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Previous: >>495508674

>Ordeal Call III: Neo-Primate Succession War, Archetype Inception:
●Event period: Aug 28~Oct 31 JST (2 Months).
▶NEW Limited Master Missions (~Oct 4): 10 SQ, 1 Crystallized Lore, 9 Stargazer's Teapots and 4 Silver Apples.
▶Login Bonus (~Oct 2): 5 Golden Apples, 10 Hellfire of Wisdom, 3M QP, 20 3*Fou-kun (10ATK, 10HP), 1 Footprint and 3 Stargazer's Teapots.
▶Welfare Servant: 4* Moon Cancer Kishinami Hakuno (Male and Female). These servanst will be featured in the FP Gacha in October's Event (you must clear OC III).
▶Moon Cancer will be added to the EXTRA I Class Score after clearing OC III.
▶Animation Update for Sesshōin Kiara.
▶Strengthening Quest for Kingprotea and Sesshōin Kiara.
▶Teapots expire October 31.

>Kyoto International Manga and Anime Fair 2024:
▶Present: 10 SQ.

>Kyomaf 2024 PU Summon:
●Sep 21~28.
5*Berserker Sen no Rikyū
4*Saber Saitō Hajime
3*Assassin Okada Izō
All limited

>Archetype Inception Part 3 PU Summon:
●Sep 20~27.
5*Moon Cancer Archetype: Earth (limited)
●Sep 22~29.
5*Alter Ego Sesshōin Kiara (limited)
4*Saber Roland (permanent)

>Part 2 PU Summon:
●Sep 15~22.
5*Moon Cancer Jinako Carigiri (permanent)
●Sep 17~24.
5*Alter Ego Kingprotea (limited)
4*Alter Ego Passionlip (limited)

>Current Pick Ups:
●~Oct 2 JST.
5*Moon Cancer C.I.E.L
4*Lancer Dobrynya Nikitich
4*Avenger Xu Fu
All limited.
5*Lancer Karna
4*Lancer Percival
Both permanent.
●~Oct 9 JST.
5*Moon Cancer BB Dubai
4*Moon Cancer Tenochtitlan
4*Foreigner Mysterious Heroine XX Alter
All limited.

>Pastebin for utility links:
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we're lacking of cock hungry servants like city
Guda’s soon to be canon love interest because Nasu wills it
>was completely robbed
>still the only part of the chapter I care about
Nasu better write her a good valentines scene
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I'm new to playing on JP. How are the 90** nodes on the ordeal call map better than the 90++ ones? They seem to give the same amount of stellar sand.
They give a lot more bond xp
Are there any easier ones that you could recommend?
I chose Hakuno over Hakunon because she was a non character in the story.
alter is already here
>randomized chart already
That was fast
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If you have good Moon Cancers, the new 90** is the easiest shit ever.
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Why does it need to be so complicated?
This one, right?
I can't seem to find it on the map. Do I need to finish OC3?
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Imagine bringing whores to your Chaldea if you already have a waifu, couldn't be me
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what's the eta for me to make the one for ruler chapter
I don't really have much to go off of for it
Yes. It unlocks after OC3.
>Melt is now so For (You), Nasu avoided putting her in any shape or form in a story chapter about CCC and Sakurafaces just because Hakuno was there.
That commitment.
>Flop Heroine
>Buy Extra Record
>BB Jobs
>Curry is an actual plot point
>meme magic
Anything else? Does not seem to bingo.
It seems to be based on the Divine Comedy, so I expect Higashide going full DMC.
Can just reuse the very first one after OC prologue I guess, it had a DMC theme.
Rip. Guess I'll work on that tomorrow. Thanks, anon.
BB belongs ex tier desu
Why is Orion there
>Buy Extra Record
>BB Jobs
>Curry is an actual plot point
>meme magic
Only these.
Even that mid Terminator anime was a better story about AI than OC3 and had a better AI waifu than BB.
Oddly specific.
Artemis and Nasu likes his nose
why did the black dude for the future made a JAPANESE woman robot and then travel to the past to live in japan but married someone else??
>n-no flop heroine
lmao c'mon
so double BB Dubai is new meta?
To be honest I don't even know what that one is suppose to mean.
>a sakurai written story is so far the highlight of ordeal call
god what have we come to
save us dante from the devil may cry series
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Only if you count Double Dubai + Tez as the low HP meta for people who are allergic to pressing buttons.
Because Sakurai is unironically the one in the team who cares more about FGO than clapping to Sakura. Higashide has potential to be as good or at least as relevant if he deals with Loli Vinci and Holmes.
> pretending OC2 was good
i imagine it'll probably be a balancing act between vinci/holmes and christian stuff like dante and lilith
if we're getting real kino i want one of the dead crypters as your helper like virgil guiding dante through the underworld
it's not good it's just slightly better than nasu desperately trying to get us to like sakura
the bar is that low
You people always expose yourselves way too fast replying to yourself like that and then crying about sakura
You always make it easy too obvious you're only sucking up to OC2 because you hate Nasu, you hate that people "glaze" Nasu's writing, so you think pretending sakurai is better at the moment will get back at Nasu eventually.

No one gives a shit about Heian
Raikou and Ibuki suck
>pretending it wasn't
Stop licking Hacksu's asshole. Higashide with Atlantis and now Sakurai with ID proves the fans can like a chapter above his. This means we won't need him in the future.

No, it was good. Stop pretending it isn't. If wasn't it wouldn't be voted first in a poll. LB7 didn't manage to get vote first, nor did OC1. Let's be honest here. Nasu's hit a wall with LB6 and can't deliver anymore.
I haven't been paying attention to her because I have NP5 Space Eresh. Is she actually better? It would suck if Rinbros had to wait almost 5 years between servants only to have it be yet another AoE looper and then have her be overshadowed by a Sakuraface a month later... At least Space Eresh is probably better for CQs..
Famitsu polls don't matter georgie
>No one gives a shit about Heian
I agree. I don't care about Heian either.
>Raikou and Ibuki suck
Agreed, but they suck less than Shitkura. They are harmless shilling choices. Unlike some slut that bends the lore of the world around her. Guda has never simped for Raikou or Ibuki, or Douman (whom he treats like a pest) for that matter. Compared to how patient he's with Sakurashit because Nasu can't but make everyone kneel to his slutty kohai goddess.
You should stop glazing a "writer" that retcons everything he writes after a year because he got another idea. He's hopelessly mediocre without capacity to change or grown because he's always writing the same story and characters again. At least Higashide and Sakurai try something new - that's why they have more potential than Hacksu.
This just in: BB will have a main role yet again in the upcoming OCs, events, and final chapter for part 2 because you will love Sakura.
Your opinion matters less.
But yours do apparently
Some people don't like Sakura huh
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Foreigner OC will save FGO. Trust the plan.
I'd prefer to be neutral but even the most neutral observer has to raise an eyebrow to this. Sakura in a vacuum does not belong in this story, but Nasu continues to use her likeness and plot beats in damn near everything. There are 10+ Sakura variants in this story, and appear in almost everything he writes. And even 2 out of 3 OCs have featured her. When will it be enough? Sakurai is rightfully mocked for pulling this stunt with her servants, but the reality is that Nasu does this to an even more obnoxious degree.
Correct. Glad we agree anon.
why was dino shiki cool but all the clap and references in oc3 cringe and lame?
I like her in HF. I don't like the shilling she gets because Nasu's forever insecure he couldn't make her the most beloved heroine ever, so he needs to wank her up eleven bending lore and stories.
He's doing the exact same shit with Ciel in TsukihimeRe and now, if you notice. He's insecure baby.
HF movies proved you can make Sakura popular as she is: a flawed girl in love who fell into despair and snapped. Not a super AI goddess -slash- Beast who has basically her flaws removed and sides picked aside in "alter egos." But the thing is, HE couldn't accomplish that. The director of HF did.
With BB I see BB.
And there was barely an ounce of Sakura in Durga. The Ranis in OC1 were planned to be Sakura but Nasu vetoed it.
And this is absolutely the case. The reason Nero exists is famously because Nasu wanted to one-up Butcher's Iskandar.
No, they were planned to be Mashu. And did you completely forget that the "heroine" of OC1 was Kama, one of the Sakura-est Sakura faces?
It's just Georgie/Raikouschizo as usual. He's been spamming the thread ever since the final part drop.
No they were originally going to be Sakura, that got a no so Mashu was suggested, and then Rani.
I enjoy BB but she is a Sakura to the core. The best Sakura but still. And Kama was still the start servant of that story. If Rannis were also Sakura, I would genuinely think TM has lost their minds.
Sakurai's insulted about Raikou and Ibuki, but Heian Kyo wasn't about them. They were minor figures there. It was about Kintoki and Douman. Unlike Nasu, Sakurai unironically has self-control. Maybe because she's a professional writer, instead of a manchild who still thinks he can write as in a doujin circle. Regardless of Nasu's talent, he's never been professional. He conducts himself as if he can change things without people caring with retcons when his whim strikes. That's not what a good writer does. Let alone a professional one. His glazers need to accept he's best suited for a fanfiction site than a company.
If you think using Sakura servants in the mooncancer chapter is too much then I don't know what to say to you.
The sad thing BB used to be my favorite character in CCC. Now I can't stand to see her anymore. Her ending in CCC was perfect. Everything he wrote for her after it, was like beating a dead horse, and then resurrecting it as a zombie. Absolutely terrible.
GudaBB luv
Simple as
>Sakurai's insulted about Raikou and Ibuki, but Heian Kyo wasn't about them
I'm referring to shit like Sakurai having these characters who have nothing in common or reasons to interact, well...interact. Because they're "her" servants. Until she gets bored of them, then tosses them aside. She's not professional either I'd say. There's also Tunguska where Ibuki is shilled shamelessly despite doing barely anything besides being "strong". Could have replaced her with Melusine, Enkidu or anyone worth their salt, and nothing would change.

