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Fart Cat edition

>I have a question about Monster Hunter!

>MH Wilds
Wilds Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/
New weapon trailers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7z-ZXbhfoKEO9jJv7a-bG7UcHGTCX5uH
Gamescom 2024 trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myHFsVMQIYw

>MH Rise
Sunbreak TU Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/rise-sunbreak/update/en-us/
Hunter Connect: https://pastebin.com/Tp9t570y
Armor Set Search: https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=en
Monster Weakness Database: https://robomeche.github.io/MHRise-Database/

>MH World
Iceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/
World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653
General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf

>Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontier


>Where does /vg/ play?
Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage)

>/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads)

Previous thread: >>495692486
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I love huntresses
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Tier list for most enjoyable to watch.
S Tier:
A tier:
CB, Hammer
B tier:
Bow, HBG, SnS, GL, IG
C tier:
Lance, DB, LBG, SA
D tier
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petition to remove rise from the OP and replace it with mhnow
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My palico would NOT cower in front of Maggi, he'd solo it
>D tier
Is this genuine seethe because I proof posted last thread
Anon, I'm not even good at horn
Just tried Lance for the first time in World
>buttons a bit weird even coming from GL
>damn these MVs hit fucking hard
>guard anything
>counter anything
>plays less boring than it looks
Is this what lancechads were talking about
No, it's genuine seethe because that other guy posted prooves with Horn
Move bow to C.
>Let me just uhhhh, shoot arrows! Again! Ouuuuu, I did a side step! Did you see it?
Weapon has zero character arc.
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your filename is missing a ア
this this this
I didn’t care about your proofs or whatever.
I’m happy for you, or sorry that happened.

HH genuinely sucks to spectate because,
A) the moves are slow and don’t have as satisfying a impact as GS
B) the idle weapon drawn stance looks dopey, like you’re carrying around a hobo bag.
C) most importantly, the sounds it makes suck. Why would I bother watching footage of the instrument weapon if the sounds it makes are so uninteresting?
take your ADHD meds
Are Rice cats the most useful sidekicks in the series? They constantly heal and knock mons down for me, meanwhile in World everytime i check for my cat it just sort of stand there jerking itself off while staring at the horizon or some shit

And my GU cats are just sort of there. They do not hindrance but they also do not really help so much to be noticeable
>C) most importantly, the sounds it makes suck. Why would I bother watching footage of the instrument weapon if the sounds it makes are so uninteresting?
Ok, so it's a turbo autist list catered by you, strictly on how a weapon feels to look at (for you)
Yeah sure, fair

But let me tell you one thing, watching high level HH gameplay is fantastic if you've even played the game with any melee weapon
stop criticizing rise
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Stop playing modern slop
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>nintendies yelling at Capcom because they ditched Nintendo like an used whore
Oldgen cats do next to nothing outside of their passive buffs for you
World Cat has niche uses in meowcano damage, plunderblade cheese, coral symphony if you don't care about the gong being an active detriment
Rise cats are insane
>para and sleep without needing to equip them with para and sleep weapons
>the para and sleep they have innately is 20x stronger than any para weapon or skill they ever had before this too
>dragonator topples
>cleanses debuffs
>gives you another wirebug
>steal an entire extra hunt's worth of monster mats on top of all of this
Rise cats are ezmode but nothing makes me smile like meowcano. Look at the little fella go.
Jesus lance is okay. I apologize for mocking lancefags.

What lance should I build that isn't ragingbrachy/fatalis/safi/kjarr ?
Honestly I don't care is the cat is good or not, they just make me smile period.
even oldgen cats blowing me up :)
wow thanks for confirming that your tierlist is fucking retarded
I think outside of those the best are furious rajang and the guild palace one. You need as much raw as you can get.
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Kind of sad Wild gonna force me to hunt with one cat only, i want to hunt with my sons. Literally why i played monhun
Your cats look like they had benadryl
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>HBG, LBG, and Bow not in D tier
You're trash, lower than nugger.
Based and same. I love the little goobers.

My World cat is named after one of my cats that got super confused when I was testing their voices during creation and went up and down that room desperately trying to suss out this stranger. He was utterly convinced. I couldn't not name him after my boy afterwards. He will continue on in Wilds. Cute cats.
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That is just their drowsy face. They usually look much cooler
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>he isn't a soles hunter
Sniffing huntress feet is the only reason to even join the guild tbdesu
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>/mhg/ cat posting hours
Holy based
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>TODAY: State of Play
High potential for trailer. Almost surely a new look at the Scarlet Forest, the apex of the map and some other monsters (congalala?). Possibility of seeing the 3rd map and the Flagship.

>26th: Capcom Online Program
Confirmed Wilds news. Either trailer if not showed before, or extra info.
Maybe an extended version of the trailer or an extra trailer (like at SGF).

>27th/28th: Scarlet Forest gameplay
Pretty self-explanatory, first proper gameplay in the Scarlet Forest. 1-hour stream.
Lala Barina and whatever monsters they reveal at TGS.

>29th: Sony Special Stage
40 minutes of Sony stream about MH Wilds, no clue about contents.
Tho probably just a recap and PS5 Pro shilling.

Are you ready for a week of news and Wilds details?
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does the zorah beta helmet look like zorah's face to you?
Biggest sluts tier list:
>S tier
Dual blades
>F tier
Everyone else
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Looks like Uraagaan to me
But I don't play Dual Blades...
Not really
It should have a single horn on top and a beard-like bottom part
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I'm making my Palico for Wilds based on my cat too.
I miss her so much.
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What weapon does my cat play?
Sounds like you're not putting in the work
I put in the work in other areas
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Sorry to hear that anon.
Hammer or Dual blades
cuddle cat
shredding furniture cat
>coral horn
loud cat
pushing shit off of tables cat
brings you dead rats because it worries about your lack of hunting skills cat
Funny, it is actually how i made my Palicos
The frontmost horn is that horn and the other two further back perhaps represent the upturned spikey corners at the back of his head, while the mouth grill IS representing the beard of his face [since the eye-slit is the zorah's mouth on the helmet]
>Cleanses debuffs
What ability is this?
*painful ice nya noises*
The little pot they drop down that has a cloud coming out of it
I don't know what it's called they just do it sometimes
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my wife
Sunbreak pishi lumu doko?

I think I'm going to download that mods that lets Violet Mizu and Lucent Narga spawn on any map.
You must let one of your cats go so you don't have to love them unequally.
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I love kot so much.
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>mfw he doesn't use Palicos
i use only palicos
mutts are useless once you learn how to play spiderman
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i miss my cat, it's been 18 years
here's a pic of him i kept in my psp
It did not work.
At least I found out that Lucent can be fought on regular Investigations in the Arena or Forlorn Arena.
He looks so derpy without the fangs
Five years since I said goodbye to my beautiful old girl. I still sometimes find strands of her fur clinging to old drawers.

The pain never goes away, does it?
nope it doesn't
Every day until you like it!
this pickle is just a menace everywhere he goes.
I hate that turf wars do so much damage but can't kill off the last HP. So many times I get my target skull marked into a turf war only to find him needing one stone or clutch from me to kill him.
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R.I.P. Rise. I had fun playing you. But now that I know you're woke 100%, it's time to say goodbye...
rise master rank teostra is hella gay
I'm pulling out CB
gay ass nigga
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>Literally this pic
Are you under the impression...landing SAEDs will be easier?
>CB against Toaster
The spastic kitty won't let you get your phials charged nevermind landing anything big
Post the fatty version of this, it makes me laugh
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did it, but took longer, you're right
you cant event gp>saed the flame thrower anymore because it counts as a two hit attack and the other openings from world iceborne are there anymore
someone in the rise sunbreak team has an agenda agains cb fucking lmao
>partnering with an overpriced it*lian shitbike company when you have several of the top baiku brands in your own country
Have they done a single actually good crossover during this entire shitfest of an anniversary?
Where's the crossover between the MH fanbase and this shit. Who asked for any of this?
The most relevant crossover they've done this entire time is fucking Hololive
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>someone in the rise sunbreak team has an agenda agains cb fucking lmao
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Every time
>tries to kill CB twice
>gives LS everything and anything
>LS is still below at dealing damage
What is his end goal?
Ummm...if CB is stronger than LS...then maybe he wasn't trying to kill CB and your headcanons are wrong...
*zenithrespects women*
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Can anyone with the Fatalis Z/GX sets take some close-ups of it for me?
I'm trying to draw it, I downloaded a MHW mod with it for screenshots but the mod looks very different to the actual...

