9CI3cjBmEKI1
anon we've known for months that sinner getting Bygone Days is also getting Zwei West
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Ah, ok. I wasn't aware of this specific bit of info. What a greedy, cute, little fish.
Meursault literally did this in the prologue.
>Gregor's professional asswiper
Not much better
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Are you guys seriously fine with what they're doing to Rodya?
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PM and consistent curves
Of course not. I can't keep popping a boner. People are going to figure out I'm a architect.
She's been about food since the prologue, I dunno why you're pretending this is anything new.
pfffft ishMALE has no boobies
She's very cute in her new ID 2nd art, but I do feel weird that they make her eating in literally ALL of her IDs. So not really, but I don't feel strongly about it.
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Right, I forgot he was a 00 from a who office
It's that crab diet, that shit packs on the fat.
She got boobs from Olga.
Like or not food is a major part of her character. You'll have to wait for more specific Rodya content to cover the other aspects.
Behead koisneed posters
>Devyat Rodya accidentally unlocks the rape feature from her box
>"Ah shit, not again...."
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Some IDs have different curves from the base stuff. And then some EGO shows it more, like fairy Ish.
Otherwise yeah, a lot of their angles hide boobs for some reason.
Don't you just hate it when your delivery girl gets tentacle box-ed?
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Left one if hotter
Hopefully Zwei is also a flattie
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Sex with ishmael
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New gacha egos usually get a flood of art right at the start but not seeing a lot for this one, it's kinda boring I guess but i like it still.
devyat id tentacling dante while he panics while rodya is just hanging around
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I'm gonna guess it's like

>If deviating from delivery route, the box will force you back
>If attempting to tamper with it's contents before reaching destination, it'll kill anyone attempting to do so
Donfags in SHAMBLES
Images like this are meant to be funny, but I always get the thousand yard stare looking at them
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Nothing. No need to know.
You're implying that Dante(you and I) sounds like that?
(You) sound like that, bitch. Get raped.
Ishmael as a Knight is kind of cute
Ishmael as a corpse is kind of cute
This group will disable elevators
Ish is gonna be our first sword and shield sinner. We.... won.
Butler AND Maid Ish?
I'm rock hard
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>your new 000 is a Zwei association ID
How do you respond?
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>Fight is going on
>Greg gets hit near Rodya
>Box freaks out and pushes her back
>There was 1 Kurokumo dead, and 3 alive
>She returns super speedy (position is for max speed character out of all of them)
>Now 4 kurokumo are there
So what's the gimmick going to be?
boatbilly internet defense force
>Butler, maid, and knight
She LITERALLY exists to serve our cocks...
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I was in the mood for a new Charon.
>i hope its not shit
Ain't no way im letting an oportunity to talk to the Indigo Elder pass me by, even if the gremlin will do most of the talking
You're fucked buddy
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>making shit up
Is that
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what the fuck do they do
pinky chads when's our turn
I'm almost positive I can see them
"Woe, I've been found out!" said the BOATBILLY
take a shower, stinkmael
self mutilation and others mutilation
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With everything.
Her ghost can watch, I guess.
They run bakeries.
ishy is doomed to remain a virgin
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What's next, Ishmale again?
This Blind Obsession of yours is devouring you whole anon
Cute trail-
>delivery bitch
Kojimabros it's TIME again
When is fishing hours over? I don't want to see fishermen from U Corp working with their baits.
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This hatred of Ishmael just for being more beloved than your favorite sinner... it's like a blind obsession...
Faust is a bakery
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I don't think she can help it
My husband is so sexy.
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How is Don going to react when she finds out Ryoshu was the Crimson fixer this whole time?
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Alright /lcg/, it's 496th time you derail thread to hating a sinner
FLATmael babies seething. When stinkymael showers, the drains get clogged
Do you really think a woman that spent months on a boat with a crew composed mainly of males can still be a virgin?
From what I heard about sailors and seamen, yes she could.
Ishmael is not a whore
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based but she also needs twintails
People would rather fuck Pip than ishmael
>People would rather fuck sex god than ishmael
That doesn't mean anything
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These attempts at slander are blindly misguided In their obsession
Yes. Book Ishmael slept with Queequeg in the same bed and was super gay, but VIRGINmael never even slept in the same mattress as Queequeg.
