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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>THE PRIMALS Live in Japan

>Future Meetups
• Sept 18, 9:00 PM EDT | Marilith, Goblet W16 P15 | Spooky Club: Haruhi | >>494711968
• Sept 21, 8pm EDT | Ultros, Primal The Mist Ward 20, Plot 34 | Twin Peaks meet up Season 2 episode 1 and 2 >>494662829
• Sept 29, 1:50 AM EST | Ravana, Materia. Solution Nine, Residential Radius 9-11 (X:9.1, Y:20.8) | Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII >>494666281
• Oct 5, 5pm PST | Balmung, Crystal Shirogane W7 P26 | Zombie Movies! Warm Bodies (2013) and Zombieland (2009) >>494706846

Previous: >>494889030
this thread MUST have viera in it
First for Lalaboys~
>tv show
Excellent selection of meetups this week guys
Kong is OUR favourite moonie
Yall got any fun?
where is the meetup where we play the game
we got abysmal dogshit
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my fiddie looks and moves like this
it is called cc sync calls
Hey I saw that post too! Epic callback!
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End the Moonie menace!
Make this a thread for Sunnies!
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we gave gooning, trooning, and pvpooning
wew I don't remember cc being this sweaty without thread queues
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there should be another EU+NA auction, that was a fun meetup
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Don't go to those and make your own.
Convince me to fantasia off malera. I don't care about community perception or wanting to socialize.
Kong literally hosted a reset reclear group you retards just don't play the game

t. One of the 5 that showed up
im having fun so i guess so
No eu cc since a long time.
yo this nigga elk talk too much
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i apologize to my lalafriends for being a race traitor but i bought a fanta in the sale and the brainworms of returning to my meena got to me...
>playing with a cheating SEAmonkey
You love moonies!
Host it. Make a PotD race where first to get to floor 100 from lvl 1 gets a prize, host several m1s learning parties, Bozja/Eureka/Whatever tour and learning parties for those who haven't touched it yet, have a triple triad tournament, organize a meetup where you visit thread anon's homes/apartments or visit popular well known housing.
Where's the meetup where we actually play the game and don't use nigger cheats?
>sucks cheater cock for a reclear
Not worth it to me, I have dignity.
Sorry, I don't raid with subhumans.
>playing with kong
Bricked account
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Okay, a gift for all you sunnies
Why aren't you hosting one?
i'd honestly kill for a drawfag art party type meetup, too

Proof? Oh wait you have none
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Could you repeat that in something other than ebonics?
Sorry I filtered every kong image.
make your own instead of whining, retard
ive been having too much fun posing different anons lately
>suck Kong's cock
God I wish...
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We got CC
He's white
M-maybe only a little...
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We got fishing
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Make something better then, sillybilly
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Posting the croc tail one final time today, to satisfy the enthusiasts.
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Why does CC pop faster in Crystal than Primal, i thought primal was the pvp server....
I lightly funpost several anons here with gimmick posts
Why are there weird growths on her tits
i ordered a lovense to use with xiv and mom intercepted the package
Hey please stop bashing me in the head, I bruise easily and need all the brain cells I can get.
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Is this Shan the meltyman? It is isn't it? I see why you need a cheat party.
Very nice croc tail. Now stuff it down my throat!
why this bitch got rash bumps on her chest
the person behind you is covered in tumors
higher population of casuals, primal has higher quality while crystal has higher quantity
why do they even bother making gear with bad substats
why are substats still in this game
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queue for thaleia on crystal
What stat do I meld on my BiS moonie feet???
god this ra is pretty
if only she were on NA...
I didn't see one.
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>primal has higher quality
I really want to know which braindead nigger keeps saying this.
Ye meld socks.
still waiting on you to plap my fiddie
i'm about to pop
Primal has higher player quality than Crystal in general
my femra can charge her switch with her wireless headphone's cable she's so back
What would be your Loporrit -way name?
I will steal this fiddies char data today
okay how about you lift me then
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That took longer than it should've.
i guess that's a possibility
Anyone who is better than me at a video game is cheating

hit random a few times and post anything interesting you get
i am
a fiera
doing roulettes on preeemaaal
(im avoiding someone)
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moonies are for
we're so back https://xivmodarchive.com/modid/66849
Ma'am, hold your chocobos with these forward notions. We must first dine and then wine, or sake, technically. At a bare minimum. Desert then can be discussed.
Hey don't look at me. Small indie company etc, etc. Materia is always an option, but eeehhh..
There's no good reason that fish should be as slippery as it is.
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I'm not sure why this person has a tail, but yeah
i am
a femra who wants to cc

queue cc on crystal @ 2:15 et
We out here justifying automarkers/cactbot again for the 20th time this tier huh?
This moonie, hydra and Effy are all the same person
No personality
Sexpost for attention
Useless otherwise
No sister wars! Moonies and sunnies belong to each other! I'm going to smooch the next sunnie to bring our tribes closer together!
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Are there any sexy catgirls with normal proportions that post here? Not really a fan of the bimbo look if I'm being honest
And yet it is...
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yep this is the one come here.
3 kids at the minimum
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there i am
I will resume plapping fiddies when my house is complete
Yeah my femlala acts and looks and smells like this
hiding so all of their simps and responses thereto are out of my sight
will you /pet me if i queue
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locked in
You ever see a character and instantly know the player is a black man?
plap catgirl+ now
like the sandwich
You need to be locked up and force fed medication until you're normal.
My injection went wrong and I squirted blood all over my wall
you're gonna catch her monkey pox...
Hypothetically speaking, if I were to make an adeptus mechanicus cosplay with doll parts mods, what glam or mods should I use to make my flesh and limbs look more mechanical? Hypothetically speaking ofc.
Also, any glams with skulls? I can, through brute force, make them look like props sort of.
call me a p-word PLEASE....
*licks wall*
...your injection of what, anon?
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I am normal you fucking dipshit
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You were second, sis, but good try.
cats are for petting not plapping (i don't want toxoplasmosis)
My estrogen anon
Noo! I am unsmoochable! Do nyot! Aieee! Moonie cooties!
my moonie is fiending for crack
Why do some people vehemently post again male characters
Is it for simple (You)s
Hey. Hey, orange, hey. Futa modbeast.
Hypothetically speaking, if I were to fucking punch you in your stupid fucking face, how many teeth would fly out? you fucking dweeb
my worst nightmare is mom finds the lovense ffxiv collection
Babe no that's your HRT go lick it up
by petting me you've already got spores in your brain and you'll be rewritten to enjoy plapping catgirls
if I parse green with 2 deaths, does that mean it would have been purple if I didn't die?
It's okay, you can keep your underwear on so we don't touch skin when I smooch you...
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I've been playing since 2015, this has literally never happened to me before.
Nah man you're cooked and everybody can see it. Everyone is thinking it every time you post but they don't care enough to tell you. Why isn't your family helping you? Are you hiding your illness from them or do they just not care enough to get you help?
no one i know in my calls.... dang
can you un-esol this
congrations anon
call again i'm here to queue now
98 in a 35way
*My malera pulls a cloth from his pocket* Let me clean that up for you, princess.
... cats are meant to be afraid of those...
can you stop posting dbz images? I'm literally locked out of posting dbz shit because of your autism now
i'm horrified of if she's gonna bring it up
depends when you died but yeah probably
My cat doesn't give a fuck about them
i will after i get out of this randos match!!! for sure
im eating breakfast but i'll come to play after
I am trying to play space marine 2
Your parents open your packages? Glad my parents respect my privacy and just leave them on the table
Gonna go take a shit, don't pop this thaleia queue while I'm on the bathroom
my femra forgot to buy coffee creamer so she has to drink her coffee black but she's a pussy and she's crying right now
moonies might be. suncats like their phallic-adjacent vegetables.
that's good enough for my ego, thanks sis
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this moonie is waiting...
im white
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sorry anon, I don't know how to gpose teeth. Much less singular pieces of teeth falling out of the base skull model. Can you walk me through that process step-by-step?

