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Sexy zoe edition

Previous: >>494895339

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/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters
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two sides to a story but they never tell MY side
Blud made an ohio ahh thread :skull:
Return to vgs
Some uppity diskeks need to be cleared
ive moved past feeling agp for champs like zoe, now i just feel nothing
That's his other account
fr fr
that is so out of pocket bruh :crying:
This guy is so skibidi rizzler no cap!
i WILL NOT play league of legends howeverthoughly
can you not
with vayne
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BLUD you boutta make me crashout 1v2 and get adrenaline and noradrenaline :skull:
it's funny and ironic the first time it's not irony after the 39th repeating "joke" then you've essentially become the thing you're "making fun of"
does not apply to an anonymous message board
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>+10k green aura
>activating german stare
>turning into v4 mode
y? r u special like special education myb??
slutty little tease
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nah im a sigma you wouldn't get it cause your stuck in the matrix
even your subject of irony is out of date, it's like being ironic about rage comics (in current year) when they've already achieved post post post hyperloop omniironic status
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this made me laugh
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Bro is laughing
bro is from Ohio 2.0
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Based OP
thousands of years old so it's okay to jerk off to this
Portal play with Zoe makes it 10x hotter for some reason.
I got this too.
Nobody connected.
The replay is six seconds long of nothing happening on the map not even champs appearing in fountains.
In client it is labeled as a defeat for both teams.
On third party sites it is labeled as a remake.

Good one Riot.
>defeat for both teams
damn they're really forcing that 50 huh
Do people still play the game here? Or duo queue?
no one wants to duo with anyone that they don't already know due to the countless recent dramas
Sex with portals
Too many possibilities.
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>Recent dramas
came back to this thread after maybe 9 years, guess I'm not in the know
you only have one dick nigga what are the many possibilities of fucking someone through a portal

oh wow here I'm putting my dick thru a portal and it goes into her ass/coot/mouth wow what a surprise!
Yeah I just tried a draft pick and aram game and the same thing happened for both. Just gotta wait until Riot unfucks the servers for everyone I guess.
why did riot design zoe the way they did? There's no way they didn't see pedophiles coming
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Kayn kool 2 no?
they were based at one point
vgs soon
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>why did riot design zoe the way they did?
my nigga her jawline looks manlier than 90% of all you faggots combined
zoe looks like a dopey potato in reality its not their fault pedophiles redraw her offmodel
briar and gwen are underaged in my headcanon
why do people selectively choose which champions only "valid" appearance is their in game model while others get a pass, wouldn't you need to be consistent there
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>Game is unplayable due to connection issues.

I can't wait till next year when we get GTA6. Guess I'll just masturbate.
Do you have a lot of pics of white twinks saved to your computer Azakana? You switching up on us?
Gwen is mentally a child.
I can fuck myself uwu
if you want me to main a champion because we're sexualizing it then I'll judge it based on it's in game model otherwise feel free to spurt to whatever you want
diy raise your own housewife kit
if you judge it by its ingame model then none of them are attractive because the ingame models are all objectively goofy looking when viewed up close
vg vs vg
only splash art matters
I'd have sex with pictures of both zeri and gwen and rell's ingame models so idk the fuck you're on about
no you wouldnt
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>I'd have sex with pictures
we know rengar
This image makes me have strong sexual feelings.
>blood moon tonight
fighting the urge to howl
League has incredible artfags man
>Game is unplayable because Phreak is the worst lead yet
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Reminder to all chuds that Vi said trans rights!
do it and post vocaroo
especially rell because of the thick mommy thighs
they've come back into vogue because of Indians
Indians are like a completely naive population on the internet, in addition to being naturally stupid, so they're all lolcows
>walk into enemy jungle
>see this
what do?
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based you took my suggestion
I wanna kabedon with zaunites
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probably slip my cock between lamb's pussy lips.
no it's only a partial eclipse
blood moon next year
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asking for assistance hook e pause auto pause ult auto pause hook pause e pause exhaust flash behind to bodyblock pathing hopefully my adc/jungler arrives in time to get a kill
Pound an energy drink and then pound her until my balls are empty or my heart gives out, in game
aa e q w aa emp q aa q
haha tricked ya now ur locked in this lobby LOL
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Fuck I just realized that I fugged the hand orientation on the lower portal. Gotta fix that.
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can't even fucking connect to the game because rito can't be bothered to fix their shitty client
Zoe was designed to be lolicon bait btw.
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um sir after carefully running our analytics and careful research we've noticed that having the client be broken as fuck loses riot about $0 a year and decided our dev time and funds would be better spent on making another ezreal/lux/jinx/miss fortune/yasuo skin
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what's bait about it she seems hot as fuck
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riot strucks again, can't join the vg vs vg, rip briar mid.
I remember when the spammer posted tot briar a bunch, only kino posts hes ever made
post the midbeast webm
vgs maybe later
Open up the magma lobby league is fucking dead
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yeah servers are fucked right now
fix your game riot
Fun with portals?
wow dude you walked in on a 400 hp kindred at a spot where it was literally marked and publicly displayed that she'd be there, and then you killed her

god you gotta be challenger or something man
... Is something le happening? I can't access league, I cant access youtube, discord was slow as fuck for a minute. This thread and random websites (nexusmods, wikis etc) work fine.
so why would anyone play an early strong champion in the next split once they cut down on snowballing and also fucking cut down on items??
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WW3 cyber warfare itll pass soon
aram servers work just fine btw
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don't a lot of companies do server stuff on tuesdays maybe this is just a little blip
Holy fuck it's so cathartic and satisfying to go onto an alt account and just int as soon as one of your teammates starts typing at you.
>I'm dyslexic and have adhd and can't read the second half of a sentence before I start responding please rape my entire bloodline
first israel blows up every pager in lebanon, soon china will blow up every pc in america... starting with league servers...
Getting dommed by Zoe.
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Yeah good thing she had the standard issue retard brain Junglers get eh? She could have easily lived.
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>league of dead outside of asia actually paid the unfunny jewtuber person to try and shill their dead ass game