>Yi Sang fucked Dongbaek
>Ryoshu got pregnant at some point
>Meursault can't be described without awakening yumes
>Hong Lu was a fuckbeast
>Heath and Caeshi...
>Rodya's a slut
>Sinkulai did it with Kromer. Didn't like it
>Outis was married to Penelopous(maybe he looked like Hadrian's boy lover)
>Greg got lots of war hero sex
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She is one of the twelve companions of Faust, though.
>decide i finally want to finish the dusk ordeal
>chesed keeps forcing me to speedrun
what a weird id I can't make heads or tails on what the fuck it do
Skill reveal in 48~ hours.
rapes Rodya if you don't finish in time
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Just mem rep, fool.
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it's reacting to proximity from the other characters
oh shit, so i'll be able to go back in time so to speak and still attempt the third speedrun with an easier facility and without blue star fucking me in the ass?
wasnt her s3 a minus coin?
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That's how it works.
can we have mega ultra hard mirror dungeon pls? Game is too easy and i want to suffer
wow paus is a whore...
Limbus Skills in 2034
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Why is it always like this?
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>Heathcliff gets his memento swapped for his ring as the shooter
>Bygone Ish gets the same pendant drawing the abno has, as the banner image
Shippers are gonna latch unto this like a pack of starving hyenas.
Dante fucking all 12 sinners makes him a chad but Faust getting fucked by all 12 sinners makes her a whore...
Sisters, it's not fair...
>anon just now noticing the forced meme
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are you autistic why do you draw in 45 degree angles
>his ring
I actually almost cried twice in the canto. First time around was when Cathy consoled Heath when he distorted. Second was that ending where he held onto her ring, and him talking about how everything for that moment was so real to him. Even the REmember bat made me a little sad too.
The incredibly fat and spoiled heathmael shippers are the most powerful...
i dunno
On one hand, I would be in middle of the actual inter-familial/interdimensional warzone that is the Wuthering Heights group.
On the other, I would have to pretend to be smart or go full schizo with the League of Nine corner.
I choose sitting next to Yi Sang.
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Don canto will SUCK and the Mili song will be TRASH
Are we getting any more season 4 IDs or is my ticket useless?
No. The Zwei banner is supposed to be the end. Canto 7 in early next month.
Ishbabs can't help but blindly bite bait so people join in. Once again, you are culpable for this.
only season 0s from now on better use your ticket right now at this moment right now
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>t-they're schizo
They are a bit flowery, that's all.
Just be the autist you are with them coz they won't mind (they're autistic too)
It's really crazy that there are actually his skills in game.
It's over potential man.
>crying to videogames
im not a virgin nerd so front is out of the question, ima sit next to caiman to soak in all the good vibes from aya while getting protection from indigo elder if anything bad happens
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Thread's been going too well, post black damage. Hard mode: no twitterslop.
how come rodion is getting the phillip mechanic even though she didnt get the phillip id
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>she took off rocinante for meursault
she's getting the ruina footdalls mechanic where proximity affects her skill
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Then there is no problem. I could learn a thing or two about this musings and what-not.
Perhaps I shall be inspired anew to write whatever my heart wishes to.
Or just broaden my lexicon with some obscure words.
Really, now that I think of it, it's one of the better groups to sit next to.
No twitterslop
The one next to Rodya because it's the only one that isn't directly adjacent to some kind of schizo, and also because she's nice and talkative and easy to make friends with
i dont get it
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any good value?
The picture on the pendant is female. Unless Heathcliff is a dyke it's probably Queequeg. Unless there's a lore reason why?
fuck no
please bwos make the box make sense
Tubmlr slop my negro.
you have to fight her for your lunch every day
I'm pretty sure they just fucked up and pasted the wrong EGO gift in. Reminds me of how Meursault's EGO had the gloom border in Canto VI and /lcg/ called it ludonarrative kino how his EGO changed sin type. And then it turns out it was just a bug.
it's made by fags, no difference.
i want REAL black damage, stuff that makes you ask "what the fuck is wrong with this guy?"
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I don't like this game, it's too grindy and i can't rape.
haste stacking but you die if you go too fast
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Yes of course! All three very good! You like limbus? Buy all!
