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Previous: >>495787565 #


Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzElFb4S64s [Open]
Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White
Agent Record | Lighter Lorenz

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8zsNS5FNEI [Open]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d17pewXhrI8 [Open]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVna0MILjt4 [Open]
>Current Signal Search
Jane Doe - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59
Sharpened Stinger - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59

>Current Events
Sorry, Nothing.

>Upcoming Events for 1.2
Full 1.2 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125865
New at the Arcade: Bizarre Brigade - to be added in 1.2
Back in Business - Daily check in, double drops and more - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 10/10 03:59 (server time)
All New Program - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 11/05 03:59 (server time)
Overlord's Feast - 09/26 10:00 (server time) - 11/04 03:59 (server time)

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
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I want to breed Big Daddy
erotic cute girlfailures
the post below this will SAVE /zzz/
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can they stop with this shit holy fuck
The dangle the carrot(Miyabi) method doesn't seem to be working out.
Hormone is better? Glad to hear that because I got a ton of double crit pieces for that set while farming piper...
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I love Ben Bigger.
>the pajeet pedo is STILL melting down
He really will remember this humiliation for months
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>(like Hoshimi Miyabi)
so 1.2 at server reset right? 4 hours for asia and the rest except america?
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Lighterchuds fucking lost
Is Caesar out yet
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I honestly can't tell if (you) are all just baiting, shitposting or genuinely have these dogshit opinions
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I like Yanagi. She has a minimalistic design which fits S6. Not everything has to be

Less is more.
stop crying ugly
Are you tech-illiterate? That's how unzipping works.
>Cross thread posting
Are you really this desperate, doomnig?
It will be at the same time for all servers
I will mod her to be a slutty whore in a microbikini
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how? there is 0 concrete info on their kits
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I still love my autistic fox wife regardless of the space between her eyes

A bit of a stretch but I do hope they give her a tail
Why the fuck is op having a meltdown about tvs?
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>anby 2? I skip
>grace 2? I skip
>koleda 2? I skip
it's that simple, really.
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>TV getting replaced with real stages
>file size will be even worse than before
im talking about billions of gb with every patch
for real?
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*tips fedora*

What did you just say about M'lady??
I love these autistic green haired losers.
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This would be the only modifications I would accept.
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She won't really be a best seller
Honestly there's no real hype for any of sec6 at all
He’s going to be a worse stunner than qingyi so they can move away from making male characters 100%
Yes, the hormone buff is combat atk%. Chaotic metal on paper isn't that much worse, but in practice it sucks because you cannot guarantee the corruption during every stun window and its straight dogshit without that buff. You also want atk% disc 5 because Zhu gets a lot of dmg% from her passive and Nicole.
Mibbles will sell well but not surpass Ellen
Doppelganger - Miyabi
full image doko?
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This is a nicole thread now
Part of the updating process is removing files it doesn't need anymore. Your overall size when applied isn't growing 12.74 GB.
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The “real stages” will be walking between npcs in the same recycled hallway forever so don’t worry too much about it
It sucks that Caesar's teaser went unnoticed, it was pretty wholesome.
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For me, it's Von Lycaon
Kys femoids, youre the reason gacha and gaming as a whole are shit
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miyabi is the /zzz/ mascot
Urbani, servate uxores: moechum calvum adducimus.
Aurum in Gallia effutuisti, hic sumpsisti mutuum
Zenless Zone Zero is only good because it is japanese coded
I'm sorry anon, that you look (like Hoshimi Miyabi)
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Y-you gotta save some p-pulls for m-my banner! I'm going to be r-really meta!

J-j-just you wait!!
Lmfao just go play an actual porn game
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/hsrg/ is laughing at us again...
I'm building Anton instead.
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TV supporters have proven how obnoxious they are. I'm glad they lost.
I don't know how to feel about story tv system
I will wait and play it tomorrow if it bad i will complain about it
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Elf spotted
wideyabi is DEAD
I love Japan!
Im surprised /zzz/ didnt go crazy for loli Caesar
who would die during ZZZ covid?
>theyre """fixing""" miyabi but they are keeping this garbage genshit character unchanged
>I’d rather have actual characters be into me than a roster of nothing but interchangeable cocksuckers personally
then why do you roll for homos and pray for shipping, fujoshi?
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For real. I want to bend him over and fuck him until he gets pregnant.
Expect an apology and 100 polychromes in your mail for the TV removal mention in the dev video within this week.
You can screenshot this post.
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>Lighter is a fucking MANLET
because she isn't playable
Please don't shitpost with my JK shark GF.
No TV Mode for the main story is bad for storytelling potential. Can't do shit like chapter 1's train heist in the format of Jane's story.
I've been thinking about building Anton since I have his C6 and they're hellbent on making sure one side of Shiyu is physical resistant so my Neko can't do shit. It's just hard to get over the shitty feeling of building A rank attackers that are going to be replaced anyway.
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I'm pulling for Light because he's literally me.
Get lost, twink.
That was a post complaining about the way gachas usually are, though, right? So it would be the other way around.
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>wanna build an electric team
>forced to pick between this faggot, a brick standard or an even brickier A rank

Thankfully my wife will arrive before Lighter.
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We tried too but the threads have been overwhelmed with melties for a while.
thin miyabi, mibibi
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>3 hours left on rat
>40 pulls before pity
>do the math
>6400 curency from the store is 100 USD to get rat at this point
man this fucking jew ass game holy fuck
>then why do you roll for homos and pray for shipping, fujoshi?
I rolled qingyi and I plan to roll for burnice lol
I'm holding you to this intern-kun.
>Lighter is a manlet that lies about his height
wow he’s literally me
more like 1600
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Is Ellen still good? Feel like giving this game another try now that they are getting rid of tv shit
Archie is so cute, I want more content with her.
Why the FUCK can't Genshin STILL NOT DO number key selection for dialogue choices??
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Skipping Caesar and going full anomaly
i concede and apologise
You lost, Kira
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a small price to pay
I don't really mind him but it depends on his role and how his gameplay will feel.
She even plays the piano with who I assumed is Burnice. It was so cute. Fucking schizos ruined what could have been a wholesome thread
they somewhat changed this already in 1.1 but the tv thing brought up something i really hate about the way they do surveys
>how do you feel about [thing]?
>hate, dislike, eh, like, love
there's no option to say i liked it but there are some aspects to improve, or i disliked it but there are some aspects i enjoyed
you have to wait until the open section at the very end where you dump everything
I'm going to tell them not to move her eyes closer together in every survey from now on
he is 179cm lmao
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How would the smell of her feet compare to Jane and Ellen?
Assuming if all of them kept their socks and stockings on of course
She's going to phase out of shiyu meta relevance relatively soon, but she'll be good again next time they shill ice.
>big daddy, lycaon and ben fags all in one thread
When will they do realistic heights in video games. I’m 168cm not 188cm like Lighter? How is that good for my mental health with such unrealistic standards for beauty…
What mats does Caesar need?
dont associate big daddy bros and benbros with lyc**n fags
Hot nekomata brown pussy impregnation
Buying premium currency is the ultimate cuck move and you should mercilessly make fun of anyone who does it, regardless of their income level. I don't care if you're a saudi prince, stupid spending is still stupid.
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I'd rather have characters that don't lick up and down my cock just by existing and actually have to build a relationship with them throughout the story. Also why can't I pull a character that is just cool personality, has cool game play or has a good design? If you want to play a game where the characters constantly jerk you off just go play snowbroke or wuwajeet, this game isn't made for you
Hope you didn't waste your rolls on any character released before 1.4 where Ults weren't balanced around using 3 at a time KEK
na h, I started the game because of her and if I have to drop over 100 USD in the first few weeks of playing just to get a chance at her I'm not cut out for this shit

they do it with these waifu characters for now but from the sounds of it they're power creeping the fuck out of every normal banner 5 star right now so they're going to release OP meta characters that make old characters irrelevant soon, and you get 2 weeks to drop 200 bucks or they're gone forever

Can't really get excited about taht kind of game tee bee hache
Every survey they've given me never even asks me any questions about things I have an opinion on. Twice they asked me to rate the gameplay experience of standard S ranks I don't even have. Ended up having to write multiple paragraphs at the end just to give the feedback I wanted to. Their surveys need work.
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If you were to plant a kiss between Hoshimi Miyabi's eyes once per day, you would eventually reach the other side relatively quickly.
I except your confections
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please forgive me i misread the post and was influenced by the other replier, i thought the post was referring to all female characters as "personal cocksuckers"
If you want a 160 cm male character then you will have to accept that it's going to be a teenager.
>I started the game becuase of her
then you could just have rerolled, are you retarded?
I do like Hoshimi Miyabi.
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>he is 179cm lmao
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>play with s11
>eyes burn from the bright white part from her attack of the screen
is it just me?
>make TVs more fun
How they will do it?
More The Propechy/Bangboo fights like?
Surely obol in 1.5
Holy shit he's literally me...
>just redo a week worth of story content multiple times over
I'm not a NEET retard, I'm not redoing the first 2 chapters and first 10 hours of gameplay over and over just for a banner
>Vote FOR or AGAINST TV here if you're a literate human (zoomers and niggers can ignore)
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I in particular thought that was cool (as a music fag myself)

