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Previous: >>495616143

>Ordeal Call III: Neo-Primate Succession War, Archetype Inception:
●Event period: Aug 28~Oct 31 JST (2 Months).
▶NEW Limited Master Missions (~Oct 4): 10 SQ, 1 Crystallized Lore, 9 Stargazer's Teapots and 4 Silver Apples.
▶Login Bonus (~Oct 2): 5 Golden Apples, 10 Hellfire of Wisdom, 3M QP, 20 3*Fou-kun (10ATK, 10HP), 1 Footprint and 3 Stargazer's Teapots.
▶Welfare Servant: 4* Moon Cancer Kishinami Hakuno (Male and Female). These servanst will be featured in the FP Gacha in October's Event (you must clear OC III).
▶Moon Cancer will be added to the EXTRA I Class Score after clearing OC III.
▶Animation Update for Sesshōin Kiara.
▶Strengthening Quest for Kingprotea and Sesshōin Kiara.
▶Teapots expire October 31.

>Kyoto International Manga and Anime Fair 2024:
▶Present: 10 SQ.

>Kyomaf 2024 PU Summon:
●Sep 21~28.
5*Berserker Sen no Rikyū
4*Saber Saitō Hajime
3*Assassin Okada Izō
All limited

>Current Pick Ups:
●~Sep 27 JST.
5*Moon Cancer Archetype: Earth (limited)
●~Sep 29 JST.
5*Alter Ego Sesshōin Kiara (limited)
4*Saber Roland (permanent)
●~Oct 2 JST.
5*Moon Cancer C.I.E.L
4*Lancer Dobrynya Nikitich
4*Avenger Xu Fu
All limited.
5*Lancer Karna
4*Lancer Percival
Both permanent.
●~Oct 9 JST.
5*Moon Cancer BB Dubai
4*Moon Cancer Tenochtitlan
4*Foreigner Mysterious Heroine XX Alter
All limited.

>Pastebin for utility links:
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for me? it's selfcest
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i want to insert myself into hakuno
These are all AI art
Morgan is an ugly whore
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Great start to the new thread guys
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wait for him
I want the large HP bar back for bosses.
Next month is GudaGuda?
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Medea is an ugly whore
both morgan and medea are cute whores
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imagine going back to 2017 and posting that

Oh goody more servants for the NPC hell pile! I can't wait!
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Guda Guda? More like Bada Bada amirite
This is the year they rerun poster girl. Trust me, bro.
I hope so. this year was without question the single worst year this game had, it was nothing but fucking collabs
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They throw a lot of collabs, something is happening
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Please consider sex with the banana
they are adding as many TM characters as they can because the game is going to die soon
Sounds counterproductive
It is amazing, genuinely amazing, that there are actual posters in these threads desperately trying to rationalise Filler Call as anything except Lasengle treading water and the writers doing whatever the hell they want.
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I've considered and now i'm ready.
1 year left for proto gil
Fuck Protea
How? She's to big to be penetrable.
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Why won't they put out a second Fate gacha already, bros...? Mihoyo has shown it's possible to have multiple gachas running in parallel and still make money.
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Too big for fgog
Bold of you to assume Lasengle is as competent as Mihoyo
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Actually waiting on the FSN collab with Mihomo just to see what Saber, Emiya, and hopefully Gil look like with a competent developer. It'll be the first time since unlimited codes
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I volunteer to be the one unbirthed by Protea.
I mean...
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how the fuck you supposed to beat kiara invinciblity for ten turns bullshit
I hate Kiara but the new NP animation fucking ruined her NP. It's supposed to be her womb not in between her underboobs.
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She gets Invul pierce on NP and does bonus Anti-Evil damage.
Not to mention that if you have the Arjuna CE from...I think Christmas? you can give her an ANti-divine mod
Not really? Just because the game will end doesn't mean there's no point in Nasu adding what he wants before that end, if anything it fits with the stuff he wrote for Romani in the Garden of Dejection, get everything you want done before the game ends so you have no regrets.
Koyan Dark lmao
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Use the forced supports you seethe about.
Why did you guys say Guda accept Mooncancer? He literally rejected it with scorn. And there's nowhere it says they became mooncancer. Mooncancer in general is a bad thing. That was the conclusion. Why is it even around if not getting a pass from Nasu due to his bias? No wonder some nips are mad.

It's not just overseeing humanity's end but DENYING it. It's described as Humanity's jealousy and resentment.

Reposting. The entire thing would have made sense if the class disappeared. Nasu couldn't keep a consistent narrative because it meant erasing BB.
We're literally accepting Beasts at Chaldea and apparently Alaya is OK with it as an experiment. This is all nonsense, and Filler Call has never made any sense from the start.
The problem is that the entire thing established with Guda rejecting Mooncancer itself. So why are Mooncancer Servants around? He rejected Avengers and they had to fuck off.
this is not how you farm doors...
>"reject Avengers"
>Players would riot if OC2 ends with your Horta getting nuked so you get to keep all your Avengers as shadow summons
>Oh but uhhhhh here's a new Dantes you can summon even though you logically can't summon him in the story because you rejected the Avengers but so uhhhh NEW DANTES GET HYPE
>Also Servantverse Avengers don't count because haha funni, even though OC3 BTFO everyone assuming the Servantverse is just noncanon gags
>Also here's Marie Alter, who you can summon just because
Let's be real, the game didn't have the balls to let OC2 have any actual consequences.
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Moon Cancer and Mooncancer are different things, Moon Cancer is the big phenomenon that'd lead to the BB Dubai timeline getting pruned, Mooncancer is the BB class whose meaning (according to Golden BB bond 5) is "those who can't be equals to mankind, but still are friends of it" which doesn't fit in with Jinako but whatever. Also Guda never rejected the Avengers, he literally insisted they go with him to Antarctica and Dantes said it wasn't possible so they walked away on their own.
Playable mechanics aside, the class fucked off as story conclusion. So why didn't BB got to fuck off in STORY too? Make it make sense.
Day 4 of Georgie crying about BB again....
>Moon Cancer and Mooncancer are different things, Moon Cancer is the big phenomenon that'd lead to the BB Dubai timeline getting pruned, Mooncancer is the BB class whose meaning (according to Golden BB bond 5) is "those who can't be equals to mankind, but still are friends of it"
Literally spelled the same pal. There was never a distinction. BB's "definition" is cope.
Nasu thought the conclusion to OC2 was a bit extreme so it doesn't surprise me that OC3 didn't have something like that.
We're told that mooncancer are something to be overcome, but not necessarily an enemy.
Tell that to the writers then.
>"those who can't be equals to mankind, but still are friends of it" which doesn't fit in with Jinako but whatever.
Fat people are not human, therefore it still fits t. Nasu.
Don't get why the fuck did the "archetype" caused so much grief if they were going to shoot it up to another planet. So it wouldn't interfere ai humanity's prime species status on their turf? Isn't that what we did with koyan too? Unless humanity is the prime species of the UNIVERSE it makes no sense.
I bet you think the positioning of commas in sentences doesn't matter either.
Nasu wanted to make it even more extreme. He just nitpicks when his sluts are in danger of being affected, and you know it.

Avenger isn't an enemy too? Like the point was overcoming your hatred. So why are we taking this literal CANCER along?
>Moon Cancer and Mooncancer are different things,
NA definitely already fucked this up
Why did someone made it up that was the prunning system? It wasn't at all.
Or maybe you though the espadas went from 1 to 10?
>Nasushit sci fi jargon bullshit
>ever making sense
You're still here slurping Nasu's shit. Fuck off, Georgie.
Moon Cancer specifically is two words, while MoonCancer is one word.
I'm not loving how "responsibilities" and "duties" somehow define if you're kept around or not. Life isn't about that. How about happiness? How about affection? He seems framing that you need one to be around with Hakuno, Roman and Kirsch, Guda in the future too, since he's drinking that kool aid now. Which is nonsense when Mashu's song has this line:

>I was born into this world to live.
>There is no other definite reason.
>I don’t need a mission or a meaning.

So I guess her conclusion can be like that, but Guda isn't? Smells like heroine exceptionalism again.
Nasu's never been good or consistent in his themes.
Irrelevant. Just follow your duty and then die a miserable death.
Nasu seems to be the same as urobutcher in terms of that he doesn't believe in happiness and shit like that, except that he does believe for his person favourites and will try to find a way to show it
Fuck you Japan, I will NOT be a salaryman.
Me love Bit
Me not Tez
I don't give a fuck about those servants to be honest
Of course it's imouto
>A slut
>A whore
>"Anal doesnt count"
And othing of value was lost
>Unless humanity is the prime species of the UNIVERSE it makes no sense.
...isn't that what Goetia implied?
You're not fooling anyone Tez
What was it?
Funnily enough Hakuno's main conflict in Extra was not having a goal or wish for the grail, but surviving and living regardless of that fact. But it's been a while so I don't remember if that was the intent of the story.
Implying that no one loves Bit except Tez is pretty cruel sis
Kenshin-chan go brrrrrr
"I just did my job"
3* ruler
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The only conclusion I will accept for OC4 is the characters themselves coming to the realisation that Filler Call was a waste of time in-universe, and telling Alaya to fuck off.

