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A thread for discussing all things Atelier and Gust.

Gust PC games:

[March 21, 2025] Atelier Yumia: The Alchemist of Memories & the Envisioned Land
-Website: https://atelier.games/yumia/us/
-Announcement Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6Tps0iGizA
-First Look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSE-Vq_b3gg
-Steam Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3123410/Atelier_Yumia_The_Alchemist_of_Memories__the_Envisioned_Land/
[September 13 - September 24, 2024] Crimson and Azure Blades - LEGEND FES ((Linca/Juna))
[September 6 – September 16, 2024] The Halloween 2024 - LEGEND FES (((Plachta)))
3000 gem event for linking your account to d*scord: https://files.catbox.moe/fr0y9r.png

System guide for Resna: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixgzPZMbatE

Resna visual guide and JP banner list:

Resna starter guide:

Previous thread: >>493353450
sex with Nina
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macaroni noises
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This is early design of Isla before they noticed concord not doing well, with Black girl with dreadlock and wakanda like ornaments. But changed to ginger white. Victor supposed to have killmonger hair in early development as well. If Bamco was in charge of this, Duerers would have been ugly black characters with Wakanda design.. wait, Yumia's VA is named Wakanda tho.,
that's crazy that they were able to completely redesign two characters in the 4 days between Concord's launch and the first Yumia trailer.
Her hairstyle has vestige of dreadlocks and that's how I presumed that.
I'm not sure you know what a dreadlock is, what an atelier game is, what a black person is, I'm surprised you are even able to type on a keyboard desu
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I thought her twintail as dreadlock in this screenshot. If it was Bamco, she would have been black wakanda warrior.
New Linca is sexo and I like her in my fire team.
tbqh that design actually looks cool and I want be bothered by that unless its presented too blatantly
hide yo dogs
hide yo cats
Wakanda forever!! And Yumia's VA's name is Wakanda too.
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Brutal. I asked for Mana to be added to Resleri in one of the surveys. She probably won't though because spoilers.
>lolidom within Totori and Meruru final bosses
Lulua was such a wild game
Why do all my mobile ads in resna advertise games that 'prevent alzheimers'
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My last ever free daily wish and I went out on top. I’ll cherish this one forever lads
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Your account is blessed.
Alchemy is likely derived from ayys (as evidenced as it being an alchemist who taught people how to use the LCD Panels) and they fucking disappeared

Alchemists literally caused the end of the world.

Materials are actually sentient. Sure, they supposedly want to become items, but only the most proficient can hear them. So basically, a majority of alchemists are twisting sentient beings into whatever they want with no input from them.

Alchemists caused the end of TWO worlds.

Based on the trailers it is implied a calamity happened due to alchemy, causing it to be taboo

So like, have we considered that maybe we just shouldn't alchemy?
Where's the fun in that?
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have lulua send you in to a dimension where i give a fuck
Man, auto fucking sucks balls. How the hell is a 26k team failing Creature's Paradise risk 3?
Did you synth up your meds today anon? This kind of schizo isn't looked upon too kindly in these neck of the woods.
>Materials are actually sentient. Sure, they supposedly want to become items, but only the most proficient can hear them
No they're not. The experts there just refined their intuition to the point they're hearing voices that aren't there which does seem to have an actual historical basis in craftsmen. Who aside from Oskar, Sophie, Firis and the twins even claim to hear materials? Plachta, Ramizel, Dio, Lucia and the Luards don't hear them and the ones that do had fairly strong childhood complexes to deal with aside from Oskar who's just a giant goofball.
I swear these dungeons are completely overtuned. Realy dumb how perfect you have to play to even clear them most of the time.
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>my own clone!
>none of us will be virgins anymore
these two new dungeons are fucking awful
I thought Isla was black in early development for having dreadlock like hair.
There are two types of death, and likely more.
One is mortal, and inconsequential.
The other is the death of a God.
Alchemy, that will, is worth any price. Man without the will are either men and men are then base or they are not men at all.
Please take your meds and stop trying to turn gingers into blacks. Not everything is bleeding /pol/ and learn the difference between a dreadlock and a regular old of hair.
Was period between blue protocol's EoS and Yumia announcement not that long either?
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Which swimsuit will Yumia wear, bikini like chad Ryza, or one pieced swimsuit like toddler Resna?
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you vill eat ze bugs
My last free roll is complete: Linca
Sad to see it go as I enjoyed watching the animation each day, but unfortunately many people complained about them.
Dusk 4 please, I want more Hidari art
Id swear blue Lulua have fucked Aurel during her first chapters and probably got raped by Eva too and so then raped Refle
Domt have the comparison picture here but everyone there was just more honest with their feelings. It seems like a better Arland overall
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I had a dream a new trailer dropped that said Yumia is dating both siblings. In the game, you choose which she ends up with.
Yumia isn't the type of harlot that'd sex up siblings in secret without the other knowing and be perfectly fine about doing so! She's not Resna!
Can anyone help me with 13-3? I don't have Klaudia or Rorona and can't push out the damage with my Logy like our fellow LogyGOD.
I posted a really detailed Christmas Resna clear. You need Christmas Resna, ice Klaudia, Flocke, Totori, and Lydie I think was the last one? Do you have all of those? They probably aren't all mandatory but ice Klaudia definitely is for my setup. If not someone posted a bunch of clears that show how to take advantage of Tranquil Salves/Grass Beans that makes it pretty easy.
I have to head out, but I can try to figure something out later if you have all the phy meta units besides Rorona(Empel, DLydie, Slash Ryza)
>They are actually just schizos

Congrats, that is one I haven't heard before.
There's a change in tone from Rorona to Totori. Atelier Rorona has a really carefree vibe while Totori has to fucking go to work. It's one of the reasons I recommend playing Totori first.
No Klaudia as I said in my post.
I do have those three yes.
The irony considering Rorona is literally about working and Totori is about going on an adventure.
I thought you meant bolt Klaudia who would be a lot better than ice Klaudia in that spot but I don't have her either.
I don't have the time to play test it right now but I think what you want to do is use a Tranquil Salve with the character who moves right before Logy on turn 1, and then set up a burst with him on turn 3. Prioritize taking the girl out first with your debuffs.
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I promise that this will be the last image of Blue Reflection characters in underwear...at least in a long time. Also, a clipping issue (Rika's hair is through her body)...recent games developed by Gust sitll have clipping issues. The more time passes, the more it seems that clipping is something that will never be fixed, it's something that either can't be fixed, or it's *very* difficult to fix...
Atelier Meruru? Too lewd? I haven't played that game but I can say for sure that that isn't the case...''too lewd'' could describe other games developed by Gust, maybe Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon and Ar nosurge for example, but not Atelier Meruru.
Why is there a brown flattie?
She's Kei Narimiya, the sportiest girl in the game. It's never mentioned if she's ''genuinely'' a person of color or if, like Nagatoro, she's tanned and her brown skin is actually a result of the outdoor activities she does, after all she's a sporty girl. In any case, it doesn't matter and yeah, she's the character with the darkest skin in the game. She's great.
Resna in lingerie when
don't stop, post more!
kei is high tier
There are a lot of people that consider Meruru the best in the series for a reason, even though Meruru herself isn't as popular. It combines the best aspects of Rorona and Totori. Gameplay flow/exploration is more similar to Totori but less demanding. The map is a lot smaller but it gets extra depth because locations change based on your actions, for example clearing forest to make farmland.
if you're having trouble surviving in the new creature's paradise dungeon, try using goddess shield on a tank with taunt. the buff will never get consumed and you get free 30% damage reduction bonus. be careful though, the boss can remove buffs if you take too long
>there's an atelier general now
Neat! I really love Sophie, that's all.
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Never. Blue Reflection was released in 2017 and scenes like that image above might be things that Sony wouldn't allow today. Female characters wearing lingerie, that's something that Sony might not allow nowadays. There are some examples of games developed by Gust that are more shameless when it comes to fanservice (very revealing outfits, underwear and pantyshots etc), but yeah, games like Blue Reflection, Ar nosurge and Ar Tonelico Qoga are games that miht have trouble getting approved without issiues nowadays, so, Resna wearing only underwear or a *very* reavealing outfit (on par with Nights of Azure 2 or a Senran Kagura game), yeah, that won't happen.
>kei is high tier
Indeed she is. But yeah, I won't post more of those images for now, with the last thread and this one, it's enough for now. I can't deny that the Blue Reflection girls are beautiful though, on par with the girls of Atelier and Nights of Azure or even better.
Well, I would Say that Sony and Microsoft to a lesser extent, impose all that unnecessary censorship because of morality reasons, yes, if we talk about all those niche games that have been affected, Neptunia, Omega Labyrinth, Mary Skelter, Conception Plus etc, we are talking about games that sell maybe less than 400,000 copies worldwide *at best*, so, not only they might have the idea of ''those games have low sales, so, who cares'', they may also think ''we know very well that the censorship of the games affected will negatively impact the sales of those games, but we believe we are doing the right thing, and we won't stop''...it's basically because of morality reasons or some kind of moral stand. Imposing censorship that negatively impacts sales is stupid but they do it because the games affected ''don't matter'' and because they think it's the right think to do. Also, because of money, with people saying that allowing an uncensored release of Omega Labyrinth Z in the west might result in more negative press than censoring the game...maybe, but I'm not totally convinced.

