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Previous: >>494981336

Caesar combat intelligence
[YouTube] Agent Combat Intel: Caesar | Zenless Zone Zero
Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program
[YouTube] Zenless Zone Zero Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program
[YouTube] Version 1.2 Teaser - "Tour de Inferno" | Zenless Zone Zero

Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo
[YouTube] Jane Character Demo - "Deadly Interrogation" | Zenless Zone Zero
[YouTube] ジェーン実戦紹介「アブない取り調べ」|ゼンレスゾーンゼロ

>Current Signal Search
Jane Doe - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)
Sharpened Stinger - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)

>Current Events
"All New Program" - Receive Encrypted Master Tapes - Ends 09/24 03:59 (server time)
"Camellia Golden Week" - 08/21 10:00 (server time) - 09/23 03:59 (server time)
"Immersive Tactical Drill" - 09/06 10:00 (server time) - Ends 09/16 03:59 (server time)

>Upcoming Events for 1.1
"Scene One, Take One!" - Starts 09/13 03:59 (server time)
Full 1.1 Event Details: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125244

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
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Rina is the Kafka of ZZZ
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go roll
Post discs!
Got anything good today?
My new disk from today. Not that great but a little better than the previous.
>DEF / HP / Anomaly Proficiency

I don't think this semen slurping game is for me.
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only problem is that gayboy Lighter should look like him
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What does everyone think of the nun's skills? How good is Lucia going to be?
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Had a dream where Qingyi sat on my face. Today will be a good day.
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I don't give a shit about a character that most likely won't be coming until next year.
why tf is every dps physical
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me and anby are going to maccas for our first date, and i'm going to let her get all the burgers she wants.
>old lady is the boss
Isn't this illegal.
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I want to kiss every inch of Corins body while she cries
What is even happening
Because Hoyo is trying to unbrick Necko.
>Kotted AGAIN
She loves me, my first 5*...
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I really don't understand the disc autism. It's literally just throwing away battery. Now wonder you faggots are non-stop complaining about lack of resources.

You get mainstats for 4,5,6 and anything with 2+ good substats on 1,2,3 is completely fine. I cleared the last two Shiyu 7 stages below 3:30 and have done zero Disc farming. Mathematically you're FAR better off getting any other mat which guarantees more damage.

Getting a perfect 5 disc is a 1 in 10.000 chance. Stop being a retard and falling for Dawei's game. Think of the tens of thousands of battery you could've used to level up half the cast and Wengines + their skill with that.
That doesn't even make sense, shouldn't they make physical stunner or support instead?
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>+2 cdmg substat on a crate disk 4
shit mayne that disk is bomb. all of my crate/cdmg main stat disks never roll the counterpart substat over 1. im going to cum so hard into my computer's intake fan when I get a +3 like that
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That's a big ass gif, don't even fit on my screen
Attacker/Stunner/Support and Anomaly/Anomaly/Support are the dominant comps nowadays. What kinds of weird comps do you think we'll see becoming viable in the future aside from stunners being replaced by defenders with high impact or Anomaly(Jane)/Defender(Seth or Caesar)/Support?
Koleda my Precious
To add to this the other real cost beside battery is the dennies. Upgrading a disc from 1-15 costs a 100k.

Youre gambling a 100k on a +3 DEF disc you fucking retarfs
Is this real
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fucking nothing but im rolling for near perfects in specific slots. needless to say im probably never going to see what im aiming for
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Cute robuttwaifu.
technically only 25k + exp
just trash it if it's ass
I need an image like this one, but with the real life rrat frowing the brick.
It's funny to think that thounsand of years ago great kings still have chuunibyou trying to come up with cool sounding names for themselves
Just say you didn't get anything and be on your way
Jstern25 refreshes battery with poly every day for disc drives so I should do it too
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my only option is vertical ascension since im only building one agent. ive been farming nothing but disks for Lucy in the past month and only got 1 upgrade lol. if I dont roll some fire soon my solo runs will come to a halt
who tf is this this guy you keep spamming? Is he your new tectone?
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Is there any merit to equipping off class engines on characters? (I didn't even know you could do this)
No more hugs, Grace.
>Lucy is pepe
Now what?
just as a stat stick. I do that all the time
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Seeing that this guy showed a little about the shadow units, we can theorize that when they become playable Bellum and Mors will probably be Rank A for fighting together and Pulchra Rank S for fighting alone.
Too bad we didn't get to see the movesets properly.
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I'll take it
With Bellum you can see him leaping around. I assume he does the leap + slam as part of his counter.
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I only got +2 HP
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hopefully someday ill get the legendary crit damage main, +5 crit substat disk
and then we can all have sex
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I still find it strange how they will already have shadow versions, but they will probably only be playable next year, well at least it seems like a cool teaser.
Was playing Rina's story mission and I might have spotted a translation error. She mentions making "rose tea" and "red tea" for her client. Red tea... is what the Chinese call black tea. It's an odd little distinction between Chinese and English. They call it red tea because that's the color it makes the drink itself, but we call it black tea because that's the color of the leaves.

Somehow, studying Chinese for 2 years during undergrad and forgetting 90% of it gives me just enough context to understand a case where a translator shouldn't have translated something literally.
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Jane is weak to anal
put down your paws, "bro"
they have shadow versions because they will die after the events of the patch and having them as enemies during sidequests wouldn't make sense
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I'm running:

>Zhu Yuan, Qingyi, Nicole

>S11, Koleda, Lucy

I have +25k chromes, should I pull for Jane and Burnice later (not guaranteed if I lose any 50/50)? Or Caesar to augment my S11 team?
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lets goooooooooooo!!
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What are the odds of getting TWO def disks in a row
I fucking hate this game GIVE ME SOMETHING GOOD
Don't see the point of going for Jane when you have two functional teams tbqh, I'd say go for Caesar
S11, Lucy and Caesar will be kino
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my beloved
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Pompey will definitely die, but the furries won't, it would be a huge waste, and they don't seem like bad people, they're just rivals.
Isn't Lighter going to Power Creep S11 come 1.3?
Lighter isn't a cute autist anbyface
It depends, is it confirmed he's an S?
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>and anything with 2+ good substats
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mod link?
Even if he does, it's not like an hypothetical Lighter / Caesar / Lucy or Lighter / Koleda / Caesar wouldn't work, or that you will necessary get him when he's released
Caesar is just a far better deal to support your existing teams
According to the leaks, he has a signature S-Rank W-Engine.
Your arguement is trash
If there is a x2 event it's worth the energy.
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The food delivery made it to Scott's outpost
Could be worse but i'm pretty sure she wouldn't shut up about bangboos or machines and that's kinda turning me off
kinda curious, do they actually share the exact same face?
They actually do.
Is Caeser baiscally this game's Zhong Li?
it's anime
who doesn't share the exact same face
Zomg lee is pretty broken
No she's this gamed Waver
Zhongli has never once been bis
Shes Beidou/John Lee/Bennet
Nicole would make you pay 100%
Corin would pay 100% for headpats
Anby would offer to pay 25% but be great full
Koleda would offer to go 50%
Rina would pay 100% and let you squeeze a boob
Jane would let you pay 100% but give you sloppy toppy
Forget Jane Doe. If you need a REAL Physical Attacker, wait for Lucia instead.
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Corin bwos, she's making it off the bench with this set.
she's unironically better
I dunno bro.
Anton and anny don't look the same.
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Gentlemen, from this day forward, you shall all refer to me by the name... Betty
I never pulled him, but wasn't he technically the best character in the game for non-timed content? As in; didn't he make.any content that wasn't limited by time an auto-win by virtue of making your team invulnerable?
How can Rina be so best
i got you
Who the hell is Lucia?
Probably a retarded question, but since Burnice wants Energy Regen and if you don't get her signature engine, would it be better to put a Steam Oven on her than any of the Anomaly Engines?
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I won.
She is for (Me).
Kneel before me.
Sex nun
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oh there's a lot more
Problem is there no content in the game that matters that's not timmed
Tectone's gf
authorities have been notified
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Dodging is a DPS loss.
Please... go into Crit... or ATK%
I don't think I can wait any longer, bwos...
Go on without me... For Caesar...
I reran SD17 for a cleaner Lucy video. I actually did worse on Lucy's side and cut Piper's time down by 7 seconds, getting me a three second faster win than last time(same disks).
wanted a faster Lucy time but herding is a bitch
should've given her stirrups
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She's clearly this game's Nero Bride, thoughbeit.
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Ill take if with pleasure
It is and zhongli has STILL never been bis lmao
reminder that Jane is a fucking slob who eats from the floor
She is in heat. Better impregnate her fast.
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She's just like me...
Is it a good idea to level Seth to 60 so his ATK is increased and his shield last a bit longer?
>muh bis
Only people who say shit like this are spreadsheet trannies who don't actually play the game but just jack off to theory. Zhong has been in top 5 most used characters in abyss for years for a reason. Dumb troon.
But isnt Betty a womans name?
Pompey dying the only waste
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for qingyi im uisng this one, can also remove the police gear out her chest area
He's used because he's a crutch.
What does that mean?
who has the best wallpaper anyway?
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The one on the bottom. Like Caesar, expect her final character design to be altered.
He's used becuase practical application is all people care about. Nobody cares about your technical highest damage possibilities when you need to reset like 50 times to do it. Dumb troon faggot. Zhong is meta and comfy so people use him because people don't give a shit about chasing after a "bis" if it means you need to mald for hours.
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Is that nun I often see on leak material from a new faction or from one of the current ones
Why? Lighters final design wasent altered.
Your sister.
isn't that by definition a top tier character? For a character to be a crutch it must be pretty powerful in some way.
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Good morning I'm back from my 3 day vacation for protesting futafag porn in this general.
Lighter is a MAN!
That's alot of word to say you agree with him being a crutch
Whore faction.
So why isnt Anbys Sig good for qingyi again? I have two 5* anby sigs and I can do that or 5* steam oven
>omg i did a 3sec faster clear! pew thank god i had 2 min left in the timer
>facetanking goes bbbbrrrrrr still clears with 3 stars and 1:50 sec left
this people is like hsr troons 0 cycling for no reason, theres no leaderboard and no one knows they 0 cycled or cares even you got 9 turns to do it
After seeing the trailer it makes sense that Caesar's design was altered for way more reasons than "muh censorship" I could not imagine her do any of the shit she does in gameplay or trailers with what she was working with before
Welcome back, faggot.
How do u know Lucia is going to be a Physical Attacker?
No? A decent easy character doesn't equal top 3 best strong character.
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Which 3 characters so far have the absolutely highest DPS if the enemy stood still and could never interrupt you?
I never denied it. You're the one incapable of actually articulating why it's a bad thing.
Insecure ass. Nobody cares.

