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Previous: >>495722386

>Ordeal Call III: Neo-Primate Succession War, Archetype Inception:
●Event period: Aug 28~Oct 31 JST (2 Months).
▶NEW Limited Master Missions (~Oct 4): 10 SQ, 1 Crystallized Lore, 9 Stargazer's Teapots and 4 Silver Apples.
▶Login Bonus (~Oct 2): 5 Golden Apples, 10 Hellfire of Wisdom, 3M QP, 20 3*Fou-kun (10ATK, 10HP), 1 Footprint and 3 Stargazer's Teapots.
▶Welfare Servant: 4* Moon Cancer Kishinami Hakuno (Male and Female). These servanst will be featured in the FP Gacha in October's Event (you must clear OC III).
▶Moon Cancer will be added to the EXTRA I Class Score after clearing OC III.
▶Animation Update for Sesshōin Kiara.
▶Strengthening Quest for Kingprotea and Sesshōin Kiara.
▶Teapots expire October 31.

>Kyoto International Manga and Anime Fair 2024:
▶Present: 10 SQ.

>Kyomaf 2024 PU Summon:
●Sep 21~28.
5*Berserker Sen no Rikyū
4*Saber Saitō Hajime
3*Assassin Okada Izō
All limited

>Current Pick Ups:
●~Sep 27 JST.
5*Moon Cancer Archetype: Earth (limited)
●~Sep 29 JST.
5*Alter Ego Sesshōin Kiara (limited)
4*Saber Roland (permanent)
●~Oct 2 JST.
5*Moon Cancer C.I.E.L
4*Lancer Dobrynya Nikitich
4*Avenger Xu Fu
All limited.
5*Lancer Karna
4*Lancer Percival
Both permanent.
●~Oct 9 JST.
5*Moon Cancer BB Dubai
4*Moon Cancer Tenochtitlan
4*Foreigner Mysterious Heroine XX Alter
All limited.

>Pastebin for utility links:
cute fampai
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I'm glad they use Ciel but the event was shit
>7 more days
what if the new events are just as long?
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The Japs don't give a shit
and their opinion is what matters
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I though they listen to fgog
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flabby lizzard
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We are the last bastion of truth
dead year
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I hope at least their skins can be bought at a shitty event
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I'm pretty happy for summer city
No lube
an ascension without a swimsuit is the new norm
I'm getting her to 120 but she deserved an actual summer event...
literally gook tier
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the bunny is cute tho
sorry pham type moon is saving itself for its tenth year
I wanna see her ribs marked
Swimsuit isn't the only thing you wear during summer anon. Sometimes you want to wear a spacesuit or a mecha armor
needs to be updated for modern audiences
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summer1-4 were the best
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plap plap
my cutting board
summer dress is ok for me
where's the bulge
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update that img
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Wrong board Lippa
why does ibuki exist?
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to please a certain demographic
>fgog having a child
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Gameplayfags and Sakurai, weird demographic
>not even 2024 numbers
What's the point?
Most of the people here must be +25
completely normal
normal people don't play gachas
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fgogcucks are but normal
Still can't believe they felt confident enough in releasing the results where half the responders are asking for a complete 180 in varying degrees of drastic measures. Kinda thought it was less than 10% asking for unironic eos back then.
never understood the appeal of camazotz
t. skipchad
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adding mountain man
we are all here
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Sob backstory to save his shitty design and mediocre writing
>Kinda thought it was less than 10% asking for unironic eos back then.
they want to be free anon
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You should play the game instead of using a randomizer for this
Sob stories are just even more mediocre writing though
Since this thread has more replies… I think Nasu is going to change the formula and go for a more lovey dovey valentine with BB. While BB Dubai isn’t my BB, I can see the mushroom making a scene for her, kind of like space ishtar’s valentine. My only concern is that it doesn’t have a bad end desu. Maybe BB can act up but with a little reversal and have her spill spaghetti would be great.
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>raita mentioned
I deducted points when his backstory was revealed.
Same but still how the fuck do you read those results and think "this is fine, let's show the world how half the responders fucking want to move on/ ask for significant changes that we won't deliver"
Famitsu don't make the game, anon.
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Sony has something to do with it
Greetings, newfag here. I started playing a while back, and was enjoying myself until I stumbled upon my first stone.
Olympus... the boss battles, and the mandatory support servants are driving me insane (Just defeated Kirschtaria in Act 23).

Not quitting, but I wanted someone to confirm if the worse is yet to come and what I can expect in the following chapters.
Thanks in advance, it just landed on me I could ask here.
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>but I wanted someone to confirm if the worse is yet to come and what I can expect in the following chapters.
This one is challenging but fun
>Rider Alter
Holy shit I completely forgot about her
Hehe, Biggu Hole.
ready to get pregnant
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>saves summer
I don't know why people are so surprised that Extra continues to be a focal point
There have been Extraverse CEs in the game from day one, Nero was in the game from day one and new Extraverse servants are still being added every year
Apoc and Zero were both handled by other writers, Extra was the first non-FSN Fate work that Nasu followed up with, of course he's attached to it. I just wish he'd hire an editor so he'd stop allowing shit like Extella and Last Encore to happen
Oh! I've seen this guy mentioned in a few guides!
we are playing on a 15gb AD
Me love Bit
Me not Tez
Me not Pepe
Me not Kirsch
Me not Guda
3rd ascension BB should have used the FA swimsuit design
I really like Takechi's artist so it's a shame he's never gonna be playable unless they somehow make Izou a 5* version
We know Bit's dad
>dadbit and bit(origin) love bit
That's too wholesome I'm going to cry
Kill yourself at least post in /alter/ because those retards would agree you are retard
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Bros... Is it bait to roll on anything at this point with 10th anni being less than a year away? Surely it's gonna be big, right? It's not gonna be EOS, right?
What about it? You think they'd magically release a shit ton of servants in anniversary or something?
I live here btw
We're neighbors
shameful display
4th anni... home
>random ass version updafe
God dammit
Show your lvl120 City or you have to move
That was a long time ago anon. It's time to accept they would never do that ever again.
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>LB5 teaser was 5 years ago
>still a year or more before part 2 actually ends
now compare this to part one that didn't even take 2 years to complete
Beast solomon that has 2x damage vs anything and NP damage boost before NP damage
Also arts and with extra refund
BB should have had swimsuit alternate costumes for all 3 ascensions.
No, I don't care about overworking Wada or Sprite-kun.
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Even better without the hat. I need to stop making edits, I'm just making myself sad.

The spacesuit is already supposed to be a swimsuit.
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Blushu's tummy
It's stylized after a swimsuit but ultimately is not one.
You gave her a stupid nickname you don't love her
Visually isn't that a distinction without a difference?
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Do naughty thing onto both of them
you rike oc3 or nah
why do I feel like this is the end of FGO? We barely even have any new videos in social media thanks to them going slow paced schedule and now they're going to nuke any new content. We barely even have new players at all.
I like City
Fantastic, I just noticed that the moon's reflection is fucked up
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Are there viable parties that can completely prevent the enemy from using their NP during a long fight? Something like Tamamo-Waver-Scathach looks like jank. Replacing Scathach with Asclepius helps with looping and sustain but removes the panic button gae bolg and any meaningful damage. Tamamo-Waver-QSH? Damn I'm out of ideas.
No because a lot of enemies just go "fuck you, full NP after break bar" and have stun/charm/sleep/seal immunity
Asterios is a classic. Don't worry about preventing NP, just make them incapable of dealing damage
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If only Takeuchi didnt ruin Ciel with this absolute garbage I wouldve loved it

I am so fucking mad about how this Ascension looks I just legitimately dont think any of you can even begin to understand
Just go full roman team and huddle in Constantine's lap.
Sure, bad guys will NP, but they'll do fuck all for damage
Use the other two
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Overall yes. It was messy and bloated, but I loved everything with the Hakunos and everything with BB enough to sort of forgive the flaws.
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Is Kintoki really better than Ciel?
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Don't bully Blushu
The difference is thin in my opinion, personally I would have ranked Ciel S too
No. The people doing the evaluations are in denial about how strong Ciel is for some reason. Eventually they'll relent and move her to S even SS.
Beast Chaldean (solomon) will have 3 NPs: Ars Salami (AEO), Ars Nova (single attack), Ars uh the temple (support) I forgot. He'll also be a multi support with different skills depending the ascension: arts/buster/quick.
Ciel isn't that good unless you np5 her.
>Is [berserker] really better than [meme extra class]?
Not granting her an exemption as a dedicated 90** clearer is certainly a gapemedia move though
There is nothing any artist could have done to salvage "spess idoru sabantobassu cieru".
Each and every one of her ascensions are conceptually fucked up one way or another.
Desn't apply to bunny Tlaloc.
Yeah I can survive it no issue, I need her to not use it.

I give up she wins
700 quartz
>trying to find extra class supports
holy shit this is cancer
thank you for shoving so many fucking classes in a single slot lasengle you stupid retards
She's a Mooncancer. The MEMEST class of them all.
They should divide them in Extra I and II as they did with the class graph thing. I can understand not wanting to have all those meme classes split because would fuck up their game design. But one more slot could be fine.
Extra I: Avenger, Mooncancer, Ruler, Shielder.
Extra II: Alter Ego, Pretender, Foreigner, Beast.
>Lmao he was all alone in the other thread by himself.
This stopped being an issue for me once they let us sort for bond CEs. Anything worth using ends up at the top.
more like blue suede shu
Dedicated 90** means that she's good for all of them and iirc she can't deal with Vritra's 90**.
Still, her usefulness in Ciel+BB comp is fucking stupid because it's not just those two that can use it, but nearly all the other Buster servants including many Berserkers that can benefit from it so I'd say that "S" is warranted at least as a support rating.
Not really.
That would be ideal
But Lasengle kidna fucking sucks at QoL shit
As Akiha walked up to the east wing of the Tohno estate, she could hear the sound of her nii-san and Kohaku having sex once more. There was a time where she might have thought that the sound was just Shiki masturbating, but now she knew better—as if the occasional mewl of pleasure from Kohaku-san wouldn't clarify the truth either way. Stepping into the hall leading to their bedroom, Akiha paused for a moment, hesitating to go any further, and then figured she should press on. She had to give him a letter from one of his school friends, anyway, and there was a part of her that had gotten used to the idea of Kohaku helping herself to her beloved nii-san just about whenever she wanted.