I am pretty sure it was Lucy she played with though? That's who taught her?
Didn't you hear? They're COMPLETELY REMOVING TVS! Trust me bro that's what I read.
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How do we get in touch with the devs I don't want to get cucked by CN whining
>stupid spending is still stupid.
Sure but I were a Saudi prince I'd simply stuff my ears with bank notes as you rot away in poordom and move on with my life.
The furry faction (Pulchra and friends) for 1.5.
Idol faction afterwards.
stop putting this shit in OP, tranny
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2.1 filler event with no voiced dialogue
Please give anby alter
>Lighter is shorter than me somehow at 172cm
Holy fucking shit I told you he's weak to anal, I'm fingerbanging this secret whore
Pulchra is joining Cunning Hares. Screenshot this.
Caesar will make Ellen great again
>they're removing the tv puzzle sections because gachabrained retards can't pay to win the puzzles and can't see their 2000 dollar ultra rare special edition waifus in that section
it's the beginning of the end, nice knowing you guys
When do those games usually hit 2.0 and what does that entail for the game?
A complete new story?
Cesar is oppai loli
Wouldn't she clash too much with Nekomata? She'd also be their 3rd physical.
he's a ban evading schizophrenic off his meds
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Please reply to this post with a SCREENSHOT containing your UID if you would like to be added to or removed from the public UID list. A normal gameplay screenshot or camera shot is fine. This list will be transferred to a rentry in about 7 days. Also please put /vg/ or /zzz/ in your bio! (optional)
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they should just make her eyes smaller I'm not sure why there so big in general just putting them closer together makes her look like a moe blob
>metaGOD doesn't even know the multiplier for supp ults
Classical gacha game "metaGOD" moment
ZZZ without TVs is just HI3
Meaningful progression of the main story usually
NEPS more like NIPS
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>TV removal
He's as tall as me
SoC has 3 fire characters.
Most of the TV segments in the story were pretty bad. The only fun I had was in chapter 3 lighting up the towers. If it’s harder to make actually good engaging tv content than have zones where you can interact with NPCs I would rather have that instead
I was wondering why gig was dead
It all makes sense now
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>Lighter is the Yanqing of ZZZ
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When was the last time you play HI3? They literally are pseudo open world now.
Lore accurate Italian height then?
>manlet that goes after middle schoolers because they won't notice he's a manlet
This is your hero?
Why do we want male characters again?
Except HI3 has vastly more complex and comprehensive characters, actual story and orders of magnitude better gacha.
V1.5 will be the mandatory chinese musical event, so we will get the idol faction and their first original chinese opera song before we can move to the OBOL storyline in v1.6.
That game died 4 years ago
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Throw a tv hater into a woodchipper
Round house kick a tv hater into the concrete
Slam dunk tv hater babies into trashcans
Crucify stupid tv haters
>if they make good immersive zones where you can interact with NPCs
this basically 20x's the budget on those segments you know that right?
If they have to make unique 3d environments, make collision for it, script out animations for the NPC models and so on it's way way way mor intensive than making jpgs move and dance around.

if they do that expect worse cutscenes, fewer cutscenes, and reduced quality in other shit because that work doesn't come out of nowhere
we dont
anti-TV fags do
>the story mode TV sections were equivalent to putting the square in the square hole
Damn Caesar and Lucy are gonna be an interesting pairing
Jane is with Seth too in game
Yeah it's so successful they can afford one new banner per 7 weeks.
you can buy accounts that have farmed 11k poly for like 8 bucks
On re-watch the hairstyle does look more like Lucy. The vouce does sound like her too. Plus Xeasar is way older than I thought she was at first.
Either way, its just as cute with it being Lucy. I didnt even really care for Caesar at first, but all her marketing really endured her to me.
If that's the only thing differencing ZZZ from HI3 for you, then I think we have other, bigger problems here and TVs don't even make it to top 10
>pleases twitter troons
Crash and burn
>pleases CC niggers and zoomers
Soulless and unoriginal, borderline retardation
What's HYV's plan?
Anyone got any TV porn?
Smelling feet is disgusting, however I would pay a million Dennies for one whiff of Nicole's stuffy sweaty pussy. Is that weird?
>orders of magnitude better gacha
ok slow down
Losing the banter is the bad part
Now we will get shipshit up the ass and agent flirting with other agents while Wise and Belle watch from their cuck TV
The cuckposters and shitposters are here, enjoy your peace
Yes and they should absolutely spend that 20x budget. They'll reuse the same old environments for everything anyway. They already reused Ballet Twin Tower how many times, four?
Excellent taste
>they actually got rid of the puzzle sections because retards couldn't figure out anything that's not swiping your credit card
>or hitting a damage sponge enemy with a meta loadout till it falls over
oh I am laffing
he's taller than Wise and Wise is as tall as Rina
You forgot to mention the models look like dogshit
Shoe lifts
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Stupid fucking game
They just want to powercreep standard characters
This isn’t intelligent kit designing
This is retarded kit designing
1.3 completely OBLITERATES Belobog with Yanagi and Lighter
>Nope. I'll teach you hot to play it after I get back from the Tour De Inferno
What a massive fucking death flag. Caesar is gonna die isn't she?
If you like TVs so much, I bet you have a real TV at home too huh?!
>Lighter is a Pepeshi
>Yes and they should absolutely
Too bad they can't do that, Dawei wants a new Honkai game and a Animal Crossing clone now that Pocket Camp is dead.
Your PC screen is a tv
As a dude with C3 Grace I say good riddance. Fuck that bitch.
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Why pay a million when she charges only 3000 dennies for a five minute panty sniffing session?
it's literally one guy talking to himself tho
>haven’t done any vhs tapes besides soldier 11
>still have world missions left
Im falling behind….
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Join me, Hoshimi Miyabi, together we shall cleanse these evil lands.
I do actually, 2000s model too. Problem?
yeah it's bullshit and the fact taht yanagi and lighter are going to be limited time is ass
pay money for a limited time upgraded grace and koleda or get buried under the power creep forever
>TV slurpers realizing there's nothing left in the game other than mediocre "soon-to-be" genshin-fied combat
>TV haters want to kill the game's remaining bit of identity in favor of becoming a worse version of the already worst game in hoyo's catalog
imao, we're fucked either way
Just shut down Honkai Impact 3rd and use the budget for ZZZZ.
First gacha?
Shared ultimates are orders of magnitude worse than the TV
ZZZ was HI3 part 2 all along
Stop posting this ugly genshin reject.
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Explain this
Data from last thread shows players are quitting at a steady rate, be thankful because this is the point when loyalty is rewarded with kino soul overload. Every truly good film, music album, and video game in human history is underground, divisive and lacking mass appeal, because they are made by a genuine auteurs wholly uninterested in banal, vain concepts like making money.
>can now ult with the stunner for faster stun
>can still ult with dps for the same damage as before
>can ignore the support's ult as usual
how is this bad?
If you haven't noticed Cunning Hares thing is being a bunch of badassnormal types adopted by Nicole
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You can't split it because then ult spam is a problem and it changes on field off field balance.
They should have just made support ults better
As a dude with C3 Koleda I say good riddance. Fuck that bitch.
How many hours until new banner?
Honestly ZZZ has the worst standard banner characters of the 3 games. Genshin has characters be useful for a long while before they were phased out and Dehya is still good now. HSR has Himeko, Clara and Bronya who are all good but ZZZ has been out less than half a year and the standard characters are already all garbage.
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always has been
the retards who say this are the most mind boggling to me
imagine being so snowed that at people calling out shitty design and business practices your first reaction is
>hehe first time playing dogshit slop? I actually love this, I love eating shit
like? ok I guess congrats buddy you totally got them for giving constructive and direct feedback about major issues in the game, you go ride mihoyo's dick some more
we don't have nowhere near ~180 posters so middle one is botted af
Let me guess you need to M1W1 Burnice for her to be usable
Literally this.
Jane's Story was boring as fuck and if that's going to be how the story is going forward the game will die because it's just Honkers shitty button mashing combat against the same 5 enemies.
When the anti-TV fags come back because they dropped the game they will drop it again because the game is boring.
Maybe the TVs were the friends we made along the way
Are you retarded
Either you dont know Yanagis kit in which case you base this on absolutely nothing,
Or you know that Yanagi is Disorder specialist (vs Grace being a shock specialist) and are double retarded for posting it anyway
If only the Kikes at Mihojews could understand the lightning they caught back in 2020
>get to play as cool characters in the story like Billy and Lighter
>phaethon nerds stop being the POV and just watch the actual heroes kick ass
Why is anyone made about the TVmode dying?
Mother of 3
>They should have just made support ults better
this, just make supports give an additional effect related to their kits (nicole more def shred, soukaku more atk buff, etc.)

but we'll see how they handle it, some supports won't be worth using even after the change since you're losing field time with your dps
they are taller than Lighter wtf
MetaGOD here, let me spell out this new change for you because it seems like most people here do not understand how to play this game.