The difference between Nasu and Sakurai is that Sakurai's wank is contained to irrelevance, but Nasu makes real waves.
>genuine gachaslopper
I'm happy you're unhappy.
Mooncancer chapter and class shouldn't exist in the first place. It was originally a joke name like Launcher. I don't know what to say to you if you defend any of this shit.
The chapter doesn't even make them a real Class, it makes them a breed of "humanity" instead which is failing me in any comprehension why would you glazers slurp this shit. Imagine if 'lancer' wasn't a class but a breed of humanity. Please stop defending Hacksu.
I don't think we needed a Mooncancer chapter at all. We didn't need OC at all, but that's besides the point.
I just showed type moon this post and he's crying...
If there was a class that needed explaining, it should have been gatekeeper, Nasu...
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If any of you had any kind of stardards - you would be there atm. Just consume your slop and be happy, just like japs do.
CHADppMedia always whines.
No, Sakurai is professional. That's why she's hired to work in other stuff by multiple companies while Nasu isn't. The time Nasu got called by one (SHAFT) he literally burned the bridges with them showing he can't conduct himself in a professional environment. He's a doujin-writer, not a professional writer.
You're confusing professionalism with talent. I don't deny Nasu's talented. But that doesn't make him a good or pro writer. Concepts and ideas, even prose, aren't the end all of writing process. His creativity is also fairly limited when he keeps rewriting over the same thing because he's overfixated. Sakurai doesn't do that. It's not that she 'grows' tired, but she, as any sensible writer, would expand their horizons. Higashide does it too.
Even his friends like Sanda or Narita find Nasu's lack of professionalism infuriating.
On the same note, this is why Butcher has been hired in many projects while Nasu never was. Because he's a professional.
I remember the days where people got mad that Rin had 2-3 extremely popular servants while Sakura only had Parvati. Nasu must've taken it personally again.
Oh that class is easy.
You just have to read FSN and then you'll get past it.
Yeah because Rin was entirely absent in OC3.
>he keeps rewriting over the same thing because he's overfixated. Sakurai doesn't do that.
You've lost the plot, dude. Sakura is famous for rehashing the same romance narrative again and again. I'm not interested in a Nasu vs Sakurai debate. I think they both have serious issues as writers, but this is about Nasu particularly.
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But we already had multiple Sakurafaces before they even released Parvati.
What does this have to do with my post lol?
in FGO? Did I get hit with the mandela effect?
go back shitposter
I suspect OC was thought when they wanted to do the Dantes and Holmes plot and expanded it to other writers. That's why Alter Ego and Mooncancer are filler shit (true) complete with memory loss. It was probably not about the classes either, just to solve the "Dantes in ur head" stuff (since 2017, people speculate Tower Dantes will be made a separate Servant and leave your head - which was what happened) and Holmes' return as Apostle with Old Moriarty as an ally (foreshadowed by Moriarty's old interludes).
OC as a whole is creatively bankrupt.
i don't think anyone is crazy enough to doubt that.
>Sakura is famous for rehashing the same romance narrative again and again.
For example, none of her original works even resembles the thing she wrote in FGO. Even her four Servant background stories in Type Ace are presented in a complete different way: Jekyll (journal/letter victorian style: mysery/drama), Helena (science fantasy/character study), Dantes (CD Drama: thriller, action/adventure), Douman (manga: japanese horror).
Fragments was presented not with linear writing too. Unlike her new story.

Sakurai is many things, but she's pretty daring about how to present her stories and tries different characters.
>romance narrative
Which is? You're basically harping on a flanderization every character gets reduced in events, and half of it is HIgashide (Sigurd's writer) doing too? That's it? If Sakurai loved regurgitating the same shit, we would have had Tesla as lovecraftian horror protagonist ikeman and Agatha Christie waifu heroine. Or at least expies of them. We don't have that. Because she moves on from her past, unlike Nasu who can't go five minutes without adding a rinface, sakuraface, saberface.
For the first year or so of these threads there was no Sakura shitposting, but at some point we had a big migration of old /a/ posters who have psychotically hated her for over a decade, and they don't know how to leave their shitposting in /a/. You saw a huge tonal shift in the shitposting in these threads when it happened. Before that it was mostly just jetfag shitposting and some guy who autistically hated iskandar for some reason.
Don't ask for reasons behind their hate, don't try to explain to them that BB isn't Sakura, don't explain to them melt isn't Sakura, they don't care, even they don't care about the facts anymore, all they know is they feel extremely autistically pissed when they see her design now
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All that text yet still nips hate the shit out of Sakurai and Minase.
>>495624323 is also whining but he didn't realize it yet.
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There's a shitstorm happening RIGHT NOW regarding FGO JP spoilers and copyright

What happened
>several channels (JP and EN) uploaded content on Youtube regarding Ordeal Call 3
>this content included boss fights, cutscenes, animations, banner pulls, etc
>several JP players complained in social media (youtube, 2ch, twitter) about spoilers
>also they sent complaints directly to Lasengle via support
>Lasengle updated their Content Guidelines and ToS regarding sharing content in social media
As result
>today some FGO JP and EN youtube channels were hit with copyright strikes and were forced to delete their videos
>this scared tons of other FGO channels that were sharing videos of their pulls, servant animations, story, boss fights, etc
>the TOS update is very vague
>it could potentially cover ANY kind of content in ANY website and platform
>since it's so vague Lasengle could actually sent copyright strikes to close down websites like FGO wikia and Atlas
If Lasengle/Aniplex are enforcing their new ToS by sending Copyright Strikes this might kill all the efforts to translate JP content for good

Atlas already announced that they will be taking down videos and stopping the translation of OC3 for the time being:
Just stop uploading the translated video or the translation itself?
Oh no another day. Another copyright strike.
Anyway just read from atlas.
the problem with atlas is they release stuff wayyy too early
Nips started to hate Nasu too, your point is?
>somebody posts already released publically available content
>copyright strike
chinks are right, this shit shouldnt exist in any type of media
>Upload to vimeo/dailymotion
>Problem solved
That being said, I did notice a lot more spoilers being thrown around on Twitter this time compared to any previous chapter, guess the event/story chapter format messed them up quite a bit.
This is because of something from the second timelock actually.
People were fucking mad that hackunofags were sharing that scene with BB smile and started witch hunting them. Also the fan art ( funny because it amounted to nothing since it was just concern for Hackuno dying ).
It seems it ramped up from there.
But this should teach a lesson to shitposters in here too. They take spoilers seriously, art for whatever shit is involved comes later. The people who break that rule don't play FGO
>don't try to explain to them that BB isn't Sakura,
My man, Nasu admitted creating her to make Sakura liked. She's literally an AI made out Sakura. That's how those AIs were made in mooncell: they uploaded the version of someone of Earth. How the fuck she's not Sakura? Please be for real. She's not a random character who happens to look like her like Okita does with Artoria.
Enkidu? for me
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>Just stop uploading the translated video or the translation itself?

The issue is that the new ToS goes beyond Youtube.
Since the language on the ToS is too vague (on purpose) they could potentially scare Atlas (as a whole, not only the youtube channel) into closing down for good.
Once again, their new TOS doesn't apply only to Youtube and doesn't apply only to partner content creators like Pekora.

It's so vague and wide, that gives them ground to bully any random content creator in any website if they wanted to.
>Fail to argue in favor of Sakurai, has to go back to another tactic
I'll take 50 Kiara buffs over one Sakurai shilled character. Kiara is love, Kiara is life. I want her to vore me.
Copyright was always kinda retarded, I don't think people realize how much it's fucked the world up in the last hundred years

They literally copyright fruits and seeds now, and will come destroy you if they find that you planted copy written seeds on your property.

There are hundreds of basic ass videogame features that would obviously make games better, but no one can use them because one asshole company coptwrited the "ability to ride an animal" or "the ability to level up your skills more than one at a time"

The more you learn about the world the more you learn the world is Intentionally kept from developing or evolving. Every now and then it has short bursts of development or evolution when a new technology is created that the beurocrats don't understand yet, but quickly they figure out how that works as well, put the same restrictions on it as everything else and development is stifled to shit once again.
How is someone as plain as Hakuno so sexy...
He just is
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What actually happened
>A few JP netizens are shitstorming because foreigners are discussing and making videos about OC3 when they (and their Vtuber waifus) can't, because of stream guidelines that apply to Japan
>one English-speaking account in particular engaged back with comments, telling the Japanese to fuck off
>another English-speaking account got one takedown notice over later OC3 boss fight video, which went down, the details for the takedown aren't known (could be fake)
So what's actually happening isn't clear and weeb FGO accounts are a bit hands-off today, until they know nobody with any real authority is going after them.
All pretty gay. As for the Rayshit translation, watch their app if you want to read it. Or Atlas, whatever. It'll update when it's ready, I'm sure. Videos are definitely not going up until the situation is more clear.
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Finishing OC3 feels like this btw
BBspic act like he won but literally all around him is BB Hakuno.
He doesn't play the game so who cares.
You're so mad lmao
What a dumb thing to feel
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So why was Wodime's plan totally good while Amakusa/Goetia/Zouken plan wasn't?
Because nasu said so
Kiarafags still exist?
Our wife Misora exists, so yes.
>OC1 is trash
>OC2 is relatively decent
>OC3 is meh
Will OC4 be at least decent?
Nasu once said that what differences heroes from villain is they are motivated from despair or from a place of hope. Goetia should have been the one who technically created and administrated the new prime species from humanity, but he fell into despair, wiped everything out, denied it existed to make his brand new version. The little details matter. He denied the place of humans as prime species, pitying them. Amakusa's and Zouken's goals were motivated again by the same disregard for human nature.

Kirsch loves humanity, on the other hand, and not in a twisted tsundere/yandere Beast way. He knows humanity does million of mistakes but also can fix them somehow afterwards, which is why they are such good species. He knew that they are about to come to a close, so he wanted to faciliate the transition to a new prime species even using old humanity as its base, they would be his "children" in a sense. He would see them off. Unlike Zouken and Amakusa, he believed in all of them- he wasn't trying to change their morality. Unlike Goetia, he was going to entrusted them what happenes next instead of staying as its ruler.

It was a true succession. Guda finally recognizes what he was doing (even if he forgot kek) instead of what he thinks he was doing. Mashu and Guda misunderstood his intention in LB7 still.
the best possible thing that we can expect is probably fruit-chan
After the reveal that she's a transformed OC from Adventures, I think she's coming with another Sanda collab instead
But she's a pretender
Which girl is the best to actually heal my broken heart from betrayal and waste of reasources and time?
I regrer grailing her to 120 and getting NP5 and NP4.
>OC2 is relatively decent
it's all trash
Does Hakuno's 10% damage boost vs. all classes matter that much? Seems like they'd be decent for all-around farming, either for buster looping at NP5 or shitting out crit stars and card mulligans as a crit support
LB7 is worse than OC2, so.
idk but I'm having a fun time farming irregular nodes with them
Rerun of that event.
OC3 is complete dogshit, it's easily the worst overall chapter we've had since LB3. Having a few flashy setpieces doesn't offset the fact that the entire chapter is an unmanaged clusterfuck of four different ideas desperately pushing each other out of the way for screentime.
Retard opinion
Amakusa and Zouken lost hope, and wanted revenge deep inside. Kirsch believed in people and wasn't trying to brainwash them.
Goetia was not even human and tried to lord over them. Had Goetia become human and tried his shit, then it would have been fine.
LB7 is better though
Correct opinion. Nasu slurpers will skin you alive but it was just bad. LB3 wasn't this bad. It was too short and needed more fleshing out.
Being a contrarian doesn't make you an interesting person. Whether you're shitposting or just a tasteless moron, consider suicide at your earliest convenience.
If you want to use Hakuno as a budget Ciel, remember to put a CC on their right most Arts card to distinguish it from the other, it's the one that turns into a Buster card when switching in a triple buster servant.
No, it wasn't. It was a painfully overlong slog.
You should go back to /alter/
Can Nasu write anything good? It just feels he's relying on timelocks because he's insecure of the "journey."
After you go back to /tmg/ Nasunigger.
Nasu's the kind of writer that desperately needs editors.
At least one to steer him away from all of the unnecessary bullshit that doesn't contribute to the story, and another to tell him his ideas are retarded when he tries to retcon older works with nonsensical subversions.
Unfortunately, Nasu's got "fuck everything" money and fired everyone who isn't a yes-man, which is how you get shit like Last Encore and Samurai Remnant, to say nothing of the mountains of retarded shit he keeps piling into the FSN adaptations.
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Make LOVE not WAR
Georgie is on fire today
Not even older works, his own fucking chapters, only a year apart get instantly retconned because he wants to write something else. He really needs someone who teaches him writing overall. Le's not forget he's not really a professional writer who learned any technique, hes a member of a doujin circle that got lucky. his major was "humanities."
>Sakurai wrote something good after 9 years
Wow she's so great
>Nasu kinda fucked up his first story chapter in 9 years
Wow he's so bad
>First the normal anonymous: retard opinion
>Alter contrarian: correct opinion

>First the anonymous: You should go back to /alter/
>After you go back to /tmg/ Nasunigger.