At least we can be sure that the Atelier games that were already tame compared to other franchises haven't been affected by the new standards and/or policies...right? At worst, the new standards have barely affected the Atelier games, but other series such as Neptunia and Mary Skelter were not so lucky...I'll shut up now.
kill all americans
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Will atelier Yumia have bikinis? Kishida banned the bikinis from Japanese console game, as we can see from DQ3R(yet there are too much sweet baby slaves who pre order this censored garbage according to amazon rank).
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did firis rename the yuggel forest??
Having good buffers and debuffers is so much more important than having good attackers in this game
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My cute Linca deserves an SSR double peace sign!
Mostly the same salve strategy with Ruven, replacing Rorona and Lydie with BResna and Linca.

I decided to replace DLydie with Linca because we don't need Lydie's item recharge here and she never uses her skill 2 when it matters so she's effectively contributing no damage. Linca's leadership skill actually gives Ruven some damage.

No guaranteed crits here so you'll have to roll for them.

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do some cole missions so you can buy research you nutjob.
you ever think of Lydie and Suelle in a hot tub together and there's barely any room so they are pressed together side to side with their little flat chests and stomachs lined up right next to each other and beads of water glistening on their bare skin? I wouldn't think of something like that, I'm not a pervert.
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Well, at least they'll stop being virgins at 51 and 36 years of age respectively.
>sequelbait Ryza 3 sequel with possible apprentice
>next atelier is most likely completely unrelated to Ryza
Were you jubilant or disappointed?
Ryza will get her 4th so I’m not really worried. Glad they didn’t do them four in a row honestly
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More like Kishida Fumiko(same surname as Kishida Mel..) banning bikinis from Japanese console game since 2023. Yumia won't have bikini as swimsuit dlc.
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Aurel is so lucky
I need time to think about it honestly
I'm more than happy to leave Secret behind. I liked the trilogy, but they can't (shouldn't) just milk it forever. Tbh, I don't even think Ryza should've had 3 games. Should've been changing protags like normal, or since she made all the money 2 with the 3rd introducing an apprentice.
I would have killed for Atelier Empel
Bad luck on my roulette (needed 90 got 70) means I will hit 3k tomorrow. I’ll roll for Fire Linca 20 times so feeling good. Also gets me just 9k gems away from spark. Assuming no new Totori alt announced between now and then I’ll finally get my Gyaru on.
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westerners are so evil
resna can't triforce
West didn't ban bikinis. See BG3 having bikini armor called angelic scion. Kishida banned bikinis from Japanese anime and console games after July 2022. Kishida Femio is evil. Ishiba Shigeru and Kono Taro shall not be the PM.. for these 2 are feminists too. Their pronouns would be they/them(for mocking them).
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doing lewd things with linca in her sun outfit
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13-2 was rough and I was close to making a Marie/Keithgrff Burst into Ryza Burst work but couldn't get enough stun damage without losing too much attack power. Made it through 13-3 easily thanks to the Salve advice anons gave (not the one who asked though).
>Walther casually sticking it inside Ayesha
How cruel and Lewd!
What a Yummy smile!
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I WILL comb her hair. That errant strand will not survive
and these are because of western influence. the source of poison spreads
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Did they fix her chin or is just me?
The 1 shot was just a bad angle for her kek
And then anons made some funny edits where it continued to get longer and longer
If I die someone please tell my parents it was because a chocolate girl with huge boobs smothered me to death with her breasts
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>eat bugs
>pet monsters
this chapter in a nutshell
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I didn’t get my crit damage. Sorry Ryza.
No, the West loves when women dress like whores. They just want them to be fat trannies also. Censorship of sexual content is usually for the Chinese market.
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Sometimes you just know
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More like Kishida Fumiko's censorship. China has no feminist!! Kishida has banned bikinis from anime and Japanese console games since July 2022!!!
sadly, Gakumas is caught by this censorship unfortunately too by having no bikinis and one pieced swimsuits, only having rashguard as swimsuit...
hope Takaichi-sama could stop this...
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I feel like I have read this type of schizo posting before
Maybe not feminists but a puritanical government nonetheless. See: genshin costume changes, hearthstone card changes, etc. The CCP is very anti-lewdity.
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>saves the thread
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>saves the thread
>page 9
So, are we going to see something cool from gust any time soon?
Atelier is cool and all, but I want something different.
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Don't think there's anything announced or speculated desu
Why didnt you buy Fairy Tail 2?
>w-why do I feel s-something in my b-butt?
>because there IS something there
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I said cool!
Alive general when Yumia drops.
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I’m 5 hours away from rolling for fire Linca 20 times, I’ll post more then!
Earnest-Listener-sama...I kneel in advance to your destined victory.
Dead general = SOVL general
Firis is fat.
Trying to improve my roman tournament with some new items, so far I've been worse every single time kek
Yeah. But why is LoL and Valo so woke spite being Chink game? These 2 have too much LGBT
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It...didn't work...this is after a crit.
It's not her fault, it's my new item's fault. At least the old score is saved
Before I was using Silent Boots because I needed the speed but now with research + emblem speed buffs I can switch to the bolt burst damage accessory. No V/V on that however and so it ended up doing less damage than my silent boots build.
Unless I forgot to do something on my supports, which is possible. I will try again at some point
Equipment issue maybe? Do you have enhanced buff A on the supporters/Linca if applicable? YOu really don't need to worry about defense so run offensive memoria wherever you can (like the roman tournament memoria on Linca, etc).
whats your ruven equipment?
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that armor is pretty rough
NTA but I think the three V crits and two skill IVs is enough, especially with all BiS gear and SSRs.
>Atelier Yumia is $70
It's like they're asking for it to flop. They should know she's not Ryza and hasn't done shit to draw people in yet. I'm not gonna buy it until three years later at least.
For me, it's the collector's edition at whatever price they offer it at.
Price is not a factor (in the way you state) with JRPGs, it is a fairly affluent market.
It is also a small market (relatively) so pricing higher is a better move. I would prefer if base prices for JRPGs moved up to 120 dollars and never went on sale.
Dumb corporate bootlicker.
You will simply pirate the games anyway as you always do my communist anon.
From some thread on /v/ I finally got the motivation to go play Atelier Ayesha despite her being my favorite design of the entire series and only having completed Ryza 1.

Bros, Ayesha is drop dead gorgeous. Like the perfect damsel. I can't go a minute without thinking I need to introduce her to my parents, invite all my friends to our wedding, and make her a loving wife and mother bearing me 5 kids. This shit is distracting. Now I can commiserate with dudes who keep getting distracted by Ryza's ass.

Also I'm in Month 6 and she's only now learning to make bombs, anything I should keep in mind? I have Regina and Wilbel in my party and am planning to go look for Marion and Linca. This game constantly throws hotties at you good lord. Hidari worked some magic with these designs.
Ayesha-GOD...I kneel
Don't think there's anything to worry about, simply enjoy it. For me, it's Wilbell. Pure SEX
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Ready for my 20 rolls, but first I got a nice little stat boost. I’ll let you know how it goes!
I bought almost every game in the Arland, Dusk, Mysterious and Secret series plus the Marie remake, with 7 of them being the Premium Box. I even have every Mysterious game on both the Playstation and Switch. You're fucking retarded.
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Congrats bwo
I doubt it desu. 70 dollars broke you, and you hate corporations and businesses. Never mind if they exist to facilitate the sale and transfer of art...
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Secret makes me think of Kamen Rider Build.
>70 dollars broke you
It didn't. It's about principle and not being a retarded corporate bootlicker like you.
I swear if the next chapter's dungeon will also be as hard as the last 2 chapter's dungeon i'm going to have a meltdown here.
It will be harder, trust the plan.
Do you happen to have Christmas Resna?
Now that I have her, I'm thinking about playtesting New Year's Marie on 13-3. Seems like she would make it absolutely trivial.
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Ok, replace Linca with Christmas Resna on a support build. EDBA on everything and set her as the leader. This should give Ruven around 80% more crit damage counting the skill 1 buffs. I can't think of any other way to get more damage. Luckily Antje doesnt get to attack and Walther's attack is weak so no tank is needed.

You will need to get Christmas Resna to be faster than Ryza but not too fast that she ends up pushing Ryza off the burst panel. For reference my Ryza has 267 speed and Christmas Resna has 269. If you don't have a 6.75% memoria hopefully you didnt upgrade all your Cherished Aspirations memoria, You can level one up to the point where it gives you enough speed.