Greatly appreciated :)
going to doma to marry my doman femraen wife who has a lovely tail so we can start a doman family living a nice simple doman life eating dango in doma.
my moonie has a surplus of crack she will not share as she is also fiending for it
Please do not chloroform our trans sisters.
the other one...
shut up nerd
you wish
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You know for a small community like this there has never been a big explosion of drama.
How about you reach out to somebody and think about your own actions, maybe talking to somebody you see struggling instead of hurling random insults to bait them. We have been through this song and dance before you know who I am.
Look at you lusting over a little girl...
Ahahaha! You're not a pedo, are you~?
Hahahahaha! Pedo! Pedo! Pedo! I see your little friend over there getting excited down there! Ahahaha~!
Don't worry, nonny... I'll take care of your primitive reaction here~
god my moonie seriously needs crack
Why are you waiting? You're just going to flake like you always do.
I do it because I know it makes male characters here upset
what's a SECONDARY
that you speak of? Is that a term used in Final Fantasy XIV?
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>im white
No you're not.
You're hispanic I can tell because of the outfits and body type you have
I think she means well. She just wants to pitch the boxes before they come inside. Or maybe she's nosey.
were you my mch?
ok i'm gonna add pictures to the calls so we can see them and i don't get stuck with randos again

it's sands for the map btw

queue crystal cc @ 6 et
Is this that trancer shitter?
no problem now stop licking the floor you dirty casual!!!
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa thank you...
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I've been telling you to get help for days, retard. You are the one who needs it most. You are the only one here not pretending to be mentally ill. You do not need to live like this.
/xivg/ - Lolicon ERP General
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i am
a male moonie
the horns make it impossible to pose us kissing
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Tell me ingame you fucking fag
can i see ur moonie going through withdrawals

i might have been your mch i'm sorry i'm bad at it this is my second day trying to learn it
please post femlalas NOW
This is clearly Kyoppi...
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No I'm not
>Trancers (also released as Future Cop) is a 1984 American science fiction action film directed by Charles Band and starring Tim Thomerson, Helen Hunt, and Art LaFleur. It is the first film in the Trancers series. Thomerson plays Jack Deth, a Philip Marlowe-esque police detective from the 23rd century who travels to the 1980s to bring his old nemesis to justice. The film portrays a unique method of time travel: people can travel back in time by injecting themselves with a drug that allows them to take over the body of an ancestor.
No. I'm not interested in getting to know you. Get help and become a person capable of normal interactions.
Irish people aren’t white
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am i not allowed to sexpost in the sexpost general?
As far as I'm concerned, only female moonies exist
I asked you guys ONE simple favor.
Turning sunnies into footsluts addicted to moonie feet!
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I rape you braindead casuals on my erp alt and laugh in Spanish / Québécois while doing it jajajaja / hon hon hon
but kyoppi's not a pedo?
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>no femlala eb who will casually affectionately lewdly flirt with my femlala
its over
>No personality
Explain what this means in at least 4 sentences.
>i might have been your mch i'm sorry i'm bad at it this is my second day trying to learn it
something about returning a pink person in your adv plate? You're fine sis, if you have questions just ask i was your gnb
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Then stop worrying about me and do something better with your life, how many days of your life have you wasted in this general
That includes all of you fishing for (you)s because you can't come up with anything organic to say less you get clipped on reddit
Absolutely pussy behavior
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Ahh general how nice of you to show up
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male mooniebros
how do we recover
how do you not know what a secondary means?
that would be my 'please return my eb to me if you see him running after taller women' shirt
yep, that's me!

thank you you were honestly a great gnb and i was also wondering why half our party didn't go for balm...
Oooooh next time I get fired I need to grind up this staff
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don't think i've flaked on anyone, sorry
measure my skull ese, i aint no latinx
Don't make me say the b word proverb.
To be fair most of the new age racism we see today was invented by british people to discriminate against the irish because the brits were like "there's no way we're the same race as these people"
>Absolutely pussy behavior
you speak like every retarded cholo I know, machismo doesn't work over the internet because nothing you'll do could ever affect me
Using enough lube will help, for one.
always has been
Why do people complain about the meetups but never try to host their own?
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>measure my skull ese, i aint no latinx
>mhmm.. body proportions
>Is a moonie
>Is white.
100% a irish or ginger
My femlala is granny-coded, sorry
because they just want to complain
is this post ironic
I died because of my stack partner actually!
Because it’s free and easy (You)’s to grab throwing out the occasional post about how meetups are all boring afk fests
This lalaboy looks like he would be flattened by steamrollers during a cultural revolution.
it means he sexpested the ebins and they didnt reciprocate
>you speak like ever retarded cholo I know
I hope you're doing well with your life because if you're not in your 30s doing this shit you need a reality check. If you are in your 30s then holy fuck you are just another npc
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I don't speak /xivg/. Honestly, half the time I don't even know whose talking about what or what's talking about when. All I know is I have to find thematically appropriate mods and this is the only place to ask.
Stop melting and call somebody. Anybody. Tell them the psychological issues you're having. If you can't get yourself help maybe they will do it for you. A friend, a family member, the fucking fire department, I don't care. You're only going to get worse as time goes on.
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>Using enough lube
i dont get it
>you are just another npc
coming from the guy who spends 20 hours a day posting like a spambot
man ____ femra
Don't worry, you will
please post her
Anon... she's the Daimyo of her clan... this will be no simple life. Please reconsider.
my bad, but a secondary is an insult for someone who got into something through secondary means.
manga readers call anime watchers secondaries