Hehehe it's that same alter contrarian again.
Example: I like this or I dislike this
Then that alter contrarian will always immediately counter post with I dislike or I like this every single time.
>and another to tell him his ideas are retarded when he tries to retcon older works with nonsensical subversions.
This is more important than anything, after what he did to Tsukihime
I see we have nothing planned for today, so I checked our road map... Why is Halloween planned for mid-October?
Nasu's been writing trash for a while. LB7 was mediocre at best. Servant Universe in general was retarded and now Nasu's pushing it a shameless ape he is. He's basically awful in world building and people need to stop glazing him only because he created you're waifu.
Oh no no no imouto
this mistake will haunt you until death
I think no one has read Arcade. You have Hassan outright ask Draco if she still reaching for her star, which is Hakuno.

Hakunon claiming Nero Bride AND Nero makes sense, afterall.
No, this has been Nasu fucking up shit and people giving him a pass because Sakurai was there to blame. Olympus and Tungsuka are a direct result of his writing and she took all the blame. This time she stayed out of it and Nasu is left to eat up all the criticism
Sakurai's bottom the barrel stuff is just annoying/bad but inoffensive. Nasu's slop has nefarious consequences across FGO and the setting in general.
Learn the difference.
>I think no one has read Arcade
I'd catch up if they made it available on PC.
I can put together slapdash translations of something I have access to. I can't translate a dead game that was locked to arcade cabinets exclusively in Japan.
Don't forget anons blaming Sakurai for Shitella when Nasu proudly proclaimed he was behind it all except for the side stories - ironically the most praised aspect. Which was by Sakurai. They used Sakurai as scapegoat switching their places.

All the AI, alien shit, it's all NASU'S RETARDED IDEAS. Sakurai's never coming up with that bullshit. Even the DajixZiya shit was Nasu's idea. He insists to call her in his blog his "destined woman" while Sakurai's busy shipping him with Guda in My Room.
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So i didn't follow the story for a while. What did you guys so mad about? Is there NTR again?
The only thing I like about LB7 is Daybit (which is only 5 minutes of the total story length at most)
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Personally I love Camazotz continuously invading the story when it wasn't about him.
I'm glad some fans are finally waking up. Sakurai's got some flaws, and it's subjective: Whether you like or not her writing style. I prefer Nasu's writing style (not his ideas) over hers, but hers over Higashide whose prose is abysmal. But most of her stuff is inoffensive.
Glad to see nips calling him out his obsession with Sakurashit and CCC and telling him to grow up and graduate, take his own advice.
I still believe Lb7 could be more interesting but instead Nasu create his fan fic version of lb7.
Guys? Is BB the main heroine now?
Good thing about OC3 is at least Nasu is over with shoving clapshit into the main story.
The Ziya x Daji idea comes the manga Hoshin Engi it also influenced some of the characters like Taigong/Nezha/Feihu in fgo. I had a friend told me that it’s popular to ship Taigong with Daji in Japan general because of that manga. While Daji is sometimes shipped with some other dude in China.
kino... ko...
Kazura and violet aren't added yet. It's not over. This shit will keep going until a fan murders Nasu and stuffs worms in his mouth.
Nasu: I didn't said I'm done yet. More to come.
I liked Tez and City
Kazura and Violet aren't coming until Foxtail wraps up, and calling Foxtail's release schedule "glacial" would still be giving them too much credit.
You're not getting Kazuradrop until 2026 at the absolute soonest.
Yes, and it's a manga Nasu likes. Not Sakurai. He talked about it. Like he was he first to push Nightingale/Dantes because of The Lady of the Lamp.
Luckily Sakurai damaged controlled in My Room and materials, and Nasu agree later. The thing is that he does get involved and push his ideas on them. We don't know if the Cagliostro shit isn't an idea of his too. Roa was.
Funny thing is that Melt and Kama are now more popular and beloved than OG Sakura, and most don't give a fuck about the character they originated from. They simply worked better than the original one because they are good characters on their own.
10 more years of FGO btw
>forgetting about Fuyuki
I bite Bit everyday.
Bits by bits of Daybits will turn into Dates-bits
They could at least do cool clapshit.
Why didn't Bedivere and Rhongo beam struggle, huh?
Hearing Bedi yell Excalibur would've made my day.
We know Tez
I'm not Tez. I'm your boyfriend
So why Sakurai pushed Percival PHH x Melusine?
Foxtail is a mistake. I knew since 2017 that the remaining Sakura 5 were held hostage by it but I couldn't have imagined the last two were going to take sooo long to release.
Yes I remember reading somewhere that Nasu is a huge Hoshin Engi fag would recommend anons to check it out because Tunguska/Taigong/Daji/Koyan reek of influence from that manga. If I remember right the manga also inspired the name Noble Phantasm not 100% sure on that point though.
The OG Sakura is the most popular of all, but it was thanks to the HF movie director, not Nasu. That surely should sting his pride.
Choco loves it and probably asked for it. He likes Aurora x Melu more but that's his second favorite
FGO won't survive through 2026
It's an impenetrable clusterfuck for new players, and old players aren't sticking around
No. Melt and Kama are definitely more popular. It's one of those fake surpassing the original one situations.
what other games like fgo do you play?
for me its /esg/
More like shit like BA will EoS before fgo
If OC2 is that good, why did Cags and Hassan flop?
Where? Percival treats her as a sister. You're insecure as fuck about a woman and a man interacting. He does talk about the witch he fucked in Valentines which was poor taste, but he only interacts with Melusine in hisrole of bother surrogate. It was Nasu's LB Percival that had more than platonic feelings for her which none of you brought up. Sakurai's Percival just feels he has to act as a brother she expects him to be. If anything, she made that relationship more platonic than whatever Nasu wrote which was more ambiguous.
Who? The gookshit? I don't like Hyanngwankwuk kind of name
Don't eat my wife
PHH Percival made clear he'll only love Kundry romantically though. During his Return Gift no less. The fuck are you talking about?
>everyone acting like schizos instead of being dead
FLOPs happen in the best of chapters. Atlantis was highly praised and Super Orion only ever appealed to a highly niche crowd
Gogh stop fooling around with your puns.
They barely got a role in there. Hassan's greatest hit was overshadowed by the fact it was Edmond who gave him that NP.
Cagliostro actually is getting more fanart now. I stumbled upon Cag/Gudako yumeshit hours ago in xitter. And there is a small but still persistent Cag/Dantes fans too. I assume he'll get more shit once Sakurai writes his background with Dantes.
Good morning. I didn't said you can good night
You can tell with OC3 that Nasu really wants to go back to writing his VNs kek.
He seems to want to get off of Fate in general. This was a cry for help against his fanbase. He calls us a Cancer and wants us to "graduate" and to not be a "MoonCancer" to Type-Moon

Which is fucked cause no one but himself is forcing the continuation of Fate.
lmao have shitposters here really resorted to reposting machine translated AppMedia shitposts?
Yeah. Olympus had Europa. LB6 had Percival, LB7 had Kuku. There is always at least one flop.
If he published anything like that outside FGO fanbase who can't help but needing to beat this shit for a welfare, it'll flop.
You lost, shillniggers and drones.
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What is an acceptable level of clapbait?
Lmao, imagine thinking that for real.
Did you read the chapter? Eresh literally breaks the fourth wall to mock the reader for wanting more Fate content
Tsukihime remake already proved that Nasu cant write a shit even if he want to. Never could.
Holy shit, it's that bad huh. Is OC3 the Matrix Resurrections of FGO?
please understand shitposter are finding shit and leftover scrap to shitpost. that how they always been.
>Good clapshit
A sequel referencing the one or two other games in the series
>Bad clapshit
Cramming references from fifty other works into a single chapter such that you're constantly confused if you haven't spent thousands of hours studying every single one of Nasu's ADHD hyperfixations.
And that literally contradicts what you just said
>Which is fucked cause no one but himself is forcing the continuation of Fate.
It's literally not the case as you can see.
You mean half of the posts here right now are from there???
Honestly I think he’s been tired of writing Fate stuff for awhile now. He peaked with LB6 notice how the same care wasn’t put into LB7 or OC3? He should move on from fgo if he’s really tired of writing Fate.
What the hell is going on here?
No one forced him to drag FGO into multiple filler arcs. We could have been over and done with years ago. He's the one flip flopping between actually ending it for real and continuing it.
OC3 is him basically saying it will continue but he doesn't want to and he blames us.
Most of writters/artists are emotionally unstable attention whores. Im sure he blames playerbase for everythgin and thinks it them who forcing FGO clop on him
A big problem is how overarching "Fate" is in the TM universe.
Buy Extra instead (again and again until Nasu makes it popular).
Liz is organizing a awful liz love stage show.
But I protest because I have taken away their precious pretender liz imouto.
Sony/Aniplex definitely don’t want fgo to end while Nasu clearly wants to.
>I think he’s been tired of writing Fate stuff for awhile now
Agreed. I can't pinpoint exactly when but around the last 4 or so years, Fate just became ultra redundant.
What the local schizo is angry about? It's just the guy that cuckposts Melusine and Morgan every day, he latches onto each new chapter or event and finds some angle to shitpost it.

