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Previous: >>495425739

>Ordeal Call III: Neo-Primate Succession War, Archetype Inception:
●Event period: Aug 28~Oct 31 JST (2 Months).
▶NEW Limited Master Missions (~Oct 4): 10 SQ, 1 Crystallized Lore, 9 Stargazer's Teapots and 4 Silver Apples.
▶Login Bonus (~Oct 2): 5 Golden Apples, 10 Hellfire of Wisdom, 3M QP, 20 3*Fou-kun (10ATK, 10HP), 1 Footprint and 3 Stargazer's Teapots.
▶Welfare Servant: 4* Moon Cancer Kishinami Hakuno (Male and Female). These servanst will be featured in the FP Gacha in October's Event (you must clear OC III).
▶Moon Cancer will be added to the EXTRA I Class Score after clearing OC III.
▶Animation Update for Sesshōin Kiara.
▶Strengthening Quest for Kingprotea.
▶Teapots expire October 31.

>Lostbelt No.4 Clear Support Campaign:
●Sep 1~30 JST.
▶Recollection Quests: 6 Golden Apples and 600 Mana Prisms.
▶Limited Master Missions: 20 Hellfire of Wisdom, 400 Evocation Leaves, 1 Rare Prism, 3 SQ and 1 Crystallized Lore.
▶Upcoming event requirement: LB4.
▶0 AP consumption for LB4 Main Quest.

>Archetype Inception Part 3 PU Summon:
●Sep 20~27.
5*Moon Cancer Archetype: Earth (limited)
●Sep 22~29.
5*Alter Ego Sesshōin Kiara (limited)
4*Saber Roland (permanent)

>Part 2 PU Summon:
●Sep 15~22.
5*Moon Cancer Jinako Carigiri (permanent)
●Sep 17~24.
5*Alter Ego Kingprotea (limited)
4*Alter Ego Passionlip (limited)

>Current Pick Ups:
●~Oct 2 JST.
5*Moon Cancer C.I.E.L.
4*Lancer Dobrynya Nikitich
4*Avenger Xu Fu
All limited.
5*Lancer Karna
4*Lancer Percival
Both permanent.
●~Oct 9 JST.
5*Moon Cancer BB Dubai
4*Moon Cancer Tenochtitlan
4*Foreigner Mysterious Heroine XX Alter
All limited.

>Pastebin for utility links:
Unfriendly reminder

If you defend OC3 you're a retard and probably an EOP
Unfriendly reminder

Fuck you and fuck off
Anon... Japanese people are actually the one that are positive on OC3. (mostly because JP have actual nostalgia for Extrashit.)
>It's a retarded EOP
Nasu doesn't like you
He made fun of you in OC3
If you like OC3 you're the reason it exists, to make fun of FGOfags
Unfriendly reminder

I have sex with City on a daily basis
Georgie new narrative shitpost...
>barely no fanart
They sure "like" it.
Are the Japanese people in the room with us right now?
Do command codes ever get rerun? I missed out on a lot of good ones since I'm new. I really want one of those NP damage or big crit ones for Ciel.
total wormslut and CCCbortion death
You can literally go and see their reaction to it anon, it's not that hard. Unless of course you are the EOP here.
Where is the Golden mega BB fanart bros?
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My lovely wife
Second time reminder for not updating.
They get added to the MP/RP shops eventually
I see Japanese people unimpressed by it
I see Japanese people who aren't retards who understand the meta commentary shots Nasu was firing at his own fanbase
> Fate/Extra CCC was released in Japan last week, and sold 72,883 copies at launch.
oh yes, the nostalgic 72k fags vs millions of confused FGO players who doesn't care for it.
Yikes beginning of this thread is already shit. Definitely not alter ruining fgog
You do realize that CCC was still being sold legally in Japan when Seraph even launch, and a lot of people went back to play it, right?
>Nasu spends an entire chapter with bad jokes that lectures his fanbase on "letting FGO go" or it will end up as shitty gag fiction
>call this his magnum opus
>less popular than OC2
Was Nasu's blog updated?
Don't forget Nasu keeps shilling his old flops (Mahoyo, Extra, the Hibichika shit) in his actual perfected future (FGO). He's completely lacking self-awareness.
The Ciel summer revealed the MAJORITY of the FGO playerbase don't care or like TM works in general. Some may make exceptions for FSN but there's a thin line about it.
There were xitter posts with 100k likes agreeing old TM should remain out of FGO. And an generational war between TMfags (minority) and FGOfags (majority). Not dissimilar to us. The later prefer Heroic Spirits from actual history and legends over Nasu's OCs (unless they were introduced in FGO).

I have no doubt there's an echo chamber from the small minority of the TMfags, but those are exactly that: A MINORITY.
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>hakuno's journey begins with them descending down an elevator and is forced to fight to survive
>hakuno's journey ends with them ascending up an elevator and is willing to die
He never called this his magnum opus
>wake up
>there is a random faggot seething on cooldown
Jesus... I don't even like the events, but wtf is going on?
>He thinks my post was for his
Anon, that didn't break or add any numbers. It's by far the least sold Extra game.
You do realize your "forced nostalgia" is just two fags bawwwwling in their echo chamber?
He did actually, in the Famitsu interview. He said every Ordeal Call was the writer's respective magnum opus
Well aware when he said that OC3 (his own OC) would be coming afterwards
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wow japanese fans are vocal about the new chapter and they are not happy. Theyre discontented with the way everyone revived like naruto. I guess they were holding out hope for a good writing route. There's even a petition that's garnered thousands of signatures to have the chapter changed. Obviously that wont happen but it shows how unhappy they are.
Pretty sure he still think CCC is his magnum opus (he is wrong, it's Hollow Ataraxia), that's why he keep trying to remake it in FGO.
>source: trust me bro
>he doesn’t know
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LMAO georgie...
See >>495509880
OC2 flooded xitter with fanart of scenes in the story. Even when Mahoyo collab was on, there were countless of Jeanne Alter, Dantes, Professor Salieri, Marie Alter scenes in the chapter dominating.
Quite telling there's barely any art of OC3, some crying BB comforted by Hakuno by oldfags, maybe. That's it. Plenty are busy drawing Merlin and Nero in new yukata outfits they got instead.
Don't even fucking say nips are "mindful of spoilers" when the Avengers saying farewell was splattered in xitter untagged at day 2 at latest. That's an excuse people only give when their shit isn't getting fanart.
Someone probably shat on this poor dude's breakfast. What's with the seething?
Um, they forgot to add the free quests... They're adding them later r-right...?
Violet? Where are you?
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Correct. Reminds me to OC1 really. "Nips can't draw this because spoilers." But they didn't have this thoughtfulness with OC2. Mmmmm.
>OC2 good OC3 bad
Yeah. Unironically.
Glad you understand.
It's Georgie hours. When I called him out for samefagging last thread, he switch to Melu cuckposting.
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why the fuck are these fucking shit hard fights 25AP?
why don't they refund your AP if you withdraw?
no wonder people don't want to make progress on their shitty gimmicky main quests, is lasengle retarded??
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Dialogue 7 (if you have Sodom's Beast/Draco)
>My, you have even managed to draw a true Beast to your side. Aww, that charming red frock to covet and scales forged into a cutting edge that penetrates any substance... Not to mention the proverbial cup in her hold!
>How intoxicatingly alluring! She seems to belong to the Logos of Lapse.
>However, preceding the Lapse is desire. In other words, pleasure forms the foundation of all.
>In that case, I'd be thrilled to have you at... Excuse me, forget that just now. Almost forgot that I happen to be currently engaged in asceticism... Ohohoho!

Dialogue 8 (if you have Anki-Ereshkigal)
>So, in a future yet to unfold, humanity will have vanquished mortality?
>Well, this is exceedingly clear.
>After all, should mankind fail to achieve that, it shall have no role to play on the cosmic stage.
>Indeed! Merely "not perishing" is an accomplishment that even the most mundane of vermin can attain.
>The true question lies not in "if," but rather how you will transcend over death.

Dialogue 9 (if you have Archetype-Earth)
>May I have a moment, Master? Have you been faring well with Lady Archetype?... Is that so?
>How delightful! In that case, I'd like to request that you present us!
>Fellowship is certain to blossom. After all, the neural and erogenous zones of the Planet are cut from the same cloth, don't you think?

Dialogue 10 (if you have Hakuno Kishinami)
>I may be mistaken, but could that be the Master of the Moon?
>Quite frankly, he doesn't seem to embody the right virtues of one who could have cast down my counterpart from the Parallel World that rose to the status of an Intrinsic Devil...
>No, in truth, I surmise it was precisely this thoughtless notion that led to my undoing.
>It seems that, irrespective of the shape I take and regardless of the world, I fail to grow past this habit of drowning into my own misconceptions.
You have blue cubes, retard. Use them.
you can tell /fgog/ is dead because no one made up a line for Arthur yet
Dialogue 11 (if you have Summer Kiara Sesshouin)
>Becoming a Mooncancer not merely by consuming mermaid flesh but by feasting upon other abyssal aberrations...
>Although I was the one to undertake such a deed, I can't help but wonder where my head was at the time—Excuse me?! Because the Little Mermaid is my childhood hero?!
>M-M-M-M-My, how silly of you! That's just silly! Stupid!
>First and foremost, where has one ever seen such an overgrown Little Mermaid? Kindly educate yourself!