Turning a character black is literally black damage however.
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Sorry I dont save SHITclair images then.
Or it's just a coincidence. She has a portable image of the "master", which still fits the abno, it just happens to match with the one that shooter has.
Transgender surgeries on illegal aliens in prisons.
>got bullied by /v/ so hard he changed it like a pussy
why are we getting a special bundle specifically for the full moon?
there's a full moon like every 3 months, seems kinda jew...
Be silent! Thou art a villain attempting to defameth the great Don Quixote!
That was Ish time to shine and it got STOLEN
Now she just says OBSESSED every intervallo and canto
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what, really the mic quality was another issue.
>actually watching video essays
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So will they try to unfuck zwei and overstuff it with bullshit or will they just make a new filler worthless ID?
new filler ID
they make good background noise anon, you should try it out.
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It's a literal 1:1 copy paste. Just look at the EGO gift.
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They will try to unfuck it but it'll be a filler ID
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*steals your Knight ID*
lol lmao get fuck Quixote
lets say in the butler mirror world, heathcliff gives ishmael a picture of cathy for safekeeping. is this heathmael or cuckoldry
Just got up. Our second ever section 3 fixer huh. Steadily climbing the ranks.
So is Heath, but Oufi and Devyat don't seem like fighters desu.
Section 3 of the jobbereats association
lol. lmao
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Don dodged the zwei ID. Shame ish got saddled with it instead.
I can huff my high-grade copium and convince myself that this way, Ishmael won't be getting another story-relevant 000 by the time Don's Canto rolls around.
Surely this won't immediately backfire on me.
I hope that we get rid of Ineffective/Normal/Fatal IDs and start getting into Normal/Normal/Ineffective stuff in the future.
Now that I think about it Don suspiciously lacks a LOT of Fixer IDs.
That EGO was the most underwhelming one they released for quite a while.
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Here's your breakfast bro
>filthy bloodfoid working for REPUTABLE fixer associations
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Don't you just love it when christ himself rewards you for your faith and wraps you around his protective glow in front of the devil himself
>shi director
>cinq director
she only gets top echelon fixer ids, anon
Don't you just love it when someone schizos out on a theory so much they betray obvious reality.
Who will be the first sinner to get a section 1 ID?
Isn't it about the same as other sinners?
So this means Gregor, Sinclair, and Hong Lu will get the initial rush of 000 ID's in the first weeks of season 5, and then they'll put out a random season 0 ID for Don to round everyone out to five 000 ID's.
This will make it the second time in a row Don is the last sinner to get her next 000 btw. Though she'll be about middle of the pack getting her sixth, after the two event 000s, probably another walpurgis, and one or maybe two more season 0 banners between that and her capstone
Which one? Bygone Days? It's a TEETH so it's a coint toss between the really fucking good or irredeemable dogshit.
poise sinking support will be great for maid ishmael
One of the most impactful realizations in my opinion.
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Heathmael gods can't stop winning
No I mean animation wise. Like it's just swipes.
>lose his wife
>Stuck with a dike
Truly Heathcliff has lost the most
What is the joke here
>has tdon lvl 1
love that fish
accidently killed mosb and red hood with that fucking thing
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Uhu, uhu, now I understand!
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Don has the least amount of fixer IDs of any sinner.
She has 2 Fixer IDs, the rest of the sinners are around 3-4. Faust has 5.
That's kind of suspicious, no?
>loves fixers so much
>barely is one in most worlds
It's reminiscent of some launch EGO. It could be nice to have some variety, but I hope that alone isn't a testament to how good/shit it's going to be (thinking about 4MF Rodion)
>100 rolls dry
it's my first walpenis and i already hate this shit, time to skip the story and try to get to 200
its going to do the suicide attack
and t-don timelocked the monster, it takes the damage later, but the fucker gets to detonate before the damage takes effect
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Wait no it's better like.. THIS!
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>one poster calls her a FAT FUCK
what the h*ck
Please tell me the new Rodya is Rupture-based
And the other Fixer ID she DOES get is the least "heroic" of them, too.