Still, that didn't make it hurt any less as Akiha entered the room properly and saw Kohaku squatting down a little in front of the bed whilst Shiki laid with his head over the edge and his face pressed between the cheeks of her ass. When Akiha first walked in, Shiki had been rimming her with all the effort that he could expend; long, hard sucks to the hole itself before thoroughly tonguefucking the maid's tight behind, but when Akiha walked into the room and Kohaku caught her gaze, she suddenly smirked and began to grind back against Shiki. Long strokes ensured that nii-san's lips and tongue were being ground from the tip of Kohaku's crack all the way down to the base of her flower bud.

Nii-san had been so caught up in what was happening that he didn't even notice Akiha enter the room, but as Kohaku ground her hips back and her snatch settled against his lips, his eyes opened and she caught Akiha's gaze. At one point, he would have been embarrassed to see her while Kohaku-san was using him like this, but no more. Now, he only closed his eyes again and resumed what he had been doing before

After leaving the room the heiress said to herself
>iirc she can't deal with Vritra's 90**
Yes, that's not what I was saying
What I am saying is that there's only two of these so far and much like Siegfried she has a very powerful and unique niche thanks to them, even before getting into her general use cases.
You okay anon?
not so friendly reminder that Enkidu is for me
not so friendly reminder that City is for me
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My name is Musa-
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News Doko?
Honestly, I like Hakuno, he was cool in OC3
Though, even when the course they choose with Extra servant was obvious once he was added, they could've make Hakuno for (you), he got a harem anyway, so it wouldn't even be NTR
But well

Anyway, didn't Nasu once say that mooncancers are too specific and a chear class and will not get an OC, and not they seem to replace Foreigner? (Current humanity rank is B, so ruler OC will bring to rank A and allow to enter Chaldea)
Is it not? They already announced part 2 ending next year.
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>no news, only a reminder of the summer event that has been going for ~2 months
so, they're just gonna shit out kazura for halloween right
God I wish this was me....
Still haven't gotten her, why can't they at least give some more sq over the last 3 months
Kazura didn't have a sprite for OC3 she's clearly not done and will remain in NPCajil for a while
Let's see this year is getting worst.
>Collab year baka.
>The usual one lotto event. (Two lotto if is a new event lmao)
>One dl campaign for this year this break the past 9 year record.
No, enough of this whore.
Based and accurate.
Why everyone assume that Hakunon's "true feelings" are romantic? She didn't want to make things awkward. I think it'll have to do with envy and jealousy of Guda's position than something like that when she's shamelessly declaring her brides/wives and her tsun feelings for EMIYA otherwise.
Keep in mind she chose Dubai over Guda in OC3 and flirted with her a lot unlike Hakuno who chose you. That's why I don't think her feelings as romantic.
Hmm it's almost as if both Foreigner and Mooncancer are optional as they're not on the main visual.
He did, yes. Nasu is a known liar. He also at NO point indicated Ordeal Call would ever be a thing.
>reading comprehension
I think they are romantic because it makes my dick hard, and I don’t give a shit about the themes of FGO or the story it’s trying to tell because the main plot is currently more nonsensical than GUDAGUDA and the Servantverse combined. Because it’s literally incorporating the former to try to make a point.

>(incoherent cuckposting noises)
Nah, she sucks my dick because mine’s bigger than yours.
Don’t even pretend humanity comprehension is anything but an attempt at a hype meter.
The keywords are complete so yeah, Foreigner OC seem unlikely.
The OC with surprising timing was Mooncancer. His answer about it earlier was ambiguous, but the translation worked on the assumption he meant Foreigner and thus worded too affirmative to the FAQ. Foreigner already got an OC, though of sorts, it was Imaginary Scramble. I think the U Olga quests will rise Foreigner class like they did Pretender because they'll be the allies that help Guda to overcome the last Olga Boss. I'll think that'll get its own chapter before the finale drops (in timelocks) with a Lavi *5 and a Daybit fp *4 clear. Imaginary Scramble say the Foreigners all oppose each other so sabotage themselves, if there was one who existed who made them work together in the same cause would be different. That's foreshadowing Daybit/the Dark Star I think.
But Aqua Olga literally helped unlock the Pretender class score…

>Foreigners all oppose each other
They’re lucky ORT doesn’t normally deign to take the Grand Foreigner class then, I guess. Because ORT is apparently the strongest thing in the Nasuverse.
Lol kek. I'm just saying I wouldn't be surprise Nasu clarifies in her mats she is jealous or feels left behind. That's why she's ashamed to speak of her feelings. If she wanted someone, she'll boldly declare it, claim them or pretend not to want them in a tsun way as with Emiya (this was ongoing since CCC because he gets dense MC on her and kept talking of his gfs when she was trying to fuck him).
>envy and jealousy of Guda's position
Ehh this specific idea makes no sense, why would master of the moon who is omnipotent ruler of the mooncell be envious towards regular human master who had his world destroyed and devastated to the point of almost becoming an avenger?
Guda's position is not the desired one.
Just because Guda got more servants?
Or because Hakunos had to die in moon dubai? Well, Guda will die even faster relatively, he's regular human (if not killed in Part 2 ending).
It's certainly not envy.
Nasu says a lot of crazy shit in his blogs, like how LB Zeus used to be the dick of a combining robot or how ACKSHYUALLY Sefar isn’t allowed to lose to the Olympians ganging up on her from the start, contradicting Extella Link stating they could have slain her if they’d ganged up. I’ve learned to just let Nasu ramble about whatever he wants, and make up my own headcanon for what actually matters to me because it’s unironically not as nonsensical as canon.
>feels left behind
This only makes sense as a meta (Extra abandoned for FGO).
Hakunos lived for thousand of years as rulers, Guda is nobody who could be killed or sealed by MA once everything is done. Also his world is literally bleached and he was almost mindbroken (only survives it because of Dantes it seems).

Only someone like Kadoc could be jealous of Guda.
>But Aqua Olga literally helped unlock the Pretender class score…
I know. Because Pretender as a playable class was created by Chaldeas.
Foreigner was made up by Raum. So the class unlock will come when the Foreigners beat up the last Brolga with Daybit. Daybit's existence was foreshadowed already by that event. I think they meant him. It's a good place to drop a Lavi gacha too.

Beast isn't yet unlocked right? The Prototype event will unlock it because technically Beast class as playable was created by Manaka. That's where the "Rider" new lore (retconned) will get explained. And why they pushed that shit so far to the point Hibichika came up first.
>Foreigner was made up by Raum
…we sure about that? I mean it raises some questions about Requiem where Foreigner is a thing and. I’m ASSUMING the timeline isn’t as insane as FGO, despite everything else going on.
>Prototype event
Also I haven’t been keeping up, one’s actually confirmed? I honestly just gave up on Manaka ever being in the game before EoS
Hakunon feeling a little insecure ontop of everything else is fine, though. It'll be awkward for her to try to get between BB (for example) and Guda. I don't think romantic feelings make sense with how she's portrayed because she'll just claim Guda as part of her harem without giving a single fuck. It's not as if overwhelms her. It's a sense of loss.
I think that Beast score is more likely to be a "Clear Game" rewards of sort.
It's the most irregular of the irregular classes, with all the playable characters so far and all the bosses encountered in the game having their own compatibility rather than adhering to a fixed model like the other 7 extra classes.
>FGO literally shuts down
>”Beast class unlocked!”
>Players all over the world seethe at being physically unable to complete the last class score ever
>Someone ends up hacking FGO to let you play through every event, Lostbelt and Singularity indefinitely just so people can flex their 120 2000/2000 max Fou’d, max append’d Dracos and Space Ereshes clowning on early content
Yes, because things get to appear in continuity after they made it up. Like how Avenger was created by the Einzburgers.

It doesn't even need to appear in golden week anymore when 80% of this year has been collab shit. It can drop whenever and nobody will bat an eyelash.
We know is coming because of Draco's my room. I think the reason it locked up for this long is because it unlocks the Class Grade for Beast. Since Beast as "Servant" was something Manaka created.
See >>495914169
I think it'll be behind Prototype because is the origin (true) of FGO, and Beast class. So Nasu is leaving the most relevant collab to part 2 (he has no idea what to do with part 3 by his own admission) last and unlocking Beast. Manaka is the first Rider of a Beast. So will face (you) as the newest one.
Bro you can already fill the beast score, it just isn't active yet.
And the game will at least reach the 11th anniversary so there's plenty of time test it out.
Ahhh, I want a challenge quest collection already.
Foreigners are weird because it's a class for things outside the Human Order so Alaya shouldn't have any authority over it. Even Beasts come humanity even if they're enemies.
We'll find out what the fuck Manaka is at last? At first thought she being a humanity evil was the reason why Ozzy shat his pants and wanted to salt the ground on Tokyo. But that doesn't seem to be the reason. He never has this reaction to Beasts fucking around even when they wreck shit like Sodom or Goetia. It's Manaka that made him piss himself.
Nasuverse lore is a complete joke as displayed by OC3.
Just write some dumb bullshit about how Alaya ate lovecraft so its okay now
…anon the Einsteinburgenheimers didn’t create an entire “Servant Class”, at the time of F/SN’s initial writing it was assumed there was only supposed to be ONE Avenger and it fit the function that Beasts now have. It was NOT a harsh but controlled retributive force like what OC2, it was a calamity great enough to be compared to Primate Murder and ORT. The only thing they did was try to summon a Zoroastrian god, and fuck up because it turned out to be some tortured bum

>Draco’s room + it’s already in
Fair enough, But.

Man it’s been YEARS since Prototype has had any genuine hype, I just feel like pointing at the sheer gulf of time since Prototype actually mattered as evidence I see no reason to assume it will find a way in. Let me try to put it this way. We got a made up fairy OC instead of PHH Morgan, and we got FUCKING MAHOYO CHARACTERS AS SERVANTS before even a HINT of Prototype.