Rise was pretty generous with CB wasn't it? IIRC it had a bug at launch but it was fixed quick (GP not doing KO)
Fatty phase transition kills basically everything iirc
2023 called it wants it's memes back
>Fatty phase transition kills basically everything iirc
>Using gameplay mechanics into lore.
If you wanna go that route then safi's ultimate kills fatty.
Check mate.
Does it? I'm 99" sure I watched a vid with Safi vs Alatreon vs Fatty and Fatalis just melts them both
How old are you buddy
By this logic:
Nope suddenly it's not part of my retard game mechanic logic even doe it exists within the game, arbitrarily because I simply don't like the collab
>Download a Fatalis mission pack to fight him in different locales
>It's absolute cancer to fight him in anything but a flat arena
>Also there's no music
Why is there no music?
I don't get how the music works in this game. It's literally silent.
>heh, if y-you want to go b-by gameplay you can prove that fatalis is weak-WAIT NO NO NO NOT LIKE THAT *ACK*
>/mhg/ is full of 8yr old shonen battlemanga schmeatheads
makes sense
>starts an argument he can't win
>t-the argument was dumb to begin with!
>Download a Fatalis mission pack to fight him in different locales
That sounds utterly miserable why would anyone think that's even slightly a good idea?
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>he isn't a solo hunter
pcheats are too enamored with the fact that they can to ponder if they even should
calm down dr malcolm
Flaming Espinas can tank Fatalis fire
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This is the video that convinced me
You gotta admit ot looks cool as hell
what skills other than critical element do I need so I can get more damage with elemental weapons? right now raw is king, playing rise btw
Charge Master iirc raises it a lot but it's a Sunbreak skill
Element is king in Sunbreak FYI, you'll be making weapons from all kinds of monsters not just Fatalis
4th Lance hunt in and I think this weapon melts monsters, wtf
thanks, just started the sunbreak part actually, though I still haven't fought apexes, the allmother thing and valstrax
weird that they'd let me do master rank stuff early
trans pride buttplug +2
discord groomer +1
>weird that they'd let me do master rank stuff early
Endgame grind was never considered "absolutely required", so nothing weird there.
Don't worry too much, you will be able to fight MR versions of those serpents and Valstrax. Apexes too, but only as "side" monsters.
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FUCK Blangonga
You can not hit this piece of shit. 90% of his attacks have recovery so short that by the time you've dodged the attack and get to him he's already jumped away
And the attacks that do have a long enough recovery either tremor you or the blangos he spawns come over and smack you in the asshole completely ruining your first opening in the last minute
Based cat taking him out for me
does lance dash have guard point or something
Dereliction and bloodlust suck. Is Malzeno's set the only decent one until I reach MR100 or whatever the last monster is at?
You're using a hammer, just charge and camp by his ass cheeks and wait until he does a slam or an iceblast. You better get used to him since Rajang is much worse. And the game will make you fight two in an arena as the final base village quest.
The running charge? No. In 5th gen you can guard mid run to stop. If you mean guard dash, it blocks the whole time, even if you go off a ledge.
>fatalis can't defeat smoke bombs
Damn dummy
rajang is absolutely not worse than blangonga

he hits harder and is faster sure but overall does less time wasting annoying fucking bullshit
I don't know about you but I'd sooner fight Blangonga and Copper rather than a Rajang. Unless you have anti Tremor, you're just gonna spend time being out of balance.
>Flashbombs lose effectivity
>Smokebombs don't
>just charge and camp by his ass cheeks
I'd do that if he wasn't nonstop chaining 3 jumps together and traversing the entire area before either digging or throwing an ice rock at me that is unpunishable even if you're right next to him and then jumping around for 30 seconds again
>mosnter capable of destroying a small nation wielding nothing but fire breathe and power of flight
>"where is this human stabbing me, I must back up and stay grounded instead of flying up and fry his ass"
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To be fair, it'd be a different, unfair game if Fatalis was just doing flaming runs again and again.
>Have to do a different quest to just get it grounded
>Doing so just allows you 10 minutes of a ground fight
>Have to redo it every time it gets off again
>sees an obvious cheater
i swear some of you mongs should be legally obligated to wear headphones playing "breathe in, breathe out" on loop, so you dont accidentally die
Best wiki for the game? Fextralife feels a bit leery and doesn't even have the next upgrades for Pandemonium's Root. Kiranico also somehow doesn't have information on purple sharpness.
When astera is ashes then you have my permission to die
rajang at least feels like a proper fight that you need to bring some proper skills to (but that applies for every monster in freedom). sure he's hard, but he's aggressive and has clear openings and shit

blangonga will literally spend multiple minutes at the other end of the map hopping around uselessly before zooming away if you try to approach him or spams digging again and again and then runs away afterwards. it's honestly one of the worst shitmons in the entire series
Why are teostra and kushala even in every mh that's not 3rd gen?
>elder dragon of element
>dogshit element and loses to mobtier monsters
>magadron has better fire element than teostra weps
>auroracanth has better ice element than kusha weps
What the fuck
Tradition and further proof that they thought 3rd gen was a mistake.
nigga wtf are you doing fight those first
Apexes literally don't show up in Sunbreak (besides as secondary targets in Investigations) and they're GENUINELY some of the best fights in the game.
That's due to the fact that the MH teams have never been able to balance weapon trees worth a fuck, not necessarily that those monsters are stronger.
Teo hunting horns are always good
Kush armor is pretty useful and her weapons are good for the fast weapons that can use elemental and ice is usually pretty hard to get

But more importantly, they are cooler looking than any of those other shitmons you listed
Teo is blast
Other weapon trees being good in different ways (Sunbreak) is better than just one weapon tree utterly dominating (World)
teostra has some of the best raw weapons in sb
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I hate talismans but I like the color gradients of the higher tier creator and dragon talismans
>dogshit dev and math retard has entered the chat
>shit game taste too
is Safi a punching bag because it's a siege or is it just an easier endgame hunt ?
you don't expect competency for the good things why do you expect it for the bad ones?
Did you want the giant dragon to be able to move as fast as Odogaron?
Hes not wrong about the tree thing
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What does /mhg/ think of Wilds' introduction of group skills
I like it
0/10 No breakdance, too slow, not flashy enough.
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Do we actually know any of them in specific?
Because I expect them to be very weak and generic like
"+3% damage to flying wyverns"
hammer is too hard
>best iteration of the horn ever
>change it completely to pander to players who don't like HH
>turns out they still don't like it
Rise horn isn't even that bad as its own weapon, but it fucked the real horn forever
>Find slope
Safi's design is more understandable when you realize it's the ultimate random tard filter
>an absurdly easy to dodge OHKO that niggers still die to
>drops tons of flinching ammo that tards spam even during the attack where he drops rocks to let you live the OHKO
>one of the most telegraphed AoEs in the series that tards still get hit by
>a mechanic that requires tenderizing that tards still don't do and just expect others to
>actually paying attention to and focusing on one part with the most miniscule degree of coordination helps the hunt go better and tards will often be smacking it's hindlegs or not hitting the chest in the last phase even when said chest is literally glowy
Then they also made it the most annoying and shitty fight in the game to solo hunt since Leshen/Behemoth so you'd be forced to deal with randoms doing all of the above and more.
I think they realized they didn't go far enough which is why they added DPS elemental checks with Alatreon though obviously that's not a hard fight to solo
what's that
hes wrong about world and hes wrong about what should be done so you can join him in special ed class
The more I look at it, the more I'm amazed at HH's range, especially the right swing hitting behind you
>I had fun fighting kushala in sunbreak
what the fuck
Is it possible to play horns without worry about notes and songs mid battle and just go full damage
You know how World had set bonuses like Narga giving Razor sharp and Safi with Lifesteal? Now you can get a weaker or altered version by it simply being in that Mons species group like Flying Wyvern for Narga
Yeah they made him fun in Sunbreak somehow
i like kushala in freedom unite but not in risebreak
How? He's a total bore
i like kushala in freedom 2 but not in unite
>Narga isn't the Affinity centric weapon class in World
Since when did they start doing this? That was his thing.
yup, agreed
What's the difference?
Being death incarnate doesn't make you smart
ohhh. yeah it probably won't be very strong but I like it, it's an interesting system at the very least
No. That thread is even more shitposty than this one.
While the buffs are up, I just don't think about the notes. When the buffs are about to expire, I hit the monster with the correct notes and wait for a decent window to play the songs. I guess good HH players arre more thoughtful, but going unga bunga for 90% of the hunt has worked for me so far.
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>started doing boxing 4 months ago
>the training heavily focuses on endurance and stamina, basically becoming an IRL quality build
>you are not supposed to bulk up or gain musclemass until your body is fully conditioned to the proper level of speed and technique, only then you might consider bulking up but you have to train stamina and technique even harder to not become wooden and sluggish
>the punching strength is also different from your lifting strength
The MA where beefing up is better is in all wrestling, striker vs wrestler are 2 different strengths. The first one is good as a gunshot who can quickly end fights just by scoring a good, efficient body or a head hit your jaw is a massive weak spot where 20 kg worth of force is enough to knock you flat on your ass, your forehead is the sturdiest place on your head, the second one is better in a prolonged scenario, where the fight quickly becomes a wrestle, then the boxer loses.
Gun wins both. Fuck guns, gunners suck.
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Kien banjyou....