I think he's angry about "Sakura appearing in the mooncancer chapter" even though it was BB.
Then he's latching onto OC2 so he can say sakurai is brilliant and Nasu is bad, because that's usually his narrative.
This was a very weak attempt to leave behind the Extraverse though. The whole deal with the Mooncancer and new Prime Species analogy makes it sound like he wants to be done with Fate in general. He just chose to express that using Extraverse.
Guys I think we should take Nasu's advice and graduate from TM slop.
he can easly end the story and start another right there in FGO. but he decided to drag that corpse and mix it with fillers
>This was a very weak attempt to leave behind the Extraverse though
Why do people keep saying things like this when there's literally an Extra remake coming out within the next year
He obviously cares for OC3 beacuse it wasn't FGO or Fate like in general. It was more of his failure sci-fi slop nobody but him and a minority of his zombies who consume anything he shits on a plate likes.
That was planned waaaay before his Fate burnout and been in development hell for years. On top of that it doesn't actually add anything new story wise, it's a 1:1.
This "no one" shit you say doesn't make sense.
Nasu has never been somone that would publish his idea without outside push.
Takeuchi had to tell him to start a doujin circle
The aniplex dude had to pitch the idea to make Fate into a franchise
Extra, Extella and SR were all cases where the game studios goes to type moon and asks them to make a game together
He's still writing Fate and dragging FGO because others close to him are saying that this needs to be done.
I'm not denying that he's tired of it, but he's forcing himself only because others are telling him that it's what needs to be done to make money. And it works.
OC3 exists so that Nasu tells you to get extra record. You guys WILL buy extra record and make Nasu happy right anons?
He can turn it to a successor. I don't think the fans will miss him, after all. As anons pointed out: OC2 and Atlantis won Famitsu poll over his works. Coming next year and Ruler OC ranks higher than OC3 will prove his hackery.
I would rather a new Extella but yeah I'll get it
Funny you say that, there's weird cut content esque shit in this OC alluding to Extella. For some reason one of the Sandworms we fight is randomly named "Umbral Star Terminal"
The ONLY one who forces that is Nasu. Fans COMPLAINED about TM characters in FGO and those were FGO fans. The shitstorm of Ciel revealed they don't like them at all. Only rolled for them because are flashy/meta but they are tired the actual legends get overlooked for Nasu's wanked OCs. There was a gigantic post with hundred thousand likes about this in xitter.
Why is Nasu so obsessed with sci-fi anyways? Dude clearly wants to write more of it for some reasons.
He would have erased BB, the alter egos, and everything Mooncell related if that was true. Stop being autistic.
Lb6 works. What follow after his lb6 writing is his cockiness mindset thinking anything will works.
Lb7: Nasu and his make up aztec narrative
Oc3: Nasu and his failure sci fic .
Tsukihime sold well despite not being Fate in a day and age where 99.99% of VNs are dead.
TMfags would follow Nasu wherever he wants to take them. Right now he's blaming them for his own lack of motivation and creativity.
>People self convinced themselves Nasu hates FGO because he wrote a chapter where he kills the Extra protagonists for good after making them lose to the FGO protagonist

To me it felt more like he's closed off Extra for good.
>extra remake next year, bro
Lets be honest, it's For now not For good.
It's a medium to convey his weird transhumanism ideas. He has no knowledge of basic science to make it work. The usage of "nanomachines" in this chapter made me fucking cringe.
To be fair, it would at least be coherent with his whole "you need to move on and let go" stuff.
Moving from a heavy magical fantasy work to a sci-fi one might be good for him, and maybe what he has been working on behind the scenes...
If only he had just finished part 2 longo ago and could move in peace while leaving part 3 for someone else.
That was first layer of meta narrative inside this chapter. Peel the layers and you see he's not just talking about an Extraverse sequel nobody's been clamoring for. He's talking about the currently ongoing omni-sequel to all his series, FGO
Yeah and now you already know how the protagonists canonically die.

He had Hakunos say
>Our story ends here
During the final bit. They literally say that BB story will continue with Guda but theirs is over.
He's put an end to EXTRA and is just treating those characters from there as FGO characters.
That's why you have Koyanskaya, Draco and now Golden BB/BB Dubai however you want to take her.
FGO continues, EXTRA is done.
>Closed for good
>Still missing two Sakura faces
Anon we still gonna get extra events. How else with Violet and Kazuadop be introduced into FGO.
The protagonists already die in the end of Extra anyway.
Before that he made Guda accept and be fine to be replaced with whoever. Read everything before you shitpost.
>He's talking about the currently ongoing omni-sequel to all his series, FGO
He's not.
That's a massive stretch whenever the topic of the subject is the EXTRA universe dying off.
Uh, Hakuno's died before, bro.
Extella timeline isn't even the only canon ending.
Now you are done it, N*su. It's over for you.
See >>495638139
Did you miss the entire part with the Prime Species?
My take? Extraverse was the worst thing to happen to Fate.
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Sure is noisy here today.
Kazuradrop and Violet have nothing to do with EXTRA as a whole.
It's like saying Kingprotea wasn't fleshed out from FGO.

He was having Guda speak for humanity as usual.
And that's because Moneybillis plans is essentially similar to what happened in Moon Dubai so he wanted Guda to acquire self awareness on why Moneybillis is wrong with his plan.
It has nothing to do with FGO as a whole.
Extra Record is honestly one of my most anticipated upcoming games, of course I'm gonna get it.
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FGO was the worst thing that happened to Fate, because most of the franchise's creativity was shoved into a double-edged format and stagnated as a result. The ordeal calls were inevitable if you think about it.
Guda will die to save Olga (who is a new prime species) and condemn humanity to lose their throne. That's why it says "someone will be saved but not humans." Also all Servants but Mashu who will be new prime species and first hero of the new "humanity".

This will be the ending. Olga will be her Master. Guda would pass the baton.
>He was having Guda speak for humanity as usual.
Humanity is us dumb dumb
You're a human too
>And that's because Moneybillis plans is essentially similar to what happened in Moon Dubai so he wanted Guda to acquire self awareness on why Moneybillis is wrong with his plan.
You connect this being similar to Moneybills but you fail to connect that similarity not being a coincidence. This is because the entire this is pointed towards FGO itself
>It has nothing to do with FGO as a whole.
It very much does.
Same. I greatly enjoyed Vanilla Extra, and I'm not ashamed to admit that.
>Rapes your male servants
Your response?
I didn't miss it.
That's its own piece of story. Your interpretation that's, to no surprise, against FGO is not that piece of story.
If Nasu hated FGO he wouldn't have written more than half of the story released this year. This message was for the EXTRA universe, and that's why its protagonists die, lose to the FGO protagonist and entrust the future to them.
It's so on the nose you're delusional to link it to FGO as if Nasu hasn't shown and said he loves it already.
>He was having Guda speak for humanity as usual.
>And that's because Moneybillis plans is essentially similar to what happened in Moon Dubai so he wanted Guda to acquire self awareness on why Moneybillis is wrong with his plan.
>It has nothing to do with FGO as a whole.
This entire shit completely UNDERMINES everything Chaldea stands for and you know it. He bent Guda over, butchered shit because he wanted to avoid erasing Mooncancer as he SHOULD have. The
There is no love in this story. It's hateful meta shit that mocks the reader
But hakunon is for me
*will cease to exist as their role was protect the old humanity
That's why Mashu will become something monstrous in Roa's opinion. She'll be the one who erases all Servants to be the new blueprint. That's why she's being portrayed as everyone's pupil.
>You connect this being similar to Moneybills but you fail to connect that similarity not being a coincidence. This is because the entire this is pointed towards FGO itself
All the OCs have messages that have to do with the finale of part 2. That's a given.
They have nothing to do with how Nasu feels towards FGO or towards FGO as a whole.
The game isn't ending in part 2. A part 3 is already confirmed by basically having them confirm a 11th anniversary exists and plans for a part 3 also exist.
>It very much does.
It doesn't, this is the usual headcanon from you vncucks/oldfags who cannot accept your sekrit club will never return.
He's done writing new VNs, you've been getting remake after remake for a reason. The dude's old, a gacha like this is a golden goose dream for him and it shows since he's free to write dogshit like OC3 and it'll still be succesful while he took risks with Last Encore only to have the same people who now clamor OC3 praise it.
I'm glad he shat on Extrafags since that's probably more heartfelt than whatever headcanon you point towards FGO.
Yup, when I was in college, P3P and Fate Extra were my bread-and-butter games. I think I've beaten them 10 times each.
FGO > Extra > Ufotable
almost everything wrong with this franchise is the fault of those three
I genuinely can't tell if there are more than one person here
>They have nothing to do with how Nasu feels towards FGO or towards FGO as a whole.
Explain Eresh breaking the fourth wall to mock FGO and the reader's desire for it to continue
>The game isn't ending in part 2. A part 3 is already confirmed by basically having them confirm a 11th anniversary exists and plans for a part 3 also exist.
We know this, this OC acknowledges this. It also points out that happening is a bad thing and calls the reader bad for wanting that
>He's done writing new VNs
This was very much against Fate itself. He has no issue writing new VNs, he's writing Tsukihime.
>>495638814 (Me)
All me.
That’s an interesting thought. But what about Kirei’s Valentine? That seems to foreshadow there’s still a future for Guda in the past.
This might surprise you, but people can have as many differing opinions as they can have agreeing ones. I do not understand this general's fixation of making boogeymen out of damn near everything. How can you even have an honest discussion?
That's a good idea for a possible FGO 2
>Only Trashu passes on
>New master
>But all the servants don't exist in their old FGO forms. They all have new designs, new personalities and possible new histories that conform or not to their myths.
Basically a reboot of the entirety of Fate.
Apoc chads, we're the true heroes
That would literally just be a Hoyoverse game anon
oh god
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>the retarded OC3 timelocks also fucked over the entire translation scene
I hate Nasu so much
Some of them are definitely samefagging for sure.
Nasu likes Hoyo...
alter among us.
Nasu changed his mind. Like he did with the Olga tachi and Cagliostro. Let's be clear he's not a good storyteller.
No, no. No Heroic Spirits, OCs that may have their faces since they can recycle that. Or better yet new humans getting power suits/demi Servant traits mimicking old ones. Not really Servants anymore.
>Explain Eresh breaking the fourth wall to mock FGO and the reader's desire for it to continue
A random headcanon from people who do not understand Eresh themes in her character and bond with Guda despite them being blatantly evident since Babylonia.
Basically, headcanon from people looking to twist words to their own narrative.
>It also points out that happening is a bad thing and calls the reader bad for wanting that
That's not what it does at all.
>He has no issue writing new VNs, he's writing Tsukihime.
He's not. Remakes aren't new VNs either. He prioritized writing FGO, he prefers writing Tsukihime in FGO.
OC3 even has Tsukihime so your messaging could apply to that too.
Because it's a bunch of nonsense.
So like how ZX is to MMZ?
Sounds like a world of Prisma cards.
apocrypha is bad but completely harmless
>a random headcanon
stopped reading there

You're calling her breaking the fourth wall mocking fans who want sequels to already completed works as a "headcanon"???
You didn't read the fucking chapter
Yes, from a database, they aren't longer Heroic Spirits, and these are not those old people summoned again or reincarnated. Just OCs.
Nasu literally plays Genshin and HSR lmao
>Mana knows how FGO ends
Was this explained?
>mocks fans who want sequels
>mr. I want to write SW3!
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It was me. I wrote OC3. I will do it again.
what the HELL happened to her LN? A waste of a cool setting
Yeah it's your headcanon interpretation of something like the rest of your cope.
You haven't read shit because what you read is not the story but what you wanted to read to shit on FGO as you perpetually do merely by seething at everything that has to do with it.
Can you give more screentime to City next time?
Meteo is a lazy hack simple.
Nobody knows. Meteo has continued writing for FGO, but only sparsely. He still has an active Twitter with continued mutuals with the FGO writers so he's probably just lazy
it was over the moment summer erice came out
I will kill her off first, like a nigger character. Next time, it will be all about Lip. Entire chapter is all Lip, with h*nd h*lding.
It's finished. As in, it got a collab, no need to work on it any more.
Lost Einherjar is next.
thanks, fgo...
Maybe Narita had a point about having no collabs until the LN is finished. Because it doesn't seem like Meteo has any plans on continuing Requiem.