I ask of you: If Nasu, Takeuchi, or anyone else who matters wanted to put Prototype in the game at any point, is there any logical reason they’d drag it out this long after introducing Arthur?
Foreigners already had a chapter that explained them too. That's why I'm saying that will be helpers since their chapter foreshadowed Daybit's existence and he's scheduled to return. Just before they get into Antarctica feels the best timing. He has this misunderstanding he can't work with people, now you prove him wrong.
>Prototype has had any genuine hype, I
Bro we got Hibichika. Prototype at least still appears in surveys. It's just because Nasu's autism wants it timed with that unlock for sure. And because it's the "origin of Fate" so can only fit as the last collab for their main story (as far as they know it). It's again the result of his autism. We had had Proto Gil and Perseus in files since 2015.
The only logical reason is that they didn't know what to do with Arthur besides the napkin notes Nasu wrote 30 years ago between lunch break and PE, and he didn't remember shit about it either.
I mean yeah, the only reason they drag it out is to give it story importance, same as with this KD introduction.
Why not be optimistic and discuss ways the game will improve from hereon out? I'll start:
>we'll probably get a new Liz during halloween
Define "last" collab. They clearly want to do Strange Fake and Tsukihime too.
Correct. Nasu once said Prototype was the origin of FGO story and outline. He probably thought they should be the last collab to the main story (he still refers to the end of it to part 2 in interviews). But the way the story progresses and its pacing was fucking shit.
He and Sakurai might co-write it. Which makes me fear because they can be hit+miss on their own, but are absolutely AWFUL as a convo.
Nasu refers to end of part 2 as the end of the main story. There could be part 3 but he's not sure yet what will be about. Those will be collabs for whatever is next and have no plot connection to the main plot so far.
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>yfw Manaka becomes Grand Beast
>He and Sakurai might co-write it
Septem, but about Manaka instead.
It's gonna be weird because Sakurai dislikes Manaka (she had an interview about it - all the people loving her is LITERAL mind control). Nasu and Takeuchi love her though. So prepare for gigantess vore shit.
FGO Arcade was supposed to be *the* Prototype collab. The plot point that was transplanted to FGO from Proto is the Beasts, specifically the Beast of Revelation.
As the anon pointed out. Ozymandias was spooked by her specifically. The Beast she was going to summon would have enabled to use her power. It wasn't the Beast that set him off, but her. He has none of this reaction with other Beasts.
FGO Arcade told Arthur his Beast is in FGO mobage though. That was the conclusion. Also the Cinderella Halloween implies Manaka was behind it. We thought it was Draco but her lines in my room buried that theory.
Manaka's around and active. She destroyed plenty worlds already too.
>(You) will help Daybit awaken his nakama power
>He has none of this reaction with other Beasts
Different writers. Why do you expect them to remember something written so long ago?
And he only mets Goetia in time temple in FGO, right? Not even Goetia himself, but pillar.
>Different writers.
Sakurai wrote him in all occasions.
He also was present with Draco.
He had a cutscene in Arcade. So yeah.
Also Manaka is the only ever called a "natural born" evil of humanity. The rest are made by circumstances or whatever. Her source is the "Root". Nasu might be trying to imply she's the origin of evil who knows. She doesn't exist in other timelines so she's definitely weird.
The voices in my head tells me that Arcade was supposed to have a part 2, but was cancelled because they realized that it was a gargantuan waste of time and money.
Best and worst heroines of FGO?
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We should be getting 極星のトーチ before the next Oct event. The third-class score just requires one of these to complete.
They planned 2 more Beasts before they retconned it so you're right.
But Manaka got confirmed for mobage. She's the one who fucked around during Halloween. Draco reaction to Halloween shit had her confused in her event so she wasn't the one who turned you into a furry demon for lols.
>me who never chose a class score and upgrade all of them at once
>Polar Star
What is the obsession with stars on class score? Why stars? Is that star = star attribute = hope of humanity?
To Nasu, the clappier = the better.
Manaka is the prototype of many of his characters, including Ryogi, Illya and Kotomine and her Servant for all beast class.
She will get a powerlevel adjustment update since he called her "Omnipotence who became a girl" once.
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CN players are laughing at us anons... https://bbs.nga.cn/read.php?tid=41782680
Polar Star is also known as Sirius.
Parts of her went to Dark Sakura too.
The mysterious silhouette behind the Cinderella Liz event =/= Pretender Liz imouto Np.
Neat a new Olga quest
No, I think they're laughing at the japanese this time.
>District 11
Did "Elevens" really stick outside of /a/ and 4chan? Amazing.
>Nasu might be trying to imply she's the origin of evil
I think Ozzy's speech kind of imply it too. She's something absolutely wrong.
she was indirectly mentioned in strange fake. waver helped real ayaka with "a situation involving her older sister"
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>Fire Olga? She was the weakest among the Four Great Presidents
Hakuno asked you to take one more. It's locked in. Dread it. Run from it. Liz arrives, all the same.

At this point I'm not discounting the possibility every Liz will fuse into Beast 5 who will retroactively become the reason why Liz keeps fucking spawning new Saint Graphs in Chaldea
>Regarding the fact that it took nearly 2 months for US players to finally realize the video chapter restriction rules
It's further up that they are laughing at us. Rip.
>Beast Liz welfare
God, save us
>Imaginary Scramble say the Foreigners all oppose each other so sabotage themselves, if there was one who existed who made them work together in the same cause would be different. That's foreshadowing Daybit/the Dark Star I think.
That sounds pretty logical but I doubt it'd be like that especially because this is a gacha game. A class where 99% of the servants are waifus (even the male one are just a little boy) having non-MC adult man as some sort of leader sounds like a bad idea. And it's almost too much of an overlap that's basically "Guda making various servants work together" but it's Daybit/Dark Star with the Foreigners
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Cute npc, hopefully she does the same as the kotr knights and become playable in 5 years
What's this, the CN version?
just noticed it's the bag version, weird
very funny that BB now has bigger tits than Passionlip did in the original CCC art
I want Daybit as a servant, but I agree that it's not "set in stone" and is anon's speculation.
Remember OC2 being about Prototype and Count Roa? It was wrong.
I wonder how many famous people Dantes killed offscreen in life
remember people thinking that the OCs were finally going to handle that dangling Dying Da Vinch subplot
In the Nasuverse specifically, Roa was apparently one of them
2 more weeks
da vinci is just a character that was intended to be stupid popular and "she" really, really isn't
The devs are taunting the playerbase
Yeah I want him as a servant too and that anon's speculation sounds realistic for the plot. Would be nice too as a character development with him having important role that in way convince him that he's capable of teamwork and building trust, but sadly being realistic/logical =/= ideal execution when we include the game genre/audience/writers/etc into the factor
Daybit said he will come back but next time it will be to help us, I don't think he will be a servant but I can't wait to meet him again
Daybit is a waifu though
Is he for you?
He is for Tez
He is for the entire universe
He is for Tez. pretty much all fanart has him and tez together
Not for (You) but for (Me)
Hi Tez
Disgusting cuckposters
We read the game
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Do not cuck Tez, anon...
Daybit is pure and only for friendship
They are cute together
Sis they tried to destroy earth those are criminals
She has the bag in the story too retardbros, she takes it on and off multiple times.
Sorry, I can't remember
Cute criminals in love
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>Imaginary Scramble say the Foreigners all oppose each other so sabotage themselves
Something similar was said in Requiem too, During the war, Foreigner-class Servants became feared and avoided as symbols of disaster that brought enormous suffering upon friend and foe alike
>contradicting Extella Link stating they could have slain her if they’d ganged up.
Source? Didn't Higa write extella link though?
Good morning I love GudaBB
>Sefar isn’t allowed to lose to the Olympians ganging up on her from the start, contradicting Extella Link stating they could have slain her if they’d ganged up.
But isn't that what happened and caused LB5?
Also I find really fucking funny that they jobbed because they went with the Evil_Org_Executives.EXE program to approach her
Lizbro, what kind of Liz do you think we'll get next?
Daybit is too autistic to understand love
No that's the thing tho, in the game you're told the Olympians beat her that way but in his BLOG Nasu "clarified" that all they did was drive her off, and even LB Zeus couldn't kill her with their combined power, and merely drove her off, and it was STILL Grug with Excaliclub that actually destroyed her
Tez will teach him in bed
That's like the sophism about Musashi killing chaos or simply collapsing his door to earth in my opinion.
Sefar didn't return afterward so it's basically the same.
no one cares about meteo's slop
he's a fucking hack and the fact that he dropped requiem should be a fucking big red flag
Who cares about what non-humans like them are doing?
How do we save Foreigner class?
By removing all the Nasu servants in it
Who is this character? She looks kinda familiar...eh probably no one important.
Ws about to say by removing the gag servant on it, but forina class has become a gag itself. Just link-lost it already.
When was the last time we got a non-joke Foreigner? Gogh?
less pedoshit
She's the biggest joke of the class though
Way to expose yourself anti-Kuku schizo retard
more little girls.
>not a joke
More Sakura faces, including a BB variant
The Foreigner class was beyond saving after Hokusai. Even worse when Nasu started using it for his shitty OCs
more pedokino
Okay tourist, I bet Medb 2 was a better Foreigner choice
Keep the Lovecraft ones, delete all the others
Anon... the Hakunon you get isn't the same as the 1000 years old one from OC3. This one is just Extella Links Hakunon taking a vacation in Chaldea. No one actually remember OC3 except for BB. >!Also, Hakunon's biggest wish is to live a normal human school life. Gudas life is even further from that than her life.!<