we're all having fun in deadlock btw
You made this exact post last thread, anon.
*eats fried chicken with Senna.*
funny how no matter how many shills try, no one plays that shit.
*eats curry with Nilah*
but i love sseth chinese shill game videos
i pronounce zoe like toe
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Briar won
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Nap time lolg
*eats nothing with ?yra* (she's anorexic and I respect her)
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NAsisters???? our response...?
wish i could play zoe but shes a mage with no waveclear
statikk shiv
just buy tiamat first back
she's ok as a support
31 minutes till full illumination bros
everyone flames me as support and supports arent allowed to one trick..
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Soraka! My Cute Wife!
>everyone flames me as support and supports arent allowed to one trick..
who gives a fuck
>refuse to buy tiamat
>refuse to buy statikk
>refuse to go support because "pypow are mean to me"
unironically too sissified for your own good
wasn't shiv giganerfed
tranny whining that his self insert coomfort character doesn't have a kit he finds fun posting is some of the lowest quality posts this thread gets
I'm reminded that there are genuine low-testosterone "men" on here that get upset when someone flames them in a video game
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Post 'em
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ur a chill dude
stop being mean to cuteposters you faggots go bite each other irl instead you dogcunt retads leave the cuties alone
Why is it so easy to get an S on support?
you're just too good at it
Why aren't Gangplank and Graves adchuds ?
I have a long way to go to fixing this mess...
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I went 9/7 on Lux supp and I'm wasted rn so I played like dogshit, yet not only did I get an S I got an S+. How the fuck does that work?
he was
then riot put Lucian in the game who was kind of similar (but not really, they were about as similar as Varus is compared to Ashe)
then riot reworked graves into the stupid cancerous parasite jungler he is today because "he's too similar to Lucian"
sorry I don't talk to alcoholic whores ask someone else instead please ^w^
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Because it compares you to the average lux support
And the average lux support is a biofem who doesn't really play video games and is only trying out league because her bf kept asking her to
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I should probably play more cho to replace sion
Support is the easiest role in the game.
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I betrayed Briar, my beloved.
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king grey seems like a nice guy
he is a nice guy and so is nantochad
>Another BriarNPC
What is even enjoyable about that statchecker snoozefest?
king grey bros... jelly thinks we're a nice guy...
Stinky goat.
they should give lux a bunny suit skin
how do i master kat, im so bad its unreal
>thigh highs over tights
oh i'm gaggin, noty
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Just for that, we're playing some arams!
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everything, everything is just perfect
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Gimme about an hour!
much better
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So what's the hardest role?
I'm an asshole man don't worry bout me
why does this game just break all the time
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This account is like ten years old but I don't really main champs like most other people do, I kind of just play whatever whenever. I haven't played Rakan in over a year.
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no you are not and dont you dare say that you are again or else
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>Steals your champ
>steals your ultimate
>steals your spells
>kills you with them
No better feeling
i feel like i'm getting addicted to playing kaisa
what do
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>only 6 months after the rework
>nu-skarner pickrate already lower than old skarner
What went so, so wrong?
People need to understand that 90% of what makes someone pick a champ is aesthetic, and Skarner is just downright ugly.
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Same, that's unironically the reason I don't one trick her.
Having to work so hard just to farm is so frustrating, I have no idea how Zoe players even manage to get 200 cs
Yet nobody plays Qiyana or Neeko either.
>Hurr durr why is a scorpion not cute or pretty
>what do
Enjoy your freelo
You're calling me the retard for pointing out a simple truth? I didn't make any sort of judgement on whether or not this is a good thing, I simply stated that's how it is.
a real scorpion looks way cooler than skarner
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Does this mean I'm good?
nah being an asshole is cool, no pressure to care or be kind
I only care about number 1 anymore
>"Hehe yeah I can totally rape any league champ"
>*Gets fucking mauled,sliced, mutilated,drowned etc*
I play her howbeitly
I like him they just nerfed him like 50 times
Skarners pickrate currently is 2% which is higher than pre-rework. Old good new bad narrative doesn't work anymore.
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youre a fuckin liar
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>Wanted to play
>Server issues
Back to other games that I didn't want to play ig ):<
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image dropped oopsie
what game are you playing, jelly?
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Not Jelly, and also not League of Legends ):<
I just wanted to play some League man...
But zoe id ap and static shiv and tiamat are ad only..
>Spent the last 25 minutes reciting the dialogue from the death of Sigismund over and over pacing back and forth in the kitchen to the point that I halfway passed out trying to imitate the death rattle of a space marine and slammed my hip into the counter bad
Yep, time to queue up league
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We're actually in
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gives a nice perspective on the whole fight, nice
>tryndamere jg
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You queue up solo queue and this is your jungler
pls answer lolig..
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Would you guys say I play a chad champ poole?
my friendslist isn't loading
goat if you're here, i'm on. lets play, just join my game since I can't inv.
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Why is Amumu so strong in soloq but never played in pro play?
obviously briar needs a buff
pro carries wont misposition and let Amumu engage on them