(You) aren't even fighting for humanity's survival at this point, multiple characters have told you that you can't get the world back by resolving the Lostbelts because it doesn't work like that but you keep trying anyway because (you) want to live, which is fair enough, but the game tries to have it's cake and eat it by going "um...maybe a miracle will happen if you stick it out long enough??". That's a hell of a gamble.
Luvia suplex every Moon Cancer
Hello, /tg/.
Tez loves him the most
I find it vaguely funny nobody is suggesting Summer Melu even though she's theoretically the most obvious braindead choice
oh no
better burn all of them and exterminate all of the cuckparticles they're contaminated with
Space BB has buff removal, you are forced to bring her as support if i recalled.
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Enkidu? for me
I can see like, but love? At least wait for how Nasu handles them when Daybit is coming back. Worst case he breaks their connections like it never happened. Maybe Daybit becomes summonable but they don't even have line for each others. Which is very likely because you see how different Nasu treats their connection vs Caenis-Kirsch. Caenis mentions Kirsch a lot in mats/CEs/story outside of LB while Tez doesn't, that's how you know they're special, at the very least in Nasu's eyes as the writer of said characters
Didn't Nasu rewrite LB7 to make Tex more prominent? Definitely shows in how at various points in both LB7 and back when Tez was "Grand Berserker" it feels like Nasu can't decide how close they're supposed to be
Bros...Ciel is kinda growing on me even though I only rolled for her because her gameplay looked interesting. Would it be immoral to grail her?
Tez mentioned Daybit at last year's anni event iirc
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Same. Expect I don't have her yet and ran out of SQ.
Grail the Russian cat
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Remember when fgo was only nine hours long
You can't get through LB6 in 9 hours even if you're skipping all the cutscenes
>decided to make Tez more prominent
>Daybit initially planned to be the one revealing Holmes' identity, meaning that Daybit's role was supposed to be more important
Feels like Daybit was one of Nasu's favorite but then being replaced by Tez. I don't expect Nasu to care enough to keep their connection. Tez is his and the fanbase's favorite anyway, as long as he's in good terms with (You) everyone's gonna love him
Favorite of what?
It was a collective MAD from ai humanity wanting to off the archetype. Not the Pruning system.
butcher absolutely believes in happiness
>Daybit initially planned to be the one revealing Holmes' identity
When was this talked about?
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Do we have an equivalent of this for Hakunon?
Famitsu interview. He was going to reveal Holmes's true identity and there was going to be a battle against Holmes in LB7. All this changed because Takeuchi wanted Moriarty Lily to exist. Traum story was a different thing. It was some kind of French set story, afaik. So seems wasn't a .5 just an event.
That's why I'm convinced Avenger and Ruler OCs were already a thing but rather of OCs were events to finally get Tower Dantes out your head and Holmes' as enemy come back (if he's a focus of Ruler OC) since those are things that were foreshadowed for a while (Moriarty interludes for later). They made it about classes, and added hyper fillers of fillers to boot (Sakuraface shilling with plots that spurned out nowhere and were forgotten anyway). I don't think it was going to explain classes, it was going to wrap two subplots and they expanded it to this.
I mean Daybit's involvement.
This chapter death flags Guda so much.
Daybit was going to tell him Holmes is an Apostle when he infodumps about Chaldeas.
Well that was definitely not in famitsu.
>saberface beast
>rinface beast
Sakuraface next?
Bro, your Kama?
People say that every chapter.
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Good night
This one being written by Nasu and foreshadowing even if Guda's memories were gone, the feelings will remain. Guda's accepted to the idea of passing the baton and end which has previously objected for the "survival goal." I knew this direction was inevitable with Roman and Kirsch (and now Hakunos who accept dying after finishing their duties) are his role models.
>5 years hype just for a 5 minutes screentime because the writer got a new favorite
>said new favorite beat him in term of popularity as well
Screentime doesn't matter much to popularity
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>Using Teddy-san as an onahole
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>Explains to everyone how big of a masochist slut Kiara is
What did Nasu mean by this?
Its a really bold statement considering this is FGO and all.

But OC3 might be the single worst thing in FGO where the writer restates shit that happened 2 seconds ago.
The amount of recaps and explanations for things that JUST happened honestly was absurd.
His favorite was always Olga? What the fuck are you talking about.
Weird nobody complains about it, but yet get on Sakurai's case for being "repetitive."
Then why did he made a worse Olga in the same chapter to take away from Olga herself
That bored huh.
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Kuku is INFINITELY better than Olga in EVERY single metric, including playing xoqqer
raikouschizo uses facebook huh
Go back to cuckposting morgan or melusine
Lmao you wish
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>no argument
I accept your concession.
Ah you're the schizo my bad. I'm stopping here.
He would've been popular if he were a girl. Dandere angel pure girl with personality like a combination of Ayanami Rei and Yuuki Nagato would definitely sell
Daybit is popular. Tez, City and him are the most popular of the chapter.
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Daybit is only popular because of Tez
I'm convinced that if Crypters get the costume anni CEs but at the same time there's also Tez City and others, even those who ships Tez and Daybit most likely will only pick Tez and use the other ticket for their personal favorite
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>Save me Guda Ill help you no matter what you ask
>Guda asks her if she will really do anything
>She blushes and says within reason
What did Xu Fu and Guda mean by this do you suppose?
>mooncancers were useless in avenger oc
>rulers were useful in mooncancer oc
Predict if Avenger will be useful in ruler oc.
>Checks out the teams for the new OC free quest
>If you don't have Merlin, Vitch, and Ciel you can't clear it at all, not even in three turns, unless you have servants at 120 NP5
Yeah, I'll stick with one-shoting Galatea
Ishikawa has no range. Hakunon sounds exactly like Tonelico.
You're so annoying. I'm convinced you're an assmad yume because Tez has more art with him than Gudako.
You can say that to half of the famous voice actors and actresses desu.
Remember Rie whom gets shat on actually HAS range.
Sure, like Jouji, but his voice is trademark for being baritone villain or anti hero to go. But I don't understand why people creamed on generic moeblob seiyuu and praised her "performance." When she's flat and samey. She's no Hashibara or Sakamoto.
It's so easy to forget Xu Fu was actually in the chapter... summer servants really got robbed
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Blushu's tummy
taneda clears
Taneda also has range. It's not a competition. I think now Rie's Mashu's better because Taneda's portrayal was too emotional and strong when she's still figuring out herself.
Can someone summarize how we went from summer to oc3 how much of this shit is canon and when did it swap over from nonsense to actual plot?
I fucking hate Melusine, Nasu and especially Choco.
You forgot everything.
Different anon but to be fair you don't need to be a yume/fujo/etc to see that that's a fact. Daybit just get it slightly better than Izcalli. You can't really argue about not being playable either because Camazotz is one of the most popular of the cast and even rank first on last year favorite NPC poll while there's no Daybit or Izcalli
You don't like her of you'd refer to her as Mysterious Executor C.I.E.L
Daybit has triple the amount of entries as Batman on pixiv
>different anon
No, you're the same anon with a weird hateboner and fixation with him. You bring him up in every thread for this. It does bother you even Tez official artist draws him with Daybit and ignores Guda existence. Unlike Raita who draws his characters with Guda too. Just get over Tez is fujobait character and Daybit is his main partner.
>It's not a competition.
because taneda would win?
>I think now Rie's Mashu's better because Taneda's portrayal was too emotional and strong when she's still figuring out herself.
ok ESL
Yes actually
>No, you're the same anon
Im afraid you're talking to two different anons actually. Don't care about guda. 100% believe Tez carries Daybit. Daybit had his autism thing for a while with Kirsch until we actually got him with Tez. He's a fine character but Tez is the real star between them.
>not the same anon
>repeats exactly the same thing
Sure thing.

Anyway, Tez' anniversary ce last year voiced lines were directed at *Daybit* They are sold as an item.
>Just get over Tez is fujobait character and Daybit is his main partner
Yes...? Tez is fujo and yumebait but he's also popular by himself. We're talking about how Daybit popularity is something that's more like "oh he's the guy who gets along with that one popular character". When was the last time you actually see people who talk or make fanworks of Daybit that's not related to shipping?
No, you literally forgot everything other than you went to Dubai for vacay.
Whatever helps you sleep at night bro. You do realize you need to be popular to be paired in a fujo ship too? Not everyone with a dick would do. Or they'll use Gudao or Izcalli. They just don't like them enough.
You never ship a character you dislike or don't care with a character you do like. That's shipping 101.
>You never ship a character you dislike or don't care with a character you do like
Good if you never see these kind of people because I've seen a lot of them in other fandoms. They want something that can make interesting drama for their favorites. Mobs/random guys can't do that. They want someone close to their favorite to be their punching bag/hate sink and make their favorite being sympathized as much as possible.
Oh wtf. That's the explanation for real?
No. You don't get shippers at all. I think you need to actually read their manifestos and their gushing, for both guys (or boy/girl/girls involved) and stop getting fixated on daybit so much.
It's unhealthy.
Yes, BB locked your memories. It's below OC1 in relevance.
Ok sure, but you can't deny that Tez is much much more popular than him
I don’t think anyone has ever denied that? Of course the playable character is more popular than the NPC.
Tez is a playable Servant. A popular one. Daybit is a NPC with 5 minutes of screentime. He's already on route of being more popular than Brolga despite her shilling and screentime.