It's been hinted at for so long, holy shit....
what the fuck is this
Anything that isn't tremor, sinking, or burn would be a plus. She has ID's for the other status's but they kind of suck
so before this canto starts
faust, yi sang, outis, ishmael, rodion, meursault, ryoshu and heathcliff will all have five 000s
so gregor's most likely going to go three cantos in a row where he gets a canto ID lol
then don probably gets an unrelated ID after the canto ends
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It's the thread podcast!
>expected more retarded shit like Lintonposting or NYOOOO DONT RAPE ME ISHMAEL AAAAAAG
>/lcg/ podcast
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>one poster calls her a FAT FUCK
I said this
How do I activate subtitles?
At least the design is very neat. Also judging by the sound it's multiple swipes. They just hidden by glass (?) and blur for whatever reason.
>supposedly super hard to get a job at a wing
>literal bloodfiend just casually manages to pass all of the strict wing testing and gets a position as a janny
sinking what is the real question
count is redundant since we have diver ishy
potency would be a real threat.
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Funny if autistic
Funtistic in short
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Why the fuck did I listen to all of this.
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This is because Gregor is the main character
We're all being taken for a ruse cruise for the real twist: Cathymael is endgame. Cathy and Ish get together after Cathy returns and Heath finds solace in Faust.
Was this written by an AI? This is nonsensical but really funny
Interloper status maybe? Echoes? Portrait had sinking deluge too. Oh, they can use something else entirely. Gregor has SP healing and curse for example.
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This is AI.
All of it.
add some slash fragility to help the other wuthering ID's that have slash skills
If it's an EGO with echoes of the Manor, I'm dropping Butler Outis like a sack of potatoes
>female voice
Yes, the voices are also AI generated.
Why does the voice sound like that caster from the divegrass matches
Amazing, there was this one post that caught my eye. I hope we get more of this podcast. It makes you THINK
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>the voices are also AI generated
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The Knight of Mirrors will be related to the Vermillion Cross and will be on a vengeful journey because he got killed and turned into Elena's thrall. Vermillion will also be revealed to have been a Bloodfiend hunter.
A character Don turned into a Bloodfiend will reveal the truth to the company
Outis will try a coup against Dante for trying to protect Don in the middle of the canto
The final fight of the Canto will always lead to a scripted loss
Bloodfiend IDs will not actually exist, we will simply get hunter IDs and another minor group like the Twinhooks/Middle/Dead Rabbits
Don will not get a Canto ID, but an EGO that acts like Synchronization EGO from Ruina
Ishmael gets the Knight of Mirrors ID
Knight will be a Bloodfiend turned dhampir
The Thumb will make a cameo
If it is not the Thumb, then Tomerry who will be identified as Elena's work by Don
Walpurgis/event IDs will be Wedge Office and Shi South Section 3
Ishmael gets the new Yujin ID and will introduce an "upgrade" mechanic to IDs
Announcer Don will be like her BL ID
The ID's archetypes will be Burn. Event archetypes will be bleed and rupture respectively.
New status may be introduced
Old IDs get a utility patch to boost their viability
i honestly hate the gameplay this game has once it tries to be "difficult" as it's all fucking rng.
you can play perfectly and still get fucked over, it's just pure cancer
Wait, is this a prompt or is there a new "Post a 4chan thread and let the AI write a scrip with it" function I'm just now finding out about
>more ish content
I'm sorry, but I'm not buying it man.
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Ah rodya that can kill herself, finally a rodya for me
Give me an example
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Chapter E.G.O
Nothing There Don Quixote
>Old IDs get a utility patch to boost their viability
That... that's some good shit right there.
sorry the best I can do is Uptie V now hand over your thread
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I remember that artist. She drew Sinclair cumming on a picture of Don Quixote. I think she also drew Faust guro. Good times.
You will come back crying when Vanga is right... stockpile your zwei IDs now
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>She drew Sinclair cumming on a picture of Don Quixote
But why? He can get a repeat of canto III just by asking
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Korean femcel
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Hungry… Rodya stole my second dinner and fourth breakfast…
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Well, at least now i know why lust is main Don' sin
>artist creates an image that will probably be posted here until EoS
>vanishes immediately after
Imagine Kromer coercing sinclair into fucking in that vent
He'd cry and cum... and maybe piss himself after
>Quick Sinclair, stuff your face into my crotch just like this. Tear off my pants with your teeth and lick me clean to kingdom come!