Exactly. So long as I'm getting max rewards I could give less of a shit about losing out on some damage if it makes clears the most consistent. I'm rolling for Caesar cause she's hot but I have no qualms about removing the possibility of taking damage by using her.
It's censorship.
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I am unrepentant and I will not apologise to the futafag janitor, I served my time for insulting him.
>it doesn't matter so actually all the characters performance is equal!!!!
Anbys sig isnt even that good for Anby. Just use oven on both if you can
BIG hammer
Ellen has the highest theoretical dps with 100% crit and 450% crit damage from perfect disks
How long till we see a character that just grants you the shuttlecock effect from HZ in their normal gameplay
it does, look at neuvillette, he is there because his damage is easy to do, you do the same in other characters with more sweating, all you do is press left click reasons why zhongli is used too, ease of use has shred and shields and buffs with artifacts, is not only the shields
>can't perfect dodge or defense assist
Probably Ellen, S11 and Corin.
No problem. Post more Lucy. I want to jerk off.

See this: >>495000230
the what now
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I wish they would show an icon because I can remember what's what from the names
I never once said being a crutch is bad.
Gi and read the reply chain my argument was and always has been zhongli has never been bis.
And this relates to ceaser because ceaser will be bis for several team because her supporting capabilites in comparison to zhongli is night and day.
Ceaser is a crutch too btw.
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Assuming average S-rank discs, not theoretical.
Assuming perfect dodge and Assist are available.
A-ranks all get M6
S-ranks all get M0
S-ranks from Stable channel get M6.

How does the Top 3 DPS look like now?
You have no right calling anyone a retard when your reading comprehension is this lacking. THe point isn't "you can use who you want because you can clear anyway" it's that "you can clear anyway so using the character that is the most reliable and consistent is meta" dumbass. A character who can deal the most damage but needs you to reset 50 times is meta but a character who deals slightly less but still competent damage but is entirely consistent is also meta.

See above. BIS is a meme factor that nobody cares about. Zhong is meta because of consistency and reliability. Caesar will be meta for the same reason even if other characters buff more.
her damage is so insane once geared you dont even need to stun them their hp drops like crazy with her dpsing them and instead doing dodge counters they are dead before lycaon could stun the ones with more daze bar, my ellen straight up shreds the 3500 bosses in a few seconds without stun
No neuv is top three not just because it's easy to do. It's also up there because it's fucking overturned to high hell and you know this
decent easy character =/= crutch. A crutch is something that literally carries you where you couldn't perform without it. For a character, or move, or strategy, ir ability, or whatever to be a crutch it MUST be pretty powerful or borderline broken in some way. In this case, if a character provides you 80%+ efficiency with <10% of the effort, that' really powerful. Again, this is coming from someone who never pulled for him because I prefer actually playing the game. But I think it's undeniable how powerful the character was.
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Ellen still gets a free 150% crit dmg and 25-35>>495003486
% crit without a single disk, it's ridiculous
Mastering your craft because it brings you joy vs I need a carrot incentive to play games.

One of them is an actual NPC. Can you guess which?
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slows down time on perfect dodge. Evasive assist but for dodging
>S-ranks from Stable channel get M6
For what purpose?
Also how are you going to get dodges and defense assists with the enemy standing still?
Anyway, in that scenario it's probably S11 with Caesar/Lucy once we get the new banner.
Opinion discarded
You because you're an insecure pussy who needs external validation to feel fulfilled.
they like repeating the fight 4 times till they do the perfect rotations for their 3* clears meanwhile steady chads just do it first try on random ass teams with steady characters, is funny watching metafags every patch complaining they cant clear and theorycrafting while steady chads throw the same thing and clear every rotation, muh theoretical dps with perfect rotations am i right
If no one cares then why not just start with that rather than actually try and argue that zhongli was bis when he ain't.
Conversation coulda just ended at "I don't care about bis"
>my full team did slower than solo piper
I kneel PiperGOD
I should use the survey feedback to tell them to make this shit simpler
Is 1.2 a filler patch? What does the Tour De France have to do with Perlman?
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>Ellen still gets a free 150% crit dmg and 25-35% crit without a single disk
Which source or mechanisms give here this?

