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Previous: >>494308479

>Ordeal Call III: Neo-Primate Succession War, Archetype Inception:
●Event period: Aug 28 ~ Oct 31 JST (2 Months).
▶NEW Limited Master Missions (~ Sep 18): 10 SQ, 10 Stargazer's Teapots, 1 Lantern of Chaldea and 4 Silver Apples.
▶Stargazer's Teapots expire October 31.
▶Final Part: September 25.

>BB Presents Celebrity Summer Experience! ~ Dubai Strikes Back:
●Event period: Aug 14 ~ Oct 2 JST (7 weeks).
▶Login Bonus: 12 Golden Apples and 66 Silver Apples (It also counts for the duration of OC III)
▶Welfare Servant: To be revealed at the end of OC III.
▶This event is scheduled to be added to the Main Interlude.

>Lostbelt No.4 Clear Support Campaign:
●Sep 1 ~ 30 JST.
▶LB4 main quests at AP 0.
▶Recollection Quests: 6 Golden Apples and 600 Mana Prisms.
▶Limited Master Missions: 20 Hellfire of Wisdom, 400 Evocation Leaves, 1 Rare Prism, 3 SQ and 1 Crystallized Lore.
▶New upcoming event on October requires clearing LB4.

>Archetype Inception Part 2 PU Summon:
●Sep 11 ~ 18 JST
5*Foreigner Koyanskaya of Darkness (limited)
4*Caster Edison (story locked)
●Sep 13 ~ 20 JST
5*Saber Astolfo (limited)
4*Rider (permanent)
●Sep 15 ~ 22 JST
5*Moon Cancer Jinako Carigiri (permanent)
●Sep 17 ~ 24
5*Alter Ego Kingprotea (limited)
4*Alter Ego Passionlip (limited)

>Current Pick Ups:
●~Oct 2 JST.
5*Moon Cancer Mysterious Agent C.I.E.L
4*Lancer Dobrynya Nikitich
4*Avenger Xu Fu
All limited.
5*Lancer Karna (permanent)
4*Lancer Percival (permanent)
●~Oct 9 JST.
5*Moon Cancer BB Dubai
4*Moon Cancer Tenochtitlan
4*Foreigner Mysterious Heroine XX Alter
All limited.

>Pastebin for utility links:
Yumes won...
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Surely this thread will be better than last.
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You just jinxed it.
Speaking from experience, openly wishing a thread will be better will usually result in immediately being proven wrong.

Case in point.
The peruvian and the reason for the last thread's state is already in here.
How about this? Rank all lostbelt kings from who suffered less or nothing to the one that literally needed Chaldea for therapy. Give your reasons, too.
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are you nigger for real
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Now do Muramasa/Castoria and Guda/Castoria
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playable beasts might still be the highest, if only because all the bullshit around kiara implies they can just drop the servant limitations and go full beast if they think shit has sufficiently hit the fan
as well as being able to just pop back out on their own if "killed"
ironically despite being considered "lucky" the woodwose gank is is probably one of the most deserved underdog wins for your side in the game
someone on your side added a contingency plan from several chapters ahead of time, beyond the usual "chaldea attacks someone 100x stronger head-on and hopes it works", and timed the gank while everyone else was bodythrowing
Why are the mursama castoria artworks so varied and the guda ones seem like they've been drawn by one dude who's ripping of takas artstyle?
With the 8 million divine servants weve gotten at this point I dont think anyone can really complain about random should be unsummonable things being summonable
>ironically despite being considered "lucky" the woodwose gank is is probably one of the most deserved underdog wins for your side in the game
Too bad it gave a horrible end to a character that despite would have killed Chaldea and the rest, still had backstory and was pretty charismatic. Woodwose, just as a few others faes, did not deserve to go tragically like that.
Men, what would I do for the Tonelico's gang in Chaldea, Woodwose/Wryneck and Ector are the ones that I wish to have.
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What's the difference between Ereshkigal and Space Ereshkigal?
Do I have shit taste for like the Ritsuka and BB pairing?
where's illya
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Our heroes.
How do the nips rate OC3 so far?
BBspic kill himself yet?
Do girls really do this????
One is a moe blob.
One is a blue haired erotic evil woman.
PHH Morgan in OC Ruler Y/N?
>That's why I used udon dough to create Bunyan's Spirit Origin. My plan was to produce a giant! To make the goddess who shapes the very world!
>...I get it now. Bunyan's legend contains mankind's universal belief in a deity of creation.
>t's not possible to summon an actual god, but an artificial one, possessing godlike qualities...
Guess Riyo was cooking that for a while.
Guess that explains why the Mink Fink battle was so anticlimactic.
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I can't tell if that's Gray or Bedivere
Bedivere has a prosthetic arm. That's gray.
If only Duryo were here right now.
Why do I get V. II Snail vibes from Agravain? Actually, doesn't this artist do a lot of ACVI fan art?
Was Agravain really hated by everyone but King Arthur at the Round Table? He was just following the law as far as Guinevere was concerned. An adulterous queen could not be trusted in his eyes. And outside of that he never seemed to do anything even remotely villainous or that could be construed as such. Hard to believe a whole group of heroes would hate him just because he was unapproachable.
It's cause he went full on sperg mode instrad of talking to arturia first which made everything go to hell. If he didn't tweet the affair to the world she would have probably just banished lancelot and Guinevere since she was already aware of it.
Him airing it out in public forced her hand
Why didn’t Merlin cast a spell to make every at Camelot less autistic and retarded?????
The knights are heroic overall but they still have flaws. Agravain was trying to do what he believed what best for the kingdom without caring about the feelings of the others, and the others never considered or understood Agravain's feelings either.
>not autistic or retarded
He found it funny
How often did Artoria force the Knights of the Round Table to sing the Monty Python song?
Didn't at least Galahad like Agravain according to Mashu? Percival probably liked him too then.
Of course the virgin would like the incel
>the virgin liked the incel
>the most innocent also probably liked the incel, but desu that may be everyone else
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I hope there's a reliable amount of thread integrity going on over here
I don't care about the evil blue spacewoman.
Give me my normal Eresh and it'll be just fine.
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Sex with Okita
>stretching the goalposts again
>His approach was flawed
No, his approach was correct, the system was flawed
There was a transgression of the law taking place on the highest orders of government, he blew it wide open and revealed it. Gareth and the other kngihts were all "Heeyy buddy that's an open secret but you can't be blasting it, you're supposed to be more couth than that, we all know but you can't just say it out loud, what will people think if you reveal our crimes and the fact that we all kept it quiet for years?? Buddy you're not allowed to just reveal it"

Agravain drove everyone mad because he was the utmost lawful knight, which is ironically why Galahad got along with him. If he sees lawbreaking he's going to make it a huge issue, he was a major hardass and he's not going to let it slide or "keep secrets for your buddies".
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Damn Salem manga abby full naked
Artoria should have revealed she was a women. All the kotr would have sided with her instead of splintering like they did and who gives a fuck what nobles think when you have excalibur
Honestly asking Guinevere to live a chaste life with a eternal 15 year old women was to big an ask.
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It’s literally all Tristan’s fault anyway.
>Honestly asking Guinevere to live a chaste life with a eternal 15 year old women was to big an ask.
For the good of the entire kingdom, to not destroy an entire kingdom, literally all you have to do is not cheat, or at least not be so obvious about it, but hopefully don't do it at all. Literally destroyed the entire kingdom because she couldn't just not cheat. You probably had numerous outlets if you wanted, but you ended up sleeping with the head knight, which is even worse.

Lancer arthuria is the arthuria who ruled as a woman from the start and never hid her gender, she chose the thorny path from the start and made it work by force. And despite that she's treated like a joke in lore despite how she should be 10x more mature than Saber version.
You rock bbfag.
Post more proofs
She didnt set out to cheat obviously. At first she was fine with discarding her human feelings/desires and becominga perfect queen but she didnt have magic to help her achieve that so she folded. The affair was secretive and no one was putting up a stink until aggy decided to tell everyone.
On the other hand if we're talking about male Arthur's Guinevere....
You suck BB spic
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>who gives a fuck what nobles think when you have excalibur
big plothole in the entire Nasuverse if you ask me
why would Artoria care what her people thought when she could just rule through an iron fist and divine right
Was she worth it, Arthur?
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BBCHAD mindbroke this circus general
Is Sakurai's whole "Proto Morgan is in SUPER LOVE with Arthur" not just retconned at this point?
Wasn't Proto Mordred?
>Salieri isn't playing in the Cagliostro fight
Missed opportunity. Doesn't have to be Dies Irae but it would've been nice regardless
It seemed like it's both
A lot of kiss and breeding.
I dunno, just remember a convo with Proto Percy about how Proto Morgan was incredibly down bad for Arthur. Which is funny because Proto Percy's personality looked to be profoundly different from what PHH Percival ended up being.
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anyone know who this girl is supposed to be?
Sounds like Arthur had a serious bad case of Emiya's "Luck with women" except it went even further with his own son.
Looks like one of riyo's abortions
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Damn Salem manga goes crazy off rail
Arthur is just prime yandere bait. Pretty much everyone who's ever been into him, from Morgan to Mordred to Lucius to Bryn to Manaka, all really want to monopolize and break him. Ayaka is the one exception who can heal and fix him.
>Ayaka is the one exception who can heal and fix him.
At the cost of fucking everyone else. Also didn't Lucius just toyed with him about how he also has a "dark side" stuff in his heart?
When we gettin' Uther and the rest of the Knights of the Round Table?
I'd like to see Proto-Mordred get added but I think that would require Nasu to give a shit.
Looks like mashu
yea and new foreigner waifu too.
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They could never do this with male MC, not because its impossible but because writers these days are too weak. Its the reason people pretend to like yuri, because with a female MC you can at least have some balls occasionally.
I want Proto Mordred in so Ishiya Haruki finally has a playable character to voice.
Literally never ever, both PHH and LB. Also neither LB Percival. All humans from Faerie Britain existed only there. Same with LB Uther, and definetly the LB versions of Gawain, Tristan and Lancelot who originally appeared during the Orkney quest to get Mash out of the ice.
Unrelated but there is a high chance those 3 appeared in the past and even helped Tonelico's team the same way Percival did with Castoria.
He also talked about wanting to make Arthur "his" along with Britain
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uh bros?????????????????
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I will say this about the manga; the game 0% pretended that Abigail was actually Abigail, the manga occasionally remembers who she is and what she did. It doesn't pretend she's just an innocent little girl with no history at all and who never did anything
>But she has le edgy gray witch appearance for her final ascension
That's not what I'm talking about
I'm not talking about a fanfiction OC grey evil persona that has no reality to it
The actual reality that acknowledges what really happened is far more harsh than the fake edgy Cthulu worshiper version.