>You just have to trust me.
Kromer pegging Sinclair in the vent.
Ah yes. If the target has 20+ tremor count, clash power +1. That will be 150 shards and 200 threads.
>stockpile your zwei IDs now
I already have.
Abnormality pegging Sinclair trough the vent.
Pegging vent in the Kromer Sinclair.
I want Don.
Don pegging Kromer near the vent.
The Head has been notifed.
Kromer getting off to deflowering sinclair...
yes, DEFLOWERING since he's too pure
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Maybe they will come back to the reverse
Vampire Don pegging Sinclair with her blood dick.
Telling Sinclair to get off vent or I'll have him bent
<Blow it out your ass.>
What are you hoping for besides
>Vampire Hunter IDs
>Bloodbag 00 ID
>Bloodfiend 000 ID
Bloodborne ID
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Don the Impaler REMODELING Sinclair's sussy vent with her lengthy Bloody Sancho
No delays.
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She will turn Sinclair into a man
A Meursault ID that isn't dogshit
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hi Lea
Yeah man (female)
I love this dumb pic so much
sorry the best I can do is 1-3 speed
-3 offence level
skill 1 rolls a 8
skill 2 rolls a 12
skill 3 rolls a 40
Unique Burn: Cauterization.
Purge Bleed Count and Potency from self in order to deal additional damage & Wrath affinity damage.
If the target is a <Bloodfiend> and has Bleed or Unique Bleed on their skills, deal percentage damage equal to Burn stacks on target. (Rounded down)
What are the quintessential /lcg/ pics?
>statuses interacting with other statuses
Could be cool.
Why would anyone get bloodfiend id
hard mode: don't mention muh don
Don turning the female sinners into Bloodbags through their tits...
Don And Ryoshu Murder Foot Job?
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Sinclair will get a Kindred ID next season where he dresses like a larper and has the retarded blood crystals covering his face. It'll be his first real bleed ID.
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nvm found it
She first needs to turn into a woman.
a non shit Meursault and Gregor ID
He's my friend, I can ask to draw smth.
he draws humanized chimeras from stalcraft
With Ricardo just for the LCCBs
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Can you ask him to draw Don eating a pack of crayons?
i'be been searching for source of picrel for 2 years now, do you maybe happen to know it?
It's funny that this otherwise completely ordinary picture randomly has that xray
>Why would anyone get bloodfiend id
Lore reasons or just in general?
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Why not?
Tell me when they ever interact again.
It is, and I really hope that they can pull it off if PM ever plans to add something similar to that into the game.
I also have an idea for another unique burn status, which would essentially be just Sacred/Holy Oil that also ties into Cauterization. Probably boosting Burn-based damage both on Turn End and enabling it on Combat Start.
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Yes? The thing that kickstarted her whole story was famine and poverty. It's no wonder she tries to eat as much as she can to prepare for the (in her mind) eventual return to those conditions.
Happens to people in real life
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Max I can give you is "If Bleed Count is +7, convert Bleed Potency into Burn (Max 8)"
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Mmm yes excellent
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i hate fighting the envy peccatula, its so boring
We got a man with a ghostly sword made from shattered mirror worlds, I think one bloodfiend ID is ok.
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And an army of the dead.
Well next canto is months away
Woah, hold on there. 8 BURN POTENCY? That's too much. Make it 3. And throw 1 anti-recovery.
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Mmmmmm Hod…
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The most quintessential is the edited eye thing pic, but I don't have it on my phone and I'm not lifting my ass up
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Is it this one?
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VGH, A10Cliff... my FVARKING HERO... putting MUTTmael in her place!
He had sex with me btw
It'll be rupture and it'll be a nothingburger because she's going to be shit.
>Stole Olga from Rodya
>Stole Seibah from Don
IshNIGGERS are nothing more than THIEVES who DEPRIVE IDs from BETTER GIRLS
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Remember when you had to level up sinners during the md run, I remember.
*rapes you*
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You just got it now?
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No, you fucking newfag tourist
And that was annoying. It just fed into a more "carry" playstyle because not leveling IDs bricks them rollwise
My fellow sinners, I have sinned further. I had to cash roll 80 rolls to get Buttersang because I spent a bunch of lunacy on Ish banner like a retard. I feel ashamed.