You only need the memoria that gives 30% item charge at start of battle. The other one is unnecessary.

Corneria with the tickets
If you didn't have her already that's a nice get, she's a very good early game breaker.
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Delete that fag.
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Lmao didn’t even have to strategize. Wish I’d have rolled her a week ago!
But he's her kindred spirit.
Based Roman.
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Will Yumia wear bikini like Chad Ryza or one piece like toddler Resna as swimsuit?
Wow that's the question I've never seen before
Our very own schizo.
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>40 pulls and all I got was this stupid Ryza dupe
It's ok, my account is just saving it's luck for the swimsuit banners right?
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So happy I got both of them
Bridal Kot first
>enter Atelier
>Sterk on the couch, talking to Tao who is sitting in the single chair
>clearly asking for advice on his love life
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Can't be any worse than the time Esty and Marion got asked about theirs. Pic related, I will save her.
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>anon's herculean mission
To live is to suffer
Gun Scythe.
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Also in all the footage so far Yumia, Viktor, and Lenja have some weapon meter above their health bar while Isla, Rutger, and Nina don't.
Squall-bros...we're back
Wait, so your teammates fight with you, or it depends on the type of fight?
It's probably like any Atelier game where you can bench everyone except one person beforehand if you want to fight solo.
cool, for some reason I thought it was like genshin where there is only one character on the field
You probably saw the character showcase clips and extrapolated from there desu
Anyway, I am curious to see how they will handle bosses in this style...size-wise
Ammo and limit break charges perhaps? Looking like you can counter by switching out after guarding which encourages unit swaps. I'm a bit bothered by the enemy though. They mostly focus on one ally and share a health bar.
I miss PS3 atelier combat
Gust's turn-based combat was peak. At least it's preserved in Resleri I guess.
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my wife Nina is so beautiful
>They mostly focus on one ally and share a health bar.
Ah, true. It says Ramble Encount so hopefully that's just one type of battle; I don't think they could keep it interesting making every battle just functionally one enemy.
I hope they return to this soon with a B-team game
Why is she black
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just because she has a gun doesn't mean she's black
Her nipples will be black when I'm done with her, haha...
In the Famitsu interview Hosoi said that turn-based is not dead so maybe the next game...
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I really like how they share a braincell
anyone else find atelier ayesha boring?
world, gameplay or crafting?
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gameplay and crafting, coming from Arland.
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So... Is she good? The tier list has her kinda low, but she might have niche or good team to build around her.
fighting is pretty much the same was for me
Crafting get better with levels, you get more abilities to manipulate stuff. And you don't need to hope for rng traits on ingredients as in Arland trilogy
It’s hard to do two roles well in Resleri and she’s a defender attacker hybrid. You’re better off running a dedicated defender if you need the defense or a dedicated attacker if you don’t. Even just at what she does, Lanze does it better because slash has better debuffers and he has an aoe burst.
Yumia seems to be Yumia.
Let's hope a new Dusk game with Hidari as character designer between Yumia games(It will be a remake...)
Seems to be Ryza 4
Haven't used her yet, I was just doing bolt & slash stuff for a while
Dammit Resna. How do you start out as a shy failing country bumpkin and turn into an exhibitionist slut that outlewds everyone else you know including that horny piece of sex right next to your ass?
>Block Recovery
I hate these fuckers like you wouldn't believe.
Btw the level cap is going to increase to 90 on jp soon. Hope you haven't been neglecting your exp.
At this point biggest obstacle is money, we’ve all been doing orbs and exp for months and months.
Fuck punis
I just checked, I have enough EXP V candies to get two characters to level 80. That's just V candies alone, not even counting my !, II, III, and IVs. It's also not counting the 9 characters I still have at level 80 and the candy they're holding. And of course we still have 3+ months to save up more before the update hits global.
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Made this for shits and giggles. Wonder if it’s usable.
I've been curious about how skill 2 performs in general desu, if you test it out let us know how it goes versus your other pieces.
Obviously this is setup dependent but I just tested this on the current roman tournament. All of these are SSR on a blue panel with no items and IV skill power up in the second slot on the weapon
Enhanced Damage Buff [A] V - 560,423
Crit Damage V - 562,150
Skill Power 2 V - 565,300
Looks like it's competitive at the very least. Still probably loses to Enhanced Buff [A] which I've been running when you factor in double panels and items which I would have to wait until turn 2.
Very interesting stuff, I'll try making some Skill 2 stuff for my Marie.
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Starting chapter 13 bwos...I'm ready for more high-octane KINO after the post-weltex rest period
File deleted.
Isla and Victor supposed to be black in early development before Concord bombs. Cuz Isla has vestige of dreadlock. Isla supposed to be Wakanda warrior with dreadlock. And Victor supposed to be killmonger like black man.
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Another proto Isla design.
Why is this schizo spamming Concord stuff here?
And Wakanda stuff too. Cuz Isla supposed to have Wakanda warrior design with dreadlock. And Yumia's VA's name is Wakanda.
He did it a couple days ago in this same thread and multiple people told him to fuck off. The entire reason he’s doing it is because he thought Isla’s twintails looked like dreadlocks from the angle of the very first screenshot she was visible in, a day after the game was announced. He is claiming that Gust originally made the siblings black but then completely redesigned them “after Concord flopped” even though the trailer came out 4 days after Concord came out. Just pure schizo stuff.
Isn't Reseleri Starrail ripoff? Cuz Magia exedra has similar combat(except for 5 person unlike starrail).
This worked! Now to try 13-4...
Had some spare time so did a full two turn run to get a better estimate on its actual viability on a Resna RA. These are turn 2 damage values.
Skill 2 - 2,381,754
Enhanced buff - 2,302,757
Crit - 2,227,127
Looks like I have a new piece of gear for my Resna! I’m wondering if it’s a separate multiplier in which case it’s pretty good to target on pretty much anyone attacker who is not bursting. Also glad to see that I was at least right about enhanced buff being better than crit.
I tried all of my big 4 AoE attackers (Logy, Academy Resna, Kot, Christmas Resna) and had the most success with Academy Resna on that one, especially when I paired her with Rose Firis. It’s not as hard as 3 imo but could still be tough depending on your roster.
I did it with Heidi's burst->double buffed Logy burst+Empel/Ryza buffs/debuffs. It was much easier than the others.
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Did you redeem your Resna?
Wow, that's pretty damn solid. Thank you for the data, I think it must be a separate multiplier with those results.
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It's not even Concord, it's Tanya from MK1. They are just that bad at this.
I am trusting the Plan. Yumia stealth sections incoming.
I thought this as generic wakanda warrior tho.
Which score battle do I need to do for the extra CANDY?
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holy CUTE
>Would rather get autistic replaying sophie 2(and other mysterious games) instead of malding over dungeon/score attacks that i can't clear due to characters i dont have or just how retarded i play the game
At this point, i'll just play the game as casually as possible since things will get even more harder.
We got another one bros!
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Think this might be an improvement for Kot. Maybe should retry my Roman tournament although don’t know if it’ll help there.
>got tickets yesterday (it's shit rolls)
>no daily roll
Yep, I wont login today
Marie is mogging Rorona
Why can't they give us another Judie
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>4th Marie before 4th Totori
It’s over
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>Marie is mogging Rorona
But the Memoria says they're both Bombshell girls
>another ice attacker
what the fuck is their problem, thats the 7th one in the game
Is Marie the first character to have two versions with the same element and role, not counting awakened resna?
I thought Isla would have been Wakanda warrior in early development with dreadlock.
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I thought this as proto victor who has killmonger hair as well.
Is there still no wind defender?
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My bad. I'll save my 2nd spark for her. I guess Ice is the only missing tank.
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>Ice is the only missing tank.
JP got her already.
Are there any missing roles now?
Sweat-anon will need to re-evaluate the scent chart after sampling the unrestrained taste here
no, they made us wait a long time for ice defender but everyone else was gone long ago. on my account I already have everything but ice defender and slash support, I missed out on winter rorona and halloween plachta.
My queen Lara Trockel has done absolutely nothing wrong.
>throws acid on you
It's Over.
Her boobs are evil though...
*spamming wakanda warrior
>floods rivers with evil breast milk
>all beasts and birds (and men) who drink from the river become her minions
>requires a vast amount of mana to continually produce said quantities of milk
>requires minions to gather said mana
>eventually destroys the world in this cycle
She may not have been evil originally, but her evil breasts lead her to an evil conclusion.
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This is early design of victor presumed. He supposed to be black knight with kilmonger braid hairstyle. If Bamco was in charge of Atelier Yumia, Isla would have been Wakanda forever and Victor would have been Killmonger ripoff.