I only like one thing from Rise "HH" and that's the unsheathe.

Yeah it has very good reach, which is one of the weapon's strengths.
They removed that in Rise for some reason.

No, weaving notes to stock and play songs is what the weapon is all about.
You also use the songs to deal damage, neutral recital is one of the best attacks the weapon has.
You can snipe monster heads from all kinds of angles with it.
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Hammer fucks the crabs up so bad it isn't even funny
You can just golf swing them all day long for free
bonus crab weiner
Hammer fucks everything in MHFU
It is 4U CB level of broken, it stomps the entire game
>smashing crab shells with triple hammer in Dos for HRP
Good times, I know you said you won't play it but I think you should
And that's a good thing!
Some weapons are deadass useless
I figured it out, you didn't exactly make it hard, fuck you too btw. How about you delete the actual plague of the general instead of soundposts? I got the mp3 from Kiranico so there WILL be more OC made, just not posted here (as you seem to desire)
Might be showing too much behind the curtain, like rise's or the MMOs' hitzone pages (hope that doesn't come back)
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>Video is called "not hunting horn"
>Uses the Iceborne spin, then one Rice move, then the classic superpound that's been in the game since Gen 2
It certainly does feel easy mode compared to my previous LS focused savefile and LS isn't even particularly weak either
Dos just feels kind of deprecated to me. Why play another 2nd gen game when FU has the most content of any 2nd gen game? I know Dos has gameplay wholly unique to it and doesn't feel like any other game in the franchise and that's the appeal for a lot of people but I think Dos goes beyond endearing oldgen jank like aspects of FU has and into "this is just bad game design" jank for me personally
world equipment diversity: drachen
iceborne equipment diversity: fatalis
You could just say "rajang exists" and be done with it
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>nintentranis hours
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>Rise if it had a budget
Every weapon in every game has had a singular best option by endgame except for DB
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rise equipment diversity: valstrax
sunbreak equipment diversity: amatsu/primalzeno/velkhana/chaotic gore/risen elders

At least now I know what caused that thread to go to shit.
Should have saved ishikawa yui for Wilds, how they gonna top that
>Why play another 2nd gen game when FU has the most content of any 2nd gen game?
There's more to games than just raw "content". What it lacks in numbers it makes up in everything else - what other game lets NPCs share meals with you because you helped them? Or build a puny anvil into a two-story forge taking on apprentices? Personally I also find it an interesting history lesson, as a lot of what makes MH today was first introduced in Dos.
Also FU made the split between Guard and Guard Up which somehow got even worse in Rise
>No see it's totally good that you get the good weapons from like 2-3 endgame hunts (Kulve/Safi for elemental, Fatty for everything) and there's no variety
This is especially egregious with weapons like GL where objectively the best GL is just Normal and you'll never use anything below Shelling level 7 anyway making 90% of the weapon trees dead.

No thanks, I'd rather hunt all kinds of scaled-up monsters for my gear and have dozens of sets for each playstyle per weapon to farm up.
>removed all the recitals and encores
>fixed combos
>no reach and you just spam multi crush.
Just because it has the same attacks doesn't mean it plays the same, Shartbreak "HH" is so fucking boring that it puts me to sleep.
What does /mhg/ think of this?
you think people of elgado are tired of fioryne never shutting the fuck up about fierce of kamura?
very nice
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>Removed recitals and encores
Fair cop
>Fixed combos
I don't understand what you mean.
>No reach and you just spam multi-crush
You realise that attacks like backswing and left/right swing are still in the game, right?
that's just a screenshot from switch version
elgado and the kingdom as a whole only continue to exist due to the efforts of the CHAD flame of kamura who fucking cares what the people think
>poke poke
>counter guard
>poke poke poke
God damn I mocked this but it's actually fun
>So desperate for Wilds I'm playing Wild Hearts to tide me over
The umbrella weapon is actually fun but I can tell why they abandoned this
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Monster idea
>didn't name it
>skeleton: Seltas queen
>lays just under the ground/sand in a flat posture
>a rather large ambush predator
>spawns with fake mining spot/eggs/gathering point on it's head
>the "pillar" is it's movable tail
>might have a status on the tip
>has 2 pincers under the shell for feeding
>has no clear head
>Fight gimmick is needing to use attacks that hit the ground/aim downwards for damage
>tail slams down causing tremors on the body and stuns anything hit by the tail (or maybe just the tail end)
>the tail can move in 360 degrees with a weak joint
>something getting stunned on it's back (or sound bombed) leads to the shell and claws rising out of the sand for a pin & a larger hitbox
>this exposes the blue claws for pinches and weak punches
>sub species might have a status on the claws
>claws, the under belly, connecting joint of the tail and the tail tip are weakpoints
>notes: No eyes flash pod immunity, weak to soundpods, tail has a cut and break point, immune to sleep
just thought of this after posting but maybe it's shell has grey discoloration to have a fake shadow that fools monster morons
sub apex level monster btw
Rise HH has combo paths, you can't freely combo attacks like in the older games.

>You realise that attacks like backswing and left/right swing are still in the game, right?
Yes and? you don't use proper positioning to snipe monsters with these attacks anyway and there's like 0 reasons to QTABS at all in Rise.
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4u is literal dog shit
>monsters all have elder dragon environment effects that play into their fights
>Lore has in depth gameplay meaning, such as having a personal number that effects combos, cool downs and statuses
>all monsters have some kind of extreme weakness to seemingly random things
>low rank monsters are all just off spring/detached pieces/minions of greater monsters that still serve a roll in later fights
>food now affects how you perceive the world around you, some combinations can even prevent monsters from being in the same local as you
>locals shift and change depending on stars & current rituals
>extreme never-evers for monster hunter can be used for fights such as time fuckery, player teleportation, mid fight parkour and
you're right it is untapped kino I even thought up a monster pair
I disagree
filtered 8-^)
Killed my 50th Xenojiiva :)
I agree
The maps alone make it unplayable
I'd sooner kill myself than do another hunt on Volcanic Hollow or Ancestral Steppe
i had a similar idea to this where its a big aligator snapping turtle that uses the plants on its head to attract herbivore animals which it oneshots with a powerful bite to the face
I don't think its dogshit but 90% of the actual criticisms levied against World are so much worse in 4U
if you hate one you must hate the other
that's a nice post birth abortion clinic you're running, hunter
I really don't get the purpose of multi monsters in one arena in 4th gen and prior if the monsters can't hurt each other
they can hurt each other, they just don't show it as much as monsters don't deal part damage
They can hurt each other
The point is to be the ultimate test of your ability to position and safely whittle down while conserving resources, not everything is some speed tranny DPS race
>Gunlance can be clearly seen even trying to inch away from his teammates
>Walks into it anyway
They can hurt each other but by how much, I'm not too sure. Really, it's just there to fuck you over.
>That one double Rajang quest where you have to kill the first one in 15 minutes otherwise the next one spawns in that's bigger
I too hate babies
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I had a dream last night I was fighting Rajang and my main method of attack was holding a piece of paper and reading out yo mama jokes
some monsters I can understand the challenge being fun with having 2 to tango with, but 2 silverwind nargacuga's throwing sonic discs in perfect rhythm where the second one hits you after your i-frames from dodging the first one runs out, idk if that is fun
just use adept or something nigga
I can't remember, did World have a skill that improved your dive and let you dive towards monsters? Or was that only in Rise? Leap of Faith I think it was called
>I can't remember, did World have a skill that improved your dive and let you dive towards monsters?
You mean Evade Extender? Or Evade Mastery?
No, it specifically allowed you to use the superman dive by sprinting towards monsters rather than from them, and I think it did something else too
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did the chat softlock get fixed on MHGU ryujinx?
Yeah, and it is indeed called Leap of Faith. In World it doesn't exist in deco form.