>For what purpose?
For Caesar. I want to see who can benefit from uninterruptable the most.
Is your bid still S11?
Then who is #2 and #3?
>450% crit damage
wtf how
I only have 150 crit damage
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maybe on some tall woman, wearing a black bodysuit and glasses
some kinda witch, if you want
>reset 50 times
I don't know why you are behaving like eula is still meta.
4 piece wood and 2 puffer, using rina instead of slowkaku with swing jazz 4 and 2 piece puffer for the extra pen, im thinking on getting rina c1 for the extra pen when i reach 300, you only need to swap rina and use skill every now and then to keep the pen buff
> that zhongli was bis when he ain't.
Now who's incapable of reading. I never claimed Zhong Li was bis even once you dumb fuck. I literally started this argument by saying "nobody gives a shit about bis". >>495002790. My argument is that Zhong is used becuase of consistency and reliability while also providing good benefits to the team. He is meta becuase of that consistency and that is a much more important factor than any stupid fucking tranny shit like "muh bis" from a faggot who cares more about his dumb calculations than playing the game.
No I’m serious. Is he the prize for getting first place?
If you're out of content try soloing HZ with different characters while you farm achievements and shit. Solo qingyi is really fun and I have a feeling solo caesar will be super fun too
Perlman hijacked the blimp to participate in the race, aiming to become god emperor of australia
>throws generic insult that doesn't pertains to the conservation
>got them now haha..
>>For what purpose?
To clarify, how is even fair to put M6 S ranks from the standard banner against M0 limited S ranks?
>who can benefit from uninterruptable the most.
Well, in regard to that specifically, Ellen, Corin and Piper benefit a lot from it since they have long animations. Other agents I mentioned will benefit mostly from the other supportive traits provided by Caesar, hence why I'm mentioning M6 S11.
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Friendly reminder that HSR has already set a precedent. Nearly all of the Standard Banner Characters from HSR are now having trouble clearing +2.0 end game content.
plenty of meta slaves every patch showing their failed atempts with muh kazuha and meta fag teams and complaining about some new abyss gimmick, i legit jump on that shit blind and clear every time on the same teams lmao using the "non meta" waifu teams and c0
That sounds stupid. Usually people go into hiding when escaping from the police, not try to gain renown and fame.
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Damn imagine being such a sweaty in the easiest hoyo game.
PubSec has no jurisdiction over the Outer Rim.
Ass mad because he needs his training wheels to comfortably do his runs lmao
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>things that will improve zzz
>Remove the story. It's 2024, nobody has time for this. It also allows us to imagine our own cannon story
>Add auto combat so the agent can fight themselves without us controlling so it now respects our time
>Remove the tv entirely and add exploration open world
Thoughts? I think this will be a good start
>how is even fair to put M6 S ranks from the standard banner against M0 limited S ranks?
If isn't fair.
But it can happen for people who lose 50/50 a lot. My Nekomiya is M2 right now for example, and the game is only 2 months old, so you can understand why I want to assume M6 for stable channel S-class.
there's no police tho
unless we get some cool sheriffs
I will never take anyone seriously that tryhards in a gacha game. I will use Zhong and Caesar and Aventurine to trivialize difficulty because it's a gacha game and the gameplay is not deep enough for me to care. If I want to actualy engage more in challenge I'll do it in a real game. I got my S+ professional clear on RE4 remake the other week and that was fun and rewarding. What's the point in malding in a game where people can just throw money at the problem and completely outperform your efforts?
Is the one with pink hair really going to be an anomaly character?
Like they're going to do 3 updates in a row with anomaly characters in part 2 of the update. Has Hoyo done this kind of thing before?
It's just that I'm new to this world of gachas, so I don't know much.
Is there a way to farm invesigation logs or i need to wait for new bp? I did all the side quests and now i just need to lvl my dpses to 60. I can always farm for discs, but don't really know what is the way to get substats.
I clearly didn't know this combative reply>>495002594 which is what I was replying to wasent you defending your stance.
Be on your way.
mastering your craft is only using meta units? mastering it would be getting good and doing solo amber clears like that guy on youtube, youll never reach that level of skill thats why you rely on metafagging, you think only using meta units is mastering the game? thats laughable
What are the chance we will need a third team for future endgame content? Everyone and their grandma should have finished building their 2 teams to its maximum potential by now. I don't even know what to farm at the moment. I unironically picked planting agent coffee today too.
Anon, there's this conceptnin actual competitive games like fightimg games, strategy games, even card games, which is called consistency. Take fighting games for an easy and direct example. It happens quite often that the characters with the highest damage potential/best tools theoretically are NOT actuallu considered the best characters at any given moment in favor of other characters that maybe are 10% less powerful but way easier to play and execute with, or just have a way more repeatable game plan less dependent on opponent counterplay.
HIA - Basic Material
by lying
>S-ranks from Stable channel get M6.
But it's easier to get a C6 Exclusive than a C6 Stable.
*rapes you and cums all over you before tossing you away*
Sorry, what were you saying?
Fanbox set
Bronya is literally exactly the same, people just prefer Sparkle who's slightly better on average
Himeko is quite literally the no.1 spot in PF. Clara is usable, although if you get some Eidolons she's very much Yunli tier
Everyone else's been jobbers since the start and nothing's changed since 1.4 or something
>Nearly all of the Standard Banner Characters from HSR are now having trouble clearing +2.0 end game content.
Even is maximum Mindscapes?
Click on the icon

If you are mobile you can just hit the card and it will show you exactly what it is?
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>Everyone and their grandma should have finished building their 2 teams to its maximum potential by now.
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who cares
So is M6 S11 higher DPS than M0 Ellen?
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>zzz has the lowest vote for male characters compared to HSR(highest), wuwa and gig
What is the implications of this?
Woah you got s+ on RE4Re? I guess I should take you seriously
Then start raising a team for every element. At least that's how it went down in HI3
Zhong is BIS because getting a 1:10 clear 100% of the time is more meta than getting a 1:00 clear 10% of the time. Theoretical highest potential damage has never been what people consider meta. You're just changing the terms to suit your argument.
No, the good ones only need around ~E2 to be at least on par or close with the current hot ones. E6 for them would mog E0 limited except for the t0 top dogs
I clicked the first 2 pictures and it's just corrin from Fire Emblem fates porn
friendly reminder that hsr isa turn based game and you cant evade enemy attacks or get away from them, only reason you cant clear is because of cc and kills, this doesnt work on genshin and zzz with people clearing abyss with amber or billy by getting good, theres no skill ceiling in hsr
The implications are that we have the highest revenue
I know, but I'm not going to pay to get C6 exclusives.
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>Everyone and their grandma should have finished building their 2 teams to its maximum potential by now
I almost finished my mono ice...
Consistently is a metric that only.matters when losing has an actual consequence.
If you want. I did it cause I found it fun. I love the immediate projection in assuming I said that cause I was trying to brag because YOU do that kinda cringey ass shit.
>6 limited
no one cares about f2poor opinion
Maybe not exactly in a third team sense, but you should always have roster variety in case vertical investment gets cucked.
Both genshin and hsr have their ways to roster check you, and this game probably wouldn't be different. It's a gacha, after all
try not wasting resources in stuff like skills you wont use for example dodge on soukaku etc most characters use 2 or 3 and max your main dps, many people try getting all skils up and that fucks their stamina, 9-10 is a good spot to stop on your main dps while you finish the team disks etc, by now my dps got their main skills at 12 already not refreshing
>Just build Anton bro
NTA but is he any good? I do have Rina
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>Everyone and their grandma should have finished building their 2 teams to its maximum potential by now
My only lvl60 unit is Zhu. And I didn't invest in anyone for a month since I'm prefarming for Caesar and Burnice, so I can't waste dennies on anyone else
he is good but needs grace too to shine his sig is great too for him
I mean, I can get gatekeep too if you want. Your RE4 achievement is worthless and was a meaningless waste of time. Go compete in a real game like a fighter and win a major tourney.
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>Add auto combat so the agent can fight themselves without us controlling so it now respects our time
Why autocombat when you could add sweep?
yeah, but you voted for males there, faggot
HSR is a purely a numbers game
Most likely.
Farming best discs is bacically get discs, scrap them and use the thingy in music shop?
she gets 100 for free it won't show up on the stat screen so you have 250
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>not even fucking close
I play fighting game anon.
Come on.
>mvc2 magneto nuts crazy brocken hard to play
>blaz blue Carl clover nut crazy brocken hard to play
>sf4 basically everyone is hard to play but the best characters actually have reward.
>sf6 top 5 consists of the character with the best dmg and neutral. Combined.
>granblue belial is broken as fuck for 4 fucking years
I love this excuse, considering it's just dps checks.
>prefarming for Caesar and Burnice
Don't they have disk sets that come in 1.2?
Zhongli clear times are significantly slower than 10 percent
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I have batteries for that, but getting the necessary 250 purple mats and 5 million dennies and 300 XP tapes takes a lot
Stats in a Mihoyo game are rng depending on luck for disks, you can whale to get more cinema and engines. You can reset for crit rng or enemy AI to be in your favour. If YOU want to tryhard in a game like that because you find it fulfilling. Go for it. I'm not going to do that and piss off with your gatekeeping bullshit when you're sitting here gatekeeping how other people are playing the game.
If a character makes your success rate go up compared to an alternative then it's a stronger character because it's more consistent. You can't even use the time argument because even if your runs are slower, (you) will still spend less overall time on the challenge because you need less attempts. As long as you get the maximum rewards, the highest success rate character is the better one. Consistency is always better than inconsistency. Now if you like to go for max numbers and don't care about consistency or efficiency then that's fine.
read her core skill she gets crit rate from ascending three of her drives and crit damage from her passive
fuck i hate grace
>remove story
You get shit like KanColle if you do this.
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luv me big ben, simple as
just get a pace maker and she will never let you go
I think you need to buy some glasses
we are getting a new node like disputed so you might want a different team for it
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Competitive pokemon is rng too. I don't see the issue
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Cool males are just not viable from a bussiness point of view. Why? Because people that likes cool males is people that is also into cute girls, and since they will always priorize cute girls they will be saving for them and therefor not rolling for the cool males.