You are all the Cancer to to Type Moon
You are MoonCancer
I don't care.
Oldfags are garbage people and if I can make them suffer and seethe just by enjoying a game I'll be the UniverseCancer.
The october event is a box event, r-right?
uh YOU'd be the oldfag here, retardbro.
you're preventing newfags from enjoying new shit
Same thing that happened to Girl's Work lmao, Meteo is a lazy hack.
God I hope so, I'm starting to run out of caster mats too.
>you're preventing newfags from enjoying new shit
Those don't exist.
Newfags play chink kusoge garbage. Let them fester in that trash, I don't mind.
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>Requiem will never continue
>I will never experience the smug satisfaction at recognizing Galahalter is Balin before the reveal because there will be no reveal
anon, how?
>Those don't exist.
because you won't let them have nice things. that's the cycle.
break it and stop being a faggot
I miss nerofest
Not him but as someone who rarely plays these days, that's exactly how my mats look lmao.
Samurai Remnant expecting 2 million sales was insane. In fact I think Age of Calamity is the only musou game to do it.
The point is that this entire company just relies on FGO and its unable to branch out anymore because the competition surpassed them while they became a strong tree with FGO.
Wanting to cut the tree called FGO is just retarded as fuck.
Both as a reader, who wants to write.
And as a company, that wants to thrive.

Nobody is blocking Nasu to write whatever he wants in FGO. Just look at this year.
FSR sold really well by KT standards. It's getting a manga right now as well.
To put in perspective, it sold more than both Extella games put together.

The whole "2 millions sales" shit comes from a twitter games sales analyst. Pretty sure the guy uses bots to boost his discussions so his narratives flood even sites like this.
It sold like shit. Sub 1m seller for a franchise that dominates the gacha industry from almost a decade.
People simply don't care for Type Moon outside of FGO and without FGO you wouldn't have those mangas and shit either.
If they kill off FGO they'll just die off because nothing can keep the people's interest but FGO.
When does it get serious? I'm still in chapter 17 and so far this has been pure gag.
>It sold like shit.
Musous tend to sell like shit
>Sub 1m seller for a franchise
OG Extella sold far worse, and yet it still got a sequel
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News Doko?
Why did we attack Kiara in the bathouse again?
that's what heroes do, anon
I'd attack Kiara in the bathouse too.
She was the last mooncancer left
So what happened to the "dude swimsuit Jeanne is a Mooncancer frfr"?
She fucked off and killed herself before we even get to meet her
why our homos never do that and stick to your party until the end instead?
Fate Arc 2 peaked at LB7
killed herself offscreen
Nasu has been riding on the nip fanbase goodwill for a while. Except the climax of Babylonia, how he handled Roman's sacrifice in Solomon and 6 (SIX) years later LB6. Everything he's made on the last decade has been lukewarm received, especially stuff related to Extra (Last Encore, Extella)
What is the requirement to beat those chapter 19 BB fights?
with forced parties? you need to break her bar in 3 turns
You guys lied to me. This is 22 chapters long, not 26.
Kazuradrop ate her
>He didn't include the four intermission.
That's a RNGfest though. Who thought that was a good idea.
26 is including the 4 interludes.
>LB6 was by absolute far the most standalone story of FGO
>everyone loves it, every servant released is a smash-hit
>OC3 is a clapbait on the leve that makes SF look like a normal spin off
>everyone hates it
So Nasu Kinoko, what did we learn from this?
Literal skill issue, dude. Karna clears the first fight and the second has even less DR.
Also it's only the first two fights that have timelimits.
He won't learn anything.
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My np5 Luvia made a joke out all bosses.
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It's good to finally have an occasion to use my Rulers
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I used my NP5 Summer Martha.
Boob strap
She's only np1, so I used Luvia. Bitch came to me 7 times on random rolls.
Same, I actually used my Jannu and Johanna this time around.
I used my farming team and just revived with blue cubes when I died
literally me with my bond team
why is there nothing to do in this game 90% of the time
Lasagna is lazy and Type Moon has no interest in asking them to make content like that
Their big idea after years was to give you Storm Border Quests
Eventually it becomes so inconceivably gag that the player ends up involuntarily gagging irl
That's definitely pretty serious
I like it actually. The gameplay isn't particularly engaging, so I can just log in to read the freshest nasu slop then forget about this game for a few months.
Good thing you're at least trying to improve
yeah but i want to use the new servants i rolled lol
That's a fair point, I suppose.
This game is for tired japanese salarymen that only have time to play on the train home
retards like you need not to apply
I didn't like it, and I'm concerned about the ending after this chapter dropped. It feels as if Nasu completely lost it and is trying to sabotage the game.
What are the chances this game gets an online port after EoS like Capcom did with their Megaman mobage? All the stories written for this game suddenly being erased from existence sounds wasteful.
Not doomposting btw.
Probably some brainrotted waste of air who somehow has max bond castorias and splurges to 10/10/10 every servant they have and also participates frequently in the Sphere Grid waste of time bullshit.

I practically only play every Summer and just log in then out everyday and my mats look nothing like that. You give more effort and commitment to this waste of time than its actually worth if your mats look anything like that.

There ARE better and other games out there. This shit shouldnt even be close to being something you have a discussion of resources over.
Extremely low.
I don't think Aniplex gives enough of a shit about that and Lasengle isn't good enough to code it.
Your best option is hoping that they keep on shitting out Manga/Anime adaptions.
As an NP5 Luvia haver in NA, reading this eases my worries that I'd have to go out of my way to grab Kenshin.
absolutely zero
does DW feel like a company that either cares or is competent enough to do that? do you think aniplex gives a single fuck about maintaining the game after the money dries up?
not to mention nasu has a whole fetish about "you gotta move on :^)" that he'll happily oblige to follow the totally subversive and courageous idea to shut down the game and delete the stories forever.
That's the thing though. In the last several years, the heroes and good guys of FGO's story chapters flopped, while the villains and bad guys get more attention.
It's as if the villains in Fate are usually more interesting or more entertaining than the heroes.
Maybe, fans want to be evil or want evil Guda.
Maybe, you kind of want a new Fate work now where the MC is just evil.
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The last adaptations we got flopped badly I don't think it's worth it for them
>Everything he's made on the last decade has been lukewarm received,especially stuff related to Extra
>Lists LE and Extella
Anon... While both of those had his input both were not made by Nasu they were made by Sakurai. To elaborate Last Encore he wrote an outline(ie the equvalent of a napkin scribble) and gave to Sakurai to make into a script for an anime and Extella he very clearly writes Alteras route and Sakurais portion is again the issue there. Its not him.
Eh I just hit less than 200 gold Caster gems myself I could see how he'd run out. They're easily the most used skill gem in the game.
Hopefully. There hasn't been a single lotto event for the entire year since they were too busy jerking off to collabs.
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>Series Composition: Kinoko Nasu
>Hikaru Sakurai (eps 1-10)
>Kinoko Nasu (eps 1-10)
Because they knew better than to resort to another pew pew mindless action sequence. It was a battle of the heart, not of the brawn.
They knew not to resort to pointless clap and had soul back then.
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No Free Quest nodes? How am I supposed to farm up last minute SQs like this
I appreciate Apocrypha for being sort of like a Grail War played straight. Nasu is already obsessed with playing the subversion card so much, he did it on the FIRST route of FSN, literally on the very route that sets up the basic premise of the setting of the FSN world and the Holy Grail War. Nasu then proceeded to shit all over it right away.
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>Series comp
The napkin scribble
The napkin scribble had words
Not that hard to figure out. Literally he told us on his blog that he wrote something out for LE and said fuck it take it Sakurai handle LE for me and that poorly received mess from the person who wrote Rome is what we got.
Sakurai did 9/11 and hid the remote of my TV.
Man it's really weird when you put it like that but you're not wrong, Apocrypha is the closest to a Grail War played straight. Despite introducing the Ruler class, having one faction be run by a renegade Servant who wants to hijack the whole war to give everyone the Third Magic (which is somehow bad despite simultaneously being humanity's long term goal) and the other faction being run by a madman who wants to fuse with a vampire just to prolong his bloodline, it really was the least subverted Grail War.


Time for your other kusoges.