First thing you need to understand that ultimates in this game are stupidly powerful. I am talking about any half decent player being able to remove 70% of any Shiyu Defense 7 boss with 1 ultimate. So what happens if you can use 2 stupidly powerful ultimates all other things being equal? You one tap everything and the game balance collapses.
New meta is stun, dps, dps because non stun supports just do not provide enough value to lose out on the 2nd ultimate.
>b-but hoyo balance team is not stupid!
OK, so what can the balance team do?
>increase decibel costs
Terrible idea from gameplay perspective. If you attempted Shiyu speedruns, you would understand that charging up decibels in this game is annoying. Disorders, anomalies and chain attacks (not so much) are the fastest ways to generate decibels, everything else just sucks in comparison. This means dps characters with fast anomaly build up skyrocket in value.
This approach doesn't even address the core issue, it just delays how often you can spam ultimates to waste more of your time.
>inflate enemy hp bars so that they don't get melted in 1 ultimate
I don't really need to explain why this is a bad idea. This also kills solo runs on more niche agents who you may want to play outside of their normal roles (e.g. playing stunners or supports as main dps).
>add cooldowns between each ultimate use
Pointless, you will still use 1 dps and ult twice or use 2 dps agents.
>nerf ultimates
This would never fly on existing agents.

Honestly, I can't see any way how Hoyo could implement this change without completely fucking up the game. The idea of ultimates being scarce has been cemented into the game's identity since day 1 and all current content and agents are balanced around this assumption.
>30 regular posters
>suddenly 60+ votes
Just admit you posted it in your discord.
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I still use Welt though. HSR and ZZZ arent anywhere near difficult enough to need to obsess over meta. You can roll for who you like just fine. Half the fun is using bricks you like and building around them like Neko
I want it to get into this game but I find it hard to.
It's weird since I like railslop and genshinslop but for some reason zenless hasn't caught me.
Like it's cool and unique for mhy but idk. It's lacking something the other two do.
I guess I haven't found a character to latch on to
I like anby a lot but i feel like there's little incensive to build her up or something
I'll have to try the game out again
>not follows (((the current agenda)))
>"it's botted"
Newfag here. Who are those on the left?
It's not about meta. it's about how insanely fucking clunky they are. They all feel like fucking garbage to use.
ZZZ pre release
>they should remove the TVs

ZZZ post release
>they should keep the TVs

What changed?
They got lucky with genshin and didn't know how effective the 4*s were. People propped this up as intentional design but they demonstrated with HSR and now with ZZZ that their balancing is very much so retarded.
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>they are removing the tvs
this feels like a massive overcorrection
Reminder ultimate change doesn’t mean 1 to 3 ults it could be reworked into a full gauge gives you 1.5 to 2 ultimates, or they could reduce the cost of certain ults (like stunner costs 1000, support 2000, attacker 3000). Having more engagement and decision making isn’t a bad thing.
Post your UID as proof
>has never used a stunner ult
>wants to turn the game into EQ spam
miss me with that genshin moved away from it having characters that don't want to burst at all
It is considering they have made both MC's effectively useless and irrelevant.
It had something unique in being significantly more fair gacha and gameplay-wise than the other mihoyo games and having the TV and graffiti flair for visual coolness
but they're really shaving off all the things that make it unique to just be a shitty honkai/genshin clone so honestly I can't reccomend getting into this
the unique story and aesthetic parts are being slowly shaved off, the characters powercrept, the f2p experience not getting better, it's just more of the same so if you're a gacha addict who can't stop consuming mihoyo slop then yes go ahead.
Otherwise you're better off not even starting
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I have to agree ice really enjoyed how they've been portrayed more as loving daughters towards Big Daddy through the material sp far as well. He isn't just some cool stud they follow around (though he is a cool stud)

I'm not sure if you saw it, but they released this little blurb about how he got her the sword and board she uses. Which I think is wholesome as hell. Caesar as a whole has been very wholesome. It makes me wonder if Burnice is going to he the true meth addicted trailer park girl we are expecting. I've been obsessed too with Caesars trailer (mostly the song) and I wish the fogjt choreography at end was a little better though. The bike chase was sick though, especially with Caesar's dope chariot bike (trike).

Went from meh to hyped real quick!
It's time for Eos to gain some combat moves
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Dawei will never shut down either of the old Honkai games because one of them have his wife wearing a wedding dress and the other one have his wife dressing up as a christmas-themed deer.
she's dead, CN Raiden voices Yanagi
So did killing all birds on fields to save crops during Maos reign.
Just export all of the characters to Honkai Star Rail, problem solved.
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Mihoyo fucked up majorly
>HSR isn't near difficult enough to obsess over meta
oh I am laffin
HSR is probably the worst mihoyo game to not whale in. You get the meta comp or you lose
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I re-watch the first one every day. Really liked the mad max esthetic. Post the blurb if you can, I didnt see it. Big Daddy and Ceasar are really wholesome.
It was this event and this moment that really did it for me. Pic related
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>Explain this
How did we reach the point where streamer opinions are more important that the average gamer?
ok you both are right

how can they implement it then? the best possible way would be to substract 1k decibels for each ult (you still need 3k to ult)
or maybe decibel scaling for ults (more decibels higher ult scaling, 3k being current scalings)
CC's are retarded they said the game would die immediately
Seems totally clear to me, TV haters can't read
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I always thought Neko was an on-field character, but now that I'm actually reading her kit, isn't she more of a burst character? Assuming you have M1W1, she seems to play very similar to Starlight Zhu Yuan.
Saar please!
Stunner only costing 1000 would be nice
>ult as Qingyi to get chain attack going
>generate another 1000 during it
>ult as Zhu after
I will skip all h*nkai expies.
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I say this and think this unironically
Why would he export to a worse game?
>In a gacha
Opinion discarded
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Launch game -> Menu -> More -> Feedback
She's not even wrong tbhdesu
Undercover R&B happened
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Savings into the next patch...
>first Void Hunter, a tier of power in the lore on the level of Archons and Emanators
>coolest playstyle in the game (Vergil)
>model fixed to be extremely cute and/or badass
>first true powercreep unit with an Ultimate balanced around the new Decibel system