Lets say there is a really cool ninja robot guy, and a petite flat chested oni fox ninja girl with wide hips and skimpy outfit.
Of course you want the cool guy, its cool, but fuck, Im saving for the ninja girl.

So, the only males that are viable from a bussiness point of view are the fujoshi and otomstacy bait, bishonen j-pop idols or npcs turned into S characters. Because thats the sort of character people that is not into cute girls will roll for. They fill a gap, they cover a niche

So basically when you say "more males" in a game like these means "more gay bishonen shit" and no one wants fag males like that (then again except fujoshis and otomes that is a considerable market).
That's the Elizabeth Tower thoughbeit.
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Fuck i love Grace
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So true!
which season is the current critical node on? 1.1 release notes only mention 3 phases and I forget how many we had in 1.0
What is ZZZ's overarching plot?
>does x game need more males

literally every single top character since the game's release has some absolutely braindead simple abilities/mechanics that make them consistent. I chose fighting games as an example SPECIFICALLY because consistency is one of the biggest factors in tournament character picks. Akuma just came out and he's predictibly one of the strongest characters ON PAPER and yet you saw pretty much everyone slowly reverting to their previous characters or new top tiers because they were just more consistent in tournament.
Imagine if zhongli and bennet were merged into one character and you were not restricted to a circle for the buff
The siblings' past.
They just needed to make a dogshit set no one wants to pair with the best and most universal disc set for DPSes
>Voted for no with a big black dot
>Noooo you voted yes!!!!!
Ok you are retarded
>What is the implications of this?
ZZZ's art designer draws lolis and buff men, it's that simple. The people that show up for the artstyle like the above, not fagbait like V*nti and such
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what the fuck
The sacrifice or some shit.
So basically Piper but with huge tits?
Hell ever heard of poker tournaments
that means youre doing the right thing
>Here is a buff to increase your def bro but the catch is you have to consistently not get hit!
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?
how many resonia do you have bro
Bros, your Ben?
That's like saying card games are worthless because what cards you drawn are rng. No. rng is fine so long as it's done on an equal playing field. The point in a game with rng is to adapt to changes and try and seek victory under varying circumstances. That is not what you get in a gacha game. No player is equal so malding and trying to show off with clears is pointless because who knows how much money you spent, how good your disk luck is, how lucky you got rolling for the gacha. I see a short clear time I think "he probably got lucky or whaled" I don't think "damn that's impressive, he must be skilled". Again if YOU want to tryhard under those kind of conditions. Go for it but I would much rather do it in a game that actually puts players on equal playing fields.
We won't see eye to eye on.
You human limitation shouldn't be an argument.
There several speed run route where it's just sp precise and difficult that people take a slower path for consistency. That doesn't make the consistent path better that just makes it consistent. Because eventually some giga chad will come in and preform the harder route and get the new world record.
And before it's brought up no I'm not talking about stupid TAS input routes
>but the catch is you have to consistently not get hit!
No, using dash at all gives the buff. So, if you dash but fuck it up you still have +20% def.
Also, more Ben damage with mindscape....
I just want the last ice resonia but I can only get 10/12 every time
yep, you still voted for "yes"
I accept your concession
There was 3 ed in top 6 at evo.
Preforming one of if not the hardest shit possible st the highest level of play.
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>speed run
Your argument only works when viewing it through a lens where the only metric to judge it on is how quickly you clear it which is incredibly dishonest. That's not the case here. We aren't trying to speed run it. We're just clearing. I could improve my times by using more damage potential boosting characters but why would I? That's not my goal. I got my max rewards clear in one single attempt and I'm satisfied.
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If you want a artificially hard character to focus your autism on hope they release a character like this in this game then.
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3 girls confessed to me and after talking to them they agreed to all date me at the same time. This mean I have less time to play ZZZ. What are my options now?
>he didn't get a PhD as doctor in real life so he can have infinite disposable income. To win in a gatcha game.
Sounds like a skill issue.
Why is the river so dirty?
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How are you supposed to buy pic related?
I sat there staring at the screen at the exact moment it was supposed to refresh, it did the spinny thing, told me to fuck off
>too many attempts
(I opened the page for the first time thirty seconds ago)
then after two more attempts, it finally loads the page and all of it is sold out.

How am I supposed to update the page to not get fucked over?
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I'm so retarded...
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Caesar is the dream of anti-meta Anons.
Pick your favourite Agent, no matter how weak or strong. Caessar enables your favourite Agent to kick ass uninterrupted.

>What are my options now?
Just mate wit your sister instead of those 3 girls.
nigger, only momochi went for the max combo everytime because he's a washed up fool. Everyone else, including the better Ed players, just went for the standard lvl2 combo
Go to a psychiatrist, delusion is usually an early sign on onset schizophrenia.
Okay? Cool I'm glad for you.
But once again the original argument was always about max performance. Ceacer will be a team m8 that gives max performance and zhogli simple is not that character.
So when someone asks if ceaser is just zhongli I say no because that's a core difference they have.
Do poors really?
What discs stats for Zhu and Jane?
>why is river in busy city dirty
They all are. Look at the river in Paris that made everyone sick at the Olympics.
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I prefer Izanami from BB as I use the excuse of her being hard to play to stomp everyone with a fun as hell top tier
>ginseng americano
im sorry pepper latte bros, perhaps I was too harsh in my judgement.
Hey, I might be f2p++ but I'm not rich enough to leave 100 goddamn Poly on the table.
based anon taking his mom and sisters out for a nice dinner
I just started playing and the first 4 star I got is fucking BUNNY ASS WITH MODELED ASSHOLE, what the fuck? What is wrong with this game???
I thought only China had rivers like that, the ones in Germany and Netherlands look clean to me, hell even the Nile looks cleaner than this.
And you're doing it again.
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we won
So this is how Nicole pays back the debt sharks... My love... Nande...
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Don't think~
OL sex...
Money on the line, you mean people will play the characters they have millions hours on instead of the new characters? Color me shock
Ending walker litterally went for the combo 6 times. Durring his game and succeeded 50% of the time.
Tachikawa is the only one who didn't because he litterally couldn't (modern)
Is Resonaboo much better than Devilboo? Not sure if I should upgrade the former or focus on other elements.
those legs should be illegal
if you're really this retarded and not baiting, it's pretty amazing you manage to use the internet
Can Caesar replace either Lycaon or Soukaku from Ellen's team?
W-what is the lock at the back for
oh it's that hard to get them? I'm just gonna get the dennies then...
>ppl here think Corin is better than huohuo
You guys have shit taste. We literally had an entire ghost Hunter arc with huohuo. What did Corin do outside of being a shaking scaredy cat
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New thiren character leaked
>been swimming in there every summer with friends right on the outskirts of Paris
>plenty of people there every year
>suddenly olympics
>insane fearmongering about it being dirty as fuck
Really makes you think
all the loli's can do it and then Jane for some reason
>What did Corin do outside of being a shaking scaredy cat
she cleaned out my ears while holding my head in her lap
brushy~ brushy~
If anything every CC is telling you to replace lycaon with her immediately, she's Ellen's BIS.
Nicole expy
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Fofo > corrin > succ
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I had 4:59 seconds left as I cleared because im bad and lycaon died early and I got A rank even though last time it gave me S rank before at 4:59 then I went out of the page and it had all S ranks anyways wtf? I thought they got rid of grace period but apparently not.
if you could port one character from GI or HSR to ZZZ
which one would you pick?
that wording makes me feel retarded, but good shit figuring it out
Even as f2p, it's more realistic to get a C6 Exclusive than a C6 Stable.
It will take you multiple years to finally get a C6 Stable from Hoyo's Master Tape trickle.
That's several reruns worth of every single Exclusive character in the game - you can realistically save up enough currency to max them out.
You can't do shit about Stable agents.
I like huohuo but her ultimate is lame.
It shoulda made her an instal healing dps. That did cool shit like in her demo
>do you know them, Corin?
>Yes Mr LightCone!
Bitch please stfu. This is the first time I saw your ass. Lmao did they fuck up the story?
To unlock the inhibitors it runs on semen
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Xilonen if in ZZZ.
server desync. its owari da. Retry bwo.
The game is obviously telling you are undeserving of S rank with that time with your roster.
Your chapter 1?
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Inhibitor Lunea from HSR?
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>mouse cursor
GI: uhhhhhh no one really
HSR: Sparkle
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Your story?
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Reason I started playing and reason I quit.
waterkuma pants?
she so smoll uoh
I'm requesting all (you)r sexo pictures
ooooh Belle isn't gonna like that
her >>495006453
She'd fit almost perfectly
Seth can do this too...
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Granny Leisha...
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she took my first 50/50 so it's only fair she takes me out on a date
I only recently disabled it
Shit happens, I originally needed it and never turned it off
Ben wants 2xSoul Rock
>100 dollarinos for 40 rolls
>not even half the chance you'd get an S rank
How is this allowed?
>Soukaku, ready~
sus bulge
That is because cats are liquid so he can fit anywhere
>gets some of the best art
>looks horrendous in-game
This feels like Lumine all over again
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Has she been power crept yet
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Can we get her instead? She would be perfect in ZZZ.
I think you actually get 50 rolls with the permanent bonus.
Which weapon for Caesar mhhh
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Btw the design of the furries was done by Waterkuma?
Because Pulchra has the shorts that Waterkuma loves and Bellum looks like one of his self inserts too.
holy shit lmao
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Are we ready for the livestream on Friday? I am!
Her signature or you can cope with a r5 Transmorpher.
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Fuck, bros, 500 Monochromes for 2 full days worth of Energy seems like a good deal when I compare it to the rest of the deals.
However that's 3.125 pulls gone forever.
>just realized I can click the ZZZ logo when booting up the game to skip the animation
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>loli artist's self insert is a giant obese monkey
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>Even as f2p
This is wrongly assumed. I'm not F2P, and I'm not a super what who C6 everything.
I'm somewhere in between, occasionally I buy am M0, occasionally I buy an M1, occasionally I skip.