"I must make Sakura even STRONGER and COOLER", probably
Then just manga, those are going well enough from what I see.
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dumb retard rabbit
>over an hour without a post
Hello? We just got a new fucking chapter
jews did it
Hiroshimoot pulled the plug
Is your favorite popular enough to appear outside of FGO?
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Me and my senpais
Maybe Boudica just kinda liked it.
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Reverse mating press
Sometimes i feel like Sakurai gets fucked over by Nasu giving her the vaguest fucking instructions and refusing to give further detail.
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Stats are a meme
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>thought I'd speedrun the summer event for some SQ before it's gone
>need to farm to progress the story
Literally why, what would I buy in the shop anyways, mats for the servants I don't have? What reason does it have for gatekeeping me from doing the only thing people care about in the game? Why do I even play this shit again? This game doesn't respect your time at all. Was I just spoiled by all these other games without this mind numbing grind? inb4 just use FGA
Kinda having a bit of an existential crisis at the moment.
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Should honestly just give OC3 it's own gacha after Part 3's release. A summer gacha with a 5* that's not even wearing any swimsuit is retarded.
>b-but Golden BB's final ascension illustr-
Shut up retard, if it's not in the sprite, it doesn't fucking count
Because you LITERALLY had 2 months to get done with it.
So at this point, yes. Just use FGA.
Alternatively you can just wait until it gets added to the RP shop as a MI
OC3 should be hated honestly for what it did. Not the characters within, but the chapter itself. Just how hard was to make OC3 first, THEN go into Summer so it can feel like an actual "You deserve this"
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>napkin scribble
This is such a weird thing to lie about when Nasu literally published his original scenario draft.
Sakurai's job wasn't expanding a napkin into a full story, it was condensing a VN-sized behemoth into a single cour.
Not the point, genius. Why do you need to FARM to get through the event story? I don't care if the event is 2 weeks long or 2 months, why are they forcing you to space your story progression with inane boring shit, when timegates are already a thing and worked just fine without this point bullshit?
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BB Cosmo's space suit is supposed to be fashioned after a swimsuit as well.
>Huh? You think this looks like a swimsuit? That's intentional. It's summer, and not any summer, a summer in Dubai. Swimming in the sea is fine, but you should also try swimming in space. It can be scary before you get you used to it, but I can teach you everything you need to know about it.
>hakunon: hey sexy, come here often?
Nasu is still responsible for how bad Last Encore was.
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when the fuck I'd be able to NP5'd the Hakunos?
>Why do you need to FARM to get through the event story?
Because it's a game and they want you to deal with the game parts too, it's convenient for them this way.
The natural AP you'd get between each timelock is also enough to get the necessary points so if you were doing on time you wouldn't even have to use apples.
Hugging BB in space while swimming in the sea of stars!
I still have 1200+ saplings
Did you just start playing FGO? Practically every event requires farming to progress. The only event this entire year that didn't have a point or mission requirement to progress the main story was white day.
nice headcanon
t.newfag casual shitter, fuck of back to alter, retard
Stupid retard
You can NP5 one of them right now provided you have enough FP.
>C-come on guys! You like Mash right? She's even here to help you in the final fight of the OC!
>W-what do you mean she still just eats up a slot in the party of a long fight? And her skills aren't actually useful in this fight?
I swear, they need to understand that Orthinax Mashu is NOT useful in these fights, she is and remains a drag in every single fight except super Arjuna.
And thats purely because you need taunters that will die.
I need Guda to be the most important character in all of Fate and I need every cool character to love Guda or else I'll explode
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Event story nodes have gameplay elements in them too, bro and are much more engaging just by virtue of stages occasionally being somewhat different than your usual braindead NP spam loop, with unique stage gimmicks and bosses, etc
I've played this game for over 6 years now. Maybe I'm just jaded and all of the game's various frustrations are adding up and make me question why I even play it in the first place, especially now that I have a lot of mobile games to compare it to. Or maybe the content's pace has gotten so slow that I'm gradually losing investment in this game with no good content to soothe my burnout. As I said, kind of an existential crisis. I've already been on a semi-break for like half a year or however long it's been since OC2 and ngl, coming back feels bad.
I want to swim in space with the bit
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>The Hakus had the Bryn's Beloved trait
Why wouldn't they?
We know Tez
Guda is the MC of this game, and is not like
>MC that is just intermediate of many characters like sensei in BA
Nasu pretty much made him his own character and I really would prefer if they keep developing him. Nothing against Mashu, but she is the main deuteragonist, making so many teases like
>the opening songs, etc
>what Tonelico said to her that eventually devolved into nothing
>LB7 not achieving anything
>Nasu delaying her development
>all the theories about how she will be the only one to survive/ascend/the one to fix everything
All while Guda gets the entire middle finger and suffering, and at the end he may not achieve anything at all feels like a very dickish move, Nasu brand, and I absolutely hate it.
Why not throw some light to him? Tonelico said that he may not save the world, but he will definetly save someone important, Rasputin say that at some point he will lose everything, but at the same time, regain everything. Those shits happens during non-main chapters, meanwhile Mashu gets main chapter "tease" that Nasu keeps delaying?
Are you retarded, EOP?
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Part 3 is Gudaway’s Flash, ending with his execution by firing squad.
I'm not Tez. You are.
I'm on the Double Hakuno fight, her Defense ups can't stop their NP and the only realistic source of AOE Dodge tanks I have are skill based.
Meaning I have to DOT them down with Marie alter for a last minute rush as she's got AoE drain OR I'll have to use summer Skadi.
i have no idea what you're even talking about, come back when you learn english
If I'm Tez then you're bit
Nigga you don't know what the title Series Composition means>>495656545
>Event story nodes have gameplay elements in them too, bro and are much more engaging just by virtue of stages occasionally being somewhat different than your usual braindead NP spam loop, with unique stage gimmicks and bosses, etc
I know but they actually make more money with the grinding stages (from retards, obviously)
Stuff like people rolling for shops CEs to finish faster, or rolling high NP levels to use the same servants vs high HP grinding stages.
The grinding before the end of the story also gives a push forward before the actual "worthy" stages unlock so that more casual players can just pick what they need and some of them may get roped into grinding the rest because they end up thinking "I'm already halfway done so I may as well do the rest of the ladder/shop".
Of course if, like you said, you don't have servants you want to use the mats on, you feel much less invested into actually playing this.
I too feel the same when my luck swings the bad way, and trust me that when it does for me then it swings the bad way for half a fucking year.
A new Translation was shit why do you keep spamming it
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>my gookgame filter activated
The peruvian can't shut the fuck up about his obsession with it as always.
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Which servants other than Melusine and Archetype Earth have 80+ charges?
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It wouldn't be so bad if the game had a sweep function but I just know that they won't add it because extracting money from retards that roll for "-1 click more efficient looping comp" is how they make a big chunk of their profits, and not because it's in their vision for the game or whatever retarded excuse they brought up last time they were asked for NP skip. I'd rather have one difficult stage that you can then sweep after you beat it rather than farming the same exact stage with the same exact comp, using the exact same series of button clicks. It's all so tiresome
Douman and Crane
Medea, regular Nito and her Alter, and Circe
Go there, pick 100%+ and 80%
I fully agree, this is simply a grave that the playerbase digged themselves in while trying to get away from the developer's incompetence.
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Why would I swim in space with myself?
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She's not a forced support, EOP retard
You're so stupid and embarrassing that you should install the alter version and fuck off to that threat and stay there
>▶Welfare Servant: 4* Moon Cancer Kishinami Hakuno (Male and Female). These servanst will be featured in the FP Gacha in October's Event (you must clear OC III).
Someone need to correct this. It was never a welfare.
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Gives you a Rare Prism instead of 3 Quartz on final ascension
Oh thank fuck, Saw that menu and autopiloted into assuming she was a forced support.
I spam it because it’s gives me cute ideas
Sounds like cope to me
>ascension mats still are the normal mats instead of event mats
>extra copies from FP gacha instead of event quests
Will they take part in the event? Otherwise why the hell did Nasu go out of his way to kill them off?
Nasu gotta Nasu, I dunno.
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Sex with Okita
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Guda has a feeding fetish? what the fuck is that face
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You mean MY Nero Bride, MY Tamamo, MY Altera, MY BB, and MY Liz?
Doesn't matter because (You)'re (Me).
Now bend over.
>OC2 has super dantes because lolavenger

>OC3 has super bb because mooncancer

>OC4 will probably have super jeanne or amakusa because lol ruler

>No super Melt to represent alterego for OC1… they didn’t even use her in oc3 so what gives
Is plugging in Koyanakaya for Space Eresh a meme? I feel like Oberon is just better. The CDR on her S3 feels kinda tacked on (for looping at least), but I guess she's more of a CQ unit than a dedicated looper.
I'm sure Takeuchi confirmed a new Jeanne not drawn by him in Famitsu.
WHERE does he say exactly that?
Hope you liked Super parvati
Of course, how else do you think the girls get those embers?
The CDR is challenge quest shit unless you go all the way and get Append 5 + Atlas outfit to use her skills again on the 3rd turn.
Obviously that doesn't work without double Castoria and near max investment in NP levels, stats and fous.
Guda has a mecha fetish
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>not drawn by him
come on october, come faster i need your news so i can at least see if is worth it or not the wait, cause this summer was a travesty
He doesn't say it outright of course but there is definitely something coming
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>Anon... While both of those had his input both were not made by Nasu they were made by Sakurai.
Nasu literally BRAGGED in his blog about his masterpiece both Extella and LE. Extella Sakurai's credits are only in the SIDESTORIES.
You can't make shit up, stop scapegoating Sakurai when Nasu's the one with the shit concepts and sci-fi ideas.
I read this and it was even worse and more retarded than what was condensed in LE. Nasu also got pissed off with Shaft for things he couldn't do: write a reasonable script.
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>Install Bluestacks because LDplayer was running slow
>Was fine the first day, but now there are ads on one side of the screen
Wtf, bros. Is there a way to remove these? Alternatively, do you guys have any advice on getting LDplayer to run better?
Oh, I think I remember. The tattoo thing?
Nevermind. I'm retarded.
wrong general
Interesting he ignored your answer. And he ignored the fact (as we know for years) Sakurai's contribution to Extella was the Sidestories. OC3 hackery served to expose Nasu's true colors, like how Sakurai denying Nasu's stupid as fuck "make them data lost" advice exposed Sakurai's in OC2. This general is healing from trying to turn her into somehow FGO writers Angra Mainyu.
Bros... What do I even do in F/GO now that there's no timelock opening up in two weeks?
Is daybit popular with the otomes?
Touch yourself at night.
>All while Guda gets the entire middle finger and suffering, and at the end he may not achieve anything at all feels like a very dickish move
This is on par with male characters and protagonists. They must suffer so the heroine/female lead and subheroines are fine.
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playable... when....
Sex WITH the City
I just want the 30M DL campaign, come on now.
He's more popular with fujos
QP grind
XP grind to restock second record
Grind phoenix feathers and onyx knives because fuck em
Can somebody remind me what was up with Chink Liz?
>Playable Odin
>Playable Aphrodite
>Playable Ishtar (true)
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Maybe because being dead is why they can be a Servant. Did you forget most of them are dead?
She's mine though
EoR Jeanne Alter (real) probably. They can recycle her sprite. Doesn't mean she's going to be a new Servant. Likely a costume.
Come to think about it, her boyfriend Master went to Hell. Wouldn't surprise me if he appears. Don't forget his and her scenario were confirmed as Higashide's.
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He's definitely the most otome popular Crypter with Kadoc. Plenty even draw him as rival.
TezDayTez (whatever) is still popular just like KadoAna, but Gudako shipping is pretty big too. Unlike Kirsch who is mostly shipped with Caenis.
wtf is this real
>Saint Germain. Fate/Strange Fake.
>with his special clairvoyance, he essentially meet "the last master in a bleached earth, someone evil but innocent, or rather, someone ordinary who got caught up on it"
Who is this guy?
can we go back to 2015 or 2014
Very normal
Mashu had one character arc that keeps getting delayed.
Yeah but you know what Nasu said about not using characters that already passed in the story..
If only.
Nasu will never ever retire a single character because he's a hack
Not possible with how many quaternaries joined through this kusoge. Tmitter was the last great thing Type moon cooked up.
Except base Artoria
Fuck off Turdmamofag that's why nobody likes you shitters
This city ain't big enough for the both of us
It's literally describing Guda.
She still show up in Accel Zero collab.
Show your lvl120 City or you're legally forced to leave
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The time right before FGO was released was the best

After that things quickly started going south
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My senpais (True)
Ok bros, summer is over no new OC character released so I can finally roll
Which rate up is better "Ciel" or Summer BB?
Narita absolutely had a point. Once your shit ends up in a gacha game, the rabid fanbase will pull it apart, rip it to shreds, and drain any amount of serious engagement that could have been had. These sorts of games are irreverent in their usage of source material and you can bet your ass that if, say, Hippolyta or Alcides showed up they'd have things about their characters twisted or spoiled. If they don't spoil certain things about them, then you're likely going to see an incomplete version of their character anyway, so no one gets to be fully happy unless you just don't care about the actual character or source material.
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Maybe that's why fgo was successful? The universe need to give an example for "how not to treat your games" and shit what better example than one that has a lot of fans despite not being that big
There's no particular point, moral or otherwise, to be learned from anything, anon, much less F/GO. Grow up.
>Once your shit ends up in a gacha game, the rabid fanbase will pull it apart, rip it to shreds, and drain any amount of serious engagement that could have been had.
Right that's what happened to enkidu I'm sure

The amount of headcanon people here make up about what the writers are thinking is crazy
I'd say Ciel unless you still don't have a dedicated arts looper at this point. I like the versatility she has with S3 and some buster star absorb. Being able to take care of 3 low HP targets or 1 high HP target at will is nice.
We have known for over a month OC3 would have no new character and you waited this long?
holy sex
Jannu of course, at the end of OC2 Jalter says to Jannu "I hope you can win".
Then Jannu is one of the most famous figures of humanity while Amakusa is not even a real saint
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>Schizos PROJECT themselves over the main writer
>Hippolyta or Alcides showed up they'd have things about their characters twisted or spoiled.
No? Atm Hippolyta has no spoilable moments. Also never really had them. She's way less dependant on the narrative than say Jack. Same as Alcides you don't need to have him use everything in the anims, King's Order is modular.
it's specially hilarious these faggots think being in FGO is suddenly a death sentence to those characters when many, MANY popular characters from other fate stories got their popularity from FGO itself
No one cared about Yui before they gave her the sexy outfit
>Once your shit ends up in a gacha game, the rabid fanbase will pull it apart, rip it to shreds, and drain any amount of serious engagement that could have been had.
Maybe Nasu and the other FGO writers should try handling their own material with even a modicum of tact and reverence, instead of whatever the fuck stories like OC1 and OC3 are supposed to be. Or failing that, don't do clapshit at all and focus on making new material.
How are they supposed to make new material when Nasu says they’ve already run out of historical figures to make into servants bro…
You're kidding right. Apocrypha's grail war hi-jacked and turned into something else. The closest to a grail war played straight were Zero and Extra. Both remained straightforward from start to finish. The difference is that the "grail" was unattainable.
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Historical figures we get now are constantly flops
>Historical figures we get now are constantly flops
Because historical figures we get now are obscure chink deities inhabiting the bodies of the TM online store mascots from 15 years ago, and men
Hakunon smashed Emiya's head with a steel chair. Conceptual STR advantage.