You also dive farther IIRC.
yeah that's leap of faith. also makes you leap farther than usual.
all world monsters are way better in rise
How new R u
>le endgame
Fuck off secondary
i want milka dachshund
Arch Tempered ED gear is generally useful in vanilla MHW as well, you're right about transborne doe
except velkhana
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Man 4U CB really is busted, it made rajang a fun fight, even if I didn't get to break any parts
Also didn't know that he wasn't immune to shock traps even in red arm mode
>Bro lmao, ice beams pierce the walls
Why. I actually thought it'd be clever if the boss actively changes the battlefield and you'd have to adjust but no,.
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Bros is Day of Ruin worth farming in Iceborne
...on opposite day
It's your best deco farm that isn't Tempered Furious George
nta but how new are you? Monsters and their projectiles don't even respect unbreakable objects in the map, let alone breakable ones or even breakable ones that they created
Endgame franchise, tranny
>Furious George
Too old more like. I don't know, maybe I expect there to be a gimmick or something and that it'd follow those rules specifically.
I don't like vekhana gimmick ice "blooming" in general
but ill give you this one, it was better in world
Furious Rajang
mew are number one event, tempered furious jang
Thanks, I thought I was going crazy because I couldn't find a deco for it
Velkhana is a bottom of the barrel boring filler monster in both games and is not appreciably different in sunbreak
You are not a real monster hunter if you've never got carted by a monster sliding across a wall
I was about to say that they should've leaned into Velkhana's ice armour gimmick but realised it's basically just Nergigante's.
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>is a bottom of the barrel boring filler monster
but enough about you
Does the ice coating even do anything to it
Figuring out that skills in these games are just absolute crutches
I should change my armor for G4 quests because I only have 390 defense but I don't want to because I can't play the game anymore without some of these skills I have equipped
all weakpoints and tople after breaking 3
also gives her back her tail visually after you cut it (it reformed mid attack anyways)
>bottom of the barrel boring filler monster
but enough about Gore and friends
Fucking lmao
I just rolled with the Glav set, can't really go wrong unless your weapon doesn't get Handicraft benefits
ah yes, the good old rape
you can beat the game in just rathalos armor.
Its not just about beating the game, I don't want to fail. G3 is the first time I ever fainted during a quest and I was so upset I abandoned the quest and restarted
Now I'm starting to fail some of these endurance quests where you have multiple monsters to kill and I don't like that
Sunbreak Pishi Lumu Doko?
>monkey red arms mode
>picks up rock
>jumps back and throws it
>block it
>he loses red arms as I'm recovering
>he roars new red arms up
>goes to the same rock spot
>throws it again
monkey HATE
cool down my man, don't put the cart before the horse
no one is forcing you to play g rank greatsword without focus, just switch to something else until you get a focus set
may wanna temper your will then.
I love huntresses
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Honestly this sounds like a (You) problem. You need to achieve some inner peace. Attain some enlightenment.
Only if I can tease you between hunts with images like these
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Honestly sounds like a bunch of fun, but why do they look so underage?
I'm enjoying 4U more than I did World
what, jsut play better, make the new armor
I’m sure it would be fun. And just artstyle I guess
>can play any multiplayer quest without having to watch a single cutscene before anyone can join
>armor skills are harsher, monster HP reduced
>disposable earplugs
>tremor res actually doing something
it's not like it's a big contest or anything
>get a new keyboard
>it's .7 inches wider than previous one i've been using for almost a decade
>literally can't stop making typos
fucking hell when will this enmd
How do I sex pub lass
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>mfw I just joined a bunch of competent randos and spent an hour fighting tempered Radobaan, Brute Tiggy, as well as Vaal at the Guiding Lands over and over again
It was fun.
The hate some people have for The Guiding Lands is just overblown. Yes the system has problems (there should be some kind of item you can use to prevent other monsters from butting in temporarily so that it's not clusterfucks all the time whenever 2 or more monsters happen to be in the same area), but it's still super fun.
>before anyone can join
tendies are so embarrassing holy fucking shit
^ malding
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>Monster HP reduced
Are you saying 4U has smaller hp pools than World? My son, Worlo monsters have hp puddles. They fall over in under three minutes.
>citing disposable earplugs as a reason 4U is good
Insane behaviour
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molten tigrex is THE WORST monster
well clearly since he only plays in 4 man hunts where he gets carried it's only natural he thinks the monsters in 4U are weaker
You have to....hunt monsters....in Monster Hunter? Nah.
>Bro it has more HP so its harder
>Look inside
>Weapons deal thousands of damage with a single strike
i remember in mhg (MONSTER HUNTER GENERATIONS) i ran into lobby of 3, and everyone was clicking so well together
we had me with status sns
gs guy, hammer guy and lbg guy
we went together through nearly entire high rank, and then my fucking 3ds froze and because nintendo online is trash i couldnt find them anymore

also fuck the old system of doing urgents for everybody separately, that was gay shit
when its not enraged it's too smart and will jump out of pitfall traps but vulnerable to shock
when it's enraged it'll break shock traps out of pure rage but will walk into pitfalls like a dumbass
That's the only way someone can think 4U is good to be fair, if was actually doing the 20 gravios and khezu key quests by himself he'd be singing a different tune
you're scared shitless that he'll see your post and actually reply to you because you're a low test little pussy scared of confrontation but too petty to just ignore it lol
probably gonna cry and piss your pants after reading my post too lol you're seething hard
I like the visual you made lmao
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Help distract me from my writer's block.
SUNBREAK PISHI LUMU! Doko? Right here, of course!

Come hunt monsters! I recently learned that Lucent Nargacuga can show up on Anomaly investigations in the Forlorn Arena which is pretty neat.
no no no, in 4U he still gets stunned by my cat's shock traps
>Key quests
Reminds me that World doesn't really have that, it's just Urgent after Urgent and I guess an expedition where you get suddenly ganked. I do kinda like it since it spares you from doing shitty quests but I feel like it speeds you up too much. What are people's thoughts about it?
some posts just don't deserve (You)s

go back to /v/ and pretend to be a tranny in a politicalbait thread
What are you writing anon
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steam maintenance
It's literally the only weapon in that game that has what is essentially Guard+3.
When Lance uses Guard+2 and makes use of the slight boost in pushback negation that it gets when it does a shield advance, the weapon still cannot block Tigrex's roar without insane chip and pushback that locks the player in a blocking animation and prevents any further action.
Meanwhile, suppose Charge Blade uses Guard+2. Suppose it is in red shield, which essentially gives the weapon a full +1 point of Guard. Both red shield and Guard+2 stack, which is what I mean when I say it gets Guard+3. And when you stack these together, you actually can block Tigrex's roar without any chip or animation lock.
>put down pitfall trap
>Yian Garuga runs into it
>immediately flys backwards out of it
>even fucking laughs while doing so
I Love and hate this faggot so much.
You fight essentially every monster in the game across MHW and Iceborne's urgent quest chain. The only things I can think of that don't get an urgent quest are the non-ED monsters in the Elder's Recess
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When did I use HH so much? I hardly remember touching the weapon.
? dung pods make them fuck off temporarily?
? banishing ball banishes them?
if you could just max every zone it wouldnt be a problem
it is fucking stupid that resource nodes are shared though, fucks ruining my reds
I don't think the game leads you to fight Black Diablos though. Or is it a DLC mon. I wasn't here.
She is base game
Key quest in DLC
rathalos hp world
LR - 5k
HR - 6.5k
MR - 20k