Also, Hakunon want to suck my dick because I said so, cope.
Don't bother, there is schizo shitting the thread everytime someone say anything negative about her
reddit bro... Ctrl S isn't that hard...
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Lotto doko?
After 30M campaign.
Trust the plan.
God if she was the shop keeper and made horny noises every time you tap the lotto, I'd farm 10k boxes
I'm glad we can move on from LB7 flops now.
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>finally released after years of demands
>it's just a portrait
>not even a costume, just a story portrait that will likely join the long list of already unreleased designs the game has
>in fact she got a costume in that very event but it's just a background swap that doesn't even alter her sprite
oh nononononono
are there any passionkeks left or did they all leave after this?
I'm here but mostly out of amusement at this point
surely it can't get worse
she's just not gonna show up ever again, applies to most of the cast desu.
Adding real Foreigners, half of the Servants of that class are now memes or people who ended up there because they simply had a connection to space
Space seems a likely place for Foreigners to be, though.
space related foreigners are fine by the game's definition of what constitutes one since they're less tied to funny tentacle gods and more to just being from outside the planet's domain/system/whatever, i'd just wish we got more lovecraft ones
We have move on from Kuku a long time ago though
Fuck off georgie
Jacques is the perfect foreigner, there are many dark legends surrounding the Templars, perhaps in this niche they are the most well-known bunch of people.
Abby is also ok, I'm pretty sure that the Salem trial is the only thing the entire world knows about American history
Abby Skill 2 upgrade
Abby Skill 1 upgrade again
Abby NP upgrade
Summer Abby Skill 1 and 3 upgrade
Summer Abby NP upgrade (two times)
Grand Foreigner Abby (she's not wearing any clothes)
That's only two of them. Class is just used to put shit servants
I also like Yang Guifei, from what I understand in Asia she is a very famous figure, like Cleopatra in the West.
From the Wikipedia page it seems to me that there is something mysterious and interesting in her figure to make her a Foreigner.
On the art-based ones I don't have a clear opinion, Gogh's madness and his interest in the stars was promising but now I think they are random figures and there is no connection to the art world = Ayy Lmao
Playable Daybit with one shota ascension
Foreigner Sarah Winchester with Yig as her Outer God when?
Too specific so never
and maybe after all of that, maybe one of her alts will finally not be completely dogshit
I only care for the girls. I don’t give a shit about H.P. Lovecraft trash.
>I only care for the girls
>post a dude
Girl with a large feathered snake
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Here you go sis
Why is Gudako separating them
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I still miss the OG design. It's understandable why she got toned down but it's a shame Foxtail was the last time we saw it considering what happens in it.
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More like joining in on the fun
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Gudako trying to sneak into a couple is rude
Summer City was so unlucky to be released in an OC that spent most of its time shilling EXTRA, Eresh, and Tsukihime.
I'm annoyed as well but she's still getting a lot of fanarts at least so I'm pleased. Still getting her to 120.
>All in One
A skill upgrade that takes all the buffs of the party to herself (keeping the remaining turns).
imagine the np damage up of oberon, 60%...
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They don't seem to mind
Also Tez has fours wives, another two isn't a big deal
It’s never good to have heroines share similar roles.
you can't
the class was shit from the start
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she has a cameo in Seraph at her full size
too broken
lasengle doesn't have the balls
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You might not like it but you can't take a class seriously without some men
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I'm glad we got at least that but the way Takenoko drew her still makes me wish she had been part of Foxtail's main cast, that way I would look forward to each update. Loved her so much in this, she looked so good.
our clergy fuarking sucks...
You could give a serious answer instead of trolling....
She was only added because she was a big fan fave, most of the playable summer were irrelevant besides Bart, BB and Eresh
it fits her well tho
Abby is a selfish brat after all
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>lol invul

Hahahahahaha yeah ok I am never rolling for another servant or even USING one that doesnt have Invul break again because I am so fucking tired of that horse shit jesus. That horse is way too fucking beaten
What's wrong, anon?
Don't like it?
How about unremovable guts or the boss wiping all your buffs on breakbar pop?
Astraea's the MVP this month
Nasu is under the delusion that FGO is a real game that can rival all the jrpgs he played as a kid
At least Guts or removing your buff doesnt completely stone wall you and force you to redo your team comp. Worst case you just wipe and use your seals. But that shit is just a hard mockery of most Servants and the CE system.

For me it was DATA LOST and the Sweet Crystal
It certainly rivals them in kusoge factor.
It’d be slightly more acceptable if this wasn’t a gacha game or older welfare CEs etc were actually readily available.
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>Space Eresh has invuln pierce
>Have to ramp up before I get to utilize it
It's all so tiresome.
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Shitposting aside it makes it tough to get invested in the class when the theme is "cosmic horror" but ultimately in practice it's just a place to throw a variety of yandere waifu characters who typically are presented as "threatening" for like five seconds before they get engulfed by reminding you that they're supposed to be waifubait.
It's like when Nasu tries to make the "oh scary giantess" except you know that it's just his fetish and that the giantess is motivated by wanting the MC's dick. If there were some actual scary monsters thrown in you could take it more seriously when it happens again.
Presence of men and women in a gacha game is just a shorthand to signpost a creative direction with a project that implies it's being taken more seriously. Foreigner's "problem" is that in spite of it being presented and marketed as a "scary" class its roster is made up of jokes and waifubait.
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Should i just pull the fucking rope
Unironically agree, mainly because they tend to "tone-down" the females so that they can be more likeable while they don't do that/not caring enough to do that with males. Males can be as batshit insane as they want but that's what makes it works well for story
>verification not required
noooooooo think of all the other things you could spend prisms on
Well you can get the very old Invuln break CEs which are so far the most useful ones, however the 5k MP cost is excessive considering that newfags won't have the time to farm it while running through story.
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With every piece of new content, I feel more and more justified with my NP5 Summer Ibuki.
You don't have any other invuln pierce?
They don't have to MLB it, but yeah even 1k is a little steep.
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So what the fuck is an Archetype and what does it have to do with AI and Mooncancers?
When their invul or dodge is non removable Ibuki is just as much of a flop as every other servant without invul pierce.
Soulless gameplayfag
Are you thinking?
Cringe, bro
The MP cost for old CEs is fucking absurd.
least obvious samefag
>waifubait bad
Since when did we have those types of posters? Last time I checked they usually congregate in x and boyslove. What the fuck happened to fgog?
Is this a joke?
Disgusting Raitabortion
The Pope... forgotten...
You waifuniggers are the reason why these threads are so dull and soulless.
Least obvious retard
this chapter is everything wrong with Nasu as a writer
It even had 4 giant woman in it. FOUR.
>What the fuck happened to fgog?
Very few of the old gang remain here. I think it's mostly /alter/ and twitter trolls posting nowadays.
go back from wherever you came from
Gtfo and go back to boyslove.
I’ve been posting in fgog for 3-4.5 years(before/after LB5 release) and it’s sad how things have changed here. Hell, I miss the commissioning Koyanfren dropping his comms here.
Maybe if you fulfilled your role as a woman you wouldn't not see so many waifubros, and even if you did that doesn't mean we would give you the attention you want. GTFO.
>giant women are bad
go back
Giant female fingers wrote this
What do you expect when the thread is now filled with third worlders who avatarfag or are incapable of ignoring the most obvious bait possible and will fly into a stream of IESLB at the slightest provocation, or are constantly bringing up drama about the Leddit/Trannycord/Twatterniggers who live rent free in their heads?
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Why do you sign your post though?
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Ah the usual schizo answers. I expect a "I accept your concession" next.
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lmao you owned him
There is no coming back from this
ok oldfag
Thread isn't lively without georgie shitposting....
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The last evocation festival was nearly 6 months ago.
Erice and Hogen still have not their coins....
Don’t be greedy, royar prayer.
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what does it say
>Sorry... As you can see, Kinoko is also reflecting on what happened, so please forgive us for this.
I get that those are supposed to be bumps from getting hit, but to me it looks like Nasu si giving the middle finger to the viewer.
Is there an archive for the really old threads? b4k only gets me to 2019. I want to be a bit nostalgic.
>Nasu si giving the middle finger to the viewer
Because he is.
Apologizing for OC3?
That’s what I thought too, lol.
I'm pretty sure thats what it is
>I went her entire chapter without seeing her Final Ascension battle animations

Lol and lmao
Also why the shit was Golden BBs final ascension locked but not Ciels? Locking Ciels would have made WAY more sense.
Ciel's not spoiler. Even her first ascension tells you she's from SU and Star Ciel is just her SU form.
Golden BB is spoiler even though everybody saw it coming because she's BB Cosmos fusing with BB Dubai.
Eh, i think Golden BB did warrant a locked ascension given that she turned into it in the last part of OC 3
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I think we will lose rulers in OC4.

>Guda could never be truly impartial and make the hard choices for the greater good

>Guda’s influence can also corrupt other rulers into straying from the path.

>Instead of avengers leaving because they are a bad influence on Guda Rulers have to leave because Guda is a bad influence on them.

Le Kino
Kill yourself
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Perfect position to make her pregnant
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Landmine City.
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I live here btw, I lick her walls everyday
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Gudabros, why don't we stop winning?
The big numbers are getting too big anon
>all the popular lb6 girls got a swimsuit
>all the popular lb7 girls got a swimsuit
Where do we go from here? Durga? Marie Alter right away?
Hakuno is very lucky.
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Beast or OC swimsuits
And add some forgotten old servants and filler
2nd round
30 mil when
when 30 million people download the game duh
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actual canon btw
>no bride alt
>only bride is nero
>during the only one time where valentine was main story pandering
>even though we have a fucking tailor that dedicate herself to brides
>two if you cound miss crane helping her (habetrot)
It will never not cease to irritate me how this kusoge used to do so well for too long even though they did the opposite of what they were supposed to do.
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>an entire one lb7 girl (4*)
Anon isn't wrong though
Late reply but absolutely.
I equipped this entirely on a whim against Grand Stick Figure and sure enough it pulled out a fucking 3 turn evade by the end of the fight.
Doesn't she loves black panther and evem scream his name in one of her attack lines?
There was only one that was popular and she got it, so it's true. OC1 and maybe OC2 are next.
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Melt also looked hot in this.

But if Lip and her had not died, they probably would have shared a naked onsen scene with Hakuno, which sounds tempting but then you remember it gives cuckposters ammo.

