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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>THE PRIMALS Live in Japan

>Future Meetups
• Sept 18, 9:00 PM EDT | Marilith, Goblet W16 P15 | Spooky Club: Haruhi | >>494711968
• Sept 21, 8pm EDT | Ultros, Primal The Mist Ward 20, Plot 34 | Twin Peaks meet up Season 2 episode 1 and 2 >>494662829
• Sept 29, 1:50 AM EST | Ravana, Materia. Solution Nine, Residential Radius 9-11 (X:9.1, Y:20.8) | Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII >>494666281
• Oct 5, 5pm PST | Balmung, Crystal Shirogane W7 P26 | Zombie Movies! Warm Bodies (2013) and Zombieland (2009) >>494706846

Previous: >>494727659
Why do the supposed 4 or 5 people who falseflag people seem to all show up at the exact same time?
The thread was fine for like 12 hours, but then they all show up at once.
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Post Femra
Saw people die to that mark and say "xd savage mechanic".
Huntfags aren't real.
Holy moly, someone actually made art of Sally. She's my favorite NPC of the expansion.
Name and shame these people then
I kinda really hate the Hunt for being the best source of tomestones because i need addons to hide everyone and even then the sheer weight of 90 bodies dealing damage causes the boss to flip the fuck out on my screen
She's pretty popular/infamous in JP
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This one's from last night
I want to goon but nobody is into lalas and the one person who was interested tonight was some bbc freak I want to dieeeee
Hey Lorilee...
I'm what you want
Im what you need
But I'm taken
Should have been faster
Because my mommy has her claws in me good
maybe play the race that doesn't look like a deformed potato
most bbc freaks are more desirable than lalas
finish this sentence
Femezen are for ____
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It's Moonday! Post your moonies! Menphina demands it!
>name anonymous
It's some irrelevant EU or SEA schizos. Who cares?
the memory games that hunt marks and superFATE bosses do in DT are very amusing. forecaster annihilates people despite being what is effectively nael quotes but slower
i like lalas but i don't goon... gl sis..
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There is just something about her. Her existence in that desolated place. Something you would see on a page in Blame!. Everyone is long gone, it's just her still doing her routine and gone mad .
calm down theo
What you have to understand is that nobody today did Nael quotes so it just looks like gibberish
What other games do you like playing?

Final fantasy 14: a realm reborn
built for nasty good petting and handholding
osrs, monhun, and hunt is it lately.
EH's cat was so good bros...
why did he have to change.....
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Light cc is popping and games are okaish
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I'm actually in love with how this shot came out.
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As someone doing UCOB right now, quotes aren't even hard, you have a few keywords you need to remember and can safely ignore the rest of the text. Wish we had more mechanics like that.
hey... bg3 got mod support we should do a run where I can play as blood mage or mystic...
I think they overdid it, honestly. Like a quarter of the A Ranks only get to do their first cycle, if that, meaning they just jump/fly away for no real reason.
me. :)
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You're a funny man, thinking I pay attention to hunt mechanics.
Black cocks for my Moonie
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what the fuck is up with this nigger?
yeah, it's just kinda sad to see the same people who show up to S ranks repeatedly die on marks because they cannot comprehend mechanics they've seen countless times
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i can't bro i stop every five minutes to kiss gale
careful you'll trigger his fetish for being ntred
Mostly 4x and rogue-whatevers. Going to start a new Stellaris playthrough one of these days and waiting for Against the Storm update to return to that one. Been playing Monster Train a lot, but feeling burnout on that one.
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Which jobs do bio fems play?
Sex with this femra to the beat of battle without honor or humanity
anon said femra, not you
His cold approaches are so fucking cringe
I genuinely believe Lorilee is Claire and I will not elaborate.
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Who the fuck says this to people lmao
Do you mean A ranks? Half the time mechanics don't even works when I just keep standing in them.
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cute moonie
>Do you mean A ranks?
Yeah >>494737593
My wife likes RDM, BRD and DNC the most for sample size of 1
What the lack of ranked season does to a gal
A lot of it is dogpiling EU dramafags, at least one guy has multiple devices that he posts on. You can see two responses to a falseflag or schizo target one right after the other if you pay attention.
very cute
Reading that just turned my pussy into the Grand Canyon. In fact, I can sense the chafing already
you realize he now knows exactly who posted this and you're going to get shitposted for weeks, right
Just random schizoids
Pretty easy to ignore them but some people rather understandable get annoyed by it, so that's why you only see the ones who respond and give all their schizos attention consistent posting.
I suspect we might see something similar in later fights of arcadion, the fight designers have shown that they're willing to introduce true chaos for mechanics (alarm pheromones) so nothing's off the table
I am not coming because I am locked in a log party (this one will fill, surely, in a couple of hours)
I want a face 4 femra wife
phys ranged, healer, caster
The unceasing, abrasive autism is nearly identical.
Sorry, I know I said I wouldn't elaborate.
>exactly 90 seconds
weird how the person who accuses all of his detractors of samefagging seems to be the only one actually doing it. maybe try being a better person LT?
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CCC @ 11:00 ET
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go back to whatever eu discord circlejerk you crawled out of
it's embarrassing really
reminder lolcowrilee "i hate catgirls" turdlollmao literally tried to eb towa and he thinks he is behind every post shitting on him because he couldn't take no for an answer
At least give it a few extra seconds dude, I know you're desperately in damage control but come on
Well, that's certainly creative. Does that usually work?
They are strong genes!!
*happy Raen noises(doman dub)*
Fat Cat Fact #290