rathalos hp 4U
LR - 2.3k
HR - 2.9k
GR - 5.4k

teostra hp world
HR - 8.6k
MR - 27k

teostra hp 4U
GR - 5.3k

You fucking retards will spew any bullshit
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Unironically slow burn erotica. It's making me hate myself.
recolors don't count
Are you guys doing special investigations, I'm not even close to the level for it :(
Cancer killing literature
>you now remember lures didn't exist when guiding lands first released, so if there was a particular monster you were looking for that didn't spawn you were just fucked
>PS4 players might as well call it "The Loading Lands" because holy shit
Please get these facts off my general, thanks!
now compare monster behaviors and weapon damage
>rathalos in world barely flies more than 2 feet off the ground
>teostra in world spams a bunch of shitty breath attacks compared to nonstop charging
>every weapon in world has a super move that does 1000 damage for free, even 'weak' weapons like hunting horn
>>rathalos in world barely flies more than 2 feet off the ground
Isn't this irrelevant because you can basically fly around in 4U and this just means easy knockdowns?
Don't forget armor skill bloat!
Wait, you're telling me CB in 4U had a shield stronger than Lance? What the actual fuck
>you can basically fly around in 4U
never even played 4U
what are you talking about
>rathalos in world barely flies more than 2 feet off the ground
thanks for fucking reminding me of that stupid first gen "around the zone" flying move
more like the fight than guard skills. My set only uses guard+1
yeah? Guard skills +red shield +GP. Using just level 1 guard skill I can block even brute tigrex's damaging roar
>comparing numbers
>the number isnt the fastest kill time
>the number isnt fastest kill time with appropriate gear
the numbers you guys are posting literally do not matter
i could give something 100 hp but you only do 2 damage or i could give it 8 billion and you do 7 million
theres so many different things that are numbers that affect the only 2 numbers that do matter
post speeds or fuck off

i bet you guys are the same niggers talking about weapon variety
Lance at best had only Guard +2.5. So Guard+2 from your armor skill and +0.5 that you get whenever you do a shield advance.
Tigrex is a perfect example of how fucked Lance is compared to CB, because there are so many attacks that you just don't want to block because it leaves you in a reeling position where you're locked into holding up your shield while suffering from chip damage.
So for example, I mentioned the roar earlier. You also cannot block the stationary body spin move Tigrex does with Lance (in that situation, it's most optimal to just backhop and then time a dash attack so that it hits Tigrex's head as it finishes spinning) . You can with CB though. And you can go into an AED after that.
Basic blocking for Lance didn't become truly acceptable until 5th gen.
anybody got the
>tfw still no monster hunter on vita
>>the number isnt the fastest kill time
Even this can be skewed since World can sometimes drop you in front of the mon directly. Iirc there's a video of someone killing Savage Deviljho in around 15 seconds.
I have subacute sclerosing panencephalitis. I only have 2 days to live.
Lucky you. You won't have to suffer the utter cancer that this general will be once Wilds reviews come out and bingtendies try to find and magnify every single nitpick and criticism they can find in these reviews.
Is there even a monster that's actually immune to sleep? Even elder dragon aren't immune to sleep
oh my bad lets just make exceptions for everything then, we can have a category that only counts quest time the game tracks, a category for when you first hit the monster, a category when the monster first notices you, a category for when the player first does any input, a category when they start pre fight buffing, for zone loading transition games that starts it, etc etc
fuck off retard
I know Xeno from world is, don't remember any one else though
Yes, glad that we both agree it's stupid.
Rent free
I've never seen Lao put to sleep
God I see what you are doing for others....
>Even this can be skewed since World can sometimes drop you in front of the mon directly
so just like every game before after you finish low rank?

also, why aren't TA faggots counting monster times from first hit to last? wouldn't that be the real actual time?
How to I effectively use Lance's clutch counter, how confident am I to be
Jesus Christ, I wasn't planning on using CB in 4U but now I have to see just how far I can push the block
>The only canonical baby can't be put to sleep
What was meant by this?
If you count giant monsters then those can't be put to sleep too.
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Can someone post the females face slider so /mhg/ doesn't called me a tranny

I like 'em young
Master the button sequence. The stance is ready as soon as you hit the last button, so you can go from sheathed to clutch counter in a split second.

it's not effective, every lance move has shit and ass for damage. But it does give free tendies and it's pretty fun on some mons
>over 1k HBG usage
sorry sis you're blacklisted
double for that awful font
idk if you're memeing or not but it actually does suck
May you find peace, Anon.
Here's a song I'm listening to right now it's kinda peaceful
Is it considered cheating if you use farcaster when the monster is about to use their ultimate attack?
Fuck off Sparkletroon
>using a perfectly fine consumable in the game
Yeah it's cheating. Your save is invalid.
Not necessarily cheating but cowardly move desu
Yes, that's why you can't do it against Alatreon
Most ultimate moves are easy to avoid normally anyways
>guard +2
>tigrex roar still pushes back lance shield
The game is called monster hunter not monster guarder you dumb faggots
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The game is called monster hunter run from monster you dumb faggots
What episode of House was that?
>fending off attacks with a shield isn't hunting
*puts your monster to sleep*
I got that summertime, summertime sadness
Su-su-summertime, summertime sadness
Got that summertime, summertime sadness
Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
He needs mice bites to live
*fuck monster*
Heh, what now bitch?
wall slamming monsters into other monsters never gets old, it better return in wilds
*pokes monster too death*
Now I am the Monster Poker.
>rides malzeno from one end of the map to the other just to watch him slam into lunagaron

this is no longer monster hunter this is now monster goofer
>benny hill music plays
Think Great Girros you just have to look at.
>benny hill music
>hammers can vault critters into monsters, dealing KO damage
this is no longer monster hunter this is now monster golfer
ba dum tss
What the fuck are those fat sausage fingers
t. guy who has never worn gloves in his lfie
Lance is so fucking terrible in 4U, what were they thinking?
Gloves are the easy mode of winter, only sissies wear gloves
no its not
>Hunters actually come out and start shooting Velkhana
Okay that's pretty cool.
>Asked to haul ass so that you and only you will drop two powder kegs into the cannon
And the moment's gone.
>SnS is finally playable with Embolden since you can actually block with the shield without recoiling
>You only get it near the end of the game
>Don't feel like playing anymore since I killed every monster once already...

What was Capcom thinking? Do they expect people to just grind anomaly for 300hours?
>want endgame rewards
>noo why do i have to play... endgame!!???
honestly if you have less than 800 hours play time in a single mh game i don't think anyone should be listening to your opinions or whatever you have to say desu. you're a noob at this point and deserve to be bullied and make fun of.
>blocking with SnS ever other than as an emergency fallback due to bad positioning or overcommitment
don't play SnS it's not for you, rise and has a baked in full second iframe with backhop you should never ever need your block
No I just wanted the skill from the start of the game. This skill is exactly what I was looking for even before sunbreak. I wanted to play SnS that can actually block like lance but never could so I used a different weapon altogether.

Not everyone has no life and wants to play the same thing over and over. I already beaten every monster in Rise from the beginning in about 3 weeks solo.
If I saw you on the street
Would I have you in my dreams tonight? Tonight
>800 hours
If you're going to be gatekeeping like that increase it to at least 1500 hours lol.
god ur a retarded faggot
>needs 3 weeks to beat rise solo
what a fucking embarrassment
see? these are kind of newfags that thinks they're hot shit because they got carried in the game and they ALVVAYS ALVVAYS have some gameplay opinion that they want implemented. sorry but i literally don't care what you have to say. all i hear from you is some south park fart sounds can you like not address me?
>I wanted to play SnS that can actually block like lance
It's called CB
>not everyone has no life
so? then fucking adjust what games you pick to play you idiot, go play some 5h goyslop campaigns instead
>i want to block a falling building with a dutch oven lid
please please PLEASE can you stfu about your worthless opinions? your retardation knows no bounds
>No arguement

I don't play 8 hours every day.