Only good thing of both getting killed and deleted.
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His dilating session is in effect
The class in FGO was only ever meant to be used seriously for the Marisbury and maybe Daybit plot, everything else is just extras with the Lovecraft stuff being FGO-only and thus meaningless in any context outside of it, so the only way for it to be "saved" is to wait for the proper and intended utilization of it.
Both of those are nothing but alts for females. None of the three of them being particularly "popular" either.
There is no point chasing after main chapter wank. Their character releases have been too sparse since 2018 and this has only gotten all the more obvious in Flop Call year 2.
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It got me through both LB7 and OC3, Nasu loves invul and dodge spam in his chapters so might as well.
I believe in the eternity of /fgog/. We will stand firm and overcome all obstacles.
>the proper and intended utilization
That sure worked wonders for memecancer
I believe that you should go back to /alter/ already
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>Guda in drag
Gross, no thanks but thank you for sourcing me the image, anon.
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cute and canon
rate up when?
Yes, the natural Mooncancers matter as "non-human friends of humanity" and everything else is Nasu memeing the hell out of the class, every single character in the class is written by him after all.
Isn't Jinako handled by Minase in fgo? I didn't look at her mats
you could argue she barely inches as non human cause she's a Pseudo for a god
stop fucking dragon girls you fucking tool
>Character Creator: Hazuki Minase and Kinoko Nasu
Still Nasu but you make a point there.
Naaah man, we have plenty of friendly deities in other classes, Jinako is an artificial Mooncancer as per her interlude and OC3 pretty much, meme'd into the class by BB, but at least Ganesha is moon-related.
I said I didn't look at her mats but since she was introduced in a Minase chapter, I was not sure if Nasu was behind her in fgo.
Nasu is probably the one handling her Extra background while Minase is in charge of the Ganesha part.
All the other Mooncancers we have are full Nasu at least
>BB and Eresh are the only ones who keep their memories from the OC at the end.
I think I get what the thing about only three Ordeals being needed is really about.
That is the number the cast will remember doing by the time we topple the wall.
The only question is if Sion remembering the AE ordeal will make it count or not.
Amnesia is almost always retarded and making it happen so many types in the same arc is doubly so.
We don't even know who's City's character creator, but he handled her in LB7 too I guess and he's the head guy anyway.
Seems pretty obvious everyone in lb7 is Nasu's except Nitocris Alter who is Sakurai's
Bros... Space Eresh is gonna get an NP upgrade, right?
Actually we do. In a stream, both Melu and City's VAs talked about Nasu's directives for their voice acting so he handled both.

Kadoc's VA was also there but said he got nothing from Nasu (because Kadoc is written by Higashide)
Anon, get real.
It's not even because she's new, but simply because there's plenty of other servants that need it more.
Kadoc hasn't even gotten the opportunity for voice lines since 2018
Unless they snuck something in for him during anniversary skits or any other equivalents
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>there's plenty of other servants that need it more
Well said anon
>gives Kiara a 5th buff
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for me it mai foggsu~
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I think they should add more possible command spells effects:
Stuff like
>Full CD reload for 1 servant
>50 crit stars
Look like a no brainer to me, especially now that you're giving them away for free every day.
Let me use a command seal to guarantee all (Non-CE) drops.
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Fuck that bitch
I'm a f2p who gone full retarded trying to roll a 4*. 1800 quarts, np6 BB, np18 ugly ass megane and not a single copy of her
I got less salty failing to roll a target 5* than what happened this time around
It just me or have CEs not mattered in a long time? Barring event specific buffs, I don't think they were worth since before 2020
Just you.
We get better CEs all the time, they are just not worth the cost for upgrading and uncapping when the ancient ones work just as well.
Most people also want to use boosting CE instead of useful ones
>Hakuno (male) calls Gudako (specifically) cute
Probably because servants are being designed in ways that make 6CE comps possible.
Peak cute boys doing cute things.
I'm saying that Gilles brings up specifically a Foreigner who can make them act together under same goal. Not the Master who is tardwragling them.
That's literally Daybitto.
Rulers already chose Moneybills' side too. Holmes (true) is called the arbitrator of the Human Order and he chose him.
It's not possible to fill a third score yet right?
I need a gold and then a blue star to complete Extra 1, not sure if there some mission that gives gold as rewards that I haven't cleared yet.
But I thought the Bit of the Day only was supposed to get along with Tez.
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>Two dreams that shape the future, like the faerie gliding across the lake! Anomalous Viviane!
could have use more sweat
>Daybit cucks Guda from foreigners harem
I have all the golds unlocked in my 3rd score, maybe it was from a "total servants max ascended mission?".
Anyway no, we're still missing the 6th blue torch.
Appmedia is re-evalutating Ciel again because she's trivializing the latest 90** with very minimum support.
Daybit is gay, he only gave confidence to male characters and then he is American
Thanks, I'm missing torches from "reach bond level 6" missions
A ton of then at that, only have 82 when the missions goes all the way to 130.
I think she's great for farming. Being able to handle so many different wave patterns is nuts. I wish I rolled for summer BB to help Ciel handle even more patterns, but I guess it's not that big a deal since the wave patterns she needs BB for are probably ones you're better off farming with standard looping comps.

its up
I love brown girls, roman
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What's the next big powercreep?
Skadi Lily with a super dodge that's immune to sure hit and both forms of invuln pierce?
Targetable 100% NP batteries?
SSR Berserker Arash?
Solomon/Chaldea with all color support.
Can we have news or a stream before this month's end?
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It will never cease to amuse me, the irony of Beryl having the most popular servants in the game, despite that he is a jerk and his own servant (and her daughter) would rather fill paperwork so they can move to Guda.
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>no castoria
When did Shinji x Drake happen?
>Oberon is the one that truly understand (you)
I mean not really a lie but I am pretty sure he is not the only one.
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The artist is a huge oberonfag
>Gudas are healthy and eat fresh fruit
>Zabis are pigs and eat processed slop
Eresh S3 and append 5 makes me think it's the proliferation of cooldown reduction effects, but Aoko and Ciel make me think it's gonna be something to do with face cards.
where is rin and redman?
Extra card support
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We are so homo
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Probably not a single servant for a while, but a bigger share of servants will have party wide buffs/charges and CD reductions.
We're already close to the point where if a servant doesn't have exceptional damage or good damage + buffs the rest then he/she's ass.
News maybe, stream no.
Honestly going to be a little bit tough finding FGO artists to draw Guda x BB on skeb since most will associate her with the Hakus. Even then, if I found one that does, I don’t want them to get harassed by shippers if the artist decides to upload it on their social media.
>big powercreep
Same way it's been since 2021 and same way it will be until Nasu can make Lasengle stream a statistics ranking that has his favorite bug as the #1 most bond 15'd servant.
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>he fell for it
>Skadi Lily with a super dodge that's immune to sure hit and both forms of invuln pierce?
The stuff of nightmares...
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This is where we at now. We've hit rock bottom.
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I've been quite disinterested about FGO lately. Lately as in, since Ordeal Call was announced because a filler year in front of CHALDEAS was a spit to the face.
Regardless: did the current OC expose more on what the Mooncancer Class stands for? I get that Alter Egos are facets and new beings that can do stuff the originals couldn't and that Avengers wield the destructive will for vengeance, as well as that Foreigners became essentially a method for the Throne to produce new heroes using Outer Gods and alien forces (originally made as a pathway by Raum but Gilles believes it's a fully functional class making bright heroines that wield the madness).
What are Mooncancers. Did the chapter develop them?
I thought it was the pekora collab
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Even if you consider her class a negative she can still slap shit not only more safely than Kintoki but also quicker.
It's a still vague meme class. This chapter is not about Mooncancers at all.
Well, guess that's it again.
Goodnight fellows
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Goodnight anon.
Him getting along with others will be a nice character development. Sure him can only get along with Tez is funny for "those two guys" kind of trope but it's pretty sad if you count in his circumstance. or at least for me. I just want him to have more friends
I live here btw
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How is that even a class. Also Jinako is human.
It's people from Earth he feels isolated from.
For strictly farming? Yes, 50% battery ST Berserker with a quick NP animation will never not be amazing, Ciel's niche on farming is strong but requires a very rigid and expensive set-up in comparison. When we talk about gameplay overall though, it's not even close, Ciel is SSS+ tier, she's ungodly overpowered in CQs and Boss Battles, borderline unkillable and can pretty much ignore most boss gimmicks just by existing, and best of all she's already all of that at NP1. If you roll Ciel and invest on her you're set for life.
I was going to say "Mashubros" but I noticed her on the right.
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It's a meme class where only the BBs and Arc fit the description, everyone else is there because of shenanigans like BB and Dubai inviting them (Jinako, Tenochi though she kinda fits) or Arc's influence (Ciel) or they meme'd themselves into it for the hell of it (Kiara) so pic related. Classes are a meme in themselves anyways, for summer anybody can be whatever they want anyways.
The whole definition of Mooncancer is a fucking joke so it's best to forget this happened (actually canon so).
Is it worth doing daily quests or do I just store my AP into apples and wait for lottos?
Rin's having a tug fight for him with Hakuno (male) offscreen.
4* rateups are so bad.
Can't you just tell the artists not to? You're the one paying for the art right? Or do they charge a premium for making it private?
Must be nice being able to clear the 90** node with literally just a single koyan
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I'm the exact opposite. Watching the entire Type-Moon setting get shit on by meme classes and ORT wives and levels of CLAP that shouldn't even be possible is getting me rock hard. I fucking love watching people try to make sense of the madness and monestisation.
Man, I just wanted to complete the roster.
Moon Cancer the Class is technically as BB Dubai said, the "final boss of humanity", even though that description is inaccurate despite being technically correct: Moon Cancer Servants are the world's mechanism for determining whether or not a Prime Species' time has ended, and if so, to help them pass the torch to the next Prime Species.

And if you're thinking to yourself "wait hang on, isn't that just Beasts-lite? As in, literally the apoptosis mechanism of a sentient species?" then yes it is, and yes it's exactly as fucking stupid and pointless as it sounds.