Do yourself a favor and leave this place, it's for the best.
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fine but im keeping my eye on you....
>I don't speak /xivg/
Blud is new to 4chan everybody punch his dick.
NTA but I typed up some dumb shit and realized it doesn't make any sense.
>Gooned 4x yesterday
>Feel 0 urge to today
I'm cured... Temporarily...
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Niggas love to hate on somebody coming up. It's like a person has free will to do something you know?
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How do you respond without sounding mad?
And you didn't post it because...?
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then I'll be her loving and supporting husband through those difficult times
>I hope you're doing well with your life
I don't think you believe this.
>you are just another NPC
Stunning lack of self awareness from someone who posts the exact same things day in, day out
>coming up
how the fuck is posting the same 30 youtube links with the same 50 anime pictures every single day "coming up?"
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good luck, the Zodiac weapons are a chore but the grind does eventually end!
I stab him with my knife.
mogged by left and mogged harder by the right
Speak for yourself dude. You're the one coping, seething, and melting.
I realized halfway that it doesn't make sense, so I deleted it...
garlean filth! seducing eorzeans! needs rape correction! filling her with filthy lowborn sperm!
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I have your attention now
Bro typed a paragraph out and is talking about others having psychological issues
Trve, but I do find there are some really nice posters here who help out. Like that last thread there was that one anon that deferred me to an XMA mod. I'll come back later.
Gotcha. I don't really visit /a/ that much. I got here because the trial page said "Up to lvl 70".
ur cheesin senpai.
I'm really horny bros
What do I get off to?
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My fiddie is like this
>ah yes Kan-E-Senna you can tell the elementals I found someone that upset the rules of the twelveswoods.
>yes it's the twat in the tophat
"Tell them to send 2"
and I have yours
Pretends to be hypersexual when in reality is a nervous virgin?
Unnamed Neko take a second and catch your breath. Collect your thoughts. I know you're confused and anxious knowing so many people can see your illness that you believe yourself to be hiding. Think about what this means, though. It's progressed to the point where you are fully out of control. You need medical intervention and that's all there is to it.
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>Gil stash slowly recovering after blowing 40 mil on day 1 raid gear and pentamelds for 2 chars.
Subs are ridiculous...
Made for being sat on by both male and female Hrothgar.
Be careful he CCs.
this is just 99% of the thread
My moonie needs to get Kong'd
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lobby had some new players, is ok. Balm is one of those weird things people sometimes just...dont know about i guess? I didn't really understand it till someone yelled at me for it lmao. You're doing fine though dw
Yeah, so? Have you seen 90% of posts in this thread?
ok, kong
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mch is fun, i'm not gonna lie.

queue crystal cc @ 10:45 et
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And that's how a conversation works you dumbass
If you actually gave a fuck to type all this out you could have said something to me ingame. God I hope this community explodes because you retards are a plague
>pentamelds on 2 chars
fellow splits enjoyer?
Ew what is that thing?!
They would never believe you over a Conscientious Wildwood in a suit. You are taken to the Twin Adder barracks and instalossed.
Hey! Are you a sunnie?
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then why did you point it out, npc
made for baking cookies and slowly worsening dementia
Same, sis. Maybe we could get Kong'd at the same time?
Just ask him then retard, I'm sure he'll say yes
it definitely helps when you feel you have a good party//support. lets you get out of the box and get a feel for the kit without worrying about being dogpiled. it's why i like cc with everyone here so much!!

and you're right, love to see new players in the lobby. i just wish there was a chat button that warned about mechanics lol
bitch I'm the mother fucking warrior of light, they'll believe me or I will call in favors with all their bosses and their asses exiled to Meracydia
my middie has angeleyes
one look and you're hypnotised
he'll take your heart and you must pay the price
Yeah,, are you a moonie. . ?
why do the woodwailers hate moonies so much
The thing about old ffxiv I miss is being able to play with all effects on and it not be a distraction.
You absolutely cannot fucking do this today.
*casts Smooch IV*
Why do you want to be this way? You could be normal and eventually work towards being happy if you just reached out. All you're doing is digging yourself deeper into a problem that will NEVER go away on its own.
Just decided to PF on two different characters/DCs because I'm crazy.
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You have been brainrotted by social media and it's only going to go downhill from here for you. Enjoy the blender and pray you don't slip up because you like to be "Anonymous" in an mmo general
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So now that FFXVI flopped even on PC they'll stop making new projects and put money back into XIV, right?
Scholar is the best healer simply because it comes with a free book reading idle emote.
Lucky you Anon
Same here, snce 2015 and never got a triple line
Or jumbo cactpot
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Throwing catnip at and recording it for youtube views.
The Brute Squad? Hum this in response: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFp7VwyQLFU
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Tell me once and tell me true; How do I plappeth Moonies blue?
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cant believe ive gone from black to hispanic to irish (blacks of europe) in just a handful of posts
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turn poetics into shroud topsoil
turn gc seals into voidrake seeds
turn both into voidrakes in a deluxe bed
turn voidrakes into darksteel ore
mfw 72 darksteel ore per deluxe bed every 18 hours
mfw 1000 gil per ore on the marketboard
mfw figured out the system for easy infinite gil