You sound really mad.

Thanks for the advice, I might try it out again. CB seem more complex though.
>CB seem more complex though.
cb is the most braindead weapon in the franchise
1 week of casual rise gameplay is enough to finish the game
it's their best song desu
Just got surgery I'm in pain. Feels like I just fought brachy (gen 3). I swear the nurses were jerking my cock when I was under anesthesia because I woke up and my dick felt raw like after you jerk off. Women only want one thing and its fucking disgusting
the average player completes rise in 22 hours
That can't be possible since range weapon exist
>was going to genuine post but i remembered the local romanian would just copy paste my post

this thread has fallen so far no idea how people manage to use it as a hangout thread
I hope I never have to go to the hospital and wear those gowns all the time. I get an erection about 2 times every hour
choco nurse...
Well it was fucking freezing so I didn't have to worry about an erection. Dick and balls were in survival mode
If you are talking visually, a lot of SnS are roughly the same size and Lance shield. Plus the logic doesn't matter since the Hunters are superhuman.
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Embolden SnS is actually giga based because it gives you a shortcut to Perfect Rush - not to mention high Offensive Guard uptime and, well, a functional shield.
What the fuck?
>Nearly 80 hours if doing with "side" content
Is this serious?
>Iceborne and World are separate
Weird. Here's Sunbreak as well
I hate you retarded lore reasoning faggots so much just kill yourself already nobody likes you
>Perfect Rush spam bad
>Perfect Rush spam, Nintendo good
You are the one bring up the "dutch oven lid". I'm not even the same guy.
>A lot
How many of them even cover your torso lol.
I rushed base rise and sunbreak with a buddy and with crafted the minimum amount of armours and weapons required to progress and we just hit 50hrs played. About to do MR Allmother Narwa.
We've got like 5 decos from high rank mons, shitty charms and anomaly level 30 I believe.
There's tons of shit we need to grind and I believe it's gonna takes at least 30hrs to clear almost everything left.
22 hours for village credits sounds reasonable I think?
Try 6 hours for village credits
you can beat fatalis in 36 hours
yea, for me and you. but for your average Billy?
Just surprised that it's that short considering that the site also listed Freedom 2 at 36 hours
considering it takes like 10hrs to get through lr/hr with cutscene skip and all that shit I doubt you'll have a decent armor to hit and clear fatalis reliably on top of the fucking rng decos
>everyone is suddenly a speedrunner that just do the main quest and never afk
>Speedrun speeds are the norm
Of course
why are you putting words in my mouth?
average billy 1.5 hours before they uninstall and refund the game because turns out rise has 1/20th the production value of world and since they're not big mh fans yet do not have the patience and beaten housewife syndrome to keep playing shitty mh installments
Most people will finish g-rank after a hundred hours at least in FU. It's the same with every other mh games.
If clear the village then progress through hub it takes a long ass time, more so if you suck ass and fail quests.
I did all the content in base rise before moving on and have been doing all the optionals I can in Sunbreak before moving on and I'm at 190 hours at Espinas.
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it was done with this set
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Monster Hunter Wilds release date in 19 minutes on PlayStation incoming. Trust the plan.
jesus what a cuckold
backhops aren't instant you dumb fuck
do you look like this?
we're just not schizoids like you
Of course, I play Greatsword.
explains the faggot look
>garuga greaves
you didnt beat it
but for them to be good you need good decos?
god no
i would kill myself i had major DLS like that
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2/4 currently o7
t-they literally instant retarded schizo shitter?
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Prank'd, the room's closed for now. Thanks for hunting everyone!
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I promise more twins teasing next time as an apology
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>i want to block with my SnS
>the game lets me block with my SnS
Idea to improve poison
>poison from meat, poison from P smoke and poison from weapons are all different types
>weapons can apply 2 levels on their own
>applying multiple changes their effects, level 1 is normal, level 2 increases the damage and level 3 increase both damage, duration and gives monster bite attacks the ability to poison the hunter with (a half-duration but full damage) Noxious poison
>when level 4 was reached, monster rears over and pukes, leaving a pool of noxious poison for any greedy hunter
>this also drops a shiny with a higher than normal gem (not plate or mantel but gem) drop rate
and now we can add in bleed
>Deals DoT (same as level 1 poison)
>Deals higher damage when monster is enraged
>deals even less damage than normal DoT (lower than even level 1 poison)
just use toxic and double team
Everyone here is so nice and friendly. Thanks everyone :3
>*says shit so retarded it's guaranteed to be made fun of*
I'm sorry, you expected anything else? It's fine being a schizo talking about dumb meme builds like guard GS and slugger lance just don't expect people to humour you in any other way than laughing about it or at you
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>mfw state of gay today is going to have a bunch of multiplats, literal who faggy indies, and another 80 second cinematic wilds trailer
>biggest thing that leaked is a multiplat remaster of Soul Reaver
new monster hunter video at state of play
Sister...nobody is laughing with you...
One of these will be shown in the upcoming trailer
>New locale + new monster
>More of Scarlet forest + new monster (Congalala maybe)
>Story + Flagship trailer
>bunch of literal who faggy indies
ain't that the truth.
Christ man.
Poison damage just need to scale at higher level when a monster HP % is past a threshold. Same for blast and mega bombs, they don't scale well near the end and become almost useless. They keep increase the monster HP but the tick damage is the same.
>he doesn't play Guardsword
Loads of people play embolden SnS, contain your autism TAranny
I thought you guys said nintendo was the bing bing wahoo company
I can't imagine a single human being unironically playing guard SnS in the game where it's least useful compared to the rest of SnS's move set, what kind of brain injury causes this kind of behaviour?
>Sony has more bingbing than Nintendo
Ummm guys???
More remasters too lmfao. What the fuck happened to that company?
>scale bombs
>you can keep cheesing even into g rank with sleep bombing
this is why youre not on the dev team
It's okay when Sony does it
>game where it's least useful compared to the rest of SnS's move set
What do you mean by this sister? every SnS runs offensive guard by default in rise
You can already do that even without it scaling. I know because I already did it. Plus g rank is nothing special
You should be able to sleep bomb monsters into G rank. You already fight the monster to get it to sleep in the first place. If the dev's really didn't like it, then they would have made more monsters immune to sleep
Because you have a retard instant counter with retarded high KO and damage that also actives with offensive guard and you don't actually use guarding moves unless you have brain damage
idk sounds like you're just really emotional for no reason
You get an instant perfect rush from the SnS guard parry, it's pretty good
Stop having a complete manchild tantrum over someone playing the weapon in a way that doesn't respect your headcanon
>no counterargument
I accept your shittercession
that just means the opportunity cost to trying the set out is lower, sister
I'm sorry I'm sorry it's just... I don't think "people" like you shouldn't be allowed on the internet haha
*kisses u*
Thanks I will keep using it then! :)
unfortunately for now non autistic humans are the majority
>state of play almost done already
there's your monhun trailer, fags
oh wilds news? see ya tomorrow not gonna sift through hundreds of permavirgins nerdgasming over nothingburgers
hory shet!
Flagship reveal there we go
i sleep all shitmons outside of the levi
Why does the monster design suck so much
it looks so ass...
>water combat
>no laggi
wtf are they doing?
capcom won
Stuck waging, is it the release date or just a demo?
New monsters:
>not mizu
>fire chicken
>white wraith (probably flagship)
5 months to wilds nice
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>February 28
I have like no time at all to upgrade my PC. Its over
Release date, February 28th
we're all gonna make it
28th of February huh
We won
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heres your flagship bro
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Once again, blessed to be a monster hunter fan...
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Okay that new flagship looks pretty alright
>wing tip whips
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Maybe Mangamelon wasn't so ugly after all...
Is the Charge Blade sword way fucking longer in Wilds or what
>5 months
I have to upgrade my pc this month, just hurry up with the recommended specs so I don't fuck it up
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fuck i still haven't played rise yet
>seasons are back
>big fishe
>fire cock
>huntress sexo voice
>gordo namielle
>No whip weapon
>We get a whip flagship instead
Tigrex actually
sangheili ahh nigga
It's so soon yet still so far away...
Now that the next gen is officially upon us, share some words for Monster Hunter: Rise.
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He's in
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looks fucking cool.
>wing whips
frontier bros won
>AI voice
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Pastebin updated with new trailer.
>no congalala reveal
Wait a minute.
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I'm fucking poor man but I gotta get a new GPU
is lumu returning?
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>A monster known among the commission as the White Wraith, described as having unique chain-like appendages extending from its wings.
A species long thought to have been extinct, its ecology remains shrouded in mystery.
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>RTX3060ti and Ryzen 7 5800x
I-I'm good r-right?
Just get a 7800x or the 9000 series equivalent when it comes out and the most expensive nvidia gpu you can aford.
Damn, it really is Gore at home
Worst MH by far.
why are tendies jaw in the floor lmao
it's state of play not state of tendie
>tfw 3060 ti and 5600x
>monsters get a whip weapon but we don't
fuck capcom
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Uth Duna
>"This is its territory. And we're intruders..."。
A Leviathan that rules the Scarlet Forest as its apex predator.
It has adapted to water-rich environments and is sighted most often during the Downpour.
It makes use of the moisture and its own bodily fluids to create a protective veil around itself.
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>A NEW pseudowyvern (read flying wyvern) after a fucking decade
Cant even be mad at this
yeah I'm going to microcenter after how DD2 turned out
its fine
I want to chew on its fins
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definitely sticking to rise.
Or world.
Or any other monster hunter.
Wilds looks like genuine trash.
did they forget how to make good looking monsters?
Clearly a architect monster fucker type.
I like his stupid little face
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>Brute wyverns with disproportionately long tails.
They spread a flammable substance, then ignite it by dragging their tails along the ground.
They can often be seen fighting with other, smaller carnivores over carrion.
yeah that's pretty much what i was thinking. fuck wilds and everyone who likes it
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>tfw 3050ti and ryzen 5 3600
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was there any dragons dogma?