Dialogue 12 (if you have BBDubai)
>Mooncancers as a new breed of humankind that emerged on the Moon? Now I am most shocked.
>You live up to the label of monster that the Human Order has placed upon you.
>An umbrella of stars that has settled above the surface to observe it intently.
>Who knows who or what might have been able to thwart you?
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It's been dead since OC was announced
It's just Raikouschizo. Someone finally bit his bait after 8 hours.
The main problem with OCs is that they feel like character's arcs-closure the authors are forcing into some 'class' closure and it makes no sense. If you read carefully they are Kama's, Dantes', and BB's stories completion.

OC1 was Kama's event and closure of her arc, inserted into this greater story with random Sion and useless shit that was an accessory and only to speak about her nature as Sakura vessel so Minase added Memedusa, Zouken, and plenty of Sakuras.
OC3 is AI Sakura closure-arc. It's absolutely repetitive after we had Kama, on this a year ago, so Nasu tried to distract you with absolutely filler shit like Beast Eresh and Tsukihime characters that added NOTHING to the overall outline.
That both things got erased from Guda's mind even increases their filler territory. Why? Because both BB and Kama actually...don't really have impact in the main story. They are side quests. All this mega BB to entrust the future to will have zero role in Antarctica so it was a waste of our time. They also feel redudant because are centered on Sakurafaces. It's just a filler of a filler at this point. They should have picked something else for Alter Ego or replaced Mooncancer for Foreigner.

I didn't mention Dantes because his story was likely not just a sidequest event but a .5 chapter probably before the OC shit got introduced. That was a conclusion to his arc, and due to OC, all Avengers went with him but it was clearly meant for him. That's why Guda's options in the end are addressed to him or "to all." He actually appears in the main story (Olympus). So he can't be brush out like Kama and BB are. So what happens in OC2 isn't "forgotten." But it could have been written as just a story of Dantes defeating the Disciple Cagliostrowithin Guda's waste hole instead of an Avenger thing.
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Comfiest 90** yet
is that from reddit
nasu really, really loves kiara huh
The random Da Vinci cameo was so bad that it's incredible.
What WOULD a conversation between Sodom and Kiara look like?
Just clap and cry, retard
Alternative Summer city, dubai bb or Arc will be enough.
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Lmao this is a faggot or woman argument trying to belittle Jeanne Alter.
>Already gone back to samurai remnant art kek
Meant for >>495509008
It's ok. Post your OC3 art to combat it.
>Randomly gets an animation & sprite update
Kiara is based on Nasu's real wife I'm convinced of that. Probably not the personality.
>no Free Quests
fuck you retard don't tell me how to play
But Nasu is Takeuchi's wife?
enjoy your daily 90** and no one care about that 90++ oc3 mat
Belittle what? Jeanne Alter was an (excellent) added bonus, but she wasn't the core of the plot. Her role is similar to Eresh in this OC, minus the boss moment.
You are supposed to feel sad
I tried BB but without Castoria and Oberon sonce they're bond 15 and she doesn't do enough.
The biggest whores of their respectives kusoges
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I forgot, does the evocation quest mission require this?
I know that Olga Quest will give one.
Currently, our 3rd class score requires the second piece for completion.
I picked Hakuno
Hakunon is pure
Need big crit support
Can NP2 Arc without MLB BG do it with the usual WKoyan + Oberon setup?
5x weakness so yes
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Where is the kino art?
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There's nothing more poisonous to a chapter getting a lot of fanart than timelocks, I gotta be honest.
Man I never noticed but Avenger class looks so cool.
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The fuck are those faces. Is that the best you can find?
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That is an excuse. Solomon literally got millions of SOB fanart instantly after the last chapter dropped. As did CCC with Melt's sacrifice.

This with a 'farewell' as key message in the original tweet was posted mere hours after OC2 dropped.

This reminds me how people made excuses Mahoyo collab wasn't getting a lot of fanart. "it's the timelocks." No it's because the majority of the fanbase didn't care.
At least until Kagekiyo
>Now the shtick is trying to create made up rivalries since he can't cuckpost
How typical
A chapter that preaches you to let go of your favorite thing to move to another you don't care about will never sit well. It's rightfully flopping.
no matter how retarded fate fanbase is, telling them "stop liking things" is even more retarded
Nasu banked too much on the "emotional impact" of Hakuno's death when he's releasing the remake soon so it'll be meaningless and the fans know that. It's the same anti hype melodrama of characters 'dying' only to be fine the next chapter. He did it in LB7 and now.
>suddenly stopped 'arguing'
kek it's just the same person
Yeah he went to /alter/ to post about cuckoldry after that.
It is.
It's the same shtick everytime.
The moment you realize its just raikouschizo you see through so much shitposting in this general.
the worst thing about this chapter is that kazura and violet are not in the game yet which means there will be more extrashit in the future
this suffering is never going to end
Constantly doing the same repeating shitpost that even /fgog/ already knew it was RaikouSeptember.
I cursed when I saw there was no new gacha. More of this unbearable shit to come.
Why am I seeing some people talk about a future LIZ event
Did they announce it at kyomaf?
I think it's because halloween
Well it is October soon
So it's not confirmed
But we didn't have one last year it was the grail front instead
Any recommendations for bleached earth bond farm ? I heard the new one (Moon cancer) is better than vithra?
People speculate its a Liz event every year
Can't deny that
>Game discussion
We rather shitpost than playing the game here
You don't speak for all of us.
Speak for yourself, melufag
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>Out of nowhere melufag.
Here your delicious baiting (you) that you want for picking on other anonymous as your victim.
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What class is guinevere?
Same bond and exp for the new 90**.
It's more like grabbing the OC3 mats while using your 5* mooncancer servant and support.
>beat the final mooncancer boss
>On another battle with ? Class
>Ah go with bazett fuck it
>Still have to carry mash, fuck off lasengle
>Go in blind
>3 waves with bullshit buffs and zero class help
>Both Hakuno
Beats them until final bar
>Dual NP full charge as I break the bar
>Closes app and open again, use dodge from bazett
>Gilgamesh attacks with a 10k crit

Jesus fucking christ, I fucking hate these bullshit battles, even more when going in blind. It is almost like these cunts want but always to go with castoria and use the np every break bar.

And it isn't even the worst battle (fuck that CBC with Takasugi and bombs bullshit)
The mooncancer-weak one is only 2 waves, that make it faster.
If you have Ciel, it's piss easy.
If you don't, you can probably make something with your other mooncancers like the BBs and Arc.
I have the Extra 1 score half filled, so I'm using 4* BB and charging her NP with the Command Seal vs the worm.
male hakuno has a line joking about all of the halloween liz versions + the hakuno not chosen will be summonable in october
Anon he made Kiara a rival to the Buddha lmao. Some people complain about Sakura wank but Kiara wanking is more insane.
>>Still have to carry mash, fuck off lasengle
Huh, didn't know that
Anon, you don't need to use Mashu.
It's Mashu OR a friend support.
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I had forgotten to post this CG, there's two versions obviously.
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Bro is really comparing year 2 and 3 fgo to current era :Crying:
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>even the Hakunos are getting more fanart than Golden BB
Why does people hate Golden BB, like genuinely asking I haven't played OC3 yet, but she looks fine?
>overdesigned crap
>not a swimsuit despite taking swimsuit slot
No she doesn't
She's kind of a mess, with the monocolor costume, the funny hat, the wings, the cloth wings and the moon.
This summer has a better bunny
News Doko?
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10 sq
Summer's over
They don't.
She's spoiler territory so you'll have to wait for people to catch up.
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I love castoria
fujos love extra
I doubt Golden BB will see a lot of fanarts regardless, Dubai ascension will keep dominating
Melusisters, Kukusisters... we flopped
Ehh, it's more yumesis and yurifags. In Extra they straight up go out of their way to have Nameless "No way fag!" male Hakuno. kek
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Well Dubai is the new hotness, sure enough. They're already making master/servant porn and all >>495519161
But I doubt Golden BB won't see art. She's merely spoiler and it has been just 2 days.
She'll get a few I'm sure but definitely not that much
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>Mooncancer OC
>They buff two Alterego
>Removed the HP demerit, added extra damage against good trait to the party, NP damage up and Overcharge 1 time for 3 turns.
A lot of anger seems to be coming from the fact that it's just BB. There are a lot of people that thought that because there was a long wait it would be something mind-blowing, or a crazy twist, or would come with buffs/gameplay changes, and over hyped it to themselves.
This. Most of the extra fans and HakuBB fans are mostly women but there are men too.
I at least have Kiara so that's 2 more quartz for me
people simply expected from the last farm to be better than previous ones, but got some garbage instead
holy nasu shilling
And it's actually a party wide NP charge, not NP damage up.
So Kiara has now a 70% self charge, but still no reliable damage up buffs.
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Also her NP gain up is still only 1 turn baka
I did this whole OC juggling mashu worst version