wait why do i hear a gun cli
>a party member has withdrawn from the duty

SE has not learned from Square's Spirits Within
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>it definitely helps when you feel you have a good party//support.
i am sorry to say I have swapped jobs apologies in advance
I think Unnamed Neko is schizophrenic. That's why his posts are nonsensical, and he wants to meet in-game because he can't differentiate what posts are real and what posts are hallucinations. If he can see you in-game, he can believe you are real.
/snap and voidlist the ugly malezen off my screen
Tell him he's builded for my melf and run away.
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Is this in Eorzea time?
So queuing when the timer says 10:45?
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pov: your lalaboy going on a walk with my femlala
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I feel guilty over not taking new pics
No, they're going to keep censoring dragon quest and driving their company into the dirt
Of course I am! Would you rather get leashed to a toe ring or an anklet?
Funny, I voidlist all snap users.
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I found a stick and was told to go poke people with it in CC.
the only way i can temporarily cure myself is to edge for hours and hours until my dick hurts and it doesnt feel enjoyable to touch it for a few days
Because you are clearly somebody people like to have around
hit him with the /ac regen <t> and walk off
any femras on NA wanna frontline
Are you saying you don't think the people here are real? Because that sounds equally schizo, bro....
wanna femra only?
What would it take to buy square Enix? How much money would I need to spend?
No, they'll let the game rot (like they're currently doing) then wonder what happened to their cashcow.
yuri sex with sunnies
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My harpoon!
You have lol, but whatever.
I don't know what his diagnosis is, but living that way without treatment is only going to lead to one conclusion.
Are you at least of proper stock?
didn't yoshida say he wants a FF game that is turn-based next? like they wanna rip off BG3? also there was another interview where this clown said they want to rely LESS on XIV so don't expect them to pump more budget into this game
I really like how you guys pretend the game is worse off than it really is. The rampant contrarianism is fun
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Please rate my Hrothgal.
>selling the darksteel instead of crafting with it
thanks for doing all the hard work for me when i buy your darksteel ore for dirt cheap
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i am
155/204 right now
I'm fine normally as long as I'm either busy, or just not surrounded by sexual content.
If I'm free, bored, and surrounded by modded sluts on XIV all day, there's no escaping the goon.
Which is pretty much how your body is supposed to operate anyways, so that's not particularly surprising...
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I steal his nuggies and flee the scene of the crime then fanta into an exact replica of his form.
SCH books only have geometric shapes, they can't read.
didn't concord have better numbers than this
Because doomposting is actually more fun than the 5/10 middle of the road gameplay. You're right, it's not shit. It's not fucking good though.
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who ranked me as a 1..
it cannot be femra only because i am a catboy
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i clearly dont understand as much about lobo corp as i thought i did cause i dont understand this meme at all
concord didn't crack 700
you deserve a 0
Anklet sounds more practical.. but toering is way more degrading
oh fuck it released today didn't it
you're doing great on sage, honestly!
Are sonybronies really trying to rewrite history already?
No, it didn't. Its peak was lower than XIV during maintenance.
This isn't really an issue against you, but man Miqo hairstyles where you can see the sides of their heads are weird. I hate their visible LACK OF EARS being displayed so shamelessly!
My lalaboy, sorry...
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why do you want femra so badly...
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FINE its the best healer because I get to look at doodles, okay?!
i saw this recently for the firmament when i visted another server, everyone must have been ishgard crafting
That’s the poophead threequel to lobcorp pay it no mind
The fishtank
Based Double Brute Squad enjoyer.
I won 3 pieces that I needed today so I've got plenty
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i missed the timer
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I really wish we had something as kino as ENTERman or Erlking as a boss these days
or a cast that isn't as bland as the Scions...
That's 100% Ruina bro
What's wrong mister? This isn't against the rules is it?

Besides, doesn't it feel good? I bet it does right?

Hey~ I'll make you a deal, okay? If you buy all my junk from the market board, I'll let you spurt your tiny pedo load between my thighs~
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they're squeak calls now that i know there's one combo breaker anon in the world that is squeakphobic

queue crystal cc @ 2:30 et
Post non-numbered, or number them left to right so we can rank them too..
no one who coalburns is above a 3
solid 7 outta ten.
Looks like she hands out quests to help her kill 5 bears
How did this Elezen get that scar on her forehead?
Idc! *kills you*
Could you please link me to the posts where this person is melting down? Because this just looks like projecting from here.
the issue is more that when I get focused on sage I have way less agency in the game. Between their monk, mch, and bard silences, I wasn't really able to play past the 2 min mark, it was just a survival game at that point. Sorry I couldn't do more for us that one, was a tough one for me
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>none of my crushes are here

Why? You all fucking suck. What's the point?
Please kill yourself.
Yeah, it was at the firmament. Weird.
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this is the kindest comment i have gotten for any of the characters i have created...
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Sounding mad? I'll tell him that we've received his request and help is on the way.
We need one more successful calamity
You say this as you are instalossed and reduced to the Warrior of Ahegao. Would you like to try again?
maybe don't treat pc players like third class citizens from now on
i hit that so someone could get a body on the point and try to stop them from advancing it and gain the lead
Spamming the thread every day is a meltdown.
He does this because he has had a psychotic break.
You are actively decreasing the chances of him getting help by being a retard and pretending otherwise.
np bro
i can just farm garuda for the actual stuff when i need it
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Actually scratch that.
You're femhroth looks ugly as shit. SHE LOOKS LIKE A MIDDLE SCHOOL TEACHER
Why does Paladin have so many buttons?
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because battlesexual femra are hot
what kind of question is that
Based moonie plappers.
ft how am i supposed to lb u if ur on my team
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If so, you're welcome to actually bring it up to me. I'm sure there was a good reason if it actually did happen.
It's a little odd, but I think double set of human + cat ears looks even weirder. I think I've probably just got used to it though.
the melees kept chasing me i wasn't much help...
>Spamming the thread every day is a meltdown.
Don’t see you saying this to any other avatarfag that also spams the thread day after day after day. Seems to me you’re projecting onto this person because you specifically have some kind of personal issue with them for whatever reason you may have
Play rdm stupid
hows cc on controller?
certified grown man post
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I knew it was too good to be true...
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If I'm having a meltdown something is genuinely wrong I don't think you understand that
Oka is an unironic schizo, desu anyone who has a character twitter is fucked in the head
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Kill yourself.
It doesn't matter how many seconds you stall. Your team has no damage, no firepower, and will die when the guards are on cooldown and it's a fight on the point.
"nah, i'd win"
>effy ignored
my moonie is so fricken eepy
The guy has really shit taste too, no one there deserves even a three and you deserve a negative 8 at least.
I dunno if they should have two sets of ears, but maybe like.. move the cat ears down? Or just make extra sure their hairstyles hide the sides of their heads?
If you can't see the difference between attention whoring and legitimate mental illness I don't know what to tell you. Maybe you and UN are equally unsocialized and you just can't pick up on his behavior.
my femra is more like retardsexual
im still at work bro and it's a 100gb+ download. im gonna play it when i get home
you’ll need to get used to the targeting
Everyone joins in. You're given free meal tickets at the Carline Canopy and handshakes all around, good job.
This is a very cute moonie, similar to mine but not quite as divine
>something is genuinely wrong
This is what I've been telling you. And it can be fixed in all likelihood. Spamming the thread is not going to do it though.
Show me examples of him “melting down” then oh anonymous psychologist
i tried turning cornbread mix into cookies and it tastes like fuckin shit
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Most certainly will show me who the snakes here are
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Lol even fucking 14 players, the ones most fucked over by the loot system, are still so braindead as to think its "a social aspect" to have your shit stolen from you.
Come on bro suck my dick
Personal Loot is the only way to properly balance raiding.
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What’s your plan for the evening anon?
Stinky transbian go away.
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Why do they hate him?
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Twenty-two sectors tested
Fragments in one direction
Celestial noise detected
Delirium unsuspected
Static tuned in to reason
Time in the aether deepens (Who'll see you falling back to the end)
Transmissions blink uncompleted
Seven two three two three
Yes, falling back right in with the system
Who'll see you falling back to the end
When falling back is better than simply
Falling back into pieces again
fucking bullshit game
I'm not interested in babysitting you. You're a bad person for trying to gaslight this mentally ill man into thinking he's being schizo'd. You are morally bankrupt and deserve to experience what he's suffering and more.
Go back to wow
Pfft, who cares about practicality? We'll go ahead and get you collared and chained to my moonie's big toe! Honestly, you won't need to worry about much of anything anymore, just licking and smooching moonie soles!
>a worse looting system will make gearing better
How’d that work out for WoW again?
pop more addies and find someone to goon with
Nice armpit!
jerkin my woober to those pits
>cat group pic
>not in the clique
Not sure how to feel about this
It will show you exactly what you want to see and nothing more. You will learn no truths here. Whatever happened on chen has nothing to do with your current situation.
they involve your pictures
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It's time to play his game, anon
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>queue CC
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I tried the Japanese dub, but I really can't enjoy it. Every time someone opens their mouth its like I'm just hearing the same four people doing the same four voice archetypes.
Laughing at retards so butthurt about not getting attention they manually waste their finite time on this earth editing the same picture two hundred times to avoid someone god forbid filtering them.
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to the lalafell that's been on my team the first few matches, sorry i had to snipe you