Fat Cats in Tural can be seen on occasion roleplaying as Blessed Siblings even though cats don’t participate in the practice.
That's the kind of shit I mean when I say this motherfucker has the personality of a house plant
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>he couldn't take no for an answer
no no no that was his character
in character is not out of character
nothing is actually his fault, it's just his character that's a psycho stalker
can't you separate ic from ooc???
how goes the games tonight king?
many thank blue is best
should be pretty obvious if he does so, unless the OP shares their identity the only two people who would know who received the tell would be either LT or the OP
Good players!
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Lorilee we all have 4chan x.
hey bb, all by yourself? haha
raiding is booooring come have some fun :3
Why DRK? Feel like that's the typical teenage edgelord job and not a woman thing.
and yet you're the only one annoying enough to do this shit
but hey, since you want me to prove it, this is sophie yumitori >>494738558
lorilee's nice and it's unfortunate they have random retards attacking them, though it's also unfortunate that they let it get to them that much
but neither of those things can really be affected by me so, whatever
I love femezen so much it's unreal
why can you guys be normal?
as one of the resident croc tail enjoyers you are welcome to post this as much as you want since I will appreciate it every time
why do hoh weapons look like such dogshit, it's not much better than the EO weapons but still
would help if I actually linked to the right post >>494738475
Tell me, why is doma so important?
>want to use a big ass sword
>hate the drk 'evil' aesthetic
yoshi please..
If it wont fill in a reasonable amount of time (like 30 minutes) I will come
Given your track record of being a cuck for narcissists I don't know why you think anyone should take your character judgements at face value.
>sophie getting mad on someone’s behalf
>over anonymous posts
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I don't particularly care about what you think of my judge of character it's just really obnoxious to see you spam schizo shit.
pointless drama annoys me yes
many such cases
woman have teenage mentality
Glowing Halloween orange is not easy to coordinate with a glam, that's for sure.
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Ah.. A cold coerthan morning and a cup of tea.
I haven't been able to enjoy other games in quite a while but last time I did play a lot of Darkest Dungeon, Metal Gear Rising and was really into Zero Escape.
Yes they are
naw, PLD
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nah i'm with my battle brothers
>pointless drama annoys me yes
You could just scroll past it and ignore it like anyone else would. This is 4chan after all
No, no you don't have to. It... it all fits. All of it. Even the timezone. You fucking mad genius.
I'm well aware it's been 15 years I know how this shit works.
I'm also just literally autistic though, so I can sperg out sometimes if I want.
>I don't particularly care
Then why post retard?
Clearly you believe the things you're saying matter to someone.
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>Americans start waking up
>Thread quality goes down
damn that's a cute moonie
I played a ton of Shin Megami Tensei recently. 3, 5 and now 4. Will play Strange Journey and 2 after 4a. It's good to have these because all I have left to level is DPS anyway and these queues are very bad, so this helps..
Now imagine that people still go for this. What kind of a desperate, down bad mongoloid do you have to be for this? This man has negative game.
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I can't be, that's why I'm here
How did the WoL of that world drop the ball so hard and fail to defend best girl?
My point was to prove that I'm not lorilee or samefagging the other person, not my judge of character anon.
Please learn to read.
Nobody cares.
the thread was shit ebin yapping.
Go the fuck to sleep nigger god damn
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CCC @ 3:30 ET
>sophie being a creep's bootlicker to preserve his cumweb of grown ass men playing as trannoids in game
like pottery
fyi being a bottom doesn't mean you have to go out of your way to defend mentally ill stalkers
He's a fucking joke dude
it'll go back up once they go to work don't worry
>cuck is wet for someone with NPD
many such cases
>I'm well aware it's been 15 years I know how this shit works
Clearly you don’t so I’ll reiterate for you so you understand, if you see a post or series of posts you don’t like scroll past them and ignore them they don’t exist. Your “autism” isn’t real and isn’t an excuse
It might
you stupid moonie, you should have spelled it "moonday"
Because I've been crippled for 25 years and a shut in for 15.
She was just an AI anyway, the real one is dead
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So if I associate with LT I'm gonna get schizoed? Does he actually have stalkers? I wanted to have him show me tips for playing PLD in CC since he's pretty good but not if he's so autistic that I'm gonna catch crossfire just for being at the Wolves Den Pier with him.
emptyheaded moonwife..
Funny how a lot of this shitposting can all be traced back to a *checks lodestone* Aether femezen.
i do nyot have the brain capacity for that right meow
may i /pet?
my inner chaotic nature prevents me from having any semblance of a sleep schedule
Smooching this moonie
It's bnu
Homie lol
I'd stay the fuck away from that turd
Yeah so the WoL of that world fucked up and let the real one die. An unparalleled fumble
There are so many better PLD players that you could ask for tips from
You could also ask F.K., U.S, C.J., or literally any of the other anons who play PLD and do CC daily
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It is my home. It is my clan's home. It is the home of the people I love. It is my duty to protect its borders and preserve its people. Doma is me. Without it, I may as well cease drawing breath. I like the Plum Springs area
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How can I start earning gathering gear for level 100?
who is bnu
craft it or buy it, scrip gear is garbo.
How do you think the azim steppe should be treated? I have found that 3 of the 4 clans there are insufferable and believe they should be flattened, what is your opinion?
>So if I associate with LT I'm gonna get schizoed?
If you associate with LT but turn down his advances you will be schizoed. By him.
At least learn to count to 90. That's 64. You EU drama fags are beyond retarded. Are you hoping no one checks are realizes that if you lie about that that you're lying about everything?
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I don't even see where the level 100 stuff is, I'm still using the level 90 purple script bits.
Total Xigger Death
Steppera savages aren't even fit for slave labor.
They cannot be uplifted and must need be cleansed.
>I wanted to have him show me tips for playing PLD
brother you don't have to put up a smokescreen. we all know you wanted to get plapped but don't want others to know
>64 seconds
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I may have my own opinions on the matter of the Azim Steppe, but I defer to Lord Rijin's ruling. Thanks to my liege's efforts, Doma had enjoyed prosperous relations with the Xaela in recent years.
my name's not EH you blockhead.
now post her as a moonie please I just wanna see what she'd look like
How kind of you!
Cute sunnie! *smooches and runs away blushing*
Cool, let's actually think about things
>One whole dm has been posted without any additional context of anything that has been posted before or after it
This anon must be a schitzo!
Even taking it without context, I don't actually see the problem, is it just cringe and that's it? It's not forceful, it doesn't look sexpest-like. It looks like more of a joke than anything else.

I haven't interacted with LT, I don't know them personally, but is this all you have?
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CCC @ 8:30 ET
just gave up on a gpose because there was so much fucking clipping
feels bad
different cat but also still very cute
being impregnated by dragons
been there anon
it's all about angles. you find an angle you like and adjust accordingly - just don't think about all the clipping that goes on from other angles
So what are your own opinions on it?
those are both M'yakoto anon.
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These are the last ones I finished, but I usually just play Final Fantasy XIV.
NTA but the script exchange guy has purple 620 gear. I don't think they add new until 7.1? Crafted gear is the only upgrade right now.
Irrelevant yoros who don't even play on crystal might schizo you for it. No idea why they're so obsessed with LT. They never give a proper reason, just vague posting and circle jerking over blowing something out of proportion.
yeah I know
my issue was that it was clipping from the angle that I wanted to take the pic from and the only way around it was really heavily editing the pic in post
a lot more people than you'd expect use photoshop or other programs to smooth things over in post
Light CC?
i am
a moonie
who doesn't know why she's still logged in..
good taste anon
FF5 is one of my favorites for if/when you get to that and if you're continuing with yakuza then what I've played of 8 is pretty fun too, it even has island sanctuary if it was good.
You can complete the old games in 20 hours? That's faster than I expected.
in game!
Eat shit LT
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Oh that explains it, thanks for answering my questions.
Amazingly enough I'm not LT, but you can believe what you want to, at least that'll make you more of a schitzo than LT
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I'm one of those people
I'll probably try my hand at making it again tomorrow
Redpill me on Lorilee Tulliyolal
>You can complete the old games in 20 hours? That's faster than I expected.
You can beat them in like 15 hours, it's just that grinding for 100% since a lot of the early ones have a super rare mob that can take an hour or two (plus treasure clean up) can take a bit.
Or around that at least, I don't remember exactly.
The snes games are slightly longer but not even by that much aside from maybe 6.
That's really all they have and I remember seeing that 6 months ago. It's suspicious how forced it is.
All solid moonies. Menphina sends a bit smooch to each of you!
To take a screenshot of yourself and post it, silly!
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You could say I'm somewhat of a gamer.
Sexpest that erps a lot with anons
Do we like this?
the quest objective was "speak with Wuk Lamat"
i do
Just make your own judgement call. If you believe he's a nice fella don't let the schizos isolate him. If you think he's a weirdo don't hang out with him.
Q up now >:)
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we like this
it's not even 7am
I will go to Doma, find this doman raen and make her my doman wife and start a doman family
meow :3
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here's an unaltered toggle, I haven't cooked a proper mooncat look yet.
thanks stranger
8 looks good but I need to stop being a filthy out of order gamer and finish the Kiryu saga.
I've started FFIV, but I got side-tracked with other stuff. I'll get through it and on to V eventually. Surely.