But fact of the matter is I have M2 Nekomiya after just 2 months of playing.
So why the hell shouldn't I be calculating the Stable S Agents as M6?
Forget both games and give me Aponia and Mobius instead
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Signature, if you really care. OT otherwise.
if you have enough refines (4+) devilboo is better
what stream
>Pulchra has the shorts that Waterkuma loves
Everyone loves the shorts.
>500 Monochromes
That deal exists? Where?
>nicole: "I-I can't breathe..."
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Anyone else lost a lot of interest during the police arc before Victoria housekeeper shenanigans? It feel pretty boring to me
>So why the hell shouldn't I be calculating the Stable S Agents as M6?
Because you will get the first one about five years after the game's EoS, what's so hard to understand?
Meanwhile, it's realistically possible to actually have a C6 Exclusive.
I accidentally said 'bwo' out loud the other day and I blame all of you for it
Is it Genshin's livestream?
uhm bwo... I hope you are joking.. that was last Friday
Fat ugly bastard
Bro, I have bad news, but maybe Ben Bigger also looks like one of his self inserts.
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The zzz livestream
>Because you will get the first one about five years
Did you miss the part where I have M2 Nekomiya already now?
Why are you trying to be braindead on purpose?
Sucrose is my favourite genshin but I don't care for Corin
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>tilt my laptop so I can't see the screen
>hit print screen
>freezes on Belle
CANON and BASED (I'm literally Wise)
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so stupid it feels like you need her signature
Nicole draining me dry by putting me through years long legal proceedings...
500 chromies for this? fack dat man.
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>an incredibly unlikely thing has happened, so it will continue to happen with the increasing degree of unlikeness!
I take it you're one of those people who can't comprehend the concept of probability, huh.
meh, I want hags and tomboys
Cute, what's her facvourite food?
genuinely where can i find waterkumas work?? cant find it anywhere, is it paywalled?
I think they're done by him because their poses aren't boring like the ones not done by him like Seth got.
it would be better if her top said KILL on it.
Big corpo fighting over money and profit.
GI: Navia or Beidou would be fun
HSR: Pela because cute
Looks more like a raider than a soldier
>an incredibly unlikely thing has happened
It's not unlikely to lose 50/50 rolls. You're wrong and retarded.
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600 stamina, though.
Part of the reason I'm paying for the Battle Pass is the batteries.
Here's a 980 monochrome bundle in comparison.
This game NEEDS a cute girl with a pixie cut so bad bwos
Did they really get rid of the roguelike decisions in HZ? I love that part, its some of the best gameplay outside of combat
What does her pantyhose smell like?
Bros, he doesn't know...
its optional now.
Yeah, no one like cop.
nope I don't believe it. this design is way too good to be true
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Why not tell us yourself?
not a pedo, but the underboob is based
fake and gay
It's not a massive difference as far as Impact goes. Her damage would tank without it, though. But it's not like she absolutely needs personal damage.
Pic's old af.
would be too based I'd C6 if released uncensored
Which engine for Burnice outside of her sig? Would the whore ball from the BP do?
That's true too, but I find it curious how different their art is compared to other agents and characters.
how is that a great deal? I don't know what to do with my 50 batterys
That's from GFL
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at least you picked a waterkuma doll, so I applaud your attempt
Wait for 60 to farm discs or farm mats for leveling skills
please... dont leave me in the dark like this...
I guess thats a decent compromise, I wonder how many people will use it. The TV movement is part of the decision making process, I wonder how theyre going to balance it
You can refresh once every day for 50 for 60 energy. Unless you are already doing that, it's no good deal.
I wanna be plowed in HD
My womb is being lowered
I wanna be plowed in HD
My womb is being lowered
I wanna be plowed in HD
My womb is being lowered

zzz for this feel?
What's wrong about this? It's just a girl with her father!!
On average, 5.56% of your Exclusive Channel S-rank pulls will go to a specific agent.
You need to go through over 100 pities to reliably get a Stable Agent to C6.
There is 12 years in a month, 2 banners per month, statistically speaking, over time, you need to pull 1.5 times to get the rate-up S-rank. i.e. you need to go through 36 pities on a yearly basis to get all Limited agents.
It will take you THREE YEARS of doing that to more-or-less reliably get your C6 S-ranks.
Yes, SOME people will get there much quicker but MOST people won't.

As I said, you are incapable of comprehending statistics.
I imagine there's a moderate downside, like less resonia total. It's a faster HZ run, but none of the real potential for busted resonia runs.
But that's just my guess.
two most generic looking characters. One looks like a HSR npc and the other looks like a Genshin npc
Instead of boopons, the investigation merits should give master tapes. Its insane that it doesnt.
>50 batteries
I hope you are level 50 and aren't wasting your Energy by being retarded.

I want to max out my agents.
I want to farm for discs.
I want to play the game.
not that anon but do you really have to wait for 60? I was hoping legendary proxy would be at 50
Yeah, you are right.
That's just 50k Dennies + some useless garbage on top of that refresh, and I'm not doing refreshes.
Thank you for reasoning me back into sanity.
Thats what I thought exactly. Also can I say its really frustrating when the HZ cucks offering "deals" dont give you the option for the excavation devices. Instant run killer if youre trying to push 80-90 resonia
I'm level 53, my agents are not maxed out, don't have perfect discs. Why should I care, I can finish everything on S regardless.
Char lv 60, no point waiting with anything for acc lv 60, since everything caps at 50.
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new poll