By giving us an OC evil, they very effectively cover up the real evil.
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Isn't Abby based of Abigail Williams from the crucible who got a bunch of people killed and then went off to become a whore?
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This is a fucking spoiler isn't it
Lmao it just samefag. Don't try to rewrite reality.
>get to lb5
>Charlotte comes on screen
Makes it so much better
>From the crucible
No, the crucible is fanfiction that created a bunch of fake aspects to the story, like a relationship with Putnam which is fake, and even the author admits is fake. Also the crucible really aged Abby up a lot. It covered some actual stories from the witch trials but it also created some fanfiction aspects.

Bro, how do you not know the salem witch trials and Abigail were all real. All of the stories were real, the real Abby accused some 90 people in all; her uncle got her out of town before things really hit the wall and they never found out what happened to her, people make up theories, but history never found out where she went afterwards.

What am I supposed to see?
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Arisu... Forgotten...
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This page in particular is the only one where she talks as "Abigail Willaims" somewhat, and not just as generic little child character.
I knew the witch trials were real I wasn't aware of Abigail Williams being real
And tbf fate does mix fiction woth with history for alot of servants
>But the fiction
The fiction in this case has way less weight than reality, no one in japan considers the crucible a real source

In Abigail's case the reality is stranger than fiction.
Read up on the real history of Abigail.

>The following day, Sunday, March 20, Abigail Williams disrupted services in the Salem Village meetinghouse several times due to the presence of accused witch Martha Corey. Corey had been accused of witchcraft the previous week and a warrant had been issued for her arrest on Saturday, March 19.
>Since there wasn’t enough time in the day to arrest Corey and warrants weren’t served on Sundays, Corey was free until Monday and decided to attend services, which upset the afflicted girls, according to Rev. Deodat Lawson:
>“On Lords day, the Twentieth of March, there were sundry of the afflicted persons at meeting, as Mrs. Pope, and Goodwife Bibber, Abigail Williams, Mary Walcut [sic], Mary Lewes [sic], and Doctor Grigg’s maid. There was also at meeting, Goodwife C. [Corey] (who was afterward examined on suspicion of being a witch.) They had several sore fits in the time of public worship, which did something interrupt me in my first prayer, being so unusual. After psalm was sung, Abigail Williams said to me, Now stand up, and name your text! And after it was read, she said, It is a long text…And in the afternoon, Abigail Williams, upon my referring to my doctrine, said to me, I know no doctrine you had, If you did name one, I have forgot it. In sermon time, when Goodwife C. was present in the meeting-house, Ab. W. [Abigail Williams] called out, Look where Goodwife C. sits on the beam suckling her yellow bird betwixt her fingers! Ann Putnam, another afflicted girl, said, There was a yellow bird sat on my hat as it hang on the pin in the pulpit; but those that were by, restrained her from speaking aloud about it.”
No, lmao you are maybe the clown here.
Literally irrelevant who have shit gameplay.
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There was a somewhat popular fan theory that Kay and Agravaine got along since both had a lot of overlap in their roles at Camelot but both are pretty much never evers and the one time Kay showed up in case files he had nothing to say about any of the knights, Agravaine likewise in Camelot
hair color
Oh.... haven't played neither Extra games so, which one is who
>And tbf fate does mix fiction woth with history for alot of servants
mozart and salieri are the best example
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>Servant limitations
I'm not convinced Kuku has those considering what she casually does in the LB7 Servants' Valentines' Day events, and how she and Arc basically confirm each other are at least comparable.
Never acknowledged
Even then people are forgetting about Draco. She should easily be the strongest by miles. Ignoring Servantverse of course.
Kuku swatted down U-Olga while U-Olga was at full power, and frankly I wasn't even that impressed by Arcade Draco. And Arcade Draco didn't need as much bullshit to beat as Tiamat. Even if you assume U-Olga was distracted/not really trying, she still hit hard enough to knock down a fucking "Beast". I'm STILL not convinced Draco is up to it.
People have been pointing this out since the moment her design was revealed.
Arthur's afraid to be a hedonistic tyrant. His Alter is the basis for Gilgamesh personality while Proto Gil is more a fightfag like FSN Cu. It's like this.
Regular Arthur's personality = EMIYA personality (before he was turned into a Prince Charming).
Arthur Alter = Gilgamesh's personality.
Proto Gil = FSN Cu.
Proto Cu = Shirou.
U Olga was distracted and took the hit for Chaldea because she's a retard. Nasu said she doesn't use her power because she's brolga.
This doesn't mean anything. Both Lip and Melt similarly got randomly lighter hair for their summer appearances, and BB Cosmo has the lighter hair despite being our same BB. It's just Wada doing Wada things.
Enkidu? for me
White hair Sakura final ascension
I don't care if she's Brolga or not, a hit powerful enough to knock down a Beast is a hit powerful enough to knock down a Beast. Same principle as if someone knocked down fucking Tiamat with a punch.
Neat I suppose
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I mean, to be fair, it was her Noble Phantasm. It's not like Kuku can go much higher. Not sure if that's good for her comparison against beasts.
>one hit
Daybit AND Tez call Camazotz the strongest of the Lostbelt and not Kuku. So. The only reason is out their hair is Daybit deal.
That's Brown Jenkin, a ratman (might be a woman in this case) servant to Keziah Mason, the hot Foreigner chick this manga introduced.
She has an EX rank Noble Phantasm, and EX rank Mana, and did not appear at all exhausted from using it. Yes, with her fucking Noble Phantasm that makes Ea look like a shitty firecracker that she can spam.

Remember, Arcade (you) killed Draco just by running up to and beating her. Even if there were other Servants with conceptual counters to stop the flood washing everything away that's all it amounted to-a conventional battle. Kuku can spam an attack at a thing LB Zeus for all his ego wanted to FLEE from, AND casually just turn chocolate into a warp drive.

I don't think Draco has the option of just vwoorping into space at will.

Camazotz is not a Servant at Chaldea so that's besides the point.
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I thought Chaldea BB's memories of Extra were like reading a book to her, why'd she react so strongly to Hakuno?
>this is an actual thing
I havent been here for awhile but I heard Hakuno is playable
how is he?
In that moment she was the planet, Malla. and even then all she did was just kinda knock Olga down, Olga was uninjured.
Because he is the prince of the moon she always wanted to meet
We don't know how will this end tho, maybe she grows up from it or not
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When the thread goes to shit pretty soon, be sure to remember who started it.
because she loves him?
He can pierce Anti-Purge
Yes. Nasu who had the gall to turn a summer event as a fricking bridge to an actual story chapter.
Why didn't artoria just have a gangbang with all the knights of the round table?
>BB is Sakura's purged memories of falling in love with Hakuno
>BB/GO is an echo of BB
I'll laugh my ass off if BB Dubai is White Sakura and brings it full-circle
>8 million divine servants
There are like over 8 or 9 million kami in Shinto by the way.
>pierce Anti-Purge
the fuck
Because BB is still literally Sakura's love for Hakuno? BB doesn't love Hakuno for what happened in CCC, but because of what happened before CCC. She just didn't personally interact with him yet.
I would beat him in a fight
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That was Lancelot's job.
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It's possible I suppose. If she is a bad end of Nurse Sakura who lost Hakuno. She knows she can grow as bad as BB. Hakunon maybe is aware of the True Route even if it's not from her ending while Hakuno maybe is from Normal route. That's why Hakunon chose "BB."
The age of castoria is over
Anti-anti-purge will bypass purge, but will not bypass evade
The meta is once again balanced
>implying Evade will ever be relevant again
I don't get it. Is BB dubai trying to decide which way to kill humanity because it was "boring" or she is trying to find out how humanity died?
alright pals
who's someone you think would make a good servant and how do you think they'd be monkey pawed
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Wait two more weeks and you can find out!
She’s trying to tread water and draw out the plot to pretend like Ordeal Call even matters and isn’t a desperate attempt to milk the cash cow that is FGO.
On one hand she can't stop working until humanity is gone, so she needs to make sure they went extinct and to settle how it happened to gain her freedom, on the other Archetype Earth speculates that BB legit doesn't know what happened to humanity on Earth so she's gathering possible answers to decide which makes sense to her.
You gotta account for which characters are lying, which characters can be believed or not. Its the same as LB6, don't believe every character.