All of these look Alien Dinosarus. Thats sick.
all look good
looks like some shit from wild hearts, what the fuck is this?
3060 laptop
I should be fine right bros?
finna uth tuna
Without any info on the game, I was looking at a 4070S and the 7600x and it's already stretching my original budget. I'm keeping my 1080p monitor so I'm just praying it'll be enough
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>Anjanath but actually better
Nearly had to wait a decade for this
>3060 laptop
>basically 3050 with laptop TDP
lol. lmao
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As a leader of the Hunter's Guild, he established the Forbidden Lands Research Commission after discovering Nata, and took charge of forming each expedition unit.
A former hunter distinguished among the Guild.
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Their website is updating. Here's the pc specs.
>140 gigs
wtf mon hun is becoming a cod game
yes just turn aa off and put shadows to low
>DLSS required on a 4060 @ 1080p
Jesus this is going to be so fucking bad
>rtx 4060
>1080p 60fps WITH frame generation
are they crazy?
The specs seem more reasonable than I expected for 60 fps.
>140 Gb storage
Hecking fuck!
>SSD required
that escalated quickly
Cockatrice with flammable shed skin, it's WAY better than the shitty pink Trex from World.
>tfw 3070
Told you we safe.
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Astrum Unit's Handler.
An adroit biologist renowned throughout academia.
...can we just have nergi again pretty please?
>frame generation
>2000 series gpu
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>need ai to get 60fps in 1080p
shut up morloid
friends of namiell?
>another fire brute
man fuck off, ugly as sin too
what the fuck is frame generation
thanking the hunting gods we got alma
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Astrum Unit's Smithy.
A physics and engineering specialist, and a leading mind in weapon technology.
>you're a hunter
>you've got a weapon and you do nothing?
I hate that little cunt already. Also, it looks like they'll be doubling down on the cinematic experience and the cutscenes during hunts
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You DO meet the minimum requirements for Monster Hunter: Wilds, right anon?
upscaling but for fps
old tech https://nvidianews.nvidia.com/news/nvidia-introduces-dlss-3-with-breakthrough-ai-powered-frame-generation-for-up-to-4x-performance
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>tfw RTX 2060
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Monster hunter is dead, isn't it
just play on low settings (it'll look just like world again)
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>720p 30fps in 2024
this game is REALLY shit huh
7800x3d and 4070ti. I am fine.
dd2 was warning sign
Framegen at 30 fps works like utter garbage. What the fuck did they even mean by this?
5 months is more than enough to find a job and save up for an upgrade
Are you two shitposting elsewhere? Rather slow.
i fully expect half the fights to be scripted events.
Just a hair's breath away from QTEs holy shit.
>RX 6700
>Ryzen 5 500
I'll be fine...
what jobs are hiring hammer mains?
I'm thinking so too but I'm not getting call backs from anywhere :(
didn't they say it was going up for preorder today? why don't I see it up on steam
job hunting in this market? are you insane? i'll be lucky to get a spatula at this point
Uh, anti-wirebug bros..?
no, i do not :(
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ami only one that doesn't like the flagship monster?
the spec sheet is almost always inaccurate. it'll run fine on low-end pcs with some tuning, unless we get some dd2 disaster tier optimization
>rtx 4060
>60 frames at 1080p on the medium preset with frame generation
Fuck, I'm starting to doubt the 4070S
even part-time is fine, anon. you'll get a new PC in a month and can help mom pay some bills.

i don't like it either for being discount Gore.
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>3600x and a 4060 for 60 FPS at 1080p medium with DLSS on
No chance I'm getting even 30 FPS at 1440 with my 3060 Ti.
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gay skins
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They look kind of ugly to be honest. Especially the water Apex one.
Carpenters and maybe smiths if you still have those around
Works on my machine
Just keep trying anon
Yes anon, you are the ONLY PERSON that doesn't like a thing. Out of the millions who've seen the trailer! Don't you feel special?
the sad part is, even with minimum specs...the inclemencies are gonna fuck up performance so bad
flagship is kinda weak. it's just a wyvern.... where's my elder dragon?
Only the horns look okay lol.
>Steel samurai
I don't really care for it, all of wild's monsters look awful and would clash with returners
goddamn,was really hoping it would be Zenaserisu
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>Hunter Profile
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There is no way they kill the franchise by killing all world momentum with a garbage unoptimized port
>Samurai armor again
>Its not modeled after old gen shit
Fuck you, Capcom
>Oni hair
>Wyverian ears
Alright, here's my wallet
we're so back, fuck off lol
This is why Dos was a bad game. It introduced elder bloat and now people unironically think like this.
>unless we get some dd2 disaster tier optimization
anon this game is going to be bigger than DD2
this is a japanese game developer
use your head
World was also a garbage unoptimized port.
What do you mean? It already happened and it's named was Rise
My PS5 is ready ^_^
See you in February, friends~
>SSD *required*
>140 gigglybits
>1080p 30+fake frames for the MEDIUM graphics setting with a 12400k and 4060
Are you out of your fucking MINDS???
Rise runs at 120fps on your fridge
What kind of toaster is your PC anon?
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>i meet the requirements just barely
i aint playing at 30 fps though, guess i'll have to lower the graphics or something
yeah that little cunts probably gonna piss me off most of the story.
you're likely right but maybe it'll only be during the first time you hunt some of the apex predator type monsters...
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I'm about to buy a PC from a tech bro who built it with parts he traded over the past few months on other deals:
>CPU: Intel Core i5-9400F
>GPU: MSI GeForce RTX 3060 Ti
>MOBO: Asus TUF Z390M-Pro
>SSD: Samsung 500GB
>750W evga Power supply