queue crystal cc @ 6:30 et
It made the raiding scene objectively better and removed all the toxicity now that everyone is guaranteed a reward for 4+ hours of their time. Fuckass.
12 people and 0 personality
>just hearing the same four people doing the same four voice archetypes.
That’s all any JP dub is bro idk why weebs jack it off so much
So fucking true!! Moonie feet truly are the best..
Bashed heads with a dragoon when we both went in on the communal salt lick rock.
You make my day objectively better...
i can be your retard
I want to play but I have to wait
it's over
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Dailies, make a pose or two, maybe rejoin some PvP late in the evening
What in the fuck am I even reading with this UN drama chain. Can I get a tl;dr: that's not either 3+ anons randomly replying to each other or one person samefagging hard?
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here ser
erm rava's aren't black men, hope this helps.
but im right there
effy got 2 10s though
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>had an actual dream about someone from /xivg/
>wake up mad at them
Alright bros, that's a sign.. I need to head outside for a bit...
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No, it's just begun.
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I will later.
While the "objective quality" of the JP dub might better, I just enjoy that the english one has a lot of different accents and such.
I'm gonna spend time with him.
and disrespectfully aim the camera at him
yes! I am ready.
>swap to eng dub
>hear british accent
>day ruined forever
You cheeky fuck.

Out of confusion a hearer is sent for to try to cure you.

That's our move, we'll do it first.

Also cheeky

You won't be able to hide your innate femraciousness for long.

Well said, just don't trip into any instaloss on the way.

I see what you're trying to do here.
Reminder that Grape lets literally anyone hit, including modbeast Hrothgar.

It is undeniable PROOF that the LORD had created femlalas for ME and ME only! I have received a VISION from the BOSOMS OF GOD and I WAS TO BE THE FATHER OF A NEW RACE OF HUMANITY! I shall IMPREGNATE and SEX every femlala. EVERY SINGLE ONE. From brats to cuties to pure ones to sluts ALL SHALL BEAR MY CHILDREN! And in the name of the LORD I shall create a new race, a RACE of POSTHUMANS who shall bear with them my HOLY SEEDS and the FLESH of the femlalas. And the rest of humanity shall be KEKED as they are FORCED to BREED with my offsprings and their offsprings! Until all of humanity is nothing but MY CHILDREN. All of HUMANITY shall descend from my GROIN and the OVARIES OF femlalas!
maybe play bg3 with my brothers. if not, fishing and CC all night
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these things habben
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>against lolifags
I don't remember posting this
falke's journey from normal miera to muscular futa catgirl twitter sexpest needs to be documented, genuinely sad to see someone get swallowed by the gooner rabbithole
You're talking like it's a bad thing.
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midlanders... our time has come...
i am NOT going to waste millions on pentamelds
i really gotta stop clicking catboxes man
Plap plap plap plap plap, you are now pregnant.
>Same archetypes
This is actually a legitimate complaint some people have about JP VAing (including JPs). Because Japanese is spoken in such a small geographic area, there are really only a few dialects/accents that don't just fall into 'bad foreigner jp'. Some JPs are actually jealous that EN has a fuck ton of different accents for creating character variety/identity.
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Regret to inform you that I read that but I'm too straight to care.
>heterosexual ebin
this has made me like grape more than most ebins
What the fuck i love grapecat now
>effy got 2 10s though
but everyone in the picture is avoiding his characters
Does anyone know of any mods that make Machinist just 'guy with a gun'? I just want to shoot a gun instead of doing all this backflip-grenadethrow-robotsummon shit.
anon.. I am a man, I can't get pregnant!
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So you can't link any specific posts? Anon, you're the one melting down, please get help.
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>he doesn't know
I respect posters who let anyone hit more than the ebins that only pose with people with more threadcred than them
if youre gonna post something at least post the most recent pics anon
no i meant im retarded
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doesnt count, i'm still downloading
my femroe is gonna get Astro to 100(98 rn), do my frontline, do a few Aglaia on GNB for XP, do custom deliveries then log off. Same shit, different day.
dual magnum kind of does this
miera hands made this
its so over...
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Instead of reaching out to somebody to ask them what the fuck they are on about they choose to "schizo me" in multiple ways. This shit has been going on since 2021 and I've ignored it but it's getting annoying
I'm not interested in babysitting you. You're a bad person for trying to gaslight this mentally ill man into thinking he's being schizo'd. You are morally bankrupt and deserve to experience what he's suffering and more.
Female character ebins who fuck males >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> transbian trooners who only let F+ hit
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>My femlala waddles up to your desk and places this on your desk, pushing away your keyboard, and sending several empty soda cans clattering into the floor.
>She stares up at you with her arms crossed and a defiant demeanor, yet her pleading eyes and shaky voice fault her.
"W-well...? Eat it..."
Why do we like Effy when he's the most mentally ill poster this thread has after Maki Nakadi
Damn she's cute, would put babies in her
who is we
are there any mods that add just a little bit of shine/glow to the face instead of being full oily
what about trannies who let males hit
they're both my wives
what about male characters who only let F+ hit
I can't notice the difference between watermelon crushers and skull crushers am I blind or retarded or both
>the male character feels entitled to virtual pussy
Didn’t you rape some guy’s kids and die to the first boss of Thaleia? Why would we play with you?
You are pretty blatantly schizoing him though. Link the posts or be quiet. Nobody likes you and if we knew who you were in-game we'd mass blacklist you.
insane how hroth and suncat stocks took a nosedive from that picture
I would like more blue moonies to be posted thank you very much
Trannies don't let males hit, that's the point.
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You’d think they could at least be caught up on the material
i could post my moonie in this thread
or maybe the next one
Wait but what if they want the embrace of someone who doesn't have tits
i have seen more of Tozer than i ever wanted against my will
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sorry, i dont think it's gonna work out if we are both retarded
can i see ur moonie
qrd on maki?
skull crushes are more muscular
which one of us is taller
yes, genuine question
glamourer says the femra is taller
Where do I get Dual Magnum? Does it replace my gun, or can I use it with KR's pistol mod?
For as many pictures as you guys take and post here on a daily basis you’d think there would be a single good gposer here but there isn’t
Why babies of all things??
Truth. Angry transbians who are ugly will seethe, based ladyboys who pass will nod and giggle.
This but unironically.
Is your moonie blue?
honestly this one doesnt look that bad. cheese needs to be melted but other than that it's fine
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Need me a retard like this one
not a single straight person in this picture
my femra is a trooner but she lets F+ hit and males hit but only if they're dating
i think Nia is pretty good
cute hellguard post more!!
kari weiss my beloved
Yes you can.
Unicorns. They dont exist.
That they are! Such a good sunnie, already singing the praise of her superior's feet, and she hasn't even gotten a taste yet...
not gonna lie i thought the MAGA elezen and the sex pest elezen were the same malezen
yeah we'd probably end up burning down our house and killing everyone inside while trying to make mac and cheese, good call
Im trying to get better, still fairly new to it
my moonie is shy