Will we gross higher than Acheron?
kill yourselves im glad you people have no voice outside of this shithole
Jane's story showed that the game does not have the capacity to make engaging Story missions without the TV
le epic HSR reference xd
The Prophecy
I don't give a shit about Honkai characters they should just shut down HI3 and focus on ZZZ but if Dawei wants to save his waifus so much just export them to HSR I don't care.
Stunners all have the most onfield time, what the fuck is her problem? Zhu Yuan bros get to see her for all of 5 seconds before its back to Qinyi
>first Void Hunter
it depends a little on her weapon, brimstone can work for sustained stuff, kotball is more for stun burst because you cant get behind a boss normally. but her core passive is really easy to use since it has the same condition as saarlight. and her assult 35% ex buff is really insignificant, you aren't missing out if your team cant get it
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>Haramusa is an attacker is will probably be out in the next patch
>stunners spend the most time on field anyway
>Billy is already the goat
Anby is better because she activates Nicole's team effect.
>Can't take different opinions
Maybe reddit is more your speed, troon
99.9% of retards that play this game don't actually know how to play this game
they think dps = must be onfield 24/7 just like genshit taught them
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Perhaps I'm revealing my utter naivete but I feel like the game is simple enough that you could figure out a way to keep your Koleda viable. It's just a shame they are closing the spotlight on her so soon.
He obviously meant first playable ESLbro.
More like BeloBRICKED
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*Flops your Bricksar*
I like having canon teams. Anby stays with Nicole and Neko for me.
Somehow I missed this. Thanks.
Time Magician bros...
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>Approach Belle in the middle of the night
>Pic related
That's not for you to decide, Belle!
Hey bro are you the one who posted this ZY before? I tried Hormone instead of Chaotic and its a noticeable difference
Just like how the dude who married Miku will never replace her holographic projection or the dude who married the LovePlus girl will never replace her cartridge, Dawei will never delete the game because it belong to his wife (and her wedding dress).
Hoyo’s fumbling the hoes, man…
It's a Russian word
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What's the point of this game once the better Urban Fantasy RPG (Honkai) releases?
genshin ruined an entire generation of gacha players frfr
>watch 20 second unskippable cutscene
>click auto
>tab out to shitpost in /zzz/ while your game plays itself
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Zhu Yuan activates it too bro...
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Yeah this small poll for this insignificant thread surely speaks for everyone playing in the country with one billion people.
Touch the tail
Looks like massive chinawank game no thanks.
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is this gonna be the worst character released ever in hoyo history as far as sales? I can't think of a more boring character...
But enough about TVless ZZZ
>anti-gravity tears
Boner ruined.
that game is more centered around the monsters/mascots you see around (probably their weapon equivalent to other hoyo games)
it's probably just a mix of their other games, but could definitely be interesting
>erm you all play this game wrong
this is a pay to win game that's single player and has no way to compare vs other players
if you care about the right way to play unironically neck yourself you indonesian schizo
if you have lycaon and soukaku, yeah
That's gonna be lighting or whatever the fuck his is name lol
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Imagine the ballet twins set of story missions without TVs
>no sense of mystery because corridorslop
>no way to have the ghosts that chase you that isnt retarded and lame
>ghosts probably changed to just be trash mob encounters
>no atmosphere at all because corridorslop
Now someone tell me unironically that jane’s hallway simulator missions were better
>Yeah this small poll for this insignificant thread surely speaks for everyone playing in the country with one billion people
Literally go to any Chinese/ Japanese speaking site, monolingual mutt
Boring. For a turn based game, you'd think they'd make those ultimates look flashier.
So cool how this cutscene lets you pretend to have gameplay
I'm not into cultivating elves.
Also release date is most likely 2027+.
Now that they finally removed the TVshit, they just need to add auto to the gameplay.
>tears at all
Incest is for lovey dovey sex ONLY
>open thread
>Immediately see people mention genshin regardless of being provoked or not
So does every gacha just have perpetually assmad ex genshin players or is this just a /vg/ thing?
based OP, I kneel
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your "game" (read: one click movie) is so good youd rather spend your time in /zzz/ than playing it or discussing it in your own thread
I was the one who posted that if you're asking if I'm still here.
Let this be a lesson to not trust CCs (or prydwen). They tell you to use chaotic metal on Zhu and fanged metal on Corin when both are better with hormone 4pc.
Because the new honkai game will be a palmon clone like Azur Promilia and I don't give a shit about palmon.
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NOOO Why the fuck did they removed this song

>this is a pay to win game that's single player and has no way to compare vs other players
Neck yourself payfag
Chinese complained more than twitroon which is the real reason it changed so quickly. It was too high iq for them
I got so use to this song that I forgot it wasn't the default
>using tv content as filler to cope
>remove it
>people still keep playing anyway
>inb4 they bring some back and people still bitch
You get what you fuck deserve play single player offline games if it bothers you so much.
oof, you sound extremely upset
Chinks are also soulless bug people what did we really expect from them
good, back to genshin with you hoe
ZZZ is a mans gacha
If I start playing right now, can I guarantee getting Burnice?
>why did they removed
kys ESL
Holy shit fucking kill yourself Shay
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Why am I getting last minute fomo for a character I dont like...
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Read the reply chain before posting, faget
Same with Ben/Koleda. They will be together until EOS
Easily, even if you are very unlucky and if you don't want to speedrun everything the monthly pass would guarantee it for sure
Don't do it man
>body count of 1000s
easy skip tbqh
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>I tried Hormone instead of Chaotic and its a noticeable difference
Huh. Is Hormone Punk better or worse?
If its better, then maybe its because Zhu is drowning in DMG% and diminishing returns started happening.
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Sure, just stay away from this cancerous place.
There will be about 400 rolls combined between 1.0 to 1.2 content, you can guarantee her twice if you wanted.
She's a whore.
>Last minute
3 hours left dumb dumb
>the nicoleshitposter is catching flak because like always he just copy pasted the thread embeds and all and including the schizo message
I wish more duos had that dynamic. I like the callouts like Zhu Yuan has for Qinyi at least
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Now that it's been confirmed Caesar is lesbian are we still rolling?
you will never recover from skipping her
Not an argument, why don't you tell me why you're in the Zenless Zone Zero general to brag about HSR instead of playing HSR or posting in the HSR general?
Caesar is for Big Belle Cock
I didn't even notice that they changed it lol
Yes it’s “why did they remove” now get sike mutt
We know fujo, lighter will flop
because you secretly love her
Hormone punk was better
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i stopped visiting this general except for when the patch arrives once a month
although i still play the game almost everyday hoyoslop generals are too cancer
Just how many Sparkles are in this thread wtf
I promise not all nicole posters are that garbage
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if you want to lick BOTH her pits you better start now bwo. good luck on the freebie 5 star tho, if you get wolf, reroll.
Personally, I prefer Fluttershy.
I can't believe Caesar used her robo hand to make Lucy cum...
Good morning saar
>hoyoslop generals are too cancer
All generals are once they run long enough
hormone is much better
>zhu is DMG% heavy
>ATK% is undervalued
>chaotic 4p effect rarely relevant
So is Caesar as busted as Zhongli is for the other game?
>We get Christmas Koleda seasonal limited to powercreep both Lighter and her own original
Or she's a DPS swinging a sack of presents
It's better. Between passive and Nicole, Zhu gets a total of 65 dmg%. Hormone is combat atk%, and chaotic metals buff is way to inconsistent to be online for an entire stun window. You can alter the rotation slightly to force the proc right before Zhu's ult (for the first window only because resistance buildup), but it just isn't worth it when you can have 25% combat atk for an entire stun instead of some additional crit damage on only the last third.
Flopter bros we're being set up for failure...
did the manganaka who drew Dungeon Odyssey make this?
more busted but you need her wengine
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don't worry, she's already out and we've all played her so we're very equipped to answer that question!
I hope he flops so Mihoyo would release nothing but furry males.
Nicole has corn chip smelling feet
she isn't really universal and in most cases she's a slight upgrade to existing characters already

she's probably part of the best team in the game though (jane/caesar/burnice)
> chaotic 4p effect rarely relevant
Huh? I proc it literally all the time. Is your nicole built?
does that make up upset? is babbu angy?
>TV removed
So were going to run around on every stages now?
What are good teams for Yanagi?
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hoyogenerals are on another level since the games are insanely popular so there are all kinds of shitposting and shizos
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My understanding is that TV stuff used to be even slower and more involved than it is now back in the beta and people were complaining even back then, the devs really wanted the idea no matter what.
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NTA but the artstyle looks very similar.
You may be on to something.
Yes, i love lesbians and want to have sex with them (with my penis)
>doesn't care about being naked in front of other women because it's just other ladies
>is super interested about romance and gets all blushy about it
Even if she was a lesbian, it's not with one of those three in the shower.
>does th-ACCKK
>Huh? I proc it literally all the time. Is your nicole built?
Post a video of it being live for Zhu's entire burst then.
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All me btw
I want to sniff
>not reduced to self-insert pandering
This game is healing
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My wife's recovering after her chemo and I still love her with all my heart no matter what
which cope weapon for caesar?
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>He skipped the best DPS with futureproofed mindscapes and wengine
after the nerfs? lmao no
i love when a person like you reveals you have autism, by moving the goalposts so unbelievably far a single post, that nobody takes you seriously
none, get her engine or don't bother rolling for her
just uninstall and play wuwa instead
Uhh caesar when????
TV mode got a lot better from beta to release and then again for 1.1 (perma speed up + faster animations) and 1.2 supposedly increases once again some animations (hopefully resonia upgrades)
so I'd say 1.2 is PEAK for TV mode but they decided to remove most of them for some reason