Archetype said its doubtful BB actually knows how humanity died, and BB cosmos also says she can't calculate how they died out, but she says it couldn't have been due to AI at least, since AI cannot kill off humanity.
Why aren’t you allowed to just summon Himiko, Iyo, Chaldea Abby or Morgan and just ask them to look into the timeline’s past to see how humanity died out?? Even if you can’t hold it over BB Dubai as leverage, it’d probably be useful to know.
Since it seems they've given up on the idea of Drake being her, it'd be neat to get Queen Elizabeth I. She could have a fun dynamic with Shakespeare and Oberon, since Titania was a partially a representation of her.
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it was supposed to be her...
Or...she could ask Hakuno? Hakuno(s) probably know. They have been around for thousands years.
BB Dubai already explained that you can't summon Heroic Spirits from year 2300 and before because with humanity gone the necessary foundation (lore?) to do so is gone, and Guda has no connection to Chaldea right now.
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BBDubai is obviously lying. She tries to go all alpha bitch on Hakunon and Hakunon immediately turns her into a blushing beta who complies what she asks. She's putting up an act and not even a good one.
YOU’RE STILL DOING SHADOW SUMMONS, JUST MAKE THE SHADOW SUMMON LOOK ON YOUR BEHALF. If you actually couldn’t summon anyone the game would gimp your teams too.

To be fair I don’t think (you) figure out Hakuno is anyone special for large parts of the story, for all (you) know he was just stuck in the digital gym for most of history
Space Morgan, Space Himiko, Space Iyo, etc.
If even a super high level AI can't figure out what happened in this world, even Arcuied can't figure it out, its a question whether anyone would. Maybe Merlin

Something happened between 2300 and 2999 that lead to humanity being wiped out entirely
It supposedly wasn't done by AI, even though AI wiped out 90% of humanity in 2300
Maybe it had something to do with Anthony Beckman
We still don't understand the reality of the situation
BB can't quit her job as AI until she determines the answer of what happened to humanity, so she's using the mooncancer contest to create an answer. Reminds me a bit of Umineko; whether an answer is real or not doesn't matter, you just have to make that answer into reality after the fact, and use that as a justification for it being true.
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That was before with her posture, Hakunon ignores her and asks for cake and she acts like this.
Bad Bitch can't resist the Squirrel.
>YOU’RE STILL DOING SHADOW SUMMONS, JUST MAKE THE SHADOW SUMMON LOOK ON YOUR BEHALF. If you actually couldn’t summon anyone the game would gimp your teams too.
I think it's been said for a long while that shadow summons can only fight and that's it, you can't have them do things the actual characters would other than fight, because then you could hax your way through everything in the story with no stakes.
I think it's implied Hakuno is from a different universe, both of them, but Hakuno really can call down the Mooncell's light in-story so maybe he could browse through the timeline's history?
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>but Hakuno really can call down the Mooncell's light in-story so maybe he could browse through the timeline's history?
They both can. Hakunon did it earlier and people assumed it was BB Dubai's.
Guda can do full summons or spot summons; it requires more energy to do full summons like he did with Avicebron in LB1, but he does know how to do it. Spot summons are the quick summons he does for battle, it barely takes up any energy since he's just calling on them for a few minutes.
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less clothe coverup
This is like the third one....
I can't believe BBspic ACK'd himself...
My guess is from the context clues of the interludes BB literally cannot do anything but think for the benefit of humanity. Every decision she does has to be based around helping them in some way.

So if humanity were to be killed off she could finally think for herself or think for AIs sake.

Im assuming BB Dubai is that one AI that was raging when the humans shut down AI for being dangerous and saying they only ever thought for humans sake.
We posting doujins now?
That’s stupid.
But then, all of Ordeal Call has been stupid and a complete waste of time.

so now servant can be from the future, what modern servant do you want to see ?
Anon.....I hate to tell you this
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What Kuku did was the equivalent of sucker punching U-Olga's dumb ass with her full power NP. And U-Olga wasn't even defeated by that.

Put this into context: Can you imagine if Saber smacked Gilgamesh in the face with Excaliblast and Gilgamesh came off with non-lethal damage and said he'd get her back next time? That'd make Saber look garbage, not the other way around
At this point, I'd rather watch the recent presidential debate than read anything on this thread.
>Arcade Draco. And Arcade Draco didn't need as much bullshit to beat as Tiamat.
Arcade Draco basically did everything Goetia did. You needed the same 100 servants+ to storm her territory and beat her. Only this time, you had actual grands backing you and Excalibur. Pretty convincing way to beat a beast. And even then, Draco doesn't die. With the fragments of power the grail had left, it resummoned most of those servants as shadows, and some as proper servants, AND remade the entire testament world as singularities. You're really underselling her.
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>BB can't quit her job as AI until she determines the answer of what happened to humanity, so she's using the mooncancer contest to create an answer. Reminds me a bit of Umineko; whether an answer is real or not doesn't matter, you just have to make that answer into reality after the fact, and use that as a justification for it being true.
Are we some kinda "Sigh, making up the content is this universe's bad habit" Squad?
In his defense, EMIYA's a special case, even if they've heavily blurred the line between "Heroic Spirit" and "Counter Guardian"
Emiya would still have been summoned if he was a genuine spirit of the throne.
At the moment he was summoned, he was a possible future for Shirou. He was Part of that timeline's throne, in a way
Tanned BB also has faded hair, it's just different color saturation
Given how far the SE.RA.PH event went out of its way to split off its own entities away from CCC, I don't think we'll get any kind of connection.
Having Hakuno loosely tied to Extella is fine because Extella's basically a nonsensical bizarro universe compared to Extra+CCC.
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So we get absolute squat until the 25th?
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Lavinia > Abby > the rest of foreigners
Where are you guys searching? It shoes a way lower number for me
I will continue to undersell her. I don’t think it’s fair to compare her to Goetia at all, he had the firepower to threaten all of human history AS A FIRST STEP to what he was actually trying to achieve, which was much more ambitious than “hurr durr gonna turn humanity into my slurpee”. Furthermore the Servant army was never anything more than an actual distraction to Goetia. He was flat out IMMUNE to Servant attacks. The Servant rush was nothing more than some exercise to his pillars, Goetia himself was more than happy to wait it out until Solomon showed up.

I’m not downplaying Draco at all, I’m just saying she was a bad copycat of both Goetia and Tiamat without the former’s comprehensive immunity/retrogenesis plan and the latter’s sheer fiat level unkillability. You didn’t NEED a fiat self destruct button to deal with her.

I don’t think I’m getting through, the fact that Kuku can hit her that hard at all is pretty goddamn impressive. Furthermore I will remind you: Kuku can casually create a warp drive out of something not meant to be a warp drive. U-Olga, to the best of our knowledge, cannot. Until Nasu explains what HER NP is, far as we know she caps out at throwing mini-black holes.

You’re also exaggerating “wasn’t even defeated by that” to a huge degree, she was knocked out of the sky and tuckered out enough Tezca could just walk up behind her and rip out her heart. All that from ONE attack Kuku could just spam (remember, “supermove spamming newbie” according to Tezca) at Draco-who like I said, was felled with conventional means and sufficient destruction rather than an underworld-based death enforcement, a self-destruct button or even time travel.

Even if Kuku can’t actually KILL Draco, she could easily just warp her dumb ass to the Oort Cloud, NP her and send her drifting off into space.
Nasu said U-Olga would've been able to absorb ORT if she was at full power.
just in time for OC4 2025
Will we ever get the planned futa ArcxCiel?
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how will you react when it turns out fgo's plot was a made up larp?
Nasu says a lot of things, and until they actually show up in the game I don’t really count them for who the strongest Servant at Chaldea right now is. And here and now, Olga sure as fuck isn’t a Servant yet.

Remember, Nasu also said it was impossible for humans to overcome Servants and that ORT can’t understand humans.
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me on the right
Tezcatlipoca is grand assassin and is specialized in ripping hearts. I didn't say Olga wasn't really injured. I said she hadn't taken lethal damage. Yes, Kuku is impressive for that, but I don't expect U-Olga would just walk the noble phantasms of any serious LB threat either if she took it head on.

>Furthermore I will remind you: Kuku can casually create a warp drive out of something not meant to be a warp drive. U-Olga, to the best of our knowledge, cannot. Until Nasu explains what HER NP is, far as we know she caps out at throwing mini-black holes.