Yes I do, nigger.
Why bother taking good pictures that get ignored when I can take a normal post in a skimpy outfit with a shader on and get called a wife?
my femra would let male characters hit if they had an ounce of rizz, but none of them even try
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Gpose maybe, I don't have anything else on the docket
my moonie is free use for all races and genders but no one ever asks...
I am saddened, but I'd still like to see your moonie anyways
a lot of moonies are shy moonie... that doesnt mean theyre not great moonies...
https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/97551 im not sure but it has a lot of its own guns included
{Um. . .} Y-Yeah, true.
tozer's too based
>Tfw Grape won't give you the time of day now that she's popular
Unnamed Neko is a has-ebin that no one cares about, so they post somewhere to 200 to 300 off topic youtube links with their character attached a day.
When people, rightly, tell him to chill out and shut the fuck up from his 24/7 thread spam he just replies with "mindbroken general" and doubles down on his crying and pretends he's some martyr as if he's changing the world or being oppressed by the goverment.
>just don't trip into any instaloss
I'm going to address these rumors officially some day.
I want to retire to the Azim Steppe with my roegadyn eb and make him put a half-dozen kids in me. I want to just be a housewife living off the tens of millions of gil I made on the market board and watch our half-scaly kids grow up. The boys are going to be absolutely gigantic and the girls are going to be five to six feet tall which would be completely normal anywhere else in the world but leave them towering over Auntie Cirina and Auntie Sadu.
so where are your posts with male golems? surely you're heterosexual enough to have made those right?
probably play runey while I afk until my wife gets home
can i see ur moonie
Well, I guess the basic combo is better in this. I'll keep looking, but thanks for the suggestion.
*pulls your mask as far as possible and then lets go*
I literally cannot I do not have the parts to get pregnant
>wipes 43 times in P1S over three years ago
>still spams the thread with “concerns” about the 2-minute meta
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all my posts are good
you must think you're so clever
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I love bait
Mindbroken dog
Which femra, coward?

If you have a way higher standard for males, honestly, none of us are gonna try to date you because odds are 100% you'll cheat the moment a futa you like targets you.
>the grown ass men here want to erp and lewd pose with other grown men
>they get upset if you deny them this
It’s just like real life lol
I don't use golems because golems aren't real
debating if I should post more
femlala vore?
I would like to see you naked please
no one cared about the poses i put effort into they only want to see me naked so i stopped
Just going to do some graping, as usual.
When is it appropriate to healer lb3?
the fiddie definitely looks taller but it might just be the hair
cc doko
>forced to spam a single thread for 90% of his waking life
sounds like you're the Mindbroken dog
when it saves the pull
So is it one schizo who is just spamming the same vaguepost on cooldown today or what?
I know I'm not entitled to anyone's attention or time, but it kind of sucks when you're venting to someone and they just tell you retarded solutions to the problem, even after you explained like 6 times you don't want any solutions, you just want to vent about a recent problem that's on your mind.
i posted her already
>200 to 300 off topic youtube links with their character attached a day.
Give him some credit, it's not always his character. He posts random anime pics a lot as well. Usually DBZ since he's brown.
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but it's not friday yet!!!!!
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Um, guys? Ardberts not dead.
We just had an hour long vc and he’s my boyfriend now. Take that, femlalas!
i don't realllly have a higher standard for males. i think female body types are generally more attractive, but the main draw for me is their attraction toward me and their personality
i'd take a 'bro'-like male character over a sexpest f+ any day, but only if they genuinely liked me
same size or giant/tiny?
Maki aka Miriam aka Vera aka who god knows what else he buys name changes constantly and has deleted his characters at least twice
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>trannies who let men hit are the ones that pass
>exclusively fantasize about and pose with men
>but i dont pass
what does this mean
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You have quite literally admitted to doing instaloss under a confession post a few days ago. What's there to address, free use?
How do I fix lalaboy stocks
we should pose sex irl
We need to correct this
Hey...what if my male character and your trans character fought swords with their woobers ...
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>ooki is paying for clears
catgirls are banned from early queuing this time. i saw you. the entire class went oooOOOooOOO!!!!