Fucking hell, fucking shit
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The OC did really force Mashu on your party
But the last fight vs the Hakunos lets you pick a support instead.
Do the extra servants have a defense buff that isn't clear, I feel like my attacks aren't hitting shit after 3 turns
Not as far as I remember.
The only one with a defense up icon was Gilgamesh.
Bit coming back this year for sure
what other gachas you guys play?
for me, its /esg/
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>Hakuno says you will like his female counterpart more
>Hakunon tell you to pick her up as the welfare
>Hakunon have romantic feeling for (You) in the bond lines while Hakuno doesn't
>The reason why they go Yui Ishikawa for Morgan is because Nasu liked her voice as Hakunon
Nasu REALLY want people to fuck Yui Ishikawa....
We know you're excited Tez
oh, yeah? where's her swimsuit skin when? i dont see it in my game
I can finally have a threesome with my wives Morgan, Tonelico, and now Hakunon...
Why are you asking this in multiple generals?
Some people will like it and others won't, like a lot of Wada 3rd ascensions. But the intensity of the response is absolutely due to the timelocks.
for me? it's Enkidu
Her VA is top tier can't blame him
the only good thing that came out of that shitstorm of an anime was yui ishikawa voicing hakunon
Tez had enough bit everyday it's MY turn now
Threesome or nothing
Onii chan. Bits don't belong to you!
But it belongs on your poo poo hole.
Arcueid and Koyan darkness needed the buffs more.
Kiara's still shit with that anyway.
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No nasu I will not roll for kiara
Honestly I'm surprised they took this long to give Kiara some Overcharge memes when she has two CEs with it.
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Personally I don't dislike the design itself, it's the wasted potential that makes me frustrated with it. A bunny suit BB should have been a slam dunk. Even keeping the gold theme, I think it could have been way better with just a some small adjustments.
That's probably because her OC effect was a healing meme and she could already heal 10k at OC1 thanks to the 3rd skill and Tamamo CC.
Honestly, just remove the wings and all the ribbons and you improved by 100%.
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I like the ribbons and even the moon, I'm just disappointed that Wada decided to cover up the improved BBs after such a great display of sagginess in BB Dubai's first ascension.
Cute snek
You may not notice it, but the whole "senior-junior" between Hakunos and Guda isn't just for meta ( Extra was before Fgo).
It also plays with the theme of the story: once humans fulfill their purpose, they should be ready to welcome the new Primates who will replace them as the race dominating the planet.
Hakunos story has ended ( please ignore Extra Record). Hence in the end they have to die and leave everything to Guda.
In short, Hakunos = A.I humans. Guda = Archetype. A.I humans hesitation to leave their primate seat doomed Dubai timeline. But Hakunos are ready to go and entrust everything to Guda.
imagine being an alien and one day some fucking bizarre thing slams into your planet and calls itself the Archetype of New Humanity or whatever
Is this a copypasted reddit comment? Because it just points out the most obvious thing
>>most obvious things
>>when some fags few threads ago still complained why Hakunos have to die, and why Hakunos are senpai when Guda achieved far more than them
But yeah it did sound like reddit post. I should've written it using greentext
But that doesn't even make sense in universe. By the time Hakuno is born, the Gudaos are in their 30s. And unless part 2 end with us becoming immortal, the Hakunos will live WAY past us (1000 years), so in universe from Hakuno's perspective, they are literally passing the torch to a fucking corpse.
That's why they died in the end while Guda lives.
Well, in my opinion the "senpai - kouhai" allegory was rather in your face.
If I was more pretentious I'd say that it was also a meta commentary on Nasu wanting someone else to pick up and write Fate for him, but in my opinion there's enough schizos in this thread that think every single event/chapter story is a sign of FGO ending/reaching EoS.
They died in 3000s while Guda will die much sooner.
This foreshadows Olga is the "Archetype." So you'll kill yourself and humanity for her to survive.
They died in the year in 3017, they lived up to the year 3000 in their timeline, they were born in 2030. Guda is from current times, this isn't about who is better, this just about how timeline work.
>he still thinks Gudao will get a salaryman ending
Next OC will focus on Holmes.
hard reset is literally the only way out from all this dogshit mess that writters have created during those 9 years of service. wagie ending is completely, entirely unavoidable.
I believe that when half of the ocs are "guda doesn't remember anything lol."
Olga Quest for Decmber
OC4 next year
Wasn't this story "plot" basically Tsuki no Sango but Arcface got replaced by Sakuraface?
cry more
so it was just an ad for the remake?
It was a lot of things at the same time
>A way to advertise the remake
>A way to bring the Hakunos in the game as playable servants
>A way to deal with Mooncancers with this ordeal call/self improvement piligrimage bs
All in a way that makes sense to Nasu
Can she do it?
No. Hakuno have a Guts buff.
why did you take cucku when special invuln is worse than useless against the hakunos
Maybe in a BNPB
They're not Earth-attribute, but I guess that you have Kuku's append.
Nah, wait you don't have enough buffs.
Needed some extra turns but she did it
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I went full braindead for most of the OC3 boss fights, the blue cubes made me lazier than before...
>Nasu REALLY want people to fuck Yui Ishikawa....
And yet Male Hakuno was the one who got 95% of the screentime.
No bring a good servant
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youre late, anti kuku schizo
What if Guda was just an ordinary student who dreamt of everything that happened in the game, and every other character was in fact a projection of a schoolmate or a teacher?
Such a generic ending would be fitting for this kusoge.
you're early, anti kuku god
youre pathetic goergie
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My only seniors are the Crypters, i don't give a fuck about Nasu's attempt to shill Extra number 32.
Everyone in this thread is georgie
alter opposing post again.
If you try to contradict with any statement on this post. This will prove that I'm absolutely right
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How am I supposed to trust anyone in this thread? Goergie did irreparable damage
Save Fate/Grand Order™...5* Saber Okada Izou!
Losing the IP counter was basically fgog's death knell
total sameCHAD victory
5* Elizabeth Mooncancer
4* Kazuradrop Alter Ego
This halloween
Enjoy your shitty event with no gimmick and a forgettable SSR
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>going from 25th place to 4th with Kyomaf gacha
Only GudaGuda can save this shitshow of a year
Please give us new mats in this event and new command code.
Stay mad bitch
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>Kazuradrop got to appear as a NPC twice (including Muryan) + in the SERAPH manga while Violet got fuck all

Unironically what did Nasu meant by this?
Am I the only one wondering why Kiara got the animation update and even buff instead of Summer BB? Like, maybe not animation update but no buff for Summer BB? Feels odd. You'd think they'd have done that too.
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>gudaguda servant gets long awaited 5* alt
>it's just good at best or straight up trash at worst
Only Nasu pets gets the metabreaking or specific gimmick treatment
Violet is kinda boring I guess. She's got no poison to her compared to the other four. She's too sane.
That Medusakeks should kill themselves.
I didn't expect Arc to be this annoying.
To be honest Summer BB's value already improved immensely by the 5th append and Ciel's release.
This but with Passionlipniggers
But those are indirect buffs. Not the same.
You'd think the NP would get upgraded to actually have a worthwhile effect.
not a bad idea, but it would be better if Guda was a schizo instead of a normal person.
She's not even the worst playable Archetype
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Last event was so fun, usually Sengoku period Guda Guda events are on the weaker side but last year was great, specially after 2 years of Yamataishit.
I still can't believe they missed out on making BB's third ascension bunny suit sexo. It'd actually fit her animations and rabbit on the moon motif.
City did it first
>Hahaha surely we'll get to see her as a NPC at least
>Fucking nope
Should have known better than getting my hopes up in this kusoge
Just use your Medusa.
She's literally just Medusa.
>arc and kiara gacha
>one just got an animation update the other is basically best looper
>Rikyuu, Izou and Hajime-chan gacha
Gotta get some delicious coins
Medusa isn't as cute as her so no
I hate Yui Ishikawa. Fucking bitch got pushed in Azur Lane and Nikke too. Boring characters too.
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Now I have all the summer servants in the event except for Ciel.
It's kind of annoying given that she's the only one good gameplaywise. Even at just NP1.
That's foursome.
Is this team strong or mid?
>Ruler Melu - BB(summer) - Ciel - Johanna
Ruler Melu is gonna have 190% arts Cdmg, 50% atk up, and 50% arts up on the first turn. The buffs ramps up to 250% arts Cdmg and 90% atk up on the third turn.
I'm thinking of rolling for Ciel just for the BB Ciel strat.
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We haven't had a lotto since Christmas last year.
>those caster cookies
Literally me
Rank ups and an animation update
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So we're expecting the new event to drop on the 2nd or the 9th?
Since they namedropped Violet I would see her appearing.
This could be SSR Kazuradrop and SR Violet gacha, just to give Wada more work.
New campaign on the 25th
New event on the 9th
So did Scat. Bunny suits are good and we need more of them.
Just test it
dropping kazura after such a long train of milking banners is just a sadism
Fuck's sake I was busy to check before but no Lip after all? The new costume is essentially voicelines? AND the one we had was fucking DELETED essentially?
And this fucker buffs Protea AND Kiara? Fuck Nasu fuck nasu and his giantess vore fetish bullshit fuck fuck fuck you
It's fine, Lip is safe, it was all a prank by BB
I can't I only have ruler Melu
We have known Lip would not get shit since day 1 of summer
Punished 5* Lip avenger is coming and you cannot stop it
Takeuchi can though lmao
The funny shit is that those on her hat are bunny ears and in the game traits Golden BB is considered a Bunny Ears and Animal Characteristics servant.
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Also get Sensei out of NPC jail
Ruler Akkun for OC4
>people are still waiting for Akkun
Please let's not be that delusional.
Higashide has done some KoRTs. Could happen. (lol)
None of those flops is ever getting a release
So, did they actually cucked me with Koyan or not? She's at bond lvl 5 right now. If she's still safe i will get her to lvl 10, if not - she will stay as she is right now.
But enough talking about your favourite NPC
I don't have one, my favorite characters are constantly released
Who's the guy on the second place
Isn't there a node simulator out there where you can test out teams?
>Which Male Servant do you want to see in a Summer Costume?
>1. Tez
>2. Cu (Lancer)
>3. Muramasa
>4. Hajime Saito
>5. Taikoubou
>6. Moriarty (Ruler)
>7. Takasugi
>8. Arthur Pendragon
>9. Astolfo
>10. Enkidu
They keep giving swimsuits to male servants nobody asked for year after year.
The recency bias dude that got forgotten by now
Some sea god, showed in the Hibiki & Chikagi floppy flop event
Yeah no one asked for Oberon and Douman
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Im serious
Don't know
Don't care
It's just Hakunon, she is down to fuck both, you and Koyan.
Anyway, no, Koyan doesnt even have voices for Hakunon and Hakunon seems to think that both Koyans are just another version of Tamamo.
Koyan will peg both of you if you ask tho
There is a difference between not getting anything and Nasu mysteriously doing a 180 and doing something just to spite a portion of the customers.
i see, alright then
It's directly said that Hakunon claimed her and she returns a few scenes later with her, both out of breath. Hakuno appears shortly after and smiling while talking to you, as if he's joking about something.
The implication is pretty clear. If you want to keep your Chaldea pure and wholesome and free of cuckshit, you should burn her.
I get confused with Kiara's NP now because I keep thinking it's still like the old one where the final hit was during the glowing part.