The Pixel Remasters are piss easy. They're almost as brain dead as XIV from the ones I've completed so far. Still, they're fairly enjoyable, and the remastered music is nice.
I would like to see more if there is any, I think it's a good idea to stay away from dangerous people, but is there anything else?
Zir Waddington is my schizo and I've known it the entire time
What's it like to snuggle a femra?
In my opinion the Azim Steppe is a gorgeous region with a vast wealth of riches and a deep cultural heritage. The birthplace of my people and our cousins, if legend is to be believed.
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Some GAM in his 30s+ who has never had a gf in his life made a twitter for not an OC but an NPC and acts like he is the NPC
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nyo i don't think so..
>sees image
>think its just some stupid ass posting his off topic giantess fetish because the people in this game LOVE being as off topic as possible like its some sort of game
>its actually a hunt mob
wanwan wu
You will hurt yourself on those scales.
bags of sand
Here you go anon.
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Both versions of her are adorable both are built for petting
sorry meant for >>494740957 i'm tired
you and me
Actually is it more cringe to act like an OC of your own making that you can scribble out lore for or is it more cringe to act like an NPC but make them lewd and slightly off character?
Coney C. Lovely ToT
I would have maybe suggested skipping 3 in the past but with how well I think they pay off the orphanage kids it actually makes it worth playing that
6 is still kind of a bum game though but the others are good, and 7's pretty good too outside of the combat (8 fixed all the combat stuff thankfully)
for the PRs the nes games really aren't that hard yea, 4 has a small amount of challenge and 5 can TECHNICALLY be a little bit hard if you just don't level any good jobs but it's also super easy to make broken shit with the full job system
NPC 100%
>I wanted to have him show me tips for playing PLD in CC since he's pretty good but
LT's name is pretty far down the list on "/xivg/ regulars that play a formidable Paladin". I mean that less in an "LT is bad" way and more of a disbelief that you're skipping past quite a few obvious people for advice to actually get here.
>no hairnet
>all of that long hair
as a health inspector, youd be fined to all hell.
I still have to finish void stranger.
Someone showed me a level from the ex floors and it killed my motivation.
i dont want to do b071 hard ever again. fuck that floor.
xiv is kino and doll-pilled
Let's not forget that cringe as fuck discord EB advertisement. Hes also unironically into snuff
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love this citrus cat
Coldsteel the Hedgehog is orders of magnitude above NPC RPers. Even the ones who stick 100% to the character. Fucking Claire is superior to the 100000000 Thancred Waters and Zenos'yae Galvus fags.
Honey B is an attention whore idol she would almost certainly have a twitter posting 'tasteful' lewds to get horny people in.
Let's also not forget about him admitting to stalking the friends list of his friends on the lodestone, in the thread from a few hours ago.
>There were hume maids in XI too
Tradition must be upheld!
my maloonie is on his modded minecraft streak again (its past 2 weeks)
Cant believe that you got chiten'd by some bottom tier hobo..
I don't know what it is about moonie eyes but they make me go feral
oyasumi xivg
Nice, I posted that the other day.
see all of the people trying to gas up other people in the thread in response to say they are better in CC
Wait I missed that one. Got the image? And yeah, the fact that he's into snuff is disturbing me greatly. I have a friend who associates with this creep and I'm just... aaahhh
ey.. i know him and its decent
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CCC @ 3:00 ET
My male middie awakens
that's a shame, here I was thinking they might make good wives
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>(8 fixed all the combat stuff thankfully)
That's good to hear. Not that I disliked it per se, but it definitely needed another pass of polish. It felt very undercooked. Ichiban is a real one though so I didn't mind.
There's something about them that makes the neurons in my brain fire off wand makes me wanna pet them and cuddle them and all sorts
Hack frauds that farm clout by appropriating the fame of an existing in-game character by RPing them for attention.
How do you stalk people on lodestone? Where is the proof of that and that it's not another false flagger? You keep claiming this but not giving a link
>hes into snuff RP thats bad
you fool, im even more intrested.
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You get back here and spoon me, I'm cold and liked having your leg between my thighs instead of the pillow.
So, I don't actually see this as being all that bad. The reason being is mostly around consent. ZT isn't demanding people to be in this kind relationship with them (from what I've seen), they're putting their preferences out and seeing if anyone wants this. The person who engages with this, is going to want what they are offering. As long as both parties are okay with that, then I don't personally see a problem.

I don't really see this as stalking, it's very accessible public information. Is there anything nefarious going on? If so, can you show it to me please
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I'm phone posting right now so I don't have it on hand but I'll post it next time I get a chance to
Same. What are the eu schizo approved fetishes? They hate lt because he doesn't do nothing but horsing?
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How do I make this glam?
>there is a cook egg emote but not a cook steak emote despite the animation being in the game since arr
umm yoshi p?
they just have normal people eyes?
I just only play xivg
I dont quite remember him.
Anon you can see the friends of your friends on the Lodestone.. as for proof? Go look at the archives, nigger
>modernslop has infected the game like a cancer
>no more sci fi that can pass as fantasy and still mesh with medieval aesthetics
>we cyberpunk now
Fucking shoot me
why do you think we got in the same team for once... also you got skipped
yea the mage character actually gets more than 1 spell and he's got every element by like level 13 or something and they have aiming attacks in a circle thing
normal eyes are not that dilated all the time anon
Just say you hate final fantasy as a franchise man
Trying to recreate my bg3 character as a fiddie and failing
>all that shit taste
Because you wanted badly to play in one team with me, hm? :3
Its probably just because I switched to sam
>>modernslop has infected the game like a cancer
secondaries have infected this game like a cancer
The pvp and mogshop modern slop = bad
The new modern slop = good because it's literally from another world
I won't debate this because I'm objectively correct.
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recently satisfactory
oh god i played another game for too long and now i suddenly forgot how to play ffxiv
its so over
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we need more heavy armor in this game
I wish I played some more warframe. It was great, until they just threw more and more systems at me and I kinda lost motivation.
>hate modernslop
>y-y-you hate final fantasy as a franchise
I like alt steampunk, I hate high fantasy neon tranny "sci fi"
Locking a femlala in a trunk to teach her a lesson about not being a cute enough femlala.
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Middies (male) are meant for servitude
Maliddies, as their name states, have malware and should be terminated
I looked and I don't see it. I don't even see my own friends list on the lodestone. Why would SE let you see friends of friends?
I found it since this anon is a jackass and didn’t want to provide it https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/494662595/#494666941
you pick WAR and press 1 2 shift3
You belive it's normal behavior to go looking at people's friends lists to and I quote, 'narrow down who is schizoing me'. This is not normal behavior.
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Recently I've been playing a lot of Fallout 76
Also not pictured are the paradox map painters at around 400 hours each, and gmod at 500 hours
Heartbreaking: the worst person you know has the same taste as you
please take more feet pics
please take a shower
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Come live in a wooden cabin in the Shroud with me, far from cybersluts and techgooners.
>mod creator basically scrapped a mod i was looking forward to and is almost done with another
Don't people find pressing shift slightly awkward? I much prefer alt myself.
I don't want to insult you anon, but you're the kind of person who'd have walked out into the darkness without a torch during the caveman days and got immediately mauled to death by a sabertooth tiger. You can either sense to sleaze oozing off him, or you can't.
>inb4 schizo
Alright, but guess which one of us is never going to have to worry about some freak having a melty over declining to ERP with him.
not my faves but the ones i've played the most

it's pretty neat, tho gets boring too soon i gues...
he looks like he sucks dicks
do I get to throat futa cock every night
What an odd thing to say
I don't know, I just didn't want to out myself as a pad main by saying controller binds.
>>they're putting their preferences out and seeing if anyone wants this. The person who engages with this, is going to want what they are offering.
This reminds me of that meme every time they bring this up.
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steam thing but I don't really use steam