Is Rina useable even without her m1 and sig engine?
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Only one answer
I love penis
She takes a bit more work without her M1 but she's definitely still usable, one of the most used units for speedrunning regardless of M1 or not
She has a pretty good craftable f2p weap.
Who you planning on using her with?
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Is everyone missing
>3 Observation Data in Ch. 3
>6 Combat Data in Chapter 2 Interlude
or is it just me?
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I don't understand what plating agents are. The other coffee is for Drive Discs, alright but they both have the same disc smbol and the only difference is + or arrows upwards
plating are upgrade mats, just pick the disks cause thats the only shit that matters.
disc level up
plating agents are for leveling up your drive discs
>plating agents
It's the stuff you've been using all this time to upgrade you discs, anon.
Ellen since Soukaku takes too much field time and feels clunky.
The biggest reason I think they will be successful is that they are so generic, for me it will be an easy skip, but certainly if they are in an update together it will be what will profit the most.
>Soukaku takes too much field time and feels clunky
>but Rina doesn't
It's as if we're playing different games!
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okay my bad I overlooked this when I looked through the HIA tabs...
but it sucks that they do this one week before new disc sets drop
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what went wrong (in her life)?
Nah I'm constantly running out of plating agents honestly.
Its still another fucking weak of jane holy shit.
I thought the banner ended in a few days.
I swear zzz banners last longer than other games holy shit.
Spoiled brat in her extra bratty phase.
jane's slow ass banner killed zzz
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I still need to save
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if you think jane's banner is slow you got another thing comin when the longest and widest banner in zzz history drops
come and play genshin :)
get a life, touch grass or play something else jesus anon
Minthychads win again
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HSR got me with the Vixen.
somebody post Lucia's leaked animations
I tried his demo, he feels like ASS to play.
Im satisfied with my c1r1 mualani, now I just need to debate on saving for kot or all in on archon.
I love her design, but I dont like the other fua characters.
Kuki or Chiori
we already have a luciana/lucy and now we have a lucia? It aint happening bwo shits fake.
xilonen, she's basically a zzz character
Silver Wolf
she looks like a promiscuous person
too bad it isn't
Never played either.
Haven't used Rina yet aside from free trials but surely she isn't as clunky as Soukaku.
At least SW kinda fits with the setting, I know it's inevitable at some point that we'll get a string of not-chinese looking characters, but I hope it comes later than sooner.
Yanagi is so fucking sexy
You just have to attack or press E with Rina and then she's gone. Sure you have to do it way too often with c0
>On average, 5.56% of your Exclusive Channel S-rank pulls will go to a specific agent.
That's not how it works.
50% chance to lose into the stable. So 50/6 = 8% chance to get a specific agent each time I try for an M0. Sometimes I try for an M1 and that just makes it worse for your case.
Using lies to push the numbers towards your side of the argument is an asshat thing to do.

There is 0% chance I will ever buy an M6.
There is a real chance my M2 Nekomata will reach M6.
Those are the facts your dishonest and autistic brain has been afriad of and is dodging.
edw barely went for it at all, what are you taliking about? Ed spams lvl2s like 2 or 3 times per match, you taliking about 6 throughout the tournament? gtfo here. That part of his kit is literally the least important and not at all what makes him strong.
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I was saving the batteries(46) for burnice/ceasar. I can't beat the rest of the shiyu defense without raising my inter-knot level. my m6nicole/zhu/qingyi are fine at level 50 but my m1lucy/m1koleda/m1piper at lvl 50 struggle. I only have 1 agent story left and i've already completed one part of it.
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Which weapon did you get on your second BP bwos? I had Lips on my first and am not sure what to pick..
Heizou or, failing that, Raiden.
holy sexo
they all suck only defender is "good"
I remember when Jane died during the story. It was so sad.
I picked a 2nd star for dicksucking lips.
Onahole? Or has it fallen too
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what's frustrating about the TVs being slowly discarded from the game is that it was a core part of the game, like that was the point. You use the TV to inhabit a bangboo proxy and assist your agents. Holy shit zoomers make me so fucking mad It's unreal
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Hey, when is drip marketing going to be? Does drip marketing only show S ranks or does it show A ranks as well?
I know they won't come until next year, but I was curious about the A ranks.
onahole was only good for the memes bwo
I thought about getting that for Caesar but there is also a new f2p defender orb that seems alright. And I feel like defender is also only okay so it feels like wasting your weapon voucher
its a scam, only bots are getting these
don't even bother with these type of events
the point was to waste my time with a mobile puzzle
when all i want is action combat and an ass in my face
people complained about TVs being fucking tedious. Do we really need to be interrupted every 5 seconds for a zoom in and text prompt when they could just let the prompt popup instead? Or just let us pay to open the fuckin gear coin vaults instead of forcing us into the animation? Ive got the fucking coins obviously I want to open the one and only fucking vault I have access to mihomo you stupid fucks.
Is there a link to this website?
I kind of want to see what it's all about.
yeah bot farms are clearing out the poly in seconds when its available, shits fucked
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Only four more days of Yuna bros
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[BREAKING NEWS] Lucia has been renamed to Mary
via: Uncle Nen
she will make the eternal Ayaka banner look thin
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You still love Anby right?
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Corin in the background!
will she finally notice me after creep shots of her ass the past two weeks?
still run her
might replace with ben or rina one day
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hoyolab.com, log in then select the 'traveling mimo' option in the toolbox
I want to see her clones, and which foods they like and hate.
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Everyone's focusing on Jane's ass but she got nice boobas too
>That's not how it works.
That's exactly how it works, but you are too retarded to understand.
>50% chance to lose into the stable
No, you retard, there is no "50% chance to lose in Stable". There is 50/50 guarantee every time you lose the actual 50/50, so your real chance to lose is at most 1/3
>Using lies
Things you are literally too stupid to understand are not lies. They are just things you are too stupid to understand.
>There is 0% chance I will ever buy an M6.
You personally - maybe. But you are a retard.
Normal people will have an actual real opportunity to get a C6 on the first rerun, which will be in a year or so.
>There is a real chance my M2 Nekomata will reach M6.
Yes. a real chance in about three years, statistically speaking.
It makes a lot of sense to try and project how the game would go in three years . . . or wait, it isn't and you're just fucking retarded!
Is this one of those crate/treasure-chest/gacha minigames on mihoyo's not!facebook? This shit is a total scam, don't bother.
Yes, but she’ll retreat back into the cafe never to be seen again.
check archive sites/panda, I think he took down older works the more he got into having actually important jobs like *lead fucking artist* on a mihoyo gacha rather than 'occasional brat producer for GFL and AL'
How would bots even do this if the page doesn't even refresh?
Is there a direct API call I can do instead?
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I prefer her to Chingyi outside of shiyu
You know HSR is somehow still missing a 5* physical Nihility character. I say we send them Jane Doe.
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And people keep saying there is nothign to do in game when we have so much minigames on hoyolab to grind for the resources.
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Bro it was always thier names.
They were even leaked together.
I'm 30/39 in ch2 interlude for the red things.
>Is there a direct API call I can do instead?
absolutely, you just need to capture a web request that is happening when you press the buy button and you can replicate it programmatically
Through out the top 6
Momochi only went for it like 8 times in the top 6
what are the chances they are actually related
I hope they have the balls to keep this Lucia design. I’m really doubtful they will though.
Did you all saw Nun's animations? Are they new? Or the same as beta?
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cute, even miyabi is cute, great content
eyes too close together.
>There is 50/50 guarantee every time you lose the actual 50/50,
That's actually irrelevant.
When I buy an exclusive M1, I pay until I get it. That's what it means.
There is a 100% chance I will get that M1. Because money.
There is a 50% chance I will lose INTO to stable channel. And from there it's 8% for the S Agent from stable.

>You personally - maybe.
This was always the case for me. So I don't know why you you can't comprehend my interest in comparing M6 stable to M0 exclusives.
Your notion of fairness is fucking irrelevant to my situation. I'm fully aware it's unfair to compare M0 to M6, but it's irrelevant. Because it's something that is applicable to me.
Hence I'm making decisions on these "unfair" comparisons, regardless of how offernded your butt get from it.

>Yes. a real chance in about three years
Still wrong, and retarded, and stubborn, and autistic. Sorry bro, you earned all of this.
>That's actually irrelevant.
>When I buy an exclusive M1, I pay until I get it. That's what it means.
>There is a 100% chance I will get that M1. Because money.
>There is a 50% chance I will lose INTO to stable channel. And from there it's 8% for the S Agent from stable.
Yes, you are incapable of comprehending statistics, we've figured that out long ago.
>the rest
Cope, retard.
We literally have nothing but the old ones.
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gave it a shot. looks like im gonna get her to stop resisting tonight
She will get spats and her top will become like aponias
Otherwise her proportions will remain the same.
>Yes, you are incapable of comprehending statistics
Your statistics were fuckin retarded and didn't take my credit card's existence into account.
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imagine reading all of this
you schizos have been argueing for over 2 hours
Why is everyone claiming next year now? Are section 6 ( saving time) confirmed after Calydon?
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kot love
best you can hope for is Aponia, the CCP hate lewd nuns for some reason
To be fair this design doesn't scream biker gang leader at all
They fucking ruined Caesar...
I don't even know if they would be playable bro, they have very non-standard designs, I don't know if they would sell well.
Neither does current one, which is straight up ugly.
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I'm NOT going to get KOTTED nor KNOTTED while rolling for Caesar.
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F2P anons have a hard time comprehending Anons who pay for C0 and C1 gets the stable agents faster than other F2P people.
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this artist's kots look good but are all just shy of pure sexo
Next patch is Caledon. Then section wideyabi. Then mostly likely idols. Then maybe after that we will get the rest of section 6 and lighter. Only then will we have a chance for the thiren gang.
Agree. She looks like a grandma now.
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The discs I rolled during this double drop event have all been shit. They changed the substat weightings for drops this week
oi, cats have knots too
i guess mihomo has decided that its time to grind discs for 4 days.
yeah because you and I already got kotted rolling for ratt
I'm kinda tired of women
we're gonna get the rest of section sex after calydon.
But I did, you retard.
You are just too dumb to understand that, literally so.
f2p players WILL NOT go through 36 pities over the course of a year, that's too much.