U-Olga with a fraction of her power can freeze ORT in time effectively. Kukulkan really had no chance against her.
Corny just like you
olga rabu
Olga rape
Wrong, Olga sweet and tender lovemaking while holding hands
>Abby is no longer for (You) EX

aww man.
>after "Mana Transfer" with Kukulkan, Guda asks her to sleep in his tent
Without irony, Kuku and Guda fucked, right?
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She consented it
olga impregnation
Can we agree this chapter is shit?
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Guda is so unlucky
lmao this shit will be forgotten already, shitposter.
cuckfags really.
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AI arts are so gooooood
Certain someone is hurt
>he had the firepower to threaten all of human history AS A FIRST STEP
So did Draco, canonically. Even before transforming, just using her flood could damage human history so Noah had to capsize it with his remaining strength. This is just raw power from Draco. Goetia needed 3000 years set up for what she could accomplish with ease. As it turns out, being a copy-cat still requires the ability to mimic what you're ripping off, and she does so with ease. We can talk about Goetia's master plan but it never happened, and he failed. Maybe he should have aimed lower and worked his way up?

>. Furthermore the Servant army was never anything more than an actual distraction to Goetia

An entire servant army, grand counter, and excalibur is a serviceable way to beat a beast. The others didn't go through anything like that, nor have they succeeded against anything like that. You keep talking about "conceptual immunity" but turns out that means nothing when Draco's power is the literal holy grail. She can do just about anything she wants with it.

And I should probably remind you of something: Draco does have conceptual immunity. BB's 10 crowns is her power originaly
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holy meds https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/image/_llDzoXVPS0XSHCaXAEJuA/
I still want Augustus despite and the obvious monkey paw of sakurai being the only roman writer

One interesting little thing is that if you just go off depictions of Octavian and Augustus before and after 30 BC, they might as well be two completely different people that warrant two servants, sorta like a Vlad scenario or Liz/Carmilla.
But enough evidence from letters and documents that still remain from ancient Rome that there was no real change between the two, Octavian of the 2nd Triumphant who murdered over half of Rome senate and Augustus who was deified by the same senate was the same person in motivation, goals, and general attitude
One of the proceeding roman emperors (think it was Julian the apostate) actually wrote a satire that described him in a creature with a constantly changing face
>not even the same filenames
Take your own advice.
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FGO saved Tsukihime couple
certain someone acts like someone who doesn't have a dick.
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Do you like my body... anon?
Not really
/frog/? you told me AI was bad? What happened?
but it's the same images you imbecile.
No shit sherlock. Stop schizoing out.
It's not complete shit but it's also not very good. Too much gagshit and Extra remake shilling.
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Yes, but first
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AI >>>>>>>>>. Takeuchi
>man who wants everything is left with nothing
Such is the fate of Gudakek
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Yeah but shadow/spot summons are limited only to battle, so Guda can't use those for anything other that winning battles, why those are allowed in Moon Dubai while full summons aren't is something that hasn't been addressed.
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But why? she's gorgeous
Can confirm because I will roll for Lavi.
kill yourself slop poster
Not at all. I'd prefer looking at her back.
"FGO only" never understand Ordeal Call 3. As Type Moon fanboy, i love this story
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Yes. Guda fucked green Lala
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Am i wrong?
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Guda fucked Ciel
It's not at the level of something like Tunguska, but god do I not give a shit about most of the cast so a lot of it just falls flat for me
Oh well, it's better than nothing.
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READ Fate Extra and Tsukihime (Remake) and CCC.

Everything to play to FULLY understand Ordeal Call 3
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I don't think so, it's not amazing so far but chapter 14 was good and fun and Nasu might be able to keep things interesting in the third part.
not happening - fagsu
Nah fuck that.
No shit Augustus is a side character at best in western media in favor of Caesar, Anthony, and Cleopatra going all the way back to Shakespeare, and in modern times Liva, Tiberius, and fucking Claudius. Hardly surprising japs would be interested
*Hardly surprising japs wouldn't be interested
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Incoming Arcueid vs. Ciel fight...likely in Part 3 as the penultimate fight of OC3.
Type Moon boomer : This capter is so gooood Intersting and very fun

FGO only: Urrrrrrrr. boring
lmfao, lip getting shitting on would never be no funny
The nuisance Protea's talking about is BB Cosmos, who is intruding on the conversation between Lip and Protea.
This chapter literally about origin of Arche Type Earth and Fate Extra + Tsukihime Remake stuffs.

Some FGO fags hate this chapter. Because they haven't play other Type Moon games
No they didn't, only Kukukeks are in denial
Reading OC3 is a sobering experience. We have lived under the constant illusion that at least the touch of God can save this gachaslop from itself with the repeated hits of LB6, LB7 and Mahoyo collab.

But with this, it all comes crashing back down to reality.
Why are you copy pasting tweets?
i like it because i love my BB gang, but one specific welfare faggot, that got turned into a literal local jesus, ruining everything
It's easily the worst thing Nasu has done for the game, and that's really the only thing that matters.

It's a mess of ideas with characters that go nowhere and it has no cohesive tone, theme or plot.

Maybe read if you wanna hear Nasu ramble about AI.
Stop copy pasting tweets
>only Kukukeks
Gudapags too, desperate wanting their beta self-insert to get laid and lose his virginity
But we know the origin of Archetype Earth.
>manga that's about The Bachelorette but with historical figures as the men
This, too, is Fate's fault.
So happy this OC is exposing EXTRAfags as the shitstains they've always been since the start of the game.

They'll crash and burn with this OC and I'm here to see it
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>All of them look like shit except Hijikata and maybe Friedrich
That actually sounds like a fun premise to me but none of these guys look appealing
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Cao Cao isn't too bad either, but yeah, the rest look pretty uninspired
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any tips for olga quest? i dont have loop or stall teams
Was Artoria the only one that liked Merlin out of the round table knights?
So do we have an explanation for why the actual moon is visible in the background
Is Moon Dubai an artificial colony? Are we in a computer again?
henlo effgoge
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guda fucks this
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Goetia was the only Beast with ambition. Unironically Koyan was the only one who could have had ambition if her concept wasn't retarded as fuck. The rest were carried by plot armor and the Plot.
>U-Olga with a fraction of her power can freeze ORT in time effectively.
ORT was level 1.
Olga with all her power absorbing a dormant carcass of ORT is hardly impressive when Daybit fucked with it to comply his plan.
>This is just raw power from Draco.
No? She needed countless of timelines Chaldeas and wishes to get it. On the same amount of time (singularities) sweeped across of time as Goetia, with Goetia's needing to do it first or she'll have failed since was using the scar he caused.
Did you forget Beast VI being a City level enemy usually? Without Goetia feat buffing the copycat and Chaldea, Draco was a shitter.
>U olga fraction of her power freeze a level 1 Ort.
Full power U olga vs full power Ort when?
>And I should probably remind you of something: Draco does have conceptual immunity. BB's 10 crowns is her power originaly
Draco doesn't have ten crowns anymore. She has 7 or something.
Goetia does, though, for some reason. When he becomes the King of Humanity.
His sci-fi always sucked balls
>But Seraphix was fan favorite
lol no. MELT was a fan favorite and she carried that shit, and she's fan favorite due to the ballerina motif and not the AI shit.
>that cast
Hijikata is going to win.
No BB has conceptual Immunity

If Draco has the same power she'd have it listed in her stat sheet. They stopped giving beasts conceptual Immunity with Draco, and instead just said "she's first planetary tier power" as though that means anything. Every beast from Draco onward has lacked any sort of conceptual invincibility. Every beast before Draco had conceptual invincibility.

Based on fragments of Silver and blue novel, it's Manaka's Beast VI who has the same conceptual Immunity as BB, but definitely not Draco.
How do we know Draco doesn't have conceptual Immunity? The fact that we can fight her at all. Ten crowns is supposed to give dominion over humanity, so humans and anything with lower authority than it cannot oppose you at all as long as you have the ability. Literally if you can fight it at all, then it doesn't have ten crowns. Prototype novel said beast VI would be invincible if it could form its crown, but Arthur blasted it to death before it could fully form. Draco abandoned any sort of conceptual Immunity for just raw power, and gets wanked as first planetary class stronger than goetia.
>BB Cosmo meets Hakuno
>Immediately gets choked up, despite being a branch of BB that didn't inherit any of Sakura's memories
>It even starts playing the main theme of CCC
Guda absolutely fucking mogged beyond all belief
Go back turd
Goetia is weak anyway. He need to setup multiple singularities just to get enough power for his plan.
They don't play this game only shitpost.
Yeah, he basically going all out in this shit.
classic nasu bait and switch
But you faggot won't relevant again, lmao.
Worst thing he did with FGO are fusion characters who are twenty different things which ultimately amount to them being a giant nothing, and also.just syncretism in general. No concept is ever appreciated because it can only exist as a giant blob fused with a dozen other things. Characters who are three gods fused together, characters who are every single president, characters who are ten gods fused together, it's retarded.
>>Immediately gets choked up, despite being a branch of BB that didn't inherit any of Sakura's memories
The fuck are you talking about retard, BB's very being IS Sakura's memories. All BB's have them, but they feel more distant to our BB.
Sir, I don't understand your sentence.lmao
Sitonai is the absolute worst example of this.
no more extrashit, faggot.
He can't pierce anti purge but that's worthless for the player.
The real stuff is that he has a 0 CD card shuffle.
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But Fred2 is fucking gay
I'm so glad that Cagliostro isn't one of those shitty Servants.
Still hate his arts tho.
>5 nips
Nips really have this bad habit of overloading their rosters with nips when making these mythological/historical battle royale manga. Happened in Shuumatsu and Majo Taisen too.
Nasu was right in only allowing one nip in FSN.
So Traum was caused by Olga's grief in being experimented on?
Then was she experimented on on Earth or Chaldeas? That i don't get
wtf man. These stupid gags are actively ruining the story.
sexo con gato
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News Doko?
Subject E and Specimen E are different things
He's still shit regardless
That's a weird way to spell Shiki
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>nezha actually contribute
Shut up ryuko
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Please consider sex with the banana
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next summer for sure...
Damn I wish Ciel was at least THIS big in the servantverse.
The only good servant from her group already got her swimsuit
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Holy moly.
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>be larva draco
>have JETchad, kintoki, tiamat, tamamo, mash, enkidu and then I guess noah too against you
>they literally don't even scratch you and you get bored so you leave.
>Be adult draco
>needed grand king hassan (who could've stomped the lion king), grand noah, mash with lord camelot, grand/beast candidate proto merlin and arthur with 9 seals excalibur to ''get defeated''
>and even then you still don't die because you still survive and try to rebuild the whole testament world again in arcade and try to kill yourself for real in mobile.