I have good taste and I'm not that bad
Sorry anon, I was looking for it. Thank you.
I've come to collect
*spoons you and places my leg between your thighs* I'm very warm so all my body heat is yours now.
pay him to finish it.
Go to your Friends List on the Lodestone. Click on any friend. You can see their Friends List in the ribbon menu above their character. If you can't, they don't have you as a Friend.
my femlala melted down, said some really mean things to her friends and immediately logged off, now she is really scared of logging in ever again, her friends don't seem to understand that she has severe abandonment issues, she wont ever bring that up directly though so she will keep being a ticking time bomb that goes off every time it gets too much for her to bear
Yes, but only after you're done tending to the potatoes.
So if someone even has a snuff tetish what does that even entail? what do they just stap you after they are done with you? do they vore you afterwords? im honestly confused.
I accept
ohh yes.. anyways do i have to call it for you to be able to qeue?
I will call one next
Where is the proof of LT melty over declined ERP? Surely you have a link of something so obvious that isn't another skinwalk.
I'm tabbed out right now playing satisfactory and trying to decide what kind of new bg3 run I want to do
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Thanks for CCC anon
That's all for me tonight
If there's one thing I remember fondly from that game, it's this song.
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they don't make 'em like that anymore
nah im broke and its a VFX mod so he wouldn't take my money anyways
I think it varies, some are more severe with it like beheading or trophies. I always thought it was really weird, but some femra said I could be her one, only, and last if my character choked her out and it made me a little stiff. Didn't do it though, but as far as weird RP situations go, that kinda keeps coming up in the back of my mind.
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you should listen to this one then
a huge banger!
sniffing moonie feet
Is there any proof of this or are you parroting a shitpost from another person?
Light CC 21:10 ET
Are you a sunnie?
You are upset that someone can tell a schizo is not on their friends list but is on a friend's based on this public info?
Stop schizoing people instead of being mad that the game gives you tools to reveal you.
This cat should be plapping me right meow
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what a fucking narcissist
Or they have their friend's list set to private as everyone in this shithole should.
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this is very soulful and I wish the textures would look a bit better
alternatively I want stuff like Garland's armor
god I do love the heavy armor on cats.
I have my lodestone on private
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my highest hour game on steam is a map painting sim
guess race
okay, now what?
Good post
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more recently is a bit of Wild Hearts and Hunt Showdown
>another skinwalk
Which one of these links had been skinwalks?
Morning bro, mine is about to sleep in 30-an hour
i if didn't, then i shoudn't
My stance is quite skeptical, because I haven't interacted with them before, then I actually want to know what they're like. I'm not going into this in a way of "they're a good person/they're a bad person", I want to actually know if there's a problem, and if that's a legitimate problem. Everyone has their own interests and kinks, some more extreme than others. If you were to show hard bdsm porn to a conservative Christian 80 year old woman, they're going to think it's detestable, but that doesn't mean it's objectively detestable.

What I mostly look for is along the lines of "Are these actions causing harm, actual harassment, safety problems" those are the main concern. So when it's someone's reputation that's on line, I want to see actual proof of them being a problem.

This >>494666941 seems like ZT has been dealing with an ongoing problem for a while, something that's been actually negatively impacting them. If this is true, then I don't think it's unreasonable to want to figure out who's doing it to you.
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I play other games sometimes
>last 2 weeks
bro wtf
The end of the last thread you were trying to say something was an lt post that wasn't. Link a melty about being denied that is clearly lt and not you calling one of your own schizo posts an lt post
Once never seen anything that hints to lorilee getting upset at being denied. You just assume it because you get upset
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No matter how many things I do "correctly", all it takes is ONE single mistake, and then I'm tossed to the side, or scolded and ignored for days on end
None of you fucks respect or even knows how much this shit hurts me. Or worse, you're fully aware and do it on purpose
And I'm not talking about huge blunders, either. I'm talking about stuff in lines with "I couldn't log in at XYZ time because IRL happened" or "The cup of coffee I made you was slightly under sweetened"
I'm tired man, I'm genuinely tired
I don't know how much more of this bullshit I can take
Not involved in any of this, but all of that information is set to "private" by default and the user must go in to make the changes to have that set to public.
Rimworld, kenshi, puzzle games. Usually I like games without a set narrative, and I make up story as I go along.
You did not take a shower under 3minutes.
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i only really play xiv now tho
>said I could be her one, only, and last
Are they gonna delete the character afterwards? If it wasn't a level 2 erp alt that would fuck me up a little.
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>trying to funpost from work
What the heck is going on in here?!
you asked while i was asleep
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would healer / dps around level 70 like to do leveling dungeons with me pls
Do you notice how they don't actually post the melty of being declined ERP and try to distract with other parts that aren't important
Light CC 12:10 ET
Not only this, but I'm pretty sure Friends were already hidden by default before the DT changes hid everything. At the very least I don't remember ever switching it to private and it always has been.
No wonder the schizo wouldn't link to the actual post and just vague posted about it
where did you get that number from, billy?
should have stayed in my team..
what DC are you on? I can do either
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Just take the blackpill that you will always be forever alone.
Very nice. I also saw you had cookie clicker and I remembered how I spoiled myself when I played the original on the browser and found out that your cookies were a simple variable you could change in the console.
>my femlala is enjoying a gentle Sunday afternoon plap session
>friend starts sending me messages saying he’s trying to get it my house buts locked :(
Why do you think it’s locked, asshole? Go AWAY
Anon.. I'm sorry... she's married to Doma.
How does aggro/enmity work in this game? Can I or can I not apply DoT while a tank pulls? I swear I see DPS go crazy when a tank is pulling but if I aero one mother fucker half the time I pull them off. /sprout
You're only making people have more interest in seeking out the person you hate by acting like this you know, humans are spiteful creatures at their core, and will do the opposite of what another person tells them to do if the person says it in a negative tone or tries to force them to obey.
if it aint xiv it's cs2. or some coop game with mates
I love when people make mistakes, anon. You'll find someone who loves you for them.
tanks literally can not lose aggro unless they are not hitting at all
Menhera meta is over, sis (bro). No one cares, do something new if you want attention.
you are a mentally ill tranny who compulsively signals it - the last obnoxious thing you did was just the straw that broke the camels back.
I don't appreciate this larp because my eb is like this and we've been working hard to get her out of this mindset.
My male midlander is enjoying his morning coffee and CC matches.
where can I find you then?
Good. I hope more people flock to him and then they can find out first hand that he's a piece of shit
you probably just hit one that the tank hadn't actually hit yet, there's no way an Aero rips off a tank
I've only had it happen while having a war as a tank so maybe that's part of it
Wait, there are more creeper world games? I got the first one and the anniversary edition. Didn't know the guy made more.
I just take what people say in this thread with their characters attached at face value and filter from that.
What if it's a falseflag?
Based retardkun
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Sis, you were this close to getting double-stuffed and you had to ruin it.
nah there is no difference between the tanks when it comes to aoe aggro, he probably just missed the add
I just don't turn off my pc/game
yeah he's about to release a 5th one as well called ixe
CW4 is probably one of my favourite games I have
like I said, it's literally impossible. tank stance gives them 10x the aggro generation of everyone else. someone would need to do TEN TIMES the aggro generation that the warrior was doing to rip aggro
My male midlander is enjoying his morning cereal and doing the roulettes he forgot to do yesterday
That would've been metal, but she didn't seem like the type to self-delete. Just one of those unique RP bubbles that pretty much every RPer does, it was more so the way she worded it that got to me.
I hate pld so much
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pw 1234
need an eb for my femra that calls me 'her' despite me being an ugly m*id irl
>how does aggro/enmity work
aggro is generated by dealing damage or by healing when you are in combat. a tank with stance has to actually hit the enemy or else you'll easily rip aggro
>Can I or can I not apply DoT while a tank pulls?
you can and should try to do it, I'd still save my bigger aoe cds for when enemies are gathered but why not get a few hits in
>I swear I see DPS go crazy when a tank is pulling but if I aero one mother fucker half the time I pull them off
some tanks are undergeared, fail to tag every enemy in a trash pull too, don't use their ranged gcd on mobs in the current trash pull while running to the next.. desu if a tank is leveling they should play it safe and do a 1-2 aoe
Should I go solo kill a Heavensward S Rank at 7:30 in the morning?
People here use “skinwalk” and falseflag to shield their friends from their shitty behavior so I take it at face value still
nowadays if you do that the game call you a cheater lmao
Just say you're redecorating, also its Monday you dumb fucking whore
That pill would be better, but no matter how much I try to push people away, they INSIST on staying close, seemingly only to wait for me to make a mistake
I'd be unironically happy by myself, or rather, the pain of being alone would be more predictable and bearable
But the taller the walls around me I try to build, the more people try to climb them, and in doing so, end up hurting me
I'm tired of this endless cycle
It's not a LARP, anon. I need help, but no one can provide it. Not even chemicals seem to get me out of this mindset
I seriously doubt it
shut the fuck up, ryan
Shut the fuck up, John
>every RPer does
Only on this game, anon and only the gooners.
thats crazy
Where has he been? I haven't seen him since he helped me boost BLU.
just don't give a shit, do what you want and if they drop you because of it they're shitheads anyway and not worth wasting your time on
I'd give people black coffee mixed with black tea and if you don't like it get fucked
ETA until the dox patch drops?
get em
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>mfw ran out of gil decorating my house
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>no matter how much I try to push people away, they INSIST on staying close
Kill yourself people like me would die for this
Do your worst faggot
is this the instaloss femra?
>Like cheating and NTR
>have an EB that genuinely loves me and is like a big soft marshmallow
>I actually dont want to make them sad like I did the countless others
Light CC 3:30 ET
So you don’t like cheating and NTR actually, just the concepts of them. If you actually liked these things you would do them regardless
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I guess it just looked like they had been pulled but missed as the tank went past the group then. I'll blast off my DoT in groups without worry then
>Supposed to be the paragon job, the goodest boy, the one played by people who want to protect their friends above all
>Actually the players everyone hates most
do you want to be friends?
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sounds accurate to me then
among tank PLD players tend to be some of the most selfish ones for some ungodly reason
yeah they likely just missed it like you said. regardless, you're playing the healer so you can just heal yourself or the dps if they grab aggro somehow. it's not a big deal
you got skipped :< 2 machis
What time do the beast tribe dailies reset again?
Maybe? It was that abuse loving f1 raen girl thats in the QS.
how is there not a mod for barbariccia's short hair yet
My fiddie otl
Normal reset time so 11am EST
This post was made by a WAR main
>can't make his own shit
I like keeping content friends and erp friends in two seperate pools… people sometimes just go crazy with it.