Statistics is NOT your personal anecdotes. But don't worry, you can live just fine without ever comprehending that.
shes just shy of s-ranking SD7 for me, need to pump her talents a bit more
they also complain when power creep comes.
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Reminder you only will lose your 50/50 if you prefarmed over a certain amount for the next banner character. You didn't prefarm for Caesar right anon?
I fucking hate women but 2D's never let me down yet
>splitting hairs
that's still completely besides the point and doesn't change the fact that the characters who actually won all 3 suoer majors EVO, CCC, EVO again, and you can out the gamers8 year one in there as well, were all super consistent characters that were never the theoretical top1 character, besides maybe JP in hamers8 year 1 when he was considered top1 or 2 because his bullshit kit was just oppressively hard to counterplay (ie was really fucking consistent)
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take the 2D pill, youre welcome
you wanna suck my cock, bro?
i mean, like, fine, i guess?
>f2p players
I'm not f2p

>Statistics is NOT your personal anecdotes.
They literally exist for my sake. I will use them for my sake.
I can compare M0 to M6 because it's relevant to my situation, I don't need your permission and your morals and ethics to compare M0 to M6.
AI slop
it's not a scam, yes bots grab them early but I have gotten the 30 and 60 poly already in this event so it is possible. if next time the 100 is sold out immediately I'll at least get the 10 poly's
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Why is there a street shitter 6 argument going on here?
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About fuckin time
NTA but how can you tell
>I'm kinda tired of women
Not tired of taking it up the ass, I see, you backdoored gay homo twink sissy boy!
i hate her deep chink lore background feels so forced
bwo... you just click on the three buttons each day and once a week follow some topic on hoyolab and comment some bullshit...
Soive lost. Get over it.
then i'll be sure to save it
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but I don't see anyone talking about slime?
I hope you never get your way you giant retard. The story is interesting, the TV mode is engaging, and you should encourage your brain to do something other than GET BIG NUMBER and PULL GOOD UNIT
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>rolling for M0 rat when the KING is right around the corner
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>I'm not f2p
T-that's what I was saying...
Okay, anon, I'm sorry, I shouldn't be picking on someone who is literally mentally retarded.
I will stop.
I hope you'll get better.
I would go crazy with lust if my sister looked like this.
Not gonna lie you are the retarded one here for not understanding basic statistics. No credit card can save your inability to comprehend numbers
anal with this rat
It all started with me simply asking is Caesar was this game's Zhong Li
I look like this
its a scam in a sense that you are playing against the bots, thats cool that you got some polys but most of the players just wasting their time trying to get them
for hoyo its just a cheap way to boost engagement metrics or bite people to participate in hoyolab community
>Remove the tv entirely and add exploration open world
this is absolutely what's going to happen
its going to end up like honkek3
Sorry but I don’t need defense agent, seth is enough
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im the poster that stole that image
I highlighted some styling inconsistencies a human probably wouldnt make
Ive been using my qingyi all this time with 2/6 core passive and all her skills at 7......
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this dumb motherfucker is stuck on the geometry/invisible walls and can't even teleport out of it
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I love him...
>T-that's what I was saying...
That's why everything you said is irrelevant Anon. I will stumble across more 50/50 lotteries than the average person. Tht's why I will get Stable channel M6 faster than the average person.

Which is why I'm interested in comparing stable M6 to exclusive M0.
I don't care about what you plebeians can or can't achieve in your lifetimes.
ib4 you need dps's from every elements to finish Shiyu
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Because they are not in the game's launch video, a leak appeared about the December calendar featuring Miyabi cutting a monster, and there are a lot of leakers saying that Yanagi and Lighter are the S rank of 1.3
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If you've seen a lot of AI stuff you'll recognize that type of shading immediately, but the giveaway here is the little details on her clothes and accessories, they don't look symmetrical
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uncanny AI sloppa
it'd be like seeing a hot skinwalker in your sister's likeness
> remove all the gameplay portions
> remove all story portions
brother, do you just want an app where you can trade your money for jpegs you get to look at for 5 minutes a day? Wtf are you on about?
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I only prefarmed her ascension mats, skill chips, agent XP, W-Engine ascension mats, W-Engine XP, two piece shock star and three million dennies for her.
I didn't prefarm her core skills(because I couldn't) so it should be okay, right?
Phys has not one but THREE cute hebes (piper in body), why would I roll for a used rat whore
Rip Happened to me once too.
Ken was considered top 1 all season 1
ib4 you'll never get a standard to M6 in less than 4 years
one time i glitched through the ground out of the fight arena from a chain attack (top to under the bridge)
the area was closed of so i was watching 2 giant robot trying to shoot me through an invisible wall
weakness already kind of pushes that
its not quite as bad as weather but its close, especially for anomaly teams. also, unlike HSR a single element gets shilled instead of 3-4
its going to get bad if/when they start powercreeping SD health pools
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>prefarm for Zhu Yuan
>takes 170 rolls to come home
>don't prefarm for Qingyi
>comes home in 30 rolls
also, it's super obvious that her barcode is fucked
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>All according to plan
Caesar is ugly compared to the rat albeit
Reminder that if you plan on rolling for Burnice, you better roll for Jane (or at least have a Piper) or else you'll have to brick yourself with Harumasa.
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Just get lucky
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Hoyofags are fucking retarded holy shit. The puzzles are easy as fuck to finish. This is why we can't have nice things in life because normalfaggots will always ruin it.
If numbers have to be accounted for, there will always be people that will try to maximize them.
Eh I plan to run S11 Koleda Burnice and run Burnice as a debuff bot for the fire procs.
>bite people to participate in hoyolab community
it's funny, your task is to leave a fun comment so everyone just types "fun comment" lmao
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We just have to bear with it, if those normalfags are helping funding the games.
Story reads like LLM AI slop and the gameplay has no depth. I can understand why someone would want to the game to focus exclusively on the aspects most actually play it for (fanservice and dating simulation).
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Thoughts on yanagi kit?
Jane doe ruined my life, I'm being serious
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>npc design
Give it to me straight, is she more powerful than Jane?
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this is why that place is so fucking unusable. 99% of the posts/comments are people participating in some event for meager scraps.
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rip grace's one and only niche
Women prefer turn-based gameplay over real-time action.
Almost bought the wrong coffee thinking its wengine exp
good thing I have guaranteed AND I haven't prefarmed for caesar.
based on results. No one ever said he had the highest theoretical ceiling. He just had a super consistent gameplan that was really strong and easy to execute. And I would argue he was never considered top1 by the majority of the top level players, that would probably be JP at that time, who again, was considered so because his kit was just ridiculously hard to counteract consistently and relied to much on hard reads while he slowly drained your life and chunked you into oki vortex every time you misread.
>for some reason
She's a rat you dumdum.
Rats are always slipping through cracks and shit.
>forgot about the livestream and it's codes
>Anomaly mastery %
that sounds like its safe from powercreep
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>no battery to farm anything
>no commissions
no agent stories
>not even HIA coins to collect
>next patch is 6 days from now
I saw this a few days ago, so is it real?
Caesar Roll analysis:
Appearence: Feature wise she got the goods but her costume is completely atrocious and ends up ruining her sex appeal.
Gameplay: Looks normal, if not a bit on the boring side, cookie cutter.
Meta: She's probably gonna be the single best crutch character to this point. Super armor and Damage amp is a huge pairing and the super armor might enable future characters playstyles.