I wonder why they didn't keep it that way. Felt more impactful. Oh well.
They changed the NP from her womb to her solar plexus too for some goddamn reason.
Yeah, now the name of the NP doesn't make much sense. Overall feels like a bit of a downgrade.
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Sex with Okita
a woman cant cuck me
sup anti male schizo
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Finally a good post.
Despite all the shitposting here, Guda and Hakuno were a pretty nice team in this chapter. It's what I wish Kadoc was when he joined Chaldea but he's barely allowed to be in the story.
I too hope that there's a lotto soon, I'm a bit lacking in mana prims after spending a bit too many on the rerun CCs and running the 30 exp daily feels like a waste.
I'm lacking in status and cookies. It sucks.
Monuments is pretty bad, the class score is doing a number on everybody's reserves.
>pukes blood and dies on you while fucking
I don’t know bro
That wouldn't stop me.
Hey /fgog/ how do I get this skin?
You time travel to the next BB/Extra Summer event in 2028
i hope you are not masturbating on fanart with me, /fgog/. that would be pretty confusing
Her barefoot dress too is infinitely cuter that the fucking military school uniform we got
What the fuck where they thinking?
>Small tits
>Unremarkable ass
>Boring hair
Why is she still so erotic?
simple things have their own classic charm
This is probably my biggest disappointment about this whole waste of time of a chapter.
Did Nasu really went in the story to tell people they should absolutely pick Hakunon?
That's is?
Why did I have to wait a month for this?
What is it spoiling?
Please buff Summer Kiara.....
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>Her dumb military uniform
If you look closely her outfit is meant to match BB's original costume

Also it's not military, it's more old school school uniform.
From the spoilers i saw,
Hakuno says (you) would get along better with Hakunon
Hakunon says she is looking foward to meet (you) again and that between Hakuno and her she would choose Her. This is right before you get to choose the welfare I believe.
It's BBDubai and BB fusion
It's pretty funny that Kiara got the full poker while Summer Kiara didn't even get a NP upgrade.
30 fp rolls
3 chaos servants
3 good servants
20 non-servants enemies
40 non-servants enemies
15 demonic non-servants enemies
All of the above
So 3 fp multis, 3 runs of Fuyuki X-E and then whatever you like
So 30M Download on the 25th or 27th right? It's either that or Evocation Festival since we're neither getting an event or a LBX recollection campaign
We just got new story content bro, don't be so greedy
Is it just me or did OC3 have more forced supports fight than we usually get for story chapters? I can count the numbers of fights where you weren't forced to use Mashu/Hakuno/BB Cosmos/[insert Summer 2024 servant/costume here] on one hand
Definitively, it was annoying at times.
They completely fucked game balance with powercreep so locking the servants you're allowed to use is the only way of tricking you into thinking new content is hard
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>We just got new story content bro
I think the worst part about OC3 is that it truly is the filler-est of the filler arc so far. As in, this was just a slot for Nasu to insert his fetishes and all his impulsive storytelling vices and bad ideas. This didn't need to happen, all it did was waste our time and allow Nasu an outlet for his worst desires. At least OC2 had the balls to do something with the Avenger class, something that has permanently changed the status quo. OC3 ends in literal amnesia with nothing changing at all. It's like it was all just a long dream interlude we had to go through because Nasu couldn't contain his boner for his favorite waifus and just HAD to write the most shill chapter ever conceived.
Now that the dust has settled, what is the /fgog/ consensus on BB?
Ok, enough about OC3. What do you expect next with OC4?
I hope Lilith is a good character
We're probably getting LB5 campaign on October 1, dunno if we get anything before that
>Hmm, it's a serious story deep down
>But it has seemingly silly elements to it along with fanservice
>Therefore it's a bad story, because I can't jerk off how serious and cool it is like Fate/Zero
Ascension 1: sex
Ascension 2: cute
Ascension 3: trash
The tone was off, there was too much comedy to the point I had a hard time taking the big moments seriously
>>Hmm, it's a serious story deep down
kek even
I cannot bring myself to care for characters that Nasu shills as the next coming of Christ and sliced bread++.
This is true, but the balance between silly and serious was a bit off balance IMHO.
i hope it's shit so i can finally save some SQ
Bros... They're gonna rerun GUDAGUDA poster girl at some point, right...?
>4* FP gacha servant rate is 0.07% each
Serious or silly really has nothing to do with what makes this chapter drag as either filler or shilling. It's full of nonsensical lore additions (that'll be irrelevant later or rewritten in a month) and grandiose but unearned character moments. All-in-all, what makes it a waste of time is how shallow it truly is as both a contained narrative and addition to the plot/setting.

Another reason is that she barely had any screen time.

Literally showed up in one scene to confirm the fusion, gets like 3 lines total in that form after the reveal, then next time we see her she’s back to welfare.
I just got out of this shithole for a while what the hell did i missed?
Kill yourself tourist
>This guy guessed the kit before they were even announced five years ago
Are there any Servants you want to appear in the future?

I'm hoping for Kaguya. Mostly because I want to see how Nasu would handle her with his Moon autism
just give me more Medusa
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Your Kaguya, sir.
>Jeanne Alter got the dance
>Morgan got the ring
>Eresh got the hat
There are a few number of girls that have that privilege.
George Armstrong Custer with his Manifest Destiny NP. Super effective damage against native american servants.
literally nothing, latest chapter got hit with the ol' amnesia beam
Summer, Tsukihime clapshit, Extra clapshit, and Servantverse clapshit all crammed into a single act where the pacing is all over the fucking place because Nasu is apparently retiring soon and couldn't figure out if he wanted to write a CP-level reference comedy chapter, or an LB7-level dark drama for his swan song.
Neil Armstrong stepping foot on the Moon for the first time is what caused Archetype Earth to be summoned in OC3.
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>get made into an OC only using a name and vague concepts from the figure
>get completely phoned-in, forgotten outside of maybe a scene in a larger event where they have a single character trait that gets used as their entire gimmick
>they get adapted well but used horribly so end up unpopular and writers won't use them again
>they get adapted well and actually get positive reception but overlap in possible roles with a more popular character so get stiffed in appearances
I enjoyed Hakuno, BB, Protea, and even some parts of Eresh (the bitchy side). Lore explanations to clarify what archetypes are were nice as well. Overall though, this OC clearly feels like Nasu wanting to get in all these ideas in his head but it's a bit too inorganic
What's the explanation for Archetype Earth to appear as support when fighting the giant Moon man?
Is that Arcueid?
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How does FGO make money?
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Should I get Cu or Tamamo from the startup summon? I want Cu so I can have a decent anchor (I don't have Herc), but having my own Tamamo would let me do Castoria/Tamamo with someone else's whaled out Arts servant. I have Lady Avalon if it makes a difference.
People buy quartz with real money to roll the Servants they want.
they don't
>Pass the torch to the next prime species
Fuck off. I'd rather let ORT devour the Earth then let Humanity get replaced and die out
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>Canon ending with Guda x BB
Increasingly cancerous 90++ nodes that require multiple limited support SSRs and NP3+ on your limited damage-dealing SSRs
Ok, so which one is next? It supposed to be ruler but the nasu thing about
>oc3 is set in a place that would surprise people
>by the way i meant to say oc4
Makes me think that it may be foreigner and it will be on a very specific time that a lot of people know but can't really think it would make "sense". Ruler most "surprise" place would be an apo thing but let's be real, that's no surprise at all.
She became one of my most hated characters in this event. The overshilling killed my interest on her.
Post BB Golden np sprites please
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They are already used up India, USA and Japan. For a ruler the most obvious choice would be something like greece/EU, but if he want to surprise everyone then it may be slavwank or chinks.
>serious story
lmao even
Reading Nasu's wank fantasies is never serious. What is serious is his need for an editor who tells him his ideas and fetishes are better left off for a doujin.
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The only surprises I can think of
>sequel of any of the singularities
>sequel of any of the lostbelts
>stay night collab
>proto timeline
>the very first holy grail war
>BB remains in Chaldea
We will never get rid of this annoying little shit, aren't we?
>>oc3 is set in a place that would surprise people
Where did he say that?
She helped to beat it. She couldn't do it alone.
>>the very first holy grail war
I will actually LOVE that, that would be an actual surprise that no one take into consideration despite that is something everyone knows
Interview. Then in his blog he corrected himself saying that he meant oc4. Which mean the summer into oc wasn't a surprise under his eyes.
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I didn't like BB when she first appeared in FGO nor did I like her in any of the other events she appeart in and I most likely won't start liking her in the future. So Nasu for the love of god stop shoving her and the other Sakuras down my throat
He just said it would be surprising, nothing about the place it's set.
Besides we know where OC4 is on the map.
there's like 4 events with BB during the last 9 years. She's not shilled that hard.
My issue isn't this shit but Nasu went ahead and make a wormslut THE next prime species (of that worthless future).
If had been the deinos, for example, it'll make at least a lick of sense because they were based. But it wasn't a philosophical story, but actually a wankfest to show how Sakura's perfect (Again) even if destroys his own setting by pretending it's a serious story. It all was to shill her. It's disgusting.
If it had been a serious show and showing a complete new species like what Kirsch had to do, I'll be ok with that. Instead he stole that to prop his unpopular waifu.
>My issue isn't this shit but Nasu went ahead and make a wormslut THE next prime species (of that worthless future).
You haven't read the chapter. What the fuck are you talking about?
how many characters can say that? don't be a fucking moron. we have 300 characters and this shitter from a flop game gets that attention.
Same here