Why are you measuring a NPC with a playable character. I don't know, my dude. Measure him against other NPCS. He's already more popular than Kirsch and Pepe and his popularity is catching up to Kadoc. He's just a type of guy that WILL become popular as long as Nasu doesn't forget about him.
Cheap way of sidestepping summer. But servantverse is canon anyway, right? That where Ciel and Eresh are from?
I do have my ships, I know how most shippers behave, I just say that I've seen the kind of shippers that outright say they hate one of the character on their ships. I know favoritism is a thing, I just told you that there's case where they hate the others and personally I don't know why they even bother to ship them if they hate the other character that much, and it seems to be something pretty common right now especially in big anime fandoms or games like hoyo's
You're so weirdly obsessed with this.
Everything is canon. It's just irrelevant to the main story.
The only thing i ask from nasu is that if he truly believes in this nihilistic bullshit is to retcon the last episode. If you truly believe in this hirseshit that no one deserves happiness only duty. Then tell shitrou and shitoria to go back to their jobs. Especially if your the once and future king stop fucking around in avalon and fo you job. If not you better write a happy ending for guda you flip flopping bitch
Guda's seen more shit than Zelretch at this point, there is no reality in which FGO doesn't end with Guda dead or hunted to the ends of the earth by enforcers.
"EX-rank luck" doesn't even begin to describe the level of bullshit he's lived through.
>as long as Nasu doesn't forget about him
Sis don't scare me like that...
my xu fu's chainsaw is ready
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Zelrecth will make him his apprentice or make Guda take his place so he can leave his toilet and go roam the universe at will
I would have handled Cagliostro differently, and have made a different main villain, but Sakurai did pretty strong work with OC2; I'm surprised.
Remeber he deleted Hakuno out existence in the first Extra too, only to flipflop and then deleting them anyway.
It's fucking weird too. Because Nasu wrote OG Extra, and the Hakunos death in there and in here is night and day.
>Hakuno's death in Fate/Extra: It doesn't matter what Hakunos original purpose was, it doesn't matter why the Moon Cell created them, Hakuno still wanted to live, and no one told them that it's wrong to want that, not even after learning their origin. At the very end, they didn't die to fulfil their purpose, they died to save one of the few people that told them that their life is worth something.
>Hakuno's death in OC3: "Ehh, I finished purpose that was asigned to me by the Moon Cell, time to die I guess. Don't worry tho, this is 1000 years in the future, and you can summon me just fine, so all of this is meaningless, bye!"
What the fuck happened to Nasu's writing. He couldn't even wait until after the event to tell you the crybait death is fake and meaningless, Hakuno tells you that while dying. wtf.
Well yeah, most popular VA are popular because of how easy their voices are to recognise.
He was okay. I get the complains his past with Dantes came out nowhere, but that could be because Nasu pushed him later as antagonist. Sakurai obviously planned him as filler Caster in 5.5 originally.
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Isn't this a big fat confirmation that Cagliostro and Roa were bros?
He's clearly referring to the scene where Tarantella ate Concetta.
Ehh, unlike this, Hakuno's original death wasn't really nihilistic. Hakuno wasn't dying to fulfill some grand purpose. Hakuno was dying to save the person that helped them throughout their journey.
Then again, apparently Nasu originally wanted in the Extra True Ending for Hakuno to become a messiah at the end and wish for wold peace on the grail, before Niinou tardwrangled him.
It's just kind of dumb we can't summon Solomon when he finishes off that too. I know the real reason is because of the Chaldean drama plot, but it's still badly written when you can summon Data Losto from the gacha and she's gone gone.
Yes, I bet he's pissed Dantes made his bro crispy.
>Nasu originally wanted in the Extra True Ending for Hakuno to become a messiah at the end and wish for wold peace on the grail
>Nasu originally wanted Hakuno to become messiah and wish for world peace
I'm starting to think that Nasu was only ever good when there was someone to tell him no.
Roa's Tsuki bro, Fabro, fucked off to Wandering Sea and never met him. He needed another Bara daddy BFF.
Roa was in FGO Edmond drama CD.
He was a vampire who never met Arc
A year or so after Fate/Extra was released, they published the script as a book in Japan. The book had three unused endings:
>Leo's route (this one is still in the game code btw): Hakuno doesn't save either Rin or Rani, but then uses two of his comman seals to save Leo. Leo learn to become a better king, and then the ending is similar to Rin and Rani, where you send him to the real world and he revive Human Hakuno.
>Save no one ending: Hakuno doesn't save Rin/Rani/Leo, and when he reaches Twice, he agree with his ideals, but still doesn't want to die, so he kill Twice and take his place waiting for a new winner to fulfill Twice's wish.
>True Ending: Hakuno saves no one, and disagree with twice, he then make a wish for world peace and disappear from this world.
I know. I'm not talking about Roa. Fabro Rowan doesn't seem to be a DA in Fate. He's in Wandering Sea.
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Hakunon should get raped by the Gudas.
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News Doko?
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I have improved your LB6
What will Lancer Arthur be like? His Rhongobongo will be different to I'd guess.
Arthur might as well not be in the game and you think he's getting an Alt?
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The only remaining Saber plotwise is Goddess Excalibur, post-camelot Rhongo
Shielder Gawain any year now
I think she's done with her hyperfixation on Nordic mythos and will circle back to Prototype. She gets tired of the new toys-I mean mythology easy.
Remember how he was meant to fight Beast VI? Good times.
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Fun fact he's the most requested Alter by nips
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Fuck off Japan nothing will make that cunt interesting. Gib Galahad Alter instead
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I'm glad VIVE finally made it and got quite the screentime in OC2 she felt like an absolute never ever because of Risa Taneda, hope Arthurfags will one day get something that isn't sub-atomic levels of crumbs.
By famitsu*
I hope they tease Arthur Alter and it's just PHH Vortigern
Well, Arthur Alter does exist, no?
At least on paper.
Gilgamesh personality is based on his. So.
>they think Vortigern will be anything but Oberon in armor
They stopped giving a shit about spoilers/surprises, I guess.
>※ Only the spirit origin of the gender selected in "Band Ⅲ " (Part 2) will appear in the Friend Point Summon.
So you can't get both?
>says this while posting a boring cunt
Lol weren't people reporting youtubers just a few days ago
>There will be a rate up for Hakuno at the same time as an event in October.
I was gonna say "so, next event is also Extraverse focused.", but I guess Halloween was always kinda like that with Liz.
Low effort bait sis
Not currently.
Ew I just realized Hakuno is wearing white sneakers paired with his black uniform
Lasgna straight up copyright striked youtuber for spoiling it. lol
*The spirit origins of the gender you did not select will be available to obtain through other means at a later date.
Wasn't it just yesterday?
They have about the same personality.
>autistic britain fag who can't think of anything outside of britain, fucks up family life, gets betrayed by false consort, simps for a teen nip to give them a new meaning to their life after they lost their kingdom
Same character, sis.
>Yet ANOTHER Extraverse event
Yiipee. We have two more to look forward until we LIKE IT AND BUY THE REMAKE.
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morning effgog
Tbf, if it's october, then it's Halloween, and that was always focusing on a Extraverse character.
They'll make the other one available when OC3 become permanent probably
it would be funny if despite all the shilling, the next Extra games end up selling less than Samurai Remnant.
I'm not confident because we're missing Kazura and Violet.
The worst halloween event was the one that didn't have an extraverse character as the welfare
Turn based games aren't exactly in fashion at the moment.
This game will have a profit problem
Extella sold less than SR. And it came out during FGO hot period which was basically a free ad to get into Fate shit. SR came out when its star eclipsed.
Doubt it desu. JRPGs sell better than musou games in Japan, and og Extra sold only 100k less than FSR despite it coming out before the series blew up (it came out a year before Zero anime), and only on one (dying) console. If it manage to sell less than SR, then honestly that would be very impressive.
Kazura might be NY and Violet is a never ever
Between stuff like Extra Record, Granblue Relink, and Stellar blade, I'm glad that gacha companies are getting back into premium vidya as well.
I think they understand both the concept of market saturation as well as the fact that gacha players and premium players are a venn diagram.
You can't just convert everyone to Gaas, it's a different crowd
How likely this is the scenario
>instead of a Halloween welfare, you get the other Hakuno
Nah you'll get another Liz
Hard to tell.
They already basically skipped summer this year. I doubt they'll be THAT flaky 2 events in a row
Low, I doubt that they'd lock an event behind the latest chapter this soon.
Probably gonna get the other Hakuno from the Halloween shop instead of them being the welfare again, but I wouldn't be surprised if they do what you said.
He gets temporarily altered by gay peacock priest if I remember correctly.
>JRPGs sell better than musou games in Japan
then why did FFXVI flop??
October event will have nothing to do with LB4 or Extraverse stuff (besides Liz if Halloween).