pro front liners will block Amumu
Because he is a weak jungler in a class of self-sufficient junglers. A sejuani is pxpected to hold her own in an invasion, an amumu just dies. Having a weak jungler isn't worth shit in pro play, it's like having a baby soft spot on your head and begging the enemies not to push it in.
xth for taking a shit in jelly's mouth
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why does she have kill la kill hair
along with the other things every single meta pro play jg has some burst spell to combo with smite to try to secure objectives, amumu has literally nothing
champs for this feel?
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So basically he preys on idiots?
zoe wit waveclear..
Just play her support she's amazing and doesnt need it.
would be broken
Qikami you are the cutest and most beautiful lolg girl. I want to make you my bride.
what build?? i like spellbook but i wanna play with an adc duo..
I just jerk off, don't make me horny again.
what do you think vanguard is for hello
degenerate dark harvest stormsurge/lichbane. You oneshot people, thats it.
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You cant blame Sona for your gooning just because she exists with big tits.
I took a piss in QKM's mouth
>incest champ has hair from the incest anime
glaciar augment, void boots, battlesong, then just build dmg for late game.
where are vgs
are they like wild rift skins or somethin
no, hes good in high elo ranked too. even challenger
he preys on a lack of coordination
Made Majin my urinal
does any1 wanna duo with me..
>thousands of years of jerking off to Zoe
my penis couldn't handle the pleasure
I was mean to my teammate earlier
I’m sorry
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do you identify with someone in frame or out of frame?
Hey, I don't make the rules. You need every bubble to count, a LOT, so you can't spec into anything but damage. Buy sorcs into dark seal into lich bane into mejais, games are over at that point. If you want to play a mage assassin with way more utility, play glacial E max ahri. She was just buffed and stormsurge is op rn. Maligance is a meme on ahri desu, get stormsurge and lich bane to be dmg relevant.
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can you add me again i miss you
i only wanna play the loli not the hag fox ickkk
then stop using it using genitals for pleasure is overrated just use your butt instead it is much better
Is the game finally playable?
Do you drink piss?
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/vg/'s? I haven't had any issues playing games for an hour now.
Who is this and how do you know it’s me
Zoe is way better in support regardless. An actual pro play pick sometimes IIRC.
I will never understand footfaggotry
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No i will NOT roam until 20 minutes or 3 items
bimbo fuckdoll sexdoll for mens pleasure
....everything reminds me of her...
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He did not have a good time unfortunately
Small fix to OP, this whole 360 3D hand mirroring kinda hard.
I hate how much I love Akali but hate her rework. I mained her pre-rework but just can't play her since I can't micro. Many nights fapping to her feet...gone.
took me a minute until i reread your comment, def improvement.
Hey yordlebro
Looks good, didn't even notice
Eyes were too glued to the booty and the vagina bones
Thanks, didn't notice either until somebody pointed out.
Portals sure are something.
The only butt receiving pleasure will be Zoe's
>Zoe has no waveclear
She can nuke casters with one Q no? I guess it's bad nowadays when most mids instadelete waves in 1 second
assasins are like 0.1s waveclear after hydra
most mid can just instakill, zoe takes like 8+ seconds
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Fish needs to be silent.
pedo gooners just feel the need to come up with retarded excuses to not play their supposed "waifu" rather than being honest and saying 'yeah her kit is boring dude lmao'
vexfags do the same thing
not to be a dick yordlebro but now her pinky looks like a thumb, mirroring it is indeed hard as fuck.
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Yeah... It's barely better, I'll try again later.
I just had my team ff 4/1 a game where we were winning
Sleepin goat?
shouldn't she be wearing jammies then?
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You oneshot casters but then do what to the melees and cannons? Sit there with two enhanced autos and a bubble for another 5 seconds until you get another Q.
It's hell, and if there's a giant wave to clear it's fucked.
Going from Qiyana to Zoe is brutal, night and day.
By the way, you wanna do an art trade sometime...? if ur free
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Sure, I should have Kata by the weekend, then we can do one. Any ideas on your end?
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is yummy yes yes
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its not some sorta weird excuse, it is genuinely excruciating not being able to cs when im used to basically solo pushing all 3 lanes as quinn in low elo
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Her Csing is pretty shit though.
Zoe is hard to play properly, Vex is easy.
Also Vex is one of those mages that can instadelete whole waves.
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what's with the pedo spam
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I was thinking of the goldenkini on tali and qiqi or some costume swap thing between zoe and qiqi or vice versa mayhaps
Whatever you'd pref.
Had some ideas knocking in my brain, seems like they could be all v sexo is all :dd
Probably cuz of being a LoL general
That's a lot of caramel, but sounds like a very sweet idea. I'd say symmetrical docking but they're more stacked at the bottom, well Qiqi is at least.
NA hours
Zoe is Hebe
is she broken or something?
ooh tali has a very nice and perky behind as well, would be amazing
Broken as long as you don't fight a Vex with at least 2 braincells
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Are ya winning, lolg?
that's only a counter in theory. if she saves her fear for my all-in then she will never be able to clear and I'll push her in and roam
that is such a weird coincidence because i just went up against a vex as LB for the first time. wow
Yeah I got to Silver 1 yesterday. Just need 3-4 more games and I'm in Gold.
Do tell me how you push in as LB without using your Dash? Guess you can slightly outpush her with your Q but then she can drop her combo on the wave and walk away.
she will not be standing literally inside her wave, you can ww the wave before she can respond
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Antique memes?
anyone wanna join me for some miniature painting today?
Shhhhh!!!!!NAMI pls!!
well i thought you might have been right, i was just wondering how you knew
Nope. Not waking the comfy Raka.
If you're Vex vs LB you are supposed to sit on top of your wave to deny her waveclear.
Like I said, it requires a Vex player with actual braincels and average reaction time.
If your ping is below 40ish you can W her dash.