And His shield was nguni shield(Oval shield like gelgoog) with Assegai launcher inside in early development, And could have used assegai as separate weapon in melee. But assegai is removed for overlaping with Isla and changed to shield with pilebunker instead.
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Of all the generals how tf did /atgg/ attract a schizo? There's gotta be like 20 of us max.
Second Marie ice attacker? Wtf are they thinking
I just found out about the new atelier series yumia, i'm so excited, What are your expectations?
hot gyauru
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was there ever any actual discussion about gust games before this gachaslop came out because it seems like now that's all that's ever talked about in this general...
Are you one of those "I wish I was black" types? I thought you were just joking around but you're forcing this so hard it's starting to look a genuine mental illness symptom. You even added a D to 若菜(WAKA-NA) just to change the reality you're peddling. It's weird dude.
Cuz when I was playing vermintide, my ID was Wakamiya Eve(for being Bandori fan)and other players thought this name as "Wakanda".(Kruber-Mercenary main)
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This is proto Victor, or Victor von Duerer if Bamco was in charge of Atelier Yumia. Isla would have looked like MK1 wakanda Tanya for DEI.
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There just wasn’t enough to talk about. We had a small general on /vrpg/.
We wuz atelier and sheet type.
Isla was wakanda warrior with twintail dreadlock and 2 iklwa(short swordspears) as weapon in early development, but changed as single partisan.
Victor would have killmonger hair and would have used Nguni shield with Assegai launcher as weapon and would used assegai in close range, but changed to pilebunker after white washing.
how on earth do you keep talking about this shit like it was real when you said last thread that they whole reason you were saying it was because you saw a screenshot from a side angle and mistook what Isla's hair looked like? Please stop posting, no one likes this or thinks it's funny.
>or thinks it's funny.
It honestly is starting to get a bit sad to watch.
He's also the bikinischizo, the one who's been schizoing about bikini censorship for years. Sadly I don't think he'll ever stop no matter what you do.
I didn’t think it was the same guy cause he doesn’t mention Fumio Kishida but I guess it would make sense. The bikinischizo has gotten proven wrong over and over so many times and each time he just has a little meltdown and then comes back and pretends it never happened. I think showing bikinis in the FFVII rebirth trailer really fucked him up cause that’s exactly the type of game he didn’t expect them to be in.
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Guys I had a dream last night that they announced the 4th Totori costume and it was a little bo peep outfit. I did my best to make it in Koikatsu.
>What are your expectations?
The best looking story cutscenes in the series. Hopefully the story and characters themselves are great too. Not sure what to expect from them doubling down on open world meme stuff since I haven't played Ryza 3 yet.
holy CUTE
Totori-sama...I kneel
I expect to synth many things, I don't know much about it so far otherwise. I like the characters so far so I am happy
Literally started today
any tips other than the docs in the OP?
oh yeah I'm talking about resna
forgot to mention that
The gacha? You have bad timing, wait until next banner. Current banner is kind of a dud while the next one has a very powerful meta character who would be a great choice to re-roll for.
As far as gameplay, make sure you’re always synthing something, don’t stack up mana. First two chapters are easy but starting in chapter 3 you’ll have to be a bit smarter. Pay attention to how S1s and S2s manipulate turn order.
Finally as far as team building, a junk 1 star attacker with elite supporters will easily outdamage an elite attacker with subpar supporters. Bolt Resna can clear most of the early game by herself.
I haven't read the OP docs myself, but I'd say: Take your time and enjoy the story.
Know that Ex fights will be hard/impossible until you get to max level (event ex's.)
Enter Roman Tournament for the gibs, finish as many of the fights as you can. Don't expect to rank well until you are max level and have the right units for a fight/are swiping.
Better to start now than later desu, not like there is a difference in terms of whether he will get the free rolls on next banner or not (everyone gets them.)
Do you not get a free 3k gems at the start? You want to be able to reroll for Heidi. Also a possibility to roll someone like Flocke or rose Val although you get that on chapter 13 banner too, but I’m talking about rerolling specifically.
Nah I think I won't reroll
I'll just stick with my bolt resna and save my gems for now
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Ah that makes sense, I did not reroll so I forgot about that factor. My mistake.
Enjoy the pit-crits
-Before/while in battle read the battle info in the menu on the top right to see fight gimmicks/buffs/debuffs. You can also see the current battle character status by clicking and holding on a party member's portrait or an enemy's portrait after you target them.
-After you do your daily 3 free attempts for 9 character Pieces (Training Quest with Ryza), you can click on it again to get an extra 6 Pieces for 50 gems.
-Figure out how to link your account incase something goes wrong with an update.
I rerolled for ice Totori and it took about two hours to get her.
the 2*? that's impressively shit luck
I’ve always said my account was impressively cursed at the start. My only limited was Meruru for a very long time. The I managed to get Lydie on a free daily and went on a tear from there and now my account is great.
Did they increase Marie chest?
Reroll for either your favourite/waifu character or the best meta available
During the initial reroll you may buy tickets. Never do that again
Wait for swimsuit banners and roll for either Ryza or Valeria and nuke everything
Wait for chapter 16 release/half anniversary
About time!
This game needs more ice and slash attackers
I’m just waiting for them to add a strike defender
For me, it's Lydie.
Reminder that we still have not had a stab or air unit since the academy
And thats a good thing
Air does already have the best attacker (Firis), the best breaker (Sterk), the best defender, the best princess AoE healer, and the best ST healer so I get it, but leaving stab out is unfair.
>show off Jurie
>never add her in-game
What the FUCK did they mean by this?!
PitCHAD anon here. I've wanted to update the chart but Altema hasn't updated their website since Summer which is where I've been ripping the icons from. I want the icons to all share size consistency so unless Altema updates I will have to remake the chart from scratch.
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Are you telling me that this isn’t the best most meta most ultimate general purpose team any more???!?
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Use this tier list
Id argue this is the best one. Ryza RA will giving everyone priority will kill everyone before they move. Just ensure Ryza SS hits after all Klaudias. Ryza RA breaking buffs also help
See for more
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Swimsuit kot when
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oh holy shit this made me go through my webms and I didn't realize i had this one saved. I've been looking for it.
simply KINO
Game is being rude and not giving Linca my double peace sign SSR red sword.
It's not worth it to fish for double piece on breaker gear desu. Most content she's either going to break easily without it or won't break even with it.
shut up nerd, linca's getting her double peace sign!
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>C to SSS
Why are they like this? Remember when just S was the highest and people weren't afraid of D E F and beyond tiers?
Maybe it just means there are no really shit characters? (Except Vayne fuck Vayne)
leader skill change a lot of things
Vayne and Monika actually work despite way better alternatives but Sterk is fucking shit no matter what
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Resna... Cucked....
Did someone say Wakana?
I cleared the air tower before the academy banners with no Roman. You know how? Sterk clutching. Good luck trying to climb the bolt tower with shit Vayne.
I feel like I remember some update coming 9/19 but I don’t see anything in announcements? Am I imagining things again?
Vayne burst at minimal HP actually saved me alongside Ayesha C7 skill 1 stalling
Linca-sama...I kneel
Vayne is pretty good and got me through early bolt
I just looked at my roster to see who I was missing. Getting Marie the other night actually gives me every released Ice character at the moment. I'm just one spook away from having every released stab character (Valentine's Escha) and every released defender (Rose Lydie)
What anime girl is this in OP? She's cute.
I wanna find fanart.
I don't know what game this is I'm from the front page.
Valentine's Escha is very nice to have desu, hope you get her soon. I got spooked by her on one of the dailies, I think she's the best ST phys stunner.
That is Linca from Atelier Ayesha and Atelier Escha and Logy
Also now in Atelier Resleriana (that is where OP's image is from)
What happen if Totori's Chim achieves CHIM?
That is what we are waiting for...for anime to become real.
It's very easy to date Valeria
>feed her
>and be a lesbian
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The Daily Pass and an event dungeon is coming 9/20.
Good for low spenders I suppose, I've been happy enough with the 100 dollar packages per banner. I'll pick up the daily as well however
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should be able to roll for bride heidi 30 times between saskia tickets, day 5 tickets, and gems. Sure would be nice to grab her. All the roses are in the spook pool now too so I'd love to get Val/Lydie/rose Heidi too.
I'm still a little dismayed that they're giving 4ths to Marie and Rorona before they give 3rds to Meruru/Shallies/Firis/twins or seconds to anyone between Marie and Rorona or any supporting character other than Dusk, Plachta, and Klaudia, and they haven't introduced a new legacy character since Mimi.
Such sterk slander. He helped me in wind tower 20. I could see Monika work, but Vayne? He deserves the F tier
Meant for >>495062524
>would rather play other games(currently sophie 2) instead of resleriana on my PC
>My 2021 phone heats up fast when trying to play resleriana just for a few minutes