Also threesomes sound really awkward and unfun, a lot of what you do in erp is personalized to the other person… two is intimacy, three is a crowd.
You think you do, but you don't
People only stay close because they think I will ERP or help them get off. No matter how many times I reject their advances, they keep at it, while also treating me like shit. No one genuinely likes me for me, they only like the idea of me, or the possibility of MAYBE getting lewds or textfucking me. Which is beyond annoying because I'm not interested in any of that at all.
Maybe in another lifetime, or some other day, after these posts I don't wanna give myself away.
Okay awesome, thanks
the only thing worse is a very tiny tiny fractions of WAR mains, yes
not the one then
Cant even level the job in the slop baka
gn bros
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Now you are just making up copes to deal with the goalpost.
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those quoted posts were 90 seconds apart.
>Are you hoping no one checks are realizes that if you lie about that that you're lying about everything?
massive freudian slip. if you'll try to lie about post timers when the numbers are right there on the page, then yeah we get it you'll just fling bullshit and deny, deny, deny every time you get exposed.
WAR mains can't even type let alone read, this post reeks of salty healer
If I can't have your love no one else will
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I used to do it constantly with old ex lovers. but with them its difficult to. even to this day my old bull is still constantly trying to tease me to this day while they do temp me with stories of me getting pumped rough while making me fat with their child and me giving birth to them to where they wouldn't even resemble my EB and i suppress those thoughts.
I just cant do it to them, they are such a dumb sweet lovey bun i want to eat them up they give me diabetes i want to smoosh their cute chubby cheeks with how loveable they are.
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who you calling baka.. also out
...You want a malera to love you? Kinda cringe ain't it
last dance is too cool of a name for you to be pressing the skill every 30s
is this the thrice-renamed horse ebin? how's that identity crisis going?
Are you going to post the melty over erp denial, or are you still trying to distract with trivial bullshit?
You need to not textfuck at all so they don't think you'll eventually do it later or that you're playing hard to get. Reading between the lines, it sounds like you did some even though you weren't into it. Make friends who just want to play together.
Its a 4chan autoreplace
6:40 ET
Sounds like you’re falling in love or fell in love bro
You really don't understand how this works at all do you?
Sleepy Boy
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anon... thats gay...
I'm merely asking for a very simple thing, do you not understand how this works?
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last thread you were trying to badger for someone's initials, this thread you're crying for logs to be posted publicly.
the people you've fucked over made a mistake, but they're not that dumb. no one's going to out themselves so you can shitpost them for a month, LT. the only winner of a shitpost fight is the creepy green haired bun who's terminally online posting in the thread all day.
Moonies giving titjobs to eager and hung men
Very natural beauty (of Doma).
Hehe I know they were 90s apart. I just wanted to see if you'd focus on that as a forced gotcha and ignore how you won't post anything of substance.
That’s your problem to figure out not mine. I just call it like I see it
last one for me! need to go, also im reconsidering what i said the other day
Maybe so, but I'm still annoyed that I try to be a good friend, and engage with what others want/like and it always devolve into them telling me off because I make a mistake, or them being passive aggressive because I don't wanna reciprocate their ERP advances.
One cannot deny one's own nature, anon
That's what I'm doing with the newer friends I made (and the older acquaintances I started growing closer to). But I'm still annoyed and sad about the ones that won't listen or respect the boundaries I'm trying to set, while ALSO being mean to me because of some dumb shit that doesn't matter.
That being said, this current constant negative feedback loop makes me wary of the few friends that are actually, genuinely nice, and make me doubt them and suspect hidden motives in them... even when there's literally no evidence of it, I can't shake off the feeling that eventually one of them will try to make and advance and it's aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
>just tell me who's accusing me of being an ass!
>i won't retaliate against them i promise!
I don't remember when the album originally released, but it was a good time.
Nothing natural about that modbeast
>also im reconsidering what i said the other day
is that a bulge
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I need a maleroe EB to love and cherish
>ask for someone's initials
>have your friends samefag it claiming it's lt askinb
This is what eu schizos call proof?
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I love to play rpgs and I have been playing Baldur's gate 3 lately as my other game, I'm running the honour mode difficulty because I like the challenge and I want to get the piss die set.
I almost made it a week or two ago, but I lost to an encounter in act 3 which ruined the honour mode run, but I still finished that save.
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You need to building bunboy for roe sleevings.
for me its https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHkKW-OmCRM
Mostly XIV, but on occasion whatever looks cool
If you tell someone you are NEVER erping or doing lewd gpose again, and they ask for it again, blacklist them.
Where's Kong he's my favourite moonie
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This is why you tell them you don't ERP from the get go, but you sound like someone who freaks so this is what you reap from what you sow.
I'm just here eating popcorn but if the melty has already been posted and the person has already been shitposted, wouldn't it just vindicate whoever the supposed victim of the shitposting is and put the person you're arguing about in a bad light? There's literally no downside for you to post the melty.
I live in America. Now, apologize to me immediately.
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Reminder that the Scott Pilgrim game is no longer dead media.
oh yeah, that track is a banger
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gil would be useful if i could use it to buy more sleep
>tell person I don’t erp
>they still try to flirt with my character
Hate you motherfuckers so much
My fiddie just reached Ion Cannon phase in M4S for the first time.
that's the only thing you could say during euro hours that's worse than mentioning horses
lol i never played that one i heard the song from a roblox game
yea its goes crazy
We're still waiting for this one. Let's forget about the erp melty one until we got the snuff one.
But I don't wanna be a bunboy
But how long did it take? a few pulls, right?
I know how to help you sleep, but it'll cost you...
Cute sunnie! Do not neglect sleep, good sleep is more important than whatever else you are doing instead!
You're supposed to say cheese not be cheese. Nice cheese.
Show cock
all hours are american hours
I tried but they find a way to re-contact me and make me feel guilty for doing it and I end up caving in and undoing the blacklist
I cannot escape this fate unless I cut ties with 95% of people from here, the shadow network will eventually reach me no matter what
I should private my lodestone, namechange, racechange and server hop, and never look back...
This is what I'm doing now with new people, but how do I fix it with the others I've been a pushover with in the past...?
I feel your post in ways I cannot describe, anon
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Again, I'm not LT, I'm this anon. >>494743006 I'm genuinely interested. If LT is dangerous then I, and a lot of other anons won't want to associate with them. But if there's nothing tangible there, then why the fuck should you be believed? If it has gone as far as you present it to be, then it's a massive problem, and hiding the proof is doing a disservice. Trying to actually get to the bottom of this is an very frustrating endeavor, it's like talking to Christians about trying to get them to prove God's existence, just please bro, you gotta just have faith.
Well it's my second practice PF in there, and the stated goal of the PF was just practicing Electrope 2, which everyone finally got correct once near the end. So, more like an hour.
touch it and see
someones son wrote this
The sun never sets on countries with US military bases.
Good morning /xivg/
Are menhera posters multiple people acting a certain way?
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Thanks you're too
Everything shit, go back to bed and wait for it to all blow over.
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Fiiiiiine~!*lifts hakama*
Please man I wanna be a Card-Jotsu NIN
The fags who posted her as a gimmick have mostly fallen off, now it's one or two actual sadboys.
What happened?
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I like I sorts of games besides XIV
holy moly..
Just admit that you have no proof and stop schizoing in the thread. You guys have had 6 months to come up with proof since your march eu melty over lorilee and still have nothing? Did you fail to trick him into something on alts in all this time?
I've seen the snuff one, it's an rp ad. It's as >>494741646 already said that there is no indication that lt has forced anything on anyone. It's an ad for people who want the same thing in a discord that must allow that
Anyone else put mouthwash on their balls to start the day and sanitize them?
I love the tingle it gives me.
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Just end yourself. You fake menhera.
How nice of us giving the reaper their first win
need a fishra to glub on my cock
Give me your gil I have a house to build
Just because someone is polite to you when you talk to them for the first time does not mean they're a good person with nothing wrong with them
I have been made nice forcefully...
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I don't need your permission or approval to "be" menhera
The sheer number of pills I'm forced to swallow every day are permission and approval enough
Not part of your retarded drama. I'm just telling you that almost everyone will be polite when you first talk to them, and that it doesn't mean they're a good person
im awake.
first of all that’s really weird. second, that can’t be healthy?
>tried but they find a way to re-contact me and make me feel guilty for doing it and I end up caving in and undoing the blacklist
This is against the tos
But at what cost?
Fun fact, for this they don't do support left DPS right. They do support to the outside wall and DPS to the inside by the collapsed tiles.
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Nice larp faggot.
I understand not wanting to give yourself away but I feel like leaving my discord tag anyways incase you change your mind menhera_irl
You should let me control your actions so you don't have to worry about making bad decisions.
I legitimately can't imagine being this weak-willed.
Anyone else ramp up their skill level based on the person playing them in competitive games like PvP? Like I goof around to feel the waters of people and them play on a skill level accordingly to how the group plays or is that being condescending to some people?
It makes no difference really
I expect this to be the case, I just want to actually find out if there's a problem or not.
I miss lulunas menhera meltdowns they felt like a real schizo
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This is fine if they consistently do th right on other fights.
Imo NA should do th right too, like also on m1s after kockback, because supp ccw is going right.
thought I was looking at e3s again
Sure the end result is identical but you have to drive on the other side of the road sometimes to make it work.
Try it, use the yellow antiseptic one, gets rid of the ball funk and gives you a good radiating tingle afterwards. Really perks up my morning!
I love to do it after a weekend goon sesh because of how brown the toilet paper gets as I'm wiping getting rid of those filthy germs
PLD is the selfless defender hero job fantasy, which is a pretty nice one.