Then again, you should just ignore Vex for the most part and roam in that matchup.
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I'm not asking
When is the redesigned mastery emblems suppose to go live?
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You're not waking her up! She's getting that sleep!
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Also if she's not on top of her wave and she lets you W it, she can just clear yours in turn.
It's an extremely boring matchup, snooze inducing tier. If you ever want to practice csing with mage autos, that's the matchup for it.
Just as soon as you get laid bitch ass lil BOY, sit the fuck down
Kill yourself, nigger
it's never over!
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That was real uncalled for.
holy moly
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fine, good night
I need someone to make a flowchart that tells me if I'm coping when I say "three losing lanes"
If you cant isolate that one player whos extra retarded I have bad news for ya chief
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something like this, this was a short game, they ff, but your goal is to be as annoying as possible, and lategame you can do a lot of dmg with your q if you get to that point.
why the weird lines?
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so it doesn't get picked up by the auto-ban, someone has to manually ban him now lmao.
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gives janny a seizure
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I don't know man, I don't think that's the issue. I know this alone doesn't say much but I think there's something going on here.
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and if they ask you
say you feel it
but don't call it love...
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If a pedo sends the janny into a fit of violent physical convulsions would that make them Cringe yet redpilled or based but bluepilled?
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I'M JUST SAYING that something's off these games. Something. Can't quite put my finger on what.
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gn for now
simply based but why do you post this elderly woman
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It says absolutely fucking nothing at all, actually. Thanks.
post your ign so someone can vod review you and play captain hindsight
Nah. I don't trust 2024 /lolg/. I would if it was a year or two ago
File deleted.
Looks like the biggest problem here was somebody let botlane get a lead and warwick got a lot of assists. Then also fell behind on farm & doing nothing to offset that trend.
hate looking at my team mates till the part the game forces you to do it
but she will be if she isnt a complete retarded subhuman
why would she not be standing inside her wave
are u trolling
I know you babe. You know I know you
just play illaoi and yorick anon
maybe you guys are too good and in higher elo, i never see that in gold and low plat, plus vex is never played anyways
I posted one of my username & passwords here and all that happened was somebody promoted it from gold 4 to gold 3 and stopped playing on it.
vg vs vg
pw vidya
Your hole. It's important to me.
wait for me my piece of shit is updating at 3 niggabytes per second and they are doing a slow labor protest.
fuckin' marsnet having bitch.
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no one said anything but im at it for a min if anyone wants to hang and watch some spooks being made
why dont you stream lol anymore?
Smellyfishsloth is my husband
>posting non-league streams in the league general
whats the fucking point
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I noticed this one doesnt seem to get dark seal.
Can someone explain to a noob why the popular build has LB get dark seal on first back or so? But not mejais ever...
Because dark seal is gold efficient even if you lose every single stack off of it. It's worth buying on every single AP champ in the game unless you can finish a meaningful item with the gold. It's like Cull in that way, but better.
vg vs vg +4
does anyone wanna play norms
duo bot and NA than sure
server ign?
i cant really play botlane very well and its better to not be that close and keep me at a distance..
im na and its chenna#msgk
you say this every time im mentioned youre a bot
youre one to talk
no but seriously though, kys
anything for you my queen
wah wah wah youre such a baby get a life
okay but like can you kill yourself?
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matchup for this feel?
riven vs garen
yasuo vs malphite
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why is taliyah so ugly
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vg vs vg bets
Would anyone be down to help their dear old friend Azakana get 2 wins in normal games? You have to win 3 games to play ranked after getting a chat restriction.
retconned at the last second to not be a tranny. i'm not joking.
how is riot so based and so woke at the same time
All in on Jelly
This is retarded
Garen is literally transphobic , hates homosexuals , hates lesbians , thinks lucian is "one of the good ones". And wants the age of consent in demacia to be lowered to 14 for girls only for boys it stays at 18.
Support players trying to hit a skillshot under zero pressure
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Don't have access to my pc here are my top 5 mains
lee sin vs garen
Extremely boring to play
No build variety
Deleted the old champ from the game which was beloved by a small community and they basically erased him only leaving his name and ult
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Fuck turrets I'm making high test plays and I get shot down like nothing
>Extremely boring to play
I disagree he is fun to play.
he looks better than old skarner
>No build variety
that one is true, no matter the match up you always have to build the same shit.
I'm terminal Napoleonicbrain right now, wishing for a champ that's a mix between GP and Azir, maybe even Yorick, you summon a little group of soldiers you can control a bit and they're armed with muskets and your ult has the champ shout something like VOLLEY FIRE, PREEESENT idk
underrated sexo champ
LOL has been getting higher test every year, tower dives have never been easier. A few years ago some of the aggressive shit you can pull off today would have been unthinkable
i hate carrying fags on na
Can you cheat with me. Us...Together...
>Support player loses bush vision and is making a 50-50 call on the direction the enemy tries to dodge

very thoughtful retard-kun
if i buy cull instead of tear, poppy top is actually fun i think.. also if i build bruiser and dont build any tank items besides jak sho 3rd/4th..
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>2 anons said you were the shotcaller
>tank abuser commenting on anyone's skill
adc is horrible with no duo
Has the honor update gone live yet? I haven't played in over 33 days
Because my pc exploded and i am waiting for it to get fixed
>he looks better than old skarner
how does that even matter
a real scorpion looks cooler than both
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Yeah I don't know what getting honor does though
Garen doesn't think any of those things, as a mindless patsy of the hereditary ruling class in a regressive and repressive monarchist society his feeble mind is already totally occupied by thoughts of beating up magically-inclined minorities. He never questions and always obeys because the hypermilitarized crypto-fascist regime he serves rewards him for his brute strength and loyalty, like a master doting on a prized hunting hound. If there's one thing Garen is thinking of outside of agenda items directly related to his duties as Chief Boot of the State, it's concerns about marriage prospects for himself and his sister. After all he's been raised since birth under a culture where the exceptionalism of noble bloodlines(and the heritability of traits such as loyalty to the Crown) is a given. In fact under the current state of the lore
>King slain through a failure of the Crownguards to uphold their duties
>Country in chaos, unknown number of elites and nobles dead
>Sister's honor ruined by her association with a convict minority
it wouldn't be surprising if, in his obscene mental calculus, he decided the best course would be to simply take Lux for himself. Both of them have no marriage prospects now that they've been so stained with shame. Some nobles might, under circumstances like these, settle for a match with a wealthy merchant or influential bureaucrat. A staunch elitist would never settle. Garen will lock Lux up and pump her full of what he believes to be ubermensch Crownguard purebloods.
Tali with a nice bubble is always nice too lol
You got anything in mind for your idea?
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Qiyana vs any ranged character at all
Nah he is everything you just said and i said all of them like he believes in all he truly is a real nigga
me as blitzcrank
I was reading this thinking its some essay why racism is bad and the my jaw dropped to my floor in shock
Taliyah should stay really petite for cuddles only anon
She is really chaste and innocent
A single kiss would traumatise her!
How big of a skill difference is there between emerald 4 and dia 4?
qiqi has a butthole! o h my gosh!!!
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>play 5 shitty ahri games to get another chest before the split resets
>dont get a chest
>read you have reached the limit
>they dont indicate this anywhere but a tiny little disclaimer
playing mundo jungle like a nattynatt wannabe in plat LIKE A BOSS
A lot simply because to exit it you must play a shit ton thru blind fucking luck or simply be better than everyone and hard carry 20 games in a row
Did you bonk whores and bitches?
What is the max number of chests possible?
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>simply be better than everyone
that's what I am asking.
How much better?
What are some typical things dia players do that are less common at lower ranks?
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oh and speaking of docking maybe the two of them can do a pose where they're squishing their hips and cheeks together
mm sexo
Tali is BUILT for corruption!
Actually knowing the game
I am not fucking with you literally base game knowledge will get you far up to masters , i am talking about literally knowing how to build, how to control a wave, landing your shit, fucking if you play jg you need to actually study this game . Like i am not fucking with you it's extremely hard to describe at what you need to get better because it's literally just learning to play the game and knowing all it's mechanics to the max
And even then when you reach masters compared to a chall you would look like a retarded bronze player
So good luck anony
I hope you get castrated fucking gooner autogynephiliac nympho fetish coomer disgusting individual really
I hate gooners man ...
why do you play masculine manly champs if you want to be a girl
It's funny how all the "good" vg players get exposed when playing normals against real players
>People who ban Briar over Amumu
Mind boggling, why the fuck would you want to play Amumu over one of the most easily countered champs in the game
yeah wow wtf...why don't they have a 100% winrate and 10.0+ KDA........
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I am getting so fucking sick of this mage bottom bullshit, literally our ENTIRE team is pure magic damage now cause of this asshole
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seethe gooners run league
I think I did p good against that diamond liss otp honestly
Would have won lane handily if I didnt troll two fights in a row and she didnt get like 3 free kills from other random fights
>Some nobles might, under circumstances like these, settle for a match with a wealthy merchant or influential bureaucrat. A staunch elitist would never settle.
He can just guve Lux to me.....
i mean there are more reasons to pick a champion than because you want to look like it irl lol like this is a video game there is gameplayhh its not justa visual experience
im assumsing im not incluided as one of those "good vg players" and ur talking about qmm and khadow
this was a really close and awesdome game we just lost in the end to a yorick backdoor
they played good
The age of consent is 14 anon let him be
Yeah rapists too
1 billion dollar lawsuit
Riot august and phreak are pedophiles and riot tryndamere got cancelled for being pro trump
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>1 guy is to blame for the decision of 5 people
iron elo?
every gragas and tahm is a fag
Obese Fart fetish feeder fags anon ne more specific
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i am a complete disgusting autogynephile freak, and i am fully capable of seperating this lol. my highest mastery champs are buff guys XD [sion/shen]
this has nothing to do with agp, some people are just stupid and cant seperate fiction from reality
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Idk about me either I'm a literal plat 1 peaker lol
But opgg does say the game was not my fault i am vindicated
That's why i send it the guy fully explained it ignore the autogynephilia part
You're my girlfriend now.
if ur agp steel why dont you just troon out already
its been a year or two since ive been here. what's changed
>2 years
nothing, same dogshit cess pool for a game that has steadily declined every update
Anon ... Even if you had good performance you should have won the game
There is no "unlucky" there is failing to carry an team ... It's your fault this happened if you were doing good then you should have tried carrying that's why you are plat1 not emerald or even diamond
i was talking about the general not the game. i know what the game state is
i guess most agps that play this game probably exclusively play female champs
but me personally i just play whatever is fun
sad reality is there are very few fun female champs and most of them are too hard for me. so i mostly play male champs