$700 Canadian, the CPU is not the greatest but it still feels too good to pass up
Getting FOMO about it because don't think I'll find a better deal between now and Februray
This >>495853061 but for real, Jesus Christ

this is the end of the series for me
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>tfw RTX 2060
i fucking dont...
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Yeah I'm just gonna come back tomorrow to discuss the trailer after all the /v/tards have left.
>Tfw integrated graphics
Oh well, time to wait for another decade to play Wilds!
crazy, statistically this less than 0,001% of steam users, hope the AI shit is worth it
>They already have seasonal cosmetics lined up
What has Monster Hunter become
>these specs
surely it'll be out on the Switch 2-oh nononononono ahahahahaAHAHAHAHA
split blue tongue
>SSD required

in 2024 you HAVE to get out of your way to get a HDD you fucking poorfag
>with some tuning
world went from stuttering 20-40 fps to smooth 144 fps when i turned off volumetric fog, maybe you can do something similar in this game
As long as they stay away from paid monsters and event quests I can ignore it
What is their obsession with bushi armor?
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See you day 2 of release on PC, hunters!
Remember to solo story first to get good!
Too much of a brainlet when it comes to PC lingo but does this mean any old potato PC can run wilds?
remember when this game was using the same PS2 engine many years later and ran fine? I'm going back
I don't give permission for ESLs to reply to me. Do not.
same tbqhwy fampai
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Come home, hunter. Play Has No Limits
SSD space is still 5 times as expensive as HDD space.
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>140 GB SSD
Volumetric fog is always a meme really. Tanks FPS like crazy.
They're Japanese.
>SSD *required*
Unironically though. Anyone using HDD nowadays to "play" is retarded.
>nigger child screaming at me in the trailer
playstation cant resist themselves can they?
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>not an elder dragon

Inb4 it's the last of it's species and is running away from the cause. Like Lao Shan Lung was running from Fatalis
>expecting japanese company not to cater to bushi aesthetics
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>1050 ti
>Kaby lake
New monsters are cool and all but where are my returners? Don’t tell me it’s just Tardalos?
>poorfags with shit pcs and hdds are seething they can't play

you love to see it, maybe get a fucking job to support your hobby you neet retards
>Need frame gen to get 1080p/60fps on medium
So many brown people in Wilds
G-rank usually wanks the old monsters.
can you not afford $50?
Not much of a plot you can do with wild animals.
im not poor im just not stupid
Doesn't seem that bad until you remember how denuvo is going to take a massive dump on performance. Already happened with World and it will happen again
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i thought the game was supposed to be brown and bloom with shitty sand textures?
doompost bros?? our narrative???
It's gonna evolve into one like gore
Yeah why the fuck are people expecting a new game to run on toasters just because it's on PC? Absolute retards
You need a top 10% PC to run the game at 60 fps, with the help of AI
Mid range PC can probably run at 30
i'm black how am i going to play this?
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Why do you faggots keep wanting to fight the same shit over and over again from game to game.
4060 is way worse than a 4070S, you're fine
>all that volumetric fog even in the clear weather
i am so sick of this shit
>tfw going to start a new wageslave job soon and probably not going to have any time for wilds with all the other shit I have to do
It is unequivocally over
Congalala bros...
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Fucking knew they would do this lazy shit. Fuck Capcom.
The preorder set in this pic and the Samurai set look EXACTLY the fucking same on either gender. The whole point of no gendered armor was to make them DIFFERENT. I don't get it, at all.
fuck no
About time they tone down on copypasted monsters. I've had my fill of fighting against DIABLOS SKELETON for the 20th time
I don't want any old monsters back except Kirin.
nice selfie pajeet
because they are good fights that we want to see improved
Just quit, stupid
With your hands I guess. I'm not sure if physiology differs that much.
>Was asking for the wilds in Wilds
>Get this
Alright, nice.
>Fat Gajau crocodile with wings
Slinger looks smaller, pretty good.
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4070S is almost twice as fast as 4060.
32gb RAM

I'm going to die and burn in hell.
but muh c-c-c-contrast...
muh b-b-b-baked lighting...
Loving the designs in this roster so far, they'll probably look even better with some shaders to bring the colors out
Turn it off for an fps boost
so I guess the flagship having the whip wings means at the very least that the frontier whipfuckers probably aren't in, since they're obviously going to want their shill monster to be as unique as they can
SnS with guard skills is deceptively fun
lumu time?
>no glavenus even though he would be perfect with the clash gimmick
>no seltas queen even though she would be perfect with the group fight gimmick
i really hope its not all just new mons
Work until the game releases
dd2 was just a really shit game then
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Explain this to me because I must be fucking retarded
Why are videogame developers making videogames most people can't play?
Glavenus for G-rank
Trust the plan
Yeah that looks like post apocalyptic San Francisco
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only 22 weeks and 4 days
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wait i just read
>30 fps under the lowest graphic thing
it's fucking over. what the fuck capcom
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I love this big chicken
Yeah okay, Jakov
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>you're not expected to hit 60fps raw on 1080 under medium settings
is this a joke?
oh, I'll "support my hobby" by supporting non retarded devs alright
because fuck poor people that's why. make better choices and gtfo of gaming poorshit
Most people have a PlayStation 5.
I honestly don't need a lot of returning monsters, I'm way more excited to fight any of the new shitmons than I am to kill Rathalos yet again
When the fuck are we going to see the gathering hub
man I was defending but turns out you guys were right all along, they're taking away differences between armors. I guess monhun got too big
The ps5 demo was repeatedly crashing due to overheating
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It's not the 90s anymore where they actually have to downscale. They're just going wild now.
There isn't one
>wirebug swing
That's reassuring. Now I'll start to panic about the 7600, specially with the cpu performance on DD2.
Fake news. Play Has No Limits
can you prove that?
Upgrade your machine
Stop being poor
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Real trailer here
the mistake non-lance players make is assuming that it's slow, clunky, boring, and defensive
in reality a true lance master is hyper-aggressive and constantly attacking, with insanely precise control over angle of attack and positioning
you are the ultimate counter-puncher
Yeah there's clips on twitch
You keep doing that but it obviously looks the same as a wingdrake. What gives?
*Play has no limits.

*limited to 30 FPS
Game looks good but are there really going to be zero returnees until wilds G?
>pre-ordering digital games that won't run out of copies
>d-day one access
You mean day one loading and server congestion and day one bug with inevitable v1.01 update?
can you post one?
shhhh, risie
you'll be relevant in 3 or 4 years again
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Post your 120fps 1440p Wilds ready rig.
>30 fps
Pretty optimistic there.
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I must consoom. I cant help it.
oh nonono
DD2 is an anomaly for RE Engine games. Its just poorly optimized and runs like shit on everything.
*upscaled 548p
new bread:

The irony when DD1 managed to run on toasters just fine.
You know that slingshot swinging was there since World right? Did you play World?
>literally vertical ancient forest redux from world alpha test
which one should i pick
any renders of the flagship yet they didnt give you a good look at him at all
Pick whichever thread was created first,
$200, because I'll have to upgrade an existing slot
Doesn't matter. Rise isn't invited.
>swinging in the middle of open map without clutch bug to convenient wingdrake instead
Even if it's MonHun, Iwill never preorder a product that cannot run out
probably waiting last minute to know if they have to cut out underwater just like with world
well guess I got time to save up for more storage
and a new cpu
and gpu
christ I miss when this series ran on psp
Because we now have tools that help developers make their vision come to reality way more easily, different from the past in which you would require a team of genius artists and coders to make it happen around limitations, however all of that is extremely demanding hardware wise.

Devs can just slop it out, because people can just be manipulated and pressured to upgrade their shit and Nvidia/AMD/etc sure doesn't profit from people using hardware they sold to people two years ago
Here you go sis
Total XX60 card death.
My gtx 970 at work is going to run this ez, just you wait
I wonder if the Steam Deck can run it.
it's a byproduct at best.
>Make the game hard to run; that means other people won't have room to run other games thus giving you more advertising for DLC/new game
>save money by not optimizing game, aka you can pay for lower quality work because
>get to spill bullshit to shareholders about how they are using the latest PC specs to their fullest
gatekeeps pirates too
That build can't even run World at 1440p 120 fps.
man fuck off shills
all you had to do was make it in the same engine as world and you fucked up
fuck off
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You have to pay $700 dollarydoos plus 100 for a disk drive plus 100 a year for PS plus plus tip to play the game online at above 30 FPS
Anon, wilds is locked to 30fps
Even on Pro? lmfao
I have other games for PS5 and use it to store data for PS4 games I play. And no, I don't have neurological disorders that make me shit myself when something dips below 60fps.
Yeah but you have neurological disorders that cause you to post faggy /v/ memes
keep seething
Magnamalo is base on the mythical Nue

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