Why was everyone saying that Ishmael is getting the Zwei 000?
More like Ishamed
Thank you for your service, this game is staying alive because of people like you.
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i wish there was a gnome meme-ome but the best gnomes got are smut with Don-ome and Rodya-ome
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>Zwei Association
>Only Two IDs actually use Zweihänder
At least its the germans that use them.
Ishmael is getting bygone days, thus a zwei id
This is because of Ishmael's own faults. She herself is a sexual degenerate (albeit, the only sinner/character who has not had sex, mind you!) that she gets such degenerate content like obesity and vore! Meanwhile, all other sinners receive normal art. Once again, I ask you, who is to blame for this, if not Ishmael?
Post it
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That was unnecessary.
Kill yourself
Jesus, bitch. Just use supports at the point.
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imagine we get two 000's of this, one for Don and Ish
its only fair, zwei team fucking sucks right now

>Captcha: WASPX
>sweet roll
What did you mean by this
To be fair it's just a really big swords. So having variety of them is nice. Hope we get flamberge for the next Oufi ID.
Wanted to type "That's bullshit" but my words changed for some reason.
buy skyrim
I was actually curious, retard, I don't know korean
I love this flower like you wouldn't believe
>Todd, the GOD is here
He's fucking done it again
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>Dante and Faust repeatedly talk to each other in private
<This didn't happen... Faust, uh... Faust made the first moves. Multiple times... I-it's not what you think!>
>didn't say fav sinner
i think i can see it
I am tempted by those full moon packs
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This actually pisses me off
>be a low wage fedex delivery woman.
>work diligently all the time with an exploding delivery box on the back
>make PNE, 1, oдин break
>only eat a protein bar anyway
>gets spotted and everyone calls you fat
I am not saying anything about Diec and Liu Rodya who are definitely more focused on food, but Devyat and T corp Rodya are nothing alike and their ID are only show the rating to follow a narrative.
That's like the superior makes photos of you only when you are eating and then tells the management you aren't working.
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>Sinclair, Hong Lu and Gregor are missing one 000 to match the rest
>Don as well for obvious reasons
Guess who are getting the seasonal 000 IDs next
FOURTH ID that's been fucking eating btw.
Yi Sang, of course.
What about it poorfag
Post Morbidly Obese Ishmael fetish art that gets you banned from PMcord
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>That's like the superior makes photos of you only when you are eating and then tells the management you aren't working.
Maybe that's the point.
If she's eating so much that she frequently gets snapshotted mid-eating across multiple timelines then maybe she's just a fat fuck.
>Wotan out of nowhere
I'm not sure about Gregor getting a seasonal based on the canto again since he got gregton. Other 2 look like safe choices.
Outis, obviously.
Remember when people said that Rodya definitely isn't being reduced to a "haha eating funny" girl? Good times.
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ideal game
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Slavic language is one of twelve (?) official languages in the City, anon. Learn the lore before typing that bullshit.
FATmael... HOGya... the two lardass sinners
The game
At least she has that, Ishmael has been reduced to a literal non character after her canto. At least she had a ragetard thing going on before.
Or Carmen only shows exactly the moment when she is eating.
Time Corp Rodya barely said anything about food.
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I'm so hungry....
As long as the ID's look cool then yes. She's cute.
I just want to know how the new one is gonna work.
Starve African child that my mother told me about
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Are you so poor that you cannot afford some chocolate bar or what? Let her coo- i mean let her feed herself.
Keep making fun of my eating habits and I'll eat YOU up.
Starve American child that my mother warned me about
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Sinners for this feel?
mpreg sinclair
Jokes aside, Rodya eating so much is just being representative of her wonton hedonism. Same with all the senseless violence she gets herself into usually in the same uptie scenes. Could do with more gambling though. It's better than her being a whore or something.
I'll be fine when I get my King of Greed Rodya ID!
She isn't. We literally just had an event where we explore her insecurities about regretting her life decisions and feelings of mediocrity compared to the other sinners. Your perception stems exclusively from your own confirmation bias and lack of reading ability.
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Remember when you weren't a whiny bitch?
Me neither.