But, it's also the pompous rich knight in shining armor fantasy. And it's the righteous templar with a stick up his ass fantasy. And those are two fantasies that just attract absolute assholes and conceited whiners.
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what the fuck is that thing
>im being flirty with someone
>things are going great
>i change into my main with 730 avg itemlevel to do a roulette with them
>all they want to do is talk about raiding which kills my boner consistently
yeah im going to bed
He was a real schizo, that's why. Now he only melts at pvp sometimes.
This is the thinly veiled fetish shit I need to put up with your faggots every single time I post here
Can't you retards be normal for one second, it's genuinely tiring man
Masturbate before posting
I'll.... consider it
Whatever you say gatekeeper-chan
Good for you. Wish you could share some of that willpower with me
I usually try to do my best against people I know but if they're fairly skilled and we're both on jobs we know, I'll fuck around with them a bit like a game of tag or something for a few moments. These people are my playmates and my friends.
Grow a fucking spine, retard.
I mean the whole difference is "oh I go to the wall now" instead of "oh I go to the left now". It is a singular mind motion that you get used to and just do it.
finding someone that rps that also plays the game turns me on
Anon, these aren't real world courts. He isn't committing any fucking felonies. He's a sleazy scumbag and his behavior is observable both on here when he's avatarposting and in-game when he tries his cold opens. I don't know about other anons or their claims. I can only speak for myself. What I see is enough to make me want to hurl and my pussy to dry up like I'm the sahara itself after a 3000 year long dryspell.
>inb4 what behaviour
Literally every post he makes reads like abusive boyfriend texts and I shiver to the core anytime I'm unfortunate enough to read them. Before you say anything yes, I'm biased. I survived abuse.
>they see you’re into raiding
>decides to try and talk about your interest
This is like the one thing you do if you’re trying to talk to someone
1 thighjob please
Is this that femra from the EU who wants to be a girl or something?
start by adding me
be more selfish
NTA but you sound like a jealous EX
can someone post a pic of LT so I know who you're talking about.
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I said man the fuck up you little bitch.
There are people who will seem nice at first and then turn out to be a bad person but you won't start figuring that out if you never start getting to know them. Or get to know their friends.
is there a femra who doesn't want to be a girl irl?
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nah its been a week with only raid chat and no erp
Love his music. Dropping out of school is my favorite song.
You know there is a game setting that help you hide other people and npcs, right?
i have a NEED to BREED
Anon, it's a video game. What am I going to be jealous over, pixels and people whose names I don't even know?
I assume anyone from this thread who is a known chronic gooner is a bad person. You can't be a good person and also be unable to keep your base desires under control.
I thought he quit
why did that retard soma have to make a new body mod and then make no clothes for it
Unironically correct.
Why do you care so much about pixels interacting with pixels you don't like?
It's a toss up between guess who's a mess an blackout drunk for me, but all his stuff is great
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been a while
sekusu with femroes
I want you to know I really like your posts. Have a good day anon!
Like I said, this is my cross. I don't know whether or not the other claims are true ,BUt, I'd rather throat a 12 gauge and instead of pulling the trigger, hammer the muzzle out the back of my head before ever interacting with this person. But that's because of what I see, not because of other anons may or may not schizo. That's enough for me. If you need more, that's also fine. We all have different tolerances.
He's Fizz now
sweaty femroe on femroe sex (there are no cocks involved)
What other anon said. Why are you defending bullying anyone who seems to erp with him?
Say he is a sleaze who cold opens people, even tho you haven't posted proof for months of schizoing him about it, why do you side with those schizoing innocent people who apparently just like his supposed sleaze? Why should we side with you when your judgement and morals are so poor?
If lt was a bottom, I bet you wouldn't be doing this. It's only because he's a top who sluts around.
You seem to be in the same boat, so why don't you answer your own question?
It's funny to watch someone develop headcanons about why certain people post certain things on 4chan.
I love it when the men menheras fight, my head canon is its the same person arguing with himself
my femra otr but instead of using a shield she uses her mouth to gulp down the tomatos out of the air
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I'm gonna make a curse for all the thread schizos:
Everyone you shitpost is going to have nice interactions with people and make new friends. People will think positively of them despite your best efforts and there's nothing you can do about it.
So don't interact with him. Other people clearly want to and aren't as much of a baby as you and you don't decide for them.
My male midlander has had enough fun in cc for one morning
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>playing femra
No, I play a different race, but that's all I'll say
I don't "want to be a girl", I am one
Isn't doing what you tell me the exact opposite of having a backbone, though... sent, btw
they peaked with padjali weapons
NTA, anon.
I am talking about them, anon. Not people that associate with him.
I haven't actually seen what's sleazy about his posts, the cold open might be a little cringe, but so is every pick up line in existence. Is he really that bad to justify the character assassination? You say that he's not committing felonies, but I also don't see what they're doing as wrong. Apart from giving you personally the ick, which yes, is because of a very bad time that you've experienced, but for some reason you've inserted LT as the same person, they're not. As far as the posts go that reads like an abusive boyfriend, can you show me them? Unless you're talking about the posts that are asking for a specific relationship and not manipulating/demanding it, that's consensual, not abusive.