I'd rather have everyone and everything die then let AI take over. Even a Warhammer like future is more preferable over getting replaced
She's literally the Archetype in the end when she combined with Dubai, did you even read it? Kiara even acknowledges it in My room. I suggest to read her lines. She calls Mooncancers (BB Golden as the Archetype) as the new prime species succeeding humanity. That's how badly he wanted to shilled his slut.
lol that anon was right Kiara gets a lot wanking.
>how many characters can say that?
quite a lot
She used Ciel as a catalyst to summon herself.
Can we have Morgan interludes? Or any LB6 interludes, please?
>inb4 Perci and Gareth
Unironically doesn't count.
So my eyes started glazing over during the 5th paragraph explaining what MOON CANCER was.

Was it just an artificial TYPE humans created for power bent on exterminating humanity?
>Guda had his summer wasted
>Hakuno died on some random shithole world
Wtf I love the pruning system now?
>She's literally the Archetype in the end
All you're doing is announcing to the thread that you're talking about a chapter you haven't read.
Don't reply to Georgie. He's been bitching about Nasu and BB for like 24 hours now.
All it confirms for me is that Nasu finds yuri hot and finds yaoi disgusting based Nasu.
>Karna and Jinako were in the same story chapter
>Didnt talk once
Honestly the most surprising thing about this entire chapter
>they should be ready to welcome the new Primates who will replace them as the race dominating the planet
Yeah that's not how humans work at all, Nasu is retarded.
Yes. Read the fucking chapter.
>Mooncancers as a new breed of humankind that emerged on the Moon? Now I am most shocked.
Literally Kiara spells it aloud. Are you fucking stupid? BB Golden name is Archetype Mooncancer.
That's why Fate is a work of fiction, retard. Go outside and touch grass if you want realism.
Nasu forgot about Karna and only remembered him before the climax
Humanity made an Archetype using science but then realized they don't actually want it and sealed it away
human order/pruning system/Nasu then got mad at that because they were supposed to let the Archetype be and create a new prime species
That's what happened. You entrust the future to the perfect Bb chan.
I need City interlude....
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Yet we still can't summon Kazuradrop. Fuck Nasu.
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Why did nobody mentioned that Iori was probably abused as a child?
Third generation AI were new humanity, yes.
Why the fuck do you think BB Dubai was the archetype? The archetype was a tiny 0.8mm speck of light inside the tower to be launched into space.
You didn't read shit.
It's AI the next prime species.
And BB is the archetype.
And the Archetype is BB Dubai. Please don't forget that information. Mooncancers are called the new breed of humanity. instead of just a class. They decide humanity's ending because they are the new hot stuff after.
But we did when the game was released. Also I'm surprised they went with this considering all the "ahahahaahaha Musashi is such a shotacon" jokes.
> Bond 5 (girl)
>Void Record: Moon Anchor (Write down the records, moon casket with no reader)
>Rank: EX Type: Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm
>Range: 10-50 Max. Targets: 1
>The Human Order Foundations… Those are timelocked stretches serving as the cornerstone of human history. Absolute records that can’t be influenced by revisions to the past and future. On the moon, the Human Order Foundations are called Quantum Timelocks. This Noble Phantasm takes the anchor that locks them in place and uses it offensively. An Event Weapon that employs Imaginary Space to open the Mooncell Automaton's window, and fires the energy used for record-locking on a target. Not even the best defensive barriers (including Anti-Purge Defense) can negate this. However, it can be evaded by leaving its effect range. A rare situation where dodging is better than invincibility.
> Not even the best defensive barriers (including Anti-Purge Defense) can negate this
Can this NP surpass even Avalon?
Because no one cares about Iori outside of being a cum dump for Takeru
I didn't forget shit because it never happened. The Archetype is a microscopic particle. fucking EOP monkey
Ok so BB being the archetype is going to be the new shitpost between retards who can't read.
We talked about him being gay already.
>bb gets multiple forms and sprites
>2 summer events
>2 summer alts
>major support in other collabs
>not shilled
fuck off
>Not even the best defensive barriers (including Anti-Purge Defense) can negate this. However, it can be evaded by leaving its effect range. A rare situation where dodging is better than invincibility.
This sounds too fucking funny for some reason.
>Can this NP surpass even Avalon?
I suppose that yes since this is another case of mankind doing something that can not only overthrone/surpass Gaia, but also make her seethe so much, ORT unironically wakes up thinking it was the time.
>there was a time where we got 1* exp cards as our login reward
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I mean.
Reminder, GILCHAD did this first in canon.
Everyone else are mere pretenders
Is it an undercover c*ckpost this time with BB?
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Is there a BB version of this? I think the 24 hours worth of seething warrants a new Georgie/Raikouschizo book.
All I got from this is that letting Kirsch win would have been the best for everyone.
>This sounds too fucking funny for some reason.
Because it's supposed to be a gameplay joke, given that Dodge was literally Invuln but worse for now (still is).
Probably if Avalon doesn't count as "getting out of range".
Far from Artoria
Nah, it's just Georgie/Raikouschizo.
He already got exposed earlier.
>kirsch was going to make the next prime species from us and everyone else
>noooo u can't do that! humanity fuck yeaaah
>nevermind please replace us!
But is it the same idiot that’s fake plot posting about BB?
Obviously? Georgie's known for fake spoilers. Remember Castoria wanting to kill you because Muramasa "died" in LB6?
>Evolution is another subject Nasu failed at school with Geography and Math
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One thousand hours in Paint.
/fgog/ Original Content? In the year 2024?
Just "probably"?
No one cares about Iori besides fujos
how many fate characters got raped thanks to sakurai's fanfics already
Hahahaha oh yeah I remember that. It’s been about 3 years since that fake leak.
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>Three Sabers
>Two Arches
>One Caster
Why? What about the other classes?
Hakuno is a Karenfag.
Just got around to finishing OC2, this is what you guys have been telling me is good? Is it just because of the guda wank?
Surprisingly not that many. Nasu is the one with the rape fetish.
Altera is classed as Foreigner
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When you think about it Iori has some Sakura attributes. With the rape, being the final boss of the game and Takeru thinking "Were totally healing each other" but he's basically just making everything worse for Iori.
You are describing LB6. You are, in-fact, not describing OC3.
>TM making sure every Fate spin-off has a sakura-like character in one way or another
sasuga Nasu
For real. OC3 is not a serious story.
Stop falseflagging, BBworm.
Just change waifu bro
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Muh ship.
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4chinz is dying...
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My wife will accompany me into oblivion
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I'm gonna have a laugh if Alaya is upset at us using Rulers but not Foreigners for some reason. Like I know why Shielder gets a pass, but Foreigner (and frankly Pretender) absolutely should not.
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>Saber...I'm not a virgin
But I think sexual exploitation+THE SWORD SAINT, THE MOON leading to a personality breakdown and the transformation into a psychotic mechanism is something more similar to Kiara.
Same could be said of Mooncancer really. Absolutely astounding the BS lore Nasu came up for them to not be filtered, especially when the Avengers were filtered for such a dumb reason.
4ch is back?
>wtf why don't you want to kill yourselves!?
Is Nasu mentally okay?
Which waifu can even heal my broken heart
>BB asking for missionary to Guda because she wants to embrace him and feel skin to skin contact.
>Nasu shill Sakura(face)
>/fgog/ has a melty
>Nasu shill Kiara
>Total silence