fun female champs:
>riven [too hard for me]
>nidalee [too hard for me]
>yuumi [if u are in a certain mood to basically sit afk and watch the team play]
>riven [too hard for me]
>kalista [too hard for me plus adc role which i hate]
>katarina [too hard for me]
>irelia [too hard for me]
>lulu [but only if you are in the mood to be extremely annoying]
>samira [adc role which i hate]
>elise [too hard for me i think but desu maybe i should try her i never have maybe shes easier than it looks]

thats basically it

ummmmmm maybe ill grow out of it haha..................
>same dogshit cess pool
spammer is still here 12 hours a day and a few people left
you never really grow out of agp once its there, might as well bite the bullet
I will use you whenever i feel like it.
Is it true you're into drinking piss?
what's the breakfast question
are the morde onetricks still here
i really hope youre wrong
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good, ill fill my old autistic role again
why do you think those weird 50 year old agp trannies show up? tick tock steel
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I'd do things to that luxposter
I, TAZMIR-CHAN, JOBBER of /lolg/ humbly kneel to:

Pony-sama, King of all /lolg/ and my master.

MJF-sama, who anally raped me and first awakened my wish to become an analslut sissy.

Wiggums-sama, who my daddy warned me about.

Majin-sama, who easily manhandled me in his Super rape form.

King Grey-sama, who anally raped me and first awakened my wish to become an analslut sissy.

Doja-sama, who beat the shit out of me so hard I started being attracted to femdom almost as much as I am attracted to regular men.

Steel-sama, whose incomparabily forceful punches crushed my ass-womb entirely to the point I cannot bear King Grey-sama's children anymore like I wished to....
I want to inject cerber with crystal meth so she stays conscious and feels everything as I chop off her arms and legs with a meat cleaver!
You genuinely sound like a pedophile
Like i am not fucking with you
You sound like a genuine fucking pedophile , you sound like you give kids "gifts" and groom them. Please stay away from public schools...
How would you feel if you didn't eat breakfast today?
but i did
hungry? i don't get it
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I don't appreciate how mean and rude you guys are to chenna I'm gonna have to kindly warn you just this once
probably hungry until lunch and then id feel the same
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This is what happens when you ban Briar over Amumu
>Doja-sama, who beat the shit out of me so hard I started being attracted to femdom almost as much as I am attracted to regular men
Less people avataring overall, some old names are gone and new ones entering, same tranny this and tranny that discussion, people still arguing over vgs (which only happens in na because euw players split to wine or stopped playing/being social), some people still not playing due to vanguard, more girls posting on the general (and suggestions of romance which has mostly been a failure), low level of things to discuss about game related things since new content is uninteresting/gatcha/grind shit or projects in production (TV show/mmo), people still not taking their dramas and personal chats to discord or league client, people being more reclusive with their igns, more stalking behaviours, every other post is a coom post and people wanting others to stop posting about their games or saying the same things (how to play x, what do if team feed, supp/adc bad), people being fond of iron players instead of talking about how bad they are. Etc. These are all I can remember for now.
Because they are morally bankrupt degenerate gooner pedophiles who have nothing to lose and have public humiliation kink?
thank you anon..
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stay positive cutie
I also don't get it but that's the breakfast question i genuinely don't understand it like how the fuck am i supposed to answer? Hungry obviously like the fuck
how would it be any different if im a weird 2X year old agp tranny
breakfast question is basically a shower thought where you just woke up 20 mins ago and think of some retarded semantics type question to ask yourself
The difference is you must just touch grass anon
Agp is literally connected to being a no grassless no sunlight morally bankrupt weirdo
My just simply taking walks and stop touching yourself daily your fag urges will calm down dramatically
im not reading all that
>Agp is literally connected to being a no grassless no sunlight morally bankrupt weirdo
pretty sure it's more caused by a severe lack of physical activity protein intake and female attenton
It has more to do with the idolization of women by single mother sons and lack of female interaction outside of that. You have a 14 year old's understanding of the topic probably informed by sharty and kiwifarms lol
Yes exactly
If you simply get a beautiful bitch who loves you and you eat healthy, take walks , get more sunlight you will be not a faggot it's 100%
Fine by me, was just answering the question.
i yhave diagnosed autism so i think its a bit different for me
ok now where get bitch?
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one like and I draw a "stay positive" propaganda poster uncle sam needs you style
Nigga we are not gonna justify being a gooner tranny here
Actually dragging down others to be fags no way
mommy issues don't turn you agp they turn you into the kinda guy that lets a bpd zed main abuse you while you crawl back like a dog
Talk to women get hobbies genuinely you should not believe what the internet tells you just lose weight become fit women don't care they will love you
If you continue to self pity you will cause
your own downfall
Just go to bars , fucking go to tinder rizz up bitches nigga it's not hard i believe in you
much rather crossdress and suck dick than dating whores off of bars lol no thanks
Draw heimerdinger twerking
only because she doesn't let him drone properly which causes him to stoop lower for validation
what does that mean
Here , you are doing self pity
Listening to fags on the internet
>guy desperately wants my attention
>block him and drag him through the mud
>dudes give him attention here and there
>he starts acting like a girl because at least there are dudes out there willing to be nice to him and give attention
>Nigga we are not gonna justify being a gooner tranny here
No one is, learn to read you retarded ESL
clearly you have no actual experience in dating nor any actual experience dating whores off of bars please stop doing the jordan peterson
There is no salvation for so many autogynephiliac fags because they would rather just stoop lower than work on themselves and be a normal person instead of a permanently online degenerate
Find jesus man
It's really interesting how anti-trannies are becoming almost as obnoxious as trannies themselves, the only thing holding them back is their lack of real world power, but as far as the internet goes as they're as annoying as it gets
jesus isn't at a bar trying to date run down alcoholic whores
how can he escape this and what is droning properly
Self pity and putting the blame on other things instead of trying to achieve a reachable goal.
Your family blood line ends with you anon
because you have a better chance of passing at your age
>how can he escape this
find another manipulative bpd zed main who's equally as flaky but simply lets him drone properly