queue crystal cc @ 1:15 et
The proper term are AGP (gross hons) and HSTS (passers) ^^
it's unfixable desu
You're the sole reason the aco thread is fucking dead because you spam your low quality garbage shit and think anyone cares about it
HSTS and AGP are fake categories and passing has very little to do with attraction. I'm a twink with boobs at best myself and I vastly prefer men.
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Permission to theory post in the final fantasy general
That's how this works isn't it, you think I would come back here and make an ass out of myself on purpose? "Age-regression rp" my ass nigga you are stuck in the past believing people can't change and instead of opening your mind you chose to hide here while giving me the attention I'm not asking you for.
You literally stopped using your tripcode after just 2 days of not getting a single (You)
I won't call you dog because even implying you're mammal is putting you too close to a human, cockroach.
bro you posted this yesterday
Kanchelle posts here thoughbeit?
nuffin wrong with likin f on f+
all the femras i plap regularly say the same thing but they find it hard to find male characters
there's a genuine shortage of male characters who are both lewd and charming
I'm beginning to really like AH
I wish femroes posted more but you guys get the weirdest replies so I get it.
All of my elezens blank posts are of the highest quality.
some people do that to get loot early without competition
I wouldn't do this shit for 1.5m but some people would
the /aco/ thread is dead because everyone posts their shit here, retard.
Where can I find this cat for some lewd pics?
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I already know that 7.1 is going to be a dogshit patch
Not a femroe but it is kind of wild seeing how varied their responses are depending on what flavour of schizo is around
bro the aco thread was dead long before them
its because those fucking idiots split into like 4 different threads
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botters be like
someone read this and tell me this is not schizophrenia
Savage Alliance Raid will save the entire expansion
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>m4s reclear
>healer dies during sunrise
>know I did my part of the mech right
>pld starts having a meltie after pull saying whoever did it wrong needs to type mb and reprog
>starts spamming clemency on me because I guess they think i did it wrong
>they leave and blist me
I'm glad to have them on my blist as well after that
This is what is known as word salad, a common symptom in these cases.
Both are fine but I prefer the latter
trying to deflect everyone else as the problem AGAIN, faggot?
highly huggable
what a toxic bastard
It's not very big though.. I think you'd win..
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The /aco/ threads are dead because even if you didn't post shit crossthread people would rush to post it here as a gotcha, the quality is low, and the schizos in those threads are even more unhinged than here
Just look at all the fuckos who rush to post people's twitters or catboxes
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Oh hey I've raided with this person
lmao is this the same nigga that got buckbroken back on Chen?
And I'd do it again too
I don't but my mom sure always said so.
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>the attention I'm not asking you for.
That's how this works isn't it, you post in a thread and people reply to it? "Coming up rp" my ass nigga you are spamming the thread for attention instead of getting a trip or doing something else while giving me the attention I'm not asking you for.
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>tiddy monster gone forever
i will not cry
"coming up rp"
LOL nigga i been up
It’s either stupid “mommy” bullshit or “fucking ogres kill yourself” there’s almost no inbetween
t. femroe
the time has come for me to fid die
Me petting you
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Maybe you should have communicated? Fucking aspie.
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You thought you could SILENCE me?
You thought you could CENSOR me?
Well, THINK AGAIN, Vauthry
We LIKE menhera here
We LIKE posting our characters and that DOESN'T break the GLOBAL RULE #13
I WILL be posting my character while I RAPIDLY DESCEND INTO MADNESS
For the ENTIRE THREAD to witness
I will be documenting my progress as I DO MY WEEKLY RECLEARS
would actually be nice without the garbage tattoos
The very same, has some sort of humiliation fetish I swear.
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hi guys does anyone want 2 do UwU together today :)
its so fucked up that only oschon remained, they should have all come back as various mortal races and nophica should have come back as a 200 bust fiddie or femezen or maybe viera
Wait I thought Effy was a biofem
Naturally, but it'd be more enjoyable with yours putting up a fight...
The real aspie is the guy who has a meltdown over one bad pull when no one else cares
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I try not to give it too much thought
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this storyline was almost as offensive as dawntrail to me
like stop trashing your own settings mythology with this boring shit guys wtf
The only up you been is upset at reality dog.
No the real aspie is whoever joined a reclear when they're too shit to do the mechs. And the one who apparently did nothing wrong but didn't speak up.
wydm it was fucking badass
okay, great! you're a pred, right? do you like fiera?
Because she's very breedable and we need more elezen.
/wow /wow /pet /wow
it's shatterday so i'm gonna go play Clive's game instead
love what a permanent reputation hit adder'ra has taken
good morning to all goopnoses my beloved goopies
Is your moonie blue?
>t. Askar North * Excalibur
wanna be mentally ill together
It's never even light mommy shit either. It's always "kill me with your ass mommy" "pop my head like a watermelon mommy" like damn dude if it was just normal weird stuff it would be easier to laugh off.
nophica and halone should have kissed. if they can animate photorealistic buuz they can animate that
I never RP'd vore before though... Are you really sure?
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thank you primal
I'm glad the male middie astroturfing has stopped
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What's the fastest way to level as a tank from 80-100?
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Ooki Himaa@Cactuar
Aster Amaryllis@Cactuar

Transphobes are not welcome here
you lewd once your rep is ruined
He's pretty nice, usually. Unless this is a different person. I don't remember the server being Excalibur in particular. May be someone different with the same name!

What the..
good morning
That's just it. We won't like you. You're asking us to try way harder when we have options that actually like us for who we are. Literally every male character has been through this and you aren't worth it. Why would we settle for someone who would rather be with someone else than find the kind of girl who actively wants us for who we are?
if your group even sees the sunrise cast you are in a confirmed SHITTER group
skip sunrise or DISBAND
Uh your 730 gear? You don't need those this late do you?
What do you expect out of a tiny fucking island of xenophobic asians?
ok but what has he actually done
we don't care
how do i balance my urge to be a regular human with my need to be a modbeast findom slave
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thank you for queueing anon
>mfw have to go back to ishgard and pretend everything's fine knowing full well i had a hand in killing halone and the 12
On one hand I agree on the other if I were alive for that long I'd probably want to kms too
This but unironically.
>Wow, Emet-Selch told us about the Twelve, what could possibly be behind them? It could be literally anything, I mean, shit, the realm of the gods is it's own dimension, there could be literally anything in there, it could extend as far and wide as it pleases, the Twelve could be anything and have any sort of plan or goal or-