What gives?
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You weren't here when the CCC collab happened and Kiara was revealed to be a Beast right?
The Avenger thing was 100% cheap emotional manipulation. He knew that by yanking popular servants (Dantes and Jeanne Alter) he'd upset players, the logic behind it didn't matter, just getting that emotional reaction.
There was a period of about 4 years where /fgog/ was utterly mindbroken by Kiara.
Those seething at Kiara are gone or switched targets
When Kiara was released I thought it was just a bad moment and we'd go back to normal after a few weeks.
I didn't expect that /fgog/ would never recover.
>Hakuno summons wimmin
>not Redman and GilCHAD
>seriously fucking altera instead of Redman, one of his OG trio
no shit. Erice would have known better
bro fgog has finally gotten over kiara. people just accept the wank as inevitable these days
He thought Nero's plot armor was enough but he didn't know Guda has even more powerful plot armor.
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And why is that?
Was probably the best part about OC3
Him or KP Alter being super cute
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BB is so lucky
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In YOUR ass?!
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I see so much stuff from AA discord reposted here
No, Avenger chapter made sense. Mooncancer was nonsensical shit because the whole class is a meme and Nasu's attempt to make it serious was fucking RETARDED. Should have never been a thing at all.
Avenger chapter was a wrap of Guda's waste hole which was heavily featured in FGO since part 1.
Mooncancer was Nasu's attempt to justify why this shit even existed with the poorest writing possible (90% cgapter was gagshit), hauling Guda to deal with shit that didn't matter at fucking all: not even connected to Chaldea. Which was at least a point in OC1, and not even something they'll remember. It was embarrassing melting pot of Nasu's godawful settings and pastiches. The ONLY scenes nips even comment are the "emotional manipulative" ones with BB and Hakuno for a reason. Except the majority don't care since most didn't play CCC.
>It makes sense to delete your waifu because um you don't need them
Retarded. Nobody is saying they couldn't do something with Avenger and have it make sense, the issue is the DATA LOST aspect.
>Extella hakuno gets blueballed in the final 2 hours of his life and dies in FGO
literally what did Nasu mean by this
Avenger was an exploration why Guda's journey is not one of revenge though? It explained Guda's choice after Mozart's peptalk. It dealt with Guda's failing psyche which was a plotpoint for a while. Also bonus one Apostle taken out. While Cagliostro wasn't a compelling villain, at least, he's plot related and not something out left field.
Unlike OC3 and OC1, OC2 conclusion isn't brushed away and forgotten which makes it more meaningful. It didn't waste our time with Sakura shilling too. OC1 and OC3 using Sakura character made her overstay her welcome. They should have picked only one Sakura related OC and make the other one with someone else as focus.
Who is tamamo shark?
Lancer Tamamo
Avengers aren't data lost, though.

Mooncancer shouldn't exist. Do you understand how fucking stupid their "lore" is? It's embarrassingly bad.
Tamamo Cat's retarded nickname for Tamamo Summer's form.
Imagine if both ruler and foreigner are out minus any sakuraface
I'd be fine with the Avenger filtering if the other OCs applied anything even remotely close to the same standards. But OCs are clearly individual chapters with very little, if any, internal consistency between them, written by different authors with minimum oversight, so you cannot expect much.
I can't wait for BB to hijack OC4 again.
Nobody is defending Mooncancer, you need to hop off of that high horse because we're just shitting on OC2 for deleting our Servants.
Nobody got Data Lost.
I agree the farewell wasn't necessary but that was Nasu's decision, not the writer. He explained it how. The issue is that he went ahead and tried to pretend Mooncancer has any bearing with Guda's and Chaldea's journey when it is the opposite, contradicting Novum Chaldea's foundation message all because he didn't want to depart of his precious Bad Bitch.
BB's conclusion was already perfect in CCC. The Egos should have returned, but BB should have stayed dead forever. Not clones. Every time she appears it ruins everything she once stood for.
By the end of it, she'll make the hate Sakura received in her early years look like nothing. Nasu creating her to "make Sakura popular" circling back to be the reason she's unpopular again would be kino. He can't stand Kama is what he wanted BB to be huh?
How can Nasu even pretend this OC mattered to the plot when it's erased from memory by the end of it?
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>Hakunon shares VA with Aesc
that's gonna be weird
OC1 and OC3 both end with amnesia. They might as well not exist, it's laughable. Imagine being Guda and your stupid filler counter that Romani gave you a big dramatic speech about just goes up by itself randomly when you sleep with no explanation.
Did BB raped Georgie or something? It's been non-stop 24 hours of seethe.
The issue is that you want to keep bringing this back to OC3 like I ever defended it. I'm not interested in defending it, so you're basically preaching to the choir. You're not going to get an argument out of me. I just want to be mad about Nasu deleting my Servants permanently (in the story.) This shouldn't be hard to grasp.
Because he's foreshadowing Marisbilly unwilling to let go humanity as prime species for sure. That's why he brought Kirsch up.
>circling back to be the reason she's unpopular
Being a raped goods slut filled with worms?
The hell?? Then why not just mention Plotman to begin with??? It's been 7 YEARS AHHHHH.
The real reason is that they overshadowed Sakurafaces by being actually popular.
>The villain is morally correct and superior to the protagonist
What a twist.
>by being actually popular
Kama exists. Nasu just doesn't like her so she 'doesn't count' for him, but she should for you.
That will be the ''''''''''twist'''''''''''' But notice Kirsch and Daybit were exactly on the same page, but Kirsch was not going to kill people, he was trying to make them members of a new prime species. Daybit putting humanity down before they do bad shit and he says Chaldeas isn't an enemy of humanity.
The story was fucking awfully written. No denying this. Mooncancer shouldn't even be a real class and the explanation was so stupid, it was not even connected to its origin in CCC. It's something Nasu pulled out his ass. But i legit thing he's foreshadowing Chaldeas' plan: the present humanity as perpetual prime species all over the universe.
Nobody loves humanity as much as Marisbilly, according to Solomon.
>the virgin meta-slave vs the chad using your favorites
The problem with Kirsch's new species was that they were basically slaves. Well-kept house slaves, but slaves nonetheless. Also really stagnant and boring.
Hakuno fags crying and coping because he's dead for good and jobbed to Guda just before is a nice reward for all this
Yes, and this is why Daybit was willing to abandon his plan if Kirsch's plan worked. He wasn't even going to fight him. He'll accept it. I told you fags Nasu calling Kirsch's plan "correct path" for humanity evolution meant we fucked up when fucking Morgan and Chaldeas were trying to stop him.
You're both bad.
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You mean the AIs are house elves, not Kirsch's idea. Kirsch's idea, according to Nasu, was a society of Ultraman.
What was the point of the CCC true ending where Hakuno and Sakura get out if it is now confirmed that Earth never recovers and the only path forward is being non-humans with Archetype bullshit
I mean, look at what Olympus actually was in the LB, what he actually achieved was house slaves.
>Dantes popular
Imagine losing to Durga.
Fooling you into believing any other path other than Nero end or Extella "nobody wins" is canon.
Alternate timeline.
Just like with the canon servant endings.
You're a fucking dumbass. He was entrusting you to bring the people out Chaldeas. What in "I am the only one who will be left behind" you didn't get? How it happened was up to the next species to figure it out. Once they go to this texture they would transform.
HakuCHAD impregnating his white Sakura wife
salaryman ending
I'm Hakuno and I'm glad I died for Guda (also Me).
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Anon that's the alt tag.
They were reasonably intelligent and wise. And Koyan said Kirschtaria wanted to do this with all humanity. It'll probably mean that there was a way to ship the ones within Chaldeas. The only thing he said he couldn't do was to bring back those who got BLEACH'ED. Which Guda and co assumed it was the people they know, but he was talking about Chaldeas citizens.
I mean it's been a while so I don't remember the whole thing but Kirsch wanted to get rid of Zeus and then ascend humanity into gods right? So they would have been free.
>everywhere beside here I see BB x Hakuno
Ummm... reminds me when people thought Aoko were for (You)
>While Cagliostro wasn't a compelling villain, at least, he's plot related and not something out left field
>OC2 conclusion isn't brushed away and forgotten which makes it more meaningful
Cagliostro's "plot relevance" immediately contradicts you.
No sooner after his filler chapter is done with, all connections he had to the Olga fragments is completely retconned away and dismissed. The very subplot he was introduced with brushes away and forgets him as soon as he makes an actual appearance.
>Avenger chapter was a wrap of Guda's waste hole which was heavily featured in FGO since part 1
It barely even existed in the context of the LB arc.
I don't think there's a point in talking about what he would've TRIED to do if he had won, because we don't know if it'd actually work. We can only look at what he actually achieved, which wasn't that great. Kinda like we can talk all day about what Guda might achieve, but we know it's just going to be resetting back to pre-FGO and nobody will learn anything about humanity transforming into the next species and yada yada, the problem will just get kicked down the road/ignored.
So by your logic, BB Cosmos/Golden BB is popular because she's BB then. So OC3>OC2 am I right?
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I clapped
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>over a year vs 6 months on alt tag is the only way durga beats her out
grim day for the 5 durgafags out there
Irrelevant. Sakurai can't actually teach Nasu how to be a decent writer who doesn't contradict what he says because he changes his mind in a whim. Because he is the one who wrote that before he suddenly changed his mind since he wanted to write more "charming" Brolga.
I can't get behind the praise a terminal hack who can't into consistent themes.
The character as a whole is popular yes.
Who cares about OC?
>btw I downloaded knowledge about CCC in the mooncell archives lol
Has Nasu's multiverse autism gone too far?
I see you subhumans still cling to fanart numbers of a dead website
>I can't get behind the praise a terminal hack who can't into consistent themes.
Me neither.
Which is exactly why all of the ordeal calls have been abysmal in equal measure and the main thing Nasu should be getting 'extra' shit for is kicking off and hiding behind this years-long horror show.
I was told that OC1 was the biggest flop in a long time and OC2 was the second coming of LB6.
It makes OC2 look bad by saying that.