>what is droning properly
not getting blocked and unfriended every other minute and being allowed to at least develop his own feelings even if they're not reciprocated
Attention to all of the trap posters using anime and gay ERP as a Trojan horse for autogynephilia:

Stop cruising for attention and using 4chan as a basis for gooning your permanently flaccid cock. You are 10 times worse than furries. You lost to sissy hypno and s-stuttering. You fucked up. You are infertile. Your life will end at 30. Half of the political spectrum wants to kill you. Guys will leave you for a biological woman because you can't have kids.

Nobody wants to read ERP. Nobody thinks girl (male), feminine penis, s-s-stuttering, or any of your shitty memes are funny. Nobody wants to be reminded you exist.

You are AIDS and your culture is predatory. A nontrivial number of you freaks are moral lepers who get off on convincing seventeen year old weebs that if they don't take HRT they will spend the rest of their lives alone. Transitioning is not a solution to social isolation and pornography addiction, the five or ten years of free attention and affection before your looks fade don't make up for everything that comes after that.

Make a tumblr and peddle your trash there.
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Being a tranny or AGP? Heh that's cringe and immoral.
Obsessively thinking about and posting about trannies and AGP? Now that's a heckin based way to live your life.
why do you call it droning
wtf is droning
girl stand still you 360 around her like china zoggbot facescan drone
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Yet again, i swear on Your mama's soul you haven't gone to a bar once in your life other than for a birthday you don't know SHITE, every woman is such a whore to you when you are a kissless virgin. How do you think people meet? Fucking thru discord DMS?
not only are you just as annoying if not moreso cause of your longwinded wall of text
but you will also never convince anyone because youre so obnoxious about it
work on yourself youre literally posting on 4chan
that makes a lot of sense
i think your point as a whole is right too
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Thank you anonie couldn't have said it better
>he's not lifting just to get a better body and thicker thighs and ass for AGP purposes

nigga I used to date junkie whores when I was a junkie myself, shit is not fun, shit is not an enjoyable dating experience nor are those kinds of girls some magically fucking how stable or stable enough to develop a healthy relationship etc whatnot, you're very fucking obviously a khhv loser pretending to be some beacon of light here despite knowing fuck all telling people to go to bars to meet healthy mentally well women
You are Brain Griffin from family guy
Self pretentious intellectual *centrist* who believes in "love is love" who will eventually result in total moral bankruptcy
Yeah fuck you riot, fucking faggots. I need 1 more win to play ranked and they make sure to send me all the shit to prevent me from playing before the split ends.
This esl Nasus support was flaming everyone the entire game calling them all useless but kissing my ass. Will he receive any punishment despite everyone 9x'ing him? Probably not.
so wait u think that "droning" is good for you?
maokai is broken league of legends
You are a dumbass i am telling you one you are saying another nowhere i said to date junkies you said it yourself completely different fucking experience
Which you BROUGHT to yourself
which family guy character are you
Gold 4
kiddo get gud
and youre a joe swanson whos talk of "work on yourself" always boils down to surface level advice to go to the gym like a manosphere incel because of your deep insecurity
you have no substance in your soul, thats why you need to put down others in this anonymous space, since if you tried it anywhere else you would be criticized for your subpar looks, lack of success, and lack of friendship
you need hope, thats something youll never find at the gym
I picked up non drinker non junkie girls off the sidewalk multiple times and they often turned out to be mental too