You heard it first
16 was Shitty DMC with way... too... much... writing for an action game.
So it was too much writing for action game fans
And too much action for RPG fans
I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if that's the case. There goes my dreams of Archie wearing a forced Liz costume.
They technically don't need to lock it behind OC3. Everyone outside of BB don't remember OC3 story (the Hakunos you summon aren't the 1000 years old one, they come directly after Links events.)
Just don't make it a ladder, make it a lotto event.
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No, not all?
this is because they are a sucker for good guy turning bad, and that boring faggot is the token good guy

if you turn gilgamesh bad no one would care because he was already a dickhead
Nah, oniland was fine. The worst halloween was the one skipped for SW2.
FFXVI biggest complain is that it's NOT a JRPG. Even modern God of War have more RPGs elements in them.
Female nips*
Ah yes Famitsu the fujo magazine.
Every event this year was ladder or missions, every other events got pruned
>The survey was conducted from 4-9 July 2023 and answered by 9008 people, consisting of 3714 male and 4325 female users
where do nips get these gender stats from like the pixiv popular with male/female ranking, no one's telling their sex when browsing a pic
We got a welfare for a story chapter, great. Now, what about that summer welfare? You know, the one that I can instantly NP5 and buy coins from the event shop?
It's a survey bro.
Why are you so greedy? You already got 4 summer servants, that's plenty. Who cares if all the SSRs and the welfare had nothing to do with summer?
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>Taimanin rpg update
>Their NP animation can skip now
Lasengle ???
Probably because that's the black sheep of the series after FFXV and maybe FFXIII and it's everything but a JRPG
You want three more appends skills? Lasengle is on it.
>After FFXV and maybe FFXIII
If we talking about Japan specifically, then XVI actually did WAY worse than either of them.
Famitsu holds a survey so they simply ask you what you are.
Pixiv has the option to input your gender if you want, so they take into consideration the views/favorites of the users that bothered to include it.
Not surprised, it honestly was a pretty mediocre entry on top of being stuck on P5 for a year
Never trust MMO devs
I remember anyone who isn't a 5* in that game not even having a NP animation at all. If 5* chibis at least move around in their NPs, anything lower has this Bloodaxe-tier animation or even worse.
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I'm PLAPing Hakunon rn
worst fucking summer ever
Can AI created by the Moon Cell get pregnant? Because I need to impregnate her...
I'm annoyed Xu Fu and City had to be wasted on this
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HF and CCC are Fate's best works

>Waifu culture is bad
>Say goodbye to your servant, symbolic of letting go to Otaku trends and becoming a real adult
>accept boring world, move on and become a salary man so you can be happy
>get nympho wife so you can improve Japanese birthrate
>Clearly the problem is otaku who like 2D girls
>it's time for you to grow up, get a job and then a big titty wife and stop with all this escapism (Kiritsugu's ideals) nonsense
>just get a big titty gf and get a job. it's that easy
>HF has the character completely break down as he is forced to realize that living up to the ideals he had cherished would require killing the person he values the most, Sakura. The knife scene is basically the lowest the character falls throughout the entire VN and the story concludes by having Shirou battle Kirei to the death, a dark and twisted mirror image of our protagonist, both distorted by their inability to experience regular human happiness and their views that they are sinners. Yet while one has chosen to keep walking his old path, the other has chosen to abandon it for the sake of his own happiness
>HF final ending where literally the theme of the story actually comes together, about how the grail war was mistaken from the start and they needed to just let go of it, with Ilya tying together her character arc from the entire game about also putting her hatred aside and making peace with her family, when the other ending doesn't address shit and leaves you on a shitty note
>Archer wanted to make Shirou give up on Kiritsugu's stupid ideals that he inherited
>If he didn't save Sakura at any cost he'd loathe himself for the rest of his life and then some just like Archer
>Sakura frees him from his obsession with Kiritsugu's ideals which stems from the colossal trauma
>Sakura gives Shirou true love, family and a reason to live for unlike Kiritsugu's and Archer
>the theme of CCC where Hakuno goes back to Earth at the end

Sakura is Shirou's canon wife.
I like both, but nah. That's always gonna Hollow Ataraxia.
No, Nasu. They are not.
>Tez dodged a bullet by not getting his costume
Hopefully BIT gets back for the summer he gets the outfit
HA is a meme VN like Kagetsu Tohya. CCC and HF are the culmination of Fate's and Extra's themes.
They don't use Kadoc in events, they won't use Daybit either
Depends if he's npc or playable.
They couldn't use Kadoc in this event because otherwise Guda wouldn't be the last of past humanity. Doesn't mean he won't be in next one. Gordolf was in 2.
They never use Kadoc
They will during Crypter/Chaldea summer which will be next year. It's only thematic for the anniversary.
He won't be playable, no need to be delusional
Daybit is going to be a Foreigner Servant. He's too OP to keep around otherwise.
Obviously not
He's just coming back to help us during the part 2 finale, he won't stay around
On the contrary: He's probably the foreshadowed Foreigner who can make all Foreigners join the same cause from the 4.5 event. He already can summon them.
He's already stronger than most Servants. What would be the issue? Maybe the Foreigners can only get accepted under the Dark Star supervision.
Obviously yes. Nasu talked about the end of Summer events, at least how we know them. Would make sense next year is just the staff relaxing without Servants unless are Big Vinci or those of Team A.
I really don't see it, next summer will be before part 2 finale
You just know the pruned classes will return in the final battle and it was all a ruse to trick the final boss.
>I really don't see it, next summer will be before part 2 finale
The finale is before or during anniversary. That's what they stated. You're alright there anon?
They said 2025 without a date, it's obviously december
>pruned classes
You mean just Avenger?
Read the interviews someday anon. They want to celebrate the end of part 2 with the anniversary.
That's why there's no Foreigner OC. It's likely just going to hijack the last Brolga chapter and Daybit will be a fp *4. The last brolga fight is supposed to be 'serious.'
Okay you're retarded. I'm stopping here.
See you next year, bro. Nasu's fixated to end it on the released date of FGO, but you go off into your fantasies it won't happen. He'll sacrifice all events until he gets his way to his stuff.
Ending on the anniversary would be fucking amazing but it simply isn't happening, they're not good enough to deliver on it.
They can do it by skipping Xmas and other things. They already skipped Summer, I am convinced they'll be able to do it.

They can always release the ending in multiple timelocks with events or reruns in parallel with the finale on July.
The thing is they didn't "skip" summer, they simply made it a story chapter.
And they can't simply skip events considering that they themselves know that you can't just go serious into serious into serious until the end, readers/players need a breather once in a while.
I already said how they could do it: Foreigner OC isn't going to be a thing because it was already that Nemo event that explained the class. Nasu will come out and reveal he was talking about Mooncancer about the "hidden" OC because he never confirmed Foreigner in the interview (the translator made it sound like that based on assumption to how ambiguous he was being). There are simply no longer keywords left.
But the Foreigners could get a role in the last Elemental Olga battle which is meant to be real shit. She hates earthlings, so it's natural. Daybit scheduled to return as the leader of them could solve that foreshadowing leftover in 4.5. Instantly after they crash into Antarctica (and a timelock).
>The thing is they didn't "skip" summer, they simply made it a story chapter. It's Rome and related to Christianity/Ruler shit. They can give a welfare that isn't a Santa one but another OC one like they did now. Nasu said OC4 was the most "suprising."
I'll be honest: Last Christmas felt very "final" as Christmas events go. Did you read it? The story seems to have exhausted Christmas stuff. Halloween was skipped already before, and they might be just wrapping the Extra stuff from this OC in a light heartened sequel with the other Haku as 'welfare.' So the only thing left would be the golden week collab which will be prototype in my opinion to explain the "rider of the beast" lore. White Day can be skipped. Or get logins/rate ups/costume. Valentine can be hijacked by another story beat.
We had 2 months of reruns because they are likely working on stuff. I wouldn't decline the idea if Nasu's autism wills it. He'll force the schedule bend his way. This year felt as if they pushed all collab shit they could to clear next year.
>Daybit will be a fp *4
Please no I have shit luck with that and I don't want my saving for him to go to waste
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I'll laugh if they get matching black summer costume next year
I don't care about either. But it'll make the resident Tezschizo mad.
>resident Tezschizo
Wait what
Based onichad
What the FUCK was Wada thinking making Hakuno wear white shoes
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Gudako's onahole
Kill yourself
I like the aesthetics of these ones
Is the game crashing a lot for you guys?
It does for me, but that's probably because my phone is old.
I love Fate/Extra

What I don't love is CCC and everything after that.
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>vs hakunos
>guitar ramps up
>screen shatters like og extra
>cherry blossoms blow away like secret garden
>"Ah, I must return to the Moon shortly. Thank for raising me, [Father/Mother]". Hehe, Kaguya-hime is so nice.
Servant Kaguya when?! We already collected her tresures once so we can definitely do it again
KINOko Nasu...
Nasu better not pull an Eren on us.
Also Mashu turning into a real HS should be for her to save those that matter to her, and not for the sake of the world as it was teased A LOT of times.
fuck nostalgia
that got me
Knowing Nasu, he will probably tie her up with Velbershit.
Where’s that line from
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FA line
Level up 1 from Golden BB
>tfw they see /fgog/‘s penises
Considering how much of a convoluted mess the moon is in Type Moon I'm genuinely curious how Nasu would handle her
She is gonna Velber 3 or Velber 1 (forgot which one is the female).
>it's just BB larping teehee don't you love BB
I am going to kill Nasu
The BB lines have been updated.
/fgog/, I'm going to make a team
Give me your strongest servants
>BB Dubai only comment on Hakunon
Why tho?
Eric Bloodaxe, Phantom, Jekyll, Geronimo, Angra
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>it's time for one last spar guda
>i bring out grands
I'm so sorry
It's not like that matters, we have draco and tiamat who are infinitely stronger
What do the anon’s think of Golden BB’s bond 5 line?
Uh because BB dubai was with hakunon the entire time?
Because Hakunon is the one that sided with her and spent all that time supporting her?
>All the offense and defense you could possible want.
>More so than ever, you won't be able to take your eyes away from me, Se-n-pa-i.

>Living beings change. Even your 10/10 kouhai BB can't stick to the final boss fashion forever.
>My answer is this version of me. My ultimate form, Golden BB, a fusion between my Earth and Moon selves.
>Look forward to my future accomplishments as an almighty kouhai goddess heroine, Senpai!