Rook of Gluttony...
I miss RR1 and RR3
They were a lot more fun to go through repeatedly rather than having to constantly use EGO.
don, hong, and rodion are unlikely for getting the canto villain id because they already have top hats
Post some Indigo Elder images
Ryoshu before the fingers did the funny
Rodya is a healthy weight for her size. Besides, the Sinners are moving and fighting most of the time, they'd need a large amount of food to keep up nutritionally
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The rodyafats can’t handle the truth
>they'd need a large amount of food to keep up nutritionally
Best Limbus budget can do is chicken skewers. It's peak though.
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ishmael is flat again
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Yeah we know she likes to devour things
>Slavic language is one of twelve
And there is only one true slavic God. Zeus.
The forbidden doujin...
LMAO look at that PATHETIC chest of hers
I know you guys are fucking retarded, but it's obvious that bygone ish's master and shootie heathcliff's love are the same person
t. Seething Donniggers
Bygone chest
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Don would suck me dry
>don out of nowhere
the boatbilly jealously is crazy
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The ego has great art but my god the design is so boring, I don't remember the last time when a gacha ego was this unpopular.
We even got a sequel
Malkuth’s love handles and her deep belly button…
Ryoshu before she got Finger'd.
And that person is me, 4chan anonymous.
I'd dare say never. There's always something interesting with an EGO design. Here it's just Ish in an overcoat and the Corrosion is just the same Abno but with her hair.
shitmael deserves it of course for having the worst fanbase
Bygone days is a boring EGO in terms of design.
Chicken is chicken!
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I don't know why they decided that abno needed more egos.

Gacha egos tend to generate a lot of fucking hype usually, I also think this is the first time when the community is so uninterested in one.
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If it's deluge then everyone is going to want it
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>Sinking Deluge
They wouldn't dare.
how the fuck did you create this it's amazing
>Gacha egos tend to generate a lot of hype
i also memoryholed fell bullet and anything that wasn't walpurgis/waw
Reminder that this is the only content we'll have for the next 2 weeks btw.
You're spoiled by Awe Ryoshu
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i giggled
Can someone explain why you're all convinced Don's not getting any Zwei stuff and that Ish is getting the 2 handed Zwei 000 ID?
Dog stream
Director said that the person who got the EGO this banner will also get the ID next banner
What's the full pic of this.
Which sinner said this?
Surprisingly enough, Ryoshu and Faust.
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Fell bullet was extremely popular anon

It's really not just her
>solemn lament
>fell bullet
Some egos from the recent times and they all got fairly high fanbase engagement, awe ryoshu was on a different level but I don't even have to put her into the comparison.
nobody cares for you though
>limjobs to yesodo
Why did lowell say this?
I hate Xiao because she specifically counters the braindead Red Mist strat.
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Bygonemael has virtually nothing standing out in ita design.
I love Xiao cause of her dumb ass EGO armor.
aw shit anon, you only got 1 prudence and EX fortitude
bwo, Myongest Yesod buttfucks her all the way to the moon. it's what I used after being unable to clear it with Binah and Geb
What did she mean by this expression?
I want to use Red Mist because she's red. Yesod is not red.
Sorry, I was being disingenuous
Some of the EGO outfits will just be suits and ties, and I honestly can't think of anything else that would fit for Bygone Days especially if it's going to be a TETH.
>So, yeah, that'll be the next update after Devyat. Also, this will be one 3 star ID only, with this design. And the sinner getting this ID will be the same ID getting Bygone Days. So, as said before, we were keeping sinner rotations in mind, and if we take all that into consideration, "wouldn't that not be balanced, EGO-wise and ID-wise?" you might say that, but after calculating this, we decided this was okay. So I hope you look forward to this without any misunderstandings.
good point anon, I liked the purple crayons the most so I see where you're coming from
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Stop being mean just because you're jealous of her getting the Zwei ID
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But her bygoneday sucks.
SHITmael the GREEDY fish STEALING the ID from DON.
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Don SHITxote could NEVER be a fixer, much less a knight. A FRAUD is she.
Bye, Gone Breasts
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I care for them
Everlasting was super popular, though?
He saw the boxman pic
No you don't. You're just saying that to be le contrarian.

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