have you ever actually dated anyone>?
Zammmn bio girls are SOOO pretty I can't wait to marry a slut this pretty and sophisticated, and then see her turning turbo ugly on top of behaving like a street skank and stealing half of my revenue!
I bet she would flame me in game as well
new bread
u seem very smart anon
Quagmire and chris are my favourite
so its better for him to just be abused rather than just takint hrt?
Okay what's this pedophile shit you changed your name to now?
bpd boys love being abused by bpd girls so it's not really abuse he just needs more presence of her
Good morning, loligee...
You are trying to do everything
Blaming others and everything but yourself saying any advice is useless
You will do anything but make your life better to fix yourself and your issues anon
hi qkm
Why are dota fags so desperate for us to play their shit game?
youre wrong
Do you drink piss?
she unblocks him rn and that boy would be happiest he's ever been his whole life
i think u are right about this anon
thank u for the new perspective
i am so messed up xd
what tf went wrong with me man
youre so clueless
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takes one to know one
no I just find you pathetic
whining constantly to imaginary trannys acting like youre so above them despite being here on this anonymous board since your life is so void of happiness
your projection on me is meaningless I'm not the one who started this nonsensical rambling
had I not started shitting on your poor state of being youd likely still be yapping on and on about these imaginary agp femboys you want to groom into gym hopping crypto gambling high value men
actually look inward why the fuck are you doing posting that shit here of all places? this is the league of legends video game general on 4chan
chenna needs to khs
nuh uh
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>lonely boys becoming feminine and being loved by other lonely boys... le BAD
>dating alcoholic cock carousel whores off of bars.. le GOOD
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what did I say about being mean to chenna earlier
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thats basically the one thing i know
that i dont know anything
so i just need to drone then huh
did it help for u
steel ur actually retarded man why dont you just make a tulpa
>did it help for u
back when I was ur age yeah
then I met my first gf etc etc
flash is such a useless spell
wat is that
are u married with kids now
an imaginary friend, you can stop listening to anons and just talk to her instead
no just older bitter and more experienced
I can pull bitches when I try at least
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Champions for this feel?
fellow Baltimore resident?
Morde hasn't been giving me any luck so I think I'll try Vlad tomorrow, see if I mesh with him any better.
but why here, of all places?
There's Discord to talk about this
idfk I just woke up like 30 mins ago popped the thread open and started yapping about whatever ongoing conversation
He's literally me but I feel bad just squashing a mosquito.
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i saw your post in the d2g thread
I want to feel her soft little foot pressing against my crotch
You'll pass you dumb femcel.
chenna and steel are both cancer bad but chenna is considerably worse cause at least steel plays tanks so he can actually contribute at 0/7
yeah but chenna needs to khs
why are you incel losers always mean to cute and harmless people
Amumu? Bit grim how an undead child is the punching bag laughing stock of this game.
chenna just needs to an hero, that's all it is
This is the hardest pill to swallow for normies...
It really comes down to their instinctive submission to nobility, to a priviledged class that naturally takes the lead and enslave them unfairly, to satiate their irrepressible longing for an overpowering order smashing their free will to smithereens, because that is the simple truth of the modern man... freedom only means anguish to them, they fear the weight of their own lives, to develop their minds and think for themselves would mean to take the responsibility of their own actions and that's such a burden to them that they would relinquish health and happiness in exchange for servitude. They put their faith willingly in what they're being told, cattle ready for slaughter, the lot of them.
But do not hate your fellow man, they only lack guidance... And there's still tomorrow, perhaps one day their clouded eyes will see through the veil and reach the truth...
cringe stop typing pls
Is this what you guys are usually like at 4am
bro you edate a dude who larps as lux please stop typing
wait ok didn't realize you agreed with me you can keep typing
This is what jungle does to a nigga.
it's not 4 am it's morning in EU and all the bussy connoisseurs are waking up
nigga its 10 am in the morning
good morning sunshine
*pees in your mouth*
Can you swallow it, QKM?
Praying for you EUqueers
he'd only do it if an assertive MAN forced him to
I date a girl who mains Lux, that is correct. And I love her dearly... She's the prettiest girl of lolg and her voice is softer than silk. I can see why it would make you upset, though... I pray that one day you will find love, too...
Who the hell is Chenna
rengar/poppy playing cutie in need of a loving caring duo
someone who needs to khs
Why does someone keep telling this person to suicide?
Azakana/Steel's new alt.
avg incel freak loser of /lolg/ thinks everyone else must be a self serious unloved incel
i would duo with chenna if he wasn't stuck in NA hell
Isn't swift an oldfag schizo tranny?
love is love
t. chenna
off yourself
The chuddies are out of controle again, its time for some cho gath ults
you're jealous because I'm propping chenna up every single thread while die of attention deprivation like the worthless dog you are I spit on u
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That's a pretty big snake...
Just returned to league, and I for once love coming back to agp talk they are just like me frfr instead of bbc racebaiting.
technically it's a serpent
this is why no one wants to duo with you btw
Honestly i'll take literally anything over that faggot. The steams hills, the avatar fagging, the discord drama, the anything is better than blacked spam.
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we won
smolder legendary imminent
just took a piss, which lolgs feeling thirsty?
Zaunites won, she's the only one here who actually plays Smoulder.
Are you guys talking about Steel or who exactly? Why can't you be normal and just call the people we know by the usernames we know them as. No irl names, no nicknames, just their ign.
so do you drink piss?
oh yeah please I'd love to catch a 3 day ban because I sneezed in the janitor's favorite lolg's general direction
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I think you have to be the worst poster here.
...only if its really stinky...
no man i do not in fact drink piss
And you're just a boring vanilla fatass, at least when Lyra and Doja was active, they admit to being living urinals
League of Legends?
yes she admitted as such
damn, steel, you a nasty lil slut
excuse you loleposting is my copyrighted meme and you're not allowed to do it
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Why are Nautilus mains like this?
my kai'sa duo left me (I ghosted her)
that wasnt me
You should consider it, being a living urinal is a blessing
I jokingly asked Zoe to change her skin because it was too sexy
She all chatted and asked the enemy team if they liked her tights and found her “sexy”
The enemy Viego said yes and chased me and her the entire game (I was Annie)
It was fucking weird man
what does that even mean
stop grooming people
and then Phreak hired you to work at Riot
No anon you don't understand it's le wholesome chungus accepting one self as a transvestite child molester! Stop being an incel!!!!! Just take the gooner pill!!!
define grooming
man I really want to filter all posts containing 'zoe', to get all the larpers ERPers and degenerates filtered, but I feel like I'll also filter out genuine posts, which is unfortunate
is this even about lol anymore
>try to report the fintranny
>someone has posted CP from my IP AGAIN
Shut the fuck up about thread micro celebrities and actually talk about the game you niggers
ummmmmm yikes you do know that ban evasion against the rules of 4chan right mister pedophile?
sounds like a good match
No the general got flooded with fags only mass bans will clean it
Why does that happen? you're not the only one that has happened to. It's even happened to me. I appealed it but I legit wonder how it happens. Like it's a ban for just that
>posting cp
whats wbs
It's more likely that someone in his area posted CP repeatedly via ban evading and jannies did a range ban which got his IP swept in it.
if anyone ever does that for you the antichist is real
thats gross anon
what is that
holy shit my sides
If you read through this general and think it is anything but irredeemable garbage you have a mental disorder
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>let's delete a good item and replace it with something only tristana and xayah wants
ad sylas builds navori too though
I like building it with Rite of Ruin on Yone in Arena but yeah it's kind of ass now.
How is that slut in 2024 league? Haven't seen her in a while
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also im not bratty
a womans son posted this
still would ngl
It’s a Zeri item though?
why is lolg so horny today
Grown ass men are typing this to each other. Use your minds eye to see these two hairy unattractive men talk to each other like this instead of applying for a job
Genuinely makes me nauseous
ur such a perv and im not a bratty sissy
Imagine being the father to one of these freaks
He is most likely absent but still. Imagine this being the son you have raised for 18 years, grim
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1 wish all fags drop dead
There is no way this is being typed unironically right?
I can’t even comprehend falling this low
>"raise son" for 18 years
>he turns out to be a failure of a man
>gee whiz I wonder whose fault this is
Static into Navori into IE or LDR/MR then whichever item you didn’t buy. Finish up with shieldbow
>inters build it too though
okay bro
I'm literally on estrogen rn and my bf is so buff
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who's your bf
Raising a drug addict criminal I could cope with
Raising a transvestite fetishist neet who whores and degrades himself out on a videogame forum for a crumb of attention I could not deal with
There are degrees of failure and you are a disturbed outlier
>Raising a drug addict criminal I could cope with
idk man my dad prefers it when I sit on my ass inside the house instead of burning through tens of thousands being a junkie xD
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For me atleast my IPv4 shows as being from far away cities, so i assume my ISP just has a bunch of proxies that it routes all the traffic through. RIght now my "ip" is 400km away from me for some reason.
it's ok baby
bro no one cares about your faggot ass dating a tranny, please stfu and discuss the game
bonus points if you could stop being a pretentious fag talking about concepts you were starved off since your birth
youre the last person anyone would go up to for any advice at all
delusional retard
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>woof woof woof woof woof woof