MoonCancer the phenomena is very different from Moon Cancer the Class. It is the ethereal build-up of a Prime Species' efforts to keep clinging to life after its time has gone, no matter the cost and no matter what it destroys in the process, not unlike literal cancer cells. If the build-up gets too high and the world judges the current Prime Species to dangerous to be left alive, the Moon Cancer manifests the Theoretical Pruning Phenomenon to erase the timeline ahead of schedule, and Moon Cancer Servants are meant to facilitate the next Prime Species before this happens.

And again YES, if it sounds like Nasu has gotten so bored with the Beast concept he has started writing Beastception with a funni meme joke class, that's because Mooncancer was SUPPOSED to be BB's unique class, then became a random joke class for various vaguely moon-associated Servants, and is only now being retconned into this actual lore thing.
wouldn't you still need BG tho
It depends on your goal, you can 5CE 2T or 6CE 3T, no RNG involved.
>And if you're thinking to yourself "wait hang on, isn't that just Beasts-lite? As in, literally the apoptosis mechanism of a sentient species?" then yes it is, and yes it's exactly as fucking stupid and pointless as it sounds.
Because it is. It's a pointless waste of time.
Since we forgot all this I dub it non canon. It was retarded and won't play a role anywhere anyway.
You'll get your russian cat I trust you
Reminder this is only relevant in the Moon too. It's a complete waste of time as a class.
I thought Beast was the opposite of that. Closer the the MoonCancer shit. It's the excess of negative aspects of Human Order (or the Prime Species) getting mega STRONG which would be self-destructive BUT also could be destructive in general: Goetia endgame, Camazotz if he gave a fuck, Kiara.
But yeah, the class is still retarded as fuck.
Wait WHAT? You're telling me that Nasu has seriously retconned the Moon Cancer class into pruning facilitators or avoiders? Is he fucking high? How does any of this make any sense in his own universe -- has Nasu officially gone insane?
I don't think that's it. I think (specifically) when humanity or their successors live in the moon, it acts as boss types to smooth the succession of a new prime species.
Ruler is obviously the one that judges that shit. Holmes' description of his job gives it away.
As far as I'm concerned, the upshot to this whole event is the knowledge that you can physically beat the Pruning Phenomena to death with enough god-level bullshit forcing it (well, the human resentment manifesting it like the frickin' Godhand if they were Evangelion fans) into being discrete entity.

Because as much as I hate Nasu trying to write deepest lore for Moon Cancer + imposing an arbitrary moral obligation for living beings to lie down and die like good little cucks, I hate pruning even more. It adds nothing to the story but affects all of it, and makes you concerned about even low level events in Fate. It is the Sakura of metaphysical systems.


Goetia, Tiamat, Kiara and Camazotz have all given me the epiphany that the actually formidable/accomplkished Beast candidates are the ones that were legitimately dangerous even without needing the class to carry them. Kiara didn't need the Beast class to swallow up the moon in Extra/CCC or perform the Sabbat in TsukiRe, Tiamat was an original god like Cern even before Beasthood, Goetia's Beast powers are mostly just logical extrapolations of him being the original summoning spell and in a famitsu interview Nasu claimed Camazotz only became a Beast AFTER killing ORT despite presumably obtaining his bat-form and immortality.

It helps me rationalise Kama, Draco and Koyan being hyper-jobbers, they needed the class to hard carry them.
That would make it more reasonable for sure...
Can't wait to see what Nasu comes up for Shielder eventually desu. And here I thought "hero who uses a shield" was sufficient explanation.
they give away apples like candy, just use it whenever you want
>Have NP3 Ciel
>Want to NP5 her
>Don't want to take the chance of her disappearing for two years like Arc
>Don't want to blow the load I'm saving for anni 10
>Also don't wanna keep rolling on this banner and getting more and more copies of the durga CE when she might be reran with a different one
Bros... What do I do?
Roll BB
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Instead of listening to random people on frog go listen to Gold BB's bond 5 line where she straight up says "Mooncancers are non-human friends of humanity, recognized as such after the Archetype Inception, thanks bro".
Does it really matter when we're forever stuck with Mashu?
Koyan is not my friend.
That doesn't explain what Moon Cancers are. It doesn't clarify its definition, or draw a line of its qualifications. This is just vague gesturing to shill more wormvirus clones.
You say that like it’s the first time something’s that’s tried to destroy humanity has ended up as as a fren in FGO. Hell, Sen was literally tea-flavoured Angra Mainyu
beating up pruning is retarded because it's proof that some timelines are better than others which literally reinforces the concept behind pruning
Officially approved... by stopping the pruning phenomenon in such random timeline? Where's the sense in that?
What happened with the OC3 translation videos posted in youtube? Can't find them in the usual channel.
there's no sense. The entire chapter exists for clapbait.
Hakuno spend 1000 years being a janny for the mooncell and humanity only to get summoned into some randoms shithole timeline where he's forced to die
That does sound contradictory. The Pruning Phenomena is something carried out by the Human Order itself right, and going against it is literal crime against the Human Order. Why would the Human Order approve something that goes against its will?
JPcucks are getting pissy by gaijins violating official guidelines and are reporting FGO story content en masse.
The Human Order Foundation Display value went from C to B, if the Human Order knows what happened and says it works then it works.
Well, in Fate concepts can catch hands so if you can't physically beat up a concept that's just a skill issue. Reminder that LB Zeus has a concept-exploding Authority.
I just got my 4th Ciel. Is it safe to assume that the charge append is gonna be useless for her? I've been trying to come up with a scenario where she'd want that extra 20 at the start, but I can't really think of a convincing one. I guess a new support dropping could easily change that though.
>beat the Pruning Phenomena to death
This never happens. Mooncancer isn't the Prunning Phenomena. You fell for fake spoilers.
It's the thing inflicting it, I oversimplified in that post because I fucking hate the Pruning Phenomena.

Probably, yeah. Ciel is a hard content Servant, just get crit, extra attack or the literally useful for everyone except Arc Mana Loading.
Lasagna is cracking hard on content that they consider spoilers so they removed the videos to prevent copyright strikes, I read on Twitter that they are going to upload them somewhere else though.
>It's the thing inflicting it, I
Artificially. It wasn't the actual Pruning phenomenon but a pruning carrying out by envy and jealously from a literal tumor. Read the actual chapter.
nobody cares nasu
So we're in agreement it WAS carrying out the pruning phenomenon, I'll keep enjoying my win against this incredibly stupid concept that has done nothing for the wider setting.
Nasu trying to write a chapter without bringing up Sefar impossible challenge
Yeah, I had the other ones. Was just deciding between alter ego bonus damage and mana loading. The mana loading kinda seemed like a meme at first, but I guess it lets you get away with using just her battery and Merlin's during a CQ.
Sefar is the Jon Jones of Fate, does fucking nothing and won't fight onscreen for love nor money when when stronger competitors appear
I can't tell if Nasu wants to actually write Extella 3 or not at this point
why did the Human Order approve the great replacement of the human race?
No, it wasn't. The Pruning Phenomenon left them alone since they approved of sending the Archetype. This was why the timeline was on the choking block.
Bro is the difference between killing someone with a nuclear bomb or a rifle. You can't STOP the system itself. This was outside factor trying to purge that but didn't have the backup of the Human Order.

How? By destroying the Archetype. Had the Toilet Man succeeded, then the pruning would have actually happened. Hope this helps to clarify it. They didn't stop the prunning, they stopped the CATALYST that was leading to that. Imagine traveling back in time and punch Surtr before he eats Fenrir in LB2, that would stop the pruning.
Mana Loading will never be a meme simply because in almost any circumstance except like, Alter Ego Xu Fu where her NP is scientifically designed to be as useless as possible, a Servant' NP is usually the thing that can turn a battle around harder than any amount of face cards or skills can. In nearly any situation you want to NP as quickly as possible, and in the ones you don't you still want to NP eventually so minimising the setup to that will never go out of style.
he had velber job offscreen to 2 different timelines this chapter and also spoiled the entire extella timeline so I kind of doubt it
He's probably just assmad Altera isn't popular enough
>that would stop the pruning.
something something quantum timelock/canon event something lostbelt

He should've written Altera to have more character than "I'm so silly" and "I'm vaguely sad about all the destruction I do" then
Alright, thanks anon. I'll go with that one.
Because in that timeline, humanity reached to a point they completed their possibilities and succession would only be carried out by their children/creation. Tho is no different from the advent of homo sapiens.
Doesn't mean is the only possibility. That's why Kirsch was Right.
That's an extremely depressing and utilitarian valuation of human life that. Fuck you Nasu, Mash's character song was literally about how she doesn't need a reason to just be alive and enjoy life. How many fucking FGO events come down to you telling the villain "we don't need your high-handed ideals or eternal grudges, we just want to enjoy life while we're alive"?
>Leave it to me, fgog. I'll save Extella
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He could have saved you from all this sci-fi garbo if only you could have accepted becoming godlike and live with your waifu.
what happened to the ability to switch appends??
Human life is still valuable. Think about Daybit. Daybit is "human" but not part of the prime species.
Blame Beryl really who wanted garbage and Trashu suffering.
Nasu doesn't have actual opinions on humanity, he keeps flip flopping depending on what media he consumed that month. You shouldn't take it too seriously

For example, in this chapter, humanity isn't allowed to go into space because that would make the chapter not happen. They are capable of observing the past of a parallel world to make their own BB though. Because that enables the chapter.
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>observe a crazy bint that nearly destroys humanity who is based on another crazy slut
>thinks: dude we should TOTALLY copy that
Dubai makes no sense. Hakuno would make more sense to recreate and you know it.
That's a lot of semantics to justify the opinion an entire species should've lain down and died just because it wasn't "useful" or "productive" enough. Species aren't salarymen, and there shouldn't have to be a moral obligation to innovate without FUCKING PRUNING pushing for it.