I want TVs but not having all missions with them, just make it an even split or something like 40/60 for TVs
there's a lot of TV missions that are really nice and fun
next daily reset
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I like TVs not because of atmosphere or somesuch, but because it minimizes the BLACK SCREEN WHITE TEXT cancer. Hopefully devs will remain the spineless cowards they are and avert this change.
here's that new game you wanted sir
Literally nobody will be using this character after 2.0 powercreep
wow, p2w much?
if her shield wasn't nerfed you literally can't take damage because as soon as it breaks you can immediately switch back to her to get it up again
With Yanagi Tri-anomaly teams will become real!
Imagine the Disorder!
post some real artist with art of the girls with lickable armpits then, go! I DARE you, right now!! coward!
So much less soul than the cop missions or beloboog missions and the build up. Midwits are a plague on this earth.
Now post a typical TVslop commission.
There will NEVER be a character at M0W0 that's as good as her M2W1. She will be useful until EoS if you properly invested in her.
No goalpost was moved though. You're comparing 25% combat attack that is live for the entire stun window to something that I could only reliably proc on ether weak enemies halfway through the window with Nicole using an AM disc 6. So again, post the video. Because I would actually, unironically love to see it being done consistently.
nta but buff uptime is extremely important in this game if you want to be anywhere close to being remotely decent
chaotic uptime is bad for zhu (especially on shiyu 7 bosses that dont get corrupted as easily) and the buff itself is not even that good because 200% cdmg zhu is already very crit heavy
hormone punk is also time conditional but it's much easier to align your burst windows because it should always take you around 10 seconds to stun + chain
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how is she futureproof exactly
>Regarding the character models, like the model for Hoshimi Miyabi, we've seen the complaints.
This made me chuckle.
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Look no further than the official art
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Apparently she is electric.
There's literally no viable alternative. The closest one is a stunner ball with impact mainstat.
Reminder that twittards, plebbitors, and troglodyte CCs/viewers had no say on any of these changes despite their retardation.
Hoyo exclusively gives a shit about the chinese. Take it up with them.
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>Chinky was an Anby sidegrade
>Lighter is a Chinky DOWNGRADE
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Slow your roll lil bro.
I honestly dont mind the Hollow TV. The story segments are the absolute fucking worst. Equivalent to walking a hallway from cutscene to cutscene. None of the 'puzzles' are challenging and the fucking yapping is ridiculous
post the tv slop where all you do is hit the directional buttons on your controller LMAO

MID. that quality looks worse than AI slop LOL and where's the creases and sweat hmm??
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Had to do some diggin but here ya go!


True to Caesar
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The game peaked with Qin until Idols
yep, im picking up caesar
lighter is a dps that can stun
if only they had come up with an innovative gameplay interface with a great immersive atmosphere that can be used in a great number of different ways to keep the experience fresh...
Honestly at this point Mihoyo just needs to make a full on otome gacha so these troons can all fuck off.
Genshitters HATE the TV section
>aoe grouping + stun + universal damage amp

I can get it if you don't like her design but anyone saying gameplay brick has legitimate downs
I will make Jane a single mum
see >>495812801
Based as fuck, homo lvl 10 and no Jane
Dumbass doesn’t want to see cool gigchad parry two tons machine attacks with his BARE FUCKIN FIST and fire punch
Her lost tbqh no cap
Thanks for the (you)s
I think male characters can be cool for this game like Billy or Lighter, hell maybe even Lycaon, but this ain't it.
This is a random honkai npc. Die.
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Are we of so little faith?
How much of an increase is it? It would be not ideal to farm her a new set.
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You don't understand just how much I want to fuck Burnice's tits.
to cope you can max anomaly mastey on Nicole which bricks her damage but gives you uptime buff instead
>L*af fag
>Garbage post
Like clockwork
Bro, if I wanted to play an actual action game, I would've pirated up DMC or something. The enemy variety in both games sucks ass, but at least in DMC I can indulge in combo autism.
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It's bad but having slow generals that are schizo infested is even worse.
/gbfg/ has schizos that have been shitting up the general for longer than Genshin's lifespan.
>Sword is named Vini
>Shield is named Vidi
Holy sovl. Big Daddy is a good dad. Vici might be her motorcycle
Does she have a rash?
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This. ZZZ team are being being reluctantly forced to make human male characters. They will purposely make them flop so to convince the higher ups thats players dont want that.
It's an obvious and noticeable increase, but if you're already S ranking Shiyu on what you have you can just sit on it and look to slowly replace it whenever you go to farm fanged metal discs next.
>allowing you to use all the characters you rolled for is bad
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I have c2 Koleda with her ball, I doubt c0 Lighter is better. I was sort of hoping he'd be an a rank so I might actually get him, definitely not rolling as an s rank this game is just too stingy
>couldve give me
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You're missing out on this if you don't roll btw
>immediately remove a core aspect of the gameplay loop
>tinker with the core combat mechanics so much you have to break them and make something new for it to work
>update all playable models so they can be used in the overworld
>do all of this in three (3) months so you can "relaunch" the game with a hyped unit
Do you think the devs are taking the nuclear option because of feedback, or the game is bombing?
taste issue
works on my slow and fast generals
God I am so white and my tits are so fat
This nigga fucks with his face glued to the wall
>So what happens if you can use 2 stupidly powerful ultimates all other things being equal? You one tap everything and the game balance collapses.
>New meta is stun, dps, dps because non stun supports just do not provide enough value to lose out on the 2nd ultimate.
What kind of take is this, from a "metaGOD"?
Ult multipliers are high across the board, hell Lucy's ultimate multiplier is close to Ellen
What kind of retarded """""metaGOD""""" would bring stun+dps+dps, when you cannot have two on-field dps? One would be a dead weight until you filled their db gauge for a single ult in a fight.
What you really would do as a """"metaGOD""" would be building up your support for DPS, so they can provide buffs for the on-field dps or debuffs for the enemy plus a huge chunk of damage with their ultimate while still keeping their value as supports.
Triple ultimates benefit the classical comp of stunner-dps-support the most.
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Wow he's literally me
Here is what happened
>get record number of pre-reg
>game comes out to moderate success, troons and chinese filtered
>problem is they used pre-reg numbers to promise investors huge returns and its the next big game
/gbfg/ was it's own worst enemy because it gave all the Schizo's the attention they so badly wanted.
Don't even want to imagine what it's like now after that shitshow of a livestream.
FFXIV did it so it can be done. Maybe we can get some of their playerbase in the process.
I don't even remember what this was about
The game is definitely bombing. They put in too much resources and now they're trying a last ditch effort and kowtowing to every demand in hopes of bringing some money in before it goes the way of Concord.
Ok. This is from the non ether weak boss last cycle. I proc corruption going into stun phase. It takes 3 seconds to ramp up to full effect, and the full effect last 18 seconds. Meaning I had it when I used her burst. It's really easy to activate thats why I was wondering if your nicole is built
Any time a gacha game improves shit is because something isn't going to plan, my guess is ZZZ not doing that great compared to release Genshin and HSR plus the fact that Genshin is bombing super hard right now so they don't have the usual safety cushion.
>Cutscene that has nothing to do with the game and place of the battle
cool thanks.
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This. /dng/ constantly being shat up by two British neets obsessed with trannies & diapers for the past several years, a swedish tranny having constant meltdowns while simping for Konami of america and psychotic spics malding at everything, even for people trying to talk and play the game. but honestly yugioh and any kind of multiplayer game genre like fighting games have always been shit to discuss on 4chan so ehhh
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my best wipeout so far
Still in the middle of part 3 of the story but god this looks so ass bruh
Why do you keep posting this retarded take? You didn't even knew the multis for supports
>not me
Still retarded, you and the other guy that share the same opinion, then
I don't think its either, I think they're a new inexperienced team that doesn't know how to filter good from bad feedback.
feedback, all of the negative reviews were made by braindead reviewers who don't understand soul when they see it and just want constant action and fighting to make ape brain go bzzzzz
Game is not doing well, Caesar's demo hasn't even reached 700k views yet.