Adult draco lineup was 10 times stronger than every other they brought against any other beast,
And even after that she didn't die.
Draco's only special ability is nega messiah, other than that it's just RAW power.
And she easily surpasses every other beast (maybe not eresh)
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Yeah sure, I wouldnt mind
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Do we have a Quetz schizo out of nowhere?
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>do we have a Quetz schizo out of nowhere?
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There's like 3 people in the world that like Quetz including her creator and me. Why would you start shit with us 3. On top of that, Quetz is more than most likely a "never ever again" case after that winter event that has been memory holed because of the controversy.
Maybe if they changed her artist. Manface uggo.
Rei Hiroe managed to make Nasu written servants flops, that's impressive
Never forget what Nasu took from (You).
He can keep that
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nobody cares about BB though
What is going on in this picture? What is this axe/gun, why is he making bread?
>HAGunon fucking Shota Ritsuka
Why tho...
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Japanese internet meme reference to a JAV.
Woman gets BDSM tied up but the guy ignores her by making soba.
The name of the AV is 職人と人妻~日本が誇る伝統の性技~. Code is JUC-497.
>What is this axe/gun
/alter/fag or a newfag that miraculously dodged Tez in-game?
What? There was a controversy?
Based cuck
I still can't spend money without an jp google play account right?
The irony by saying this.
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>OOC carpet muncher garbage
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hakunos gave us their blessings
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Eleven days to go!
IIRC there was a point earlier on where he was kinda consistent on the blob making a character linearly stronger at least - the Extra AEs were supposed to be worth some large number of normal Servants, the presidents needed to Katamari up to even be summonable, etc

Problem is that the powercreep has gotten so immeasurable that being three or ten gods or whatever barely comes up, and all the fusions like Sitonai or the apostles do nothing with their list of god names
Says a lot when fucking Kazuradrop/Muryan is one of the most relevant fusions, and currently it's just 1-2 lines in OC3 referring to some shit that happened offscreen
Never paid attention to that ugly design of a servant until now. And it turns out it was even more pants on the head retarded than it looked at a glance. I'm actually impressed.
That's the issue though
Sakura alter egos aren't meant to be the divine spirits, melt isn't meant to be Artemis, Lip isn't meant to be Parvati, they got some power from them but they don't exist to take the place of the divine spirits

Sitonai IS supposed tonne sitonai and four other goddesses, all of which are wasted
Tezcatitople is meant to be all four versions of Tezca rolled into one
Karen is Amor and Cupid rolled into one
Shirou is Muramasa and several other things at once
Medusa is now her own child, and she's also Athena, and several other things
Arjuna is 3 million Indian gods fused together except Kama
Edison is every president so they have an excuse to never add any of them

To figure out whether it's a problem ask yourself "does this basically make it impossible for the things they're fused with to ever become servants on their own now", if the answer is yes its bad
Ask yourself "did they waste an important figure or a bunch of important figures", if yes then it's bad
>6 scoops of ice cream
Oh no this is a tragedy in the making
Muramasa isn't fused with the other gods anymore, isn't he.
Which Lovecraft deity is she getting the power from?
Found the Kukukek
>Karen is Amor and Cupid rolled into one
>Medusa is now her own child, and she's also Athena, and several other things
I have no problem with that
I still believe Abby having panties was a case of censoring, this is the real canon design
Why does Nezha want to sleep with Abby?
Is this the mangaka talking creative liberties or Meteo is using the manga to add things he had to cut in the game?
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>damn, the CCC collab girls are doing pretty well after they got into FGO, can't wait to see what FSN illya gets
>who the fuck are sitonai and louhi anyways?
>man lb2 is kinda retarded and also she didn't even do anything besides one cg of herc, what are her powers beyond "summon thing that looks like herc" and "generic strong magic" anyways
>surely the event they're saving her for will explain things, especially since it's got lb2 gates around it

>learn nothing about louhi or freya in the event
>what do they mean by her feeling/smelling like an oni? it doesn't matter because she never interacts with that cast ever again
>entire event is bizarre rare instance of "fgo remembers that servants are technically different between summonings and that's sad" and the laziest "please clap" scenes in the entire game with gil's offscreen driveby shooting, instead of having her actually just talk to him or other FSN characters normally
>why was this even lb2 locked? was it to hide her calling herself illya in lb2? but it's fucking obvious and holmes says it at the end anyways

>read her mats later
>her louhi/freya skills are actual garbage, stuff like "this skill exists but does not appear in FGO. no description otherwise"
still salty, she didn't even get an ass-out ascension like ishtarin for fanart at the least, just three similar-looking ainu outfits
finally dressed appropriately for her age
>extraverse OC
>no Liz
Hopefully this means Liz Halloween is back this year.
Nasu should have written illya pseudo
unfortunately he doesn't care about her
I'm looking forward to Hakuno's shock upon getting to Chaldea and seeing like 7 Lizzes there when he only dealt with 1 at a time before.
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100% this is gonna happen. Kek.
>ruins Summer
thats not a hakuno
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>Even in dreams, there is no escape from Liz
>new Halloween event
>Hakuno decide to join and help you defeat Liz
>see all the other Liz
>homer hiding in the bushes.jpg
>Made Liz for (you) across 7 versions
>Will cuck (you) in the name of clap despite Shitkuno abandoning her in Extella
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So why are they still holding off from releasing the 3rd ascension? What else are they hiding? We already know that she's our BB that's just older. It's no longer a kazuhadrop red herring so what else is there to show?
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Anyone else feel like killing themselves right now?
If Draco is anything to go by, Wada will fuck up the third ascension anyway
Oh her christmas event had a bunch of kinnikuman gags and references they apparently didn't get permission to use or something else since Quetzs artist flat out said they couldnt rerun the event.
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Wow what a great day to NOT have an NP5 Melusine....ahaha...
I wonder who is behind this post?
There's nothing wrong with hugging your sister like this.
Not him but I am getting tired of Cuckco feeding the fire.
And the other 20 below it yeah
>entire event is bizarre rare instance of "fgo remembers that servants are technically different between summonings and that's sad"
In fairness it was the best handling of that the games done and them ignoring that fact constantly is retarded
melu ingame it's 4 you and she fucks with you in her valentines scene, it's just cucko seething in twitter since forever for some reason.
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>for some reason.
I think his TM handlers had a word with him regarding his waifufagging.
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Speaking of Percival
Its actually interesting how comically unpopular her is.

Its wild how much the other knights overshadow him
I don't get this choco stuff since I'm not a melufag. Is Percival supposed to be his self-insert or something?
Written by Sakurai to be a food joke.
He was pretty popular during LB6. It's just Sakurai turned him into a bland forgettable 1 note food gag.
Olga was experimented on in Chaldeas, but Traum seems to have been caused by the grief of the entire population of Chaldeas over their world being wiped out, with David Bluebook's death probably being the final impetus since he was the last survivor. That's how every servant summoned there could have a different master.
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someone should make some AI sloppa with chocos art style for a potential shitrame meltdown situtation again. just a food for thought
I don't understand. I am not really someone who likes Melusine a lot, but why would you do this? How is this ok?
>melu ingame it's 4 you
>and she fucks with you in her valentines scene
This fucking nigger..mm
Weird how his art suddenly became more shippy I wonder why
>enters your room with her casual clothes
>stars yapping about her foressen lover(you)
>oh no these clothes are too hot lemme change to my almost naked third ascencion
>let's get in yur bed teeh hee''
>oh no what happened it's the next day
>melu still there
>you are a hard sleeper ''heh''