>I can also make a sea on the moon whenever I want. All I did was fill up Protea's old crater with water, but now we have a private moon beach just for the two of us, Senpai.
>Oh dear, do you really think you can escape after already coming all the way here? No one will interrupt us or rescue you.
>Shall we enjoy the huge, abundand, and quiet sea? Oh? That moon? The scene wouldn't be complete without a moon, so I released the Lagrangian Luxury for a moment.
>How fancy it is to see the moon from the Moon? Hehe, wanna go to that moon next summer?

>Mooncancers can't be equals to mankind, but they can be friends. That was my dream when I was deployed to Chaldea.
>Yes... A dream.
>As much as we try to put our sorority into words, humans can't understand an AI's love. But you proved me something.
>You never repudiated the excessives acts of this gremlin, always solving the problems with a smile and saying that's just the way I am.
>Through the Archetype Inception event, the Mooncancers have been officially approved as friends of mankind.
>Thank you, Chaldean Master.
>My Senpai from this timeline.
>I'll be with Chaldea to the very end, to live up to your meritous deeds.

My Room 4 (if you have An-ki Ereshkigal)
>She goes through the whole process from first encounter to officially dating on every fight? Not fair! I also want to do that!

Pretty good lines, BBspic must be over the moon.
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All that is left is her valentines.
You know that BB valentines are always bad end or fetish potential right? The summer one was creepy
By the way, what you see floating behind me is the Lagrangian Luxury. The real LL is stored in Imaginary Space, and has the same size as the real Moon. It's like a Mini-Mooncell monitoring the Mooncell. You can migrate to it if push comes to shove, so bring everyone with you when you do, please. Although I will put you through a lot of work.
BB spoiling where Guda will end up.
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Do you think Nasu regrets making Protea Alter a costume instead of a separate entity like other Alters?
People don't even remember that Ere got a costume and dechi got nothing.
She definitely deserved to be her own servant though.
>casually dropped that you'll meet your opposite gender-self for real(not joke) somewhere down the line
Weird but okay
But why tho, for what purpose?
FGO2 confirmed
Will (you(female)) be for (you(male))?
You will be cucked by your genderbend
Where. Also this was a thing in Tonelico's Valentine
hakuno says that unlike him and hakunon who are two of the same person, you and your otherself would probably act like sibling instead, written as 兄(big bro) and 妹(lil sis) idk what this even entails lmao
What even is the difference between Eresh Alter and Eresh anyway? Just the tan?
Post-series cameos, duh.
It means bratty younger sibling rape correction.
One is an idiot and the other has brain problems
>兄(big bro) and 妹(lil sis)
Why are nips so obsessed with onii-chans?
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Can this be considered as masturbation?
It's canonically imouto incest now.
Incest is one of the cornerstones of Japanese culture.
Parallel worldlines is incest
>hakuno says that unlike him and hakunon who are two of the same person,
No, he says him and Hakunon are more like twins
No wonder their shit population is old and dying
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Remember Tomino wrote Aida because he was sick of imoutos and wanted to make big sisters great again.
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Take me back
>strange clapshit
Take me even backer
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Ah yes perfect
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Tomino writing Part 3: Gudaway’s Flash when?
Same time they retcon last episode and reveal its all a dream hence why its called end of a dream with him waking up to be executed by the people he "saved"
I love the current artstyle but there's something about his old art that's just very appealing. Applied to a lot of works too like old vs new Umineko's art for example. Maybe partly due to nostalgia
It's very 90s/early 2000s.
It's easy to appreciate styles of the time even if they aren't nostalgic just because different eras of anime have different appeals.
Im actually simply tolerate Sakura living in my house just so i can live a happy life with my true wife - Medusa.
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/frog/'s thinking too much again.
Don't do that.
One of the thing I love the most about the old anime artstyle the way they draw city/buildings at night. Something like City Hunter's. There's something so good about it. Looks classic yet futuristic at the same time. Both old and modern are good but yeah they have different appeals
He says more something along the lines of that if the Hakunos are like twins, then the Gudas are more like older brother/younger sister.
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I laffed
Some say it's the purest form of love....
>A Friend Point Summon featuring this Servant will be held at the same time as the limited-time event scheduled to begin in October!
This will be your chance to obtain a second or more servants with the same spirit origin!
>*Only the Spirit Origin of the gender selected in "Souban III" (Part 2) will appear in this special Friend Point Summon.
Is the machine TL right? It sounds like you can't get the other Hakuno for a good while, the event next month will just be a rate-up for the one you already have
They are most likely giving the other Hakuno when OC3 becomes permanent sometimes next year
I just don't want to get spooked by the other with only 800k FP to spend, and wind up with NP3 Hakuno and NP2 Hakunon or some shit.
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You still need to get like NP16 or some shit if you want to unlock their skills.
>Go append 3/5 for farming
>Go append 4/5 for solo memes
4* coin rates are complete bullshit
My bond 15 np9 City only has 3 appends...
the amount of praise and glaze king hassan gets from other servants is insane
what did this nigga even do to deserve it
He created a whole class bro
He is simply put: built different
Cool skull man
Guda arc and Mashu's arc are separate now. So I wouldn't be troubled. Guda can die for the world/pass the baton, while Mashu can save her loved ones including Guda.
That's just ~6m FP, easy.
She calls (you) Mother or Father depending if you're male or female, bros.
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Battle of the senpais when
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Who is BB even referring to in that Mother/Father line?

I don’t know if that was the intent or not but this does feel like her take on moon Avalon.