I agree, grass is also green. It's why I'm asking these questions and trying to get to the bottom of it. Don't you think if LT was really as bad as these people say they are, wouldn't there be something actually tangible and meaningful that shows this behavior?
My femlala is not a whore. She just doesn’t ignore her old friends when she makes new ones.
I'm not giving you a command, I'm giving suggestions.
Cheers, bro. Catch you in queues later.
I replied to the wrong post. Thanks
anyone actually reading the posts itt? lol
Thank you Bioncles crab.
May I edate?
nah im eating beef and broccoli
no bro i think my filters are catching 50% of the thread nowadays
Even Kamala’s Strongest Soldier doesn’t think you are actually a girl - just that if he doesn’t pretend along with you, the chuds win.
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4chan is like any other social media site/platform, if you post openly about what you do and who you’re doing it with you will get shit on by someone. It’s just how things are idk why anons think this place is any different from Twitter/facebook/reddit besides the anonymity
>Like I said, this is my cross.
get over yourself lmao
/vg/ is just a special kind of retarded, the other subs are much more enjoyable to post on.
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>the other subs
I'm just listening to the garuda replies, dont give a fuck about the menheras
I have to admit I was low-key hoping someone would criticize my taste but you've all made interesting replies so it's all good.
I didn't instert anyone anywhere. I said what he posts gives me those vibes. As for what posts, all of them. As I said, this isn't court. I am not accusing them of anything, beyond claiming that from what I see, my stomach personally turns. We read the same posts, if that doesn't happen to you, then that's life. Like I said, biased.
NTA, anon.
Yeah my male middie is like this except he never even reciprocates the flirting and just talks about raiding
No funposts allowed until the schizoposts have melted to manageable temperatures.
I'm not interested in being burned again by degenerates like (You)
I've learned my lesson the last 3 times...
I don't care about what (You) or whoever Kamala is think about my gender/body anon. My problems are only mental/psychological, not physical.
You guys wanna hear about my XIV-Modded Rimworld game?
Okay sure, for today you can be the girl. Don't waste that opportunity.
Im in the conversation now because you made it public, however if you want to deflect and gaslight you come off more as an abuser yourself. So I ask again why do you care?
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Make it a fourth time but this time it will be different I can assure you.
i wish the sardine accessories werent blu exclusive
You guys wanna hear about my HORSED confessions?
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>whoever kamala is
Oh so you're EU.
they quit the game like months ago pretty sure
or hes working the job he was always bitching about
My favorite of the series is still the ending. It always felt like such a good way to end an episode.
Not a Rimworld fan but it can't be worse that the current discourse.
I don't think lt has posted what he is doing with other anons, only seen it when it's with people outside of xivg. People stalk him and make up what they think they must be doing with other anons and post that in the thread which isn't his fault. I've seen the schizos try to bait him to say what they were doing but unlike with kong I don't think he's ever said
Sure! I love Rimworld!
>it's not popular to shitpost about X anymore
>People starting to press onto the shitposters and want proof of why they shitpost X
>Shitposters deflect and scurry like rats

she really was incredible math
My femlala drank too much coffee and now has diarrhea at work
Let’s hear it
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So I could press her belly and..
It's called Pearl - Hair (with bangs) by modiste.
Get owned retard. We are Anonymous. We do not forgive, we do not forget. Expect us.
what's hag about this
Expecting maturity on 4chan, the asshole of the internet, was your first problem
Again, you seem to be in the same boat. Afterall, I am a pixel you don't seem to like. So why don't you ask yourself that question? You'll probably have the same answer I do.
hag is getting the milf treatment where they just think it means huge thighs and tits
I'm not EU, I just refuse to participate in the mass brainwash psyop that the US election entails. It's literally like primals tempering their subjects, but IRL
Sure, you'll be aaaaaaallll love-dovey for about 3 days and then try to ERP, and when I tell you off, you'll discard me and ignore me like everyone else
Or even worse, I'll get too attached and fear of abandonment will make me engage in ERP, AGAIN, and do cringe shit like write your name on my thighs in razor cuts, AGAIN
I don't want to go through all of that again, anon, don't play with my frail heart
Why she look like a pixar mom tho? That's not hag.
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>only like vanilla mashup mods
>all the best vanilla hair mods are for catgirls, femra, and fiera
>never compatible with fiddies
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The cellulite
who the fuck is LT
This guy (male) makes me glad filtering is a thing.
As one would expect, I started off with just one viera in the desert, just doing her thing. My current village is dealing with a bunch of pirates attacking us, and the local moonie population is pissed because the pirate gang attacked and some of them got killed on our turf. Now I'm trying to make a bunch of stuff to give to them as an apology gift so that I don't just start immediately getting raided.

Also I'm gonna do roulettes in XIV in order to level MCH and VPR, since you can pause Rimworld.
I guess July was technically months ago now but he at least did DT + normal raids going by fflogs and he was on some CC score boards posted within the last couple weeks plus adventurer plate anchor.
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Its unironically too late to reclear m4s...
Maybe i should go back to Minecraft...
Everything reminds me of it...
embrace your inner mooncoon
Please don’t do that, penguin-walking is slow already with her tiny legs
Luffy The'Onepiece
Because you're trying to manipulate others based off nothing more than your own gut feeling with no proof.
Deus Ex (with GMDX)
I think it's that one downs syndrome looking Viera with the flat chest
Any chance this schizoing can stop so we can have a normal thread? It's been literally going for 17 hours.
can you post her as a moonie?
Well now I have to keep going.
I think it's over, I won't comment on it for now
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the first song in my head when i woke up
Oh sorry are we not talking raping moonies and getting fucked by futa enough for you anon
QRD on what's going on, I don't have a lot of time to watch todays episode of /xivg/ and catch up
Have you replaced everything with XIV races? Or are you just passing on/kicking out everyone else?
Are you using the Rimworld of Magic XIV classes or anything else than just the races?
It's a rerun dw bout it.
should i buy more alcohol
better than a tranny blathering to himself vaguely about shit nobody knows about.
schizo post reruns
the lowest of single word goon posts are preferable to whatever this fucking drama is
Did you just make up random words, who the fuck are you talking about
What was up with this scene? They ended up forgiving and forgetting after all.
>drama starting up as I wake up for work
I love /xivg/ because of all the drama between grown men. You really must try harder for me. Go all out today. Make it hyperbolic and funny.
db was right
making out with my wife Perrine
just another case of koji forcing memes into the script
Actually I think upsetting gooners with schizoposting is much better than gooners gooning all thread. GB2Twitter.
this nigga obsessed with the dude
should i do the weekly blu extremes today (except for hades)
No, the more unhinged the schizoposters get about this, the less likely they are to remember I exist and they won't shitpost me. Survival of the meekest if you will.
i don't remember making this post
>I never post here
>m-my friends totally tell me about my name being dropped
>that's how I know about every post that's posted even though I'm "never here"
This is him now.
Come on he clearly accidentally ended up at LB14 and walked up to the biggest known sexpest. It's not his fault.
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why is your apartment locked? how am i supposed to make out with you???
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Man I miss fapping to timmythick back in 2017
you consistently have pretty good taste
>then my friends tell me people have been namedropping me in the thread.
it's always this excuse
I get the dude was a freak but isnt this stalkerish?
erm based https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kwLVhnTYlI
That reminds me of a dude who started talking to me ingame and making weird comments, for some reason bringing up 4chan how he HAS NEVER POSTED THERE AND NEVER WILL