not even shirou is this dense
So, what is the deal with this artist? I heard he/she had a meltdown or something?
Bedi is already the nice and normal guy in the group and Gawain is the handsome hunk, having a third stereotypical white knight didn't do him any favors.
And with not really pandering towards yumes or fujos either, it's no wonder most tend to forget about him.
Yawn he is here
I raugh
>Choco doing ship art
>Twitter BB art is just BBxHakuno
It's so fuarking over...
By the end of this game the only for (you) alive will be Mashu... That was the plan all along
AI can't do Choco's style well. I tried.
I'd rather die alone than be with Mashu
Some reaction is warranted, she's created from feelings for him by Sakura AI. This is the first time she meets the literal reason why she exists. She knows about the events of CCC because of BB/GO's memories. The important part is that Nasu gave BB the plot point where she'd eventually find her own love, which she did since that is why summer 3 happened.
Nice copy pasted cope.
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you need to try different pronpts, i don't do ai images but that's what AI fags say kek
Yeah just fanart and don't talk about it.
pronpts kek
>Twitter BB art is just BBxHakuno
There are 2 or 3 small pieces, most chibi shit. lmao
you WILL get a wagie ending
you WILL lose all your servants except Mashu
you WILL listen to Mashu's "boggart would do that for me" untily ou die
and you will be happy
Man who wanted everything dies with nothing.
It's over for Guda, bros...
Here lies Ritsuka, he never scored...
Well, this is a quick way to get people to despise you. Why would you not just use either Guda or Gudako for this?
The picture is called Melusine Dubai.
Percival is there as a stand in for the slaves/handyman dudes that are around BB Dubai.
That's it.
>Why are FGO fans so aggressive and spiteful over oldfags? I don't get it
Should just link anyone who asks this in the future this thread.
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>Man who wanted everything dies with nothing.
>It's over for Guda, bros...
>Here lies Ritsuka, he never scored...
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>copy pasted
I just wrote that. What about what I said is coping? I literally provided a screenshot proving it as well.
>when you find your own love that this what will happen
and it did, because that is why summer 3s plot happens.
I didn't read OC3 yet, did Hakuno really rizz up BB?
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and she got lioned
Trust me, I've tried. Some artists are hard to gen. Purin's and Choco's.
>>Twitter BB art is just BBxHakuno
It's a different case, BB wouldn't even exist without Hakuno
>By the end of this game the only for (you) alive
What happened to Mom?
Can't wait for Mashu's death (true)
So who are you losing next, /fgog/?
VNcucks are getting cocky, but it's good thing we all know how this ends.
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It's abundantly clear the majority of artists/players don't care about it. Ever since the release of part 2 of OC3, only 2-3 pieces of fan art have been created for that particular moment. You'd think Twitter would be flooding with fanart with how much the cuckposters were shitposting with it.
>the NIPS love it!
No, they don't because the majority are self-insertingfags just like the people here
Now I'm kinda glad Melon doesn't care enough about Bageko and would rather draw arknights fanart instead. You never know when they will betray you.
One day Takeuchi will draw cuc* stuff
I hate when they make Guda forget stuff. No mention of Muryan. No mention of big steaming dino pussy when talking about archetypes.
Take chamomile, it has nothing to do with what I wrote
Bro did you forget about Sakura?
That's not enough to make takeuchifans go crazy yet.
(You) are dying for her sake.
Guda is just plain dumb at this point
>it has nothing to do with what I wrote
True, it was more so to the anon you replied.
What the fuck? Didn’t excepted to see her fat ass here
Does this mean that Percy is a Melu simp that would serve her all the time and let himself be vored by her?
It means that he is her servant or buttler, but we prefer to shitpost here
They are brothers.
Not everything is a disgusting fetish, we already know that Percy is in love with Kundry
I only want 1 (ONE) thing and it's to die alone. Please Alaya don't make me suffer and get rid of Mashu.
>Melu is a man now
let's not pretend that CHOCO is not a shipcuck
I blame Fou for resurrecting Mashu.
I don't know where you think you're going to get by acting obtuse as fuck. The picture depicts intimacy. There is no point is acting if CHOCO had any other intention.
>enter thread
>see lots of new posts
>"I wonder what happened"
>see this
Truly not a surprise
He knows the future and wats to see you suffer
>His name is Lancelot
>he is married to a woman
Melu is a man
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>Mashu dies
>qualifies for either Heroic Spirit status or Guardian status
>back in Chaldea next week
Yeah, she isn't dying, it'd accomplish nothing in the long run.
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Seems that only the Kamafags won this year
Artoria to Takeuchi is like a flawless figure to be admired which is why he never draws her with Shirou or any other dude desu
>Mashu still have her powers now that she is a Heroic Spirit
>Epic of Remnants but with Mashu alongside us
It would have been much worse
Enjoy your 5* Mashu
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What's he thinking?
I wish all NRT-baiters would die. Cuckposting and trannyposting makes this fucking site nearly unusable.
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Just wait untill Uther gets in
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His comments and shit on left side of >>494492972 made people think he want people to waifu Melusine.
>God I wish I was holding Gala-kun
Can't wait to fuck my loli sister's cunny tonight
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>Guda makes it clear that guide he just met looks like someone he's seen before
>Guda straight up mentions how the dream about Earth was like the ones he had in LB7 and then asks Arc WHY she is named Archetype Earth implying he remembers the title from LB7
It's always people who don't read the story that think they are the smartest and most detail-oriented.
>the adaptation of the interlude proving Guda enjoys Kama's affection immensely
>Guda actually cries and breaks down when she dies (in virtual space)
Minase can be based sometimes
Player name Enough...
I thought CHOCO was on our side? What happened?
I don't feel bad for massive autists like you who still believe and pretend that falseflag was real.
I'm plenty happy with Melusine and random fan art and your spam hasn't changed anything.
You're just one of many losers who decided to invest his life in a failed endeavor called cuckposting. There's no saving you.
>dude food lmao
We already had a brief lore dump in LB7, retard. He makes no reference to having met an Archetype Earth of any sort before. The reference to his dreams is about the entire loredump of LB7 he got from Malla.
I need to stop being a gag servant
As long as Galahad exists in Fate Percival was always destined to be gag.
Mashu is annoying as fuck but are we really going to pretend that Ciel isn't like that too just because she's a relatively decent dps servant? Are (you) retards for real?
What? Who is pretending that? They even highlight in this chapter that Ciel and Galahad have the same type of aura to make a subtle jab that she and Mashu are clones.
I like Mashu more than Ciel though
something impossible, he already had his moment in LB6 so he will still be a gag character in side events like other servants
But that wasn't even him...
What?, I thought Mashu was the Kouhai type like Ciel was the Senpai type.
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i don't care
they are the "super pure perfect girl into you" essence
after you're dying, never lmao.
>missing the point
Retardbros, this is the same shit as BB Dubai with her men serving her.
Like, it's not that fucking hard to get it.
>fanatical christcuck
>super pure perfect girl
>Associated heavily with the color red
>He's the young knight of the round table, the younger brother of the round table, the young innicent knight of "almost" purity who got close to completing the grail quest but ultimately it has to be Galahad, since Perciviel was still slightly imperfect
>Sakurai makes him the exact opposite
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Everyone knows that, it's just the schizo doing his comedy routine.
>Perciviels valentine's
>Give him chocolate
>Hey I fucked a witch once
>You should totally set me up with Melusine, I think she's into me
>I think his TM handlers had a word with him regarding his waifufagging.
Just give up, kizu.
If BB dubai had official art of her being held like that by random men I would burn her on the spot
LB6 Percival and PHH/Chaldea Percival are literally differents, and humans from LB6 permanently dies as if they were pruned. Why is this so hard to get?
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I don't believe you, after all you still have your grailed Melusines in your team because you can't clear high level nodes with Ushi Gozen.
Wada is not retarded enough to draw that unlike Choco.
Ushi hits pretty hard tho
No retard. I simply borrow a np5 bond 15 append 5 god arjuna when I struggle.
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Struck a nerve with that one, huh?
Nah, they fused because of Chaldea's Bullshit summon system, just like Anastasia can have Viy's power or Ivan with his Mamoth.
I forgot to login 3 days in a row again.
I don't even have Raikou or ugly gozen.
I am using Melu as a tool in gameplay just like how her beloved Aurora used her, since clearly she's still in love with the disgusting horrible woman who abused her emotionally, gaslighted her and used her as an attack dog, yet Melu still want her the most.
So sure. I'll use her as attack dog in this shit game untill I can finally be free from the sunk cost, which is in about a year and 3 months.
Percival doesn't know about Melusine and only hang out with her because she remember her little adoptive brother, and Gareth definetly doesn't remember anything as her Ainsel persona, because they are different.
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>He makes no reference to having met an Archetype Earth of any sort before
He has never met an Archetype Earth, he met Ixquic but Kukulkan said it'd be more correct to refer to her as Archetype Meta-Earth, he doesn't ask Arc what an Archetype is, he asks why Arc IS the Archetype, that itself means he knows what the title entails and wants to know how it relates to the timeline he's in, and I'm not going to entertain your nonsense anymore.
Sure thing anon, sure thing, your daily dose of vitamins are here by the way.
Which one?
Mom said it was my turn to cuckpost a popular servant!
Wada drew a lot of Shipshit in her artbook and Raita is even worse
Such as?
And on a slightly different note, I can already see Cityfags in for a rude awakening one day. Nasu is currently giving her a little pandering but I know a lot of official artists still pair her exclusively with Montezuma. I can already see how that's going to go eventually. You never want to latch onto a girl who has a shipping pairing already lined up.
City already went full whore traitor in her SWIMSUIT this OC
At least her bond CE is about (You), unlike Melusine.
I can see you up for a rude awakening whenever your mother dies and you won't be able to shitpost for a living anymore, raikouschizo.
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I dont think normal people actually care about this shit and some of you just have a cuck fetish you project onto others
Nero is for Gil?
My BB is for Nero?
Does that mean Gil is fucking them both????
People shouldn't take videogames seriously at all.
Make that fiction in general desu
You dont get it. This fictional character has to love only me
Basically, his daily life has encountered it, so he has to project his daily fetish onto fgog?
this but unironically
can we go one thread without cuckposting?
>two characters standing side by side
>scantily clad girl being held and hugged by man in suit who is smirking
Also yeah BB would have a threesome with Bride and Hakuno its no secret she would
Absolutely impossible. It is already his daily routine
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When reality is as a bleak as it is nowadays, people will fight tooth and nail for their escapism. Both sides of the spectrum.
Can raikouschizo live without 4chan? The answer is no, so no.
Pathetic that he even tries to push the blame on others when self insert GODS never even bring up this retarded shit in the first place.
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Lol. Her artist doesn't have twitter and Izcalli is never becoming playable.
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persona non grata
Bro, just admit you fucking misremembered the scene.
and now moved to the other shit
All of my favorites are for (me) because i want to have sex with them
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tu, di sicuro
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>Melusine again
Wow how original, how fgog has turned from BB to melusine again
Btw post more AI draco thanks
Non provate a parlare in italiano che non riuscite tanto diocan state zitti e bast
What's THE image that broke /effgeeohgee/?
Normal people don't play Japanese waifu games to begin with, you fucking fraud. Stop appealing to normalcy whenever you're losing an argument. It's like playing FSN and crying "normal people don't play eroge, normal people don't jack off to prove, normal people don't go down routes and experience each girl and and their storyline and spend years being obsessed about an old eroge game about fucking king Arthur's pussy, you're all not normal, you're freaks, only freaks would have 2D waifus, this isn't normal". Yes no shit you stupid fucking retard, a normal person wouldn't be here, which is why this argument falls flat every fucking time you use it daily whenever you're crying about how you hate waifus, it's a retarded argument to being up in a thread about a series that started as an eroge game about waifus. No shit normalfags don't play FSN, it's not for them and unironically it isn't for you either.
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Seems you are having fun
"persona non grata" is a latin phrase ignorant retard
Ok, but why are you posting this in the general for a japanese game rather than the thread for a chinese one?
She broke fgogcucks
It was over from the start...
Hey kizu, didn't I see you posting gay porn yesterday? What's that all about? You going to do that here and on /alter/ if not enough people take your bait?
i HATE it
Please don't reply to me you're very weird im not even the person you're thinking of
Normal people post here sometimes to remind you what your pitiful life have been reduced to. Worse, they have the right to laugh and shit on you.
Si palese lo stavi dicendo in latino vivi nel vaticano anche
I got a memento mori tattoo
that counts?
The Kiara reveal
normal people never touch 4chan, thinking that we are all hitlers that eat kids
and we don't?
Nta but BB’s a 1:1 copy so she’s going to have those memories regardless.
I ask for forgiveness + you're forgiven then
Normal people don't even know 4chan exist at all.
Normal people are busy having social lives and sex to even know about us.
carpe diem
No way playable Hakuno is keeping the 0CD card shuffle.
i eat niggers, they arent human, so it's a lie
fgog won't realise that this is actually referencing LB6, one of the chapters from fgo part 2
Damn, they really want the Genshin audience.
He really is just replying to it over and over to pretend its a big deal. You're mentally ill.
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does anyone have a draco eating popcorns fanart because fgog is hilarious
It costs 10% np gauge and his np is buster aoe, there's no real problem with him keeping it.
So, what are they waiting for sending Choco death threats for his shipfaggotry?
It consumes 10% NP each use so it's fine.
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What's the point of Jinako?
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Hey janny it only took you 3 hours to delete the post
Work harder you bitch
Schizo BTFO again over GudaBB not having art too. What a day.
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appeal certain people?
For tummy bullying
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Another victory for the BBfag.
Is there anyone that can defeat him?
>It got deleted
>But not all the replies, meaning we can now tell which ones were raikouschizo
Good job janny, counting them up... 12 replies were him.
LMAO 12 times replied to himself with the same IP. What a schizo.
>posting lb6 fanart gets your post deleted
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all me
>more battles with forced servants
>more sandworms
Oh, I hate this.
Sanest Melufag.
Im actually shocked they killed her off because Karna came back
Feels like the sort of thing Nasu would have made you CLAP
Being a serial ban evader that only lives to cuckpost gets you deleted yeah. You provide nothing to any thread, any life, but worthless cuckposting. You don't belong here.
meanwhile in japan
>Is there anyone that can defeat him?
that's not how it works dumbass
Nasu wants to mindbreak Y.Aoi.
I've never trolled in this thread. I'm just laughing at how harmless fanart makes everyone lose their minds.
You weren't supposed to point that out
>Jannu just an heroes offscreen
>Karna is a no-show because ???
>Kazura got dealt with already
This chapter is just odd.
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draco love btw
just change waifu
Fuck off already.
screw off
>peru time
>Jianko that isn’t fat
Post more
Tongue my anus, spic.
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She won
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I'm just laughing like the other guy at how hard you guys get mad at non canon fanarts
y'all need to grow the fuck up, you are adults
Yep yep.
I can handle her.
Suzuka LOVE.
Sorry Kazu/Takenoko. I WILL misunderstand!
that's the only decent I have
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If I don't like it = non canon
If I like it = canon
We’ll see when wada starts drawing Draco getting all blushy with the Hakus KEK
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Both must be at the bottom.
She was a neet who inherited money and had trouble finding meaning in her life and was afraid of death, her character arc is a perfect fit for the ruler of the area in Moon Dubai where the immortal AIs that actually work are stationed and it shows in her relationship with Hasara, Chaldea needed an ally and base somewhere that wasn't too far from their own value system, also her willingness to sacrifice herself for Anthony is similar to how Gatou died to save her in CCC, and Hakuno pointed out Jinako and Astolfo didn't show back up when Percy, Barti and Nikitch did so there's still more to her presence in the story.
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sorry guys
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>We’ll see when wada starts drawing Draco getting all blushy with the Hakus KEK
bro OC3 was the chance for this to happen
There's not a single trace of draco so no it won't happen
but even if it will i won't care
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Alters keep getting weirder and weirder.
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>We’ll see when wada starts drawing Draco getting all blushy with the Hakus KEK
Cucks still waiting for the chance to cuck her but they FAIL EVERYTIME
>The post gets deleted
>It was mostly samefagging from the schizo
>Retards now attributing it to "people getting mad"
I don't get it, are you pretending to be retarded to attribute raikouschizo actions on others?
i kneel
I'm sure peruvians aren't white
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Holy SHIT who cares where's Jack alt?
BBspic must be an honorary white in the eyes of Gudafags lmao
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she's ready to be a mom
me on the right
On its surface she's the first fujoshi character in Fate, and she's drawn accurately for her role
On a deeper level she's someone who fears death and is unable to live a normal life because of it, unable to leave her room, she lacks the courage to live to begin with after her family all died.
The speech gatou gives to her in CCC feels like one of the more important moments in the game for Nasu. It served a point for the theme of CCC.
NTA but the LB6 shitposting really was all by him, kizu was just a scapegoat
It sucks that this place has been compromised for quite a while, even worse with OC 3 dropping.
>t. Walid
I love how the schizo is trying to make people to put the BBspic in the same pedestal as him lmao
>for quite a while
It's been a while since Halloween 2015.
When your vanillabro the bbcuck post his LOL
So it was you arguing again to protect yourself. Figures.
>speaking about yourself in third person
There were periods of peace but honestly now it’s becoming unbearable. Doesn’t help that there’s barely any GudaSaba frens left.
People argue about it, but based on the description in LB7 all alters to date functionally make sense. To become an alter you must betray whatever you value the most, or what makes up the core of your beliefs.