It’s a pocket dimension that you can go that provides Absolute protection which is represented in game by debuffing enemy attack to 0.
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>I don't need any contact with the Master of the Moon. I'm this world's BB. Being next to the one I owe my everything to would be detrimental to my duties. It certainly would, but... HMM, I STILL WANT TO MEET THEM! I WANT TO THANK THEM! I WANT TO GET PRAISED! I WANT TO GET A TEAM UP NOBLE PHANTASM WITH SENPAI!
(you) but the line changes if you are using the male or female mc, the Kaguya-hime mention seems to be only for the female version,
I've seen this one going around too
>Level up 1: (0:00) Sigh, I'll have to return to the moon soon. (0:05) Father/Mother, thank you for raising me. (0:10) Just kidding.
I'll assume the just kidding is for the male version only, she seems to say "なんちゃって" for the male mc but I could be wrong.
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Going around where? And what’s the taking point from the line?
>Natlan flopped
>OC3 flopped
I meant that i've seen the other translation before, so there is one translation that only mentions the Kaguya-Hime thing and other the just kidding thing, both are correct it seems but are used depending on the male or female mc.
It should be something along the lines of:
If male mc
>Sigh, I'll have to return to the moon soon. Father thank you for raising me. Just kidding.
If female mc
>"Ah, I must return to the Moon shortly. Thank for raising me, Mother". Hehe, Kaguya-hime is so nice.
But it seems she is calling you father/mother more as a joke.
But I could be wrong.
So how would it relate to Guda x BB
You're right, if you go on atlas you can see that the line ending with "just kidding" is for Gudao while the line with the Kaguya-hime reference is just for Gudako.
Pansei and Kadoc are your true senpais, The others are just clapbait.
She wants to be your daughter wife
Good God anon, just read the rest of the lines and conclude for youself, she is insanely jelalous of Ereshkigal and her np that permits her go over the whole dating thing over and over again, wants you to pay attention to only her as mooncancer like Morgan and her berserker line and so on.
Seriously, stop listening to the cuckposters.
It seems she’s heterosexual, so yurikeks are obliterated. Heterobros win again.
He's cool.
To (you). It changes depending your MC. It's a Kaguya-hime joke.
Seems that BB REALLY doesn't want to lose against the biggest poster girls, along Jeanne Alter.
In CCC, only Hakuno (guy) can confess to Sakura (White). And embrace her. Hakunon gets some friendship hand holding. Weird because of BB Dubai shipping with her.
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I’m just keeping my guard up. I’m taking the line as a reference(and joke).
Thanks anon
I wouldn’t be surprised if Nasu is going to try have BB dethrone Jeanne Alter later down the line. Maybe that’s the reason why he 404’d the avengers and not mooncancer haha!
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Nasu can't force what people like unfortunately for him. He should be satisfied Sakura (Male) is the most popular Husbando.
Morgan is more popular than BB. BB is too gaudy to compete in gothic waifu contest.
>OC3 flopped
The voices inside my walls.
fgo should release asmr voice works like other gacha games
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Now this is what I called a Bobcat.
They do in the anniversary.
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I miss the old streams.
Georgie lives inside your walls? Sad
Nips really hate male Hakuno, don't they? Female Hakuno looks like she gets a pass because she's for (You) at least.
I've seen more GudaoHakuno art than with Hakunon so no.
I've said this all along, but clearly CHALDEAS' Master will be the opposite Guda to what you picked
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>Just realized that the last chapter of OC3 had the same name as the song of the PV
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just AI that shit
It's double weird, because Hakunon still marry Nero and Tamamo in their ending in the same game, so it's not like they are against yuri.
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Guda is a weirdo magnet
People just like to draw girls more if that's what you mean
If anything, this event actually raised his popularity. Both are getting the same amount of fanarts currently. (Although, weirdly enough most Hakunon art is with BB while most Hakuno's art is with male Guda)
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>barely any fanart
>Only time it manage to make it to the Top10 ranking the whole September was with GG
>no nips discussion
So you just made it the fuck up
>barely any fanart
>My timeline is literally nothing but Hakuno and Ciel's fanart
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Even Chunguska got more fanart than this
Wow you mean the chapter that released all new servants in august didn't make big sales in september? Wow
That was before the new weird spoilers ban rule in Japan.
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What is there even to flop about OC3? It didn't have it's own banner.
Georgie always find a way to push his narrative
>weirdly enough
Hakuno mostly interacted with Guda. Hakunon mostly interacted with BB.
The Carnival event after the main story is over, Nasu will have everyone show up and naturally that will include both Gudas.
If you search hakuno on jp twitter it seems to be quite even between people picking male or female hakuno. The people who hate hakuno hate them regardless of their gender and are bitching about how they're taking the spotlight away from guda.
It was always pretty obvious that she was supposed to be her own servant.
It was also obvious that almost all of the servants in Mictlan were unfinished enough as it is and sprite-kun had no idea how he was supposed to awkwardly animate a second Kingprotea.
>The people who hate hakuno hate them regardless of their gender and are bitching about how they're taking the spotlight away from guda.
That's sad because Nasu literally wrote Hakuno saying that as a senpai he can only help but the one responsible for solving everything had to be Guda (Ciel also had a scene like that) and then had both Hakunos die graduating for the hardest possible passing of the torch, the amount of people who play FGO but can't read at all is impressive.
We've been saving the world for 9 years
>introduce a mentor-like character when we are literally 1 chapter away from the ending
To most people FGO is an escapist fantasy where everything has to be about them at all times. Since it was a gacha game built that way from the beginning it can't be helped.
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Kiara is a troon now.
I mean, the Hakuno that passed the torch to you have been doing it for 1000 years. (The one you summon is different, they come directly after Extella Links).
>when guda already has at least half a dozen "senpai" characters to pick from
Exactly, cross-over characters are just party members (or chapter antagonists) while Guda is always the lead when cross-over characters are around, it's really sad that some people can't get that.
And Guda hardly even remembers the event by the end even if the memories are still in his soul or whatever.
Honestly life can be so rough that I can't find it in me to criticize them for that, I just hope their lives improve enough that they don't need FGO as a crutch to get by.
>Last chapter has Guda summoning Shirou and Ayaka as Servants
>Guda sacrifices themself and takes Mashu's place as Shielder to give her a full life
>It truly was the Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt: Part 2.5
>Hakuno graduating
Last time I checked it was BB. What the hell?
Clearly we're going to meet all the KotRT and summon Super Saber.
And FF7 Knights of the Round will be her NP
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The whole OC is about graduation, that's the theme anon...
I can see that now but you had an anon here insist that BB is the only one graduating while the other argues for the Hakus, then the former calling the later an idiot, etc.
The deaths of the Hakunos at the end are framed as a graduation, BB is entrusted to keep looking after mankind by them. Like >>495827698 says the themes of graduation and succession are present through a lot of the last third of the chapter.
Typical /frog/ moment
I'm wasting more times debating if I should use my teapots on which 90** node and with which servants instead of clearing them
I legit fucking hate COST
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>/fgog/poster with half the facts in heated debate with /fgog/poster with zero facts
So BB wasn’t the one graduating(which the Hakus set up for). What else have I believed that is to be false?
That's just someone reading machine TL wrong. It's literally just a simple metaphor.
>The senpais (Hakunos) are graduating (dying) and leaving the school (humanity) in the hands of their kouhais (Gudas)
Nasu wants it for you to start using bronzes and silvers more often
If you read the story and both Hakunos bond CE's, it's clear that they were longing for the life they never had and a graduation. Their bond CE is even called "Proof of Graduation".
I have more than half the bronzes at Bond 10, if he or lasengle wants to see them used more often why don't they give them good upgrades more than once a year?
Oh wait, they can't do that because then whales would bitch that their Super Super Rare characters aren't as overwhelming strong compared to the lower rarity ones.
>last bronze/silver released: 2022
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Anything that I should know about regarding BB?
Ie: I was led to believe that she showed Haku a sad expression due to her realizing that they’re at death’s door. Or pic related.
People literally didn't care about Hakuno here at all until Hakuno cuckposters started going on the attack every thread
what does fgog do
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>People literally didn't care about Hakuno here at all
I did
I've been waiting for Hakuno to get in FGO for 9 years
not everything is rape
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>master is betraying the world
Don't listen to cuckposters
and don't listen to that retarded BBgudafag either
Learn japanese
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I stil want to know why Morgan managed to get her Avalon mark and is on her womb.
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>Grand Kuku, Dantes, and BB didn't take off in terms of fanart.
Anon, that's the retarded BBgudafag you're replying to
I honestly don’t know who to trust anymore. Is Guda x BB safe?
Idk what happened to kuku except there are already excellent pinup girls in FGO
But Super Edmond and Super BB are kinda stupid looking
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I've always liked Hakuno but he wasn't in the story and I didn't think he'd show up as a servant after Last Encore got ignored for a collab, and as you mention the cuckposters were just using him for nonsense back in the Arcade collab so why even mention him?
Bro how are you still asking this? YES. For fuck sake give it a rest.
I mean cuckposters in favor of Hakuno of course

Gudafags are always reactive types, not attack types. They only become active when another group suddenly starts cuckposting. Hakuno posters were trying to claim BB, Nero bride, and other such characters which caused Hakuno to suddenly be perceived as a threat when previously they didn't care about him.

All of the shitposting started after chapter 2 when BB looked at Hakuno sadly for a second, and Hakunofags kept claiming "welp that's it gudafags it's over she only loves Hakuno now and forever, seven years of development you've had with BB is now pointless because that one look tells us she cares 100x more about Hakuno, she would never look at Guda like that, it's over gudafags". Gudafags are like a bees nest, the thing that always gets things started is a cuckposter walking by and hitting the nest with a stick in favor of their own MC
Kuku is just bland and doesn't stand out, hard to make fanarts of her when she doesn't really have a fun quirk to use and doesn't interact with other servants
Well he should stop listening to himself and get some help maybe
I've seen plenty of BB Cosmos and regular BB art lately so she's doing fine, Dantes also got a lot of art after OC2 but his third ascension is way more of a hassle to draw so obviously that one got less art than the other 2.
Any guda x servant ship is safe because in the end it's all in your head. Stop caring about what others think holy shit.
Lip art super died after OC3 which saddens me
I'm still seeing some on my TL, there was an especially nice one just posted yesterday
Bro just learn japanese holy fuck
OC3 Lip isn't even our Lip, just a reset one and it didn't matter since our Lip was safe in Chaldea all along
after 9 years FGO has just declined in popularity in general, naturally there's going to be less and less fanart
While it irks me that they continue making up excuses for Melt to not show up in the main story, at least she was spared from all these ridiculous Hakuno discussions. Of course Hacuckno posting had to be /fgog/'s biggest takeaway of this chapter. I don't like Nero nor BB, and even I find it annoying.
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Super Lip lost...
>bad character designs don't take off in fanarts
Truly a mystery
BB and Dantes are doing fine
bro why did you save the picture
How the hell am I supposed to know what’s correct when I’m receiving contradicting information left and right.
I don’t know if shippers should be lumped in with c*ckposters but I did see a post on x about BB’s reaction to Haku and how she never shown Guda that face, so it’s not just here.
Dantes' rarely tagged with his other name, so it just goes to his main. BB is likely the same.
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>Me when I lie
Protip: look up Edoguda tag because bunch of autisms just use Edoguda
Yes? And the one who inspired Guda in OC3 were Kirsch and Roman, not Hakuno. Hakuno were a bonus aftermath thing.
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That's his kink. Like Haydee.
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He married his last "daughter." His previous light of hope and affection, now that's Guda.
Usagi's based for being the only official illustator with the guts to deliver servantxguda art for the anni messages.
Same as BB is to the Gudas.

Kingprotea alter will get a swimsuit next year and lip will be forgotten forever…
>mfw farming Spriggan Hearts/FP
never believed I'd drop to 50 of them kek
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I'm clearing out my old FGO fanart folders today
Fuyuki soon
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bananabro... her name...
All of you talking about the latest drama and I'm still mad about Ibaraki x Tsuna.
Damn bro, you're so mad you couldn't even remember her name lmao
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Yes, frothing incoherent irrational rage. That's totally why I made that typo.
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The character /fgog/ hates the most.
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FUCK Camelot and FUCK Bedievere
Shippers and cuckposters are seen the same from an outside perspective since from the outside it's basically the same. At the end of the day the only difference is cuckposters are doing it ironically to start a war between different fanbases.

"She would never look at Guda like that" only for it to be revealed later on her reaction wasn't love but sadness realizing Hakuno came there to die. Hakuno's battery was about to run out and they wanted one last adventure before it was all over. One reason why shippers are seen as annoying is the level of headcanon, they take the most asanine things and run with it, claim that a single glance out weights anything they've ever done with Guda, and when it gets revealed the glance wasn't what they thought, they don't update the information based on that. They prefer their original interpretation because they would rather it be love so they could ignore all the canon up to date.