She would probably beat him in a fight
In your ass, mouth, AND pussy.
In that order
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>historical figures we get now are obscure chink deities
I didn't knew Andromeda and Cagliostro were chinese.
It's crazy that TM pull off some literal whos when Greek mythology alone still contains enough potential servants for years.
They are still flops regardless
greek mythology has been treated well if you think about it. even the whole mecha thing is meant to make them special, and it's been nearly fully explored unlike near all other pantheons
One is a man and the other is the third sin that FGO constantly commits and that's Valentines cuckshit
Fragments' super straightforward. Beast is a non-factor basically.
>One is a man
90% of heroes are men
Manaka existed, anon
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>wants historical servants
>complains about men
AND? She's Illya + Medea.
Just genderbend them
/fgog/ still defending FGO in 2025
Just come out of your closet and stop thinking about penises.
>Saying this
>On a franchise that's literally popular because of genderbend king arthur
Is Dantes the only OC that became popumar without being attached to "please clap"
He is attached to clap.
He has an audio fight scene with Roa.
Not even close. Ilya and Medea still operate within a stable framework. Manaka bent the entire war around themselves. In practice, she was much effective than her servant. She was too much of an abberant.
Yes? His first appearance was in FGO.
Yeah I remember that time in the Count of Monte Cristo where Dantes fought a vampire and burnt his soul with his magical flames and then had an encounter with the Count of Cagliostro, his lifelong arch-nemesis.
They were never going to genderbend Cagliostro for obvious reasons.
the count of monte cristo is not an original character. i would call you a burger but not even they are so uneducated. what did you mean by this
He was bound to failure because of the other one
In that case literally everyone is an OC (this is true but people don't want to admit it).
Strange definition of OC.
They didn't need to GB Cagliostro.
They just needed to write him in an interesting way.
Isn't one of them
OC2 > OC1 > OC3
I always thought that OC in the context of FGO meant "first appearance happened in FGO and not some other TM work".
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Cagliostro is an easy character to write. Just make a devious, self-indulgent, and smarmy bastard who's in love with the game for the sake of it. Fixating on any one person spoils the fun
I hate Takeuchi so god damn much
Remember when they did that just for laughs/fanservice without some convoluted reason?
Here's your swimsuit Lipgags.
OC is original TM character instead of a figure rooted in legend
Melt and Ciel are OC
Oberon and Tiamat are not
I will forever kneel to Takeuchi
Basically Merlin but against us. A sociopath Pretender who always keeps everyone guessing
this is the same franchise that has a genderbend king arthur, everybody is a fucking OC you autistic niggers
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Hakunon should be a 5* welfare servant
No, she's literally Illya + Medea in terms of feats. She's a super strong Master that hijaks other Servants. She's not on BB or Kiara level of onscreen bullshit.
FGO OC obviously means the character appeared in FGO first
Oberon has nothing to do with the actual Oberon so he is an OC
He was popular before that. Nasu attached CLAP to make Clap popular.
yeah pretty much.
a genuinely evil merlin is just all you needed. but instead of illusions, he'd be using item creation (fake),
This OC will be the less relevant of the 4
thats usually Higashide
Hassans are the worst OCs in Fate.
Rome? Unimportant? In FGO?
Rome? Where the Vatican is? In TM?
not Nero related
Can't be less relevant than OC1
Chaldea vs the Burial Agency
kinda wish we had a random Church representative in Chaldea since part 1
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>if she still reaching for her star, which is Hakuno.
If she still reaching for her star, which is [HEADCANON]
OC1 fixed the shadow border. What did OC3 accomplish? Made BB stop being a retard?
*until next summer
It looks cool
the 3rd Summer BB...
Still a MoonCancer
I imagine the opposite
>Lip's arms are called Love Temple Mechanism
Oberon has the data of Phh Oberon and behaves like him. The whole fiction hating reality is from him, according to Nasu. This fucked the Abyss Insect when his function was to off that fantasy.
Do you consider Alcides an OC?
Absolutely impossible.
Not because it will cover anything important but because every oc has already been the total, unsurpassable nadir of relevance.
should've gone with Iphicles but she's his sexy imouto now
If it resolves Holmes it's the most relevant of the 4
The alter servants are inherently OCs.
You take the original hero and intentionally rewrite part of the story
Who is the least OC hero in Fate?
And why is it Chiron?
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>Took me a 1M FP to NP5 the squirrel
They should let you do a 100 roll in that pool, it gets really annoying after a while.
FP pity doko
>OC1 fixed the shadow border
It invented a problem that didn't exist beforehand and spent all its time revolving around that instead of exploring anything meaningful to the ongoing Chaldea conflict.
Granted, OC1 isn't at all alone in this, it's a consistent pattern across all of them.
Gawain maybe?
The OCs are an exploraton of the classes. Of course we didn't know the issues. You asked what it resolved, that's what it resolved.
OC2 resolved Guda's mental trauma as well as some Heian Kyo new plot points.
So what did OC3 resolve? Pretty much nothing.
FSN Bedivere.
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Cosplaying as Protea Alter is just dressing as a BDSM dungeon worker when you think about it.
>You asked what it resolved
>OC2 resolved Guda's mental trauma
OC2 is almost entirely about -inducing- mental trauma so Dantes can determine if he can privately adopt him into his retarded class theme crusade.
And when that fails only then does he bother finishing up his self-appointed janny duties. Only to nearly fail at that too because, again, Cag conveniently happens to have fused into his brain somehow.
>as well as some Heian Kyo new plot points
Not a soul cares
Could the chapter at least provide an explanation as to what an Apostle even is and why Cagliostro suddenly interprets it as a duty to directly assault the Chaldean Master? Something that none of the other Apostles have ever really concerned themselves with?
>So what did OC3 resolve? Pretty much nothing
Three for three on the filler arc being complete wastes of time that can't even measure up to fellow filler chapter Traum.
Have you seen how many extra class servants we've gotten this year? Those love to eat skill gems from various classes, it's not that strange if Anon has rolled a fair bunch this year and gotten a few caster appends too.
>up to fellow filler chapter Traum.
Traum at least had holmes killing himself
Definitely a highlight of the LBs for better or worse
Hey buddy, I think you’re in the wrong board. The leather board is two threads down.
Achabros, is Hakunon really strong enough to pin down and rape him??
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>get bond quartz
>multi only gives CEs for golds
Can't even be happy about the MLB 5* CE, I already have both Black Grail and Sign of a Smiling face at 100
Even the slurpest Nips are literally confused about Nasu's shit in this event. He did go full retard.
I don’t think about Nasu’s lore. I think those in BL and other type moon lore enthusiasts are wasting their time contemplating the Nasuverse.
Kadoc also wakes up and becomes loyal to Guda.
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The story was a simple "stranded in the future, defeat the bad guy to get back, protect the people while you're there" story, except the bad guy wasn't BB Dubai but Moon Cancer and there's a gauntlet of other opponents before getting there, all the stuff about Archetypes boils down to "hey, remember Chaldeas is a copy of a planet, it must have an Archetype too" and that's it. They way people drown in details missing the forest for the trees is honestly impressive.
>Begins to fly off with you attached to her
Should have wore a helmet.
>Greatest Alter Ego (Archer) Durga/Kali
>Greatest Avenger Dantes
>Greatest Mooncancer Golden BB
>Greatest Ruler Holmes
The thing is if the bad guy was Mooncancer why was Guda accepting that shit? It's so fucking stupid.
Because Mooncancer decides how humanity ends.
If you're stopping him, you're making the decision too.
The crux of Guda's hesitation, was if he had the rights to take that choice himself.
He's accepting the role of the class, not Men's Toilet McAncer.
I still haven't finished the last third of the summer ladder
So what’s the deal with the aftermath of Golden BB? I know that she’s a fusion of Dubai BB and Chaldea BB in the story, but Dubai BB returned back to whatever she was before assuming BB’s appearance. What’s the explanation for Chaldea BB and Golden BB?
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>EMIYA's "Oh no, SHE'S here" reaction if you picked Hakunon
>Charlie is shocked and openly comments on how they're just letting anyone become a servant now
>Gilgamesh is actually happy to see Hakuno around, and even laments that he couldn't be there to see them transcend into a new human
>Hakunon copies Gilgamesh's goofy laugh for his attack
For how much FGO fucks everything up, they do still know how to get it right on occasion
Why don't Nero, Tamamo, and Altera have lines for them?
She's not in Chaldea bro. not every servant you roll is. Draco officially stayed in her lane.
You know why.
>So what’s the deal with the aftermath of Golden BB?
She returns to Chaldea
>but Dubai BB returned back to whatever she was before assuming BB’s appearance
Not as a BB, she became some sort of automatic entity.
BB Dubai as a BB remained with Chaldea BB as a sort of "alternate mode".
>What’s the explanation for Chaldea BB and Golden BB?
They fused, like how Chaldea BB absorbed BB/GO data. Except this time whenever she takes BB Dubai appearance she also takes her personality and memories I suppose.
Nasu doesn't want Melt to overshadow more Servants, especially other Sakurafaces. Even if it doesn't make sense narratively for her not to help when she had two OCs to do so. Notice how they keep coming up with excuses for her not to appear. First, because they needed to shill Kama. Now, because they need to shill BB.
>Not as a BB, she became some sort of automatic entity.
That’s what I was referring to, in a sense.