Next day he's at a meetup saying hi to everyone
thread schizos are usually worse than the people they're schizoing but they'll never see that and they're too dug in to admit it
apartment? I got a house on the beach we can smooch at
Why are you asking the party if its okay to double shield healer you both joined as a party so it obviously seems you've got it figured out
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Why is it that female Viera get the most unhinged shitposters while femra who act worst get off Scott free?
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thanks anon! that genuinely means a lot to me
It's every month that eu melts about lorilee and they're trying extra hard at it this time for some reason. Are they just getting mad that their last 6 months of trying didn't amount to anything?
I don't get why they care so much about a balmung bunny that they rehash the same shit with no proof every month.
And why do people who don't even play on NA insist they know more about an NA player than other people on NA? It's so insane
I'm using all of A Rim Reborn, but I don't have all of the expansions for Rimworld. The classes and jobs are SUPER broken. I love it.
my femra otl with my future sunnie eb otr
i guessed wrong then .... post your beach house
what if it's a moonie instead
why are JP players fine with the current job design?
my man...
double shield is retard-proof so idk why they even bothered to ask
i'd only call them niggers if they were trying to run double regen
They do not attack their own.
>don't post about erp manchild sissy shit
>entirely ignored
Right, European hours.
QRD on drama?
jp got kaiten taken away and viper even more lobotomised
they made the grave
that depends, are you a moonie?
The only weird part is when they know literally every single that's posted and show up to every meetup and join every party finder

It's almost like they're lying and just here 24/7 shitposting and thinking not posting their toon means they aren't posting
Everybody is waiting for the next thread, it's pointless trying to read this one.
I wish my moonie
i like moonies yeah
me too
its kind of funny how if you never erp or do goon stuff you completely avoid most of the thread and people will never talk about you
what did he even do to this dude?
>It's almost like they're lying and just here 24/7 shitposting and thinking not posting their toon means they aren't posting
Oh you mean like Khloe Weaber the one who schizos all the old chen posters?
if they reworked every job in 8.0 to make them all unique and soulful, but each job had some moderate clunkiness with some balance issues, do you think JP would ask for total reverts?
I won’t even erp with you. The lovely dovey will be there and we will hang out a lot.
Shitposters who parroted older shitposters from the past are getting asked to provide evidence on why someone is a bad person and the shitposters are coming up flat.
Moonie hands typed this post
blacked miqote
There is a schizo who keeps namedropping people who aren't from xivg that lorilee is with. It might be one of those people who only found out about this place from that.
And you have to question how lorilee is supposedly in the wrong when you have crazed stalkers here that are posting lists of people who don't come here
They probably would, sadly.
use your mits, dpsissy
Negress coded futa sunnie+
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Oh, there's a whole framework! I thought it was only the races! That looks really cool, I might have to reinstall the game...
It's almost like most of the unhinged anons here are gooners, shocking I know
Because they’re not obsessed over nostalgia like westerners are who keep pining for the game to go back to how it was when they first started playing in [insert pre ShB expansion here]
unfortunate reality. you get to play as cute girls because it's a japanese game but you also have to play lobotomized jobs that are boring as fuck for years on end because it's a japanese game
Heard that one before. You know what happened with the last anon who promised me the moon like this? He made me end up making these posts. He tossed me aside, shunned me, ridiculed me, and treated me like shit in the most annoying, disgusting, passive aggressive way.
Au Ra have a racial bonus towards insanity
it calls to you, like so many voices in the dark
eb my moonie...
erpers are famously unstable people mentally so this isn’t surprising at all. telling anons you don’t ERP right off the rip filters out about 80% of people right away.
Nah can’t be me. I’m different from that anon.
can I see your moonie?
Here are my requirements for my future eb:
1. You love me.
2. You call me good girl (im a gam)
3. You play other games in VC with me.
The reason I don't go to LB is because by going there I am outing that I am a 4chaner and will get put on your little gay lists or be cataloged.
I only watch from a vicinity.
>gm's can send tells to you while you are in an instance
so why cant players send each other tells in instances?
You may, but not in the thread...
I do all of these things
We can't be trusted with such power
So you dont get distracted ERPing
it's true if you go to lb14 yoship puts a star on your character and you'll be rounded up on a train to garlemald
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>call you a good girl in vc despite your grown man voice
Do you really want to get spammed with advertisements while you're in an instance?
oh also you have to be under the age of 30 since we'll obviously be getting married irl later on
Yep. It's a bitch and a half to find jobstones, but the regular classes are easy enough to grind up to if you're not doing a naked brutality thing like I like doing.
I don’t go because no one talks, meanwhile Ul’Dah shout chat is going a million miles an hour and is generally fun to read
my moonie walks around wearing nothing but a replica jacket from drive (it came out 13 years ago today)
Missing old job design is understandable, considering how boring everything is now.
>not in the thread
I respect that because I'd say the same
yeah? what's the problem with that?
gil spammers havent been a thing since they took tells off the free trial tho
I fit this
tad queer
What are some places to see what JP players even think? I know they exist and take gposes with photoshop, but that's about it.
cover your pussy please ma'am, there are GAM around
You all say that each time
nice diaper
yeah no shit i LOVE cock!!!!
This is the first time you heard me say it. Surely there is something I can do to convince you?
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anyone wanna farm any of these? ill pocket you on DNC if youre into that sorta thing. on NA/OCE btw
Your moonie sounds very cool. Can she drive me around the Goblet?
nta but now they run around and do it in say chat
calling a grown ass man a good girl because they’re a bottom who never gets to use their tiny, worthless cock is peak
JP official forums/2ch.
wouldn't happen because I have the plugin that filters ads
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Would anyone like to do Expert Roulette before reset? PF on crystal under R.S. pw 1918
post your moonie
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te encanta la musica te toca toca toca.
Don't put that darkness on me. It's the Lady's Knickers.
Typing style, hour of posting, the way you approach me, all these things make me think you're one of the people that's made me make these posts to begin with...
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>say something slightly cringe in Uldah about chat
>People respond they might take a jab at you but in general you are okay
>Say something slightly cringe in LB 14/enclave/fountain
>Taken out of context, cataloged, and ready to be used as evidence at anytime
Are we seriously going to pretend that NA actually loves Lorilee and it's just evil EU schizos that live in your walls who hate him?
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So true, brother.
What did you just call me?
Meet me at the bench at x:30, you have me for 10 minutes. One minute before or after, and I’m gone.
Nope I am a different anon
That's because current hunts are fuckhuge so the game doesn't register all hits on an AoE.
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>Kanchelle Loreux
>late 20s pedophile, friends with spooky who self admitted to raping a little girl he babysat as an adult
>tried having sex with an underage catboy player in real life after pegging them in erp and growing attached
>joined in the last patch of shadowbringers because of asmongold and is a gremlo/rich spamming twitchfag
>obsessed with aethercord, malds about them years later
>shitposts/stalks random posters like sophie ss klaris sechen & jill behind their backs, bragged about it on all the discords before being banned for /pol/-related mental illness
>made a fake dox and msgs of a biofem ebin that rejected him, spammed it until she quit
>makes fun of ultimate parses and people without clears, can’t clear savage even w/ splatoon
>would rather melt publicly than ever clear a tier
>doxed a random non-xivger because they won loot in p9s & replaced him for melting down over it
>has a reddit under deagledad420 where he crossdresses and pretends to be a 156cm biofem but he’s a 178cm man from new hampshire named lucas
>skinwalks and spams in trash about trannies, has been caught in mass bans
>makes trans porn with shotas crusty and macchi and spams it in the vanilla threads
>shitposts lewders on aco with fart and dickgirl spam because he can’t post his sodomy pics
>spends hours every drunken night digging up shit on his thread enemies (approx. 90% of xivg posters) in archives until he passes out
>got caught banned on flist falseflagging the thread enemies he melts about and threatening to kill people with his guns like he does on xivg
>too obsessed with blue miqo to use his own filters
>spams updated dox pic with a fake image of himself
>brags about spending years of his life spamming /xiverp/ to death >>475150523
>stalks the thread for mentions, his online presence is his life >>490766537
>desperately samefags with Leviah about 'faked discord logs' when most are publicly available at

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