I'm just getting lazier day by day.
I've never played an Atelier game before, is Sophie a good start point?
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>the brides are here already
I've been WAITING for this.
Fire Linca made fire tower super easy as expected. Fire Escha I think would make it even more easy.
And done with all towers for now. Hardest was definitely Stab, they just don't have many good units and a lot of rng was involved
A batch of cookies expires at the end of the month and double drop is ending in 5 days. It's unlikely another double drop event happens between then so it probably would be good to spend the cookies during the bride event.
Yup, I've already blown all of mine except 5 from that batch.
Cute reluctant wives...
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Imagine having balls but cannot do push-up
Marion-dono...I kneel
I've still yet to get a single special expedition screen...and I always wait at least 24 hours to collect.
>ch. 12 - Rorona dresses up Totori
>ch. 13 - Marion dresses up Linca
who is dressing up Wilbell in ch. 14?
The barrel kot one was wack
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Are you going to buy her?
>all those tough guys doing pushups
>Stera only has eyes for Oskar
What did they mean by this?
Serious question, why are you gay for that fag?
She wants his big meat.
Oskar is a GOD
She's a confirmed weight gain fetishist and that's based.
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I have returned to save the thread. I have updated the Armpit Chart using Game8's icons although they had to be scaled down by half. Multiple adjustments have been made such as normal Marion being switched to the salty side. Careful consideration has placed Winter Rorona as tasting sweet while the new bare pits Rorona has a nice pungent smell. I added the special tiers to all corners now and updated them as well. Various minor adjustments were made such as normal Escha moving up in smelling sweet, Monika moving down, and Gyaru Ryza smelling less sour. Resna's and Valeria's new awakened forms seem appropriate to be maxed out on opposite ends. As always hag smell is real so Lara and Saskia are in their correct spots. Let me know what you all think and I will consider your valuable and professional opinions for future updates where I intend to change the chart's overall scale and use the full size icons provided by Game8.
My spicy Heidi-wife...
Meruru too sweet. Yeah she's a princess but she's too busy climbing trees and whatnot. She's gonna outsweat her perfume.
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flatbros...we lost...totori banner never...twins banner never...it's over
Imagine the weight...
So do the enhanced buffs apply to the character with the equipment, or apply to the buffs they give others? For instance, is Enhanced Damage Buff (Attacker) useful on Winter Totori?
it's enhanced buffs given so it includes self buffs. Winter Totori would want a V enhanced buff on all three pieces of her gear. Attackers that self buff like academy resna or rose valeria like it too.
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>tfw you will never pat Sophie's head
It is Over.
Why is the battle system in resleriana so bad? you need the right character the right element the right support the right items the right turn cycle the right gear with perfect rolls (good luck with that) that's the "challenging" content of this game you just need the right things which unless you're a giga whale you probably won't have, game has nice graphics and character models but the gameplay is shit
Are you talking about Roman Tournament? It's PvP so it's very competitive. If you are failing normal fights and dungeons then it is a strategy issue desu. You certainly don't need perfect items or perfect teams for that, can get by with all 2 stars.
As for element...it's definitely not necessary. You can brute force pretty much everything with Izana or Valeria Rose or Xmas Resna or (etc.) This also holds in RT sometimes as well desu, I was stomped by Val Rose teams in a stab RT a little bit ago
God DAMN milkies
this is a skill issue. You absolutely need good characters but the pool of good characters is big and growing. You don't need element specific teams at all. Your supports are the most important, good supports make almost any content doable. There's not very many "x items required" fights and in general items are very easy to make decent copies of. Learning how to manipulate timelines and turn orders is a skill issue. Synthing good gear is easy if you just keep burning your mana, I'm over 1k synths in September already. Actually looking forward to making the bride Izana armor piece for my slash ryza later tonight.
Anyone managed to rank high on tournament with Esty?
Her 150% skill damage boost should be useful on long battles like this one
I am running Izana and Klaudia this bolt, still holding top 100 for now
Ramp too slow and 150 not high enough. Roman can get there faster i'm pretty sure.
i was in the high 200s the first time around. I've fallen to around 415th. I doubt i'll fall out of the top 500 but even if I do the reward difference between top 500 and top 1,000 isn't enough for me to worry about it.
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Was playing E&L and a cutie appeared
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How is bride kot over ryza?
I'd take her over pirate Totori desu but not over Ryza.
i will take bridal kot over ryza
Is not. She must be used alongside Rorona winter
It's just the nature of gacha game. You need some core characters (and memorias in some case), especially supports as they are more reusable than chasing for attackers that you can only use in some contents. This is why many people hate gacha, because they are characters locked. As for the timeline and other battle aspects, you can strategize around them with equipments and items
Marlone or Rororina?
haven't seen detailed stats but looks like Rorona is similar to defender Totori with a bit smaller of a buff but a bit more team defense support, while Marie's kit doesn't look like anything that you would use over other spread attackers. Definitely Rorona.
maintenance still not done. hope it doesn't go late again, 300 apologems is not worth it, i have work tomorrow.
looks like we're up and running lads, good luck on your rolls if you get any.
first order of business is to buy the daily pass
Kot sexo soon...
holy shit the pass counts as paid gems????? I thought they counted as free gems for sure.
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Yumia funds are a go...
The initial 400 you get are paid gems. The rest are free gems
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>UI changes
oh the 400 bonus is paid but the rest are free. still nice it basically means you can get the stamina/mana pass for free as long as you buy the gem pass.
Resna's memoria breasts...
Keep Atelier alive bros.
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20 paid pulls and 20 of the tickets for my kot wife...
>thought my spending for this game got doubled due to 2 passes
>just realized that i can just buy the gem pass, then use the free 400 PAID gems to buy for the other pass
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Sex with Resna and Izana...
Event music is very nice
Very nice, congrats
I will be rolling in 5 hours (precisely)
For both Izana wife and Heidi wife...I am greedy
Surely they don't realize the double pass in one is too good value and they change it.
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The prince has too much power.
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kot won
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no screenshots from me tonight unfortunately
event dungeon is trivial content for late game players.
didn't roll on banner yet but did score a dupe Ayesha and my 4th copy of When Dolls Dream with my 20 FES tickets.
Will let you know how ex battles go.
So, which of the 2 brides was the one people were on about? I threw the tickets at them and got Kot and the memoria.
heidi she is magic version of Empel
Then I struck out I suppose. She was the one I picked. Kot's still cute, so maybe I'll get lucky with the free 10 in a few days.
>the modest pure japanese yanato nyaadeshiko vs the european ginger slut in heat
EX battles were completely trivial, no challenge. I'll try the new set of challenge battles in a bit because they award mana and I want to unlock the recipes first.
Finally happened to me for the first time. Got Fire Shallie and Rose Lydie from it, so I ended up with the wrong fire support but at least they were both new.
Tfw maintenance took over your lucky hour
>anons are seriously considering the kot as bride
She's a hammer fanatic, don't do it. Heidi is trained both in nunnish etiquette and the ways of young wayward wenches.
Got my Saskia tickets. Didn't pick up any characters but did get my second copy of Roman's memoria.
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my powerful kot
Through Blades and Fire 3 was essentially EX4 and was the actual challenge. Still cleared on the first try with an academy team.
This gave me 3k gems so i rolled again. I did manage to get one SSR on all 4 tenners tonight but just two not so great memoria and two dupes to show for it as I rolled bolt Lydie. Now only 6k gems from spark though and I still have some event story left to get more.
I knell... I'll write an apology form to not bully the Kot again
No Kot! She'll cheat on you with Valeria! And Lara! Roman too! Ah, also Crow! Maybe Heidi too! I feel like I'm still forgetting a few!
>select kot for featured
>get heidi
nice feature you got here
>select Heidi
>get no one
Sophie and Marie desu
Just the usual
>Dont have slash rorona
What the fuck, Steam updated my Ryza games. Does my nude mod breaks?
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noob here who should I choose for the selector?
I'm thinking I should get cornelia but I just want other opinions
Might not have gotten the rate up girls but tonight was certainly super lucky for me. Besides these two, rolling gems from the event got me Winter Rorona and doing a single from finally getting around to the slash tower gave me this. Wrong Kot but I'll happily take it
You mean spark gems? Corneria is good for early breaker and skill power up traits. Logy is good for AoE burst, Mu for AoE S2 in case fire is resisted
kot supremacy
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Why is piesqueak stroking a potato?
Can someone confirm wether featured rateup cancels happy hour odds?
Don't think anon. Trying to find explanations for her ways ruins the experience. I do wonder though how the new outfit will affect her acoustics.
Strong lesbian...
lol the moment Koei Tecmo takes over they stopped doing Free daily summons.