All the zoomies got filtered by TV, hence their prio to remove it ASAP.
you can SEE her pussy crease
How big will the meltdown be when lighter is announced a rank lmao
I don't really get it because surely all these changes are more expensive then just trying to improve the TV mode more?
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You better get used to the locations too because you'll be going through the same corridors ad nauseam until EoS, just like in HI3
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CCs are celebrating the TVs removal bros...
They keep attempting to recreate the Bunny phenomena without various other themes and it doesn't pan out because Bunnies are hot/cute, OLs are niche
>Thinking you guys have it worse
/fgg/ and /pso2g/ says hello
One patch and another patch
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You guys are going to hate corridorslop when they start shilling fags like Harumasa
True, look at /hig/ where one notorious shitposter derails the entire thread whenever he shows up. His samefaggotry is very obvious too but there's nothing being done about it. At least in faster threads his drivel wouldn'tve been that noticeable
yanagi is gonna come first and then the homo second, i might have just enough for a 50/50 in yanagi's banner. FUCK
>I want a male
>here's your male
>NOT THAT!!!!!!
What the fuck do they want
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Is widescreen worth getting for this game?
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Reworking the TV and ults is surprising when you put it that way, they're both very much core aspects of the game and they want to remove one and "adjust" the other. It almost feels like all the crazed moves wuwa keeps making "listening" to players. I really doubt the game is bombing though, it's nothing like wuwa in that regard
The ZZZ dev team have the numbers, they know the real negative impact of the TV Mode and they are axing it as a result and now without it they'll end up as a modern Honkai Impact, something that they probably didn't want to be in the first place
I hereby declare this general a higger branch with some furries and males
Thanks bwo
>pretending you can't just use Qingyi + any A-rank DPS and clear everything
reminder to hide the lunatics
It needs qingyi and then it would be perfect
>problem is they used pre-reg numbers to promise investors huge returns and its the next big game
Hoyo is a private company anon
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>we have it worse this is fucking nothing in comparison so sit down and take it in the ass
kill yourself
They literally want kpop twinks. Men that guys resonate with dont do well with women.
I'm Big Daddy and you're my BITCH.
Heterossexual make here, someone explain to me why she needs an attacker or DPS male character?
it's been over 12 hours of non stop crying, wont they shut the fuck up already?
Tele vision
I don't give a fuck about this hallway vs tv shit I just hate that I started the game, am already behind like 2 months after global launch, and then the characters I like are all permanently gone
that shit is so ass and makes me not want to keep playing

you blink and the banner's over, hope you farmed enough shit to get them whoops they're literally never being put in the standard banner or being rerun
My schizo headcannon is that there's some sort of factionalism or infighting in Mihoyo. The ZZZ team is under pressure to provide a larger ROI and is being held to unrealistic standards.

Hoyo probably wants to downscale the team and budget, and then focus on their MMO or whatever to replace Genshin as their main source of revenue.
Yes. This is 4chan, deal with it or fuck off
It doesnt even make any sense since Boothill is better than Firefly depending on content and he's cheap as fuck to build AND hes voiced by fucking Kamina
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private companies still have investors anon and companies still make long term plans and projections. they probably (mistakenly) planned for ZZZ to be a bigger hit than it was.
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Do any informed bros know when is maintenance?
*Heavy sigh*
Fucking capitalism
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Yes daddy! P-please let me be your b-bitch!!
Okay how many hours until asian servers are up its 5am im goiong to sleep /zzz/ wake me up when i can roll gacha
Oh no no no no. When will they learn?
I like him design (besides the mask) and personality wise, but playing him feels like ass
This. They have incredibly weak leadership.
They should have
A) Removed TV's at launch if the TV's were so poorly received and delay the game and re-structure the game around the combat
B) Keep TV mode but improve it as it goes along

They are going the terrible in between option where the entire game is planned round the TV mode but now the core of the game is being stripped and they have a hollow product where there is literally no reason for the MC's to be in the game anymore.

The combat is literally just fighting the same 5 enemy types and just pressing dodge or parry depending on the flash and then button mashing to get a stun and the cycle round.
They will need to invest a heavy amount of money and resources into making combat more fun such as new Enemy models + at the very least some basic combos.
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>tv removed

open world multiplayer tonyhawkps/skate clone when?
you shouldve started earlier
> permanently gone
all limited banners will be rerun eventually you dumbass.
>to replace Genshin as their main source of revenue
I'm not going to post the graph but you know gi is flopping
And why a new game will deescalate it's technical sources to begin with that's why they started hiring for their next project
They clearly have no confidence in what they're doing. It's pathetic, honestly.
>characters I like are all permanently gone
Banners will rerun in 3-4 months, retard.
>Big Daddy gives Caesar cool ass weapons
>meanwhile Lucy gets 3 stupid ass boars (also known as literally me)
okay cool how does that help me now?
and how is that a good thing to tell people playing your game that they either start at the global launch or shouldn't ever pick it up?
People keep forgetting wuwa had an absolute shit launch so they had to bend over backwards. Not to mention all seething from chinks about the beta story and them changing it since the writers were the ones who got canned from snowbreak

>Telling newfags to roll on reruns
Kys. Reruns are pointless as hell
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man even during launch period the general wasn't as bad as this wish i could punch you retards through my screen right now
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Call yourself a stupid bitch for Big Daddy!
>when you cannot have two on-field dps
isnt the whole point of stun+dps+dps to onfield with stun and then swap to burst with both dps ults and kill the enemy
in your example its even worse because the support buffs main dps, drops its ult and then main dps drop its ult to finish off any remaining health
Starts in 4.5 hours, last 5 hours.

9.5 hours until SHEEZAARR
12 hours of crying over tv slop is enough.
>I'm not going to post the graph but you know gi is flopping
I feel the same way, i want those two silly cops.
But banners re-run relatively often in mihoyo shit.
Literally your fault shithead
>Lucy can homerun desuwa
>Caeser can't homerun desuwa
Not him but i started on Release
I wasted 150 rolls on jane and now have 70 rolls aka not enough rolls for pity
How an i going to get cesar and burnice?
The update will release everywhere at the same time
Tear of Themis already exists and they don't care about it because all the dudes are (you)sexual with zero hints of yaoibait.
I just want to BBQ, drink gin and talk about life with Big Daddy. Am I asking too much?
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>Kys. Reruns are pointless as hell
dont ever reply to me again metafag, you disgust me.
>9.5 hours
goddamn, but TY.
Nah, I don't think so. I think illiterate subhumans should not be the one to give opinions and for some reasons, mostly monetary, they were allowed to anyways. I will right that wrong, seethe all you want. I'll be here.
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If Caesar looked like this I would've rolled but alas
and most people wouldn't have, but alas mihoyo wants to generate a profit
And i want you lighter trannies out of my General, am i asking too much?
>they're rerunning the banners in 3 months
there's 0 news or info on this, you're talking out of your ass
in fact the details of it say
>we may choose to rerun these banners
>we have no plan to rerun these currently
>we will never put these units in the standard banner ever
if you read the fine print on the Jane banner
If the game is this boring, it isn't the TV that is saving it and keeping it afloat
If your game is sinking with or without TV, you have other problems
TV is an awful system, it's not "soulful" od any kind of buzzword meme trying to imply it's good, but if the other option is just as bad, the game won't be saved because the core problem is something else
HSR prefers horizontal invesment over vertical though.
you are fine as long as you roll the best supports and at least one DPS that's not very old.
Clara is still good in most content, Himeko and Herta and on a league of their own on PF, the only thing you need is a break dps or aoe like acheron for the new mode.
you're not getting anymore hebe lolis as waterkuma got fired according to most sources
you're not supposed to be able to get every single character without paying
this game is run by chinese jews, either accept it or move on
you skip or you pay up it's that simple
Honestly yeah I guess that's why it's a good thing when devs aren't transparent with what they do, people don't know how to react to it
>retards happy the game will just be walls of text to pad game time and combat where elements dont matter for shit aside from the occasional disorder
They do this in all their games.
Stop acting like a newfag.
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Yeah like whining and crying in some anonymous forum for a whole day is definitely is going to make your opinions be heard by the devs.
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So... Big Daddy turns out to just treat the gang as his children, huh?
Why are people so gung-ho about him fucking them all (including the dudes)
Is this just shitposting like the cop x rat spammer
TV is great, you just don't like it because you're too braindead to enjoy anything that looks like a top-down tile-based game. Go back to Call of Duty or some other dumb shit
post those sources
blame the devs from bringing furries and zoomers into the scene
its gacha dumbass, either save for who want or pay up
metagods, is it time to create a petition to rollback ultimate changes
>still talking out of his ass
will be quoting this in 3 months when they haven't run a single rerun
ETA on Caesar
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>lolis don't sell
Lol, lmao even
Holy shit, a psychic in our midst. Or just rent free.
Yes you stupid retard
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first gacha?
it's called grooming
Da Wei literally cried on stream and begged GI players to come back for Natlan btw
No I'll stay here they are removing from the main story after all, you lost
>and combat where elements dont matter for shit aside from the occasional disorder
bwo we don't know exactly what they'll do, they will test it first and if they think it works they'll release whatever it is
Sniffing Lucy pits as she plays the piano
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I-I'm a stupid b-baka b-BITCH, Big Daddy aaaahh!!
9 hours from what i hear
>Why are people so gung-ho about him fucking them all
Same reason why there's a ton of Overwatch porn
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O-oh... my apologies. I am unsure about the lore surrounding everything and am picking up the deranged nuances of the general bit by bit.
jane doubled mualani's revenue btw
>Lighter is stun
Koleda getting tossed in the trash much like most of the standard banner.
I can't imagine my time being so worthless that I would spend hours, even days, trying to find out which youtubers and redditors supported TV removal just so I could victimize myself.
Although I'm sure a retard here will try to compare this one post with exactly that behavior.
Don't associate Corin with your filth
There is no source, this has been a meme since week 1.
great now the amerimutt anime poster is awake
I just summited my feeback form tho
>t.Whale who has spent 10k
They shouldn't have said anything about this before they had something concrete to show, now you get a bunch of braindead retards doomposting without even knowing how this shit will be implemented
>noooo genshit is not flopping!!!
>dawei had to publicly beg people to play again while crying like a bitch
>Da Wei literally cried on stream and begged GI players to come back for Natlan btw
Where have I seen this exact sentence before? Something Wu something
Also, this is /zzz/. Go back to /gig/ or /wuwa/ or whatever shithole you came from Shin Moose
There is no reason to spam about tv's every thread since ultimately /zzz/ has no power to affect anything whether you are for or against it. Aside from that, I don't see anything else majorly wrong going on.
Where is the TV gameplay webm?
How do I adopt Corin
It shouldn't be a hot take but if they're going to tie story and other shit to having the character like this they need to make it weasy to get at least 1 copy of every unit, paying should get you the upgraded copies with better stats but you should
be able to get at least every unit at 0c if you do the monthy sub shit and do all your dailies
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When will he pick it up?
I've been waiting for days.
I got it, the joke is that he can't enter the shop because of how big he is LMAO
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Wuwajeets, perhaps I was too harsh. In the end it proved that our team is just as spineless as yours
Sorry for calling you a retard. Now is a terrible time to post.
Just know anyone posting shipshit/cuckshit is from a discord server
You can tell because they use the same buzzwords/images all the time.
lighter is an onfield stunner dps
koleda is for quickswap stun
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All of this matters not, post more images, webms, gifs, and catbox links!
Wait for Ben to pick it up.
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Can /zzz/ just go back to its favorite past time of talking about raping Corin?
Just post one of those unbelievably boring Investigation ones
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The only Caesar I would roll for.
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Now tell me how much you love Big Daddy DICK you stupid dumb bitch.