>One single raidline later:
>"Yeah, so, uh, we were just ancients that Hydaelyn resurrected but told not to do anything, and now that we're done not doing anything, we're just gonna kill ourselves I guess. Our realm? Oh you've already seen all of it with these raids. Ciao! Enjoy spending the whole plot for two whole shards and the biggest continent on the Source in a period of a few months!"
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Damn, this is actually kind of unfortunate to read.
HSTS are based, AGP are cringe.
[2:28 p.m.]You have entered a sanctuary.
Nigga nobody would want any weird fucker from here, it's a wonder how many of you actually function in real life
is findom when you want to be dommed by finnish people
i still want become femlala food, even if you haven't rp'd it before. but what do you normally do then?
i would want you for who you are, your character ultimately doesn't matter. you just need to like me for who i am, is that too much to ask?
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2 kinds of femra portraits
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sorry second match went a while, i saw a cat without a name

queue crystal cc @ 6 et
my moonie is like the left
I can't find the archive, and I'm paraphrasing but the post was something along the lines of
>eventhough my reputation says i am into isntaloss, i only actually ever done it once
There's also that archive from a couple of nights ago arranging an instaloss meetup on Materia. I don't have the link, but I'm sure some other cockwatchers do. It was the one on Ravana at the Wolves' Den Pier.
The solution to this problem is saying you just want to vent. Have you tried that?
Can I see your moonie?
kinda based ngl
i am
a male moonie
Why? Liking transpeople is the exception
can i see ur moonie
allin tuta xivg
The fact that you do instaloss isn't a problem, the fact that we Crystalbros are denied the joy of it because you're on an inaccessible world is criminal.
I think it's fine
post a picture for the next OP
Make it easy to tell it's xiv related if you'd please
howdy, mentioning i saw you by name would be too along the lines of someone else's meme lol
>HSTS and AGP are fake categories
Its been proven.
>passing has very little to do with attraction.
Except it makes perfect sense.
>women are attracted to men
>woman brain trapped in a man body would be attracted to men
>Therefor a a tranny who wants to fuck men is more likely to be a real tranny (one who passes) rather than just a straight man with a fetish
nta but she got caught anonposting about how hot instaloss is, some schizo followed her to a meetup and confirmed it with player search
I am
a lalaboy
see >>494910661
I don't particularly enjoy the presence of genuinely hateful people and was under the impression someone here was a friend.
i don't raid
gear treadmill is tiring
This was back in March, he's been schizo'd for months after he made an apology. The apology doesn't change what he said, but it was wrong that he was doxxed because of it.
How do you secure kills in pvp everybody feels like a sponge
a maloonster, some would say
I think it's less about lewding once and more about getting your horns snapped off by LT, or gagging for any piece of meat during CC. It's peak retarded behavior and schizos love poking it. She'll never live this one down, that's for sure. Worst I ever heard of her is being a 'sexpest for malera and malezen' before this. Over the course of the past month she's gone fucking ballistic.
Player characters in FFXIV canonically pee, including your favorite ebins
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This. I used to talk to them (non lewd) all the time but the moment they got any celebrity it was like pulling teeth to just say hello. Tale as old as time.
everyone has to burst down one person
the schizo is samefagging
based, this but for me
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My femra looks like this
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Is this what you’re looking for? It was easy to find https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/494264735/#q494279856
Who in particular are you referencing? Ooki? Isme?
my catgirl canonically pees in public in front of other people
>it's been proven
the proof:
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no, anon
You have tiny hands then
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Normal ERP. Like, sex stuff because I sorta know how everything works. However vore is another different theme, never seen neither tried it before
They had to because faggots insist on spamming their shit and get mad when people don't like it and spam it more, like the faglander OPs when GT isn't sulking on /v/.
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I'm so sorry.
Yea this shit sucked any mystery out of the lore for me. The 12 oh just some dudes that got infused with a bunch of aether. They should change the guardian question at creation to with of venats besties do you like the most
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why not play ffxiv for the story and wow for the gameplay?
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>it's simple [...] simple as
I would blacklist this fag on the spot just for saying the same shit twice. Gb2 grammar school.
all the men I talk to online who are into trannies look like serial killers. I need someone to save me
>instaloss anything
>when femra never lose
The latter could've been avoided by not associating with kong.
Ngl bros, they actually got us in this one.

I mean, we did get Y'shtola in a bikini though.
because wows gameplay sucks and 14s story sucks
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i don't understand how my inventory gets so disorganized
i literally sort it, switch a few jobs a few times, and it becomes like this
what jank code is causing this
Read Blanchard
i play xiv for the himcesses
i play real games for the gameplay im not a manchild who likes mmos
i don't support activision blizzard anymore + private servers emulate the 'classic' experience far better than they do (i'm not interested in the latest expansion)
I assume Ooki is someone you know, similar raiding circles maybe?
The schizo who spams that post targets him with it, I don't believe I've seen Isme be schizoposted.
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We are so back
link to the heels?
can my catgirl watch your catgirl pee


being a first time pred is more than fine, no big deal. what do i need to do to get eaten by your femlala?
I have helped Ooki with ultimates and talked to them one on one multiple times. I was under the impression that they were my friend. Kind of feels bad.
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Post your suncat's tits
i'd have loved for the twelve to be former warriors of light from way back in the first era who lived on through the phantom realm
or anything that people in eorzea could still be proud of if they knew the truth. not soulless faith powered fucking robots
god you know what i dont want to think about it anymore
i see this elezen with popezen often
how big is the woob?
Hiroi squanders anything he's allowed to use in his storylines and ruins it for other writers.
She can still be your friend sis.
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play NIN or SAM
there's also this absolute beauty
woobless, unless you mean popezen's
I love popezen's +..
squishy lala belly for pinching and rubbing
Yeah that's it
NTA but OH has always been nice and respectful to me, schizos hype up everything
Meeting somewhere I guess...
could be that she doesn't know who LT is due to being on her wasteland server
but holy fuck
only if she also pees
They are not your friend
Ooki Himaa kill yourself pathetic transphobe
i've concluded that the man has a pathological aversion to fun, fantasy and spontaneity and acts like a disapproving parent towards his audience every time they seem too enthusiastic about something
he's simply got to go
Then why are you malding about not getting enough attention? Go get pumped and dumped in single sentence textfucking by an ebin and be content with your lot.
Ooki was nice to me as well
But this is just blatantly like
Completely antithetical to me

More reason for me to play Elden Ring
DC/world? i'm down to meet & eat
well get eaten but same thing
Who you are is worthless if you prefer futa to male. If you like female bodies more it's always gonna be in your head and nothing about you is special enough to risk getting involved with you.

get a trip kong
i am really looking forward to the eventual fallout of all this. it's going to be the best schizoing we've seen in a long time. afaik adderra doesn't mod, but i imagine with a turd like LT that won't last long. modbeast adderra when???????
https://kemono.su/patreon/user/18847862/post/83877980 there you go
I don't hate trannies but you girls have to admit there is a percentage of you that are impossible to be around. They're probably part of the reason you post here instead of places that would logically be more friendly to you.
Ooki hates trannies but EBed a GAM so I don't really get it
Throwing stones in glass houses I guess
Crystal, Balmung
They're hiding the chins for a reason, Strika and Shale mog both those troons.
Shut up and kys
She's already replied to LT once one here stating she'll DC change. Worry not, anon! The threadbike is headed your way.
You first, retard.
alright, now just tell me where to meet you and i'll be there shortly
This fanfic has been fun to follow but this one I'll just shoot down. I have no plans to change my DC.
yeah yeah, talk to the hand. receipts are literally posted above

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