So that was obviously a bad move for the future of this game.
I like getting my rolls in a batch
idk about that, the increase in gem income has been stark. I rolled at 3k last night and I'm probably going to be at 3k again before this banner ends which gives me 20 more chances for Heidi.
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Heidi wife, happy life.
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Very nice.
They need to optimize all the games, because fuck me, man! They run like shit!
Damn Marie, you had to make her wet like this?
It really doesn’t seem like that at all lol
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Why not post the webm?
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I didn't have the webm, but now I do
i didn't have 'jealous of shallistera' on my bingo card today but the day takes you strange places
>daily gems from pass are not paid gems
why they do this..
As long as they keep giving us saskia tickets with each event we are rolling more than we used to for free plus having higher gem income.
Is Marie gay?
That would be too good a deal. For example i've been saving the $80 12k paid gem pack for the double selector. If the pass was paid gems i could just pay $10 at it would wipe out half of the gems I need.
meant for >>495296552
That potato? It's me
It really doesn’t feel like higher gem outcomes. Been sitting at 8k gems these past few months barely getting 1k meh. Koei Tecmo ruins everything
I don't know why I expected different
>- Changed the completion requirements for Klaudia's "Three Medicines" character quest.
Thisnis the only relevant change... but it took more than a year? for this? really?
Why did Lotte chose such a harlot for gf?
Has Lotte even showed up outside the event?
huh? you should be getting 100 a day from daily missions + add roulette plus 500 every 10 days just for log on plus 1k every two weeks for Roman Tournament. That's an average of 6k a month and doesn't even include all the gems you get from doing events, clearing new dungeons, unlocking recipes, etc, which is your primary source of gem income, nor does it include the pass which adds another 3k a month.
You forgot 3k from synthe-prize every month + 300 from weeklys
yeah you should be able to earn 3k a week without issue. gets you spark in 3 months which is pretty good for f2p. Add on $20 or $40 here and there and then consider all the tickets we get now and you should be rolling in rolls. like I said, I rolled 40 times last night and I'm going to roll 20 more by monday night and i only had 800 gems or so coming out of the maintenance.
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>100 a day from daily missions
50 from daily missions plus 60 (min) from ad roulette. That's 110 a day minimum, frequently 120 or 130 and some days even higher.
Anon that is just someone who comes in to shitpost Resna from time-to-time.
that makes sense. if i was a faggot i would hate all these girls wandering around with their fat tits flopping around about and almost bursting out of their clothes.
Did they remove the black void in some costumes?
>bridal kot in 20 pulls
The golden hour...
I've been really bad luck pulling rate ups over the last few banners but I'm getting a ton of 3 star characters, both dupes and ones I missed. Last rate up I pulled was pirate totori on a free daily the second day of her banner. Before that it was Sophie RA.
I'm not sure if my slow, third-world internet speed is a blessing, but if there's a download bar in the bottom-left corner after pulling, it means there's a 3* waiting for me (it's downloading the character-obtained movie, I guess the game just streams it).
It's not always the featured units; I got spooks sometimes. But now, I get disappointed if the game isn't downloading something.
Happened to me a bit ago but I course corrected with Juna recently (although I selected Linca lol)
I will hope for frequent updates for your sake kek
kot is pure
Valeria smells like fish
i'm not a whore
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What does it mean..?
I wasn't sure either. Is it completely useless? Only affect items?
JP version of this emblem boosts stun damage for all slash affinities? hopefully that's what it does and this is just a typo.
Hybrid-element characters coming soon.
>coming soon
all over Judie's tits most likely
>air and slash coom leaves grievous scarring
Poor Judith...
I was referring to the existing hybrid element character
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They need to fix him before they start adding any more 'hybrid' characters
Now it feels like something terrible is going to happen in return for all this good luck
How much longer you think this gacha is going for? My favourite franchise and all the charas interacting makes me so happy but im worried they will shut it down and itll be lost to time in a year...
Wait'll you see the new interaction thing they added on JP
im hype! Im kinda mad that I cant replay events but I guess the limited time thing is how gacha works.. I missed school ryza and sophie
Half of Shal's score...
Wow, nice job. I'm at 50 mil still, but no Heidi yet.
>wasting his luck on gachas instead of lotto
You already lost
But dont worry
Keep gambling
You can replay events but you must wait and pay that memory key
jap version added some interactions with characters like Princess Connect but its extremely worse and blueballing
The previous test game, Blue Reflection Sun/3 lasted for about 1 year and half so we may suffer this for fee more months
I cant wait for this to be shut down so we get decent games again
I kinda want Nelke to be added, but feel like that'd really fuck up the timeline? Although, I have no idea how canon either this game or Nelke is at all.
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WTF I have to think for myself? Aiiiieeeeeeee!!!
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kot is so cute
i just did double skill with enhanced buff a item but i was only making it for the saskia missions tbf
In my experience, good luck is followed by more good luck. You will get a free luxury meal of sushis
The ultimate good luck would be getting to pet Izana's ears...
Wakana forever!!
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>bridal training
Retards has to wait for one day
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Yuri bump.
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No luck on Bridals for me yet, going to get the 10 roll from the mission and then pity both if I don't get them from that.
>the dragon took this instead of Heidi
what did it mean by that
Dragons want fluffy things as they are not fluffy at all
Heidi is soft, but not fluffy enough
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my fluffy kot...
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My heroic knight of the midnight sun (lightly armored)...
Where can I buy those?
Here: https://shop.koeitecmo.com/product/gust_calendar2025/
Is Reselerina Starrail ripoff? Cuz Magia exedra seems similar to Resl.
Man, i want to buy sophie merchs but guess i'll just hope it's still available by the time my year end bonus drops.
Speaking of which, what the hell happened with the resna soundtrack? No one bought it?
I would if i'm not broke.
Please don't talk about merchandise I can't afford to buy. Thank you for your understanding
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>see the progress bar at the bottom-left corner
>get 3 star(s)
This is what I was talking about. It was spook, but this is spoils me.
Would buy if bikini Ryza, Lotte ans Lulua playing together or their lustful bodies towards each others
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>The specific patents cover a number of things
>such as importing and unlocking content from an older title in a new game.
>A controller vibration technique to alert players of nearby enemies.
>It is illegal to make a controller vibrate when enemies are nearby. When will developers learn to stop adding illegal mechanics in their game?
Its over?
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>Atelier Yumia is a real time action game
Go on without me anons... grandpa is just gonna take a little nap that'll last forever...
I'm pretty sure alchemy is jewish witchcraft irl so why would it be depicted as something good by the Japanese?
>jewish witchcraft
No? Jewcraft is about power of divine words, sacrifices and talismans. Alchemy's about the structures of nature and more rooted in greek/egypt and the name is of arabic origin and greatly developed in europe until it became science.
>In the Famitsu interview Hosoi said that turn-based is not dead
Source/link on that?
I'm amazed anyone in the current game dev world is saying that.
Huh? Is it when Ryza 1 being released? When Japanese console game used to have bikinis before Abe requiem?
Funny that Dame dame turned from real time to turn base, opposite to this. While dame dame's spinoffs are action based, like man who erased the name and pirate of hawaii.
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Personally I've always found turn-based combat to be better and more entertaining than real-time action but I guess kids do like their jiggling keys.
How is this allowed?
Is Yumia button smasher? I really despise shit like Shonen Jump games since it requires you to memorize button for combinations and shit.
Falcom's Kuro no kiseki is the only other game i have a bit experience when it comes to action and that thing is a hybrid between turn based and action.
You faggots better hotglue her and post pics in here
i love israel and the jews
Dragon fans were vocal and unhappy about dame dame 7 being turn based tho.
What game is Juna from?
This girl's tits are too smug.
I know, hence why I'm surprised someone would support turn-based in the current game dev meta.
I see people endlessly shitting on turn-based everywhere I go, even my irl friends say they don't like turn-based.
Makes me think they either played very shit games or don't understand the satisfaction of perfectly chaining your actions into a combo that wipes the enemy party with ease.
Maybe turn-based combat is just too big brain for the masses...
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Atelier Resleriana.
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I thought she would be from an older game like Munigger.
I thought Flocke was from existing game because of that memoria of her with Corneria
Ah the shop girl, yeah I can see how you'd get confused
totori is so adorable i have to take breaks playing her game
Ever since Ryza, they keep adding these convoluted battle mechanics that ultimately don't even matter because you can either defeat the enemy with the basic attack, or the enemy is too strong to defeat without OP gears but when you have OP gears you can defeat them with the basic attack anyway.
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My grandpa reflexes will NEVER allow me to dodge that shit, it's so fucking over for me...
I thought Atelier games were all about synthesizing, why are they putting such an emphasis on the combat gameplay?
It's for the modern audience.
>I thought Atelier games were all about synthesizing, why are they putting such an emphasis on the combat gameplay?
Wait until you learn about Mana Khemia and Lydie & Suelle battle synthesis
practice makes perfect gramps
just think of it as rhythm game
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>Lydie & Suelle battle synthesis
Good thing I'm "stuck" in Firis then...
Man I might just jump straight from it to Ryza's games if it's like this.
You will never guess what kind of games I'm absolute shit at despite trying out a ton of them. LLSIF...
There are difficulty settings in atelier games
For me, it's Sophie's feet
Resna soundtracks sold out of stock, they are restocking right now (accepting reservations still if you want them however)
>he didnt buy every character pieces from Flocke store
Its over
>All i get are just 1-2 star characters
I hate it.
I was looking earlier and other places have it
I didn't buy because I don't have anything to play or rip a CD with
i started doing this a month or two ago. All of my one stars are at least 130/300 at 4 stars. Even with doing this as often as possible I'm still running a surplus on shiny coins so i do recommend it to everyone who synths regularly.
I've been doing it since shop opened because what else am I gonna spend them on?
I was worried about the memory keys at first, and unlocking level sync levels. i now have 3 memory keys just lying around because i hit 99999 shiny coins.
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call me the synthesis enjoyer
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would be nice if we get shard conversion for dupes after characters are fully maxed
I've been doing this for a good while
I still listen to CDs when driving and have a drive in my PC, understandable that others don't do this now though
Yup, this would be very nice.
Did you watch it?
Once you max out every 1* and 2* only 3* pieces appear
You only get not maxed out characters pieces
Damn, that's going to take awhile.
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Is Atelier Reselerina Starrail ripoff? Japanese games are owacon. Time is for Chinese games. En taro Xi Jinping.
Japan used to make great games such as Persona 5,Nier:Automata,ACNH,BoTW, Xenoblade 2, dark souls 3, Sekiro, MHW, RE7, DMC5, like a dragon 7, death stranding, Smash bros ultimate, splatoon, three houses, Elden ring, SF6, Atelier Ryza 1-3, Mario wonder, pikmin 4, Armored core 6, Astro bot to match up with Western games since 2017,
But how can this glory fall so soon and get mogged by Chinese black ship fleet like genshin, starrail, ZZZ, and Black myth wukong, Phantom blade zero,mechabreak so easily? Pathetic, shamefur dispray.
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And Atelier reselerina is ripoff of Starrail. Since It has similar combat UI to magia exedra and it is starrail ripoff too.
>Victor and Isla is black schizo
>Bikini schizo
>Chink schizo
Kinda weird for them to shitpost in an almost dead general.
Baby's gotta practice their first shitposts somewhere unfortunately.
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We need a real Atelier schizo, like some kinda dude who'd shit his pants at Firis being too OP or something.
I've spent the better part of the last week designing pajamas for Totori in koikatsu, does that count?
No, because it's cute and harmless.
I really like this picture >>494548403
Schizoshit implies a degree of unhinged hatred/obsession with something, and playing dolls with Totori in koikatsu isn't it.
Maybe I should start doing pajamas for other girls
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resna's fat thighs
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Post em screenshots my brudda
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By all means do.
If you could put Ryza's tits and thighs in a gela pique that would be great.
no we don't
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My antisemitism is peaking
You just say that because I haven't started yet.