Saber gave up on being an ideal king, and became a tyrant
Jeanne is no longer the holy maiden, but an edgy anti social unfaithful type
Beni enma gave up her role as a story for children a hero for children, by growing into an adult
Nitocris gave up her heart, for Egyptians you need your heart intact in death so you may be judged to get into the afterlife, she rejected it
Kingprotea gave up her love for humans
Cuzillw gave up his freedom, becoming bound to the curse of "becoming a king", as alter he became obsessed with acting in the most warped ideal of becoming a king as he could, which shows just how negatively he sees being a ruler. For him he chose to become a king of battle who rules over corpses on the battlefield along, he only knows himself to be the ruler when no one else is left
Emiya gave up his sense of justice and ideals

Ultimately 90% it fits so far
Hello, BBspic. No matter how much you want to deny it, your skin color will be always the same.
We've been victims of a deranged retard and his cuckposting spam for more than a year now. And now we also have retards from outside the generals coming in and giving their dumbass opinion about shit they've no idea of
>Reality: Just the schizo
Always like this, I swear.
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>>speaking about yourself in third person
Case in point, the BBspic can fuck off but you're easily the biggest cancer in here
Whatever you say, BBspic.
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Your spic friend is even more of a cancer lol
>blatant avatarfagging
>blatant cuckposting
>cannot stop bringing his drama about twitter/discord/ecelebs
But of course, he is a 'gudabro', so he have a free pass for his shitposts.
Mientras tanto en Peru
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Musashi if real.
Beast Eresh rerun next week?
Alter owns this place.
Unrelated but the things I would do to Elena's ass would turn it into a pure white ass after I am finish with it.
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Biggest problem with jinako is FGO ironically super gimped her breasts
She was fat as fuck but at least she was just as huge in other proportional areas in CCC
FGO took away all the stuff that made up for her being fat.