Making Lighter Stun and Yanagi an anomaly makes this banner the EASIEST skip in existence.

Qingy was a skip for being an Anby sidegrade.
These fuckers are MEGA skips for being sidegrades of 5*.
Whoever rolls for them are the dumbest shits out there.
The future is, dare I say, bleak.
>The update will release everywhere at the same time
But thats not true because last patch burgers were bitching asia already had rat
Fucking this, I was fucking hyped for SoC. Now I know my money would be used by castrated chinks. Motherfuckers, death to them all.
>haruto reaction pic
You dont see this everyday
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What was corin made for?
They wouldn't change the formula if it was working.
Consider them bad or good, GI and HSR didn't have massive changes in core designs and vision like this, and that's probably be they were working well enough.
It is true anon, rat release wasn't a patch, that was the banner cycling. Actual version changes happen the same time in all regions.
I figured as much.
I was initially drawn to the game and this general because some guy sent me an image of the sexy cop with the ponytail.
This general moves lightning fast... much faster than my old home general /dfg/ RIP
You don't play the game
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that's for second banners
patches release at the same time everywhere, events and such depend on timezone except things that are available right away
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Regardless of what you think of the tv if you want it back just put that shit in the surveys they clearly are using them to get data instead of whining here and doing nothing, this is what the tv haters did and the devs now listened to them
This is why I dislike Jane, not only was it her banner which fucked up the comfy 1.0 threads but she represents the beginning of the end of the gameplay as well.
true anyone rolling for that ugly old hag has shit taste
How much should I swipe for Caesar? I play Jane btw
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The patch is in 8 hours right?
It's cute how the devs want to listen to player feedback and stuff, but this will backfire immensely, most players are retarded and don't know what they want.
People who enjoyed the game before will quit due to the changes and the complainers will quit soon after when they realize the changes they requested were shit
Besides, It also makes it seem like they had no vision for the game and have no idea what they are doing
Jane is extremely resistant to ass powercreep.
>free units are shit
>standard banner units are shit
>only thing that matters is getting the 5 stars and then their corresponding bangboos
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>needs to be an archon
Qingyi killed the game
>see tv lovers complaining about hallways
>play literally any tv mode
>It's just you moving around in hallways but 2d
you guys are retarded. the tv mode isn't any more open or varied than the combat modes
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I can't believe Belle is fucking DEAD
umm your piper and lucy bro?
>>495816238 (ME)
but that's not true?
what videogame are you playing bwo
>lucy made a commission for criminals to "kidnap" her from home
>caesar saved her from those kidnappers
>lucy joins SoC
Kinda cute
It's just my garbage is less garbage than yours
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Wait are they getting rid of the tv gimmick?
This is why you only listen to player feedback when they are literally standing outside your office with orches and pitchforks.
Wait, they are deleting TVs? All of them? Why? Is this going to be another huge empty genshin world now?
They had a clear idea of what they were doing, it's the fact that they decide to straight up scrap a defining feature of their game rather than make it more palatable to appease people who've dropped the game already and are NOT coming back is what's the problem
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It will become slow again in a few days. It's just we are chimping out right now cus a game mechanic is being removed and people either love or hate it.
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>shit units can clear the whole game
Supports also have huge ultimate multipliers, in both cases you should be finishing off enemies in that window, but the support one is better to not only get to that window faster, but after it if you cannot finish the enemy off (in cases like, say, the eventual enemy HP increase)
k e k
I don't see any chink complaining
We could’ve had multiplayer mode coming soon but now it won’t be out until next year because you retards wouldn’t shut up about TV’s.
Hope you are happy.
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No one cares if Nahida was an archon or not what matters is her sexy loli feet.
Since Qingyi was in the game since launch I already saved for her, I imagine a lot of ppl did the same considering how she's actually attractive
it added variety and let the devs tell a story with optional endings
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I'm skipping cesar in favour of her sister, burned icicle.
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CN complained. A lot. Game is only popular in Japan, it's bombing everywhere else.
Not the best example to use considering the growing dislike of modern pokemon games the last few generations.
>gets mogged by Palworld and has to sue them to stop the competition
Pokemon would be a trillion dollar company if they made a Genshin style open world game
>they want to win people back
>no catch up mechanics fo anyone who hasn't whaled since early sign up
this is the problems wth gacha, there's no way to get people back on board when you go all in on fomo
making it hard to leave makes it hard to come back too
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Nice thread zzzomers
looks like getting rid of t-v brought mixed feelings
>But the people are retarded
Oh god oh fuck I spent $40 on this fucking game already it better not flop and get dropped by the devs
all I can I can hear is cope
all I can see are Klee's reruns and Siggy's pull rate
I feel sorry for devs because most gamers are retarded.
But they bent the knee to early for such a core game mechanic.
>white Sparkle
Only on the main story side quests and events will still have them, if you want to know more just watch the devlog before making any question here the answer is there
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>make a game with sexy lolis
>becomes popular only in japan
Japan based as always
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I was mostly saving for ass cop but decided to get qingyi. then I impulse for qingyi's M1 and got it