I don't know what gela pique is. I could see Ryza going to bed in something like this (or nothing at all desu)
I'm not crazy about the face on my Ryza model either.
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kot always wins
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Woah mama! thank you for this. Very daring. I like it.
Did you make the model yourself from scratch or is there some artist dedicated to making Atelier models? Pixiv used to be a treasure trove before the AIpocalypse.

Gela pique is a Japanese fashion brand that makes very comfy pajamas and is all the rage with japanese women. See pic attached.
The only atelier I've made myself is Totori. I've made a couple OCs. As far as the state of atelier koikatsus, there's one really established guy who makes a lot but he has a huge paywall up, like $500 for a single card type shit. There are leaks occasionally but I haven't seen one since he started posting Resleri cards (with one exception, I have a spooky Plachta). There's a newer guy who's been doing some really good work but he's paywalled as well. His prices are more reasonable but there's never been any leaks. I might try buying one some day. For the rest of the girls, there are cards here or there except for Ryza who gets a metric shit ton and Klaudia gets quite a few as well. I have a pretty big collection at this point cause I grab anyone I see but for the most part the cards are pretty low quality.
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Just counted out my full roster. Would really like an Escha or Firis.
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>$500 for a single card
Damn, he better be sucking your dick too at this price.
Also that's a cute Totori you did.
Back when I used to play koikatsu I'd get cards on Pixiv and some agregate website but I agree that most of them were pretty low quality. I suppose you have to spend some money to get better quality ones, but 500 is definitely too much.
Now that ought to be funny to play around with lol
>that's a cute Totori you did
Thanks, I'm always tinkering with it.
I've never played Sophie so I don't know, I just grabbed the card when I saw it.
Brutally mogged
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These niggas be forcing me to use Iksel of all units on 13-2.
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Ryza is too much of a slut, she instamoggs 90% of the Atelier cast
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Yumia can take her.
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Is this your new Atelier mc?
me in the middle
Just checked for leaks and you can add Eva from Lulua and sexy grandma to the roster
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oh and sue too
Me on the right
What do I need to synth for base Lodgy?
Blade Knuckles, Layered Velvet - Slash, and the tower Burst Accessory is BiS AFAIK.
About to fall out of top 500 in Roman Tournament and have no idea how to improve my score. i've made upgrades in equipment and research but the timeline seems different and I'm missing a burst?
holy fuck I've tried to craft a V/V ice book like 200 times already and I havent seen one even on an SR(not that I would take it though)
You have Kot and Klaudia?
lol no just Kot
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I don't even do Roman Tournament!
You get 1k gems for getting a million damage which is pretty easy if you have kot and doable even if you don't.
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>top ranks are doing 100m+
nani da fuck
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nyes, those roman gems came in handy
>ice division
alright who am i building
For drawn out battles like this, is Marie better than Resna? Seems like Marie's constant need to S1 would make her less optimal. Bursting would help but then her burst does less than her S2.
I think buffing Marie and aiming for consecutive bursts is the play. She also gets negative immunity on her burst so the S2 downside goes away.
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FUCK i gotta do ice tower for the burst accessory aieeeeeeeeeee
no time like the present
didn't we just get a new paralysis item that hits the field?

Here's a strat btw, although you could probably figure it out yourself.

>currently at 1100th place with 6M score
I just dont care anymore.
>dont have claudia for bolt tournament
>dont have slash rorona for the current event(have some problem with damage to reach SS on EX1)
I'll just play sophie 2 rather than malding on something that i dont have.
Bump before this thread actually dies
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Rorona should have her license taken away.
Is Reselarina Starrail ripoff?
Their surname is actually Hresvelg. Which is from Edelgard.
I dropped Resleriana months ago. Is it true that Kot is getting married to Resna?
I actually think star rail is ripping off resleriana. I heard they are adding characters called "whyza" and "soofie" and adding alchemy as a mechanic. Seems like they are desperate for new players and are trying to steal the atelier fan base.
Hard to believe anyone would look at Atelier and think "let's rip this shit off", but they ARE chinese...
This event inspired Gust and made a whole series about it
r/Atelier had a comparison post
Lot of gachas were stealing Ayeshas design since ever
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made this for Totori on the first synth. That'll help on slash 22
this event.. my immersion..
Rorona was filming
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first tournament gold emblem
the intern only knows how to place/remove characters into the scene and not how to move the camera at all please understand
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Got my girls ready to go! Hoping to use some of the lessons I learned in 13-3 to max my score. Possibility this team runs out of steam without a healer in which case I'll probably just give Lydie her levels back.
Who else is reading story late for Saskia missions
i've had all of those done for a while. just finished the Heidi missions yesterday. i think my only open mission is the syntheprize (should hit the 1,200 mark tonight during my dailies)
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Would Yumia wear bikini like chad or one piece like toddler?
bikinis are so disgusting and degrading to women. I hope she wears a burka.
So One piece would be better choice for her?
Why do weebs prefer one pieces over bikinis for characters?
>ryza not in astro bot
it's over
>tfw cant beat chapter 13 Crow
>not very hard but fucking story (13-28 IIRC)
Its over
burn her with Iksel
Then what?
She 3KO my whole team and cant break her before its too late
Will be in next smash bros(in 2nd or 3rd design). Since atelier is mostly announced in nintendo direct.
>Ryza gets in Smash
>porn of her get railed by Donkey Kong is next in line
Fuck, no!
And black myth wukong will join smash bros to rape ryza and byleth. (Nakamura Yuichi would voice him)
But Ryza is girlboss tho. Just like peach. Ryza and Yumia seems like strong independent womyn.
And Ryza binding mario with thorn ring and spamming rose framme.
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I think Gust is overestimating my ability to press buttons in a rapid succession
The more footage I see of Yumia's gameplay the worst I feel like
This is way too fast-paced for me
But dame dame 7 has flamed due to doing opposite. Wow yakuza fans are vocal and unhappy about this change. They are singing dame dame on this change.
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I thought Atelier games would be safe from the real-time action curse, but alas...
>Fags/streamers would just go "Im gonna clear the game without putting good traits on my equips"
How do u think bout Dame dame changing to turn base?
I don't really care about that franchise and never played any of those games, but I wish more games that used to be turn-based would return to turn-based.
Neat, was hoping you could character swap. Yumia and Isla SEX
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Pic rel was early design of victor. He supposed to be black man with shield with assegai shooter, and have killmonger braid hair. But white washed hastly for concord's flop, and white washed with Isla, and assegai was changed to pilebunker.
Bumped my score from 4.3 mill (300 something) to just over 6 mill, top 250. That was with Resna - wonder how it would go with Marie. I did have to leave Lydie alive otherwise the puni killed everyone.
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Time to build.
can't break 5 mill with a Marie team. I'll see how this does for now, if it's good enough for top 500. Should definitely be fine for top 1k.
If Google translate and my comprehension are right, today is the 1 year anniversary on JP and they are giving all players a free tenner every day for a week?
Looks like it's free tenner, 500 paid gems for a tenner, 1k paid gems for a tenner, solo roll with guaranteed SSR but no control over what you get. Can do once a day for a week, that's 10.5k gems for all 7. Big hit to my wallet when we've got 13k gems in selectors coming out in November, but this will hit around Christmas so maybe use some of my holiday money on that.
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fuck i need double mats again for this shit...
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Linca's ass on my face
How does it affect me as F2
Assuming they do the same thing on global you will get a ten roll every day for a week around Christmas or a little after.
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l-lucky hour?
>SSR silver thread
You need to play the lottery right now
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Maybe I should resume my Atelier Firis save and try to at least clear the exam...
This but 3500th with 300K
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Damage reduction team worked
Its been a while since Ive use these guys
Spamming Judie and Stera bursts was the key
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Watch your ads.
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I played the Arland trilogy and I kind of want to get back into Atelier, I played a bit of Ryza when it came out but dropped it cause I was playing it on the PS4 but I played Arland on the switch which felt comfier.