Official art
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Funny how you have Guda or Hakunon, who have saved the world many times.
Then, you have Shirou, a sad attempt of a hero of justice which greatest feat is "beating" a severely weakened Gilgamesh who never took him seriously.
You sure proved us wrong by posting your off-topic garbage.
You have no opinion, tourist.
I know but I feel that it’s gotten much worse this time but maybe I’m just thinking that way with OC 3 finally available and he has more material to cuckpost with. There are those that also try to rub salt in the wounds too.
my power is eternal
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Heard (you) got gucked by (you)rself, what's that about?
Also since people were talking about Agravian and the round table, just a reminder that the entire reason Camelot fell is because Merlin never taught Artoria about girl on girl sex.
More than a year? You mean since 2021, right?
Not really, Extra servants were never for Guda.
They haven't banned your peruvian friend for overbreaking the rules. I'll be here remarking him how much of an unwelcome failure he is until his death. If you are him, off yourself.
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Was he mentally broken from Ushi Gozen's role in SR and it's event equivalent? If Raikou was the most wanked character to this day in some other timeline, would he still shit on other characters?
Based desu
>Tamamo's whole thing in Extra is that she'll love and be the wife of whoever summons her
>if you speak against this, she basically calls you a retard faggot and you lock yourself out of clearing her
>in future appearances, she is now devoted to Hakunon
just HOW good is Hakunon's futa cock...
Yep, you don't belong here.
Keep saying your worthless babble.
Kazura can basically remote control AI she insect eats, she's lurking somewhere else
nta but im really hungry for some fresh Raita's bananas, bros. When is next raita servant?
Rome is cuc-
Bangladesh is partner with cuc-fag
Peru is BB
Am right? It's time to hunt them down
I just realized isnt ruler moriarty like one of the servants whos gone the longes without a rate up, or up there atleast
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>Sea of deletes
Jesus what the fuck happened while I was gone.
Lovecraft killed Bluebook
The usual cuckposting
Last thread was already one of the worst I've seen and the next one is shaping out to surpass it even further.
Sorry georgie your BBspic persona won't get me hooked into participating.
Gotta say kudos to the long game though.
who cares. i need some new banana tits
>only 61 replies
I have seen more
Damn don't take it personality
Didn't he have a mental breakdown when BB recognized Hakuno?
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>Post not found
Damn, okay I guess.
use b4k
Are there any room lines for hakuno?
I blame Choco for this
Hakuno is not summonable yet
I hope its a sign that a mod is on his ass.
It's abundantly clear it's 2 people, i find it absolutely hilarious watch them duking it out, it's like watching two tumors trying to override the other
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Why are oldfags so bitter and malicious? They literally got a remake of Tsuki and Extra and more FSN related content thanks to FGO.
They should realize that FGO is the main work of Nasu and be grateful for its existence.
No because I already knew that BB has memories of the Hakus but the way how she reacted gave me a grave premonition that GudaBB’s writing on the wall. I hope I’m wrong but given the reception by JP fans, it’s becoming a giant landmine for me. What I learned is to never support others GudaSaba pairing that won’t support mine. Simple as.
>No? She needed countless of timelines
No she needed that to mature. She already has that even as a larvae. We're not talking about what they needed for power, but the power they can use after the fact.
Yeah, she did what he did with far greater ease. Don't see any issues.
>No BB has conceptual Immunity
BB's immunity comes from Draco. You can play CCC.
>The fact that we can fight her at all.
Nope. Remember that you can also fight BB in CCC. What you need is power of an equivalent rank or everything you do gets event rejected. Nothing worked on Draco before Excalibur showed up.
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Man, I just want to see Galahad and Marisbury in the story for once.
2 more weeks
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So any chance shes NOT the final boss?
Your ass is perpetually mine, plotcuck.
Nasu?? Finish your damn plot.
they are too scared to shill Lip. Do you think they have balls to shill a loli?
threads are gonna get nuclear if Hakuno interacts with Melt
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What if my ass is full of shit, yeah? Will it still be yours?
Make me, plotsissy.
December 2025.....
Only ozzy will
>Inb4 hakuno room lines release and it reveals he's all over the gudapussy/gudadick as well
that would be fucked up
you bow down to Takeuchi and his whims, Nasu
you can't do anything that he doesn't allow, your precious Passionlip will never win anything
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I'm 50% sure that Guda will get some kind of power up for Part 3 because I'm 90% sure Chaldea wil be destroyed at the end of Part 2.
Guda would be arts
Yes, by the power of his love for Mashu.
weird way to spell "quick"
I'm glad i 120 my Bob
Hopefully CHALDEAS will win at the end of part 2. Fuck gods. Fuck aliens. And fuck extra classes.
No, other fans too. Maybe they deserve to eat the shit that I’m eating and so how they like it.
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>And fuck extra classes.
every night
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Finally, a fartoria I can get to like.
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Delete [THIS]
OC4 trust the plan
>LB5.2 came and all his headcanons of Zeus VS Raikou got destroyed because Sakurai killed her before the chapter even starts. Raikou jobbed. Again.
On one hand, kek, on the other hand, if Sakurai wasn't a fucking hack for that chapter, I'd assume Tesla and maybe Edison would've been there for the Zeus fight at the end of the chapter.
We need Jannuwank, she is one of the most famous warrior women in history and a saint revered all over the world.
Possibly this will happen in OC4, Jannu alter's words in the OC2 finale give us hope
>Defender of the Capital A+++
What are the effects of this skill?
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That's an archer though
I miss Melvin
You didn't even read that post
She didn't get her concept immunity from Draco, she got it from beast VI, big difference, there are four beast VI's. Draco doesn't have the conceptual Immunity in her profile, which means the one she got it from was Manaka's Beast VI

Everything else you said was addressed in the post which is why you didn't read it
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Canon and cute
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>He only came back when Samurai Remnant was released
God, what an awful time, though you could see which were his posts very clearly.
Olympus was horribly written, we know this. Any idiot could have taken elements from the story and written something better most likely.
It’s honestly embarrassing how she jobbed to Yoshinaka since they keep hyping up how she’s the strongest Minamoto.
Personally, i treat anything written by sakurai as fanfics, because that's exactly what it is.
A crazy roastie literally has to swallow Nasu's cum for years in exchange for ability to inject her cuckold fantasies into a gacha story and just ruin anything she touches. And nobody cares because Nasu treats this kusoge only as a source of money to milk.
janny where can I complain about you?
Same, if I don't like it it's a fanfic
Then, let's keep hoping she doesn't show up. And that if she does, it's only to interact with Guda, Lip, and BB for a few scenes. Then again, if Lip is dead, dead, it would look bad for her to join the OC this late.
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REMINDER: the georgie moniker came about because he apparently put his personal data in a google doc with that name in it, got so bad he went to cry about it to the jannies and mods, keeps saying it was all bait but nobody cares since people calls him that to mock him about it regardless
>FGO Part 2 is ending next year
>still no clue of what the *real* Alien God wants
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>You now remember Ushi Gozen being forced down on her knees
>lorekek babble
Who doesn't hate Foxtail or Takenoko though? Ruined previous year's summer.
Tell me then
You lost.
I don't fucking get sakurai
Her stuff pre-FGO was actually decent yet the moment you put her in this she shits the bed so badly she contracted the menopause: to note the only noteworthy chapter she made that was actually good was OC2 and only because the overall setting and characters are very hard to fuck up and nasu had a major hand in it
No, fuck off with your cuckposting.
The Mooncancer class seems incompatible with the human order so I expect it to end up like the Avenger.
Any opposing theories about this?
How so?
Forgot to mention the following;
He posted a Google doc about how Raikou is strong or something. This exposed his name; Georgie May.

He exposed his timezone when an anon called him out for samefagging and he posted a phone screenshot. It was UTC+7. He's either a Russian or SEA.

He uses proxies to ban evade as told by the mod in this pic. >>494513239
None except for the fact that OCs were clearly not written to be consistent with one another. They're just personal author chapters that can bend either way. In truth it would make perfect sense for Mooncancer to get filtered, but then again, Alter Ego didn't.
>There's not a single trace of draco so no it won't happen
There's also not a single trace of any other Extra character beyond Hakuno and (most of) the Sakura Five
Given that the subject matter is the end of humanity, I'd expect Gilgamesh to at least make a cameo appearance, though I also imagine Hakuno's animations are a handwave for any of the Extraverse servants showing up in person.
You will die before you get to know all the lore
Try your luck with the Feedback trash compactor down below.
Hot tip: Anything besides Range ban matters is not read. The other categories are there for decoration.
Alterego seems like a fairly harmless and almost necessary class
Moon Cancer conceptually has the same origin as Avenger as an "enemy of humanity," so I can't imagine Alaya's going to let it through.
OC3 seems to be alluding to that possibility, given that there's no parameters or requirements to even appear as the class, literally anyone can have their saint graph modified to Moon Cancer without any further side-effects as long as they ask the original one. Given the fact that "Moon Cancer" was a completely made-up term to begin with, the fact that it's appeared as a class at all to the extent that characters outside of BB can manifest as it is a bit bizarre.
Nah. I'd live.

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