Still kinda annoyed I could m6 corin though
Kek now there's a pedophile in the meltdown too
I bought 4 month passes. It's fucking over, give me my money back!
TV modes are better for what they're used for. Unless they want to put in 50x the effort to actually make a pseudo-open world environment, then TV modes are better. They won't put in that effort btw if HSR/GI are anything to go by. They can barely update their NPCs/animations in genshin after years.
qingyi is a hebe though
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EoS after 1.4, everyone gets a free Mibibi as a thank you, then the servers shut down
Are you going to samefag on cooldown again for the next 6 hours?
I never watch trailers, devlogs and etc. I don't want to spoil myself, i like to be surprised by new things.
I don't want that ugly dyke, I'd rather get my 12th copy of Anton
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TV mode is good
The only thing they needed to do to make it not shit was to completely eliminate the constant handholding that took control away from you
TV mode is a lose-lose situation for everyone
For ZZZ devs? it makes it less appealing for the general public, so less people play the game
For normal people? TV mdoe for story isn't a "immerse" way to present it. you can easily skip dialogue because the text is on upper right and there's no history for dialogue inside TV mode.
TV mode is technically a "fresher" and unique way to play the game, dungeon crawlers are practically dead.
it does make it a "better" product but only for the intended audience, most casual players are not the intended audience.
There will always be a divide between people wanting TV gone and those that want it to stay, in this type of situation you cannot please any side
*the skip faction
Pretty generous of hoyo to give us a designated skip patch before obol
>most players are retarded and don't know what they want.
they're aware of this since they've mentioned this in the dev talk.
>still close to launch interest
>just had another peak
Dumb doomposters
Then don't ask stupid questions here
>hasn't made anything good since 1996
ok keep laughing
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They just added an event for returners in 1.2
>b-b-b-but it's not enough WAAAAH!!1
Shut the fuck up.
I like the tvs I just wish they held your hand less. Also when are they adding that nun with the big hammer and big titties to the game?
You asked for this
Now bear the consequences
>The combat is literally just fighting the same 5 enemy types and just pressing dodge or parry depending on the flash and then button mashing to get a stun and the cycle round.
If the combat is this bad and generic, the game would die anyway with or without TV
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Yeah I hope so, usually spergouts last for weeks regardless of the reason or place though.
>can safely bank all pulls in for C6W5 Mibibi
>Go to dev talk youtube video comments
>It's mainly people saying don't remove the TV mode
Devs are going to have a aneurysm when they wake up.
But they don't listen to the west and only care about chinks.
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Those characters are really weak though so
I managed to get qingyi m1 and corin m6 too
>calling anyone a pedo of drawings
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>still no physical stunner
>still no ether stunner
>2 electric stunners already
>2 fire stunners already
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How Can this EOS? We beat genshin.
Hmm... I think we should protest hoyoverse for removing TV. Maybe even make a Twitter campaign... a boycott, perhaps. Let's go with #boycotthoyo.
>they added an event for returners
it's dogshit
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Reminder that qingyi is #2 in sales
Pokemon makes way more in toys and other licensed franchise than video games.
Pokemon video games are just low effort commercials for toys.
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Pokemon peaked in 2009
>roll the first 3 characters
>save indefinitely
yep, now saving for void hunters if they compliment/buff my current teams
there's an insane amount of catchup resources in the returners event. personally i dont support this behavior, if you decide to leave a game, stay gone.
don't shitpost with my dog Soppopo
ok but the problem still stands that all gameplay now becomes
>stun (which is now way shorter thanks to stun ult)
>pop ult 1 on support
>pop ult 2 on dps
>enemy dead
>Jane Doe soon to be renamed to Brick "M1W1 required" Flop
Oh no no no
rare /zzz/ correct post
>if you ever break your streak fuck off and never come back
3rd worlders are so funny lmao
>Believing anything on social media comments
It's well documented that people who go to the effort to leave comments on social media posts are the absolute bottom of the barrel in terms of IQ and reasoning ability. Something about them being particularly egotistical/narcissistic
>he doesn’t know half the cast will have the same ass jiggle in the overworld come 1.4
Reminder to not do your dailies or weeklies until the new battle pass is out later tonight
Casuals, or genshin players, complain about any game that doesn't match closer to genshin. They literally don't matter because they'll quit eventually regardless. Removing TV shit is alienating the people who started this game to play a unique experience separate from genshin. Should we really care about retards who get filtered by TV puzzles, they'd be filtered by something else eventually anyways.

If the TV shit is too grating, then all they had to do is make the TV experience better and less obtrusive, because there is no fucking alternative to it that'd work. Like people have been saying, the Jane story was awful, I want people to tell me what would replace TVs that wouldn't take a shit-ton of work.
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>he plays male characters
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Holy based, you're right
qingyi haters in shambles
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Wait, if they announce this decision now, then that means 1.2 and 1.3, possibly even 1.4, are tv-less, right? Even if they backpedal like little bitches they are, it's still 4.5 months before tv will be brought back. I know there are shizos willing to wait for 1.5 years, but PGR players are different breed from fucking normies killing the game.
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>still no physical stunner
Kek the dev log for the next patch will be them saying fine here's the TV's back and this general will chimp out because of that
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True and based
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Please remember to charge your chinky
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uh yeah? it takes 2 minutes to use your energy everyday, just stop playing if that's too intense. im american btw.
That's the JP version. The value of the yen increased a lot since Jane's banner started. So her sales are actually worth more than Qingyi's despite being a lower number.
I skipped everything to M1W1 qingyi myself, spent an extra $50 anyways just to show support
>hag flopped
I kneel, my king
Did that girl on the train ever find out that she didn't actually kill Qingyi?
It's the same in other regions.
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Good. ZZZ doesn't feel like a Hoyo game and this is why I play it
>got koleda as my first S-rank
>skipped Qungyi
>will skip Lighter
I don't regret this brick anymore
Obol event with Anby S-rank alt from her military days
>This video reminded me of the time I had cancer, AIDS, and Alzheimers PTSD. I Just wanted to thabk you for saving my life
I hate how often this happens
oh last one i played was red, i just dont like the games, i bet these aren't good either, i also have a sneaking suspicion that everyone agreeing with you was born in 2000
>finally made a niche game
>decides to kill it to please normies withtin 3 patches
I hate these chink kikes so much
Chinese social media is also largely pro-tv, asking to refine it instead of removing it
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>his brain is so rotted by porn that he can't play male chads
>higger mindset
the absolute state
Me? I solo Billy
It would be funny if they had backup TV stages in case people wanted them back
>bro they have a returner event
>look inside
>gives people who returned the same rewards everyone else gets
>which does nothing for catching back up
it's shit
Gen 4 was dogshit only hailed by zoomers as it was their first game.
tvcucks lost
hoyo is based
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I like the TVs, QRD on how much they are going to be removed? I thought they lessened them already, please tell me there will be some left?
go play tears of themis if you want niche
>PGR out of nowhere
iirc it isn’t even returner exclusive like the other ones?
New thread
Just watch the fucking dev log instead of asking this fucking question here all the time jesus christ
hey that’s my husband and my boyfriend
I started with FireRed and Ruby. Platinum is still the undisputed best imo
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Each generation was a significant improvement in all aspects up until black/white when they started shitting the bed.

Your opinion is wrong.
every time I check the thread there's a new one, you guys burning through them as fast as the final fantasy 14 fucks
I wanted to illustrate a kind of people who will wait for an insane amount of time for something in a fucking gacha.
For these types of games, casuals are a neccesary evil, they are a good chunk of revenue that cannot be ignored, gachas in general have to have middle ground
New thread - no weird melty in the OP and the correct previous thread linked

they're removing TV from the main story
chapter 4 won't have any, and the previous chapters will be updated to also remove them eventually
What exactly do PGR players wait for? I've always heard it described as an extremely player-friendly game
For their game to be actually worth playing
What are you guys talking about, did they already discuss how they're gonna change ults?
The delay between CN and global is 1.5 years.
My shit > your shit
With the exceptions of 3 or 4 comissions, 90% of the the TV mode was garbage that most people just blasted through on auto-pilot because of how ass it was
Ah, ok that does make sense
They don't say it directly and avoided multiple questions, but basically it's dead.
No more TV in story, avoided answering to no more TVs in events, avoided really talking about how TV in HZ would evolve going forward, instead introducing a more in depth combat only version of HZ for 1.4+
So basically they gave up on it in HZ and will retroactively remove it from story.
Funny because then Palworld kind of did that and now they're seething
That's basically the current gameplay anon. That's not a good thing, or a good argument.
But today, instead of doing 100% you are doing 70% and you're simply on cock and ball torture mode slapping the enemy for the final 30% on a fight you already know you won. That is NOT good gameplay.
If you built your team enough to 0-70% a boss today or 0-100%, you should be allowed to do that, you should be rewarded for it.
>but the enemy HP-
Enemy HP will bloat eventually, that's a fact, people have been 0-50 to 0-70 with Zhu and Jane for a while now, the only way to sell characters is to make big numbers, bigger.
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as compared to today that me and even other anons in these threads do
>stun window
>pop zhu ult
>enemy lost 70% hp lol
I'd agree if ultimates already didn't do a huge chunk of the enemies hp bar that isn't basically a game end right there, and for anyone that it isn't it's either skill issue or an improved if they can use ults for everyone
I understand your point, but maybe the people that stayed didn't put their money where their mouth is
MHY isn't charity, they want to make money, and they were not making money as they expected to, so now they had to change lanes
>used my setup without consent
retard this already happened with Jane, no TV, just go to stop A, talk, go to spot B talk, random fighting like HI3 (a dead fking game btw)
Males are supposed to be the fucking discardable 4* that you wish you won't get.
Mihoyo filtering plebs out with limited banner girls is what I would hope any game dev would do
>Mihoyo just needs to make a full on otome gacha so these troons can all fuck off
They can make one themselves, it isn't Hoyos problem that they are disappointed. Japan, Korea, China and SEA all pay like 85% of the revenue anyway and they want jiggly girls

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