Now I have a steamdeck and every game is discounted so I wonder where I should jump back in. Should I just go back in order? I like Sophie designs the most if I'm being honest. I've always been more of alchemy and crafting person so battle system dont really matter. I remember just cheesing the other games with items instead of ever learning the battle system, if there is one
Just try Sophie. Depending on where you left off in Arland you might really like Lulua which is Arland characters with Mysterious mechanics.
making broken ass use items is the essence of Atelier. Dont think they've ever been as useless as they are in Resleriana.

Just start any trilogy from the beginning
my two wives
Shame that Yumia seems to put accent on combat gameplay instead of just spamming bombs of various flavours at your enemies.
The puni missiles are probably one of my favourites they're hilarious.
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Still won't stop from stalling the story as long as possible to create busted equip and bombs(though traits might be a problem)
>his wife is a whore
Anyone know if the missing shadows issue for the dusk trilogy ports was fixed?
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This is early design of Isla leaked. Which is better, white Isla or Black proto Isla? Isla supposed to use twin Iklwa(zulu swordspear) as weapon. Isla having vestige of dreadlock is the proof that she supposed to be black but whitewashed after seeing concord bombing. If Bamco was in charge of atelier Yumia, pic rel would have been How Isla looks due to SBI.
I wish I was that chair...
thinking of not getting the game because of the censorship. it's bullshit. we should be getting gust's vision for this game, a black isla, not some censored watered down focus tested white girl. shame on gust for bowing down to the scolds and twitter trolls
You're retarded for even responding to that schizo.
i will outschizo him someday. just need more practice
Sad that gust have no gut to make black character like Taion and Ghondor 2.
>tfw spent 15 minutes dressing like and he came in not even a minute
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And Victor was watered down from Killmonger look. He supposed to have shield with Assegai Javelin shooter, but nerfed to dumb pile on whitewash. Pic rel is early design of Victor.
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Wake up, /atgg/.
Yeah. Wakana forever!!
Good luck on your rolls lads. I'll post mine here.
hit a 3 hundo on the roulette so might have used my luck up there.
i was right, both rolls were crap. Ah well, less than 1,700 gems from spark now.
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>Good luck
Thanks but no brides for me. The Memoria will help with Fire tournament so I guess that's something.
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Either of those could have been kot...
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Damn it, it needed to be an SSR...
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Haha... I wanted the memoria, though...
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Gust games are on sale btw. Buy, buy, buy!
my 2024 wives
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Haven't optimized her gear yet but Heidi did add about 100k to my Roman tournament score. The presence of Klaudia makes her ill suited to this one as there just aren't enough team slots for her.
Waiting for sale to hit PlayStation
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I just noticed the ass kissing...
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Which swimsuit will Yumia wear, bikini like chad or one piece like toddler? Resna was toddler who wears ugly one piece, which is unfappable.
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I will take a Yumia or Isla.
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My Marie isn't hitting as hard as I thought she would even with all the Enhanced Damage modifiers...
My teener didn't do jackshit, so I tempted to blow my summer savings. Got Valeria's wife on the first try.
Thanks for subscribing my blog
>nothing from free tickets
Zzz... Swimsuit banners when?
Will pity Ryza. She will be mine no matter what
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Drooling retards
You don't dress like that in 15 minutes, wings included. That shit takes hours.
Isn't Yumia a bit too erotic?
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Based free 10 ticket
I got a new animation I've never seen before where resna and valeria stopped just before the star and looked at a pink light or something
I gotten dupes banner units today from free tickets. Decided to roll for memoria and got it. I don't plan to use but art looks great.

late fake out
Anyone know when the next banner announcement is coming for JP (basically when the Rorona/Marie banner is ending). It’ll influence my spark decision which looks like it will come this weekend.
Hey i figured out how to record video! I'll start posting clears here. Please excuse my slow movements, I am old.
This is the EX3 battle from the Through Blades and Fire special event which is a harder version of the EX3 battle from the bride event. https://streamable.com/1a65ch
Enjoy your cute kot
based Totorichad
Should have brought Patty in that slot desu
>finally get to level 80
>still can't beat any EX challenges
>still only 300k in tournament
>still less than 3F in elemental towers
just use the academy team bro
late starter chad?
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I wish bro
yeah, been playing about 5-6 weeks
That’s not a bad start at all. EX battles take time, I didn’t clear one until the Christmas Resna/Patty event and didn’t clear them consistently until around the rose banners.
You can probably have success in bolt tower as the combination of Sophie + Lila approximates a bolt breaker pretty well and Resna and Marie form a very solid core. Toss bride Heidi in too and I think you can succeed.
For tournament, a team with bolt Resna, Rorona, bride Heidi, a healer, and a tank should be able to do over a million easily. You need to work on your gear but you’ll be fine.
You probably want to star up Ruven, Bolt Marie, and Corneria for making better gear in the future. I see you already started on 2 of them.
Back in the Atelier you go.
Just wait for level 90
i just made this. I'm sure my gear is a lot better than yours but you should be able to get a million damage doing something like this.
Thanks Anons, clearly I need better gear because I can't even
My party gets wiped before I can do much unfortunately. I did get to 306k though, which is better than than the ~200k I was doing before.
Nice, I've been using this but with Sophie instead of Lila. I'll try with Lila later. Rorona skill 2 killing the turtle is crazy though, I have to 3x drachen burst crit to kill it.
fuck me I didn't know the stars affected synthesis
Please no more exp mat farming, I beg you
Yes. Now that I don't need to run exp missions, I can actually make non-event gear. Might help.
I cannot even beat Lara and Crow score battles (VH) despite having Academy Trio.
show me your units
sex... sauce?
Nevemind, found it, kek.
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I miss my daily Linca
How do you not have Kot lol?
just to be clear, you're talking about 12-4 and 13-2 right?
Become a kot enjoyer today.
12-4: As long as you can make Linca survive, I dont think you can fail with double item set up.


13-2: Damage is a bit rough here, but you could roll for the crit on Ryza's first attack as well if you have the patience. Also you can actually use the burst because your Ryza is way higher star than mine.

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My connection is really spotty for some reason and I couldn’t record 12-4 but I think my strat was more reliable than the Logy strat.
I’ll start by noting that I don’t have academy Ryza. Replace the Ryza I used with her and you’ll do even better.
Anyway the key to this battle is speed. I’m running speed memorias on both supporters and on Resna and a 6.5 on Ryza. Linca is there for her speed and she has the items in 3 turns memoria. Defender Sophie would work even better here but it didn’t look like you had her.
Anyway with that much speed you start the fight with all 5 guys moving before Geron. Resna should be 4th and Linca last. Use items on Resna’s turn and she will clear the field except for Lara. From there it’s pretty easy to manage Lara with her wasting turns on debuffs and you having a full health defender. Break her with a Ryza burst and she’ll only get to move twice, debuff turn one and a hit on Linca turn two, easily survivable. You’ll have to wait out the debuff on Resna to kill her.
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My Linca is ded, at least I can get the purple mat now.
Still working on 13-2 later
The feline is always evade me
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