So now we're moving goalposts, Georgie?
BB has good taste
>everywhere beside here I see BB x Hakuno
Ummm... reminds me when people thought Aoko were for (You)
Maybe I'll play CCC one day.
I mean we knew this back in CCC. Rin explicitly tells you about the Extraverse earth, which has basically turned into a global corporate hegemony after the Mage's Association fucked up so hard that it destroyed all magecraft in the world.
Hakuno and Sakura fucking off innawoods is still the best ending possible, especially given that Sakura - an A.I. - has been able to perform multiple true magics by giving herself a body, converting her A.I. presence into a human soul, and then transferring that new soul into a body.
You spammed this twice and you still made the same mistake. Go die in a ditch raikouschizo
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hand me your neros and tamamos
I don't think I agree. I think OC2 was going to happen, but as a Dantes story, rather than ordeal call, because Lumina, his interlude and other things were previous to all this. It just got hijacked by Nasu's filler arc nonsense. That's why is the only story so far that Guda remembers and the one with solid, grounded themes instead of this pseudo sci fi clapbait nonsense. OC1 and OC3 were literally meaningless detours that foreshadow what we know already.
Ruler OC I suspect is the repurposed "Holmes return wrong" story, and they'll remember it for that.
>le Georgie
>No argument
Just to be clear I started replying to you here>>495577986 and could care less about OCs.
OCs don't represent a characters already established popularity.

Also I think the site's broken.....
I don't have a good support page yet, but please add me, bros...
The filtering is if Guda can accept that Class way of being.
He simply can't accept living as an Avenger, simple as that.
But he can accept being a Moon Cancer? The guy who rejects at every opportunity the possibility of embracing a new or transformed humanity as a solution to the Bleaching and insists on only bringing back pre-Bleaching humanity exactly as it was? Does that really fit with the context of Moon Cancers as a humanity replacement?
Only if you hand me (You)r butt first
I think the distinction between human AI and Moon Cancer AI was completely arbitrary. Like, Moon Cancers still think and act in an essentially human way, so outside of the specific abilities of the AI (which practically speaking is an enforced rather than inherent limit) there's no actual effective difference.
I will trade you Redman for Lolitera.
Me fucking hakunon (in the ass) while she fucks nero with a strap.
sent ;)
BB has good taste
Yes. That was what the Da Vinci scene was about, finding the courage to say "Yeah, I'll take the decision"
He can accept picking a way to end the current humanity now.
Ordeal Call is a pilgrimage, it's meant to be travel that let Guda grows and so increase his Humanity value.
The end of humanity *as we know it* isn't necessarily the end of Humanity, it's like how you can't live forever but your childrens can carry over and further grow your genetic materials and inherited knowledge beyond your personal limitations.
>humanity can't go into space because of my plot wall
>humanity can look into the past of a parallel world to observe BB and clone her though
I hate Nasu so much it's unreal
>what he actually achieved
??? Kirsch was never able to put his plan into action. The people of Olympus were not his goal, he was trying to change them.
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news tomorrow for sure
Not until the next big app update
I can imagine Nasu pairing Guda with a Sakura face(in this case BB) for the FGO ending. Kek
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Guda deserves better
Delusional BBspic.
I’m mad about Hakuno because they’re both stuck with such an ugly outfit.
given that a sakura face had an important role again in the main story. I wouldn’t be surprised if a sakura face gets to be the true heroine ending.
Yes, that's my point. We don't know if he COULD achieve his goal or not, so we can only look at what he did do. What he did manage wasn't what he wanted, but it was all he was able to achieve.
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But he didn't create Olympus, he wasn't responsible in any way for that world or the way its people were.
I still view it like >>495579775
A real "Yeah humanity should die when its time comes" would be accepting a change to a prime species of parasitic beetles that mind control dogs via living in their prostate to achieve a highly advanced but utterly fucking disgusting society. Or something else like that which is completely divorced from humanity. Accepting a change from 'human AI' to "Moon Cancers' is almost no change at all, Moon Cancers are still basically human at their core in every way a non-autist would recognize. They think, act, feel, and even look human. The only issue is the old humans having to die to get there, which isn't even a necessity, there shouldn't be any actual barrier to upgrading a human AI to a Moon Cancer. So I don't think it's as dramatic a decision as it's painted as, at least not if you have even a mildly transhumanist bent (a bio-essentalist would obviously reject even the AI humans as humans.)
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Fgog, ready for this year's next collaboration?
Pretty sure that humanity will still exist during the new prime species, but that being said, that doesn't mean humanity have to always pass the torch. There should be cases where they actually don't stagnate and manage to mantain their prime seat and do whathever shit the age of will wants, hell, isn't servantverse about humans overcoming death?
>Make god
>Realize I don't want god, seal it away
>Nasu: Nooooo you were supposed to let god rule the world
what did nasu mean by this
You were meant to let it go bro.
You can keep ruling your own planet for 3000 more years.
It's funny to read a story about letting go written by fucking Nasu
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Wrong franchise, try again later.
That's the funny part about the plot of Part 2 being about letting go and accepting the end, isn't it?
I agree with you that it's not that impactful of a choice, but it was never supposed to be a drastic change where humanity has fallen and they must accept being replaced.
In short, it was yet another Humanity Fuck Yeah situation that went bad because nasuverse humans were being autistic boomers about it.
I feel like there wasn't going to be a Mooncancer chapter but nasu was reading about recent AI stuff and got an autistic scifi spark in his head.
He should stop doing that.
The Achetype comes in worlds where humanity has finished progressing in a good way and doesn't continue reaching for the stars, from the looks of it.
They don't have to make the archetype necessarily, but if they do they have to either destroy it or release it.
In the first place, the Moon Dubai world was *A* possible world where a bunch of shit went the "right" way to make it possible.
It's obviously not the FGO's timeline future and at most just a thought exercise or hint at what's wrong with part 2.
it's been a year already
Where are the news about the anime?
Servantverse is kinda like OC3 itself or a world where Amakusa or the Einzberns got their way and used the Third Magic on all of humanity. In the Servantverse everyone is a Servant, they're a new form of life. There's direct continuity with old humanity (people became this) and they still act and think human, but I think by Nasu's autistic definition they're not 'human' so it's 'passing the torch'. Also sort of like how in Angel Notes the vast, vast majority of Liners are 100% identical to old humanity except they can process Grain, and most of the A-Rays are made up of like catgirls and angels and other barely different shit, and ALL of these are built around a core of human DNA. Nasu considered humanity 'extinct' there even if what replaced them is just human+.
WHEN are we getting this though? And who will be the poster girl?
Is that FSF? there has been news recently, something about new years I believe.
They are going to screen the first episode in November in some LA convention and later in New Year, probably the rest will roll out during the winter season.
Is all good but I can consider myself still a human no matter what other figure or group say.
They’ll lie about us not reaching 30M DL until EoS so they can avoid ever giving out a limited 5 star pick ticket.
I thought it was pretty obvious that the end of humanity talked about only meant the end of the Homo Sapiens as a species in the biological sense.
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So was Koyanskaya supposed to be an Archetype or something? We kinda launched her into space inside an egg like you're apparently supposed to launch archetypes.
Most of Nasu's stuff is about letting go.
I mean, I would consider myself a human even if I upgraded to a better adapted body, or glued cat ears on my head, or became an AI, but some people vehemently disagree.
It's not really clear because he's all flowery about it.
yet he's still recycling characters from over 20 years ago on a regular basis
FGO is incredibly redundant and we've been seeing the whole "but will you let those that come after you take over when the time comes?" since Part 2 started. It just feels like a story that insists upon itself when we all got it when Drake killed herself in Atlantis.
Sounds better and more believable than saying
>I have no gender!
>I am a dinosaur!
>I believe earth is flat!
You can have them but you must hand over the swimsuits from your Nameless for my Emiya, maybe also a couple fancy Gil outfits too.
remember when da vinci died and was immediately replaced by a second da vinci
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Yeah, until the sequel comes out.
>FSN's Saber route ends with her dying and Shirou moving on with his life
>jk he actually becomes obsessed and finds her again
>Extra ends with Hakuno dying and Rin/Rani moving on
>jk he actually survives and becomes ruler of the moon
It's not exactly a new idea in scifi, I've seen it done before (though usually the changing force is presented as more shady/insidious or the change more dramatic to 'justify' why humans are wary) it's just confused somewhat by the way Nasu talks about it, rather than there being an issue with what happens in and of itself. Like if we boil this down, what Nasu probably considered the moral decision here is "Humanity should've embraced the existence of the Moon Cancer form of life and worked to upgrade themselves to Moon Cancer AIs rather than holding on to their old organic limitations." or something.
remember when he told you 5-6 years ago that the second da vinci would die soon
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Don't think about it.
It was an upgrade.
Literally the end of the Davincinity, replaced by the Lolidavincinity that is a totally different thing.
Hakuno says they're the (last?) representatives of Humanity on their timeline despite having a spiritron body and being an AI
This is the Alpha species.
Will lolivinci die by OC ruler?
Which is why the distinction Nasu makes just don't make any sense to me. What is a human and what isn't a human doesn't have anything to do with mode of existence, appearance, personality, feelings, or culture, so it feels like he decides arbitrarily which is and isn't.
Gilgamesh also calls Hakuno representative of the new humanity so go figure.
Nasu literally retcons his entire universe without telling any of his writers. The idea that he has any idea what he is doing is just perpetuated by cult worship
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Servants for this feel?
Yes, but she'll be replaced by Babuvinci (6 months of operation left bro, trust me she's going to shut down soon)
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Semi-serious SERAPH Halloween with
>5* Kazura
>4* Archie
>Welfare MoonCancer Void Liz
Would you rike?
Violet please...
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Who said there were 5 members of the Sakura Five?
Egao (forma de microbikini)
>eh? Would Guda like to see me wear this for our beach date?
egao can wear whatever she wants as long as she wears an egao
She already wears something similar in her 1st and 3rd ascension, it wouldn't make any difference
Take all of my Shieros and Whoremamos and give me all your Loli Altera and and Liz's.
They're yours. I'm (You), after all.
Isn't BB a summer servant? Where is her swimsuit?
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I mean