I know, it's just hard when the story keeps trying to
We know humanity does go to space, at least in a timeline Solomon and Gil observed. So the rest don't matter.
It makes even less sense when you consider that CCC retconned itself so they actually observed mooncell records.
okay but what's the point of handing over the primate status to the archetype if you're supposed to send them to space anyways? isn't prime species something tied to one planet?
The whole Moon Dubai isn't Guda's world so doesn't matter at all. What's dumb is that Nasu let the AIshit pass but fuck over Morgan's fairies.
I still disagree that going to space justifies mass genocide.
Someone should ask Nasu this question next time it holds a FAQ. Because you're right. It was fucking retarded.
I asked this question and nobody answered me. Why were they so mad if it was going to live in another planet? Like Koyan? None of their business.
The earth is dead so the prime species has to go somewhere else.
humanity had already offed itself at this point.
It was all AIs and they are fine as you can see in the ending of the story. Life in Moon Dubai continued without a hitch.
In the extella timeline they're going to join the newly born archetype in its travel into space so the process clearly is some "cult mass suicide for the chance of being reborn as a rodent with 3 dicks on mars" bullshit Nasu views as positive for some fucking reason
We literally see Earth fine?? The prime species, the AI, live in Moon Dubai, and they are fine and dandy in the ending.
Yeah literally what is stopping the AIs from trying to build a robot city on Earth or something? Why do they HAVE to go into space??
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Are you accepting your Savior now? Too late for regrets? Koyan shut down every single Kirsch criticism with her explanation (Nasu's).
Anyway, he copied this shit from Evangelion. The "Archetype" is literally the seed of life (Adam/Lilith/and the other 5).
Man, that's a lame ass sci-fi premise.
>Anyway, he copied this shit from Evangelion. The "Archetype" is literally the seed of life (Adam/Lilith/and the other 5).
Oh shit. You're onto something here. Nasu must have been playing Evangelion 2 out nostalgia in an old console and saw the ''''secret''' lore and copy/pasted it.
Where the original species of a distant planet lost their bodies and joined seven seeds of life to travel and terraform planets.
It's actually the backstory of Evangelion (only found in a videogame).
>You've got to step aside for the new generation and bow out gracefully when your time is up
>refuses to end FGO or let writers under 50 touch his setting
Nasu-san... practice what you preach...
The evangelion version is less retarded because all the souls are just chilling in the chamber of guf until conditions are good enough for them to be born
On the one hand, I will not accept Nasu's twisted presentation of human morality to justify his Evangelion references. On the other hand, all of Cosmos in the Lostbelt has been a confusing "why are you even doing this? Earth is gone, it won't come back even if you stop the Lostbelts. Because...because I just FEEL like something good will happen you know?!"

It was fine when it was just LB1-LB4 and ultimately, you just wanted to survive/get answers. But then after a while they just kept ducking the question of "what next?" and now Ordeal Call is trying to assert that ackshyually this is all a good thing secretly
People hate on the evangelion rebuilds but you just know Nasu won't manage to have an ending more kino than Shinji and Gendo having a tokusatsu fight
You were doing this because Moneybills wanted you to janny.
>But then after a while they just kept ducking the question of "what next?"
Funny Kirsch asks this: think what's happening next matters. He probably knows humanity in their timeline is reaching their end. That's also why Marisbilly and Goetia made their moves. Goetia sought to retcon them into a new species based on himself. Marisbilly will reject the universe to maintain it. Kirschtaria had the best solution in transcending humanity to the next prime species (but himself). You could have rayshift those fags back from Chaldeas once you became stronger and wiser too. Everyone would have gotten transformed in his texture.

There was still (presumably) a mass suicide to lose their original bodies and go to the chambers of each seed.
Of course. 1.0 + 3.0 was absolute dogwater in story coherency, Mari is still a total noncharacter and more of a deus ex machina than anything, but I can't deny it was kino.

I mean that's what you ended up doing, but my point is you didn't KNOW Moneybills wanted you to janny. You weren't using Moneybills as your motivation.
Where is the news?
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>shares the same VA as morgan
>both characters are deadpans
It must be Fate™
Does Nasu even have a plan for FGO's finale? He wasted the "master as combat unit" gimmick on Hakuno
Ishikawa voicing Hakunon is what made Nasu get her to voice Morgan so...
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a raid as per usual
Sorry Brodime but my waifu(male(ayylmao)) is in LB7
If it was a plan worth presenting then he wouldn't be trying to procrastinate it for an additional three entire years
>He wasted the "master as combat unit" gimmick on Hakuno
Old news
Former masters and general summoners alike have been all over the place in chaldea
>He wasted the "master as combat unit" gimmick on Hakuno
It's just a test for future playable Crypters. You will have Surtr screaming "OOOOOOOOOPPPPPPHHHEEEEELLLIIIIIIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" on OOOOOO's extra attack and you will like it
In bed, Morgan is a dead fish while Hakunon is a freak.
Kirsch was the first enemy master iirc. And that is implying we are gonna fight Moneybills as a master and not the big globe itself.
I wish I could verify these claims myself
Nasu is a failure. He needs to retire and pass the torch to Sakurai
The reason why HakunoxBB has more fanart is that BB acts genuine near Hakuno. She breaks down and loses her shit for Hakuno only.
With (You) she acts like generic femme fatale and it feels fake as fuck. The difference between love and lust I guess. Or obligation/duty (Guda) and desire/want (Hakuno). She did say she needed tostay away because of her DUTY not because (you) are more important.
Melt meanwhile feels genuine with Guda.
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I can't remember what BB Dubai's type of dress is called. Can any anons help me out?
I think my prediction that each Crypter will get added as fp gacha after you fight with them in a raid theme chapter of the finale will become truth.
>has more fanart
>With (You) she acts like generic femme fatale and it feels fake as fuck
Also false, mainly her appeal comes all from there. Nobody cares for the soapy shit outside of drawing a story moment.

Also who asked?
My waifu is in lb7 too, I love licking walls
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How do I stop feeling like shit everytime I see my ships are flopping compared to those I hate? I know it's retarded and just useless competitive feeling but I can't get rid of it. I fucking hate myself for making this kind of shit such a big problem.
nta but I’ve seen a ton of fanart(with ton of likes) of that scene or HakuBB in general. Now, I don’t know if the fans are exaggerating parts from the story but it seems that BB will only be associated with the Hakus due to that scene lol. I’m unsure of what to feel. From a story standpoint Guda x BB is safe, but fandom wise? It’s going to be non-existent or unpopular which is sad. It almost feels like a pyrrhic victory. I don’t know how Nasu will write both of the characters from now on but it is what it is.
I felt the same after I got nuked twice by CHOCO.
I turned my love into hatred to cope.
Probably bait but I tell myself that it’s a first world problem and even if one pairing is more popular than the other, that doesn’t mean your preferred pairing isn’t legitimate(or canon). I hope this helps, anon because I’m currently dealing with that.
Cocktail dress.
>People draw a scene from the story that barely fill a page of pixiv
>Somehow suddenly this means 9 years of fan art of GudaBB don't exist
>150+ doujinshi of GudaBB versus like 4 or 5 of the opposite
Again, who asked?
Going out of your way to pretend BB is with Guda out of duty after reading her profile and lines post story is just pathetic.
I wish I just baiting but no I genuinely feel it
>it’s a first world problem
Yeah. Thay's why I hate the feeling so much. I have so many stuffs to handle IRL and here I am mentally and physically exhausting myself over fictional ships
>mainly her appeal comes all from there.
Literally that was her fake personality. She's actually a wimpy M to the one she loves. If she isn't with Guda, she just doesn't love them.
Dubai is the same. Even remade by earth, she still acts like a harass with Guda, while she folded with Hakunon and gets a line she's happy she's there.
why are you so retarded?
fuck off georgie
>From a story standpoint Guda x BB is safe,
It is not for what I descibed. Nowhere BB displays she loves Guda, instead of seeing them as a pet project of her duties. Read CCC, and you'll see how she acts with the one she loves. All the Femme Fatale shit is a fake larp she has. BB would never look at Guda as she looked at Hakuno with nothing but pure love in her eyes.
>being this mentally ill over a gacha of all things
Unironically get an actual hobby.
NTA but there are people that believe what's important is the present/what's currently popular and no matter how much you got before doesn't count anymore because newer hot stuffs attract more people than old stuffs. It's like how Jannu Alter used to be so popular but now she's not really. Majority of her fanworks are old works meanwhile fans want something to "consume" daily.
ヘ(^_^ヘ) ヘ(^o^ヘ)
>Nowhere BB displays she loves Guda
Literally flirts with Guda multiple times through OC3 and returns to Chaldea solely to be with him until the end.
>Read CCC, and
She's not that BB. I care about her character in FGO, that's what matters when it concerns FGO BB.
>BB would never look at Guda as she looked at Hakuno with
GudaBB shouldn't be the same as HakunoBB, nobody cares or even wants that.
Mainly because GudaBB is good and beloved while HakunoBB is a crackship that never existed and has a dogshit writing behind it by turning BB into a generic Sakura clone once again.

Are you trying to cuckpost BB again, raikouschizo? Kinda pathetic.
>It helps me rationalise Kama, Draco and Koyan being hyper-jobbers, they needed the class to hard carry them.
Draco actually was the ONLY one that managed to defeat multiples chaldeas btw
Cease with this NTA shit, clear as day what's going on here.
Your logic doesn't even make sense.
Do you think Hakuno will even get art after OC3? You're genuinely delusional.
BB will, with Guda. As how it has always been.
Popular characters have popular pairings and BBHakuno is not popular at all.
You can tell because they're even framing them as parents and not romantic interests. There's not an ounce of romance in there to use.
There were people pointing out all art with BB (or most) is with Hakuno in past threads. The anon isn't wrong. BB still calls Hakuno the person who is responsible for her "everything."
Guda, or rather humanity in FGO, is mostly what she's looking after, so those are duties she has and she takes those seriously. She'll bully and tease Guda because that's her 'character' not out of true feelings. I challenge you to seek me one single picture of BB looking at Gudas as she did to Hakunos in that cg she got or in her Secret Garden picture after you expose her.