What did he mean by that?
I'm at a point in my life where I'm just surrendering. I mean, I was giving up slowly for a long time, but that's only because I'm avoidant from all the shit I eat. Never was a normie, always an outsider. Even though "I have given up" for a long time, I'd still arrogantly assume myself better than the other person until I accepted a situation that would make me kneel. Now, I don't mind kneeling so much anymore. I'm broken but I'm still not a bitch and I won't ever be a simp. I typed all this because you are right and I know because see the different types of me. There are those who lead, those who want to lead but are forced to follow, and those who are happiest when they follow, just as you say.

In games, I don't even get all that upset over dumb plays anymore. Nerf Garen.
What lolgs prefer black dick?
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aaahahaha it's soooo cringe
muh random internet ign discord buddy (whomst i will never meet)
I really really love them I really doo!!!!!
a guy who ruined vg or trolled a lolg in a vg or something. he does it a lot I guess
israel's favorite spammer has awoken
Great on Volibear btw
did you have a good time yesterday making more shitty copypaste spam and find more israel cartoon porn and webms while never leaving mom's basement xD
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wrong you were here two days ago
gotta reload on spam images and pay 60 euros for new proxy servers ://///
fucking loser lmao
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Hi everyone
I have a really bad feeling about the item nerfs. I feel like in typical riot fashion, it's going to create more problems than fix wtf ever they were even trying to fix. Like how miserably bad the durability patch failed.
briar vore me NOW
item independant statcheckers and tanks will now be strawnger
goodnight I hate everything
The reality is mages will continue to be meta.
i dont know if briar is soft, ask her maybe
goodnight chenna sleep well I love you
but their items are getting nerfed as well?????????????????
not them :<
Taliyah is a cuddleslut (sfw kisses and hugs only) for big strong Bulgarian men btw
oh sorry

no goodnight to you then DOG
can you stop using MY bulgarian meme without MY permisson
God Bwipo is so insufferable. You'd think he's won worlds multiple times with the way he's talking. Last time I saw him at an international event he got stomped by a PCS team
Good. Early game lanebullies need buffs
Jorry The Hotdog #0717
are you genuinely retarded? nerfing items is going to damage earlygame lane bullies because they're not gonna be able to snowball as well and get outscaled
blocked thanks
So do his posts just get instant deleted/purged now? I'm assuming it's some filter being triggered.
*falls asleep on Lux's boobs.*
A fuggin jew
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I wanna slog on Slogdog's dog
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Sooooo shameful mr ayakon...
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>only 1 black girl champion and she's married
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Good morning /lolg/!

It's afternoon you lazy bitch
Its morning this time! :(
actual down syndrome induced type gameplay
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Reminder go switch to work theme/ text only mode and filter texts or [-] chain replies.
Pussy split double peace
Buff brand.
How would you improve this game
update all the old champs
I'd imagine updating Singed and other boomer champs would give Riot some very bad lashings
A reminder that August created Jhin because he "had no hands" to play Jinx
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remember dj sona?
it doesn't have to be a massive rework, they can do it morgana style, some of the old champs look so fucking ugly next to the newer champs.
I'd like to see something like wow classic for lol
but that's not really improving the game
Wow classic like is not happening, I can't imagine modern riot to get the natural feel of vanilla, I presume it'll be designed to be very grindy and full of cosmetics, a lot of plastic oval faced smooth skinned models rendered to the unreal engine clay visuals. Also demon this and demon that.
I expected reworks to be just that but they've been changing champs completely or making them uncomfortably different despite being the same such as Scarner or Caits race change, etc
wow aryan pixels so cool *-*
*hotdogs you*
more star guardians when
saar do not use
i want darkness to devour me
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Should I learn to play azir
i wasn't implicating race play, mister finland.
i'm almost plat from iron now and i still can't tell the difference unironically
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there is no difference, people who grind more scale more, that's it, you need to be at least emerald to brag about your rank
i know it's not a high rank but like in other games the difference would be night and day

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