Yeah, she's prob a meta pick, not a sexo pick and thats why i'll catch her on a rerun.
Damn... Thanatos kinda got moves...
Get a job
She could one-shot 11/11 Nineveh and I wouldn't roll for such a basic NPC design
Post cheevos
>electric res
Didn't another leaker say she was ether?
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>Piper jiggle
this guy is a respected TC but I couldn't find any info on the leaker.
the zzz leak reddit is really not it, even basics thing like number change that are listed on hakushin take hours to be posted there.
>Yeah, she's prob a meta pick,
The mega paradox is: she will forever be meta for anti-meta crowd. Because she enables their favourites, no matter how far behind they fall back.
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>Soukaku gives 1k attk

>Caeser gives 1k attk
>broke all the YouTube links
Yep, I'm rolling her for my kot even if nothing about her appeals to me
Who the fuck is leifa? The only sources I know are the seelefag and the fireflyfag.
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Fuck you she’s hot as fuck and I love her
i uninstalled :/
I love when Piper whines
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but she's huge
The difference is Soukaku is slow as a ficking brick. To do a proper SAARlight rotation, you need Soukaku coming out last in a chain attack so assist swap in Ellen. This means a huge chunk of the stun time is eaten by her tard spin.
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See you tomorrow.
Same, except I will never actually pull for that granny, rerun or not
she looks amazing. Simple and elegant is great.
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>20 rolls for her
>20 rolls for her weapons
>now this
The rat is forcing herself a bit too much on me, bros...
>huuuuge chunk
bro it's literally like a second. maybe.
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That showed how irrelevant 1k attk is that an animation taking a few secs completely makes the buff not even worth taking in the end.

People need to realize a 1k attk buff is not s big deal and doesnt fucking break the game nor does it make Caeser fucking meta or a unit that will be relevant in the future.
CCs are absolute fucking shills and people are fucking stupid bitches.
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congratz on the latinx kitty
does neko count as a loli? and if so why did twitter and reddit focus on piper and lucy so much.
I will do this as follows:
>Get the next S-rank from Stable, see if it's The Brimstone
>Get Caesar
>Get her W-Engine in process, see if I get spooked by The Brimstone
>If at this point I don't have The Brimstone, I'M FUCKING BUYING THE BRIMSTONE
Maybe I'll consider waiting for Burnice and her W-Engine first. But by the end of the next banner I'll HAVE THE FUCKING BRIMSTONE AHHHHHHHHHHH
this cat looking kind of nice with her hair like that
Why do we even have a stage for disc exp ._.
>CCs are absolute fucking shills and people are fucking stupid bitches
That's been obvious since the start. Remember every CC saying Qingyi was a sidegrade based on their theoretical calculations and spreadsheets?
Neko is hebe-coded.
Lucy and Piper are loli-coded.
None of those 3 are lolis
Yeah Qing is much more of future proof unit with fucking universal damage amp for any burst character ever released and is also nearly retard proof. I'm sure Ceaser will be good but probably all these people will play her poorly and have shit rotations then cry she is a brick.
Yes, she's loli sized
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Hoyo values their opinions like gold as evidenced with the last minute QY buffs. I will not be surprised if they nerf Caesar again last minute
>tfw I was trying to figure out the timing for Brickomata's stupid dash follow-up only to learn that it's LITERALLY chance based if you get the follow-ups or not
Stupid brick.
bros how much assault should piper do to the big guy in shiyu defense? mine only did 150k-200k and i can't beat the guy fast enough.
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Wheres the appeal here, explain it to me.
She does have some big bazongas... but they're covered.
She's wearing spats so no pantsu.
She has a nice tummy but no windows/gaps to take a peek.
I don't disagree, under that costume she's def very hot.
Maybe the mod community will save her.
She's such a brick that most people forgot about her.
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So I what point will in be worth it fpr us f2p to invest in supports? I got Ellen Zhu Yuan and Jane and CC are telling me to skip Caesar after already skipping Qingyi.
Most people avoid thinking about Negromata as much as possible
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The CCs were right. They should've buffed her more. Now she's the first limited to be powercrept. There's no situation in which you would use Qingyi over Caesar.
catgirls are lolis by default most of the time so people just have gotten used to it so much they don't even realize it or complain anymore
Her old design was better with longer more lion like hair and less clothes. Also they should have had her talk like an ancient roman just being a generic airhead is boring.
mods will fix all of those things, if we're lucky someone will make her alpha design
Of all these games, ZZZ is the least geared to women. Girls like turn based games and fantasy games. ZZZ is an urban action game. It’s women repellent.
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im hitting 419k assaults outside of SD and 500k in SD. definitely get your AP up, im at 429 AP
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Pretty sure those are Miyabifags in disguise, telling you to save up for Miyabi
Just do the exact opposite of what they tell you and 90% of the time you will come out ahead. Most of these CC's make this vids to cope with their pull luck
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>caesar leads the desert dwelling faction
granny spats, insta skip
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I had a dream Yanagi got revealed as electric attack, also Trump lost the election.
If this ends up being true remember you read it here first.
When you somehow get in a weird position where you have your disks, but nothing to level them up with. just another thing for whales, don't worry about it
Is she actually this thick or this is just fan art?
have fun rolling her. her being a Megane is enough to turn me off already
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>Caring about what retarded CCs say or meta.
>Not just rolling with your dick.
This is wrong.
The image argues the Caesar buff is roughly equivalent to the Qingyi multiplier.
But this just means Qingyi Multiplier will become even stronger when Caesar is support to Qingyi.

It's your fault for misreading data.
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Easy skip, probably the most generic design of the playable characters so far in the game.
So furry waifu only next year then, well at least it will be enough to save up for her
Cute blush
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Section 6 feels HSR/GI coded, or whatever. im happy those consumers are getting some food, I guess
One of the few that's entirely accurate.
Did you buy out the convenience store
It’s the fit that matches her personality, Anon. Rough and tumble spitfire who’ll split your lip with a hyper aggressive kiss. The kind of sex where she’s going to try and break your pelvis if she’s on top, and wants you to break the bed frame with her body if you get on top. You can tuck those spats down and hike her skirt up easily to plow her over her bike and right after she can go straight into a fight with your semen still sloshing around her womb. Her design is peak for a biker babe.
The other paradox is she might make everything gameplay so trivial that you won't have fun playing the game. Don't need to dodge anymore, don't need to care about being hit, timing skills/abilities, just swap and mash.
That said this might just be what people on mobile need to clear their stages.
I think she might be a driver for anomaly comps whereas Jane is a more selfish on fielder. So unless you really want to play Burnice she's probably a skip yeah.
i have the roaring ride wengine for my piper. that is better than rainforest gourmet right?
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>skipping both qingyi and caesar
holy brickoli
>Qingyi Multiplier will become even stronger when Caesar is support to Qingyi
That doesn't work. You're basically running 2 stunners. And you won't even get to max out Qingyi's stun multiplier because you'll stun too fast.
Patch 1.3 will be Lighter and Big Daddy, right?
you still need to perfect parry to refresh the shield so it's not as braindead as the CEO.
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I love office suit designs usually but none of them in this game are doing anything for me...
>AI Sloppa
Make another.
uhmmm nyo
I think it will work. Caesar an be use for anything you want at this point.
I will!
I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s helping with other games too. Natlan characters have a different style to the rest of the cast.
this is slightly exaggerated
check out her 3d model
Qingyi is an on-field stunner that works well with units like Zhu Yuan, Corin or even Soldier 11 because they are burst dps
Ceasar is more akin to a burst stunner, like Lycaon, Koleda who works well with on-field dps like Ellen, Jane and even Billy.
TLDR: Ceasar is powercreeping Lycaon
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depends on how bad your AP situation is... potentially. take both engines, hit the VR room, level 70 anything and hit it a few times inside and outside stun. I assume your roaring ride will be higher but you lose the base AP gourmet gives.
try em out
>HSR/GI coded
That's the Void Hunter faction.
Soukaku's the only top tier section 6 design,
>siding with harris
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hmm there's something about anon's claims that don't seem very accurate
uh oh anti-Qingyi schizo meltdown
ib4 shiyu is much harder from now on due to Ceasar's existence. Just like how Neuvi doubles the bosses' HP in GI
>stun too fast
then the thing dies
boss tier enemies definitely have enough daze to tank 2 stunners
QY is one of the biggest damage multipliers and it doesnt take a genius to put that multiplier with the next biggest one in a team
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yeah they scream... something I do not want to be bothered with. if im still playing this game at that point ill be surprised
ah I forgot about Soukaku since I already got her. definitely my favorite design out of em all
uh oh, pagpag seething about reality
He does it every thread, only newfags give him (You)s
source for this image?
Is it official art?
...did everyone actually move to the aislop thread?
I want to have blueberry babies with Soukaku.

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