Had Nasu wanted BB to actually be a heroine for Guda, she would have a final cg with her smiling thinking of Guda as Jeanne Alter or Kama did. Instead this is directed at Hakuno. The clear CE is them exclusively together, unlike previous ones which has Guda included in the picture (hand) or with the group looking at Guda. It's just pretty different vibe.
He fed some scraps to Gudafags who never read CCC and buy her persona is real, while keeping her honest heart to Hakuno.
BB barely got art with Guda, bro. After years, that spic always spams the same 5 pictures of less for a reason.
To be fair those were fakeass great value Chaldeas
>To be fair those were fakeass great value Chaldeas
BB has 150+ doujinshi with Guda "bro". Hakuno doesn't even have 10.
BB has 8 pages of booru with Guda, "bro". Hakuno had 3 before OC3 and now has 4. Of those 4 pages half are all cast arts with the rest of the cast.

You don't even know left from right lol
Lilim Harlot
NTA. It's speculation because Chaldeas is a thing and no mention of Animusphere despite creating everything. Probably a reveal if part 2 of Arcade happened.
Merlin foreshadowed that the only "true Chaldea" has Romani Archaman as early as Camelot.
Draco also refers to (your) Chaldea as the real one, afaik. So something's off.
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>Lilim Harlot
I still remember the event explaining them as ''countless chaldeas'' (the arcade story says this too), not fake ones (?)
Also Proto Merlin said Guda and Mashu would "forget" Lilim Harlot happened. It's kind of sus.
But Arcade got hit by EOS. Nasu had planned part 2 of it.
>Forced party
>Scripted fights
>Annoying gimmicks that waste time
Genuinely the worst chapter off gameplay alone. Glad the reception to the story has been so terrible or they'd think these were good ideas
>There were people pointing out all art with BB (or most) is
by herself
>The anon isn't wrong.
You're wrong, yes.
>BB still calls Hakuno the person who is responsible for her "everything."
Because that's how she was created. You want this to be retconned?
>I challenge you to seek me one single picture of BB looking at Gudas as she did to Hakunos
Guda never died under her watch, you're asking me for something that I can't compare with. BB has plenty of character break moments with Guda during her Grail Front towards the end or in servantfes.
>Had Nasu wanted BB to actually be a heroine for Guda, she would have a final cg with her smiling thinking of Guda as Jeanne Alter or Kama did
BB never died. Once again, comparing shit that's not comparable.
(You) have a moment with her before she merges with BB Dubai as she lets everyone believe she won't come back, if that's what you're asking.
>The clear CE is them exclusively together, unlike
Because the ones who died are the Hakunos here.
>He fed some scraps to Gudafags
Lol. He killed off Hakuno and their ship for good, you're so full of shit raikouschizo.
You never experienced having your popular ship got outnumbered in the long run by the one who used to be the unpopular one. It's possible and it sucks so much.
LB6 also had plenty of forced supports and scripted fights. What are you on?
See >>496050886
And other replies. Arcade had a part 2 plan to explain the obvious mystery about the "Multiple Chaldeas."
Now I suspect Nasu will drop that reveal with Lostroom stuff in the finale. Since the "simulations" count as real too, since they happened within Chaldeas probably.
LB6 and LB7 also had this shit
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>It's possible
Hakuno is suddenly going to become popular outside of being the latest shitpost tool and catch up a lead like pic related.
Give me a break, raikouschizo narratives are so out of touch with reality. People don't even care for Hakuno that the female one is just another waifu as it is.
LB6 forced support was useful. Included Mashu AS USEFULSHU not as Trashu.
No where near this amount. And LB6 had memorable challenging fights.

There's literally fights in this chapter you have to lose
>There's literally fights in this chapter you have to lose
There's that time where you fight multiple Morgan's and you have to lose.
>Sakurai in OC2
Buffs Super Dantes when he's forced support and allows the user to see his new animations and comfortably clear the node
>Nasu in OC3
Shoves BB Dubai in multiple nodes Ascension locked so that she cannot use her third skill and literally puts her up against enemies she does sub 10k damage to
>NTA. It's speculation
I see
>no mention of Animusphere despite creating everything.
I think they didn't even care about this, fgo arcade barely has a story because you play it on an arcade machine; you don't have time to read long scripts.
FGO Arcade is just an introduction for Draco.
I enjoyed solo Cagliostro in OC2 with Super Dantes and Dantes no gonna lie. I was hoping for the same kino experience here, but looks like Nasu thinks that making the forced supports useless as fuck and the boss cancerous would be "memorable" to forget his slop.
>rings the Gong
It's that easy.
is it happening again
They specificially removed the mentions of Roman in Da Vinci's or Mashu's profiles, which was weird. They also have the location of "Chaldea" as redacted. Proto Merlin explicitly says Guda and Mashu won't remember this. And there's "Beast VII smiles" at them. There's a heavy implication this isn't real. Worlds can be simulated.
Also as the other anon said, regular Merlin explicitly warned Bedivere to ONLY trust in the real Chaldea which has "a man called Romani Archaman" as requisite.
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Draco's entire deal and fixation was to finally meet Guda (the Guda who cleared part 1) because admired that Chaldea in particular. It doesn't take long to add a line about Olga or Animusphere family. There's none.
>They specificially removed the mentions of Roman in Da Vinci's or Mashu's profiles, which was weird.
Wasn't this because romani deleted himself from every timeline so the arcade one got affected?
Why make such a fake bottom half with a somewhat convincing top
Grim. Draco's fucking interlude looks more plot relevant than OC3 already.
>bond level 10
no thanks
Romani never deleted himself from any timeline. He finished up his words. His records are there. You even have Nemo meeting him during Christmas. You're mistaking him with Data Lost.

What Romani did was the pass the torch/finish his duties thing. Guda even flashbacks to do the same as him when he launches Archetype in latest chapter. The Doctor was a counterpoint of the Mooncancer.
>30 SQ clear
Main plot onegai I miss the bit
>maou nobu vs maou kama
Very elaborate if its fake, you even went through the lengths of connecting Kama and Nobunaga by their namesake for an interlude.
Where did he even get this?
at least post it at the actual news time, stupid shitposter
Bro Romani issue is exactly the same as Hakuno's. Which more or less foreshadows he's gonna be playable as a Chaldean ascension as the new BB I reckon. Ars Nova terminated his duties, so he was free and thus he was removed of the Throne. That's it. He was never deita rosto.
Shonagon had something similar. But a new version could come up linked with feelings and shit and got added to the Throne. He's gatekept by the plot and because he's Guda's comfort food/stuffed toy and makes Guda happy and feel good. And Nasu wants Guda to suffer for now.
I love how people know it's fake because it's too good to be true.
I am upset over it.
Not Raikouachizo. I proved already multiple times.
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You did a good job in making a fake anon.
Unfortunately I'm giga brained and noticed a detail you did not. You left the auto read on in the screenshots, they don't have auto read on in the announcements
If he really wanted to make a convincing fake, he should've put more bullshit like Ado Edem turning out to be a Shirouface or a new Liz Servant that's just every Liz as one unit somehow
the editing is actually impressive lmao
>You did a good job in making a fake anon.
I think he did a fucking shit job at it
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Thanks! I'm the one by the way who likes to make fake screenshots.
You have a very keen eye in seeing things, anon.
That I do.
You still stirred up enough people in here to divert from the schizo atleast so thanks for that.
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Well, I too am tired of seeing the same cuckposting and other shit over and over again, so... you're welcome!
it's real
>it's real
it's real
>it's real
it's real
>it's real
it's real
>it's real
it's real
>it's real
it's real
>it's real
it's real
>it's real
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News Doko?
>You still stirred up enough people in here
Maybe you're retarded and can't catch disingenuous posts
>Maybe you're retarded and can't catch disingenuous posts
Why are you so angry lol
Bad day?
He probably fell for it and now wants to pass off as being cool
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Your news
>hurr you fell for it
>wasn't even posted at the actual news time
Oh you're being retarded, carry on retard, hopefully you'll stop being new to 4chan one of these days.
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>Oh you're being retarded, carry on retard, hopefully you'll stop being new to 4chan one of these days.
I'm not even the one who posted the bait but why the fuck are you so angry man? Talk to me, let's resolve things, I can help
The Brunestud one was cool! Can you make it again without the vertical bars?
>fp gacha
no thanks that's even worse of an RNG than limited gacha, my Hakuno still stuck at NP1 and angry mango is only NP1 or 2
Which world ending threats we face in oc 4
Thanks, bro! What do you mean by vertical bars though?
Grand Ruler Holmes Blanco with forced supports Caster Watson and Avenger Super Moriarty
Let hope fgo is be all end all for boss that can destroy the world type i hope nasu return his roots after this
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If OC4 is gonna be in Florence and Dante Alighieri will be prominent character there, we might see actual Daemons manifested for the first time and what Hell looks like in the Nasuverse.
>Dante Alighieri
Will be a Holmesface component of Holmes.
Ahh true deamon the one mystery left
True Angel when
OC 0 :)
Angels are daemons.
I think...
So fgog and alter what are you up to?
Should I try for NP2 BB Dubai?
Or save in case there's something good at new year's?
>0 :)
Kek, that's a nice one
Do you care about Gudaguda? If you don't, you can roll.
Doombro here. NY
If they still continue the pattern then next NY is Foreigner. I don't think there's anything good enough as a candidate for that
Skip until oc4
Lilith will reveal that she was the one causing Liz to multiple, using her like some kind of avatar to bring about the apocalypse as in World of Darkness
I set up FGA and empty my AP farming bond.
Then I close the game until the daily resets, which then I do the same thing except I also use storm pods.
That and Primordial Demons (the 3rd strongest thing in the original Nasuverse). Unless I'm misremembering the translations and they aren't separate things like how apparently in japanese ORT is a different Ultimate One to other Ultimate Ones whose name translates more to something like "extreme species" instead of "planetary embodiment"
nah kill yourself
Interview from old times is still relevant, lol lmao even
Probably not at face value after what a jobber Arc turned out to be, but hey we got ORT didn't we? And it's still the strongest. I'm just saying maybe, MAYBE we'll get 2 different types of vague powerful demon even if neither turns out to definitely be the 3rd strongest.
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Sorry, I meant to avoid covering the characters with the three additional life bars

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