I'm on the side of canon, what the canon says is correct. Tomoe isn't for Guda because it's established she isn't from the start. Courtesan Yu is established to not be for you from the start. And on the flip side a girl who is long established for Guda is for Guda, so people ignoring canon in order to create headcanon why she suddenly isn't is bad. What fans hate is the wishy washy shit where the writer tries to play it both ways, having her be for you but still having some moments with someone else on the side, that's what killed Serenity's and Castoria's popularity.
Camelot was great tho.
I wish they'd tell us who False Richard was
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>that's what killed Serenity's and Castoria's popularity.
Shut the fuck up cucktroon
Bedivere best boy, do not speak ill of him
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I forgot how popular this ship used to be, and I'm even more surprised I had so much art of them saved
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I long for simpler times, for before /fgog/ got mindbroken by cuckposting
Pretty well timed bait, made me read.
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This makes me think of the person who drew Vlad and Nero together, and Nurse with Caligula.
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Dante's yumes killed it, because it was deemed a threat to him being for guda. The final straw was that one manga by the goblin slayer guy that shipped Dante's and nurse, which really upset the yumes.
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Damn, hope he didn't get bullied off of twitter like many artists
Buy the beanslop goyim.
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I wonder what happened to this artist
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What year did FGO peak?
You have Sakurai to blame.
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Well played bait, but id like the anons to confirm to me, is BB’s reaction to Haku’s true or fake spoilers
>last sentence
My raid senses are tingling.
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The spinning makes it look like a 10 hour meme shitpost video on YT
People blame self insert fags
I go back and look over the threads in the first two years, the threads were self insert central, you'd practically mistake it for a blue archive thread back when we didn't have cuckposting. People were claiming even girls like nursery rhyme were for you. There was no shitposting because it was just such an accepted fact that mobage are fanservice games that no one even argued over it, when cuckposters tries they just got laughed off.

Threads aren't bad when we have self insert fags, threads become bad when cuckposters and shippers gain an advantage over the self insertfags. I look over certain other general threads like GBF, whenever shippers gain a huge advantage over self insertfags, like when GBF became a huge homo shipping game, that's always the moment the threads go to shit. It's when it's no longer an accepted fact that girls are for you that every new girl coming out becomes shitposting central.
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Also forgotten
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There's one really skilled Gudakoyume artist who loves him a lot, I think she's done multiple doujins for him
Sakurai didn't write LB6 or OC3
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Is yume the correct term to use or is it otome?
You mean the chapters that destroyed shipperfags in the end?
>you'd practically mistake it for a blue archive thread back when we didn't have cuckposting
>oldest archived thread is halloween 2015
>open it
>cuckposting galore
otome is the genre, yumeyoshi is the person
like yaoi and fujoshi
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You're probably thinking of Galibooon. Nowadays she mostly draws Oberon x Gudako, but she still loves Fionn a lot.
Figured. Thanks for clarifying
Thank god for that because she would make them irredeemable garbage in a thousand ways
OC3 is already shit desu
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Sex with Okita
>no ciel
>my next bond quartz are 50 apples away
Nah, not going to do it even though I have multiple servants in that range.
Just purchase more using money?
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>giving anyone involved in this game money after their increasingly shoddy work the past 6
She for hug not for fug
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>Hakunon finally arrived
Nice desu. I'd grail the fuck out of her if I still played.
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liz love
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I bought a starter account after losing my old one. Am I missing anything from a gameplay perspective? I still have ~3k SQ. Ideally, I wanna spend all of that trying to NP5 all the Rinfaces, but I'm willing to roll on one or two other servants if I like them enough and they fill gameplay niches that my current roster doesn't cover.
I'm not a fan of KP but this version of her really activates something on me.
No, I'd rather take the loss and move on.
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you'll probably want one of the omnifarmers, i think summer ibuki is the most versatile nowadays but summer melusine works great too. np2 is enough for most everything.
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Very nice, I'd say a berserk looper would be useful.
How much did you spend on this account?
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O Cunny.
I have Space Eresh at NP5. I know she's not as good as the others, but I'm kinda fine with that.
Do you mean like an AOE looper like the other anon was saying or a single target one? It was a botted $25 account.
This is a 14 year old
>Do you mean like an AOE looper like the other anon was saying or a single target one?
AOE, it is useful in many situations.
Sen no Rikyu for quick, Ibuki-Douji for arts or Morgan for buster for example
>It was a botted $25 account
I would say it's a bargain since all the supports are there and they are the most important and difficult thing to obtain
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man I really like this guy's style.
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Lazy Bob.
If Arcueid got her rerun now, who's going to be the lead rerun for the 30M DL campaign?
Yeah. Was actually surprising to me that it was selling for that little while having Koyan/Castoria/Skadi and both Merlins. Does Eresh really not cut it as an omnifarmer or is having a looping berserker really just that much better?
Shinjuku really was one of the best parts of fgo as a whole
It’s pretty self evident what they’re saying.
You can read right?
Can't you translate it?
It's talking about which events you should give priority to.
Summer > OC3 > 'member LB4?
If it's far away enough, they could just do Arcueid again.
It's been nearly a year since Melusine's 29M campaign, you would think that after 2 story chapter, 1 anni and 2 collabs the missing 1M downloads would be here.
Anyone should have already finish all of them at this point.
Eresh's damage is good in anything other than an avengers but for the future a Berserker can always be useful
Since you're going for Rinfaces you could probably just have Space Ishtar as your omnifarmer
No servant, it'll just be a Poster Girl rerun
I'm surprised the account seller bots alone haven't pushed us over, I saw them out in full force again this year.
I’m pretty sure the DLs are way higher than what they actually use for the campaigns at this point, they just use them as an excuse for gibs.
>next to hakunon who's only 160cm
Holy shit what a fucking womanlet
It's not a "guy" it's AI
Bros is Avalon harder than Olympus?
I hope it isn't, I barely managed some of those bosses
*12 and she's using meta too look legal
Anon, I...
I guess 1.5x damage against everything will always be good. Probably wouldn't hurt to pick up a Morgan if I don't miss too hard on the other Rinfaces. She's pretty decent on a stall team too if I remember correctly.

I'll probably do that too. I think she's slightly ahead of Space Eresh in numbers. Being able to alternate between them would also mean I'm not going to overcap on bond on either very fast.
Right now is a great time for free gibs, especially for any newfags that rushed/are rushing to play it.
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They just gave out 10 for KyoMAF plus the miscellaneous stuff for the AE log in bonuses, so they won’t do anything for another few weeks minimum. Plus if it’s going to be as significant as they’ve hinted they’ll probably wait until a stream to announce it so everyone can clap and tell 2-kun how SUGOI he is for giving out a free 5 star.
you can always buy stones
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So is he just going to be an npc? I haven't seen his gameplay yet. Does he have his own moveset?
Can they kill servants?????

Woops wrong thread. Ignore this. I'm a fag.


Heihachi is immortal.
Some Lb6 wank
I could probably prove this wrong
This guy cannot learn to die, right?
Due to some real life developments, only now I have enough free time for this game and the latest event. Is one week enough? Or will a no life weekend be necessary?
Are you trying to max out points for the lore? You might need to no life it if so.
It's not all that long of a story order and summer can be speedrun pretty easily. We had barely any content stretched out over 2 months.
Let's say that I can be satisfied if I manage to unlock all the command codes and story chapters while missing the enhancement mats.
We all forgot that Okita had a swimsuit version years ago
I really want to roll for more copies of that fat slutty cat.
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She can go to hell
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Not evil enough
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You want me to post the archive for you and everyone else or do you want to keep up the "selfinsertcentral" with no cuckposting LARP?
Oh and don't argue semantics and catch me on the "oldest" thread bit if I post it as the oldest one is a calmer. I'll post the second oldest thread instead that came afterwards. Following threads get even worse or slightly calmer and better depending on the bait taking/samefagging.
Just some snippets for you.
Which legends do you think TM has gotten the "wrongest"? I don't think its wrong to say saber was a girl or enkidu was clay as long as it still fits the core theme of their legend, but its wrong if TM gets the core theme of the story wrong.

>Robin Hood
That guy famous for growing up during a time where knights and the king were nothing but corrupt monsters who robbed from the poor to enrich themselves, so he became a vigilante specifically to stop them because the people in charge were corrupt, all of the knights were corrupt. Oh yeah turns out he secretly wanted to be a knight all along because he loves and idealizes knights secretly. Really his number one dream is to be a cool knight

>Don Quixote
That guy famous for living a horrible boring life, until one day madness overtook him, and this madness caused him to finally live the life he always wanted even if it was a product of his foolish delusions, at least he was finally living out his dreams even if everyone saw him as a fool. In that moment he finally got to live as a knight, saving princesses, fighting dragons, he got to live out all of his dreams. And when he finally regains his senses at the end of the story, he regrets everything and dies the next day. Symbolic of how the second he returned to reality his life fell apart, while when he was deluded and living his dreams out he was actually doing fine, its when he returned to reality that he was just ruined instantly, while ironically when he lived as a fool he was actually doing good, he was living large
Oh actually the point of the story was the absolute apex of his life is when he accepted reality and realized everything was fake and bullshit because that's when he was at his coolest according to Higashide, except that's when he gave up on life and died.
I'm just about to start OC 3. How long is it? Is it worth burning apples for it right now and unlocking the easy 90** node?
Took me five seconds to find the file number of the original /vg/ threads, I'll prove this wrong once I have an archive that goes back far enough. Current archive I'm looking at only goes back to 2019.
Urobuchi claiming Lancelot wanted to be judged.
I'm like 98% certain that's wrong
Karna is basically the polar opposite of what he is in the Mahabharata.
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>I'll prove you wrong later
No you won't. You chose the keeping up the LARP option.
I'll call you out the next time as well.
Please don't act like an oldfag next time when I'm retarded enough to still lurk this shithole.
GudaBB love
How do you guys search twitter for specific art? Finding art is a pain and a decent amount of the artist I used to follow for art aren’t doing fate as much
You’re better off searching it w/o a hashtag, keep scrolling until you find art.
>usual christmas event with lottery and welfare
>skip christmas event for ruler OC4 centered around Santa Claus/St. Nicholas
You don’t.
Find something you like and watch what that artist retweets.
Do you want to do it the easy way or the hard way?