>BB Dubai as a BB remained with Chaldea BB as a sort of "alternate mode".
So kinda like her “outer god” summer form?
>They fused, like how Chaldea BB absorbed BB/GO data. Except this time whenever she takes BB Dubai appearance she also takes her personality and memories I suppose.
so I take it that it’s pretty much Chaldea BB larping like her summer form?
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Here you go.
With this "upgrade", FGO BB also turned a little more Morgan-like since she asks (You) to only use her as a Mooncancer and is jealous that SpEsh has a "love bar" where she becomes (You)r girlfriend during battle according to her lines.
Giant thanks. Can you also provide the Morgan-esque bit you were referring to?
>That’s what I was referring to, in a sense.
To be more precise, they basically repurposed Last Slot the robot as a "BB Dubai" copy.
>So kinda like her “outer god” summer form?
No. Think it like Arcueid.
BB Dubai is her own thing. BB Cosmos/FGO BB is another.
Golden BB is a fusion of the two, consider her a BB who is two years older than usual.
>so I take it that it’s pretty much Chaldea BB larping like her summer form?
There are hints in her lines that it might be just FGO BB faking it but nothing more than conjecture.
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"Munkya"/ムンキャ is Mooncancer ( class ).
Once again, giant thanks! Is it safe to say that Golden BB is conveying Chaldea BB’s true feelings per se? Kinda like Space Ishtar’s third form?
Not sure if the last line is talking about the My Room or her bond CE
According to her Bond 5 yeah, she's being honest about it.

She's talking about "My Room" aka (You)r room.
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>reading the latest pointless chapter of Filler Call
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Dear /fgog/, I've kidnapped your BB, if you want her back you ought to give me 1B QP and a thousand blank servan coins or else she'll get it.
Post-Ordeal Call antagonists are probably going to be 3 to 7 Servants who are CHALDEAS' Grands.
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Alright give me a minute or two time to burn 1000 blank servants
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Huh, what did Nasu mean by this?
Please take her as far away as you can.
how much do you want to keep her indefinitely?
Have fun waiting forever
Take her the remaining sakurafaces while you are on it
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It's almost a running joke, at this point. Is Passionlip going to be the main girl of the Halloween event?
Nah, that's Liz.
>I dislike black holes. Especially those worm holes couples use for transportation in dates. Why is that Noble Phantasm allowed?

>The open path is a distorted region extending towards the end of space, through which the history of humanity, up to its end, flows as photon information. It is impossible to defy or survive this flow. When the Noble Phantasm is deployed, any nearby enemies will be engulfed and killed.
Possibly a black hole.

>Only those guided by Anki-Ereshkigal can reach the radiant end within this path.
Possibly Master.

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Yeah BB is extremely jealous of Ereshkigal in her lines
I can’t wait for BB’s valentine scene desu. I’m banking my money on Nasu making a love rivalry with Ereshkigal.
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Rate summer 9
I think pretending that OC3 is a Summer Event so they didn't have to do both is indicative of a certain callousness
That's the Archetype, not Hope
Needed more Lip love...
mid af
I hope the next one is better
>next one
How do we tell him?
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Alcides is literally OW THE EDGE Coldsteel the Hedgehog OC donut steel in it's purest form.
Somehow still better than 7.
I'll be honest with you, most servants would count as OCs even if they have a mythological name.
They're literally "gimmick first; historical name second"
Mid overall
Not even a Lipfag but bullying the shit out of her and her fans because sHe'S a mAsOcHiSt is reprehensible

Timeline time

>The final gen 2 AI last slot was built in 2400 with a battery that lets her live for 100,000 years.

>Last slot was deactivated by human Beckman

>200 years later a copy of BB data from another timeline was pasted over last slot and she became BB Dubai.

>Archetype is made and not launched.

>She watched the humanity die off in 2999 and when the pruning process was about to come rebooted the gen 3s and started the election.

>OC3 happens

>BB Dubai is defeated by us and Cosmos fuses into her to make golden. She is basically Cosmos if she was 2 years older.

>Golden materializes the pruning process and we kill it.

>Golden ejects last slot into another vessel in Dubai afterwards to spend her remaining 99,400 years watching over the now unpruned timeline.

>Golden transforms back to black coat outfit and heads back to Chaldea and will stay with us until the end.
Beowulf facetanking all kinds of cruel and unusual abuse was nice
He kept everyone company for two months until the skippable fillershit finally ended, what a true chad
Oc4 will have the Leonidas animation update and Mars pseudo for sure bros
So basically BB Golden is our Chaldea BB with a more mature mindset as I take it.

○ Personality (Golden BB)
BB, the devilish heroine, has now become a goddess heroine as well. The best and worst traits of both sides have miraculously fused, resulting in a BB who is slightly more thoughtful, merciful, and composed than usual. It feels as though her mental age has increased by about two years.
The summer cast was mostly irrelevant besides the Hakunos, BB, the Sakura 5, Eresh and Bart of all fucking things. Edison is still annoying and unfunny turd that made me start skimping the minute he shows up. Didn't give a shit about Ciel and probably never will after this.
Overall, I remain unimpressed.
The 2 years is a reference to the "graduation", I guess.
If she was a underclassman, then she was either on the 1st or 2nd year of HS, and +2 years is enough to be about to finish school or right after.
I was a little afraid that Guda’s BB isn’t the same person like before lol. But she just simply fused with Dubai and outcomes BB Golden but she (can) transforms into her OG form. Basically, the same right?
The mooncancer is never described as being the thing that prunes the world. The world is pruned because humanity in that world created the mooncancer.
>BB is a JD now
Christmas cake.
As a summer event was serviceable but extremely lackluster
As a story chapter it has its moments but it's all introductory, vague shit
what you have here is a disjointed mess that constantly fights itself over what it wants to do. it's not the worst one as the bar is insanely low with 7,6 and 5. but it's still bad
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She fused with Dubai then kicked dubai out at the end.

So its more accurate to say she's returned to being OG but can transform into golden.
Not him but
Anon already said she unfused and placed last slot into another vessel at the end of the story. If anything the summoned version just recreates the appearance/personality of BB Dubai and golden BB, but she isn't those people anymore. I don't know if she kept any powers from the fusion, but she gave "BB Dubai" a new body to watch over humanity in the other world
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what the fuck is even the difference in the new lip costume
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Not eligible, she still has 6 years to go and she's a teen mom anyway.
And now that I think about it, this "+x mental years after ascension" is yet another thing she shares with Summer Eresh.
Christ, there's way too much overlap. At least they didn't copy paste the story beats between the two like what happened with Kuku and Olga.
The voice acting
Her lines
So Guda’s BB, got it. I don’t want things to get more complicated kek.
Background and battle lines
>final sparring with hakunos didn't end with hakuno and guda fist fighting
Hakunon ryona...
Fist fighting is reserved for "two heated rivals final battle to the death, both people are on the brink of death already, there are no hard feelings anymore, there are no winners anymore, just a desire to be the last one standing"
Yeah, it should’ve ended with a locker room wrestling match instead like was foreshadowed during the summer section and encountering them at the gym.
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The Extra world is two timelines down
alcides is an existing name and that's what he's "supposed" to embody so no
The timelines Hakuno came from weren't pruned, they just chose to come here for one last hurrah before dying of natural (cyber) causes.
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Let's all point and laugh at the Velber plot thread and the broader Extella series.
He IS Heracles alter in both position and situation
He just calls himself Alcidies because he rejects the name of the gods, as a way of symbolically rejecting the gods. He's not actually meant to be his younger self before he was called Heracles. He just purposefully chooses his human name over his godly name.
Not that bad but very anticlimactic, I don't see the point of dividing it into three parts since the whole story evolves in the last part and the whole tsukihime and servantverse thread is almost totally useless
>tfw we’ll never get to see Grand Saber Excalibur wielder Grug now
How do you think Guda feels when he walks down the hall and hears Hakuno having loud sex with all of the Extra servants
Even Gilgamesh
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I'll take the Hakuno Extella version even though I hated it initially as giving any validity toward that travesty is wrong, but if it means that the whole fucking thing will get buried and the Extraverse can start over under Kazuya's Production control then I'll fucking take it.
They pruned that plot thread in such a weird way it almost felt like they are keeping it open.
>Yeah it happened
>no we won't tell you why Altera isn't here
>we'll mention it once
>lmao buy extra record
Liz NO!
They are unambiguously Extella Hakuno due to altera and charlemange

If anything their connection to BB is questionable at best
Extella Hakuno wouldn't remember BB either way
Extella Link Hakuno had never met Archimedes but had Altera as his daughterwife.
Figure that shit out
I think they should have at least released a new OC challenge quest too alongside the new 90++ and 90** storm pods quests.
On that note, the 90++ one should have been a 90* one at least.
Extella and its consequences have been a disaster for the Extrakind.
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>Tamamo's route is dying happily alongside fox wife
seems good to me
>Extella is a sequel to an Extra route that doesn’t exist
>Extella Link is a sequel to an Extella route that doesn’t exist
Why are they like this?
Nasu has an aversion to continuity
The only answer is one that's hard to swallow, even though it's something we've known the entire time
Every "sequel" game on nasuverse isn't ever a direct sequel, but rather a sequel of an alternative timeline where similar events happened but was ultimately different

It's a tough thing to grasp because it's really stupid but if you look into every sequel game in TM, none of them are direct sequels
Ataraxia, a sequel to a non descript route that isn't one of the three main routes
Extella takes place after a timeline that Nasu describes in a blog but we never actually see
Even CCC isn't a direct sequel since in CCC timeline Run Ru summoned Liz rather than Vlad
Waver velvet case files, doesn't actually take place after an exact route. It's a route that has elements from certain routes but also doesn't
Fate/strange fake; also confirmed to not take place after any of the three known routes. I think Narita eventually confirmed it took place after some joke route or something.
Fate Zero and FSN technically don't line up based on what we're told in FSN

Nasu doesn't allow "direct" sequels as a way to avoid contradictions
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>Figure that shit out
I'm not gonna waste the energy to figure anything out with so much bullshit surrounding it all. Nothing makes sense. Don't think.
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Her route in Extella doesn't end in Hakunos soul dying. It literally is the only route along the shitty True Route that goes on indefinitely as seen in the credits. Only Nero's and Altera's routes get cutoff prematurely.
Am I looking to much into this or is Kiara saying that Beast of Depravity must come after Beast of Pleasure?
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They get past the quantum timelock, but I thought that the implication was they'd survive until velber came along
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You think if Nasu asked him that Taniguchi would head a Fate anime project or do you think Goro is a bit too independently minded for it?
If it actually happened how based could he manage to make it?
I interpreted it as they figured something out along the line else the route would've been cut off.
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Still waiting for chocoan's 5th foggsu daki.
I can feel it coming. The collection needs to grow.
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Why do they keep Velber hidden anyways? Can we actually have a story about killing it instead of offscreen zzz.
They're either softly confirming
>there will be an Extella conclusion, stay tuned
>there won't be an Extella conclusion. Should've paid up, chucklefucks
IE, they're keeping it in their back pocket
Nasu has the writer equivalent of ADHD.
i really, really hope extra record is amazing for how long it's been in development hell
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I can't wait to fight the Musashi hidden boss
Or the Nobbu hidden boss
Or the neco Arc hidden boss
Or the mashu hidden boss
I hope there are some new Servants
any spin off can go to hell
cute kaiju
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From dragon to a hors.
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with those graphics...
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Can servants defeat Fujotsu Kaisenman?
Why did you guys say Guda accept Mooncancer? He literally rejected it with scorn. And there's nowhere it says they became mooncancer. Mooncancer in general is a bad thing. That was the conclusion. Why is it even around if not getting a pass from Nasu due to his bias? No wonder some nips are mad.

It's not just overseeing humanity's end but DENYING it. It's described as Humanity's jealousy and resentment.

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