We already have a purple hair girl who calls you senpai

This shit should have been obvious from day 1 kek
Not my kouhai
What if da vinci dies and a sakuraface replace her as the new da vinci?
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I'm a little bit late to the party. How many nodes in class score have you guys unlocked and have you missed any days of farming stellar sands since it came out?
Yeah, at least 2 months of storm pods.
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That doesn't seem too bad then. Did you go deep into some branches or did you stick to unlocking the closer ones?
I maxed out 2 Scores and my 3rd is left with the last 5% Crit and NP damage. I missed like 3 days.
Finished both Extra class scores and almost done with Archer's
>have you missed any days of farming stellar sands since it came out?
I've got both extra I & II done plus a few random nodes in a couple other class scores. I've missed probably 6-8 months of pods.
Do you think Moon Dubai was Extra world? It wasn't
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Pregnant BB!
>did you stick to unlocking the closer ones?
This, I pick one score/class and work through it step by step equally on both sides, picking the cheapest option available.
God damn fuck these unfun gimmick battles. When the option is either nuke team or stall team, it's not fucking fun.
>Its so bad because it has jokes and it just IS ok

You guys make a compelling argument.
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It will be her turn next and she will finally get a proper heroine story.
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JK City.
>servants I like from 2016/2017 get alts
>suffering painfully to try and get them
Is it because I cheated on them with new characters?
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What did he meant by this?
OC4 is Ruler or Foreigner?
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Ded City.
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>turns into generic grey man
that was so silly
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zeus when
>but you don't understand, it would be PHH Zeus for some arbitrary reason!
Nasu is so dumb sometimes.
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Where's the dick?
Cuntboy Enkidu would be hot
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>He can accept picking a way to end the current humanity now.
If that were true, it would be something meant to be dealt with in the main plot, at least in a chapter where you have a discussion with Galahad but ideally one with Marisbury, not some shunted, off-screen decision taken in a filler chapter. If so, this is a GROSS mismanagement of storytelling. For Christ's sake, Chaldea doesn't even know that Humanity's time is over yet. Guda doesn't know jackshit about his actual situation -- so how the fuck can be come to a decision?
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>OC ends with most of the cast forgetting everything, again.
Nasu wants us to not look at OC as filler but he really doesn't help by making the chapters work like an anime filler arc that gets ignored by everyone once it ends.
For real was there a single benefit for giving everyone amnesia? oh no we know about the future of a completely different timeline, most average person in the wourld Guda would surely bring ruin to the whole timeline by keeping such knowledge.
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transhumanism is also cringe
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has the writing improved?
>stories aren't allowed to be serious, thematic, and meaningful if I see the story as having silly elements, and I don't personally see this as serious enough of a chapter so I'll call it a fake chapter
"Filler chapter" isn't a real criticism.
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I want my face inbetween them so much
Summer 5... home...
He literally forgot about it. It's like showing a preview of the type of ending you'll get instead of actually writing it, which ironically massively devalues it. How you can defend this garbage is beyond me.
At least it used to be before Sakurai fucked everything up
what a lovely view
Forgetting about it doesn't mean he's no longer capable of making the decision. It was essentially another test to ascertain that he was 'ready' to oppose Marisbury's ideals.

And two, doesn't he still retain memories from it, since he remembered gifting the hat to Ereshkigal? Seems more like it was pushed to the subconscious.
PHH Zeus was shown in the Apoc manga IIRC.
He looks the same as interface LB Zeus
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>breeding evil women is the last bastion for vanilla
when the fuck did everything go wrong?
When people allowed shit like that ntr hentai, the one with the fat guy and his cult, and kuroinu, being mainstream.
It sure as shit erases any logical coherence to OC's thought process given the fact that now, because of reasons we can't understand, we can make the same type of decision again in the future. Like what, is Galahad looking at Guda's subconscious with a magnifying glass and going "a-ha, now I have to raise his rank"? How can the change in you have come to pass if you don't remember the experiences that precipitated it?
But, in-fact, you and I both know that Guda is going to have to repeat this argument all over again with the plot relevant characters, so why even bother? Why devalue your eventual climax by telling me a worse and/or miniature version of it beforehand? It makes no sense, and this is probably the reason he forgot in the first place: to protect the integrity of the plot and theme of the main arc. But Nasu wouldn't have had to do that if he didn't write some insane chapter which offloads the themes and all the shilling and wank he wants to write, before the actual main plot that he HAS to write even comes to pass. Nasu is so fucking indulgent and done with this story it's unreal.
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Baby making sex with this granny
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Ranmaru is a hors now.
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>Melu with a qipao
never knew i needed this until now
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>*Does nothing the whole chapter*
I wonder what those nips think of these cosplayers
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love your imouto
>didn't clap a single time
>clapped so hard when the final battle 3/3 vs hakunos did the extra screen break
I'm a fucking mong
Reading over Hakuno's lines really reminds me how translation is a game of telephone. With every new translation they get further and further from the actual personality of the character.
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Nothing wrong with clapping.
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what a fine lady
that one was really good
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Hakunos 2nd ascension should've been the gym clothes and the 3rd one the regalia costume
They can be purchased in the October event store
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Guda and BB’s cute daughter
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>hakuno: take care and bang bb
>hakunon: what if we bang?
why is the female one like this?
Quack quack.
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Behold the real winner of OC3 and dread of the mooncancer class
>final boss is a giant mooncancer
Begging for Custos meme slam
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little cunt
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nothin personnel
hope she get a future appearance
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>Schizo's over MHXXA for no reason all month.
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anything pre-LB6 is irrelevant af sadly
Xu Fu and Karna did even less
>He can accept picking a way to end the current humanity now.
This is in direct contradiction of Novum Chaldea's mission, and Guda's resolve as of LB7. It's just unironic character assassination because Nasu loves to say "accept the end" but can't bring himself to kill off his precious wormslut clones for good and you know it. Hypocrite as he is.
To add on: It also makes zero sense because he opposed Kirsch and now is backing down that? It's spineless and badly done. Again, this would have NEVER happened if the existence of a wormslut wasn't at stake and you know this.
>humanity decide a mentally ill slut modeled after a nip teenager is a good idea for manager
Which Sakurafag was funding this project?
Someone just woke up.
The problem is that isn't even a real Servant Class but some retarded bullshit Nasu pulled and touted it as one. You should be concerned to address his hackery and hope someone fires him from FGO at last. Aniplex should tell him "yeah, retire, my dude. You've lost it" admist his fetishes.
With OC3, Nasu was telling us he didn't write it, and let an AI do it for him. That's why it's so bad.
He should start with letting go Extra, Tsukihime, Mahoyo and his past flops that he keeps remaking. And Sakura. Let her rest in peace.
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It's bad because it's MOSTLY jokes paired with Nasu's philosophical retardation about AIs which has never been good.
They remember in OC2. OC1 and OC3 are just "Please rike Sakura!" chapters. That's it.
Nasu fans function to defend his garbage decisions and writings, coping he's a "genius" for decades. The rug was pulled when FZ and now FGO attracted a wider fanbase who rightfully critize him for being an unprofessional hack.
I think Nasu should have never written an OC. Let Mooncancer remain without OC. It's a filler class without integrity. His attempt to explain it was hilariously bad too. And had jackshit to do with CCC Mooncancer use (a name change from Ruler).
>Georgie mindbroken by Sakura
2 days now?

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