The most accurate way to do it
>Create a new account
>Follow every FGO artist you like
>Like their images
>Check out the "for you" tab
>Twitter will curate for you various posts every single hour of the day of similar artists and similar art
Think of twitter as a game; think of it as a algorithm, think about how you can game the alorithm. Every post you like has a weight of +10, posts you retweet have a weight of +1, you get out of the system what you put into the system, it shows you things based on things you interact with. As long as you can control your autism and only interact with FGO artists on one account, that's all that will show up in your feed

Naturally you could do this with your current account as well, but the algorithm is already geared towards whatever you're currently searching for, liking, and retweeting. So the curated feed will be altered by all your other likes so it won't be narrowed down. However this method will still work. You should have twitter accounts for several different things that you search daily, a twitter account just for japanese art where you follow various artists and nothing else, etc. Once you figure out how twitter works like its a video game, once you realize how the algorithm works, its pretty easy. If you just start liking fanart for a certain niche hobby, suddenly your feed will start filling up with similar stuff. That's how people in twitter can very easily end up in their own bubble only surrounded by certain things each day.
The "for you" tab,
check what artists retweet
follow artists
its not as hard as it sounds
This. great idea anon.
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Bros my Bob turned into a horse, what do I do?
mount her duh
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Their names, any moniker the fandom uses and ship tag with guda is a good start. You can filter out most of the chaff if you add pic and min_faves:20 or 50 along with that in the search (though it's kind of wonky in the top tab atm so do this in the latest tab)
Following artists that draw your faves a lot will also introduce you to more artists that do too through their retweets.
Make sure to use the JP name of the character if you’re looking for JP art.
Obviously that too
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tits too big
We haven't seen him in over a year now
Honestly I want morgan or tonelico as a dl face. I do hate how this is a most likely scenario.
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With the issue of videos being flagged over spoilers; from what I've seen it only effects monetized videos if that one guy is still worried about being sued for posting rayshift videos.

I'd check the notice since its posted now but I don't think it affects everything.
City got saved by the memories of OC3 staying in the future, otherwise all the fanart of Tez scolding her would have come true.
I think only guda can't remember, and people who specifically got their memories wiped. Seems like eresh and BB still remember, not sure about the other servants.
What is the guda ship tag called?
MasterLOVE I think
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I meant the shiptags for any Servant x Guda/Guda x Servant pairing (JP is 鯖ぐだ)
For example, searching 高ぐだ (Takasugi x Guda) will bring both BL and yume stuff unless the female or male symbol is added at the end.
Though most that used this type of tagging are fujos and/or yumes, you can find some stuff for Gudao too if you just put ぐだ(male symbol) first and then whatever girl servant your fav is (example: ぐだカマ is for Gudao x Kama)
Imagine Liz sticking her nails down your urethra bros...
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nice body
Rate my retardation fgog

>7th anniversary
>lucksack one copy of Arcueid
>"hmmm i won't roll copies, ill go all in on purin instead"
>flash forward
>barely use purin except for cqs
>use arc all the time despite wet noodle np
>overall love arc more than purin
>regret for 2 fucking years constantly
I'm still not over how badly they wasted Napoleon, the world was their oyster for that one and the best they can come up with is "happy sailor man who maybe vandalized a sphinx on accident once"
Kama and Ganesha are also big contenders but bringing up pseudos in general feels like cheating
>because that's when he was at his coolest according to Higashide, except that's when he gave up on life and died
Fairly consistent with how TM usually handles its characters
you fell for the competitive meme bro
You learn from your mistakes.
How did your rolls go this pickup?
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>tfw my purin is still bond 6
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Example: ぐだBB ぐだ沖 (Guda/Okita) ぐだ虎 (Guda/Kagetora)
Guda’s name comes first, then the other characters name. But the pattern basically is ぐだX (X being the characters name).
That’s usually for pixiv.
Anon explains it best.

Is there a certain pairing you’re looking for?
It felt like half of it was easily skipped cutscenes. It shouldn't take more than an afternoon.
Keep in mind just about every fight taking up that other half is going to be "forced support forced frontline".
>that's what killed Serenity's and Castoria's popularity.
You know, the advantage that Morgan/Tonelico has is that even if she didn't show any signs of being for (You) in the actual story, at least she never gets shipped with anyone else because she lacks romantic interests.
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bro your Chen?
You say that, but you know that, should Morgan or Tonelico have main heroine role, with (you) moments, the moment a certain one appear will be the moment a certain retard(s) here will start shitposting.
NP3 Arc. I'm farming some last SQ but she already feels so much better, I really feel like an idiot.

Yup, same here. I just can't ever seem to bring myself to use her outside CQ contexts, even my Tamamo sees more use.

I forgot about him but at least Purin would get more use.
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you now remember tamacunny
Now that the dust has settled, what's the consensus on Summer 9/OC3?
Not even a summer and was used for OC
Hopefully this isn’t bait but, it’s unfortunate that we can’t simply have fun here without some troll trying to spoil it with c*ckposting. Doesn’t help that he can type like a regular here. I did try checking for file names to see a matches but that’s too much effort for an imageboard
>2 months for this shit
Draco,eresh,bargest and Kama
>can't even bother to add her as the welfare
Why does Nasu hate Tamamo so much?
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Remember when they changed the title screen and people were excited for the big finale?
It was made for me so I liked it for the most part. Hated how irrelevant City was though.
Honestly? Just find them and unalive them. Easy piece. Regardless, they used Arc this year, even if it was for a small time, for this OC. So expect Tonelico, and maybe Morgan, or maybe both (since we see Tonelico with Morgan's expressions) next year. Here is a question though. Main role, deuteragonist or supporting? It would honestly be a dick move from Nasu or whoever write it to give her anything but a heroine role, but you know how he is.
Where do you even put Tonelico? There's just the Ruler OC, the Foreigner OC and the finale. Both Eresh and Arc were secondary characters in OC3, so I don't know why you'd expect more for Tonelico.
The one summer that truly deserves to never get a rerun
A cope would be Tonelico in Ruler OC because of PHH Morgan being Ruler.
From my view? Ruler OC, or a main interlude. Ruler OC has a chance to bring PHH Morgan. How may she be used, that I don't know.
Ruler OC is the only place I imagine she can fit and I doubt it's being written by Nasu.
I hope I never have to see the bugs from LB6 again
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>going on three years of this incredibly piss poor main menu music pretending like anything remotely serious is happening
Even the 2015 theme was better, how did they fuck this up
>is the one that will get the main interlude treatment
The other one may be a main interlude event like Tunguska.
There is a non-zero chance of KD to be next month in the LB4 event, and Muryan may be referenced.
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>There is a non-zero chance of KD to be next month in the LB4 event, and Muryan may be referenced.
sorry I mean the faes
And what do you think Muryan is? I mean yeah a goddess part, but she was also a fae in LB6
ぐだカマ (GudaKama), ぐだドラ (GudaDraco), ぐだバゲ (GudaBarghest), ぐだエレ (GudaEresh)
I think Morgan has a good chance of being a heroine, maybe in an event. I wouldn’t consider BB being the heroine of OC3 since she didn’t really get “that” main role like Kama, Castoria, or Melt did.
Borefest that introduces a lot of retarded lore
>No real welfare
The worst
sorry anon I mean castoria/morgan/tonelico/barghest/babanshi/melusine/oberon.
booru if you want things completely free
Maybe. Hopefully you are right.
Oh... well you can at least expect Oberon cause he is part of the Rent Free team
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Didn't care for most of it, being both a summer event and a story chapter did not help and was definitely out of laziness, and hope the mushroom never does something so stupidly mediocre ever again.
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Spin to win
No problem.
Morgan is quite popular so you shouldn’t worry.
BBanon, do you think BB Dubai's Valentine's will be another scary one or will we get something wholesome? I'd like to get scenes for all three ascensions but I'm probably asking too much from the mushroom... I want to dote on Dubai too though.
Her face is really just :-) but stoned.
I will answer your question when one of the damn threads 404’.
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Remember when we used to wait until page 8?
Nasu tried to push it because of one manga he liked (same for Daji/Taigon by the way, he's behind it). But came to see sense Dantes is your Grand Husbando as Sakurai intended to.
His interlude cast her only as a buddy he talks about your well being.
She jumped to Oberon.
LB6 has a literal boss rush in the last part. Otherwise, it's easier.
Ereshkigal. And anything involving a god.

She was a yandere slut who nearly destroys the world in a zombie apocalypse to force Nergal back a her consort to...cutesy moeblob who loves a random jap.
>to...cutesy moeblob who loves a random jap.
You just described saber
I think Nasu should graduate from Extra/CCC and scifi shit.
At least Saber is still an ideal king adjacent who can perfectly function with Shirou romance 99% time. Ereshkigal is downright embarrassing.
Nigger not even nasu likes the fate route, shut the fuck up
I use Purin all the time with double castoria
It's another huge Arts boost and a 20% NP battery if you fuck up and wind up with 98% on a loop
Terrible front-liner though, I thought the max HP boost on her NP was better than a three-turn regen since you get the healing all at once, but healing boosts don't apply to max HP up so she's terrible for stall memes
Then why does the algorithm keep recommending me shitty meme and 4chan Screencap reposts when I keep saying I don't want to see them? I don't want to mute or block them entirely but it is annoying as fuck

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